The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 03, 1869, Image 1

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74.-- -1.
Rainy Weather i n Illinois , and lowa
—Loas of the Powell Eipeditian Cou.
firmed—Order in Relation to Indians.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazetle.) ' ..
Cntoaeo, July 2.—The rain has poured
, ,•
•heavily all the aftexon but at this hour,"
.. ~
seven o'clock, there seems a ,probability
Of a Ice - nation.For, ,, neveral hours the
• rain has been accompanied by moder-
ate thunder.
The following reporta:pf the' weather• -
lave reached us by terei;raph to=day:
' ,, lllinois-Clear and warm throughout
'the southern part of , the ,State; `through
.central portion of the State considerable
rain fell •• last niglitv_ now warm and
oloudY; northern -points report cloudy,
Indicatiooa of rain. - -- • :=-
lotva—All l / 4 the ; river towns -report.
heavy shower% last night, ' with Indica=
Lions of more rain; no report from cen-,
tral points. ..' , ,r.. ' - i - - ,
- Total collections in first district, Eli-.
, nols, iNdonel. Edmund J - ussin Collector,
for month- of May, 1889,';124,938,813;
total ctillections for month of Jane, li e .
889;886,104,84; corresponding months last; •
year. May,•lBPBi 11 133 7, 9 •10, 0 *- pine,,,1868,'.
5349,114;85. -/ .'• • - • '' : - ..
A special . from Springfield, 1114 says,
that John At Risdon, sole survivor of the ,
Powell exploring expedition, arrived in
that city yesterday morning. He tells
the following story, and there can be no
doubt - of its truth: On the Bth of May' ,
last the Major; with . twenty *
. Men, at
tempted to muss the Colorado river in a
..'small boat,.about twenty rode above its
rapids,and about fifty miles • from- the
canon,'for the purpose of exploring the
Big . Black river, which empties into the
Colorado •at t hat point. When about
thirty yardstrom the shore, gliding along
on the'apperently smooth water;the beat
was seen to enter a' vortex, which at
once engulfed it, and "not one of the
, party„ . ", - ,,.which left:ithataltore .a . few t
-, moments befoxe . gaily - -.cheering, was
' ever seen a ft erwards; 'Higdon; who had : .
been left at' the point of ,embarkation.
saw the boat go down. Ho had been left:
in charge of the team end baggage be
longing- to the party, and 'was to have ''
• gone below the rapids' to meet the party
In two days. He remained some time in
the vicinity of the catastrophe and then'
went around and below the rapids with
a hope of discovering some of the bodies,
and while on the lookout he - saw floating
somedistance' out in the stream the
Major's satchel, • which contained the
notes of, the expedition. - He swam out
into the stream . and , !recovered it.
• After remaining three days kin the
lookout, he started for Leroy, a military
• - post one•hundred and seventy miles dis
tant from that voint, o n the I Colorado,
bringing with him all , the baggage. etc.,
belonging to thesiarty, Whiell — was, ship! .
ped by Malortlinalth„ - the commandant of
the " post; to-•.% - imuille, 'lli litottm Smith
also sent out an ekpedition- to examine
the..anatter -Mid if possible toyfecover,
some of the bodiesiwilich returned after
a fruitless search. The.' expedition was
' . to have returned this fall,- and was com
polied . of . the '-`folldwing '•gentlemen:,
Major Powell, ofißloomington; Wm. and .
Chatt.'Hurley, Z. , W. Smith and Andrew
Hnoxen, of Hennepin; ' David Sellers,
Thtfmas Mooney, Charles Sullivan; Fred.
Buchingham. of La Salle; Fre&lifvers;
Charles Sanburn, William Scott, Wm.
Andrew, George Thomas and William
Sherman, of Bureau Junction; Thomas
%Stockton, of -Norwally three men from
1 near Bloomington; two half • breeds,
guides, and JohnA. - Higdon, of La Salle,
;.who is now here and my informant.
.. !The following • has just been issued
from the" headquarters of Lieut. Gen.
,1 - Headquarters Military Division of the
`ldisimuri, Otilccgo, Illinois, Jane 29th,
'1869. 'Giineusd Orders No; S.—The fol
. lowing information and instructions re
• specting the responsibilities and duties
ofthelndlitary authorities in connection
• witb--"tbe - Indians have been received
from the General of the Army, and are
bereby,Publighed for the informed&
i and guidance of officers the conamandi
. ' All -Indians, when on their proper
• are under the exclusive
i 'control and : , jurisdiction' of their agents.
They .. will not be interfered with in
,any,,,. manner by military , Authority,
except upon „requisition of the spechd
, agent,, • resident with ..
them, his Su
• perintndent, -or the Bateau of In.
~ dian Affairs, ",in -.Washington...Out-,
side the weli.defined limits of their re
servations they are under the original
and exclusivejurisdiction of military au
thority, and as a rale will be. Congidered
hostile. it is ib i s desire and intention of
• the Government to place ail the Indians
• on reservations specially set , aside for
their, use, and to' protect , and provide for
`.them as long as may be necessary. •The
rpommissioner or Indian - Affairs -hap al
:•% really instructed his stiOrintendents and
agents respectingthe Indians now on re
' seryationttand tinder their charge: ;:De
-partment commanders will immediately/
make use - of every`means vraaticable
t• o inform the Indians not on reeertations
of the wishes and intentions of the goy
, arninenCtowards theni,'and °rite 'lima
.-: •• horrid their respective reservations. 411
' Indians to -whom' this inforMatiOn has
beatigiven, who do net itiiMenistelyi , re
move to their reservations, will •be ra
garded and treated;as. boodle,: wherever
-.' thtrinisy be , found.' and ,partionlarlY, if
f e
they are near : ttlementii 'fir , the great
Rues of ' co rn} unication.' „' Department
Commanders llt give such detailed In
- etnietione as may be be necesstuy, for a
perfect- understanding of their duty un
der all circumstances on tbe part of the
post and detaeldnent commanders.
A, D. Richardson, of the New York
Tram:o, arrived here this morning from
California. He will leave toniorme for ,
New York! , •-.-. , ' • , , .
Accident at a Barberna,-Gluing W a y .
' of ',a Chain /kluge
tßy'Teligriiph to the riththerih Gazette.
ItICEIMOD, Ya July 2--k barbecue,
kiveti by the Walker 'colored men, took:'
jlace. on 'Vauxhall's Island, ad.
ining:this city. 'About three o'clocli
-„ the chain bridge . leading to the islan
was so crowded that it gave way, carry-
ing down about sixty persons. Col. Jas.
R.l3ranch,' prominent broker andCon
sertatlye candidate for the Senate.' was
instantly killed; also Policeman- Kirk
'tall. Who was on , dutY: to prevent the
crowd ' from - rushing Orr-, the bride.
Seven l'eolored men were t' .fatally_
Sorry Condition oi Afrairc—icanesi
Amon* l'rraops—Cubans Fleeing to the'
United States. •
(By Telegrapn to the Pittapprgh Gium
HAVANA, Jane 3Q, . via. Huy WEST,
July.—An American , en ' g neet front
Puerto Prinsipe arrived here via. Nuevi
tAs, which place he left on the 24th, and
makes thefollowiz g statement of affairs
in and aroundlhe former city: He left
Puerto Princifoe . on . ,the 17th. At that
time trivial resulta hadbeen' attained - (by
operations in that vicinity. • The
tion of the "troops in the garrison -wen
dreadful. Their number was-subject • to
depletion'J•frmat ` casualties and MA
ease. -The hospitals are all faii,-,with an
average of* ten deatlas per &it. On the
14th a foraging_ party left the city one
hundred and fifty stroinf,' :but; weie
driven in, and forty of them were
sent to
_the hospital. .9sa the - 18th,
the patriotalentered :the!, city in dis
guise and tried::to cipture a sentinel,
but were discovered, and retreated with
a loss of two. ,On the -2241 the patriots
Captured a detachment of • one hundred
and five regulars at the Drat station from
Principe. A,regiment, of voinnteeredias
lost two' , hundred mend fiouv sickness.
9,nesada, Coinmander4it-Chlef or the
patriots„ was in the vicinitY, and has be
come more active and binder An hilrop
erations. • -
The Spaniards attribute the recent suc
cesses of the patriota to the;presence.
Americans among them, They admit
that forty thousand more trooPs are re- ,
quired, and expected berge reinforce
meets to arrive with Hodes. The: garriz
son In Principe 'are diaheartened, while
the Cubans in terror are fleeing to the
United States. - ,
Advices from Sant'Ago to the 23d state,
that an American named Speakman, one ,
of the creeroif the Grapeshot, captured on
shore, had been shot._; He claimed tine,
he had been deceived *hen he Eihippad,'
sett was fordiblYlletalned froth landing,'
and surrendered to the troops after skir
mishing., When taken to Santiago the
- Consul endeavored to save him, and
asked fora delay of.the execution, teen-t,
-able him to present proofs, which was re !
fused. The matter has been represented!
. to our Government.
Hevisa via _Key West, June
Captain General tie Rodeo, fetEtt
View eith Havina editors, expressed die
-satisfaction withlheir treatment of the
situation. He completed& that instead
of advodating union and pwie, they. ex.:,
cited passion and raised o bst acles to the
policy or the GoVernment. He wished
them to anderstand :that be. as not the
sanguinary person that, the people were
led to believe him to be. What 'he de-:
sired with to pacify the island with the
least porsibia shedding _ of blood ,' Mersx
petted the journals to advocate
tion and peace. and hoped, the editors
would comprehend the spirit of these Jur'
struettons and act accordingly. '
.In the
Course of his speech he stated that the
late Captain General pule° 'had been
harshlytreated. s•`.
Hever:A..4'lllv 2.—Capta4inn General De
Hodes,-In a publicepeecb tQltay, advised
journalists to ehow more" moderation,
endeavor to
.conciliate .all classes and
cease publishing, irritating Articles, ear
pecially in regard to ,
HAVANA,. July 2—Evening.—The
nouncement of the action of the United
States authorities in preventing the vior
lavion of the neutrality laws, renders the
Spanlerthi more confident; and they now
loot for a speedy termination. of the re
bellion in this island.
Receipts - Vern cestems at ports of Cube
for the month of May , amounted to
Ketchum, the Forger, Remanded--Fach.
era's Business College - ComMenteracnt H
—The Filltbuster Prisoners—Ryan and
Kis MrJe . In Custody -- Free Fight
Among Them.
[By Telegraph tb the Pittehurgh Gazette'
141Ew. Yolk, July x' . 186'9. •
• Ketchum, the forger, was remanded - to , '
prison, to serve out hie-senterice,
b 7 Judge Barnard. The counsel for the
prisoner sated the latter did noedeisire a
releasEr, considered the sentence desert , -
ed,Euid that the proceedings were brought
by his father. -.-/ :. .
At the commencement of Packard's
Business College, this afternoon, the pro.
prietor, S. S. Packard, who has in >many
ways manifested his interest in the ad
vancement and , improvement of the con
dition of women very. liberally,' an
nounced hisintention of giving to any
fifty young,women who desired it a thor
cufgh business education gratuitously,
and to. And situations for them when
qualified. Addressee were also made by
Zorace Greeley, -Mayor Hall, Oliver
Dyer and others. Sixteen students grad
nated, and there are between three and
four hundred ;nen in the college.
The -steamship, ,lieutschland, 4rono
Southampton June 2241:arrived today.
, The dry goods establishment of W. L.
Peak & Co., White street, was damaged
by fire this morning; loss, $10,000'; in
' The Cuban prisoners an the United
States ship Vermont weEt!
.JO-daytratta lr,
;tarred' to he Vithirinetlng, tiring:at,
the yard. It is expected thezwilt be reo
leased this evenlinVitslite , rbajetitt are
Cutaintri , -Sendritifero - tunt-Drr•Beastmr
havel liewever,; tap*: brOuW
'York and lodged in LndLow atteet'
The warrants . for Ahem were-leen by
Commissioner White, before whom their
cases come ; tomorrow. Application
will:" ke..i ntatde fbr , 'release old , 1:6 1 / 4 1 / 1 .
is probable that Ryan and his men are
now prisonersas a revenue,cutfr has
been sent, tb• l eardiderlsr Island 'with a
fully armed crew and posse of.deputy
marshals. Report says they lusve quer
relied among themselves and three were
killed and emu wounded bY1 , 4491 9 ,p ots
in a free fight Yesterday.
The Coal *littera ,
ter Telegraph to the phiaaßO'lissetse.)
llLkuort Odors, Pa. Jib , 2.—Thel4i
high coal aniNivelgiation Conapanymet4
the; President of the atinere Assoelagium`
et Summit Hill, sad agreed upon a basis
ofuirine l isideb is hot very satasfaetoryito,
the'Company, but, it was the beikthat
could bedside, as The'srdners wciuldrbot
make any ounresusions. About one, half
thecompanledin •all' the' Penns,ylvanla
coal - districts recommence ,work about
the eth hist. ,The Lehigh coal and Na
-1 vigatiou,CoMPany * e men commence on
that ,day.
,JU . LY 3 1869;
1 ,
S .„ 0- 1 1-1
.4;,. •
" •
CAI/ of the Interruption to the Vreuth
Oc an Cable—The hratdt Iteinoied, aid
Paiinig out Resumed—London Thu u
Sees no Cause 'tbr Apimehenslon in the
. f ßel
.. one Between England and Other.
Con tries —Church , Dlsestabllshment
' BRA /Further 'DMenided—Orange Illot
In Ireland—Ratters in Bpoln. :.
ler Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
LorrnoN, July 2.—The nyies sees no
reason for disquietude on account of
the relatins between Great Britain and
foreign countries. The most linportant .
matters to busiiiesetnen irethelistate of
the, relations with Aiierica on the Ala
;barna question, andlhe present condi
tionof,France. The.. Alabama diffieul-
Ales were not moratbreateningzorAtien,
a year or two since. , ,Jobnson's negotia
tions demonstratfA Vcigrand's • willing
ness to , '.make t reamonablectopceesions.
Henoeibirtkit •,iimPoiisible 36;
tract grievances, from her acts or de
-mealier. Amerielme feel 'flits, and have
no desire to push thf! question in a hostile
manner. 4
A meeting of 'Peers was hind yeatei;
day to arrange thel.:ootapoottiOn of the
new Irish Churah and' to fOame
amendmentso %her-pending ; bill, r :Earl ,
Russell, BardnlThilb4l7, Earl and
others agreed 'to - follosy the lead of the
Duke ofeillinretland;
The House of Lords to-night continued
the cottsideiption Of the Irish .-lptiureli.
bill in Contnittee. twentY•fiVe
acid twooty-six,,were, wres4,to..
Thal-Marquis of :Witbury zmaved tb!
strikeNout clause twenty-seven, which
requireapat . paymomts [armada forthq
retention of Ecolesdahtleal residenceaby
the Churches,
The Doke of ADlevelmi moved an
amendment!_ authorizing, , grants to
eatholicivand , Vresbyterians.
After a long debate, the House divided
and the amepdment*as•lost of
118 to 146.,
. _
Dtairais;-101y Beve's+ riot minty
'red in Portadown to-day; arising out of
an Orange demonstration. The police
fired upon - the rioters', killineone Maki
and.wonnding another:
LONDON. July 2.—lt is rumoredthat
the EcumenimlOcnincil Rowels te•be
postponed for one yosr.
,LkIADRIA July. --2.—Tne contemplated
changes in the Ministry have- boob-post
poned until the budget of expenditures,
now before Cortes, is passed. '
MADRID, July 2.—lt rumored that
Senor Itivaro,Presidemt of the Vorttnh is
likely .to be called upon to foim a new
Ministry. , c • •
Several official communications have
passed between Gen. Rodas,' the new
Captain General of Cuba, and the home
g•overnment, by cable, relative to Cuban
affairs and the situation on tho Island,
but their tenor has not been made public.
Carnet demonstrations. are reported in
the provinces. , • - .1 Ii•
' There has been a strike of cab drivers,
who objected to the yew regulationsze
quiring- them to he -uniformed and' to
issue tickets to passengers. The strike
caused much inconvenience. b
BREST, July 2.—There has been no
communication with the - Great Eastern
'since the morning of June 30. •
Ems r; July 2.--Communicatio'n
the Great Eastern through the cable was
restored at noon 7 to-day. Dispatches re
ceiyed-from her explain the supension of
'communication as follows:' A fault was
discovered in the amble, Wednesday,
and the Great Eastern lama obliged to
stop to iicate and remove it. A
heavy gale prevailed, and in 'order
to avoid the probability , of serious acci
dent to the cable it was decided to cut
and buoy it, which was succe34lilly done.
Theweather to-day having,, become fine,
the,cable was reooverad, 3he fault re
moved and the work of paying out re
commenced. All well on board at noon
to-day. The Great Eastern was in lati
tude 47 deg. 55 min., longitude 30.
PLYMOUTH; July 2.—The steal:mid t
Cimbria t from Neirr York June 2(4 artlve.
on the way to Marburg and Hamburg
FINANCIAL iksp - xsommpaclAL.
LONDON', July 2.--Consols lat 92?.
Five-Twenty bonds quiet and steady at
81,W, do., at Ftanitfort 86,105136 X, Brie%
19 G 3i, Illinois, 95.
LivEttipoozi, July 2.—The sales of Cot
ton for the week. were 102,090 tales, of
which 19,000' were for export 'kid - 11,000
on speculation; the stook is estimated at
122,000 bales, of which 189,000 bales are
from the United States; the stock at.sea,
bound for, this port, is 67,400 bales, of
-which B,ooo_ balesare American. The
marks/ 49 alihtges- fitsier with sales of
middling uplands • • at 4.12Ud, Cris - and at
12%a; sales, 15,000 bales. Yarns and
fabrics, at Manchester, are firmer at
better prim. „Californin while wheat at
10s; red • western lib. 2` wheat,' 83 114.
'Flour at 23s 6d. Corn at 28a 6d for old,
,268 8d for new. Oats SpAd. Pork, 99n. ,
`Beat We. - Lard'7luT 6d. Cholesti . 68$.°
*own 633, --,Clopetseed at.
.LONDOI4, 44# Li n
seedpll -al 188, Stlgar qtdet 39s 9d.
-Calcutti'Lliisel9l - 018 6d. • Petteleatit at
'Antwerp 43%f. Cotton at Havre 148 f.,
PnamottatT , _rOttl — Pr4)"ni,
bon dietwit atl3Bsg.
PARIS; July 2.-Bourse strong. "1,011%"-
,Of 620
Eikvitriuly i 2.=-Cotton clOsed firmer
- ofi.*.et and lo Arrive.
voretp,at Forresa,Moproe ,tbtarantine.
Cs 7 Tet~i ! ratiri ioirke'rittabtalth teasitteV
• gQi/TAKELS MinffeitoE,J
French , corvette ' ' frcm Martin
bane, IS . in quarantine with eighteen
cases of vomito op board. • She parr - t
two znewatisea yesteplay, three , to• day
and thetethe day before. Tied;. captain,.
`first officer, and snrgoorkstredead and the
[testator& 4tirgeon Jedying.:. She will
take in provisions' and coal as soon as
possible ami proceed north.
, - ST . . LOUIS.
Steamer Chartered at New York for the
Grain Trade—Large Grain bkipment
--Severe Earthquake Shock—Railway
Excursionists—Btidge Opening JCele
'my Velegph to the P taburob Eialette,)
'. I %nt ST. Loots, July —The New 'York.
and New torleatO st mship. Wilmington
has been chartered at New York for a
',trip to st. Louis, and will leave that port
as soon as laden. • She has all the freight''
engaged that 'sheban carry. An insur
ance of 81,000 on he hull' lies been se.
cured. i , ' • •
he'SIL s Gran Association` sold
today th ylonr onsand bushels of
wheat at ew Orle • for shipment to
Eitrope. This wheat has been In el
evator at New Orleans for.several weeks,
and IS as sweet and sound as when it ar
rived' there.
..It is stated that $lOO,OOO of St. Louis
county bonds were. protested in New
York today for non-payment, and that
money belonging to -the, county on. de
posit in New York was attached for se
curity. , • '
. Col. J. C. Mclivaine, an old and dis
tinguished citizen of this State, died here
Quite a sharp shock of an earthquake
-was felt here between one and two o'clock
this morning. Windows and crockery
were rattled and in ,somo instances fur
niture moved. No damage is reported.
The wave travelled north and south•and
lasted from five to ten seconds. : The
shock was felt within a circuit of fifty
miles of here and at Cairo quite severely.
An - excursion party from Chicago', ac
companied ny the St. Louis delegation,
left by the North IClissouri Railroad this
afternoon for Kansas City to participate
In the bridge Celebration to-morrow. •.
Colored C '. /rikoen , atlve Barbeene—Aeel-
rident to a Bldge—A Number of Per.
ORS Killed. .
[By Telegravb to the Pf tebureh Gazette . .
RICHMOND, July 2. he Colored Con
servative Barbecue, whi tcwas ended by
Accident, was attended brAtout three
hundred colored men and a ire num
ber of whites, A large crowd lied con
gregated at the gate of the bridgelead
•ing to the Island, but were kept off 13 •
the police. Colonel. Branch, who
was • managing • the affair, while
standing on the bridge, directed
-the pollice 'to admit the crowd,
which being done, the weight broke the
structure, precipitating a number. into
/the water, while Col. Branch, polleeman
Kirkham and Robt. Ashley were caught
In the falling timbers and killed. Seven
other persons - were -wounded, two "of
whom will die. The body of - Oul. Branch
liras itillowerl to his residence, by a pro
-cession of prominent citizens, and the
police escorted Mr. Rirkham's remains
home. Col. Branch was'one of the find
businesspiett of this city. Richmond is
pervaded by general gloom in conse
quence of" he calamity.
C By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Quetta.]
WASHINGTON. July 2, 1869.
Commissions for the ,fiiillowing Post-'
masters were, signod, by' the. President
to-day: James MOlCean, 3dercer, Ps.;
W. B. Griswold, Mitt:kat°, Minn.; \H. E.
Wells, Moline ' Ill.; ;Wm . P. Gust, Fen
tonville,Alch.; A. G. McDaniel, Hanni
bal, Mo.; Edwin Leslie, Kendalivilid,
Ind.; Thomas B. IrWin. Pawpaw, Mich.;
Wm. J. Libbieton, Northfield, 'Minn.;
Jas. M. Moore, "St. Peters, Minn.; Jamesi
Hall, Oconto, Wis.; Mrs. E. B. Culbert
son, New Brighton, Pa.; Peter Flutter.,
Seymour, Ind.
i'resident 'l3rant to-day informed
Georgia 'representatives. he should not
change postmasters unless the incum
bents prove incompetent.
The custom receiptS front June 21st to
the 30th, inclusive, were $4,024,065; In.,
terns' Revenue receipts today, $1,250,--4
—The steamer Berlin arrived at Balti
more yesterday, from eight
hundred, passengers and a full cargo.
—An earthquake was felt yesterday az
- Holly Springs ,and Madison, Arkansas.
The vibrations lasted half a minute. ,
—Latest adviees - from San Domingo
state the people are very anxious for an
nexation to the Vatted States. •
—The croxton murder trial, at Louis
'till% Ky., progressetiVery slowly.. Thus
fat but six jurymen have been •impan
- - -
—Eighteen Germhn Singing fill cietlea
of Philadelphia, cOmprising nearly five
hundred voices, will take part in the
-.Eleventh Stengerfeat, at Baltimore, from
the 10th to the•lsth of July.
—The, eledtiOn ,' for President of
Union College, Ifeiv York, Is postponed
ode - month. -Professor David Murray, of
Albany, is said to have the best ptospects
of election. , •
—The graves of soldiers and sailors at
Augusta, Main e
_, werodecorated on Wed
nesday. Thd fire: comp anies and school
children participated, Hon. Joseph: Bar.
kar dalraring the oration.
—AtiLouisville, Ky., Thursday night,
John O'COnnell was shot and instantly
'killed by James Hendrioks, whilst under
the belief that,he was pursuing law thief.
Oothl'men bplonged to the metropolitan
Wier. : •
A reception was tendered Gen. D. E.
Sickles, .2difi • ter to 'Spain, Wednesday
evening, at the 'Everett House, New
.York. Among the callers were Horace -
erectly, Cyrus WiYield,lifoses H. Grin
poll, and tclarge number of other prom!.
neat citizens. •
;A. dispatch - from Topeka, Kanesx'says
$210,600 /worth of Pottawa;zde lands
have heart" sold during th t Month.'
mostly to said settFerii. The rush of,
Immigration deantinnelas great essver,
and prosp erity', - constantly advancing.
-A careful estimUte shows that at least;
1.000 new settlers are coming into Kan
sas daily.
—Thursday evening the tug Ripen,
crossing the river at Cleveland, struck a
ferry tmat with ten or 'twelve Pas
sengers, shivering it to fragmente,: Three
to five persons are supposed to have been
drowned.'.2The tOdy . of Martin O'Don
nell is the . only One recovered. - 'The
names of the other lost are unknown.
THE COUltrr--
Oyer and Terminer—Judge Sterrett,
FRIDAY ' July 2.—The case of the Com
monwealth vs Wm. Little'; indicted for
burglary, which we reported on trial
yesterday, was resumed and concluded,
the jury returning a verdict of guilty.
Sentence was deferred. •
monwealth vs. J. Dierstein, indicted for
selling liquor on Sunday, which was
- partially tried on Tuesday, and the jury
discharged in consequence of 00111 Of the
panel . having been discovered in 'con
versation with the defendatit while the
case .was pending, was, again taken up.
The jury, afte*a brief absence, returned
a verdict of guilty. Motion for a new
Patrick Shea, against whom tnere were
three indictmenta for selling liquor with,
out license, plead guilty to one and wile
contendere to the others, was sentenced
to pay the costs of prosecution in the
three cases, and a fine 0150' 112 the, case
in which the plea of guilty was entered.
William Drummond andlohn Wilkin
son, indicted for larceny, were placed on
trial and plead. not guilty. It was. al
leged that the accused had stolen four
dollars from a fruit stand at the corner
of - Fourth avenue and Market street.
Mary Santa), the prosecutrix, stated that
Drummond and two others' were at her
stand, when• the stand was thrown
over by one of the, party and the money
taken, Drummond remained-and. helped
her to fix up the stand. The Jury re
turned a verdict of not guilty. , •
The next case taken up was the Com
monweatth vs. Jacob Shrank, indicted
for larceny by bailee. The - defendant
was chargerbWith having unlawfully op•
propriated the property of his wif%
.Catharine Shrank. Mr. Fetterman,
counsel for defendant, moved to Tram
the indictment, for the reason that thw
property alleged to have been stolen. is
laid in the indictment as the property of
thewife of defendant. It appeared from
the argument on the motion . that Mrs.
Shrank, was a widow_ previous ,to the
time of her marriage with defendant,
and had by her former husband acquired
personal property ,to the amount of three
or four thousand dollars. .She married
Shrank in 1865, and in 1866 she became
insane and was subsequently sent to Dix-
Jnont., - In March last Mr. Frederick
: :ckert was appointed a committee to
take •charge of the effects of Mrs. Shrank.
Thee.fendant, it was alleged, had come
in- possession of $l,OOO in Government
bonds, the, property of his wife and
when called‘upon by the committee to
deliVer up theVoperty to hlEkdeclined
to do, so. Counsel for defendant held
that the husband could not be indicted
for the larceny of his- wife's propeoy.
The jury returned a verdict of not
• • \ \‘,6
,•• ..i•
881. Com. vs. Edward Sweeny. N \ . •
322. " John Fisher.
308. • ' " Hughes& Dignam.
388. « Charles Brandt. •
117- 6'. Arthur .Martin.
118. H..C. Mathews. • • '
'" Christ Raker.
11 Robert. Hague.
. Chatham Girty.
" John McGrath.
890. Com. ya. Geo. W. Hoyle,
389. Stewart Sampson.
" Thomas Moore..
44 Conrad. Color. •
Thomas Sinclair et al.
" John M. McFetrich.
" Joseph Holt;
" Lena Meinert.
" John Frank - •
" Andrew Marks andiWm.
" Nora Cuff.
Common Pleae- , Judge Stowe.
FB.IDAY, July,2.--An the case of Pay.
man Ta. McNish et al., previously re.
ported, verdict for the plaintiff in the
sum of $31:10. • . '
James Owens vs. Robb .& Herron.
Feigned issue upon - an execution attaeh
ment. Verdict fbr plaintiff.
English vs.:Carron, action in assumszt.
Verdict for the plaintiff in the sum of
$9O. , '
BuElneeli at the Mayor's Othe.
At a meeting of. the Police Committee.
held Thursday evening; Mayor Brush
submitted the following report of busi
ness transacted at his",office during the
month of June:
The total number of cases disposed of
was five hundred and ninety-three, clan.
aided as follows:
Total - 593
The number of , oases discharged was
fifty. • •
The receipts from' all :waives during
the month were as follows: t -
From fines ' $ 978 20
From jail ... 211 00
From night police .. . .... 178.85
From dramatic license. • 90.00
Vital c .. . ... f 1,45.5 55
Total seceipte for five I months up , to
July 1, 1880. ;9,108 05: r
The estimate made.._ by tite, nee
Committee bf the receipts for, t entire
year was but 110,000,, whin . frow n
abovei will be more than •
' '
• . Lace Goods • 'lll , taming's.
As lace goods-lind 'teaming are are
cies in which the r iadies,aro` interested;
• .
wed esire -- to- cell- the itfentiqn of our
mad i l a dy readers to the large and Weil.
'selected .stoes. of qgoods, including.lace
g oods, trimmiogekhosiery and glovegi at
the old established- house of
Moorhead, No. 81. Market street. It is
only necessary for them to sisit. the es
lablislunent, and examine the stook,
whether they desire to 'purchase or not,
to be convinced that the goods have been
selected with great care, and especially
for this market. Mr. Moorehead% long
experience in'the biaginest enables him
to purchase such 'goods as are required
to suit the ..tastes of his numerous pa
trons., Hekeeps thoroughly posted in
the eastern . markets _ relative* to the
charge of stY,les, Or.c.„ and is thereby en:
'abled to present to his t Witninerti all the
turveltieg as soon as presented in eastern
Central Board of Educatlon--Speplat •
• Me,eting.
A special meeting of the Central Board:
of Education was held yesterday at two
o'cloch, P. If., at the High School build i
Mg, corner of Wood Street iind Sixth -
The meeting was called to order by the '
President, Mr. Wh3on, who stated the ob- ,
ject of the meeting to be for the purpose
of hearing the report, of the Principal of
the High School relative to , the examina
of candidates for admistdon to 'the
High School. t. . • . - •
The Secretary called the roll,when the
'following members' answered to their
.'' z '
Anderson,.Chadyrick. Craig.
Cuddy, Duncan, Fle ming, Getty,' Hurl
son, • Humbert, • Hartman, • - Lauf - Man,
Mitchell, Shaw and Taylor. - -
The minutes of the preceding meeting_
were read and approved; , .•
The Secretary then ' teed thd refwirt•or
the Principal of the High Schootrelative.
to the examinatimot candidates for' ad-
Mission to the High. School.
; The examination was held on the 28th '.*;
and 29th ultimo, at the Grant School
House, where It appears there were one,
hundred and seventy-three candidates
and seventy-four admitted. - Scholars
holding the following. , card mai:Mere
passed the required examination: 4, .5,
13, 14,18, 19, 24;25, i 7, 22, 30, 81, 32, 35,
37, 40, 41, 43, 49, 50, 55, 63, 64, 66, 67, . ,
68, 71, 72, 73, 76, 81, - 83.. 84,- 87, 88, 93,
94, 96, 99,' 100, 101; - 102, 104, 108; ler,'"
108, 109, 111, 112,.113, - 114, 1 0 115,•117, 118,.: .
121, 123, 115; 128, 129, 130, 131, 133, 136, • ,
,139, 141, 142, 143, 144, 152, ' 156, 157, 158,
159, 161, 164, 165, 166,167. • -*
. The candidates holding the following , •
cardnumbsys, although, not having at-
tattled the required pet cent. in
studiee, were on the recommendation' of 7
the Principal admitted: 11,16, 10, 28 1 .33,. -
$4, 44, 45, 61, 82, 85, 89,.105, 145, 151, 154.
The holders of the following numbers
was entitled ,to a re-examination: " . 17, f•
23, 36, 42, 46, 47, 51, 53, 59, 70, 97, 98,
116,127; 122, 38, 60, 75, 78,90, 169, 170, 171,
137, 146; •
The report was received , and adopted.
Mr. Hartman presented a communica
tion *but Mr. Daniel Atwood, Principal ' -
of the colored school, requesting the
Board to re.elect hi scho 01,
the ensuing year; ,
also that his assistants be reappointed.
The, communication was received.
A number of bills were presented, and.
on motion of Mr. Anderson, .were laid
over until the 'next regular meeting.
Mr. Taper presented the report -of the
Conunittee on Teachers and Salaries, and
while the same was under consideration,
on a call of the house, it was found' that
there was not a quorum present, and the .
Board adjourned. Before .adjournment,
however, the following :items contained
inthe report Were aided upon:
WARD ieliai , l;SAtiAstra.
Principals with six Assistants
Princ Ws with less than six Assistants.
Teachers of three years' Experience
Teachers t f one years , Experience
First year
rs T EirKEDIATi DiPAirrschisti.'
Teacherse of three years , -Experlance.
Teachers oron . e years ' ' ExperiEnce
-Fula, year... ! '
\ ritlif..A7 'Sr- DEPARTMENT.
Teachers of Gee years' Experience ' .$ Spr
Tesehera or three years' Experience. 415
Teach ra•er one . 7earf` JrArrterignea—"---. '415
Less II:01 , one year , 1 15.
N ._ HlGH sClloot,
PrinCiPal -,. , . • . ; . ..:-.
Praressors ~. ' •
Assistant .Teschera, -
Teachers or Drar,1ng,,... , .. ..
Janipar ",.........,..
binSIC.4.I. TO.A.P.Tnpra - T.
~ , 1 .
"., .. .......... 8 ,000
miCACH.E.RS t . I.,LOTIED. _
rinclpnl. Astistnut.
Duquesne --" 1 , 9 _
Colt..x 0 2 _
Forbes ...
Grant.. 1• 14
. , .
At this stage of the procceding , t , the ,
yea* and pays were -called on,a question . . •
pending, When it was ascertained there'si, I
was no quorum Present and. the Board; N .
adjourned: ' ; '- ' N/ i
Amusements. ..
OPZB.& F..OUSE.—The engagement of , i . '.
Dnprez arid Benedict's Minstrels at the - / i
Opera Eloise during the part week Ms r I
- /
been an unprecedented Site etis s. , The} - ~
have Intl houses almost every ?
night, which - IS an evidence of the excel.,
lenee of the troupe. The matinee Ali . .
afternoon and the entertainment/this
e'veving, we regret to say. will 'close the • .
Season here. The house will - doubtless , 1
7bScrowded on both oecardons. / - ',
, • -
Myskum,—The museum on. Fifth ave
nue is now one one of -the on.
tiVe, pleasant d= Interesting, places or
amusement the 'city. The, changes
effected durl g the short time it _was
closed fOr \ repalra are really mariellous,
and add wonderfully to the attractive=
Hess of the place. / • •
Owing to the rapid inorease in the. 4- 1
mend for the e.,xcell*t gribeneware.
.. 347
Peace duldteeloW that 'this' great
palm Jubileienn..singing, has .past- and
gone, the,next wlll,-be in thetating, Mot,
trartin, N. 91 Liberty street, is the
leading spirit: - - Ho has on hand-The - beaP
! jubilee Cakes nude, expressly for, the r
trade, If you want peace hi. , gm ( ab' -,
and jubilee at the table, ask your gr ocers' `'
for Marvin's Jubilee:ceases. :For sale by
.all grocers,: and ak9l Liberty street.,
There are manyreaaotuiwbylll 'A
e ;WU ..
ahOuld be usectinatead of any other, balrc
renewer. It *Ude all- the prolirlitUre
clank for it; lea larger bottle, :nicely-lout:
up;•Fal can be used,gondaktlY: Vre n t4(-
Injurlng . ordestroylng tlik- nem 3 1 1 _,
L orepainuons are liked fbr while; -tab':
injate,- if net _destroy , 'the.,
hair-entlre4. If you would. have a lAtx-I
urlaiit head of hair, use the allanna4 ' '
. ,
No. 91 , Liberty:_dtrent.*—This , :4l.
number Mariln's :Celebrate4:,-ViscAer;
Bakery is: located it, Marvin •has_
band the moat come* • stook Of. Cratiriat:-:
era, Cream, Wine, soda,` Opster, Water,
Butter, Sugar and - fancy, ofany .houso
the city. Itemember his' No. 91 ‘. 1..11rair
street. - - • -
$ 650
. $ *3
. 500
. 350