The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 10, 1869, Image 1

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TWELVE (yrcx..oc.w, M.
GE.icitement Over the Action of the Pe era
on the Irish Churcn 'Bill—The London
Press and the Postponement of the
Debate on the Alabania Claims—Pont-.
kat Storm to Prance--Important Cons
cessions by the Emperor—Resignation
of the Ministry—Progress of the Great
Eastern With the Cable.-
•EB7 Tel( graph to the Pittsbgrah fiarette .1
' , Lorimar:, July B.—The action of the
House of Lordson the Irish Cliurch bill
caused intense excitement. Messrs.
Bright and Gladstone are in receipt of
-letters daily from.persomi offering a re
oomnienceinent: of, the Reform Leagie
agitation, but they discountenance the
movement for the present, and express
- the belief that the Lords will recede at
the last moment from their opposition to
will-ofthe people, through•a compro
. mise, effectedin the raistponement of the
date of the disestablishment to January,
1872, by paying in a ,lump the sum of
half a million pounds in lieu of private.
donations, and by , allowing life interests
to be computed at fourteen years pur
The following ,letter has been circu
lated privately among well known Pro
. gressives: "Sum' In view of a probable
failure of the Irish Church bill through
the opposition of the House of Lords to
"the Government, the Commons and the
oonutry, you are requested to inform the
Secretary of the Reform League wbether.
you are willing that your names ail be
used in the event of a defeat of the
meOsure, tO a - public call for a mass meet
ing to consider the best constitutional
method of getting rid of this obstruction
of legislation based upon the expressed
' will of, the people."
Lormox, July 9.—The Tines regards
the postponement of the debate on the
the Alabama claims . with satin
. !faction.; Their introduction. at the
present moment would 'serve no good
!purpose. A general sense of weariness
with respect to the subject on both sides
' necessitates an interval of a considerable
period before' it is resumed. Debate
could be only useful if Parliament dis
approved of the conduct of the Minis
, try, or wished to instruct it in regard to
future negotiations. Bat there is
- no dis
satisfaction. The only charge against
Lords Stanley and Clarendon is that
they were too yielding; but Commons
were not likely to advise, a withdrawal
- f the coneessiorie made, nor, were they
prepared to' lay dawn a plan, for
future negotiations, ' and antici
pations of such results froth 'dis
cussion were most imprudent. Another
reason for declining discussion, is
due regard for national dignity, which
forbids our approaching the American
government on these guestions. Public
opinion is unanimous on this point. The
late treaty was virtnaily American, for
it was madei - altered - and re-altered by
Seward and Johnson. It was rejected as
much through party antipathies as from
discontent with its- provisions. It was
pro' bablyforedoomed, and whatever its
provisions might have been, in all
likelihood it would have' met the
same fate.. England- is ready to listen
to any proposals from America, but to
display a desire to receive them fivor
ably wouldtend to increase, not reason,
the densand. When Mr. Motley consid
ers the feeling of America is such that a
treaty consistent with the honor of Eng
land,will satisfy the Americans, he may
address the Government for a renewal of
negotiations. Only such treaty will
have a chance ofncceptance. Nothing
more is desired than to live in peace arid
good•will withekindred nation, but now
less disposition exists to sacrifice the in
' terests and dignity of the country. Any
unjust, pretentious public will not
approve any eagerness to negotiate,
which seems to forbade weakness when
negotiation comes. The prevalence of
more moderate views in America is grat
• ifying. It is to be hoped that the ques
tion of the Queen's neutrality proclama
tion' which has dropped out of eight, will
bey tacitly abandoned. ' This formidable
-change is -owing to the discovery that,
England will not concede beyond a cer
tain point, and this resolution is not like
ly to be shaken.
The Star is glad the Alabama discus
:slant his been postponed. American in; ,
vestment against England is likely to
become weaker, and - her 'desire to re
duce the littrden of the' public debt
Stronger.- The best thing for botheoun
tries is to. hold their peace, for while
no general discussion can sitaplify mat
--ters,,the new, House of Commons evi
dently preferred to leave the responsi
' bllit9 of postponement on the Govern
, . ment, and the &or thinks the country
will approve its.prudent self restraint.
It is reported Lord Bowden has been
appointed Minister from England to
The - -Arisoclated m of Com
. ': ci have tendered ii public breakfast
to HaMillon Rill'
The assignees of Overerid, Guerny &
Co.'s Bank will pay a dividend of one
' -sniffing on the, pound in September, , ,
• .• making full payment to. all creditors of
.their claims, with the exception of ac
crued interest . ;
Lormcar, July 9:—/ifichught.—ln the
Rouse'of Lords to-night theerish Church':,
bill came up for report from the. Com.:
On motion of. Lord Cairns. the date
of first of May, 1871, was substituted
, .for the first of January, 1872, throughout
the bill.
Lord Itedeedille moved au amendment
'that representatives of the Irish Church
•and the Catholic Synod, in case of vacant
Bishops, nominate three persons for the
.Crown to 'elect froM, and that the Crown
em pow e red to summon - one Agora,
bishop and two Bishops from each
.church to sit in Pirliament.
- The Bart of ()Milani protested, on the.
part of the Catholics, *gatost the amend
which he declared was utterly
admissible. It was withdrawn:
The Marquis of Claneardy moved that
.cianse 28, giving wirer to :;convey addl
land to the' Church body - be
restored to its - original - form. Be
.said the :cilania,c as now -amend
ed, revived the - Protestant U.
.oe mdanosi in its most hateful form,
.giving glebe ' lands to tbe Church,
but, refusing them to Catholica and
Presbyterians. It was certain that the
Government and tho House of Commons '
would never sanction t,lie amended
clause. .-..
The Marquis of Salisbury replied that
on moving the amendment he contem
plated similar grants to Catholics and
Presbyterians, according to 341 r. Bright's.
original proposal, which ±. Gladstone •
had endorsed; but, he thought that the'
retention of their own glebes
hes by the
Irish Chhrch•was not unfair. -
After further discussion it was an
nounced that the Catholics- had decided
not to accept glebe' lands or residences.
The Marquis of Clancardy's motion to
restore clause twenty-nine was lost by a
vote of 40 to 90.
The amendment embracing the pro
posal of Earl Granville to pay half a
million sterling in money, instead of
handing over private enctowments cre
ated before 1660, was _agreed to. The
report was then received. '
The Earl of Clancardy gavinottce that
when the bill came up for the third read
ing he should move a postponement of
three months. ' •
Fit *NC E.
PARIS, July B.—The political commo
tion in France centinues. The Emperor
has decided to give way to the Chamber,
and to change his system of government.
He meets with great difficulties in his
efforts to complete a new combination,
but the .grand event is expected in a
week. The new Ministry will emerge
from the Centre Left party, between the.
Radical minority •and the adherents of
the Empire. The Centre Left are for
Empire, but insist on a responsiblii' Min
ister or a Parliamentary Government, as
in England.
The specie in the Bank of France has
decreased eleven million nine hundred
thousand francs.
• PARIS, July 9.—The 'Peuple Francais
says the deputies in the 'Corps Legielatif,
who are now signing an interpolation for
political reform, are members of Tiers,'
Parti and friends of the government.
They do not want the Emperor to
renounce his right" of initiative, but
ask him to allow . theL-ChOinber to
share in it. We believe the Emperor is
not disposed to reject their demand.
The situation is not disquieting. While
one side Is not disposed to make exag
gerated claims, the other is equally re
solved not to make exaggerated resist
ance. The crisis - will terminate in a
compromise which will satisfy
lie opinion. The billet° continues:
Minister Rouner, in his reply
yesterday to M. Favre, admitted
that a ministerial crisis was spoken
of, but the great question or the
changes, with will powerfully affect the
institutions of society lu the future,
was bound op with the question of the
barrier which naust be raised against
revolution. We know 'not when or by
whom the agreement will be achieved,
wo do know on what for ce the Chant
ber wilt rely to preserve society. '.
The eventng journals announce the re
signation of Ministers. It is believed
M. Rouher has been commissioned to
form a new cabinet, which will include
four members of the Tiers Parti. A
manifesto from the Emperor is looked
Senator Ramsey, of MinnesotaoarrivNl
here to-day. . •
BREST, JuiY 9.—Un to Thursday noon
the steamship Great Eastern had_ run
1,754 knots from this port and paid out
1,977 knots of the cable., The officers of
the expedition on board the steamer ex
pected to reach the shoal by Friday noon.
Maortin, July 9.—The press and the
people generally condemn the Ministry.
The Governor of Catalonia has been dis
missed for not preventing a , Republican
demonStration in Barcelona. Disorders
are anticipated there; and troops are kept
in readiness to suppress any turbulence.
LIVERPOOL, July 8. 2 -The steamship
Westphalia. from New York,has arrived.
MEVILLE, July 9.—The steamship Eu
rope, from New York, has arrived.
LONDON, July 9.—Consols, for money,
93%; on account, 93%; 5-20 bonds at
London are easier at 81%; - do. at Frank
fbrt, 87%; Erie, 18%; Illinois, 95%. Stooks
LivanrooL, July 9.—Eveningt—Cottort
quiet; middling uplands, 124c1; New Or—
leans. . 12*id; sales-
.10,000 bales. Call=
sfornla white Wheat at 10s Bd, and red
western at 9s 6d@9s 6d. Flour, 24s 6d.
Corn, No. 2 mixed, 28s 6d for old, and 27s
for •new. Oats, 8s 6d. Peas, 38s 3d. Pork,
995; Beef, 90s. Lard, 71s: ;Cheese, 645.
Bacon, 625. Common Rosin, 4s 9d, and
fine at 16s. Spirits Petroleum, 7d, and
refined, 15_6%41. Tallow, 45a. • Turpen
tine, 275. Linseed': 011, 325. Linseed
Cakes, 102 s. •
LONDON. July 9.—Tallow, 455. Sperm
Oil, 925. Sugar, 394 9d. ,PetroleUrn, 28s
9d, afloat. Whale 011, 40s. Calcutta
Linseed, 81s6d:•'Petroleum at Antwenp,
4954 f. ' Spirits Turpentine, g7s 6d.
flevnt; Italy 9.—Cotton closed quiet
and steady. '
Fitanicrorer, July 9.-13. S. 5-20 bonds
closed at, 80% for new issue.
Gettysburg Memorial . Assoc!Wm.
[l4 Telegraon to the Plttiburjh Gazette.]
chrrryaunnee t ...l , 4,,Jigy 9.—The Board
of Directors of theklettystairg Memorial
Association, have passed resolutions -to
designate with plain ti nt permanent
granite numerals, tike t ritions of the
Afferent 'divisibni, • brigades; _ of
each army tuning the battle. Tfigi'Beo--
otary of the Assadationwaifdirected to
Invite the Generals who commanded
oo'rps, dirialOna and brigades to furnish
.the information required, ; in order frilly
to designate the positions and events to
, be perpetuated, and .to make arrange , :
rn411114. thOr.retinicnOS, the fi eld on
the first week. of A . 1408400 confer to
gether and determine the points to be .
I comniemOrated.' • =
The Political.
~CoMpolgit Tenn'emee. ,
tar Tilears'ea Me' Ossouit. 1
NASHVILIdei July 9.—The candidates
for Governer. .109ke Mt,ifoehttnon yester
day. Governor Senior I. h 4 Nashville
and will dispose of. public nese need
ing immediate attention. birieu:ignise
of hie election. Ile algosl4gArlPPoliti•
ed a number of new a "vattd will
continue to. Make_Magee whenever ne
cessary, to secure
r' ff
General, 'Stoke want; home from
Lebanon, but will ,be here to-morrow
evening. His Mends report him in good
health and oontident • of nooses.
[By Telegraph to the Mahn tiaiette•]
Wesuncrorozr. July D, 180
membeia of the Cabinet were
present at their regular meeting today.
The President has appointed Jae. S.
Upton Pustinaater at Battle Creek,Mich.,
vice Chandler Perd,yemoved.
The abstract of the reports of thirteen
Chicago National Batiks shows the re r
sonrcetrandliabilities to .be $30.241,000;
specie '
_ll-Iq,Q(X); legal tendernotes,
243,000; three per cent; certificates,ls9o,-
000; United States .depasits,
The presence here of Hon. John Rose,
Minister of Finance of the Capadlin Gov
ernment, has caused the return of Mr.
Thornton, British Minister, from New
buryport, where he had taken his family.
The visit of Mr. Rose is induced by . a de.
sire to confer with the United State&
authorities respecting the new recipro
city treaty, but more especially on busi
ness connected with Hudson. Bay claim
board, of which he is the representative
of Great Britain.
withFrei'dent to-day, in conversation
with several prominent Mississippians,
said it was his desire,
and he should ac
cordingly instruct Generals Ames and
Reynolds in their preliminary arrange
ments for the election in Mississippi and
TeXas, to observe entire fairness and im
partiality. ,
According to whit Is understood do
have taken place in the Cabinet to-daY,
the election in Mississippi will probably
not occur until, the fourth Tuesday in
November, after the election it. Penn
sylvania and Ohio. Nothing definite has
transpired regarding the Texas election,
but it is thought the day will be equally
Eastern Excursionists—Return of VW-
cent Cotiyer—Death of a Noted Cy.
City Telegnoh to the l'ittabtahh Gazette.:
ST. Louis, July 9.—The excursion
t party from Clevel .nd, Indianapolis and
other points, representing the C. C. & C.
Sand Indianapolis and St.. Louts 'Railroads,
made an excursion - , up . , and down• t..e
harbor, and visited various pine&-of
note in and around the city to-da,y,
and were highly pleased with what they
saw. They leave to-morrow for Leaven
worth by way of the Pacific Railroad.: It
Is not decided whether they will go out
the Kansas Pacific Road, , 1 •
Vincent Myer, who his been visiting
the Indians, in the west passed through
here to-day en route east.
Eliza Elaycraft, a famous' cyprian of
this city, and toted for many acts of be
nevolence, died to-day of apoplety. She
leaves an estate valued at over $300,000.
Weather very warm and clear; the,
mercury, rose to 90 at noon and 93 at,
thre%P. m. Accounts from the Interior'
are favorable for the crops. ' . •
The Exposition at-Cincinnati.
[El'v Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ofteette.l
CINCINNATI, July 9.—The Committees
ow the Exposition of textilejabrips and.
raw materials,td be held in this city oaths
3rd of. August, and to continuffon \ r days,
held a meeting this afternoon. Reporta
were encouraging. A long list of pre•
mituns was adopted, embracing jeans,'
tweeds, flannels, sheeting's, cotton yarns,_
carpets, raw cotton, wool, flax, silk andl
many other articles. One hundred dol
lars are offered for. the best specimen
bale of new cotton. Each exhibitor is to
be presented with a handsome bronze
medal, prepared at the United States
mint, Many rnatlnfactarersthroughinit ,
the South and West have signified their
determlhation to exhibit their labricei
Tite'Exposition will be'openeit ;with for..
mai ceremonies. The...indieatione nolt
are that it will be one of the most, inter
eating affairs of the kind ever held to thn
West. ' • '
Latest News from Cuba.,' ' 4 •
CDT Toliimph. to the Pittsburgh os re trei z
Hii;eiA, July '9.-:-Tbe Govetnthent:
estimates - the expenditures for July‘lit
12:000;004. - The GoVerntnent has poi=
lie.rpect up to date Aye” hundred :
forty estates, of which twenty have pro,
duced47s,ooofofittie State!. The rest are
in a Stiteof •
Count Valmeseda writes to the Captsier 'civil authority has been
re.estaiiiished in the Jurisdictitins • of
•Idanzanilla f . liayains ,, and;Jiquani,, and ,
travelling on4te brim Wes sage.; i
Capt. general Do as has ;owned t4i.
the cerreepethilloth the associated Ohm.
free use of , the telegraphs At the inters
;OW he said in.reporting idtitary ramie.
manta correspondents would always , bd
*witted tifistatii facts, though at tithed;
they might be unfavorable to the Govern+.
Mont; that true kiloWledge or what. ear ,
way inisted Cuba "would' injure,:
one. i ~ •
PlN:dines] In 141. . •
Mg Telegraph tetheylttsburgh Gasette,j
.14.cisMf, July new mom of,
the National Republican' " a rty made
'appearance tads,. .It halide! the name of
Judge Dent for Governor. The aslntatory:
says it will be -Vol :national i all'
aims, yielding hearty and unqualified
support to the administration of Prod*
dent Grant, *anti urging ' fairlop AOC
ranee / to the... reconstruction ;,tic_ s,; it :
'will endeavor' tO "bring libopi s ew*
wise action ~0v..,
part of the people 'of Blissitaippisairill,
place them in fall ''accord with qtengrEws
and_the nationr and will adVocateititiver•
sal suffrage and universal amnesty npM
the basis_ of civil and . politlealimus.lit,"
to ail. ' t•
Judge Dant e 40Minstion the Grant
plittbrdi m eets with' intrmapprOtailion
Virginia Election..
E B 7 Taws* to taa Pittattreegu • t
RicraircontiloilyAllllo4. cow'?
dies give Walker =AO illigorit*.
....The Internal P.evenue receipt's yes
• terday $600,000. •
• =Tur small pox his materially de
creased in New York city.
—Court,land C. Clements has been ap
pointed Surveyor General of Utah.
—The steamer Weser, from Bremen
via Southampton, arrived at New York
,yesterday. -
—The Legislature of New Hampshir l e
adjourned yesterday. One hundred and
sixty•one acts andnreeolutions were pass
ed;during the session.
---Vice President Colfax and wife lir
rived in Chicagoyesterday morning, and
left again for their home. at South Bend,
/4diana, last evening.
~-At Long Branch, N. Y., a compli.
'mentary bail was glven-'iciait evening to`
tlfe Sotiety of the Army- and NaVy of the
Gulf. It was a grand succeet. • .
The naptiais of Miss Mary Stillman,
I daiighter OfNelstm Stillman, of Galena,
Illinois, with Col. George t+. Pride, of
Neal 'York, were celebrated la the fot-
Mer city on Thursday.
—The Charlotte and South Carolina
and she Augueta and Columbia Railroad
Companies have• been consolidated, mu
der the title of the Charlotte, Columbia
and Augusta Mak - dad Company..
—No warrants have yet been issued
against New Yoetbrokers or money len
ders, bunks grand jury is taking evi
dencaon the sublect. A. large number
of well known brokers are being stun-
Moried'totesiify. • '
-The lager beerdealers of Boston have
fOrined a permaneat organization for -rig
orous political action to repeal the' liquor
'law: The Germans throughout the State
are invited to form local serif:Ales for the
same object.
—The• Union Pactle Railroad announ
meet another reduction in . freights. Firer
class freightls now earried' from Omaha
tb Promontory Point for five dollars per
100 pounds; second class — ,74.75, and
third class UM.
—At the Amherst •College (Mass.)
Commencement, yesterday, the degree
of Doctor of Divinity was conferred
:upon Rev. 'Edwin E. ;Bloc s , a•Constan.
tinople, Turkey, and Rev. E. e. Good
win, of Chicago.
—The Directors- of the Buffalo dt Erie
.Railroad-have accepted an agreement' t 2
consolidate with the Lake Shore k
igan Southerti Railway, subject to the
approval of the 'stockholders, the. vote to
be taken on the lOth of August. _
—lt is s tat ed t hat Colonel Joh n Warren,
the Fenian prisoner recently released
from an English jail, has had an inter
view with President Grant, and received
a letter from him to Secretary Fish, di
recting an Investigation into all the Cases'
of imprisonment sped tied by Warren.
Morocco Matinfacturers'
rrigelrieft. it Cape may, xes.
terday, and organized. About forty as
sociations were represented. Allotting the
questions discussed were, those of the
wages of worktuen,..the apprentice sys
tem, and-the transportation of goat skins.
—Thomas Mu'hall', twiee convicted. at
Cleveland, Obid' - Of aiding and abetting
the murder of David!' P. Skinner, was
yesterday sentenced to be hung on the
26th of August. John Kilferli, convicted
of being accessory to the •nlot to rob Mr.
Skinner, wits sentenced to fifteen years'
—The Congressional excursion party,
visiting the route of, the Kansas, Pacidc
Railroad, arrived at Rent's Fort on
Thursday by special stage front Sheridan.
They express themselves as highly pleas- .
ed with the trip and the country through
Which they have passed. Gen. Schofield
furnished them with an eticort. No hos.
,tile Indians have been seen. '
—The monument erected to the mem
ory. of Fitz 'Greene Halleck, at Gilford,
Connecticut, was dedicated on Fri
day-..'with,appropriate ceremonies.
kbont three thovisdnd persons were
in attendance. The principal fea
tures, of the exercises were :he read
ing of Oliver Wendell Holmes' poem.
written for the occasion, and an oration.
Masonic delegations were present.
==:—The.,Northern PaoiCc Railroad ex
ploring party left Minneapolis, Minn.,
.yesterday morning, by rail for a camp
beyond St. Cloud, where the first night
camp will be pitched. The following are
the names of the party: Hon. J. Grego
ry Smith, President of the Northern Pa
cific Railroad, Vermont; Hon. R. D.
Rice,Director, Maine; Hon. W. C.
Smit, Member C,ougress„Vermont; Hon.
F. Woodbridge, Ex-Member of Congress;
Vermont; Rev. Dr. W. H. Lord, Ver
mont; Dr. S. W. Thayer, Vermont; C.
C. Coffin, (Carleton, Of the Boston F
.Tournal,) C. . Johnson, Chief Engineer
Northern Pacific, Connecticut; A. B.Boy.
less, Neir York; Mr. Holmes, Agent of
Jay Cooke & Co., Near York: James Cole
born, Maine; Hon, Wmi Windom, Wi
none: Jno. Donglas,-Winona; Gov. Mar,
.Shall, of:Minnesota; Hon: E. rd. Virlison,
of Minnesota: Geo. R. Brackett, of Min
newt:lt:Pierre Bottinean, of Minnesota.•
OAP/TO Larnsas-a-L. 8. D.-;judy.
,Ttrz Ironer Gnanns—Boots and shoes.
Eau TO leootur—A gander, of course!
A coi.. .difficult to see—Blindman's
003WalUON8 in, aima—twin babies
FAITcY BREAD--a Toll of the eye.
GOD Summer resort for Infants--
Suuxult, WitatliOlito—A wife , older
:ttouil ourself. ' /
,gOrnn.ntlitszt Bitmos—the demon sof
.11 sutatioultue.—?Judy. •
Tao' t greatest drawback - on otial—its
prio&m , whoweli Courier. /, ,
:Alta.ftp that ebeers , blit not inebriates
4i:thebaUercup:•—ilady; :
intiniiiei the ltition• between a
ietilgitt styli coffee•mill. • '
r tgistit iir. , Piettworgcs—lrislt
lawn is at 411teolUtt,7—ettaoh.
Sitcom prospects for the Quakers—the
iodine 1414 risi
Tunistscouring" th e ns.
Tnn OP Tan Trim-4X but they
can't tuvrif Mamie tied properly!
Mit/obittrar& of ligures footed- by
Webb's adiXerbe eidd to - be Webb footedt
ITO *moat ,tied` Great Eastern a
thuinetsl White when die is eeestibOy
"min oet."—rifweri Crnir**
f . r t
Interettlng, Pacts ,About Them—Wl:fat
Tbry can doi Hos' They Lite and
W bat They Believe. •
From a very interesting letter from the
e special San Francisco correspondent of
the Cincinnati Gazette we make the fol
lowing extracts regarding the new class
of citizens rapidly Pouring into our court
try from the Oriental. Empire: •
Whlt of the Chinese? Much that is
interesting and important. There are in
round number§ one hundred thousand of
them in the Pacific te ttates, and the. new
arrivals now avert from fifteen hun
dred to two thousand per month. They,
abound as laborers along the whole line
of the Central. Pacific Railroad to Pro
montory Point, and over this , distance'
have pushed Off isito.the towns as servants
and tradesmen, and into tile mines where
ever allowed to mile. ;They are spread
ing eastward slowly; there are a few
Omaha, and John Chinaman, with his
round hat and pig tall 'coiled under it of
dangling•between hts heels, his long blue
shirt which he wear. over his blue panta
loons will shortly be no curiosity in the
Mississippi Valley. Be is on his way in
force to make hisonsture Eastern employ
era a visit. ' ' '
Chinatown,'as the qfiarter of the city.
in which the Celestials live is' ealled;•is
certainly one of the most interesting spots
to visit in • California; There are'abotit-e
-dozen ' blocks, 'whose four sides `swarm`
with them, and a-balf dozen streets fOr
distance of several squares` are filled with
their stores and shops. It is a live scene.
The Chinaraan moves quick, and the
stream in the - streets seems constant,
thOugh it is heaviestwhen those 'employed
over the city pour out from, film. quarters
to 'their ' places of employment in the
morning, and return, in the flood tide at ,
night. , •
Cialifornia, is blessed with gold, and rich
soil, and charming climate. Its reseurces
are beyond computation. Its best citi
zens-speak of these, and then say that of
all their blessings that of Chinese labor is
one of the greatest. The whole business
and cominerce of the State was languish
ing' because of the scarcity of laborers.
But juk in the tune of greatest need' the
•rellet came. Women were few in Cali
fornia, house servants could be found for
the wealthiest alone. But John arrived,
and though he knew nothing of Ameri
can housekeeping or cooking,. he learned
both with almost a single lesson. And
taken as a class there are no better house
'Beriaite in the:land to-day , than these, if
indeed there is; any class so good.. And
they are equally, as; •efficigni as cooks,
- chamber luallifitrintrser - , - Stit — Wiliern
once or twice hOw,to do any - rXing within
the_ range of their ability, and in house
hold matters it is a wide one, and he will
Continue to do the , thing exactly as he was
shown to the end of his days.
• But for Joint) the Pacific Railroad
would have been delayed three - Years.'
As' an artist with shoved ; or ;drill,' wheel
barrow and cart he bee proved himself
unsurpessed. He is temperate, has no
_rows, is not at home in a
.riot„ knoiis
nothing of strikes, has few holidays,
boards himself, cooks his Own food to
3:kis own liking, does his own washing,
keeps himself ecrupulously clean, is
always respectful, contented and jovial.
He is above all other classes a most rise
fal and pleasant person. to build railroads
And then he is good at almost every
thing else where intelligent labor is re
quired. The largest and finest Woolen
mili on the coast, and in fact whose work
is not equalled elsewhere, etnploys China
men alone. This coutpany,lafter making
very heavy.contracts, were i.sitbjeCted to
the test of a general strike:..ttmortg their
white workmen. To to the de
mands -was to lose largely to stop work
was to be alined. In this strait they de
cided to try Chinese. Enougl4were
lected to attend all the machinery, and in
a few days the mill was running again up
to its full capacity, and•producing iti best
quality of goods. • And here the, most
proved machinery knoirn in such estab
lishmeats is in use.
They do all the work in . the most ex
tensive shot tower in the West. They
make ali line articles of gentlemen's wear
where the neatest ma - chine sewing is re
quired.. They bind books and make
books; they set type Without knewing the
language; they carve with _great skill;
in short,'they are learning all trade's rap
idly, and becoming versed in the myste
ries of ailleavy machinery, and delicate
and labor saving machines as well; and
in all their movements are about as accu
rate and regitar as the machinery itself.
Most of the beautifnl photographs and,
stereoscopic 'Sierra whith the Central
ciao Railroad Company has sentihrough
out the East are printed,- finished and
mounted by Phinamen.
Ninety-eight net cent( of those who
come here can nod an write their own
language, 'Most of/them are nspid
figuring : Their children learn- our law;
gutige quickly; the parents with.didieul% ,
though they soon manage to Acquire . a
'ate& of words and sentences' *filth
answer their:purposes. - . They show a
great anxiety to send their children' . td
school where 'English is taught, • thorigh'
as yet feW fatilities have been given theta;
for'while they pay full school taxelk 7 they
hive as yet been furnished but onetchool
house for forty pupils. • As mew s , . mani
la none so law abiding—not even 'the,
Americana, and none mornbohest: They
pay all, taxes to the . Gpvernmeut"..alieer
h&j and earaitilly, and the school - tax of
the State, though they 'have'very small
returns for thetter. •• •
They are idolaters. Thiele' the most
difficult point. in the' Whee problem:
Still;thoSe who apprise! tha t American
civilizitiew can 'not Stand against =a
few thousand or even a few millions
Chinese) are borrowing =nett •needletsa ,
COntrary to the , opinions of most; the
Chinamen. erects no ,idol a -
,God. He
wouit ' no sooner do this than theChria ,
tiaa- His faith thit :tiod .is goad
and kind; anti - ' 40 meicithi-tbsi He will'
under no • Circumstances de-na anything
but good. But the Evil One Wei tie,
and is ever watching -an opportunity to
injure and destrolf us; walnut conciliate
- NUMBER 1.55:
him. And so Joss br D.evil houses are
erected, and `incense is burned constantly,
and offerings made to conciliate: the
DeviL - - -
They beheve in the sweet influence of
departed• spirits, that the dead are,,con
stantly around em to watch -and•guard
and help. They make offerings of food
at their graves, riot as is said with the
idea of feeding , the dead, but to show
them that they are remembered. Their:
name for Gbd and for the influence which
these•departed exert is the Smite as that
- which expresses the soft: warmth and.
effect of a Southern sun falling upon a
slope ; hich looks toward the South.
They send their dealt home to bury
them in the family line, so that the ehain
'of ancesttylnmy be complete, - and the
sweet influences from the spirit Iv A orlct
flow through the line Uninterruptedly. If
the line is broken by an'absent dead one,
the influences are less regrilar i and the
wandering spirit is note at "rest, and in
stead or watching to do ' good ( de
sires to injure and make trouiile
in return for the aigglec.t, of his
body. Three times s ymr• offetings - are
mdelo departed epiritt, and a'Azite Ent-
Feror has decreed that the government
make Offeringg also: thtee times `a , year to
spirits — at large,:ilutt is to, the spirits of
such as have - died in tattle or' halm been
lost at iseaand left =buried or not re
turned to the graves where the , family This Emperor had lost some
of his family at, sea' ' and after much
mourning over his broken line o€
ancestors. be hit _upon .the remedy thui
described. • - si
There is' much thatis beautiful and po
, etleal in what they term ,tbeir. religion,
and much that shows a mind susceptible to
religious truth. .The missionary ;field is
being brought to our verytoors in Cali
fornia. The great societiee of the country
can not move too promptly in efforts to •
educate and .christianize: -these, pagans,
-.skilled in all labor And accomplished in a
thousand ways. and whime coming will
,bless the country in many important,;
respects. The wave is settling -in upon
our shores strongly, and Christian mis
sionary effort - Ethouldlx immediately put.
forth to-reclaim:and mould this ne*, ele-
merit in our Wealth and.Jidvaricements.
But under • the encouragement which
the better classes are flying them, all
thiS is changing. Their merchants are
erecting stores, and, investing in real es
tate. The laborers are purchasing homes
and sending for their. Wives. Wire and
• more of those whopo hoine are yettini- '
ing, And most of them with friends de
; signing to stay. /The attention, of the
I great Chinese capitalist Of the Empire is
being turned to our coast, and. 'the -14 ope
smating---irmin-y--. - of our • best. business
men, in San 'Frariainn is' that
they will ,very shortly be -induced
to tabs- hold _of great enterprisea.
The Coin of the world has-been pourinst
into China, •for generations. - Ire Canton.
and Hong Kong there are , many, native •
depositors of five , and six millions, and
many Chinese companies which could fur- .
riish fifty and sixty millions to such an -
enterprise as the Pacific Rajiv)* or to
steamship lines, if they could- once be in
terested in , the matter. Chinese mer
chants say these men will Invest the mo
ment they can have full protection for
their nersonl3 and property under the laws.
'Proper Use of tber
.A. many. people* think that the
Bible is a very sacred book. Jlyou read
this book and find moral qualities in it,
and i hey are transferred as living virtues
to you, then to yon it bectimes a sacred
book. This book is sacred to you just 90
far as its teachings are incornorated in
your{ experience and feelings, and not a
bit farther. All, that part of the Bible is
Bible te you that you live by. ' So much
of the Bible as you vitalize is valuable to'
you; but,so much of it as yen an not vi
talize is of no:use to you. :You put
youßible in your hook-case; ,;There it
sum s all the week, perhaps: 'Or you
youread it once a dal, or once a week,as
the may be. And you do it very
t lse
decorously. The room Is still, and your
children sit around the rooln in a stiff,
'row. You , put on, your spectieles and
lead; and as you head Yon lower the key
Of your voice—for - when men *ant to be
religious they always take a sokimn note;
and you read all the. way thrpugh the
chapter, and are like a blind min walking
elonethe road where ` there " are all aorta
of flowers . beat' sideS, - iiever' seeing a
single one. Men read ;lugs' acid feel a
great deal better o bebautiether_have read
the Bible to their; faMily! Now, I tell.
you,'the only, thing yonreadiii.the Bible
is that-whieh jumps into you,. and which
you cannot:get out,, of You. It: is the vital,
luminous part, eadrietlheoft# ',letter that
you read, of you ' read: any part of the
Bible. Stippose. I should)ler*) botise
keeping on the same 'principle that some
people set up ' tie " their religiOns house
teragl --A mangoes t0"-hquielteeping,'
an gcsni ",alrible, on the
inaide, and fdliiitentecin the - outside, and
Jibta.iton. the table, ' his, best zoom; and
there it lies fet:pionths - agd;Yeirs without
being opened, ----' unleti:tlteto`fs;a funeral .
in, the family, :Sappose...titrould go to
hinitiekeeping,inCshettld'#*l an order
to . the , grocer for • three It i 3 OrOperta
caamea s saying, , 4. xiong gto have a
luminoushone,"anti' otad - riut those
candles away in &rank sidilever light
one,of them? f What lefibl lite 'of candles
butte burilt That is the'imt figure of
Our,ldaster. ' Be t4s,' "Ito man pats a
candle udder a bushel, : but lie lights it and.
puts" It on a amdleatick. lo —paichar.
, _
Tut 'Count OF Ltavniol-The green
'color , of leaves, one -, -element of which
must be a, vegetable Wei- NM time
since I an' American = e trithlientalist to
the co luidon that lealter•ttwit red at the
end of eteasot through ribs' action of
an at and that the green cOlor could be,
redo ' by the action of antilicall. The
conclusion hail been miffed, the London
Atitenanon now declares, lisr:experiment.
Maximal leaves pima- miter a receiver
with vapor of ammonlailn , neatly every
Instance lost the zed- *Apr tad renewed
thelF green. In some, inches the swa
t fnui, blactberry and maple, "the change
was rapid, and could bet, watched by the
eye, — while"- otberi, , ' mrdonlarly certain
oaks, turnecl gradual brown,without
oho wing any appearance ofgre en.