The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 13, 1869, Image 4

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    B 3
to littstargt 14) ; ' tut
!NNIMAN,Riff23 6c CA,Proprietors,
B. ntsßucts: , - Jostaa KiNe,
T.l'. HOUSTON. 2. N. P. NEM
=tor* se . ,' ',replicas.
STS IIZ 11.01136, (1). 84 ARO OS FIFT H
oifiriClAL IPAAMEt /
Vrlhattsbritgh, AlleibenY slid 4re
: Einar tal*lY•
fancy Balif:Wakiii. ' Mikis%
One Seas : .6.00 One y0u.151.50 Single c0w..51. 57
ti n :oatia 75 811 mos.. 1.50 scotekaAch
the week 15 Throttle:4r, y 5 io ' 1.15
carrier.) =done to,airent.
TUESDAY - tIFLY 13, 1869.
merit tutzrAry..-
D. N. WHITE. •
JOS. F. DESNISTot , t.
CLERK. or Coons.
THOMAS suirritu.
48A1TNCEY Bovrwicrs.
=mat or oorairs‘ cosre.
Dtaicroa ‘ or roos. '
WZ PRINT on the inssle pages of
ak Morning's GaaaTTa—Becond page :
Postrg,"Tmo,7 4heoseris, Beecher'. on
'aty literreciagss; Luck and 1,42 . 40 r, An
,anent.Ldter. Third and Eliza pages:
Norkzta, Imports, Finance and Trade,
Bice! News. Betenespagi: Farm, Garden
and Hausehokt, 4musements.
Primotatas at Antwexp, 43 r
V. B. Bolos at Frankfort, 86i(487
GOLD closed in New York yesterday
at 1361•
Ham the Allegheriy delegation to the
Harrisburg'Quiventiou made a good see
and-hand bargain for the discarded equip
ments of last yeaffi ',Pendleton escort to
New York ?
TUB Ilizsmnan Medical College of
Chicago Contemplates throwing open its
doors to women as students on the same
terms as the men me now received. Ern
.inently, right.
THE very warm weather we are- now
having &odd serve as a warning to all
persons to exercise more than usual sani
taay precautions about their premises,
and to avoid eating any unripe fruit pre
judicial Whealth.
Tawstissi politicians on both sides
are rapidly making reputation car them=
selves as partisans with . much less sense,,
discretion and
. o.lgraty than atuPidity, hot
bloodedness and integrity. - That State
has more than one Armuzw„Jormsort
within 4r.bormdarics t whp - am develop
', ing the pacniiraties of charieter: "WO
rendered the original an object of scor
and pity. _ ' -
Tait GENtiLli SABBATARIANS beve not
yet tnacie , •nt7 InfOrrliatiOLlS'against the
numerons.vtolatora•of the StutOtty Dm,
• , .
It is announced that iiConnterrtiovement
is to be made`bytiios tronple¢th their
neighbors' inetholl„Of:;Spealing an odious
• laiv, byinoseciting , the , : movers in the
• _matter op * chaigert of, conspiracy. 4
prettir storm is brewing; but we shall see
what we shall see., „
IB vnz "blcti&riug old fossils swamp'?
our favorite candidate at Harrisburg to
morrow, we give them fair 'notice that,
we shall make a hiss about ,it, One- of
our neighbors, which. boasts itself as a
Democratic' journal, will swallow the
affront, fossils and au, but we don't In
, tend',to follow its pernicious example—
unless we ire - counted in with the rest
when the hundred !thousand dollars are
divided. In thatcase, we may go with
the rest of the croWd. • ••• • - •
Nmr. millions of National' bonds are
to be withdrawn' ,from market ,by the
Secretary of the Treastry, within,the
next t4ree weeks—to be held subject to
the direction of Congress': The DeMoc
. racy of Pennsylvinia;in - their resol utions
to-morrow, shonld gratefully -.recognize
the Pendletonian policy of the Secretary
who thus hasteni to give &minas for
bonds. will be very shabby if they
don't. There should be :no narrow
minded jealousy touching this. Republican
inaugniatlon oY their favorite dogma. •
, • " TEE lifenviArrn DEMOCRACY, in View
of the inevitable admission of the colored
race to political rlf,hts, under the
Astiele, are was a tcOlg to follow s t~feez-
ample of , the friends ilk- Virginia, in con
dilating the new voters to the support of
the "Conservative" . ticket. It is a very
numerous class in Maryland which is at
present .exclnded from the suffisge; its
admission cannot therefore fail to ensure
Imporoat results in their local politics.
There, as elsewhere, the sympathies of this
class are with the Republican party, and
should be made effectively adiantageous,
instead of being- chilled or repelled, as
seems unfortunately to have been the
case in others of the once alaire-holding
states. , It has en odd look to see a party
which bas
. giyan such constant proofs,
both'theorlil* and; its sin
cere devot to thillost elevated .ideas
of republi&n. libcro,lo . uniformly out.
gener4ed, fn itaelecttoneering tactics, by
that opposition whichbas "constantly de
tiialctrezi personal rights to the despised
rs:ce. It is , comfortable to reflect that
such a condition of things is not to exist
always. • ,
• , •
• Is TEE mit DISTRICTS outside of but
contignousto the city of New York, over
$50,000,000 of taxable incomes are assess
ed . this year, with an increase, of nearly
$300,000 in the revenue. In the seven
districts of the city,_ the- assessment on
more than $85,000,000 yields this year an
increased revenue of 4877,479. Thus, in
the twelve districts, snore than one and a
quarter millions is added to the revenue
this year, from the single source specified,
under a reformed administration of the
law. The total receipts to that Bureau
have averaged over one million' of dollars
per day since July came in, the aggregate
surprising even the most sanguine of the
Treasury officials. So - mitch for'ionesty
in the assessments and efficiency in the
collections under Republican auspices!
Expiring, as it does, by limitation after
.one more payment, the tax from incomes
will be dropped just when we have found
out the best methods for its enforcement.
Peculiarly a tax:upon individual wealth,
the evasions and perjuries with which
its operations belie been resisted
piobably occasioned viler aggregate of
fraud than even the much abueed whisky
II =us Mail not aware that there are
oil fields outside of Pennsylvania to
which operators must turn their attention
ere tong, inasmuch as our regions are
coming exhaltsted? The comparative
figures it presents , to prove'the contrary,
mean nothing. If, with all the capital
expended during the past year in devel
oping, putting down wells in new places,
the product shows no miterial increase,
is it not satisfactorily evident that the re
gions are givmg out? If the eld wells
are doing as handsomely now as they did
last year, why has not the yield of the
new wells largely, increased the aggre.
gate offroduction? The old territory
is nigh exhausted, and the supply has
been keptup by the wells in the newly
developed sections, but hotr. long, judg
,iag from past experience, will these isew
fields hold out; and when they fail, what
then? We would be very sorry . to lose
the vest oil interest, and hate capitalists
ainstitinour Statefor neighboring ones to
push more profitably their operations,
but at the same time we must accept the
situation as We find it, and not endeavor
to shut our eyes to things clearly app..
rent. rThat oil in large quantities will be
produced in the State' for years to come
seems highly probable, but that the im
niense demand created for the commodity
will, be supplied exclusively by our dis
tricts is not only improbable, but impos
sible, and new territory will Mire to be
developed. -
Tun DzicornAcx ef Pennsylvania
meet in Convex Won to-morrow, to nomi
nate iv Governor and Judge. The contest
for.the first vbtise absorbs the , interest of
the party, so that but little is said of tile
rsecond. The'main competitors for the
Gubernatorial nomination are HANCOCK,
CAIN, Femurs and MQCArirmarss. ;The
old s'ibssils"—an opprobrious terntwhich
111 U F,.421$ applies , to .such veteran, leaders
of the party as Ideesrs. Clymer; Rigtero
Woodward and the rest,,are favorable to
l'Aciuta tire- and flAricocit next.. An
enthusiastic.but verdant wing of the par
ty Misplays a gushing devotion to our own
ofassi,brit will find themieliiis powerless
to Seam, his nomination. MCCA.NDLEBB
has a few fristuls who seem to forget that
his military recerd, whichthey rely upen,
Is really . .. what_ will stand most
in his way. , The real contest is
'clearty between Nom, and Hescocx,
and-this presents tha simplest of issues
for thc decision of the Convention. The
first offers, • 'it is said, $lOO,OOO for cam
kpaiiin purposes, if nominated, and is able
to lay out as - much more to-morrow
among the delegates, to secure their
choice. ILtircoorr, less wealthy, has no
capital but his millpiry glory, and a pres
tige _of success. <`"Bla-rival's ready cash
will be> potent, but 013.421c0cic , and Vic
tol7",maY present greater• attractions to
a sanguine Democracy. The General's._
best hold will be as' a compromise mind!:
date, after Ills three corn' ditors have used
each other up., - •
, -Wluiever may be nominated. Will stand
upon a platform which shall either ignore
the colored, Democracy, or will embrace
itll.raCesruid nocditions of mankind in a
coinaion brotherhoed of "resistance to
Radical oppression." the - Democracy
of Perusylvanitt 'no longer hate, th!
''nigger." Africa: is henceforth blotted
t ihe
out, from their maps world, and a
`irlittering generality or twO,'lbout State
wiirdiVosa cfth.,.eonteftreat ques
tlon eitini StifflPFSC.,
% . GA-XETTE : lITESpAY, JULY 1„ 1!‘.369.
THE representatlie statesmen of the
Pennsylvania Democracy are not, if we
are to credit the assurances of the Pitts
burgh Post, of that class which it thus
The specimens presented in the last
National Convention, who were distin
guished mainly by a nervous anxiety to
retire to consult, and never did anything
but blunder, from the first to the last
moment of the Convention. The same
old fossils are at work now to swamp us,
but we have hone that a more youthful
and clearer headed influence will rule the
The "fossils" against whom this bitter
sneer is directed, were Messrs. Wood-
J , r
w ii, Clymer, :Bigler, Dawson and so
o friends of Judge Packer, and whom
e Pest will never forgive for their
okfeilse in selling ant its friend Pendle
ton. We must remind our neighbor of
the glaring imprudence of ;such language
as that quoted, if it be sincerely aiming
at the success of the Cass movement at
liarrisburg to-morrow. Our delegates
will meet in the Convention those very
gentlemen whom the Post reviles—and
not find them as ever potential in the
D °untie Council. Is it wise to limit
them bY these unkind' allusions? Or is it
clearly settled that they have already
"swamped" the aspirations of the distin
guished President of the defunct Fort
Wayne railway, and that the paragraph
above quoted is a vindictive declaration
of war? Very likely, the last! In that
event, the Post gains nothing by its ebul
lition; there will only be the more humble
pie for it to swidlow—as soon as he Con
vention adjourns. The "blund v ering old
fossils" will heed neither the remon
strances nor the threats of the Post; they
have always had 'good reason to know
that our neighbor can match its facility
of indignant protest with its own alacrity
in eating the bravest of its words.
"Blundering old fossils!" That's good'.
OUR DEMOCRACY may honor themselves
by nominating Mr. G. W. Cass for Gov
erner to-morrow. Apart from political
co'nsiderations, we should be gratified to
see that honor, conferred upon a distin
guished and estimable citizen of Western
Pennsylvania. But we apprehend that
this result of to-morrow's deliberations is
wholly out of the question. The "blun
dering old fond's" who control the party
have made other arrangements, without
regard to the wishes of this part of the
State. The case might have been differ
ent, had the interests of that gentleman
been more prudently managed, and with
a sincerer good faith, by the noisy and
demonstrative, but reckless and inconsid
erate clique who have obtruded them
selves upon the Democracy of the State
as his particular friends. These people
have steadily spurned all opportunities to
conciliate the_ leaders of the party, re
viling them as blundering old fossils, and
never neglecting a chance to make an
enemy when they ought to • have been re
cruiting the list of their candidate's friends.
From first to last, it has been their game
to dragoon the party instead of convinc
ing it-and this bullying policy hastened
•as was to be expected. We have repeat
edly remonstrated with these headstrong
mischief-makers, but they seem to hive
T had no more regard for our disinterested
advice, than for the sabstantial interests of
theit ostensibly favorite candidate. The
result is that our worthy Democratic fel.
low-citizen will be laid out as cold as a
wedge by his own "friends." There
really does seem to be plausible ground
for the current suspicion that their con
duct is not to be explained upon any
twis of honest faith.' This suspicion will
become a certainty, if, as is probable,
More or less of the Casa delegates shall
be detected, to-morrow, at Banishing,
holding their dishes right side up to catch
the cash which is to be lavished, it is said,
by ilwealthi"edmPetitor. '
-Philadelphli , Forth American
says: Pittsburgh has been lately turning
her ettention'to the purchase`ed kinds for
a grand public park, and also elaborate
arrangements for water Works on a great
scale, sn that her future, growth may be
anticipated. Petroleum and iron mills
make Pittsburgh a very busy and thriv
ing, pliKe i though not a, very attractive
or- ornamental one. But its commercial
position at the head of thecohlo and the
junction of the Allegheny and Mononga.
hela rivers is one of the finest in Ameri
ca. It contains far more wealth and
capital than it receives credit, for, and is
capable of bolder efforts in theway of en.
terpride and improvements - than its pea.
ble have yet mustered up courage to at
Tim 'sew nrtees-mlle gun, which an
Adair county man has invented, and for
the patent of which he is going to ask
$1,000,000, operates on a principle by
which a ball could be .sent across the
ocean with the same.ease that It could be
sent fourteen miles: "The wonderful ball'
of this wonderful :gun is to be of seven
parts with some six' fuses. The powder
of the cannon sends the ball humming
two miles from the . Muzzle, lighting fuse
No. 1, which burns to the powder in the
ball in the time the ball travels two miles,
when an explosion takes place, which
sends the ball two milett further, *hen
fuse No. 3 does its duty, and propels the
ball two miles further—and so on to the
end of the Ihses and the fourteen miles."
Siniple'as chalk.
A few due einceldr. Samuel W. Wickers
ham discovered a bed of iron ore at a
point two miles below Tarentum. It lies
near the river, ant'if the expectations are
realized, transportation being so easy and
comparatively inexpensive, it will be of
immense advantage to Pittsburgh. This
ore la said to be the very best, and it is
the only bed yet known in this county.—
Repultge:' • •
pay„,l44, flpsomutpt. a& the woman
eufftsite : reform roan:ettelpt' to make
trumpets ont of dotes, and enntloWere ont
ofviolate! '24: 4 =
i . } .. r i
Correspondence of the Ptitsburgii Gazette':
PonTuam, ME., July 9, 1869.
Another summer finds me again enjoy
ing the cool breezes and invigorating at
tiosphere of New England. Thirty-four
hours of travel brought me here. As
usual I found the "Railroad Guide" so
full of errors as not at all to be relied on.
All the wily I found long trains of crowd
ed cars and numerous mammoth steam
ers, filled to overflowing, conveying
thousands of weary ones from summer
heat and the ordinary routine of cares to
the shores and hills of the North and
East, to rest from labor. To all, the daily
and weekly_seasons of rest are not'sufft
tient. Many demand an annual pilgrim-
Age to allow mind and muscle to relax ; '
the tension to which they have been
strained for ci,titinuous months. A
change of scene breaks up the trains of
thought, dispels cares and gives vigor to
mind as well as tone to muscle. Such
l a
deriye positive neat from a change of
scene d from e ommission of labor
for a s on.
Othe are infl enced solely by fashion.
To thought and I bor they are strangers.
Therefore they cannot seek rest from
what they never engaged id. To do
nothing in some otherphafor sonic other
wayto see and be seen—or it may be,
to court or be courted,may be their object.
So far as any good to themselves or others
is concerned, it matters little,,where their
aimless and useless lives are passed. They
are ever pleasure-seekers and consequently
really Mayer pleasure-takers. Death
might as well take them on the wing as
any where else, as it would, never find
them in any' useful employment. Insi
pidity, emptyness of mind and , folly of
heart marks their every . movement.
They-are born, flutter for a moment in
the sunshine of pleasure or in the cloud
of disappointment, and die. No one can
tell what they did or what purpose they
served in life.
Portland is beautiful et, although de
prived of most of her wide spreading
elms. She has her elegant dwellings, her
spacious public edifices. her ocean view,
and her Diamond islands. But business
is dull. Her Cuba trade, which was
large, is 'gradually diminishing. The re
action arising from the activity in re
building after the disastrous fire has cons
lnenced. Money is very scarce. The
flour dealers have lost heavily the past
few months. Ship building is recover
ing. The trans-continental railroads via
Rodwater and Portland, two separate
routes to California, are matters of the
greatest interest here now. The estimated
time from Hong Kong to London via
Chicago and Portland is thirty-eight days;
and from Yokohama to London by the
same route is less than thirty-five days.
The villas of Boston, New York and
Philadelphia will not be considered in
this arrangement.
The postbffice of white marble, beauti
ful and duke, has its walls nearly up.
The m 7 ornate' and elegant custom
house, o Concord granite, is also nearly
ready for its roof. New church edifices
are going up. The. high and grammar
school building' are spacious, substantial
and tasteful. The collector of the port is
one of the universal Washburn° family. .
He held the office under Lindiln and
Jehnson, and is sure to hold 'it under
Grant. The family have no special anti
pathy to office, and he is one of . them.
They make great demands, and generally
hive managed to have them granted. A
great power has been sent forth frOm the
once humble family in Livermore. Then
there goes Hon. 'Wm. Pitt Fessenden,
sauntering along the street with both
hands in his pantaloons pockets—his
usual habit. To his credit be it said, his
official positions have not all to
his wealth. There, too, goes Gen. Neal
Dow, looking every inch the General , as
he always did, and a fine looking man he
is, but greater in leading on his
forces against intemperance than against
rebellion, and not , as easily captured in
the former case as in the ; latter. Long
will his name live as a benefactor to his
rate. But pompous, nervous, squinting,
mean, full of'conceit and froth, the de
famer of Gen. Dow, the opponent of the
teinperance movement, the advocate of
licensed brothels, the man who wants to
preside at all conventions and introduce
all the resolutions, who secures a failure
to all the enterprises with which he con
nects himselkwho hasmodefily just pub
lished his' autobiography Justifying his
quarrel , magnifying his deeds and pro
claimin how much the world ili indebted
to him or many of its poets, Painters and
sculptors, who is magnificently great in
his own titillation but an infinitesimal
'quantityin the opinion of those
know him, is John. Neat
Next weektheYoung Hen's Christian
Associations hold. their. Conventions in
Portland, and the, commencement. of
Bowdoin College takes:place. 01 both .1
hope to chronicle sOmething. S.
Corporal loan'aliment the Public
Scopeis—A. substitute for It—Pacts
and Figures. •
l!dx,ssus.prross : The clouds of the
dark ages have not been entirely dis
pelled from tne mental sky, and dark
shadows still obscure the world of
thought. In the past. when ignorance
and intolerance prevailed, cruelty, fire
and the sword were their offsprings. In
this day, if enlightened reason endeavors
to teach liberality,, tolerance, kindness
and mercy, the demons of the dark
past rise from their infernal abode% with
diabolical hate, and cry" for the faggot
and the torch. • Venomous as a snake,
artful as a wolf in sheep's clothing, and
' cruel enough to offer a stone'' for 2 tiread
Night enthrones herselfupon the ruins of
a dark age, and commands Light to obey.
“And the light shone in darkness sand
_the darkness comprehended it not."
In this progressive age - , when p,hilar- ,
thropy seeks to prevent , cruelty to dumb
animals, and would include in that pro:.
tection the children of the publid schools,
there are those who oppose a merciful•
treatment, •and insist on the free use of
the rod as a necessity in school, govern-
Mont; and in support of their views so
far pervert the scriptures as to quote , the
act of the Lord, who made a scourge with
small cords and drove the money,
changers out • Cof ttp temple for desecra
tion of the hell place . ' What could that
have to do•wl children chastised in the
publio schools by inoonsiderateteachers?
<Bftides,-there is wo 4videnoe that the
Lord.Ar,rer struck one of the , money
'changers, of and other living_ being '
whilst -he :wan ,
.on :,,earth. 14 , ,,Lh0
_Divine Pfesence, he created a panic and,
thi otretrdsnisaltotsibbtempie, , ii is.
nothing niamifutiitheDivineProvidence
can create ,at any time, on any mass of I
men, and as often happens in armies,
when no one can give a reason for the
fact But let no man be entity or the
folly of setting up human wisdom against
the Divine wisdom. and think that be-
caulp the Diviip by inscrutable ways
brififga calamities, An :punishmants, ou
persons or nations, that, therefore,
human wisdom is capable or punishing
schoolchildren in accordance with Divine
Old rniei, habits and practices with
some teachers Demme so fixed that they
prefer to adhere to them, rather - than
take the trouble to adopt new, and to
them, untried methods. . And unless
they are forced by public Opinion, or t h e
Directors of the Schools, we may look in
vain for reforms.
The parents whosend their children to
the Public Schools should instruct the
Directors to discontinue this relic of bat
barism, and institute rules more.ln her
troop with a relined civilization and
merciful religion.
But It is asked, What is to be substitu
ted instead of the rod? Arid, How is
discipline to be maintained? , These are
pertinent questions and experience can
answer. In my early school days all the
teachers to whom I was sent freely used
the rod. Some had disorderly schools,
others were under better discipline: In
after years it was my fortune to be sent
to a Quaker school, - or a school taught
by ”Frlends."' In that school the status
of the children was about the same as that
in our public schools at this day. There
was no punishment inflicted, and yet no
.school that ever I saw was under as good
discipline. Lessons were well learned,
attendance was excellent, and very rare
ly was there a truant.. I soon found my ,
self drawing comparisons between the
former and the latter systems, and ask
ing why this succeeds and that fails?
Does the cause rest within the system, or
Is it outside of and independent of it? or,
a school , given, may not any teacher
manage it without flogging just as well
as witn It Are Quakers really better
than other people, or do they use differ
ent influences when teaching? Not much.
But the secret seemed -to be, that they
treat every one with respect, and teach a
respeat for self. No lines of caste are
drawn. None are humiliated, nonelare
elevated at the expense of others. All are
placed on a level; social, friendly,kind.qn
d ustrions, studieus,'giving andreceiving
confidence. Teachers and scholars were,
as familiar as parents and children inf a
family of refinement and , educational
advantages. All this, and more, was ap
parent in school. This was educating
and forming 'character in • a practical
manner, Those were school days when
the skies were rose colored, and learning
was delight, and were in pleasing con
trast with the dark days of flogging,
pinching, ear boxing, hesid snapping and
hand slapping!
But how can it be done? I
cently received the Annual Report of the
Board of Education, city of New York,
from Which I will give several quotations
from the Superintendent's report, show
ing how it is done in that city, where the
material in the public schools is certain.
ly no better than our own, and -yet the
merciful method is asuman.
"There is no reason to suppose that the
generally excellent order and discipline
of the schools has, in any respect, been
unfavorably affected by the gradual but
rapidly progressing diminution of corpo
ral. punishment. In the. fifty primary
departments, the thirty-six primary
schools and. the nine schools for colored
children, and in nearly half of the boy's
department - of the grammar schools, this
mode of discipline has been , wholly :die
continued. In the female departments,
and in the evening schools it is unneces
sary to say it has never found a footing.
The average number of punishments of
this nature in the remaining Gram
mar • schools, where it has not yet
entirely disappeared, has not, during the
past six months, exceeded fifteen Per
month. We may therefore safely con
gratulate ourselves upon the speedy dis
appearance from our noble system of
public instruction of this antiquated
relic of the past age,wittiont the slightest
apprehension that its absence wilt tend
to - the disorder or. neglect of any
of• the duties of the school. On the other
hand, its discontinuance will be found,
as it already has been found, to elevate
the tone of morale, rearm the manners
and stimulate the mental energy and
ambition of the pupils, by the knowledge
that confidence and trust are reposed. In
them, unalloyed by the apprehension of
degrading and humiliating Ontdehmente
for thoughtless .and occasional aberra
tions." ("Bandali.")
"The female grammar schools haie been
uniformly noted for the perfection with
which their pupils are controlled by incen
tives which have no reference • whatever
to physical coercion. .;In these schools
the penalties imposed are deMerit marks,
diminished standing In chase ' , with occa
sional detention atter school, while the
incentives to wellsiolrig are certificates - of
Merit, promotion, and such other ap
peals• to the law or emulation as seem
judicious and appropriate.. The love of
distinction and approbation is not, how
ever, the only, element of character tip
pealet to, for many satisfactory indica
tions ,exist that the sense of duty and
tight, and the monitions of conscience,
are made to perform very Important
„.part In this. beautiful' system of diaoi
plinary training, as lbe PIIPUEI4dVanCI3 in
Maturity of age and character. .
"In the male grammar schools the re
sort to, corporal, punishment 'has been
very conshierably diminished; and in
some of the largest schools this species of
coercion has been abandoned altogether,
reliance belngplaced upon such incen
tives as , are [mind effectual in the girls'
schools, with. accasionally, expulsion
from school.. The echOols in which this
mode of discipline preyalls, compare fa
vorably to, appearance with those in
which there is a 'resort to corpo ral pun
latnent; which fact certain ly' presents
the strongest arifuntent possi ble for the
entire abrogritiOn of physical punishment
in tho:saiools, - its indiction. however
necessary to the individual k
pupil,' g.
always an odionaand unthanul task to
the teacher, as -well as shocking to the
sensibilities of the better class of pupils
who need no such 'means to obtain a
compliance on theit part with she
necessary regulations of disc ipline."
(Nicldfe, Assistant Supt.)
A similar astern - to that above de
' scribed has prevailed In the old Edith
Ward of this city for more than two
years past, with very satisfactory results.
Time it is hoped will perfect the spite=
now in use. Suspensions and reprimands
by the Principal the severest coercive
measures used. The schools are certainly
as well managed - as before. The attend
anee has improved, and the truancies di
minished, as shown by the annexed. tab
ular report Covering the last live school
years ending June 80 : \,
The attendance is the average for the .
whole year and embraces all the scholars
and shoWs the per centage. The truan
cies IS the whole-number for each year.
The disuse of corporal punishment com
menced :Starch 1887, before which
.date there were no suspensions:
Per cent. Train. Buspen•
Jane. Attendance clee. atone. -
• 844 0365 , 69
5365' fo r ,
.•'` ' 79 14 •
1857,;.•• , Thu 8t *l9 24, 42 .
1 ••1 6) " 'B6
, TAtette. facts need tit • atnantelit And
it only requires a fair tile of the system ,
to prove it, greater= utility:
• - • 16 " glign i relt.
' '
Unaergrousel Railways ialasi.,
The Metropolitan Underground Rail
way was commeneed in 1839. and com
pletedi for a distance of three; and one
half miles in January, 18G3.\ Another
mile was completed during the past year.
It conimences at the Great Western Rail
way Depot, Paddington, and brings up
•after Vorming junctions with several
•other roads at the station at Cow Cross,
and thence to its terminus at Finsbury
Circus, a short distance in rear of the
Bank of England. Up to Kings Cross,
;which is two-thirds of the whole dis
tance, the line is in tunnel, bathers open
cutting commences, and with, the excep
tion of about six hundred • yards of cov
ered way beneath . Bagnigge Wells Thud
and Coppice Row, continues to the sta
tion at Cow Cross. The steepest gradi
ent on the line is 52:8 per mile, and the
sharpest curve is 600 feet radius.
Throughout the whole length theriiis hot
more than 1,600 yards of straightline and
the distance . between • the I termini is
increased abOut of a mile
over an air line. " In some 'oils the
crown of the arch is only a few feetbelow
the surface ef-the ground, but at othere
the depth becomes much greater, the rails, -
being sometimes at a depth of 54 feet. ,
On the first 31 miles there are seven sta
tions, five of Mem hiviroofs open to the
air; the, other two, being Immediately be
neath the streets, are necessarily arched,
and are'approached, lighted, and yentas- •
ted from the sides. The running time is
18 minutes, or at the rate of 11; miles an
hour. The fares are 6d., 41, and 3d. for •
the firEft;second, and• third-class passen
gers respectively, and tor 7eturn tickets --
9d., fid., and sd. The amount expended
on the whole work, by the last report of
the company, is £2,806,184, or nearly
equal to $3,000,000 per mile. The num
ber of passengers carried for the'first six
mOniths of the present year was 10,503,-
39.11 V The stock sells at 25 to 30 per cent.
ad;Ance upon par.
A STOIMIZEMPBI4 a Western paper re
of New Albany, who .had become •
involved, closed his store and put a pie
card on the door bearing the lwords,
"Taking stock." The next day at was
-discovered that he had been "taking
stock," as the goods had all been re
moved during the night and the merchant
had leftior parts unknown.
IN Paws, "low shoes" us coming in
fashion for ladles, of the same color asthe
stocking, and the stocking the same color
as the dress; also the Meg are .tuaiver
sally adonte4 with the large "sailor' col
“Waer does-the - pear Duke of. New
live on now ? ' asked a lady of ;her
witty partner the other day. 'Pefiy,
Hope. to be sure,” was the answer.— •
Tomahawk. 1 .
The sad and deplorable conAltion uf.maui who
are elletid with hernia or =pion, of the bowels,
calla loudly for some efficient andnumistahable
remedy that will not only in every cue give
dent rellet,--but in nanny cues elect a radica
and thorough' cure. These cases of hernia have ',,
become so frequer;t that it is computed that one-
sixth of the male populatlsn are said to be
troubled, In some way or another, with this ter-
rlble ailment; and iu very many eases do not
know where teapply for an appropriate remedy,
oftentimes not knowing whether. art appliance in
really ueeded or not: and if it should be needed,
they often do not know where or to whom.they
should make sppllciUon. The world is fall of
trusses for the retention and care cf title , lament- ',.
able evil, Oftentimes lan inconsestiele', proof of ••
their total and inadequate fitness 10 relieve the
suCerer. need not be: DR. KEYSER, at •
his new medicine - store, No.' 187 street.
tr . abundantly supplied with every ; appliance
needfal to the retention end relief this tern-
ble aftliction, so that every one can be properly
fitted, ate moderate cost, with the full assurance
that the apdlianCe is the best that the mechanical
. of surgery can afford. The Doctor
has pursued the investigation of hernia with
more than ordinary care for over thirty.years, so
that ~the afflicted can place implicit reliance in
his skill and integrity, - with the full assurance
that they will not onlyget the best truss Suitable
to the case, but likewise a thorough and edicle at
knowledge of its proper application. '
There are many persOns who not only sacrifice
. 1
their health, but even their Lives, for want of a
Proper truss; or a truss properly applted, Stran
gulated and irreduceable rupture is a far more
conimon aliment now than in former years; and
may we not putty arrive at the conclusion that
its frequency is often -oceardoned by the neglect
and carelessness of the traerers themselves.
No one would he regarded as sane or eicusable
who woubl go for a wttole winter without the
:proper cloth* to shield them from the inclem.
‘ent weather, but, at thesame time, It isthought
a light glair to surer with a protrusion such as
rupture that not only subjects the person to in
convenience, but even Mules life Itself in J eop
'ardy. Those of our readera who may 'bele° ut
fortunate as to need appliances of this kind can. :
not act more wisely than to out this-advertise
ment and preserve it, so as to enable them to re.
member the , place where such important preserv
ers of We and health are to be procured.
No. 167 -Liberty street, 'two Idociri from Sixth.
CONSULTATION BOOMS, 1110 Penn- street,
from luntil4 r. w. •
4 •
IW. B. Reese, a leading druggist in Monticello,
in a letter of Jure 6,1e88, writes to
lio this' ef
'fictt "Having told ,stett,er's' Bitters for'the
past four years, I cannot but speak of the article
as being the best tonic' and appetiser extant.
During the ague season of 1865-tt,l eoald not keep, •
suMzlent stotik on hand to supply my oustom-:
era. to fact. your Bitters was as staple as qui
nine. I learn that physlciani prescribe tt all
over the country. Indeed, a great-many families
think they are Lot safe without your valuable
tonic." _
.1: K. Witherspoon,' - Ee l& - a muuditrate of
Kerl 3 s how is. C states. under date of
April 111, 1663 that be has used the bitters con - 6
stoutly in his own family fur the previous two
years He drat tried the preparation when suffer
ing from enbaustion, produced by severe attack
of fever. Before the first bottle was finished he
experienced a remarkable change for the better.
He bad Wed brandy at the QIIIRSIM, but found that
It did him more harm than goad. In .one- month
from the time he commenced using the bitters
his health. strength and appetite were restored.
He had recommended the article to others In
like circumstances. and-never known it to fall,
and hatilound it a perfeetapecifric , for ehills and
Mr. Samuel Young, asf Clarion. tinder date
of A Drill), 18684 certtnes that Jib was completely
cured of "one of the most distressing attacks of
that'ever afflicted any mortal." by,
bottles of the Bitters, after "various other
remedies had proved DOWentiSS." Restored to
In d ic t heal th , he thanks "that e xcellent prep
lirStlol2 lor ttie . - .
Dr. O. M. Spencer. if /Irish Creek, Peon Co.,
writing thence Yet. 8,1863. wile: hivo
used your Stomach Bitters. for several yearsiin
Inyoractiose find ' there superior - to most cif
i h s Risen" now presorlhed by the peabisalongen
efelkh" . ;