The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 02, 1869, Image 7
CI Mil 13 , .. • .. • rif'olo*/*,:qattititit, _ ; The Jesuits. Before the ord6 had existed a hundred r :` years / ithed filled the Whole' world with menioriali ;Of, grhat things ,dorie and. suf • - fere& for the tOth. No religions corn' . . mushy 'could *ce educe a list of men so vit., riously , distingnished; none, had extended its operations driver ao Vast a space; yet in t„ none"-had th e ever been such perfect unity of fe log and action. There was e globe, no walk of. Speen% • ,Itive life r in which Jesuits • - found.' They guided the dings..: They deciphered . , They observed the satellites. • They libraries, controversy, casuistryoe treaties on optics, Al !I' Gale odes, edi„ 4,'of the fathers,_madri ' gals, catechis 'rod lanipoons. Tkelib'- ' nd education"..;Lyouth passed almost en tire into their , hands, and was, 2conducted by than,. with conspicuous abillity. Enmity itself was • compelled • - to own that, in the art bfMitiaging and forming the tender min d, they had no equals:. geanwhilethey assiduously and 'successfully cultivaaed the ter or the puipit. • With, still gteater assiduity and still greater suceess_ they applied themselves to the ministry of the confea .. Elena; Throiehout Catholic Europe the secrets' tifvevery government and of al: i most every family of note were in their • keeping. They glided from one Protes taut country to another :under innumer able disguises, as gay cavaliers,: as simple rustics; as Puritan preachers.. They :wandered: countries Which neither . I mercantile avidity nor -liberal curiosity had ever impelled any stranger to s ty had ,They were tobe found in the garb ; of Mandarins, superinteeling the Obser. ; vatory at Pekin._ They were to be found, spade in hand; tesching the rudiments of agriculture to the savages of Peta -1 guay. ' whatever • might be their 1 residence, whatever might be their em ' ployment, their spirit wairthe same, entire 1 devotion,' to the common' cause, implicit obedience to the central tilithority. None of theta had chosen his dwelling-place or hisavocatien for himself. Whether the Jesuit should live under the Arctic Circle or the Equator; whether he should pass his Main arranging gems and collecting manuseripts at the ; Vatican, or in - pur... suading naked barbarians in the southern ' hemisphere /not to eat each other, were matters which he left with profound submission to the , decision of others. If hewas wanted at Bagdad, he was toiling" through the desert with the next caravan: If his ministry was needed in some coun try where his life watt r iliM insecure than • that of a - wolf, wheretit- was; a crime to harbor him. where thehesds and.uarters of his brethern, fixed in the public places. showed him what hehed to except, he wentzwithoutremonatriuice or hesitation • toble,doom. Nor is thiii.heroic epirit yet 'extinct. When in our times - a new and. terrible pestilence passed,round the globs; when,; in some great cities ' , fear had die. solved all the ties-which held society to gether; when the secular clergy had .de tweed Shell docks; when- medical succor was mot to' be purchased; when the strongest'natural affections yielded to the love of life even then tie Jesuit was found by the. allet which' Bishop and curate, physician and nurse, father, en& mother; had deserted, bending over ififect ed lips to , catch the faint accents of con feielon, and holding up to the last, before the expiring:. penitent, the image Of the 'expiring-Redeemer.—Maceudey's History '-v41.21.and• • • . - 4N:'4' ME ,:,.., 1 1 .. ~.... The Recent Riots and the E.scitetnent in . . [From 431111.A5n1. June'l4.l The rioting at Feria may now be con sidered at an end: .. --Last night and on . 13aturday evening everything took place on the Boulevards.without dbiturbance. Oa the former occaslo. at half.past nine, ' a detachment et ca,y4lry, composed of Gerdes de Paris , and some \ hussars, made 'their •appearance and were. saluted with the bravos of. the ,public. Ak ten some groups formed at the corner of \thit Fau bourg Montmartre and'obstructekthe en tire entrance to that thoroughfare. Shortr ly, after a detachment of cavalry was seen coming slowly along. This' patrol, pre seeded by in avant-garde and by its trump eters; was received \ .wiouts of ap plause. We repeatedly hi d cries cif " Viva l'Emperetw!" "Vise la troupe!" "A bas lea erneutiers!" ' "A bas lea era. pule!" The groups above. alluded to at once dispersed. In the Rue , du Faubourg Montmartre, 0116 party of men in blouses taking up a position on the causewßY and side pavementii, several , inhabitants of that street advanced and 'said, to' them, "Cora;• take yourselvq-„off, go home, clear the street; 'we 'are shopkeepers of ihikquirter, we ~havo had quite enough 1 qt. egieufiers and vag,abondsl Be ,off, 1, 1 end in double.aOck time,' or: you will have to,deal2with nal" As - the indaildu aha thus addressed. showed all 'inclination tb resist, some selgente de ville came up '• , - "We are on your side,'! said the persons 'whose words we have quoted; "rid us of tese blackguezdal" The agents lost no ime in dispersing tlie,groups, 6114 thin.; qaility was soon mestablished in that quart Pr. Aliw arrests were also effected. One man Was seized who haul a _sum of 44AKK 1 francs on his wisp; Also two lade were captured, each of .who lUtd ,f,OOO .francs hi gold In his pocket. = ..., All the quarters .of Belleville, Mall ' iiontstut 'and 'La Villette prepentedlthe • asPegtof an ordinary day; or rather.of a SulidaY.e3rening. .r.' At the other end , of ParkPaiverytllng alio imaged o ff oletly. , '- ,Fiotallie Rue des Amplifiers to lei Bar, Acre du Trone; thehordevard had ra,ther • aydetolate appearance, as there was - t- scarcely any one to be seen. >At 9 o'clock 1 • some groupsluid taken up. a position it • -- the entrance of the Rue rift MeiglMOntallt r and the Panbourg du Temple: The ap; ; penance of some serAltuits -de villa But ,‘; flced!to disperse these gatherings, .very -. , , biotrensiya in themselves , and of Which a -1 'considerable testi wagged ,ittivamen. , I ~' Last Welt no animal pthering wet to ' - be seen anywhere. - I . . , • . EIII OE RM • 1 , 71 , •f ~'i ;+, ~!~ , , . a', • Tug Now Orleans Picayune says: _ onclads over the river ate ,rapidlz 'rt..- •w-,' a nd are a constant and use a ° the Government, as theY reil ealk• taro el9 P 4 l irei s e t r attt batteri es o w e Were removed and their rs .. be the other dirty, the Government wawa •1, large am ount., The ,useless gainer - -Y . a oo d price at auction hulls might:bring g for the old trap; aapper• etc.,ab°n t thern • The.tivo best of the let were: so ld t.the P and eruvian Government, •_ we venture . assert thosenow scr l f ir l be abandoned or : 80 i in ehugerw iii , b'ore many month The o fficers now In of these. „ we, believe, - Bps. our vessels." / - Blin 111 _ . - The Cat: Oland**. • frOnt the irencti of irietortrnio.) The cat is the concrete symbol - of a va- It is always on the fence It is the felineembodiment of one of tte profoundest hrunau principles wrenched from the circumambience of the Unknown, and burled into -the bosom of consOiiirs tress.'• • Nine tailors mike one man. - A wino, nine times the life.of one man, for it has nine lives. Possession, also, isnirie points .of the law. Behold a:legal poisession'of existence equal to the span of 6400. y-one clothiers' Let us bow reverently before this august fact. • ' The wanderer' by the midnight sea• shore, when the moon-,.-that argent cor nucopia,. of healen --IS ' streaming forth \ her flowers and fruits of radiance, and the illimitable is illuminated by the ineffa. ble,. will have remarked the phosphores cent ridges that scintilate along the wil lows' tops. -until the breakers seem to curve and snort like horses' necks with manes of •ligntning clad. - i 80, 0 man, ..when in the darkness of thine own '.chamber, . thou passest thine hand along the furry spine of this feline phantom ofiheback yard, the electric sparks dart forth, and, a flash of light ' ning fuses slog - ether the fingerk and the fur. Exquisite antithesis of nature ! The fireside embraces the ocean. .The hearth- :stone is paved with seashells. Th o e mn i stets °ripe- deep disport reflected . in. the glowing , embers. The infinite Abroad is I brought into amalgamation with finite 1 At Home. , -- Thnocean.roars. The eat only , pnrs, .• The billoWs rise - and culminate and break. • N s- ,_ - - • The cat's bach,rises. The feline tide is up, and• - we have a, permanent billow of fur and flesh. 0 impossible co-existence of contradic tOry contradictions! The Duke, of Wellington was pro nounced the- greatest captain of his age. General Grant is pronounced the greatest „caittain of „flip. • writhe The greatest captain of any age captain-With his whiskers. _, Let us not call this the tergiveriation of history. Call it rather •the tergiversation .of nature.i The whiskers of the captain. rlte whiskers of the cat. • ... Thetirsute exponent of martial suprem acy. The feline symbolism of the Bearded Lady, crossing her claws before the family fire. Jealousy has been calledthe green-eyed monster. • ,,' The cat is the green-eyed monster.: Both lie in wait. Neither;,destroys ""its vlctim without toying with it. One is the fox, the other the friend of the fire side. Either is to be main almost every family. Each is of bah sexes. ' 'Old Tom" gin In excess is one of men's bitterest,' bibulous foes man- is .the bitterest bibuleris Toe of old Tomcats. The one puts the bricks into the hats of the second to be shied at the heeds of the third. , : . • 0 osculation between sky and earth! 0 lips of the Seen touching' the Ups of the 'Unseen I 0 wave -of thought. careering throtigh the asymptotes , of clondiand, crys'Alizing into angelic force the tan gents, of humanity.. i, The stars are out et Bo are the cats. .. ' tiLitfoitsur qui MT." Tux New York correspondent of the Troy Titus writes as follows: "Thu largest owner of personal property in this city, and in the United 13tates, Com modore Vanderbilt, whit Is said to hold twenty millions. The Asters, whose chief wealth its in . land, 'have about five millions 'in /real estate. Moses Taylor has about four millions, of which his coal .stocki, in connection with those of his ', reach one million and a half. George Law has about two millions, while out of the estate of the late John J. Phelps, -amounting In all to eight mil lions, about • two.thirds-.are in personal property; Theie last-mentioned men were- not ambitions -of being numbered among our . real estate lords. Their money had keep made by handling per. sonal property, and they preferred to keep it in this diem . They!Fished to have their *mga* , resources ready for Itelloll3 at a moment'a ,warn ing, in Order to take advantage, of any oppurtnnity. If a certain stock fell nrprice they wanted to be able /to buy it up, and having the control of vast amounts of cash' 'they could enter Wall street at any time and cut right and left with great effect. Such active, ner vous, resolute men 'do not care to be troubled with the eloW details Of real • estate. ' Real estate is like forces shut up in a strOnghold, while personal property. is like soldiers •in the field. There is a conatitational difference between Com modore` Vanderbilt and Win. 13. Astor, which is shown:by their aptitude.for theft Peculiar Positions, Astor sits In an office in Prince street and simply holds on to his land. His life, compared with that of an active business man, is a mere vegeta-, tion. • He has none of the excitements of gain and loss, and never knows what it is to corner kclique or be cornered him: self. Row cenld twelve, man as Vander bilt endure this life? It would be like cooping the eagle." • , Tnz Journal' of Aiviifd'Ohemistry con demns, inetrongiangaage, the practice of putting up articles of diet in envelopes of tin foil 'The tin foil', it contends, e o n, taiaslead poison, and-is very injurious n o the health of -those who eat %nicks that have been inclosed in it. The , warning gifentb :tobacco chewers! against the' us of "fine eat" put up in this style' wor. thy of attention. ' By coddatioft the' nicoL tine of the tobecon"beccined ricotta _ add, whichacts on lead producing "tv salt which is very.= poisonous. and . • not ,unfzespiently shows - its , deleterious efettir enema the consumers of , -"the 'weed" in the forml of 4taelystS 'of ! the _ .604 nerves. .. • e 'of ten lee; and perhaps in most fuelf but realizing the caus e, pertains who ere in the habit Of chewing tobacco, afflicted with sientthstwitchingotthe muscles of the face; and a certain, thoughalmnst lieseribeble,, wrinkled expression , of. the ooliktenaltec; and,vibichi esthete's every reason to believe, hes itsadlevrigin in the use of tobacco which has 'underenie this reaction with lead.-- The tobacco alone bas never been .ttnown ta.produce effect, and although its inorilinetause a fks undoubtedly injurionsethe symptoms ce ,quite of a different character: Foreign Cheese to bronght to this market in tin , foil; so are bologna and other Sausages, dtied fret% etc. ..42. these are more or lea made poisonous by their action npon the lead which „surrounds theme MEI RE PTITSBPG II rsinA* ,4 lo T 4 oEs 10r . 411141111011 , 8 0 II PITLMONIC • - , .•IrrICIIFY, • ••tiItAWEED. ATONIC - -AND If-ANDEAN-it; PILLII.,_. Will thre • OelteulnDt ien s Liver Complaint andliyspepstaX.taken &mottl ing tei ditectionsi , They are all three to , be taken at the same:o=4 , Thtsg cleanse the t o re lax th e &or and pulAtly work:thee the appetite becomes good; theModdigtests artdlrtakes good blood; the settlent• , beittna SO groo'. DI go d t_toll' diseased matter ripens Into the hinge. thu the patient outgrows toe disease and gets Wei!. This is the onty:way td eureconsnmptioni, .: . . To these threemedlethes Drog. H.S.:het:telt, of • Philadelphia...twee his unrivaled emcee" in the - treatment of pulmonary Conanniption. The Tel ' monto Synip ripens, the morbid ; matter in the lungs, aware throws it off by ati,easy expectora tion, for When the phlegm i or, mtittee, is - ripe a slight cough will throw it off. and the patient has i rest and the 1 ~ gs begin to heat. , d T.. do thin, he, seaweed •lonle_iind Mandrake . Pine 'mint be r ell need tOclearise 'the stomach . and liver: so t at the Pulmonic !Syrup 'and th e food will make ood blood. • . •,',..- _ Schenck's `Plandrske Plits'acc liven the liver; , removin all obstructions:Maw the uncts of the gall blad der, t e bile starts freely . and the liver is soon relley d :Alm' stools will show what the Pills can ' o; °thine line ever been invented ex cept esioniel (a deadly pulsar' vraoh le very dart gerens to use rumens with great care,) that Will unlock the gall bladder and start the secretions of the liver lite EcheLck,s Mandrake Pills. Myer Commaintts one of tee most prominent causes of Consumption. ...' • , _ Schenck's Seaweed Tonle iS a kende 's timula nt and • alterativ . and the alkali In the Seaweed, which this ' p partition is made ot, asto eta the Stomach tote w out the gastric hits to dissolve the food with e Pub:month syrup, audit is made into soodh.ooill without fermentation or souring in the stomach. ' • I - The' great reason ,why physiclava do not cure Consumption Is, they try •to do too muchk they give medicine to stop the cough , to stop chlile.t.o stop night sweats, hectic Lever and by no doing they derange.the whole digestive powers. lock tag tip the seeset.ons, and eventually the patient Sinkasind dies. i Dr. Schenck, n his treatment, does sioltiy i ' l to 'stop a cough; night aireata,:chills or (ever. e. , move the cause, and they Will all . stop of their.. own accord. la o one can. be cured of.Glonsump- - , Don, Liver Complaint, Dyrperistai Catarr Oi h, Canker, Ulcerated Throstnless the liver salt stomach &remade healthy. • It a person nius consumPtion, o f course the wigs in some way are diseased, either tubercles, abcesses, bronchial Irritation, pleura adhesion, ' or the lungs are a mass of inflammation and task decaying. ln such cases what mast be b ut sOn?' ,It is not only the lungs tram are wasting, it 'is the whole body. The stomach and liver have lost, their power to make blood out of fo d. New the' ', only chance is to take In. Schenck's three weds- tines, which wilt bring up a tons to the stomach, the patient will begin to want food, it will digest easily and make good blood; then tbe patient oe. gins to gain In flesh. and as soon as the body be gins to grow. the lunge commence to heal up. and the patient gets de RI and well. This Is the only way to cure Consumption. , When there is no sang disease and only Liver . 'Complaint and Dyispesla, Schenck's Seaweed Tonic and Mandrake . Take stiffielent, without the Pelmenic SYrup. the Mandrake r ilis freely In ILA billions complainta, as they are per fectly harmless. Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed tminterrtipted healtht for many years past, and now weighs 5125 pounds. was wsated Pu l m o nar y s ere _skeleton,' in the verylast stage of Consumptiou, hi. phy.icians having pronounced his muse ,dope less and abandoned h.= to his fate. He was cured `by the aforesaid me. Mines, and since his reCove antscuyeitillootu,s.anparespsarimiaularenly wiitailettetidebsamaveensre.ed markable toiccess.. rub/ - directions .acekrapany "Dearch, making 11 not absolutely necessary to per sonally see Dr. - Schenck, unless patients wish their lungs examined, and tor this . purpose he is profesalovally at his Principal till&ce.' Philadel.- phis, every Saturday. where alt letterslor advice mu o. st b2e a ß d ona s s ed e et H . e N s e w al Y P k fe e s v o r n y a o Ys r Tuesday. and at No. 35 Hanover street, Boston, every other Wednesday. is e gives 'ads Ice free, but for a thorough examination with. his Revel rometex the price islls. 0...ce hours at each city from I) A. W. to 3r. it. .- r • Price of the Pulmonte Syrup and Seaweed Ton ic each 111.50 per bottle. or $1.50 a balf &men. Mandrake rills 115 cents a box. 'Pot' sale by all Ireggiats. my19:151-45 F _--------------------. orpotvoß wurrnum CON- 1 ••AIIISMES TO TNNAT ALL PRIVATE DISEASE& !That numerous class of twigs resulting from self - abuse. producing lin. manliness.' nervous debility. initability, enui. Vona. :.. pe rm l . emissions. and _ dually__ law Potency. peanently cured. POlllOlll &M ed with aelicate. Intricate and long ..itand. , big constituttonal complaints are politely invited local for 'consultation, which costa nothing. Experience, the beet or usenet& has enaktied him to perfect remedies at once efficient, Safe, permanent. and which in , most cases cui be used without hindrance to buginess. Medicines pm Dared in the_ eetabshment, whicheintuaces oi ler.; reception and waiting roOwlet LW. Warding . and sleeping apartments for patients requng dell . personal attention, 'and the and chemi cal blithe. thus concentrating famed mineral sprbip. No matter who Ilaye . failed, state your case. Bead what he rays in his pamphlet of fifty rages, sent to any addresa for two nemesia seiu ed enye.ope. Thousands of cases treated snail. ally. at 'once and all over the country,_ Consul tett= tree, iersonally or by mall. • Office No. 9 Wylie Men (near Court Mouse) Pitubumb, Pa. Roars 1. It. tu 8. r. B. sondays Le v. t o 9 P. n. .Patarblet sent to any address for hoe WELECTILWITI AS A CUBA. 'TINE.-rDr. Ff. STEVENS bas been using Electricity as afiractAL REMCDT in curing chronic as well as acute conditions wrrnotry autumns, for, more than VIN Trans, with un bounded success.. A. FAMPIILIT. Including all pertrculars, with certificates and reliablerefer mice', will be sent to any inquirer. A few furnish' d rooms vacant. for boarding Ps items In the Doctor's family. lf applied for soon. Office and residenee. 11,001 ARCH BrREET, PHILADELPHIA. . my12:321 4 IarDA.TCDIELOIVS HAIR DYE. , ThM splendid Rair per Tre is the bestir' the world: the only - true and eat Dye; harmless, relia ble, instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous tints: remedies the ill effects of bad . dyes' Invizorates and leaves the Hair soft and 'black or brown. hold by all Druggists laslnUerfinnerstand properly applied at Batche toes Wig FactOrir, Fn. 16 Sond street. Eew York. • , . . ini71462 - tgrEPILEPAIEVAN DE CEDED —Those having, friends Meted are ear- Ref al n o e i a o n s d T e e p s e i n m d o n hiarl 'a Circular iw tLetter U nos ef, vin sas the A m dre sk Viicl BURENrLCK3b4IOW 31. D.. 30 Great Jones street, New Yore. lahl9:d2s.dAY OrlirlE- ANIAIFIRLIGE .lIING.- Esssys on the MEOWS OrYOUTH' CI , AL the FOLLIES OF AGE, In regard. to SOA EVILS. with certain bele tor the enleg and un fortunate. tient In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge, ' AddresS. HOWARD AllsOOlkTloN, Box P,-LMlladelphl4,Ya. -. . - my2l:l63.dir ~. - 11810 AT ' LIBELANT CATA, iv!Lootts, CHOICE LITERATURE, OLD DLLS* POETRY AND DRAMA.. TfIEDLOO . ICIAL. HiSTORICAL AND IdIeCELL aN VOUS. S 3d —SATURDAY EVENING; July ;at sl o'clo k. will be sold by catalorae, _on second door of Commercial Sales Rooms. No tinittbrield street, an unusually valuabie private collection, count toting a . rest Library of Choice Literature: em. bracing some rare works which have never before been on sale in title city. ininsive of fold English Poetry and Drama, 'fuel:austral, tlistdrical and litscellaneOns 'Worts. '. he catalogue are Webster" Unabridged. Craig's Oaten • Time, Ass.Frantilni History of Pennsylvantai .Wlee , Dic tionary rtPcientet and illanufavvires,fl vole, Culebretell 'uoYeges,' Travels andiDiscoveries. la vo at Stephens! Centred Amerind.* vole; Ben s, n's Commentary, 5 Tots; m.4)100114 Calmet, Doddri , lges Iromily Expositor: Buckland" ec ology' and Mineralogy it ,volst , lioUirler's As tronomy. Coo Ceemtcal..Physics, Stephens, and Norton" Parmers" Guide. 9 trolv .- 13rtttitn i s Man and his Itelist• one; Swinton's -Dtelllre Rat. ties of the 'War,, - ,Vottatra,s, Philosophical Dic tionary; Sale" Koran. II Toler_ linrion's 'Anato my of Melancholy: 3 vole; Ticlrnor's Spanish Literature. 3 vole; De Quincy", Wetings,_ 13 vac. Tuos. aloore's Wors, 9 vats; • London. Goethe, Lamols specimens !indite Drarnatic Poetryl Christopher Marbwe'd Drilmail: Web. sters Dranatto Works. 4i. robe: bir John Raring ton's . Preen and Terse' -Delicouis, *Para" re wild of Early Stigilsti 'Poetry t) Ben Johnson's Works; Shakespeare, the ldrittanDrsms; licoo's Works; 8 vole:. Pope . t 3 Tolist.Churcbill .a.kols; Life of Chsttetton; Leigh ininui's Neva)* liomes Or American BiaieliMeni laigetittairvir ' Faeroe; Strultroals U. O. v.. Thitottray..Dieltens, an , .. a. • Al.o. a pearl inlaid Spanish Duller. Jointed Plating Rod. SC. CatalOgaes are now ready.nd the books will be on view ail Saturday., Orders iron those linable to dWe sale will beilsith -1131a."7.."14 4 1. —;.IO3ILWAINZ.- Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES. BY A. WILWWWL Bir & armpits. AssiGNEE BAlue.:;-AIT., Aire.- . . . '210N.--Qu TUESDAY. July ERN will be Publlo Sale, the entire stook ot, ironware stid tinned ware, fry paha, fiance wins, skimmers round and oval drops. wire cud W r e rods. Se., be., bolonglpg to the eiriste 1 4 JO N D. GRAY. The sale-;will take plaits on , e Vruktssi at kl% o'clock A. X., at Prankstoira station, Pittsburgh satteContrallaville Salliesd. , .Trabie leave depot. corner Nose and Water streets, at 11 o'clock, A. X. . lisle positive, At• tattles of tinutra cud - wire workers eilliWsbilil , - "q"sied to the gale. ' B. ' MI lISON It. D.ll V • A.utitietieer. :elii):1?•4 • FlSHl—Potouthe. • fLo_.• halt, barrel Potomse Herllllll 111 ba rs st Siackerel No a, it and 3 to ',ado' s hied_ ussisissi Whits Fish% T.akerHeaTiag. VOT 11111 1 'IOW to trade by WATT, wto. X 44 and 113 Woodattart. ME== AY., IV-1;1 is •bz LuassaClll'..l!.L.. Jane. 1889. AT :4 RIVETING; . OUTIIII* BOARD or PAitIC. COMM .BIONXIIB. held Jane 99'1.186 9 , the following involution WU ado d: .• • ' • %Rao toed. Th at dining the Inwinise of the wort OA the Park improvement,. the comml 'skin rill not allow any portion thereof to be used 'crumb llo meetings of Stly ' kind ' Or' prOOESSIOr Or ..eirly Character.• And the Paik' Polico or other cabers hprobirinatnictcd to repoln ail Oirenderc,M -GIVEN to the Waders dENT. I CIPAL "ONUS Ois THE x ALL KC/WENT, FA.. that the Coupons on said ,Bonds. coming due Juiy la, 1669. Will be paid on said day. (less the • State tsx) at the Bank ,of Pittabtrat, in the city or Pittsburh. Pa. p. NEACFERRON , • City T T ____,__—.Nurer• _ jelB:k6s ggr P NIVB LVANIA ItAIL IL AD COMPANY. TIIZASIIIIER'II I DeARTMBNT• • N OE T PHO 8 CO ILADE CK HO A. LDER& LPHI Mat 343, 1869. The Bo of Directors have this day declared a semi.ann al dividend of EINE PEY. CENT. on the capital stook of the Company, clear of Na. . Donal and Sate taxes, payable in cash on and of ter May 30. 1869. divi- • . Blank powers orattornev for collecting dends can be bad at the office of the Company,. No. 1138 del' bird street. .The oaire will be opened at 8 A. M. and closea at 4P. M. frem May 30 to June 5, for the pay- . ment of dividends, and after Oat date from 9 Ar Y. to3r. 111.• - THOMAS T. PIRTN, Treasures. NOTl.—The Third Instalment on New Mock of 1868 is due and payable on or before June 16. my8:193 WIPITTSBUIR Gil, F'I%IWAINE AIvD CHICAGO RAILWAY CO. • °Friar OF TII6'I3BCRETARY. ITTEI BURGE. June 5; 1959. , Rl : virtue of authority colverred by resoltit'on . Of the stock and bondholders of the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago. Railway Company, at the mum meeting held at the office of the Comps• uy in tun, atm March 11th. A. D. 1869, an ad ourned meeting of sa'd annual meeting h will ba e , d at the General Office a the Company. in the city of Pittsburgh, at la o'clock A . r. of June Si2th.; instant. , for the purpose , of considerlot and acting npo . - a lease for a period of nine bun • deed and ninety-nine years.. of - the railway and property of this Company to the Fehrls7ll lll l ll Railroad Comrsny, end to act. upon, such other businesses may come before said journedmeet inv. t qq The do ks fag the transfer ot stria and bonds of the Pittsburgh, Port _Wane and Chicago RallWay Company, will 0080 atif P. w. on kiwi • i DAY, thO /CU of June.' at the agency in New ork Winslow. Laufer A . Co.. WI rifle street, and at the office in Pittsburgh. and will re-ogen on the 95th of June. By order of the Preslient. it113:101 HUTCHINSON,Pecretary. "arNOTICE. To the IloMere of the Met and e and Mortgage Bonds 'Au( the Pitts. burgh. Fors IPveyne, and Chicago itollareyCompany. - . In pursuance of the authority vested i n the Trustees. securing hspective of of trust or mortgager thepayment of the first and liscond Idortgage Bonds respectively, of the Pittsburgh, Fort Way' e and Chicago' Railway Company, and 14 conformity with the by-law In relation to the meetings of said bondholders. adopted April 7, 1b64, which provides thaft inthe the absence from the country of either o Trustees, meetings of toe bondholders may be cal ed by the oth-r Trustee, the undersigned. Trustee under the sail deeds, his associated Trustee now being absent from the country, h ' herreby_cails a meeting of the holders of the said Wirer Mortgage Bonds, and also a meeting of the holders of the said Second Mortgage Boudiwto be held at the ottlee of the said t mammy in the city . of Pittsburgh. on the TWENTY FOUItTH.DAY Olf JUNE. 5869. at twelve ceelock.notni ot that day. for the purpose of considering and acting upon any and all sueo questions as may silo la reference to the lease of the railways of Um said Company to the Pennsylvania Railroad Colima. ny, or In reference to C a mpi ngint on of the pres ent stook ot the said stock of a larger mgre gate. upon which divi dends at the r ate of seven per cent. per suntans,. riev able quarterly ont of the rental reserved in the said Isase shall be Dodd. and also for the per pose of considering and acting upon any linden . other matters which may come before the said meetings or either of them. d leitl:kbo ti Tll.DEN,Trustee Or PENNSYLVANIA ROAD CO. ITEELEMIRERIt DEPARTMENT,. Pau.snamptits. PA.„., April 51018610. TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF THE PENN SYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY. All Stockholders, is reglstered on the Rooks of this Company on the 30th day of will be entitled to subscribe toerwasminvic PER CENT. of their respective interests in New Block, at Par, as follows: , RM. Fifty per cent. at the time of subscrip -; tion, between the 15th 'day of May, 1869. and the 30th day or Jane; BS. • Seems& Fifty per cent. between the 18th day of November, 1860. and the 31st day of Decem- - her. 1869; or. if Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at the time of sub scription: and each Instalment so paid up shall be entitled to a pro rata of the Dividend that may, be declared on lull shares. • ' Thirst That every Stockholder holding less than four shares, shall be entitled to subscribe for one share; and. those holding more than a multiple of !bur shares shall be entitled to sub• scribe for an addltionst there. Pburte.. All shares upon which instalments are Tee to be paid under Resolution of May 13. 1868. will be entitled to their allot houg ment of the Twenty-flive per. cent. 'at par, Le th they were paid in full. . m18:118 TH o3lTri* Tress .nrer arriityricE. CITY TAXES, 1869. • In see4rditnee . witti Seetton Aith, Page 908 or City Digest, • . • • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN CITIZENS OF prrrimuneu, That the assessments for 1889 of City. City Building, Special, Poor,, Neatness. City , School and Ward School Taxes and City Water Rents have been r e t u rned to me for collection. •• The above taxes are subJ ect.toa DEDUCTION CF FIVE PElt or.NTlrld If ppaid on or before the FIRST DAY Or, AUGUsT, and TWO *PF.II. OE NT URI irpaid between the ,F1.115T - DAY Or AUGUST and the t•If.FTEENTLI LAY OF SEP. TEMBEE. girl; o,dednetion will be allowed on taxes paltr between renumber fifteenth and October drat. PM addition of Ave per centnm will be made to 1 taxes unpaid October ilrat.and an additional five:pee eentum will be ',Aden to ail taxes re maining unpaid on November first. • STATE mr:B.CANI'ILE LICENSES! Tile State Mercantile Appraiser has returned to me4for collection the appraisement for 11389. State Mercantile Licenses meat be pule on or be- fore July Ist, 11389 , All Licenses remaining unpaid at that date will be placed in the hangs of Aldermen or cor lectton. A. . 3 COVEIRPLIT, • . -• CITY TREASURE% 4th AVENUE: PITTSBURG% June 1, 1889. Pirrsatraol.ll.T.WAY.s CHICAGO H.H.3420., IfICEOF THE VRTSIOYHT,_ , • PlTrautruoru *B , 1 5 0 9 .. :I IarNOTICE. All pergons ,laterested milnagement •nd bislaeu of tlie _ „ . Pittsburgh„Ft.Wayne &ChicsO-B:R., And the tented roods of the Company, are here by notified tbst the railway and property of We Company hag been lessedtd the 1 rzatamou &lump co. Tor a piridd of slitilivadrea sad Shiest - 4e Teats, of and from thl ant dif of July littoXitdd. and With'the close-of loeuious. (June 30,j sit raipolielbillty and liability of thfs purl will'hiese se to tae uliasserueut oohs boil nese of the railway. and for labor and supplies ,therefor of everY etiiirsetni.' The terra' of ser 4 . lies of sib persons cf ovary dies now employed by this ComPailY will terminate on the "Pi, • 80th day otthisliontbi Bzeeptiis inch persons as msy be ifer ape ' daily notified otherwise By order of the Bosnia! DiMetore. l- . 0 Wll ASS 1129: 1 22 ' ,„ TEE IRON OIT'l MURAL LIVE DiSlailiCE CO, Of Pennsylvatia. Office, 75 Federal St Allegheny City. Dutur.oTofte. L Hon. JAMES L. D'ILUILIit, Rev. J. B. CLAM( D. D., Capt. R. ROBINSuir. Rev. A. K. BELL, D.D., Rev. S. B. WEeBIT, p.p.. W. A. REED, Cashier Allegheny Trust Co. • JACOB. RUSH, Real Estate Agent , SOWN DRUM, Mayor of AlleghellY, C. W. BEN'S Y. Batter, A. S. BELL. Attorney-at-Law Merchant, D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber D. SWOOER, Insurance Ascent. Capt. ROUT. BO BIN %ON, President.' Bev. J. B. CLARK, D. D.,V lee President, JACOB Rusx, Secretary, D. W. BENNY. Treasurer, M. W. WRITE, Disnioal. Anvialcat. DAATI SWOGEB, IRA Agent. This I. anome company. conducted on the mutual principle,each volley holder receiving an equal o Share tbe. profits of the Company. Policies will behsued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on en edunotttl• cal basis will afford a safe Investmenh policy holder, Ind thereby retain the m o ney't home to encourage home Industry. Inh29:ane BEN FIIANKLEt ' INSURANCE COMPANY. : -OF AIMIREISY, PA. ' ' . .. ~ , . , orines. IN. Trumixiire RAVINGS BANE • • ' BUILDINGS. • • ~ • : . No. Ai,.. Ohio • 6t.. .. Allegheny. - A HOWL COMPANY, managed' by'Directors ir wen known to the community, who trust by fa dealing to merits share of your Mitromure. • . Ilicaraiir 1N1N1N,........ —....Prioldest. GILO. D. JELIDDLIO• ........- .........Gocrotary. \ . 1 flenzTi!.rwin, D. L. PatterliOn, WEI, Coolu per, Geo. Riddle, Jacob Frans, Oottlelb Ya, • Simon Drum . ,J. B. Smith,\ Jacob Rush, W. M. Stewart; Ch. P. Winston, Joseph Craig, 'Jos. , Lantz's.; R. J. Zinkand, \ XerP. irnhell. . - .... . , • R. a UERON, .). • GBNI.BAL AGENT. 1, spliholo _ . V 4137-, • INSURANCE COMPANY, sinzinora, NO. SA Fifth AVGattlil, !Second Floor, PITTSBURGH, P.A. Cap tai U Paid llp. DIRECTORS. . N. J. Blgley. Drag Wallace. H. Hartman, A. Chambers, Jake Hill, • .S. ki , ClarkAn. IJits. M. Bailey. Thomas Willock, Ros TH. KING, President. JNO. T. JENNINGS, Vice President.' JOS. T. JOHNSTON, SeeretarY. • - Capt. R. J. GBACE, Ge.n , l Agent. , Insures on Liberal Terms on 'ail Fire and Mardi* Risks. , proiNtriamArai. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH, OFFICE. No. 167% WOOD STREET-. 31.1511{ 00MILKIICH 8.01.110. • TUN le - a Ho= corcipany. and b,sureeagsnct lose try ltre °nein nrelv. • IiECiN23O7O WALTER. Pretident. • ' O. 0. BOYLH, Vice President. BOO&ET•PATRIOH, Tresanzer. }MOH XCAUTLICNIT. Secretary. DisnOrotia: • Leonard Walter, Elearip , v erltstm. O.C. Bade, Geo. . Evens Robert rattles. J. O. Kim Jacob Painter, J. C. 'Neuter, Jelin Voegtl iaa. H. HolUttia. . Henry Sproul, js: VaIITY .AGAINST LOSS BY PIMA. FiMCiLIN INSURANCE.CO. OF PIN.ADELPHIA. 0PY10E,4614 art inasanarr or. .near Som. SAIL.. TO THE - • 'J,.. •=2INSURANGR OMliul 4/. Smelter, Mordtkoni. Louie attib i , Tablas Wagner, David B. Brawn. Ilarenel Want,. E dward Jo:obit. braltn Edward o. Dale, Feorte W. Rai George Tales. =AXLES O. DAN President. IDW. C. DALE, Vito President. W. O. 13TEELF,__Seeretariamattot. J. OA.Y.DNEE f..M'i. mil" North West corner Third and Wood Street.. WM:win 1 ATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Cot. Federal Et. and Diamond, /Allegheny Office, In Alm MOND NATIONAL RANK BUILDING: .W. W. MARTIN Presiders , JON BROWN JR. Vice l'reeident, ~ J AMES B. taT.6 914. Secretary. --. 1 Jolla A.:Miler, Ju. Loebtrart.lJos. Miers. Jas.L.Orabion. Robert, Lea. 10. O. Hoyle. Job. Brown;Ji. Geocielieres; Jacob hop!). 0.11 PWlillaina,Jno. Thompson J., McNaeßhet ail Wirmy aNnirTAt e ktiljelE IDONT - T /LIGIANDER ER President. •WM.. P. lIBRDERT. Secretary. CAPT. OlfelltlE NEEL!), General Agent. ' Mae. 911 Water street, Spling al 00.'s Wan. hously, up stairs, Pittsburgh. . ~ , WLll 111.7111* against ail hinds of Tire and Ma. rice • Risks. - A home Institution, managed hi Dtd rectorr whO are well . known to the- commanity,, and who art determined by promptness and liber ality to maintain the character which they have assumed, as of fering the bat protection to thole who desire to be insured. - DUIZOTORS: Alexander filming, Joon B. litcettne, • B. Wilier, Jr., - , \-elms. J. Clarke, James 34cAuley, William S. Evan!, 1, Alexander Speer. Joseph HirkpatriMi, Andrew Achieit, Mini, Reynier. David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, ' D. Damsen. , . non, _ ____ PEOPLERA INSIIIIIWICE CORI ' PANIC. ovine% N. z. cross= WOOD a Yuma aTe. a tEcrate Cols4Anyitapag Tireranif Maine Maki DiiiiCTOnn: • . gam"t"nef6llllF. L. ghver."4l, ro hn hn W E. a p t ‘iuti . "O aared narle m a'Av . Bruith, bnelcia , i eapt..l4intes uer, F.L al u irt . Wm. Van Hirt. :• , sumo mn ,„ imam D . , Verner 11.%4Preeldent7- • WM. PM Prednent. 'JOHN W W O► Y tta.R.DATTAlNStinecreta 11. _ . • 008, 924 6enerl Axe*, 4,LL E G REMY' INSURANCE . COMPANY , 011 , PTIVEIBIIIIOII. , 1 •_..L ...__, Q/E.No. 3ISDPITI ISTISIXf_AiIIa illamaa.. Wawa' against all lands of nra =A lifaftka •• - JOIEN MON.. do— President. . . t T. fir 110%3NKNIEE°15abrmrlsIdellt. ' 1 OA.P*.-Wit. DIIISI. General 14 134 . ' • . , ' 1 '' ' - • I Jobnlnvtica.4 , B. L. Talutestook ..- TVi. J. VioakmakontDTascrross: tri liv . eT til Pamela tSe ll erg, °banes Have. • . okra. ,I. T. Stoadalei 01,0.1fui..neszt. T. H. Nelriu . , PIANOS; OItG.A.NS, &,0: REilflslll/I.EAP ai NANO # 2I P ?- 860 1 0e 1 C0.1 1 0 14 . 114 4 1 AND tern ZOTTAGE ORGAN; Tile. 'lmtwitscrEets Mai° Cobblnes "Witte latest ildashle ImprOvisments known In the bon atrcuthel °Mint elms ingumunent.. ways . been *warded tke • Idi hest ,nrentinm an labitel. Its tone li tall - _.,- generous and sweet. The -wortotanild% thhdtrahuny end Iteanti o y= ellothere. see tromSsU,to sloo,t to style ala .I theater than a lt either Sot hallo/ nrst 1 nom. , . , =TIMM in vrtitez oitehs • .Bthodst /4/.o4,head Wed tnetrrunerita. i n 1 roduoing tin inose tdoe_oollti of tone of an i similar halftones% n thnUnsted •States. lit is simple Lana ooscs , in eontirodlon. had net.Me t o ta t .. t Gmps i order. _ _____. _ tNNT "vox NWILILZIA. MUOLOI , Is vali_to be found in thle:Orgns. t PM IMIR to WO. AIL guirakteedfor,lve ,'- > ialilitlNANZ a arlirri"4 . • i '.r . • 4Nos IA ST. MAUI . . ..... .. - , ... _ ',llllrtordess for mins and r i rri Tut be proreptly attended, to try,C.lP. rep ews. ' =2 . • IarSECOND ANAIVIS t L Pik MC of , MECHANICS' LODGE, NO. 9, O.' O.F. At love's Grove, Boss' Station. 5 t h i , 1869.; Trains will lease the depot of the West Penna. R. 8., Allegheny City, at regular intervals. Refreshmentl by Alf. logic; Dluner by Adam . Berry. Tickets UrNEW' OPERA HOUSE. For a short seasoi commencing MONDAY EVEN'ING: June 26th, and continue every even- Ink during the week. . Grand Matinee Saturday Afternoon at 234 o'clock. Admission to all parts of the house, 25 cents. • ,_ . The gtest incomparable . ' DEPBEZ 4Sc BENEDICT ININNITELELD ' ' The largest company in the world. 26 per- formers. comppte in every department. MONDAY , lIEBDAY AND WEDNESDAY Offenbach's Grand Opera, - . -.• 1 LA BELLE HELLEN. _,. On ThurrAlaY, Friday and Saturday, ,- .-' THE' GREAT BARBEE RED OPERA, .• With an entire change of programme. t _ Admission--Dress Circle and Parqnette, by - cents: Gallery 26 cents. Seats secured from 2 - to 5..-each,day at the hog otneet without extra charge. . ± ' Je24:k94 Or BURNELL'S MUSEUM AND. • PARLOR. ENAGEME. • The Greatamily Thisexte. A.VEKIIE, between Fraithfleld and' Wood streets, opposite 010 Theatre. grOpen Day and Evening. all thCYear round /Admission, 25 cents; Children, 15 cents. FIFTH AVENUE HALT Nor 65 Fifth avenue, opposite the Opera - ;Muse, Pittsburgh, Pa., is the coolest and most desirable Disco orresorte. • Liquors can be bad ;, at this place PurOand Good. The Billiard Booms arida the grOund floor in the rear. • . VIC INTICS. tiAItTIES GETTING . PP ' PIG \WlCE3,'priVate or public, attention is called to the\ beautifal`grountis situated 'on the Pan U uldlegoad. at Mansfield. The astounds axe un surpassed \for beauty and shade. A large plat forre,laid erlloeripg boards and in largo r.ler. on the groa n The - best of order at all times preserved. The best can be made at alt times with the iroad for transportation. For partleulars addre - ELY' . • r.745s CO. , . WICOFF. - v - O TINENTAI. HOTEL. Mansfield. .' je23 k 93 -PROPOS)AS. • H tEIIA ILWAIECOBIPINY. E Tinders will be received at this *glee JUL'PlOth, 11369; for the following Supplies, tii• be delivered as - .required. on the, line of the B.\ and Atlantic and Great Westein Railways, fo the use of said 111,1tway Companies to let Janus-, - ry; ISTO . , itailros4 castingsof all descriptions, - Railroad Spikes; , • . • Railroad Chairs; - • ~ Track Salta and Nuts; • ' Hottint Cold Pressed Nuts and. . Irish7lates; • • • • Bar 4.11 Bound Iron, `*refined;' , . Boller Ind Sheet Iron: 4- Pig Iron; . I •Anttiracitet" l'iglrOrt; equal to "Sallsburi: ,* - Wrodithtlron Axles to order; • • • Frog , rdertr, Steel Fros and Points, "to order:" Spr g teel; • Steel - kiles, to order: • "CutNaUe and Spikes; W knight Nails and Spikes: Georgia Pine, to o• der; Chains; Lard Oil; • , 4 - . Bell Rope:" Hay; Shovels./ Tbe/cilyeries to be made in such otiantities as, mayzfrom time to time be determined noon b r the Company, after the acceptance Of the tender.. Parties bidding must state the quality of the material offered. anas:t v w:t point delivered,l llo furaistrsamples when red. Payments incash, as customary with this Qom- Pad The Y. Company reserve the right to reject anT bids. With* must be enclosed, sealed, and ad dressed to 680 c . HALL Pareb. Agent. Erie Block, Dot Bessie st.. New York. •je2l:k74 - NWir _ : - q- SEWER CONTBACTORS.-4. Thy sewer Commission of, the City of Alle gnens' a-e prepared to receive proposals for the construction of the following sewers. with their' appurtenances, Inlets, manholes, . CONTRACT NO. 1, . . , . Comprising about 2,000 feet of 12 Inch and 15 !nth circular pipe seweron LtneOln avenue. from Allegheay avenue to - Elope alter.' along none al- ley to Western avenue, along Western avenue eastward to the line of West Common sewer. • CONTRACT NO. O. Comprising - abont SOO feet alley ing h circular pipe seWer on line of Herron betwren Mont- Somery.avenno and north line of Denney:. prop. ertv• Drarrines 'and specifications can be siert at' the Engineer's office, City flail. Bids must statethe kind totpipe p , oposeu to be furnished,(cerneat or Vitrified clay pipe,) and must be endorsed ''Sewer Proposals. Cont delivered ."*.(or No. .2.. as the cue may ben anon Or before 3r. iit.,, Jul,' 8. 1889 forms or. proposals. on which forms alone the bide will..oe rr..l.ved,_.will be f , rnished at the Engineer's office. he Cowan. Rion do notbind themselves to acctpt the lowest or any bid. , c ; By order of the Commission. . ,e -• yl • ~.. • ' . City Erstueer. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ALLEGIOST cousTY,xo. tea of 'No vember Term. }SOT. — Anthony flonng, now for use or John 6 ingWieeh eLiTehn BubLa notoetsi dent or. Penneylvanta. BoreignAttachmenz in mme. J. Ludwig lEoethen, Esq.. sammened as , garnishee : and affidavit of elates filed for -19110•10. Judginent by default or an- appear— entertd and rule granted for the -ProlbOnotary to assegai sisismiles. !otter is iSaceby,glyen to the defendant sedan puttee in terested, : that the Plethonotouy of 'Allegheny county will aisess the plaintiff's damages spike Prothonotary i s ofneeenthe 19th DAYOrounx , " 18ti9.•*t 10 Oicka A. X. ", • . - • - 11laintiff. 1• • . Pl. 1.. W. 13 P ell for lillIVIA_IIPtu; • IN ,TIEIE DISTRICT COURT OF vfIo,..IJNITE V STATES, ibr, the WMdern strict or Pennsylvania. •• - • - 4 Juseetue. EL 6IOIT liankritt under ,the Aot lot Congteas of .S 4. 199 having SR! 1/111a for • diallers. from all Ms de ta. and other clause piovableunder said - Let, bLordes of the • (Mort, notice is hereby given. to INicstells who • haye_nrovefittitlr debts, and car nersona inter eaten, to Appear =ilea ilk es/ of Zen ylllegNai 10 , itOeloost A. It...before SAMUEL HARP AIL VAII-sriSellisietlu, Bankruptcy. at his omen. No. ea,vtratotie street:. Pi ttsburin.:•%.;: tallow cuuse,ll . any have; w9a * discharg e al iettl4 • ;lot beg ranted to the said SaueruOt. • • sicenfDwin e . •'a Clerk of 11. 8. Court. les said Diatgicir r4T28:217 • • Ivrvirle sotto' -Machitse Worke r . Horthirest come at Wssl.Countliint ' - nuantis. lervforna vow_ .‘ Mal 'an nand or prep-are on phase, natlcti r sa4 Step StOes. Elsgs 'far aidewslkh Varna; sc. Haul sna Tanb atonal: eu t •InlninTll4 tIIIIIIIIIIPOTAICArVIVAN Priv% rfflumlylaile Fiumicino, c: ,ABED No. teoltbeeld, Mee% • Sole Itilinutsatarer of wen , kyle„ Cleleptquld Greve] ;I.oefletasits. EEO LEGAL,.' sTo ME OM 11 CM ,'~~,~-, ~~ ` , =mum: