The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 10, 1869, Image 4

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tD . e gittsinttO Sayttt.
PENNLIEAN, RKED CO„ Proprietors,
tditore nd-Preprietors.
Of Pittsburgh, dlleiheny t and Alla
gheny County. ,A
(4,lBeert•Weelly. iriukty
One yete.lls,oolowsyear.l2.6o Eagle 0 0 1 3 1- 1 3 1 S)
One month 751812 mosA 1450 ceinee;epth I.rZ
By_ the. week 15, rizee mos fn 10 • • 1 -I5
wan wrier.) I . and one toairrist.
• •
JOHN / W. $3-EARY.
D. N. WHITE, '
WE, PIUNT on the inside pages of
4his morning's GezErrz--Seeond page:
Poetry, My Iltiele's Romance, an Inter
Story, Miscellaneous. Third and
ilizth pages: COMMerCia; Financial,
Mercantile and River Hetes, Markets,
.Tmports. ''',Ekventh page : Interesting Gen
, trailleseellang of Reading Matter.
PE'rnorarant at Antwerp, Off.
II.: 8., Borma at Frankfort, 861
Goya closed ia New York yesterday
at 185/.
. Gov.. GUAM' has signed the bill creating
a Boatd of pirectors of Philadelphia City
RIIESLA is- somewhat alarmed at the
number of iron.clads Prussia has been
steadily adding to her well organized
navy, plus securing the actual and undis•
puml claim to the supremacy of the Bal
tic "sea
THE Exmorntc Tztuoluam in the Uni
ted IPngdom has been taken into the
possession of the Government, and made
a part or . the British postal service. The
cost of this measure of public polidy was
I. _ about 'S),ZUN),Oi3O.
NEW Hemperuaz has refused to make
_ nine percent. the legal rate of interest in
that State, and has levied a tax of one per
"'cent: on the"' business transacted within
her 'boundaries by foreign or outside in
seance companies.
Tnz candidates for the vacant throne
• et Spain twa the Duke of Mont
wafer, the ex-King of. Portugal,-Prince
Henri of "gourbon, the Duke of Aosta,
the Duke of Genoa; and the Prince of ,
Astnrlaa, with the odds in favor of the
:eureka° plumes herself on hiving
, "supplied .Neiv York vrith the Oceanß ank
robber and Virginia with WALETJA .
sucCessful candidate for Governor.• ;In
deed, it is safe to believe that Chicapils
everywherewell represented—except, of ,
course, inheavcn.
A7r Rtenionn, Indlana,,a lively war is
being waged against ;tavern keepers°, by
4 the friends of temperance allied ,to the
the City COimens. Cin Wednesday last
the latter body advanced the annual li
cense fee from fifty dollars per year to
teatimes that amount, and came very.
near making .it one
This large tax is in addition to One of
fifty dollars Imposed by the State author
ities, so - that it will be unprofitable in
Richmond to traffic in rum.
Tux continued resistance offered by
- the House .of Lords to the bill for the
disestablishment ofz the Irish Church,
causes an intense feeling throughout . the
Kingdom. pleas the Peers abandon
their position, the Hottse will be "wimp
ed" by the creation of such an Aditional
Jambes Of Lords as will smite a major
1,4; ror the bill. Vita extreme 'measure,
although Offen 'threatened by Ministers
:In sympathy:with the Commons and.ith
` - pOpular feeling,
_has been but once re
,sorteti.,te,le the late English history. The
bare menace has usually sufficed to over
awe the Upper HOllBB, which wisely pre
'Sark the surrender of its objections to a
07710 E:
. The Virginia election has resulted so
satisfactorily to the Democracy, that they
are clamorous for. the designation of early .
dates for the elections in Mississippi and
Texas, when they will anticipate the /
same success. We see, no reason why
their desires should not be gratified with
a trial. In any event. the three States
will be organized under Constititions,
not only far more Republican than they
had before, but in fact really quite ,up to
the advanced.enlightenment of the times.
They will all ratify the XVth Article, no
matter what party may control
the local legislatures,. and, under
the Constitution of which that
Article shall be a part they must, and
will forever continue to be States repub
lican in:form, and in fict,cling as fondly as
they may to Democratic politics. We
find no objection on that score to their
earliest possible reconstruction, and would
not delay it fora day. The reorganized
States are all bound to make a trial of
Democracy, and with the open aid of the
colored vote. The sooner they begin it
the earlier they will be through with it.
Nothing is more certain than the tempo
.diversion - of the coloreikvote from
Republicanism, except its ultimate return
to tbe"polltical associations to which all
the personal and political liberty of the
freedmen is due. It would be as unwise ,
to attempt to- stem the" outward current
now, as it would be short-sighted to
its certain and irresistible / reflux.
For the present and perhaps for years.
Republicanism; must gird itself. up to
fight battles and win the victories of the .
Union in these Northern and always
loyal States. We need / only to be true to
the samoprinciples of liberty and justice,
for whieh we - have in the eight past years
conquered so Mtich, to be justly confi
dent of fresh triumphs, although against
heavle; z odde. Republicanprospectsmay
look dark for a year or two, but in 1872
we r sliall again sweep the broad field of .
of the 'Union from the St. Lawrence to
the Gulf.
French. politica have reached a crisis.
It is reported s tlmt the Emperor is about
to yield to the demanis of liberal opirt-.
ion, abandoning the arbitrary power
which he has steadily exercised hereto-.
fore; and in fact restoring ttl Erma* that
constitutional goverime,nt which has
ever been the shadowy 114 r of the Em
pire. He accepts a 170' able ministry
which is to And its or ; the lees-
Wive ezusampto elq: aof the Porta
pending proposition ti rather 'than to en
counter a poPuo .r movement which
might forever/ex
.punge hereditary right
from Ihe Englis• a Parliament-
The . ,
/Ws Ashington .Exlbniner charges
that friene A of M. Rolex, th e Reptihii
cao,,lkorr Jute for the Senate in the Beaver
and - W ashington district, purchased his
nomi' action from the Conferees, whose
(long; session in this city attracted so much
att elation. It is Stated, on the same an
ti Amity, that propotals were first made to
"Mr. ..McCuecumt, who VMS the Washing
ton ca ndidate for the mune nomination,.
to buy him off, the offers att t swelling
to' the high figure of $8,500 . .hen these
la r
oveAures were rejected, it is ' d that the
attack as . more successfully! 'Made from
another (itarter, one of the Nyashington
county delegates selling out McCrucumi :
for $3,000. . This delegate, whose name
we have from other sources, has, it, is
said, since gone to Kansas with , the
We would like to disbelieve this re
margable statement, especially since the
negotiation is charged by the Examiner
to have been conducted by Mr. QUAY, of
Beaver—the gentleman who figured in
the Philadelphia Convention as the friend
of Legislative integrity and of political
reforms, being selected by his friend, the
editor of the Commercial, as the most
proper gentleman to offer the celebrated
but hapless resolution on that subject
whi'cla the -Convention laid under the
table. 'We repeat that it is very- unpleas
ant to entertain the' present accusation
against one of the Commercial's favorites
and friends, and it becomes still more
painful to us to r reflect that Mr.,
QUAY, as editor of a Beaver newspaper,
has been loud, from week to week, in his
commendations upon the course of the
ConiTheteica in its championship of pub
lic integrity! If these immaculate devo
tees to public purity are doing business
privately in the fashion which the
parniner has exposed, buying up dele
gates'With cash and paying round sums
for political treacheries, it is going to knock
end-ways all our generous and unsuspect
ing confidence in their sincerity
and disinterestedness. •
Noi We prefer not to believi the story.
There is some mistake somewhere! Can't
be possible that any high-minded poli
tician of the Commercial school has been
engaged in any such dirty • business! It
must all be a weak invention' of the
en Amy! Indeed, we should be reluctant
to print theistory at all, had not the. Com
mercial of yesterday expressed an anxiety
to hear the particulars of the allegations.
We hope it will find the exposure satis
It is due to Mr. RUTAN, to Mr. Mc-
CEACSEN, and to the Republican masses
of that Senatorial district, that these alle
gations should receive the immediate at
tention of their Executive Committees.
We are therefore gratified to learn that
the investigation is to be prosecuted ,_at
PITTSELItOtt dizETIT: SATITitbAY, JULY 10, 186 gt
lar will. This means another revolution,
and if inaugurated *without a bloody
struggle, it will be a miracle for France.
It will signify his concessions to his own .
dynastic hopes, and his reluctance, in
creasing with years and infirmities, to re
press the national preferences -with mai
tan, power. A peaceful coup d' eta, in the
interests of an Empire of liber
ty, t3le most remarkable event in the
annall of French politics, it will
satisfy the world that NAPpLEON 111 in
'69 is not the Loots NiPoLnox who,
nineteen years ago, made his way through
a bloody sea dff crime to the despotic em
inence which the empire has since
maintained. The man has wonderfully
changed—or the event is not ' yet a cer
tainty. The NAPOLEON of '52 would
surprise Paris, which still means France,
with a bayonet at every throat to-morrow
morning, the Chambers'u der arrest,
and every journal suspended ands crush
ed and trembling people under his feet.
It is an older, a weaker, but perhaps a
wiser monarch, who now respects these
national demands which he is unwilling
to resisfi. Without incredulity, we prefer
to aweit'the event ..
TELE P.10T13 and disturbances so regular
ly reported frac' Ireland cannot have the
effect of increasing the amount of sym.
pathy felt, throughout the world, for Ire
land and the Irish. They have always
been ilinown as a pugnacious people, and
it is this national characteristic, as.
Much as, if not more, . than any
thing else, which has added: so
much glory, to, the Irish name, and so
many famous" ,cognotnens to the army
registers of almost every , nation of christ
endom. Doubtless we haye ail laughed
at Lever's heroes and the wonderful as
surance with - which they greeted the re
nowned persons of history, and the still
more wonderful scrapes oat of which they
came so brilliantly. Yet when we re
member the true histories of the (pou
r nels, McMahons and many other distin
guished military men of modern history,
we must acknowledge that the. Con Cre
gans and Arthur O'Learys of Lever are
by no means such broad burlesques as we
have been in the habit of considering
'them. It seems a pity, then; that this
very characteristic, which has won for
Ireland so much glory, should now bring
it and its cause into disiepute, but we
constantly hear of outrages, brawls, mur
ders and other violations of the law - be
ing committed in Ireland by Fenian - s,
Seeing so much of this sort of thing
charged to this party, we might be led to
believe that it is English policy to charge
all - such disturbances to the Fenian
account, were it not that in our own
country we see the same things. In any
of the Irish.wards of New York, where.
the belief in the doctrines of the Demo
cratic party is almost universal, the
Irishman who would Vote the Republican
ticket would do so at the imminent peril
of his liones,,or perhaps, even of his
life. English tyranny; cannot be urged
in extenuation of such outrages, nor can
American:sympathy be induced by theirl;
indeed, they are . rather calculated to lead
to ihe conclusion that, perhaps, Irish
tyranny would be worse than English, if
it should once have an' opportunity to
show itself in Erin herself. It is in
speaking on this subject that one of our
I Nev; York exchanges says:
The telegraph informs ul; that the
colored men in Virginia allowed' their
colored brethren to vote for Walker, the
Conservative candidate, without moles
tation. The colored men. of. Virginia
haVe shown themselves more tolerant
American citizens than their white
friends in the Sixth ward, Cherry street,
or_the "Hook." An Irishman who at
tempts to vote the Republican ticket in
- one of the strong Hibernian districts in
this or any other city in the State, does
so at the risk of a broken head or black
ee. If the colored' men of te Sout
continue to exhibit such eminen h t qualih
fications of citizenship, they will
likely to make some intelligent whitebe
men ashamed of themselves.
Now THAT the Fourth of July has
come and gone, it may be/Well to con
sider low we have been in the habit of
celebrating it: The nation's birthday has
for years been looked upon as a day of
license, and we are always certain to find,
in the newspapers of the day following,
long lists of murdcrs, fires, fights, and
other casualties which have occurred
throughout the country. Abroad, per
sons opPosed to republicanism have been
accustomed to urge, as a great objection
6) it, the prevalence of lawlessness and
misrule under that form of government,
and the way in which Independence day
is celebrated in this country is regarded
as a strong argument in their favor.
America has proved that~ generally the
people can govern themselves with a de,
gree of prosperity hardly attainable un
der any other political system, but this
one day of rowdyism remains still as a
reproach. We cannot believe that there
is any reason why we should not keep
the Fourth of July as we do any other
holiday, quietly, peaceably and in a man
ner which would not oblige quiet people
to shut themselves up in their houses,
armed with fire extinguishers until it is
over. Undoubtedly the police should be
quite as capable of preventing crimes and
disturbances on that day as upon any
other, if public opinion was not supposed
to countenance them, and as to the fire
works, crackers, ete., itmight be cruel
to the rising generation to suppress their
nse, but in . a few years they would forget
that' they had ever been indulged in, and '
,cgnsequentlyf pronlo no longer miss them.
In_ England the . celebration `.`Of Guy
Fawkes' day in a similar manner bui,
been abolished, and we have heard Of 310
ill erects in oonsequenotto the youth of
that country. In fact , boys and girls get
along. very well all the rest of the year
without burning powder, and manage to
enjoy themselves quite as well as on the
glorious Fourth with all its explosiveness.
If a small fraction of the money spent in
this noise and destructiveness were as
sessed as a Lax to be expended by the city
on fire works, we would have a much
more beautiful and enjoyable display at
some place, so chosen as not to endanger
the property of citizens, and the number
of lamentable accidents now noted would
be enormously decrease& The question
is ah important one and deserves general
A RAILWAY obstruction prevents The
expected receipt of yesterday's Titus Ville
Herald, with its monthly oil report. The
following figures therefrom have, howev
er, came to hand by telegraph:
Daly prodtFtion J . tp:a4 A 3661,
Decrease In '69
Stork on hand to oil regions July 1,
1869 30$ 000
Decrease from June 1, 't9.. 56,000 "
The daily production for June foots up
about 100 bbls less than for the preceding
month of May. The fact that our oil
fields are rapidly becoming exhausted of
their valuable deposits of petroleum be
comes more apparent every day. The
region has been thoroughly developed and
capital has been slow to wander outside
limited tract of territory in the hope of
meeting with paying success elsewhere.
Old wells have been pumped dry, yield
ing daily,and weekly and monthly,regii
larly, so long as the supply lasted, but
they had to give out for want of
from the mysterious sources of
Nature, which originally tanked in the
bowels of the earth such immense but not
inexhaustible •quantities of. the valuable
ituid. The problem is solved that petro
leum wells cannot last foreVer, and that
whole fields and districts can be pumped
dry sooner or later. But there must; be
other regions equally well blessed with
deposits of oil beneath the surface' as
those now exhausting, which will not
long remain undiscovered if operators are
forced to find new sources of supply to
meet the great demand created for petro
leum since its general introduction into
the markets of the world. The class of
business men engaged in producing and
developing as a legillmete business will
not be long in distoverinewhere next
they can operate to best advantaie,
Mn. McGnafir; and certain'of his Dem
ocratic friends, made up a legislative slate
for Philadelphia and successfully carried
it through the nominating Convention.
The material on the ticket was found so
poor and rotten that many honest and in
telligent Democrats squarely.. refused to
vote it, and threatened to bolt outright
from the party. Not frightened, how-
ever, at this expression of dissatisfaction,
the same tricksters who had made the
odious slate, have set about to bring good
from what those less designing and more
honest would have expected to derive in.
evitable defeat. They at once set up the
shout of reform in politics and engineered
a movergent for the nomination of a Peo
ples' Ticket, on which none but good and
trne men,withont distinction of party,will
find place. The hypocrisy Of this_ is
clearly apparent. While advisirtg the
candidates they have already put 'forward
to hold firm to their places, they expect to
draw off from the Republican ranks three
votes to every one Democrat:who will fly
the ticket, and thus they hope to secure
the election of the original slate. The
l E /game will not win. The• Republicans are
not so dull of / Comprehension as to be
caught _by / such trickery into helping
secure the success of a ticket offensive
and unworthy to an_ extreme. On the
contrary, they will stand to their own
party and elect their own ticket, keeping
clearly aloof from all combinations made
Tor no higher purpose than to ensure the
triumphs of men eminently corrupt and
dishonest. -
IN 1863, when the Democratic party
stood solidly for peace, and were prepar
ing to pronounce the war for the mainte
nance of the Government a failure, Gen.
ROBECIIASS, from the tented field, wrote
thus • ,
"Wherever they (the rebels) have the
power they drive before them into'their
ranks the. Southern people, and they
would also drive us. Trust them not.
Were they able, they would invade and
destroy us without mercy. Absolutely
assured of these things, I am amazed
that any one could think of peace on any
terms. He who entertains the senti
ment is St only to be a slave; he who
utters it at this time is moreover a traitor
to his country, who deserves the scorn
and contempt .of air honorable men."
The author 'of these stirring words
drew down upon his head the wrath, of
the Democracy, and his letter watt de
nounced with a will and wickedness by
thepress of that party. After the lapse of
several years, however, it has purposely
been forgotten and Roszcnens has been
honored with the nomination for Gov
ernor by the Ohlo Democracy, who ex
actly corresponded during the war with
those who deserved "the scorn and con
tempt of all honorable men" and who
were "traitors to,their country" and "only
fit to be slaves." Perhaps the Demo- .
bratic party has changed since then in its
ideas, but has ItosEcnAns
A FRENCH DOCTOR has discovered that
turpentine is a sure antidote to phospho
roe, and he commends this discovery most
especially to parents whose children have
been socking Incifer,matches. It appears
that in more than . . twenty cases• of this
kind, he has-employed serpentine (one
esxmfol deal) stumbeithilly, and hla re
ofitn:hi,mtbet ti ly b .re iect eeiv o ed _t Ir mo cozen has
of Medicine.
The Pittsburgh Chr‘istian AdvoCate
thinks the vote ran Lay Delegation may
possibly reach two hundred and, fifty
thousand to three hundred thousand,
while the roajority for Lay. Delegation
will exceed fifty thouiand, and'-may reach
one hundred- thousand. This viite is
large, though it may not appear so to
some, in view of the membership of that
body. It well - says: The change is
quietly effecting a revolution in the
Church; 'the ministry preparing to effect'
the change, if the Laymen should ask for
it; the laymen without violent discussion
requesting it; and so the change beingtri
sured. Never before has the world wit
nessed such a spectacle. It reports 80,-
000 -rotes, about 58,000 for to, 22,000
The General Moravian' Synod is dis
cussing the advisibility of electing minis-
ters by lot.
The Christ ian Instructor, an organ of
the United Presbyterian Church, takes
the ground in favor of confining the
Psalmody of the Church to the One
•Hundredth and Fifty Psalms exclusively,
as the only clear ground that can be taken
by those who maintain a Scriptural
The Rev. Dr. Hamilton, of Oakland,
California, who was not long since dis
missed from the Presbytery, because he
taught that a man could r repent and be
forgiven after death, has an independent
Presbyterial church, full to overflowing
with those who agree with_ him ,in'
A plan of life insurance was laid before
the Episcopal Convention of Connecticut,
by.which the parish shOuld, by an annual
payment of thirty dollars, insure the rec
tor's life for two thousand dollars.
Bishop Long, senior Bishop of the
Evangelical Association (Albright Metho
dist), died at Foneston, Illinois, Thurs
day week. He entered the ministry in,
1822, and in 1843 was elevated 'to the / .
Episcopate. When he began' to preach
there were less than two thousand mem
bers, now there are sixty-five thointand.
There are two churches of this body in
our city.
The Presbgterian, in the discussion of
"Voluntaryism and the Church," holds
that a person is bound to observe the ob
ligations of church fellowship in prefer
ence to the meetings of any voluntary
associations. •
The Medical" Society of the county of.
I New york, at a recent meeting, adopted
a resolution that "one day's rest from la
biSr in seven is necessary for the health,
of the body and themind." • ./
The congregation of St. John's Meth
odist Episcopal Church. Brooklgn, not
long since, after a sermon by,the pastor,
contributed the magnificent collection of
thirty thousand dollarsilo -cancel the
floating debt against - the Church.
The appropriations of the - American
Board for this year amounts to $547,580.
During the filsit nine months $284,665,
have been/received from the churches,
leaving $262,834 to be raised by the close
of August. This leaves a heavy sum to
provide for in such a small space of time.
For some time the Friends in New
England have been steadily decreasing
in numbers; but the reports made •at the
Yearly Meeting at .Newport, Rhode I .
land, show a slight; increase. The in
terest manifested by the young men was
very encouraging.. The buknenclent
says: "Cant about plain dress was frown.
ed down."
The Young Men's Christian. Associa
dons of the United States and the British
Provinces -hold their annual meeting In
Portland; Maine, beginning July 14th .
Representatives are expected from all
parts of the United States.
It is stated the Universalists have a
member in Bristol, New York, who sta;
tedly gives to mission work one per dent.
of his income.
Bishop Domened,c of the . Pittsburgh
Catholic Diocese, in accordance ;with the
forty-eighth Degree of the last,lPlenary
Council, to take a collection for the Pope
annually, has fixed upon Sunday, (to
morrow) - the 11th •as the time for
the collection this year.
The indications are that the Souther n portion of the membership of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church are more radical
on the question of lay delegation than
the Northern, as the vote is almost unan
!motif, in the South in favor of the change.
According to the Advance, the propor
tion of Unitarian churches in Boston to
Evangelical Congregational is now but
three to two, while fifty years ago it was
nine to two. '
Three reasons'are given by the Illustrat
ed Christian as the secret of Rev., Mr.
Hamkond's success in revival work:
First. Mr. Hammond has consecrated
himself to the work of saving souls. He
has presented himself a tieing , saerifice,
and for this reason God owns liim. l \ Sec
ond. "Christ 'and his cross is all his
theme." Every sermon presents two
great truths: "Man is a sinner; Christ
is the only &nor," and these he presses
home by striking and touching illustra
tions, and with great tenderness. Third.
The meetings are condrieted hi accord
ance with 'the ,laws of mind. Sanctified
common sense &Urea direction.
At the receint dedication of Rev. Robert
Collyer's (Unitarian) Church in Chicago,
the contributions in money and subscrip
tions itmotnited to the grand aggregate of
seventy . thouiand dollars, the:;' largest
thlinth'collection of the kind, it is claim
l ett ever made in the United States.
The eloquent Rev. W. Morley pug:
simi, late of England, now of T9lO/09
10.0€7 bbls
10,102 '•
-0 .---
TEE Ohio Demoracy effected their
nominations the other day Under sharp
tribulations, A dispatch says: •
Ranney led on the first ballot, but
Rosecrans was nominated on the sec
ond by seven votes over all the other
candidates: The result was re.ceivedi
with utter disgust by the Radical element
of the party, and an effort to have the .
nomination made unanimous met with
a signal failure. The Vallandightimmera
are loud and bitter in their curses to
night, and indicate that they will •give
the head of the ticket only amilk;and
water support. The remaining_nothina- •
ions - give better atatisfaction. The plat
form excited but little enthusiasm.
The republicans are perfectly satisfied
with' the, action of the-Convention, and
are confident of an overwhelming vic
tory next Fall.
Taa Ica FACTORY at New Orlean's )
, al
, - •
uated of the elevatont, is a ?rest
success. 'lt consists of six retor /of a
chemical freezing mixture. Fro these
retorts: six six pipes deicend six huge
chests. which chestshi turn / late sev
erally off into four compartments,. In
2 ,
each compartment arelmig,,thin tin cases, •
seven on one aide and / eight on the other.
This making by all / the rules of arithme- '•
tic a total of fifty;six cases in a box, and -.
there being four boxesto a chest, and.six
chests to a factory, it follows that at full i
blast this southern ice factory can turn
out 1344,eakes of ice eighteen inches long,
twelve broad .and two thick at the com- '
pletion of each process. The ice is much ,
colder than that frozen naturally, and
,lists much longer. The factory is a joint '
stock enterprize, and the property is ex
ceedingly, lucrativg. /
ABORT two years ago several Japanese.
silk worms were imported and placed on
some alanthus trees in New York. The
result is that this year the alanthus trees
are overrun with Japanese silk worms.
This fact accounts for the huge dark-col
oreds broad wingedinsects that are to be
seen flying in almost all parts of Brooklyn. r.
. ,
Paleness of the countenance. •
-Spitting, or expec,toration of pui. N
Thittpue sinksin water.
It is sometimes streaked witk blood..
There is chilliness or shiverlnge, and Sashes
of heat.
There is a pearly whiteness of the eyes.
The hair, of the head falls off.
t times there is a circumscribed red .spot. ou
one or hi tit cheeks. •
There is swelling of the bands and feet.
There is great debility and emaciation of the
body. 1
There is a high colored state of the urine.
With a depoelt on standing like brick dust.
There Is oftentimes a great thirst. -
Thp blood to hurried through the arteries and
' Thn pulse is over a hundred, and even as high
as one.hundred and forty a mintite. '
The veins on the surfacoof the body are.' bluer
than usual, and languid.
' As the disease progreises the deb'lltithcreases.
The expectoration becomes more copied..
The finger nails are aitcurvated.
There is a marasmus and wasting of all tbe
powers of lite.
There:is often pain in one or both lungs.
Therebi often diarrhoea and faintness.
There iggreat sinking of the vital forces.
Whenj th ere are turbercles, small ixtrtious o
turberc ous matter wl.lba expectorated.
This thbercular matter has an offensive odor'..
Chian examination with a lung sdund, rattling
and gurgling is heard. • . • .
There is always more or less cough. • '
Some, of these symptons are thesis present In
Pulmonary consumption, and nearly or quite all
of them in different stages of the nfseare. -
No diseaie of which we haie any knowledge is
so common and- so sitarist invariably fatal; yet
this need not be the case if • earlier symptoms
were heeded . Time and again we have called at
tention to Dr. KEYSER'S LUNG CURE, which
will in every instance of a recent cough arrest
the progress of the disease and hinder its devel
opmeut, and even after it hasbecozne settled will
often care it and arrest further decay of the
, .
Bold at the great Medicine Store, No. 161
ERTY STREET, one door from St. - Clair.
Keyser may be consulted at his LIBERTY
o'clock, and at his resident office, No. 140 Pena
street, from I to 4 o'clock,
I ,
W. H. Reese, a leading dnlggirit',l4
111., in * letter of Jose 0, 1868, writes to this
feet: "Having sold Hostetter's Bitters ;fur the /
past four years, I cannot but speak of the article e
u being the best tonic and appetizer extant.t
During the ague season of 1865-11,1 could not keep ;
a suflzient stock, on hand to supply ' y custom- ,
era. In fact, your Bitters was as stati.e as qui.) t,
nine. I learn that physicians prescribe it
over the-country. Indeed, a great many families'
think they are Lot safe without yaw valuaole
J. K. Withenpotin. Esq., • mast trate or
Kernsbaw co , ine, e,, C , states, under date or '
April 13 1668 that he has used the Bitters con.
*tacitly In. his own 'amity for the previous two
Years Rs drat tiled the preparation when suffer. 1 ,.
tug from es haustlon, produced w a rm
s e. shed ck
of feer. Before the first bottle Mhe
experienced a remarkable change for the better.. ;
lie bad tried brandy at the outset, bat found that
it did him more harm than go 'd. In one month
his has b frow. the time he commenced using the Bittern
stresgth and appetite were restore d.
He had recommended the' article to - others in I
like cireunt•tabces. and-never known it to fail •
and had found it a perfect speedo for chilli and
fever. •
Mr. damuel Young, of Marlon, Pa., under date !
of April lidB, Certifies that he was completely i
cured of **one of-the most distressing attacks or
dysperista that ever afflicted any mortal," by
three bottles of the Bitters. after •tvarlons other s
'remedies had ,proved spoweriesso..s Restored to !
p, K r a-, healtbj he thanks ***at excellent prep..
aratiorrinrisesesnit." -
, Dr. G. Id. Bpeneer. of Brush Creek, Petry Co. I
ma., Inning thence Web. Sunni. salmi "I hirvisA
mused 'our Stomach Bitters tor...aural yew In
y Draenkte. and dad theM;sisperlor to most of I s
the filt a trs now prescribed-by t e e plußsissoasen4
Canada, in describing the late dedicatient
of the Metropolitan Methodist Church. in,
Washington City, • says : "We spent;
eight hours in the Metropolitan Church efi
the day of dedication, five hours' were.
spent in the house - of God, and three
hours in the house of merc , handise-Zt b at
is) five hours in worship, and three
raising money."
at Mansfield, 0hi0,., recently adopted,
among others, the following resolution::
Resolved, That we are 'opposed to all
clais legislation, government II sabsidiee
and grinding monopolies of every kind,
and that, therefore, we heart favor a. '
revision of the present oppr Eve tariff,
was to adjust it to a. purely revenue
The principal speaker in the Conven
lion, General BnrnicenuoFß, in advocat
ing the resolutions, used thinfollowiag
language:- .6"
"It seems true ' therefore, that the Re
publican party having secured to the
American people .free speech, free soil
and free ballot, it owes to its own grand
history in the past, and to Its highest
glory in the future, to carry such meas
ures and such expenditures as will ena
ble it not only to inscribe upon =its ban
ner, but ultimately; to carry out its benft
cent coru3unamettim that noblest motto of
political economy, Free Trade."