The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 12, 1869, Image 1

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The Crisis in Urance—Resig ation of lys
Rotther Insisted Upon—The Crown
Count ellors in• ConsaltatiouL Prig ress
()lam Great Eastern with ye'tert.nch
CabirExcitement in England over
the Irish Church Bid anti the Action of
the Roam of Larder
(By Te/eigrupb to the ,Pittaburzb Ciosette.3
lA)NDON, July 9.—The Ministerial crisis
in. France increases in intensity. The
Constitutional opposition in the Corps
Legislatif declare their ultimatum to be
the retirement of the Minhiter of State,
M. Rubber.'` While the Einperor desires
his retirement, he is reluctant to dismiss
hini. on account of his ability and his
deiotion to the Imperial Government.
M. Ronher's..failuxe to' comply with the
wish of the Emperor,..and tender his res
ignation, is severely criticized. -Yester
day the proprietor - of one, of. the
leading journals said to him, "M.
Rouber, your time has come; clear out."
"I know it,' . ' replied M. Rouher,."but
my wife - won't resign." This- is
literally true. Madame Rouber objects
to giving tip the honors which she re
ceives at the palace as the wife of th e
Chief of the Emperor's ,Ministry. The
Emperor willVait awhile before insist
ing upon the unavoidable resignation
until this domestic trouble of his Min
ister can be arranged.. The majority of
the Assembly are opposed to the propo
sition demanded by memters of the Left
Centre' winch are us follows: First, A re
sponsible Ministry. SecoritUy, The auto
nomy of the Legislative,ASserubly. The
Emperor is therefore obliged to tempo
rize with the 'inajerity whom he doesnot
wish to openlidafy. Hence the present
deadlock *hich zunst,end in the course
of a week. •
. ,
Pants, July 10.—The Petrie newspa
per of today says,that the recent regula
tions between the Government and the
Corps Legislatif have resulted in an un
derstanding that the former ,wlll realize
the projected reforms, and announces a
&sat= Conte/Cum to carry the same into
PARIS. July 10.—The `, Constilutionel
thiseirening says the counsellors of the
Crown are discussing the question as to
whether it is advisable to reply to thein
terpellation and-thereby divulge the
programme of the Government. No,de
has been arrived at. Therefore
' . the reports as to the intentionzof, the
••• Government are premature -
Lortunti, July , I . o.—The , Times this
morning has an editorial artiele'on the
atate of affairs. in France. The writer
eitays that if the' Corps Legislatif is firm
it will gain, the powers which have . been
• demanded by the large minority, and
which the majority also desire. The old
things are passmg,away and another po
lit icai . ,dispensationis at hand. The de
sertion of the Monarchy by M. Xiackan
. wilt show how deep is the general-con
viction that persona . ; government is a
/lost cause.
The Morning Tekgraph says that the
Emperor sdicl - the principle of minister
ial responsibility was the right' one, but
that it Was the busineis of the Senate '
' and not of the Corps Legislatif to regu
late. • Time, however, will bring the
PARIS, June-U.—The, Council of Min
isters and _Privy Council have held fre
quent meetings, at the,summons of the
Emperor, to deliberate upon tne inter
- venation for political' reforms now pend
ing in the Corps Legislatif. It is said
that the following programme has been
agreed upon. with the concurrence of the
Emperor: •
The senate will be immediately c'n
yoked, when parliamentary:changes of a
liberal "churacter will be proposed by
the Goverunaent. These reforms will
probably include 'the extension of the
right and fancility of interpellation and
the creation of a reaponsinle - Ministry.
the Emperor choosing Ministers from
the Corps Legialatif, with a view of
rrivin et the particular, responsibility of
• each Member of the Cabinet..
. _
- BithsT, July 10.-I.lp to Friaay noon the
Great Eastern had madel,BSs knots from
this port, and had arrived, off the banks
of New Foundland. She had paid out
2.122 knots -of cable. - Ail well and
everything working fairly,
BSEST, , ..raIy 11.—A dispatch from . on
board the Great -Eastern reports that up
to Saturday noon she had mm 2,1323 knots
from Brest, and pain on 2,277 knote-of
cable. The work. was _proceeding with
out interruption,
• .
Now YOus, July IL—A. special cable
dispatch to the Herald from. London
lotb,,states that the agitation in relation
to the Irish Church Bill threatens to be
come serious. Preparationi are actively
fitting made for impottinn dethonstrations
agatnst"Mr. Gladstone, who hail hitherto
hesitated to encourage the meetings, but
has consented to give semi-official. sanc
tion, on the ground that the Lords at
tempted to qualify their opposition to the
will of the Government and people on ILO
ground of a pretended change in tho
itc sentiment. It is mutely, however,
than the CommonS will Yefuse to Yield
to the ,Lords their amendments;:except
the three points not affecting the princl
plo of the pill. It is expected that the
open-air meetings will be the largest
'ever known; , . •
&tannin, Jnly 10.--Tbe resignation of
rierreers, Minister of justice, bas been
accepted.. ' . .
MADAM, July.ll.—rMuch polittcal agi
tation prevails' in Lisbon. and the Uov
ernment is.tak lug ' unusual orecautiona
to prevent an outbreak.
litlki , rsa • • July 11.—Prinoe Von Auer*.
perg . has t ees elected; ; PrOiderk of the
tipper Chamber of Itteletkitrom
• • a.
City: of l'inghington .kPolinsylvania
from - Nor:York, ArfiVed?;.
I ,QUErPitTOWN, Ju ly
MUCttitbil,..kill-e,b G. ileCuiett,•3l.l - 0:11/1'•
mending, arrived at this _port at
2:35 P. M., all well. She' made the voy
age. in 12 days, 15yunrs, 6 minutes and
12 seconds.
LONDO* July 10.—Evening—.Weather
fair. ponstils; for money, 93; on ao
cotudr;" 9W 3 ; 5.20 bonds 8134; at Frank
fort; 86%; Erie, 10834;
Stocks dull.
LIVERPOOT., July 10 —Cotton active;
middhne" uplands, 1214 d:; New Or
leans. 12Nd; 'sales 12,000 bales- Call-,
fbrnia white Wheat at lOs 7d, and red
western No. 2at 9s sd. Flour, 24s 6d.
Corn, No. 2 mixed, 28s 6d'for old, and 27s
for new. Oats, 3s 6d. Peas, 395. Provisions,
firmer. Pork 99. Beef, 90s. Lard, 71s.
Cheese, 64e. Bkonn, 625. Common Rosin;
4s 9d, and fine at .15s. Spirits Petro
leum, 9d, and relined; is 6%d. -Tallow,
45e. Turpentine, 275. Linseed 011, 325.
Linseed Cakes, 10i.12d.
LormatC.Tuly'lli—Tallow, 455. sperin
011; 925. Sugar, 32s 9d. Whale 011, 40s.
Calcutta Linseed, 618 6d. Petroleum at
Antwerp 49%f. ~4 .
PAnts, July 10—Eveniv.—Bourse
closed quiet; renter, 71f. 50c.
ANTWERP, July 10—Evening.—Petro.. ,
learn closed quiet and unchanged.
'Arrival of Steamers-:-Departure of the
Hai7Vard Crew—lndictments ter Usdry
—inc., inc.
(By Telenrsen. to the Pittsburgh eazette...l
NEW YORE, July 10, 1869
The steamships City of Paris, Portiere,
Cambria and The Queen nailed for En
ripe to-day, all tilled with passengers.
The German Singing Societies who left
to•day for Baltimore formed three divis
ions, each preceded by bands, and
marched through the streets to the Jer
sey Depot, , passing in • review before
Mayor Hall An the City Hall Parkvn
route. They created quite a sensation.
The steamship Sundt, from Bremen,
has arrived.
Another row of buildings in Jersey
City fell yesterday afternoon, being poor
ly built. . •
A policeman was sunstruck on the
Battery to-day and will probably die'.
It Is reporters one of the robbers of the
Ocean National Bank has been arrested:
John S. Bliss has been held in $3 500
bail for trial on . charges of swindling
soldiers out4f their bounties. - •
The new cabs matie z their - appearance
in our, streets to-day, much Ito the eon,
sternation of our thieving hackmer.
General-Butler Med his anal account
of his brOther's estate in the Surrogate's
The deaths of the week number t 343,
three. of which were from cholera.
Isis stated that indictments have been
- found against twenty ; five brokers for ex ,
acting usurious interest on loans, and
they will prob4bly be arrested on Mon
day. The (widen:iceelicited before the
Grand Jury is said tc:, be quite startling.
A train on the 'Erie ItallWaSt collide(
with a freight train neariSreycoart„
State, last night. Six freight loan% .• • .
their contents,' were smashed, an nine
more burned,- NeTives were lost.
Representatives of ten different New
York and Brooklyn boat clubs, together
with a large number of other friends,
escorted the Harvard crew to the steamer
City of Paris this mon and gave repeated
cheiars as the vessel left the pier far-
Patrick McCoy, an old man, died on
the street to day from sunstroke. . .
Jas. R. Dcolittle, charged with frauds
In the Weighrnaster's Departtnent of the'
Custom House,was honorably discharged
to-day, the Commissioner deciding tnat
no case was made out against him.
Six iron tnoulderti, who struck against
the Brooklyn Union, were put under
kinds to day by Judge Voorhees tor trial
beford the Grand Jury on a charge of
A young man had his leg broken in
Jersey City to-day while playing base
The Canipaikn in Tennessee.
( By Telegraph to the .t.tttaburgu liazette.l
NASHVILLE, July 10,—A largo number
of citizens of all parties called on Gov.
Senter as a mark of respect.
Mr. Sheridan, Register for this county,
was removed today and Edward Muller
aptiointed in his place.
The Marysville Republican, Stokes' pa
per, has changed its position and is now
for Seikter. The Republican is owned by
a colored 'man named Scott, who dis
charged his white editor and 'placed his
own son in , charge of the pa per;then ce the
change. During , the war Scott published
the. Colored Tennesseean, a weekly paper'
in Nashville. ;
Tne Stokes' County Convention met
here to-day and nominated candidates for
Senator and Representatiyeks.' One of
them is a colored man.
Cenind Americau'Newi.
1 • - •
L ET Telegrapla , . po the Plttsbargli UazEtte.l
NEW Yonx, July 10.—The steamship
Henry Chattocev brings Aspinwall dates
to July 2d and 1327.77 T in treasure.
The - Panatna Star says, after annonn
ink that the loan of 1i2,1 a
00,000 had been
negotiated in I'arislor the cotnpletion cif
the Inter-Oceanic Railway in Honduras.
that not a rail had been laid nor a sod
turned toward commencing it, neither
has the route been surveyed.
The yeilow fever is subsiding in Peru.
Central America advices state the
claims of Frtuite and Italy against Nicara
gua have been amicably arranged.
Verdict of Not tullty..'
Br 7 elegrarot to the Pittsuurzil UsAtate • 3
July 10.—The page' ."of
Joseph Creston, - Charged with the mut
der. of Benjamin Allllrr, which nAs occu
pied the attention of the 4:rintiridl Lours.
for the past week.; wrisJcf.utladeci.t this.
afternoon, Col. Phil. Lt-e on behalf ,itit
themopwealt t h making th e. _falai, r
gurnencttret; which` vras eltigreent "the-ex
treme. and listened to with marked at
tention,,The cave was-given to_the Jury
at htitirldist - two and - after ati; absenne'nf
one hour they returned a verdict of not
gufityy The prisoner was thee, discharp
ed,receiving, as - he left the - 'cntirtrootr.,
the'pongra! t elfttiove of hiefriencii.
. .
.•- . .
Chinese Labor In the *loath.
(H Teletitioli to-the ririeberginimitte'.?' ro -
IdEurals, 11.—Velegret4[,:apd:
letters frorn the entire isonthweat State =
that meetings are being Iteld and,: Ole.
war , * appointed to the , Ohluttie,:Laher:
'Convention du The` 13tb. • A ' TI um bAr
Platitere are" airbadk heior and -Pt'aVara
clans are being made for the reception of
'delegetetfand visitors.. • - -
Porn' O'CLOCK,.., at. \s,
Presents m ' , kite° fat !resident
Grant, ' hi Litman and °them-Cur
rency St tement—Goverument Book
' Mailers and the Apprentice Ctuestion—
News from Cuba—Sdie 'of siplrits in
Bond 'Ordered.- - _
(By Te legraph to t tie Pitt sbit Gazette.;
WAI3II/ICaTON, July 10, 1669.
The 'shipments of fractional currency
during- the - week to national banks
amounted to $114,130. The Treasurer
bolds in trust .for natiorial banks as se
curity for circulation,, $342,871,100: as se
curity for public" deribsits, $23,764,500.
Mutilated bank notes burned during the
week, $101,700. Bank currency issued
for bills destroyed during th e e week,
6132,592;- total- issued -previously, $14,-
576,948. Bank circulation outstanding,
$299,780,495. FractiOnal currency de
stroyhd during the week, $316,600.
S 'FROM atarico.
The Collector of Customs of the Port of
Georgetown a few days ago received'
a magnificent; collection• of. !mild
silver articles intended as pres
ents for - President Grant„ General
Sherman. Ex-Secretary Seward and Mrs.
Ex-Prersident Lincoln: Thej were sent to
this country from 'Mexico by S'a bos Itur-.
bide, in behalf of a modest - Mexican, who
refused to have his name made known,
and said that in his transport of delight
at the abolition at:, slavery he was
prompted 'to prepare these little
tokens for some of the principal actors
in that good work. President Grant re
ceives a aliver coffee set of thirty-six
pieces and some dressed leopard skins;
General Sherman an egg boiler and
holder; for ex-Seeretary Secinird there is
an inkstand and penholder most inge
niously contrived. besides a call • bell;
and Mrs. Lincoln's portion of the lot is a
heavy card basket. All of these articles
are of solid silver without any dearth of
metal and of most . beautiful finish and
workmanship. President Grant' and
General Sberman's portion were debv
ered yesterday. 'Some' idea may be
rented of their value from the fact that
the duty on President Grant's lot was
5748 and on G i en. Sherman's $164.
To-day the Committee of Bookbinders
appointed at a meeting of their society
presented an address to Superintendent
Clapp, of the Government Printing Office,
concerning his intention to put a number
of apprentices at work in the bindery at
that establishment. Mr. Clapp res*nds
denying the right ed any private organi
zation to dictate to- the Government
t k r
tinting Office who shall be employed,
contends that in the race for life
Ireashonld be no discrimination of race
or color. The ground of the book
binders is. that the number of.. book7'
- binders is already mo,re than the demand;
arid by em loying) Apprentices their
chances for t ploynater4-willgto that ex
tent be les, ed. The Supdritttendent,k
iii; his - reply, oes not see things •iti'ttit
light of the society.. In 4 ..the theantiOu
the Douglas and apprentle,6 question in .
the composing room remains unsettled.
Cuban partizans have the following ad
vibes from Nuevitse and Puerto Prin
cipe to the 27th. They say there- have
been no movenatnts Of a decided char
acter' in either distiidt. ' The
Ju t Spaniard
have been reinforced at Nueviatts t
ate thus enal.tled to retain ,possessio f
the railroad f -from that city to Piler
Principe and give succor to the prrison
of the latter city. which is threatened by
Cubans under Queitada.r , In the district
of Puerto D:1 Padre tier° have been
several skirmishes. The health of the
Cubans Is good and the soldiers were or
ganized. 'There is great anxiety to learn
the views of the United States Govern
ment and the position it will occupy in
the contest. . -
The Internal Revenue Commissioner,
with the approval of the Secretary of the
Treasury, has ordered Cl:Mentors _to sell
all spirits remaining in bonded ware
houses oo,the first of July.
,The President.will attepd the `singing
match, for prima on Monday evening at
the Maryland Institute, Baltimore. an,
conipan'ed by his Cabinet, General Sher=
man and others.
A iiPoiNTMiXT.‘;
The President has appointed John
Deitriek Surveyor of Customs for the
district of, Texas, vice Win. C.
Wigley epuiPended.
Tae Internal Revenue receipts today
were 81,405,995; total for the? Week, 08,-
149,715. , . . ; 7
WASHINGTON, July 11, 1869.
The UnitedSlites 'steamer Teltinootts,
which arrived at the Navy Yard yester
day froni;liey
diseatetkon boar .tand pOr a ttatrtltlito
the tune she left tbere had been but one
case of pillow f4der iti skid:dorsi' ;1
Jotters have been ,retei,ed in this city •
.frow prornineut officers , in the Cuban
army of Ulo_, liepubt4ol# ,:.Naisin and
Bey Weal witb•dstes to the first instant.
The intelligence of lbet arrest of--meta- -
bens of ;Aber CultanL.: Yubtta Atid .".otheta
. tvilo ,4l'glve practical aid to the
Cutistft =Who were:itangtitilint ,to achieve
theis,independence halt peen received
atutproduftd. tt.itpoit pgigOteclitopr* ,
.on of surprise acid regret. No other
pew# couhiAuwa i viu,seCtiF t ett ,N,rfutg
to despOndentrOne w-P , the -.mei ere
states "it came lice the news of tbe death
of, our ;mires; aluVbest r lfriendi".•yOul
brt y` hldnii,Yand - they feellon of < JO
seetned ba-,,thistwe were alone
and must.'-eipe 410-.
Howeveff all Seem 4[04 le now liporty 3
or deatit,''fOt no - Inert"' can- be:expeettd
l'rotu the Spattiartis, ngist as only
men driven 'l6 - tneli:'ldesperation can
fixby!, 9t1°4139114r
mixio t oist vommaudjorAbt4 wow sß s
Honing Neuvitas fuel, Puerto Pnncipe
said guarding therefirdad between those
, .
feß9n94-3 , 1; have .znet, wAikts,
loss4nv , theOldeattltion
'two hundretl.tcAlts yoops to the standasd
of Quesada. They report the dissatisfac
tion among the Spanish troops to be in
creaseng every day,caused by the frequent
changes lately of the commanders of
these posts and the Generals and regi
mental commanders. Frequent oolli-
Inoue were reported between the out
posts of the two forces in the eastern de
nartment, with bnt,small loss op either
. , , - ,
aide, though the Cubans claim. an ad-
Societies composing the North Eastern
vantage br posh:it:in and of earnestness on
the part) of their troops. ) The Spanish - n.„_
and stripes, with
Saenverbun ci, presented a gala day ap-
Comma dens continue to execute all Pearance; The , stars
prisoner immediately on their' capture, the North German nag, fleeted from
even thaaaaaadddddde who are wounded are execti-
public and private houses theentire
ted on the field. General. Qoesada has : •
length or Baltimore and RroadWay
hitherto respected the rights of prisoners. d throughout the city general-
This policy Is giving dissatisfaction in
Societies from
o u t and
his camp, and a number of his followers 'Y' -
New York arrived about seven o'clock
demand the right'to retaliate.
BOND . PURCHASE:. . this evening. and were met at the-depot
by Societies from Baltimore, _Forming
The Secretary of the, , Treasury has di- a procession the line of march was taken
rested the Assistant Treasurer at New up Broadway and Baltimore streets to
York to purchase three millioms of United Mnuument Square, where the procession
States bonds each Wednesday .finring arrived about half peat .eight o'clock.
the present month, to be'huld subjeCt to' The entire. line was brilliant with
the future action of Coggress. The cur- Chinese lanterns and transparencies
renoy balance in the TrWasury Is -about and joyous by `many bands of mitt;
thirty millions,. owing to many--National sic. A. salute of twenty-five; gut/a
Banks having been discontinued as Gov- was fired from Federal Hill and
ernment depcisitories. it, is supposed there was a grand display of . fire-works.
the bonds which they deposited as secu- iArriving at Monument Square the S.ocie
rale% having been released to them,will ties formed in front of the stand When .a
be thrown upon the market for sale. German song, by Stolz, was sung by tkii3
EOSTOPPICE EXEENSES. , Societies or Baltimore. - Mr. StenabetliC
President of the Festival,and Executive The reduction in the expenses of the
Postoffice Department, omung to the dis , Committee, tnen introduced Mayor
Banks, who welcomed the visitors in a
continuance of useless mail service on
short and approtiriate address. After
Western and Southern routes, iseup to
date 15734,000, while by Other
merit, the general etrvice has been lat Concordia Hall, the visitors were taken
'arrange- farther singing and a welcoming address
_ . , . , to their quarters. .
much improved. •
The. Committee who visited Washing
CHIEF JUSTICE CHASE. ' - ton this morning ,to invite President
.' Chief Justice Chase and Miss Chase re: Grant to' be present. report he accepted
'turned to Washington yesterday evening. the invitation, and that he and his Cabi-
Business will detain the. Chief Justice net, with General Sherman, Admiral
here some days, after which he will at- Porter and other distinguished gentle
tend the Centenial Commencement of men will be present on‘Monday evening
Dartmouth College, of which he is an •at the prize singing.
alumni. • • . Thera are about • sixty-five Societies
VIIININTA °ovum:on ELECT. present, twenty-nine trona. New York,
Ciovernor: meet Walker; of Virginia,. twenty-twofrom Philadelphia, two from
arrived here to-day.- ='.. Washington, one from Columbus, p., one
from Richmond and, singers froth Mil
wausee and Cincinnati.
BALTIMORE, July. IL—The Saenger
bund was formally inangurated to r -tfight
by .a performance at Maryland Institute.
The immense hall was filleeand the
choruses were most efficiently rendered
by several hundred singers, Male and
female. The performance was a cam,
plate success. . -
The . grand procession, composedp of
various Hinging/societies and nine regi.
meats of ayyland National Guards, will'
take 'place tomorrow; In= the evening
the prize singing will take place. Presi
dent Grant and members of the Cabinet
will oe present.
~ .
Rebel Correbpondenee Capturtd—Gener.
. al °Mei of tae CaptainiGenerat.
CBc Teleittnelt to the rtttsburgb ettzttte.j
HAVANA, June 10.—A quantity ofcar
tes' pondence from the rebel army to par-
ties in New York, deigned to be sentry
the steamer Moro castle, has been'inter
cepted at Batabano, and the persons in
whose possession it was found, arrested.
Captain. General De Roda&bas Issued a
general order to commanders of different
jurisdictions of the island. The Captain
General enjoins upon them to respect the
lives of all unarmed citizsus; and to ar
rest no one on vague Auspicirnas. 'He in
structs them to rigidly respect all the
legal rights of foreigners: He says the
Government will hold officers of the army
responsible for therrgood -tlisciplias of ,
troops, and instructs them to forward to
him dispatches relative •to matters in
their departments, containing only the
facts as they transpire.
Latest froth' Mexico
By Telegraph to the PlttalbOrga Gazette:l
NEW YORE, July IL—The iicrukra
special from. Havana, July 1011, had ad
vices from Mexico to the 3d 'inst. -.On
Saturday, July tki, the Cabinet Ministers
. President Juarez entertained tieneral;
v s
' 4 4 - ns at a breakfast. United States
Win . r Nelson had entered Upon his
dude ', _.
On the 25th inst., Minister •Marrisoal
and Commissioner 'Plactos will sail from
Vera Crnz for the United • State B... • ,
Intelligence Irmo Sisal reports that. on
otittr ult. 'a force of five tuousapci In
dians made :a raid .withichifteen leasues
of Meridt.,the canital of Vacatan. They
captured One brindred . and fifty of the
State troops, arld thkatemcllo return in
Octobetand seize 'Erie city.' State
/authorities guarantee the lives of all who
abandon the movement and. submit. to
the government. . -
VERA Cxwz, July b, via HitvapiA, July
11.—The elections throughout the coun
try have-resulted in favor of the Gevern
meat. The Leglelature of the State of
Queretaro hat been declared Illegally as
semblefl.autt Members have been 8114-
pended from' their functions. Orders
have been issued by President Juarez for
elections in tbat State for a new Legisla
ture. •fleneral. Bustamente, Governor of
San Luis Potosi. has been arrested and
is now in prison. ,
Senor Mariscal, Minister to the 'United
States, will rail for his post by the ilext
steamer irom this port.
, ,
Alleged Vouliterfilterts itrreste4. k
. 1 . 4 y "iEleciaorr iiie. io
Nave YOILF, :July 11.--Yesterday after
noon; Col. whitely, Chief of the United
States Secret ServlCe,and a detictive, ar
rested ;lobo D. - Williams, John D.Wcod;
Eli Foßdkaud A. Eckert oo a .c.barge of‘
dealing in oounterfeit currency. ..Wood ;
had four hundred dollars in 11:ty cent
stamps iu his pocket. At. Erie Hotel,
corner of West and Robinson streets,
from information received front E.tkert,
\rho is said to have confessed to colonel,
Il‘ r P**lY," tile detective found a trunk
- containing ozie hundred , dollars in , five
doitur notes gind a qiuniber - of burglars'
Gaols. The pi/sonars ward.lanteci up.
The , Tellp*Peverat ;IWeiki vie Quar.
CB" meterrapti to the Pittaaarse
Nur Yorut ; .141 y 11.—The hark fteberca
'Caroms, trout Matanzas, arrived at quar
eatine uith aever al oaaesof yellow foyer.
roeir,,of tixe cre w , died on the passaire.
Tnotim'as ltdeoord, seaman from bark
Valkyrifi;fitiiirliaVami, died yesterday
of yelloW fever od board , the- hospirel
isidp: • ThstreMittnitur pstfente from the
liittratomaing , 11; Grand, paymaster, K.
ll. Anderson , quartermaster, and Frank
J.. ',Pratt, . Apprentice, are rprivatescing
rapidly -• 3 -„;
t Enette r tieiriattreei(iftle,
tßy Tkei'iipt; - 1.4 - :itie V41;114 1 411 Oit/giie; .
ST. LOUIR, , Tutilf.=-theDentb4tat
teleg,raphiii adVliKvrtibirGreenrale.
to-i 1 bI, thstlehti tonfeshed
that he atiemtifedito 'Mrs. Wend=
ains, and fitilltgf. tkillbd • her. •Tue
wens arelutiotruzulted and Juostmect and
PlreatezutaJY,l3*, blab .bat
. lteipteade
for time that he may preparc,for, ctelith•
ne:; 15 .1V4 411 . 1 PevePtitl•
TBs 4 10 eysf ,, VP4 1 1.1 3 ,,X.ItiourichAl"Attr) Ili ,
tcrT4ofr,f, Jull%4o, l —TAut reeeeee Of i giEy
Fuappiigcm r ;1.4049,9 tV4 . TA.,„,.
dltilres.l3 8;437: '
Tte North Eastern Saengerband—Gala
Day in
,the City—Reeeptlon of (ilocte.
ties. • , )
fl33 . ,,Teleersra to the Pittsburgh Gar , cFe.)'
BALTIMORE, Stay 10.—Balthifore to
day, in anticipation of the ,arrival• of
tNeather airport
[Ey Telegraph to the Pittsburgh:ol.2nm)
PLAISPER COVE, July 11.-10:30 .r.
cool and oloudv, with light .gales; Ares
reonired 4t night.
1 5 bkr.rLAND, July .11.—Thermometer at
10' A. M. 93 degrees; 2 r. is., 98 degrees;
10:30 P. if.,74 degrees. •
BOSTeNJuIy 11.—Highest mercury in
the evening, 96 degrees; about three
o'clock: there was a heavy "thunder storm
and severe rain; 10:30 p. M. thermometer
74 degree*.
PEILADP.LPHIA,'• July 11.—Highest
point of thermometer in the evening, 'ad
degrees: heat tempered by slight showers.
BALTIMORE, July /I.—=Highest MeroU
t7 9G degrees; 10:30 r. 90 degrees;
light northwestern winds.
WAsmizio•rosr, D. C., July 11. —E ig hest
thermometer 98 degrees; 10:30 r. fir. , 92
- degrees.
AUGUSTA, GA., 'July 11.-7 P. M., tner
ulometer 14'degrees. • -
Adaltional litaraets by Telegraph.
Am.: FE ANcisco, July :10.--Flour
stefito.l*.• A6N@5,50. Wheat; supply
limited and marital. $1,60. Legal
Tenders 75. Minnhg Stocks during the
weep were dull, oloaing irregular; Alpha,
27; Belcher, 26; Bullion, 21; Cliollar, 304;.
Confidence, 52; Ciownpoiht; 54; Empire
Mills, 70: Gould Curry, 116; Hale Nor%
cross, 138; Imperial, 66 nontuck, 17(4
Occidental, 22; Ophir, 22; Overman, 85;
Savage 91; ISierra 'Nevada, 37; Yellow
Jacket, 62. •
• Ma". Gen. Thomas and staff left Port
/and. Gregoni-July.§l,ll, for .41aslis.t.
-Two convots escaped trona Sing Sing,
N. Y., on Saturday, during heavy rain
shower. • ,
—The entiolineernent of Madathe gay
era it'a death, at.,f st. Dottie, 'wait
:tura, She stilt lives.
—Mr. Seward is coufmcdto hiskotel at
Sau -Francisco, by an attack, pf ilcputea
tisui. and declines to receive clatters.
—Yesterday was the hcrtest of tlie
season. at New York. The .thermomster
at ti,r. as, 'marked and at lol' 2e,132.
- 2 -Riadon,,the alleged last survivor, of
~ P oWell's expedition, hag been lodged in
the Springfield, 1111 cois,Jall thargt3d with
stealing a horse.
—Johnson, who' shot VandeinOntad
two polleeen, at Meniphie, s t inie wales
ago, snrrendered orif Ssturday • and as
committed without ball. ••••
Louts citizens hal:J.o monde a Pt
mittot of five hundred "dollars for the
hest tuiich -CO* to ,ke exhibited at the
St. Louts fair. in, Cietbber heat.
. .
--A eztrriage thaket named ISELEtby,froin
Wheeling, W Va., cointnltted stickle at
Cambedgt, Mass, on Friday - of lag,
Week. by cutting his threat wit 'a.razor.
—.Cam. Win. Dyer Was killed ou Sat Ur. .,
day tat &led street what!, Philattelphia.
bygioapstau biA.r, While engsged , in bolett!
lug W.dler Amu the wreck 1 4,14 frigate
New ficsisidea.
-4iusan lowneratut,aged seventy years,
was murdered in West Thirtecuth street,.
Ne*york; by her ,daughter•itblaw, Mra.
ROWIFOS Dean. la a Yakut' Insanity. The
weiip9n used was a hatchet.
—The pettiton;Cit l'ir*:ikiiai;iha wire
wurtiorer, tor,a . rehearingof his cue be;.'
dotti'the Cotti%: Ap&alli'lit'Limiaville.
has 'been - graded nrni tie matter
will otime ulitietdre that 'court itr• dap
tembertnexu . t •r it '3 .1
--;-01i Vitt 14thlinat. there ;All , beolield
RIA.; w Suite ttuventkni of
colored MEM. fordhb purpcise Consid4
oridill the-Wel fern , At their, ratelartd the
bfitittr.rnet4od , Pf - oßr9ttriPSlolit ad tiOAZlctp.
TAci.APtllOancl?,priqauleee ,to, be ierge.
.r.The (wet spike of the Southern Cen t ,
tral Railroad, connecting Oswego with
Auburn, it T., vas driven Saturday ,
wit/ Imposing peremonke h - :Tee spike. -
or ettliti Wag - dritritti Anted Ooliabed
NUMBER .156 '...''
oak tie by the President-of: the -village,
W. L. Jones. • '
—The Connecticut Legislature ad..
jot:trued sine die on Saturday. 'rho see.
Ilion was twenty-twep days shorter ball:
last year, and cost the State 428,0X:fleas:
Both Houses held, night sessions last'
week. crowding business so as to reach
an adjournment. • ; .
--Another match between Allitn and
MoCoole has been arranged.: Articles of
agreement have been drawn up and two
hundred dollar aside deposited. The
fight is to take Rises on NovetriberlOth,
within fifty miles of Cincinnati. George
Wilkei is spoken of as the final stake
holder. - •
—A Committee of officers of the New
York Seventh Regiment, to . * at Sara.:
toga, have perfected arrangentents for
their excursion to Albany; Troy Eind Sar
.atoga. The regiment will im reviewed
by Gov. Hoffman and will inaugurate .
the new hall of the Arnion Hotel With a
grand, ball, given by the citizens and
visitors at:Saratogi,in honor of the regi
'nerd, on the 22d Wet.
- 'homas g weeneyc was arrested and
committed to jail on Saturday, -at Bahia°,
.'N.=-Y., for the Intirden.of rhis t prother
'Sohn, while boating - in 'the' harbor on.
Sunday last. Oa, i the shore
an the day meritiOned, Thomas reported
John had fallen overboard and drowned.
The body. was' recovered -and,bore evi
dence of the skull lielng.,broken'sizith an
oar, teeth ki)ocked'iri 'and • other- narks
of violence. •. ?';
—The furniture ,factory, of Bailey ds
Co., at Cincinnati; was destroyed by,ftie
Sunday morning. Loss TM,000: insured'
for 88,100 in home; companies:- : The - fur.
nithre of the'. steamer ; United' States,
ready to' be- delivered, was among the
furniture burned. •The building
four story brick, : The.dre originated in
Boggs' blacksmith shop, wooden,adjoin
lw-- This was totally, destroyed;. loss
$3,509;,n0 insurance..
FArther telegrams received gond.rm
the liaount of great-.floods. in 'the, Col
orada valley, Texas. - The water was ten
feet deep in the. Court. House angers "tit
Lagrange. It is estimated that twenty l -t
five houses have been seen passitig &wit
the strenli. The river was, stillyising.'
Staging has been' gtoPped for' four days. -
..The town of Columbus is entirely sur
rounded by watery ate !trawl; river is
also very high, and was,still , rising at the
rate of four inthea per hour.-
-The Grand - Jtu`y of the Common
Pleas Coart of Cincinnati concluded their
presentment as follows : “While we Its
individual citizens congratulate our
young mett, the , Red Stockings,' in their
victorious Career over all competitors in
the United States, we would at t the same
time *ern them and all othezahwh6 par
ticipate such exciting gamai, to do
so , with moderation, and , that they be
careful not to _violate. laws of. God or
—There now seems _to be no doubt that
- John Moore is the murderer of -Mrs.
IdeAdanas, who, lived near, Greenville,
Illinois. It Is also asoertained .that. pre
vious to her murder he ravished her.
The excitement is 'very high in the com
munity; and there is a - strong dispoiltion
to lynch lifoore, brit the evidence against
him is not considered strong enctighlo
justify it. The man arrested at Wood
ville has been brought to Greenville.. but
he does not answer the description elven.
by Moure,of the man Who Assid-to have
been seen Jerking around. ; Mrs. iNfc.
Adams' house.
Or Till: rich men lit. New . 'Km*, the
Commercial Ativoilfeer, taking the last in
come for the teat, observes:. "The. man.
who leads the list, A. T. Stewart, every—
body knoWs is an Irish emigrant, who
commenced life with a• capital of leather! •
twenty-five cents., :Henry Keep beasts
that he grAduated from the Poor Moused
Jefferson.county. Jay Gould drove, a
herd .41 cattle from 'Delhi,. Delaware
county, when a lad, for fifty cents• iday,
in order to get moue enough to reaehthe
Hudson:iv:et.. David Groeabeck,over . tbir- •
ty years ago,..useti to ,mend, old shoes for
his brother, who was a respectable shoe
maker in Albany. We all know the his- .
tory-of Jatues Gordon Bennett and Relit.
Bonner, poor.boys'full ot talent andln
dustry. Rufus Hatch, When a young
ster, had an ambition tolold the reins of
a peddler's wagon,, E:1). Morgan coin-
Menced life with a quarter measure of'
Molasses. It is scarce a dozen years since
Henry Clews was an errand boy .in one
of the banking houses down town. The
brothers Seligman started out h life with
a peddler's pack., David Dotes; in his
younger, days, ret.iiled pork by the halt.,
Pound, and mojanks by the gill. ; H: T.
nelinboldlvas 46tt cabin boyon the sloop.
Mary:Jane, thatnayigated the ..Belaware.
river-7,1 ;
TnE 1:1. Ytoli (Ohloi -44 1 gef,X1111 . diil .44 :
hakes organ, is still urging a!reorfgtittize-'
Lion Of the Dentociatio tY of the forriti. ~
ation of a neiv one. ;Rye "What la:.
meaed, in our judgktek, - is for the, cgt;::,
tried and trusty statesmen of the Poke - -
crate faith to infuse some of the vitsdblo:
thatnberacterizedlheir fork* actioaltd#,
the - yoting heads that' are everywhere { ',
around them, ;ithd allow them to lead, oit -
in thi'miikadn'againSt crime and 'lliorpi„
tide, entrenched la,place and power, and
supported by' one of the Wlt"oorruftt
band - of traltdr,s that, bier c)ntrolled pa ;
llUeid organizatfOrdfth'e poihitigpeolgo ~
of. this country. Xvertthe,.tilitezbotitted;
name of Democracy, might *l>e laid. italf.e,.
if necessary, forlhe, acCOMpllehliaiiy . of .
such a holy purpose.
, . , ... .
' Tit .lir--- t r-- 4 ---" 'e '
'gray. TOUR. 0 total V UO O.,
real and personal p4opertyfn iltesit, ,
county of ll'ew 'York for - the yearl ;
according to Li - recent official statement, ha .
itat311,199.3,1,;2` against `3W08,486;827 , it,
letlythigltn libretto°, oY $55,3114;270. - ',
The s6tikrateltems omsenmpwsSulepOP;
Retaß*e. 468:1,140;7438, 040'11 1 e5t5 6 4...„,A
$2'T0,M829; i n 1i 3131 4 ml , e qa w, ;'l ,
2 3 8,046; Pertonal, egtatei . t2B s it 9 . 9 ;77nio .
that'the real'estate h4' increased - S6IV .
904,13 - ,'iniit the Repatial.,4entAte ' keit, do; .:
creased 35 239,'4. ' .41.mottgletlems - Of;
pertantal estate; that ink_shote' areYalti-4",
of 074,A47,184 in, 1869i‘4edletivjosAn'o.
in 1808 lie/'*••••:#4'rea%e. fit,: V.PQ,''eP,
- , c 6, 04v
Trra sugar beets grosyn
are onicrro be twice sweetaslOS'elsrg-hi
ducediii Franca and :getmany. :
~..fhp) (l
gruwit,in South Jersey have been found,'
to contain twiee as much Sugar - aSrbm t
gr9vitfirr Illaisachusettg. ' ,