II: STEL WORICS. DUquESNE "WOIXKS. COLEMAN, RAM" & CO., 1115 . onfao:turers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL,, AXLES AND SPRINCS, stritimrsz,i. X AND JIINIATA, FLAT BAR, ROI:LND AND TANG IRON. - sum Hoer, 1311ZET Ara• IRON, BOILER PLAT AND HEAD% SHARD IRON DRAG and DROPPER BARS 'MANOR% ebrrzu • BARS, OItLINDEIt ANH FLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. .RINGPLOW a ES,WRDGES & BARROW TEETH, .:SRING,PLOW ..ND CULTIVATOR STEEL, WRIA WINOS AND MOULDS out to pattern. TULE% STEEL SHAFTING, A. p. COACH, BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and ELKS etrr kens AND SPIRES. All Goods First Class and Warranted. • OFFICES AND WORM. • Sixteenth Street and Allegheny River, and 17 Water Street, Pittsburgh. , add SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. GINGER, NIIIIIOII & CO., _ PITTSBMIGN. Pa. Itinnfactureta of !very deecription of CAST PT GEIALiN STEEL, EATLW ~.linfril i ClTClEM SPRINGS. AXLES, STEEL TIRE, do, do Warehouse., 88 Water and 100 First Sta. MILLER; BARR A. PARKIN. GIMBAL PAIITNIMS: U. IetEETCA.LIe, • I KRUBEN•MILLER, 6EO. W. BARR. CHAS. PARKIN. SPECLit. Peants:B-13. H. KIKE. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MINER, BABE & PARKIN, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, • PITTSBtrn6H. PA. til4:d4B • BkICIE DIAMOND STEEL 'WORKS. _FAME; BROTHER & CO., Manufsersrers of an descriptions of IStTF~T -: Vice and Warebonse. THIEVITent, THIRTY 1138T and BAILWAIr ISTREETB, IRON WORKS. Po w n t. a s sup* piITTSBERGH FORGE - • AND IRON CO.. BIAtftrFACTITILIBIS • 07 Zar Iron; - Itallroad Fish Bars said Bolts; Baliroad Car Axles Boiled; Ballreml Car Axles Hammered; Loecirootive Frames; • - Igipeora • lMive Frame Shapee; IF e s ideßods, • ktms, Stripy, WRY?. al giafts; Steamboat giriinks; ri Piston Sods, Wrists.; Pitman Jaws, Callas', dr-, Tio. - 177 PENT IyfrREECT, rrrTsstritea, r+. .ntgasnEseliooss! . • , :The 'Trristees are now nreparad toArntithen- W' or the use of the ELLXRBIiAIIIIIthi.pIPOP - The superior quality Imparted toolrood Iron, the great Improvement in inferior iron. And the reduced cost, commend it to sitsoanufacturers of Atm. .• ...., ,r 1 r Parties wiihing to use iican ob licenses itfl , aindYing to. • • - 0 • eTAIVItSIP.? S EEff , A.tu i raey for the Tristies. BOOMS 1 and , Eisillfish' a , Building, 913,34 !smith avenue. w - . Partied interested Ar Invites! to visit the 61106.14 BERGER WORKS. where therose's's .• atoW in Successful operation. ' - teß;dl7 E EASON, PHEBTO & CO., . rthinE4lianiaron Works. Warehouse, 'Nos. 11.68 itadjel se 1/18}3T PP°Blte MonollTl4TESlSilaGn so24:dB BRASS FOUNORS. JOHN eooniza JOlllft M. COOPER & CO., ; and Brais Founders. BEAMS 'CASTINGS 5. MADE TROWIXTLT TO ORDER. Montle and. Grey Iron Fittin;s, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, THROTTLE, SAFETY AND CHECK VALVES, ALL GLOBE'PATTDRN. M °C 4 O4:DEKS, Brass Work of erery, description for . Steam, Water andlaf... - : IiANUFACTURERSOFJ.II: c (3 oria , l3 Jmproved Jialauce4Theel Steam Pump,.. digepterfol: Dreyfus' 'Patent Oil ers, the best. in the Mayket. Ware and W orks, . corner Liirteentn 'and Pike Streets. sp2. COAL ANDVOICE. _ . .1740..u.rvatuAt co/Lul = ' ti ' DICKSON 'STEWART 8; CP., , Having removed their °Mee to / NO. 567 -14 BERTY 'SnIEET, o a d , , .:. • glllltiltljOND .13.• • Lie no w rga : ... • i ralsb c cod IJ cOHIO- eliport L g . . • . r AL at the lowest market ~ se ct . , on' ieiogAgeetrto theAn- ° l.l iar t ' • tit yeti be -at al to LITHO°. HERS. 1 1111 0. 11 m •'• •, 4 T—;44.,—a--rtillaz! WADI, U, & CLEF], Summon pa to 020. Y. 8=01:1XiN 44D0.., • ratancuaLirmoinuLpint&& ~ t snl fg atea f= l. ''''. partr im taw, asteras a«. was. 'lmmo datislae r Note 1 . 11111114 VII, dilail aa ....:' - ..4 xi- 7 'P ' '' -..'.. i •''' FOUNDERS, BIACHINISTS" KNAP TORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. , OFFICE AND wongs, TWELFTH. STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. ifilErigines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts, and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS Varner parroll and 810211111111111111 MIL orwrs WARD.) FITINEO3I:7IIGrEt, WILLIAM SMITH, Manufacturer of CAST IRON BOWL PIPE . POE (JAE *ND WATER WORILS My Pipet are all cast incariablyin Pits, 'in dry sand. and IA feet lengths. .I.ll>b, full assortment of general Casting's for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Superintend ents of Gas , Works to my make of RETORTS. 'DUQUESNE FORGE . MILLER, (Successor to JOB. P. HAIGH C 0.,) Etas facilities eo-exterusive with ,the leading Forges in the East, and is prepared to promptly rdsps fac%AU alhor TEAntaTA A l .e rK is aVAL Lse PITMAN JAMS. WRISTS, RAILROAYO AXLES, LOCOMOTIVIC FRAMES, together with every kdeseription of SHAPE WORK. Office and Fprge, Corner of 'Duquesne Way and First Street. ap14:1140 Pftq'SBIIBRH: ROBINSON, BEA & successor. to ROOMMON,Rift MILLIMS, WASEIN'GTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, ManittaCturers of Boat and Btationsti Steam En- Ones, BIM Engines. aim MachitiorY, *taring, Shafting, Castings or all descriptions: 011 Tanks and Stills, No. and Sheet Iron Work. Once,N o. LI, corner HIM and Smithfield Streets. lA.gentstor,oll l TAßD93 PA7l6ll` INJECTOR tOr feeding Rollers. lallat2 THOMAS CARLIN & CO" :Fourth Ward Foundry and !Fultz, Works, BLICDUSICY 13T., ALLY.SECraiIr CITY, PL., kantifsehttrers of Stations Tv and Portable Steam nu Inca, tni Prows., roilays, Blinfung, Grist and Saw Work. Bolling mM and Machine (listings. Orate. Bars, Weights, Wagon : Boxes, 6:o. Build to order and have on hand Ermines of all sizes. • . • nivl4:q6 CENTRAL FOUNDRY - AND - ROLL WORKS -. . , 880 Penn street. BOLL)LiN ) BOYD .4k BAGALEY. cutt mous; Mill Castings, 801 l Lathes. £O, 117- • . AND KING, Comx6lllson Merchants and Broken tzt Petroleum and plProducts, .bALZELL'S BLOCK, DyQUESNi rty,, t PHILAMAXMAQDR3,23I3, ' 800/13 .4 r,F er of COMMer49 a ' p ie 133 SO= tCI.I E . PETROLEUM7', w Ri w. G TWEDDLE„ m rx.cpaiont or ,f Librica t ting & High Test Burning Bum Rollos. Railroad Azle OIL • . Stands great heat without change; remains' limpid at lowest -temperatures. bpecial Olkfor . troplcal 'climates or hot weather. ( , Zoctojnotive. Engine, Machine Shots; Wlli cFtt Screws. , Saw,Jllll and Planing Kill Oils, Adapted lorhlghispeed. • lip fatale 011, • Wool lllead•Light on, 011, Tanners' Stuff.; Denzole. ing it Fl nishing 011, ,Gasol I n e, Harness 011, . IParralline. tjetiOß NiAllslsl:li Ur:preserve Bright Iron Work end ki•achinety!rom _ These prooucts are manufactured -under Dr. Twaddlels patent by 'Superheated' Steam 1 / 1 Vie. 0110. Z be• Lubricating Mt are,ilanost odorless, perfectly pure, uniform, and Mostly light, col ored, start • high temperatyre unchanged. and remain LIEL rld during extrem e cold, TheMallioad Olos are unequalled; and stein coattail. use on Many of ttl e principal Railroads. 'Samples can be examined and ordert4 left at 174 WOOD STREET. Works at liliarpsburg Bridge. TACK 11110THER9, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DILALZAS IN Petroleum and Its Products corgt l Tlrthw i glefaiVin i i i n; E l i n i g n eha n . ll46l 211hade/PAls Office—nil WALNUT ST. 4Plprzo r rILMONDI .1.1•16 WORKS, g-ir . • -: .. ...: 144iii I, -- ',.. IVCltotile • ' cd. , _ tk ((Zee, ZELL BUTLDING. fel3 ; -,. iDuquesne,Way, Pitubtiigh. Pa. DITTSWIM.GIi lif. 14iiiiritit, ' ''''. • ..' ilvt . ~:: - • roan - A.D.AM.B4 I, Idi dr. CO. ~, . LITBTONN OTANTIMID,RAIRBANN. 8 PAT MIT) PLATILONN AND ROUNTZII, . ~ - 5 : .644/21§4; ~ -- - 140tAlIittN4=' Nekatiskiiieb.., . Pa XI OPM - liii,4oFli 'MIZE OILS. NOVELTY WoflBl3. • • • • jp y • : : Wit PITTb'EURGIEL ENGINE'S, BOILERS, Ice. OE N. BOLE . It CO., Con Point Alley and Duquesne ER., Mull Tux Poimr, Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. - . Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all elzes. Special attention Luvlted to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL En:UNE AND 'PORTABLE BOILER, of 16-horeevpower. CASTINGSoIf every kind, made to order atour Foundry, on THIRD RTREET, below Market. RIDS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS, HANGERS., HOUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRltivivit, on hand and made to order, at the 'INDUSTRIAL WORKS,., Fronting on thel.ll . egheny Meer, near the Point, PITTBBIII6EI, PA. Air All orders promptly filed. TRY VB. FORT PITT BOILER, STILL ANT) TANK WOILK& CARROLL ac, SNYDER, lILLNIITI CTUILZEB OP TUBULAR, DOITELE=FLUED TURITLAN., FIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM ROLL!. ERE. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING 'AND ASH PANS, SETTNG. LI PANS, SALT PANS AND CON •DENSERS: • STEAM PIPES, HASOMETERS AND IRAN Biimexts: • rEasoN DOORS AIND COAL SHIITES Ocoee and Warehouse. earner Second Third, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, W Orders seat to the above address will be promptly attended tp. _t017:199 WM: BARNUILL b. CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON 'WORKER% NOS. $O. U $4 AND 88 PENN B'f. Having secured a large yard and furnished It with the molt approved mi,chinere . we are pre parld to ihannakcture every destripticrof BOIL ERS in the best manner. and warranted equal to any made in the country. Chimneys Breeching,* Fire Beds, Ream Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Set Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Bond Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and'sole manufacturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers, _ Beptiringfleneonithottest notice. JAMES ar. 'arra, . N 05.45 and 56 Water &reel," rrrresinaan, PA., itAiarracroitirsr. or IRON' OIL TANKS, lIITTLINO PANG. COPPER ULM PIPE; 1/OT..LING Mira, racial. • . ♦nd SHEET IRON WORK, . For Rteamboats. • JAB= ..... „..S.DMVDD D. DE II JARED M. BRUSH & SON, • IcAIit7I.OITHLRE. 07 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, .Tanks. SHEIZT Mort Warta. &O. 61 - penn _Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOWS, CASTINGS, A.BBA:DLIE'Iit a, CO., O. 30 WOOD STREET, Manufacturers of the greatest Variety of Cook,Tarlor and Heating Staves TO BE /013XD. In our assortment will be found all the LATEST PATTARNS AND Ihi PROV.aMES TS, and the reputation of our Stoves is filch that any one in want of a good article should purchase none bu those manufactured by us, **they Will be fouled the most aural:he as well as economical. Wohld call particular attention to our new VoLCAN.* STOVE. for chnrchee, halls anctstpres. Over all° sold ln three months. Intended for with or with out casing. All who have ued them pronounce them superior to any other and tar cheaper. Send.for Catalogue and Price List. / je3o GRUF, HUMUS/8s CO., itARETACIVRIBAS OF XVII,T VASULTY OF • ' ' iIIg i rCYIV I MIEI. 7 805T0N...,' CQOADIG RANGE, ~../ , ~,,a "THE Mkt VITRIViCE," Fon W i AninzTo Bumpiltes. )THZ .Haw ANTI-DITST COOKINGHTeVZ, trMtPt(Tiiit ' n ' aii °l i r t i tal CO MTAlTl F A iielt M I CR) nt" T I L AN b ilIg l i.MU L a= 1/ > .I C ,IW 1e k.... " 8, " • 2,(43l \ iind dliWitit.i." --. / \ ie2S:7l7 ax si)vEs. CET till. BEST. BISSELL CO.'S --4 1rRIIIAIPH, FOE BITUMIIyOUB VIAL. Warranted to Cook,ake Boast as 'tell as any other Store r In the Union. BISSELL a& 00., - No 285 Liberty Street. Also on nand and for size, PARLOR STOVES, HEATIN STOVIIS, GR G ATE PRONTS, PE,NDERiI, COOKING RANGES, An. • 0 BUILDERS !' ' • , a 00.000 feet Dry Pine Boards. iemoup feet.l4 Inch Clear Plank Law s: .. ;„ 25,000 feet I.)e Inch Corn 1 It A 4, lIII,IJUU feet Dry .1 snail I. k: • ' siiii A • 85,00E1 ft. 3,"1, li, 0 and ti Poplar: 114000 Wet ry_Poplar Scant g: 10,000 feet Pry Yellow Pine Boards; 100,0110 feet Hemlock Scantling. • 301.000 feet Noel 18 Inch Bagina4Bblii les. 1100.000110. i1. 1184ncli Shingles, eV; 50,000 o. 118•Incb Shingles, s ell; 80,1)00 Fire Brick; . \. Mr 1,000 Fire Tile. . 100 Tons Fire Clay; also, , Saw Mill Lumber,Locust and Cedar Posts, and all articles In th e line on hand and for 'sale b • ALEXANN Papiol_,' Yards Ne. 1. I Rebecca it t mute e Feeble and 4DI . sotre94o4A erili Italie Ypilate bor• pug . - 411Iimariestere • tis j , ..140:1 r :TS ',011) rainasußEs riar 'IC LYON, • mu_ Seraier'brifeighta• and Measures, N°17.4349kurvai7V.14497114y1ig. 7 , • sauti, omeratreaStrouiblel IlitillsDAY, JUL! ! S, 1869. ,Street, LUMBER. FINANCLIXa. AMERICAN BANK. NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, • PITTSBURGHd' CASH CAPITAL • • • • • 8200.060 Stockholders Indiv i deally Liable. • BANK OP DISCOVAT AN D DEPOSIT. • JOHN FLOYD .WM. FLOYD, President. . Cashier. DIRECTORS.' Thos. M. Marshall, ' John M. Mnrtland, Wm. T. Shannon, Archibald James W. Arrott, " Jas. L. Kelly, Chas. B. Leech, , Wm. Floyd. John Floyd, Thirßank• is now telly erg i anized and prepared to do a general Banhing bus nese. jeKkO , FORT 'PITT BANKII'CO COMPANY. X 0.169 Vfood Street. CAPITAL, • : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS ES GOVERNMENT SECURITIES • AND COLD): lETEREST 1,11,110 . WED ON TIgi.DtPOSITB. Collections made on all accessible points In the United Otates and Collides., DIRECT - ORB: • - • I.lno. C BleheS. Bobt. H. Bing, Andrew Miller, . J►me6 If. Bailey. D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Walince, Z. /sweets, LITE,KAIq, /Pres'ti ISAMU.. Rio ILSOlif. Cashier. D. LEET W HART; CAUpIELET 8.; -BAIIKERS AND BROKERS, Garner . Third and Wood,Streets, PITTSDIIItCrIi, PA., • alucciamars TO HA NA. LIABT • C 0..) DzAL.T.IIB IX Exchange, Coin, CSIIPODff,' And particular attention paid to the purchase and sale of COVERNMENT BONDS. sislatit Drafts on 1...0nd0n. tasiakc • JAY /COOKE. 4 . 2 c _CO,, /.3E3 Etril i r.. ‘'. aces, ,::. 114.80 UTE THIRD STREET, • ITILADELPHIA.,„ • STOCKS • and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. . . • , L.... Speelal attention given to the purchase and sale Of Goeernment Securities. .' mlifS CITY BA.N.K., 12 Fifth Street; Pittsburgh, Pa. VAPtTAL.IIOO,OOO. TOUHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY, LIABLE. DITEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS.. FOREIGN EXCHANGE Bought and sold. and when desired remitted .to Enrope. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States DOMINICK IHMSEM, President JAcr ti }IbIMCCABE, Nice President. B. 60iart% Cashier. I DIRECTO/A. Ilimeen. dames DfcCabe, Thomas Rourke, - John Savage, .14.1.1unlpvy, Jr.,; Terence Campbell, Petrick Eine,James Phelan, Cr. B. Barr, H.A.Freyvogle, I J aos.Hermann. Thomas 'Barnes eating • jellia PEOPIAI Salt BM 'Of. Allegheny. CORNER FEDERAL. AND LACOCK STREETS. CAPITAL • • - • • • $lOO,OOO STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. Bank of Discount and Deposit. rillsiDNST-5. H. 13. 1 i ' g r il i n Al lf.. P. YOUNG. DlRk,CtOltd. IW. H. Burt. 'J. C. Patter.on, B. F. Brown, .B. B. Alegravr. nora:J72 8. H. Iflartrnin, , J. P. Henderson, J. Koben, Samuel Dyer, W. O. Gibson. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK. c - NO. 65 - roirnTrt STREET. CIIARTERED IN 1835. ASSETS ' . -* 52;503,431 11 ,33. Open', dMiy, Stem il o'clock A. sr. to 3 o'cock v. B,- land • SATISRDA.Y EVENINGS, from May let; to November Ist, from 7 to I) o'clock, and fro th November Ist to May let, from 6 to IS Deposits received of /1411 sums of•not leis than. ON1.• DOLLAIt and a- diVidead - Of the pronto declared twice a year. in June and December. Interest has been declared semi-annually in June And. ember since the Bank was organized, at the to of Six per cent. a year. a f I rest,' if not drawn out, Is placed to 'the ge . eked of the depealtoess principal, and beans the . ; same int erest fromtini let days of June and Decellaber, compounding twice- a year, without' troubling the depositor to call, or oven to present his. pass book. ' At 'this rate Money' wilt double in less than-,twelVe years. Books containing the Charter. By-Laws. Rules and itegulations, furnished gratis, on applica tion at the oMce. f riirginvacv•-•:GEOBOE ALBEEE. '' I , vielquitellix.yre: John G', Ilkofen, I t i tiLlei, Y.!. .. ,•-• Bob.). le. bnestOck, berD b; , • ..3liseS K man, ~Jo in H. oenberger, ditties - icAuley, - , iJutriestibldlo. James B. D. Mepas, ' Alexander Speer, , , Isaac M. Pennock, Christian yeager. • , Wm. J. Anderson, i Robert C. 1.959 10 I Calvin Adams, .• Henry J. LyncP. ' John C. Blfidley, Peter A. Madeira, George Black, - John Marshall, Hill iturgwin. " Walter F. Marshall, - Alonzo' A. Carrier, John M. McFadden, . CharlesA. COlton, • Ormq Phillips, John Evans . ' Hen . Ringwalt, •JObst J.. Ollple, : , Wtri. .13chsnerts, William Bi Haven, , Alexander Tindle, terlitlinnte,r, Whit-WilUsn Kirk, , (: OA •etale. - - Imo er. . isuM• • Milli,' ',. , ..r.* - an.. `'.. -Va Vi FINANCIAL. • SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Higheit Priccs. PH. R. MERit, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. mph :JAS T. -By 8 Co. G3tiecessors o JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth:and Wood .Stg. .13..1V M rt. el BUY AND BELL ALL SINN) GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, MAKE kilit COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Err Interest Allowed on Deposits. sap Money loaned' on Government Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders: executed for the Pn.rehate and. Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and SOLO. (LAMES T. BRADY & CO. GOVERNMENTJIONDS I We will register all kinds / Of' Government Bonds free of charge. This ,glves the holder ab solute security against theftloss; or destruction. .JAMES T. BRADY & Cb. Dealers •In GOvernment Bonds, COR. rounTru - & WOOD STS. rEiy;342s - • etarttf. .FINANCE AND TRADE, OFFICE or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY, July 7, 1869. The money market being exceeding ly tight, gold, stocks and bonds declined from 2to 3 per cent. The opening price of gold was 13.5. 1 4, declined to 134%, but it reacted iluickly, and closed at 135 6 . Fluctuations during the week are likely to be very violent, and higher prices for gold must be looked lor. Foreign bankers are the principal purchasers of gold, and their bills are now selling up • to' the specie shipping point.; I Government bonds-were strong, de (dining, however; about per cent. and Closed s with a slight recovery. ' Stocks had suffered a further decline to-day, but at the last board the entire market naci , recoveredto last night's siuo tations i A larg& number of bona fide holders of Stocks get tired of paying high interek..formoney and sell out, so the market is witiiqut any outside :sup port, and must relapse after every ef fort to sustain it. Money easier at the close. \ Quotations as received \by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 135%; Silver,\ 129; Eighty one's, 116%; rive Twenties, 1862, 121%; `do ;%864, 117%; do 1865, 118%; do 1865, • \ Consols, 116%; do 1867, 116%; do /668, 116; Ten Forties, 107 M New York Central, 90; Erie;'. —; Reading, 96%; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne dr Chicago RaiLroad, 51%, ex. dlv; Ohio & Misissippi, 31%; Michigan Southern, 106;8; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 103; Chicagodr. Rock Island, 14%; Chicago & NOrth Wester% 79%; Chicago & North Western Preferred, 04; Adams Express Com pany, 59; Merchants Union Express, —; Pacific Mail, 69; Western Union Telegraph Company, 37%; Am. W. Ex press, 40. EXCHANGE, a Large. Small. London, per• £ Paris. per franc.... Berlin Thaler Frs.nkfort, florins. ...-Closing quotations received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold, '134%; - United States Sixes,\ 1881, 116%; Five-Twenties, 1862, 121 1 A; dO. 1864, 117%; d 0.11865, 118;4; Ten-Forties, 107%; Flve-Twentiei, Janu ary and July, 1865,116%; do. do. - 1867, iial,g; do. do, 1868, 118; 'Duey.. CoM pounds, 119; Union Pacific Railrod, 90; Ventral do. do.. 99; CY.I Pacifica, 106; Lake Superior 99. ' By Telegraph fe tbe Pittsburgb Clazette.3 _ NEw Yoltk, July 7, 1869. The money market which had been ac . . tive and very firm at 7 per cent. with a commission of 3 , 1 1 '%%, became suddenly easy; about three o'clock' the depression , gave way', to buoyancy; tight money vanished almost in an instant and_.low prices quickly succceeded by, higher i-'• gold, exchange bonds and stocks. r soon leaked out that advices had been received from Was hington that the Sec retary, would pnrchate another large amount' of ponds this ,week, with aview of easing the' market; the amount was., variously stated at three to ten millions.. The Assistant Treasurer has no advices iii regard to the matter, and the whole thing may only. be a canard. _lt was stated oni the street this afternobn that several Officers of . National Banks had been suunuoned before the Grand Jury in relation to the 'sharp - practices now Current in Wall street:. Monhy was freely loaned at Ithe close at 7 per cent: ourrenoY. ' .. . Sterling firm at 9%@10 per cont.,which rates admit of shipments of - specie at a profit. • - Gold °period at 1353. i; sold doWn to 134, became active and excited and advanced to 135%, and closed firm at 135%. Car rying rates %®% Per cent. Clearances, $123,000,000 exports, 1640,000. vernments strong. Coupons 1881, i r 1 '@ll7; do. '62, .121.%©121; do. 64, 11 %©117%; dd. '65, 118%@118%; new, do;( •116%,®116%; do. '67, 116%©116%; do. '68,116';©116%; .10.405,107%©1073;; Pacific.s, 105%®106. State Bonds dplt but steady; MiSsouris, 88; new Tennemes, 57; new North Caro linas, 4934. Stock market active and buoyant on the bond story and 'the easier condition of the money. market. The recovery was 'very marked on leading speculative stocks., the advance ranging from 1 to 4 per, ent,, fire thelqwestpolg ot the day. "This **WOO?* m4s pot , Italy sustained at 'lab ciaiii: and itW ;Market wile UElffettle 4 F. VW TM , Ili ; pirft),Tork Central and Hudson 'has been assisted by the report that terns for consolidation had been agreed upon. Bidding Prices aC 5:30: Canton, Cninberland, 32%; Western Union Tel , egraph, 37%; Quicksilver, 15; Marit , osa -8; do. pre.ferred, 15; Pacific 111111, 89 Adams Express, 58%; Wells & Fargo 26%; American, 40; United States, 6S. Merchants Union, 15; New York Ceu tral, 1911, - ; - Hudson, 160%; Reading, .q 734. Erie, 28; do. preferred, 514; Michiga Central, 125; Michigan Southern, 107' Illinois Central, 140; Pittsburgh,. 102%. Northwestern, 80; do. preferred, 94 . Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnita, 7334; Rock Island, 115%; • St. Paul, 73%, do. preferred. 85; Wabash, 71; do. pre ferred,' 75; Fort Wayne • 150%; Tern Haute, 35; do. preferred, .484; Chicago anc Alton, 157: do. preferred, 155; Ohio it NIA& sissippi, 31%; St: Joseph., Mining shares: Gregory, 1604 Parmelee; 190; Quarz Hill 50. Co pees at Boston: CaltiriA, 54; Cop per Falls, 7%; Franklin, 12f Heels, 80 'Minnesota, 134; Quincy; 25. • Exports fora the week, #4,431,637, Re ceipts at Sub-Treasury to-dad's 12,067,525 payments, e 2,448,108: balance, 07,810,419 PIiTSBURGM: MARKETS: OFFICE OF ,PITTSBURGE GAZETTE, t WEDNESDAY, July 7, $ The markets in a general way present, but little that is new or really important The advices from New York and Chloe. , go, on Tuesday, reported floe= and wheal excited, and considerably higher; we are glad to state, however, that it waanwing mainly to the t , ports &dm Europe and not, the weather, as has been the case-recent ly. There has been no rain here foi four days, ibid the warm sun and dry, winds are ripening wheat rapidly, any what is true of this vicinity seems to' tie • general, as our advcies from the Wk.'. report but very little 'rain within the:' • past few days. is, now generally con-, ceded that there will be a good crop of wheat, notwithstanding the unfavora; ble weather, but considerable appre hension is felt in regard to corn, which.. , if' reports are correct, is • more seriously injured by the recent rains than wheat._ Later advices, however, may throw a different light on the'matter, and it it probable that corn, as in the case o: wheat, will tarp out much better thar. : expected. BUTTER—The demand is ) light, ane_ market dull, though prices areuncnang. ed. 20@p for fair to choice. BEANS—DuII at.52@2,25. - CHEESE—Is very dull, as the mar ket is glutted with Western Reserve, -which was sent here before being prop erly cured, and, as a consequence, is in r very precarious candition. Holden very anxious to realize. CARBON- OILI.e• dull, but firm, ant while the demand IS light, there is nor mueh offerinemay be quoted in a job ing way, at .lEB•@Str. EGGS—Sales fresh packed at 19g20.1 FEATHERS Supply in *hands o commission. men almost exhausted. Live`: geese may •be quoted at 25( - Op; to the trade, and in a retail way.. FLOUR—The market is firth, • but there is no perceptible improvement ir the demand, and dealers continue to eel: at about western prices, with freight ad % dad. This is very well for consumers, but hard on dealers—many of whom are selling at prices at which it cannot be ,replaced. ;GRAlN—Wheat is in limited supply' • though the demand is hot urent anc miners here refuse as Yet, to g pay any. Advance, notwithstanding the upward movement at other points; we continue: to quote prime to choice Red,. at t1,33@ 1,38. Oats firmer, and dealers generally_ are' expecting an advance. though, as yet, the demand, ontinues light; we now I quote at 6667 on track, and 68@70 it store. Corn is- scarce, ~with sales en prime mixed at 78@80, and prime Yel low may be quoted at 82@83. Rye it firm, and we now quote -at e 1,20 foi small lots, and 81,25@1,30 for round lota, Barley none in market. , HAY—Is selling from country Wagons $2.5©33, according to quality. HEMP—Very dull, and pricestending downward—nominal at *2lo_per ton. HUSKS—SaIes at 2y.43. cts per pound.• LlME—Cleveland 'Lithe leoted at $2,50, per bbl, and . Common White at LARD OlL—S.:;les of No.l Extra at $1,50, and No. 2 gt.t.51,18@1,20. PROVISIONS, , t- boulders, 143‘,:g15; . Ribbed and Clear Sides, 1734@18%; Plain Hams, 18144518*0 Plain Sugar Cured, 24 Canvassed, 21. Dried Beef, 21@21iz. Lard in tierces 20, in kegs and pails 21. Mes's Pork F33,50@33,75.. - POTATOES—New Potatoes are being' sold at $3,50 per bbl, and dull. Old still'. quoted at 40@45 cts per bushel. PEANUTS- - ,Small sales at 12. SALT=Is dull and drooping—may be quoted.at $1,65®1,70 for car load lots,, and•the usual advance for small lots in store. SEEDS—SmaII sales of • Flaxseed at= $2,45@2,50. No demand for. Clover or - Timothy Seeds. '46,68 $ 6 , 7 5 . 25y 4 c 27, 1 40 98%c ' 99;0 . 1 '5630 58c PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, WEDNESDAY JR.ly The market, compared with yesterday, presents no new or important character- - istics worthy of special notice. . Crude is about •alttatter higher, in conse-' quence of a little flurry in the oil re-' gions, while refilled is weak and closed with a drooping tendency. ' CRUDE. But two sales reiorted, 1,000 it , p`ot at 143, and 1,000 seller Julyat same figure, Seller all year,' firm at 15. Sales 500 each, August and Septem ber, at 33; I,ollo,August„ at 33;500 July at 32; 500 each, _August, arid December; at 33y,; and 1,000 each, August' to October, at ....... oit..SEUI/MENTS PER Wi3STIPENIVA. R R. Ralston Waring, 55 bins refined to Waring; Ring et Co., Ptiiladel,phia. G, W. Holdship el Co., 54 reEine to Waring, King & Co:, 'Philadelphia. 'Excelsior Oil Manf. CA., 100 bbls ref. to Waring, King 4,C0., Philadelphia , ! f.Lutikiba:trbro Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil Eclipse.ltailroad . ...; .. Eclipsti lida v elifnery • Eclipse err. SR IP, V PED EAST RP A; V. R. It. Citizens Oil Co. 750 bbls refined to Tack & Bro., Philadelphia. .Locklia.rt, Frew & Co. 723 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co. Philadelphia. Lyons & Bro., 527 Rile relined to W. P. Logan di Bro., Philadelphia. Fawcett,L. , & S. 400 bbls refined to W. P Logan: & Bro., Philadelphia.. ' Livingston dt Bro., 200 bbls -refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. J. C. Kirkpatrick, 500 bbls; refined to. Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. McKelvy & Bro., 492 bbls' refined to W. P. Logan dr. Bro., Philadelphia. Moritzheimer, Kohler & Co. 250 bbls:ref. to Waring, King dt;Ci:i., Philadelphia. Thos. flackett, 54 bbli3 refined to Tack t Bro.. Philadelphia. , B. W. Morgan er Co:, 156 bbls refined to Warden ' Frew & Co., Philadelphia.' Pennocir&4teeson, 50 bbla'refinqik to G. W e ,Wldte, Philadelphia. !i‘ Keystone Oil' Works, 100 Okla refined OrWarden, Preiti-jr, Co.; Philadelphia. Total shipmentklieflited........... 4,702 REFINED .4O .350 , 700 80cr