U E NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. _ RST ; CHURCH,iliallroad ntreet, no r Depot, liricNlFXl3.ll3ll g 7oN. ra. F. CROW THER,Pastor Preachin EVE.RY SABBATH. at 4 M.. an. 7 P. x. Public cordially Invited -10, . • CHRIST EPISCOPAL , CHURCH. ALLEteHENY.— The Rev. , B Sill. F. BROOKE. R ctor, officiate at di vine service In this Church on TO MORROW at bair-pa.t ten o'clock A. 11, and half...oast seven o'clock zi M. UNIVERSALIST corner 7 hid avenue and Grant at etts. W. N. VAN Da MARK, Pastor. Preaching esery'Sunday at /ON I A. and 7% P. w. • eabbath School at A. W. Seats free and a welcome to all. i 'FIRST Ellit GLISH EVAN! , ( HELICAL . LUTHERAN CHURCH, Sev-'• enth , street—Rev. SAMUEL LAIRD, raStOr. 80.XVICe8 TO-MORROW (Sunday,) and regularly hereafter, AVIAN A. M. and 1)1,r . as. Sunday .'eol at 9 A. m. IarRELIGIOVS,LFirst 'Chris , TIAN CHURCH, corner Beaver street and 2dontg_omery avenue. Allegheny Cltyj Joi- SEP El Pastor. Public worsb in To-MOR ROW. (Lord's:A/ay.) at 10,4 in the Mourmiiii and 1.4 in the Itysbnia. Free Seats. and a cordial invitation given to all. Sundae School at 9 A. M. Igr'r IR ST CKR STI AN CRUktCH Or:PITTSBURGH, W. S. Gray Pattot, meets statedly. in'. hEYJLLE HALL,. corner of Liberty and Fourth streets., Services every Lord's Day at 31.055 A. M. and V{ F. lc Subject tor Morning discourse, •'Se- The Zieeecsity anu Motlyes. The public are cordially invited. Sar ME SIAM ENGLISH ,EVAN- I . GELIPAL LUTHERAN CHURCH.(Gerf.• erat Synod.) Hand Street. below Penn. Rev. J.'H. W. i STUCHENBEJ3G,' Pastor. Religious ser , ' yxces regularty on SABBATH hereafter. Sunday SchOel 9 A. w. Preaching at /034 A. 'l4. and 11( ,P. M. Prayer Meeting and Lecture Wednes day, evenings. Friends of the congregation and public are cordially invited. WREMARKABLP. SPIRIT\ Manifestations, proving the Bible to be True. CLAIM It. DE EVERE. daughter of the late Sir Stephen De Evere, of England, a young lady of refinement and high cutufre, who has lieetLaddressingge audiences in Crsy's Rail,. 'Chicago, _will lecture la L&rA.Y KTTE ALL,OP. SUN D AY. at 10:30 wt., and 1:30 r. ; al. o; on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and. E EVENINGS following, at 730 P. At the close of each Lecture the gifted lady will des cribe spirit friends with astoueding accuracy: Intelligent citizens are invitA to witness Ards extraordinary phenomenon. • - Ilar" THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Plrra -AVENVII„ above Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. ALEX. CLARK. Pastor. Preaching EvEBY SABBATH. at 10.30 A.' H. "Creation Cond.tioned In the Divine Rea son,' is t he general so bit ct of a series of Saboath AVerdng Lectures by the pastor. Special topics as follows: A Lawless World. July thatAin. pheres of lona, July 11; Wat-rs Hight Have Seen, July 18; Satami Light, Joy 25; Imageless Humanity. Aug.. 1; Fortuitous Ani mals. Aug. 8; Reason in Bondage. Aug. 15; Ac ctdentai Belief:ln. Aug. AS; Christ the True in teurecer. Aug 39. Free seats and welcome to all. 0141C1C Or CITY Earcinnrsit AND strarzyos, / Pittsburgh, July 10, 1869. f NOTICE.—The Assesßment for • the. Boardwalk on Elm street (Blooiltidi\, rn rom Main street to the Peunsylrania Railroad, is now ready for enamthation, sal can be 'Seen' it this office until WEDNIM.DAY, 'July 21st, when it will be retarned. to the City Treasurer's office for collection. . H. J. MOORE, I iylo:m2. , . '..: • City Enginter., OFFICE CITY FIVIINEKILVAIiII SIIIIVEYOR, Pittsburgh, July 10-1869. NOTICE' TO CONTRACTORS. —Sealed roposids for Orading. Paving and Curbing TWENTY-NINTH STRBET, from Penn to timailman street MULBERRY A-- .LEY, from 98th to 89th street, will be recel ed until MONDAY, July 19th. 1869. . Blanks for bidding c.ti be hap at this ce. No bids will be considered by the Corn ittee unless made out on ,he proper blanks. re Com mittee reserve the right to reject an o all bias. H. J. MOO RE, City' E glneer• •• - - - F ARM FOB SALE. A. GOOD FARM. in West Deir township, Al legheny county, 10 miles from hharpsburg. A FRAME TWO 8 1 0111 110133 E, of str.- tooms; CELLAR under all house; alsiS, a L &ROE FRAME BARN, 59.T.38 feet, and o• er cli.bulluings. A . . Young Orchard of c . °ice Trait Trees i hc. . For particulars call on the premises. or at ' JOETdi W. - Bitacto2lll - 349 Liberty Wee', or address 9 ILLIAIkIBRYs9N, Rural Ridge P 0., Allegheny county, P. —' jpo::97 A LLEGHENIE COUNTY, .sr / in the Court of Common Pleaa of said county, Ex. No. 93. June Term, 1869. CONPAD . BCSiIITY,(vs. J. G. FILEBERGER. Jmy Bth, 1869, on- motion of Brown and Lambie, the • Court aripoinied W3l. BLAKELY:Y. Edo , Audi. • . tor, to make distribution of the money in Court. • Amount paid into Court $4,052 14. - Fr An the Record. . • / JAWS H. WALTER, Pro. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Auditor will attend to the duties of the abor ap sPolutm. at at his Office, No. 91 Gran trees, Pittsburgh, Pa., on WEDNESDAY, the - 4th day / of AUGUST, A. D. 1869, at the hour of 51 o'clock r. at. of said day, at which time and place those interested may atti• ml. WM BLAKELEY, Auditor. el0:1100-T ALLEGHENY COUNTY, ss: in the Court of Common Pleas of said county, Ex. No. 361. March Term, 1869. THJMAB 4!.. B. STEWART TB. .W. D. KR.s,FT A CO. Jetty 9th, 18e 9, the Court appoint. WM.. BLAKELEI Eng, a ud• tor, to make diatribe+ ion of the funds in Court. Amount paid In $3 673 49. From the Record. JACOB ti. WALTER, Pro. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Auditor will attend t o ttie ditties of the above ap pointment at his office. No. 91 Grant street. 'Pittsburgh, Pa . ou THURSDAY, the 5 h day of AUGUoT, A. D. .1869. at the boor of 2 o'rlo•ik r. as. of said Sky- at which time and place those interested may attend. WM. BLAI7ELEY,- • Auditor. , Je10:109-T LAMES BLidli INGRAIN cdtToN STOCKINGS • • ItT PHELAN'S. LADIES' AND MISSES' BLACK LACE MITTS AT PHELAN'S. BROWN MIXED STOCKINGS - • AT PHELAN'S. BALBRIGGAN STOCKINGS AT PHELAS 'S. . MISSES'. GENTS', YOUTH'S AND CHILDREN'S 0 AUER MERINO UNDERWEAR AT "TAMES PHELAN'S Old. Stand Stocking Store, 13148 No.' 24 FIFTH AVENUE. '— pHILOSOPHY OF THE • PLAN OF SALVATION, Part 3eooild. $4.50. Just received by _Jl9:rsat TAMP' rrramats AND TRUMPETA, Loetaiee of the .Vocation of the Preacher, $11.75 For sale hy IL S. DAVIS 193 tiberlar Street. 4= SWpFIVEI 310117331113, A. ably - am:it of these celebratell machines, aim is 3 generally Muse, bat received. W. W. ItNfiX, 137 Liberty .street. EGECI *.IIDEN AND G, FIELD ROLLERS, ■ Of ell else' and welehte, Just received and for sale at Parton' P , Wee REFRIGEIMATORS AND 7CZ ' CRESTS. The beet ventilated refrigtrators In the market. forl&1e at /owe" P ri " ls. W. . W: KNOX. \ s, .137 Liberty street. , 1 ICIE CREAM "•\,. - FREEZERS MID BEFRPERATOES... Of the most approved siples, laWeit miutet W. W. KNOi. 187 ,I.tbertr street. 111 Ma . . NAME, $1164.1110 barrels _on remitalaizt at WATT, &AEU & PO% 11* Wood street. -. 'a. • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FIFTH AVENUE BANK Is now open for DilcOunt, Deposit and General Banking Business, la 195 FIFTH AVEHDE. Any atm received from One Dollar upwards. Interes. at the rate of, six per cent. pad. cn time deposits.' . ' ED. DITHRIDGE, W. P. WZYMAN, W. H. SIMS. FRANK sIEBERT, W. C. ROBERTSON, .11BNEY MEYER, DAN. KINZER. I). N. ARMOR. EMIL POMMEL. F. F. SCHENCIfi Cashier. wo:198 NEW BOOKS. • Patty Gray's Journey from . Boston to Bal. tirnore $1,25 ?he Hand of Jesus 1.25 Behind the Curtain • 1.25 Credo ' 1.50 An AMeriCl/11. Women In Europe ' " 1.50 i Pearl Series for girls, 0 volumes in a bbX. 3.0 " rl , Boys, " - " " 3.0,' The Woodburn Series, 3 volumes in a box 3.7 Corwlit's Nest Series, 3 volumes in a box, 3.2 Sabbath - Songs far Children's Worship, ' Paper. 40 cents: Board, 50 cents each. !AT Tint METHODIST BOOK DEPOSITORY, 129 Smlthjteld Street. - JOSEPH HORNER, Agent. i T' ATEST OIL STRIKE. J uSTICE I ' ' \ LIBERTY ' \ . ECONOMY ! . AND „ .. FREE T ADE: To secure even handed ;terrace. just c .me and see what splendid bargains are offered 1 the gor geous stock of Spring and Summer lothes just prepared add exhibited to the unbli by • ; 8. C. T AVERVAN. • The fullest LIIIEBTY to be enj ed worn the .man who enjoys it is neatly tires ed in a suit of new iumm -r Clothes which fit h in so comfortably as not to midge the freedom o 1318 motion,. Such (ii, l cl•ithes are to be had at S. .TR AVEIMAN'S. To practice FbONOIsT. do 't spend vast MUSS ofm .nev where extortionate people charge fancy prices for unsatisfacto pothine, but come Ina get the won It of every Par you spend, at , S. C. TEATIBILAN'S. ; FREE TICADE of the reest sort, practiceu every day, and all 'day. at he iig No 11 Clothing _Hall. There tne people bring their cash, and there they get their clothes._ Avery man free to buy at all times.' rade tremendous just now at the Big No. 11 lolhinir Hall. ,-- L KAT THE PRICES. . Cocoa nut s its Cr 97 worth $l5. . Spanish suits for $9 Wortn 120. :skating Oak sults f0r41.2 worth 925. 500 sults, linen, at $2 50 each worth $5. Weekits for *lO wortb.s2o. Boys' Snits for $5 worth . $lO. An a great many more too:: numerous to men tion ;Tall early and secure your bargains. as we tits but a few days to tell. Reniember Big .ho. 11 xth street. . S. G. TRAUGLIIAN. tlylo;Tilr-g §, IJIIIRIER READING. \ biography \ ' , . alter savage Landon. A by. J. lin Forster 73, 30 Credo. This volume 16 devoted to those in- \ quiries which now aiitate ti e think tog worPi • - 1 56 Mopsa the Falrv. By Jean Ingelow . 125 Jobs Neal's Autobiography 2 00 Waverley Novels. Library- edition. 25 vols.. green cloth, in case. Price-re-9 5 duced to.. OO i Thackeray 's Novels. hew ed M 0.., gret n cloth. cacti • 1 25 Madame sherese the Concert ti Water _ too: historical Novels from thi French of 10 Erckmann-Chatrtin: rata Murray's Adventures in the Adinindacks. 1 50 On the Wing. A hook fonsportsmen 9 50 Run, Rod and , Saddle... 2 00 Villa on the Rhine. ct mpiete 2 00 An American Woman in Europe. By Mrs. Urbine • • . 150 Lamps,Pitchers and Trumuets - a 75 Oldtown Folks. By Mrs. Stowe 2 00 Little Women 2 vols, each. '1 59 Men of our Times. By Harriet Beecher Stowe 3 50 Beyond the Idisalssipt I ' 400 Kane's Az ctic Explorations. New edi t 4_50 ion Ply. Acrt s Too Much •.. 1430 The New West. By Brace 1 75 The Babermeister, from the German of Schmid 1 50 Life of Audobon, the Naturalist. Edited by his widow ' 250 Foster's Mississippi Valley ' . 3.50 Tribilhießss ty s - 2 00 Noma a Leslie. A New York story 1 75 S. A. CLARKE di CO., 119 Wood street. AN ORDINANCE • Relating to Oil Riflnerles. Sac. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Se lea and , ,Oontmon Councils of the City of Alle gheny. and it is hereby enactentrby the authority of the. same, I hat of er Inc paseage of this or dinance lt, shall be deemed unlawful for any per son or persons to erect, or cause t, be erected, or occupled,_any be ldimg or buildings for the purpoes ot refining oil, or to erect or construct. or cause to be erected or constructed,sny tank or tanks fore oring oil, or to engage in the bust- , nese of refining oil, or_ to store crude oil inbar rels w.thin the City of Allegheny ;-and each and every person violating this ordinance, or em ployed in the erection or extension of any. such building or tank as is bef,ire defied itwd, 'hail for feit and pay a flue not exceeding One Hundred Dollars. and for each and every day thereafter that Fiftyolt ion Is continued, a recovered than Dollars; said fines to be analmarli7; and every such building or tank is hereby declared to be a peolle and common nut a trice. - exc. A. The provision!' of Section let shall not apply to refineries already a s l i r iatt ly n i o i llt er enlargedooi nor The s extended; nor new tanks erected, nor crude oU stored in barrel!, nor new buildings or tan.' erected in case of destruction when such destruction /hall exceed YID per cent. of the whole valuation, to be determined by the City Engineer, in connection with the Committee on Engines. inblect to like penalties as provided In Section Ist. - exc. 3. That so much of soy ordinance as may Conflict with or be supplied by the foregoing, be and the same is hereby repealed" -Ordained and enacted into a law, this the 'filth day of July, A. D. 188 JAMES mesk on, President of the Select Contell. ATTEST: J. H. Ox.Lxy, Clerk of Select Council. ALFI.ED SLACK P esident of . lonxmon Carmel'. ‘, Attest: ROBERT lIILWORTII, jyre Olt rk of Comm -nt Connell. E. S. DAVIS& CO.. 193 Liberty street. W. W. SNUB, 137 Liberty istreet, of Pittsbwgh, DiRIiCTOUS ED. DITHRIDBE, President. LAU' LIBRARY IN A SINGLE VOLUME. Just pubitshed : A.BBOTTis , EST OF THE LAW OP LORPORATIONS. la one tarp.. extra size royal octavo v.lume of over one thonaand pages.. Best law book style. *lO.OO. ,We respectfully announce that this work, so long In preparation, is now published, and would call attention to its peculiar features. In the confident expectation that it witi meet a want long and urgently felt. 'This work is a General Direst of the Law of Corporations. Itpresents the American adjudi cations of general interest, upon public - ann pri— vate corporations of-every kind. with a fait se.- lection of E. glish cases. - It has been compiled by Messrs—BF NJA MIN VAUGHAN ABBOTT and Al VIII ABBOTT, AO favorably known to the profession by tileir previous Digests. ac., tha, we need add noth.ng 'ln testimony to the care e xec u te dfulness witu which this work has been • EAT & COMPANY, 65 WOOD STREET,. EMI Lafayette Building wool. 100,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted by MEOW, & HARPER, AT THE WHITE FRONT. 329 Liberty str.et, Pittsburgh, Pa. teri MOPSA, THE FA MY; by Jean IbTOELowg 41.95. VILLA EDEN. One volume, 61.75. WOKEN'S 81191/Ii&GE. by Busbucl. OM. For salebl B. B. DAVIS & 00.. , 193 Liberty street. - t j e . s. 110IINGGION & CO., _ . IPANOT OAKS RAHSSY. CONPICCITIONAAT joy velum aid DINING epaos, ea thopittdeld streeSe a r of Dtamond rittouga A harasses salitillid !la let Cream ma Usk°, OS U 41044 " • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : SATURDAY, JULY 10, 1869. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS SIUMENEIt GOODS REDUCED RATES. Would earl attention to the large reduction we have Inadt.in Silk Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, iBLLING AT HALF PRICE COTTON HOSIERY. - • - LISLE GLOVES. OldlidEß UNDER EAR, All at Very Low "rices. COLORED SILK FANS , SILK BOW - , CORSETS, WHITE Id - • ELLLES, HITE 600 (0 1 .18::11 kinds.) FRINGES, ' 4 B TONS, EMBROIDERIES. MAC M, GLYDE & CO, 8 & 80 Market Street. I1S; LA Mee.' 221 and 223 Liberty Street._ Corner of Irwin, now offer to .the trade at low figures, strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sagan. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re fined do. Golden Drips, Loverings, Brungs, Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island Syrups. Porto Rico. Cuba and English Island Molasses. Young Hyson, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Tau. Carolina and Bangoin Rice. Java, Lagnayra and -