The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 02, 1869, Image 8

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~,.:6 :
Tytz .likzETTE is furnished in the city
the . 41 0 days orde week for • : 15 cents psr
week by matt, taper annum II
pr i ttrlc.—A good paying route on this
poor in / Fifth and Sixth Wards, Ana
tomy.. iiiione"bnt'goOd, sotaiichrdustri
ona•nien-need apply: Call •at Gazrair.
counting room betwen four and tiir
aloha& r. ir., tdday. -
Dir. A. P. Thompson., Assessor - of the
"Fifteenth ward, bee been attending regn
- holy to registration under the new law.
\ Steamboat, Ezeurslon.-L-Thb steamer
Glendale will • leave the foot of Market
every hOur on July 8d• and .sth;for the
grattd jubilee at McKee's Roc,ks. 3
Early:Closing.—tWo understand tha
the dry polls stores on Fifth and Market
E ikt
streets ill close at five P.. 11, until the
Mat of eptember.i A
Fa) Pretences. -- Margaret 'Davis
made information before Al • derman Mc:
"Masters, yesterday, charging Chas. Watt
with obt a ining boarding to the. amount
of 1524 under false pretences. A warrant
was issued ftm the arreit of Watt' '
Assault and Battery,—John Lutz made
information yeatEfday clutrgincr. Mary
IdeKeton .with assault and:;battery. Al
derman McNiasters,.before whom' tile ill
format* was' made, issued a- -- warrant
for the arrest of:the accused ...1
Keeping a Bawdy BOUSe.--Jaoob Fox,
made,ipformation before Alderman Mc-
Mortars, yesterday, charging Ellen Can
non, Sarah. Run and Kate Patterson with
keeping a bawdy house ou Midd
street, Allegheny.. Awarrant Was issued
for the arrest of the accused.
lbareeny bilßatlee.--Barnoy
made information before' Alderman
MesteMastersyesterday, charging John
Tigh withjarceny by bailee. li
that he leffl4 the possessionof d nda
a lot of hougehold goads, which lie (the
accused)-refuses_tto return or deliver to
'fhb gds Are valued at $lOO. A:
• warrant was issued for the arrest of John.
Amputated by a Itope.—A German
named Frederick Ronp, recently frcim
PittsbUrgh, while standing_on the wharf!
at Lohlayille,,Ry.; on Tuesday last, had
his right foot torn off, having become en-:
tangled in a tug-haat cable which watt
suddebly pulled straight bv the heavy
oherent sweepingthe boat rapidly - down
the river. Rano is.a single man, twenty
sir. years of age.
- - .
At tue regular stated meeting of Post.,
. ' Hp. 151, G. A R.,, held last evening, the
follow,,ing 'officers Niers elected to serve
during the ensuing term: ' . 1 ' • ,
; , ' •
P. 0.,
,Philip Hoerr; Sre Vice, .G. B.
1 .'• ' Van. Etwin;• 'Jr. Vice, Joseph H. Buitt:
Adjt:,-Joiletih Fisher; Q. 31., W. F. Wit
lock; O. ' D., W. H. Weber; 0.G., Fred.
-Stetter:, •Qr; X. Serit. Thomas Miller
. • Bengt. li4jor, Perry "'Ewing; Surgeon, 4
,• H. Roberts; Chaplain, P. S. BroWn.
in Town.—D:S. Gray and W.
•• DRS., the former,-Seconde le4tter,
dent •
add General Manager, _and stile
Superintendent, of the Pittsburgh, Cin
cinnati and St. ,Louie (Panllindle)
way, were in town vesterdit,74 These,
gentlemen are Moat aitentlye iin,the die=
char of their duties, and, with. their
colleagues, have succeeded in phichig the
the most, ex
great Pan Handle route in,
cellent condition. Having,tinished their
:business connected with the road; they
they left yesterday afternoon to continue
their observatiOns aiong the line.
. ,
~ •.' . Prof. S. A. Neale, of the colored . is
of Allegtu-ny, has proved himself a most
capital teacher. He has for many years
•• , • superintended ;and ',taught with signet
suceess, advancing the various grades
and a high proficiency. He is,
therefore, a public benefactor, and as,
• owing to inadequate salary, he is obliged
to try auxiliary means for the support of
•, his family, he wisely selects and organ.'
I - ' • izes a rich and varied ,
.musical and floral
/ i .. • draiiiii, whose final exhibition will take
" - place this evening at .Exelsior Hang:Al
-1 - „ legfietiV,
illiV are siire that the pekform
i - , snag w il l be creditable to his manage
, . • /.' ment,.and bope theylvill, also be ream.,
/ iterative,' ;Let the friendie of ine'lleale
s• e ./ •• and the friends of his ;work enjoy the
;.- , t •
treat and aid the object. •
7 ..
I .
Senatorial Conferees
. .
sThe Republican Conferees from
ingtori co And Beaver unties, who were in
. t
isession'in this city , from Tuesday until
Door! yesterday, 'Completed the; duties
for which May...were' appointed • and ad
' Journed .siite ; die. At_ twelve o'clock
, _
Wednesday 'night they agreed upon :a
1 h udidate •fo Senator. Oa the .three
ea undred an dr
seventy-fourth ballbt Jag:
7 B,utao.'Esq., of Beaver, was nominated,
i'. after which the Conference adopttid the
i , following- resoluution:,
Resolved, That the candidate nomina
- tad by this Conn erence shall be a nd he Je
hereby imilittto e d
to vote for the passage
of a law to reggluire-the Commissioners
' - of the Slaking,. Fund to apply:' the
..N balanice.olorauds, in the Treasur the ,
y Of the
. " State. available for the purpose t,o the- outatstiding,- ebt, of the
„ Commonwealtho_" • - i-
At the .aoucluding session yesterda y
snorningli..l. Vanktrkfgsq.:,,was.o
hated for Assembly.
_ orphans to Visit the Museum. ,
, . .
~• - ' fftpresunen, 2E; 109 •.)
. MAJ. 13on.rtEm.: Dear , Sir -You are
.douhtlesaavaire that we have:an initltri
:tion on Washington street, tAleghe4y
• city, called the' "Pittsburgh and -.4ille
..gbeny Home for thO ‘Friendlesa.Af. fts
,•numbers are at present about ,pne 4hin
'Are& I have alwaya,been ..anzioust' dist
/ they should visityeurvaluable Museum,
and how ~1: write to ette if you will do so
• EXeat lifevpk, as to let Me ,take, ea, Many
as are large. enough; *attar exPenee. '
you grant .13:10 this, favor, you will have
the entiebtOtiOn Of giving ;crest , pieasure
/ 1-- to . thew: little ,', uMbrttinateir Who are
• throWn upon the - okisrities- and ‘ isYnipa 4
thiettrif, theitubliclor support, as well as
_yam* Veryyttispectftil'lrr; ~ i,
-,:`,., - , , ' - : .-•4' •• 1 • mws,.. Lxvl Iv ann4 . 1.
•-;,',,,liintweiNeldtreseits, Fins Mit,,Z,',,
< ..--,, 6.. ' ' '• • ' tune Seth •18%) 'S-
' ,Ilf*tarn WIADE--D4r Madame: lial
fbrithe close of the lidueenm for repairs,
.I receiveli,a uotelront _ono Vhairrnan
of Ooroinitteafor tlf. for the Friend
, Igoe , fequest_ int permission for those
under your Oh=teble. care to visit the
Museum free . of . 'cbarge: 5 In' riply, 1
Madame, I am only ton happy to hive it
in my power to affords aonicelif amuse
- " Menti piessiire 'or, benefit n i ,V l ' .ll/I° l
_thrOugh; misfortunei have' be . dente
themeans of aecuring each needful n
, - 41tilgehces.. Madiuns, you and your little
Men s are , very welcome, as also all. who
way:be engaged In the institution in the
tame Charitable objeeV• es yintreelfi ~' • -
. _
_.-: Itrlnit to anpolet newt:Fridkr..hf-
SerllWOl'July 2 4 , as ti very" eariverdent
time for them to attend .
Very Respectftilly ,
• - Mal. Bubitata.
vi y
„ .
The Eighth .
tprat: the shogart Poised..
cane-:-lavidente for the Cominoe.
wealth Centiuued—The Alleged tin:.
faithfulness, :of the ?ripener to fier
Moriesixm deice of the tbe
The eighth day of the Blitigart Murder
trial commenced this morning.. Mrs.
Shugart seemed considerably,, improved
and is evidently -:regaining• her . health
Somewhat., Her dagghter aid' tither.
membels of the fatnipf were in Court all
day, and convetsed with her freqttetttly.,
which is the first day they have - done so
since the opening of the trial.
The testimony was principally relative
to the ' -alleged intimacy ofMartin and
Mrs. Shugart, as a motive for the com
mission of the crime, and, as willbe seen
Was quite volungnous.- The:-Cornmon
wealth expect to close their • case about
Thursday evening or' Friday morning.
-We underetaud the testifitony .for the
defenee,though not very lengthy,
be-of an interesting character, and de.
velive Many - nett! facts.
• John It"tokii:E3vorn—Reside near Jacob
,Shstgart's house ,' am a blacksinitkiv knew
Jacob Shugartt, ived ' beside him # about
six years. •I saw Shugart:about -twice
every ,week for that time. He was a
stout looking and: healthy" aim so 'far as
I knew. He worked very steady and
neverost a day. , I knew - him aixteen
years altogether. Martin came to ou
house nearly every day last wint r
(18410 and often slept with his son. The
intimacy between him and Mrs. Shugart
commenced last'summer. The first evi• •
'deuce I noticed was it the Picnic, on time
Fourth of Julysitting on
bench when Mrs. -Shugart called us to a
'refreshment table and treated us. w hen.
I went home. about five o'clock,' I met
Abe two , on the road goin
as g home
at the together.
I don't thinirShugark w
[The witnesehere corroborate& the testi
mony of his wife, .relative to the -Visiting
at these.honra of Martin anti: ,Mr,fs. Shu
gart and the manner of their leaving.]
I never wateliesd.for th sa. any
thing, after they ' 113 It _tny hoem or
use w . 'Mrs.
Shugart did not, visit my house often
before JulY., •.; • • •
Crosa-examined—SOmetinies cthewould
have some ofl the children with her,
am:Betimes Annie and gaggle woul&
come fat her.
urixo IN WAIT.
John Makin, ,eworn-1. am boarding
with Mr. t
--years. been there a
little • over two --years. \. Mother la dead.
lam ftlie youngest . the . family. In
the fail of 1868 father commenced work
ing for Mr: Shugart. doilitikno* when
I he quit, but he 'WB3 not working there
last summer.. He very`often 'during the
summer went • into Shugart'ik, wenti
pretty often, too., I went to see nobody.
I often saw father there at night, and in
the daytime,..when the family ,were pros'.
ent. I sometimes _ watched ' for lifin at
night from Mr. Stokes', end saw, hint go
into the gate i entering Mr; Shiigart's - lot;
I went up to the atable a few minutes at.
terwarde and heard talking . staid' until
about one o'clock; hoard t alking all the
time; not tired of waiting, end then stip- i
posed it to come from Shugatt's kitchen;
went round to :he door and listened at
the key hole, but hear& nothing; 'That
same night I heard. the baby crying. I 1
,used to come home. tornetimes and 'see
father at Stokes'. , 'welted until became
opt and watched him, when he went
the stable. could see 'nobody go
in. I'Went away and came back in•about
an hour; and, Went , into the stable, but
found nothing. - I.saw him; often going
into Shugart.'slicinse,.. after the fourth of
July. I never saw him and Mrs; Shu
gart toaether. I made an arrangement to
wateh for them the night Shugart died.
I heard Shugart was dead; then I did'nt
watch. I wanted' to know if what the
people talked about was a fact. •
Urosa 'ether was
working :with Mr; Stidgart, Mrs. Skin-
gart washed for him and Amelia did his
sewing. 41 EG told me ,
Mrs. Mary Kline, sworn —L am abopt
the nearest neighbor to Shugtut's. Saw
'Joseph Martin going to Shugart's nearly
everyday. commenchig about a week
;after the Fourth of ,Ittly. . Mr. Shugart
was away working -generally. He was
, there generally about four o' the
afternoon. saw,him the most time In
the cellar kitohed: children were
generally present. Martin and Mrs.
Shugart were talking together. A week
or two before Shugart died I think •Mar
tin must have. quit: ,as I did not
Bee him. I often , at night saw hint go
through my garden over into Shugart's
lot and walk toward the house; gener
ally •between nine and den o'clock at
night. I often sawlilin , at 'night ;hiding
in the lower part of Shugart's lot, among
ilot of tobacco plants. which were'very
high. ..I could see•i Shugart's
at e l l
kitchen from my" garden nto .
I wasbgartra the day be died, just after-he had
been laid out. '.I had a conversationwith
Mrs.-Leonard W that nighti-i in the
room' Where the corpse lay: Mrs. Shu
gart was lying on the bed ' in the next
room. We conversed in a whisper; she
said to u1e...4,140bedy but inother and
Martin did this."
Objected to by -the defense, because
the prisoner :had not been present when i
it was stated.s Objection sustained and 1 1
the declaration ruled out for the present.
• •
DIAP.T , y lut S ROUES ,or nuriurato.
Praik her, sworn—Live in\ the
'north end of Batter.- Atio wh a briokmaker.
I knew Jacob Shugart, en I met him,
fifteen or ' tiketityp - years. 114 was a
healthy man and did a good day's work.
Joseph Martin worked g ood
about the
16th Of. May
to the 2eth of September,
.1868. He was generally on hand., While
he worked for mel-boarded him s When
be Was' not' working tie : boarded at:,
Schultilei, near Stitittart's. When' he
boarded with me he kept Irregular
hours.- generally - mostly at
two ;o 'clock. and a few times -at nine
o'cluilextt- had He told , me that he a
,quarrelled : , .[Objected
by efeatte; and objection • sustained.]
I have atildett what it mai abont:,' [Ob
jected to by , defenae.)-(The Court said if
tke witness keep ' faun', anything which
a 'jug
„ cunt& believe, it raight 4 bO r rh.
ceived;but declaretionti oftinich a
Obaraater as an individual opinion,„.oould
be redetred.y. (Mr. UcPandfetia !hey
intended to prove by” nods and other - Wit..
tem% that :at this , time 'filbugart T and
Martin bad a quarrel 40012 t 'Martin%
timing • wilh Shuga_str:_and they
thought that gnestions of We cold
he,-ruled in order. After , 10M 8 'far ther
disonsaion the inquiry wits withdrawn
for the _ time, until other connecting sill.
deuce could be adduced .1 , We generellY
quit work abonv three or fourWelo all aki
I we. then- got supper.- 'He genery
dresse&'-up. before supper, so that he
could - start oil light after.
Ma.' Mary _ilayder; aworn.—Live" on:
Water street. - • There- was a Aot and alley
1 between Shugart's and our house during
the year OS& haver•moved away
frodt theta now have known Shugart's
1 for !iv 4) yeate,'having lived beside them
that length of.timet never knew him.'
Ito be -shot during the last - five years of
hie life , While he.lived.beaide me./ I saw
kris( . irorltibpc tehOlAt his' htmeer alt' the
inorninglif the day of hiedelithiasultifil;
About nye O'clock Mrs. Shugart was
crying and hmientuag Ids' ,death, and
,•1 45 I .
Prrn4llllloll GAZETTEI,._varAIta .atqf 2, lnit
tudd to me he had died with the cramps
and hid them tho\night before. - Know
;Joseph Martin. - - He,*often went to Slut
hini there , after he quit his
' day's Shugartut tot at night. Some
times"Shngawas there, and again he
would be away. ' Be visited frequently
'after Jay np to the tilde of Shugart's
death. While I was in the bituse Amelia
said le' Mrs. Laux, in the presende
of Mts. SiOgart that Shugart thtough
tne - soup had got sick, and if
she "had only - let father live and wen '
away with Martin." [The witness he 7.42,
stated that when thiti was told her it h i s
t he'day; Mrs. Shugart was taken t,o jail.
She was taken at noon and the witness
went up in the afternoon to the house,
when the conversation occurred. She .
did no understand the ftrst question
when nt to her by ; the interpreter,
which used /the contradiction in her
state ent. IThq, Court accordingly in
struct d the Jul' to pay , no attention to
this d claratien, as it was not made in
thepresence of the prisoner.] Mrs.
Shug rt told lane the did not like film
gart. I was at Mrs. Lava's on Visit
when Mrs. Shugart told her she in
tended to visit some relatives in Pitts
burgh. She would stay with them a day
or two; then she would go to her broth
er's and they might see when slie would
return. This was in the fall of the year,
1 Wink in September.
Orose-exammed—Thin conversatiotkoc
mitred in Mr. Laux's room. Mrs. Lana
was Present end heard it. I said: "Why,
you . have your children here.". ; Then
Mrs. Lanx said: "Oh,that is the way she
always talks foolishness." Ie was said
in a laughing manner, - but I could not
take it as a joke. I don't know where
her brother lived.
John Snyder, sworn -I-The last witness
who testided is my wife. Shugart used
tocome to my house nearly every even
lug. On the evening before has death
he was at my house, and left about eight
o'clock. He made no complaints of be
ing sickttalked as liana]. ileotaid noth
'‘ing aboutt his supper, or what he had
eaten then. He never complained in my
presence about his wife, or children, or
family affairs. He seemed to keep mese
things to himself. I was very intimate
with him. I knew Joseph Martin and
often during the summer saw him at the
house, and on U to Shuart's death.
[The witness an d , the inte rpreter here
nerd a lengthy conversation in german,
the substance of which was, as stated
by the interpreter, a conversation wit
ness had with Martin about his going to
Sheigikri's. The Court, however, refused
to receive the testimony, as •it was not
heard by Shugart, or he was not told
remonstrate with Martin by Shugart.] to
Nothing new elicited in cross.examina
John 3funniei, sworn—Lice on Water
street, about two squares from Shugart.
Know Shugart and Martin. Have seen
Martin frequently in Shugart's house, in
the front room, at night, with Mrs. Sim
ga other times with the family. The
door Was open, and I looked in as I
passed. Saw them twice at Stokes' house
together. I have met Mrs. Shugart go
ing hothe alone from Stokes' late at
night, when Martin wassetting at Stokes'
door.' . I have °Pon at night seen him
about there, but could not say whether
he Went to the toUse.
Races* till afternoon.
Afternoon Session..
Court \ met at two o'clock, and pro
ceeded with the taking of testimonY-
John Martin; re-croled.-1 never heard
Mrs. Shugart say anything about riot lik
ing her man. I had a conversation 'l
Win.:Vogely, Yesterday, but can't wit h
what I said.
Wm. Sehonerker, sworn.—l live with
my father. Our house is on the same
Street as Shugart's, and we 'can see Shu
gart's house. from
gars's being Sick. I know Joseph
.I heard a discussion once about
Shugart . and Martin. Mrs. Stoke. wan
telling, my mother in our house about
these two, and as soon as I.came 'into the
room they “dried . uP,” but -I heard
enough . to excite my curionity. I met
John Martin and talked td him about the
Matter, and made arrangements that any
time he wanted to watch his father,l'd
go with him and stop this business if `I
could. The afternoon that Shugart died,
I-had made arrangements to watch Mar
tin and Mrs. Shugart that night, but af
terwards discovered that Shugart had
died, so I didn't watch. [The witness
was here, proceeding to tell all he had
seen, suspected or heard; when. he was
interrupted by counsel. He seemed
to think this an unwarranted .interfe
rence and an attempt at concealment by
the defense, which called forth the mys
terious remark, sllt's a mighty strange
thing a body can't tell what he.knows."
He was allowed toproceed with what
he knew, but nothing else.] I saw Mar
tin once or twice at Shugart's. Once
when I was standing at our door I saw
Martin sitting at Shugart's.
. Fredrick Brief, aworn—l .• was one of
Shrigart's nearest neighbors. Know
Joseph Martin. Saw him frepiently
-about Shrigart'a. I heard from my wife
that Martin and Mrs. Shugart had often
gone out walkingornd that they had been
walking once at the Cemetery.
Leonard Wise, re-called—l saw Joseph
'Martin go to my's house
several times, when Mr. Shugart was
there, and when he wasn't there. It ws
after July. fle weatherer most freque nt--
ly? when Shugart was away. Ile went
generally. a ft er he,quitwork in the brick
yard.- 1 have known hi to be,there till
ten O'clock at night I id not see him
there a ft er the family: w re in bed. 'My
father•in•law was angry at Martin i s
`corning there. A month ,or more before
his death he was angry about it.' John
Shugart told me Mr. iiihugart also told
Martin not to come about any.more. Mr.
Shugart alsO told me the same thing. It
was at night he told him. about three
weeks - _ before his death. Jacob Laux
and I 'watched for Martin two nights, but
he did not come. I was led to watch
because I heard of him sneaking about
the house at midnight hour: This w
before Mr. Shugart had ordered
away. and about four WeekS before Shu
garitdied. , Mrs, Shugart and I had a dia.
,agreement on accaint of Martin's living
there. I told her one day &ghat the
-neighbors wore talking about -this man
cowing there and it oughtto be stopped."
She'naid, "People talk a good deal arid
WS tone of their business:l"' Nothing fur
ther was said, , Tnis, wag, a. short tirne be
/foie the fourth 'Of July': , Ftki 'Oontidued
to come after I had told her this; I don't
remember going into the house after this
till the day Stirtgart riled. I think Mar
.tin quit coming about.a week or ten days
before Shugart died. Mrs. Shugart is
about forty-seven or forty-eight years of
age. 'The youngest child is about three
years of age. , in com.
. . A melia Shugart, reca lled--Mart
Menced coming to , our house before the
Fourth 'of Suly, and frequently after.
wards, generally between three and four
o'clock in the ernoon, and leaving e.
fore-father mil .: hOme. 'HO Waste re
nearly ery day. Be came in the even
lug. I ry
.W.Ver saw him after:. bed hours,
but 1. .heard a noise. Martin when he
.carne talked to all of the fatally. Be did
come Borne times for his -waslairigebut
tmostixhad-Ortreasons. Father .bseame
verrlnitiohdissatisded at his coming;
and, I it , led 'to disagreements between
father and mother several times. Father
and Martin; had a disagreement alx•ut
one Sunday <mein, Miirtiri was sitting
there all evening rAtt b father and mother
'if was near ten ,o'clock; I was in Mrs . '
latatixte room; %tiler didn't want to re
tire and.leave. MartinDuni+, but he filially
Aid so. Tb.en he came down and. told
Martin hcAlliought it was time he would
leavei i',6 thought it wasn't very nice for
him tki come every Sunday afternoon,
whe,e: all the family, with the exception
of. Mrs.. Shtigttrt, were at church. Father
'.hen told him to leave and not oome back
aga i n. . Martin replied. but I - could not
tell what be said. This was about six
weeks before father _died. Martin
continued to come back after this.
mostly in father's absence. Mother was
either in the front or back , room when
Martin was ordered away. Father and
mother slept in differe nt rooms, and had
Um . 1
done so for some heard father
tell mother once not o speak to Martin
so much when he come there, as people
would think harm of it. 1 was n t; at
home on the Fourth of Jul*, but I was
told by some 'member of the family that
Martin had been th re. I slept in the
same room with other. There were
d the
two beds in r . I pe
around the
house at nightheard
afte b e n d
hours; heard a noise at the back window
as of gravel or small pebbles thrown
against it; the person throwing this must
have been in the lot at this back, of the
house. This was the window in the room
where we heard it twice. I
don't remember to have been in the
room the first time., The second time the
window was up and the shutters .shut.
As soon as the noise was heard . rnother
called me,- anti I made ,no reply; she
then looked qut abut , and
closed the Shutteo two
r. I dseconds on 't think
she was in bed at the time.
She then went down stairs and
staid but a few minutes, when the
gravel was thrown against the window;
mother said, "Amelia, Amelia,are you
sleeping." I didn't answer. It must
have been late at night. Lizzie was sick
at this:time and was very low. There
was a light in the room. •
Cross-examined—Mother was often re
quired to get up at night, and frequently
to go down stairs and got things for Liz
zie. Mother and father occupied separate,
rooms for about three years, long before
thev.sitw Martin. ,
Jacob Laux, re-called.—l knew of Jo
seph Martin going to Shugart's during
the summer of IB6S. He generally came
in the afternoon. I knew Shugart had
became apgry and ordered him away one
Sunday evening. Mr. Shugart told me
he was dissatisfied at Martin's coming.
In 'the summer some time I heard her
talking to Shugart about going to Ger
many; Martin was present at the time;
Shugart said she was too old a woman; -
Martin said if there was nothing but the
money wanting, he'd "fix that all right."
Martin was talking of going to Germany.
I made an arrangement with Leonard
- -Witte to . Watch
for iiartin. We heard of
h im cOming at night, W watched two
. nights, but didn't see him. e
One evening
1 I came home late, and Mrs. Shugart was
standing at the door, and asked me what
I was looking for. I said nothing. I
don't know whether she knew I was'
I watching, but she.eccused me of doing
so. It was after I had watched one night
hefore Shugart's death; when she accus
ed me. 1 She said, "I understand vinare
*etching me, arid you needn't." I told
her I wasn't
Maggie Mugcirt, sworn—Arii a daugh
ter of Jacob !Shugart; am fourteen years
old; next child to Amelia living. Was at
home last summer and fall; am now liv
ing at Leonard Wise's; have been there
since father's death. Knew. nf Joseph
Martin's coming to our house. [The wit
ness corroborated the evidence of other
witnesses in relation to the times and
frequency of Martin's visits.] I saw
M i
artin and mother Dide to
gether several times. d notkitchen
hear any
conversation between them in regard to
going away. One day I came in the gate,
and was passing the kitchen door, when
Martin and mother were in the kitchen.
Just while passing I heard Martin say,
"Yes, I'd put him out ofthe road;"
but I don't know why he said it
or what it meant; I wasn't going in the
kitchen; ',wanted to get a drink at the
pump by the kitchen door. The time
was between four and five o'clock in the;
afternoon.. It was about six or seven
weeks before father died. Nobody else
that I know of was in the kitchen. I,
never recollect et hearing Martin say to
mother she was ifitoo pretty a woman to
have such an Ugly man." I don't mind
of accusing mother of sitting up late
with Martin and causing people to talk.
Mother •never whipped or scolded me
about anything I said about Martin or
his coming to our house. • •
Nichotas Miller, sworn—Knew Jacob
Shugart since boyhood in GermanY.
Saw him the evening 'before his death
doming ir from his corn field, carrying a
tenof corn on his s am e
fiHeld e said he in
ded to get thefrom Mrs.
Orroutt the next year. Be seemed to be
in as good health as usual that week's 1
walked toward town With him and' we
were talking of getting the Held next
year, [lBO.l I had a part of the field
myself. lie' said we ought to get it to
gether, and he would talk to Mrs. Gioutt
about ue getting it. , I was at his funeral.
I had no talk with Mrs. Shugart. The
family of Shugarts in Germany, as far
I know, wereliealthy people.
Mrs. Gertrude Stahley, sworn—Live on
Jail Hill. About a half an hour after
Mr. Shugart's death I was at the house
and heard Mrs. Shugart say, "The eating
of the radish and the rupture had caused
cramps, from which he died." I
about half an hour. On the day M
Shogart was taken to jail Leonard Wise
came for me to go And • take care of the
children.. ' An s
Mrs. Elisabeth 2,7lgg' le, sworn —Live
Batter and know Jacob Shugart since his
return from California in ISU.
Q. Do you , know of Mrs. Shugart's
having an illegitimate child during his
absence, in California?
Mr. Thompson for the defense, objec
ted to thie question. .
14r,'McCandlesis conteaded that it was
proper, es showing the unfaithfulness of
the wife. The Commonwealth proposed
to prove that Shugart was absent in Cali
fornia from ism. to 1854 and that the wife
during that time had exhibited her want
of affection and
"constancy, for him by
proving untrue.
Mr. Thompson asked that the proposi
tion be put in writing, that t
ohe•o ••lefense
might have au opportunity fobjecting
to it in the visual manner. _
Mr. McCandless reduced - the offer to
writing— It wee
to the effect that the
'Commonwealth' propoisat to prove ,by
this'and other witsessess that Shugart
had' gone to Califtmaia in 1851 aid re
turned in 1854; that in the meantime. in
the summer of 1858, Mit. Shugart had
ati illegitimate child, thus exhibiting her
tHIODEOIIIOy and want of affection for
him; that they also proposed to prove
that Mrs. Shugart had never liked;her
husband, but had been indnded to marry
tdm at the solicitation of frielide.
Mr. Mitchell then presented an objec
tion to the offer, as not relevant to the
question at issue, and the circumstanc es
too far back to be brought in at the pres
ent time. In support of his objection, he
claimed that a blrenniatance hIPPeo tion
gixticen.yeartii‘ nearly half a genera
.before, could not be t aken into 0000lheder
tiena0w; as it threw no light on t
question at issue. It had nothing . to-do
with and could not explain 8 oPrt's
death or Mar,thi's Intimacy. It happened
before Mar'An was about the Oeuntry. ' If
the door.- was thus thrOwn open,
there co'ald be no end tothe 'irrelevant
lelilimealy-which might be produced. It
had rat. connection with the present case,
as ~"didn't prove anything bearing upon
it.; The only effect such evidence would
have would be to prejudice the minds of
the jury against the prisoner by intro
ducing circumstances, and outside cir
cumstances, which, even if true, were al
together foreign to the issue.
Mr. Mitchell said the argument upon
which the admission of the testimony
Iwas based wan altogether wrong, and
' that it did away with , all locus renitentia
[ in the case, which was a recognized pen
' ciple in law. Certainly in sixteen years,
even if the alleged act had been commit-
I ted, there had been time for repentance.
' Such was - the presumptlon of law, and he
,argued acoordingiy that the evidence
I was inadmissible. Were itimmediately
[ related to other surroundings in the case, .
[ or of recent occurrent', then it [might be
' considered as a part e the rcs gestae, and
mi i
be receivable the ea as other testimo
raY already presented-'to the Court - and
jury. Bnt it was het,. in any sense, one
of the surroundings, but an event pr act
of long , ago, which decidedly,made it not
I properly receivable. .
Mr. McCandless said, in a case of this .
Ikind, there were but three inquiries
[ proper to be asked. First, in relation to
1 the nature ofj offence; second, its
I commission and the
the offender; and, third,
' the 'motive. The Commonwealth for
nearly two days had been attempting to
show the inconstancy of the defendant
and her alienation of affection from her
husband; that she did not love him and
desired to befreed of him. In doing
this they had produced evidence show
' ing the fact of her intimacy with Martin. :
I This certainly was proper nd ats
[ cording to law. They ce a rtainly
'could not be prevented from ex
' hlbiting a • motive for the crime in thie
manner. But now, having done this,
' and established the fact as regarded re
cent events, they desired to go back still
I further and give unmistakable evidence
on this point. Was thia not a proper in
quiry? - Had she a proper affection and
"love him? If laer life was tracedback
to another period of time it would shim
the fact of a deliberate, settled alienation,
if not hatred, for a psriod of perhaps
more than. hall of ..their matrimonial
lives. More positive evidence of her
unfaithfulness was thus given, and was
this not what had been shown in the
testimony thus far in the two days' exam
inations? Was it not merely a continuation
of this evidence? -As she was faithless
then, so she had been ever dace,
an assertion which, if permitted,
would be followed up with ,proper proof.
It was - proper to show a motive . for the
crime, and what stronger one could
there,be than a want of affection or a
positive hatred to her husband. ' It was
hardly necessary, he thought, to refer to
the authorities to show that acts of Jude
screlipn are admissible, but if necessary
they could be Prouced.
Judge McGuilin 'said they would not
be needed on that point. Theyhad been
hearing that for two days. and the ques
tion was settled. The proposition was a
very.broad, one, and was not confined to
the illegitimacy of the child, but also
raise the pant
It e time, et
ath wher
whiela - theres tich' e wasi anvi
imit d ,
dence' wets' competent. Be'asked Mc-
Candless for bis authorities upon this
point. • • ' '' '7. ' '' ' -'
Mr. McCandless stated he had authori
ties showing the admissibility of the evi
dence; but had none, in which the limit
of,time Was stated, as ,to how far ck
an examiner might go to prove ac ts of
inconstancy. The principle, hOwever,
was welt choseh and jaid uown, that the
facts could be shewn,,and it seemed no
more than proper thavit - should be done
at any time, and• no matter how long a
time back the evidence extended. He
Said, however, as it was within a very
few minutes of the time for adjourn
ment, if the Court would defer a decision
untirThursday morning he would et
amine into the matter more carefully.
This suggestion was agreed., to and
Court accordingly adjourned.
_..._ •
Success the Test of Merit.
Success is the teat of merit in regard to
Sewing Machirox 4 es well as enterprises
of any kind. The Singer Sewing Ma
chine, ever since its introduction to the
market, has beeepopular, and deservedly
so, for it possesses merits not .found in
other Machines. Its. manufacturers,
too, 'with commendable enterprise; keep
up to the times in providing it with aU
the improvements and valuable changes
that are made from year to year. Messrs.
Straw 42. Morton, the agents in this city,
have now on hand a large and attractive
assortment, which , they offer to their
patrons at the moat "--moderate prices.
Visitors will be shown the machine .in
operation at the rooms of the firm, corner
of Sixth and Penn streets, and can Judge
for themselves of Its effie,acy. 'Messrs.
Shaw tt, Morton .will be liberal ! in ail
their dealings, and are ready to do all in,.
their power to accommodate their
patrons. The Singer can be recommend
ed as a thoroughly reliable machine, and
those who wish to purchase one of these
indispeheable articles should not fail to
examine the Singer:
Peace Jubilee.—Now that ,the grea
peace, jubilee, in singing, bas past and'
gone. the next will be in pie eating line,
S. S. Marvin, No: 91 Libnrtistreet, is the
leading spirit. ' Ho has on hand ' the best
Jubilee Cakes made, eipressly for the
trade. If you Want peace in the family
and jubilee at the table, ask. your grocers
for Marvin's Jubilee Cages. For sale by
all grocers, wad at 91 Liberty street. •
SUlOlidtd Monday, July sth.
-Our be
storerooniSivill be closed on Mon
a " the y, July 6th, se that. day
AIIIII V seems
to to
generally accepted as
of Orir National Independence. •
We will sled close -on and after July
6th atfo o'clock in the evening.
( ' •=z- •Wit.t.talessmpLai
Noe. and ' lB2 Federal street,
' • - Allegheny City.
For sn elegant shop, an easy chair, _.a
comfortable _shave, a perfect hair dye,
for fsebiouable hair. cutting (of -adults or
children) or for, skillful...leeching, exp.
Plug or tooth drawing, call at Rode's,
corner of. Federal and Isabella streets,
Allegheny. • • r
No. 91 Liberty iStreer.--Thia is the
number Marvin'e Celebrated Cracker
•Bakery Islocated at. Marvin has on baud
tbe:,_most complete stuck of Cracke
t rs,
,ovesm,', Wine,
_Soda, Oyster, Waer,
Butter. Sugar and _fancy, of any bowie in
the city. Remember lualco., 91 Libertystreet. ` -' • 7 - - -
For fashionable hair-dressng, plain or.
by marlitig, and a frizzle, for ailuzurious
suave or.bath, and forskillful
campin g
and / leeching, call at
ViTilßenison's e
gant; saloon fit No., 190 Federal street,
" , lio. 91 Liberty street.—This is the
ritimber , hbarvin's Celebrated Cracker
Bakery , is located at. • Marvin has. on
band tbe most i3ognplete stock of.Criek
era, Cream, Wine, Soda, Oystet, Water,
Batter, Beau and fancy, of any borne in
the city. RegLOMber his 440. 91 Liberty
-street. , . ' ' e
`owe & Bell are; eleettig the baltalee
their Bummer geods chesp..744o. FiNi
Economics), Rellatoe, %hellcat.
• •
We mean Door4rv's Murree POWDES.
It is superior to all others in the market.
Free Trom any injurious substances, and
sp nicely compoundeythat the ,contents
of each , box wal make.. light, sweet, '
healthy bisCuits, rolls, pastry, dtc., with
uniform success. ...Only two teaspoonfuls
to a quart of 11Pur, f is necessary, while ,
those of ordinary manufacture require
from one.third to a half more. Ask
your grocer for Dooley's Chemical Yeast -
Eakin 'Powder, and take no other. Try
it and .e convinced. • xwit
I . f
“FreSh as a Malden% Bin g _
pure Peachy Complexion vty
the use Hagan's Magnolia
the True Secret of Beauty. ,
Ladies in Society understan
The Magnolia Bald *tin'
Country Girl into a 43, 13 s e_:.
idly than any other ollye'Aei. .. ,
Redness, . bunburnk ;Freckles,
Blotches and all effec - P- -.le Summer
Sun disappear when it ' - ssod, and a
genial, cultivated, fresh expression is
obtained which , rivals • the Bloc= of A
Youth. Beauty la,possible , to all who • i
will invest 75 cents 'at . any respectable
store and insist on getting the MagnoliS .
Balm. -
"[Jaz NOTHING but Lyort'sZathairon to
dress the Hair. ,
Peace Jubilee.—Now that the great
peace jubilee, in •singing, has past and
gone, the next will be in the eating line.•
S. S. Marvin, No. 91 Liberty , street, lathe
leading spirit. He has on hand the best 1
Jubilee Cakes made, expressly for the •
trade. If you want peace in the family
and jubilee at the table, ask your grocer • I
for Marvin's Jubilee Cakes. For sale by
all grocers, and at 91 Liberty street.
The place to get into Lime, C alms
cinea Plaster; 'fi
Hydraulic Cornea. is at
Ricker Castey's. 78 Smithfield street.
Black Alpacas for 50 cents, worth C,
cents, Bates et Bell's.
Examine our 12j cents, Bates
Bell's. • •
No. 91 Liberty Street.—This is the
number Marvin's Celebrated Cracker
Bakery is located at. Marvin has on hand
;le mist complete • steClS i b 3 f °rakers,
'Cream, Wine, Soda, Ove r. Water,
Butter, Sugar and fancy, of any house in
the city. Remember his No., 91 Liberty r
street. . , -
Striped Dimities for 4'5 cent, worth 60
cents, Bates ds
Sacques for sps, worth 1510,50, 134tes
• .
Very choice prints, 12;4, cents, Bates k
Life!. Mantles f0r56.60, worth PI
&t Bell's.
. ,
Peace Jubilee.—Now that the ' great
peace jubilee, in singing, has past and
~, ~, •
gone, the next ntillobe in the n eating line. , , 1 1 , •
B. S. Marvin,' Itlo.-91 laberey:etreet, is the i . • .
leading spirit. fie has ont hand the best
Jubilee Cakes made, expressly for the
If youvrantpeace in the family and i N N
jubilee at the table, ask yonr grocers • far i ,
Marvin's Jubilee Cakes,. For stile to* ell*, 1, N,
grocers and 'at 91 Liberty street.. , , ••••1 -,•
-./... •dr • 5
..~~,~.1~ +.mow w.;~
Marseilles for 2.s'einta, Bates &
. .
MCDPIIII.V.-4t0B12413;11IL-Ort.,r,,e:day.- jute
5195bi1869. Wiley. b. M. Fliek.mso Mr' JOHN
11.c.2iTx mg and Miss ILA i ii. 0111. 1 ,7501?„ uf Al.-
legtteny City.' • • -
DIE!),. , ...
Id A.Te.--July 15t.;71369. at 7 P. tr.. MARY:IdE
-1.1d3A., dace ter of tispt. Villain Mayo, aged
19 'Tsars and Si months. tl
The funeral will take place on zA =RDA'S'. the.
3d 21 P. X . from the residence of her - ;i
fatuer. No. 26 Miller street. -Pitt-burgh.' The
friends of the flimilylire respectfully invited to t. tl
attend.. - 14
. . I
3TPlFilralf3—On Thursday. July Ist, LIZZIE
T., youngest daughter if John and Mary bte—
peens, sg- d 9 lit.uths - anu 7 nays.
The funeral will take place front the realdenhe V;
of, No. 919 i.:.rzon s'it eet. between
9th and lOth 2
steets.m* To .DT, the
d last.. at o'clock n P. x. The a A
frleads and it- ;,.•
quaintances are respectfully Invited to attend.-
, . •
laebury.... Ps. COFFINS all allAd Fuz
: a,CP.A.PEto. - a
DT.,01:0;, and .F • erg decerloton .4): Rawea
utetaug Goods furnished. !towns-ones day and
nipht.. 14 earp , ,nd Carriages furnished.
RreSlMlCSE—'E.'ev.Davta lit.rrr. -D. D. avv.-y., ~j
W. Jacobus, D. Iji. Tbomas • rwir.g. '&41.. J. c .. Z . ,
Miller t _. Esa •'
---------------• .
RLES et, li,..t...u.traie:s lIJN., ..':
CllDAszvoults AND 1.11:Elt; nTABLIEI_,
AVENUn Allegheny City, arbere thei; CO.Y.FIN 4..
ROOMS a: e constantly supplied vita real and ~ i
Imitation Ito ewoed„ blaeogany and Walnut .; ',.
Coatis, at t . races %lining from ask to 9100. 80. ,
dies 'PrepSred forix.,relent. Hearsee and Dar. • :, 1
clap% ,atirnished: alf,o,_ 11- glade or .2,tourilitg" •.:
Goode, , r required. ()rice ei en at all hours, day IP
[ and ulpht. ' • ';;
Vri r .I*W' iIEX..M I Sin
The b , it watch maile—f , e 'American. end by
fir the moat convenient. C 631 and examine them
at We (3 4 D1INSEELTH'S , _
OPEN IbAllaY from 9to welorA si Ta s on
from May Ist' to November .Isl 4 from I. tnit
reetoek. and front November 7st to may IA tG
Bo,dock. Interest paid at /toe rme,of Ws per
cent., tree of tax, and it toorn9bdrairn nom._
yonnaa semt-annually„, in January and July.
Boot' of ELava, de 'furnished St tbd aloe.
Board of mannneta-Geo. A. Berri. Prosident;
B. 14, Harttenn, Jna, Para, Jr.,Vict PreataeflUZ
E. ablitlASeeretAry l'reasstn.t. ,
BladtSy. erotism. 4. B. Bett, Walk IL
Nantek. Joon t4,9llorttl. Rum. e Yollans
Certewnner Zug. • -
A A. (1."Ben001:1atelt0t11.
10.011 ANT TAILOR,
Would Maw;CAM, naval ids riendei lad 04
trabliogenemillY. last • '
Nov-t-co - ithEiTE ,
SOCK( So ‘ial tog. CALL -
Cigna of Pena and -84th 'Streets, J W
g CO. •
il sTriVrl% . St.
, ,
Clair.) have inst received from the East the beat
tot of New Geode for Baring Anita ever brought
to the niartet. The aria warrant to At'
an4inane: Mollies cheaper . and better than any
Alit-ciao loa th In this city. A new and 'plea.
did aiiiiititvie* of lig*TLE*riq!, r *OM.
. &et soaks are at all tinker , ti Ise in* st tdds
boa& uur Norther Is 60 . 1 ,. 'LIRE 11011 CIT
,iora rap-