Il B 6. STEEL WORKS DIJQUESSE WORKS. COLEMAN, MEOkt & CO., Mannfactureis of IRON NAILS STEEL, „ • "AXLES MID GORINCS,, , 11114IIIESNE, L AND JUNIATA, $O H E AND SQUARE IRON. ND SHEET AND TANK IRON. ER I% ATM AND_READS, 'GUARD IZON,_DRAG and DROPPER BABA. irLAlgab r ; UUTTEII. BARd, CYLINDER NA TI) FLAT RAIL. fo r Coal , qII_ONV B ANII,WADOESit , Hw Ruo TEE TH . ING __FLovr .A.ND CULTIVATOR STI.F.L, sTy 2 lcL WINGS AND 'MOULDS cakto pattern. STEEL,TIxES, STEEL SHAFTLNG., A. B. COACH, BUGGY and WAGON SPILUCOS and ILES .01:1T tIALLS AND sglr.Es. , . • k Goods First Class and Warranti3d, -- OFFICES AND IVORIES. ,_ I.l2toesith Street and Allegheny River, , and 77 Water Street, Pittsburgh. STIEFOL wtauss. MP, NIMES dr, Ca, Pri u rnitinarrl.. lifinufacturers of every description of CAST AND GEKKAIIi STEEL zuktrlAV BEANO% ISLLIa. ANI.) PLATFORM BPUTNOB. AZLLS, STEEL as Warehotide, 83 Water and 100 First Sts. MILLER, !laißf PAI KIN. GICMAL . 2111.2HZER: rEd. Ws I / r A El : et arset4.l. PAllrrien.-13• SIAS, IC CRSCENTATE,EL WORKS, =WA /BARB & Euricff, Offiee, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTSBUBSH, PA. Di&JXOND STEW. , 'WORM. -Wit, BROTH= .& Co., lifradifnertirers of all descriptions of Serri."llA-111. 17Stise and Wicielvinse. TwcwrrirTit, THIRTY. riasT tiT and 81L1L8.0.A.L. , RSETs, , . • IRON iiirOlOKS: US. Vszurza, Preet. ... anpn. rivrgURGH FORGE ' li3 IND IROlik! CO., X.A..SIIFACTIrBMEI 07 Mar Iron; . , ItallrOad Fish Bars and Bony, Bsßroad Car !A2tles Rolled; ,Railroad Car ! Axles' Hammered; !31.0eoniotive prattles; LocomotiveVrame Shapes; Side Rods; • Pokes, Straps; 'Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Crania% Pistol 2 Rods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, 4Mer, No. PENN STREET, 'IIMBIIROH, ELLERSILOSEN PROMS. The Trusties are now ere_p_gred to grant licen ces for the use of the I.I.I.EIiSHAUSES PEA . ; _The supeler quality itrr rtied good iron, the great improUtnunt Luferior Iron. and the reduced cost, corgi:Lend it to manufacturers of Partieswishing to,nse it can obtain licenses by 41)Palliff . JAMES SPF;Et, . • Attorney for the Trustee", 300)113 rind Sil, English's Building, 98)1 Teal* Avenue. • PAr des interests& are invited to 'lett the 513.0E.NBEIWZ.W. Weratio n OßKS. where the recess ie *Lewin successful op. - teB:dt7 EVERSON,TUESTON & Pennsylvania Iron Works: • • Warehouse, bloa.. -160 : suidl6ll Plan lITILEBT. epos Ite Nonormoisela Ti 11.144:115 PITTSBU 11 BR - SS FOUNDERS toms it, cixillar. HE NUB. a. JOHN X. COOPEA & 00., Bell and Brass Founders. 311.111114 CASTINGS 111.4.. s rELOMPTLY TO WIDER,. idaleable and Grey Iron Filth-s, GAS 'PIPE AND TUBING, 111ROTTLB,81FiFT AND Clikeli ALVES, . ALL GLOBE PATTERN. 31t ON , COFDIECS, Braes Work of every dealittion for ~ 'Steart Witter -an d c ' 4 'NAB virMIIIOLERSuIri.IIIi• Cour& 11'n. &dam-Wheel Steam Pump. , 4ges2Li far - Dredts , Patent 0g,.. ers, the best in the Itlarket. Mike and works, comer 'Thirte enth a nd Pike BereetS. COAL AND COKE: (MALI 'COAL!: COW!! DICKSON 'STEWART & Co.. . . R‘ving Pluoved their Once Nois,44l=; LIBERTY STREET, (4,4lo!yir* „nun) sICCON63I.OOA. Ilirkziow'ftred to Serra& Jgbod YOU4IIIIO LACK. thc lowestmarket 4 15U : 2C(4.14 All orders len et their office, tor addressed Lc them through the mu% will iss .attendod to inometiv. 'l' uttrockW)ETElßs. ' 1231JAIIIIN SIN G 212.1.1........ ....... : ./.111L.U., 14 ,wm' 111IGERLY at , CLEIS Lir ,Lecesesore &o G T. ScsuCicitAx Pasossohi. Woos limeli. Irike onlii Mara Litisitihto Patabliedilent :W/ Al4 ll 4ltain asine“ Ods, Lenin mown lisbelA froalarst_now Card% unzum rorAlits, Vl6lll. Oinnioates at De. Ismael= car Atm.. Noe. Ws eat TO VIM ` Shear rittslaisk. ~ • FOUNDERS, MAI FOR FOUNDRY TWELFTH P/TTSBI7I, iarEngin'es, RingMitl Ma chinery, Nail' Machine , Re torts, and Caitings generr - Ily. NATION ItOUNDRir ANI / PIPE WORKS. Corner Carroll and Smallinan (NINTH. WARD,) /.IP/Tr1313174143F . . WILLIAM , SMITH, Prianufaoturor of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE POS OA$ AND wavriu woass. My Pines are MI east invariablyln , Pita, in drY sand, and Isl feet lengths.- Also, MI assortment of general ', Castings for Gas and Water Works. 134tniagsaMcgstInVemnattroPiticu.gate.ndl DUQUESNE FORGE.. . MUM ZELLER, (Successor to JOS. P.MAIGII & C 0.,) Has facilities coextensive with the leading Forges in the East, and is.prepared to promptly wad satisfactorily Ali all orders for sTEarituo",:r SHAFTS, CRANES, PISTON HOIkI,_I.,XVERS, PITMAN JAMS. WRISTS, RAILROAD AXIXS, LOCOMOTDirkt FRAMES. together with every description of SHAPE WOU.K.. Office and Forge, • Cotner of Duquesnt Way and First Street. apH:b4o . • prrrnitraiolt. ROBINSON; ILEA & CO., Sucoessors to MinMON, MSxxß s MILIAIII. W ALSIEINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACNINISTS, PITTSBLIRGH, Ilanufseturers of Boat and Stationary Steam lin gimes Blast Engines.KM Machinery, Gearing, Shafting; Castings °fll descriptions: Oil Tanks and Stills, Bolles and Sheet Iron Work. Office, Niro. lig, corner If rat and Smithfield Streets. • Agents for GITTARD'S PATENT INJECTOR for seeding Boilers. jallirV, THOMAS CARLIN pi, CO., Fourth Ward Rotindry and Machine Verb, SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY. PA.. Manufacturers of Station sry and Portable Steam augines, vu Yreexq !navy', dtuatang, Grist and Baw Mill Work, Rolllng Mill and Machine Castings. Grate 'Bars. Weights, Wagon Boxes, .ke. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. .- Invls:qa CENTRAL FOITNDRT AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn /Street. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAOALEY. Chll lßolth 3 , 1111 Castings, Bell Lathes, &e IaT4.IIING AND KING, t.t - Cdmapsion Merchants and Broken n . Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELLPS BLOCK, DUQUEBNE WAY, PHYLADELYMA, ADDIUM Boom 17, Chamber of CornMem4 133 SOVIii SECOND STREET. aplo ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. maw= W. C. Tivimpix, iwitraionvitEß op Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. Rellpre Railroad Aide 011. Stands - great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. ldpecial Oil for tropical climates or hot weather. Lotainotlye, Engine, Itlachine Stiorh c'at Screws. NOM Min and Planing Mill 0115, Adapted tor high rimed. Spindle till, Wool;ffead-I,fsbt 011, Oil, Tanners' Strunißengole, • hag & finlehlas•OlLitiasoline, Marne us OIL. Ipagganlno. ARMOR VARNISH, to prese*ve Bright Iron Work and Machinery from - Rust. These pro..ucts aresnufactured under Dr. Tweddle , spatent by 8 erhented Steam in Van he Lubricatin Is are , almost odorless, pOrfectly pure, uniform, and mostly light col ored„ stand a high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Railroad In,. ate nnegualicd, and Are In constant use on many of the principal Railroads Samples can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD BTRE ET. Works at sharpsburg Bridge. !ICAO& BIIO7II3LERS, COMMISSION MERCIIANT I / 4 . • ANT) DEALJLItti , Petroleum : t en d Its Products elttspurgh OfIee—DALZELL43 .BUILDIND , Innier of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. ruhacitipUtionce—isti WA.LiTUT uni:wze • DIAMOND - "IL WpiiKS. H.M. LONG • ot!ice.D AL ZELL BUILLI ' NO; re/3 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. Pa. pillnstllTUGlll Ntl V ELT V VW 41111K.5. Founded, A. U. less. 4ADAP4S, aI'ELEI.I . 14r. CO 13. 07 iitYPFONS STIN_IiMi_DstFAIRBANX_S, PAL I% ENT) rbArromni &ND coIINTLY, LTA. , inn, Faced Fatto nee ! s ar i 1, ei Paint and von& sit VIZIR OP PISST AVUIJE 4 GUST 818. • initabousbf.ftlaft• OFFICE• AND OILS. NOV LLTY ORES PI'ITSBITR INES, BOILERS, &O. N. BOLE & CO, ant Alley and Duquesne St, Climax tux ) .Suilders Founders and Mack44ists. 4 STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA ENGINES. of all sites. ttemtion Invited to our new STATION WELL E N * IN AND POR.TABLE of 15-horsespower. 3fl, of every kind, made toorder star n THIRD STREET, below Market. Oil Wells, SHAFTING, puLLEYS, , HOUSE and TOBACEK) SCREWS and CCO PROSES, on hand and made to INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Prontng on the Allegbeny.Blver, nes: the Point, riTTPURGH, air All orders promptly filled: TIT VB. F owr firr ROILED, STILL Alai TANK WORMS. CARROLL & SNYDER, IKANUTICTIIIISEB Or Tl4 - LA.B., FUMBLE -FLUED TUBULAR, -PDX AND cYLlximir, STEAM SOM- E OIL STILLS AND MIA TANKS. CHIMNEYS, BalexciiiNbr ASH PAYS, BETTLINO PANS, SA.L'f PANS AN. - 13 CO2s- Di NSilt'S: STEAM L'llrgm, UABOMMEZIS L - SD LEON' BRIDGXS: PRISON DOORS AND COIL BEIJTAB • / • °thee and Warehouse, corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, AV' Orders cent to the above address will be promptly attended to. 1nh7:189 WIR. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS . AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOB. 110, RA, Rik AND A 6 rinni BT. Having secured a large yard and furnished It with the most approved machinery we srepire pared to manufacture every description of BOIL- . ERS in the beat manner, and warranted equal te. any made in the country. Chimneys Breeching, Yire Beds , Steam Plpea , Locomotive Boilers,. CondgUers 13011. Pine . Tanks, - 011 Stills, Agita tors, Bottling Pans, Boller Iron, _ Boilers. Bridges, Be gar in nuk and sole onnficturers of Barnhlll's Pat ent 'Repairing done on shortest notice. 1115:clit JAMES Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, • 3rxrranunnia, - KLIWZACTVILiii 07 IRON OIL . - TANIKS S SETTI.TNR PAYE. perrzu ErrZAN PEEL. . ROLLING YELL STACKS. And BENET IRON WORN, For Stenabosts. JAIL=II. BIIMaI--.•........ZD15V1CD D. HUME JARED H. BRUSH & SON, 7SANTTPACTUBZIIB OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORE, &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES. CASTINGS, &o. AL BRA.D.LEY elk CO., NO. 30 WOOD STREET, klimufacturers of the greazess,varlety of Cook, Parlor and Veating Staves, TWEE POD ED. n onr assortment will be found all the LATEST PATT RES AND IMPKOV s SILEf , T-. and the reputatlan of onr Stoves , s such that any one In want of a good article should purchase none but ',those tl; anti tawtured by es, as they will be found the moss Ourahle as well as econondeat. - would call particudir attention to our ,new VOLOAV ,, nTOVE, for churches, halls and si,ores. over *SO - sold In th,ee months. Intended Icor Wlth or with out casing. • wit who have nted them pronounce them superior to any other and far Cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price Listj e3O lam litmus 8c CO., _ 1111121MPACTOBX 118 OP =MY VAIIINTIr OP MritiCONTIETIBI r BOSTON COOKING RANGE, ''TEE FIERY FURNACE," SOO WAEXIIrO Buillyntas. ff i IIIIIR V OI3 47 I4I. I MIMMI t t Mon ' Ag 1 17ABa I 2IA tearatAfeetroairtand dut; a r t a i m ) 206 and 208 Liberty Street, se/5:311 PITTeasURAM PA. ()QOM STOVES. CET THE BEST. BESSEIdie if& co.'s - TRIUMPH, 80.8 BITUNIR OUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as gall as any other Stove In the Union. BISSELL . dis 00.; No. 285 Liberty 1 Street,. ""111: 3 441Via ig nime rinnaio% "plvKINt) FLUMES, to. TO BUILDERS! 00.04iu feet DryPlne Boards. 10.000 feet lh lucb Clear Plana; • 9,5,000 feet 14 10111Coturoon P lin k; 3.1100 feet Lin , 1 and Inch Oa 25. 000 D. )4, SI and 3 hien -Poillitri 10,000 feet Pry Poplar Scantling; 10.000 feet Dry Yellow Pule Boards: 100,000 feet Hemlock o ntllng. 303.000 feet No. 1 18 Inch Seminal( Shin. glee. 200.000 No. 1 104ncu IS-Singles, sawed; 80.000 No. 1 10-Inch Shingles. foamed; 89,000 Flre Brick: 1.000 Fire Tile, - 100 Tens Fire Clay; • Also, Saw Mill ',Meer, Locust and Cedar Posts, and all articles In the Ileenn hand and for sole by ALSKANDER PATTXIIIO.N . Yards— No. 161 Rebecca street and corner of Pro . ble and untata ut reels, !sixth ward. Allegheny, late bor aUgil uf 11:oudiester. 'sing ki:"EI6EITS AND MEASURES nB. LYUIV. Of 'Weights and - Measures, So• is ' 4 '140 1 i!essirra , ißetwita I,ltony oak Ihin7 ein•tei Omits,luillPaY jai to. sods MONDAY, JULY 12, 1869 GAZETTE: LUMBER FINANCLIL. FIFTH AVENUE BANK Of Pittsburgh, • Is now open for Discount, Deposit and Og?'eral Banking Business, at 193 FIFTH AVENUE. Any sum received from One-Dollar upwards. Interest at the rate Of six per cent. paid on time deposits. • DIWECTORS: F.D. DITHRIDDE, W. xvirrhuN. W.-H. SLMS. 1 • FRANRisIEBERT, W. C. ROBERTSON, mos HymEyEr, DAN. KINZER. D. 3f. ARMOR, EMIL POERSTEL. ED. DITHRID9E, iresident. F. F. SCHENCK, Cashier. jy10:198 Ammon BARI _ NO., 80 .FOURTH AVENUE, Prrrssurtori. CASH CAPITAL • • • • .; 8200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. BANK or DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD. WM% FLOYD,. "resident. Cashier. • DlREcTOnfi.' Thos. M. Marshall, ' Jcl•n M. Mortland, Wm. T. !Shannon, Archibald Wallace, James W. Arrott, Jas. U. Kelly, Chas. H. Leech,. ' Wm. Floyd. John Floyd, This" Bank is now fully organized and prepared to do a general Banking hubinest. jelok43 HART, CAUGHEI & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, rrrrazenctrx. (aCCCEt33OIII3 TO HANNA, 11.1 LET II C 0..). • DXLIXES 12 , 1 Exchange, Coin, Coupons; And particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of — COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on lii)ndon. N. HOLMES & SONS, 57 Market Street, PrI"I"r87111:T11 1 3 1: 4 , the Colle - Ctlons made on all the principal points of e United states and Canadas. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND BOLD ON CONIdIBBION. Partietdat attention paid to. the purdhate and sale of United States Seourities. soar 'AY COOKE & CO., 313/5133.1x.ek5, 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PRILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of ail descriptions ‘ lxpaght and sold. SPecial attention given to the purchase and sale of Uovernment Securities. m 1230 - CITY BANK. 112 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh Pa. CAPITAL. $lOO,OOO. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDDALLY LIABLE.. - • INTEREST - PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and seta. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on alt the principal Points of the United States and Casa , a. DOMINICK I niusw.r, President. •‘ Palms Alct:Atia, Vice PreAsident. Jour( B. tionsicu.Y. Cashier. • DIRECTO/18. D. Ihmsen. , James McCabe, • Thomas Rourke, 'John Savage, J. Dunievy. Jr., Terence Campbell, Patrick Kane, James Phelan Chas. B. Barr. H.A.lrreyvogle, Jno.Jos.liermitnn. Thomas Barnes. Hugh Keating Jel:ks DOLLAR SAYINGS BANK: NO. 65 POURTB STREET. CHARTERED IN 1855, ASSETS 52,503,431 33:', Open daily, from 9 o'clock A. w. to 3 o'clock' r. an, and SATURDAY EVENINOS, from' May Ist to November Ist, 'from 3to 9 o'clock, and from November Ist. to May Ist, from 0 to 8 o'clock. Deposits recelika of all slims of not less than ON It DOLLAR - nd a dividend of the pouts declared twice a year, in June and December. Interest has been deelared send-annually in June and December since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent. a year. Interest, If not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same 'tot crest ftomthe Ist da3s of June and December, compounding 'twice ayear, without troubling the depositor to call, or even to present ids pass book. At tills rate money will double In , less then twelve years. Rooks containing the Charter, By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, - furnished gratis, on applica"- tion at the office. rimstDEtrF—GEOliGlC ALBREE. VICEPEM3IDaNTS: John G. Backofen, I AM. Pollock, M. D., Benj. P. gahnestock, Robert Robb, James Fferdman, John H. Shoenberger, James McAuley, James IShldle, James 13. , D. Meads, Alexander Speer.:- MAO g. Pennock, Christian Yeager.. xnuermitti: Wm. J. Anderson, Robert C. Loomis Calvin Adams, Henry J. Lynch., John C. B Indley, Peter A. Mad.•lrs, George Black, John Marsh al, • Hill Ostrow'''. Walter P. Marshall, AlonSo A. Carrler, John B. McFadden; Chi. Chilies A. Colton, Ormsby Phtlllps, John /evens, ,HenryL. Ringwalt, John J. tilllesple, wEn. It, schmerrs, William 13.• Haven, Alexander Tindle, Teter H. Hunker, William Van Kirk, Richard Hi K e l ly, Isaac Whittler, James 1). Wm. P. Weyman. TjtzAstrasit—CHAßLES A. CODTON. • tiaalsaTAHY—lAMetS IS. D. Mitring. HAIR AND PERFUMERY ti . OREN PECK, ORNAMENTAL HAIR WORtint AND PERFUMER, No. S Third street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. Alwacn hand, &quern' usartmeht of La. die. 'OS BAN' CURLS. Orintlemen4 weds. rkEs. BC tre, GuARD mums. BRACZLETs, Ad. AG - tr• A gOod Price In cub °w ill he given ter RAW HAIR. • Ladies' and Gentlemen , . Hair Outtlmt , done iIROBITECITS. Assn & MOSER, aiumialacris. num ROM ASIKMAT2OII aunariges, 1t00.11044111.4P10t0 Stmt. rlttoboiai Po. ePsols). Matt= gm to Slut , &Wain aid boi v ela c couirt MUM and FINANCIAL. GreCIPL.II:), SILVER AND COUPONS _Bought at Highest Prices. Pit. R. MERTZ, Banlif,r Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. my 6 BDy 86 Co:, ithiceeaeors oS. Mild! &CO. I Corner Fourth and. Wood 'Sta., • • .a. 7/EK. Mt SS, BUT AND BILL ALL RINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES; sow, SIIMI AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVOIL&BLE TERMS. _ . . lOr.lnterest Allowed on Deposit. , aitf - None) , loaned on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and OULD. , JA24ELS T. BRADT 4iICO. GOVERNMENT BONDS ! We' will register all kinds of Government Bonds free of charge. This gives the holder ab solute security against tkeft,loss, or destruction. ' JAMES T. BRADY CO., Dealers in Government Bonds, COR.I7OIIRTH &WOOD StS. mvialts 11'4t,511urgt f -6kr.tti.,. FINANCE AND TRADE, Eal Oanaz or Prrrsriultost GeszTru, SATURDAY, July 10, 1869. The gold market, which at. one time during the week jest past had touched 134, by the persistent efferts of the bear clique in stocks, and a tight money mar ket, has recovered to -136%, closing - on Saturday at 135%. Although some par ties still short in gold, and some im- . porters, are still under the delusion that the exports of gold during the present month will be light, yet the very con tinued firm and high rates of exchange show. sufficiently , that such exports must take place to reduce our foreign balance. This is further illustrated by the difference in the loaning rates of, gold, which has changed from 3, to per cent. per day to 7 per c,erit. preml 7 um, Government bonds are well sustained and higher, and are likely to remain so difying the period of the purchases by the Treasury. With. the diecontinuance of that Suppoit, the market must react. 10-40 s are the cheapest bonds noW, , and are relatively 0118 per cent. belOw the price of the othor 'bonds. ' Changes in European ?market may temporarily have some; reacting tendency, but a further rise is almost inevitable. Stoc.ts which were well. sustained during the tight money market, Aid not feel the improvement of easier money , and are rather lower and weak; tend ing actually downward, at the same time showing how dangerous it is to rely on the support of tight money when stocks are held by cliques who - have secured cheap money. In our home market a hardening tendency for money is felt. Of bonds there are few o ffers of Allegheny Valley bonds at advanced piices. A new Seven per cent. Allegheny Valley Railroad bond, dated April lst. 1569, and expiring October 1910, is offered on the market. . Quotations as received ,by Ph. It. Mertz; Gold, 135%; Silver, l / 2 8; Eighty one's, 1144; Flve Twenties,' 1862,"121%; do 1864; 119; do 1865, 119%; do 1865, Consols, 117%; do 1887, 117%; divlB6B, 117%; Ten - Forties, 108%; New / . York Central, 96%; Erie, —; Reading, 94; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne - & ?,Chicago Railroad, 5031, ex. dlv: Ohio dr Miaissippi, 82; Michigan Southernl 108%4- Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 108%; ,/ Chicago & Rock Island, 16%; Chicago & North Western, 80%; Chicago & North. Westein Preferred, 95%; Adams; Express Corn- pane, 59%; Merchants Union Express, -; Pacidc Mail, 88%; Western Union Telegraph Company,.37%; Am. W.,Ex . - press, 40. _ Bxcruaton, , • .Large. Sin-aft. London, per .Z .. . . 56,75 Paris. per franc - 27%c 28c Berlin, %haler 990 - $l,OO irankfort, florins 67;40 58%c —Closing otttotationi received by James T. Brady d:. Co. Gold, 135% - United States 1861, 1/6%; Five-Twenties, 1862, 12/%1 do. 1861; 119; de. /865,.119%; Ten-Forties, 108%; Flve-Twrties,-janu ary.-, and July, 1865 , //7%; o. do. 1867, 117%; do., do. 1868; 117% Due Due Com pounds, 119; ÜbiOn - Pacific Railroad,• 90; .Central do. d 0... 99; C. Pacifica, 106; Lake Superior 96. _My Telegraph to the PitChurgh Garette.l -- NEw 'lona, July 10, 1869. Money easier, closing with a good sup ply at 13(37 per cent. Considerable car . rencY has been received by the banks from the west, one,alone receiving near ly half a million. Sterling firm arid quiet at 9%©loper cent. GOld firm, with less speculation,. and it is; believed the i shipments' here in 'a few Weeks will be quite liberal. ; The stipreienis include 1534900 to AipinWall, making a total of 5649,800 for to-day, and allelic a million for the week. The price opened at 18550 advanCed to 186, and closed at 135 X. The bank statement shOws a contrac tion by the banks 'kind an increase_ of specie 4rom the Tresittry diabursements. / 41131 4 12 : 55042 r. dear.eaiies $ 2 1 943 . 529 - snecief U 0.266, Inak 46,744645' oiroulaffois;llB4,M9ils, $69,978 deposits, 1188,1117,2§9, .increase, 13,f/57,772 legal tenders, Z 48,702,728, increase r 965,465. Governments opened steady and - tinned firm, closed active and hig but nothing is knowri as to the fur: purchase of bonds by the Governm The following aro the closing .pt; Coupons, 'Bl, 11854,3118%; do; '62,:1 1223, j '; do. '64, 119(0 193/.; do. '65, 119 119%; new do.. 117%©118;,do. '67, 117 118; do. '6B, 117%@118; 10-40'5,109 ®I! PaCifiC% 106%©1116, 1, 4 '. State Bonds are d ull and lower: .nessee.,s6; Virginias, 61; North Carol! 43, Missonris_ 87%. Railways op rather dull but became stronger u, the bank statement and ease in nip and closed higher with a consider activity in Michigan Southern, : York Central and Northwestern. Dress stocks are dull, except Wells, Fargo's, which have advanced. ' /Adding .Priees- at 5:30: Canton,', Cumberhuid, 32; Western • Union , egraph, 37%; Quicksilver. 15; Mari] 8: Pacific Mail, 89%; Boston-Water, Wells lit Fargo, 2334: Adams Exp 39%; American, 40; United, States, , New York Central, 19635: Harlem Hudson, 165%; Beading, 93 k ‘ ; Erie, • Michigan Central, 127%; Mk} Southern, 105%; Illinois Central, 1 Pittsburgh, 106%; Northwestern. do. preferred. 9535; Cleveland, Co' bus and Cincinnati, 74; Rock Is' 116%; St. Paul,. 76y,;d0. -preferred, Wabash, 73k; Fort Wayne, 152; •"_. Haute 37: do. preferred, 58; Chicago, Alton, 158: do. preferred,lsB; Ohio, Missistkippi, 32%; St: Joseph, 120. Sub-Treasary receipts. 51,183,967; ments, 52,425,949; balance. $97,201. " coin disbursements, $572,967; import the week, 84,170,212. Mining stocks at Boston: Calama Copper Falls, 7%; Franklin 12: Heel Hancock, 2; Midnesota, 1; Quinc3 Corry, 7%. FirwssußGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF. Prrrentrnaa G:kz:ETT SATURDAY, ! July 10, 1869. The, markets with the except Flour and Grain, have been very ,daring the past week, business g ally -being very dull, and it Is not 1 that there will be any immeciiat' provement. There has been and i considerable excitement in Grain t the influence of the iadvices from' York and Chicago, and Wheat ans have advanced considerably. I , also, la firmer and';higher, but th vance, here has not thus far been 9q • Alm advapce in the west, which is i!. .to a . . -:-.Pretty " sharp •rivalry among dealers. _ . _ According to the tenor of tht patches to-day, it would seem' that action has set .in at Chicago, 'V having declined' some '3@4 cents' the general expectation is that the torn has not yet, by; any means, touched. The recent "flurry" was s: by an increased export demand supported by speculators, who wer raying large stocks, and so soon as . get unloaded, they will change tactics, and use all their inane, break the market, and force prices -. . The Chicago Tribune of Friday say, the Wheat market'is extensively . and that the article is in fair dente. shipment if it could onlyf be pure . at paying prices. There is no dont . the speculators have got hold c wheat market now,-as in past Sr this season, though they may able to manipulate it quite so m - their own advantage, as lin the :c corn and oats. Still they . have bu' so that the margin is against the; per, and New York must advance tively in order to give a profit. -,' 'A correspondent writing from V I,y, (Middle Tennessee) tg Isaiah I dr.;co. or this city, report the cr.' that section of country as follows: • "Crop prospects here are ger.. , good; our wheat , harvest is over. a: - crop is better than usual, more th - . average. Corn although smair I - : season, lOoks well and the sumo i - of Cotton, and a late fall will put b,. right. Pea Nuts, email for the s' with more missing hills than uSni" I look for a largely increased crop, On last Monday there were at go, 1,554,052 bushels of grain, in ;008,655 bushels the corresp , period last "week; 2,123.265 t two weeks ago, and 2,812,696 bush , 'year ago. The shipments exceed, receipts during -the -week by bushels'of wheat: 304,88 bushels c 123,808 bushels of oats. and 7,787 b of rye. Total excess of shipment' receipts; 154,003 bushels. There; been no receipts or shipments of V The falling rain the receipts is a: table td the - almost impassible cor: 1 , of the - roads through the county;- the busyeason among the ferrite APPL S—S'ales of newcrop at . f 4 per bbl as to quality. :- BUTTER--Quiet and unchanget of fair td strictly prime at 20@25: • BEANS—DuII at $1,75®2, -.:'.. CHEESE—Is in good supply az': common grades are very dull; we common! Western Reserve; at Factory at 16@17, and Goshen at 'CARBON OlL—Quiet; may be ;', Ina jobbing way at 29©30, fur st 4 brands. , P' DRIED FRUIT-.-Dull and, price, anal—holders generally, anxious 4 ize. , • EGGS—Firm and in limited i sales at 20(g!21. . • FEATHERS:' -- Suppiy in , hal commission men almostexhausteo geese may be quoted at 8.5@90.1 trade, and $1 in a retail way. FROURI.s firm, and the sup ; • pretty well reduced. but the dem! light and prices are unchanget', continue to report Spring,Wheat, , at $6,2066.76@7, And Winter W i37@7;60. These. figures are not above:Chicago prices. . 1 GRAlN—Wheat is scarce and in! milling demand, and prime - to' Red may be quoted , at - U,40©1 though we have heard of no sells $440. - Corn la 'Beattie:lnd ii sales of mixed'at 80,. turd' Primo at B.s—store • prices' its. highej, firm with 5ma11138.109 at:sl,2s,and cf, lots would bring *l,BO. Oats Arr; generally held atan advance, but; era report it very difficult, as yet;3 at higher prices: No Barley in n and not much wanted. ',_,- • L., HAY--Sales new at $15©20, am': $25®:10. 13ENIP-44alas 12 bales at $205. as HUSKS—SaIes at 23;c143 cts per TAME—Cleveland Lime is qn;_ , $2.50, per bbl, and Common Wi-7' VL.75. ! . . ...:. LARD OlL—gales of No. 2 at i".' 1,2 Q nd No. tat $1,48®1,50 _ PROVISIONS -, .t.hottlders, li. - • Ribbed and Clear Sides, 17U©113:1 Hairs, 1814@18%; Plain Sugar Culf.': Canvassed,' 21. Dried Beef, 21 Lard in tiercs 20, in kegs and p`:, Mese Pork f33,50@33,75. . '. :, POTATOES—SaIes new - crop ate $3,50 per bbl, and old at 40®45 l ', '' bushel. . . f - 'PEANUTS—SmaII sales at 12. i ' t'::: SALT—Allegheny River bran quoted, by car the load, - at 81,764 - j SEEMS—timall attlesOir Flans': $51,45@2,50.•• No , demand ilbr Ohi . -: Timothy Seeds. • ' 0