The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 03, 1869, Image 2
' gax itts blittobutt etaitttf.,. • . ‘ z a wi l butthere o . d b ber b • • , Twosinglea, each m M iractilod y aIY b4r,-,a. s `v wits lames* of plumb and anr, eoied di4ove, the atatiler angel, we.eping, said: ,„ • . • , 4 .lfetkher great agony. Were tt got beet , yo„ soothe htr and to stretigthen ate a be May tWhlsper thiavibliii either inowe J • • : Qt,ptecl es pardon and mint:rotes tett!" s. And hewhoae native was - Hope:Whose fervent Were alwityt9leavetiWaid . ed, sionded 'V, brother. lartidee hand epos her brow; , Conifott eoM- her 'wadi \ promise while cite 41 • Whereat hie fellow .angel netrer drew • \To the - white,rtfoffcrerkil pillows, pausing Bnt on a sadden, cettlined from void air. l ' . Bosesthird,*gei atatlier than the two. 1. ••Nothing.nutil the end may , at thou rereat:n Calm, yat commanding, Ms mcarcvolce rang ...IT -better to die battllng_with one Noub Than with all. knowledgept: : the Thron. to , ' 2 E 1 4 010 0S INTELLIGENCE' According toAhe views of some leading journalistii; the ' religious derider end. spirit of the country have - -- n .istply y i redrie - ta . by the revivals of, religion - . ~..dUring,:the last :ftfti i E., This fact .is true •in: so Rd_ as t this means has been recognized mo re . generally; by the diteT& itglaieus.ho B of late years thatilformerly.`. here a thno'when ipiefal *wins to ot,e r Vi t.., i val. -influence lias employ . only t o i s liiiitedde*e l ubeyond the e`of t n or three_ leading sects Revisals ' Re . ViYabC °f ~ he ' gioir date- back.' however. -to the/ di y ivhe# Vhifilt st4d the ebniferter, (Sl y siolbs;inmiiii mss. The fruits of 01- “thll leliiew.lir .in the days of the ApoStl _ weritAlnitAifed.)rithe gathering of, e itbousand . Sonlit in2oun day," and this sphit.natalwaysprevailed sinee, develop ,t7,.re'and- . . • i. 1 • ing more every year. -Intluen eta-of is , kind scr.eiciting and so wide efirdeda)i ' /he' pity ' foil ai rural ;portions,: mast. lbaie important rutin enoealu*,soelety--in various, ways, and freqtentlX: heijutd. 'the mere moral feel= ingiF.l A Christian physiefair;ihinks the . revival itni sanitary institution. It is a goddtohic. ' number of his fiatiente,"at all events; are getting well by 'going to ' meeting; - js'ariy - thing:More philosophi cal? Patients aFe doing , j what is.import- ant iionietinits t forgetting themielves and' the pulsit *life flow all the better' for it. A shrewd writer, eaysihe Evening ''eet, 'thinks it ainite s retharkable attesta;ion to the,poisyck of tbeaft revival mov ) ementi, that "rota: few of Ilteprondesizind est in ;the, 6thaiibirk iivOidyineetings; bectitisi they are.afritid they shall becon- I limtitry tribute t verted!; , 'Wit a en 'limoo • thelrtithiltillaiititt will be Their con. • demnation when ,they go down to the dead,' ::. ,• The paper in Puinatn's Magazine for JOY, entitled "Ont Established Cuurah," Is piotiCing.'ilnite a sensation. Its aim is tirshow that the Rormott Catholics haVe succeeded • in- making their's the Estab ,_ fished 'Church: . New ''York city and State. ' 101:eitimated thl4 the real estate owned in fee 'by "one or other of five Exmicalastio' in • New York" Roman Oath olio bishops; is Worth nearly - lions. of dollars. The Irish (Protestant) Church now tO_lte disebtablished owns• bet eighty-five millions ofi property. It , is 'Shown that several blocks of ground have been leased perpetually by the Coun cils of New York city, at one dollar per year, that are not ::worth less than three millionsof dollars, without reference- to otkii giants and privileges. The bane / factions wider the "Charity Bill" of the State, Awing 1866, were dispensed as follows <Jewish Society $2,40.321 feer _ organizations, Of the Protestant sects ;2,867.03, while $1 . 24,174.14 went to the religions-purposes.of the Romaniailtho 7l bee.' 'We liar' no word of ,commenti beyond - the giving of these facts repref 4sented by an Infinentiajournal, more than to state that we .I)elleve that no de. • . nominationar body should receive aid • from State or city governments. A:Along since, it was;stated, a Preaby terian body in Canada, took action against the;,use, of special; means to promote the A Ow w— - ' '... ' repr e se nts that the Unitarian) ' Ileilltfr, iiitiOt*itt 'Meadville • Mettißdi, 11 4 1 14flik P • B :ha t re. been , frhmdiy, slut" Unitarian .ch, . , t are ' to itcafeiii•jili getlitinur ' ask-0 '9- -, • ,-,,' %rid ti Parn thatllie:MatiVitasi.stia.- _I- A . oi . *:' drawing sil" -data P . , I . t ' vv`...4 ''' I` "&' 'btiiiafe , :of 'O l 9 . . , _., 1 ,- :Im o - ptq , lie ! : , # „, th tal 2ter maim . ir . -• ' ,rekersed to in, e • if, the ' Ina -- - . il 1 e 4 Recii ad ier ; fiftitifisltli'Lli* k etute i nc e‘ _ ~."1 --- ' ' fr entidOrSdh°°' Con. ___,,,,,i,Thel4?fl"aliitiq'4i'iti-Instlul° „Ilmjal rig ' • : • i-scutio-!tr- - ' , to a , white heat. 11 r 6 i i libtffi?, _ , ; - • -:••sn'd. ilectarian 4 Jl ll l t I)4 o# l ltitiPl il UP %I tiliiit . toot \ wry''' lava nev er 1 , 0 --. — • this incident , of a' within door . thli•givell' iodic-30a. kih y'n - 'OW. I ' "At the close o ft ~ . 'i t '' ' - ' tien Georgp, 1 4ity Bchool-Oonven tie , , ~,„ ; join an ff.f-ii.E.Oixi, ''ariecus:-P, u7 1 '....., we. tiiiii,l4cobeAki_ .... p,,eittat.b t : tikad -.:::. afterw a r datit,goAtendlti!uf- ; • - I d M eth . horaaobl l 44,°f t i , lia lt lat a P •.,. . Prest 0414 H iiiiiitf.f . atir an Olds School o': : -•_:, s a the/ back Of' . ' Amin* ..-R• singing ceased ba - ~Thsiac. God for • • sispniste ; , - mats Mna d, -/-'• • , . • - • ,-•- • • - . , • ; / - , . • . •: • . " - - . _ . - • - this Methodist religiOtt', Sod I said, 'Amen!*" It hanlly teems possible thatnot a great while ago oat of the NeW Yorlichurcheay in oSer to; Increase the .colleetlons tor rabOntaryind other objects, and to In , crease the size Offts congregationi, seleCt: ed half a dozen handsoine young women to pass the collection hoxes&ugh - the cinircli: - The - plan was abandoned be; cause the place was called' "The Church alba Pzetty Waiter Girls.": Quite a limber of .I"hilidelplua' pastors have united in the deferminatfon to at tend no more Sunday funerab3 unlqs the, necessity is certified•by a physicianj As yet they have had none this -year. , The great revival " at Indianaphli , gun tiring the visit of Mr. Hammo I d', is i f , , still going forward. !II of Music, on a recent &lid, _moo of twenty-five hunt Contributions for tlit. _ of the , Baptist Home, - for . ages— and..indigent meinhers, - .in „New Yo / rk City;. liave reached over seven/tliousand dollars: \ y., When on .hundre thousand 4 dollars is reached a et .wilf be purchased., ' The Iferakp f Peace, a. paper in the interest of i the Orthodox friends . in Chi• cago;• spealring of .;a great, revival in, a western citY, during which "the Society cityriends has peen greatly blessed," 'notes a 17riend assaying tyit they "had been praying for jeers for a revival, Imi it nad never: come ; until now, because they', had always heretorore insisted npon being blessed the discipline; but When they were willing to receive' it `ns God might chnose to send it, they Were _astonished at the mighty PoWer of God? At I recent meeting of ministers in - Barferd; Connecticut', a cleigyman de clared that . Siuday,School libraries were a nuisance. Is this progress ? • ' Over four hundred. 'and fifty persons have been hronght under the influence.of the Gospel, since the organization of the "Midnight / Mission" in Thlladelphia; iii Februnl last. Pii2tztonty Church ' cangiegation; Bev. Henry -Waid Beecher pastor, don't like the New York:Herald tor comparing the late sale` , of pews to stock operatione In / Wall street, and declaring the Church a `gospel shop, when things' are knocked down, to the highest bidder. - Let the trustees adopt th e tree / Beef principle, de pending igion`ioitintary contributions; and tins . avoid the thrusts of the Satanic `Herald and Dr. Isaac M. Wise, of tintinnati; one of the Oldest and Molit . infinential Jewish ;Rabbis of this 'country denies that . any ,of the ,Jewe maintain that Jesus was anint postoryor that he' was was justlyand and affirms that nothing or the kind ,or anything similar to it is taught in their stpagogues, or to be found in any Jewish book. A Baptist church was dedicated , a few days since at Yonkers,-N. Y., built and present i d to the society - a .free-will offering of Trevur & Colgate, successful bankers in Wall street, 'Hew• York city. Three' buildings—an Episcopal Church, with a Church Home, and a , -Church school—the gift of Mt. ,Tosepli E. Shef field, of Ne* Haven/were dedicated on the 24th of Jtuiei ' During the year a Congregationalist,has given one hundred thousand dollani to -the Freewill Baptist . College at Leiviston. I These are exam pies for rich men worthy of imitation. The Didependent kepresents that a col aredAhurch '(Cusibirland Presbyterian) at LeavenWOrth, Kansas, has voted to become Congregifional, on the ground that thiPresbyte,i'y had, decided that col ored men could not be inetribers of Pres bytery, but - only under its care. ACcording to the Pittsburgh • Chris tian Advocate, tho vote reported for lay dele gation is 30,499, and 12,249 against. The Rev. Dr. Bushnell, in his book on "Female Stamm" afs the demand for the right to. vote "au.attempt to make trumpets out of flutes and sundowers out pf violets." A Parley Wltti'the Pope. . • ... It-!e told . of • Pope ..PluS : - (who loves . a _ , lively" Speech as much as a charming : .air.. in music) .that, when the: sculptor. Tado. a lini.'recently: exhibited .to him - gro up ': Of __... ..t.iSt.'llitliaer overthrowing " . 1iataii, ,, .,:44 Holiness commended the s c ulptor , for _ 'Making•••the '•fallent' an gel' so . beautiful, , .. . • .... and Said; ',I see you believe4he: devil - . is' . . . .. not so black as he is-painted." , We hops!, , . '.lll9;Pope!sworstthecilogiml . enemy- will; .be willing to pay .as much of the Pope! . himeelt, on reading..the .mild,ind 'gracious. words 'addressed. by .him tii a .diptinitui sheik citizen' Of. Ne*: York,. who with:lig fait!! liyi . was 'presented to-the tirontilf-Klbel -a - fortnight ago. ~"We' had our ,inter' Vieit,t7'Writes•the gentleman :1w . gueStioii,., "it the'.confoistory :or thb *V . e:tittiii.:''' . The. ' ope. looked ell, bright Eyed, lib a , - ao-, tive . :7:.lte was gracious And .41m4t . ililtf- - Itle: ..41.rothaye . often of said,' lip: 1..;.0* think, that has opte;:l4 . illOti I .iitis. 'benignant," audi-at thesune: time, Inteill , Aentfaces,L, kayo: - eTat,lieett,. ? He spoke I 'first In. Latta to a, k'Fa'epsor. -,frOm .BOnn t and, then - taide ts:qofte;,,e;:lepg: SpeeCh.,...._ lOngee.lhati s . Minot, •••• they'' tell, - ,Ainerlia l '..r.retiabl"' Effiiti4r.gliOl , to.see`.ti inHoide.." 'Ha aSited'if tire:WeitiillOtittiolWi' liftar ing *lo.,wete not, he no grime in nt,y±eyek ,. Of- couisejlift! i iiik ot: were thiteld 'with me , - Ant..W4o. one doet .his ' • ...dutY,' anti .. lblloW(fltie preee -?•of;'1;iiir:. pt l , lord; he 10** , : i.zia..;I, -. tattoo too'qiii*i ! of kingdoms 0r.. - 44 6 FaL'AiripYtalea; ... f inny:, I 'victories: are ''. the?- hearts . 'nf . niOn; find - , I *het one ;adheres ', tii: the ; laws : of '. - God,' 1 which can easily-be 7 don e '. by :whoidever *Lilt', it, le is - inr conquest'.. He th en . gave us his benediction, and blesied. for us a great number Otrosariesind Anedabi' ‘lyAlth , t3lo'4lldrot ' 'kid , In";:thtfr land's; :enetighl4:tappjr . ttto*kalO)iontiegatton . :Of :',..lB4.'4l.liatotii . ;'o4et Which'' lie : : retired:‘ ' l *lth.; . t.lOindest;: .. ..moilipiiterOil smile: .. ,Nitleh - kteref.-..Sear.,.on ..'a man's tkee; -:_:-. If was like thelface 4)f. a saint in one of : Its-: :phaegs plettrei.!".....: .: •-•-: '...• ... - - . .i . . VITISBOSMPAZETTE: Si '..*kirigaligton'ltems. • There is laimitor which professes to haVeexcelle.nt foundations that Beeretsvx asst"welltbuteriplates' retiring • trearthe , Treasury'at ito distant. day, for versonal and not political or financial reaaoroa. An evening paper here Prinfsal rumor ' that giecrebuy Clorlllsoon - retitgli the portfolio of. the Interior Department. It is not generally credited, although inch a result is not-improbable • ° There is a.--Wter. det ' 'on to • en force the , neutrality laws very rigoroiely, and new orders have gone forivard to New York to-that effeet. , Forney still mists tha he has the legal. •_riOt of nrinting in his' Chr•niels news-- ,&per here, all advertisements issued by the War DePartment orany of ita9fficers. For instance, if a Quartermaster in Ari zona 'or Minnesota should advertisei in a heal newspaper a sale of condemned horsei end harness ur 'the sale of a lot of old lumber, Forney Clips it out and prints ' it in, his pxoniele and claims pay from the . Government. Last. 'week he pre sented a claim of over tea thousand dol. lars for such advertising, and Secretary - Rawlins vows he will not pay it. 'Mr. Rawlins says it lain violation of a law of last Congress, 'and a huge 'swindle, and he is determined to stop:the thing. The fiscal year 'closed Thursday, and all of the' old approPriatihns expired. Friday the Government started, forward on reduced appropriations. • Tfie result is that several hundred -officials were, en Thursday,;removed. Nearly two hun dred were it , the Treasury and fiftywere in the War Department. So far some six hundred removals have heekmade from the Trinamy Department. The fact that the public debt statement shows a reduction during .tlie month of sixteen, Millions four hundred thousand dollars lam much a surprise to Secretary • Boutwell as any one else. - It was thought on Monday that the amount= would be about eight millions. The unexpected decrease is due to two fadts: first, the of Tuesday and Wednesday were astonishingly large and warrants for ex penditure quite sm all; so that there is a good-deal more money oit hand than usual. The- expenditures in July must be heavy, and it is not likely much re ductionsan be shown .in ••the - next state ment. The following • comparatiye tables of reeelptsfrOm Internal Revenue and from Customs for the past four years are inter. eating: • Luternal revenue. elistomo. Year.endlng Jinn 30, 1868-111M,=,813 $179,040.651 "year ending June 30, 1887.. NZ V 7,537 176,417 810 '8 ear endlrig June 30,.1868 ... 191,0137,589 161.454.599 1 Year . ending June 30, 1869.. 158,287,1Z6 , 1K,100,000 M 0 Internal Revenue figures illustrate to what extent Congress has responded to the demand for reduced taxatipn,\ and they also demonstrate that further efforts in that direction must be controlled by great wisdom and discrimination. The decrease In the receipts of 1869 is almost wholly attributable-to :the , repeal of the tax on manufactures atthe second session of •the Partleth Congress. This yielded 1121867418 pver sso,ooomx), and was, wiped out at one blow. ' It;0111FiCIPIT a aarlum was recently opined at Berlli2. The fi rst room 'ss hall paved with marble, having snake and likard cages on either side, From this room the visitor passe 'to a balcony, from which he looks down into ,a large rock cavern, with , a pool below, tenanted by water fowl. An ad joining room•contains 'another circular cavern, with basins in' the around the side and magnifitent aviary in the middle. The latter. must contain more than'a thousand birds, who at first sight appear to be' a so-called "happy fluidly" on a very large scale, as they stem to occupy one large .cage of wire : gauF,e. On closer examination. however. one may , perceive that it is divided by Very delicate wire partitions radiating from' the centre, so that • only about one hundred birds occupy the' -same compartment. From the aviary • a rocky vaulted passage 'leads to • the aquarium, • strictly so-called, and also to tbe l6wer part of tlk,,ebove mentioned cavern. The imitationock-vverk is particularly suc cessfulrand\the'Reneral effect of the dif ferent apartments very fine. There is no aquarium in Europe equal to it. How CALIFORNIA MARES OLIVE On. —The olives, having been salted about four months, are crnshed and then boiled about half an hour in vessel 'with a false perforated bottom to prevent the contact of tie pulp with the4iottom of, the boiler. Thence the pulp is`placed,in the press, covered with s' blanketand's powerful pressure applied. The oil,YiLfter being -pressed, is filtered and 'curing ofGreat care has been taken,ln the curirig of,the olives, ,that the oil oes not,become rancid in thefruit. A lover ,of' the oil would be surprised at the 'purity •of this product compared with the "pure oil" of commerce. -Twelve :gallons of good olives willyield one,gallon of oil. The only olives mr.nufacture are grown on the foothilliq those / grown upon the plains being found 'comparatively worth less. A NEw Youn , telegram says: It is not at all probable that the Government will be troubled with a repetition of these nt tempted violations of the neutrality:lBWe at least for the proant.,;' TAW nfternooti Mil:ister /iistock"",at the various bead-, .quarters is decidedly below Fu e s/Wade., minions, all areandf that astilingintand t It Is isnything Inita profltableisvastment. The members ofihe Cuban 'Stints, ho*- nier are said to be in a very different fume of mind. They are going , about denouncing the - tnited ' , States Marshals /ea but so many: hirelings'of Spain. - Sec retary Fish also comes In fora- liberal share of= like - complimentiiy eritinikm.' Secretary Fish himself arriged from Washington this - aliens:lPa; and . a itild to' give' his unqualified approyal of evel thing that has been , done, Coonaci the great brandy; town, !timid [ - to be one of the wealthiest in .proportion to ifolize, in the world.,. In MA it ex. parted about nine , millions of- brandy, almost all ''‘)f.: which went to = England. The value'of this liquor , waso little more ..than ninemillion - dellare; orlust about at the rate bra dollar a ' The promise of the present year's crop of wino is good. The popnlation of Cognac is about 4090. In India the XlialiMin BtAltkdescrlbid by a correspondent at Benares • as . greti,4, fat, alkleh,finnking ,cattle„ ,aro. so, lever. mined, 'Madan that the whole . power ° ';the British Government. would not dare, to'make one iif.7thembintto beef: ,They, :area. Wonderfully : , well roined4fOr. being fed, washed and, nursed, With more care thin any Mitten being in Indls. WELDO , & *swami:wen d ravage izzeuars In Lamps, Lute s, Chandeliers, /111110 ,LAMP. GODS. , CARBON AND Lusa! Two 0i1.% "BENZINE, N 0.147 Wood str ee9:nEt Beforeetaithind - gth X G. FRUIT CAN Ton. . SELF LABELING . FRUIT-CAN TOP. ' c6LL.E.E:s & • I /. ' We . IrtollolVlirePttedigaltinn,T, Z igUeLLINg Pottery. It. le perfect,almple. and ad 'cheap is the plain 4op: hawing 'lllitotffikati of the VitiOWl ' Praia mo a ne d d, upon the uoye,.raiguting from. tbe center. anrinderorpointer stamped - upon' the top okthe coin{ .z It le Clearly 9 Distinctly and Penaaneatly 131.4E1).. by merely" the name of the fruit the can contains opposite the_liolliter and sealing in N the customary manner. O. preserver of fruit or good hottsekeeperwill use any= other after ohm , seeing It. teib2s - . • s vy, .• PIPE S, gmastimir TOPS A large aseertment t ; - - • #227inrII.COLLINS,' ' SldAyenne,t!ear Smithfield St. • OLIVER M'CLINTOfii & CO. HAVE pIST R OD A FINE SELECTION' OF 31 W 1 VMSEtc 4 9 TAPESTRY' BRUSSELS THREE PLED INGRAIN CiAiwETS. THE'I4II,OIiT,AO3OIII4T OP WHITE CHECK & FANCY ' 3113/TINGS, FOR SUMMER WEAR, .41 TUO 'ornr. STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS OLIVER AT & as pirxs Aincbars. NEW. "CA. PETS ! • .Tune, '1.43431111L". • in v is awiitiatiedar T anassoroment unpa7teled VELVETS ERUSSELS THEFTLYS; , • The Very Newest Designs, ,/ Of our own'reeent:importatton and aelectedfrom eastern manuincturera. MEDIUM AliD LOW PRICED 'EN - C4.ll..klatf VER7 BUYISBIOR, -•- QUALITY AND COLORS.. // An Entry Quality of Rag We ar‘now selling many of the ahoy at GREATLY REDUCED pluryis '4I'CILLEII BRO S ., Aro. 51 FIFTH ArE7rl7l4 Jen NEW CARPETS. FINE CARPETS. CHEAP CARPETS OIL CLOTHS, \ • WIND.O 'QV° SHADE S. 2415itti3ize. .•. „ BOUM) ItOSE COs •; FlErrg • ,:-ATENITEJ 91 , ,F,cgs,,c)ourifrftia •sooms. -ssfroßElsltD*ivataxs ' •, 7 I ' •;•,. )71111 ILIE 3 "3);1 11 1 11- 0111'i . , pp f aiMikttinge; of all • • • i • Well seasoned eneet ell Cloths. • -`' Irreneb Bfaallla *attia4 i 3 ' • • Tanned Ratan 111'4131g. fluff," f ereen Illatf , Dialr and HozzA:Nris,ll.4rits.rlc LETTallinVim. EMI ; . - .CVevinTsizeorexolr,' f ; ..,,, antl..i - ! - ". --4, !". - c; , - 1 cr:...Thi.( - :' - .) /llailk.,g4tildo.:ooo ,- . ;iv0100, = ;46 . .. . .....,. .. . . .. . ...... , . .... . ..... . . ..... .. „ J. , . , ',- - - , '','• .7,. , ...;.i.....',1.i. , • , .. - ,,i , :i;1.-" , .•:',..., - ' .. iforAjtiLiiiii:.& ,- .COLLINSic ,, ,:i,;= . - .- . .:- - ....: . ..! , :-.:. a - i.i.:::: ..i.:r, - :..a... ,- .•, - .-;:-....'..-,..-..,• - .. i; . - 1-!•,'.--...i--t- *o. n 'ma 4vatioz. DAT • , JUL! 3 1869. g'AM3 0.6-1111aTS' • tOccenOlipor): i ! (.),I=~~ . . . NOVI. litiNg Mt I 8 MACRO & CARLISLE'S No. 27 I;:!ifth 'Avenue, _ Dress Trimmings and Buttons. Embroldezies and Laees. • ' Itibbons and PloWers. .s. • Rats and Boa:Leis. • • - • Glove Siting and Freikeli'Dorsets. New Styles Bradleys Skirts. • ' Parasols—all‘the new . • \ Sun and Rain Umbreilas. ‘lloalery—the besi English mates•' Agents lei' .•.Garris 4 Seamiest Rids. t. • Sprlilkand Suillmer,underwear, Sole 'Agents fertile 'Bemis Patent :Shape Col `l.(W..kwood,i End." "Elite." 4:s"Dickens,.x.A.Llierty, It and . other Dealers supplied with the SaXeirEf At liiiANITFA.CII:7/tERS'-PFLICES. I • - IM/ & OAftLISI4 1 0 . 2 7 \-* PIETFLATEgUE. my 4 / WALL PAPERS. / I ''F l 4dL PAPER* Atm • • WINDOW SHADES, / 'New and Handsome Designs, NOW OPEEM AT No. 107 Market Street onwr, pnrra AVENUE,) Embracing s. large and carefullysielebted stock, of the newest designs ftom the FINEST STAMP ED GOLD to the CHEAPEST ARTICLE known to the trade. All of which we offer at prices that will pay buyers. to examine. • -- JOS. IL, HIIGKES & mb.M:g4l • WALL PAPER. THE OLD PAPER STORE IN A NEW PLACE, - W. P. MARSHALL'S ' NEW WALL PAPER STORE, 191 Liberiy ;Street, (NEAR MARKET, ) SPRING GOODS ARRIVING DAILY. inliS GLASS. CHINA. CUTLERY. . 100 .WOOD,STIMET: NEW- GOODS. FINE VASES , isouzmuss. sign CHINA.. ja a .la' a DIN E & SETS. I I'EA SES,. GisT CUTS, SMOKING SNTS, . A large stock of 4. SILTED PLATED 'GOODS ; - of MI deserlptioni: ' • Call and oxen:due onr goods, and we feel Intilla no one need Att to be suited. Et*: E. :BREED. az OCO. r • WO' WOOD STREET.. BEtEalTifies , (Nl)t4 lIOLAIIMSELIP 1111VO4'• .. X,' S ' lA'- .r —.: - ,i '• : :.=;,.....;- COTTONANCII.O,II , 1111114.L8,' .:.' :,..5 ~.!'.: . --, priVenvxicao , ' '''''•' rl ''' G t .... 11 , : f . •:::"! ; :5.:,.' "I'' , l vr.r . ..' • ri“'- ::IllyinstatiMili!OMAlTl.Xll24ol.2.4s44llllo <~: . ~~~ IM,MMNO S AND rirlaint PEAllli . :',4)llL-- . ::.:Fa. ILI:',:',..IIAJJII-: INIES PLUM BUM Mate 11%11;2.41volt Ema i l copal Icr "'WENCH FAMILY , Aim*. I*lll , &AO lie lint ORS eir" - Crdtrea P'l4 • iiNuil•to best OULOODA PEARL NLL • • rAltot to beg' sr' —' 4 WRITE CORN /LO VA AND CORN AL. B. ••- Auciill - eny. Bap_ t. 9: ;I rsiat il 1114„. .. . ` l i t a _ ~- i= .2 ad .._._.,-- pi ai (4 43 itt .. st wi• ' ii 4 ,g _ ti ti. 0- u • poi ,4- t l c 04 - - tin on - 41 .41 Ir 4 a : 1 -... 1 I al , iiii .at c=• ,ix 0 -10 '. ca ii .., ke it-i'o'.- - . 41 to re 4 40 , • 6 ~ k i 1* T i t 411 a bi-• o • lir , NEW SPRING GOODS JUST OPENED, THEODORE F. ?lIILLIPSI r /87 Market Sired. 1 5 41111 Muffins' Dress Goode I ,4:, griAwig. = wiz colt AO QUES. Very• Cheap. . ST. MARKET. STREET., Si.. EEO rIARB, McCANDLESS & ' (lath Wilson, Car; & C 10.,) lirlpLEB4LE' DZALEIIB IN Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, • No. 9* WOOD BTRItXI% ThiM door atxrre Uttanoncl . PITZ3BUBON. ra4 PROPL'SSTONAL. G W. De CAMP; '• . • ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR, AT LAW, " Office; No. 131 101:18111 AvEnn3 t - Pins: burgh, (formerly occupied' by' Hon. Walter H. Lowile,) will prnetlee - in -the U. 8. Circuit and, District Courts, in the;State Supreme and all the Courts of Allegheny , county; and make tlons in moat ortheadjgeentt,ountlea; jaand7l • ALDERMAN AND' EX-OPPIOIO J 1182102 OP . •Li I);.;THE MACS. OFFIcEi•B9 FIFTH AVENUE. Special sttention'ilven to conveyancing and collections , •Deeds. Bondennd Mortgageordrawn• up. and all•legal.modstenrattended ta promptly and accurately. SAMVEL McBIASTETIffy.: • . . A.X.3)rapctuir„ Ex-Odlelo Justice of the Pelee and. Polloo4lag trate. Office, GRANT STREET, opposite the Cathedral PrrysstruGa. PA. " Deeds, Bonds, Mores/ c ages, Acknowledgments. betsositims,. and all gal iinsinesh sr:mutest wits promptness and despatch. - - JOHN A. STRAIN, A.l.MoratatAiv, -. • - . ES-OPPICIO JIIBTiCit OP TETE PEACE AIM: POLICE itAiIIBTItATB. %office i Lis FIFTH BTItEET, Opposite the Ca,. thedral. _Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Monde,• Mort. gages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Lega Business 'anecuted with Promptness and dispatch.- A. Justice of the'Peace' , CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE AND RANCE AGED. • CARSON STREIVT, EAST BISJONGHAN, Collection or. Itents solicited-191401'0m%), at. • tended to. my3:yBo JOHN W, RIDDELL, ATTOANICY-AT-LAIN. Oteee, 118 Bleanond Street, , (opposite the Court•Houte,) tels;t44 A ItCHIItALD ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 9s FIFTH STREET, alle:l29odar MERCHANT TAILORS. B TIEGEL, ° Mate Catter with W. Hespenheide.) • ri:Extcrims.wr maamoic, No. 33 Smithfield Street,Pittsburgh. 5e28:721 NEW SPRING GOODS. A splendid new stock of CL 0 THS; CASSL3IERES, • Jist Mewed HM UT 2 INTSJX, , • , Marcia= Taw. 73 Wthitatil lased. g ° ri rTl L DriM iseaseL'aatnui t i a ,ElT A p va ta nu, • imry diesatiesi and effects: of mummy Ave comr er_soDth.l.o; Spithostorrhsa• or Semi., nal eakness ' arid"potency, reaultiladtraia,"* self. 4 use or other 4 catises; low vrhieh noes> i• . some of the follawingegeati. as Mantles, battlyini, weakness, indigestion. consumption, aerstaion,ks, , societ•y..tuvreanlniess. dread - of famn eViinac` .loss of memory. Indolekoek . nocturnalArtdssion‘‘',:: and Axially so prostratiog e sexual systeraes.lo-i render marriage nasal's tory. -and there-ion - imprudent. air pertmcently cured. Persons fuctrA with thesis or any other dentate. intrittiog • or long standing constitutional eolnpleint Poen-, give the Doctor a Walt he never Wis.:, ,2„•7 _A particular attention_g_tven • mitints. Leueorrhea Or whites.- Tailing 'Dobai: nation or .Ulceration of the. Womb. i i=ggs prnritis. Amenorrhoea . Menorreagia, norrhoes. and literflity or Barrenness, are 'gnaw ed with the greatest suctiese.- • • It is stlf•evident that aW ho Wanes • - himself exclusively to the study of certain cleat • of diseases and treats thousands- of cams ever?: • year must acquire greater skill's thatspeciaDY than one In general practice:. • _ The Doctor publishes a medical pamp hlet al lift" 'PQM. seat.. 'Wes inn eemisition ofireaereal an Pasta diseases, that canhe had free at °Sett or by mill 'Air two Stamps, in sealed envelopes. ` Every sentence contains, uurta action: to thilithr glided. and emanate , woe to, determine the pret - • case nature of theft complaints. The . establishment. comp rising rooms ‘ is Cenral. ? W d es it ts not convenient, fa 'visit the city, the Doctor's opinion Canbe ob. taine 1 ter. prior s written statement of the case; • • and.medicines mut be tbrwarded by MU or Si- - -/ mess,- In curse, *names. however: a personak examination is 0101 11 0 1 - nalnearT. while others dallypersonsi attention rel. i tted , an for the accommodation r - suelikatten themalit ,Coartments connected with the °Ace t Aided with every nubile gnat -IL anialkt to promote recovery. 7 : nallidlar Malta Ppr baths. AU pram:abalone are preplired-ln ;toe • 'Doctor's own latioratory. andel` his personal. fnm cervision.- Medical pamphlets st oraCir - fre4Or' ; by mail :cc two. stamps., No matter wlet/mve• - failtd, read what he says. -Hosts 0 A.ll. toe P 7/1. hundays It. to St r. st. No. 9 V YLIg hTALAT, ULM Court Houteo 'Pittsburgh. DJ , DRY GOODS. gal PITT&BUREM. PA PI.T73BITR9EI. *4l = =I