The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 09, 1869, Image 8

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    A. ...c
Orrir AND
GezuTTEis ft,thAitheci In the etity
*he six days - of tke foieek far e 15 cents per
week; p tir annum: mos., s2.'
Accident at the ...Water Wake—Stop
teferking.f an accident occurred to
one of the engines at the City Water
Wofite, whtch will reduce the putindui
capacity_one-balf for, two days at least.
The Briperintendent, Mr. French, re.
squeste citizens to use sparingly of the
water now in the basin, and stop all nn•
- necessary waste...
The Market Committeehfqty Cannella
warmest this eveninc.
- Capt. Reed, at the Tombs, has in his
possession a bunch tif keys found on the
street, and which must be of value to
the owner.
Recovering.—Jacob Genes, of Alle-
Shelly, who was burned very severely
on Tuesday night, during the eaplosi►n .
at 13erger's Varnish %arks, in the Sev
enteenth ward, was much improved yes
terday, and Dr. D. G. Ailinder, his at,
te n din g physician, has slight hopes of
hiS recovery. • '
persenal,—We had the_ pleasure of , re
velving a friendly visit yesterday from
Mr. James W. Jones, the accomplished
city editor, of the .:Daily; : Courier,.: :Isar
fayette, Indiana. Mr. Jones is in our
city on a business trip; 'represeuting his
widely circalated journal, and soliciting
a share of " advertising, patronage from
our manufactuters, and dealers._ We
trust fie' May meet 'with • euccess.- - •
Flre.—Yesterday morning
about nine o'clock, a slight tire occurred
at the reeidence of Mr. John Baker. on -
Chestnut street, Fourth ward, Alle.
ghepy, which resulted in the burning
of a hole In the roof, arid the destruction of
a quantitrof clottdng'in one itfilig upper
rooms. The lire was extinguished, how
even before, any
,-material. damage .wad
. done, nnd the loss was *err sthall.:
The Street C'otataittee yesterday vis
ited the newer now being laid on .Fifth,
avenue, and after ,carefully eitaudning°
the matter instractiii'd the contractor,Mr.
Flinn, tdgo• on at once and finish the
sewer, alloWing him to obstruct the Oak
land Passenger Railway cars for two
tumdred feet at a time, as they found it'
impossible 'for 'the contraatorlo 'do his
work properly and not obstruct the
street. - 1 • •
Plttabbil ; ber Mouoreci.-- Aftegbent
Coilege r eadville, Pa., at its isitt.ccan
mencement conferred the Degree of Doc
tor, (if 'Divinity upon- the Rev. Joseph'.
Horner, it. M., a minister Of the Pitts
burgh Cotifetence, M. R. - Church, and at
present the efficient agent'of the Metho-•
dist Book Depository, in -this .city. Thu
reverend , gentientaro beers •tife'liglietit
reputation' in 'his denomination as a
ectiolsx and thinker, and the' honor was
one certainly very 'worthily ald deserv. -
ecilv bestowed.
We noticed a few deka ago that the
Directors of the Pittsburgh, Farmers
and Mechanics Turnpike 'had notified
the Gas Company they should .not lay
any more gas mains on that route, and
that the Gas Company had - purposed
hauling the pipes away. At a meetheg
of the Gap Company yesterday, they i n
their Superintendent to push on.
the work at once, as they intended test
idg the matter in Court whether a few
can stop the city from giving its citizens
gas when they are willing to pay for it,
whether the 'turnpike owners like it
or not. . • .
The' Minstrels held forth to another
crowded bowie last evening. In fact we
thought evenings as warm as last evening
was would affect ths amusements, but
when we take into consideration the su
periority of this.• troupe over all others
now traveling, and,the excellent way Mr.
Dttprez manages his business, both on
the stage and off, we wonder not at their
great success. Tonight, klatu.rday afterL
noon and evening will be the only
chances left to see. this monstrous troupe.
WeedYise all our readers Who are loters
of fun not to miss. paying. it. a visit, as
~hey are certainly the champion Ethio
pians now traveling.
Faithful Market Iteports.---Ozi this page
to-day we'publish the regular market re
port of the extensive and enterprising
_Produce Commission House of Volgt,
Mahood & Co.. No. 257 Liberty street.
These.quotations are ail carefully corn
piled and arranged ;from actual sales
made by that firm, who lead in their par
ticular line of, trade. Wo bespeak for it
careful eiarkinatton and perusal by pro
ducers, dealers and farmers, assuring
them that the fullest cohfulence .can be
-reposed in its accuracy. We main take
occasion to commend Messrs. Volgt, Ma-
hood dt Co. to our readers as gentlemen
eminently worthy the patronage : of our
friends. -
Eleventh Warit !Teachers.
At a meeting of -the" Eleventh Ward
liOlfixtl. Board, bald on Tueacla,y, eveniug,
Anti' 6, i 869, the foil:4:4114 teaeheri were
unanimously re-elected to 'serve for the
ensuing year: ' '•
Principal—John J. Taggart.
• Grammar Department- 7 M. E. 'Natal
and.L. E.. Martin.
Intermediate Depattrnept—lrenia'Rldl
8. , 14. Matthews "and; Jennie' n
Primary, Department—H.. E Davie,
Maggie Marahall,',Aggie Martiii,. Jennie
Moffat, M. E. Irwin, Anna Moore 'and
Iffzzie Latighlin: - • - •
}Rhea ExbiblUoit:
An exhibition - will bergiven this eveni
ing by the pupils of the Iktoorhead pub
lic schools, at the' . .new school hall in the
Eleventh ward. The entertainment will.
be given under the management of the
Principal, and as the , arrangement?,
which have all been , cottipleted,' are of
the most ample , ohanuner, a pleasant
evening may be anticipated ,by all who
attend. In addition'to -the exert.,
oises the' Allegheny Quartette Club will
be present and enliven the occasion with
excellent vocal music., The doors ,Dpen
at half-past seven o'nlciok, add thciliewbo
desire comfortable seats should go early.
, Uuprotita,ble„xecrvant,r ) -;.-„..- - ,
Burke, proprietor of a plumbing estab
hehtbeg (i o o 3 9t.flitbiivilAtifijSigle
formation before Alderman 'Moblasters
against Edward Agnew, alias Haw
thernef for larceny as cbailee.'' The. , en
cased la a young nian and has been em
ployed aS clerk by'ar.Ettrker for , about
three weeks;: Yesterday he was sent out
on a collecting tour' and" returned after
a short' absetiee, stating that he had .re
calved twenty -4ollittil but had lost it. In
fumbling about his pockeadattew they
were empty, it is, said he pulled out ' a
roll pt. Me but OndeaVdred'lsloonl o s l
' them, when he was taken hold bYILts
employer. , He broke away, 'however,
and escaped with the money, when 'the
intern:mann-was made and a warrant 147
12 9
Regalar Meetlng—Pettliona and Reaoln
- iktna.:—ltepoica Of Committees;
A regular semifmonthly meeting of
Seleetand common Councilii,,4as held
ThUrsday eveolng, July Bth; Up;
• . ,
Select. CoUncii.
Members present —Messrs. Oullery,
English . ; Faulkner, Ciwinner; Hiltnortzi,
'Hall, Morrison, PattersOn, J., 0., Patter
son, A. Itiddle, Baiter, -,Wet
taeh, and President Moßrler. •
The reading of the'minutes on the pm
ceding meeting was,dispensed with.
' Mr. Wettach presented a petition( for
water en Adams , . street. Refs to
Committee on , Water.
Mr. Moßrier presented a remonstr nce
against the construction of a lateral w
er on Pitt. alley: Referred to the
\ mittee on Sewers.
Mr. Mall. from the Finance Co mit
tee, presented the Controller's reriert of
expenditures for the month of Jule, of
which the following is; •
N 0.3. Engines and Firemen........:.{'90
4. Printing • 4 44
5. Streets and Bridges 83 40
6. Wharves and Landing.
.. 2r. Sewerage 81
9. Contingent Puna 381,4
I'. Water %Org. e.... 18,94161
13. (ias 491 41
16. Registry 364 18
~. , r ...... .
: - 1'0ta1....•
Waterer Woris •:;,.
Psi lioil
• ...4.i '''' •• • **-* -- 1,600 65 •
Due on Mon gage 1 500 00
p a l iii
'I.4C. 0 7 .
, y °Moen , ,
P. 1, 4 roam —'
061 66
Paid Flremt.n
guar crl3 , rtiy Rog, ..
EAienctitiii•ei " 43.818
The report was received and the Con
troller authorized to certify a warrant
for the payment of the several bine -
Mr: .7. C. Patterson, :"Chairman of the
Street.Conaluittee, presented the follow
ing report::
\fienliemen: Your COMmittee'on Streets
an dSewers respectfully report as follows:
The principal, business before .them,
I outsidellie various petitions for grading,
paving and sewering, was. in relation to
the necessity of constructing the
'sewer throujh West 10AtainifIfs, , from
Pasture Lane to MOnigomery avenue
;sewer. It is an\ adtnitteci fact that the
sewer must be built soon ; or later in ,
order to ' afford Arainitire to ail that rerrf- .
'tory lying north , of. North avenue, and ,
there are several.veryoßd reasons why
prompt' action' shottid be taken now. The
Common . Ground is ; being im proved rap
idly at considerable expense to the city.
The railwAy, company, in pursu an ce of
their pledgei - lo` 'Cotmcils, have \com
mencetilhe niitittiy work Of , beattti-,
fying,their_ roadway through _the Coth
mon Ground, all of wltich wilLbe carried\
forward with the 'oharadniristic energy
of that corporation. --tinlesti,Councils
take prompraction in-flits matter, delay
will prove very expensive economy.. A,
consitierible , item of• the expense' Of the
Company in 'constructing the north wall
along their/roadway;will'be. Senseless
waste of money 'unless- Councils order
the construction of the, - inp,Poiled-sewer
promptly. The ',sewer * , it may not be
generally known, traveises for a consid
erable 'distance the line of - the proposed
wail, and if. it. *not built anterior to
building the' wall,- t will', 'have to be ta
ken down , yvhile.the work on the sewer
progresses. Thin. Additional 'cost will
have paid by the city, as the wall
will hate to be rebuilt. Your Com
mittee realize the. difference of opinion
between members of Council regarding
the expediency of building main sewers,
under the present sewer law, but the cir
cumstances of the ease are so essentially
peculiar and different from all others,
and the necessity for prompt action so
apparent,, that no person can fail to per
ceive the necessity of going to work vig
orously and with an eye single to the in
terests of the city.- In reference to this
matter your COmmittee report an ordi
nonce and respectfully ask its -adoption.
In' relation to petition of property
holders on North Canal street, with re
fezence to,phtting fence on the wall;
the city lias no authority to assess the
cost of the same upon the property holtko
era, but the necessity for such a'; fence is
apparent, and in. iew of the'fact that the
petitioners are tuitions for such improve
the following:resolution is re
Resolved,-That the property, holders on
North Canal street;from Chestnut street
to Ikladison avenue, be and they are here
by authorized to build a uniform fence
on the south side of said street, thesatne
to be;constructed under the supervision
of the City Engineer.
The • billowing petitions for grading,
pairing, and for sewers, have been con
sidered fally, and favorably ream.
mended: \
• Ordinance" for grading and paving that
portion of Ilnioa street, in the Seventh
ward which is open; also for paving
Jackson street' from Fremont street to
Grant avenue; also . for lateral sewers on
Pitt alley and Montgomery- alley—plans
of all of which 4ecompanythe report.
The V -petition for changing grade of
River avenue frond McFadden street to
Bridge street wsa,before your Commit.
tee, and•referthcl•to City. Engineer to re
port the piactiCability of modifying the
established grade of that thoroughfare.
Thq ieltoxt@vagi acCePted, add,the reso
lution relative to the erection of a fence
was 105 t... C. Canon-concurred and adopt
ed the resolution. • • - . •
The Oa :lance relative to pivirig Jack
son street .was referred back to the Cemt.:
nalttee. , ' , t , •
The reMathing bidinances referred to
in thaleFtort-were -read three times, and
passed'Aingly. " .
..Au prdinance fOr the construction of
a sewer ne Pitt alley,watkreferred back to
the ,Conkrnitteu.:
oMmancelbt the &instil:onion-of a
sewer on Montgomery apey..iffas read
thaellufesend. peeked
An ordinance for a main•sewer on West'
Cortimons,_lla taken up. ~1 1
Mr.': A. d'atteison: called 'for the. yam
and nays, and a vote being taken the or- ,
dinance wasTadopted by a •vote.of 9 to 4.
The ordffiance was passed finally un
der a suspension of the rules.l 0. C. nob
concurred and laid the ordinance .over
under the. rules* • ,1 P • •• I '
Mr. Patterson presentea the report of
the viewers for the opening =o& Taylor
avenue. , .
trine HaU moveid , that the report , be'llet
aside ,,, Adopted: • ' • •
Mr.. Patterson prevented , the report of
the 'viewers , for the Widening of - Webster
streetolort 13 of North avenne,.atid moved
its oorilirmation.l _ * 4
Idr. Riddle moved toreLscpve;,re_Pqls
back to the Committee far reoonalderk
The motion was '•• ';"
,The question reenrring titethe brlglual
motion thet3sport was sotitipapli.
t Wkri SttritY:
Mr WAttannt chalrnnut - r the Com. GENTLEMEN: Yoar, uommittee orr mire
miffs() on Water, presented a repAt id. Engines and #cee! ,repor t ; in reit.
Companied by the following resolution: tion to the • resolution Instructing
Resolved, That the Committee on Wa• them to,Pre_pare an a:din/ 1 40e providingterbeltud they, are hereby s t ukhonzed ;pr a Paid Fire Department, The matter
haye*Ster idpea laid on Preble tutelar was discussed at the last meeting of: he
from Juniata to Franklin _streets, and Committee, but owing to the importance
also on Eaststreet, froth the present ter- of the tneasureaUd nu . merousdetailsthe
minna.ofwater to city line, the work to ecitunittee = can only mort,,progress,
bd Undeelbef dire c tion :fift!434, htilleitd. Your etititibitfee would' call '64440
tendent erf , Water Worlsrc - te. tmother.,Yety, Iltiliertant _matter, Nis:
Tielathrai t fo thalmattfir Oil'. the ;Mott supplYOf water in, the ,First
ties for water, rents where water ruts andi Second wall* in the second 'wod
peen laid on Streets, ;pen whieb, the espodally, .s l evidenced by. the recent
tirppeit# tibutta mho , refuse,to hike the disastroturfirs in 'that lomlity• An our
Pri:MoVi:RGV T prim g 4. FRIDAY, , , 3UL <, 9 , 1f369._
--water and pug the eissessimint which
referthe* 011rtAkilleitor; the
following resolution is +Submitted:
Resolved;; Thal the Water Assessor be
'and la hereby instructed and authorized
to assess all owners of manufactories and
Private manufactoiries (Who are not and
cannot be assessed according- to the es
tablished. schedule) five mills on their
valuationlor water purposes; PrOvided
no tax be levied on such n
property front
ing or abuttingo streets or alleys where
water pipes have not yet been extended.
The reivrt was received - and tne reso
lution adopted.' -
Mr. Hall, Chairman of the ifinan oe
Committee, presented the following re•
GENTLEMEN: Your Committee on Fi
nancesubmit the following report:,
In relation to the resolution directing
and instructing the Directors of the Poor
to invest their funds in City Water bonds,
your Committee agreed to report the fol
lowing resolution:
Resolved, That we recommend to COED
oils to request and authorize the Direc
tors 'of the Nor to loan their surplus
funds to the city, and hi consideration
whereof we agree to give them the same
rate of interest received in the bank.
In relation to the communication from
the Controller, asking how Mr. Smith's
bill of water pipes, amounting to $lO,-
945.47, shall be paid, whether in bonds or
caeh, it was deolded to pay the • same ih
six pert cent. water` ponds, according to
his bid.
- .
The attention of your Committee was
directed by - the Controller to the fact
that the mortgage given by the city for
prioperty purchased for the Columbia
Hose Company amounting to one thou-,
sand five hundred dollars was over due
several days, and that the holder was
anxious to have the same adjusted.
Your Committee report that-the City So
licitor has examined the title and re
ports it good, Matte out the necessary
papers, leaving notkung now to be done
'except paytnent of the money. 'The fol
lowing resolution is therefore reported :
Resolved, That the Controller ,be and
he is hereby authorized to certify a war- ,
rant in favorof John. Sherran for one
thousand five hundred dollars, for ,-prop
arty on La(Lock street, and that he be far
ther authorized to completti the neces
sary papers. -
The report was received and the reso
lutions adopted.
900 00
Mr. Riddle, from the Cammittee on
City Pmperty, presented the following
Gsrmgrisw: 'Your Committee on City
Property would respectfully report that
they had before them the subject of the
improvameht 'of the acconstics of the
Council 'Chambers, by means of false
ceilings. It will be recollected that some
line since Councilia passed a resolution)
a lowing an experiment to be made,
which, if proving unsatisfactorY, was riot
to costthe city anything. If successful,
it was `expected •that the Improvement
would &oat about $5OO. The test was
made VI Selegt Council Chamber, and in
the opinion of your Committee the same
has proved unsatisfactory. In reference
thlireto, the follO ing resolution is re
ported: • ..
Resolved, That the - mmittee on City
Property report adversely to the project
of having false ceilings placed in either
of the Council Chembers, rid request
the temporary scaffolding in Select Coun
cil Chamber be taken down. \
The report was received and the-eso
lution adopted.
Mr. Hall presented a resolution a
pointing the City Treasurer Clerk to the
Finance Commiltee. Adopted.
Mr. A. Patterson presented a resolu
tion authorizing the Street Comthittee to
take the necessary steps to prevent the
Pittsburgb,,Fort Wayne and Chicago
Railway Company from vacating Jack
son street. Referred to the Street Com
Mr. 3. C. Patterson ppresented a com
munication from the City Solicitor, rela-
tive to the collection of paving tax. Read
and retorted to the Street Committee
Mr. Riddle called up the report. of the
Committee on City Property, presented
at a previous meeting, relative to the
improvements in the City Building.
After considerable discussion, Mr. Mc-
Brier (Mr. Pall in the Chair) offered the
'following amendment to the report:
Resolved, That the Orimmittee on City
Property be instructed to provide a room
for the City Engineer at the back end of
the Common Council Chamber ' connect
ing with the room occupied bythe Com
mittee on Streets.
• Mr. Phillips called for the yeas and nays
on the adoption of resolution, when the
resolution was adopted by a vote of 9
yeas to 3 nave.
Trail presented a resolution in
structing the . Street Committee to pro
ceed with the paving of Montgomery ave
eue. Adopted.; •
In all the above business not otherwise
noted C. C. concurred.
Coniman Council.
-Conneilmetitt eight o'clock . , President
Slack in the Chain`
The following members were present:
Messrs. Comley, .Gilliland, oGrebet,
Hanna, Hastings, Price. ,Krebbs, Kopp,
Long, Megmw, Ober; Porter,
lteineman, Seidle Thompson, Voeitiley,
Warner and President Slacks
Minutes read and approved.
• rthirtorts &c.
Mr. Long -Preeen'ted a •rttniOnstrance
from the citizens of the First ward
against the' paving 'of 'Ridge avenue.
Referred to Committee on Streets.
.liesLinge offered, e,resolution
structtng i ttle,.Street Commissioner to
have an troll culvert t•ut 'down on North
avenue.on,each side of Jamea atreet.
Referred to the Committee on Streets
and Sewers. .
Mr. Warner presented a petition for
continuation.of the Sedgwick sewer from
its present terminus to Ohio-river. Sixth
Referred to Committee on Streets and
Sewers:: --"
Also, a resolution instructing the Com
mittee on City Property to have a. suit
able number of hitching plats r.around
the Diamond Squares. Adopted.
Mr. Thompsou; petition T ar water pipe
on Frazier street, Fifth Ward.
Referred to Committee on Water, with
power to 10t. . : .
Mr. Siedle, a petition from F. Braun
representing that he had, beam' unfairly
assessed for the gradintof Jalappa 'street,
and asking that the assessments for the
work be examintd. and'~~the matter
righted" , _ " ••• t't
Refeired to the City Engineer'' for ex.
emanation .r.
rate nag. DEPARTM.I62ITr•
-Mrs Megrawi-Chatrmanlaf the - Commit.
tee on Flre Engines, presented a report
as follows: -
OPWIon, if tfes3e had been
ply of water., ti largeamourd of property
could•haysteen saved from deskuction.
It isivwd,fully. suggested tkat en
gitlietandlese consequeuce,
imlco there is an ample supply of water.
Tont' Committee think that something
should be this direction Prompt
ly to prevent the zreotirrence of
of a similar calamity; and while they
have nothing debinite to report, would
.respeetfully suggest the matter fdr the
serious consideration of the Water Com
mittee and Cottneils• • , •
• The repbrt was received and ordered
to be flied.
Mr. Rulings from the committee on
Warves and Landingsliresented the tol
Gentlemen. Your Committee on
Warves and Landings 'would report as
fbllows.. In relation ,to the offer made
by Mi. Sampsoneto sell a portion pf his
wbarf front to the city, your Comitittee
referred the matter to the Solicitor to
ascertain', the facts connected with the
proposed'purChase. The Solicitor repli
ed, that " the act of Assembly establish
ing high and low water lines defined
boundarie. of, Property, and that all the
.. opeity ibside of-the high water line
ongs to the parties •abutting thereon,
lrit outside said line the city owns."
Sollititer: , faitber remarks • that, it
will be necessary to have asurvey made
to ascertain what portion of the wharf
Mr. Sampson proposes to sell. As the
wharf front to the city is an important
matter, your Committee submit the
following resolution.:
&spiced, That the City Engineer be,
and is hereby directed and instructed to
make a survey of that portion of wharf
front: of, Mr. Sampson, and -report the
same to the Committee on Wharves and
Landings. .
In relation to the resolution, instruct
ing the Committee to have the swamps
In front of South avenue pro rly
:drained, your Committee have ref erred
'the same to the City Engineer, to ascer
tain ivheth'er the property belongs to the
Report receiv6d'and resolutions adopt
Mr, Hanna, from the Committee on
Markets, presented the following report:
GDICTLEMIN: Your Committee on. Ma
rkets submit the following statement of
receipts from all sources during the
month of June: ' •
Darman Dallas, Clerk anis: k.ts $738 is
(Sea • D. MeNaltr..D..amond belles 141 41
it. T. White, Strand Ward Scales 24511
The Committee call attention to the fact
that the, .old Second Word Scales have,
been but of order for_Soine time, and a 1..;
though they have been frequently adjus
ted at considerableeXpentm, little, if any . ,
reliance is placed upon the accuracy and
much dissatisfaction exists among those
4ompelled to use them.•. Your Commit
tee believe it would be a matter of econ
omy to take the old scales away and have
a new oair erected, and, therefore, report
the following resolution:
Rewired, That the Mallet Committee
be and they are hereby authorized and
directed to advertise for proposals for
new scales, to be placed where the old
pair now stands, In tneSecondWard and
together with the Contioller to award the
contract to the lowest and best bidder.
Report received and reasalution adotb
zujereoza. ORDINANCE.
The ordinance relative to oil refineries
was called up and Common Council re
ceded from its former action and concur.
red in the action of Select Council in
adopting the ordinance with an amend
mbnt "That the valuation of twenty-five
per bent. be determined by the City En
gineetin connection with the Committee
on Engines.
"Mr. Seidle moved a reconsideration of
the action OtCounclis in adopting the
report of the viewers in , relation to the
opening of Perry street.
Mr. Seidle contended that the opening
of the streets damaged as large portion of
his property, valued at . $1,500, and that
no-damages had' been awarded him. At.
tar some discussion the action of (bun
dle at the preceding meeting in adopting
the report was reconsidered..
T4E. report was then mad, and on mo
tion of Mr. McNeill;referred back to tae
yiewera for re*examlnation. • .
Busineas from Selea Conn°ll was then
taken up and disposed of. Adjourned.
None of the above business.was reached
in Select Council.
.:%very College Commeneement.
The Annual Commencement of this
excellent-Institution for colored youth,
with that distinguished divine ittrpat
riot, Rev. IL H. Garnett, sails President,
came off at the A. M. E. Zion Church,
in the city . of Allegheny, yesterday af
ternoon. The _occasion was in every
way remarkable for the modest, chaste
appearance and general Intelligence of
the students. About one o'clock a very
select audience of white and colored
nearly filled the Church. The rear of
the platform, extending across the
house, 'was • crowded , with students,
young ladies and lads. „The front was
. by distingulitheeMstitors, the
President with his faculty sitting to the
The exercises were begun with by an.
appropriate prayer iron.. Bev. - Mr.
Noble, after *bitch the `school sung
"Freedom: : To-day.". „The programme
was then followed accurately to part sec
ond.. in their departments the.rnembere
acquitted themselves'With uniformity:,
and acceptability, evincing the most
conscientious labor on; the part of their
preceptors. Nev. Mr. Noble then deliv
ered the'Dollege Baccalaureate i subject,—
"Thinking,, Duty and Candltions,'Llit
19' not enough to say the effort wafiel
good One, it • was grand, well pre
pared, full of thought, and claskio,
research.:' Thia address:Would have re-.
fleeted credit on a commencement for'
parvatfl or Yale. The addreas,was well
received, and the College may well feel
proud of this mark of respeid on the part
of Dr. Noble.
The, programme was then fbllowed
through ••part seloohd, the declamations
being delivered by members of the
Freshman and, Sophomore classes.,
Thw,ttodtesses svere all delivered well,
but one dr' twcitdeheivetapecial inefitien:
Miss Cornelia n hipies i , of the ;F:Aeshafart
class, aciputteof herself With more than,
cirdluary acceptability; ;. there ;,;
thought, eats,' eloquence, and boppi n g,
Modesty. MIAs 'Douglaas also apoka
well, evincing considerable scholarship.
Mr. Henry H7 ,: G t ifrriffit. l- 1 - tiEdelivdred an
oration onthS,Otteraettir- of Chao Avery.
This was undoubtedlyhe address of the
occasion; be" inspired' edeb , 4 kuteSW *az
min WOtiou for trielglvid benefactrik.
The address will appear; in, print stem
early day.
Auer a 4e.ol4tithl,sors t We President
!twilled every heart with the sweet mur
murings of Idt.tongue s land.l hen, *ith
the benediction of a kinA,father, he Aftdd
them an affectionate farewell. I
We have. attedde& 4E4 Abdo exer
sisssof several po:yetlltiflsitu this
borhood...dttring the ;season. and On
say that ;thus compared favorably with
anyi.g"wlthifiat4ll4. thq Onargeg made
against the College by a correspondent
41 9 1 1,et l i f i ° F1. 4 44.R.V# 0 ;' , ' ' • 47 : P l l l -.', -
, .
; fi~E ~~t3OYfBTB.~
Court of Overaufi• Terutiner--Judge
7111711815AY, Jnly B.—The case of the
Commonwealth George W. Hoyle,
reported".yeaterday, was resumed and
concluded. The jury returned a verdict
of ;guilty.:
Quarter „Sessioas
Joseph Holt, indiotedtor larceny, was
placed on trial and plead not guilty. The
jury returned a verdict of guilty.
Commonwealth vs. Conrad Collier, in
dicted for aggravated assault and bat
tery, was the next•case taken up. Jury
out. \
Chas. Brandt, Indicted for fornix et
eet., Barbara Lanai proseeutrix, was ar
raigned and plead not guilty: -On-trial:
Common Pleas—iudges Stowe and Biel-
THUSSDAY, July B,—ln the matter.of
the O'Hara School District, (Twelfth
Ward) Pittsburgh, vs. John Bliss, same
vs. James Lewis and same vs. Wm.
Rosewell. Petitions for the appointment
of . Viewers to assess damages sustained
by said defendant, in consequence of the
occupancy by said school board of certain,
lota for school purposes, in. accordance
with an act of assembly, the Court sp.
pointed James Reid, James Hardman,.
and John Wilkinson viewers. .
Extensive Confidence Operation.
The latest, and one of the most exten
sive operations that has been perpretra
ted in this city was corummated pester
day,sboth the victim and the 'victimizers
being colored men. Some days since two
Colored men arrived in this city, Purport
ing to hail from North Carolina, and took
lodgings at a colored boarding house on
Webster St. The day following the arrival
they exhibited a considerable amount of
gold coin to George Denney, a colored
hackman, who resides in Allegheny,
stating that they got it fro& their master
during the war. They farther stated
that they Wanted to use the money and
would be willing to exchange it for green
backs with a colored man or colored men.,
Denney having by his industry and aeon-,
only_ saved about p,ook which he,
had loaned out and de .. ted in different
places, thought this a i opportirnity for
, a speculation told the North Carolina
men that he would.raise the money and
take the gold it they would .give him a
little tiny., which they agreed to do,' and
it was arranged that he should moot them
at the l 'Union De t, lard evening, and
make the. exc • : ge. 'According to ,
agreement. Denney appeared at the ap
pointed place 'about seven o'clock last
night, with his carriage,and having in his
possession, $3,000 of his hard-earned
money, which he had been - years in ao
cumulating, and there met the other par
ties who gave him a trunk which, they
said contained the ;$3,000 in gold. He
Paid. them the greenbacks,• and placing
the trunk 'in his'
. - carriage droye
to Allegheny, and on arriving at his rel.-
idence, opened the trunk to take a look
at his treasure, when instead of gold he,
found` nothing but stones. He inime
diately returned here and reported the
matter at the'lldayor's office,- but up to a
late.hour last 'night do. tidings of the
victimizers : had been received.
$1.134 c
The Vreat Closing Out Sale
\ •
At Tobias' is stilt progresang. There is
still a-very Ihrgentocklo be dolled out.
The entire stock will be closeeent: in a
few days. Linen coats at 11,00. A good
suit can be bought at $10;. -a fine suit at
$l2, the very t•eat at $lB l , and a broad
cloth snit at $2O. Pants,: vests, boys
clothing and gents' furnishing goods at
half price. Please call and see the stock
which is almost given away, as Mr.
Tobias is going to make some very great
improvements for the coming fall. He
intends'closing out his entire -stock in a
few days. The best of the stock is still
on hand. Be sure and call on Saturday,
which is nearly the last day. - Don't fail
to call at the popular place, and big- No.
13 St. Clair street. . -
=wrest?, as a Maiden , a Blush" Is the
pure peachy Complexion which follows
the use Hagan's Magnolia Balm. It 11
tha True Secret of .Beauty.. Fashionable
Ladies in Society understand this.
The Magnolia Balin changes the ritstic
Country Girl into a City Belle more rap•
idly than any other one thing.
Redness, bunburn,- Tan, Freckles,
Blotches and all effects - of - the Slimmer
Sun disappear when it Is used,.: and a
genial, cultivated, fresh
obtained which rivals the Bloom 'of
Youth.' Beauty. is possible to all who
willinvest 76 cents at any respectable
store and insist on, getting the:Magnolia
USS rorinvo,but Lyon's lathairon to
dress the Hair.
liedaetioui in Summer Dress
Goo4S. Bates &Bell.
, . .
Economical, - Retiab n; the Best.
We Mean DooLEY's BAKING FotsnEn'
It is superior, to all others la the market.
Free trom any injurious substances, and
so nicely compounded that, the contents
of each box will make, light, sweet,
healthy - biscuits, .rolls,pastry, Atev, with
uniform incense: Only two teaspOonfuls
to tv'quart of flour is pecessar3r, while
those of ordinary manufacture ; require
from, ane•third to, a half more., Ask
year grocer for Dooley's Chemical-YetuSt
Baking Powder, and take , o other. -Try
it and be convinced. • 31 ,WS"
Go to Toblai's ' Closing Out Sale.
hie entire stock half price„ali.
he is going to bnild: Go ;here on Bab:lr=
day. 'Die ;best goods" are still left: -
Linetrcoats at 41.00. No. 18 St. Clair'
street." ; • L -
Extra Quality Bleached and UnbleaCh-,
ed Idindinaai /2)Ccents. • Bates .5g Be/1.
For an elegant ihnn,' an easy ehair, a
conifortable ehitire, la perfect
ibr fashionable h air : cutting Of ga l:i ns or ,
children) or for skillful' leeching, cup. l
ping or tooth 'draiceing, 'call at Rode's,'
corner of Federal . and Isabella streets,.
Allegheny. • . z.q
1, Lama ITAce *elute to4eap s ..Welese the
fitocs l6 -1'4 0413 , ; ; =
ri . •s .ll t
bla,halvdreailpg, plain or
*lave pt bat.N and Pit skillful" ouriplng
zino. Won 2t 7 116:J ipqi:l l !edi3riVllticiAV,
ektiost o ttl , i , , , • . p
I.IA ,t 1: Tis4 • . „
, Comets , Aocipv i skirie, ifoastusidi and e e ditio! ' l 344oTgaraleAtar;,4 l, ifull . aPaqrt?
A1../WdiefilOPSlYEt .14 1 qWif Pa..*As/
1 4 7 " 100 3 ;441) f 0446, I.4me, cal;
tl4:4o,wits#, , Diydratillo„ Convent. Is
ICt ke,rlCCWkerit.,.lB tlionitl . 4lB 4 l Street.
Japanese MIAs assorted plaids. 83 Ai
d Bell.
"*Pricell fOi o ?r - Galds: Satoe
prtirstulitrif -
Fur tht:Benefit and Information of
AN .p .
313gE.A1.4 Et S,
From Sales libido to Date by
1 •
PiTTOuniair, PA.
I 'i/tern: i f? Daly a moderate tracte,doing In our
, ,
produce market. the demand being stricly/met,
• .
It is confined only to new and earlipnits mut);
vegetables and leadlng articles of 'provision/.
Batter and Bags are-fn goOd demand ancleelllng•
on arMvaLßerrles and small fruit s are In nr-t-
ter erapply th an- error kaoyva tale market, but
all in good orie are readily taken at goodpricer.
!Green — Apples 1 much InOutied . Pr , but receipts -
are Might, era ..143 Quiet. 9xcePt Oats, for whit*
tiere Is a good gully. Dried Irra4 neglected;
some nice lots .f Dried Peaches are °tiered at.
' •••-•
prices taltoring the buser, rather.than hold corer
intim tient season. Beans are dull with a large.
stock otibawi. Our qtiotst:tons are
APPLES-Green , Apples $4.00. to 16.00 per
Darrel for New. and SS.OO for sound Old. • • .
APPLE burrErk-75@soq. per gatiorkan kegs
or crocks
• pIITTICII—Crime fresh Table Butler 24a.515e.
Inr both Rolb and Pa'eted., E•tote' Packed in kegs
and barrels' i2gil3e.: in bad slianeor lrregniar
package 5,.2e(a21.n. ''• : •
BAC.)N::-DMumad fair' and market steady.
• . • • ••
Sugar Curd Canvassed . tune' 21c.. Country
Hams and Clear Bides 12415 C, ; Shoulders;lSe. ;
Lard, 16(419o.
CElncll,r-Rich and m ild ; cured Factory
and Goshen in moderate deitiand at 16618 c,
Western Reaerve Inferior and Damaged
_Cheese, of Which - there is a large stock in the
market, 70co1le'pir
. ,
ZOOS—Demand good for Azle tafFresb at 20c.; •
repelpta 4 ,
• FLOUR-3prirg Wheat 43.30@8.00; Witmer
Wheat, 16.01:47.00; choke...vial known 'brands
from store 50e.0 MOO higher: low grades bard
td 'sell. }lie Picot , $6.01?@6.50 per harrel.
Cora per barh.
GRAlN—Extra Winter 'Wheat $1.30411.35.,..1
Oats (obese. Corn 70 , g75c. Bye sl.loe
Mb. , BirIFT 11.50. Seed,..Hact.wheat $1.60.
Flaxseed 82,59, •
FRUITS-Dried Apples 12015 c., demand and ..
supply Hatt. Dried Peaches, •torlight. Halves: - ,
Idity3c.; quarters, 9(410c.
VT:9IiTA.BLICS7-New Potatces, 63:00@)3 00;
Cabbast. 63 00 Cucuinbers, . 0.0049.00:
Beans\ 63.00 per, barrelt' Tomatoes, 69,506
3.59,Arts • baghel, 'box; Iftspberrles 69.00 to
610.00. per caSe- 'Ol. bushels. Challis, Ceti- 1
ratite and Gooit;tierries, , o@,B:.'ner quart: •
Btribittii33-461te Bean's, — 111.1502 00;1
Mixed, 61.2561:50;01d Peach Blow P,otatoes,
40e. per bushel; Hanle ingar.6ll
4314 c.; Bags,
4gC ; Beeswax, 49c.; Tallow, 108103 Se. ; -
Featbers.'.9oc.t_Conntry Sc. per poling,
Older Vinegar; 3.9(45100. Sweet Cider, 90 41 23 c.4-
Siorgbum, 00865 c. per gallon.
We hive now In store In] for sale aS Ic4est.
mirket rites
3b - bags Chc;:ce Halves Peacheu; a.
labia Mixed • ' do.; •
• , 16.1aCks Bright Qoarters d.i.;
16 bbll Dried Apples;
-50 bids Choice White Bemis; r.'. •
. .
Wbfic 'Beans;
bpi L lsble Pare Mapl@ SRFtr . •
74 bbls 1, I •
• •it bbl e edeeet:DlinkteaClitert. 2
"'lbQ'ealest re and Cibnei
ol'oditioelit •
~'-50`clewastoYka7e1Y e: "- - •
4 Milo Ttideßdsiov
:+ 4'bLli ; t ellp3rkEiokcr92iota; ;:4:
••v. 'TS lazes. Dgo,factory Cheese;
Cheese; f
C r
.3 icie ( cheap); • •
.1.9 4 .1tege a:pi:debater,
igieelvier daily I lizpreas .and
othe r irage, *resit • EIS • and cliattiory,
. .
Greet* . Fruits .4614.1refietWittes o • to 611
of whii*we izolte City auf*siistirr
Jitarenergers and Dtalers.
L • -
& CO