PeriKotEubt OFFICE OP PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, MONDAY. July 12, 1869. The market was again very quiet to ! day, and devoid of anythingew or really important. There was a fa ir Vol ume of buSiness in Crude, while ofße . fined ,there was not a single transaction compare& with Saturday the feeling was easier. and prices generally niled.a frac tion 'loer. Refiners, are again. com plaining..- and with good reason, too, A.hai.there ils no margin, that Crude is i ‘ c i k [relatively higher thanrelined, and that' so far as they are concerned, t trade is by ne means in a satisfactory ndition. Crndeis relatively cheaper in w York and other eastern markets '! t th an it is herf,'and the way the matters w stand they can buy refined to a mue better advantage than they can make it. Some of the theyeland papers have been boast ing, recently, that they were in a fair way for taking the trade from Pitts; burgh, but private advices from that place would indicate that in regard to refining oil, Cleveland has but little, if any, advantage over Pittsburgh, and our refiners here are not very much alarmed about that village monopolizing the busi ness. ' . . CRUDE. Sale 2,000 bbls,• seller all year, at 1434;1,000 (40 to 44) seller 10 days. at 15; 1,000 buyer all year, on private terms; 4.000 seller all year, at 1434, and on Saturday. evening, 1,000 July, at 10‘. To•day there are no buyers for spot or seller July, , at over 14%; against sales on Saturday at 15. REFINED. There.was not a 'single sale reported, and the market, appeared to be quiet and weak, with a drooping tendency. July was quoted at 32 buyer, tag, 32% seller; and lines running from Ifly to December, and October to Deceesber, at 33 V05 33 3 - i• ' LUBRICATE G OILS Eclipse Winter _Lubricating Oil 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle Ssc Eclipse Machinery 75c Eclipse Spindle Sec OIL BELIPPED EA ST . BY A. V. B. B. Citizens Oil Co. 500 bbls refined to Tack & Bro., Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro., 100 bbls refined to Warden, Precyv t Co., Philadelphia. - -H. Koehler &Co. 100 bbls refined to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Total i sßefined 700 RECEIPTS. OP; CRUDE OIL . • talker Bro R. T. Leech Ardesco Re! EfoldshiP Tack 8r0,..... E. FaWcett Total ;... OIL BILIPFEID AELE±T FB M DUQOLTXWE Dir.POT WlKentiatt Rodgers, 25 bbls 'ubricat lng to A. P. Phipps, Philadelphil. Duncan & Williams, 64:11 bi,ls rained oil to W. P. Logan Bro Philadelphia. Brooks Ballentino &. (NJ., 1O bhla ref. to Warden, Frew it; Co,. Philadelphia. Total Refined 166 ALLEGHENY . CATTLE - MARK EIT OFFICE 6r PITTZEMIGH GAZETTE, MONDAY, July 12, ltM. CATTLE. . The supply of Cattle on sale to day, was unusually light, 570 head, and wit t, a good retail demand, the market. weft - pared with last week, was stronger and more active f and good Cattle , sold, readily at ftill prices. Of the stock on sale, there were 8 ears from Chicago, 5 from Indian polls, 2 from Lima, 3 from Newark, 1 , from Orrville, 2 from galem, 2 from Mil . ford and 1 from Crestline. In addition, there were two or three cars driven over • from ("antral Yards, add there were sev eral driives from Washington and Butler counties. - ' • - As has been the ease for some time there were but comparatively few i cattle in market, mid while prime deers sold quick at 7 3 / 4 ®B, light and Hor stock was ' , dull; ."and"did not ig, relatively, as good prices. butchers "•generally want good i, and . many of them will nothing else, and we doubt very 111 whether there is another silty •in country that is furnished with as-, th good,beef, or fresh meat of any- d i as the "Smoky City." Most of best cattle come from Chicago, but it aid that the Chicago butchers are not he habit of buying good stook; that the best :cattle are bought for other "kets, and then they come in and take TWINE+ or leatings. tare sppearsto belittle or no demand dock cattle which may be attributed to fact that there were no country ire, farmers, generally, being busily iged in looking after their crops. .are was a small number of stock steers 1 dm sale to-day, but it is probable they were left over. Co.' Roberts wholesaled 33 bead Allen (0121 o) steers to Greenwald & Kabn. at FTO per bead.or about 6 3 / 4 cts. per pound. ), Hades & Taylor sold 23 head 01 fair to prime teers, at 6®7,35. , Keefe & Katz to head Washington Co. Stook, at fl©7 cts. ,--• Garwin A Co. 16 head Butler Co. steers ' , bulls and cows, at 3@5.14. -‘ Peter Efaidman 26 GreeniCo. cows and steers,i at 51 1 74 1 6: J . L. 8 berg 38 Ohio cattle, at S N@L! • c r • m. Verner 17 Chicago steers, at 7 3 / 4 @Bo. - Haas; & Kraus 25 bead Washington Co. steers averagingl,2oo,Mt an averageonc. Jacob - Needy 51 liead Ohio steers, at ilazlewood de. pia° stock wholetaled 20 bead for Elliomaker,`st .5.90; 20 for R. 0. Campbell, at 6,62; reialled 57 head for .Campbell, at 6®13. , ' , ,Jas. Hanna lb bead Washington Co. ;steeraiiiid heifers, at 5@63. Greenwald &Kahn 50 bead, at 6©B. -• 13.• 1 4rhafli Itro. 39 Chicago‘steers, at 8; 20 Ohio steers, at 9,87®7%; 8 head Wash ington Co. steers, at 6 3 / 4 . ' \ '' ' ' Traurman Jr, Lohman 35 - head Wash ington CO. steers, at 7g@7 3 / 4 ; 27 bead Chicago w m ink steers, at 0 3 / 4 016; 20, Ohio steers, at 7®7 1 ,4, Carr &M c A Ilist e r /4 head Ohio stock f or vampbail, at 64@i6%. .11 Smith Ar. Blue 12 head Missouri stee , at 59 ; e i tc36,30. ' \ Holmes. Lafferty & Co. 44 head mixed \ stock. at 54217. L. Rothehilds 12 head Butler Co steel*, at 5 3 / 4 ®7 3 / 4 . • • 81;fESP AND LANUS. , There was a pretty full supply of this 'class of stodk on sale 10-dst%, about' 1,900 -4\ bead, and. as l)as been the casefor some 'time pts.t, they were mostly Inferior in ' regard to quality; consequently while prime sheep sold -readily at full prima, the lower grades Were very dull, and to effect sales t conceisiOns'had to be made. There wizens drove of , some 700 head, from Tiukstrawas county. Obith that :de: serves special Mention. It was the hardest looking drove of,sheep thstlss been in market for many a day; the pick is reported as having sold at /1,00 to PIXISBITROII WEITE• T u t:ST)AY, JULY 1869. lEEE 11,25 perimad, and John Kerwin. bought between 60 and 70 lambs, out of the same drove for $24, or less than 50 per head. It was thought the whole lot would not average above 40 to .70 ceats per head. As will be seen by reference tdllthe rep port'of sales. prime to extra far sheep sold at $4,60@5 per head, and Lambs at .. 51,00@3,50. C. Beeler wholesaled 75 sheep, at $6 per head, lambs 111,60®3,00. , s Tandever sold 75 sheep - at 12,60®3,00,- Lambs at 11.60@ 2 ,7 5 . Adam Eckert sold-167 lambs at sl,7e @Me. ;.„" Stakely,& two sold 200 sheep . at ' 51,50 @4, limba`fl(oB. • _ ' Jacob'Eibmill'"sol& - 110 sheep 'and lambs, at an average of $2. f • Jas. SbaWsiild 75 Sheep:and lambs, it ~i 1/8, 25 @a , ' . . f.- ' ' ' . ' ''• Jas Bert sold '6O Allegheny ' don y sheep, at 85 mute to fly, per head. .4 1 Beiglesold 60 sheep, at 1i1152,50. Jonathan Davlasold 260 sneep,' , . at $1 @3, lambs at $1,60@859. • , 4 Jacob Rynn sold 165 sheep, , for ' 11; , limns, at 52,60%1 per Pead. . Continue very dull while , prices are nominally unchanged. ( Bales in a_ re tail way at $9®10.60 per owt, • gross as to quality and condition. - -. , • MARKETEY:I3Y TELEGRAPH, New Yonx, July 12 po ts quiet . and steady at . 11,37®1,62; pearls dull. Cotton unchanged: sales of 850 bales at 34.;,®343,t0' for uplands. Flour favors buyers; sales of 10,800 bbls at $5,20@5,60 for superfine state and western, $6,50® 6,90 for extra state;s6,2o®o3,9o for extra western, • $7,00 ®7 25 for white wheat extra, 16,50 for R. B 0., 67,00®7,50 for extra St. Lords, $8,00®10,00 for gooa to choice dos Closing heavy' included in sales were 6,800 bbls • for export at $6,60® 6,75 for state and 14,50 for , western; Cali fornia quiet; sales 250 bbls at $6,40®9; Ore gon quiet at 18,10®9.50; the receipta were 59,002 bbis. Rye Flour firm; sales of 300 bbls at $1.10®6,40: Corn. Meal lain mod. erste request with suile.S of 200 bbla at 0,60 for Jersey, $4,70 for western. Whisky fair request, 150 bbls weetern at $1,033i® 1,04 free. Grain receipts: 320,308 be.sheis wheat. Wheat heavy, 2®3C lower; sales of 121.000 bush ,at 11,47 ®1,48 for No. 2 spring, .131,55 for No. 1 do, 51,500153)4 for Nos. 1 and , 2do mixed, 11,56 for winter western, 51,62% for Amber Michigan, 11,45 for soft No. 2 Chicago spring,.sl,7o for white California.- Rye steady; sales of 2,000 bush at.,11,27 for western, and $1,28 for State.' Barley ; and barley malt dull and nominal. Corn-recelpts of 16,557 bushels-heavy, I®2o lower; sales of 5,300 bushels; 73®74c for new mixed western:via venal, „Pi®9se via railroad, and ilac for a surill lot choice 49, clewing heavy, about IQ2c, below the extreme quota tter, s. , Oats-recelpts of 41,000 bush -without decided ehange; sales of 48,000 bush -at trzaKia far western afloat. Stoi)k of grain in Warehouse July 12tu wheat. be 3,01.1, bushels, ln cludinse fe11,610 California, corn 544,11 a Muth, 'tate 24,04 bush. rye 66,379' bush, har`ey 2075 bush, uudt 89,295bu5h. pelts 27,u5t bush. [boo dull. Coffee quiet. :Sugar firm and in ivied demand; 164113$ MOO 1.111114 iiy i ; 1 / 4 9 11%c; 1,500 • boxes Havana ou private terms. Mo lasses dull ani unsettled. Petroleum .quiet et 17'-, crude; 32632,aie, refined. Hope react aud .toady at 13(415o, Ameri eAD. Liu:said 04 quiet at sl®l,ol. Tur , p-mine firm at 44@i:ie.' Provisions: tiork firm; 425 obis at $32.12®32,37, w maim a 31.75, o1d; $26®27, prime; 25(29 01 prime mess. Beef active fitk r$ h males 0f1,400 bbls at 'sB eal6 for 'new pain mess; 112®18 new wetrii inssi. 'Leif* 'Leaf nominal at $2O ®23 t., r, prime mess; 525g30 for India mesa. timer Hams steady, with sales of 2011 1.0.,115.44 0t3(43i. Cut meats quiet and heavy. with sales of.loo pkgs at .1834®14c for toe 'riders, and 18016)4c for Hams. Miiifiles steady. Lard quiet and steady, With sales of 875 tierces at 16 igl93ic for steam and 1954®20et fbr kettle rendered. Butter steady at 16131&24 for.uhfo, and 20 ®36c for State. Cheeseiclull at 10®15Xo. Freights to Llveri.ool scarcely so firm; engagements, woo° bushels wheat at Bd , per sail, and 9d®9%d per steam. Lefesf..--Pionr - dull and a trifle lower, with speculatiael holders lather more dieposed to realize. Wheat rather more steady, With a better export demand for spring.- - Rye quiet and nominal; at $1.26 @Ulf for western. Oats quiet, at 82c for western afloat- Torn dub and heavy, at 89®930 for soand - , mixed • western via canal and railroad, ‘' Park quiet and 'Without decided, change; at Pi2,25®32,85 for mess.' Beef steady .and in moderato demand. Cut Meats steady and in fair dernapiL. Bscion inlet and nominal. Lardltilet; at 193019,ti0 far fair to prime steam. Eggs quiet and unchanged. Csicafro, July 12.--Mortey in fair de: friend. Exchange quiet and selling at 1.10 premium. Freights 'dull, but ves sel owners firm; engagements at 834 for wheat to Kingston; also, engagements on private;terms for torn to Buffalo Flour market dull, and owing to the decline in wheat, sales at 14,61@5 for Spring super fine, and 55,1234®6,25 for spring extras. Wheat active, and the demand almost exclusively speculative, owing to New York edifices against the 'interest of holders, and the - market declined 2® 21 / 04; sales of No. 1 Spring at 11,29®1.31. and of No. 2 do. at 11,27@1,28%; closing at the latter figure; in options No. 2 sold pretty extensively at 11,26® 1,28 seller July, and $1,26 seller August; after 'Change the market was firmer but unsettled, with trilleffuf No. 2 at IlliWa® 1„30. Corn quiet and prices „lower; No. 1 sold in a quiet way at 81e, and No. 2 at 713 4 ®78e; closing at 77c; in options there were salee or No. 2 at 77e seller last half of July; 76 1 4077 e seller July, 7715 ®7BXo buyer Jnly, and 7734®78e seller August. Oats dull' and luwer, claming quiet et 65 1 4 ®66c for‘No..3. Rye quiet and unsettled; sales at 0,0;61,07 ,for No. 1, • claslng with sellers at iiishie'figUre.' Barley; No. 23s scarce and 'ent irelv nomlna t , - wl th one smelt sale:at $1;55. Highwines are tiriin er and active at an edvance of 1®24 per Ohm, with Sales .at.9l;x,@9Be. ' :•f routs are quiet`btit bfilifers ate firm. ;move Pork is steady at' s33.,Lird is a shade_ stronger at 18t/JalilBlic, 'Shoulders are firmer, with buyers 'at .1240, and sweet pickled Lama at les4Q)l7e. ' Hewlett,- , 3,421 barrels flour, 80,894 bushUis wheat, 94,690 bushels cern, 18,872 buehels oats, , 1,095 busheim ry,f4, and 1,442 head of hogs. Shipmeuta-1,042 ,barrels flour, 38,52.5 bushels wheat, 4,223 bushels corn, 3,577 bushels oats, 800 bttmhels rye, and. 8,904 head of hogs. ST. Louis, July 12.-Tobacco: most of the duck tfam been . withdrawn from the \mark° . , airless, nrit being. satisfactorYl Pelee ver , , small mid prices unchanged. Cotton: nothing doing; naiddliugs would bring 32®3254e , Romp: large sales of anti remseil, on Kietucky account at 51,23 ig1,49; .fancy, dressed 52,60. Flour: low grades - still waive, but other qualities dull and unchanged: superfine sold at $5,25@ 9 . 73 : extrae, ..15,87%®6,25; double extras, 16 25®7. trehle extra to faney,ll7 (410,50. \Wl:eat firm and unchangedy choice No.\ 2 6010 at 11.20@i,22; NO. 1 at $1,25; goodinstrlctly prime' new red"at 111014)05; Choice bid-And new ditto' at 11,40;,fency and choice old 'and new white atllso. Corn firm and held higher but'moves slowly at Saturday's' , advance; mbrada new grits:priors sold at _ . 960 bbls 400 •' 480 ,1 320 " 4 , 50 " 4to) •• ..3.120 bbIE. 90©91c: choice yellow, 92@94c; choice white brought 95®97c. Oats firm and salon at 72'.1.740 for whltt:zn V:. tr*. - al. $1,12W.. Whusliy . f.rui and buoyant at 51,00. Groceries steady and more doing, but prices unchanged. Rio Coffee; fair to price 21)@24 c;. choice 255525 tic. Louisiana Sugar; fair to - prime 123;@140; choiesl4X®l4,.‘c. Plantation Molasses 65Q)80e,. Provisions quiet and un changed. Pork; jobbing and Order sales at 433,25:- Bacon; !jobbing and order lots ,at 1415i4di0 for shoulders, 18@l8y,,c for clear sides and 21:i for sugar cured hams. The steer of dry 'and Smoked meat in thiamarket is reported• to be" 5,500.000 Pounde sides, 3,000000 pounds shoulders, 780,600. pounds hams and 1,000 barrels pork. Lard declined to 180 for prime kettle. .--.Rectdpta,. -ROW, 2.000 bbls; wheat, 04.otkOush; corn, 8,900 bush; oats, 4,600 bush; rye, 200 bush; hogs, 300 head. . °Lamm:min, July 12.—Flottr; city made: $9,00 for treble extra white; 57,75 @)B,OU for -double extra amber; 16,75 ®7,00 tor double extra red winter; 56,00 for extra red winter; 56,50 for double extra , spring; country. made:. $7,50®8,25 for double extra white; $8,25©7,25 for double extra red and amber; I 56,25®6,75 for double extra spring. Wheat; No. 1. red winter held at $ 1,40: sale of two cavil No. 2 do. at 51,3 L Corn; No. 1 held at 83e.• lOats; No. 1 sold at 76c. Rye; sales of No. 2at 51,10. Petroleum, refined 29@30c, July and August; crude held at $6,35. TOLEDO, July 12.—The receipts for the past twenty-four hours amounted to 500 barrels of flour, 5,600 bushels of wheat, 8,700 bushels of corn, 2,100 bushels of oats. Flour dull and'unchanged. Wheat; amber better at $1,43@1,43}1,N o. 2 red at 51,3735, No. 1 white held at 51,43, white regular offered at $1,40 without buyers. Corn steady'and unchanged No. lat 85, No. 2 at 81. Oats in lower and quiet at 71 for Michigan. Rye quiet; no round lots offering. Barley dull and nominal. . - PHILADELPHIA, Jury 12.—Flour firm and in fair demand, with sales of north western extra - family at .56,25@7; Ohio do., at 57®8; Pennsylvania do., $6@)6,75; rangy at 59©10,75. Wheat held firmly;. old red 51,4501,50, and new Delaware and Maryland at 51,55©1,62. Rye, 51,33. Corn is advancing, with sales of yellow at $1,05©1,10, and mixed western at 98@ 1,03.. Oats in good demand, with sales of western at 75©80c. Provisions are inac tive. Mess Pork is held at 533. Lard, 19%c. Whisky, 95c@)51,05. MILWAUKEE, July 12.—Flour dull and nominally 25e lower. Wheat steady at $1,30% for No. 1, and $1,2934 for No. 2. Oats dull, but firm at 680 for No. 2. Corn dull and nominal. Rye in good demand at 51,03 for No. 1. Grain freights firm at 5c to Buffalo, 'and 9c to Oswego.. Re ceipts-1,000 bbls flour, 73,000 bush wheat, 4,001) bush oats: Shipments-1,000 bbls flour, 86,000 bush wheat. BALTIMORE, July 12.—Flour firm and 'quiet, and the scarcity of stock restricts busmesk Wheat weak and receipts large; new red 51,50@1,55. Corn. firm; :white $1,05; yellow-96@98e: Oats firm at 73®78c. Mess pork quiet at $34. Bacon active and firm; rib , sides 18©18 1 ,,;c; clear ribs 183/ 4 ®lBy4c; • shoulders 15®15,V c; hams Z2©2234c. Lard quiet at 19%€)2 4 ue. lidraissus, July 12.—Cotton quiet and steady at 3214 c; receipts, 118 bales; ex ports, ,59 balea. Flour steady and un changed: Wheat—new $1,10©1,40. Corn 90c. Oats 80@;82c. Hay 524(025. Bran $22. Cornmeal $4,25. Pork 834,50. Lard A9;41520340. Bacon firm; shoulders 143;c, sides 1831 c. . LOMETILLE, July 12.—Heavy Bagging .W.q light do.. 16e. Superfine Flour, $4.25. Grain and, Groceries unchanged. Leaf Tobacco dun;' sales of 68 laid Etat 100® 18. Provtgons quiet. Pork 533. Bacon —clear sides 183,i; clear rib 18c; shoal dere 143c,c. Highwines 98c. DETROIT, July 12.—Wheat; No. 1 white is dull at 51,64, and No. 2 do. at 51,36. Corn scarce at 80©82e. Oats quiet at 70 072 e. Mill feed is scarce, with sales of bran at 1543. - coarse middlings at 20c, and fine do. at 25e. =1 Live stock illarkele. 11kw. YORK, Suly 12.—Cattle market— beeves plenty, with 828 on sale to-day, completing ,6,818 for the week. Trade less lively and a few remnants are un sold to.night,. Prices declined jc, but the quality of stock is not good. Nearly all the cattle at Communipaw were sold; 175 Illinois cattle, by one shipper, aver age about 63( - , cwt., brought 14 ®16o; 2 cars tine, 9 cwt., Ohio grades, averaged We; a droVe of 400 at 57. Texans, 64 cwt., 'brought 12114. Thin stock sold slowly, and none or the cattle men are paying Ihr , inspecting their droves. They will combine to contest the Jersey law , if ,necessary. Sheep are abundant, counting up 27,970 for the 'Week. with, 8,459 to day. They are not selling and thin lots have a downward tendency besides being very hard to sell; some poor sheep offered at. Peach, while sales have teen made--at $1,50 ,per head; a ear of 80 pound Ohio sheep brought sc; another car same weight 554; a lot, poor 76 Pontids 4%; some 90 lb State sheep at 6%c; a lot of 50 poound State lanibs brought 10c, some of 41 pounds 9c, a car of Canada 58 pounds 10%c, with a car of fat 51 pound Jerseys at 114 c. Hogs are scarce under the manipulations of the ring; only 12,820 -head arrived for the week, 4,560 head to-day: operators keep them st 12c for dressed when more might be obtained; the ring are trying to con trol the'Chicago market as well as this, and outsiders must sell to this ring at their terms, for they control the slaught ering houses so no one else can kill here. Prtir e ang.f.rfue,..July .12.—Beef cattle moderately active and prices without change; with sales of 1,600 head at 9® 9go for extra Pennsylvania and western steers; 7®814c for fair to good do:;s®6No per pound gross for common. Sheep dull, with sales of 9,000 bead at 454(i)00 per gross. Hogs lower, with sales of 2,800 bead at $18®1.8,50 per owl net; and a few choice at 118,75. 01110 AGO, Jaly 12.—Cattle opened dull but fairly active , end at the close prices were 10®250 loWer, with sales at 54,8734 155,65 for cows and light steers for city consumption; $6,75®7.80 for good to choice, :and 1,7,80 , for extra choice snip pmg.lots...,Hogs are ,reasonably active and a shade firmer, at $8,35®8,65 for fair to good, and 58,75®9 for choice. Lcitus, July 12.—Cattle quiet and unottanged at 0144106Ke. Hogs firm and dtlinTld at 800fic4. 2000 000 "la" OF • CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE. By THE Unlon Pacific itafteoll4 Company) ittsTEIUS LOU Mau the line of their read. M 1111•00 T 0145,00 PER MILT, , Ana on • CREDIT 01 TVS Titan!. - 11Por Outlier partiontars, maps. ae., address sous P. sorsiussims, - , USW Otionalnionat. Topk", OP (4WD, 14. ,Lll3l:ll!Siair, ' • RIVER NEWS. rered.. with-ecaia, feet in the ciLaai4c.'v the Monongahela marks last evening. Weather cloudy and hot with strong in dication at times of rain. Aiercury at 4 B. 24. $3B In shade., The Jails from Zanesville arrived and the laorens from St. ,Louls, was due last evening. She has been out several days from Cincinnati, but it should be 'borne in mind that she had a barge In tow. The Glendale, Capt. Mare, Is fining up steadily for St.. Louls„ and she is pounced to depart to.daY. She is. in all reit - pacts, one of - the beat boats in the. trade. The Belleveknon, Capt. Darragh, will follow the Glendale to St. Louis.. _ Capt. W. (bet,terknown as "Dock") Hellen, has seceded Capt. Mulheman In command of the New State. The Julia returnee to Zanesville to. The United States Register, or Blue Book, for 1869, contains a table ,of the tunnage `United States. In river commerce; Pittsburgh is second - on the list. St. Louis being first, and Cincin nati third. , The tow boat, W. J. Bigley, left for Louisville an Saturday, with a tow con taining 6,500 bushels of coal. Business continues slow at the land ing, freight for all points being scarce, and notwithstaiding there is plenty of water, boats experience considerable difficulty in picking up a trip. The Importer to on the dock at St. Louts, and will be placed in line con dition. The R. C. Gray and Tom Farrow, at last accounts, contemplated filling out, with iron ore,"at Sulphur Springs , below St. Louis. —The St. Louis Republican says: "Wash" Floyd, Esq., a well-known sec ond clerk on the river, and brother-in law to Capt. W. B. Donaldson, on yester day met Mr. Shreve, the former counsel of Capt. D. dining his late trial, and ad ministered to the aforesaid counsel a heavy thrashing, which from all ac counts we have heard; was richly de. served. The parties were arrested, but as neither lodged complaint, wero dis charged. IMPORT& BY RAILROAD. PITTSBIIRGH, FORT Warts dr CHI. CAGO RAILROAD. July 12.-12 cars pig iron, Nimiok & Co: 6 do do, Bryan & Co; 1 do do, Brown & Co; 5 do do, Zug dz.Co; 6do do, Superior iron Mills; 1 do do, Pittsburgh Forge . Co; 35 sks bones, Hove ler & Co; 40 133 s cheese, Hawurth dt Dewherst: 10 do do J Wilson Or. Son; 93 aks rye, 25 sks oats, H Rea 25 tea hams, 9do grease, F Sellers & Jr; do; 1 ca r stone, C Miller, Ido do, J Metcalf; Ido staves, 106 oil bbls, M P Adams & tiro; 100 bbls flour. Culp & Shepard; 158 skim rye, Kiel dr. Ritchart; 1 car corn, Wm Bingham; 25 bas jars, Wm Little; 2 bbls eggs,,Volgt, Mahood & Co; '2 bbts pota toes, \Woodworth at Davidson; 99 aks flour, D\W Galway; 200 bbls flour, T C Jenkins; 200 do do, H Knox: 100" do do, 3 A Deitz; s \ bbls spirits. Schmidt & Fri day; 10 tcs lard, W B Hays it Son; 15 bbls lard oil, 50cases lard, J H Parker; 50 green salted bides, J Hammitt & Son; 100 do do, F Y McLaughlin; 21 bxs sala ratus, Penns Salt Mauf Co; 1 car scrap iron, T Maloney. ALLEGHENY VALLEry it \ aimsown. July 11.-1 car iron ore, McKnight & Co; 1 do do, H Woodaides; 2 do do. J 2 40 0 i: head; 2 cars stone, Henderson \ & Co; 2 cars lime, D L Reynold; 7 do do; Stu:um bergor it Blair; 90 carbys acid,\Lock hart & Frew; 1 bbl eggs, Volgt, Mahood & Co; 8 pks marketing, 3 D McCrossam; •1 ak ragsW H Kirkpatrick; 27 sits oats, Keil .k Rilchart; 1 bbl eggs, A Ressman; 1 do do, J, Shal; 1 do du, Malone; 3 do do, H Fie3se; 1 do do, Mon; 13• sks oats, Harrison A Co; 1 box barn-ware, Lyon, Snorb it tit;; 2 bxs butter, L J Blanchard: 1 car grain, Robb & Herron: - 10 bits, 1 craet rags, Mot'ullotigh, Smith it Co; 2 rolls paper, R Christy. CLZYBLAND ...AD PITTSBURGH .BAIL• ROAD. July 11.-176 aks rye; Brugger-. man & O'Brien' 18 aka rags, McCullough & Co; 3 cases boots. W E ttiohmbrtz #5l. Co; 20 bag cheese, Arbuckles & Co; 2 tea hams 1 hhd shoulders, W H Daugherty; 2 tubs cheese, IA- Graff; 50 bbls oil . J Spear; 21 bbls hone dust, Seward t Ern. arson• 16 bbls rosin, Strong it Wetzel; 6 bxe 8 kegs tobacco 'Pretzlield & Bro. .A.LLEGYMCY EPTATIOX, July 12.-1 car motel, Pittsburgh Forge et Iron CO; '2 cars iron ors, Superior Iron Co; 1 car st.tves, Ralya & Robertson; 109 bdls pa per, Frazier Metzgar; 100 bbls Hour Geo. Stewart; , 2 oars atone, Forrester -At Me grew; 1 do do, J P do h R B Knox; 6 cars Iron ore, Lewis, 13ailey'llt Dalzell; 1 car wheat, R T Kennedy Bro; 5 tcs hams, J Kohent 5 bbls cement, Reid Bro. RIM -PACKETS. : 1: : , 11. BT. LOUIS * GA—. ia gG a t DUBUQIIN AND BT. AIII...—The Ana passenger packet, EILLEVERNON.....II3pt. J. J. DARRAGH. QTR., Will leave Ihr the Ibove and Intermediate ports on WEDNESDAY. 14th Inst.. at r. :ION& 31IVZ.GAVICollo). FOB—T ST. LOUIS, ILEO•adr ia t DURCQUB llLhe steamer and bT. - titat,INDALE Capt. JOHN M. Man. Will l ave for the above porn Tiffin DAY, at ek o'clock Yor (relent or passage apply on board,' orto FLACK • COLLINGWOOD, Agents or Utak!. BARNES, Agent. Pa,BSBll9BD~fi. , • . . Gll,j e gag‘ WFIZELING_ AND PAR KERSBUDAI, UNN.....tkavo lootnnanVe Wnirf tiostodot of wood strt. daily at 1.5 j N., RIAD NESDAYB and BATUM/I'l4 ' ttarfY ISAOL/fr (I. 1.. Mil - ram/X. Klist.W4 freight will be received at all noun try - • .1 AIMS COLLINS. , BLUM , cuputtpwoot), splil • ; • AA CI. Lie . (3TEIAVISRIPS. To `_LIVERPOOL AND QUEENSTOWN. , STEAMSHIP& NrintbertbitiiSte first-ohms vessels, rtiriaik tvi l / 2 eryna, criir O t r . CITY 0 OST P__/3 0N re OIT If_b_4l l L ONDO N Batting EVERY , A ufwAY. from Pler *b, rourth Moor, New York. For nasuge or further Information allure • W1L14.514. BINGHAM. Jr. To 01211 Afeek;Vift'inc.le 411'4. atg . . A NEW ARTICLE.' • GA NTZ , SACILY 'AMON BUG KB., for mattes; lemoteel wants neither sneer or lemons. w Put in one po arm to mate tinny tumblers lemonade. Juao reeelted and for sale oy , • - i MO. A.. RESSNA W. 110 • fionter'L betty anti. Ninth Ftrorts. ICVOLVING HOB eIE .11 Alf A large lot just room d and fur sslent tow e markOpylee.... w. W. RNOXI iny2lld9S•arru Ov , " _ _EMIT—X.OO bble Lo • Ryarsalie Oeme t, ibr by - • J. A. PAWIPTPLD I)IMtL A81:1 ? -20 i.o u mi fir sale INSTJRANOR THE PAN CITY, =II lILTUAL -. .11FE -. _IISUJIANC.E: . CO Of Pennsylvania. Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny City DIRECTORS r - Hon. dAMES L. 131tAHAM, Bey. T. B. CLARK D. 1)., • . Capt. E.BOIIINSUIT, Bey. A. K. BELL D.D. Bev. S. H. rizask.u.l3., W. A. ItRED. Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. 'JACOB BUSH, Reid Masts +tient. 1311X0.1i DRUM. Mayor of Alleghen y, D. W. BENN Y, 'Batter. A. B. BELL,Attornepat-Lase. D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber mereant. -; D. WOOER. Insurance Astern,. , 'caps:v.ol3V. itosrstiost i Preoldent. Ravi J.B. CLAUKSD.D., vloierrriK4Oret JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. BIMINI: Tritanurgit. -, . . - , -..M. W. WMIPC, MianCAL Apvissz. . IMBIEL Ili r egritvtientl home coninanP.Cendueted on the mi to pripcipie, each _licy holder receiving an eqnsd share of the pr ofits of the Company. policies will_ be Issued.oni all ,the cUlferent plans Of tale Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal basis will afford, a ufe investment - to each policy bolder, and thereby retain the money at home to e3contage home industry. midikage B ing FRANKLIN INSUIANCIEoorfiPANY., OP ALLEGHENY, PA. OFFICE. IN FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANE • BUILDINGS, - No. 41 Ohio St..'lLUeshen7. A HOME oontriacry, managed by Directors weir known to the community, who trust by fair dealins to merit a shire of your patronage. MOULT nriviar 2 .... • GM). D. RIDDLE Drazcrroßs Henri Lrwiti t . 'ID: L. Patterson, [Wm., Coo_per, Geo. 11.. Riddle, ;Jaeob Frans, , Gottieib Faso Slinon.Drtun, J. B. Smith,• -. iJacoto Rush W. N. Stewart, ;Ch. P. Whiston, Josepg, Jos. Lantner. lE. J. Zinkamt, Jam. Wnhe n R. £. UERON. GENERAL AGENT. ap10:05 OA" INSURANCE COMPANY. PEELS N'S BUILDING. . , No. an Fifth Avenue. Second Flogs*, P/TTSBUROD, PA. i Capital All Paid Up. DIRECTORS. N. 4. B_igley. Jr, iCapt.M.Balley, Dlcal Wallace, S. H. Harman s .A. Chambers, Jake HUI, ;S. ROCltirkon. , Jaa. 11. /Salley. Thomas Smith Inc,. S. Wlllock, , - ROASERTH- ZINO, -President. J NO. F. JENNINGS, Vice,President. JOS. T. JOHNsTON. Secretary. Capt. R, J. GRACE, Gen`l Agent. Insures on Liberal Terms en all Fire and Marine Risks, soi:gsr 13EN1VSYLVANLI. . INSURANbE COMPANY - Of PITTTSI3IIItBH/ 16INIV_OOD B'PENE7, BANE 00..8E. Tbli le a Hom .C e Co:apany, and Insane•&Wilma 108$ by Fire excluidvelv. I LEONARD WALTER, President. ..C. C. BOYLE, Vice President.; . PA.II3ERT PATRICK, Treasurer. HUGH HeELHENT. Secretary. Dl=CTedtie: Leonard Walter, George Wilson, C. 0. Earle Geo. - W. Evans, Robert Patrick. J. - 0. Lare, Jacob Painter,. J. C. Fie tier, Josiah Kinik • Job.n Voegtley, Ju. H. Ho s, • A. Ammon. • Henry 8prool; I ND _ _ _ AGAINST‘ LOSS BY FIRE FRANKI.IN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE. an a 437 OWLEITITITT ST.,near 5711. Charles .V. Baneker s . idordett H. Los Tobias Wagner.. David Brown. Baronet Omni, . Isaac Lea, _ Jacob IL. imit.h. (L. Dahs, 1 4;17 1 /3tLVA l eB% 1 13Biri‘ 14till re leitr . ' VNg : C. D 1 A1 13 11 1 7 President. *,, ; J. fiditDNEß ta ZAFTrThr Miler:, North West comer Third and Wood i Streets. ishlihwir., • ~,,,, • • • NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Cot. Federal St. and Diamond, Allegheny, Once, In the. SECOND . NATIONAL BANK - . - • W. W. MARTIN; President RHIN StlOWN,t.,Vice E te r rdent, JAMES E. isTiiVElinON. Secretary. Dtaiteroll6,i . -- John A. Myler, !Jas. Loe !Jos. AtTer". Jy.e.L.Graham.,Robert Les,. O. Boyle :Jou. Brown.Js. 'George Gera, • Jacob hopp. IO O.H P ! Mame lJno. - ThompsonlJ. MoNaugher N INSUIRAINCJEI con- PANT OP PITTSBURGH. WM BRANDER NIMICIC. President. • . P. MERBEHT._Sectetary. CAPTAtrinkiIVLD, General Agent. Once. 951 Water street. Span/ 109.'2 W are"' hou, up stairs, - Pittairargb. • - Wi se ll inzuro against all =de of Pire and Mi. Ent Risks. A home Institatkon, managed by Di rector§ who ire well known to the community. sad Who arf deter=ned by promptness and laser ality to-maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the best protection to tlume Who desire to bs insured. DIMICITOB JeS: Alexander "Elmira. nn It. Melltute. R. Muer, Jr.. Chas. j. oisyge, James Nekultrh'William S. Evans. Alexandesidpegr. Joseph Kirkpatrici4 Andrew Addeo, - Ph.Gßp_Reynser. Darld Lon& Wm. morrisort. D. !humeri. • ace pEgrtup : INSURANCE FAN -0371C1N, N. Z. - COWEN WOOD • Flirt BIZ Home Oimpaimtakini lire in., juin, Bina 'D alecVona: raft fetzps. ,‘ arieftls/1 1 vIrth. L - &It kirAwe:, SkrtekVATP• . Wm. Van 11.211 k . Wra P4ani c James D. V i mar 4 . Elv i r e ig er 'tut PIWATT -s Vice. President. - 1- . a A 1 . 14. Mea t h i g e Mai, 1 ARent. 4LLEGraEN w - 1111811 • ANC% ' COMPANY OP PITTSBURGH.. ' . ,(. :1 I /02. No. RINIPTHSTERST.BAN/COLocs. newts nap's% all , klads Of firs and .liartne 148115 1041.4 MON' . as.. PreShlgilit. ' ; ~ XO.O:U_OSKINSOIi,. Ince Pressovit,. PUNNED_ ,__L seme—tarr. - - . , „Dikrk. WH. DE N. GeneralAlestt ~ DIRICT6IIBi . Itamiiiin&m, • •-t l t.afthiiest.sces- •., T. J..g.os lev, , . 11...F.vtrson., .. 0. 0. =Wilk A RobertH:DaYbi t - ' ' • Harvey Chit —.: . FroaciaSißlers, _ °boles Have. - . - ( hitt. 41 T. Stpekdile. -, car. Wm: Repn, ...,T: - 11.Navin. .:. 1 . , . , ~ , ; vspepb., A:g Ac dity ihe.St,ornach, Loss o( .Appeitte, Nausa, Heart-butn, jaundice, •and all diseases .arisinf, from a 'disorderkd state otthe Liver or inteitiries. PreTereC OrgWARIX BENTLETI & CRE NET Muai,./InN filo* by 41 1:112131814:.--- - • DUES. , Mali OADS -' ! 11 7 7:"""7 99 B E. ?QV WAYNVie;C_RICILV, B. W. and DLATELAND d PETV I RVItun • From Mir Bin, 1865jArares will leave tram and arrive at the Union Depot, north aide, burgh city-time, as follows: /4aes. --1 464 tee. Chicac 15 ... A:08 a to:qhleago. Ex., 1:56 aid Erie Irlitavlltin p Cl. tegkin :110 a m Wheeling EX 10:46 ant Chicago /1111-0:58 a m let. Lolls Ex I:08 pia Chicago Ex,. ..0:413 a m Chi , go Ex &31141:08 p m Cl. 'd Wik'gßx 6:08 p • Cleveland ILI 3:53 Chicago Ex., Sad, na. Erie d Yg•n Ea 5:115p p id W'e Erie Balks 38 pmiCl. & Wh , g Ita6:ll3p Depart from Atiesthaity. 1 Arrive fn Aileouriss, Bea Falls L W:44MA miLeetsdale Ar....6:66 Leetsdale." 103 a m Bca•r Falls "I 13 ant " 1/1611•m Weir Castle "10163 aul Rochester "! 11 , 111r9101 Med • " 9 :13 Enon " .3:88 p Leetsdale • • 1 : 08 Leetsdale ..de0.141.1 pm Aleatelf_alia: 51:43 Mn. Bea•rralls • :6:13 p Leetsdale ' 4:3OI Leetsdale - "10:41P15 " ". 7 4 13 DM -Irdir-Oaka-Bas- - „„ - Pak Oa& Bun. day Church. 1:13 p m ,day %Ahura. gag ea 11:23 jp. ChicagO aeYeavea gaily, air isloa obinaro mop _res. ht. RiusiLL t Jl • ol:l74 — th - 17611,, , „Elen•l Ticket Agent. 6uptestvt., tare griTlNEall A Pir- OVlNglapa = conatirvalmnrSAELßOAD, THE ONLY IMIST_,_RONTE TO OIL BEciparsvpriErn CHA.NOIt rie,Citn we On and after MO AY, aunt, 140,11169 THROUGH. TRAINS ~DAILY. ,(except 'Sunday; will leave. 'Pinata:ire ..Dellok corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, for Frankan. ol / Dan/tars falo, and all points-in e 011 Regions. laArz PITTSBITROIL 4ARILIV IN ri7781m1163 Day Ex 8:00 ittrEtay Ei 5:15 p sight Ex .... 7:30 pm:Night Ex 6;311 ass Brady'S Act 3.05 pat . ! Brady+, R I0:15 & Freeport Ae 9:40 a m lit SodaVrks 7:40 aat lid sodaW!kit 6:30 pat,F eeport Ac. 6:15 pla IFt Holton ... 6:45 a m !Ist Halton.. I+rso a m ad pi' tat0n...13:00. 2400 P ra ad Hutton...As:oo p miSd HultOn 1(05 pat Arnold's Ac. 5:00,p m • Arnold's Ac. Y:4-0 '0 la Choral train to , :ind from Soda Works leave Ptttsburgli at 1:10 r. N. Arrive at Pittsburgh; (Sundays. ) ate 80 A , • • 0 Express trains stop only at principal points. Accommodation rains stop at all `stations J. J. LAWMEN Ca. oen'i Soon. THOMAI3' M. BI ND, Assn. cup , t. • ap26 13 E NN tilr LT A....algaglo froAr4 r AIL ). Eiti 41r after A rll2sth. 1869; will ar at sa d the Union Depot. corner W and Liberty streets. la follows: Arrive. I Depart. ...' - Mail Train....1:93 am *Day Express..2:l3 OM Past Line 1.46 am groutnern Ex.. 4-:a Gant Wall's No. 1..6 20 arn. Wall's No. L. 6:3oam BrintonAcc , n.l:so am ikfali Train 6:1 4 1 am Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am flow , dAs No110:2 •aM Cincinnati Ex.9:10 an: reincin'tlExll4:ll pm Johnstown Ac10:35 amiWall'e No. 2..11:51• all How'd Ac No1.1:19 pm Johnstown Ac. 3:o3pm Fatal:Orli Ex. 4:30 pin rftruddocks Ac. 3:40 pm 1 Phila. ExpreaslL:3o pm PhUa.‘ Express 4:20 pnt. Wall's No. ii...11:541pm Wall's No. 8.. 4160 pm, Braddock Ac.. 3:50 pm WalPs No. 4.. 6:05 IMS How'd Ao NO2 9:33 pm .Fast Line..:. . 7:3opm Wall's N 0.4: T:2O pm How ' d Ac No2.13:110 Ina Way Passn'r 10:90 pm !Wall's No. S.. 11:00 our •These trains make close connection at Hard*. burg for Baltimore./. ..,' i4.-_ , The Church Train .leasrerWalls- StationeveXr Sunday at 9:03 a. - M. 1 reaching Pittsburgh 10:05 a. ni; Re tarnl4, - leaves- , Pittsburgh 19:50 p. m. and arrives at Walls Station 9:10 p. m. • • —.• •Ctur.Dinati Express lesves d a ily.' All Otkl trail a daily except Sunday.- ~ For thrthertotbrmatwn a tnITP) . • W.ll. BECKWITH. •Agent. • The PenitsylvaniallailrosaCompany will :total enure any risk forßaggage.eXcept far wearing ea parer,and limit their re , sponsibhity to ctue Run dre, Dollirgin vette:- Ail Baggage exceeding, that amount .in value , will h. at the' r 14.. of. tht, owner. miler; taken by imAllal eontrect. - . . EDWAND ki. W11:LiAll8, apes General ftperinteadent. Altoona; Ps.. . - TILT E ST ERN- `; • PENNSYLVA NIA . RA.LIIuAIi.r4.M. andafterAprl I ad th,11169, Om Passenger Trains or the SVPHWT I PennSylvarda Rai road will arrive at and -, depart: from time Feder. I Street Depot. Allegheny City n- follows: Springd'e No 16:4U a ut Mall''`' 7:60 s ga Freeport No.'lB :60 4 m Freeport No. I latifil.nt Express 10:4113 inSharpb , g Nol i 1 :SW air.. Sharpb , g No: 1161 n) pin -Entire", 1 :AO pit I Freeport N0.24:00 pin Spr Ingd"e No i 3:30 pn. Mail.. ' Saltap le W o:,; eepon R 23 :40 pip Springd , e Nok 0:40 ti m Snrlnad'e No 26 36 tki4 Aboye - trains run dally esrept •unday. The Church -Train leaves ,•Allegiteny .lanetion ever! dendayjst T:•10 a. m.oreachl o g A ilegbety City al II:50m m: - Returning, leaver Allegheny- City at IMO p. m. and arrive at Allegheny. aw -. tion at 3:40 p: in. • ' ' * ' - COIIIII7SATION Titgars—lfor bale teilaCkailk II of Twenty, between Allegheny City. I !hestnut.. *tree. , ilei t tlas - : -14Mnard, Alleg heny Creek. Etna an 6 Sharpstmrg and good omy_on the teams stopping . at Stations spedned ontk .kets . The trains - leaving Allegne„ny City at 1:00 a. m. make direct eonnettlon at Freepon a ithWal. keeis line of Stages for Butler and Hannah. tows. gh tickets may be-purchased at Us* tuner. Tilcirr.7l6l Clair street, near the fitapeztstonliridrs, Pittsbur. h. and-at the Venni.; Allegheny. For farther information apply to JAMES LEFFRIITI3; - Agent. • . ..,-.. ~....,,....Federal Street Depot. The Weatern. Pennsylvania Railroad 'will hat • at slime any OW for Baggage. eXcept for wearing apparel, and limit their -- responsibility to v.a Hundred Dollars -Itt- • siduei All. - baggage 4X• ceeding tt Is amount In value wllibe at the that OIL the owner, unless talrembyspecial coatrace r._ EDWARD H. WI 1 .1 .a,p3S - Geneva). Buterlutandeut, Altoona. fa. ITTSBURGH A NIMIM il CINCINNATI 'A. . Loins BA.ILWAL PAR HANDLE HOME. CELANG9 , OP TIME.—On anct after MONDAY April Seth, 1869, trains will leavessid irrfte Si tat Union Depot, LB ffiallows: - • _ Depart. Arne,. S:08 a. tn. 131;13 sk. • 9;43 a. la. !flap. ot Fast Ltae....—.. ..... - iiirese • a; 354.337.. -.4i33 L Eli Mixed Acc'n ' 5:33 s au - 6158 p. to. Ke.Donald_ls4o3 , 9 /8 , N0.113:43 a. m. 8:18 a. . Stenbeur9l6 - luxommod. '3:sBp. m. 9:33 a.ell , licikmald.. Amon. No.,181). n.. . R. ISI D. us. Mmday Chard: Traln.. 15:58,p. In: 9:98 a., a. iSir 9:33 P. ti. tree Willlcurtre Aal 101:113 Pi Crain tuxiTe All other trains will run *ally: Bnnuays except. The otaa L m. Train =ekes close cot ilecikaw s - Newark fir - -B. I. BOULL, Sextant Metes ,Olvenh W..W.14.41,111). et,ubentille. EITTSNCII9III . orstiriumvitL On and after TUESDAY. Noyember. 1501, trains will arrive at and depart from Um De bbi corner 01 Dont-and Water streets, of follows: • ,Depart. - Artless. Milt° and from Union- _ -town • ' 1 1:00.4._ Y. 6:00 P. - 1 /04-eesPortAecomdt , o 11:00 A. m. 0 :05 P. Ex.. to and from Unttn. '.3100!: It. 10:10 West. Newton Aceomid " 4:30 P. ii.. 8:35 A. Braddoek's Aceoroda.n. 6:13 P. a. "7:50 Night Ac. toMelPsport.lo:3o P. 0:45 A. X Sunday Chnre.h Troth to and from West Newton 1:00 f. 0.10:001. Tor tickets sway en** - -•R. X. RAYMOND. Age W. R. ElTOUT:'llitperntendent. * • no. S " . I !ILLMIXPRI UNION PACIFIC numir Eligtern 'Division. The. attuitrzErr *IAD MUST. anti= HOU rh froth the Kut WAIL ' poiste• COliirado - ' Nevada; ' • California r. Fish, W'ashlngtont ffewpilestro, iaaho, • Aittona Otesoa.; iic Tidni kiave 'ate Line: ;;c Lairs:ow:Mt dallgiOndiglyeredrl.t he onl.ll vats of no Hal rem Loufb, • bat wasdiSt...-Joe Asdiresd from Quire!, connect' ine• at Lawrence. Topelta sad %%amp wt states ilor: all points in liansas. At end Of AIS_ west of _kysistrtit with the UNIT= TATCM..MXPEW.._ COMPANY'S! . DAIL! tillY UV FAT, 41.1C1 1 ZAIL ND KIM= wAcx FOR • . • IDEI-6,TVEZET4 IsA.ELEs All nu to tug Territories; Asa wittistiNDlSEntrli'n I'.ll/•W L.SHLY of CC/ACHY:As for Fort union, Bent's. P Altort, pea, uonestae, • Sante. 1% and all. not cps . In .11.1* son!' and Ne w Mexico. , with the' ricetc addition'. .ot. stoet . and r4utpment, and the arrangements moil w ttb espotisfble lagerland Tra.noportation L in " f ro mita western terminus. thw rorej now oilers onoqued , ed Militia< for :he fesaismlsatorr GS !veltat to tilt rtar at t n. Ma Ticket. United Slor mt LAW * atm Vatiadmia at AM aka -piincoOli 01:10ea ' Rs ',arsine' ask or 6. , E.!' 41 , 1116 • YOKI Mfg" ' SI; r-rf f' *arr.. fltaLwa,y ( • • ••• - • 11 . ...411141 , fiNsi.exst bapetrutuadel ;:: fi'S~ O'ICBIfT~~, ( . S. 3. la mie 14111