NEW ALDVERTISMVI'TS. Igtr PETROLEUM , ASIOCIA... , . ~... . TlON.—There - wlll. be asp Oat leeani of : t he Petroleum Assoc'ation oa WEDNESDAY .... ' ILEPTEENOON.• July Ith, at 3 o'clock. . A full . ;ttendar.ce isirequesttd ' jy5:180 ALLSGIIBI4I" YATIONAL RAN}Lri + dal) ad. /Sa_P,. CW'THE B OARD. OF DIBEr - TOR 4 of thia Bank 'have Oda day declared s •aimt-anheal°.d Leiden(' •f• 15" X PER CENT °• payable to A. 13.- ,itoetholdera Sertbailtb fere of all taxes. - . J. W. ItaCREY. taabler Pirrantraart,'JULT 3, / .•rtallalrat, TRIM. COMPANY. 11 40:4 • • :No. 423 reaa tkreet. 14 111 E - DIRECTORSDt videna - or, THIS B AN'EC hare declared a of 'FRE CENT. t..ut, of.the nr,ntta of the last biz months, payahte'onar utter the 12th teat., Dee 'at Ekoveratneatalax.,t _ _ • • . „BORT. .r. 2RIKat, Cashier. 'arrtliTeßTA DIVIDEND. , 4 LEST NATIONAL Bator PITTSI3IThIOrI. • ' PA.. Gate Pt( sbursh Trust. 4.;ozetrany.) 5 • The ,Dire. tort. or this sank hare this day de-. Dtrideadl of THREE YER UV.. T. on ••• the .thteltal Meek. out of the pro, Ate of the last three months, payable forthwith, free of Mate qua Government 2 al'. • •J. D. scULLT, Cathter. 4crwr S.-1869.1 -• • • - ty5:162 . . - tgra . pyrrsmvitoli ( T HEATRE. . . 4 4 , R. W. WILLIAMS, Lessee and Manager. riVO„Olt kNO :.PERFORMANCES TODAY: M tines at s;£ t;'clonk: Night at 8 o'cleek, TRE °USING G IRLS OrPITTISSUROU." • A sti ;- „l i r b Olio and a National Tableaux. :and the Nautical Drama called TRE - STAM, 8c ANGLED _RAMMER: . ~ , • • tgrNEW OPERA HOUSE, , LEBBB2 W. CANNING. Ran. MAtiA6.Bll... . .. CHAS. H. DUPREE. SUOCESH AND 'ATTRACTION UNEQUALED. . ONE WERE MORE.' • Commencing . illonelny Evenjug, July 50, and continue every night during the week. ' TWO UhAND 'PIC.t.FOR3iA.NCEtI ON THE 6th-afternoon at ES o'clock. evening t at 8 secunit ant pesltivetilast - week of the gigantic .. 9 upr & 13eni aiot's inarels latrOdacing on this occaalon the great sensation burlesque, •,.-•. 4 , . • ,Dos•rortj , ! .pE . )41 . 1LE E. two new. xcraordirotry programmes by this famous Idsmmo.h Tr , upe or 26 ETHIOPIAN ARM led by the great LEW , IiENED CT. Twenty.flve.Cent Mattuee ttturdayar7: .lerabort. at %%o'clock. ' Oraud farewell - phi- aturday'nlirbVailly`lOts, Weldon ,Str the .tioupa , a departure toeCbicago land Palladtlotus. • 1y5:158 - ' llllllllEltElit IFBADE WHITE: ciO9l2OS; SiOGTKINGs AND GLOVES, ;Hats, Baanetil'astd Sundt:miss, . 4100 P SKIRTS, FANS , HAIR GOODS , Paper iirads Linen Handkerchief', :SIUKTIN it tr!if ID Eta GAIINIEffITS, PLAIN STAR ,SHIRTS, • ...FANCY SHIMS. • NECK TTES ' Lunar ra , nerd, , :, SUSPENDERS, - BLIT TO.His s , .. • FRINGEB, - . Wit P 6. . BRAID 1, SNPHYE SHAWLS, ../.,AOES. And a - full line of NOTIONS : OF EVERT DESC4IPTIOS ; ‘.;• ;t, A.T - , Wholesale . and :tletaiL Ettinik always eiimpfeie sad :Ili prices. . Whole. sale hIEBSB.ROLE Sc LIBBY '5 sups= - ries , :auike•ot , CAPES OOLLA:BB: Rude sot plledat P,aetes7 NOshants eau save , time and'nioney by • !sorl,• tag uir • from our? st.3c.k. J()SEIT 7 11ORNE lc CO., 77 AND 79 MODE' STREET. . Ott :44 WIED EIMOLI) - Noy .1 0 Wheird Aven ue, t'phohters and Dealers in Curtain ; Goods"; Direct tbe, attention.' of their .friends and tke Dui& toper duel, assorted stocknf • face rind .17ottingbara cartains 'Vestibule ;Laces. Damask iteps. Ferritsidexicanclotti, 436 4 1 n.5 , DeiNlCAreili. Cornices. Silt and Walnut? Molibibgts, ¢pring Beds or superior make. ! Efate kiaprinciesf pure übittlialT.) fillowa..;•Bosiers, - sad :Perto l l l 4sC to , a Orst•chubs , bee t The latest .E!dris , sad flynlin designs for Dre Perle. .alitliebistrugep or_tbeir atirtoinurs..Pnre white dy.aeteni talon IP.eathers 'aware on•hand. ;'," • : HOLTZMAN- & WIEMERHOLD: _ •. - 2 .1 - ";NO; 100 THIRD -Avr-Ivirt. w ads ; pHtut P RUILLIPS 1 NEW MUSIC BOOK , SHE S TAP/BUB 'SINGEL o iwEOD6TE3 OF .THE WE01.4t.1"13.. 1.80 The Trade Aftippliid ^at • igteb -liBhdere iSCCB, at.; i , - • ;. , •rni) digIRODIST BOOK .-ItEPOSITOBY, s , ' street“.l HOUNtaii TZLANIL BOOKS. 46 '7 ' ILZDOESSiI k • •,) roust/Aux • • • ---- Odcazti,. • - - .?, • • • • ' CA/11110ga% e 841arerl de lotion of lifemoniitdoniigsoki on= band. andlbr isle a/ n • W.S. HAVEN & CO., tiprik; W..d Staid aidi Third Anne:, lism• • • - . • • ~. g GTOISA' TO ' :,.. HOTEL, ........ . -. . - . , :_ -,, y-- ,,,, -..L.„.--• •:". -. •• • , ~-... .. .-..--:•,- -\!-E,,mky •BL'aLv.--..- • - • .• • t • • ' WW oDei be l n the Slith;pf ;lIME, I!tilfl t • Mg' hotel Du oreisedcwlado• t h e put year v e. tordsunie acuicklDdailDis - tu, ne any cap eon: and igt!Uta ana ja_turniebeikequl to any o r the /4 q e:ll UT Valled 14 1 4 411 7 - Poe ta:XL% ac,;, until 42 tb.. Alft t s i t i;24, 3P/Adnuirsireei * P•q,a4olPhia* JoU_ a.rafinscoir. TirtOßTl: lo ,4l l 3**9 l o lll War CO., ,`4 MIME le , ME NMV, ADVERTISEMENTS QEDGEIVICK STREET.--The undersigned. appointed - to asiess damseee and benefit; for opening Sedgewlek etreet. Sixth .igarti. City or Ancgikelay, wil irtni , et on the 'nem , I-es on FRI IiAY. Jiily 43d. 1569. at. 4 o'clock. e. If., to utter.d, to duties of their appointment. • • ,T FIFILMANN. cu 6i ' TIIOIIA.iLEONARD WALTER, J. , .SMITH. . 8• F. BROOK§. „secretary. OFFICE OF CITT,ENDINEER AND SIDIVETOII, j. PITTSBUItGII, July. 3. 1868. • XOTICE.—The assessment for Ciraairig and Paring F081E1(.14 ALLEY, rou(Butler street to the Allegheny Valley Rail rord, itt s aow ready for esitunnatton. and can be seen id this office until WEDNESDAY. July 14, when It ;will be returned to the City Treasurer's nice for collection • . ' J- -MOORE. City Engineer, IIOpEBECCA STREET.—Notice Lb is hereby given that the undersigned. an- polo ted viewers tu assess damages and benefits for openitrwyebsec"ifatreet,' Flelt ward; Alle- I ghtny; from Vrafg to rederal•street. - will meet: on the premises to attend to duties of their app pointment. on WEDbIIaiDAY, July 924, AIM at 4 o'clock r. X. - - • • _ lEff CRESBON 'SPRINGS. T. Is Favorite &mac! Resort, Situated on the Summit of the A LLEGHENT MOUNTAINS, 2,200 PeET ABtiVE THE', LEVEL' OF THE eiCA., will be open for the re o caption of guests qn the. lath day of JI.INEI The buildings connected wtth the establishment have been entirely renovated and newly furnish ed. Excnrsion'Th ktas sold by the Pennsylvania Rantoul, at Phil Atlpbla, Harrisburg and Pitts burgh, good for tit< season. All trains stop at uremia 'TN 0 FURNISHED COTTAGES FOR RENT.Feg rther Information. address GEO W. MVLLIN, Proprietor Cr esson SpMngs, Cambria County, Pa jy5:167 CHIRTEERSHIP NOTICE, I have this !lax; associated with me In the Hat, Cio and Fur Business,Messrs. JOHN W. OGLE . - VEE and JOHN G. BENNETT. The business will be. conducted as heretofore at4he old estab lished stann, NO. 139 WOOD .91 1 11EET. under the firm name of PLJEMING & CO. WM, FLEMING. J. G. BENNETT. J.W. OGLEVEE. WIL - TIEIVIING-& CO Wholesale and Retail Dealers in liats,--Cap . s, Ladies' Furs, AND STRAW GOODS, NO. 1391r00t Street, -Pittsburgh. - . • MUEIDI:TCTIOTT 3P3Mia.IEE9 BATES & BELL SUMMER GOODS CREAP TO •-• • m -CORD . & CO.. 'oo.tirrgraB akin= STOOK OF .• • T ., _ 1. , STRAW GOODS AT GREATLY PRICES,. VHESH- SHAD RECEIVED PHLPHEMS popular butildif NM' 45 Diamond _Market, rifts -445..and,at the Twin City. Allege.ity er and rodent streets. , - Can be hair a kinds of•Efea and Lake nal Erallbut., Shad. beak, Coddsh. Haddock and Eel. Mao, large ,supnllens t Whtte.,Lake.Ylsh. nalemo i : 8 8 , 8 btergeonliterring and aincluaw..Tsout. which enable* us to bell at the lowest market prices. wholesale or ; We lnvtte 411 lovers oi Irresh Fishtto'gtve us a call. and we will Inane them a tee at, ' - ' ruh.2s is zs•liWiNTs .11 .Jre*. K. Wan alatitic6Tt7R4 AND ORNAMENTAL CARVERS Ise 61. Sandusky. St,. Allegheny, Pa. A Itn , e....alkkOrvitunt — t ot NlAlfila 'POSIT! an 1141Ltrraso constantly *noun& Itrarthe of:all 'twill) -ns. dorm • nratvfil VIWENERII WAKE NOTICE. -.1 , 011,43e1•X.—Ths ; , 701127111121 - I=2 A.llD._,on the Allegheny' Elver. and now flied-Re preening purposes; well linnteved and In & high •Itate or cultivation; containing 40 of gp ems, now altered at a bargain. -, Call soon. - i t: i potesi YA,rws in good location'. Woolen p . swo.woOsesi end twenty sere" of land on e Central2lallroad. limos and-Lots For Hale sad hur To- dlerlet in or UM oigg,aor_ ux turther o par! . ticalars wAli teal . : 110 *rant street. ollooalte flathodrii. ROSA . 1:01LIA• S ITEMEI4, THE 1141001 i WU, SALE Bt rontrommirchuminsft,.. t r. U. I'OUNGION ' t. surotialar. sizativ,clososerioxiint ICE CREAM artlpiN 1 . 210 - S ALOON, ey • Of . unEurrettite.=foo bireek, Iry ClavelaA4 Aline UM; 900 'I" f a ig 4 , o dip.. for site by AP IS CANIMILD; V'41111111 1 1814 TDMAELIC CEMEI T:=100 MIA LimilitZleliydrutiaSleestaV.Vis 4. W e JOHV,RAIBEY. A. HOk,BIIN. A. M. MARSHALL. Offer 'the Balance of .. ~ L ~ ~ CLOSE OUT. ~\ - . PITISB1.711(111 . %GAZEIIIT:, MONDAY, JilLY' 5, 186' NEW ADVERTISMWRNTS NEWT NUR 011 . 11 SS GOODS I[ls ABOUT UALF THEIR USUAL PRICES. AT IS 3-41 TO 25 CENTS, SUMMER, 'MOHAIR, 510kIIINS, ALPACASLIN CHOICE COLORS I ' Plaid> Leno ALohnirs, TEXED POPLINS, _ PLAID POPLINS, &e,, TEE ABOVE GOODS ARE ENTIRELY NEW, Having. Been Opened Viithin the Last Few Days. an ABE. DECIDED BABG.AINS. NEW CASHMERES LE PRICES LOWER TILIN BEFORE THE MR. ~` . AT 12 1-2 CENTS, Fine Yard Wide, Bleached Muslin; ED WILLIAX SEMPLE'S, No, 180 , and 182. Mad , Street, ALLEGHENY CITY S. A. CLARKE & CO., 119 WOOD STREET, SIId DOOR BELOW FIFTH, OFFER LEDGERS, JOI7E.NALS, "DAY BOOKS COPYING' PRESSES, COPYING Boons, WRITING .PAPERS, ENVELOPES, INK STANDS, .11Vocuinenil Envelopes, -WRITING FLUIDS, IMABIE TODD & CO'S Celebrated Gold Pens, AND GENERAL OFFICE STATIONERY AT LOW PEI ICES. Iva wrw • - WPMPLIIP 01 X 2 00 THIS CARD - , entitles ' bearer, on' presentation, to rwo nortauts ibktkahitit'on s cash gazebos!. of 425.90 At, the great cheap clothing house of , , a a OBIVINAL . 111E+ NUMBER 11, Sixth Street, lite St. Glib Nobody best by tide eatabliehment. but fblr dealing to , ail! Call -•nd be convinced. All Clothing plainly 'narked by printed cards, at L W.612":645H: iIiVS; Bo that no one Ito ii be .deceived. Remember the place, erlioltill 3 big number 11, SIXTH 'STREET, late Bt. BIMILEE Of 00WITEBTEITti OF 'TEM! e. muranio. de2SiTir-s 2,000,000 OHOIOE LANDS FOR SALE, 'BY TEtZ v . , Union l'aclflc Railroad Company, Lyles along Melba oll.belr road, a, 01,00 T 015,00 PER Lour, ~, Laden $ 011,1MTT or ilvx`yr.mtp. tertker paritisdass, maps, am, addle*, ,10111,111 Land Comedmionerf Topeka, Emma& Or MEAL B. tourism= seer snail . Rt. Louis. MillolUt. 1 - 11 1 8SOHLOOTION. CO-Partnership heretofore, existiag tween itI7BBZLL ESBETT . WILLIAM ANDEB.• BUM and DAVID B.llSElGlTAtar.aila*UleAsime, of tuRETT. axpea.rozi a co.. In the Prlatior tl,llllnete at .No. 84 IFIRIOMMIW,was dl of d 0n.'144 30th gee of June: A...D.4669. tT the Davfd B. Teiguitint,!: The ba s ovesia f tthe dial wilt be _settled 'brl l ther of the oiderilifiiednt the °Moll the iite exo who alone are 'entitled to nee thename 'Lithe ;:311.18aRIA; artaxtr„ 'IT ::.O:*.i:VILLIAX ANDZEISOL t , • • - ao. isoe: *," . , . Wmina . f.kig-lattin-- 444P.141-Sf)LI IS:Mrnr AI silt 4004' 100,000 Pounds of Wool Wanted NEANOR'i HARPER,' • A T THE*OM /SON% r..UP LibefsYlineli P/401111114 - , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR THE ANMVERSARY OF 0111 t NATIONAL INDEPENITNeII. NEW STOCK OF LADIES', MISSES' AND - CHILDREN'S HATS, BONEETS, ` I RIBBONS AND FLOWERS. NEW ASSORTMENT OF PLAIN ND FANCY FANS. Ladies' and Cla Gloves. Handkerchiefs and "Callers. Sun Umbrellas. Parasols, cec.o &C. OUR STOREBOOEVILL BEGLOgEO- MirDALlir, JULY 5. . . . . .. Toareotomedate our erllttitaera sad Others as much as possible,. we , . will b epenedion Saturday eveni ng anti/ 1 o'clock. 4) WIILLLiIII SEMPLE, Na 1811 and 182 Fedentl Street, ALLEOHENY CITY . - HEADQUARTERS MEN se BOY'S CLOTHING. GRAY & LOGAN, =" .NO. 447 5.1.X.T11 STREET, _ • Are now offering a complete stock of Summer Clothlogo(' medium and flue goods et, the very lowest - prices. Uhildreli 9 6 t i thigifierelinen and Snits. Youths' Ciailiere and iiiten Suits. _ Boys' Cassimere and linen Suits. • Grits' Blue Flannel Sada.' ' 2 Gents' Alpaca Sacks. Gents' White and Brown Duct Snits. Gents' Scotch Cifevoit Business and Walking, Snits. D \ LOTNINC OF ALL KINDS iQRAY'& LOGAIOS; No. 47 SIXTH STREET, LATE wt. 9Ltas. , j71:130 SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL • . • •'• ' i Fos' • YOUNG LADIES. . . .EILDON SEMI N A RIIT, • orth •-• Pen . es us . *as delphla. MLsa CA.RB4l,l‘eventeentb sesalon tral open , SEPTEMBER' 15, 1869 E ~ At this healthful and heautitat situation. , Terms moderate, Instruction thorough. Apply for air. Mar at;Gazette Coupting Bopom, or once of Jay Cookc'& BankiTs,l'hiladelphin, or to the Principal, Shoemakertown P. o.,non.gome-, ry conotTe Pa. • le21:k80 1 WOOD TURNING, SCROLL - SAWING, . • AND. - NCITLDING , Done promptly tO order at 161 taco& street:Abi Jeghedy City, by' . • • - P, LEBZELTER. di CO. . Tbe beat attention grill be given'to all who want anything in our Rue. •,We. always keep • large lot of cornett worg - atieiVie' , Ealuatera. Newt mate, atc ans. 'Bane, ade. , .;il - - 100 , i grunt of dry Walnut, Cherry and other intoner oo hand. myli:J7 .1!. LitBZELTER. &Co. H. Mr4By '& CO. Hsverittnoveil . S Chins. -Glue and Qnaiensware from, ..No. 112 Wood street $o the opinions witehowie,-. 189141BERTINSTREtfer . A few doors - above /LITIt. OstA tit. Clair St.) where'tht7 wit' he Nassau to show their o f frlenus and th e public the elegant stook of new pond. lust nowopeNtAg. ) ,Urr.zos 'OP Mgr thersteguta Ash gunlrgirog. • , S Pittsburgh. /nig Isti 1809. NOTlCraie Assessment for "the - B liirdwitik on .Boundary and Lam* itrl'eta 18.140 n ready !Or SIAM nituanotacan be teen at Mb, once untlL MOND 4 , 1e.'/u. lath. - ggsg. whet' It win be returned tothe tity TreasnreVa once onneation - . i t 4.,MOntak • i .5 ,VlATEagineer. ECM MARSHALPSI DLIXIBs nrAusirAWBll.ntrir WILL, Cusie nitAL:ftir, ELant WILL CORI DYericrou. AdjuisatiVit ELII:I27WILIt - cans COMM rice at IttarsbsUlt 0.00 pei bat Dalai. 1301 !dulcet ,street. M. XAM.IIALL Co • Dg tweets. ProPrl9oll6 . - Foe sale, wholemale reta il by Gov; IC ELLY,Pittaburgh. rec d 2:25x& cioo - " • , •. caseplissamir 44 Bread , ; / • A" t.rq 23.01,W ore , 1 :57.0411 4 1: ben t , zbj.wthas.t.Hize". • Z 1811! - FIAT! I.lPotomoo Shad fru halt barrels; Potomer Memos In bir ; Mackerel he. 1. Al an. 4 -3 In Ifalle a Mood packages; White rich t Lake Metriar. •POr Lilo low to :Ills Inds by , warrszatife - irOto.. 17111 tad /211,Woodusto& , , . , , „ , Gin ON • . 1 .1- WILLEM - S I 17th ward. ty2:l* . • OICSATILX=4: bean dna try lame. located near Pertysvitle, eight miles from, fronting ontimPla tk Road. The grounds contain 63 arras faall,is well tot. ?E l ro e s t vLi4nd In a igs 11 state o d rat i tgall o on. , d •f o hr i e , frame mana c io P rof rooms , with all i r recea u sar; Awls,. pantries, and :alt modeconventeaces; , alans , e4 ll l4telo ' colliet,ltWo iul otter , : A taste • Tully eaten, cd barn, - with a mple stabling, and all other neer spa ry emailer outbni , dings. cbeaul Ifni grove of forest tree* adlelns the., house: , which staudnen•sin eminettar 'Commanding a de ' ftd vlew of the. snrroundlng Country for: .ny, miles. Tao large enchant" of 'del clout fruit, also all bind of small fruits, *bandanna of excellent Witt t, and in f,t ere yttait that taste And oonvenlcuce se/Belt tO In telt-Pleas ant and comf.rtable.. It 1 1.1 a been need lOU ann- - , mar home by the wryer, tor.theJaito /*sea lure: : There -fa also It tvldinent llOnee"Cot tte,pyjpvrtv. • now occupied by a good timant: 'Clog :Dew - mum. • Inc to rinirei float hotetn6Ao pill 'had 'Moline - et the mostrdestrandf properties' to be: Mena. "Poo- Fee Mori ffir intrartUntet...or via , se t. t•thele ate*: , tnn luinge d teen P res, ito • k 4111.1XIbt eel - APPIY to CROP t & MILLI es, .3:tra, taste Agents, •Noi - 149 tzth wyettne,: 'yen ANA OIi Ea: A NIDCPLET, ID EN CE' 7O , II SAtEfti - Verv. eituste in the 17thww8;l o torigrdttri ,80s.110 feet; the b0n'4,14 apanied tenol,naouvie go+r tor,' dining ream, - batten. 'pantry. %rash room; large cell ar.tri heti and Mt feted allic.Graff , s • range, 'marble, mastlek, 'cornter.' centge places, ao.• tvi•xy wing On (stied in Alio neat rnanae r: Tee, locallon fe retired and pNablint.,•fillne.l43.9o O. Terms easy .13,3 8. kip 'Ol3. ; 89` tilittrieven 4 1 ..ti;N:T:i-,.tiA.1.,5::?,',-( -.. .411 - t . r ,;:, ,& 1 1 8 , :8! o• kt as 1,17: wi':ii'ofi If( :,::tgggr_tititi • - ":1 Villt ri ..DEPHiIIIf, PLEN .441IVISta -C1 711A:' . ..V.5 TVITS `vi .....V;uatea,d4aiva4r-takt. ' all. Wt. Market and BEI nrNOTICES-,"To• Lel," "For ,Yale," "Lost," iclrats," isFound," "Boarding;" :rot exceeding FOUR LINES, nrill be *medal in these columns once for TWENTYPiVE CENTS; each addi tional line FIVE CENTS. WANTED---REL r" WAfirirElDP-,-HELP T A EN. FLOYMENT OFFICE: No. 1 St. Claff Street, BOY:, eilliLS and 111.:N't for afferent. kinds of employment. Persons wanting heir, of All kinds can besunplltd on &on:sotto& WAN'TED---AGENrIS. Al% TED.— AGE ,1 TEv.--$75 to female, o intro p d e uce the 0 EN r II i I I EIMPRO V ED OoMMO.N SENSE: FAMILY 25 bWING MA (MIN if. This machine will stleti, hem, fell, Atai embroider, ie &most mperlor mat ner.; Price only RI R. Palls warranted for five years.. We will pay at, 000 for any machine that will sew a_ stronior, more besat,ful; or 'more 'elaitief - seam than ours. It makes the "Mastic Lock mritell." Every second stitch cad be cut, and still the cloth can' nut he pulled apart without tearing It. We pay aAesits from $75 to $2OO per month and expenses; or a commission from which twice that amount can be made. - -Address t3ECODB %'t 0:, Pittsburgh, Pa., St. Louis, Mo., or Roston, Mass. • • CAI.Pi is.—oo not be imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast Iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. !- . 1;V . AItiTED.—AGENTS.—To sell the American Knitting ilachlne. Price $25. -The timpiest. cheapest and best Knitting htschitie ever Invented. Will knit UO.OOO stitches per minute. Liberal inducemehts to agents. Address AMERICAN EN ITTINO DW CHINE CO., Boston. Masa.. or tit., Louis. Mo. TO LET. rrio-I.ET.-A. Large Rouse of 11 Rnome, on Fourth ay.-nue. buttable for (mauling Urdu*. Water and gaa._ Anott , re of MORti&24 & ROBEIVfB- 114 Fourth avencie, TO -LET. Four ,comnadious and convenlsntly located 1t4,05fn, on ~Fedv ral Bacot, 'llLll.sbenysl.lnstadjo.ning, tn. toll 'gste. Bent, $l2 month. Apply to JOHNS. issfIWORTH, on the prendaes. TO • LET,-Irsooni. on 3d foot ..blepatch Balldlnß. Befit very.. low, for bal ance at tau. water and etatlonary stead. EngplreatPkotegraaltAilallecrallapatek glldfng FOR.SALE..:., 111. 11TAILITABLE Colit - 4 - ANos IN y • VIRGINIA, FOR SALE. OR I,z,s i se. —The I:lllderstgned.. In 4 parsuance of a deCrte 'el the circuit Court of the county of lienrico., in the . Stare of 'Virginia, made on the 34 day of May, 1860, wilt receive PROP' 'SALES IN WRITI...G, eltherfor the BURCH ARE OR LEASE. /tow' and After he 31st DECEMB6R.IB69. for,t he wbo'e, or any putt, at. the COAL , LASOB' equate In Climate De d county, Va., belor gin* to the Ches ter/61d Coal and Iron Mining Company. I The lands co.t Bald Company more than gam).- clou. The mines which therxontaht have been and are now bdang profitably worked by the pres ent lessees, rnd ate property Is considered of great waive for Discoid and Dolton. - • The differ• at traetd "twice own as follows: ' "WOOLDRIDGE'S and EALLLSGI CREEK," eent.ining about IWO BAIA DRAM AND LOUR ACRES; - - • BLACK .E1E8114".. -ACREb “BamttuandßßANcws,,,Nmenar-rmkrz . 'H A RVIR and HARRIS', " TWO 140NERR AN T W EMIT-Ft 111 is ACRES "WILLIE'S," "WILLIE'S," SEVENTY-SIX ACRES: - "MARTIN'S,'• (unetract4 THIRTY ACRES.; _."MAIVI TN's," tanothertraoi. 'THREE Rim-. DEED AND TWENTY-EUX &CBEs: "SALLE. Pont," TVITir. HUNDRED 'ACRES. and a COAL.-YARD and LAND a *ached thereto, enlistees river, oproshe tichnitind, eentaleteg ispriaras of FOUR ACRES. Inquiries and proposals way be ' addressed to the undersitindo. roncitAce Box 38-2,itleh mon A, Va. until t , e 20th day of Oeteber. 4.. 11. 1869. tie recommended thst the proposals be made at specific as Pearlb'e .allice the decree sequires them to oe report• d to the Court le , Its approval or d laver. vakat the next. term, eummencieß on the 28th- day of October. 1869 • A 241 tHEW JOIINSToN. POW SATAN ROBY ETS, t peclat ConnWaslotters FOR ',ALE OR RENT. An elerad - new BriCk rooms' • at tic and wash room. 1p4440t4i00m5,..8 lots, lets ward, $lBOO. H use of 4 rooms, 1 lot, 10th ward, 41,500. Rotate of 4`FpOras,`B'lots, 17th ward. 89,800. House tf 4 rooms, 1 fot, lttb wa , d, 01,400. House of 4 rostifs,ll . lOt, 15th ward; $2,600. Bouse rooms, 1 lot, 15th ward, 4800; j 10 lots,St chest & wwitquilliteu.ll2oo to 4 50 0: 2 lots, 44th street.„l2,2ooeach. I , 4 lots, 45th street; $l,OOO Fuch s . •, Slots, Hatfield street, $BOO each • 1 lot, Sharman'street, $2.52. :I' l ' • 5 lots, 40t'a street, 20:240. 112,00 . 0: lots. Butter 'treat, •4,000: BARGAINS IN Burounir.n. • tOtslloxl3l Pet, I 1600; ten:years . totts,Y. - A house cost 1500:.Interest on both. 01315 a year. 12 7 0180.ilefr)rett.... At ..131dconfteld yon wield save $U* a year and your house and lot in lea than 10 years.- uhnrchela and schoohi' near. ae &Om's of, land, a '-zolle from Slays urg. $0,000; $l3 sores of It, $3.500. ; - :) 2• "A) xmvoss UM . . . TWENTY FIVE PER 'CENT. • .“1 , , • Y.: , . FOR SA LE FOR SALE.. • Vroperiy on Spring Hill. 7th ward, which cOin mends adeTigtitiul view of the o7rrotut ding un ity for severs , The %round contains 4 lots 221 feet front by 230 feet .deep..on which there to about 250'grape sines in trood bearing order, a few cholc.: pear, apple. and each trees; also a s'artely of small fruits. good stable, rood well or, water ar.d cirteret, new•frame hom,e Con temning 4 'rooms. with hall. and cellar under whole house; 'every , hlng in good order. - Also. haute-and lot on f.ed Ile street; house two story frame: contains 5 rooms and hall; lot runs through to Carroll street. • Otherhenses and lots in good localities, In rlair# . . , hi.' WhiThf 0 5E, keel Estate...oeneral Broke-age' and lasi:trent* Agent, con:a-J..0610 and liandusky streets, Aile . ben9. VAX,ZA BIM SUBURBAN LOTS - IN 23d WARD AT AUCTION- - desire - Sly' lOsited at his- - rion station * on Second avenue, In the Twerry third ward , pity ot-Pittsburgh, fronting on the Pittsburgh and Cohnellsville Ratiroadrand the Monongahela river, will be sold at Public gale on ' ' SATUIIDIY,ATULY I Oth, At 2 o'clock We 'confidently inane the attention of vrti nehmen. to the An Iva propel 111ta examination cannot tort col:renew an./ nasty t hat the conveniences of the city and the pl. wures of the country are here extraordinarily combined, 'haying amongst others the following advantages Faellity of access, being situ' on the Con nelsville Railroad'and secon d avenue; beauty of sc. nery,,having extended vie rot the Monon gahela river, convenience to schools. churches and society, being in the immediate neigitivr hood of Mem. Hays, Laughlin, Scully: Ander sson, Oliver and other,. Trans of lisle-One thisd 'cash balance in one, two and three years, with interest, ten per of the cash payment in hand. A sp. clal free traln will leave the Connedsville Depot at one o'clock P. It on dsv • For further inforT , nation and plan of lots copy - JOHN D. MALL,ET lb BRO., ' .No. 118 Fourth avenue. H. B. SMITHSON, Auctioneer. 1e28116 . 100.1 Er SAYAE. • , - • • • - - 15tiots oe Ceatre avenue, on line of street cars; 5 lots on Klrkpatrlek street, on line of street cars; 2 lots on Linden street, on line of street cars; 1 large lot fronting on Wylie street*, Two 3 storicd , brick houses 0 rooms each, lot 30 by 100 feet feet on Fulton is ~ reet, near Centre ave. one: will sell tne whole for $5 OOO cash,'or wit sell the bosses ,teDitrate at 42.500 - eanhvframe house of 3 rooms on Mahon street, near the ave..- - one: lot 14 by 100 feet; only $l,OOO cash. Two pressed brick , front houses,with 0 reomiks'- ' well finished. gas and waterihroushout.fronting'--. 44 feet on Wylie street. This property will • sold low and sin easy terms. Inquire of f M' CLUNC 'le RAINBOW, seal Estate and Insurance Agents, • Wes. 195, - 197 and 1901:entre avenue. Dealers in Flour • Grain, Hay, Mill Feed and General PrOduce of all kitids.• lelik6o • FOB SALE. 3 lots In Mansfield, 601120 each.' 11 wo of land, grapery,•peaches and small freit, good spring o, water, Log hOriSeL AC: price low, 70 seres,Boomy township Beaver Co; price 175 per acre; go,ni °rehire of , 300 bearincr fruit trees. House of 7 rboms.jlif miles from &ono' my station. I,loo . acres,ubmone Co.. Wert Va 4 good soll,well timbered and watered :. price VI per acre. 2105 acres, same county. rood home and °Tabard: ‘ princ SS otr acre. 1 VieLO _acres. Braxton Co.. west -Vat rich soil and well Lim bared; per acre. Bonds and Mortgages wanted by THOS. SIMPSON & N. HOLLAND 89 GRANT STREET , 1.41ce, back room FOR SALE. •..• . • 111 acres of COAL LAND. 3 miles from Tem• peranceville. on the Little Paw MAI Run. 187 acres near Donisville4lndLitis on - Livermore; Btatton, W. P. R. :IL; well Im proved and cheap. . - - HOUSE AND LOT on Market strpet. Blanches., ter. - bur HO USEh. AND' LOT on Liberty "street, Pitts g .1-t4 'USE AND LOT on ronrth avenue. ziEIOUSES AND LOTS In El i zabethtown • . otce and ckeaD rams in Tennessee , and XID. • - •-* -i I TUSTIN is E, b 7 Grant streak " nI H Y29 OI3OKEN" STATION 'PROPERTY FOR. SALE. . • Tbls .beatitlihl situation cannot be - stnassed for priinde residendei in am dlientiod. hit elost to both cities, being only 'eight" miles no the Western rennsylvanta Rallroad...Anynerson de• siring information about this propertycan obtain it by, the office of the IRON CITY MU TUAL • LIFB INSURANCE . COMPANY, 76 Nana' street, Allegheny,. Lots trona one-ha acre to live acres; also, small leis to intim.- eliains. " There Is a good location tor a manillas taring establistimaoti between the Railroad al . Alfe¢hany elver . - - - jel6;k46 t FOB , SALE. Near' Osborn Station CM tha Yittiarcurat Wane and Ohleago TWO LOTS, Continning About Two Aaresiladt. ME • N i ENQMILIC OE •f: .• • . •-• . 4 . WORIACKEOWN ' & 195Aiberty was t.; •,• VOR SALEI—AL New ilrick 'DIENVE, bolt by dna work, bavlngeigb . redrag.,s %St aOll UPI Cold water tbrongboet; war ble mantle,* ants stash -ASIA*: a beta 'room and piazza. Lot 120.1140 feet. dellgct•ully located in t.e beastnal',oan ltAWan .otdo, having 0,000 Inbabltanta' and , noted. fur Its • colleges, rapid rotith, enterprise and manufactoVes. miles, Oval i'lltsbergb and 50, trona • Cleveland julteV o l4 Actebraltn,: rt. 15 t ayno:LardliObicago. and Ines Inv, IR ;viand Flttabargh Hallways. Ad. 'dress Lnck Box' SO. Alllanoe.o. •, Jel2:k2S yALUAULE FARM FOR MALE — . 7,-*;ltitged in Allegheny,: toWnsbilk• 'mend Count/. AO . nal , ales walk Keane stat on. on the A llesheny Valley itaProad. Co litainaLlos - „act ea,150 or which are cleared; all udder fence; balance valuable tunber; • ender - Japed wits cast. 4 foot . ela. • klerred Log. Hanoi Andr/tarn; is Orchard of 140 treed graded: ' place Is well watered and Ina /WOO nelebborhood. For price and,terins apply to E. xer.srsi a C 0. .. • llAL”Fourtla- eve aae: f •- • litibtpx.Rdinvilt ..lmAc AtaLit'bustaieen bo-'010700111406•''Cl'Illtla req rifted, ossfiu. - VW) or men going Int* Arm Dn lneaa c a) eleer,Avers6.(lllll) pr.rjess_,r, In gam*: Ora+ 'Beet"Estalle 'Agents, 96.107 anitiNCOent.envenne. - • , , SW, STOCA . , • - ca.c)4c)r,s EMI ES 1,c..p7.R.::&,:q.. - q.0.4. Ggittiii••lsl,tireet#. , i l fii • _ z. LESS TRAM FORMER PRICES. f-3. • MEMO : VA" • • • .triz , zs,' -. .d-314 , - , )mA4 , - . • - ,NraiEll FL 03_ , • 1E HIM EEL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers