ES H II FE i ralt gash* Gay*, VISEEtiIeTER COLLEGE kmatiouldnieof tbe Plttslinireit .... ratseargs,., _ l ,4t.e.i NEW Wiratistoxiiii. PA., I , . ' July 81, 1869. } . Mxsslits. Erorrons: Commencement day , .'•, a grand gala day in lhis. community. housarels congregate to hear the speeches id essays of the graduating class, with :e musical interludes of the brass band, e the c rowd they help themselves to ake, V)" stray around the outskirts -of • -e meeting, to enjoy the shade, the green Jaid and 'the / singing of the birds, and ivy the happy life of students as repre - nted in the 'famous line of the* Roman "Intamallvas A.cademl quaerere venal& V They`-do things up very finely here, , ese Westminster boys-.and girls-we ' , mfoundlY:heg: their pardon, These gen, -mien and ladies of Westminster College, ' r such they are. The platform, erected/ 1 ades dresiiitcle . of this fine old- Yr u rgli.] i which are; seated for . the occasio ' the') allege Aliguitaries, the invited . guests ad the thirty.six members of the /Senior ; lass, *hi, are oh this day to leave their m!multinntler Is a centre or attraction...l It . , - .T. finely decorated with evergreens and, ,linic dowers, and htindsome'bouqueta are tOWaon it as the spiders conClude 'A el ) '.Air o lir P but the finest embellisii- - ent is,.the.twelve Young l iadiea who iduatefilideely on the itame terms as e t• e gentlemen. They certainly, with< • lei neat essays and ' good looks, et o ff . i ch an occasion . We thank - W tmln''- 'ter College for having gone so far to=. lye mooted questions of toomen'a **Kt*: iXot merely is eannientenlinit -:thlY Pi , grand affair, but entire conztaencerunt • *k. The village eees many faces for e first- titne, and' many old ones re - rned..-.Those who have been here, es . dally,the students, love to-'come back ' the atidendc groves. Strangere,;-who line for the first time, are accustomed ;;express their surpriseat the great work collegiate: education • that• is being nsecited here ; in comparative silence. its College is among the very foremost 'the commonwealth. . - rfhe examinations require four days. inmenctiment week begiris on Sabbath, one -20th. with the Baccalaireate ser * ?n.. It-Was delivered by the Ppsident, nr. R.'A. Rrowne, D. D.; 'at - t half•past ; tren, r..m.. , ,1n the 11. P. Shurch, before arge audience.from Ec. 8, 10, "What % sver thy hand tindeth to do,do at with „„- y might for there is no work I &c.,; the grave whither thou gpest." Not. •:, - thstandkig the solemnity' of the back , aund, the picture of active labor and. ;?riotts reward, combinedin the words; amed•not merely well adapted to; the ...A dition Of those about to gri forth .:‘ ripped. from college halls for the ..,at duties,of life best calculated to in- !t:.:, ! frit them for ;their work. Theluties 1 , be done by all, and especially by edn- 1 ...I..ed men' and women, in .these times, :!cially •when widesnread corruption 1 • .'fists in all departments of life, the or- , 1 .. ; I nized;prompt and, persevering en,leru nquisite to do ...the work, with the grand' 'tsidenttion for /its use, namely; the, .=, irality...of ....Man, were earnestly pie,. _ lied, to the graduating class, the stu •...''-its In general, and a large and atten ..p assembly'of visitors. 1 • • 1 . ~ . denday night the Anniversary of the .- ziety of Inquiry was held'in the Col 's Chapel. We • congratulate thig so. .....:.ty, which is itself one •of the leading .. cures of Westminster, on the excellent :'; .. ..)rcises of the evening. The orator of day was Rev. J. R. W.lloan, D. D., the .TheOlogieal Sethinary of the. Re -, .;med Presbyterian Church, Allegheny. . , .. I `.. Sloan is one of the best-trained think , '.. of our time . -He bas for years been' a :•-• ~'ver in the pulpit: and on the platform !. , ,New York. He is in the prime of his ' vers._ -He handled his subject, " , The .•:..time Mission work;" with ease and •:.. e:that repaid the earnest attention of c` .r andience. The work to be done in :-....,Y land by educated and religious minds Paintain our Christianity,and our very 1 •.. , titration - . against indiffeienttun, 'nil; * .l.lty, rationalism, Popery and other 1, is, wits 'calmly, earnestly and effective urged. 'We regret we were unable to e notes of this address. '.lt handled !Old theme . with refreshing skill and ...:• .he address of the literary societies is i lerally one of \ the marked features of r ..,encement week. It was so on the .... ent occasion. The societies had in d Major Wm, Frew ' of Pittsburgh, to ~- - tress them, and he had consented to ..: ,o. A gentleman known to his fel ' i citizens as a leading man of business,, . 71 ~...-.. bf large enterprise, occupied the no -1.-... Of • orator of the literrary societies, ; : proposedto speak to them on a prac .'. theme: ' A large audiencathionged College•hapel at 7 P. 14.-on Tues. evening, to listen to thiaddras. Its ,::was Meri,Wanted," and the aim of eteaker was to demonstrate the need, higher, nobler order dr manhood, to -:.•tt the responeibilities of Americanciti ,iship in the present advanced:age of world. • Glancing at theigreat level-' f.' seats in art, science' and literatnre, ..lch have characterized the-last quarter : .. t eentury, culminating in ' the ocean graph and the. Pact,* Railway, the tker congratulatedfils audience on the . .:., , ''able; position' occupied • by America. 44 the nationa,lits recent triumphs in p, its liberal institutions, its territorial :, atness, its -.• glorious --memories. De „,,ng from ill thesethe want of-"men, ti.minded men," a race of true noble. .-- h and'noblewomen, the speaker de: , 1 '”. fed the kind of men we need s to meet -'• requirements;of the hour. , -- ' ;-. it. Educated meni and. women. He i ' • ended that the clidms of the "gentler 'to a high order of educedon must - ' be limo*, ,and incidentally argued -,right of women to thee ballot as a pro ion to herself and for the conservation F.. irib li a *tic Attention was to • demands of the aat,- , for a'morepracti . educatlOn, then it ftoished•,-by.. th g t t Currier/lain. Worki.Of 'fiction, - Class; we heartilicondemned from !liver : towNcirwo&" Povecty was in these times loa thorough edam. '1 k and the highest success=in fact our • men in every : ; department have risen the lowest;walks of life. • i. Honest- men are - wanted. ' The it 'Rah -of integrity in business ! ,in tics, in society, the corruption: and F 7 thatzven invade ' our -legislative 'and sometimes taint the ermine of Judiciary calla loudly for s better a of true, honest, reliable men. *_(... - Pnaparats men were sadly needed 'An degenerate times: The frightfhl r. t7:_ '. MN ' . ali . .., Mfi . • rartges of intempentrice, the waste; the demoralization, the. -disease ; engendered by the drinking nsaea,of society, called, for the most serious attention of the states: mail and the•philantroklist.'_ ,' 4th. Healthy _Men and women _,are minted, The deficiencies of. pulAmeri can physigue, growing out of lu xurious habits andsviolation of the simple laws of health,- precluded -_:the - possitdittyr of "sound minds in sound bodies:lf The speaker facetiously demanded - that;"dell cate ministers - should 'reforit" andpre scritied pure air, pure water, Cheerful ex ercise and`a Moderate wholeseine diet.' sth. Independsni men were wanted. Men'who could think forthemselves and act from their own' convictions of duty; who can say.: with Henry tasty, "I would rather be right than _be. President." Hen with a sertabrae, *to will not "be' d the pregdant hinges_sif 'the knee 'the thrift may follow fawning,.". 0 , -. tly. phristion" men arid mopi r ed, are S e particularly' 'deeded to ores& the ' GCspel in the Ciiiintlfig room ` ,' in the shbp,rid the, studies, in the halls of Legislature, in the. eichange, 'at well: as in ills , pulpit; to carry \JOIE. saving 'truth I throughout the land and throughout the world. This of c'hOurse is but a skeleton of the address' .which occupied Over 'an hodr id Its Ae . - -The address or Majcir,Fr,* Wit listened to with deep interest, and, drew Iroid,the' audience frequent bursts of ' apidause, - It YreiP ' (lent, as the speaker snnouneed he . ••• - -• to, make it;'hut it watzot Merely 'practical. its good natured but effective blows at existing evils, its hearti advocacylif wholesombreformS,'its'hdpp , strokes "of wit, and pure fillomatic blebs delighted the audiente throughout. ,: WednesdayevePing Wee Alumni event; ingot Rey. 41-,8. Allende, of Pittsburgh, of the clash' Of 1864, jpresided. Rgr.. J. H. Donaldion,•Of Portersiille, of the'class of 1859, the orator of the evening;iddressed in overffovrink hetritie tin ullnpediency," and handled his abbjecf well, as; did alsO Jambi: I. Francis, of the Class- of 1857, the eimAybo t of the evening, whose subject was "Hanimers and Anvils." . •We wish we bad a synopsis oft these excellent per formancen and you had space for their publication. " • haie already -spoked in general ot Commencement Day. We 'append the names of thoie who received their well. earned degrees and'the ieclplenta of _the complireentary honors of the occielon: Bichelors•Of Art, S. Brandon, Merl Imir; Joseph Calhoun and, R. j. , .Creswell, Hookstowal: Dice, New • Wilming— ton; D. Dodda,,Mt. , Chestnut; Wm, Don.. glass, Chaticeford; D. B. Graham, Faitfleld, J:' L: Grove, Chaneeford; J. C. Hammond, 'Biggsville' EU; Ha w k, Shearers Cross Roads; ' S. R. Hill, Venxin go,Oity; J. 11_,.I.rons. New - Shefdeld;;R. J. Jones, Albany. , Y.; ti'Mehard, ,Mercer; D. Rao], Allegheny; B.S. Mc- Coulterivilic; B C. Montgom. ery,, ,Centretewn, D. FMustard, , Van Boren; J. W. Stewart, Gr eenville; Elam Thomas, Wurtembuilki; T. Wright, Wattaville, Ohio; W. . Viheent,''New Wilmington -22. '• ' • Bachelors of ISciences—J. W. Vehard, Mercer; J. H.. Wird; Kinsman, Ohio. and the lollowing young lidieic Mary and L. Calhoun, Hookstown; J. Dickey, S. A. Dinsmore, E. ,Stewirt and F. B. Thonipson, of New .Wilmington; M...E; Hunter,- McAlevy's. , Fort; Helen M. Moon, and M. W. Stirling, Hooks. town; Agnes M. Pollock,Migonier, and M. E. and N. N. Welsh,' Mitrtinsburg, Onio-14. The degree of D. D. was conferred on Rev. J. R. W. Sloan, of Allegheny; Rev. J. / ' N. Dick, Kittanning; and- Rev: John Hogg, of Ossiout, Egypt. The Finley gold medal in the Senior Class, was won by J. W. Stewart, of Greenville. The Miller• prize in oratory in the Junior - Class by j. F. Quarles, of Atlanta, GeOrgia. These:contests and all the other exercises or the'occasion, In cluding the epßeckes of the• Senior Clais' on Commencement day, were gratifying t the judges and the large assembly of visitors. •:; Yours truly, • • . \The leraelltish Reform Movement. Several weeks ago the Eve - stag P oet contained'a call fora Rabbinical Confer ence, signed by Dr. L. Adler; of the Emann-El Temple: congregation and Dr. Blithest, of the congregation. worshipping Temple Adath .Jeshuitin, in this both of them, `rabbis of. the reform party of Israelites. Responses have been made to the call,.anditis now agreed that the conference shall be held the coining autumn at some central point. • . It appears that there are two subdivis ions of the reform party, the reformers and the radicals. The latter have re ,ineunced the faVorite dogtrots cherished by orthodox Israelites,, the advent of a Messiah to reign as king over/ the sHoly Land, the return ol , the Jews to Palestine and adherence to dietary laws. They also object to the:emplayment of prayers and chants in the Hebrew language; they accept the, laWs and institutions of society as they_exist in this coontry, and some of them Sic even in favor of- anbsratating Sunday for the of the week for's day of worship. -,- The race; like the tlogua t is famous in history for its inveterate:pro pensity - to sojourn In ' new dWelliag places; and bein g o fonder of icoratnerce and traffic than of agriculture; and tile stabler pursuits; the peculiar observidieea and holy days of the Mosalaritual are ex irentelyucouvenient to them. Hence a spirit of, inquiry has -been aroused, and thentility.of these external restrictions closidy questioned. Opinion has changed among them; - •Yuid the Messiah is by many regarded - as - a principle of life, zither than a personage, and His reign tutthiiikeend-' ancy of a true faith. Tha.,Talmnd and • many of the-..books of the Biblikere re jetted as epecial divine revelations; and -the old law is regarded as • sulted.,to the `perpetual lisl o P bu ro gati mullts on. iien • rather tlyttn e ;!lite of - In Edrope the reforetiiie are 'duo ge. tiVelY pashiNtsimilarinuttifetio* - ,,There is no nentyitpowAtilif indium pi,t4iftek each moverfe:talti . aeAtat With ; Ilsishng., ing circtioastazikes of an advancing : It Is not impossible that, one or two generations will be sufficient to obliterate Oct landmarks between elarge'part of the Hebrews and ether Unltarlatt believers. —/VI Y. Port: THE OIXRIOLLI lifousztonn.—The tuoustacue movement amens the Scotch clergy is going' On rapidly - `Gentlemen of all professions'areibandi;iing the use of the razor. But withthe - Einistars the moustacbtili ai innovation co panitivelt fewlave bad. the nOOOBOlO venture upon. - souiefolir or five years ago nuts r•covered lip could be seen in any of the, end Weida,' courts; • then one or two`-hegan to appear, and now there is a sprinkling of moustached faces in all the oinituitlaus. . OEM IEI3 " • Ti 11. 1 1 ; TT7. 1 V',l4(ifL . .i•t ; 7;i .4• • • • 01 >i '' - • • ti ;A "11'4..1 br i r :sll trrr .IIV 1,1) ; ritgtjw • Th is L : zp leec , Ti Li •OnnOWl•okt ' l :7 - "'SUCCESSFiII \\E 1 INSU 'liM. COMPANY -' oy, TFq W4:121. NATIO.I4AL, ORiNCBCOIIII4I LIFE IN .OP THE UNITED ST ,TES,OF AMERICA. C7hoirt4mid S tCaeh „as. BIM 'ilranch Ofilee;-1) ~' • ''; - .. OriElo • ' . ' CiriLKENCER.CLABIE. • • .el hla.Prealdeaa. JAY COO K% Pnah=p,l s li t ': Plump. • MCKIM 11 C I ZIOKIC. Waathn on. Vlim Preal. 321 . 2113021' W. MET. Phtiad IplOa."SeCcotam7 41 12 _and Ammar,. • • IIt.A.NOD3 D. SMITH, K. D., adelybla.pxl,- , teal /)licasior. .. • . , , ~, This Company . loaned . In , e lint TEN .1;9;4TH113 of lta exlatanots. ;• - . 5,395 POLICIES' nrEnnuNa ' 03.55,14:1 800. This Ootoosat offers to lie Poltim-Holders PERFECT SECURITY Ey Its Cash paid up Capital of One Minton Dol. isms, anti guarantees to the Insured, by lta LOW RATES OF PREMIUM, LARGE DIVIDENDS IN ADVANCE. Or aßeversionaryDividend of 100 tbir teat. by its RETURN PREILTITR PLAN. CENERAL AGENTS. . CLARK & CO., Banters. No. 33 South Third Street, rhiladelptua, General Agents for Pennsylvania and Southern New Jersey. 13. 8. IttOISELL, Manager. 1.114 B. acever . • _ Agents for Allegheny, Beaver Butler, Mercer and Washington counties: mouAL AGENTSAHE WANTEDIn every City and Town; and applications from compc: tent parties for such agencies with suitable ew dorsement. should be addressed Tee THE CON. PANT'S GE tiERAL AOENTB ONLY. In their respective districts. )7 2 : 111 rar , ; PROPOSALS. ; E R IE RAILWAY COMPANY. Teiderg will be received at Mit °Bee until JULY 10th, 1889, for the following Supplies, to ,Oe'dellvered as required, on the line of the Erie and' Atlantic and Great Western Railways, for the vase of said Railway.Ccuu vaults to Ist Janus. ry. 1870: Railroad Castings of all descriptions; Railioad Spikes; Railroad Chairs; - Track Bolts and Nuts: Rot sad Cold Pressed Nets and Boas: Flab Plates:. ;, Bar and Round Iron. "refined:" • • 1 Boller and Sheet Iron; . • Pig Iron, "Anthracite:" Pig Iron,;"Chircoal" equal to "Sallaburv:" Wrought Iron Axles, to order; Frog !steel, 'to Order," Steel Frog Plates and Points. "W order:" Spring Steel; • • Steel Axles, to order: , . Cut Falls and Spikes; Wrought Nuilsand Spikes 'Georgia Pine, too-der: Chains; / • Lard Oil; liell • ' 11 1 3?: ' • - Shovels. ' • • ' The deliverlee to be made in inch onantittesie, may from lime to time be determined upon by the Company after the acceptance of the tender. Parties bidding Meet' state the quality of the material offered-and nt wliat roint delivered,also furnish samples wben required:. , _ Payments in cash, as ctistomary with this' Com pany... ' 'lnc Company reserve the right to Meet any bids; which must .be enclosed, sealed, and ad. dressed to . GBO C. BALL Parch. Agent. 1 Erie Block, loot Beaus iSt., New York. k21:k14-stwr . • , me. SEWER , CoNTRACTORIO.-;» The newer Ccorantsslon of the City of Alle guenv are prepared fo l lowing proposals for the construction of the sewers. with their appurtenances, Inlets, manholes; ac: CONTRACT NO. 1, Comprisiniyabont 25300 feel of n inch and 15 inch circular pipe sewer,on Lincoln ayenne.from Allegheoy avenue to Rope alley. along Hope al • ley to • Western avenue. along . Western avenue eastward to the line of West Common sewer. CONTRACT NO. 2,, • Comprising about 200 feet of 12 Inch circular PIM sewer on line of Herron alley, between Dent domery avenue/ad north line of Denney prop-' Drawineiand epecificatione can be seen at the . N.nitneer's office, CIL) , Hail: Bids mast slate the kind of pipe p oposea to be fornished,(cemeitt or. vitri tied clay pipe.) and must be endorsed•tewer 44 . 0vosale, onfract ho 2," (or as the, lessemay be.' and delleered on or benote2P;fif, Jaly V, 1689 !forms of proposals, on which. /brine alone th Engin e ers -be received,. win, he I ruished at the °ince. The Oomaible. Sloe do not bind themtelves to , accept the lowest. By order of the Comnithilline VAIA2e 121.1r1114 (' 1 City-Entineer. CtrrtownuirlikiNFOilicsi 0127 o? AsoLmatrzety, July U. 1 1614 " NOTICE TO CONTIjIAC'FORII: LIMED "NOVO BAIA ,; • :17111 be reeeteed at THIS °Fuqua iii , 4ll 3 o'clock r. x. on SATTIeDAY, July 10th. 1869 1 enteleS.lllAd. paefer the • tellowlug strtetik aPu ifs; • • • ' ,!;!, •'li • OILIMIXO MID PAYING Ridge avenue from Grant statue. so .Glise tiers street. Page street, - pill' feet west;, of Talton streej: ?itch ward. Nurdock "Hey, from Frasier to Fulton street. ,Herat slier ffolll Amp Hue of Thirdegeet to; north line oelc.suiman GRADING oiLy. Jefferson street. from Shields - alley . tri'llionte baron street, from. Union &Tenn() to • PAYING EVAnI a be t bassoon Lomat and Franklin at. Wards alley, from Fulton to Bedewick street. fications can be seen In the °Olga of ()HAS. 114F11, Itsq"_(3lW Zneneer. jytt - W. M. eaft,Tiß. City VOntroller. WPDEREONJ.&I3BOTREBS, it e a s ! Pews ' s 11113%111/2 MEE :gr. , SClltafeltoB fli IC bytwn ' . . ' igt k -"i ' .blritliPt.,_ 1333.11131:// ..,T NIC .. AHD RAHN PILLS WM. mare ;_Consumptioe, Liver Complain anttliespepta, If takefil... rd.' In to directions. ~.They are rill three to lie Wren at the sometime. They cleanse the ittoinach. re. lax the liver and out brio *edict Inert the appetite becomes good • , Me t:00 Mono and makes good blood; the patient begins to grow in flesh; the diseased matter ripens into .the . lungs, and the . patient diregrowgibedideshe and gets Well. Thili , tithe only wiry, to curecellanntnigeni .",*, ; ; ~. I , To ;beer tUee medicines Dr. J. n,..tielenek. of , Philadelphia. owes fib mirivitedr socecos in the treatment prilmonarythinsmnpUoM The ..' motile Syrup,tipens. themorbiry y lattef t 10 the' m oot nature it o h' by an - expect:aro- Unii, for - when. the phleine or atter trripe a slim bt cough will throw it of. and She patient has I test and the lungs hegin to heal • , 7' . do this, the' cermet!! - .1. mil° linii "MitrZrike Pills must be ir.ely tkettneb , anie tbe Ideimaoh mid liver, so that the raiment° Syrup ; and the f0.:4 wal make geed blood. Schenck's Mandrake rPille set up on th e'ivitr,' removing all obstructions. - relax the duct' of the• gall bladder. t h e bile Starts freely.. end the liver,. -is loon re ie. ell: the stools .. yrill show what the , 'Pills can 6.,:nothillik has been invented exi - eeptcalo el (a deadlY-Pcd son wtiatifvery.-dstli gereus to se nice. with. great care,) that ._will • unlock tit gentle der and atort the seerttionr• of the live like itch li r\ C"a Mandrake Pills. ;; l I , Liver Co plant le o of Pei /nag Prinalient . iii . 4 causes of on(iimbrie• . . Schenck' Heave eid Toiite art • gentle Mlinnlalit and alterative; , and the si gn the...neaireed. which this preparation is m e 01, ass- e ts the stomach to turuw out the gastric:juice to dissolve • the food with thethilmonte Syrup, udill is nuede Into good b. Of.wkw4theAt fernumintl9 COX eholtriZet ; hlk the stomach. , . • • The great reastrn'Whi' . physlefackAci ` f aril Consumption - t oss la try to do itereluneh, they' give medicine op Ore cough r td atop 011 to atop night sweats, Pectic fever and bl'eci d 0 ng , they derange the whole digestive powers. leek. • ine up theilecristons, and eventna4 thepatient elah and dies. . .. / , ,f , Dr. Schenck , 10 his trerithat ride not try to MD sooner, night sweats, ; !fagot,. - H o . move the cause and b e , willit s. tilf_ or their owe amord. No One can be c of Co f: .tun, Liver- CoMplant. 'Dirt* ' 'politer, Ulcerated Throatetuileu- thallir - riM stomach are made Wane. ;'. t „.. • ~. ~- ; ti • Zr a person has consumption, Of •conrseHle ngs-in some wayare disetaid, *liner tups, abeam:ea, bronchial ifliqiilo s **l - *Mellon. or she lungs are ama 1 n and (U. decaying. In each eases villa us 4)e donet 'lt is no; only the lungsteitiltreirlir tint It is • the whole body. Um stomach an liver have lost their power to Make blem4 on; of o .4. Now Inc only chance Is to take Dri Sellbach.g three mill. ahem which.will. b i up alma to the st c mach. the atient will be want foca,,At will digest easily -and make goo blood; then toe patient 'De' gin. so gain In dish: watt as soon aa- the body be. gins to grow.; Um Inn* coterainterg;to heal np,. loud the patient gain. stipend . well.. This is tuf 'oar way to cure Omignmpttoti.!.. • • • - Wheu there is no lung disease and only ;Liver Complain • and: Dismpali,. kkliunick's Seaweed Tonle and Mandrake fins are an incient, 'althorn 'the' Pulmonic Syrup. Take the Maddrike Pills freely in ha billions complaints, as they are per featlyharmless. , .l -., . • • , Dr. Schenck: wile liaii•enjOyed'iainWrrupted health for many yeare parwancinow.weighs mum porinds..was warted awayto a mere elteleloll, in tbe very lea stage. o r Pulmonary ConsnmptiOn, hi. phyalcians havingpronotnieed big casellopt. lest and abandoned:hi:me° his fate. Ile wagon:ed. by-the afOrtmaittine( Moles, amilelleehla recove ry many thousands similarly . itniteied have muter Dr. -tleenek's preparation with thrY same re = . markable success. Falk dirmitionsoiceoreinine . each, making It not absolutely necessary, to per. oonaltv see Dr. fielietteir, unless patlents wish . their lungs examined; and•for this purpose he is professionally at his Principal (Mice, rbiladel. phis, every Saturday where all letters for advice must be addressed. lie is also professlonaity at No., 3.91 Bond street. New York, every . other Tueaday and at No. as Hanover street, Boston, evert ot her Wednesday.- be - gives advice free, but for a thorough examination with his Resin remitter the price rash. the ce hour' at each city from vA. of. toast Y. . I •L .."' • , Priee n i tbe Pulmonle Syrup sn4 Seaweed Ton le each .30per bottle. pe 117.co__ it bat. &men. Mare! e P il ls' 35 cents a box. • rot sale by all drugglas. ' :. : :.; ,1 .4. ...tar3:181.43, lIN tal , Act of Cqugress 81.000,000. ,LADEwkA. ornocroteularrrinan COW TIMMS TO tkeAT ALL PRIVATE . DiEltithEd. That ' numerous Masi • of , ' ewe/ reigniting from, self- istmse,Antahming nu• ,manliness, nervous. l / 1 1.1tyr., Grua. •, t ons, , seminal ' embsions. 'Snail/ Uri , potency. permasuintiv% cured:. persons ;allot. ed- with utile/de. Intricate and ,lona ,mand ing consticattomattomol4l3tB are PeutelYinvited to call for orusnitation, , which ' wad - nothing. Experience. the hest- f teachers.- 'bas has enabled' him to perfect remedies ,at once .edictent. tab. _permanent, and which in Most casts`eta he used without hindrance to business. hiedicines pre , pared lathe establishment, which embraces of nee...reception and waiting rooms: Mae. hoarding aria sleeping apartments for patients requiring da'lY personal attention. and vapor: and chmir.. cal baths, thus concentrating Gte famed mineral. springs. No matter. who have felled, state your Head what be rays in Mr pamp hlet of tiny pages, sent to an; address for two stampsin seat-. ed enveope. .Thousande of casts treated ;annu • allv. at offic e and all over the country. Consul tation tree. permmally tbr lel mace Ne• 9 ' Wylie stree . i (near- Court Hon j Pittsbnrgh, Pa. ' Howl A.. w. to b P. m. hundays 3.2 it. to P. us Ole t sent to any address for two stamps. apt • . WELECTltiarrir C ITEM. TIVE.—Dr.STEVENS erring using Electricity aa a linmrar., KM= In chronic as well se .irala :COndltlOrta WITHOUT lIHDICINX for more than Tex rEasa with. un bounded auceeu. A PAtIPHLIT, - Inc luding all partseulara, with veritheates and reliable refer. emcee. will be seat to any inquirer. • Um few n fuhrnel D thd o r r o 4 m s nd a l ca . n Itf apoprboarding 00p11.°MOWand -realdenee.;2,o o l.- ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA.. , • maidEl itgrBATCHELOII 9 B HAITI DYES This splendid Hal p r e p , e Is the beat In the world: the only true, and eat Dye; harmless, rella-. ble, tristantattorui; no- disappointment; no ri diculous tints;reiztedlea the 111 effects: ot bad dyes; luriantatea end leaves the Hair soft sand beautiful ~black or brown Sold by all Drage* and Perfansers and proparly Appiled -at Sat he. ler% Wig notary. vs Eoad street: ,Xeir York. , my21:11;1 arEPILEPSY CAN Hz CUBED nestle ag i lic7l to send Tr.-A:1:171X " er 0 .. ; References and Ttatimeolais, which will, con. wince the most skeptical of the curabilltpqf the dtreGee. Address Vi../X BUREN LOOKROW, M. D. 36 Great Jones street, New York. mhlBg23-diF . IarTHE NIAIIMAGE Ems tya on tbe ERRORd OF YO and the FOLLIES OF AGE, In regard to SOCIAL EVILS. with certain help for tha crrlqg atut.un fottunite. neat In sealed letter, entelopes..rree or charge. Address. HOWARD A2t , 400/ATIoN, Boxy, Philadelphia, Fa. M921183-dar A SSIGNEE SALE—AT A . M. 441, T1017.,-fin wIIEADAT. July ,fltb, will be sold atPubilo Sale. the entire stock of iron ware and tinned ware,, fry pans, .sauce pane, ladies, skimmers round and oval drops, wire and wire rods,',lc., le., belonging to the estate of Joair D., RIMY.. .Tbe sale wIU take place on the nremisee at 11X, o'clo7k A. x... at Frankstown stitiOi, - Pittsburgb and Connelliville Railroad. Trains leave' depot, corner ROss Water , genets, at 11 o'clock A. M. Sale peaith:e. At tention of tinners and' wire workers especisili requeited tit, the Rale: Je30:124 TVE! ICE! ICE! ' ; a ; - WM. lER:EBS /OE. DEkAItER 140. 55 Diamond Alley, I***Mtranic PA. ' sirl; Aill e g ri tt i e w l'wlll reet'd o tre st i g g ptitstent t o t Wago ns running In Pittsburgh and Allegneny e n ' HAIR -AM) • : , s i tie TO viii mar sw r o z .o es msinatL ARIEENTAa dui .. ktilkurta.. Aap. , OA me oec ti m akaell 6 AH 4llll.loll tlt i re killt 7 7 ll l 4 IN= Lad be tesi li snd- Gal f°7l4 Cleana lr WallT ys , Mir Ihittlnt a dnne ; In stun ntntnns insnunn . 1 . lt us • BARB & MOSER; AltoulTmors, ourr Hoax ifisoottsztor , spittimes. Nap o a awl. Bt. ow funk, '; Pittiewi t t, apectal attention gam SO theldlealtafts $1 ballanw COMM' ROlThalr Astir. 'Mita pDIII7NII LAILIk, No. 124 amithadd stress, •me Menulsotstrer at wren , tWe Ceaumet ead Gravel Rooter. Jiro total for -: woe MAPLE BVOAE.-10 barrels ea ropillipaigatat WATT, liAljtlyl) 0011, IWAI iT. Irene/net. _ ~ =NE B ziwu t `lrtil3(*c AUCTION SALES. BY & _B. BMITHBON. 13.13MITHSON, Auctioneer. ICE. AROEUTEOTI3 ~~ ~,^ r r stint a* - RAW" • TRICASIJIMitIIBPABTXXIS"T...; PHILADELPHIA. dart 9 /060., 40"TRE O TOCHAOLDE_ ..0? THE - nut: any,u. A zzufuLuo4l6,l3 maltrelno • Ali stocOctid eye', L reilstered \ op, the Books6f this =Company on • the 30th d 4 /gag. • wilt be entitlhi to sttbeeriee for TWENTY-JIVE PER CENT:of their re:Teeth e ftweeeete In New Ettatit, at pax, as follows: :J!ut: Fifty per cent, at the time of sobserlp 41tfn,. between 'the 115th day CRT, 1860, and the Stith day oe dane.looo. ; . , • .61#0011d,sifty . per cent. between the 16th day. ofitroveraboy. 11369.. And the 31st day of Dece.m. ber,l or. if fiteekholdera should prefer, thy whole amount may paid up at the time of ant. each izietalmeni so paid utiehall be entitled to a.tpro , fata of the Dividend that may declared on* akares. . , TAfrd. That every_ Stockholder holding leai than'tour shar.a y a tilt he, entitled toattbseiibe Tor ,,, Ofie ahare'; - and holding, more, than a multiple of tour altatia ehail, be entitkea to a scribe fbr on'additional sham. . ; . . . , - . , Nburtit./AR Sharei noon whirl i nstalments are yet to, be paid under Resolittion, of May LT, ' 1861kwill be entitiedto their eillotment ok the nvinty-tllye per , cent. at par, is though * Wire - paid in ful • ' THOMAS T. FLUTE. TresstreK Pl i ereitttnolt, ikr.W.tir. en a Crucsoo R.R. Co., 1 .:,,-....: . Ogics OP TELE PR EBIDINT, , , ; •• • • 111515178 GE. Jane EiS, TOW . 'l,l, , C . .; NOT/Cgot `..' . ' ' ' All persons interested in the manasententan,i ItiSinesa \ si the • " ' ' ' -- . . . , Piftsbargb,• *Wayne & Chicagolt.R., t \ lend the leased roads \ the Company, are here ;i4 noilded that the rallway N and property of this- Coronany heel:wen leased to the ? , •,. I ' _ - CO. PENNSYLVANIA. RAILEGAD . ; .; tor a period of nine" bnndrild and ninery'•nine ' years. - Of and from the tirstiiii of July proxizad,', -end with 'Re, close of the . der Previous. (ittii' 30, ) all responsibility and ilabilitY - of this Cont. - , -P)4l will cease as to tee marialement of the bud. teas of the "rillway, and for labor:an ' a supplies itresefbr of every character. The:term of ear. vice of all venous of every - elites now employed •try this Company Will termination the said . . 30th day of this 'Month, .. , Excepting such personsaa . may beihereafter ape chilly notified otherwise. - • - . , By order of the Board of Directors. G. W, CABS , 1e29:1=, . : _ '. PRESIDENT.. • aNOTICE. CITY TAMEN, 1869. In accordance With Section Bth, Fade.' 7198 of City Digest,+ NOTICE IS UTIEEIBT GIVEN• • CITIZENS OF PITTSBURG IL. ,Thy the assessments for 1869 of My: City Building, Special, Poor, Business. City School mid Ward School Taxes and City Water Bent, lave been returned to me for The above taxes are subject so a DEDUCTION ? Cr FIVE FEECANTUDI if paid on or before the •••• • • I • • • •• • • • Fiat Day of August, • And TWO PEE CENT UN if paid between the FIRST DAY .OF AUGUST • AND THE FIFTEENTH 'DAT OF NETSUKE. ' arNo deduction will be allowed on taxes paid between reptemter fifteenth and October first. sir n addon of five per Mitten will be made to all taxes unpaid October lirst„lnd an additional Ave per eentum will be addea to ail taxeCte mottling unpaid on November first. A. J. COCHRAN, CITY TREASURER, GtII'AFEN.....L . PiTTSBORGH, July S. MG. ' • Nate. DIVIDENDS. Pilreatvaorr.4ul I 1. 1869. itagtTEEE MECHANICS NATION. ~,..&L BANE wil nay a dividend of EIGHT (8)' 'ES CENT., free of taxes, on and after July .13th last. JNO. G. HART'S, 1v2:132 Cistder. TRADNEAKINS NATIONAL HANN, t July lat, 1609., larDlVlDEND.—TheDirectors of this Bank have this day declared a dividend o FIVE PER .CENT., payable on de mand, free of all tax. Frram CYRUS CLARK, Jr., Cashier: °TiigVtINSURANCE?. Igii, i 69. arTHIDDIRECTOIt*OF THIS = Comtany , have this day declared a divi dend of T.firiE.E (3) PER CENT. , oat of the profits of the 'last six =tithe, payable on de mand, free of U. B. taxi jy1:1911 , AfallLUEN't, Secretary. rr • Oritcr, ALLIMHZ2FIT BRIDGE 00116 A 'Sr; PITTSBURGH, Jul, Ist 1869. rgriIIYIDENIA.-- The Allred." • DENT, Managers and Company, for erecting abridge over the• Allegheny river,'op• posits Pittsburgh, In the county of Allegheny , : have this day declared a dividend of ONE . DOL LAR AND BEVENTT•PIVE CENTS on, each share of the eanital stock of the Company, pays, bur to stockholders or thole legal representatives by the Treasurer forthwith: .1511133 MIL 1108:3BDEG, 4 • " ,Traumrer. • pLugsys. pßqeNs, &a. puler THE HEST AND CHEAP . -ea EsT ?WU) ANp ORGAN. _ ' , . Schomacker's 6W4 !tidal • AN9 EREY'S'COTTAGE:ORGAN. " • Tke 80110 E AOREIIVIANO ecenbinel eXt I the latest.valuable tmprovementa• blown in the eon .struction of it exit classiablitV- on natroment. haa move 'been awarded the his nest hiolted. Its folltr is stwone and irws m al workingidUr dtu' and beantfr 'el . s from eau to U 60,4 to Stfle and 10 - ehespettlan all called Inn el aas , • • 8.13T810S VOITAfisS °WAN I than= at thc bead of all I reed *moments. to producing fthestost ribet PiPevy or tine ?Can i s the te • Sates. c°22,1111 " folat z iggon. , Sad 'DOI out of order. 413VE'sta , PATILVIT "VOX . nUARANA 0 is • be Mad this Orsini .! Oath= ei.oo to ontly mu. /4 1 gFaraatelt.'d Sat &ye BARBlliatag Altrittl%Res . . . No—tiff& MAUI IMRE% " sito4Mactor! tanial and repairing will bb i attegdsd - Se IfYr#LL,Kirtheirs.. . STONE. COMMON . Irach6lo =works, Nonsorentimiotwestoonace. FIitaIIPICAMITS4 ;CO• Have as aim* or amino* sbeetnonslgia* tre d, ottion ell etan Ta i e l tese ni % n T r moors prompt asaystf4., . eaft ale* A ''''' . ARTICLE. L . eartt% 151011 Y tIIIION SUGAR. tor making lmonade; wadi neither sons or team. rot la one pound am, to sumo UnnY tumblers leakolsoo. Jasarmaved sad tbr isle by .` /111%-k. 113118,11 AW. Otani Litsfaty ast Ninth draw raA • 11' , 4 .!+ s q• 4 4, a T " " • r ,„* , Qom! 011016. PtIARTIEN GETTING C EP , . pie NlCl3,Privisto or pubtle, kttentiOn is nailed he beatitind grounds situat ed on' tn. ,- PSIL Handle iload. at atanstield. , ne'gamiods in 1324.- '. - surpassed :or beauty, and sh , A urge rass- - ~. forta,laid.airli nooring boards rid , in good orier, oaths ground. The best or order at all times preserird. Arrancemcnts can be made at all times with the railroad for transportation. For particulars address ':- • . ' '-', . "ny WICOFF. -- ' ' AN ORDINANCE ----••••- • A _ uthorizing the_ Openlog.of 'Bates Street,, from At isrnodStreet to. BraddOck Street. eems' orelcdnedi and enacted by CPUy of Pittstrurgh„iss Select and Common Coa t s ells casembl44,. and U is hereby ordained and sir acted by the authority of the same. 'I hat the City Xnxdneer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to survey and open Bates tweet. AVM Atwood street to , Braddock street.,th ac cordance with the plan in the Eti office_ esti to appraise aamages and 11143 , 121 tienents„. ,caused thereby Jas. Murdoch, Wm. Harrison and Hamilton Sheoperd are 'hereby appointed, 'fa accordance, with an act or -Asseratuy approved: January 0, 1864. • • taC.• 'teat • any ordinance or part -of ordt- • niece co ntacting with the passage of this ordl. trance at ice present rime, De and the same hereby repeated so far the same affect's this dtlance.• , , Ordainedand enacted into a law in Council*. this Xillth day ofJune, A D. 1880. JAMEs IdeAtiLtY, - • President of SeLet Council. Attest: E. S. Mottnow. • • ClerX of Select Council.' ' ' • W. A: loyria - FsoN, President of Common Cannon. Attest: H. MchLterza, • Clerk' of Common Connell. jrz. , AN ORDLNANCE ' • Authorizing the Opening the. Puck— _ lEgy4oad,- from the Frackstown ;,Road to Spring Street, and Chang— ,ing the name to Lincole . Avenue. IL: Be it ordained and enacted by LA, City of Pittsburgh, in Select and Common by assembled, and U is hereby ordained and • enacted by authority iv , the same, That the City Engineer be and be is herebyantborized and • direCtea to o pen Puckety Road, from the Pranks.:" town /toad to Spring street, and that; the name ,be,cbanged to Lincoln street, and id &pyrites ' • dameges and assess benefits caused thereby Wto MoseaLPhillips and Swami Chadwick; .. are : are hereby appointed, in seccrdance with act, of AseemblY anProeed January 6tb, 31464. - 'SEC. 3. That any ordipanceorpartof ordinance. contacting with the passage of this ordiromoe at Pus present time , be and the same is hereby re pealed so far as She same affects, this ordinance. I • Ordained and 'enacted into a law in Cooncils, thlishilith day of June, A. D. 11369. JA AES hteAULEY, President of Select Counca.. , Attesti E. S. idol:now, Clerk of Select Council. ' • - • W. A. TOBILINSON, • president of 00111n101kC01144/.. Attest: ii. Mcm.seTzni ' ';Clersof CommolvCOuncil: • • Alir' ORDINANCE Authorising the Openink of Atifio s od Street, froxpl.Fifth. Avenue to Bates 'Street. , , , SIC. I. Be it ordainett g net' mutat by the Olity , opPittebursris, in Select and Ooninson Councils °Neuwied, and it to hereby ordain/la and enact ed by the authority of the same. 7. 7111 g the City neer be and has hereby authorized, and reotpd to survey and open, Atwood street, frosts.; ". ,Flit avenue toilette tree ts accordalett with the obit in the Otis Engineers °Mee, and to istssi listetreadtrif e. aUnt ...rate.e/Stejrrogslansalls/Intele. IsPristd are - rsreay. appointed.' In accordance, with an set at Issietatily approved: tranaary- etk. • , Otos A. That any ordinance or pert of cirdls Woe eondictins with the. p sasses of this aides mums' at th ee Pres/apt time, Iss and the same It • 'hereby repealed so far. as saintraffeeta this Ordained and enacted into' slaw In • Cannel:ls* Iwo *Studer ol Junes J A. Amia . I). 188 m0 9 Ant ..... - ZX President of Selset Attest: B. 8. 71tinhaur, - •, Clerk of tielect*Ootnell."' • - ' w s A. TOasta..saysst. _ President of Common Oatutells Anent ff. MOMASTIN j,•/: • I ,Clerk of Common . A N ORDINANCE: . •" "ib t •OOiaita C ;4{lo 4 !g ' ° , Y -4 / 1 :,Street. ttaTro We it otlkriS andiereesibzt*. CPUipqf fn natal and Derrese6 tmea l ,,,. , - s *op :setd . itt, at i Amin, entaated •tladt ',- --- • ay, the awart4-; of tag NUM. Taos she.. , f• - grade at 2 alrtrniatte sorter be loneled one foot. s t !smut ettnei, and thence a- nallbnit`crade to - • :: the -441 ellhezir Vl.Bt6c.Millroad 'and , to.liatlte- -• •••,-* street: • • • • -nor: a. 'Tbattiny ottttnaaeeorVargotoititrei'' --' meoattetias 'NM int lealartatinblortlinanetilltli" • ''',- nint time, be and he salhatetiereyer..o -.1,-'•:.' thislfir as the same affects teraerduka nee . 7 ained and enacted into a lan fa opun c li s z Btri dey of June, A. D. 1869. - -" c Jam tcB ffeALTLIP •I Attest: E. 13.110117: i t i t i r dent "SeleCt C°l3 nta• . ; . Clerk of I:elect Connell. W. A. TONLTI93ON. Attest: . President of Common Collin:ft. ' I Attest: H. igotAsna._ • _- , , utak of vitaam cota. oar • , AmusimErrTs.- IarkiECOND AMITTAL P;.e MC MECHANICS' :LODGE, NO. 9, I. O. o,Eft At Royce's - Grove, Ross' Station. JULY 5 th. 1850. Trains will leave the depot of the Welt Peons. Allegheny City, at regular intervals. Refreshment. by Alt. Fog le; Dilinei by Adam Berry. "TlekEts y. n.OO. 1107,411 E ANNUAL PICNIC FOR THE 4 BEN,EPIT OF THE POOR will be twilit A McFABLAND'S GROVE, • ' • ON MONDAY, JULY 5. Grove can be reached bf the following' traVns to Ronpe Station; P. B. • Walls No. 1„ - '6:34)4...x. : Kau, 1 - 4;115 s. X Accommodalion, .15:30 A. M : Waits No. A. 11:51°A. Accons— , Modai.on, 3:05 P. 'ACCOMMOdlition; r. x.; Accommodation, 4150 O. X. ' Oakland Passenger CartriiirerY /5 blinate_s tb tliegronnd. • ' ' ' /Y1:111 1 (4 KAND CONCEIT LAFA.YETTE HA.LL. TpS,IIGES OROHIELITIIA. mtisting or 35 In— Strtuttents, wilfstre its FIRST CRAND CONCERT • Assitted by Madame BTEDERIKANN. the eel,- ' orated Pianist fratelbetonieryatoiy of bettelet eJso, by Prof: Wildelatel roi!K, fr. the oove . ball on . • • ' • ' . •• - • . TinnumiTlTEM - ta, JULY sot., Prbatiof a/mission. $1.00; Gallery. 5Q &eta &pima, be eecured at the =lsle ato!I of.G. Tcni4ge, s No;.. 110,1eventh avenue. ielthout extrr arnii/OfELL 9B NUMMI AST PARLOR DUINAGERIR, Tile Great :.F`turnily , s - Iteso rte. FIFTH Art, sttra t : e lsetsrren...Futithlield end Wood'streets; °ripest oil Theatre. ATOpen Day and Evening. all the year round Adz*don, lild,esent. as :DaSidra's, 34 monk, AVVINVIE No. 65 Fifth avenue. onThette the Opera Bowls. Pittsburgh, ps t4y:coiil”q and lent , dateable plaie, ot , retorte. tiquora can . be had at this plaee Pare anditood. Thy Bruited Boozes are on the around floor In the rear. • Pie )CS. . ME COETWENTAL HOTEL. , • Erlimiter& • . ORDII4ANCES. II =MEE =1 ESE =ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers