The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 09, 1869, Image 3

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THURSDAY July 8,,1869.
~. The market was excedingly quiet to
\ day, the sales, being unusually light,
while, compared with yesterday, prices
-.have undergone no quotable change.
Crude was nut qnite as strong' and there
appeareo to be more offering and fewer
buyers, than on Wednesday, while Re
fined is holding its own pretty well, as ,
there was no disposition manifested to
make concessions in order to effect sales' ~
There was conside 7 rable conjectnrin r
, ,
among operators in regard to the forth..
'coming monthly report of: the' Titusville
Herald; many • expect that June-will
show a alight increase over May others
contend that it will he less, while others
staila,AXdieve that there will be .but lit
tie difference either way. The report
. will appearin the Herald of Saturday,
..and we will doubtless have reports from'
, there today iv, telegraph.
But a single Rale reported . , 1,000 each,
July and August, at 15. July, sellers is
• said to have been offered at 143, with
out findig buyers; August is still quo
led:at-15. 'Offers to' buy ',seller all year
at 14k, a dto sell at 14 ; 1 4. Buyers all
llyear, no anal at 'l7. \
' uzFirrEnL, • -
Ent a singlo sale,. 600 September, at
333 f. - Quotations may be fairly given at
' 314(g131.X on spot; ,32®32X for , July; 33
for ' Attgust;' and 3335 for September.
Lines for Atty. to - December; and Onto.
' - ber to -'December,. 33®3335. Eastern
markets firm bat quiet. , • .
.. OILS.
, Eclipie Winter Lubricating oil ' 40c
Eclipse Railroad-Axle - ' ' 35c
' 'Eclipse Machinery 75c
Eclipse Spindle • 80c
Fisher, dr, ,Bro 1,760 bbis
• G. S. Thomas - . 480 "
' J. J . , - Vandergrift..... • 480 ."
John Speer- ... • .. 400 "
T0ta1..., 2,820 bbla.
A. Hertz it Co., 800 bbls refined to
Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia.
• Brooks 13allentine & Co., 156 bbls ref.
toWarden,'Frew (t CO.; •Philadelhhia.
Hutehison 01l & Refineing Co., 365 bbls
refined to Warden, Frew it Co., Phila.
Duncan&. .Williams, 108. bbls refined
soil to.W. P. Loganlltro. Philadelphia.
'Total 629
ToR/Fl-, Jab' 8.77A5b,33; pots
quiet at 17,37@7,62; pearls dull and nom-
Anal. , Cotton! without change; -sales of
1;700 'ba' lea. l t at 'UN for middling - uplands.
Pinar-6664*p aar barrels Florir 10
4glsobetter on shipping and more doing;
saleii of ' 15,700' 'barrels 'at f1,50@
4,55:: for superfine,Btate: and •western,
15,40©6,90 for extra State„ 6;05@6,50 for
extra western, 46,90®7,20 for. white
wheat el4ra, g 6,40 for Ohio, $ 7%7,50 for
for c hoice 'extifi - 158©10 for choice do.;
cloakag Steady; ir.clutieci in sales are 290
barrels ; of,e*tra State, last half, of July
~ at $6,63; California Flour ; limier; sales
,400 'barrels' at 66,4066,90. Oregon
' quiet:at 89©9 3 50. Whiskey firmer; sales
of 2501:Gisela =of western at 9Q35@)81;01
free. Redelpts—wheat, 56,005 bash;
' ela. Wheat active and. - 3154 higher
with good export deinand, sales of 170,000
bu at 41,46.f0r No. 3 Spring; $1,47 for, No.
%and '3 to :nixed; $1,55©1,57'f0r No. I do;
$1,5503f.60'f0r winter red western; 13462©
1,75 for inferior to'prime whits California.
•11Ye_i1fiet and firm. Barley dull and
'nominal; Barley malt flrnl; receipts 5,000
bu Canada. 'Corn—receipts 66,441 buand
. .better with an active speculative
demand; sales 112,000 'bu at 69©92c for
new mixed western via canal; 813@93c for
plo via railroad; '93.3 for white western.
;Oats—receipts 59,536 ,bn, I®2c better and
active demand; sales "'90,000 bu at Slai
81%0 felt -western afloat. Sugar easier;
sales 300 hhds Cuba at 11©11%c. Petro
leum firm atlin4 ®l7•Sfor crude; 32®3235c
for refined- quiet at. B©lso for
• Ainerfeati:' Linseed 'oil steady;' at ?lig
1,02 in erkkics. l , Spirits turpentine' uiet at
42(x442x0:- . . Prdvistone—porkquiet and
steady; sales ` 400' bids at T31,87®32.02 for
new mess; ;26©27 for prime; $28,50®29 for
„primer niess. `Beef eh:lady:l34lw 120 bbls
at .. $lO for ffew plain - mess, and' sl2®lB
for, new wit* . meas.' Tierce !Beef nem
. Inalat's2o®2s for Piline mess, and s2s®
30 for India mess. Beef Rams (Inlet;
Wet of roo'bbia po@3l. Cat bleats
dull and heY,lti. eales of 145 Pigs atl3%
- @i4iffbrelfonidersoind 16417 c for hams:
middles quiet and steady, with sales Of
100 bikf` L iki hared at 16,0.: Lard' dull
and- trooping; salad of 470 tcs at
19%c, chieflyl9@l9%,c, for steam; and
19%®19X0' for . kettle rendered. 'Butter
dull at 16@)280 for Ohio, and 16(4)35e for
State. - - Cheekte - heavy at 11®15e.' Frhights
to Liverpool firmer, with, shipments of
100,000 butfwheat' at md@sgd per sail.
iind'9oo,l4(' ‘ d per ateatiler,affd 6,000, bbls
flour attn. 641(4)2.s.'fid:Per attain.
Ai& and In fair export'
and" sPeettlitiVe dernand - forcomon
grrdes, extra ; estern and State; Wheat
very firm; with' a fair ,export demand.
Rye'. quiet 'and 'thin.. Oats firmer and
fairly active at 81@)8L%ii .for„ Western
afloat; Corn Very firm 89.593 c for
mixed western*, via canal, and rail
road: Fork . :: quiet at ; cash, and
/3i,95 regular for tneis. . Beef 'quiet and
unchanged ,Cut Meats d ull ,aadt roop
' log." *COP quiet and Unchanged, Lard
quiet at `190)19,0 for,. fair; to ,:prime
steam;. Mega quiet, and unchanged.
,• CEE104.430.; July B. — Money ,: active; -Ex•
change firm. Freights neglected:; and
non:dual, with engagements 5o for
wheat to Buffalo from. Milwaukee. Flour
;irolerablyactiiv and:market firmer, with
1111 Advance.of 12351gIbc.perbarrel. Sales
tifilio Ms springs:Ants Rt.85®6,50; and
other descriptions.quleta Wheat: active
and excited.-but demand altogether spec-
Imlstion;eluf ltdvandelol B@3UnWas gained
-otralf grades; and No; /Spring bloled at
$1,3234; sales of No. 1 at $1,84@1i15; and
•gpf,Zio, a. 44 111401183 p and, during:the af
• Ate/Anton lbsre worn liberal sales at: $1.£15
,:foriaNo,l2.s 09in I /al tapderately active
~Ipeetdallve.. demand .and. prices. were
.;hilthertratinutiteadry sales or No. 1 , at
Miggsfik, l 4. l rbrll9 l :4 at'79@Sol4. } ,.,erpi
awg af 79f,gisx'o , in , options;zliberai sales
"werg, 79©7840
11 '0110 .11V , 4Y seller lasb I half
of lily, 130(5853,5n se ll e r August,
,ipatit . f ; Sti4ialad• 'altogisther ,'speculative
and.stiiiiitet. firma, with au..adiance_of
~.81g8Xe4Teloittie at;s9% , @)7oc for; No. ',2;
k 4 :4 l ::Xve:t l rnierindlnhigli.
or; :sales at ,vvosolori eh:Haig at 'out
- tide Itii4e,: i litoctite; and nolnlnal
.t st
for rNo 16 :atOre•' . Elighwines
•; , ,Inactivleecpfthbn i vyrs at .Pse, but' no
I+ull z Yro j iltdo r nS and market
ear fm. andescriptions of hog product;
Iluotittionti ntiminal:':lllessTork 832.75®
83.90, ,:lrardlB®ll33fo...Dry salted Shout.
• den a 161 pie ., -Receipts 4,039 • bbls liodr
h f w.hOat, ,d 8,415 cori
;•-142 Okla. ~ Shipments:4;Bs3 blos
••41our l l , 113,1148-h,ushf,Wkeafi , h
catli;.soo 4 11141-PallaY.,,
,j ¢ia rnr;. i i,r i4 1 1 1 5w 6 4-04 4
.44 !Cris etiorbejnofti.
` 2 .1 _ 11 . 1 71 : * :1 11 9: 1,411j4 • 7 "1"i
100 for common to medium leaf, Ill®
20 for good darkAo do. bright Missouri
leat,tB2s@so for fide bright do, 110©10,40
for black. Kentucky wrappers, 826@40 for
bright do. Cotton quiet at 32 1 A©33c.
Hemp dull and unchanged, with sales of
undressed ranging at 90c®51,35. Flour
active for lower grades, which are scarce
and wanted, and all quotations are firm
er: spring sold at 85©5,15, XX 0.50,
_XXX 87,50, fancy 88,70@9,50. . Wheat:.
bad ; weather caused a firmer feeling, and
outside buyers in some Cages paid an ad-.
vane of 5c for new fall; small iota of
poor spring sold at $1,10©1,15, choice'
club 81,25, strictly prime choice new ied
81,85©1,40, fancy new red and - White
$1,45@1,50.... Corn firmer. and higher;
mixed sold at 82(4)86c, yellow 85@89c,
white 93@98c. Oats better' at 67@70c.
.Rye firmer, *l,lO. 'Whisky advanced to
95c. tiroceries quiet , and, unchanged:*
Provisions quiet, but the feeling is bet
with more inquiry. Pork sold on
orders - at 03@88,50, the, latter fbr extra.
heavy. Dry salt, shoulders sold at 130.
Bacon on orders, 14@14c for shoulders, -
18®18;e0 for clear sides, 21c'for canvassed
sugar cured hams.- Lard Anil and. un
changed, 19@19346. RecerPts-700 bbls
Roar, 5,600 bush wheat, 4,490 bush corn,
2,z00 bush oats, 150 hogs. :
CINCTNNATL July &—Flottr. ia rmer
but not higher; sales of stiperfinent44,7s
' @4,90, extra at 85,10@)100„and family at
55,75g6. Wheat, under an improved
- demand, advanced 52 and red winter now
commands 81,30®1,35 for Nos.. 1. and 2.
Corn higher and firm at 75c for' 'nixed,
and 76c .for white. Oats 'seams apd
higher at. 70@)720. •for. mixed. Rye
firmer at 8.1,10©1,15 for Nos. 1 and 2.
Whisilly advanced - to 95c and is firm.
Cotton inactive at 33c for middling.
Linseed 011 declined to one dollar. Mess
Pork at 02,59. Balk' meats firm but
quiet; shoulders at 123<c, rib - sides at
1630, clear rib sides at 1634 c, and clear
sides at 163.0. Bacon steady: - shoulders
at 14c, nlear rib sides at 173 . 417mc and
clear sides at 18c. Lard dull at 190 for
kettle rendered leaf city brands.
Money is still stringent. Exchange
steady at 1-10 per cent. off buying.
CLEVELAND, July B.—Flour quiet, but
steady and unchanged. Wheat less firm
and lower; No. 1 red winter offered at
81,38; sales of No. 2. do; at 81,26. Corn;no
receipts and the market firmer and held
higher; No. 1790; mixed 890; No. .2 76@
7ec. Oats inactive but held higher;'No,
1 State 68@'70c. Rye dull and nominal.
Barley; no inquiry and nominal. Petro
leum; Wade more inquiry; Bales oft2,s9ff
bbls refined at ‘2Bc for August;' same
-figures asked for luly; crude dult and
held at 86,40 @6,50. • o'. j ) '
TOLEDO, JulkB.—Flour diill/and'noth
ing doing. Wheat-Lamber /opened le
better and alone 1-130 lower at- $1,92 on
spot and seller the mouth; .white • Mich
igan le lower at. $1,40; No. 1 red $1,39.
Corn .2@234c Aetter;/Nv. 1 81e on soot,
and 800 seller the month; No.2 70©70 - !4e;
rejected.7oc. Oata'le better, No. 1 Mich
igan 70e; No, 216943. Ave; none in. the
market; 81,10 offered ibr Michigan.,. Bar
ley nominal. Receipts-,900 bbls float,
8,300 bus Wheat, 8,000 bus , corn, 1,200
bus, oats.
PHILADELPHIA • July B.—Flour firm;
sales-of 10,000 bbis; northwestern extra
family 86,25@7.00;, fancy 89©10,50. Bye
Flour ateady at 56,1234( 8,25. Wheat
firmer; sales of 3,000 bush. led 81.4E©
1,52; white $1,61@1,75. Rye firm at 1,33.
Corn scarce' and, higher; sales of 4,000
bush. yellow 98@98c; high mixed west
ern 904194 c. Oats steady, at 75(p7cfor
western. Provisions dull.* Mess Pork
833. Lard 193ic. Petroleum quiet;
crude unchanged; refined 31)4 ®323ic.
Whisky unchanged. .
• , _
MILWAULEE, duty_e.—x lour dull and
nominal. Wheat firm at 81,38% for No.
1, and 51,34 for No. 2. Oats unsettled at
88c for. No. 2. Corn firm at 13.50 for No. 2.
Rye firm at 81 for No. 1. ,Barley nomi
nal- Grain freights unchanged. •Receipts
—flour 2,000 bbls: wheat 58;000; oats
3,000 bush. Shipments—flour 2,000 bbls;
wheat 3,000 bosh. - •
July B.—Cotton firth at 323{
033; receipts. 31 bares; exports, none.
Flour; holders ask an advance, superfine
at 85,50. Wheat; new 'at 81,10(34,15.
-Corn at 93.' Oats at 80©81. Bay at 524
@25, Bran at $22: Cornmeal; fresh at
04,10,1111 n dried 'at 84,35., Pork at 834.
Lard'at 1935©2034:. BaCon quiet; shOni
ders 14N,
• •
13atarstout, July a—Flour firth arid
quiet. ':Wheat"steady with sales of red
at 81,50®1,60. Corn firm; sales Of white
"at 98c®1,02; yellow at Mc. Oats' at 65®
75c, Provisions unchanged. Whisky
,less ; , firm. and offered, at. el;00, buyers
demand Less.,
DEmacni,. " July B.—Flour; demand
good; choice 17®8,00. , iWbeatscaree and
bigher, with moderate - demand; No. .1
white fy3o; No. 1 amber ff 1,40. Corn 77
'1579c. Oats 67e. Pptatoes,B7Xe. .
unroara iumiom).
.0400 RAILROAD. July 8.-300 bbls flour,
owner; 19 bdls bides,,:;-Hayti; .28 bxs
cheese, .133 Canfield; 22. sks ,raga,, God.
fray & Clark; 12 bxs cheeie. W., 101 Kirk
patrick & Co ' 44 do d0.'150 bits isnild, H
'Riddle ; : 3 tubsbutter, 10 bbls egga, W B
Graff &Co 1 car "cooperage; 14 I' Adams
dz Bra; r 100 bbls • flour; Montgotriery , I di .
Schlegel; 8 bbls eggs, if Rea Jr; 50 bYis
.oheeso, bIJ Braden: S bbls whisky, Thos
Modre; 70 tibia lime, Semple & Reynolds;
10 bga rags, 1 bbl eggs, W D" Cooper; 25
bdls broom handles, W Mardorf, 50 bbts
whisky, S Meorickert & Co; 50 do do,
Shipton ilt t Wallace.
iltuvaLerru ANb PlT7'i3tlit9ll RAIL.
Row,. July 8.-400 bbis lline, - AloKee • &
Bro; 100,do do, *darns dr. Co; 100-do flour,
25 has uheese. Waft, Lang &,,0o; 1 car
lumber, Pollee Longbead, & 'Co; 1 do
limestone ore, Brown dr. Co; 2 cars stone,
3 L L Knox: 90 bdls chairs' , Bedford
Chair Co; 2' bblaeggs, Day & CO; 25' bdls
bows, M MeWhinney ,& • Co; • 285 , 6xs
• boots, Wm Pickersgiil di Cm' 10 'kegs to.
bacco,,M W .Raokint , 12 bga rags, Bi c .
Bane do Anger; 12 doz brooms; S p tihki.
var & c0;.21, firkins . buttery:li Riddle; - 23
'crocks apple , butter, Van: udder 4;8; , 39
'MO oats Molraoaa Ifeyol,' I
.A:l4...tolotatcrauislo itaiLlump, Jcl . 7
§, 480 Pt , la oiv G 8 l'hotn a; ,480 ,do.: du,
J 1 V,ande a rirl ft ; 1,7 0,40,d0,,1P.ja11ar Ik9;
1: cif tz(n It', 3' 0 liapPO'& •2401111 ear
litlditi:" Me 'tilieht;'Partei & 041i'2'ita - do,
'Jahn Moorhead: , 1 'do da, 1 A'l Wbflibilda;
•Valirtanbark; IN Placrula ;Mil 4 y:)l4s
oltgeliat Rem:Lear grain; Scott &I , Gissit
25 bite , aide, -Kell and 'ltiteliart: , B 'Mils
( . 4. lll lkwi 44Sailth;,91 sits - oata,l3 , RaffertY;
. 1, car,limpo IQ LHeypolds; .60, bbi a refined
oil; ,50 dzi" , liihricriing 011, LI ;W ;. ; C
Twedelle:‘ , , "''" " '
'fi , isninuis „curnizarzierz. AND , Sr.,
Lotiti Ren.noiu. July 8.--43 bxs solar.
atris; ra'Seit M Co; 27 skstark.,A • If
Childs ; 2' bbls oil; 1 do tallo
~,p M 4 04P
0t66.;-'62 Pk 6 fish; R & A C ; 7 billii
eggsi IP fi eraighead;; 5 ski , rags,' I Hun
lapf42bbla eggs, W:Ef Graff; 3','24
skerrilga,,J'A'Graill,Scars-bulk 'wheat, 3
.8. Liggett & C0;",2 dabone dzyit, , Sartman
,}de Ki•,l do Rims, W Hastings.- . •;:: , ,
,-;.A.ftpazionfiEkreTlop,' ;July it -LlOners
.limestone. Superior Iron Co;., 2 do neap
erage r lialya & linberlionl• 4". 40 da. J , M
HemphillabbitLeggs,..J Sartori; 800 bgs
pstg.,. Keupedy At Aro -0/ cap; limber,
'lllBll, larke, .it h r/p; 7
,it atopo i ki A
Topt ~ sli• srjitt , -;...0
4tietieitill itl flti ' wt. ac.
Azi k i hboo , , : ,, ...i , g.. 10 m ~. .(,,. •
The river continues to recede slowly
with five feet three inches in the channel,
by the Monongahela
,marks. Weather
yesterday, cloudy and hot with indica
tions of rain. mercury at 4 P. 31. 89 in
No arrivals or departures to report
aside from regular packets. Kenton
from Portsmouth was due last evening,
and will return again, as usual.
The Lorena, from St. Louie' to Pitts
burgh,,'-passod •Cincinnati on Tuesday.
The R. C. Gray, at last accounts, was
loading at St. Louis for this port.
Passengers and shippers should bear
in mind that the Kate Putnam, Capt. G.
W. Reed, wilt positively leave today for
Cincinnati end ! •
The Glendale,; Capt. Hare, is
up steadily, and ,will take her de
pirttUre'fkit se; 'Louis to=morrow. iThef
Glendale is one of the best.boatsr in the
trade and makes her trips. with great
• regularity.. ,
• The rielivernon will probably follow
.the Glendale to St. 'Atli&
The Camella Ls still laid up, ' undergo
ing rePaira.
' Capt. , Shisble has returned to St. Louis
without having contracted here for a
new boat, and the same is true of Capt.
John A. Williamson. The Glasgow was
to have left St. Louis for this port on
' —The Wauanita, Pittsburghto St.
Louis, passed by Cincinnati on konday.
—The merchants Of Vicksburg, have
concluded to build a boat for the Vicks
burg and mouth of White River trade.
She is to be called the Vicksburg, and
will be a clitipper. /
—Harry Doberman, clerk of trie' Silver
Bow. was to have loft St. Louis / on Wed
_nesday for Steubenville and/Pittsburgh.
The Silver Bow and half dozen%other
boats are laid up at St. Louis waiting for
an opening./
—The Bougal Tiger met with an ac
cident at BOck Island. In dropping her
tow of barges through the bridge;-,one
loaded , wit*, ice• struck ; the pier and
crushed in one-corner enough to insure
its lo s. ;The ice was fully , insured, re
pon says, for *BOO.
- , -TheCincinnati Enquirer says: Capt.
Jam:Hermiston has returned to the city,
after a months' sojourn in the "Smoky
City" and its 'vicinity. He has not
bought a boat yet, bat has one- in view,
and we hope soon to see "old Tubular"
on the kat& again. .
/"...'Ailfsoolitis the tipper Mississippi is
.10w,enough.the rocks above Fort Snell
ing will be .taken out. With these ob
structions removed,' there will be as
'much water betWeeti St.'Paul and Min.
neepolls as therels between the former
Place EtnaDubuqne.
. . . •
albeit Duppe, passenger on tbe.Sal
qie frorn , Fert Benton, was dangerously
stabbed by anotnar. passenger, a crazy
Frenchman. The latter was undef the
impression - that he was Surrounded by
saysges, of whom the Captain of the
Sallie was the head chief, and wanted to
kill them ail.
—The sinking of six, coal barges at
Chbotatv Bend, on the Inwer Mis
sissippi River, by the Comet, from some
nuoxplained cause, is undergoing in
vestigation by inspectors at New Or
leans. The,pllot on duty at the, time el
the disaster; has been suspended dur
ing investigation.
—A late Little Rock Gazelle says the
United States survey boat has arrived
from above, and. will leave for Gisela
natl. She has completed surveys to Fort
Gibson, and decided that the distance
from Little Rock to Fort Smith about 130
miles, and from the litter place to Fort
tiribson 293 1 /, miles.
—The Vlcksburgh Rerald of the Ist
says: "A. small steamer is being
-built at thisplace, below the city. We
learn that it is some forty or fifty feet
long, twenty feet beam, two engines,
One heifer , and two chimneys. We are
informed that steam will be raised on
her, prociably, to-day. She is designed
for the Bend trade.
Ths intelligence fro • th nearly all poi-•
tiona of the South has continued to show
a proaperous,advangewent of the grow
ing cotton crop, the weather litYing been
steadily hot,•tvitli - just bulllcienr mots
lure -irimost localities to give it produc
tive and healthy developement to the .
plant. The corn crop generally prem
ises well, although to a limited extent
it has suffered for want, of rain, but the
result on ,the ,whole Will probably be
—A Cairo dlepatch tinder date of Tues
day _says: The 'Louisiana Sand Under
writr.r were burned here to-night to the
ater 'a edge. The fire broke out in the
pantrY of the'Lonisiana, but from • what
- came is unknown. The Stan bound for
New Orleans, and the Jennie Brown
were in great danger at one time, but
they :were finally towed to a place of
safety, The Underwriter is now at the
Kentucky shore, and her hull and ma
chinery saved. It is also proba
ble that the hull of the Lonlabms can be
saved. Nothing can be ascertained
about thelthut or insurance to night.
8 - VlC ' LI E.
M jaggit
LOUVILLE.—Tbcf tine w
eeny r steamer.
. ,
Capt. p. W. Mem).
rtli , leave as above on YittDaY, the litst.,
olko,elook MA
P. AI.
: VIM troves or Dimas , ♦ apply on Mari or to
_ ,j 3,7 FLACF., & C9l.LtirliWvol.t, Agents.
.111P,'PER 211V‘SILA8a941.
FOR ST. LOUIS, - l EiCO'l li dEgt
. 'HEM. liilltUQUF, and OT.
UL— he steamer; • , • '
Wilt hare , ror the' above ports THIS DAY,
at 4 o'clock r
/Vor treiant or pawilige apply on board, or to '
' orOtiAtI.'BAIINKS, - Agent. - .
UitTAR L %N1)•A.I
lf , XFPt,i6 , l,llf iiro.r.toltyr, 4, :4,0).44A,11!in aer
Mit roo or oon tsfroia, dial" In 1* XII 4.. u•
kintikia j.!• _
41.4 M SAtiLdS,' MINN:AN; matter.
re Item redid i Ottawa rig
'Fiala a5.01.1.1&1N GWOOD, •
, •
i•trrigAtursHips.- ,
co , Li*EAPO
r Aliparalb
1.3 k 1
;TUB INMAN *AIL' 5TA1141,31111 0 3.
• '`reasept, • &Mo l ar .
,ci.• Lb* telebrat4d f• 1:
OTTY FAitib, A
TY Q9'NTlNtre
B° 72.fii4 E v oiiiteliP AITIu°III4
EFZEt r - •; 13AMITSDAYi.;fidin Pier :45.
.1 , 4 t 4rll River, Isiew . Frk. For naspoige or fartler
14forni.ion omit tt , ; J , ;;,
01ri i likt-411,wir•
• ro rtrni ivrarzi L ' .. ( tintoli,ele . llll)l4llo.
• k'Tfv4 )1 , on iisti t *Toot
idatiLft hlndoada *lints selibet Nina& Orlemone.
..ovin one port eau. to. make thirty. tumblers
lemonatlei .JUR:vretsitedfadd fin sale i/V
1 1 1; (Frit liAltl ANN:" 414 4 Wr
ja i torten be nil tn street.
•nr•-• I" . ' •
geibmatlito r d it ad„, r r
~_ ~ (,
No. 100 Third Avenue,
Upholsters and Dealers in Curtain Goods,
Direst the attention of their friends and the
public to their dnely assorted stock of
Lime and Nottingham °lnaba, Vestibule
Laces, Damask Reps. Perry's Mezican ."cloth,
Satin, Deletes, Gilt Cornices, Gilt and Walnut
Mouldings, Ppritig Beds "krf supericirmake,' Hair
Matrasses (pare ehlte hair4Pillows, Bolsters,
and everything pens intim .to a tiret-elass bed.
The latest Paris and Berlin designs for Draperies
atthe insnection'er 'their guistoMers. Pure white .
Eastern Show leathersalways en hand.
19'0..100 TI-111AD AVENUk.
mvs:ll4- • 1, •
BOLD ONLY )31' ' .
Prisctical Furnltniv iltiumfacturensi &e.,
- us irop - * rmI:A.VIE.N:VM..
Where may be founds fill mortment of Pak ,
lor..Chamher and Hitchers Fun:attire. &SS
Black and Colored Printing do lithographic
grays Ferry Road and 88d Street,
FACE - P1100,E"
Oritcnor Ctrr krtatt•imt'UND:ScrareYda,
Plusbuigh, •
VING and CUMBING tab - 1'011616113g streto
will.,be tee ;Ted at, tilts blue 'Until htt)NDAY
July 19th. 1869:
FORBES STKEET, from Magee. 2 lo Chestnut
THIRTIe-FIRRT STREET. from Llherty %trent
to Alle.heny Vallee Railroad,
And lbr Eiradlog anti Pavingt•'
lr sy
ti 1)11. ALLEk__,' from Hemlock alley
the Allegheny Valley alltoad..,
APPLE ALL it from !lotion tett liiitenbergif
Specifications and blanks far tildtling.can .be
had at this Office, and no t ida Will be considered
by the Con mate*. hal , as made out on :he; gPoper
-blanks. The 'Committee reserve the nitht to re
jeCt..ny or all, • R. Js .1101,1Ret.
jygnol. CRY Engineer.
JOH NU. RTB.WASti 11011 T: 11. PA:IVERSON.
..rrzrssuncin, Pa. !`
.D.h, •
. 7 . T. SWIN? I. M. Baer:
No. 61 Sandusky' St... illeghehy Pa.
A. large asson.mut of NEWEL POSTg and
BA.I.I..nTEUS constantly on. nand. TEL/WING
of WI 4esprifi nit. aline 0f.9.:v1M
• dtilf at ITENSANIN PIILFIIIIBd reirrefar
.Ish .stand, No. #BO Diamond Harket,,Pitts, and at the Twin city Meg/leer City,
corner of Ohio and,Federm street! Can - be .Itad
all kinds of Bea and-Lake ash, Halibut, Shad.
Beak, eoddsh. fiaddoelt, and Eel. ,Also, large
supoilas of White; Lake Flob;'eafamoa, Ma's,
bterse,on. klerrloe sad ..Mainnaw. Tema , . which
enables tor to sell - at 'the Itiwest 'market pekes,
wholesale or. retail,: We Write , all- loved of
Fresh Fish to give nee 'call, and we' Will ineur
them a treat. •. *Mal
• .•••
S. M KAFA-4. CO., •
' Manotaturers. P • ..
iiimElintw4LßE. sumo". waltz ate.
rv HP pre •• KIT gtendint • •
IDENCIe FOR tiALE.7•Vnry plsasantly
situate lop Of ground •801114
fret; lb. bou= t tear: ang.d wl:h halt, double par
lor. dining mint. .kttehrzw , ipantry. wash 'room,
larAe,cellar. odb bar*, and unlaned attic. a riff'
range, marble nantler, cornlev;• centre'
•&e. • evert thing itlth had In the hest trannsr.. The
meal on is re ttrettand'pleasant: 513,01.10.
Terms •
• 7 - curl! F
. iT3 • ; •• • • • i :1 4 ixth uvfat.;
OLTICS OF CITY EnGIS/1811 , Atitip,evaVirrou s
l'immunair; July a: 1889.-
XOTICE.-4-The assessment 'for
rs.,lqr ,and gaNing
am.lintlerstreetto the Alleghenyiruiler Hall.
rord, lq neyr..ready. far44airdaationlitncl canoe
feet , at teas °nice tuibt'l9BUN &SD KY; July lA,
when ortilbe rsturn..d.tolkt qty Treasnor's
till -e far collection.
Iys. - • . tIOO,RE, City Busineer.
LlTricsCrrY.Ennmsnn, •
• ' ' Jia Ist. 1869.
NOTDII3I.;--The- Assessment .tor
the B ardwalli, on, Boundary and Laurel
streets is now beady. Tor exant s natlati; and Can be
seen at, this grace until , 11i0N144,Y, Jul 101194
/ 8 60.' 'When It • *III beirettirnedy tci the City
Tr..asurers office tot collection
' '1 i• :L 190011 g,
• i3111:11 -. • • • . „ Bun/neer.
RFAIECCA' "Oviltipv ritrioctice
ti , hart tit iftWeit'tfinfiche iindttifica4 dt)ta
rPlitig27 t' "87I7f"t''knP4rTlifril
•glittlY; trom'Cr* cUa#Nei a sf:ej ;0V t
fun 411 e pr nalik4 !Wend lii d tuyal of that ‘p-
Velntutent. : pn KY,44.IIO.I4DAY,VOILIy 3#44 4 bOtl.
I l 4, ' L l'? 4, fr . ] c ri. ir J , .1011KPRAiPlYr;" ' l '` f
, : • ...., +-4 , ..I plf,,:, Ar. , BO 'SHIN- , !.•,: , /it
; , 1y5)195, ,,, „
~,,, ~ „ A.,lltl,4MidilAtt,...
K2EDGEWICIFE , ili B TßEET4= l rhe
„bp pojuird , to &mesa
_damai t B
tornati. , tot , opentag Sealgewlok etOst(ilixth
ward, Vlir u( AikifilVELli si llin t ikt on ,tti Dion
Pee tklir HPOATv dilly- fi w. t attci'eltwk
X '.•, ? ° !1 7 1 1( .4 4 ? I T A TI, Pri: 1 0 giini n !M'
'' '/ :1 '':' ' '" '.' ' MV:II. I %)MIT T•F P '-
'l' a. iirOttrifottki'ic"ido4' ' ."'
ta v. , ,i: -,,,.::.,:.; , ~ i ) , ::.; , : ,-.•, :::i
:rAI 4 CY commAKERY: colt' , EaTIOR Ma
l(lY Clildi..lg
,awl,pq: , lyCl 13.4?0.2 , 1.
fa 6,116,1 0 4 titrat,.bor,e, o r iNploild allay,
Nl VP2Ptti"iicS siiii,' i;i4ad . " :,iti:ic.
Orel= ind naktnOn Etiont, nouna., , :t.; ' ~
I.llloR , Olfir AVILOTHEy . •
. 4!
!r#oll`, l l LP o l4,,i t ial m , •• ; •
„ • ~Tfi r ati f i,i , lo. WiTrCtißA •
' ' •
, • • ig4cslo4lxi4
to tialf,barrels: Rin9mit,ittrlpkthirtir
rt 1; lizeirrel Ito. los itßia Ilm-ydniON d
eigritt74ll4l:4oh4ikeegfirtir She
~ If A
-1314.1:116Ti1f.f. __ 04 ! 4 . 149 L L. 7 411c:T. •
11[F, IRON 011 Y;
Of Pennsyl.*dnia.
Office, 75 Peden! St, Allegheny City.
o .
Rev. J. B. CLARK D. D... •
Capt. R. ROBINSON...
, Rev. Ay.R. BULL, D. D.
Bev. S. H. w*EaBIT, D:D..
W. A. OXRD..Dasider Allegbeny.Trust Co;
• JACOB RUSH,'ReaI Rotate Agent,
SIMON LOUD. Mayor of.AlleglifilY•
* C. W. BERN Y, Hatter, • •
A. B. BELL, Attorney.ot-Lary,
D. L.*PATTERSuN, Lumber Here/ant,
D. BWOGER, insurance Ageot.
Capt. ROBT. ROBINSON President.
Bali* J. B. CLARIS., D.D.,l)llce Ewesidest.
JACOB RUSH, Secretary., _
C. W. BENNY. Treasurer. - - •
M. W.- WHITE. igrailos.r. Armiere.
. .
This is h ome company, Conducted on the mutual
principle, each policy ;balder receiving KO equal•
share of the profits of the Company. Policies
will be ,lsaned on all theilliferent plans of Life
erCili e l.trillgifs 4 Ve u g e it:tte a t: C t u ol=
policy holder: and thereby retain- themoney at
home to encourage honnindustrr. mh2o:eig .
No, 41 9blo 'St.. Allegheny.
A HOM3r. COMPANY, managed by Directors
web itntnen to thC Community, who truet by Ulf
dealing loperika awe of your patronage.
0.0. De ItIDDIJiI
Henry Irwin, ID. I. Patteriten,
Geo. H. Riddle,. Jacob Fhins,
Simon Drum, J. B i Breath, -
W. H. Stewart, Ch P.. Whitton,
Joe. Latitner,' H. J. Einicann,
. • ,
• GEN •
. .
.•. . • .
PrIELAN'S Dinimzipra, -• _
No. SS Fifth'. Avenue. iaeeed pleas,
.-- . .
Capital. 11-11 "Paid trp.
N. .1. /Peel,. iH.W.ollver,jr; Capt.'l4.llalley,
Drag wallace, S. H. Hartman. A. Chambers,
Jake Hill, .•-.. IS. Wanrkan. Ju. IL . ktilley,
'lhomas -Smith, ;Jno.S.Wllloek, '
ROBERT H...R.INgt, President: i • '
F. JENNINGS, Vice President.'
, JOS..T. JoH - NiTort, Secretary.
Capt. R. 4. alt.A.ClC,lieul Agent.
... . .. ..
Insures on Liberal Tema on all Fire
... . .. _
and; Marine Flak% ..
_ . . .
~ . , :
aialget ' 1 " - `.•.- '- -' • - ' ' -
- -
pENNsti,vilria' , -
. •
.... .. .
cril e m i tooptif i mon ErxitiptT, want
OS •..13 IRO. - ,• . '
This is a Home Company, And Wrung against
tail, ly Tire extinilvelv.• • • . , ,
LEONARD WAL'PER, yresldent. .
• '
C.C. BOYLE • Vibe President. . - ~
- PAABE,HT .PA'l l 3lloH,•Troasisorer. ... . , '•
WHOLE IdeItLIIICIfY. Seeropi at lesdae rf.,;
Leonard Waiter, 1•• '.43eorgeWilson. i 4 '
C. C. Boil% • Geo. W. Evans,/ •
Hobert Paid*. J. C. a.aPPe, /- . •
Jacob Painter, - J, C. Plainer • .
• Josiah Xiag, .. . , J a hn Voeettei.„ ,
Jas. H. Hopams, A...Ammon. ,
• 'Henry Sproul, .:.
_,_ 374:
OIPTICE.42II a 437 073121=1:13 near ITa.
vicharc d t,
Charles If. Banchez. . Mordecai H. X.eal"'
Tobias Wagner, - David S. Brown ,
Samuel Grant., IsaaeLes,
Jacob R. b th, '. - Edward C. D
Feorge.W. U eorge • gales.
CHARLES O. BAN President.
EDW. C. DALE. Vice Pre4tdent. ,
W. C. STEELE, Secretary, pro tem.
North West corner Thttd and Wood, Street'.
Cor. Federal Et. and Diamond, Al ghenp,
(surr.Dme. ••
W. W. MARTIN, President,
JOHN BROWN,_Ja.ilifce President,
JAMES X. isTAVENSON. Secretary. -
J. r
John A. Miler, 'Su: Loctbart.lJoei. Mien,
Jiut.L.Granam. Robert Lea, I C. C. Boyle,
inthlirownatt tkorLelOttst v : Jacobilopp,
!dams Jno. Thompson MoNaniiher•
, s9B • 11 1 ;;' '.• - .
• ALS.MANDItit NIldIO&i PreMdent.
\ PAL P. HERBERT.Bertury. • •
OAFT. OE0116:N
lEw ',Oen dral A'gent.
°Mee. 9 X Water strt, Pant;ilk 00011 W are.
Isouse,lnD Stairs, Pittsburwls. • - .
ie-iere , against, all ee 'kinds,d
rinl Hisko..•A hob ItUltikitiOnc VUUttited •by
Yeetosi who are wall known to. the . community.
and who art , determined try protaptuers ittd.ltber.
to , matntabeebeieharseter which they have
assumed, as offerlese,the best protectlon to those
who deal= t 9 , hawitietie ' ' •
. : •
• ,
ntaxdrOna:-- -
Alexander lltnlet. \Jesuit. nu all7enai -
IL 'Miller, Jr., Chu. J. Clarke
'James Dinkliley,!' • , Niiriniainl3, Kvali, .
A lezanderglpeor, Joseph Kirkpatrick"
Andrew AeMen;k • ' Phlllinikymer, .
Dsrld M. Long,. Wm. Morrison,
4D -•, : • • , -- \ , n 097
rANK,." , \ N
0311 N
oi.. Lemma. WOOD £ FIFTH Ed%
.L flonu) Company, taking Fire and Marine Maks.
Wm. Phillips, (Apt. John L. Rhoads,
John Witt„ • • • Batumi D. - Shrive;
John E. Parke_, chutes Arbuckle.
Oapt.'Jameakitillet,' , Jared M. Brash;
Win. Van Hark,. -Wm .;W P. ifa
James D. Verner ' Samuel Id 'kart
WM. j'aIIJIAEV 2resident. .
JOHN •WATT . ,_ ice President.
GARDNER,. Segretaiy.
rl A Pm. SAN. WIRTION. Reiter*, n
AL L lEll4 , Pdt E N T; , ISURALNCE
In e z " / 1. 4A..; /44 , 1 1 44 •nt F,lre and iii/t1:16
i ' :. V. 1 1. N li i rMa r A _
_4ro s l4:thelli.
0. G. DONNELL, tiecretary. ' •', , ...
oepr. )VM . DEAN. General Agen t, . . .
. . t ' ' .... 'Teilist*llBl • ,', '
, •
./Ohnpowinar. ,
, • :;
.1.•;" r I
'T. J. fosonOn t - - p .
0 E.. Huseey e ;,.;,,• ,raorlepovep., , ;
, Hervdy Chld, Frincli Where,
:i obarlew Hpap '11..1
I 1
~ ,nam. J.:Ti , :l3toeledele.
pept...Wm. e . • T. '4{,, 2it,1711 , 1 i , . , ,
. . ,
~ . 3i ,•• • 1 •,;.f.,fl ,•,.. t ,'; . .
r. ,,, I mr. .. , : 1 Fut.)le. 'or iAI
1 ~.. , ;r 0 131 tnoi I 9a 1 In ! 1
E 1. 2i I . ifil til
g ,
Ro ) , '::,
ogANji , mailjg OF, TARIOUS
Qualities 1 And Colors
'Patitoular •attentioti given . to !tying Mali tad
r d p d alriu . g . !kale !0?111,.. , lt,tr,p!alfcgl!i7 i,d iplieea
• -'' ' '''., - 7 :'. Aw , SA :IfO r gElPli., , _
'' • . - .
Ho. a Nesientai ' Aiiiiiie,
satauf 55... . pITTBSTIRGH. PA. it
. . .
1:1101,EY011A "
r iNG / 1 9 11 .4 1 4,
j.t s watEB.
litte6 lot int. zeta 4 ant A* saht4t torte
' ll Mgket Plc& • • ,1iii,,, W•4#9 1 41
at to 612 - X - EPitV
- jith,
Wee, Cooper,
Gottlelb Foss,
Jacob Ruth,
Joseph Craig,
:fere; Holum.
pRON, •
1 § 69.17 - HAWES'
From May 9th, 11569, -trains will leave from
and arrive at the Croft Depot, nortiraide. VIM"
burgh city
time, as ,S bI lo
w s:
ChiTEx...^9:oB amCb
icago Ex. \.-
nEre' Yg?Er. 7ll SamtChleagoEx..Ds:o3 pm
Cl. gl4s:l4anlWheelingExlo:4SanChicago NMI.
6:5134 =lSt. Louis Ex 7:08 pm ,
ChleaguEE,...9:43 a miChl‘goEx&lll4:oBp in
Cl. & Wa , f( Ex 2:014p no Cleveland Ex 3:53 p tto
Chicago Ex.. 9193 pm 'Erie & Yg'n Ex 5:58p rn
W'e &Erle Ex4i3B-p tr. Cl. Exo:s3pul
Departfrom AI tegneny. Arrive fit All4phenti.
Beer Palls Ao.o:sllam I.,eetsdale Ac..0:58 am
Leetsdale ". - 10:03 a m Bes , r Palls " 8:213 3,16
• II:58 alto New Castle "10:93 am
Floehester." 1:101pms Enon - 9:13 ion
Enon .3:58 pm Leetsdale " 1:08
Leetsdale 'Ace.s:l2 pm,Bea , r Valls " 9:43 pm
Bealfells 15iL3P14,1feetedale.. 433 DM
Leetsdale '."•410.11111Plar qtt• • " 7:23.azia
Fair Oaks Bun- . Pair - Oaks Bun-
day Church. .1:lm, dayi..hurch. 0 :58 . 1m1
Alp 0:9331. Chicago Express leaves - daily.
eagoExp_reas arrives - 4*u,,
' • • Genii Ticket Aiteaks.` opn Butiten't.
aufAi"i& e
inert VALLBV-RatwelteAD;
asTail m wvamogi 'SY az.?rr.
On and after HONDA.Y, Julie 14th,199 9 TWO
THROUGH TRAENtr - DALLY , (except Sunday)
will .leave Tlitabure ~•44. :Corner of Elev
enth anti Pike atreete,fcr Fl'ardclln, OR City,Buf..
filo and all ixiints (1 - 011 Regions.
lar:Avx virramomo2. , mittiv virrsnoß92
Day Ex "'11:00 It Thlr Ex 5:15 p m
Night ..... 7:a1) pm Night 0:30 am
Brady's B Ac '3:05 p >b Brady' B Ac 10:15 a M
Freeport Ac 9:40 a m Ist godeirks 7:40 a m
2d SodaW"ks 6:80 pin IPtert:Ori AC. 6:13 p
let Hulten... 6:45 aln ISt Hutton.. 9:20 ain
lid Hulton : ..1 2 :00- Aapikl Holtew.T.. 2:00p m
3d Hnit0n.....11:00 la lad 1:05 M.
Arnold's Ac. 5:00 p m (Arnold's Ac. 7:40D m
Churen train to and from Soda Works leave
Ptttahnrgb. at 1:10 P. 111. Arrlyo2‘,Fittabnild4
(9n n dltYll,Tat 9:50 A. W. : •
Express trains sti*.only at principal pointa.
Accommodation rains stop at all stations
J. J. LAWRENCIA'Aenn Stip%
ap3o THOBLa2H..IUNG, Ant. imp%
AD. On and 'alter Ap L Yll 248th. 1859, Trains
will arrive *rand depart,from the traloh Depot.
corner of Washington and Liberty streets,
follows: , .
Mall Tratad.... 1:445 AM MagEr.presa.. 2:15
Fast Line 1-55 aa Soutnern Ex.. 4:s 0 ant
Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 AM Wait's N/3. 1.. •13:30 am
Brinton:Acc , n. 7:60 IL MaWThiin 8:15 am
Wall's No. 2.. B:soam Hays , 4lAalloilo:2o am
Cincinnati 1tx.9:10 am ._Vincin , tlEx. 12:30 pm
Johnstown Ac10:218 sin Wall's NO. 2..11:81 sag
How'd Aallol 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac. 3:0:2 pna
Pittsb'eh By„. racidocks Ac. 3:10 Dm
Phila. ExpresallTpm Phila. - Express 4:20 pm
Wall's No. B..igiatOprd Wall , s No. a.. 41i5Oten
Braddotk ke.. ,- s:so•pm WWI No. 4.. 6:osam
How'd he No 2 915 pm *Vast Line—. 7:30 pia
Wall's No. 4: -7: Opal MOW - NI Ae No 2.8:II0 tan
Way Passn'r U IrM Wall'sloo. 5.. 11:00 tint
*These trains m050.010%51 gonneetion at Barrie..
burg for Baltimore. —
The Church' TrairvleavesWalla StationelreTT
Sunday at 9;911: reaching Pittsburgh
10:05aer mo , lte,tvirning leaves Ilttabara/a
10:50 la.' and afrlva) . al "Walla BtatiOA
• ,
2:10p. m. • _
.•ClaclanattNspresa leaves . 41ally. All °the
For miner ralln aerl4s
KWITH, Agent;
The Pennetiv iany will notes
•sume any ring gage,,exce for wearingly
parel, apd limit th r rea4nedb ity to One Han.
dreg Dollars inaginets 21-execeding
that amount In value w be at tka risk of the
owaaa' s , plea/ pike," ay epeeist igattftetg
Wry) fteParalliMperhomendtrEW 2314155 1A a5i. '
, .
2W , E Eit , 'er - r . ..: - : `7';÷;,7f.F;:
_. ,PEN.11517.F.t23 "-- "' ' • - '''''"" '
RQA.I).-7-On an rApr il 254. P , :6fO, the
Fsesenger .TrithriMlL. 'iVitetalverzarytcrwa,
Hal road will arrive at and depaM, from ` the
?Wail BtreeZneptit, 'All .wy CMS/ Sti folToitost
_ . Arsine. • r .
BrortngdteaNtilet4o aM Mill...looi*
Freeport No. 18:20 a an.Freeptett NA. ,3I 9:.29am
Expresso; '.44l94olimililAttplft ‘l.ll.:Wany
Bharptog . No.ll:slo.o oniiiapress— . .12:50 pm
Freeport No., „, lngde_.N . o 1:4:30 pm
Mail ~.i. 550 pm evert PF0:25:20 pin
Springd'e No 15129 a pi 811angd'o N 028.30 Pat
Aboye trains run
The Church daily except Sunder.
. Train- leaves; ikilegttenY amaction
every dunday at 7:40 a. m., r eaching Allegheny
City at 9:50 a. m. - Returning; leaves Allegheny
City at 1.90 p.m. ankarrlyeittAllegkeny June:
Lion at 3140 P./11. - - 7 - .
COMMUTATION Tnewrre—r r sale Inamtsigte
i ir
of Twenty, between Allegt, City, : Chestnut
street, Herr's, Bennett, Tine Creek , Etna and
Bharpsburg .azui goodo4y_enthe trains etWping
at Station or one Med on - I, eta.
The•traMs.- - Ltsving lAlleglietT: CIVIL 4 4:00 14
M. Make aireer conneetion at xreeor with
ker's tine of fitagestrosDut/graild arluabsWllift.
Through tickets ar n4a b e
h purchase dat th, Mice,
No. 1 St. Clair - nexrettriSu nsittillridge.
Fittabursh, and at. t eDe kleV a i ~
For farther WPM:Mien-OPP
LF .41.g_en • ,
• . - 4 : ll3r i i redbgeg a 'reet ue
l it The Western rennsylvAniA-1141/mad lor tri v
so same :myrisk Ayr Baggage; except forto
apparel, and limit their responsibility to.. One
Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage - -ex
ceeding: u is aanousa4marallumelbe at the risk*?
the owner, unless tstfenbv specia_j__contmct—
, -.,,., , (~f ...;.IaDwAIID H.; .1.-1.1.110P8,
aptGeneml srmerin • m i tten it.l , • na.Fal
r.._;.... 77: 0_ 11.1 t 1145113ki_
:al i T...
z 1.2.. _ 4 1 ,. , ri:.:,,...
.:' CINCINNATI A D • =-"..- • .... 2 z- ---
40UIS RAILWAY. . • VW° Etoi4
usdANGar P:Mllalr. ' • ' 1 li" uIeDAY.
April getb, Ise% vain& wi/llmmut4 fig . :oy4 at,
the U n ion Depot, as fblLOwl: ,- • - -
mail , , ~: 7, , .....- ... i- ,... i: ! s ikijgrt ii :! iii ,- . id r 3 t. . 1 - t. ' •
trat Ldoei.,S .14 . , •Llefft -131;03 . 44 in. l i.ft: a 314 B 2
Express. ......... .... , :....51: m. Ikr &Ma:
Mixed , Ate' Li?. Atitia Ea f !Al 8 P.11:6
McDonald's Ace , * 0.11 j. a. m. 8 :18 a. in.
SteabenvillerActeinMo4; SS - p.m. - 9:33 - 3: a.m i
,Mal;kormitt's,Aer , ri., NO.,' Ilasi.D. 0.,..2;xi.v. m..
, nandsyCbArtA•train;: ,, l2:BBlr.. td."ikeS• a. in.
• —.•- ~.: 0,..: • -, t,...ciTi e• ....1, ~ -;,, :', ,ild
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Arai , eN , n rig wi &4 11 1 5 4 41 6 1091 , ` i h.
• AllO lie' Vral 111"turi illy. unuigg tx. 4.
ad., iv %lie OPai4lo3lll.t WlJlMeXualeertAto* ..
- ilea. Dons If ewarx k r.r.ftesvllle.
1 4 8 . , gr, tgalouil Veo •ll:szthlti
W. T. . 1 . pit, ten n e. Ohio.
: ,U l -1 1. ` , filr , V. :;:,frilnl3 M En I
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Depot- otosez of erwat,pul.,-Wotos.,etseeto,op
topcoat • : •
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ittalee . Sport Accomdt*n ILI:OVA:K t 2:05 r. ,, x„
Ex. to and from UnEn.. 5: 0 4,P. 1410;10 AIAt..
West Newton Aceons , 4l . *::s F. k. 8:35 A. se.
BraddoeVa Aceomarn. 7:50 P.
Night Ae. talitagnpor*• l 9oo Pig) /1 1 44:0“ g I
nd Moron Tram
ftu.tionrwelo at
prewton 2t00.r. o10:90 4% .
For elteta apply to
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rata. leave i3).ate Ltne awl j.envenw 'Alt
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dallYaftwittri dljkinennettlulpi trams
of raclOoltraroail bit. Loots. vid hiatit•
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with responsible tiverlaw4,ll.ranepartation, ).inell
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