23 - .o t:. hs.tb..-..44#*... • AIBROKEK TIE. • • Low .own the hill the sunbeams slides 0 , 4' the broad river sinks the sun. gi o ning with rose the languld,tlde. And day is done.. Ton to me that beloved Lice. Globe, cloae Io my unquiet heart, • • Jae moment rest In my embratt) Yur we mimic part - • Sclifrltd rodsly &cora their parent trees, The lest sere leaw.es come. hurrying down, Atid on the wayward. sus umn breeze • " • „ are round usluovin. - - • • • ~' Slow WI the heavy dews, like tears' Drawn from proud eyes unused La weep, And o7er the yellowingiliPand meres • Lla Eh•dO,V6 creep; , :The silence depens. Closer still „ Fold bar fond arms'. We sever soon. bee; o'er the brow of y. nder hill Sluvi sails the moon. . Oniiiing, last gaze—iMe ling last kiss— Oh. vacant I e! oh; lonely bean Death holds n. augulsh. life no pliss,- - . For,we mutt pa, t. NBYLVANIA• PEN . . R 11314511 says ti p,again this v TICE M. E. 41 for lay repri • Tun :Littlest bands and is Chibit. FROM Chestere ear that the county 'wh bay crop is ve light arid the corn very backward. • , Idowrioeit. otavry -is raising funds. • with widch toprocure a soldiers'monu ment:6We understand the citizens of . that county have wisely decided upon a location for t before raising the money. . `Oi l Wednesday last . A4r. Geo. Earhart, of Bempfield• township, while assisting his two son m-law. to load a'saw-log, was acciden ly run over, by the logand instantly kille . ,Ile,vvas upwards of 65 . years of age. Greensburg Herald. • - THE Clearfi ld JournaZ says: Copious rains have fal en, in this , region, within the past week; and no doubt the growing graia and grass , crops have, sustained some damage in consequence. We un • ;• derstand y that the corn fields,. eipecially, have y i.)e e ~enn much washed.. A good ',- average cro'p, however, is stillanticipated. anIR York co unty the othetday, a horse, ched 'to a owing Machine, took fright d underto ok to run away, but: the ma chine "prove • too much for hini and mowed off bdth his hind legs directly be , IoW thekneeOf course, the mutilated fragment of e' poor animal had to be shot. • ' • :ON Tuesd a morning about nine o'clock acciden a sad occerred jet Thomas & Pea cock's fume in thie city. While re pairing the nriOlai the scaffolding gave s otzi, way, t precipitating to .the ground three men atwor upon it. One Of 'them, a German, na med Joseph Blahs, had his neck broken and'died immediately. The others were badly but not fatally hurt.-- Lancaster miner. , . _ . `E/1 ' _ON the 14t inst., Mr. Henry Stscks, of. York county while Stiingeling a hones in Dallaidown, fell, from the roof. to the ground, it ditunice of about twenty feet, end was instant ly killed.. Be fell direct ly on his h , broke hie meek, his nose, hiajaw bone n two places, and his ehoul -1 del- blade. e•:- . ..leaves a wife and two children blade ._ own his sad and untimely death.—Gazt . - - 'i• the State Otiiird will start eek. Church of , Warren voted •:entation and 18 against. own Press has changed now managed ~by' J. H. ~ , Mu. NAB us Bu m s, of Reading, . brought to s the Eagle Wilco - on Satin ' day, a white °bin, whieh was caught by Mr. Schildt, in Aleac township , east of amount Penn' and not more than a mile from the city line. It is perfectly white, with red ey • ~ and is a beautiful bird. ,It was taken fr I m a nest containing many .other young 1 bins, all which, with the old birds, we e of the usual color. The lit tle captive is suite young, blit it is able to , fly a shOrt di: tance. On Saturday last, Mr. Wm.. Lytle, of Conemaugh township, Indiana county, was riding along on horseback, near Porter's salt works, near the West. Pa. Railroad, and while the 11 a. M. freight ; train east, With 34 cars and two - engines, was passing his horse took :fright and • - ran of, Mr. ytle -losinghis balance, but r still remainon the horse, which was running at full speed when ,bis head struck the a utment of the•Porter,Canal. • - bridge, causing ng almost instant death. He . was about years of age. 1 • Tics Lan ter Examiner says; Miss- - Annie Kell r daughter of Mrs. Daniel ef.aß 'Seller, of Bruata township, met; a sad accident on,Tneaday, 22d inat., which ' terminated Melly, on . Friday. In the afternoon of Tuesday she iwas..,picking cherries frond the top of a tree, when the limb upon which . she was sitting gave way, and' the fell to the ground, a'dis? tense of ' abut thirty feet. She ' struck 'won her, head and left side of the face, and. was taken up insensible. She lin , xered until Friday, when she:died of con gestion of t e brain. 1 Tun bodyof Ben Slater, a man who was, lost in e woods in Forkston,iin this county,,last spring, was found by. John - Boughton few days:since in a deep ~forest,. 'at -- e he probably died from 'starvation 11 exposure. e deceased was an i tic or feeble min ded man, / who, several months 'since, come vio ,' lent, brokeaway frorkltis eepers, and '.. :ran into the Woods. A ate coming. on . .shortly afte all of his course were : lost.- His f t o has been a matter of con jecture, tin 1 Mr, Boughton, on going to pile of shin le bolts or blocks, :cut by \ bim in the earlPart' of - the winter, found the body:ly earl, near by. 7 Tfyaminf D. 14-, '-'etrat. : , . "forint 'tinfoil and College-. Canton and iniantifacrones -:-- Wasbington—tremate • -: aemtualy!--, lilatoa 'school :- Town .Hail --4141ntssiotilarvest, 4ac..1. - • . • `LOorresticitsi#6 of the PittaiiinigO Gazette: . - ,Wesa noir, PA., June 28, 1869; 1- - Your • pendent spent last week and the we k before in Ohio. 'Some ob. .. . - • . . .