The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 07, 1869, Image 7

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----- .
.TErvErisorr CO., KANSAS, Tune 17.
Last week. I made an excursion to
B lieridein, the present terminus of the
Kansas Pacific Railway, more for obser
, tuber lon than anything else. Early in Oc
fast I was over the sanieroad when
everything was clad in the sere and sober
livery of autumn. This time the earth
was arrayed in all the glories of early
I summer.
Contrary to m
we y expectation, the further
progressed westward to the extreme
•, t verge of agricultural settlement, the crops
I 10 every kind were more and - more a anced in growth, and the tallest corn d-
,saw was in Ellsworth county, win
eight of Fort Harker. Beyond that t i he th re
ere no fields; no plowfurrOw has yet
disturbed the soil, except on two small
experimental farms on the north branch
- , of the Smoky Hill near Sheridan, which
are said to be to a ggree successful;
ibut I;had not time torsi. Fort Harker
s 218 miles west of' the For
or the
State line; Sheridan is 405 miles
~ of the same point; come.
queny there
en area of 186
miles on which no agricultural expert
, meat has been made. It is a region sub
. .
lime in extent and beautiful in the long,
• • gracefal waving of the surface on which
, \ very little else than buffalo 'grass grows.
' On Big creek, at' Fort Hays, there is a
• _ grove of splendid trees, on the dense,
ark foliage of which, as contrasted with
e pale green of the buffalo grass, the
ye restewith great satisfaction. Hays is
venty miles westward of Harker. From
Rays to Sheridan, one hundred and six
te n•miles, the Country is almost treeless,
and scarcely a single running stream is
found. • There are many water
water flow, courss,
where, in - the rainy season, ter rents e
ow, and on which ca
' parlous reservoirs could be made anumerous t
• -
the expense. But the soil is good, nearly all
by they wa; and where it has been disturbed
excavations on • the railroad, and
''n on the lodse -banks • thrown out of the
r ditelies, the growth of weeds, internain•
Bled with beautiful flowers.
But those plains cannot be brought un
der cuitivation until the railroacrshall be
,oarried forward to the coal and timber_ of,
the eastern slopes of the Rocky Moan
, ins; and when they are, the work will
probably commence on the mountain
;slopes and work eastward. The lack of
water will be slipplled by artificial reser
, voirs. Excellent water is obtained in
• Abundance fromone wes dog to depths vary.
;in 'fro
from fo hundred feet. Ido
mot believe that artesian wells
au would be
ccessful, owing to the absence of the
I,• ...- becessary topographical conditions—the
f .Vicinity of mountains or higher. levels.
. ' ...... l' The first use to which these extensive
r regions will be applied, will be as pas
- , i-,,'
lures for cattle and' sheep, but even- this
..1-••• , t ptisiness cannot be successfully entered
, npon until the ludians are either eater:
' ! ''.•;• ininated or compelled to behave them
* ; Selves; and the road completed to the coal
and tinaber of the mountains. - The latter,
:- thiinks to the energy of the Kansas
Pa elle Railway Company, will soon be an
aeconiplished fact; lid, when will that
- country be made secure from savage dep-redations? •
But let the plains bioetheir time—there
• • la still much land to be ped on this
, . alder-enough in Kansas alone for three,
, . four, or five millions of people. But
here, you may ask, do the plains cum.
, ence f ,So far as niy observation goes
, . thould say, at Fort Harker, or about
at meridian —say half way from the
eastern to the western border of Kansal.
Of, coerse there la no marked or definite
. ,
'. .. , 11.. e between the arable and pastural Tor
; '.tabs of the State; and the day will come
, • when what we now call the plains will
liedetted with dwellings, urban, and ru
• ,
„.. rat; and wave with' rich harvests: The
. sol Dis there, and the water. s there, p ro;
• ' vided means are taken, as they-can be, to
•• . " keevit. there. The plow will open the
.. -. -soli and let in the rain to fill the wells
• 7: andcause fountains of water to break out
... „. • where at present all is dry. All that re.
gin is now as hard as a highway, for it
. ~, Juts? been trampled for ages by millions
- , upon millions of buffaloes, perhaps the
most restless of lierbiverous animals, and
' ! • whose tread while plunging along- is
• ram
• . equal to r ead
as there ma ny; are . O
. ; dryness of the autumns and
to the win
• - ' that 'region frosts do not soften the grters inound.
. , • •as in the eastern States; the result is that
there-is probably no soil in the world 'of
equal depth and fertility so hard and, im
; • pertus to water. as that. When
0). brolf pp. and I observed along the rail
•• - - road!) is extremely loose and friable.
ant he 13 SOH of: the Plains is of a dark
'eh te color and from one'to two feet
.; . deep sometimes more—underlaid with a
c i t
. - subso composed of ,good retentive clay,
in the. position of which lime enters
• • largety. /a some places it is
tee recisely
:- - to all appearance as that found
- • in the 'valley of the Missouri, and which
Profftior liaydon pronounces marl. Re
.• :- .
main of numerous and some immense
~ •
aqua animals are found embedded in
: .• this fist ddpceit; and in imbedded
ridgeiliof drift of great extent, made Pp Of
in ane
,t*orn gravel, principally quartz and
kindred reek, are found. the Sacreuniel O
' < the toky Hill river, when low, rip a -
, . , . f
• mast one continual sand bar made of
„ such meterials, mingled with every coarse
u ffal That .species of vegetation known as
' b 6 grass, with which' hundreds of
thousands of square miles of this region
, 4 : Are oov ea, is a very peculiar variety.
-..- It is fin. and delicate in the blade, and
rarely ri 'above three inches in height.
is a light green and it is, while
1 growing. soft and pleasant to the tread.
The seed stem generally not more than
• : , six inches high, very slender, and bears
on one aide only,a very small head, which
looke something like the feather of an ar
c' row, $a do elastic is thia grass that it
rises and stands as erect as ever the in=
stant after the hoof of the h any
- final has ` passed it. Indeed it Wiestth only
grass that could bear the trampling of the
, buffalo. -.Providence seemsto have pre
: pared it for the special use of that animal,
and. it Is well named when galled buffalo.
grass; for it is a fact, that as these aril: .
male are driVert back before the advancipg
-tide eif Population, the other biller and
, o oarser -grasses common to the, prairi es
come - ,in and smother it. In the region
around Fort Harker, we see tfils process
going on. This probably is the most nutri
,lious of all grasees, and has the 'singular,
ioit perty 4of retaining 'in a dry state
winter all the nutriment it
had In lUi highest maturity and vitnlitY-
Daakettle,guilmahi that feed upon it alone
. , .
D '
are fa enough-t-til—tfimuut the
ri n g s
ffalo ' grass could be groWn free
from mixture, with_ other and stronger
grease I know of none that would be
so well adapted to lawns. But were I to,
attemp to introduce it - I should send 'up
to the tOns fora quantity of sods, rather
than ga ther the seeds, Which are exceed
ingly a arse upon the ground. In gar
dens th _seed might be grown; but on the
plains a an Would be very busy who
would c llect an ounce in a day. It
spreads pidly by the roots, and small
tufts set at short intervals would soon
overspr d the ground.
Highwinds career over these Plains
almost .ntinually. Somefirnes, and
most cow .. only in the warm season, it is
a pleasant refreshing breeze; but at times
somethin: very like a hurricane prevails.
The winte ::are severe, owing rather to
the sharp • Inds than to a low temper
tore. Bat the plains are considerabl , -
elevated— .heridan, which is nearly t
hundred m es this side of the Mountain ,
is shown b the railroad profile to be;29
feet above *de, which is quite as bleb
the summit of the 'Allegheny mountai •
The eve , big before I left Sheri an
there was a light shower, accompanied by
some grand electrical displays, and suc
ceeded by ' vivid rainbow , forming a
complete se.. -circle, the base of Which
was at least -n degrees above the visible
and true ho zon. This shOwed that the
sun had sun • an many degrees below the
horizon on t. e opposite aide at the timeof its appe• :nee. The -next morning
was bright and clear, with a gentle
breeze. It IV: :
open window of the a great luxury to sit at an
atmosphere. and breathe that
For yult u ears . come we may not expect
beyond Fort Harker. aline county_S to press much
from twenty t , fifty miles eastward—is
one of the fin st arable sas regions I have
Count in, Kan. bat thence wentward the
ry - chan4es from the prairies of
heavy, tall grass to the comparatively
thin.clad plains A belt of broken land,
with nnmerou rocks, er_owned knolls
and narrow, bu rich valleYseeems to sep
arate the two grand divisions of this
State, the prairi and the plains. This
E l
broken belt isad mirably adapted to the
dairy business, • s has been experimental
ly proved. I visited the residence
of Mr. D. . Long, a 'Western
Reserve dairym ho has 'established
himself a mile or t wo south of Fort l ie
the chee emaking business. lie
has a htrd of fine 43ws, and makes about
one hundred pods of rich cheese per
day h undred the most I exquisite flavor. Mr.
Long told me that milk yields ten per
Cont. more cheese in that. locality thn
any place he kno ain Ohio, and 'fin er
flavor. He sells a 1 he can make readily
at twenty-one cent perpound, wholesale.
His cows feed I gely on buffalo grass;
but In this localitythere are plenty of
other grasses. Onlya few diya before I
was there a herd of buffdloes ran over his
ground. He has a air of' bulfalo ea/yes,
which he is rearing with his other calves.
They keep together however, and occa
sionally utter a low, savage yet mela
choly low. While I looked at them=
and they are quite e—they scampered
to the whey tank a d drank greedily for
a few seconds, and hen walked off. It
is to my mind clear t at, like the Indian,
the buffalo may be to ed; perhaps domes
ticated, but not civil ed. They are not
pretty. These calves were of the present
year. • •
• . llp to the line spo
pack full of People. 1
in 'now at a rate bey!)
in our border State
There is something in
culiarly attractive...l n
pure and healthy attno I
ing beauty and variety
people who come,here
generally fin aihem.
east of the meridian of ;
about equal to that of .1
West of that meridia
Making Cal
b lakinrcoffee is an - ar
tnents among o,tiiPeople.
'moldy drank', its coffee
and Mil of minute , par,
tined berry—is no more
that really deberies the n
is like cheese. Not one
-ever tasted real coffee.
hien.; of Newark, N. J.,
coffee-pot which renders th
,coffee clfticult. A bag or
Suspend from the inside,
completely .across; the g
put in,‘falling to the butt
and the boiling water no
it, filtering slowly through I
bag, and falling thence
perfectly clear and pure.
ble that it should now ; con
the berry but its essence.
pdured in a second time, a
fltdd is drawn off, acrid or l
Wholesome—nmb like the
usually awallowed as coffee.
Young ladies who coqu
Young man they meet, who I
fully sweet, and kind and se
every strauger who comes to
fish for the praise and compl
men wherever they go; isrh
rageously offended if politen
any but themselves, and vvho
jumping ready to go out whe
matter whether they have bee
ed five minutes or live years;
nothing of giving . ' tangible. hi
effeet, and who in all this, havi
in view but to fleece their victi
with their feelings, and to sa
own poor vanity; well from sue
Lord deliver the male sex bot
night, for such will make 'th
their time, squander their doll
irretrievable mischief to their in
•' ' -
... o
A trn/3mi Historical Society has re
cently been formedin New Orleans, with
object Of the Assoction is to co ect and
preserve, for the u ia
se of students of his
kilt All informatn Which may 1 ye ac
curate and distinct sccounts of th - events
which havettaken Place in the So . th, and
particularly durin g . the rebellio . The
President is Rev. 13. M. Palmer, I. D., of
New Orleans,find die fifteen Vi •
: Prest- .
denta are taken one from; 'each of the
Southern States, 'and fr omthe Dis ct of
„ w
Dorfor4B -• Macy, of Griswold
sixty years old, is the "champion” :
shearer of New London county.
time.'ho sheared sixty-th.ree sheep i
:teen hours, 'and at another tWeati
sheep 'in Ate . hiiurs, ana :cau x h
aiiimals himself, the latter averaen:,l
and, Poa half nswis l ot wool each. •Re ,
he. sawed a - aheep in ten infante& ' 1
S:W. MA/11C- & CO.; Banters:No. 35 South
Third Street,
gents for
rh il,adelpcua
, Wiener A
Pennsylv and Southern New Jersey. B. S.
nSELL, Ma ania bager„
• /RA B.
B MeVAY & CO..
an • .
, Agetits'for Allegheny d Wash ingionvountle s eave r , Butler, Mercer. . -
_Air, LQuAI. AtiIeNT,IARE WANTED in every
city. and Town; and applications from comPe
tent parties Air such agencies with suitable en
dorsement, should be addressed VIE COM
PANY'S OE bERAL dressed
ONLY, in their'
respective districts.
1 13110 POSALs.
Tenders will be received at this °dice until
/ULF 10th, 1069, flit the following Supplies, to
be delivered as required. on , he line of the Rrie
and Atlantic and. Great Wittern Railways. for
the use of said Railway Companies to Ist Janus.
ry. 1870:
Railroad Castings of all descriptions;
Raliroad Spikes;
Railroad Chairs:
Track Bolts and Nuts;
Rut and Cold. Pressed Nati and colts;
Fish Plates;
Bar and Round Iron, "refined:"
Boller end Sheet Iron;
Pig /ron, "Anthracite;`,
Pig Iron. '`Charcoal" equal . to "Sallsbary:" '
Wrought Iron Axiom, to order:.
Frog titeel„ `to order: , , •
Steel Frog Plates and Points, "
Spring Steel; to arater;''...,„,
Steel Axles, to order: ' , •
Cut Natio and Spika;
Wrought Nails and Splket:
Georgia piste, • to ceder;
Lard GU; •
Bell /tops;
R,y; •1,
The deliveries'to be made in simh quantities as.
may from time time be determined noon by
the Company. after the acceptance of the tender.
Parties bidding must state the quality of the
material offered. what point delivered, also
furnish samples when required.'
p an
Payyments incest'. as customary with this Com
he Company reserve the right to reject any'
bids, which inuat be enclosed, sealed, and ad'.
dressed to
faEl) C. BALI. Pureb. Agent
,21:k74E-rre Block, foot Beane M., New York.
.en of Kama will
If ,e I V y are crowding
d anything known
and territories.
iphere, its surpass
this "Sten so pe.
ts fertate soil, its
of landscape, that
, . look for homes
le i :1r::
° a:t a t:t a t: s e
ore liarker is Just
'e State of Ohio.
. .
yet in its rudi-
The stuff com
~ oPaque
cles o f the cal
like the nectar
:me than chalk
rnerican in ten
Mr , J. L. La:
has invented a
• making of bad
. ouch of felt is
filling the pot
ound berry is
in of the bag,
poured uphn
the coffee and ,
the bott om,
tai •
H lf e ery zits d a e
e l v d ju l ma o ff gt e P e le :
o r r°l e n s
n soll 1 1.
fitter and un-
The newer Commission of the City of Alle
yway aye prepared to receive proposals for the
construction of the follosnot sewers, with their'
appartenances, inlets', manholes, dc•
with every
.k wonder
timetital on
town; wh o
ents of the
t g i r s o r w ad o d a t t o .
Jere always
asked, no
who think
to - that
g nothi ng
' B, to trifle
isfY their
may. the
I day a n d
~in wa ste
s and do
Comprising about 2,000 feet ofFinch and 15
Ineh etreular pipe sewer.on Lincoln avenue.from
ttoo e V ° , Yee% te3n it g :.ll.2 a ti e T iff Western 11AP;ratie;
eastward to the line of Weat ‘otumon
0 051T24172 1 NO. 2,
Ccilrfaingabont 200 feet of 12 inrh circular
plpe sewer on line of Darren alley between Mont
eomery avenue and north line or Denney prop
. .
Drawlugs and s peclecaUons can be seen it the
Engineer's office, City Hall. ends must slate the
kind of pipe p oposeu to be tarnished. (cement or
vitrified clay pipe, ) and muss be endorsed 'wer
Proposals. f ontract Bo 7,' , (or No . 2. as the
case may be,) and delivered on or before 3
July ti. /809 tilde s or proposals, en w h ich '
for alone the will be received, will be
r rumhetrat the :Cheaper's ee. The Commis-
Mon do not bind themselves t 9 aedtpt the lowest
or any bid. •
• By order or the Commission.
1177A.` DAVIS.
City Znsineer.
Cris' Coarnoian'gs, i
- Clrt or Anindurafr, dally ; /863. i
VOTICE TO corerrucrons;
,stm,to ritorosAus
Wm be -reeidred, at TIMI onnaz antll 3
( retook r . „ az. OA 13111.3eiDAY, AMY Utth. attae•
forgradlas AIN I n tel,_eff the retittl"4"tre"'
avenues and a 3078, sill; ' " .
. . .
Melee 'avenue from grant afeade to Chia
b street,
w s u tr d ee . t, 047 Stet west of Talton street;
Murdock alter. from Frasier to Talton street.
~. Gent &ley. • roan nerth Sae of Third street to
north line of Eastman's lot. -
laseroLve tfty.
/arenas std. front. Shields alley to Slants
rey street. •
aarah street.'froot tlfilon asinine to elty
Pslprisa ostr. , •
Evans al e/. hellwee_tt Loess, 'and Pr - satin st.
ward. alley, from suite n to Sed_reerleh street-
VAC, gie.„ll4-.l._yeerLteg mice oc
roarep.,tity dpntrollea;
• Ct.,
)TF4llmago anontrati,
1. paartt._* tett. Dealt?. 114 D
z7441.11",111,14% ialaP
LIFE 1 1%11111'CE CONROY,
,la Capital = - - $1,000,000.
Bi•anth Office, PRILADELPIER
! L OriflOlC/IS.'
mearrroz H.OLARK.Philadelphia,President.
iItJAY COGIfIC, Philadelphia, Chairman Plzance
HEY lezeontive 00wkittee.
D. COGIER,, Washington, Vice Presi
de t.
and Ai:im It
am ' W..-P7LET, Philadelphia, Secretary
I .
PitA.NOIS G. SMITH, 3f. adelphla.hfed-
Mal Director. • • • D., Phil
MONTHSomny Issued. In the first TZN
of us existence,
iicitnnuwe f
$3.51,142i,eal cr.
This Conioany offers to ILO Polley-ROlders
anrrgagnl" ':ll.llitlili3fe-teutteb°M°!:
LO w RATES OF .PitelfZElT,
Dr Reversionary Dividend of 100 per cent by
IifANDBAN.N-PLS will cure Consumption,
Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, if taken accord
, lug to directions.. They are all three to be taken
at the same time.. They cleanse the stomach. re
lax the /Ivor an d put lt to work; the the -appetite
becomes gorid; the fos:d dlgeits end-A:Bikes good
blood; the patient begins to grow In fieSh; the
blood; inatte.r ripens Into the lane% and the
Datient outgrows the disease'and gets well. This
'' the only way to cure c o nsumption. ' '....
" "ts these three medlelffes ,I:lr. J. H. &hetet, of
0. zneosnhaieyuonurninvZmiefllsounc.censs lenptahie.
?ilk 'delPh t
o i f a
al‘roetilt h en
rup rinses the morbid- ma:ter In the
n, tare thruws It off by au easy exi;tors
:i.w., vtieu the phlegm or niatter Is rii.,'" A
oa l ,hi' coo, ,,. ' wilt throw it off, and the patient has
rest and the 1 'tinge be/that° he
el; al ed r° Cls ease the stomach
T. , do a d , j„ he &dives d i Gale sad Mandrake
t „.t the Pulmunic Syrup and the
ana - Pills
liver. so
be so Jr,
food wil/ make goo,/ 9100 d.
Schenck's Mandrs'ke Pills act upon the liver,
re too‘log
all owtrom tons. relax the outs of the
gall bladder, the bile af.arts 'freely, and the liver
Is soon relieved; the stOois WILI. show . whet the
Pills can do; nothing. has ever beeninvented ex
care,) that will
cept calomel (a deadly poison welch Is very. den-
gerens to use names with t reat
. tithed the,gall bladder and ..start the secretions
of the hverlike 'Schenck re ha ndrake Phis.
Liver Complaint hi 011 e of use most. prominent
witted of Crumption. .
eebenek's timed
Tonic Fla gentle stimulant
and al teratl e. .and the alkali fit the Seaweed,
which this Aeration is made 04 Aerate the
stomach to hirow out tbe gastric*Jaira) to I ds se
the food with the Pah:sonic Syrupy and ls made
into A ood tecsod sr/theta f ermentation or souring
In the stemoc . .. . i.
The great i • n
why physteianelo not enre
Coneumption a, they try to do tee ech; they.
give medicine to atop the cough , to et p eb/lie t to
stop night awe te, hectic fever, sad SY so risiingi
they dt range e whole digestive_ oweru„ kick-,
Ingupth,eseere . one . and ettenival4 ThelPaelenti
pinks and dies. ',------ ' .• '
Dr. Schenck, in Ills treatment,' does ver b to 1
Mope cough, night sweats, dills or f Ile.
more the cause,- and taey will all stop of their
own NO one can be cubed of Coasunip
tion, Lover Complaint. Dyrpepsia, Catarrh;
Canher. Ulcerated Throat, Wefts the liver and
stomach are made heal the. 1 ,
If a person lasa co nsuraptihn, oi contie the
nags In. some way are diseased elder tubercles,
abeesses, bronchal 'irritation, pleura adhesion.
or the lungs are a mus of tall ammation , and last
decaying. In such cases what must be one? It
Is not only the lungs tut are wasting, b
at tt 'ls
the whole body. :Thestomach and firer have lost •
their power to make blood out of fo d. Now tne
only chance is to rake Dr. Schenck's three medi
cine% which will bring up a tone to the stoznac.b,
the_patient will begin to want .Ibosa !swill digest
easily and make good bl; then
_patient ne
gins to gain In fle s h. an a soon as de bod y be
gins to grow. the lungs we ll . commce to h
is np,
and the patient, gets listiby aud e This la Lae
' only way to cure Consumption.
When there is no Ding disease and only Liver
comtdaint and Dyspepsia, scherwh's seaweed
Tonle and Mandl...lce Phis are sufficient. %Mont
the Pula:male Syrup. Take the
freely 14 4,1 blllious complaint% as they are
harmless. •
/Dr. - Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrapted
health for many years past, and now weighs Aillit
Pounds was wasted away to a mere skeleton. th
the very last stage or Pulmonary coneataptiou
hi, phy.iclans having pronounced his case hope!'
less and abandoned'h ,m to his tate. He was cued
'by the aforesaid me. Icines, and enter his recove
ry many' thousands similarly seheted have used
Dr. behead is preparation wish the same re
arkable success. Fut/ directions aceesnitanY
each, Makin,, two-absolutely necessary to per
sonaliv see Dr. tacheack, unless ',tmente wish
their lungs examined; and lor this
_purpose he le
erefessim ally at hie Principal' tmce, Philadel
ph ry Saturday. where rill letters tor advice
m [One
Bowed.dd He la also profesaionady at
No. MI treet. New York, every other
Tuesday, and at No. 35 Hanover 'sheet. Boston,
every other Wednesday.. lie' gives Advice ire%
but for a thorough execute:Jamul with his Beep/-
nun_ eter the price is *5 . 04.ce hones at each cItY
Mal 9 A. w.. to 3 P. lc .
Price of the Pulmonto Syrup and Seaweed Ten
le each *1.501 bottle. er 37,50 a halt &men.
Mandrake Phis 98 ceats a box, Poe sale by
druggists. : . mr19:151-d&r
DISEASES. not.. numerous ciaas of cases
resulting from ' Self. abuse, producing un
maninese, aervous debiu.y. irritability. erup—
uone. seminal emissions, mkt snails im
potency, permanentiv cared. . Persona /met
ed whh eelLeate. Intricatts end long stand-
Mg constitutional comelaints are poll telYi n vlied
Dlto call ror COWSUILALIOD.' 'Whitt costs 'nohing.
tbe best of teachers. has c anned him to perfect remedies at. once efficient, ,safe,
permanent. and which In most cases c in heated
without . bine ranee to • business. Her/Mines pre
pared la the establistunent, which embraces ot
flee. reception and waning rOoMs; alsO, soardinir
and Weeping apartments for patients requiring
daily Personal attention, sod vapor and cheml,.
cal haths , thus concentrating the rained mineral
spriegs. .No matter who have failed. state your
ease. Read what be .Lays in his musphlet of Aft,
.r•aeeti, Seat 10 110'.; address for two stamps La SW
ed enve.ope. Thousands
theses treated &nue.
ally. at o ffice and.all over eOuntry.: CObstil.
tenon tree, personally or be mail. Chace No.. 9
Wylie street, • (near Court House). Pittsburgh,
Pa. Flouts 9A. sr. toil ff. aL. Sundays rt.
to 'A P. AL._
.4"AnaphlpLl:llL to any address horn wo
a ,....
vit.—Dr. A. H.BrMemif nes been
using Electricity as aBPaCIAL EtililtDr in curing
chronic as Well as on e conditions wrr/10177.
sittatelita for. more than Eme TaaaB. with. un
bounded suceess. A Indurling re f er
particulars, 'with certificates and reliable refer,
en ces. will L. sent to any inquirer.
A few
In d roorns Vacant. for board Inx Di. i
tient& In the Dctor's Lusby. if applied for 80011.
01Ce 11151 d residenes, 9,poz ARCH STREET.
TOIs splendid Hair Dye Is the best In the world:
the may true and Perfect DYei bAntallal3,
Ina true
no disappointment; no ri
diculous tints; remedies the effects of bad
dyes: i nvigorates and leaves the Dab , soft and
beau: Uhl. DD she
or eroton. Sold by all Druggists
and Perfnmers; and properly applied at Batelle
int'e F ecterY. IF., .:2(1 street. Vey
—Those haling friends atitleted are ear
neatly solicited to send for a Circular Letter of
References and Testimonials. which will • con
since the most skeptical of the curability of tA4
dist aBl Ad-dreas VA.t./ BUREN LOCBNoW,
M. D., 38 Great Jones street, New Yort.
e T
- the kart.; kl3 B
RVILB, with certain help tor toasernorrB.uulon
fortunate. [Beech] sealed letter envelopes. tree
of charge. Address. 110 WARD AS•trelttTftrN.
Box Ps P h adelphla, mszt:jadk r
_ _ _
.......... 7 .
A k SSIGNEE 8.4 LE.--At .1111UC•
T/ON.--On TUESDAY, July oth, will . be
sold at Public Sale, the entire stock of iron ware
And tinned ware, fry pans, sauce Pane, ladles,
'skimmers round and oval drops, wire and wire
rods, lio., 41 c...belongin g to tke estate of JOUN
Premises It The sale win take place, on the
Ititioll, i/h. o 'olo'k 4. It., at FratlkstOWZl
Pi ttitoUrith and Connellsvine Railroad.
Trains leave depot, corner Ross aid . Water
streeention t*,
of tinners at I/ o'clock' A. x. Sale' posltfre. At
uested to the aide. and wire workers esPeciany
,W3l. /KREBS
No. 65 Diamond Alley,
• Pr/liftman,. pA,
ST °Merl addresied 'to W. Kaltat3. s th'
ward, Allegheny. wlll renews brouipt atteljuilho—
NST l nizuuniug In Pittsburgh arid eitegueug:l2.
Ea.1:1:----- --- e . "------ -- i --- ----------.41,1V
. -
Third streera Eialateid, Plttboigh. •
`U Alwatoja ban a elie aasorizaant or La-
Vii We e tin, B OIIBLEII Hantlemento
ltratira SCALPS, H1TA8.8.444748,
B 0 ito: • lliii*Mrd Pries is cub
wlll be given tot Eayt
Ladles ,'iind Efentiamews Hair datiblic . " done
in the npacelitt mannim ••- • I raryt ir, • I
AziourrEcur , •
?num' Ho .sLtt4X A850014.170*._ ittiraititeS,
Nos. 4444 St. OINr Street. lquiniargh;
Soeolot .iktAelttion ren to the le 414. end
oundio A of *Amor • Rallsits Nom PI:MU
Rim • .
peithlielt Otteet, N 46
ta ra , vo, vainest and ilargel.;64l:lo,
f! ! aviikv , „ ll:47 ,ol7. 4,C s,
crux. -rrsi
FOR SALy.4..
1.9 lots on Centre avenue, on line of street oars':
are; n Rirkpatrtek street, 04 line of 'greet
cars; >alots on Linden street, on line of street'
cars; 1 large lot fronting on Wylie stree Two
3 storlf,d brick houses 0 rooms each. lot •30 by '
ZOO feet feet on ou sel
tr , et. near Centre ave.
nue: will sell the whole for cash, or will
sell the houses separate at 5500 eanh; frame
house of 3 rooms on Mahon street, near the ave
nue: lot 94 by 6
00 feet; only $l,l/00 cash.
Two pressed brick front houses with 6 oms,
well shed, gas street. hrou ghout,frontin g
44 feet on Wylie This property wllt
bold low and on easy terms. Inquire of
Reid Ratite and Insuranee Agents.
Nos. 190, /97 and 199. entre avenue,
Dealers in, Flour Grain, Hay, /1111 Feed and
Ge ., n.e__.___.._._._........_____..._ral_P_rod_ uce of all kinds. jell:k80
H. B. 83:1/THSON,
• This beautiftil situation cannot
,be eurpassed
for private residences in any dire* ion, ao 0100 e
to both cities, 'being only eight miles np thi
ligeiairin tern 'Pennsylvania Railroad.' Any person de.
gln formation about this property can obtain
it by calling at the Wiles) of the.IRON CITY /4M
Pederad stieet, Allegheny. Loins:tom nue-4
Sere to StVe acres: also. small loos to suit gme.
chaseri. ;There's A good location for a inanutaa
hiring eir a wls km,„,,, between the Railroad an
... _ ,.......1...4........._
_ leatien kh . ver, 15:ka3
FOlit, ..
___. .
BALL - , ~
~ ...
... 1 : L., — irygax Chicago tion, on the pittebu,...
ift.' wa e and Railroad ""
Containingll)94l* Agree -Each.
''.491740 3
w. , `MACktOwiv & BRO..
multi 194 erti St;l46t.
171LITARLIE FARA" owoaßehl pa .4.1.E.
rezrircaott r in it i tt i ,l'i n d s
Re ani statmn; on'the'AlleatenyVaneY tinlirard.
narli bgr z g e a r 4
hired frith poal' foot pan. neWt4 Los' ed Hon.i
atd . 811111; an brehard et 40 'wet.' lath: Lse
~thito nigiltntared =VI I a goon sell -"b0,1104;
gorArtner 7117414. 44a4.4
n. i '1
Plinmerus. ER• DEPARTMENT A., A % 18 69.
Al] Sto ckholders, as registered On s pys ot
this Ciunpany on the 30th da i sy of 869,
will be entitled to subecribe for TWENTY-FIVE
PER T. of their respective interests 1n New
Stock, at par, as follows: •
nret. Fifty per cent. at the time of stibscrip-
Don, bei*em: tho /fttli day of May, /889, and
the 30th day or JULIC 188.9. .
86621,4* 1.11141-twr cent. beiwi , iii rile litit fl.r
of November, 1869. and the aist depot Decem
bPr, 1860; or, if
Stockholder/rebook !prfer the
whole ADlOnnt may be Pala an at the time of nib
sc. and each instalment 60 pald up shall be
entitled to a pro rata of the Divide that may
be declared on full shares,
Third. That every Stockholder hOlding, less
than four shar-s, shall be entitled to subscribe
for one share; Lou those ' holding more than a
multiple of four shares shall be entitled to sttb-.
scribe for an additional share. -
Itrurth. All abaree upon which Instalments are
yet to be pald under Resolution of /day /3,
1860, will be entitled to their allotment of the'
Twenty-flive per cent. it intl., 11!
na though ths7
were paid In full.
y8:116 THOMAS T. PIRTR. Treseurer.
err' gicsam, 1 8 69
In accordance with Semen 6tb, Page WS of
City Digest, ,
That the assessments for 1869 of City:CU-
Saluting, Special, Poor, Easiness, City Schoot
and Wool ft,bool Taxes a City Water Bents
The a wn returned to me fond collection,
The above taxes are subject to a DEDUCTION
Cl' FIVE PBR CSNTInd If paid on or befbre the
lirst pay . of Altgitsts
and TWO MI ciorTuai if paid betimes:l the
\ •
Air-ivo deduction will be si
rn ll.ri:da on taxes pittd
between uepteber filimenth a Octobe r drat
46). addition of AV* pe, cent vrill -
be e
to all taxes unpaid OctdbeitrstanosaMildditisom tonal
dve per cetiltnn will be ali
added to :all e- tumald on Noiteni ber drst.. . taxes re
A I cocEireAN
prrTsir _
" 61 E. dillY UM"
vAxtrA. BLE
FIFTY-ONE LOTS, desirably Ricated_kt
en y. station, on Second Avenue, in the
third ward, clip of Pittsburgh., :tomtit& on the
Pittsburgh end Connellavlde Batiroad and the
klononganela. river, will be sold at Yu °n
on. ,
i .A
At 2 o'clock P. Y. We confldenily invite the
at testion of pa rchaserr, so th.s au.,ve propel ty.aa
examination catinst but cstvlne- rut oars, that
the con v eniences'of the city_and the p a'n resof
the country are here extraordinarily combined,
having' amongst others the foßeiwink iiiiVantatres
Pachlty or access. being situated ea the Con
nellsvide Railroad and Second avenue, bewails of
scenery. having extended views ! a the Munoso
gaheis river, convenience ,to !schools. churches'
and society, being In thelhunneciate neiguce.
hood of Messrs. Rays, Layghllns, Scully. Ander
son, Oliv e r and other, • '
Terms of hale --One" third cash: balance In one.,
two and three years, watt Interest. ten per cent.
of the cash Payment icf bane. A . sp:clal free
train will leave the Coreihville Depot, at one
o'clock P. 2 on day of rte. For further Infor
mation and plan of lots •• , tply to
' Jut/N-4 *-- fs AILEY & BRO..
'.!..-' '-" - • ' 11 4 's-111 P k irreasie„,-
th B. S AfITRSOIT,. Ant 'tourer "in 149110
undersigned, In pursuanoe of a decrte of the
Circuit s7ourt of the cool:v.1f of Flenrico. In the
'State tf 'Virginia, made od :se 3,1 dam or may,
1869, will receive PROPOSALS IN WRITiro
either for the PIIRCH A SE UR LEASE. from and
-offer I he 31st DECEMBER,I2B9. for the whole,
or any pro, of the COAL LA:N._uB equate In
Chesieiricd county, Va.. beiouginir to the Ches
terfield Coal and Iron kilning Com.
'The lands coq said Company Mo rena
eb. 1't1630..
000. The
which the, contala h 'Ye been
and are now being profitably worked by t pres
ent lessees and sne properly Is coosidered of
groat, vI.Ie, for Its coal and Iron ore.
The direr. nt tracts are k• own as follows:
• • WOOLDRIDGE'S and PALL' w G CREEK, '-'•
eoptrfning about /WO Elti..',Dlit.D AND..POUR
ACIikLS: • •
AN., TWENTY -Potts. A RE :
"kIARTIN'" (one tract,),TIIIRTV ACRES:
"MAIO IN 'SO' ( another t rect. s THREE HUN
sada COAL-I'MM and LAND a' taetted !hetet%
on James river, opposite r Ichtnond. containing
upwards of POUR ACRES,
Roundest •and proposals may be addressed to
the undersigned. PostotElceßox 342,111chmond, '
Va.. until ttie 20th day,of Uetuber. A, D. 1069.
tie recommended that the proposals be made
as specific as posstb e since the decree requires
then/ to be r,
p o i
d to the Court for Its approval
Or dlarppr .val at the next. term, c ommencli g on
ihe 20th day of October. 16162.
Special Commissioßns re.
TOEUGHS ORCHEISTIZA. contiallhor or .33 in
struments, will ore de •-' 1 ~ • ' - .- -
, ~
I . , ri nal' GRAND COucERT,
Assisted by tes4grae rtpal
itabElif. the cele-
Pianist frote.theCouseivatorY of wadi: '
Also, by Pro:. Wirlialkl..pqa, a: dui "tote
Tiftrasltir-Eironi4 JULY 8/14-
Prices of ad • ",T
Sim% qpiiry. GO efrace:-
Beats may ~be stvered u the mask. stcwe of G. IP.
chargTeem,- No, acr terentb tieure without extra.
e. ' • ' '
liirgt rimi 0 w Multi AND—
PAUL.* Sgri*FE4r4p. , 1 • '
" i .
t'ileg Gzeat` Ftildest*
PIP/1/ AVE Ntlis: .be—tare_er- th itad ".. d and
;Wood streets., oppostte 914 •rheatk' 1.1
. altrOPen Day add Vreelitg. altlthe yeargottal
Adtuladoa,. Worlds: C ulhircal Xs *eats. • '
runru. ATT.O7-1---(41.1.
- No. Oa 71fitt avenue.) oppoalte the Open"
BO Q 6 e:v Pn esburgit;llLt-leitle-‘9o,A4t'azur most
desirable place of reap e +'; .cteuorg.ctur ti.• had
Llts•clace Pure veld Goad, The liniard'h:hogis . .
are cal the VOU ad aboi la eae ar. - •
TO Tag
• IC Ilirireitc
Deavrizs GIMPTEm: VP' PIC'
4, Niym, Drumm, or tnihntr; geed 'Called'
the hem:AUDI groorolt *domed otb•tple pa w
El the
Road. at Sansticht:Tne gg adi areoan--
c urpassed ' ler beatitY rincin'e od d large plat-.
form, MI fliwith Illoortulkgrid good Drier,'
on the ground,. .Ths , .t ot.order at .all times
preserr, 4: Arrangem,. to can be made at all-: .
II *ldol:be mgaroad,toe MAndportatlon-F0
portleulan be
, . -• i
. : kailiccor . •
.4e 23:k93 ' CONT/EEEMTAI, HOTEL,
BUTAbIE_ . -------R ItES--ORTSi • .
T b. is Litinitte •Sztatoftr Resort,.
Situated on the. Summit of She- ALLEGHENY- -= •
Alka.T.A.l.N.ti. .94.2:00; P. 4IeI IODE Teti{ ~
LE vEL OP 3IBIE ,-EA. *ill ' si;le-opn for the re- . •
( )Potion of tracers on -t he i lttiiitay of JUN.
The buildlans-counictel hdhe establishment
hare been th.tirely reziorathd'atvi new/7 furnish-,
ed. Excursion Ti. kits i.old b.V'tbu Pentleritatan . •
Rallroso. su Phil.lciphila, Han:lBMM¢ and Pitts- -
burgh, good tor ths season. ,nall7trastua stop at-
i.rectson. T. 0 EUR.IkitaIf,KO_,E(YI.76,OES Fo*--
RENT. 'Pot Ittriber inaorntationi address ' . '
, .
GEO W. bitTLELIZii Proprietor, . -,-
ci eseon .-Ipsinp , CumbrMenticity. Pa.
CAp 0011 r, 'X
14 'illopen on the „Islth_ot.,/ _mew. a
hotel has been erectird );Ottbin. pie ;niseiear t'
Aerde ample aceorttioodagitin' for klearir omit thou.
and guests and IS itirni*ell.:e7,ll.ti! anY Orilla
/e&dlng hotels In the pitted 6 tee:,
. ..
For testes, Ae.,.totll, th•tn.. id•lree.;„-•
PET.Iso Gtiatolit#,/51"oirbitciri
. No. 3o; Walnut street' tritineeiriblis:,
le2dats-vrnr •••
trNITED S TATE'S alm a " •. -
• •
CAPE MAY cro-_/C4..
Trio be opened /or thesiossoti SAiIIRDAY.Iifay
29th. In all first elass artsolatmenta,-eqngl to.' .
any and yet &Hording to fettitil&s all tho• veiniest& .
of a la•ane. Presldent Aitant V eit to vhdt • •
ape El , ny this aeasotrautl vral otnp at ahe4•Elnited
litatee. Address, • •• •
.A...ibtOfit lifiriLear PO:torte:tor:
______........_ ........._____
,1% 'TOE OR PlidkairS, V013141' for
L the count - yof Aflegterty,tio, 79anue Term.
aSO) - .
. .
In the twitter of thearelMni oil). ii:_t ton; "
SONP:sq.,'t ranee Co sell real esti* of MUT n44P- -.
~ dee'd., , . -L. „ _
~,, . . , .
And new, to wit, Alike ; .11-, ineti; on motion •--! 2
of John Barton, AttorneY tor Geo. Rzeaes and
wife and other d larlentked„ the .Court ppoint'
Jed. S. , T,it IGICL XXI. Andl , or ,th, make dlstribm- -
Mu of the Blad In the hnd's 'Of tru9tre:s.
• 110HE' COURT. •
The Andltor,appolatedta thl.anowe easewlll .... ,
meet the parties tntereetnd in ahe eV& timid .at
his 0d1ee.N0.145 Yl lth'esionn....on s ÜBIIIIM.
Math dip of . JelYt ..K.' alial69, ah 361 4e10ck • r
the purnnne et, atttnitinzin th'elittlea
of /us amilutment, . - -., tYPEiteKtEtt,Attitttor.*
June MA, /889, . , ,- ...- 4 - 1623 1:1 1 • • .
T 1 II TUE- DIAVT,Ott.of ithi*tp24:. - • '
!..1 CA. / Blaf of the "'Congo/Wolf:Li "llttl4l 1/16111,- -::
ran 'e Co mPallY" Mgr ege'hArieratla hotpot/4ton, :
h 141, nem Trak -- ...r. -
Noticels hereby ken that, pm . cOnaidltlated
Mutual Insurance' 'onspan‘• or rit15011.,27.A" hiOtt- ' •
made application to the aourt - , of , C.....,ain0a Plea& - _.
. . . :
cgAitTER 04. 14c0EPQX±IIIION' , •
And that the same- r. (It be grantill. at the bent'. -
term of mut. attlesrmintelent :c shOold be.
shown to the conmetry...2. .. , ? bon .. i.,
XEC tr V %WO v. SOZIADR...---
kWhereas. letters tuotagentaryon•abe estate
or Br AN •Totra, crecea.u...4.lose *Lin^.
(Ilan& townshi, Aliernieny conatM Fes.,bannit-
been granted to Itio o nsiOrsignect by ftbo-megister--..
of sal cuni A,ail,Derbquabowtarints natallutt,
end etq arCC 7eqbettiAlo nre at, then) dFir . .'
authenticated Jar aittionant,:inti oSeinnebtow
to sa,id fatstes win motaysztm;nipreivar
• riiki,r
' ' - 1 :' •-- -. -5 Krecatbr:' :-•
e 2
! vonee, e • es leg:.
latnentaretiAkettitttiiiii:l a wall ,
wear borottab.agattlaita boas, • ace'
Kara bathe granted sp
„lee. au per - '
indebted to *be Bala, ' • regngsted to ' ai l : i "
husedlue *bate ' . hatltt 01114 ori.
demands agattussahe asease ,dstaat''
Irill„make anima frias r-M ont a hlatr ---.
Eft' • . Efteaftit u . 4
Pittebarih. Alin' cialirb,2k'. 1441aLZ-rwa.:ltrAlPlttlill/41.6411rt.;
IsAtEgii. ' N4,,,:ctr.1" r-
..104:10:0 ,
0 FINE:. VAS.EiS .'
AI Houvatek, OP, kumv.a:
N Ew sTyt DiNsibit t,
~ B x,
T -
giliT k
qmoll f rri a BETS. - ' ' ' Gl ? *
A him, stoc k of
gISIIVER . P tinDor66ol43l L1 .,4
du ri
ak '
A- ' :. ' P '',.. •1 , 7
cell and .tAamaJne Oat wag; ,ee we
Heel eauened no ono:Mend
.irTS? le Ignited.
c 4 R. E. tfflim,* co.
• ..--,.,.____,. •
la ir . -tr,`ooEiti* iteitukii.
Lassrte .. . ........ bl ..... 14".. (14? or IN Ff. M ii. Rao'
• e•Vaban . . ...... . . AI X
r. MI AS. ira EZ, .•
ONE WEEK /108 Z.• - -
aVugt6llllllelleillg Mayday, Erentg; laty . 6 th,
sR inue every night during tte week
atteND-PEytil'Oßlfk-VCEI ON. THE
Gth-atternoon at 23c
„o'clock. evening at 6
ircioi.k. •
. .
Second an a post tfiely I iat hveek ot• the g i gantic '
1111preE &I' Bent diet% Yinktels,
burlelnt - readyig On Ibis occasion the great stneatlon
sque, ''•• ,- 1 .•- ) - • . .
BOSTON PkA•f'i: ,1 f/ AIL PE..
find two ni•-vr excrwrdinaty prorrnictrues Ire qu a
famous Estornoih ?rt. ttp c oft 120 KTHIOPIO.N
A RTISTb. led by the gleat LE IV , ii ED• QT.
• Twehto-fire cent ciccial Mat. S aturday,af- •
ternoon. at 24 o'clock:, ~ . . . •
Grand tsreweil WilcatiirdaY night. July 10th.
previous to the tioupe"s• ueparture for Chleacis •
and Pnllade.lohus. •- - •• , r , " lll5 Aa3
'Gr.-GRAN - IVC4 . ,
\ -
- ‘ -.- ~ ' •