D'UttUESNE WORK. COL r .: &w 00. 311:t0N, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS , innuesNE, iliX AND JIINLILTA, ' \ - - VakTIZAR. ROUND ARD WARR IR ON. ' - CAT R B PSI't n i S A I D A H N IPA 714,1' IRO N, GUARD IRO ,DRAtt and DROrPRE BARR, PLAN 6 / a 1 ; 0 JPAR BABB, 0 IL LIN ER. T AND PLAT BA for COLlRoada, W BA IWItDO A BARHAM/TH. ',' Ti. 613 PLOW AND CULTIVATOR MEL, 11M,' , WINOS AND MOULD cut W pattern. arrottLl DIU, .STEEL ; B TINR. A. B. • STEEL - , echkoN etreey and WAGON BIN t : and Ei 4 s e X PITIrAimpiND griiimi. 'ALE 806 First Glass aid W . , - OFFICES AND .WORKS. ' Sixteenth Eitraet and Allegheny RI 1 and 11.Watie Street. Pittsburgh. '' 2- 11111 E rt F mEut• sTEET. SINGE*PIPaPt& ail PITTETII#OII. Pa.. Mainditaturera , etery , racopuoi, oc CAST ARD : 43IERMAN - STEEL, 3An.w Eikaup4B, . . • ATO) PLATFORM ISPRIXON LYLI RTRIEL TIRX, ao, , WarehOuSet Witeiazuooo First Sta. & PMUW, •, - •orsznizi 'umpiring: kICTUALJt, Ezpszar lirmila n 1 1*E0.- - W.ISARII, • , I. CHAS. PARKIN. BPZCITAL.PARTNX.B-13. 111,.KL&B. CRZSORNT STV‘RT.. WORKS, /Ull4o' - BARR & PARKIN, Omce, NO. 339!7-11 4 . ty St, P 17151" 86R; "7. BLAcK pwtom)f ST-. WORKS. Intonosit a co., azusticiarers, °tin deo:num:ins of td Warehouse, TiriEriiETH, ; Tiillirr. and. BAJLKOAAP. B2 TZETS. IRON. WORKS. - Wee in /r/IZT mks. yzanzz. Porto, eutot. ptiTTSIIIIIIOII FORGE ,E 1 !. 11 D, IRON-0919 x.istrakAcriraxas Os Bar iron; e s Railroad Fish liars and Bed* Car Axles Rolled;. itailsOad Car Axles Haranzarod! Leeoinotive Fraznes; LoooinotlyeFrautallhapes; Side Ruda;':. T9Ales. Strain; Piston Reads; • ilteatabOiti Shafts; Pistolißods, Wrists; pitripiatAsiwa L collara, dte . • • Oftle4 s N 0.4177 PENN STRICI47. pnTsßusscH. -111111INILIFSEN . :1110CESS. nor Misters arb riow nre_pared toAnntiiern oes j ar , th i use , the rt rIMILLWIRN • ( POSY. /Milk 1r 0 91 1 ./ron. •tkirommftrorrrmont In mrerlor from. and the • MtbirmtrlOSUanninend ft tomb manotterants of et telitillur ja use bt 111 101/ 111 !ttcr" `'• '••• !'•' ._•4 • • • . 3.4.311 ES SPEEEt • - - Attorany torthe Tregees, 8001k03 ,1 and St, EneWs Bullelturr • droalth avenue. • \ • Parties intereeted are invited to iint the SHOZbBSRGEIt WOESS. where the rocetiaa IIOW In sneceastaloneratke.; les:1 'RYERSON, P JIM TEM & CO , ' • • Pennsylvania Irony , Works. parenonea lios. 15 andle, Pik m itrairdle PP° ,tsl4l.*Fl,FaplerliliMTAiiiili Bmss - nitniDEßs, ' JOiIII'ILVOOPER i'kVO :=; • ' 3 3 3 - .7$ . z, '.f:;'Belt and Brass Ga ndert, • • .• , , ltaklable Liu* r,(4cy Iron Fitul4 GAS PIPE AND 'TUTITNp i !antra sivErt n imb cluck u% -eiz away rerrEnri. -ixtitXlV COQ r • -. I Sr al g f ;W a r4 ;' o l. ever} iknieriftfittl f Air ,l iteenhifinertud'Ol.l. -• ' 143.15131A9T1:017.11501,J.M. CubingPlS Improved : Italinee-Vheel Steam Pump, stymie for Dreyfus' p a tene Ode era, the best in the Market.: Mee and Works. corner 7tilsteenth and Ptke Streets. 'DU _ftv AL! ;COAL!!. COAL!!! I a : DICKSON, STEWART & .„„ effit 7 r !lJrl • ' "ar rAnf j e l gOP ll lM C o ll s .l4 Are wowtoitiredsh_Leod YOIN)Rt_. •IMIANY MximuT CULL O/181.41.05.att0 jowest, moreet price. _ • _ _ ed All orders lert, at their o n ce , or address 'ibex _l., Aks orin .• f, Ault ••.; ),' 'llf ' ' • LITHOCiIiAPHERS. • .114111001:1411 4.11121$ filAratiViMat#olitioliihro g* so. . iluoamis • -PALIPAVIMOAL I,rearosiniamass. _ en% • quo .iltstabUstnes ..„ • ,riftc- ••• 'yr) . '4l' . • :, . • s dish, oe. awl I :1a...F : r 5 1 '.;`• ~" .".'.:.i 11 Ea ii• 1 4 _;,i• 1.Z:; - ",'- i.•;,'l,f, -!'l !;i • .'...i'.A . -..; z311 " ..,1' • -.,1,.--. . ,..---..- - , 7r4 tin •, ~ 0, ...., • ..„,..- ...c . ....; ~, , i t . e i ,, , 7 ~,.1- . , ~\, . .1. ja-01:4; - 1.,-- :P - .P..'1,-:.;.*.g - : - .J.0,- - ,:-; z-T4 , ..-_,,, - • . .„ , . . , ~ ; - . 2 . -., . . .-.r...a..4A4.14.14-;.-G.-41,,.- - . 4 :z.,-;,.t.N . :2 4 .-.. ,44 - 4-,4-: . : 4:4 1 ,4i; ; 22..3.1. , ~-; .. : ,,-, f 4 . ~..,..,„ 2 ,, - „, ~ , 0, 7 ,-1,-..i.:—.4,-- - ,Z7A,..,., ~ ; , ,5 ,- .),,v. , -m ..- -= -. 7 4-, - ~,,,,,,; •.,..-,,, —._ r_,,,....„.„,„,„..,.. .. ..„. - , •.„-. - . . ''''''',-- - `-` • ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''-t.',Forr'icikW,4-,i.,,k'k4.54--.44,','Ke-ZZ'i:V..zi::".---fV•I,-41,4';`'',1"-1.1-447'.T.t1:7'-'--?r-,',1-V.:17.--.,'W-TV:rt'":lFs.-',14.--1-.',12. -1 1 ' - - . , Ikbaitibiatimls of aumAß cimukar: 'Faure Ward Foundry and Waenins Warta selptrunr s2*:. ALtze.BErrittmrn'Et.. . .• • • • Ilanoin of Steam Engines. 0 1 1Preases, runers, swans. Orin Ana Saw sthl Work, Hollins IBM and Machine Castings. Grate. Bars, Weigh W d Boxes, Bufid to order and have on nano Engines of all sixes. nrfnualf CENTHAL FOUNDRY, I AND ROLL WORKS , • , SEW Penn Street. BOLL , BOYD eIIAGALEY. ohn Inoni, anu Ciiithir ROn Lintel. *c. W A1L1 7 0 :447,01P01G kianunisai&ad Broken In , . . Petiideitin Products, BLOCK, DyQUESNE:WAW 14E64611:Lnu Spam 17) Chamber of Consnuoree, .-0•;c.... : •.- (0 - - - 4 3 icfMND Mum. .; r o 4 P :. , Igi ' , UPSEi. , PETROLEUNF::FIEFINETLY. — ingiontray.t:v.ivribi* , .1-.lll4iTtritint ' ' .! •r- 1 ' IV! r pst Ding . • .zeupwi.Lor. t Aide ov.• . 'tams 'ereat"teat without ohingeas, those ai loweatstrinjetnktores. 'hpecio oil for tropical coui or S o o t weather. 10/00200.1/Te; Naiglie; 7 .lllaelidatia Shop, Wilt eat Screw,. • • • :. • `lll**,lllllll. *140341414. _ibt 011, vialiktited•M • ualOreaoueriat Illeameeds. • Ftwielethar ?Ileuresseue•- 41 Pit' • .1114011ahaeh i841 a1t5 4 . , ,1410211/ Bx.iiol uon - wort awl it'achla :Row ' ,Thesevooogle hothattetahed ender ;FP r ..,,Tlrequrajoilltnkvistimeleatedlison, lit 14 , M ie z ner*.oahneaohir SlDl,sre almottmlorless, o.hrei _mg/OM. slid Dam" ;:uolt, cot 'ltemite with aa t it e aWrapethaa Wig • ,rolie lim eartanuird. .The ear tonettank 111 COIMaili IMO on l (Mu aen e vato e_prloo .pada ham_pies van sad; orders aft :at 17* :WDOD writ?. . Works' st rohaviburt Dridee. iiMal AVis: zutotnEss, COMMON .111111011Alin • , AND DX.ALZEB Petroleum and lts Produeto, ritieburikrice—D.uptos Bymmisrs, isranli. aiiiiiice4 , l 4 twaunrr Err. I:w30 DLizioND LONG co., td I :kai iItIILD a, fen ‘ Daqueupe Way. nttsbursa. P. .I.eiir 4 RRe: ITr u " 1 1111011 111-' piNOVELTIIIwOOI43 • - tatiiiited -ADAIIIB, m 00.! . gisgo•STeNDeRD PLATIVithi pou INTI& P A CS 113,1' 41.98111111 6 0141 itaH . lAtemmmusbaninum.: - • 1: KNAP 'PORT PITT,' FOU'SDRY COXPANY: OFFICE min. *roux% TWELFTASTREET • PUTSEMEGII, PA. _ Ma chinery, Wail Mae es, Re torts+ and Castings ipe Naterroxii. Fol7lllllR'''', AND PIPE ; WORKS. . ' IN Clop Vi thaalinuastillseelti, • ' - MN= Wax%) * , Mg WILLIAM SMITH, bla!yaraOtureie CAST*OIIBO WI, PIPE FOB 6AB AND N WILTRE W0R103,. My Pines see all cast Invariablyln Plts..ln dry sand. and Mi het lenkhs. "Also; tell assortment al general - andinge forfifini and Water WIASs I artnadnlso eaJI the attention of Bitgelitend ante of Etta Worn. to toy make of RE STI3. , , DUQUESNE-FORGE. - -EGLE/is Aggicoessor to Jos. P. tam A co.,)' iHas facilities co -extensive with the leading Forges in the Balt, and hiprepared tb promptly , _aad satlaaotonly , fill orers tor STEAMBOAT SHAFTI/4:ORANES.PIBTON ROIN,LAVERIV PITMAN JAMSAYHISTB,MAILEOAD AXLES, • • LOCaliioT/Vlt , FRA 2 dES.•!tosether with 'every deamiptiottotSHA.PE,WOßJF. Olll6oand Forge. ,Wat and 'fide greet. ••; -- • I • • ReditttBON, PM& & Itneeesiorilo Mums • • . f • _ WASHINGTON WORICEI, FOMNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTuNINGN I italmaketnie:s u okilioat and titicaitlioatiaßlenn‘,..,._ OUT• d er and Sheet Iron Work. • Mee, o. IA, corner rim and endtl Agent, fikethrdltiV.,.r. 514.13k7101t rdl feeding Boners. , • 4411:1153 OrLS. ~ "ITTSBITRGH GAZETTE i MONDAY, JULY 5, 1869. 011611. BOLgt CO Aitrit Alley and Dit(in - einest.,' (NIUE TEL Pont; Z'n.gine'Buildertii Founders and - Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA. TIONAIty ENGINES, of all sixes. lAi&ecial attention invited to our now STATION OIL WELL ENE/Dlit AND PORTABLE BOILER, of IS-horsemower. CASTINGS, of every kind, made to order *tour Foundry, on THIRD STILE_ RT • below Market. ' RIGS for Oil Wells, &LIMITING, PULLEYS, MANGERS,ROUSE and TORACGOSOBEWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Frontin g on. the Allegheny River, near the Point, spr , All'orlers promptly MINI. thrr P081!.#'3 7 11,011141,11117416=TANK WORKS. El, PAL. TUBULAR. DOUBLE-CLUED TUBULAR, PIRE-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAK BOIL OIL STILLS AND OIL TANN& CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLINO PAM, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS; STEAM PIPES, DABONETERS AND IRON BRIDGES. N'DO)VS AND oom. eanrisis Ocoee and Warehouee. eerner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, /HP Orders sent to tie entire address' will be promptly attended to. • : mh7:189 WIL BARNHILL s ac CO., • BOILER MAKERS . AND SKEET IRON WORKERS,- • • 1 014. 101 mi. as nei mum . Having Bemired a large yard and. furnished It into the most approved inachinevy, we are pre pared to manutbotur e every destription of BOIL ERS tn the best manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. Bortql. BUB Beds. ittemn Sipes. LoctoMOtive llzs, Condensers, salt Pans, Tanks, Oil Stills. Agita tors, tlettliog rum, Boller Iron, Rstdirea, Sugar Pan& and sore manufacturers of Barnhill's 1%- 1=7.. • • - , rdsihie onittt nicer I.s:ert l'aPPßeal* / WIEN, e [Nos. /fogad 56 Water area, PITISITi!f9II, `op IRON OIL TANKS, @.1%1y, conga wraim Pirk. ml;nifi A • Au'siirdif.igoN For Steamboats. I MUD IC 8RUE18.........,........XDU11ND D. man ipAPI ) A I R BfWSEL SON, Stein Boiler* Oil Stills, Tanks. siariET IRON WORK, &O. 62 Pam Street, Piii!sbuigh, Pa. STOVES,_ CASTINGS, ao. A. BRADLEY tilie 41.9 NO. SO WOOD STREET, • Matinfeeturera of the greatest marlety of • P arlor an d Cook, Parlor and Heating Stores, TO HIE YOLIND. • - 1. • • • " • . “.t In our assortment will be found all thiLATEST PATTIS BNB AND IMPROVa Kg° To. &rut the reputation of our Stores 'attach that - any one In want of a good article should purch&se.none but those manufactured by thi, as they lelll3oe found the most durable as well as economical. Would call Particular attention to . our new 'POLO& N.I STOVE, for churches. halls Ina Storm Oyer 501) sold to thtee months. Intended for with or wit.h. out, casing, All who have elle& thetu.PrOnOunce theimeuperldrio any other and faretwaper. Bend for t,stalogue and Price List. Jae CO / Utimi ~.I,37.ACTER.unie miurr ♦ lrmurrs9r 191 1 14 ::: 04 161kiai; sogrozr COOKIN 7. G itakeiff, nu MIRY FURNACE," Nireimpro Ernanses. • MANTL .TECE 71/IIW_ ANTI-DVT COOKING MOVE, COL KEG& WOK ti JITOVNft 13 , ',M T tneinnati stsetn. wsiam. PONTABLZ tilt C AST HMS ra. taiMitumekesitroaidllniTh — arilai: ifoL 21)0, and 20$ Libertir Street, WNC747';'- 146iBtiRea LPA. Clow& tiTOVEL ' CET THE BEST. 111181V1r4LLi dt 430.'S TRIUMPH, FOR zurvarrivous Coaz: Warranted to Cook, !lake or Boast 118 _ Aran as any other Store In the 1781011. , . 13,1851311 & 00., No.' 285 141bertv Street. aimithite . %picnic* iwtoit. sal fp llvlimiristsfi -i , 1, i f :i- , . I\ 440:000 feet ry rine_BaLyda, ~ , I y' lall.S ;tee rpr,,,„ _,.,. pB. pet 1 ' Ulm I, mmon _I * :I 'll TM " M a i ° IV" it . Oft. )1 114 .^V;,9 a ;no Oyl s ,„,., 10, feet, IF oplarbeeektilail,f•,` la ...,_, _ll ello!! rep; Hoefdt; 4, rik y • • ° t i V are74 l o 4 s l ' "-' ,„:1100,000 o - 1 AwODU tie Ille:Inoki I i:olitylar , Iles Ortek,i'l -•- " ' • 1.000 v tr sProo., . : ~ $ .7t, 141 ' A I .%,. ' tea Tens Are Clay; 1 ''. auna , flaw lilll Lumber, Locoet - mot OiSlar Posts, and arnleles la the llogea_kandWl 'or sale by AL siaIMDZIIA'ATTzuw24.,-11 e. No. UK Be solla streas-atat corner of rre b band ' 4 / 4 1101 2 re04001000 404 0, ,411401117.-Sidelber. ' .- l'l pr: ioomor, il •:l Ig. , WEIGHTS. , AND MEASURES . 1 .. bu PV. • deism°. B.utlien Aon.), Rise ki I.jobirairitgraiiL4 - t • 7.ltr: r i nt v "4-- ItluintteirAi I ' -4T hairt 1 1 0 s ' 4l ' Jl~b..art Hour_ -11Ingwalk. Ai ° WWI "I adi Wit z. le:so l7l",rieris, .1 11 , t-/ %%a a. l ; - rL T i v AL. • AL• .v 1. , • 0 7 7 I 7 11 . fig fOOW 10'4,4111U '.OOO 00 r 13 0 t 2 v . •,:t•:• •• t i , tr .* . ' 1.1 VA " ' • ' • ste,t ,:iIA ) I,,ToN c i,,,• __ .......,. ~.i ., : 1ie50., 0 , witightiiiiii*: ~i.,,,,,,, 0e f,SPI . : BSata, ~ 10 :i. i iiii illi;;Pireesik I .:!:.,...,,, :„;.:, , tl&.?! . fi., -1 . , ~, , ,,..77, , ::: , s , : r 1 ,1 140 11 14 • 1 MEI P1TT13.13113811, CARROLL k SNYDER , aulturaimmmia of PITTSBURGEL Pa. ffrizTim - iA ME AMERICAN BUIL NO 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSEI.GU. • CASH. CAPITAL .... 8200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. BASH OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. . JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, President. Cashier. ' • DIRECTORS. Thos. M. Marshall, ' 'Jobb M.. Hartland, Wm. T. Shannon, Archibald Wallace. James W. Arrott, Jae: D. Kelly, • Chas. B. 'Leech, WM. Floyd. John Floyd, .1 1 • This Bank Is now fully orgautzedind prepared to do a general Banking business. jelOk43 FORT PITT BEM COIIPANt No. 169 Wood Street. _ . cevrtAL,- : • : noo,000: 7 .` II TOttii . oLDERIVINDIViIitIALLY.LIABLE. DBALEgg GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND COLD. ATMS? OLLOWED 011 TM DEPOSIT Colleetioas made on all accessible points in the United Metal! and Canada& DIEBOTOSSi D. Soutane?. : - •Jno: 0. Matter James Gordon, So . . mug.' I fta D: - Wslince. • 1 . Andrew Miller, . 1, r• Avircett, James M. Bailey. : . . - SAM' .PL _ _. D. LT ; T WILSON. Cashier IarrART,,CA. & CO., .`" a " BANKERS AND BROKERS, .' Corner .Third and Wood Streets, Pri - rBltinuan, . , artroadasoss TO BAR NA. BA= A C 0..) Dx,Azzei ix , 14chanie, Cob, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purthaae f . 111" " COVERNSIENT BONDS. Brat bran:Dion London. Stocks,BOnds and other Securities • $0130114 iirD SOLD ON commisaiorr. avantatattenUon mid to the pan:base and t i 7V.p3d States Securities. JAY COOKE • CO., 33 istrUera,, 114 8017TH TIVRIPSTREET, PHILADELPHIg,./ STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions bought and sold. Special attention gi4en to the purchase. and milli of tioverilmeitt iItSA.NIC lit It - Street, Plttsbnrgh 3 , Pa. .. • CAP/TAU .100.000, - STOCUOLDEIIS INDIVIVOLLT LIABLE. DiTEREST PAID , ON DRPOSITS. ' , ronzunir EXCHANGE Bought and sold. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections Mader on 'ail the principal points of the United Flatus, apd Can sons. Hostutteg Lastatin. President. J.sans McMinn. Vice President. JOHN B. lionsu.sT. Cashier. DittsoTon B. D. Mount. • Junes McCabe. Thomas Rourke, John Savage, J. Dnnien , , , Jr.. Terence Campbe ll , • Patrick Hsne. James Phelte. .has. ii.riturrs ii..A.Preyvogie no.Jos.Hermann; Thomas Barnes: • Hugh Nest in g Jet ski PEOPLES' , SAVINGS BINS .; Of Allegheny.' CORNER • CORNER FEDERAL AND LACOCK STREETS. CAPITAL • • • • • 8100,000 eTpcstioLDElts INDIVIDUALLY, LIABLZ. DitiaVot Dtaeount and Deposit. Pazinnsact-8. 11. HARTMAN. , CAsuryn—E. P. YOUNG. 8. R. • Hartman, DIRAOToRS. • IW. H. Hurt, J. P. Henderson, 0. Patter..on, J. Konen, B. P. Brown, Damned Dyer. 6. B. megrim (Mown. -my211j72 DOLLAR SAVINGS HANK. NO. 65 POOR= STREET. CHARTERED IS 1858. ASSETS e 5,80.1.431. pa. , op en doff Mon S wettest 4`'ar.' 'ye'leeiTelock Day ' 'gest t r ..4412,911 r;!T1 N 11 8 z, , .. I**, l . m A ano from No v ember let to May ]at, I c iom w ° to l a o'clock. Deposits received of all sums of not less than Slah DOI.I.AIt and a fivldead , 011ie Ptnate declared Men **jeer,: June Dec 3fiber Inter_ett has been ocelare semi-annually n Jul' `and December slime the Sauk -was e! ear a the rate ot six per tent. a year. , t 4 , Intercat, If not 'draws out. le Placed the °MD or the decheltor mprtnel ,and be \thde Fame Int treat fronalho let ys of Juno an iDedember• compaueolng t a Year, without r i cebling the depositor to I, or even to present imus DOOk. At ltd. mi money wilt doubt° le ells awn twelve Years./ 1 neeko consolation therhareer.-B74awt; filet end Simulations, lornliked grime, on epplica. tion lit the mace. , nntraiummyrin Cow. ~, , .' ..-.. _ Pamitnitirr—GEOßG/ ALBRIE: ; John G. Dackofen ' ic Yte'Z'O 001e,'4. .. Den), le. Irshneatuck, Rottei?illObb. Tilde' erilniam ,- . 'John' : hhuedintrier, I :Per oittir e i A ' '. i. latnetabldle. , • , ' ~ tn.; ~ . 1 ildrdlorgir. c . :.. "Duo . fentioclist- Den tie .„ t, . ~, ~,t. ,„.. I , 1411111 1,4, T.' , tri 1 4. Anderso n% Igor -2-nollill'l It , L mein •nneeep it ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 401.CI MAT:11 SILVER AND COUPONS Sought at Highest Prices. PH. R. MERTZ,, Banker reiCm% Wood and Filth Streets. 3,6 Lida T. BE 8c CO., I .EL.N" 3E55: 3pt, 6IIIMMaxNT SMThimES, Interest Allowed on Deposits: o tr i lifoneido r a a n t g . on Government Bonds at 1- Orders .eireented for thnPurchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and L SOLD. . Likikrgs'T, BRADT do CO. 111411 A , Pres% frOURNMENT •BONDS ! We will register, all kind's of Government -Bonds free of charge. This gives the 'bolder ab solute security against•theft,loss. ordestruction.. JAMES T. BRADY & 00. 9 Dealers In Goterninent Bonds, • corr. FOORTZI & WOOD ITS. mr3025 . rts aittAntt FINAIVE .4 1 93 1334:1ng. Orzion PITTISBURGIS GAZETTE, t- SATlniDey, July 3, 1869. The gold market 'for Vie past week batiibeen - very*eady at about' 187; the , 'finctnitzOns each day selidom -•rangiog . tisore.thanX to ..per neat. -Although an atternp,Cwar P on" - ilday to de press the gold premium it failed, a few sales only being made after business hours. The coming week is likely to witness violent fluctuations in all the departments. For Gold, a email advance is expected, on the pies of specie ship ments, but the abundance of cash gold and high rates for carrying will prisient partieafruin speculating for , a rise. The '— active demand liar xc ange and better wiotations for bonds will also have a tendency to advance quotations in Gov ernments. Stocks look very firm, and if - the ex treme stringency of money during the past week has only tended to advance prices,• large disbursements• for: this week:should. give 'the 'upward lime. nieni - greater;lorce; but since the sup :port of outside speculators is lacking, a reaction and violent fluctuation must • be expected. Quotations as. received by ph..R. Mertz: .S0J 1 :1; ,1.37; Oy er , 4 3 4; F l ighty. one's, 117iF1ie Twenties, 1862, 12131,1 do 1864, 117 X; do 1865, 1l8m; do 1865, Consols, 11630 do 1867, , :11633; do 1868,, 116%; Ten Forties, 1083:i: New York Central, 95!'‘; Erie, 418. q? Pittaturgh, Fort Wayne.- & Chicago:: Railroad, 56%; . Ohio & Mlsissippi, 32%; Michigan Southern, 109%; CleVe; 'land & Pittsburgh, 106%; Chicago Rock Island, 18%; Chicago & Nortiv Western, 82%; Chicago & North Weaterrt" Preferred, 96%4 Adams Express Conf.,. panv, 6090 Merchants Union ;ExpreMt 13 5:t Pacific Mail, 91%; Western Union Telegraph Company, 383 i; Am. W. Ex press, 41. , . tax Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette 4 :rNEw Yong. July 3, 1869. Money firm in the morning, -I*t grew easier in the afternoon, closing 80' per cent: 'currency. The - disbrirsemeritii of the Tr - easury partially ,rellevstl the mar ket.' sterling dull. Geld limier, open-, ing at 137, declining to 138%, and closed , at 137. " mbio Governments firmer, Aiming, higher. It is reported that the Treientiettrili buy more bonds next week, but lalka conflr _, ;nation. Closing , prices: Coupons nrlll, 1173‘; do. 0 62, 1213‘; - dii 64; 117,Na11r,;, do. '65, '1 1 6u01161 , do. new. 416 @ 1163 , i; do, '67 - '•‘116% 1163i;)d0. .416, 16x igliB3i; 104 4 1 0 N U)141 04 0 1848 48 W (g)IO6X. - - , . . - . • State bonds dolly . the'lWises were:- old Tennemees; 6 ; new d0., - 615i; old Virginias, 57; .., w 61; old North Cahill nes, 67,41 me do., 4954; Bilsourlig II; ; Stooks re dull uut limi t _ and yeti little b ness done after•thmilrer.V.W. , I they ificipal !Merest being in NAVY* 1 u a Central. Michigan Southern, Pittsburg!' and Northwestern. -2.zrps kcsharee , litavy: - An unfounded' rather bunted ilr decline in Wells & Fargo - al per•dent. 1 Bidding Prim at 6:80: Altntqa, 60%; Cumberland,. 6123 i; 'W'estern-Unlen- Vele. graph 8 8.,a.. Quickallyer,L4m; Mari -1 pnasiik, do.4preferred,Us‘...ktrolilldl,-;, 91X; .11 0 stoniWeterr,i -1614 E Athiktlif,AVON; Wella 4 Parip , ' 2 6l§ l afOrieen, 41;t1tni ted ~States, 741.. me•ft,. ants..,llrlionk•l4; New Arork Central, 198 gt * llftritil* -144 : findampl;lB,B4; Reading , Ofigarlik 86.41'; 60 . Prerwre4' 8 44: 'aitorteni. Centre], 12R; lidlchigan • Sonthern;`, 06X,, ' Illinois central, 1411 Pittsburgh, • 10654; LNerth western:_ll2M;"do c porenlag Q610,.R00k feltalliillB34l See•Paull7s l ,it do. ilreflirred b 8234; Wabash, 743 t; do.preferred, • 7 Fort Vfe3.11Af.1664;• Tern% 4ante. 86; doi preferred,'66;' . O h Mlisisaippi,iB2X. , . 1'7402 a ' Mc 1 26844 , 2 :8.4 " 71 A ; T d E e:r i eas " e,. - 12, ' :.: ()63,26 - 1; Specie;Sp; 123.520467; increase. 88,283,127; ticaq $74.217.078Vindrea5,41 88328; Deposits, $179.929,467 decrease 11180, 226, UNA. -1 Tendemi146,737,263t deer. 8 1 ; 4 20 3 60, .. ;v... •,, (• , —,!,f; Treasuml : Bool Mticiaeliarlienp i $3 887 847. balance ..., dig,agg, l % I:' , ' ZI. ; hillOti" * %;sll^tiii , ease ; Mt v 7r , 1.6:4 ~---4 ; 1114 •i,..• 1 1•• i. i e:0 I:11Y: :,s4 - 4 F^}[ ,S ,W) ~~ (successors o #3, JON= 00..) „ . Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., BIM AND RILL ALL KENDS or GOLD; stun AND COUPONS, ON MOIST 741.1708A8LE TERNS. PITrSBURGII ARKETS. _ 'M UFFICE •OF YITTSBI7BGE Gassrrnt, , SAAIIII,DAF . , July 3, 1869. The markets ,in a geneiar way- hav been dull during the past week, • ant devoid of anything really new or ImPor tent. The demand for almost every thing is restricted mainly to supply immediate wants, and the sttingentiy ii money tnatters is tending to prevent even if, there was a dealie, anything: • a speculative character., Business is al ways dull at this season of the year, ani, there itt no reason why this asason ghoul be an exception. The intelligence from the West, ws r,egret to say, is very unfavorable in rre gard to the crops, the continued, heavy rains, having almost destroyed Whets: and Corn in some ocalities. Witl favorable weather , how ever, from thi time out`there will doubtless tie a. full average crop; had, it hot have bee fo: the b ad ; weather, the yield would, in n , al; probability, have been unprecedented the history of this country. . BUFFER -?Is quiet ' and rather -dud. but unchanged, Small sales of good choice at 20®25. B EANS — DaiI at.12@2,25 per bushel., CHEESE—Is dull and In good supp l bur unchanged; sales of common West; em Reserve /6®17, Factory - at 18 an, Goshen at 19®20. - • CARBON. OlL—Quiet though steady'; may be - quoted In a , jobbing way a 28©29. ' ? , • DRIED FRUIT-; , -Very dull ! , ; puce' -entirely nominal. , EGGS—Sales fresh packed at 19@2.0. FRAMERS -- Supply in hands commitssion Ulan almost exhausted. Livf geese may' be quoted at e5,@90; to the trade, and $1 in a retail way. ' FLOUR—The market although firm quiet with no perceptible impravemen in the demand, and prices are u,r l Changed. We continue to 'quote, West em Flours at 16@)(1.50 for Springs, an; f7,00@7 1 50 for, • Winters, accor d i ng ti quality. ste G a n dy A r i N— lli W ng h de m an d saare 1.:3 a o n g d l ,&? for fair to prime and $1,37%1,38 lb choice: ' Oats steady with sales ,of load lota at 66, 1 and small lots In store e 68@70. Corn Is in limited supply any firmer; and mixed, may be qtitted'at ®7B, and prime Yellow at WWI. Rye also, is stronger ' with but little' bfrering we now quote - 'at $1,20®1,25. -Ntimoye went in Barley, and 'little dr, One .11A.Y.;-.ltiselling from couritry".pragotr, s2s®33.<according to quality. - - fiEMP.4!stry dull, and prip,oBlol2dim . . `dbvit HUS es at 23. , ,(4)3 ctaper pottn Lime le quoted a. $2,50, per bbl, and Common White t( 1U.75: LARD CilL=Sales of No. 1 Extra $1,50, and No ..2 at, 0LMCd1.,20.:; PROVISIONS 14x@t4 Ribbed and Clear Sides, 173i©16%4 Ilains,rifilt @IBM Plain anger Crake, ' Canvassed, 21. Dried' Beef, 21®21y, . l Arditt:tiernes2o, in kegs aild4adia 2:. Mess Pork 133,50©33,75. POTATOES....-New . -crop ecaren•pnd it d - deman, and quoted - at 14@4,25 per . bbl Old crop selling at. 4 0@45 per bushel. PEANUTS_ Small sales at 12. , SALT-164rd' and droOpipg-,may quoted at $1,65(41,70 'for car - laad. to and the usual advance for small lots „ it store. - r, SEEDS—The 'demand for Clover ani, • Timothy SeedsseeirieCto have almost, pr; firstly subsided:- Flaxseed would but therelle none in, market. , • PETROLEUM MARKET. OFF/CE or Prrraziritert - Eikazirta, SATOIDAY July 3, 11 . 369.' REVIEW POE THE WEEK. The market has been remarkably seti sitive all week, which was owingin pat to the fail that considerable tippreheff sion was felt lig ` to the COO/134 thing would take on and after deliverj , 'dad Well, dehvery day has-Amine add 'gee without anything very remarkable ha V, fug's:tag:Unit; bat; liottiithstanaing, thi:g feeling of apprehension stilt esistsf,npe.l atorti-gewally are dlsatistied with th 3 prifeenb &Meet bf affairs and diatrfistf4 in regard to the future, and, as a coral quance, , the volume of bhsineas has beel unusually light. n.Prices haye varie d butt.llolo,either way*. having 4. bee n rf,,' • markably uniform, though today the m was a firmer feeling> maniteated; ang compared , withlyesterday, those who ari 'in favor autkigner, figures, appeared I,l' 'have a slight advantage, There Was lit tie or nothing tfibnei , howeviry btit single 'Sale , reported, -, and the eseter boards , '" adjourned , about' hy 4 'itat meet again oot Tuesday:' " h Receipts Crude this week; '83,765 llad ' week, 21,020; from January Ist 4 tov-dat4 394,n3; same , time last' year = ' 80];70 4 I partiateillied this. week, 48,161; lag week,18,292; from January Ist to datc • 220,088; ;same time lastyear • 277,0:* ' Sales this week, 77,300 bbLs; lawank t el,' 44,400. I , REPTITRI) There was not a single sale reports co-day , bat, as t , i i, aily f intimated( hoW, ever, the r r i t was stranger feeliag mai4 tested. though here was but little if ani '' change I _Prides; spot 'oil wait; quote? at 31Kt 321 y, last hollVlit-ng@l234; I.l ines"ranoing from _July , to Pace , ber2midtictober to De eeteber at &1 0 33 1 .0 :tit a single sale reported, 1,000 bb lt spfllt. at 143 c, :Compared With till early part of the weekv spot is - about quarter lower, though there is n ' loireli offering at , tI , IU, and - fR :Is 4 13 doubtful whether a buyer could ibund 4 above thee'' 'Atigust ' ma I tot) Sluotelkat,ls, the last Bale al e lporte q 1 1 4: 1 1ngiWervniiidli at that -fight; ' Bel 1 lera option, all year nominal at'l4. - LITBRIILtAINCLOILO:r L Eclipse Winter Lubricating oil—. . . 40c Eclipse Railroad Axle , 9N Eclipse Machinery ~.. ~.....`. .... .. 754 Eclipse Spindle . ' ...-.... . 1' • REcEirra OR Crls r 4ll OIL. OwatonA,dowera.,.... ... ... .......... 9t30 bblr PFiler,ittßico' 400 ....ai , oor& ~, T. , •,....r .. •.. t•, •••• ,, ..r. -. 32 0 Vi 4 lifitniiall ' " - ( vllipic....ll.rxigt.a...#.2,Mblat Citze t i llliii%ftal? ; l 7 ; ( *W l i / ?fTtiekde tt. 4 _ Thos: Plaskett. 191 bbl refined it? Tic del tr: ''V , " ~-• 1 1 7ca i eW i tk • Br b., r tl2 bblie re ( n ) nli 1 oil W. P. Logan *Bro., Philadelphia. H. W. Q.,Tarqdola,ilkt,.bblO refined Wardi an , Fremcdrve„.•.mutidelpiila. Total shinments Refined...—. .—.. 1, Ott. awiPitatt , rxixa,lVEST PENNA. Efi '`ll43:W I fThldiitOP &M. MO bblitretY.pp tOlVatik. Iring:it CO:. Philidelpitia.: u° lett'ion* Waring, 420 `bbls rekiedi Warbig,'Eleg* Co., yliiilatigloblV.,,,_'" • BrentzeraieolerA u O l4 liiilli tekicl 1 INcila W * Pi:a' Lt t titt e i titi Th ;Air . ' fa k t ri l .l 4-• . 9 /Z1 ' ' lan`' 1 2 .. 44KKaliall , -- - --- nawyr. •%%11.fitatWlittewhztetil,solt:100 1) mine ba t wara Brooks Ballentine* Cb.. 7 4 1bble 01140 Wardarioriesr*Akt..:Pldllstbitthi Dane= a_ Williaaa 24 bble nen . oil to W. P. Losan Bro. Ppllti is 1 inKBONNIta'' . t ' A ' 4 i: 1 El ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers