II t: STEEL WORKS DU UESN E WORKS. I COLEMAN & CO. - lionufacturero or, IRON, NAILS, STEEL, .AXLES'-AND SPRINGS; DVQ.ITENNN,'L X AND JUNIATA, FLAT BAB,: - BOUND AND SQtroBE TRoN. MBeigHp.lfftrSiNPALt.,/' IRO N, _ EttaRDIROT: , DEAtt and DROrrElt DABS virrrsit BARB, elLt.timg IBON 111 , A l ND'Jider RAM, for Cool BOOR 44.80 W BA B3,W.RDGL M S a HARM .TEETH, .:71}-34I1'LOWg cutt STE6E"LI;.HE lf,.EnjEia 1.8. COsr BUG@Y and AGOB SITIBGB and - CUT AILEI AND SPIKES • - • Idl.ilends First Class and Warranted. - , OFFICES AND *ORBS. 'Elt„Teei and Allegheny River, ..--axid , '3l Mat= Street,Plttsburgh. -ciarmETELD STEEL WORKS. 0.7 , • - - 'SINGER, MICK* CO' • • I PITTSOURGEL: Pd. if annfacturens of every description of CAST AlsrD GERMAN STEEL RAMA' BrAINGS, ELLI...:C. .41CD PLAVPORM STE= TIRE, de.. de WarehOunN 003 Water andloo First Ste. 1111111Lialart. BABB & PARKIN. ALL • '•• I •—"" ' CIIINZBAL PAILTIMIB • I% ITALl' et iTl, 1. W: I lARI% PARTHRE - B. M. SUM; CEICSCE : IO' STEEL WORKS, KILLER, - BARR & PARKIN, Office, No 335) Liberq St, PITTEIBITAGEI, , fel4:d4B BLACK DIAMOND STEEL_ , WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., ;en of all descriptioas a# ' iSk ll 3 O3 Ea. Bala and Warebouse, 19311rnleili, TgllßT L Y. !OUST tad RAILHAMJ , STREETS, PITTSBMI3III. litOlq W43RKS. ialsOltarak Frees. —. W. P. Possas, blurt. pITTSBIIRGII FORGE IRON CO., ktesurvivaxas or INE3 'leer Iron; Railroad Fish Hers and Solis; Railroad Car Ades. Rolled; Railroad Car Aides glimmered; laeomotive frames; lioeoniotive "'Frame Shapes: e Side Ralik ? 7 ' Yokes, Straps; jiiistME : Steaiabost Shafts; • Steamboat Cranlug piston Rods, 'Wrists; Elliman JAWS* Collars, Re. 011106 j ,177 PENN STREET, pirratulea. Pd. FROCBSS. • The Trustees are now urepareci to graluAlleen tea.lor the use of the XL.L.FX4I3.Abi PRO !VIM. The superior quality imparted to good irori, the great improvement in inferior iron. and the gOdueed cost. commend it to an manatactiaers of iron .• . use Parties wishing to it can obtain licenses by ilipPrithg to . JAMES - P. SPEER, Attorney tor the Trustees, ROOMS ; 1 and B, Zugßuh's Building, 96) • "Minh avenue. Parties interested are invited to visit the . saOZ2iBrAKEtE.H. WORKS, where the recess is • ewin sueoesaltd operation. VERSON,:PREMW„ikr CO" ennstva a Iron Works. . _ _WsrehoFise, 16E' TIEST STREET. Monsulasaelt House._ sp24:dil PITTSBURCIEL %B ABS FOUNDERS, JOrri S. COOPER', 'op ; *COOPER & CO., _ Bell a n d Blase Foundets. CASTINGS ME - • • NADA ra.purTLY TO 9EDNE. , 1i44139,14C- arta . t Grey Iron Fittin s , GAS PIPE AND TUBING, lIIROTTEKSAYETT AND egg B. _VIM ES, I ALL GLOBE PATTERN 40:1 1 .11 . - CoIOCES, Brass Work of 3 Ivry deser,iption for Steam, Water and MI. ilia.l4ll/fAtli U13.4.13U?/. 1d..C00P513 , 13 .Improved y Balattee-yheel Steam ramp: dgevis for, Dreyfus' yfus' Patent Oil ' _ 1 ; ' o2'B; the best in the'Market. Offire and Works, corner 'I turteenthand ilke Streets. • " en 2. COAL AND COKE. c 0,... -- AL: cosiest co k vi.::: DICKSON, STEWART & Go, Having removed theii °trice to NO. 567 . ''LlilkiliTT STIiEET, (ladely.oltxFlodr 24111) SECOND ZiAwls Are noir A pregkfdd' to itornish good YOUOIIIO- elm Ny td EJNK, NUT,9OAL BLACK at the Lowest' th of L7lOO. - . 7 Au. o at- uneLy °film orectatesead them throttgh the- , midi, will I:l4tt attistided to promptly- ' ' . /". • --, L/THOGAAPEMIPS.. MIONTAILIN BUM iiii•T«..«..«..« «. . i filial , Q. 21% Ql3 thEitLif 01, CLEIS, SUCCellgOrie . P 3 to Ow. ri:lso34ocitutsel a Co.. ' cDr 1 o carmoguarlisss. ~ v y.l to f, Lttluistietbter istsbllstimeui •eio sr otentaing. — Bustles" thirds, Letter Igrbatlall, Vast _Show Oardi, / 4 . ter„t e Itereenostes at De. , to, Ismattou usels,t .. Nos. VI and T 4 • street, rettatteugh. , FOUNDERS, DLS.OFIMSTS. KNAP TORT =PITT FOUNDRY COYPANY OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, IrITTSBMIGH, PA. nrEngines, dolling Mill Ma chinery, , Nail . Machines, Re tOrtii; and Castings generally. N ATIONAL FOUNDRY, ' _ AND PIPE *ARKS. Carper Carrop and Smallmanilitraeigh MINIS WABD.I II PrPTSI3I7II43I-11, PA. WILLIAM SMITH, • Mariufacturer OA CAST IRON BOWL PIPE POE GAS WATER WORKS. My Pines are ell east invarlablyin Pita, in dry sand, and LS feet lengths. Alio, full assortment . of general Castings for Gas and Water Works. ellraleie,°N°vei„l.ll7.lreLlTlPAlVAlnd• • DUQUESNE-. FORGE. - • WILLIATILIMILER, (Paccefizo!,to JOS. P. HAIGH & C 0.,) Has fealittie edextensive With the - leading Forges in the East, and isprepared to promptly and satisfactonly fill all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANES. PISTON ROD. ,__LEVERS, PITMAN JAMSWILISTf3,HAILBOAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, _together with every description of SHAPE WORK. Office and Forge, , _ Corner of knineeneliray and First Street. anl4:h4o j - ROBINSON, BEA. & CO., Successors to Roantsow, MIME a MILLI.'6 WASHINGTON WORKS FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufseturers of Boat and Stationsr ery ystem E.n: et e ttn t kai l t r i n n g e t ; i resil dei MDI l f& a Ptions:'oll Tads and 8 Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. . Office, o. 3 9, corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFFAILD'EI PATENT LNdECTON for reeding Boilers. • . tan zsa THOMAS CARLIEN'& CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Nadine Work', SANDUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY. Ti,. Manufacturers of Station . ry and Portable Steam ranginew tiu free..., rulings, 'Shafting, Orbit and Saw Work, Bolling Mill end Machine Castings. Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, &e. Band to order and have orthiutd Engines of all sizes. • uivl4:qs CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS - 880 Penn Street. BOLVILiN, BOYD & BAGALEL Illitolls. ISM Castings. 801 l Lathes. Se. OILS. WARING AND HMG, Cenunlssic Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and _ its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHTLADIMPRU ADDRESS, ,Boom 17 ! Chatt!Ui of Commerce, •PlO 133 soirrli BECOND STREET ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. c.-TivEDDLEI, MANUFACTUBE3,O7/ Lubricating & High Test'llurning Oils. ... Eclipse nallsoad Axle on. \ Stands great beat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures.. Special Oil for tropical climates or bqt weather. , LoeckinoilVe, Exiiiiie, Elbehine Shop, Willcnteciews. - : . .. , Sow 1111111 - endPlantog 11111 01le, -, Adaotedlorhigh spd; ' .' - • SlValle . VW: %rota nesaaagoton, 1 Oil, fanizers , 'Stiff. Benzole, ~ ' lugs* FlnishlogOlLl, Gasoline, IlEaraieso 2 oll"/ .. -- pareijainake. - ASMOR. V.Aklintiy .to Prilterre Briltit'iro ll Work ind'ktacidner7 /rum Aust. These pro. ucts are manufactured under Dr. Twaddle , 6 patent by Superheated Steam In Vac cup. Ihe Dub:l:eating Oils are.almost odorless, perfectly p eta. unlforgt, and mestLy 'light col ored. stand a high.temperature unchanged. and remain I, m i id during extreme cold. • The Railroad Ohs are unequalled, and are In constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Samples can be examined end orders lest at .174 WOOD STREET. ;Works it tibarpaburg Bridge. BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCIIANTS AND ONALJERIS LN Petroleum and its Products, nthadtipialsOitice-IWI WALNUT ST. • atilorm, - 1)1AIOND 111 1.11 WORKS. M. LONC & CO., Ulnae, DA.L4ILLI f 111:1111)6111, revs . Duquesne,Way, Plttaburgn.;Ps. Nl!VMji V WORKS. pyrit• lEBTR GB Nf)V'ELTY WORKS. Founded A. D., MIL :1,131411113.. BriLEIE CO ila,SlMlLCsuziadi 07 AGYHT(PNX ISTILNDJI,4INRAIBBANK 8 PAT ENT) MAMAOAR &ND COUNTER It; AL L fig tVatela.Dooi laid Lau:4u*, Patnt and Caret ltills. to. , 5010811 OF NUT AVEJUE OMIT Bil. risitsbasohysassa. urTswißmi :.o.oEtrtz.•_.l - SATITItriAY, .JULY- '. 1U;• -1869. ftifittfts, - Bowdu3 ; HUGE V. BOLE & CO., Car. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (Nees slue POINT,) • • Engine Builders, Fotiwiera and • lifackinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all aJsea. attention Invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER. of Ib-horsorpower• CASTINGS of every kin_ct, Made to order itour Foundry, ,onTRIBD STREET, below Market:. RIGS, few Wells, SHAFTING, _*PULLEYBi HANGERS, HOUSE andTOBACGO WHIMS sme IRON TOBACC9PBESSEB,ort hand and made to order, at the' - ' ' • INDUSTRIAL,WORKS, outing on the Allegheny Elver, near the Point, IPITTBBIJB6H, PA. Air Ail ordeta DromlaT tUled: Tiff 178- FOWL' PITT ANIIT WOIZIES CARE OLL &-SNYDER, auxtramnwla or- TUBULAR, DOUBLE-ELITED TUBULAR, FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAK BOIL ERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL.TANRS. CIIIKNEYS, intzEommt .AND ASH PANS, SETTLING PANG, BALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; - • _ STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES; PRISON DOOMS AND COAL MUTES Office and Warehouse. corner second, Third • Short and Liberty Streets, • PITTSBURGH, Pa. Orders sent to the above addreia wLII be promptly attended to. mh7:180 WM. BAIMIEULL tr. CO.,- _ - BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, /5108. •o,ll*. 14 AND SG YENS BT.. Having secured a large yard and furnished it With the mast approved machinery, we are pre pared, to manufacture every description cot HOM- E= in'tbe beat manner, and warranted equal to any made ln - tbe country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Bait Pans. Tanks, 011 Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boller Iron, Bridges, Boger Pane and sole mannfacturers of Hamburg Pat ent Ventre. • - - Bepairing done on shortest notice: lastal &LILES M. BITER, Boa. 1:0 and 36 Water Street, • PITTSBIIIO9II4 PA., 11.41114/41=1=I OF IRON - OIL TANKS, ormaNe raw% oerFas BTEA.II /UZI ROLLING MILL STACKS, And MEET 11.01 4 r WOES, For eteambostis. JAB IDY. - - ..11DMVXD 0 9 BRUM JARED N. BRUSH & SON, • KILICIIIPACIVESUB OP Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks: SUEET IRON WORN. 40. 61 Pea» . Otras, Pitts b urgh; Pa. STOVES, OAL I3II / 4. "; &o. A.. BRADLEY at ao WOOD STREET, lianufbeturers of the greatest variety of Cook Parlor and Heating Edina! . TO BE FOUND. In our assortment Will be Pannd &lithe LATEST PATTIOINS AND PhIPBOVaidEnTe, and the reputation of our Stoves is such that any one in Want of a good article should purchase none but those manufactured by us, as they will - be found the most durable as well as economical. Would STOVE.icuar attention to our new VoLCANI I for churches, halls sun Stores. Over 500 sold In three months. Intended for with or with out casing. All who have used - them pronounce them superior to any other and far cheaper,_ Send for Catalogue and Price List: IRAFLINGUS it CO, lIIANTMLCIIMZIIS 0 7 vAursrr or EM I G" gal BOSTON COOKING GE, "TILE FIERY RUA " Fox wAoloira Hi:mm=oE4 THZ . NEW -DIBZ. COOKIN „awn. ..S.ZOULATOIL ASTI*. ' .COLUMBIA COOK STOVE.. BANHE CAST IRON TLES 1 6.1. R IM BEIPLECTOB, GRA.TZel,l4crom and daft; eawrto FRANTBLYPW . • 206. and 208 Li*ty S4eets ie2s:yl7 PITit3 \ II,URGH. re. 1 1 1001 k STOVES. PET THE BEST. BISSIr.LI. clic 'CO. - - TRIUMPH, , BlTgrit''lti.DlMß V 1 9 COAL. ,-;‘. ' ,'-': ~.'7,:;:,...; •,':' , ' . jq -L'- ieitiiitiitelisei , C4r; Bake 'or !toast as 41il as anuotliei , Stairein the Union. 818 'dc 00 IA • ' ' 11 No: 335 tibeiir Street. Also on band and for sale. • , • - , PARLOR wrovss.. • -' ~ Eit3, HIATINO llTO*ti nsiati . ____ ORATE /BO . rsND COOKINO GES, ao. LUMBER. • TO BUILDEIIBI • • \. 300.00 U feet Dry Pine Boards. 150.000 feet 3.55 Inch Clear Flank: ' 15,000 feet ASS inch Common Plank; 25,000 feet Dry 1 and Si limb Oak:. 25,000 ft. 34. 1, 1X,71 and a inch Poplar: 10.000 teat City Poplar tleantlibilTj 10.000 feet Dry Yellow Me ROarls: 100,000 feet RemlorAtlcantlinlft .1 803.000 feet No. RS inch 8141IIii 4 Shin. •-, • . 200.000 ri0."115-11ch Sbingles,'SAwed 50,000 No./1 Mangles. shav ed; 50,000 Fire Brick; Fire - - • 100" Tons Fire Clay; Also. Saw Mill. Lumbe r, LoCnst and Cedar Poiltatand_all-artleles in tbeline on band and fbr Dab br ALEX&Np r ili PATTNEWN. Yards— No. 165 7 Rebecca s t and Cornet of Pre blit and dtmiata streets. alit, ward.A444_ , iklieny. late bor. oust' of 44nd:ester. ap:6 WEIGHTS AND rimAstrias - 114. *43#05 I f o l4/99 1 /Ta 411473, 5-55 151fitIMPOIMUNinf 4114 - - °Edges seseaptly atteaded toe - MARI • FINAN NO. 80 FOURTH. AVENUE, PITTSI3IIRGU. . • CASH CAPITAL. . •. • 82110.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. DANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. / DIRECTORS. Thogiff. Harahan,John M. Mtirtland, Wm. - T. Shannon, 1 -Archibald Wallace. James W. Arrott, I Jas. D. Kelly, Chas. B. Leech, I Win. Floyd. John Floyd., • , \ This Bank la now folly Organized and prepared to do a general Banging budness. - • jelOkia , • FORT, NTT / BANKING COMPANY, ti0.,169 Wood Street,. : : imoo,ooo. IDUIktLY LIABLE, I IN SECURITIES OLb. I TINE D 12081113. Collecticras made on all accessible point► in the ITnited States and Canada., DIRECTOR& D. Hostetter. Jno. - C, Blshar. James Gordon. Robt. H. Nang, D. WsUnce, Andrew Miller, E. Fawcett, ' James M. Ballet. • . , . AIBECAIIis IPrploll. mum. me HAWN. Cashier. D. LEFT W 11ART, CAI:WHEN CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, ,/ prrmEu3triten, PA., OltrOCrEBBollB TO HANNA, BART It 00..) DIALS= IN Exchange, Can, CouponB, And Dintalar a=tra tie to the purchase COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on 'London. ramor.l N HOLMES &. SONS, 57 'Market Street, PrrT"rESTitErll43.ll, Collections made on all the principal points of the United litatee and Cansdas. Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT £ND SOLD OR OOMMISSION. Partionise attention paid to the piuohasa and sale of Ignited States Seoul.4ties. Ja80:al JAY COOKE & CO., 3E/191•1333.01 . 2311, , 114 SOUTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. - , STOCKS and BONDS of all description* bought and sold. Special attention given to the purchase and sale of Government Securities. • ' mh3o CITY Bit,NS. 112 fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa CAPITAL, 9100,00!0. STOCKIOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE - IMISEer PAID ON DEPOSITS: FOREIGN EXCHANGE ! B. • glit, and sold; and when desired remitted to Enrope.,Collections made on . alt the principal pointref_the United States and Canada. - NDomiNicY InmeßN, President. , = Ileßa iiqUABE, Vice President._ ;oti.k/ . /. GORMLEY, Cashier. ~,, • -= 'F _ .1 Dli/CTOBIS. D. ihmseir. • A ' James NoCkle, ; Thomas Rourke, ' John Savage, \ P a tr ick e. Jr. . ' Terence Campbell, Ptr Kane, James Phelan, ohm. B. Bar; H.A.Frervogle, ,=.lno.dos.Hermann, Thomas Barnes, , -Hugh Heat' , - ULU FEOIIIES' .14111 s Of Allegheny. CORNER - FEDERAL AND LACOCK STR S. ) SMOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABL . • Banit of . Discount and Deposit. ' EXIT-6. If. HARTMAN. CAsn Oß, ien DERLOTS.E. P. YOUNG. an. W. H. Burt, - '43 on, 13. 0, Patterdon, B. F. Brown, • B. B.MeFrannzi:in ESE -S. H. HAM J. P. Bendel J. Robes, Samuel Dyer, W. G. Gibson. IYEEROIIA T TAILORS. BTIEGEL I _ • mi tlaite Cater with 7. Eespertheldej arE. No. 53 -Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh 8e.28:Y21 • XEW SPRING GOODS. , - epleniUd new stoen or G'LOTEI3, -04.881.51E11,E5, Just received by UENRY MEYER. veld: Merehmic Tailor.. 73 Smithfield street. HAIR AND PERFNAITIRY. asOEIN ' PECK ^ ORNAMENTAL HAIR , WORKER ,AS.Ii!D PERMIKE. NQ. Third street, near timithlield.. Pittsburgh. AlwlVolll. liandeneral sasonmeof, 'of La. dies US 13A.NOU. 01.1RLS: Gantlenien's 1 1 /144,1YE5. , ECIALPH. HUARD (amiss, .10* HAIR. Price in cash will be given. ihr RAW R. LadleM .and Hentlemen's Hair Uniting done in 41...,,4•0nrt ARQEirraan• RAI Sr. 411011En v , • MC= ROM :AlBpoisTlON BUILDURIA Huts. s vi 4 4 &Caw Buie% Misburgi" /!.!, 4 -1 0,0° 1 4 4 .1 1 g a s laiOn to at desigillsga nd IMAtilotar.Edinszttar-gri FINANCIAL.: CarrCik3Par:3, o , SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at _Highest Priccs. PH.. R. MERTZ, Banker For. Wood and Fifth Street& my 6 ; Jas T , BRAD . y & Co. . (thienessors 05. JONES & C 0..) • • Corner Fourth and Wood Sts.,• 3EI T\T "JEL NB, BUT AND BELL ALL RINDS OF • IAVERNIENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST reyousilLE TERMS. or Interest All Owed on Deposits. lo sz t mag e :o r ra . on Government Winds la . . , Orders executed for the Purehase, and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. . \ LAMES T. ,BRADT & CO. GOVERNMENT BONDS 1 / • We will register 111. kinds of Government Bonds tree of charge., This . gives the loader ab solute security igainsrtiteft,loss, or desff•nction. JAMES T. BRADY & CO Dealers in Governmint Bonds, COIL FOUIZTE & WOOD 'STS. my13;125 61jt litaßgt Gap g. FINANCE AND TRADE, Gold opened strong to.dav at 136, under an easy money market, advanced 136 k„ and fluctuated ,between 1.3631 and 136. The power of the bear party seemed to be broken, and the tone of The market is firm. DI Government bonds opened strong, ad . vanced about one-half per cent. and closed very firm, with likely a further, advance for to-morrow's government purchase. Bonds are scarce for delivery and the short interest uncovered very large. The high prices seem "to be no inducement for parties to Bell, although the investment demand is large.. , For stocks, the higher quotations of the first board were not sustained, and . L the market closed weaker and lower, . bet well sustained for all the principal stocks. - Express shares' remain' firm, except Wells, Fargo & Co., which is unusually depreesed. Money easier. , Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 135%; Silver, 129; Eighty one's, 118; Five Twenties, 1862, 121%; do 1864; 118%; do 1865, 7 11.9%; do 1865, Consols, 117%: do 1867; 117%; do 1868, 117%; Ten Forties, 108 New Yorke Central, ;80.%; Erie, —; Reading, 92%; Pittsburgh,Fort Wayne & Chicago. Railroad; 5, ex. div; Ohio & Misissippi, 32%; Michigan Southern, 109%; Cleve land 4 %Pittsburgh, 108; Chicago & Rock Island, 16%; Chicago & North Western; 80%; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 95; Adams Eipress Com pany, 58%; Merchants Union Express, —; Pacific Mail, 89%; Western Union Telegraph Company, 37%; Am. W4Ei- Press, 40. EXCHANGE, Large. Small. London, per £ ...... ......16,69 /6,76 Paris. per franc ' 27c 27%0 Berlin, ;haler 99c 99%c Frankfort, florins -57 c 5814 c —Closing quotations received by James T. Brady Ot Co. Gold, 135%; United 1 States Sixes, 1881, 118; Five-Twenties, 1 1862; 121%; do. 1864,118%; do. 1865, 119%; Ten-Forties, 108; Five-Twenties, Janu ary, and July, 1865;117%i do. do. 1867, 117%; do. do, 1888, 117%. ' Due. Com pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railroad, 90; Central do. do., 99; Cy. Pacifica, 106; Lake Superior 96. r MY Telegraphs to the Pittsburgh Gazette:3 , ,NEw Yong, July 9,1869. Money. easier and closing at 7 per cent. eurreneYl- q per cent. gold is asked. Nothing has transpired as yet in regard to the Grand Jury on usury cases. Ster ling firm at-9%®10 per cent. 1 State stooks are weak. New Tennei. kilees, 57; - Virginias, 61; North Carolinas, South Carolinas, 67; Missouris, 87%. 47, % Id firmer, opening at 136, advancing to 1 , declining to 135%_and closing at 136. , - Governments were firm, and advanced prices we paid for three millions bought by he Government, which ranged at 116 35410©117 45-100. The quo tenons at the °los: were: Coupons 1881, 118; do. '62, 121%; .o. 64, 118%; do. '65, 119%; do. new, 117%; •o. 1 '67, 117%;!do. '6B, 117%. ' Stocks opened steady b. closed easier, the chief feature heing In ' anderbilt's stocks and Michigan Southern: . Express Stocks dull. Bidding %Prices at 5:30: Canton, 62%; Cumberland, 32%; Western Union Tel. egraph, 31%; Quicksilver, 15; Mariposa, 8; do. preferred, 15; Pacific- Mail, 89%; Adams Express, 58%; Wells & Fargo, 22%; American, 40; United -States, 714; Merchants, 16; New York Central, 196; Harlem, 144%; Hudson, 164%; Reading, 92%; Erie; 28V; do. pref.,`s3; Michigan Central, 128%;5lichlgan Southern,-109%; Illinois Central,. 148; Pittsburgh, 108; Northwestein, 80%; do. ,preferred. 95;: Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, 74; Rock Island, 116%; .St. Paul, 76%; do.. pt'eferred. - 86; Northwestern, 80%; do:preferred, 95; Wabash,'73%; do.,pre ferreo,, 32; Fort `Wayne,) 151'; 'Terre Halite preferred, 58; Chicago and-Alton, 1574; , do. preferred,ls7; Ohio (It•l!.liasts- BIPPIs 824. St. Joseph, 118.-„ Mining stooks at Boston: Copier Palls, 7%;'lrrankliti 12; Heels, 80;itHancock, 2; Minnesota. 1; QUMOYF 24 • ., ..." ..: Disbursements of gold tnuay,.115:13,045. Receipts fit Sub•Treasnry toqlsy, 48,.. .488,8841 PaynlezlO, . ;MAC% balance, P%4,72,681. , t , _., • . rabli lit The same .or Specie to-marrow will , _ T.All.Olt, OFFICE OP PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, FRIDAY, July 9,. 1869. PITTSBURGH MARMOTS. OYFICE OF, Prrr sauna)! lassErni, '? 'FRIDAY, July 9, 1869. Flour and Grain, according ;to out, latest advices, froin both east and west, are still on the rampage. There has been a fine field for speculators during the past week or ten days; .those who were "lone' on either Wheat or Corn; have had a bigmargin, and many•doubt less took advantage of the' opportunity Thus presented; the “shorts," ,however, hate bad and ' LUS - ) still having a pretty hard time of it, and many of them have already been crowded to the wall, and if the market does not ease up, and ,that, too, before long, others will be forced to suspend. The dispatches from New York on Thursday reported a goodexport demand, and.,this, aided by speculation, was sufficient to excite all of the leading western Markets. There is an end• to all things, however, and there will be as end to the present flurry, and itL may come sooner than is generally, expected. BUTTER—Is in rather better supply, and easier, bLit as yet , unchanged; .we continue to quote 20@215, for fair to choice. BEANS—DuII, at fi1,75©2. CHEESE—Is in good supply and the common„grades are very dull; we quote common Western 'Reserve, at 14@15; Factory at 16(4)17 and Goshen at 18(gi19. CARBON - OlLLQuiet; may be quoted in a jobbing way at 29@30, fur standard brands. • DRIED FRUIT—DuII and prices nom inal—holders generally, anxious to real ize. • \ nr , inlied,„ 20. \ EGGS—Fresh packed, 20. FLOH4—Is firm, though there 'is no excitement in this market, and Western Flours cannot be replaced at pirent figures. Spring wheat §6,25®6,75, and Wintfr Wheat $7@7,25. FEATHERS —Supply Supply in `hands of commission men almost exhausted. Live geese may be, quoted at 85g90, to the trade, and $1 in a retail way. GRAIN-,Wheat is in steady milling . demand. and scarce, and prime Red is being sold at $1,88®1,40. - Corn film, in demand and higher: sales of mixed at 80 —prime Yellow may be quoted'at 83®85. Rye, also, is scarce and , wanted—We con tinue:lo quote at $1,25®1.30. Oats firm and tending upward but the, demand is light,mnd dealers find it very difficult to sprinl an advance; 66@67 by the car load and 6 ®7O inistore. All kinds of Grains tire atively cheaper here than in Chi cago, and ma consequence, could not be replaced- from that place at present prices. . HAY—Sales new at $15®20, and old at $25@30. HEMP—Sales 12 bales at §205.. HUSKS—SaIes at 23.1®3 cts per pound. - LIMP-Cleveland .Lime is quoted at 53,50, per bbl, and Common. White at §1,75. LARD OlL—Sales of No. 2 at §l,lB® 1,20 nd No. 1 at $1,48®1,50 PROVISIONS rhuulders, 14X@15; Ribbed and Clear Sides, 17%®18,i; Plain. - Rams, 181,4@183;; Plain Sugar s Cured, 20; Canvassed, 21. Dried Beef,: 21@2135, . Lard in tierces 20, in kegs and palls 21. , Mess Pork 533,50@33,70. • • POTATOES—SaIes new crop at $3,00@ 53,50 per bbl, and old at 40@45 eta per bushel.l 'PE easiurs—sman sales at 12. SALT , ..-Allegheny IRiver brands are quoted;by car the load, at $1,75®1,60. SEEDS—SmaII sitles of Flaxseed at $2,45©2,59. No demand for. Clover or Timothy Seeds. PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE - 13 F PITTSBIIRGHi GAZETTE, FRIDAY July 9, 1669. $ The agony in regard to the production, we presume, is over for another month, the main facts of the report. of the Tiths v ille Herald, for June, having been re ceived by telegraph to-day. - From this . ' it would appear that the daily average fcr June was 10,067 h_blS, alSAlt 100 bbls per day less than for .May, and 35 bbla per' day less than for 'the same month last year when it was 10,102. The stock on hand on July Ist %reported at 300,900 bbls, a decrease of 56,000 bbls,' compared With the Ist of June. These are the main' points'of the report,and it is but fair to add that operators geherally here, did not expect much difference either way, and as anoru3equence, the statistics above set forth give pretty general satis faction. The market to-day was strong and highae, priceicomparad with yester day showing a slight advance, and while the sales were .by no 'means large, th ' feeling seemed to be "bullish," and deal ers generally' are operating 'With a view of pretty stiff prices. =3 The market, as alreadyintimated, 1= firm with-considerable inquiry both for present and future' delivery, and corn- Tared with yesterday, prices are a frill quarter higher. Sale, 3601313150 n spot at 16; 4,000 August, at 15%; 1,000 do, at 15y 4 ; and 3,000 sellers, all year, at 14%. July was offered Yesterday at 143;_ August at 15; and 143„ was beat did for sellers all year. • • REPINED • Firm though the sales were light. Sale, 500 each, Augnst - to Daiember, at 33;;;800 each, barns months, at' 3334. Spot, 32 against, 3134 @M%, yesterday; and July,,last half, 3235, against, 32© 3244 yesterday. • 1 . • LUBRICATncG OILS. Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil lipse RailroaA Axle Eclipse Machinery Eclipse Spindle 03.ECEIPTS OF. CRUDE OIL. .Mt . B . ro paepatompsou fi,Co Total 1...8,240 bbla. OIL alrnwro_zesT ,1 - ,Citizens Oil Co. 750 bbls, refined to Taok.& Bro.. Philadelphia. Moutzhein3er, Kohler &, Co. 500 bbls ref. to Wiring, King & co., Philadelphia.. Fawcett, L. & 8..400 bbls refined to W. P Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan dr Co., 103 bbls.refined to Warden, Fresv & Co'.; Philadelphia. Wormer, Myers &. Co., 211 bbla ref.-oil to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia.- Braun & Wagner :550 bbls reiinedlo Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. Lyons & 8r04,529 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & , McKettry. & Bro., 309 = bbls relined to W. P. Logan £ Bro., Philadelphia. Total Refined. 3.152 OIL SHIPMENTS PEE WEST PENNA.. B B. G. W. 001118 hip & Co.. 54 WAR relined to Waring, King & Co., IPtillaaelphia. OIL =Errs!) ~Est s ,r..)B7lic)74. ptliatrEEMß -•--'- • - , 1101ChISOn 01111 Refining G.,,162 bbla refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Phila. Brooks „Ballentiae et Co., 62 bbla ref. to v ar d, 3t4 Frew & Philidelithia. - ;,.rjg. L. 7 illoodwltx , halt Mil to J•6l:lodithitßotton, Mum: •.! 40c 850 750 800 .. 1,280 bbb3 .160 " ... 480 1, MEI