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Cable—The isterlal Crisis iu France—Concessions Announced by Emperor Napoleon— Orangemen Blots and Fenian Outrages In Ireland:-Austria and the Ecume- Meal Council.: ' Cif teaerrsoa to tbe 'Phtsburutt Gait:W. 1 I=sz,July 12.Dispaiehes throtigh the new cable from the Great Eastern up to this morning state the fiteaMer was off New Fonndland and only thirty miles distant froui the soot where the splice is to be made, Signals good. All well. PAnIS, July 11.—A meeting of the Ministers in Privy Council was held to day in order to discusi the Emperor'i message to the National Assembly, which oronizes on Monday, when the Left Centre will present its resolution. P.ouhe- s - will read the Emperor's mes sage. which concedes the demand of the Left. Centre in regard to the auto nomy of the Assembly. As yet no, change has been effected in the Ministry. PARIS, July the Corps Legisla :if, today, a message from the Emperor Napoleon was presented and read by Minister Rotther.- The message states the Emperor has resolved to convoke the Senate 'to consider the following questions,NlZ: The right of the Corps Legislatif to elect its own officers; the simplification of the methods of presenting and ex amining amendments of laws; (4 sub utiesion to the Corp!' of commerce treaties for approval; the control of the budget: the abolition of any incompati bility which exists . between holding at the same time a seat in the. Corps and an office in the Ministry, and the extension of' the right' of interpellation. ; Similar .questions with rasped' to the Senate are ' ;hereafter lobe considered. The Emperor believes that.these mea sures will meet all demands. In conclu , lion he asks the deputies tO consider hoW gften he lips abandoned certain of his own prerogatives in public interests. For -those already granted,which form an in -mgral part of the institutions of the Em irs, they ought to leate intact those #ights which have . been explicitly con 'Sided to him by the pimple, and which , ;e essential conditions of . power as safe dards of order and seetrity. The-message announces no change in the Ministry.. The forms which it pro poses are generally considered to amount to a concession of bona fide ministerial lasponsibility as an element of the ex- Obtitive Government. • Lownoii, July 11.—At a Cabinet meet ing held yesterday it was resolved that e Government will not concur in any of the amendments to the Irish Chzirch swill that will in any way impair thaprin aple of total disendowntent. .. It is ru. inured that Lords Clarendon, Granville end HartingtOn evinced a disposition to nut they were finally overruled by Zither menaters present. 1 !‘ Lox vox, July 12—The Times In an t article on the progress made by Russian power in the east, regards the absorptli j of petty Musselatan States oy RUS.lig. s beneficial so the world, but says her pre wince in Asia, must be consistent with 1 the maintenance "of British authority in India. ••With India prosperous and con ;Opted," continues the .Times, 4• we are safe. When the. security—of unr pnwer, in 'lndia is felt, and all fear of REIBBIB is dissipated, both countries may unite to daveiope the rust . regions committed to I their care. " • I Lictisincyx, July 12.—Bright and Foster .; have withdrawn the resignations which I they recently, tendered to the Reforixt Club. ;The Oxford Boar_O'rew have gone into active training. ' I Title' ' ' c • Vixtrszt, July 12:--The official Red - Boblt.whichbakinst nualeits appearance. says the Government has no reason for ' keeping (rem 'the - public' • its 4leallitgs with , wets a m nd _other_Geran ,liitates; that, plomacy is interested in maintain , its t e existing status, and It does not Loewe the general. , peace, f _but respects ' ether powers and remains perfectly nen ,: rtral in their affatrig . .. - Alintima, -July , 42. 7 .4laran,liron-Rtiest. • his replied to t tha,- , reersit circular of the Bavadan Prittießfirditer, Prince Hobanlobe, on theEcuseliical ,ConnelL. Be refuses to takeplet iti the protxmOtticon lei:exile of Catholic ,powers'egainst the. anticipated decisions of We Connell, and. sa Ee .he contilders 'l2;titise t, take steps, ..- ~ the Council' deplaret, Against th e ri Ut,of th e. State. ,-, ' ' - " .'-' . • ' IRELAND. ' : - - : NUT, Juky 12.—A riot occurred" here ideylaitwil' iln .the':Orangemen i . arid Catholics, :, For time mot, law , was imprente an =MI excitement prevailed. ',--- At length the rioters were . dispersed z O.OIY can arrest was Made: „ ;,',,,, Oat Way ., Jul,y 12..-Fenlin Outrages .• :. arg of almost daily Werarrence. lest ~ .h. night Cpt. Latubert was abet, near bit : --- oath house in , this vicinity, and fatally, wounded. The tumatistn. was arrested. 1 -.' - Vint.t.a, July I2.—The , Orangecßocie i .7, tie' made strong- public demonstrations 1 is Belfast .and other - eints to-day, but; [ •AO diMM`bancesin. consequence are re- . . IsSioVe.-• • Ldvissepor., Jnir - 12.—Tlie : - Aaptrka, from Qtisher.. has arrived.. ,_ 1717F441411E1tC1 11, inIIIANC34I,.* bonnoN,uly .12.1:-AVOnitej-.(Alesols,- tot money,-'93X: on aminat,, , 933,ogeg%; :460.daat Leann, '943l:!atFrAnir; • tort. *4%4,87; Erie, 19 .Mti- 11 1 1110 ith 66 1i;' ' ..Llyksieisov„ July 19. -6-Oman market scl)ve:- middling ciP/ando., 2 lidi New Orleans. • ny,,d: sales mum • •Csll.- foh, na White Wheat at ',/ek western No. , 2at 9s sd. Western Flour, 1 24. e 6d., Corn. No: `2 zniaigt 2go ed for old, an d 26s 9d for ' . nett. (bk.% dd. Pea 5,294.• f!rovisions'lnies• , :99e. Beg, 9th. Lard, ` 7ls; Ott. , 'Baron, Spirits d re!lued ': is 11; td.'Tallow, 1e271'" XlO 12.—Llinexelt 64F .10.1mttit Unseed.Gls at Antwerp 49;if, and qulat. NEWS BY CABLE. THE nw..pipa CABLE. ~ , FRAI~i~E..~ ST. LOUIS. Obituary—Banque,: to Minister Confession of a Murderer. ST. Louis, July 12.—R. M. Field, who has for many years stood at the head of the St. Louis oar, died at six C'clock this evening, after a lingering illness, aged sixty-two years. Mr. Field was born in Newfane, Windham county, Vermont, and came to St. Louis in 1839. The preparations for the banquet to Mr. Blow, our Minister to Brazil, to morrow night, are - completed. It is ex- 1 pected to be quite a grand affair and will be immerously attended. 'A large num, ber of gentlemen both'in and out of the State have been invited. The Brazilian Minister arrivediiere from Washington and will be' resent. The,conresaion of John W. Moore. the murderer" of Mrs McAdams, near Green ville, Illinois, says he enticed the lady into the home from the porch, where she was washing, and attempted to violate her, but she struggled tto hard he re leased her. He then endeavored to per suade and bribe her not to reveal his act, but she refused, and he went home with the intention of leaving the country. He could not abandon his wife and child, however, and returned to Dirsehladsnis' house, for the purpose of again pleading with her not to disclose his conduct. When he approached she ran away. lie followed and'caught her and on her still retasdng to screen him he Struck, then stabbed and llnally cut her throat. He has issued an appeal to all - ministers to visit and pray for him, urges afl , chris• tiana to come and', talk W,i th him, and prays that no violence will be done him, but that he may be allowed time •to prepare for death. Mrs. McAdams' inneral took place Wednesday, and was attended by the people of 'the entire surrounding country. There has been intense excite ment, but since the confession it has abated, and there seems now to be a de. termination to allow the law to take, its course. Moore was born in New York in 1845. His father died when he was quite young, and his mother came to St. Louis to live, where she resided sev eral years. Subsequently they went to Bou.l county. Illinoii, - to live. Moore has borne an excellent reputation up to the present , time. • CUBAN REVOLUTION. Arrival Of a Filibuster Espeilitiothe Cholera a Serious'Obskacle—Returu to New Yon. (By Telegraph to the Intubsess Gszeo.e., NEW lions, July l2.—Tbe prig A. Eldred, which left here on the 22d of JUne. with arms, ammunition and one hundred and twenty•five men for Cuba, landed the arms up a river in Cuba, near ifernsuadez. The cholera had just then brbken oat in the camp of the _patriots, stud illt-ektunClueßtAL 63 / 0'1 4 1 ,00 4 ,IF4A twenty of the eipedition party rifilite:ct to enlist in the Cuban rabks, even after they bad been offered . a bounty of one thousand dollars per head in gold, pre ferring to wait till the tlose of the sickly season. On the second day after their arrival, howevor, the Spaniards made - a descent upon Hernandez, and posted'themselves on the adjacent heights, but the A meri c.aris., under Lieutenant Claney, drove them from thdir posit,on wthout the loss of.a man. After this victory they re-em barked unmolested and returned safely to NOV York on Saturday with the ex ceptron of two men named . Walsh and Miller, of Petersburg, Virginia, who died of cholera on the way. -' HAVANA, 'July 12..--Dispatches from Puerto Principe, to the 9th inst., have been received. Railroad ,conammunica tion to the cost was free of interruption- The garrison had been' reinforced by a / battalion oi, marines from Spain. / Advices from Nuevitas are to the /,Oth.• Gen. Puelto was in command of the towa. The •rebels attempted to surprise San Miguel, near Ntievitas, but failed. • The vomit() is raging in,Thigi z aedios with unusnaliy fatal effect. in, Colonei,Tullo reports that he had an en-' gagement with the reloOla in the Segue district, in which thei latter suffered a heavy loss. The,Spanish casualties were, trifling. Skirmishes have taken place at Quer- Ind% o:tabs and La gsperanza, which,in each case, resulted' n the' dispersion of the rebel bands. - %•. • In addition to the seizures already re ported: thirty•thresestsresi the property of alleged rebels, have been, embargoed. Fatal shooting Affray at Mr twos. 109eare Pittsbu, w rgtf Gitte. LOUISVILLE, :July 12 —.A fatal shoeting aftray t took plied abciefo:Bo4o-bight on Fifth street, near the_aoreer blarket street, resulting in theitilling 'of - James Wheeler by Wash 'Ferguson. Bottimen had been on bad terms for, some thrteanti during thvevezdnghad several quench, which culminated „in the frightfalArag 'ed3V-Wboillarvivedzwo 'Mohr, one a glancing shot on the head and the other entered the'lelt side ri rtrating- the breast and causing alai Instant death. Ferguson has been ar ' and committi ted to j ail . The . Chlita,r 'of - bath , was very bad. • C-- -- "lftsr — r Firs at Scranton— Oa imp Extdeilon [NY Sniolintiato me Pinworm atisetts.l • ' - 'l3oltAlNTO2tefilk; • Juntar/S,Ttio , Dels• ware. Xnaltawssuncniad Western Com- PanY's foundry "Was destroyed by dre F 1 1 1000; Oparpd in • YotitecoMpan les. f - An explosion, caused by etie s damp, oc• curred to-Empire Coliier,y,,near barre, to-day. Eight men were itijUredc. 4141 it'is ttP,LIIII4IPP*I Tioton 'Pashito ' uttirse. ..t,flrorsretfigi to-thil , atabitak. Masotti 14RWN10,1t1t,r7t217 12,. T-NTbe-tVI; > bie sf. terneatt on Fashion Oodise; tang land, 4 hs4wetin'Attiterieatt Kati and Lady Thera, Otlaihres in Site to , harness. for a puree • of *UK was - Won' by'Amettoiti taking.. the Ist, gd and 4tb beats; time 1: 0 ; 8 1 t's P 4 *s -2 : 2 7,,f Mitigallia The tiack Witheavytut,' d neithit'honse , was in tirst•rate condition. -- Chinese Labor Convention at Memphis. rise, , r44:Te# 1 5 4 0 WeVilltelAftlkOrA - Pgeller3 • 4iiir•ktiCilllMiViltial rapidly tilling up with delegates to, the OW heat! 4ibor t}v nti on tu.saartsw. oopmanandp: the "Idiptater, _telegraphs that he hishim 40.1nutrow plaute fi. froM`Viirlaldle . paof ttiersoAstliw a eall are here in strong force. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY; JULY 13, 1869. SK ND EDITION. OTC OCIL; .11..11. FO LT (IMPITAL. Revenue llolatorsl Convicted—Respects of New, erseyans to Secretary Robe son—au. ge Dent's Acceptance of We Candida y for Governor of Missluippl --Ilabeae Corpus Asiteet in the Supreme Court--Rrintere and the Apprentice Question\ APpointments--- Mexican (By Telectaph to the rtttatimh tottette.) WasHnkturo'..4, Ally 12, 1869. REVISIME VIOLATORS CONVICTED. The Internal Revenue Department has received information of the conviction at Williamspoft, Pa., of Martin Billmire and Zultman. 'on charge of violating the revenue laws in relation to distilling. They are two of the most wealthy men in that part of the State and the largest distillers. Both were sentenced to two 'years in the penitentiary and are now in confinement. The Supervisor of the Western' District says' these convicts hoped to escape owing to their riches and influense, and their conviction will nave a good effect on smaller distillers who violate the law. t ==! This afternbon about fifty citizens 'of New Jersey called at the Navy Depart ment to,pay their respects to Secretary Robeson. Mutually-congratulatory and complimentary speeches were made by the Secretary and a number of the dele gation. In the course of his remarks Mr. Robeson said: "Of the administra tion of President Grant perhaps it does not become me to spealt, but I will only say of it, as the policy by which the re bellion was finally subdued was the pol icy of action rather than of profession. so the policy of the present admin istration under his leadership may be judged by ' its fruits. With no startling announcement, no profes sion of splendid policy, the administra tion of General Grant endeavors quietly, persistently and honestly to /perform each day the duties which it each day finds before it, and trusts itstsif, without reserve, to the intelligence of the people. And acting in harmony with • other, branches of the Government, the Esecu= tive Department hopes to be able in,the fullness of time to present the country restored in all its , parts, credit re-estab lished, industry reinvigorated through all channels of national prosperity, with its honor untarnished a: , 'itome and abroad." JUDGE nEwr's ACCEPTANCE. The following is Judge Dent's letter to Messrs. J. T. Werford" and A. Jenks, of fir_ , Washingtent. D; C., July 9th, -. 1869.-- Gentlemen: Your communication of this day, requesting permission to place my name before the National Union Repub lican Convention r is at hand. Ia reply. I beg to satire you that if I can- in the least be instrumental in restoring the State of my adoption to her normal -place in the "Union, and secure her a good local administration, you have permission ' to / use my -- -name for any position . "within the gift of the National Union Republican party of your State. The platform adopted oy yuur Convention, at Jackson. on the 23d of June last, moss heartily approve and endorse:, Wittriveat respect, I have the honor to.be; Ystar phislitint servant,, ws j[ -Signed.]' - ' Lovls HABEAS CORPUS ASKED FOR. Messrs. Janice M. Carlisle - and Philip Phillips to•day presented to Chief Jus tice Chase the petition of Colonel E. M. Gerger. now on trial before 'a military commission in Mississippi for the mur der of Colonel Crane, praying for a writ of habeas corpus to take, him -kfrom the custedy of the military critriznisslon. The petition is in the usual form. Tbe Chief Justic,ereceived theappliostion and fixed Wednesday morning, at 11 o'clock, settle time for a bearing in the Supreme Court room at the •Capitol. Attorney General Hoar will represent the intents of. the Government at the hearing. The real point to be detertained it whether so much of the reconstruction acts as per mits-military commissions to tryy persons secured of crime is •tinconwitutional. This will be the only point of the recon struction acts the constitutionality of 0;940)4 will, he questioned. .ettistimiS 'stnAileiorivige, '