111 1 1 1 0 .SONG OF Ducks. • - LI 11 , 4Am11., One little black duck.. ne little grag. Oneints whiteducks unning ot play; white ladgdtick. moth'ertv ad s rim. Eight little baby du • tootad fir a swim! • One little white du holdlng'up Its Wings, • One Mt lebobbloir net making water rings, One little - black du turning round its head, One big black duck—guess he's gohe to bed. One little white duck running Arom the water, One v fat deck - pretty iittie daughter! One very_oave duct swimming off alone, One Milli white (flack stand,s g on a - stone. One little white duck walking by its mother; Look, among the wster.reeds, maybe there's an- Not another anywhere r Furely you are blind. Push away the grass, dear; ducks are hard to And. 'Bright little broth eyes! o'er the Wcture Anger: Point me all the ducks out, chubby little Auger! Make the pint •re musical. merrt. Attie shout! Now.where's that 01 her duck - What !she about? I think the other ducklltabeniceit ituik of all; He hasn't an i feathers, and Its mouth is sweet Besad ama• . 'rims with . light step, and lumps upon mg knee, - , And though hetainot kwint, he is fiery dear tome. One little lady4tick , motherly and trim; Eight little baby ducks bound Pr a swim; One lazy black Mick taking Ivan a na p;., 011 precious duck. bete on m amma's lap! EPREIIERM : • , Marl Derby Is giving out., i . —Dublin has $, huge aquarium. —Small-pox 113,0ideific in Albany. The Georgian.rieeciipis tremendous. =—The rttecirig Owes ice fast filling up. — Coffee Is wiugOiOrida la going to Bryanr?..,inin4rwa are; in Mad- Witchcraft is making a sensation in Kezifucki% Austrian orderlies are to be provided with bicycles. - • • —;TheCzar objects to having a sorosi? in St. Petersinirg. • —Henry . Raymond's , fhrally is abont to sail for Europe. • 'Schneider is Jr' London making .. money hand Over fist ; —Cambridge; Kass., in going to try co operative housekeeping. ; liquor shoits'are to be licensed in Provideace, B. 1., this year'' • —9ne Tel Orlesins beer saloon has a German princess for -waiteress. 7- 1 r4 . 43 Pacific Railway proposes to sell , exerirsion tickets round the world. • - , —Operkßoufft3 is thought to,have been run into:theiround in Neiv ,York. —ln Dubuque the Sininitnuismniers have indicted the street-cars air nnisuces. 4.1 n Il4try,, they make large gun titles; of beet-vnot sugar out -of pumpkins. Jacob petaiume, of Kansas City, '. 3Thieneri,,;riil be 122 . yearsiold next .Taa uarVThe • ' - Philadelphia Laker places ' St. Louis - ander the jurisdiction of Kentucky ;—lt is salaithat the.. New York Sun is so bricht kbat many , pepple can't bear to inek at it. r , • —lt la norfr said that a Japanese trans lation little Bible.hue • never yet, been pablishie Sir Mellfiel Costa hasbeen commie- eloped to supply Prussia -with a new tut ' tional hymn.; / -;-.3fore di* one-half of the Nbia - Be°. thou are said to be in favor of annexation to the United States. • The Gapiner and,Kenyon menagerie, • with James Radtwon's circus, havegotten as far , north :is Detroit. , • —Wachtel, the tenor, has beenpunbling Omburg, where he lost $26,000 and then tried to kill hitmelf. -'-If the New York World aims to be disputing it succeeded perfectly in its re cent article on Gen.' Sickles. • —There is one 'baby In this county who Is only eight weeks old, and has made the tripiumnis the continent already. / •••'A ta tistician announces - that'Amerl- Ca uses up 840,251 kegs of gunpowder in getting through the 4th of July. -=-.Theiginsaltuppers on the dark Isnd triltxlif smut(' are chewing an the tobacco ra the ends, and they spit tremendeualY. =Tie Germans of Cincinnati celebra ted the Fourth ofJuly on Sunday.; In Cleveland and St. Paul they did the tame., --Tratns.a a now; run direct from Bail adelphia to Ikng Bnusch without Change of sate, eta the CaoldenarldArabOY read • Ne.w Yorknumearing-worms are on a strike, wont 'ppm on the trees unless the' tneihdi sparroays fiiri). charged. P r Pi'oaco to gather the inineenac Daum et' =trine vegetation floating west of the Azores; and nee it u a fertilizer —Liszt gave neoncert for the s t peii e gi of the Pope, recently, and the Holy Pace s treasury Flo thirty- tho*ad,friAcs the stnnigei to oonsequeumi -4. A travelling Southerner lately offered to iFeserit to the Anierican Club at Bres. Jana bast of r ievriesident, Johnson, but ... the club unanimously voted to decline thigut --A lady shut up in a earrings on an • , 4404 sil ly bad bp fight fire with millions and 'mats for a /ong distance be fore the :Us* !etched , . * station and she ; .... .. --Hens and Besaier's pulpit 15 dI3G , Orltedr Snada riirith t41 . ) . ' "", ' , Met °MIMI% ' This *meant cost* , gtgg,a 7 7 4,';" sedate pastor 00 )/elderl , a ert 4 rop , Oitinflit. - Iteir *ariii"and thre e 4:- algt*lett the Pikkef N lki bAllllPidtlaSt is A* bek With 680,- 'I Thist 4 c5 1 g rOli ' 4telrOaii a feyelia m t at *AUL 94A., ''' nineteen bp,ka and tiVe' brig. are 11 0 10 - ' ' *NI . PetTleatit at that Vat. ' ' r-: e seme4in of DeS*oines, lowa, w ere " b3 breadt Up , 'Nada* AnT) rilM ri iritAl 3 orelay at araili width was being ullea. as $.. Laos,*/04, la b eg.s 4 aagat ,I Y 4 ' w ergab4 4 * *Mk ME ME mortally wounding , two men, and inj r nr- Inge / number of others d, The lateet and . moat delicieue bit'of mtelligence for the votaries ot fashion is Um t Eugenie, tltt:Emprdss, ie comb* on at trip to America MU summer. If the Goddess of Fashion herself werelo...set hei eltqpuitly shod foot aporkindependent Atnerica's shores ehe could htuidly create as thorough 'a sensation. , ---- Surrtrigyimes at. Maas*. ...Reports from Mass!lon say: A couple of fellows have, for two or threeeeks i i;), Put, been troubling Personis living the upper part of the city by walking and their houses, looking into window and rattling blinds. At a Mr. Pewit. house especially;' they have been ,trouble me, having for several evenings past ' egu liirly visited it, just as the family; ere retiring. At first llttle attention wall paid, to these visits, but they beca me fre quent and regular that the Matter w serloMs, and measures had to be en to either catch the rascals or at least , ivy theni off thepremises. Last night: t ten o'cleck they again made their a ppearanc e at window of the bedroom occupi by Min. Church—t - Widowed sistef-o Mr. Pease, and 'Mrs. Mob, whose husband died a month or two ago. The occupants of the.room had not retired but were sit ting with Mr. Pease awaiting the 'ap proach of their visitors.: .Just at ten o'clock the blinds of an outside shutter were seen to move, when Mr. Pease quickly seized a abet gun, and intending to frighten this fellow by a random shot, fired. A man fell sideways to the grow killed instantly by innumerable . shot, nd, which pierced his forehead. His com panion escaped unknown. The cry_ for "help," taken in connection with the loud report of the gun, soon brought to gether a large namber of neighbors, and for a time great excitement prevailed. The effect of his chance, Shot caused Mr. Pease to become almost frantic. 'He at once surrendered himself to the proper officers, but was immediately released on merely nominal bail. The,name of the man so disgracefully , killed in the very act of preparing a win dow through which to look upon retiring 1 females, is John Fisher. He was one of the German moulders who worked at Russell's, only twenty-four o r five years old, and:but married. - Considering the annoyance ' .and fright - occasioned by the many nightly visits, the, affair is by every; ne 'looked upon is pgafectly Judi ), Blade, tit' el - certainly lamentable. .., Just as e jury were rendering their verdictin e above case, news came that Dr. Peri Pease, a young gentleman of much promise, a son of Anson Pease, Esq., a prominent lswyer of this city, had been accidentally shot by the dis charge of a pistol, in the - hands of Mr. J.- D. Lockwood, the ball entering his back low down and near the Spine,:caus ing a dangerous wound. The course of the ball cannot be correctly ascened. p T Great anxiety and little or no ho igen tertained for his recovery. His lo eVill be severely felt by his father's fani; y and wherever he is known. ,- • ' , , . Tnia have a club . Bt. LotO called the Twk ntieth Centur y Club. he cor respondent of „the New York imes has tliscovere&it, and writes of i , - saying: "It owes its 'appellation tort' Schurz, who .? when the organization was formed, ay / and if wan proposed by a member tall it the 'Nineteenth Century;Club," objected thereto as'a cycle behiridthe times, and proposed the 'Twentieth , Centuri--a stroke of wit that was at onctit'and unani mously adopted, amid Homeric Laughter an& applause. I have spoken of\, the 'Twentieth Century' as a club; ,yet Nit woula perhaps be improper to dubit with` a term that Implies so much of organiza tion; for this is a club saris laws „Ur by laws,,irules or regulations; it is simply_a knot of gentlemen who meet once% a week (commonly of a Saturday evening) and dine togeth.x; yet at these 'nodes are often decided, and that any formal dis cussion or ttnderstanding, the weightiest matters of politics, and somehow or other its members de manage to get themielves inte very prominent places and if they unite in any special wish, there seems to be every likelihood that they can- make that wish a...reality. Perhaps the dear curious public would like, to have -the names of the members of this build; but ,kdonot propose to send'aiong the-roll just at present." r Tim Suez . Canal,,,near Port said; is not as yet dug out to its full depth all the way, but dredging is going on 'energetically. All the dredging machines, of which there are „about - Oa° thousand, are worked by stanun„ — Gigautic pumps raise the sand from-the dredges -and eject, after draining thewater out'of it, over the sides of the canal, at the same time forming enormous tanks..- All the labor employed on the ,works ia European, but the laborers are only employed in directing the nteam ens steam being used in almost every 'particular. About four hundred tons of coal a day are consumed on the works. .The contractors' are quite confident that the canal will be Opened on the Ist of Oc-. toter.: The Empress of the French has been invited to pass thrOugh it on the 7th of October. There is no room for doubt that it will be kept_ open, as there is not the slightest engineering difficulty in do- Jugao 'and although it may, perhaps, be expensiveen task, the traffic will prob ably more that ' reimburse the Outlay. The canal has coat nearly fourteen milt., 114 POunds, otwbich four millions haVe been recovered by the sale of hind in the neighborhood of thet„fresh-water canal, and fertilized LA. SUIT at present going on in a New York .Court has developed the fact that street car conductors there are compelled to deooelt $lOO in order to secure a Atm. tion;ln which they labor fourteen hours a dakfor thilum of;two dollars, are sub., Ject , to curve lleuuu as inspected .thieves while at work, ud" if discharged are lett without charactum _and theft reported iNadatfOng Are deducted from the depos. - 'The New Yolk 2Ymes comments on this that Kt le dlmcuit to 'say which is the keist'eentemptibie—th e directors who . employ, or the co doctors who labor ttn der-`such' degrading colimuuue, With 'the $lOO thuP &Posited, a conductor of any energy and spirit could go to, the West" buy, and star*, cud work WM 4 Arm and ,bwindependent. , hlnsitm. STuzEe and Senter k the rival candidates for Governor of Tennesse., are stamping In - Concert. la a recent speech the former said that he:would give I,thti < latter ten - dollars it he . would state 1 whether or not he MA Mt the 'Mem ° &publicus Allstfonm ' ' ?agri' Stutter an. meted tkat 110-411 4 , 'aild i rtthe fen ' dot: lsrilik' fasslotOv, Xt . idkei; 64 .44 t!abak , 44 0 . 1 00*-Hall lima* • r • r • PITTSEUI(4I GAZETTE: BRIEF_ TELEGRAMS. ~ - ...Another Spanish gunboat was launch ed - at NeW York on Saturday. —00" nnty'hiarshal - MoFaul was cow hided in St.' lan's on Saturday by a wo , —Report* are in circulation that Judd & Brackett, detenalve millers it Minne apolis, Minn., have failed.' —Mite Fisher has caused the arrest, at New York city, of an actor named Wm. Stanton - to answer a charge °islander in calling her a thief. ; • -:-Thos.• Ball's equestrian statue of Washington was unwilled on Saturday in the public garden at:Boston. Several thonaand spectaton were present.. —The report that the Assistant Treas urer of New York has been instructed to buy th ree_ millions more of, govern. !pent bonds this week is preinatare, if tot unfounded. —The Board of Manager° of Milita Asylums nave elected Col. Nathan Cu ler of Augusta, Maine, General d ' Snee • tendent of all Asylums. and Col. E. Lu d wit& Governor of the Maine!Asylu • —One blundred and tbrty-two thousan two hundred and twenty-seven emigran have landed at New York since ',Januar let, an increase of 80,000 over the oorr ponding period last year. I, —Since the 23d of June twenty-two persona have been sentenced to the Pen itentiary by the Criminal Court at Mem; phis, The aggregate terms amount to over one hundred - years. All were ,iie grnes bat two: —The dratn fish hu made a destruct ive raid on the oyster beds between Sta ten Island and Keyport. The damage from the destruction of oysters and other shell fish is estimated at one huhdred thousand dollars. —The locomotive of an • express train on the St. Paul and St. Peter Railroad, near Mankato, Minnesota, on Saturday sunk with the track to a depth of six feet, completely burying the • "driving wheels in the mud. • —The coinage at the branch mint in San Francisco,.for June. was one million three hundred forty thousand in gold and eight thousand in silver. Total for the year ending Jane 30th, nineteen mil lions and sixteen 'thousand. —Officer Campbell, while making an arrest on Greenwich 'street, New York, last Saturday .night, was set upon by Richard Long and others, and in self de fence shot Long, who died shortly after wards while being carried to the hospital. —On Saturday the five trustees fbr building the Cincinnati Southern Rail way appeared in Court, at Chicago, and presenting bondsmen, took an oath to faithfully perform their duties. Each trustee was required to give bond in 5100,000 and four sureties. —The Itarkentine Western Belle,which sailed from Humboit for San Francisco in January, 1868, was never heard from until recently, when' a portion of her hull, with the name painted on it, was discovered on, the northern coast of Cali fornia, near Cape Perhotim. _ —Tha Anniversary of American Inde pendence was celebrated on Saturday at Fort-Da-Luc, Wis. Hon. Matt. H. Car penter was the orator. Also at Kalama zoo, MU.. where the oration ,was deliv ered by Col. T. R. Palmervef'Madition, Indiana. In each instance : there was an immense attendance and agood time ken —Captain. Thompson' and Prof. Brooks made an ascension at Memphis, on -Sat urday, in a balloon, to which is attached *a mechanical contrivance for descending or ascending without discharging ballast or gas. The balloonist* on amount of the appearance of 41 storm, descended at Masons at sunset. The propelling appa ratus worked like - a ciiarin. • —The north G erman h a rk Chri stie, forty-four days from Bremen, With two hundred and eighty-seven einigrant pas sengers, arrived at New York quarantine yesterday with a number of cases of small pox on board.' Two deaths occur.. red on the passage and fourteen-of the Passengers had to be sent to the small poit'hospitai at Blackwell's Island. N.. —The.Cuban prisoners at the on Satu yn Brookl Navy Yarakwero all released r day, upon 'signing bonds to keep the peace and appear, When called upon, for trial, Dr. Bassoraand Senor Alfero are at the tombs in'company with Gen. • Goicura. Nothing hatilieen heard from . Col. Ryan yet, the revenue cutter that went in search of- him ncithaving re turned from Gardiner's Islands.N —A special ,to the Chicago 2''rffrune from Desmoines, lowa., says that at • Prairie City, on Saturday morrdne, while honoring the anniversary of our National independence, an anvil, which they were using as a substitute for a cannon, ex, ploded, killing two persons outright and fatally wounding two others., Several other persona were more or less 'attired and a team of horses were also killed. —The - Detroit' Post publishes , a letter from Mrs. Powell, wife of Major Powell... commander of the expedition reported by J ohn A. Risdon to be lost. Mrs. P. has been With the party for the last two years; and has recently left. She states that no such man as Risdon belongi3cl to it, and that the names given by, him are all fictitious. The disaster is reported to hive occurred on, the eighteenth of May. Mrs. Powell has received a letter from Loir lituthand under date of May 22d. • —The Massachusetts State constables ' are attempting to enforce the new pro. law, throu,ghout the State. T r oub le rl is still feared in some of the larger, places. The penalties under the law are heavy. vlz: Single sale, ten dollars and from twenty to thlrty, days' imprisonment; for second! , violation, twenty dollars and (rem thirty to; ixty days imprisonment, and for anysubse quant violation, fifty ,dollars and from three to six months' imprisonment, and an extra month In each case whew the fine is not paid., The keeping, with the the inteat to mil, lazuli:dished-by , ten dol.. hire finetind twenty demi' iMprIeoIIMOIII. The seller is liable for all damages done by the buyer and drinker, while drunk,' and, any permit arrested' for eau escape,- preseaotioa by appear ing As 5 witness against: the eisa ;from whom he purchased the !NUMThese 511 1' only among:a few of the most :important Lir:Melons, - r; ;•,{ A. coral:nun of prominent Mends of sdlictailon In OhliNnppointed for the pur pose; Jriney engniten Ist,pitiparba li Ill+ (Orin Mine Of study for the eeheo g an ..teellegee of the State. ''..; They .IMyq,conr• = pieta* course of ettidy,Xor the Primary, intermediate and high ;schools, also one foreolleges. The course.:is calculated to, be harmonious': throughout, regulating the matter so that graduates Of: the high schools may enter the class in college. A report of the 'pi will be modest 0 / 01 :elstid, Con the , It f July.; Frahm? . ' A Plusrmo telegraph : machine has been recently invented in ' , Troy, New York, which any one of treerme capacity may learn to operate fait few minutes. The receiving Instrument ie Ott iti motion'and entirely controlled bY the sender, recor d:' lilt the ew* sari 4 putt type t upn stripa o f risiterim w e ll glitrinilLwasence pranilwritosivotioi** 48 41 he Item' k_- r ;' • ' _ ": ' . „ ..4,:. 4 .•.:•;:0 7 q-,':..-!'f.ii'-'2ll:' WEDI4ESDA June, 7 , HO. - WELDON & HEWN; 4 MlUltlACtuen MI Wholesale beai!srs lit - Lamp, ianterns, Chamleliera, AND LAMP COODS; Al" CARBON MID LIIBEWATUR3 011.3. 33EN2aprzi s dice No. 147 Wood Street. ee9:nl2 Between lith.ead 6th Aveneea FRUIT CAN TOPS opts s, good boasekeePer wju , °th er „ it& 0.00 seabld.it• mb2s ALTER PIPES, aszimaNzir TOPS A Large assortment, apittol7 Yd Avenee.mmr Smithfield St. CARPETS, OLIVER 11114,NTOCK & CO. RAYE JUST MEMO A FINE SELECTION OF BlitrsELi- TAPESTRY BRUSSELS THREE PLY AND INGRAIN CAR=PETS. THE LAMER ASSOBTMT OP WHITE, CHECK & FANCY MATT/WOl3, FOR SUMMER WEAR, IN TEM CITY. STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS IE!El OLIVER IffeCIZTOCH & CO'S. 23 MTH AV.E.NIIIC NEW CARPETS irLiaae,, 1809. InWthise ar clt r c lr f or is ulgr T an rtment unparalleled VELVETS BRUSSELS THREE-PLYS The Very;Newest Designs, , • Of our owtOreerntUmportatlon and selectedfrom eastern manufacturtre. MEDIUM AND LOW PRICED INGRAINS, VERY 13trPRRIOR QUALITY AND COLORS. An Extri Quality of Rag Carpe We are no. telling many of the above it GREATLY REDUCED PRICES., \N it'CALLUiI BROS., a... 51 .17FTT - Jen 'NEW C A lIPE N T FINE CARPETS. CHEAP CARPETS oil. CLOTHS, `WINDOW SHAD.EEL maratton.ags.' • 4 BOVAIR ROSE t CO., .21 PPM AVENUE. O. rt4vEs, voinarst; Boon; fittliES AND imam - 7ltted odiiiiditdotic• sad the - Amid idsrumed AL.l4.zstmaw a.' Coco. Vitus ,or au viiiet . , w e al sea,ge ne , d 81t Tan eet:n ed u PrsaaY xaaai cloth.. 34 " tun. Buff Grass Diab sad AU. • Tic i LLANbtIIADES.: 1 . 1 4 122 44 1 0'-o l ii muitittions, WOW, Mtn Of 0040e' Inside altOlab lhow Phis, 80. iI'APARLAND* 4 1 .14 1 P. • 10. Itkaid Vaiirra*Vzitel ;,„14111 111101103 MINAS 11111 Leap ss mums from upoa HENRY H. COLLINS, Ands full line of NOTiONSAIR EVERY DESCRIPTION AT • a Wholesale ar.K.l. Retail.. Stook always complete and lair prices.-Whole. sale Agents for MIERSEROLE t LIMB* M supe rior make of PA PER oor..wars. Tiede sup plied. at Paetory Prices. - , Merchants can save time and money by "sort. Ins up" from ear stock. ' JOSEPH . lIORNE 340.101 /4 'CARLISLE'S Dress Trimmings and Dutton& Embroideries and Lam. Ribbons and glowers. Hats and Bonnets. Glove littini and Breach Corsets. New Styles Bradley's Skirts. Parasols—all the new styles. Bun' and Rain Unibrellas.; ; , • ' Hosiery—the best English makes. Agents for "Harris' Seamless Kids." • Bering and Bummer underwear, Bole Agents for the . Bemis Patent Shape Col. 1481.1 te, " M e tralgitt "Ir, 1 111 .13e x " t,7",lfest d El o t er " styles. 'MANUFACTURERS' PRICES. ItCAORTIM k CARLISLE FIPTH AVENUE. IIIy4 41 VEX VE, WIDIDOW SHADES, New and Diu dome Designs,' lOW OPENINO>AT No. 107 Market Btr • Isv mum imprwevzianc.) wreeteg a lase and, estettnitztteleetee iitoek e anted deafens froze the MLR ULM'. leD GOLD to the OfIitAPTAT ARTICLE time to the tiedty - All of which we ofhts et prices that will pa 7 tivisig to.exaable. . 1 - Jos. B. livens & WALL;PAPS TER OLD rmsinu 111 A DRY PLial BLIRSINALvB NEW WALL Ewa BTORE; OPTUNG 1500D8 I)sk,t;.: .-, *,_. i . - -,,iip; .. ;,..-10$.y:::.;-: - :..inout rzionLicem'shrmatueoloasoono, , owa to FRENCH FAMILY FLOUR: Thu Pig Arvin as yes am satvbeii • we a ure Auxiikvis MAss, MU, 11311 MID, iP/Mtpl tiaa I`l4l ' - Pith MUM 1 NEW AND DESIRABLE GOODS Silk Pang, Lint% and _Palm L eaf Pane, New'Japanese 'Pans. SILIEMARAms, an the New Mem WHITE ml LineGOODS, A Beauti. 8131EXER BOTtETARD SHIRTS o At Reduced Pnees; . New Puffed Collars and - Cuffs, In Paper and Linen. K . COMETS, a Complete Stock. GENTS' SUMMER UNDERWEAR, ,Ia Merino, Ganze and Cotton. ' WHITE air SITED MUSLIN MILT Oor i4ock of COTTON. HOSIEiRY Dotes Co EMBRothancen raPetition. ad% HAND,HERCHLEFIS. ACRum N GbYDE & CO, w 80 Market Strek. SITNIBUFJ3 TRADE ! WHITE GOODS, STOCKINGS AND GLOVES, tl) Hats, Bonnet 3 and Sandowns, HOOP SKIRTS, FANS, HAIR GOODS, Paper Goods, Linea Handkerchiefs, svarnuare varnmzeanaszirrs, PLAltir STAR SHIRTS, • PAIVer SHIMS, .NRCK fIES SHIRT PRONTeIi SUSPENDERS BIITTONth ,„ . • 7R.I.NGE€4, • ZXPHYR SHAWLS. LACES; 77 AND 78 XiIIKET STREET. HIV SPRING GOODS No. 27 Fifth Avenue, Dealers !applied with the above at NO. 27 WALL PM%M, WALL PAPE'S '' AND lotLamy • ith,e, • times messier - ...L i ar. 4 DAILY. zalst PL Wi t , F -lt'-"" i b+ ~ ka>L ~~ i4w. ~~.liL~i+hM + wii S~S".~.''.'_ 111 • . ut _ - +CZ 4 1, uzi r a d .1413 0 0 k jCb ' Aa r" 45 co pet p i -‘• .121 J. ZP* 112:3 1 2 1 CIA ... 62 E. 4 i• 4:* * • ta 0 ra tz . 0 4 I=l • 0 1 - .` E.; • r-4 E a. 411 1:1:1 E'l ot4 mai 6, 1 at NEW SPRING GOODS JUST OPEN-IMO, THE W= F. PRIMPS", 87, Itrark4 Street. Prints, Ruling,. Goods, ' BA, A SHAWLS. PULL LINE or SILK SII:\CQIIES, Tery Cheap. ST. MARKET 811LEET. ST. ap3 nABBOICOANDLESti& OUL— _.l.l.!_a_tlyilson. Cur & C o . ) WIEU'LmA" DVALEI3 IN - Foreign and Domestic Dry Geodsa 227 ; : y 46 4,11 . WOOD _ ,.., EITREET I mete. Dludoui &nu. • - wmunnse MAIM ORGA "DIM THE BEST DC EST PIANO AND Oliffe.N. • . • Fehomaeler's Gold Medal Plug - • AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. . The Ihn fo r teltlidLElPLUßVeonaltnes all the latest valuable Impurrements known In the eon 'traction of a ant class'lnstrument. and has al ways been awarded the hest. premium -ex hibited. Its tone Intuit. sonorous and aweet. The workmanship. for durability and beauty, • all others. Prices from 0.1%t0 NAO. to etyle and finish.) cheaper than all,cither ao ,c ailed first visas Plana. ESTIST'n COTTAfiE ORGAN ; • Stands at the head of all reed Instrummiti: producing themes: perfect pipe quality of tone of any similar Instrument is the United Staten. It is simple and compact In conetruction. and not liable to set out of order. OAEPHIN'TZWB PATENT "_VOX RITMANA TREMOLO' , only to. be found In _Vas:Organ: „-s. Price from OM to $5llO. All guoutcoasunisg . s... years. . • AMR, 'CRAKE &1117EMER • No. 1.2 ST. erL.A.III STN SET. 1 113POrders for tuning and renairlng will tiro mptiy attended to Ur C. F. Mathews. WINES. LIQUORS, &O. SCHMIDT &FRIDAY; 1111P08VERS OF wins,'. Btupgs, ._._..ilAfi.:.4Ei WHOLESALE BEAT R 5 nv PURE RYE WHISHES, 409 PENN STREET. Have Removed to NOS. 384 AND alm; Cor.lEleventh St., (formerly CacL) TosEpn. EL rialca & co, . car Nos. 1 59,191.193 and 193. ' nen mum. mvastpunt,' • meartrractvana Copper Distilled Pure' Rye • , Alio..dealeze is PORMEGN NUM QUO R 3 HOPB. and • rebAt.rds STONE. 'WM COZIER Olfif . . ' ... tae, ine Stone' Works; \ NoTthwest corner ofWest,Coinnaon. Allegbanir,. PaND% ATITATIMH, i IX). ' : . • , Hate on hand or prepare on state notice Hearth. and Step !Stone% Flap for 1 3 1dowalks, Br . 4nylele !larks. as. :Head and Tomb Stones. as. • - nmsrs srstssus immeated. , Pilaw riummehhi: - -----,- . DR. INTIUTur k i-- - gNntinuES. TO `TREAI r AiI. titivate disesteee„. lir** In ell w " ,.... its ibrate, ail jury,d l .ems...; and e effects of comp_eteit eradiated; Brenristorel -' - ; • nal weakncare tinpotency, - seertiting frets . , ' Itelt-abrum o maim, and which: produces Scale of the following erects. as idatellet• bodilr weakens, inelgestlon, consumption, aVersion to it,. moiety: unautallneas. dread. at. lnure events, lose of memory. Indigence, noeturealabilem - and'anall a y egoisi= i the geanai glum 04 0 , reader tardroll smo ' thereto* '' I Impplent, are po or cared. Per ms gle witi i ee or any o „they dmilt i fe_4# o l ! or erng caturtitpuomg 0 I Er WI n'" ,_. ;. PergeOler ettentkra Tea {e ge i 5,...,....., • ad Valets, "Lenge:rhea or marion •or , uteeratkat o__,Wie . om • Prerltie.,Atimmatyntraoas. St norrhonteari or. mesh.' r,ed wit h -,,......._ni Is ee • r eM= ll 47 .l "phmodo4 - . ' who otaidite r g • ~........lf exclatively to the mayor a motels edam or Menses and Meets thousand. of mete **l . year man *Oda Wester Skill la that speciany ~ _roan eas In general geme44o, • . ; ' The Doctor psbllaties a medical bantehlet of sz ' X5 /,,Palieli * Shal,„._ tom a fa ll expulsion of venereal w• - •••••••• want*, that can.be had free st.athee \ or ,by mall for two stews: is *sled env elopes. : mZwarnelitenee contains nuoroction to the at.. - wed ensbOws Owe to, determine, the'gre. nature o inium& - The (m ,es t, compstalng .- am roolluk la central.; men it is .not convenietenn ple t to 51515 the °MN .the Doctor% °motto can be ob. talliel hr view a written statement of the cue, • and es Wo tan torwertied by mall or ex- Press. In - wane*. hoWetet. a person* examination Is absolutely Tray, while In other* daily Demon attentio Titled,- end' ' • . tor the acoommodation I teach polies there are cgMzieotaconneoted with hom o re k wiew every requisiteatth'ls calcnl to e m ote recovery, Ineltidlng wedlosteet - , Au sweseritttloss quit prepared. In; he + , sorts ewsiat w ooretery, runlet e i...„....a .... lc hilts *we free, or V im 21 'i see two *XX me batter Who have • read what Mums& liolnelltaolg.tV4 . ) • nsdan_to_lig, nfr, tillmeoh le_ _ smog; OW irt Malmo MI SZ23 ' \