1, eirY ,iffl) SUBURBAN. A II 'rte Gars is furnished in the egi 114 aix Jaya 'Of the week for 15 anus per ; week tVail .444#17.elFCRIROI`r-avagrAM: No Pafer tiAtttiirOvi. oider Ahtit,tillalterstnilst cennepted the.h . 4 .la.inTin establiihment tabir properly observe the day set'apart to be bonored.l4 toe m lae. no , All the passenger reppel,c,ere.werß.- 11 : 1 ; aneradmgy'este — Maj.' e- A - The 'oil eZctitellieui *at 'TionSsts moat-416,..wifid as 1% , was in: 1563, , . in • Oil It is said that the tavern keepers have abandoned the idea of waging war against *Le Sabbath breakers. 'Who will-will be first Mayor of the tkinth Side city. is the absorbing question in thst lopality., . The Simday question will how die out.. :What neixt?,, , ,. Shall it be the Park project or the . Soldiers' Monument? _ Belngateplaced.—The Oil City and Patrolman! Bridge Company are abont to . 'takenp,the old floorpf, the river bridge. and give it a new one. 1." Steamboat Excurelbri.— st e same Jeave the foot of Market every hour On July ad, and ,6thfor the grand jubilee at IsicKee's s ntdrnE. , 71 Major _ft _ 1 b edm of natural cttriosities and pezior. Menasteriewill re• main open all day , . Parents can take their ehildren to no better or more instrttotive Fatal -Aticktent.=-Jbatiphosfßeeltert; a highly etneemed*; German: ettizetp-, of Pymatuning townshipi 'Mercer' tOarity, living about two miles east of Transfer , Station, was killed hastanSO. last glatur • rdly by thlyititaidWatalZ , Pßithiirite l o his gun • Alleged Bargla 't aught.= 'About three -o'clock tilatterday poridng - a man- gikingl hts reamers's George Perry, . was. caught by the tilegeß As-Altitlor APPt men wit e abseil:red endeacciring• to enter the house:net Geßll,o llll erktrOctr Main street. , • • For the twenty-first - time annobbce , that tial"tentral towikt 1 3 abl'a Cathedral will be taken' * (101117f inside of two month& It stands, to-day,*4 &huge monument,,4enior..ftlttelli tural atrtphilty; ' " 1 , ••• -• ~ Tee St;PauPs Cathedral. brass b and, of "forty piecee, appeared in new nnfibrms yesterday, presenting alvery fine aPpear ance., They. occupied the mueicgallery Af the Cathedral, yeeterday,, st. High ltdakii, but did not particiPate in the, dem : tration. , 5.4 w r 3 ,-• • Fratridide t —Rutuo Dime, binthera;lind tifelyrenintoed lit Ana Weafexinaff Ada' Ni7orks in, 8 Ilion', Pa., got lidos), quarrel 4 - Hubbard, Ohio, on Thursday last, , w4on Rufnw atabbqd David; inflfoldg - li wound whibh cansed his death ilia few hours. • • Boy Drowned.-kakbard itypp'clock Sat urday evenitig;.A.darn. 14roper, a boy of flight years; . was accidentally drowned in the A.ll4ghauyiivas s ifa.iha ". z , Thirty-fifth street, in the Fifteenth ward: His body was recovered atid taken to the house of his parents. The Coroner will hold an iriquest td-daY. worth Dletriet, Teathere.--The ,SabooL Directerif orthe North - -District 'have elected the iallotiing 7 telteliere: Principal—J. M. Logan. . •• firaLumer- - -Mispps, Marianna smith,. R: D. CrWia.' - • . . Intertaisitate—Miss Mary ,C. Man. spe.aker4, , " • „ . Plimalg7A4AssaiElla , Erwin,. Emma J. West; lb• B,,,Rogers; • Pic-Nic 0.0„ F:.-the' second an ., nod pic•nie of Mechatdcst Lodge; No. 9 L O. O. F., will he held to-day. at Pdnyte'at Grove, Rasowfitation, Western Pennsyl valuta Railroad: •orhe arrangements 'are an the mri..ifAbiral_o3lo. and,'&larb vited Jobe present. A rare day's enjoy went may be ititioipged. Ex;riarains • will leave the, Allegheny Depot for the groye. " • • ". ledged.—J. Lemoyne- and J. M. Newman, the parties convicted of, rob- Mpg the ,Natlonal Bank at Clearfield, and-sentenced to, the Western Peniten tiary for four ye ars, were lodged; in, that I institution. John Nelson, implicated in the robbery, but who turned State's evi dence and ' , thus secured his iTrease, greeted - theieulprits.on their arrival. in the city • • ~ Cresson Spridgit.—The elegant hotel at this delightful place is now , open for th.e reception• of guests . , The cool, bracing air. of the mountains, pleaSant drives,. ' • and,spacious grbunds connected with the• house, are unritillpii for the .summer : season. ,BereisfOre She hotel hai been 'crowded, and we 'would advise those' desiring-11e excellencies tiffs "eeasun to ''make early.aPplicatioue ibe-accommoda• lions. The proprietor, Mr: 'George W. Mullin, etabessillusgmestaleelat home, and is untiring in bis efforts to please. Bee advertisement elsewhere. Accident at , Wotsts , Ran.—On' tilatnr. days afternoon the buss of. the, boiler at the Superior ,pait Mill WO been greased with benzine and , on Sunday. Morning, the 4th imp. 'Mr. Reonfirhile examining ' the boiler with a lighted lamp, the -Ass rising:from the benzine caused It taloa , plode;severely burning his hand,arm and face, also slightly burning several others who weis , rengsged there at' fife tittle. Mr; Rena-Wes removed to his . residebde t and timely , aid was rendered by Drii: E. N. -Riggs and M. H. Pronk,,who state that he I. in:a lair. Wtty for a speedy, A Well Known Citizen Gons.—m r . John McKeon, •preprietor of the livery stable at the corner, of • piathavenne and Grant etreet, .a gentleman 'well known and respected for' bis.^many adfaliabli qualities:othead and heart, lied after. ft lingering. illness. at -his residence, Grant street. - Yeaterday morning. He was for more than twenty . years, a memi ber of Ow Board" of "Menagela *et "St.r Pant'sOrphanAsylumf and. served Merl, ,/ eral consecutive testa), quk ',a .Director •of f - the o ld Th i rd Ward i putillb, scho o ls. • HIS Amtrak announced for , tamer:ow ,morning at niap.o'o4:,;.". ' . . _ Important Anest. - lit. Campbell, of the police, while on dray in' the First Ward, Saturd ." heard the cry of "watch" from a woman, and proceeding to, the.spot arresttzl,ene . -..d PrcitN " --- ":- '------ '' ' I" ° :i 4 lie room at the time: - o` .. tv --- li - en and as sporrart . Vetsistetifill i f lila t rit --- ,0- 2- "'"`arirr of tlie best features of the C'e•ope . id three then; lynoili apiwared„ had be 4+r,. 'filierilits Sale.—The entire stock, `Pr attempting to force an entrance te a house the rest of us of us , wlshed to sevist bim /mutation of all the fividellrt t;heiiiiiia. t' , _ Mitre Life Itieuraecti Company la that it. /loots, Shoes; Carpets, Cutlery, Dry i n the ne i g hb or hood, The,plitioner.ene that ho wanted mother to atlettli -, "fdliitid'i - a liOjildoCandiess said the counsel for the petiii_rtoigstricittort .On any l aw f u l on napa. ids , Fu rniture!, , , ,,,s. and " --- 7atlditt id s, ,to at di fs 1. takert t*Afte'ttiMlie,,,wheintt,llo litlYe,hisk , t The sliteess Was POstkezain ( ned. at t Commonwealth were willing) to be Ifiali' 'tioti,trid reanires no special ..perrnite,to 9 _. ti wei ~, Immo as T o b il l on esibutlcaptj•Reed l'er..," Altnittli, 'but noltdrierettir elicited> v 4 ', ,' )f' fltOtt tO time, bat did, riot„wisti to augiging, travel. If you chang'e' f eet ' busineigs or otignized,,in :the ,mtttt _before,' hitri'iletiel I,' Area pfloiverirt;:aworn , -Was , spresent -this. , , L _ mo ve too far ,liorttt or- South, East or o, lua lf 4 1 . -1 4 1 7. ,, rc ,..._, , ,..i.. ' 4 anu b 7 E I ° 4 AVVElttei :will .be AO • y I"‘t'' A. M t k. 7.1 141" C° : 1 8i143 1.4 ;410 14 W4 41 144% . Y •17 0/ " . 11 ' :- 1 3 111 , ether ttutti 'the natal:lrani Tack Youllgt , - Whin' t e tiouf[wWw* PrePardtli f 111 Ware ; After; a,4 short , consultation,-Mr. Mo.- West;tother Compatilerforfeit your insu-, • •-, ~. n B .! tjtS'44"--' Fite; forlybont.thelidiee clays' been leeiting • lde We sadireusen,,andtben nut Jurikin minnow:Vied. that the counsel bad, , rence. , # l ,,': ,' ' ', ' - " "'' ' . , - 114. •' 11 - " +; " -4,L;: . for.igome Agiih...44 consequeW .0t• Me alrr tutu h Isisessel_., - brltitt het.= tlhe then ,agreed a non an arrangement, by which , , .-----.... e .-„_-__. ~,, .., Tae f . .4 . 114 - to a * yriii . ~A , lived,WOWOUNirithibielgproulveurder: Ite.tettatutt,of it tmghti little: i:lithy. I saw , the District Attornw. would open these, ,_ . rir.crw 'Apo for SulishiSi b Gooda. Bates Ina° Peatiti' t .. /4,=,,u._ti . lielttlt..ht 111, In WashisPutuellitY. , " ;4 1 1, 1 ' • : .;,; Wither tasting it. She ibesiput the lid on, itairierition behalf of , the Consmenwealth,dt Bell. ~v f .„ , ---.: I 0 , , ~ , 4 . kc kf r * tliadorgh ,45 _PL , ---,Rel9 1111,001 r ..3,tf,dj,,:4 ,J. ~, r :.1...CE - t . ..:!.. , * f f' 44 ' ~•,',,- i Vfg iiif ty 1 4 1- * ti C\ f iP. f fA• ~ .e v 4 iS4 V+ ~, Ci ''''. `O, f... .14 ,' 1 ' - V...'t 4• . '" '.. ''.' P- ' .. P 4 ' ''''-'' ' ''' : ``.., • l Sil ~ os. <- . o'ir ' ' ' Ii 1 ~ , . 4 4 4 . ' • • , ' " • . ..4, ~.. ":"• • /i. \ , ,„ ,,, , T 4 4• 44 ~x , i, , e . . . • ..:;:3A4 ,4. ,' . - ' +' ' ' ' 4,-. '' ' .4 4 4i.:,...,.. :4 .' - ' ' ' It". :4. ' ;''''' 4.,•,.l4:r •," ..:),-;:i‘ .:•'.'''' '''''''''''.' ...;64"/...1",-„=:,,',.;,,...„1.4,,,, - .;,:, 'el\ ~'" .2....r.41- ,, 4 4...,, .. r ..r , , +. , ~ ~ „.:. , ____ , „„ , „,, , „. , „L 4 ,, ,t , u , ,i . ~t y „ ,1 /1 ,,,1 .." A .: t' ' '. ' '''' C. '...''' ''''''''' ''' '' ''' ' I. ' - " 2,1 ...' 0 , 1 , 31 - tlq i11uri.,,,1, t , •e - tp-tt'' -,.s it .t I i ...., , , •,_ —,.., .„, 0 ...,q,.w... v, v r• .t. 'f-.,h .r '' ... a ''', t—' ''' . ' ''''''''' ' 14,.' , si.d t? , .t-- e., ‘'R - ~. „fi 1 ff. , ... ~ .- •'. : • ''..."` P ' ,/qt:4liii.:Ogi - J , l) '' i , ets , ' , 4l4 . ' . .i , ~ , ‘,S. - ' k ... ' ' ..X.. - t ~% 4.4 .' ': . ~, }a r, s.Tez4 l- ^r4• , r . _,„ f i . 4.. , .. ,i ,,, , „ .,.: , 5..,: . t I ~, . . . ' 4 ' , ~. , 't ' „1an.,t1p..1.4.; 1 . 144.V4, ..VI .4 .4 4 4 ,../-J".•i i :00 , 1 , h - - —i , :c. ~ :-. ~- x. . \ • , BEM ESSIE '-.,,•.:::`•,.._ ..7.,.....f..:::.. ,. i , . - '1....' , ..•:::'- - ..' ..,.. ... S ..... .-.. , ,...-... , ..i.. : ::::-...-... •.•....:.::.---" ,-...,,;...,„,.... ....,..., . . . .. P..e.. W."' •+ ; • + •I. ~ . . e„i••• '• 7751 .. -•1?.;...-.:. •+ 1 + , ;+••• - _ . - .P.i - : •-' ',,, 4 v ''' .” ' '''''' i t .' s alX; . 7 . : rtn{:Z.V. , . 1. , ; .•i : '... . r rrii 4 , _-• > ... . . ' 4 11"?4 , !) . 1:,...T"../ . .. .: • . BirrLO, POISONING} UML. Clore of the Favidence—,tn Affecting Vcene--summing Up by Connell. StAteist,correkaaeact-rjaaliar,s4:9, witu...4214:0- - Sirmnii,"Prilley j anlit 2, ifie% - The Shugart murder trial:-18 rapidly drawing to g a close. It Yglik in ,a 11 ,4 7, ,,:e0t*: billy be fiished t?ry. - `MOnaisi e vening.; As the end approschei - the'r-escitellitint ittoreasea, until At haft, heisonig 9 .all . absorbing themeoftionversatidrithrbngli-' out the town. The openirattlit tidi argu lnwit this. afternoon Attracted ,a , iarge `audience of both aexasochichiitill doubt less be considerably increased temor row,- viten the fact ',Or ihe'arkamenie being reached (WhiCh . was not' expected Co Soon )' becomes generally knew°. -The speeches on both 'sides,. especially the., • • ~ I closing ones, will from: , Dreamt Indica ttrai be • extremely lengthy and t ex ustiver but can hardly occupy more than two dart. Apeculation oh the ver dict is rife, and the opinion seems' to be tioaaiderably more diversified thin at the commencement of the trial, Mit of course What it Will'be none calftell. 'Upirt was opened at the usual hour, *hell the testimony for the defense'was proceeded with.. The first witness called ' 'lfni. Susan .Lattx.:-I am twenty-two years of age, and have never lived away :" Trottchome; father, was subject to cramps; I saw , him brought, Mime; frinit,Bookle' the thneheiwais tatted witb. ;bed 'there; the night before he died ho was elckt.thry next morning mother did not Want hid to go to work; i I saw him go to work that morning; he came back and 'got a bage' Which - he took along with him the see ond Unit). Mother prepared the soupfor him, as requesteda didn't:lva - 11 cooking; bttesaw It 'ort the tablet - She piepared . the" soup, in the kitchen; Maggie and' Annie l and_ Amelia Were there; r dod't know ivhak, she--bad - cooked it in, but when I ' went, down it was An , a, quart . bucket. I ea* her : taking half ea cap of givesoup Afrora: ".'into.? ';itakiltret f ?and. it to Louisa, who eat it. She then offered -Annie some .of the :soup. [The bucket was here eshibited. ] . She then - eat - some:: her self and 'Offered mo Rode' =but • I had. • inv • dinner' anti awl taker any. ! Abe then pub the, , lid -, oretiWtincket and told. Annie to bury and take it to the field. I then went up stairstoniy-owit hitcherf,' which fronts au-the street. Iwasn't tip a-minute - till 1 I saw Annie pass the house , towards - the Sakti-. I saw nothing put in the soup in my Presence from" thetinielt was offered to na till the lid,waspat.on. ./t a -As -right, before my eYe 4 ,liiiir r l "debt& 'boa/6 'seen' her., This was a favorite soup with fa ther. When father was brought - home andput to bed, mother, was down ,stairs helping me to bake, and.he called, "Phil °peens, come up to me." On the day he died,- I was present when-Leonard Wise and Mr. Lant'Were preient: 'Mr. Wise remarked to father," "I believe you're poisoned. Father did:not reply-- Then Mr. Wise turned to mother as if eld`kfail done. it. She begged his pardon, and said hot to,paine„.ber with Anxttling-pf :the kind'. 'tido - thee laben -said, Waldo, thereay you're poisoned." Father did 'not:ABY anything. 24.0thef th o u ,-exicdt, and. .seemed very sorry that she. ehotild be blamed for such a thing, i Father: °then' said, -1- 7 1Git'-' awn 'and leave her* alone." I'did not hoar mother tell Annie to get aomo poison. he,exact words father used in calling PrAfIX.I4 Yi. fliNpfens. ieonte:to me." [The words were given in Ger man and translated ti - y , the :interpreter. who in'an examination by counsel, said, tbeiword 'translated "lovely" was used as a term of endednaeht.] :, - - Tbts was before he had, told , Mr. Whit, toleoe her alonp.. Imasn't in the rocat 'when father died. :I-Mind the idorting Annie was Sent" atter the , poison. I knew , she was going,although 1 did not - hear mother tell her. I heard lather ear-lie was tired of his life, on the diy o f the `Democratic prOcession. He tried to go away , that day; it was on the account of Martin. ..Mtither - Wouldn't ler hid: go and held him back. He wanted to get away whetthe made the expreteion, , but' be', did not - get;his clothes ready. Did , not say where Mimes going'imd did 'not get out of the hoose. , _" ~, Cress-examined -- When' Mr. Wise looked:at mother as though she bad done it;:be‘ said; . 4 ,,1t. will all come to day. lights{' I never stated before , I. came to Court' t hat--Wise said- to mother did it."' The day ofthe Democratic pro cession• father told mother' she was-per mitting Martin to come too often, and it appeared she ' thought:morp„ Of . „ Martin 'than she did Of hitn. .'ll6 'sNtirced 'tole very sorry. ,) They were in the kitchen.'. Maggie came hp to me and' said: iThloili. • er and father are quarrelling. Yon had • better go down cud see." I went down `Mad the first 1.1. heard father say was, "My God, I. will leave." - Mother and Martin had been together In the back - room upetaire that morning, which made father angry. He said it -appeared she and Martin were too sociable. In reply to father saying that Martin was earning too.often, mother said: "My God, he's a niceenough man.",..lratheisaid he might , be -nice enough, but that At caused pep! b Ple.ltd talk a' great 'deal. "After the quar-, 1 del father went out to the indite. lie did I not ge to work on that 'day., He seemed' ,',down`-hearted all the time. It WAS the i dartmother was sick that Martin 'Watt , lathe, bed room. ' I think father came in while' he was there; and -It made him- Re.cilretit.f—l way liT the• roam whiek father was given the whisky and pepper, the dayshe died. ',Mother -bid Annie spoon to down stairs ad et I a nd me bleak npepiper.ectt Annie pand'a did so. Mother, then reached the whisky off the bpau; it was, a Jug- She poured F ab at e of the whisky into the cup. She th n 'Mixed it up amt-banded kW father.- Father drank.' then besald ill44ne diatelY b , "NV God, it ' will ' urn - at: icy Methen cal d for some water, and I, ran down to the 'p ump' to get ,a, glassful.' :1 ' eaw_the who e transaction. After giving father the dose. she set the, dug hack on the hureau and "the cup on the window sill. ' There was a little pepper left it oaf, Mother , several '• times refused' to gt e him the'whiskye because she said eh would net do so without the leave of the doctor:-He bad 'great faith in the remedy AturStill asked - for it, width she gaidit. Tbil:was about twentrrninutes 'befofe he dieda"' Maggie And .11. mile were, -1„. ,n the• team at the time and 'myself. • • ' `..timelfct. 447iugeof,, sworn-I heard father • 'l4lSoutititany..yeakego, het was tired 6 life. :I- lava "din , heard him say sti , since Martin seine to the `hange r , : I Wart: not in the kltsban x isben ; lbe ;soup , wax " 1610.0 . pp u rl, -t saw the 'child- eg r tnir Ithlte'. out.of is. 4 131:10"offered' Annie - Vane 16 it Aup, but Annie , refoad.„it t sg_OAVJeth„tr? poured;it baek4nto the' 11 ct rez atom , and 'Twit the #lld < on..' I then' left the kfteihen. ',Annie. , when I lefty - Auld'Plit '1 pun her bonnet '''.l , lleinit Yfachint_Oskt Perf $.O e irminfMrOlferLlVlTWrfin • • ./ ' 4mk. 1:+- • if rcritAuwilf, dAzErnii MONDAY, Tut tied attack around it and snit - Amnia off with it. I was there alt the time. Croes.examine ld--la dill was late ford** dimmer fitlWaY Jim; e lier ihitilliotoodf in'the kitchenlimltt` ,4l thdthar' was in the iiilakiiit .. : floor. - - Tit/nuns Stehteth nothlif-4intetilin'tiiiin e - ,otthe Catholier, - cshorch. 'The -- dostrines dlidpranbfel•of tivit'iontiteft -iire -that a suicide' le not tamed ter,bo - buried 'in consensted i'licound. We, lune a:-place ,foz burial set apart for inch cans. Jacob .:Shugart; w 43,. 4 conimitnicant fri the 'church 4 :belonged to, and - was •in' pill standing.' -• • -' „ ''" . , Grose examined . -rliatia` standing and•attended chnroh servietw're.gt"l performied his duties so :fir ae i 0 1 without fault. - oresduties in her pranice resenting suicides. He was burie'd in our graveyard in the ,consecrned ground, • Question.—Would a good Catholic com mit suicide'? Objected to by the defense •• and -objection sustained. , Mr. Mitchell—That's every piontinfer ence on the part of the Commonwealth. Jacob' Laux.—There was whisky used the nighof the wake after father died. Some of twas Mire . l Shugart's and, some , was toy , int,' I got 'that in. Shugart's house cn the bureau •from the jug. I don't know how much was hi it. ,There was some taken out of it. - /give It In a glass. Mr. Wise and, Mr. Grier drank , Leo wad/Artie, recalled`,-1 tiaik,m cup-, standlimron-the window siliswhen I went 'into fat er,'s room.-,,,1 looked into it. It *Wein :a little whiskey. a nd some ground Of !blatl Illpper,. I tutw' it there i d after hi death 1„ , - 1 , - tdilf — it was nowhill-plust elsven•o'clock, and - the,defense were about to close their • test k imonY; Mr. ',Mitchell asked :that the Court, give' theM'.thei , benefit Of an ad journment Until hie-Past one o'clock. , 4 tOgalkinOuffili said he , was anions ;telive the ,case proceed as fast as possi ble, and thatight tnet. defense Could go ,on. /Ile would givel them fifteen min ,htes to consult tognizer,",and',then they would he called upon;tovroceed. - ' , ln a few minntee afterward the follow : . ing testlitioMy was elicihd .,, • 4 'Z'acob *rot •••,- recalled... Some -Of our chickens Ititek'abotit'' t!tvie ' - weeks before Mr. thifgart's, diath::., Some ;Mad a month or two afterwards. I heard there watt a . diseash among ',OhickttaW In ' the neighborhood:- - •,.- - ~ . - _., . ' Cion.examtned—Some-„, idiep ' . .tiliortlY `aiter'Sbiagart's - derail; ; '. r •,. _ JoAn Soingort was recalled and testi fi ed Vmgard to, he ,4yatif ot_the. ohickenatr. Some of.,thO chickens lie .tiald had not ' died. they. had them yet. - . , •-". • - • After welting a few.Mllmutes longer for the attendance of Annn Shugart, Mr. ,Mc.Junkiri again :asked ' far_ - an ad journment.' .It,„ *to .. within •a, quarter of an hostr:c&they usmal •time and the counsel for derange "tinted to ,exunine farther into, their .position. .The request was accortlingly anedect to ',curt adjourned' intil cvni4. )4; .., , . , , ' A ft ernoon Seilll,tol2. Wheo - the Cottrt re.asserabled; at two 'o'clock, the children of the prisoner, who had faithfully attended; her throttgh the ,strieJ,.tegetber with the two yreangest, .4 'tibia and• , Lizzle, who had not previ . onaly appeared, were all -Wettendance, and • °copped seats Within the bar. ' r.Liazie, a quiet, sedate child, la apparent ly abqut six yearkof age, and has lost Mar right eyelroixr the effect of, the fever 1 with which she was suffering at the time of her father's •.deatb. She seemed to look npon the:scene around with a half ) eurious, 'expectant interest, as though wcmdering ilty she was there, andlin ding in the grave judges, the aux iousieounsel, the reserved jurors in the bQ T .,OI" the large crowd of spectators in the back ground, no answer, to the child ish thoughts' which carve thronging in her mind Wand gave expression to her countenance. • Louie% the youngest of; the fatuily, who %said to have parts, ken'or the Sou before it had been Ben t to her father; is but three years of, ge, with 4' bright, happy face and an active, restless dis position. She, kept , running _backward and.forward from one to another of her sisters, previous to the opening of Court, antfin her youthful innocence and parity, 'in„auch a' place and ,such a Scene, ap pearedln strange contrast to the solemn surroundings. Becoming tired • at last. She took'a seat upon the lap of. her Miner . Amelia,. and with a half frightened ex preasioo seemed to wait for some•move ment on • the part lot 'her attendants which would relieve her from her anx iety. - • _ Mrs. Shugart was not yet in Court, but appeared in a few minutes and took the vacant seat, alongside her counsel, and in range with her children. Louisa and Lizzie she had net seen since her arrest and' Committal to jail, and the meeting between mother. anctchildreni. p.nder such circluistanoes, was affecting In the extreme.. Lizzie, the eldest, at once recognized the, haggard,emaciated 1 countenance ;'of hermother, apd with childish -eagerness leaned for Ward to re- 1 calve the warm greeting. Louisa sat . si lent** upon her sister's lap, looking up Bret inquiringly ! hno her face and I then across to , that of the pale woman- who regarded her with a fond and wistful gaze, as 'though wait- lug for a alkg....otrecogiaition. For &few 1 moments the little innocent seemed 'to feel the truth, but the exoresision of doubt and timidity fled , quiCkly . away, andwith a glad, joyous smile" she end deniy slipped from her seat, pattered quickly over the fibor add was qulcklir' caught up in the maternal arms with a ' convulsive, loving and tender' embrace, while mother and children and specta tors, were irresistibly moved to tears.' The greeting. was too sacred for inter ruption' and for a feir minutes, even judicial dignity pansed in the stern diseharge Of duty and Silently contain- Plated the scene. ' Ins AILOVAIENT—r4EII4. I AARIE I3 . When the excitement created by this. episode had subsided, the CoOrt pro ceeded with the grave business before theta andeallettfor further testimony in the case. Mr. Thoinpson, counsel for the defense, 1 said they had concluded to. Test thole case here, and desired to Cell no . More wit- ‘ 1 noses. - „ Mr. McCandless also stated the Coin- Monwealth had, B°l44)d:their evidence and had none further to offer. ' a.• Mitchell stated that thatthe edniseltor ite defense, inyiew of d% tbe great ipapprt -Mice of the issue' an thel"fhterot at `stake, bad deemed it peepssary, taw& the indulge:l4e of the Court while each ad dressed• the Jury. ; 'I, -• • Judge licaludlautennusited counsel 1 cotidarrangeXhittektweentblmiq selves: ie didbid!th inter f ere in • any WitY.4 Owith: OPPVPut -1 " fillirittleteth that. the epeectieebetnte ei shorty where' 'there were aamatirof thihri.' In forgler 'trial the An-units hid;heeti extended, at groat lengtb;:which he hoped weal/not „ agaii(be th e ease, as it wm•lilivitys 101- , t„mtlatin ouch cases to submit the evi dence to the jury without greakprefice . Co ta3 followed by the two'coonsel for de 'tense in succession, next counsel fbr the Commonwealth, the the_ jot Addrs Nitr thectieelialj,kge., ibllow closethe nraint. Intlieti' proceeding to the argirmenk he bad one or two authorities to whlohlte called the attentidn. Of:the Court.. ,The:,,llrat. Was Wharton ", prudence; pastes 573 to 586, inclusive, the matter treated of being the'symptoms of arsenical poison ; , 41 AYl4tent 4 1 ,1 4 i :the: leo :gth of time it requiredlA'act.'' c' Mr. Thompsen objected to having the matter read, as however good theauthor -hp. I could not be law to the 'Court. Judge,McGnflin said that while it was not law, and could not besot° thaDeuri, it might be proper to tead it as inforrha tinn for the jury. The gentleman then read the sections referred to, and also pages 96, 97 and 98, of Wills on Circumstantial Evidence. Mr. Thompson now presented a series of points, nine in number, to which he wished to the attention of the Court. Everything being now in readiness, at a quarter of three o'clock the argument on thepart of the Codimor.wealth was opened by District Attorney Greer, He was followed by Mr. Thompson fok the defense, and . after he shad concluded the Court adjourned till Saturday inorn. Inc at half-past eight o'clock. Petroleum, in any shape, lkdangeroue. . More lives are lost every veer from its careless hindlinitittin frigh t Freilintjt or steamboat disasters. The people are slow ~ - to learn that it cannot be handled with 'impunity; that it carries death in ifs way *Adis nOt als wirer thia*riethe tallow can dleief yore. Every lamp in use, unless , in ' the keeping * of persons intelligent enough td knoiv ita danger, is as bad as an unexploded bombshell. Here let us cite the latest horri blo accidents which an ounce of prevention might have' avoided. , The Brio Dispatch says: ,OhFriclay night,lit about ten o'clock,' the servant girl at Smith's boarding hriuse, on East Seventh.street, in moving some clotherhaitgifig:: fill neat 't k.tfofien table, knoElte 'the lamp, containing pe troleum ihrid, to the floor, and an.instant conflagration was the result. The land lady and . hoarders „rushed la, and joy throwingtariontats otter tliCiirl ..0.h.. ered the flames, but not until her face was• severely burned. Mrs. Smith's hands were also burned considerably. The first screams of the girl were heard several squares. But thsViaraa an accident.: Ewe ial where a Iniing and devoted mother, either through want Of thought or cape.' ble ignorance sacrificed her own life and that of an innocent babe. We saw, the blackened bodies' hosed, and felt "that perhaps all editors- were remiss in their duties. in (elfin*, tried ;Mate the. &Mb -ilk to a proper knowledge of the dangerous and life-destroying Ondencies of gum. lenm. A Airs. F. Smith, whose husband is engaged as boas at a producing , well near Titusyflle,A the;slor.v'Fartni -t .was‘ kindling a fire on Friday morning, and after it had -started proceeded to pour from abucketful of crude oil, fresh fuel. The fire flashed. to., the bucket, and Slightly burning tar -kinds; she flung it }out of the doer, forgetting that a little two-year , old baby sat in the door step. The burning oil enveloped the babe, and in endeavoring to quench the flames the mother's clothes took fire and both were burned to - death. before relief could be siren:led. The husband and father was. badly burned in endeavoring to save the` lives of his wile and child. e4•4;:•s 4 • 1111 PotralMun snit ILI Consequences. Oyer and Terminer—Judge Sterrett. „.. TRIAL LIST FOR TUESDAY. 381. Coin. vs. Edward Sweeny. 322. " —John Fisher. 306. " Hughes do Dlgnao3. 336. " Charles Brandt.. 117- Arthur Martin. 118. " H. C. Mathews. 284. " Christ Baker. 282. " Robert Hague. 287. " Chatham dirty. 320. - " John McGark. TRIAL LIST FOR WEDNESDAY: 390. Com. va. Geo. - W. - Hoyle, 389. " Stewart Sampson. 382. .; Thomas Moore. • 391. .1 Conrad Color. 395. . " Thomas Sinclair et al. 887.: " John M. McFetrich. 380. 1 . Joseph Holt. ; 377. " Lena Meinert. 371. " John Frank 372. " Andrew Marks' and Wm. Titus. 375. - g. Nora Cuff. The Minstrels One Week Longer. Daprez and Benedict's minstrels have revived the mania for burnt 'cork- per formances in this city, and aci large were their audiencea last week that they have determined to please and accommodate their thousands of admirers by prolong ing their stay at the Opera House for one week longer. They are certainly the best performers that have been this way for many years, and , deserve the large share of patronage } awarded them by amusement goers. This afte.thoon at half past two o'clock and to-night a grand performance will be given, and we look for crowded houses. if you don't want to langla through an how or two of mirthful song and sentimental, stay at lnae, for the twenty-seven first class and unequalled- Ethiopian artists, are in •conspiraey to do all they can to derange the rulibilities of all who hear them. Ourlty' Pic Sic To-EPy. To-day will be held, at MoVarland's cirove, the annual pig nicof the Society ofSt. Vincen,t do r an], an 8580:later' that yearly distiibutes thousands of dollars in food, znoritii and raiment to the poor without distinction of creed; race or color, extends always a helping band to desti tute strangers coming into our midst, when their:Wants are made known, and one which has adopted many abandoned infaMs and are [raying for their care and supOrt. Truly the Matins of the society should be, fatly recognized by the charit able and philrnthroplo by a liberal atten dance at the plc uric to-day. Arrange,. merit) have beep made to, secure the en joymenf:of all wbo , attend. i• See the ad vertisement on our seventh page t hr train time and other lufurtn*liim. Far FetchedeitesprThe Erie Dispatch stralini thb followitip John,F. Ilkley, on Thisd:slraf.44 l fiar kikparci o Al Ott w acotetted • by a party' who robbed him of his wallet. Thislgotath , preve thd truth Of the preve t rb,that ,r.1 40 ,yy, always h p. Itt_eitY. C 1.401, `t' fide :awe sable Meant tellow:remarha t h a t young ladies make the best telegraph op erators during-A Ahgnilefieljoruk, jam. rauclkas none have yet been found Who areedraid of the sparks. 8 7 1889. Enterprise Squelched. The Pittsburgh Gas Company have ilesit l making arrangements to supply the people residiogl be id the old city_ rig it r igniugas. 14* they have had . pipesmanufactured - 11nd halued to'the neighborhetd :en Fifth are ituilpremitory tO'litynlit.' On SiittirdaY, howevei; Jo seph Dilworth,. Presi dent of the Farmers' and Mechanics' . Turnpike Company, notified the ,Gas Company that an injunction would be appliectibi in the Courts to prevent any further operation, inasmuch sethe Cern. pany he represents are opposed to the in troduction-of gas in that quarter. > The officers of the Gas Company, who had gone on with the Work simply to oblige the property holders of the district, at once concluded to cease operations . and will have their yipes brought back to We are at a loss to account for this narrow minded action on the part of the Turnpike Company, and hope that legal steps 'will at once be taken by those' in terested to test the authority of its man agers to put the veto on so great a public convenience. . C Partnereb I • • Elsewhere we notice that ;Mr. , William Fleming, the well known,' poptdar and extensive hal, cap and fur dealer, No. 139 Wood street, hadassociated with him in business biesiu.s: 3. W. Ogebtee and John O. Bennett, ithe firm to be known aa,Win• Co. These gentle matt have .both been employes in :the house, and the icknowledgment }thus made of their valued .services, prosperous bead of the firm, is Obly rib • • evidenceitt the worthy character he eri; joys. With the infusion of nevi'lbitocid* into, the firm wee may Safely look - for' this 'already leading house tciattaidapolinlar ity and success hitherto' unknown to our business citizens. _ We can only-wish that they-may have the, prospe.rityr. their, energy warrants, .arizi !that is; wishing great deal. • Mee Ceuta* Place ht Auction.' ThoSSWho,vilsh to•Sedrife a nicestamps= ban retreat, will have a rare;,chaoce on: . . . , Wednesday next./ 'A plot of_ jdx acres at , Fleming, seven ixtUes' i .dciWn, thq,_,V9,o Wayne Railway, be sold UatAay,,St. two ,o'clock. The gicfiiiid Is well liii.. VW:fired with fruit; the location Is excel lent; the. Views Superb, and the 'whole surroundings highly • agreeable. The views of the owner in regard to price are exceedingly moderate. f, This is an,top porturtity not to be neglected. Particu liarti of A. Leggatewauctioneer, 159 . Fed eral Street, Allegheny. 1' • • •,:. - 'Ergs. E. K. Squiers, the, eloquent ati ‘zeillous 'pastor of the Virg ccolberlan Presbyterian Churbh.' Sixth avenue, yes. • terday morning 'delivered' an table and fdrbible sermon bearing on the day and its observsnee,,Aakitig strong 'grounds• against Sabbath desecration, 'even though .the commemoration of.a great political Anent be made the excuse,— Be selecte d . as his text Galations, 'nil chapter, .X.llath verse: "For brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love . serve , one another.".. and rendered therefrom as fine and timid and liberal a"sormob as we have ever heard. AlecuSsing the subject dispassionately, in " reason and good taste, end yet all the while main taining all 'dispositions and abandoning no point to those arguing for the subver sion of , the Lord's day on patriotic or political grounds. . , Choice Fruit g rn BlaoklxnrY, Strawberry,' -Raspberry, •• ' Sarsaparllls, •!Amon, ' • Orange • Firm Apple t and RaspberrS' Vinegar, at'the lowest rates, 112 Federal street, Allegheny. $ pno. BEAVER.., Sheriff's Sale titnalzined.—To4larrow • (Tuesday,) at 9 o'oloeles.x. and,l:3ol X. Will be sold at 45 andb7 Fifth ave6ne. theentire 'kook of drygoods, *glens, hosiery, straw hats, table ank pocket clattery, soaps, new - .desks tablea. and chairs, office desks; Also about 3,000 yards naW'ingrain and hiker carpets. Dealers will it to their in terest to attend, as'ther 00418 areput tlp in quantities. S. B. Cian.lry Sheriff.. Peace Jubitee.—Now :that thti great peace jubilee, in ainging„, hays, past and gone, the next will be in the - eatingline, 8. 8. Marvin,No. 91 'Liberty street; lathe leading spir it. He has on hand the ,best Jubilee Cakes , made:expressly _for ihe trade. If you want peace luithe.family, and jubilee at the table, ask your grocer for Marvin's Jubilee Cakes. Yor sale by all, grocers, and at 91 Liberty street. The indefatigable' 0. W. Eitibley 'I2EO ' had his own irreversible ivejndlceti • against all Washing Machines: complete ly reversed in favor of The .Elnpire Clothes Washer, by tests In his: own and other families, and has secured :only a few for his customers. They are worthy of a trial, x Fine Mu Acre 'Let at Fleming.—A. beautiful lot of six acres -will be eold at Fleming Station, 'on Wednesday next ' at two o'clock. Fleming ii•now the center of attraction on the Fort' Wayne road. It is,only seven miles down andtfinely situated on the river. Particulars of A. Leggate, Auctioneer,ls9 Federal street, Allegheny. • Peace .lobilec.--Nov,- trait the great PeROO Jubilee, in singing, has past and gone, the next will be in the eating' line, S. S. Marvin, Na. ' , 91 Liberty street, is the leading spirit. Ho has on hand. the beat Jubilee . qakee made, expressly for the trade. If you want peace la the family and jubilee at the . tablo, aqc..yonr grocers, Or Marvin's Jubilee (.7attos. • For sale by. all grocers; and 91 Liberty street. No. 91 Liberty street..—This is the number. Malin's Celebrated Cracker Bakery is located at. Marvin has on hand Ile moat complete atock.of Altack. era,' Qream, kkida* OystertrWateri Butter, Sugar and ; fanc(y, of any house in the city. Remember, his N0„ , 91 Liberty street., „ , Extra Quality Bleached and tinbleaelt; ed TAM cents. Batee & Bell: • " No. 9/ lilherty Street.-This is. the number, Marvin's Celebrated :Ontelter . Baylis lasted at. , 41arvIn has en hand the most.:_opPiPitte Mtok 9 11 ._4 621, Ocelo t :, vyt4e it Ise / I T a ws er , e. city emSri k! f ;'4s' fn )Iclui ,in AO 'ffstin." riAlbO V itl• street. . ' Special Redactions:in filtunmer Drew Goode. /*Ma 4' ff• *44' , • .• • lEJ Econemical, Balkh's, the Best. • We mean DOOLliti t fil BAILING POWDE:I3 It is superior to all others in the market. Flee typtn anyjniurielta Al:theism:es, Omd_ acititiery - coinpOtinded That the`contents of each box- will make light, sweet, healthy biscuits,, rolik-pastry, Vie., with uniform. success. '_lonly.two teiepoonitils to a quart of flour is ',necessary, While" those of ordins,ry manufacture require from one-third tct it s half inore. _Ask your grocer for tioolSrs'eheixtivil Yeast Baking Powder, and take no other. - it and be convinced. MAT “Fresli as a Maiden's Blush , ' is the' pure peaishy Complexion which follows the use Hagan's Magnolia Bairn, It is the True Secret of Beauty., Fashionable Ladies in society understsnd this. The Magnolia Balm changes the rustic Country Girl into a City, Belle pgrre rap, idly than any other one / t hing. Redness, Sunburn; Tan, Freckles, Blotches and all effe of the Summer Sun disappear when it is used, and a genial, cultivated, fresh expression is obtained which rivals the Bloom of Youth. Beauty is possible te all who will invest 76 cents at any respectable store and insist on getting ithe M • olia Us Nairn:No keit Lyon Kathwron to dross thO'Etair. • rirwrF. IreareAutdlee.,—Now that the great pace jpbflee,: in ainglnir, has - past and . -gone, the next -will' be in the eating WS. Matto, 91 Liberty-atm:4,U the ' leading sputt. He' has on i band the -hest Jubilee. Cakes wade, exprely for the trade:- gyortymant peace in the family and „jubilee ,the table, ask, you, grocers Aor lliaryin'tanbilee Cakes. For sale jiyall. grooerd . and aT, 91 Liberty street. _ The Purest ,' and sweetest Cod tivio Oil in the world, manufactured • frqm, 'fresh; healthy livers, upon the sea shore; it'is perfectly pure and sweet. Patients who hate once taken it can take none other. - ::Ask for- • “Hazard and Caawell's Cod iLiVer. , oll;! manufactured -by Cas well; HaFaxd Co., New York Bold by alrdrugstate— . . • x 'NO. 91 ' Libert . y Street.=This •is the - n tuber Marvin's Celebrated Cracker *Bakery is located at. Marvin has onliand ;he most oomplete stock pf• Crakers, Crram, Wine, Soda, Oyster, Water, Butter, Sugar and fancy, of any hoe In the city. Bemenaber-his No., 91 Liberty street. „. ' • . ; 'Coiseter, Hoopkirts, Parasolls and. Ladies' Undergarments, in full assort• meat and attractive plaids. Bates & Bell. Japanese Silks assorted ulaids. atatels, &Sell. • - DIED : THAW—At 5 o'clock Y. kr. Fundiyi Jul 7 41.t6. 1869JAIMERT CuPLEY.infaut bon and Mary•C. Thaw.' • - s Funeral at 1O o'clock Tcasnair?ttosaftstsi; 6th Inst.; fraivrestdenee of hts parette. 511 a stre 4 3‘ formerly Pitt street. IfcitiON—F.unday morning at 5 o'clock.,Jos.lY, McK.E . toe6Bth 'ear of his age. Thci,funeral will take place from ablate real dense; Great street.; steer Sixth 'a4eastr; , re Tut:Apar t °Ramo; at 9 o'clock. The friends of tkafamily are respectfully: levited .urattend. 434::iltmLy-On - Sabbath evenly F. dray Alth, at. Stn: ooetr. THOMAS WILSON, Warts son of Willis= M. Ind Waste Oormly. - Funeral from No. 58 Centre at cane. on Tase-'i:' DAR AFTZtIitOON, at 3 Weloci, to'proCeerlM 13= ' legbay Cereetery. The friends of the•fama ' merespe.:tfully invited to attend: !%" SicKl4lOllT--On Saturday; . afternoon ' at 3. o'clock. Mrs MARY McVNIGHT, wife, of Y. it Mcnigh . .., Esq., aged 41 years: - Yhe friends of the family are cord;elly Invited to attend her funeral T.O.DAY, at 2 cocloo , , her tinsband"a esidence. Wilkinsbure t . - ages leave Moreland Mitchell's livery static,. Libtrty street; at 2`t,li noon. 17NDERTAMEIFS 41. LEX. AIR E IN_y_ VIVICitEIt- TAICEEP., No. -156 FO IMILIEMT. u.stra.Ca. COFFINS of a11izih.,.. , .:111AX12. GLOV and r ery detzripcton of 1: - ...:-...,:rat.tet-' alsblag 2 fcralshed: Rams 01..e.0. day 44 1 ,1 aleat. Rearp. •ad Oarriagt•F turAtt-.;.1.4-.% Erzsmacauss—ltf..v. Davi tivrrs'ti. i.... 1. - .l 4 c:r.z. 16',.. Jatobus, D. D.. Thomas ilwitig, 444,-.4s4sf f 1 Attlier, !EE, , (111ARLkS DEW/X.2M AND LIVE= 5''....'4.11.'11 corn' 3A..N DIMICY STIMET AVP.l4l.l.6.'idieglteny City. where ttlelrrAr.r.7 - .BOr.).11$ tve constantly supplied - NAVA _nal and. imitation Ito ewood. M ^anq .and Waltort CONES, at prices lading from 64 S 4 dlys laser:ascii for in...nneatt,. He _ . tstas sad. Cat.. 7 stares futos.sled: also, 11 Linda 'lloarsdag Goods. It-rentteed. Otit• rAi en at sitbours. day and night. . .-r, - . B"P-WING• pOPLTIArt.., THE UNITED STATES WATCH 'CO'S .' KEY- EiIVENDANT WINDING - .1;757 AL. IP 3EI lei. The best watch made. and by far the meat con :I/Latent. Cali and examine them at i'W.G. DUNSEALTEL'Si FI F I =AVE .N.UE, OPPOSITE 11ASJNIC HALL. AGENCY FOR rETERSQUIRE , g,I:ONDOX, CELEBRATED CHEMICALS. SOAP, Containin g 40 per cent. Pure Ixcezine. PELIIPARATIONS . . each as Bt Carb Poissira,Viabs singe Salt, deldrts Powder; Citrate Magnesia, Citrat Iron land taabalne, j.onlda Fotasa•e, Carboni/4, Llthia &e. • uout F: A. ram's Means: .Glycerait Soap,aad BreckiatlVa. London, Ski JOHN STODI, annum Fourth Avenue sand Snatth . tielet Street: iipikit G. SALT,_ AIBROHANT TAILOR, Would reAroectfolly togbrai bib lizidszalad itlbt gerionll7. that'his . 1 ' . , • SPRING STOCK Or, GOODS NOW COZIPLETS, `- BOWITOO AN EMI caLt:': COTRei of Penn and Sixth Strtels, 'nittt „ • -No 50 5/2= erJI ET. Uete HL. Clan.) s4e Jtot rieeivrd from the tetileebeet:. ;lot:of Ne Geode for flodoictatte ever bronib to the , Market: The Rim warrant to eat artil !It MI6 rosier Mattlei-ebitper and better thiliiint dlitt=eiais booze In thpilkiy: A siew atiusokaneas of ititsroirlsris FllBlfitiß nctikiamare at alltlmet obe,found it 411 4 - ,4l wiet: Via .4" 441 110A13Z4# MI 1 a . . A ILa'al 0 S OE ~+~"i'~'f g:: lii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers