NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. e pupils o? MOORHEAD DISTRICT SCHOOLS, Eleventh Ward, will give a public exhibition, on FRIDAY. 9th inst. •The Altegheo , Quar-. tette Club will . be .preseut and render some of their favorite Ideees; Admission. 25 cents; doors open at 7:30. • ". , OFFICE OF 'rift • Ii&N'FRANKLIN I.*SITRANCE Co,pANy I No. 41 Ohio Street." ALLEGHENY, PA., July 6th, 11360. ar'THE DIRECTOR:B OF TELF, • BEN FRANKLIN INSOMANCE COH-: PANYintve ant day declared &Dividend of ONE? DOLL K AND FIFTY CENTS PER SNARE: out of the prodts of the lest six months, parable' in cash on and after Wh:DNESDAY. July 14th, 1469. GEOAGIS. D. RID LE. jy8:1111 . Secretary. • OR SALE. F 3 STILLS, each 9 feet diameter and 1.63 i feet long, with about 300 feet condensing pipe. from 4-inch down to 235. inch gas pipe to each still, for $9OO apiece. 2 BOILERS, each 32-inch diameter and 14 feet long, with chimney bridging, steam drum, stind pipe, &c., for $5OO. 2 KEYSTONE SPE.I3I OAPS, each 12 Inch steam cylinder. 7-inch water cylinder and 12- Inch' stroke. for s3oo,aplece, '1 IRON .A.OITATOR. 16 feet diameter and 16 feet deep, with cast iron botiom for $5OO. • 700 feet 215-inch FIA 4 PIPE at 40c per fool Apply to PEN f. JAGEMAN & CO., at warke, zest Sbarpsburg Midge. 378.r79 .OPitCO OF CITY ENOIN.F.Iia AND SCrIirEYOR, i. - • ' Pittsburgh, July S. 1869. i ZI4 - °TICE TO CONTRACTORS.- SEALED PROPOSALS. for GRADING.. VINO-.anct CURBING the following streets will be rec lard at this office until MONDAY, July 19th. 1860.: FORBES SfIIF,ET, from Magee to Chestnut street. , ' WILLOW STREET, trom`Fortteth to Forty fourth street THIRTY-FIRiT STREET, from Liberty street • to Alleabeny Valley Railroad. And.for Grading and Paving: SNOWDEN ALLEY, from Hemlock alley. to. the Allegheny Valley Eallroad. APPLE ALLEY from Marlon to Miltenberger street. 'Epeclications and blinks for bidding can be had at this office, and no bids will be considered , by the Committee Unless made .out on..the proper ' blanks. The Committee reserve the right to re ' ject Any or all.nds. EL J. MOORE.. 131:1.91 • City Engineer. CO-PIRTNERSIIIt NOTICE. I have this daYitssociated with me in the Hat, Can and fur ButinOs,Mess I'S: 'JOHN W. OGLE YEE and 'JOHN .0; BENNETT. The husiness• will be condndted as heretofore at the old estab7, ashed: ;nand, 139 WOOD STREET, under . the.Stin name of - WM. FLEMING & CO. t . , • W.M. FLEMING. J. G. BENNETT, J.W., OG LEVEE, WM. MMIND & 00., Wholesale and Retail Dealers In . Eats, caps,-- - Ladies' Furs, • AND • STRAW GOOD S, t N0..139. Wood Street, Pittsburgh. n 5 , . CHERRY SEEDER. f CHERRY SEEDER. ILWery family using rherrles, whether for pies, -.canning or dr, lug. should have one of these valu able niacidnes. It not only saves time and Moor, but will more than pay Lir Ilse:I see'ding one bushel of cherries. The Vachlne is cheap, simple, durable: and handsome. The hopper is adjustlble, thereby Adapting it to all sizes of cherries. RETAIL PRICE - • - •f. • 82:00 FOR SALE BY JAMES BOWN, N 0.136 WOOD STREET. jetrTHEI SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. EILDON ,SEMINARY, North Psalm.Rail:ol'a, seven miles from Phila . delphis. Miss CABP. 4 9 seventeenth session will open SIIPTEDI BEE 15,1859; /et this healthful and beautiful situation. Terms moderate, lnstmctlon thorough. APply,for dr. War at Gazette Counting Rooom,' or , office of .Jay Cooked Co., Bankers, Philadelphia, or to the Principal, Shoemakertown P. o.,Montgorne ry county, Ps. . 1e21: SO PITTSBURGH • BANK FOR SAVINGS. • NO. 67 •FOURTFI AVENUE, .PITTSBURGH. CHARTERED IN 1563. • OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock, and on SATURDAY EVENING, from May Ist to' No vember Ist, from 7 to 9 o'clock, and from , No vember Ist to May Ist, 6to 8 o'clock: Interest paid at the - rate of six per cent., free of tax,and if not withdrawn compounds semi-annually, 'in January anti July.' Books of By-Laws, Zte., fur nished at the office. Board of hfauszers—Geo. A. Berry, President; 8. H. Hartman, Jas. Para; Jr.,Fice Presidents: D. E. H'lfinley., Secretary and Treasurer. A. Bradley, J. L. Graham, A. S. Bell Wm. K. TiLinicir., Joan Dilworth, f. Rabin. G 'bee,Jornua. Rho.] es, Jno. hcott,Boht. C.actunertz, 'Christopher Keg. • D.W. AA. B.Bell, Bslicitors. Importer and retail dealer In FINE STATION E RY, WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS CARD. ENGRAVING, : MONOGRAMS, ARMS; ILLUMINATING, &e. Orders by mail ieeelve prompt stteittlon. Send for samples. • 1.033 Chestnut St., ?tins, ° inviarbmisaT. WOOD TURNING, SCBOIA.II SAWING, AND" .MOITLIKLIG 4 / Done promptly to order at /el Lacock atrtet,Al• 'tellhodr OW, by 'P,`LFsBZELTER & CO. , The best attention will be given to all who want .anything in . our line. We always keep • large ; lot ,of burned work, . such as Balusters, Newt Posts, Hubs, de.. Also, a good s t oc k of dry Walnut Cherry and other lanAbar on band. niyil: ft . , Y. LEBZELTEIL d CO* J. B. SHIN? J. Y. BEAT? & BRATT, , • , - AROHITEOTIIP.AL AND , . ORNAMENTAL CAR V ERIS . • N0: , 61 Sandusky St,. Allegheny, Pa. A largo assoritnent, -of NEWEL POSTS and DALLSTXILS constantly on band.' TIIREINO or all Assent , as. dons. ^Mho* 001) NEWS. UREA? BREAD IN DEAR %FiskopiArcs for WARD'S Tte lateeet lad beet. The initials "}:t. W. , ' ot seem UAL Tate wee Was. 541101/11 NEW ,ADV,.,pRTISEMENTS swiFrs LAWN MOWERS', A shipment of these celebiated mutinies. now so generally in use, lust received. W. W. KNOX, _JVS:I74 . 137 Liberty street. GARDEN AND •FIELD ROLLERS, Of all sizes and weights, just received and for. sale at. Factory p - Ices. W. W. KNOX. jyailiS • 131 Liberty street, REFRIGERATORS AND ICE CIIESTS. The best ventilated refrigerators in the market for sale at loweist prices I=l ICE CREAM FREEZERS AND REFRIGERATORS. Of the , most approved styles, at lowest market Prices.. CCM HEADQUARTERS FOE DIEN et. BOY'S CLOTHING.' GRAY & LOGAN,/ I`7o. 47 SIXTH STREET„ Are now offering, a complete stock' of Summer Clothing of Medium and fine goods at the very lowest prices. Children's Cassimere Linen and Suits. Youths' Cassimere and Linen Snits, Boys' Cassimere and Linen Suits. • Gents' Blue Flannel Sacks. ° , Gents' Alpaca Sacks. , Gents' White and Brown Duct Suits. Gents' Scotch Clieioit Business' and Walking Suits; - \ CLOTHINC OF , ALL KINDS AT \ , - GRAY \ it LO(GAN'S, No. 47 SIXTH STREET, LATE ST.)CL LIE. )9 1 : 1 3 0 - \ , HOLtZ ILiN & WLED ERHOLD No. 16 Third Avenue, • Upholsters and Dealen in Curtain Goods, Direct the attention of their friends and the public to their finely 'assorted stock of • Lace and Nottingham cartains Vestibule Laces, Damask Reps, Ferry's Mexican cloth, Satin, Delanes, Gllt Cornices, Gilt and Walnut Mouldings, Spring Beds of superior make, Hair Matrasses (pure vi late hair.) Pillows. Bolsters, and everything pertaining to a Rrstpclass bed. The latest Paris and Berlin designs for Draperies stthe Inspection of their customers. Pure white Eastern Show Feathers always on hand. • HOLTEMMI & WIEDEtRHOLD. NO. 100. THIRD AVENUE. mvsapa ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB. SOLD ONLY HT LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Manufacturers, fite n 118 POI:FM= AVENUE. Where may be found a fill assortment of Par• lon. Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. GRAYS FERRY PRINTING Rfli WORKS. C. E. ROBINSON, MANIT7IO7I7BIOI 07 Black and Colored Printing ic Lithographic INES, vArllisuEs, 'Gray's Ferry Read and 88d Street, fe16:060 PHILADELPHIA. soar. jr ATT'JOHN H. BTSWAsT r r a.; LIV:E11. SALE AND N COMMISSION STABLES . CO& SEVENTH AVER% & LIBERTY BT, PITT9I3VHdIi;,IP.A. aD2B:h4 IamNICOITALIL. '• H. HIGBy & CO_ Have removed their stock of. China, Glais and. QUeell6Wllre_frol4 No. 22 Wood street to the spacious warehouse, 189 LIBERTY STREET, A few,doors above SIXTH, (late et. Clair St.,) where they will he pleased to stow their cdd Menus and the public the elegant stock of new goods Just now opening. ' Jen- 0:11/3 -TT IRESH SHAD RECEIVED Stand, NJAMIN POLPREthi 'popular rich NO. 45 Diamond Market, Pitts bnrgh, and at the Twin City, Allegheny City. corner of Ohio and Federal streets. Caa be had • all kinds of Sea and. Lake fish, Halibut, Bhad;: , Beak, Codfish_ Haddock and Eel. Also, large supplies or White, Lake Flab, Balm:non, Bass, /Burgeon, Herring and Nadu/in Trout., w hi c h enables us to sell at the lowest market men, wholesale or retail. We invite all lovers Fresh Flshto give us a call, and we will II:Bur them a treat. mire KEYSTONE POTTERY.. • S M. KIER & CO., . ' • Manufacturers :0 QIIEENSWARE. BRISTOL WARE au% 'Mace and Warehouse, 363 LIBERTY STREET Mr All orders oromrdly Sttended to B. YOUNGSON & CO., , • J• FANCY CAKE FUKIEN, CONFICOTASN, AST ICF CREAM and DINING SALO ON, 83 Smithfield' street, corner of Diamond alley, Pittsburgh. • Aar Parties and families supplied with les Cream and Cakes on short notice. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, • ' OREEN OIL CLOTH POlt WINDOW sHA.DICS. • TItAN,'PJkItsNT • WIN DOW MA ADE% Tiosby. AND "OIL CLOTHS ,SVENT P t • J. HILLIPS. SO end SS Sixth street FlSH!—Potainoc Shad In bell barrels; Potomac Hama/ In bar ; Mackerel , Ner. S ana 3ln TAM ‘i abed PaNtAtert.WtatoFlsls Herting t ,or sale low totte trade by wA.TT. LANG aW)..131S and 37lWoodetreei • Indigrestfisii PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : THURSDAY,'JULY 8, 1869. I+s4'.'MW- O*4ol4oo34oahillti OPEN THIS MORNING. lirainsook Mtislins Jaconet Muslin& White Marseilie.s, Swiss Must ins. AT 25 CENTS, Fine, Plain,' Striped, and Plaid • NAINSOOK MUSLIN. W. W. krrox, 137 Liberty street WHITE -MARSEILLES. 4, • AT 37% CEPiTS, Fine White, Marseilles, AN EXTRAi . BARGAIN. V . • , W. W. RXOX, 137 Liberty street OPEN THIS< MORNING. SQUARE r r l iy'D LONG Black Thibet Shawls. , OPEN TIIIB-31011NING. Fine Black Mohair Alpacas AT VERY LOW PRICES. OPEN THIS MORNING. New Ribbons and %Tr ers, HATS AND S 4 , W: 4PO WNS. Malang our stock full iiiia 4 coutplete. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL W)11LIM SEMPLE'S, No. 180 \ and 182 Federal Street, WILLIS2I f4 CO., Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street., Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly Prime NeW Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. , • , \ , POrto Rico, Cuba and English island Sugars. New'Xork, Philadelphia and Baltimore Re lined do., Golden Drips, Loverlngs, Brunils, Stuart's, Adams , and Long Island !irrupt. • Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Molasies. Young }Tyson, Japan, Gisbertat, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas:, Carolina and Bangoln Mee. Java, Ligusyra and •lo Coffees. Tobacco, tLard OIL Fish, Nails, Glass, Soap, Cottort Yarns, &c., constantly on band. Fine Brandies,Winea and S';:ars. Rhenish, Moselle, and Sparkling Hock‘Wines of Henkel & Co.. in bottles. BDarkaln4 Moselle . Bcharsberg and Jobannis burg, Hockhelruer, Burgundy, &c. Brandenburg & Freres' Fine Olive 011. \ do do Clarets, isnoorted In'bottles. do ' do White Wines, in bottles. M. Wort h Sons' Sparkling Catawba. Pine old Sherry. Madeira and Port Wines. tree Old Mononitanela Rye Whiskies. pure. do Very Superior Old Scotch do go. ALSO, I Bole Agents for }Wet & Chandon's Grand VIA. Verzenay and Bellery Champagne. Bntadien of our own selection and warranted. j 2•d43 Nobody beat by tlifs establishment, but fair dealing, to aril Call and be convinced. All clothing plainly marked by printed cards, at • LO WEST CASH .PRICV , Bo that no one may be depriged.llltemerobtr the iiiiike, original btliber 11, BIXTFI eITSE'. -late st. Clair. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS OF THIS! deZ;rtr-s MEI OPFICZ OP CITY ENGIXIISA AND EIDMIVICTOR, Pyrrsuciton, July 3, 1869. 1 NOTICE.—The assessment for Uradiog bud Paving VOSTILIVK from Butler street to the Allegheny Valley Ran rord, Is now ready for examiitatlon,and can be seen at this office until WEDNESDAY, July 14, when It mil be returned to the City Treasurer's enl , .'e for collection. . JYS if. J. MOORE, City Engineer. 011PICS OF CITY ENOINSIn AND DU • LTOR. 11 Pittsburgh, July Ist, 1e69. NOTICE.—The Assessment far the Blardwalk on Boundary and Laurel streets la now ready for exarn , natlon, and men at this office until MONDAY, July 12th, 1 8010, when It will be returned to the Lily Trasurcios office for collection ' • H. J. moofte, .151112 s (Illy Xngineer. REUECCA • STREET.—Notice le•heri•by given that the undersigned. an puiutlrewers to assess dilutive and bent lite. for 0 ng Bebe cc street. flit at ward. Alle gheny. rom Craig to irederal 'street. will meet on the Premises to attend to duties of their ap pointment. on WEDNESDAY, July 5391 d, at 4 o'klock p. JOHN IfAMirf, A. HO Bf/al, 1y6;166 A. X MARSHALL, crupGETVICIE STREIEZ-The 0 undersigned: appointed to assess damages end briu.lita for opening Sedgewlck strept, Sixth ward. City of Allegheny, will nuct•on the preen ixee on lefil DAY. July Sad 1869. at 4 o'clock p, X. , to attend,to duties of t h eir appointment. • TLEIJI4II"DhIWAITT'KE, iy‘dig .; . • TRW•SMITH. ransmit) .contarr, loo I.4NlLlMUeditrittormiumasaie NEW STOCK OF AT fO CENTS, ra ; ALLEGHENY CITY ALSO, IMPORTERS OF NEBUPTCY PLAYED OU $2.00.-THIS CARD entitles the bearer, on presentation, to TWO DOLLARS abatement oa a cash purtlaave of $25.00 . at the great cheap clothing house of S. C. TIZAtTERBLIN, GRIEGNAL BIG NIIIIBIZA. 11, Sixth Street, late St. Clair S. C. :MAMMAS. TRADE. MARK. DITIMIDGE'S Furtm- PROOF L a mp CHIMNEYS. NEW ADVERTSEDIENTS HOUSEREEPING DRY GOODS .I '~ LOWESD PRICES ! Sheeting Muslim, Pillow Case Maslin, Linen Sheeting, Table Linen, table Napkins, Towels Tqfvellings, Wool Table t Covers, 'loilet Mats, Irish' Linens, , Skirting Mustins, Linn and Cotton Diaper, Cotton Table Cloth, &c., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WILLIAM gEIIPLE'S, No. 180 and ; XlB2 Federal Street, ALLEGHENY OTT pl7'°"FM J. L. DILLINELCB..... A. 11. 13231112118011. DILLINGEtt Bil STEVENSON, _ DISTILLERS:I) DEALERS IN Pure : Rye Whiskies. uhipoßTEEs er BRANDIES, WINES, GINS &C., No. 87 Second :Avenue, sp2o giriTSBURGH, PA. E B ( TABI i IIME : D BY A. T W. N. GORMLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No. 271 Liberty Street, (IhHICTLY 011'. &WU! HoTIL,) PITTS.I3ICrR43I.II. se ale M. BTLELk. J. IBT/1.X4 M STEELE & SON, ° Commission Merchants, AND DIALILUB LN G 'LOUR. GRAIN.'`E...EI:I. 8,04 No. 9A OHIO STHEIVI, nem:East Common:. • ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. • PDT= HIM JAS. szottssr KEIL & RITCHART, • "COMMISSION MERCI:IANXS, _ AND DIALKIIO IN FLOUB., - "GRAIN, SEED S , MILL .YEEIi t &e, 349 liberty ht., Pittsburgh, mi24:bu • L J. BLANCyIRD, •- * . Whoepile• and Retail Grocers; aple..xErNO. 396 PENN STREET. • KiII 4 ITTLE, BAIRD & PAI'TON, O Wholesale feerai Commlsidou gereliant6 Dealers in Pf nee, Ilaeon, , Cheese, Fish, Carbon and and Oil, Iron,Nails, Mass, Cotton Yarns and all F'.idsburgh ittaniteactbres gonerallV l 11)6 and 114, oSCONIY rittsburga. JOIIN BUhPTON A WALLACZ. §snIPTON&WALLACE Whole- BALE (3 ROCERS AND PROD D(.F. DEAL . No. 6 RUTH STILF.ET. Plbtabordt. - lal2:rP 1 ,/ , JOlltir I. TIMM AMT. ,T1P1751. TWIN I. HOUSE &8R05., - ;Sucw tJ cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE sap Grocers and Commission Merchants, Cor• nor of Smithfield and Wale:Streets. Pittsburgh. 2,000,000 Ac ul2 s , O F CHOICE LANDS FOR ATrF, BY THE •Union Pacific litillniad Company, lAhTERN Lying along the line of their road, at . . $1 WI TO $5,00 PEI ACIP,.. and 4111 9 1111XDIT OP FIVE Vol' farther particulars, marl. address JOAN P. DEVENEUX, Land Commissioner, Topeka, Rums, Or CH AN. - 11. LAMBORN, 1407, Bt. Louis. liftssoari. WOOL; • , 4 100,b00 Poan of . Wool W a anted by XEANOR & HARPER, • AT THE'W HITE "RUNT. 329 'Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Ps. }ear ' • JEICIISMIALLIS rumma THE BLOOD re* saga Ta, 4,:aueitivra Armawsiu 6170110 M Fla MI Pillow Caie White, Quilts, Colored Quilts, AT DIVIDENDS 'I DIVIDEND.—The Presp , _ DENT and Directors-of the BIRMINGJ HAM ann PITISDURGIf BRIDGE CO. have declared P.' Dividend Lof ONE DOLLAR. and FIFTY CENTS per share out of the earnings of the past Six months, payable forthwith. ED WARD MOYE, Treasurt!r, jy7:166 • 188 Liberty street. ArhiANUFXCTULETt'S NAT. BANK* Pi iTrBURGIi, July 6th, W"D IVI D EN D.—The Direc-. TORS of this ItaulEllave tbis day declared a dividend or FIVE F r EttzCENT. on , the Capital Stock. out of the protitsirof the' last six months, p ,yable forthwith. free oT all taxes. Jy7:170 JOHN SCOTT. J.E., Cashier. OrPICZ OF THE CASH INSCRANCE Co ~} . , PlrrsuintGii, July 6, 1869. IarDIVIDEND.-The Hoard of - Toiree ors of this Company have taii - day declared a dividend of THREE LOLL ARS P,ER SHARE out of the_protlts of the last six months, payable on demand, free of Government tax. ja7:173 JOSEPH I'. JOHNSTON, Otcretarl. ALLEGHENY NATIONAL HANK, July ad; 1869. ITHE HOARD OF: DiREC TORS' of this Bank have this day declared a semi-annual dividend of S•S PER CENT., payable to the stockholders 'forthwith. free of all .taxes. R. W. MACKEY. Jys:l6d ( ashler • PITTSBURGH,' JULY 3:•••• . NATIONAL 'RUT COASPANY, 1. No. 423 Penn Street. ar'THE DIRECTORS OF THIS • BANK have declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. out of the pronts of the last -six months, payable on or after the 12th inst., free of Government lax. • Jys i , ROBT. J: CELE fl, • Cashter. ItgrQUARTER TA(' DIVIDEND. • 'FIRST NATIONAL BANK PITTSBULLGH, PA.. (late Pit' sburgh Trust Company.) 1 The Directors of this sank have this day de clared a Dividend of THREE .1... ER CENT. on the Capital Stock. out .of the profits of the last three months, payable. forthwith, free of State and Government Tax. - • ' • J. D. SCULLY. Cashier. JULY 5. 1869. 115:162 PITTS BURG H..ful 1. 1869 IarTHE MECHANICS NATION , AL BANK will nay .a dividend of EIGHT (8) PER CENT.. free of taxes, on and after July 13th last. ' G. MARTIN. iil:ln Cashier. • THADEEMENS NATIONAL BANK, rirrsildsou, July Ist, 1669. ggrDIVIDEND.—The Directors of this Bank have this day deelared a dividend Of FIVE• PER CENT., payable on de mand, free of all tax. Jy2:131 CYRUS CLARK I _Jr., Cashier. OFFICE PENNA. INEICILA.NCE CO., 1 PITTSEIIIIGU, June 30, 1869. arTHE: DIRECTOR OF THIS Comtany . have this day declared a divi dend 61'..THREE (3) PER, CENT. 0ut...0f: the pronto of the last six months, „payable on de mand, free of UC S. tax. • 1.129 HUGH McELHENY, Secretary. OFFICIC AL LZGHENY , .13111DGY Corse Ain". 1 • PereSlitruet,inlv Ist. ME. igr'DIVIDEND.-- The Presi.. DENT. Managers and Company,-. for erecting a bridge over the Allegheny ri%er„op. posite Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny, have this day declared a dividend of ONE DOL. I,AR AND EiIiVENTY.FIVE CENTS' on each share of the capital stock of the Company. maw: Mato stockholders or their legal representatives by the Treasurer forthwith. / • • WM. BOSTEURG, )y2:111 ;Treasurer. FOR SALE pon SALE OR RENT. A-; An elegant new Brick/Dwelling, 7 Foonas, at 'ttc and wash room. ./ House of 4 rooms, 2 lots, 16tl ward, 41,800. , House of 4 rooms; 1 lot, 10th 'Card, $1,500. House of 4 molt ' s, 2 lots,l7thward, $2,800.. House pf 4 ropMs, 1 la. 17th ward, $2,400. House of 4 rasps, 1 lot, 15th wara, $2,600. House of 2/rooms, 1 lot, 15th ward, $BOO. 10lots,8lebert &Williants• planVoO to $BOO. 2 lots, 44th street, 41,200 eachV 4 lots; 45th street, 41,000 each. , - 3 lots, Hatfield street, $3OO soak , 1 lot, Sherman arrest, 17,50. :Vote, 40tu street; 20:240. $12,000 4 tote, Butler street, $4,000. BARGAINS IN BLOOMFIELD Lots 30x137 f. et, 11800; ten years to pay. A house cost $500; Interest on both, s66' a year, Many . pay $lBO year rent. At Bloomfield- your sicald save $ll4 a year and you; house' and lot In less than 10 years. ohurabea and schools near. . 30 acres, a mile from Sharpsbarg; $0,000; 35 acres of It, $3.500. D. h. WILLIAMS, 17th tr2:138 FOR SALE. . • . . 1.% scree of COAL.LAND. 3 miles from Tea. peranceonle. on the Little Sliw Bun. 137 acres near Doutaville,lndlana eottaty,Pa., on. Livermore Station,, W. P. 8..5., Weil lin! waved and cheap. "HOUSE AND LOT on Market street, Manche*. tkr. / IigIISE AND LOT oa LI, street, Pltts• burgh. 77 utlit HOUSE AND LOT it tionrth aven s ue >HOUSES AND L In Elizabuthiown olcAsaid:cheaS a In Tennesbee and 'NW rt. • TUSTIN a, KLKE. m➢2f ' 57 Grant street. ii:NEWAND COMPLVI'E RES IDENCE FOR SA Ei—Verf pleasantly situate in the 17th ward; I of ground Eioxllo . 4 14 feet; the hotnejle arrangt• h hali, double par • lor, dinine room, kitchen pantry, wash room, large ce!lar.s ehigobera and ffnlaned attic,Graira range, marble Mantles, cornice, centre pieces, Ac.; everything finished in the best manner. The I or..atton ta retired and pleasantkPricell3,ooo, Ternis easy, : ~.• S.\CUTHBFRT_ ff," SONS,. G, ..3.,,, Sixth avenrel ARDENERS TARE NOTICE, FOR SALE.—The : FOURTEEN MILE ND, on the' Allegheny River, and now . used for\garffeelng purposes; well improved and in a high \state of cultivation; containing 40 or 50 acres, now offered at a bargain. Call soon. • A:so, other Farms in good locations. Woolen Factory. two Houses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots For Sale'and To-let In both cities. For further par. Oehler, inquire of , WILLIAM WARD, , Te`b3 110 arant street. ormosite Cathedral. , , , , rels MAPLE SUGAR. = 10 bir M APLE on , onsignrotnt at WANT, LANG Sc CO'd, 172 and 174 wood street.. EARL ABll.-20 sacks or sale PJ. H. CA.NriELD. ENTIRE N n►RJEISS J. W. BAR S 9 Mariet and 20 ILL OF,Tup LATEST . NOV !WENT ;FIVE PER CENT.; EVERY DEPARTMENT REPLEN SE I II- a::‘ Wlf 20 R. knit aad . dot M -I ; O •TiCE-'5 . ---"ToLet," "For "Lost," "Wants," "PoUnd," "Boarding," vot exceeding FOUR LTNES, wild be inserted in these 'columns'. once .for. TWENTar-FIVE CENTS; each addi tional line FIVE CENTS. MD-SITUATIONS WANTED.—A SITUATION_ as TEACHER by one who has had fifteen years experience In teaching, and who has been three years County Superintendent or coaamo a schools. Address; J. H. C., GAzsrra OFT/Cl. WANTED-ROOMS :vv.-AN T ED. -A FURNISHED SLEKPING BOOM,wIthIn twenty minutes walk or Pittsburgh Postonice. Atkiress,statiug terms aid location. J. J. 8., GAzszrzOritcx, Pittsburgh. . • WANTED 7- :I P. t WANTEDBE.Lk.-44 , EM PLOYMENT OFFIC E __, No: 1 St. Clair Street; BOYS H E E LS and MEN, for different kinds of entployment. Persons wanting help of all ' kinds can be supplied on sttort notice, WANTED-AGENTS • WA NTED.---A GE TB,-$ 1 75 to 1200 per month everywhere, mole and female, to introduce the HENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE • FAMILY SEWING MA CHINE. This machine, will stitch, hem, fell, tuck , quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider, itt a most superior manner. Price only $l5. Folly warranted for hydrous. We will pay SLOW for any machine that will sew a stronger,:more .beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It Makes the '‘Elastic Lock stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay arenta from 11,75 to $2OO per month andexpenses, or, a commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address BECOME d .co.;.Pittsburgh. Pa.; St. Louis, MO., or Boston, Mass.. CAUTION-0u not be imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours. is the only genuine and really practical cbeap machine manufactured. WANTED —AGENTS.To sell the American Knitting Bachine. Price $25. The timpiest, cheapest and best Knitting Machine ever invented. Will knit 610,000 stitches , per minute. Liberal inducements to agents. AtIdressAMERICAN KNITTING MA, LEINE CO., Boston. Mass., or St. Louis, Mo. TO LET. TO -LET. --; Four - comindfous and conveniently located ROOMS, oni Fed eral street. Allegheny. lust adjoining' the toll gate. Rent, 8121 per month. Apply to JOHN S. AsHWORTH..on the premises. • TO-LET.--Boomd % floor Dispatch Building. Bent very" low \fur bal ance oryeay h as. water and stationary". stand., Enquire at Pbt .. ograph Gallery,DispatcY 1t001919. TVvo line ROOKS in GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply t auntiag BOOMS. 84 and 88 BM avenue. FOR SALE. gNoe _ SALE .— S A LT .WOll DWELLINGS AND FIFTY ACRES or D ON WEB'S PENNA. A R.—The works are now in euccessfuloperation.‘ The land Is un der'ald with coal, now open iand• mined, ,and would make a splendid yfueyard; beet of salt water at the works. There 16 'money In this property. The owner would • not sell were he able to attend to it. Railroad r..ns through the land. • Apply to CROFT A PHILLIPS. Real 'Es tate Agents, No. 139 !mirth - avenue. . • FOB SALE.-LOOK. HERE.- FARM.—The cheapest farm in'Armstrong county, Pa., 100 acres for $4,000 on easy terms. Splendid buildings and orchard, No. 1. land, all till Ole. The improvements are worth' the pries. 'of the entire property. There Is' at least $5OO of a harts in,ln It at the snore price. We CROFTeen the_property and know It. Apply to & PHILLIPS, Real/ Astate Agents, No. 139 Fourth avenue. • Fikß SAIL lightand profit •-• ABLE business. No opposition. Capita. reqnired, 115,500. One or two men going ints the business can clear over 15.000 per sear. In. quire of M , Clung'.ltainbow, Meal Estate Agents, 195, 18 Tand 199 Centre avenue.: FOR SALL—About 120 acres of land In the best situation for itlittri beats; only A miles from the West filttslitltgb Ferry Landing.. Will be sold altogether or Is pieces to suit purchasers. En ups of Y. C' Ne.GLEY, omce at the bouth,,endoli the Monon. gahela bridge. jel4-Tali VOR SALE:-COUNTRY HOME,. —A beautiful realdence and fifty-three acres. or choice land, on Perrysville rank Road. The bowie has eleven rooms, is built andllnished modern style, with all necessary outbulldings:* abundance of choice fruit, and in act every Wing to maim it pleasant and comfortable. Will be sold as a whole or diviced acquit pnrchasers: Apply to CROFT A PHILLIPS, Real Estate. Agents. No. 139 Fourth Avenue. • FOR BALE . —A New Brick Besi- DENCE, built by . days Work; having eight rooms; gas, hot and cold water throughout, mar ble antles and wash ,tands, a. bath room and piazzai Lot 126x140 feet, dellgetftily located beautiful town of Alliance, Ohio, having, 6,000 inhabitants and noted for Ito colleges, rapid growth, enterprise and Manufactories. .9* .miles from Pittsburgh and '56 from Cleveland Junction, Pitteburgh,,lft. Wayne and Chicago, and the Clevsland and Pittsburgh Railways. Ad dress Lock Box 89, Aillinoe.O. jel2:1128 FOR SALE. 1 Property on S ring 11, 7th ward, which com mends a del igh I vie of the surrounding coun try for several Iles. The ground contains 4 lots 112 feet fro t by 250 feet deep, on which there to about 250 grape vines in good bearing order; a few choice .pear ,apple. and peach trees; also a variety- of small fruiter ii: i ct a tt a stable, good well of water and cistern, new e hottae con taining 4 rooms. with hall, and cellar under whole house; everything in good Order. Also, house and lot on Ledlie strect,• house two story frame; contains 5 rooms and hall; lot runs through to Carroll street. .. Other houses and lots in good localities, In quire of M. WRITMOBE : Real Estate, General Brokerage and Insurilice Agent, corner Ohio end Sandusky streets, Alle gheny. . FOR SALE. 3 lots in Mansfield, 00x120 each. 11 Or land, grapery, peaches and =tali fruit, good. spring of water, iog hoase, &c: grice low. 70 acres, EcOmom y 'township. Bearer ylo; Price 875 per acre; good orchard of 300 bearing fruit trees. House of 7 room., 1M :miles from Econo my station. 1,100 acres,Glimore Co. West vs.; good soli, well timbered and watered: price Sic per acre. 205 acres, same county. good, home and orchard: price *0 Der acre. 1 . 240 acres, Braxton - CO. west Va: rich soli aitd well tim bered; per acre. ..' Bonds and ortgages wantd T 008. Sllll SOY. 86 R. M. HOLIk&ND S 9 GRANT STREET' I rel 6 • - • Uflice s back room. FOR SALE.—A- new., octave . IL GALE PIANO POET& Price 07G. Ad.:tress 1. N.. TOM OFFICE. EW STOCK arCIC)3OIS EE lAI •- .. ~...1..'.- . ....::,:..1_1'.. H.-. ...-...(-:. Ic-..EFZ...j:•._.C,015:.; St. Clair Streets. V ELVES 411VECEIVED. LESS THAN FORRE i R PINCE& ISIIED Win NEW ;GOODS. SEiLMEL CIC).I, gt. agate strew -