The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 13, 1869, Image 1

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Progress of the Fiend!. Cable—The
isterlal Crisis iu France—Concessions
Announced by Emperor Napoleon—
Orangemen Blots and Fenian Outrages
In Ireland:-Austria and the Ecume-
Meal Council.: '
Cif teaerrsoa to tbe 'Phtsburutt Gait:W. 1
I=sz,July 12.Dispaiehes throtigh
the new cable from the Great Eastern up
to this morning state the fiteaMer was off
New Fonndland and only thirty miles
distant froui the soot where the splice is
to be made, Signals good. All well.
PAnIS, July 11.—A meeting of the
Ministers in Privy Council was held to
day in order to discusi the Emperor'i
message to the National Assembly,
which oronizes on Monday, when the
Left Centre will present its resolution.
P.ouhe- s - will read the Emperor's mes
sage. which concedes the demand of
the Left. Centre in regard to the auto
nomy of the Assembly. As yet no,
change has been effected in the Ministry.
PARIS, July the Corps Legisla
:if, today, a message from the Emperor
Napoleon was presented and read by
Minister Rotther.- The message states
the Emperor has resolved to convoke
the Senate 'to consider the following
The right of the Corps Legislatif to
elect its own officers; the simplification
of the methods of presenting and ex
amining amendments of laws; (4 sub
utiesion to the Corp!' of commerce
treaties for approval; the control of the
budget: the abolition of any incompati
bility which exists . between holding at
the same time a seat in the. Corps and an
office in the Ministry, and the extension
of' the right' of interpellation. ; Similar
.questions with rasped' to the Senate are
' ;hereafter lobe considered.
The Emperor believes that.these mea
sures will meet all demands. In conclu
lion he asks the deputies tO consider hoW
gften he lips abandoned certain of his
own prerogatives in public interests. For
-those already granted,which form an in
-mgral part of the institutions of the Em
irs, they ought to leate intact those
#ights which have . been explicitly con
'Sided to him by the pimple, and which
, ;e essential conditions of . power as safe
dards of order and seetrity.
The-message announces no change in
the Ministry.. The forms which it pro
poses are generally considered to amount
to a concession of bona fide ministerial
lasponsibility as an element of the ex-
Obtitive Government. •
Lownoii, July 11.—At a Cabinet meet
ing held yesterday it was resolved that
e Government will not concur in any
of the amendments to the Irish Chzirch
swill that will in any way impair thaprin
aple of total disendowntent. .. It is ru.
inured that Lords Clarendon, Granville
end HartingtOn evinced a disposition to
nut they were finally overruled by
Zither menaters present. 1 !‘
Lox vox, July 12—The Times In an
t article on the progress made by Russian
power in the east, regards the absorptli
j of petty Musselatan States oy RUS.lig. s
beneficial so the world, but says her pre
wince in Asia, must be consistent with
1 the maintenance "of British authority in
India. ••With India prosperous and con
;Opted," continues the .Times, 4• we are
safe. When the. security—of unr pnwer,
in 'lndia is felt, and all fear of REIBBIB is
dissipated, both countries may unite to
daveiope the rust
. regions committed to
I their care. " •
I Lictisincyx, July 12.—Bright and Foster
.; have withdrawn the resignations which
I they recently, tendered to the Reforixt
;The Oxford Boar_O'rew have gone into
active training. ' I
Title' ' ' c
• Vixtrszt, July 12:--The official Red
- Boblt.whichbakinst nualeits appearance.
says the Government has no reason for
' keeping (rem 'the - public' • its 4leallitgs
, wets a m
nd _other_Geran ,liitates;
that, plomacy is interested in maintain
, its t e existing status, and It does not
Loewe the general. , peace, f _but respects
ether powers and remains perfectly nen
,: rtral in their affatrig
. .. - Alintima, -July , 42. 7 .4laran,liron-Rtiest.
• his replied to t tha,- , reersit circular of the
Bavadan Prittießfirditer, Prince Hobanlobe, on theEcuseliical ,ConnelL. Be
refuses to takeplet iti the protxmOtticon
lei:exile of Catholic ,powers'egainst the.
anticipated decisions of We Connell, and.
.he contilders 'l2;titise t, take steps,
~ the Council' deplaret, Against th e
ri Ut,of th e. State. ,-,
' ' - " .'-' . • ' IRELAND. ' : -
- :
NUT, Juky 12.—A riot occurred" here ideylaitwil' iln .the':Orangemen
i . arid Catholics, :, For time mot, law , was
imprente an =MI excitement prevailed.
',--- At length the rioters were . dispersed z
O.OIY can arrest was Made:
;,',,,, Oat Way ., Jul,y 12..-Fenlin Outrages
.• :. arg of almost daily Werarrence. lest
~ .h. night Cpt. Latubert was abet, near bit
: --- oath house in , this vicinity, and fatally,
wounded. The tumatistn. was arrested.
1 -.' - Vint.t.a, July I2.—The , Orangecßocie
i .7, tie' made strong- public demonstrations
1 is Belfast .and other - eints to-day, but;
[ •AO diMM`bancesin. consequence are re-
. .
• Ldvissepor., Jnir - 12.—Tlie
: - Aaptrka, from Qtisher.. has arrived..
1717F441411E1tC1 11,
bonnoN,uly .12.1:-AVOnitej-.(Alesols,-
tot money,-'93X: on aminat,, , 933,ogeg%;
:460.daat Leann, '943l:!atFrAnir;
• tort. *4%4,87; Erie, 19 .Mti- 11 1 1110 ith 66 1i;'
' ..Llyksieisov„ July 19. -6-Oman market
scl)ve:- middling ciP/ando., 2 lidi New
Orleans. • ny,,d: sales mum • •Csll.-
na White Wheat at ',/ek
western No. , 2at 9s sd. Western Flour,
1 24. e 6d., Corn. No: `2 zniaigt 2go ed for
old, an d 26s 9d for ' . nett. (bk.% dd.
Pea 5,294.• f!rovisions'lnies• , :99e.
Beg, 9th. Lard, ` 7ls; Ott. ,
'Baron, Spirits
re!lued ': is 11; td.'Tallow,
1e271'" XlO
.10.1mttit Unseed.Gls at
Antwerp 49;if, and qulat.
THE nw..pipa CABLE.
~ , FRAI~i~E..~
Obituary—Banque,: to Minister
Confession of a Murderer.
ST. Louis, July 12.—R. M. Field, who
has for many years stood at the head of
the St. Louis oar, died at six C'clock this
evening, after a lingering illness, aged
sixty-two years. Mr. Field was born in
Newfane, Windham county, Vermont,
and came to St. Louis in 1839.
The preparations for the banquet to
Mr. Blow, our Minister to Brazil, to
morrow night, are - completed. It is ex- 1
pected to be quite a grand affair and will
be immerously attended. 'A large num,
ber of gentlemen both'in and out of the
State have been invited. The Brazilian
Minister arrivediiere from Washington
and will be' resent.
The,conresaion of John W. Moore. the
murderer" of Mrs McAdams, near Green
ville, Illinois, says he enticed the lady
into the home from the porch, where she
was washing, and attempted to violate
her, but she struggled tto hard he re
leased her. He then endeavored to per
suade and bribe her not to reveal his act,
but she refused, and he went home with
the intention of leaving the country. He
could not abandon his wife and child,
however, and returned to Dirsehladsnis'
house, for the purpose of again pleading
with her not to disclose his conduct.
When he approached she ran away. lie
followed and'caught her and on her still
retasdng to screen him he Struck, then
stabbed and llnally cut her throat. He
has issued an appeal to all - ministers to
visit and pray for him, urges afl , chris•
tiana to come and', talk W,i th him,
and prays that no violence will
be done him, but that he may
be allowed time •to prepare for
death. Mrs. McAdams' inneral took
place Wednesday, and was attended by
the people of 'the entire surrounding
country. There has been intense excite
ment, but since the confession it has
abated, and there seems now to be a de.
termination to allow the law to take, its
course. Moore was born in New York
in 1845. His father died when he was
quite young, and his mother came to St.
Louis to live, where she resided sev
eral years. Subsequently they went to
Bou.l county. Illinoii, - to live. Moore
has borne an excellent reputation up to
the present , time. •
Arrival Of a Filibuster Espeilitiothe
Cholera a Serious'Obskacle—Returu to
New Yon.
(By Telegraph to the Intubsess Gszeo.e.,
NEW lions, July l2.—Tbe prig A.
Eldred, which left here on the 22d of
JUne. with arms, ammunition and one
hundred and twenty•five men for Cuba,
landed the arms up a river in Cuba, near
ifernsuadez. The cholera had just then
brbken oat in the camp of the _patriots,
stud illt-ektunClueßtAL 63 / 0'1 4 1 ,00 4 ,IF4A
twenty of the eipedition party rifilite:ct
to enlist in the Cuban rabks, even after
they bad been offered
. a bounty of one
thousand dollars per head in gold, pre
ferring to wait till the tlose of the sickly
On the second day after their arrival,
howevor, the Spaniards made - a descent
upon Hernandez, and posted'themselves
on the adjacent heights, but the A meri
c.aris., under Lieutenant Claney, drove
them from thdir posit,on wthout the loss
of.a man. After this victory they re-em
barked unmolested and returned safely
to NOV York on Saturday with the ex
ceptron of two men named . Walsh and
Miller, of Petersburg, Virginia, who
died of cholera on the way. -'
HAVANA, 'July 12..--Dispatches from
Puerto Principe, to the 9th inst., have
been received. Railroad ,conammunica
tion to the cost was free of interruption-
The garrison had been' reinforced by a /
battalion oi, marines from Spain. /
Advices from Nuevitas are to the /,Oth.•
Gen. Puelto was in command of the towa.
The •rebels attempted to surprise San
Miguel, near Ntievitas, but failed.
• The vomit() is raging in,Thigi z aedios with
unusnaliy fatal effect. in,
Colonei,Tullo reports that he had an en-'
gagement with the reloOla in the Segue
district, in which thei latter suffered a
heavy loss. The,Spanish casualties were,
Skirmishes have taken place at Quer-
Ind% o:tabs and La gsperanza, which,in
each case, resulted' n the' dispersion of
the rebel bands. - %•. •
In addition to the seizures already re
ported: thirty•thresestsresi the property
of alleged rebels, have been, embargoed.
Fatal shooting Affray at
Mr twos. 109eare Pittsbu, w
rgtf Gitte.
LOUISVILLE, :July 12 —.A fatal shoeting
aftray t took plied abciefo:Bo4o-bight on
Fifth street, near the_aoreer blarket
street, resulting in theitilling 'of - James
Wheeler by Wash 'Ferguson. Bottimen
had been on bad terms for, some thrteanti
during thvevezdnghad several quench,
which culminated „in the frightfalArag
'ed3V-Wboillarvivedzwo 'Mohr, one a
glancing shot on the head and the other
entered the'lelt side ri rtrating- the
breast and causing alai Instant death.
Ferguson has been ar ' and committi
ted to j ail . The . Chlita,r 'of - bath , was
very bad.
• C-- -- "lftsr — r
Firs at Scranton— Oa
imp Extdeilon
[NY Sniolintiato me Pinworm atisetts.l •
' - 'l3oltAlNTO2tefilk; • Juntar/S,Ttio , Dels•
ware. Xnaltawssuncniad Western Com-
PanY's foundry "Was destroyed by dre
F 1 1 1000; Oparpd in
• YotitecoMpan les. f
- An explosion, caused by etie s damp, oc•
curred to-Empire Coliier,y,,near
barre, to-day. Eight men were itijUredc.
4141 it'is ttP,LIIII4IPP*I
Tioton 'Pashito '
..t,flrorsretfigi to-thil , atabitak. Masotti
14RWN10,1t1t,r7t217 12,. T-NTbe-tVI; > bie sf.
terneatt on Fashion Oodise; tang land,
4 hs4wetin'Attiterieatt Kati and Lady Thera,
Otlaihres in Site to , harness. for a puree •
of *UK was - Won' by'Amettoiti
taking.. the Ist, gd and 4tb beats; time
1: 0 ; 8 1 t's P 4 *s -2 : 2 7,,f Mitigallia The tiack
Witheavytut,' d neithit'honse ,
was in tirst•rate condition. --
Chinese Labor Convention at Memphis.
, r44:Te# 1 5 4 0 WeVilltelAftlkOrA - Pgeller3 •
rapidly tilling up with delegates to, the
OW heat! 4ibor t}v nti on tu.saartsw.
oopmanandp: the "Idiptater, _telegraphs
that he hishim 40.1nutrow plaute fi.
froM`Viirlaldle . paof ttiersoAstliw a eall are
here in strong force.
OTC OCIL; .11..11.
Revenue llolatorsl Convicted—Respects
of New, erseyans to Secretary Robe
son—au. ge Dent's Acceptance of We
Candida y for Governor of Missluippl
--Ilabeae Corpus Asiteet in the Supreme
Court--Rrintere and the Apprentice
Question\ APpointments--- Mexican
(By Telectaph to the rtttatimh tottette.)
WasHnkturo'..4, Ally 12, 1869.
The Internal Revenue Department has
received information of the conviction at
Williamspoft, Pa., of Martin Billmire
and Zultman. 'on charge of violating
the revenue laws in relation to distilling.
They are two of the most wealthy men
in that part of the State and the largest
distillers. Both were sentenced to two
'years in the penitentiary and are now in
confinement. The Supervisor of the
Western' District says' these convicts
hoped to escape owing to their riches and
influense, and their conviction will nave
a good effect on smaller distillers who
violate the law. t
This afternbon about fifty citizens 'of
New Jersey called at the Navy Depart
ment to,pay their respects to Secretary
Robeson. Mutually-congratulatory and
complimentary speeches were made by
the Secretary and a number of the dele
gation. In the course of his remarks
Mr. Robeson said: "Of the administra
tion of President Grant perhaps it does
not become me to spealt, but I will only
say of it, as the policy by which the re
bellion was finally subdued was the pol
icy of action rather than of profession. so
the policy of the present admin
istration under his leadership may
be judged by ' its fruits. With
no startling announcement, no profes
sion of splendid policy, the administra
tion of General Grant endeavors quietly,
persistently and honestly to /perform
each day the duties which it each day
finds before it, and trusts itstsif, without
reserve, to the intelligence of the people.
And acting in harmony with • other,
branches of the Government, the Esecu=
tive Department hopes to be able in,the
fullness of time to present the country
restored in all its , parts, credit re-estab
lished, industry reinvigorated through
all channels of national prosperity, with
its honor untarnished a: , 'itome and
The following is Judge Dent's letter to
Messrs. J. T. Werford" and A. Jenks, of
fir_ ,
Washingtent. D; C., July 9th, -. 1869.--
Gentlemen: Your communication of this
day, requesting permission to place my
name before the National Union Repub
lican Convention r is at hand. Ia reply.
I beg to satire you that if I can- in the
least be instrumental in restoring the
State of my adoption to her normal
-place in the "Union, and secure her
a good local administration, you
have permission ' to / use my -- -name
for any position . "within the gift of the
National Union Republican party of your
State. The platform adopted oy yuur
Convention, at Jackson. on the 23d of
June last, moss heartily approve and
Wittriveat respect, I have the honor; Ystar phislitint servant,, ws
j[ -Signed.]' - ' Lovls
Messrs. Janice M. Carlisle - and Philip
Phillips to•day presented to Chief Jus
tice Chase the petition of Colonel E. M.
Gerger. now on trial before 'a military
commission in Mississippi for the mur
der of Colonel Crane, praying for a writ
of habeas corpus to take, him -kfrom the
custedy of the military critriznisslon. The
petition is in the usual form. Tbe Chief
Justic,ereceived theappliostion and fixed
Wednesday morning, at 11 o'clock, settle
time for a bearing in the Supreme Court
room at the •Capitol. Attorney General
Hoar will represent the intents of. the
Government at the hearing. The real
point to be detertained it whether so
much of the reconstruction acts as per
mits-military commissions to tryy persons
secured of crime is •tinconwitutional.
This will be the only point of the recon
struction acts the constitutionality of
0;940)4 will, he questioned.
.ettistimiS 'stnAileiorivige, '<rues
special Meeting of the Typograph
!cal Union, No. 101, was held to-night to,
consider the question wintive to the em-
ployment of apprentices. As soon as the,
meeting yam caliedtoprqer emotion was
Wide to suspend *elutes, so • as th'take
up the subject. This required a two.
thirds ypts, phiqbwas not
,nbtained. A
resoittnettl lung die t: 00'0W:teed and'
adegiedlfti ittplit.t3tattommittee of five
to prepare a report upon the apprentice.
question,,with A ; via% to . compromise.Ttio repoit is fte 116 bewildered at the
nest- regular meeting. This. however.
Still leers! theAouglas„ quespop dist
n" 12:
PO* - •
'fbilOwiiiit appOiliiinents are an
pounced: Geo. T. Jarvis, Collector. of
Customs- 0 Cherrystone, Va.: James R.
Weaver, ni"WeltiVirginitt, 'United States
COnsa) a& WOW, - v420.,N. Goulding;
of emi ten 4 MAW. ItEing. 7 •,
•„. Who „Moving commissions of Post. ,
'" l ttr! 411,,,ketlilliciedt :7VVT'Der
`aft n, d it.; - Jol.llPuter
[E @a .49 0 .144 "1".
cular advising citizens haysng clainis"
agelziu Rep übliu tgrward
thblProhii d Y * 1f ` that'Depaithent
the consideration of the Commission ap.
Poit#o - t°,o / i tillterdr; 6l 4 l olftil
them. The cl itri the intuit before
the C,otuniiasionisyJ.Ek,Ashton, at the.
exiknie i nf the- govainutent.
J. Y.fM14. 1 : 7 .4 1 ,81t
Governor Pease, of texas, had a lone
intervi&eigthilitslleiddent this morn.
,fin reference to atttirs in that= State.
awq aditiont7utge* that 'an early day.
ishoularbelixed'foi 'the eleetion 'in that
State, becautaislfrnut ott until Noirember
it would be detrimental to the agrictiltu
ndlattiteetePESOfiiiiie..,!.i - - t
The' ttestil M deat'Atet ''ijunily will leave
Washington:on Wednesday next for
Long Branch. The. President will return
after ten days' absence, without his fam• 1
Ily, and will determine his future move- '
_menus according tobircumtances.
Governor elec.; Walker ad a lengthy
41 ‘ r,
interview with the Pr ident today.
His presence at the lv ite House at
tracted much attention:" ,
The President did not attend' the
Saengerfest at Baltimore this afternoon.
—Four accidental drowning cases oc
curred at New York yesterday.
—The steamships France and Manhat
tan, from Liverpool, arrived at New
York yesterdayt
—Williams and Woods, the counter
feiters arrested on Saturday night, at
New York, are from Missouri.
—Henry D. Young, from New York, is
under arrest in Boston, charged with
forging a three hundred dollar check.
—One hundred guns were fired in the
Park at New York yesterday in honor of
the quick passrge of the yacht Dauntless
across the ocean. •
—Lightning on. Sunday struck the
house of Mr. Sullivan, at East Boston,
Mass., killing his son, aged twelve years,
and damaging the house by fire.
—Andrew Browder, a drover - of Alba.
ny, N. Y., was killed near Hinsdale,
Maas., on Saturday. by falling netw6en
cattle cars.
—Louisa Waist' was arrested in Alba
ny, N. Y., on Sunday, with portions of
the silver chalice statute from► St.filary's%
church in her possession.
The.calcine plaster mills of
dr Brown, a: Newburg, N. Y, were de
stroyed by fire Sunuay• night. Lose,
820.000; insured for $12,000. The fire was
the work of an incendiary.
—The weather at Chicago. yesterday,
was quite cool; the mercury stood - - tit 74
at noon. There has been but one really
hot day in Chicago this season.
—The wheat- crop of Semis Barbara
county. California, 18 generally. a failure.
The gran .hoppers have appeared in great
111.111.. m. if in several counties, but have
not done much damage as yet. '
—C. S. I.Coyes, H. J. Ramsdell and I).
H. ThoMpson, of the Washington city
press corps, arrived at-Chicago yester
day morning, and will leave to-day for
San Francisco via Patine-Railroad.
—A portion of the Yellow Jacket mine,
at Gold Hill, Nevada, has been reclosed,
on account of the prevalence of smoke
and gas. It is believed the Are is still
burning in the Crown Point mine.
—Several bank. Presidents and leading
brokers were•before pbe Grand Jury at
New York yesterday, to give evidence in
relation to money transactions in Wall
street: Several will probably be indicted
for usury.
--John Flynn. a driver- for the Amert
"Riwa, was murdiar irtitilratimytaaarday_
morning Iv the discharge of a revolter
contained in a paper package, which he
was placing in his wagon.
—A tenement house, owned by Robert
Bishop" , in.Borth Boston, Mass., was
damaged by fire on Sdndayi night to the
amount of $4,000. Henry White, forty
years old, while looking at the_fire fell
from a third story window and ws killed.
--Two Germans. named Adam On and
John Grier, residents of the town of
Berry, Wis., were drowned in Black
Earth creek, on Sunday. Both men were
intoxicated., Orf fell from the Railroad
bridge into he water and Grier jumped
in to rescue him.
—Thirty days' notice is hereater to
be given in Government advertisements
for the sale of property, and those invit
ing proposals' for contracts, and no such
advertisement will be inserted more,than
six times, and these oonsecutiyely,.with
out special orders from the Aujutant
—4,portion of the arch of the tunnel
on theMaltimore and, Ohio Railroad, at
Cambridge, gave way Monday morning,
letting down e great mass of dirt and
rock. Very little detention to travel will
be caused by this, as everything can be
easily hauled around the hill.
—Chambers was elected City Commit
sioner of Cincinnati, yesterday, by a
majority of about 1,400. Hie opponent.
Teuny, is a Republican. Cimuntent is a
Democrat, named and endorsed by the
Democratic Executive Committee, and'
running as an independent cindidate:'
—Gov. Hoffman, of New York, bas re
fused the application to commute the
sentence of death passed on Ntiah Bige
low, in Sullivan Co., for murdering a
child. He says that the sentence was
just, end he bas no right to set 'aside the
provisions of the last, even if the cul
prit is Of Weak intellect. '
prop:4oton lo4tv'e rail.
'roads le the sktent or eleven hundred
'thousand dollais was defeated intbettoit,
Michigan* yesterday.' by it large majors '
ty. Ypsilanti voted- $50,000 to the. De.
•troltoklSilledale and Indiana Railroad.'
Bsy -City voted 145,000, tot the Northern
13revet Major General 00. H E.rioory,
local girtkOlviarY, has been assigned
to`tbe Ophnand hf,a distrietivbiptitting,
that portion Of the Dertnient , ,of. the
;hintlying ,in the , State of 'Nebraska
'souther the Platte river and thit'portioti
north or said river between the 9900th and'
402041neridlime, to be - known as thel2ol%
trict otdhe Republican. with headquir
ters at Eati McPherson.
—Toe ,eptcial returns of the Virginia,
_election. so far, show , tbat , the-,btacka
voted closer to their tegistered strength.
than the 'Whites 'did. the loci intent:
gent blacitti . ere ' not generally - dieresed
to accept - tbersituation. On Sunday, it'
!Richmond, eWalkerneuro waatt upon
by ai t lilot44 mob on one ' Orthb, public
pro e ides, and 'bad telxi rescued by'
through train ,fronfltini Tork •
to Wsulhlngion," which left New 'York-
13nnifsy night:at 9:80; came In )collision
With', a hand car leaded with .telegraph
erosions's, two meta: south or Oa Sus;
qushanne river s -Monday morning,throw.
ing the engine, haiggsge car anddnail car
down a,n / embankment Ave feet high:
No one spa hurt. The train was delayed .
ahinit six hours.
--4he'pfoceetion'ot the 'Songerbund ,
'at 'Until:lore yesterday 'numbered ovw ,
• ten thottnitid,. and it's Wintered - over,
two 'hundred thousand people:witnessed
its march': After theprocession argntnd
reunion took, place at Concordia Hall.'
Tiv l ize_singing, - by eighteen .couipe •
14 Atlas, took place, In the 'everdb 't
at Maryland Inatitat% in" 'stationed
about three theibraud beinftlititeetn.
JUDGE CROZEIIi of Conneautville, has
just launched another canal boat for Erie
A CABE of smallpox has occurred at
Candor, Robinson township, Washing.
ton county, Pa.
TIDIOIITE claims a chicken with three
eyes, three bills and three tongues.. it
should be called the chick of trays.
TEE name of ex-Senator Edgar Cowan
is proposed ,by the Sunbury Democrat,
for the Democratic nomination for Su
preme Judge of Pennsylvania. '
BEN: Etiio'ax, of Titusville, a pugibiat
of some fame in the oil regions, has chal4
lenged Tom Allen,
or, St. Louis, for a ,
contest in the prize ring for $1,000,a side.
HARLEY HAMMON Esq., of Conneaut.
vile, is about to put upon Conneaut Lake
a pleasure yacht of the best model. The
boats at preient used"thereare of rather
primitive construction.
kr is stated that Judge Brown, of War,
ren, Pa., 10547,000 by the Ocean Bank_
robbery n New York. If he had invest-,
ed the money in business or manufactu•
ries In Warren he would have been bet
ter off.
JOSEPH flummox who some three
months ago escaped from Washington,
Pa., jail and.wis recaptured, again made
his escape last Thursday evening: . He
was sentenced to imprisonment for one
year, on being-convicted of adultery::
How. L. W. HaLL, says a Harrisburg
con espondentof the Blair county Radical,
was a candidate.for Chairman of. the. Re
publican State ‘C, , ntral Comridttee, as
was also H. BncherSwope, of Clearfield;
but the choice fell ttphtt Hon.: John Co:
node, although Air. Hall, it is said, was
desired by Gov. ,Geary.
ssw nets. ago L. W. Arnett, ot-
Warren, son cif the late Judge- Lewis
Arnett, Vent tranting with Adge Vin
cent, of Erie, and Capt. gr. H. Davis, of
Warren, He was taken sick in the woods,
was hurried home, and last Wednesday
morning he died suddenly of - int:lamina
tion of the bowels. He was one of the,
active business men of Warren.
Tnn Titusville Herald says the exca
,vation of tab Indirui mormdt in Corn
planter township has resulted in some
startling developments. The mtunified
body of an Indian princess, supposed to
be a daughter of "LO, the pour Indian,"
bas been brought; to Titusville on exhibi
tion. The' remains are in an excellent
state of petrification, and worthy, of
Orman were delivered on Tueidays
in the Supreme COurt upon several cases
of the Commonwealth, against , railroad
companies. in all the suits the defend
ants urged the unconstitutionality' of the
tonnage tax, and their claim Was Istui.'
stainellVthe courts below. Those Judg
menrs-km-beenivivitett by the Stipreme
Court, and the law declared constitutional.
IT is said that the Lehigh Coil and
Navigation Company has. purchAsPd - the
coal property of the Lehigh and Luzerne
Coal. Company," at .Isranticoke, Luzerne
county. Prominent among the members
of, the Lehigh and Luzerne Company
were Messrs. John .Leisenring, of Mauch
Chunk, and Charles Parrish, of Wilkes
barre. The latter company is reported to
; have cleared about two hundred and fifty
thousand dollars by the sale.
NoncE is iruide of the death of Rev
Washington Baird, in the 62nd. year of
his age, at Clayton, Georgia, July 25th,
1868. Mr. Baird was-born in Fayette
county, Pa., and in early life removed
with his parents to the vicinity of Mays
ville, Kentucky, where his childhood
and youth were spent. .In 1881 he com
pleted his collegiate course at Jefferson
College, Pa:, and subsequently spent sev
dal years in teaching.
'A urna son of M. C. Bell, of Waynes
burg, has , mysteriously disappeared. He
was about fourteen years of age and is a
bright Intelligent youth. .41: pair of shoes
were found on the creek batik a short
distance below Slates's bridge. and •in
one of them a note saying that- the boy.
'had committed s - Mcide. Bearch was at
once made for the body but it could not
be found. It is considered doubtful if he
did drowiLthimaelf,, Some think he ran
away and took this means . of delaying
Tim It; W. Grand of; , Pennsyl
• yenta Richard Vaux,•Esq., states -in his
report for 1869 e that, "during, the oast
year, the •Masonic duty ,relieying the
distressed .has been, as , usual, well :per
formed,. The Trust Fund deilsed by'
Brother Stephen; Girard has, out. of its
incotte, dispensed $8.100.50,f0r the aid of
:128 brethren. The- Grand. Lodge Charity,
Fund has contributed .12158 ac for the re- -
lief of 145 tippneantsr... This is independ
,ent of the sumsillsbursed by each .anbor.
ttiziste lodge to.thitse who apply directly
to these sotirms - of relief. •t ,
Ggetßogt an old-.and highli
respectable&Oen of the vicinity of A
MnablirtWalittnereltind tenntY;',tnet a
otiVednesday Of laat,Week.
Se was
engagedlzi'Vlaziolg o Ivge pace
login:the nettal toobition upon a wagon.
and *,sitund 'being very sidling, the
.heavy Dian got beyond -the.control of
those engaged in placing i ht - petition,
and roiled it over Mr- Zarliart, 'breaking
both let smashing WS J .Ch e# j6wiS ana
head, an killing in inshin He was
almost t z elve years of age l fl and leaves
, „
Jorge Y,!,\ szt
Tug Fresbytary.of Bris , (o:R.) met at
4'.oonseautville on TOeiday .itst - for the
purpose, in addition to other bu siness, of
voting on she Remnioat question: After
'the reading - of thet•otlicial- statement of,
'the action of thetwo - Geriersl AssembliOa
at New Yorki wee...taken by ayes
and noes on the shitYlenneatiins of uniah.
and resulted unanimously in thclffinnv
, Even wiry'. few members,. who,
had trievlOnslytbeen reluctant or directly,
'oPPesedrgave in ascordial • adhesion,to
the briet - ant,delinite basist•preiented by
the' Astern bliet. &large number of the ,
, Pliabyteriecon both sides bare already
-voted -on this . greet lineation and in
every insulate.° the dectslow has lineation,
g gellerallyunanimpusly) . in atte *raw
ive 1 .1.
A Few Maxims for Young Ladles
Never make your appearanci,in the
morning without first
s having bathed, if
Only with a sponge and -a qtart of water,
brnihed and arranged yo r hair, and
dressed yourself neatly and completely..
Keer your clothing, espeCiallyyour 11II
derclothing, fit perfect order. Never let
pins do duty as buttons, or strings take
the place of proper bands.
Examine every garment when it comes
trom the wash, and, if necessary, mend„
it with neatness andrprecision. Do not
sew, up the holes in your stockings as we
have se , n om careless, untidy girls-do;
but take in- a broad -margin around the
hole, be it small or large, with a fine
darning needle and darning
,cotton, and .
.povel the fracture with , au,nsterlice. .
stitch, so close as' to be as strong as
bodytif thestocking, and fine enough to
be ornamental, ,
.otocitings' mended in this , way need.
darning but a very few times in the course
of their existence. • ,
Never carry coarse emproldered or
laced handkerchiefs. Fine plain ones
much more lady-like.
, Avoid openw ry
orked stockings and very;
fancy slippers:. "Elie, plain, white hose,
and black kid slippers, with only a strap -
:or rosette in front, art becoming: .. '
Train yourself to some useful occupa--
tion! Remember it is wicked to Waste'
tiine; and nothing gives such an impresv
, eion of vanity and absolute silliness as
habit of-idling:and never having any - -1 -,
thing to do. ~
If you are in your father'shouse bait
some department of householdlabor upon
Yourself, and a part of the sewing, - -and
make it your business to attend to it. Do •1,
not let a call from this idle girl, or a visit
from that, or an invitation trom thanther,
interfere with the 'performance' of your
Let your pleasures collie in as rex:reit
'louts the business of your life. , •
If you want to marry, do not court or
try to attract the attention of dqtleinen:
A little; wholesome indifferenal'real or
- or assumed, will be much more likely to
accomplish , the object. Consider, More?
'over, that it is better to be a. woman than
aysife;and do not degrade tour set by
=Mint your Whole existence turn on the
pivotw "matrimony. " •
. If yOucan )
cultivate to perfection some
art by whi ch you can gain an independ
ent li velihood. Do it whether there is
a necessity *lot. Do it quietly, if you
will,' but do IL\ There is no telling when,
or under what circumstances you may
need it. ,
-.-....•.... '
Tai city. expenses of-Erl for the year
ending May let, 186 9 , $171,472728.
The , debt of the city, over mites en band,
/ is $.535,809.12, of which $850,090 is for ,
the water works, 490,000 for st reet \ im- '
1 proveme;ts of the past two years, and fp
1.!123,800. for, Sterebtay 4k, Erie railroad
bonds. ': e \ • '
Additional Markets: : by. Telegraph. 3 \
BUFFALO, July 12.—The receipts:for \
the past tirenty-four hours amounted to N.
175,000 .bushels of wheat, 135,000 bushels
of corn, 7,200 barrels of flour. The ship
ments for the same time were 00,000
bushels of wheat, 6,500 bushels of corn,
3,500 bushels'ofgate. Freights—wheat,
13; • ociru, 11; oft, 7y _to Nett York.
Flour dull and unchvgai. Wheat un
settled and dull; sales of 1,500 bushelsof
No. 2 Chicago at $1,85;11;700 6us'hels Of '
Washington Club at PAO; at close No. 2
Milwaukee held at $1,38, buyers offer
01,37; also, sales of 6,000 bushels of - red
winter at $1,42. Corn dull and firm;
sales of 16.000 bushels of western at. 75. •,
Rye and Barley nomhud. Pork steady .j
at $33. Lard steady at 19. Fish; white
at /7 0 .5; _trout at $5,75@6 per half barrel.
Hignwines at 98c wholesale $l,Ol retail.
. New ORLEANS, July 12.—Cotton quiet; r
sales of 60 bales at 3234 c for middling; /
receipts '242 bales. Gold, 13714. Ex- • ,
change; Sterling. 1503/; New York ,
eight li per cent. preminsh. Sugar firm; ,
sales of common at 10%0, prime at 133
18%c.. Molasses: sales of choice ferment
ing at 60@64c. Whiskey is tending up
ward. with sales of western rectified at
$1,05@1,10. Coffee nominal. Flour; low
grades are scarce; sales of supertine•at
$6,00, doable extra at $6,00, treble extra
at $6,75. Corn; - white at $1,07@1,10.
Oats at 78c. Bran at $1,07X1@11,10. Hay;
prime at $26. Pork at $34. Bacon dpll
and retailing at 143:, 18ya1834c. Lard;
salve of tiere,e at 19%®20c, keg• at 2014® .
213 0.
f ,
ALBANY, July 12.—The Cattle. market
opened tame and almost llfeless;_ the
supply was large, and there was a-de
cline of yo per pound' on the best, and
from X@3 , 40 on medhun And COMRIOR
grades; the" highest price .realized was
9Xc 'for fine seleeted -Kentucky steers
averaging 1,472 each; the market became
quite ~, active towards, the close. Veal
Calves B®9c, the latter for those weigh
ing 'MO \ lbs. Sheep and "iambs show a
falling off in prices compared-with those
last week of y,(4),ic, the range being,3®
6;46 fin very poor to ordinery - stock.
The Hog market was rather:drill, prices
ranging from 83,4@99ic for medium, and
9g@loc for ver,y prime.
OsW EGO, - ,t Flour michin 6d July` 12. g
with good demand; riles . 2,300- bele at
/7057,115 for No. / spring; gt1,25@3,50 for
white, and .$94§9,25 for double er l trs.
`Wheat quiet'and lewer; No. 1 Itilltvau-
Ikea Club nominal' gt,sl,4st miles 1,000
bush amber Michigan ,at ,t 1,53. corn
quiet with small tales of No. 1 at 870.
Corn meal at '51,75 per mt.. Mill feed
unotianged. Canal Innaida--wbase BXc,
corn 73‘c, rye Sc to New, York; lumber
53,50 to *Hudson. ;Railrbad feeifics—
flour ecilloatou 680, , tb , New York to
Albany ;Lake iluPOrte-rit&
_, 400 us
wheat; 4,858,800 feet lumbar. tie= ex -
Porta=fieur 641 bblsr Ishtar 21:7114; • corn
31,707 buiho lumbar 20,454,1176, 11 . ' ,
, CE29.6 . .00i4d732.-44.0pn hoards this
r d t --. t ere in i iirrsti gaw „a moderate
tat z, et T i a t i . Th i , market: No. 2
Oprhar to angora 11.2 9 304M3 dealer
• umattbspm g math , bum • l4 bind°
figures. gets feelketed./. In • the ..
enfant e eloidd at $1,2954 forito. 2
and , corn maliztiankt79,4 sailer laninaly,
3ructriaLlA , lUlLillaivtVottxut Aniet;
/ow.gaiddliw a$ .3014411 pd of at
2gc, -wheat; 'hfialltetnaftn, at 1,1,16; red
at flit% atabotrst i sll6l - whitest 11,20.
/loan tuDecat..+s@a,'lu4 (10110/1 1 / 4 -textra
e tts
SAN ANNco, 31/1., steady
•at fa:+12 , A105.50.: , ' W heat! .aevri firm at
a5•11140 .1 07,4*- Teudeta, lb.