The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 30, 1869, Image 8

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Tax GAz,E
e 77 "cl Ve, city
siz ay - ef't?se toe*k for' . ls !Yenta per.
week, i I,7,ICAZ4P4iIer annum . Z fisan
For Sale.—A good_payingroute on this
psi,per in ,1 7 ,11,th- and. Sixth:,
theny. bione l but r good, sober, industri:
cis- men needEsiTiSr.• -till at CilAzorrn
wonting- nmin ;bettr,en four ancl,five
Mereliaitur iticVeletke !P
' gaged preparing-111dr bit
rated from Fifth to Four,th
pavement Wing relaid.
RestenVation.2-Thieordinental Dining
Bore, , Filth avenue, next dbor to the
Oin,re, - the place to :gel a good
aqttare meaL
i t
_. ..
l=rlo, lll b - .l'Too:laY a select picnic will
bb' held - t McFarland's Grove for the
,benefit '' o the Sixth Army Corps: A
ti a may be expected.
grand' . ,
) h.—Next Sunday will be the
) Jul ,f ee The Gennansai•i) deter- -
pr d'-with the proceagiod.
J y, t e sth, the . day will be gel-
_The Vol
-mined to
, erally. or
BOtztithtler.--Of the , many restaurants
1 or dining rooms in the city there are
\none, morttfavoribly knoWn to the puhlie
than the Continental, Fifth Avenue, - neat
door to the 'Postoffice.
~,The Continental is - one of - the. Most
popular.. places. cf. restanration .in th - e"
city. .Meals served at all . hottrsi- from
six o'clock—in :the .morning.;to. twelve
o'clock at night.
, -
Fortune Telling. Mary Miller made
information - before Justice Ammon, of
tsi nlnEblt i s yesterday.:. aberuing .
Elizabeth Eberlie with fortune telling.'
After a'beiiiii3g - the amused held to
bail for fierappears.nce at murt. - •
Church ' Fetale.—The. members - iof
the First lief° ed Presbyterian Church
of Alleglieny; Bev.. 3ohil MoMilian,: sill
bolds soilai reunion to-night' at Excel
sior Halli corner ,64-Robiniqtr and Lea
cock street. Pleasant tithe is antici-
PatgO• ,
Sale of the Kunz Vropertv,Corner of
Fifth Zdaraet atreet.--Thie
property,' about the most valuablnof its
size In'the will be sold on next Wed
nesday. W.T., White, Trustee, We
invite the attention of -our monied men
Bac al , Ple-nic:—A grand social pic-nic
will Ifeld today at .Noblestown for
thirbetiefitof - the'Pew Ca th olic Ch urch
' in ,that.. borough. >On the Pan Handle
~route an excursion train will leave at nine
o'cliip:kttds -1, and return at half;
past gotten.
_ ,
No. 91 Liberty street.—This .is the
number Marvin's Celebrated Crackoie
IMltery 'la -Iqtated- pt. Marvin. has _OIL
hand the moat &complete stock of Crack
ers,..Creara, Wine, Soda, OSater, Water,
BiLlter;Sulpirlind fancy, of tiny.bonse in
tecity. , gergetaber his N0.,91 Liberty
Committed '"ter Twenty Days. : ;-Peter
;kikline, who by the way ie a periodi
cal customer at thd watch-house, havitig
beau* arresteld. on Monday night 'aril a
-chargci or didorderly conduct, wa.4 'Yes
terday morning fined ten dollars, and in
default' of payment was committed„for
ttetitydays.° ' '
Aasnutt and Battery.—Peter Green
made 'lamination against Ills brother,
Valentine Green, before Justice Ammon,
YekOltda3 4 , l bluirging him with assault
and battery. He alleges that the accused
beat and abused him. Valentine was ar
rested and after'n hearing was held to bail
for his-appearance at court. • • •
_ ..
Bisbop 'Bowman Inslitute.—The com
mencement eercisels of the Bishop-Sow
n:last hiStibite - Irill'‘'Mke pittco in St.
Peter's 'Church, Grant street,
,on Wed
nesday morning, at tan. o'clock...,The
Bev-'John Scarborough =Will deliver an
addrems: -; The friends of the Institute
are Invited to attend. ' _
The fientik - Satiate is now holiling
one of, its periodical sessions in Pitts
-burgh::: It
.is understood that they are
ii k ,.
pier: lug to turn to advantage the dis
agre ti t occasioned between England
'and t Mted'States by , the ‘tAlitbama"
busk: ' .General O'Neill will be "here
to-day. ' ' - -
.A Youth s raper.—Mr. L. S. Cuthbert,
a literary gentleman abundantlY ("nab
tied for the teak, proposce iistiing in this
lity; in a 6Octtime, The Youth'e gabiitet,
a monthly "paper devoted to,the interests
of boys and ..girls exclusiVely. It_prom
ises to of the , best in-tba countcy,
and we wistrllui - enternrise 'abundant
Paid the Petudty.—John lsher,
charged 'before the Mayor. with selling,
liquor on Sunday; was; after al hearing
vesterday, tined fifty dollars ..and costs.
It appears from the 4estimony that the
liquor was sold a Taw%-niinutes after mid
night of Sat . aid the attorney for
defendant pro ...ed to , taker an appeal•
but übsequeb ly concluded -to„ pay, the
Co ,
'otter's luqttest.—Corhuor' Clawson
• 'lel! a n. nqUeso, yestprday on the'body of
an inf t, pine, days old, which was
fond 7 dad in bed at ' the house of its
mot4e Btrif,-: t3hriver, ;.1•10. 820 Penn
itr i - I fttninlayr`- night. • T he child was
placed in the bed during ; the a ft ernoon,
and When ih•l mother next -went • to the.,
bed it was dead. Verdict. .of, death from
- ca(sill e!" l o l 32:_i_ i iii i ____,_: .
Oticers Elected. At a . .. regular • meet
. ing)if Post 81 Q I A. B.; op" . Sriday even.
Ingliast, the following.officers were elect
ed tO
ia l: t ie , rie for the ensuing term:: P. C.,
Itile 1 Wni:S.-Blakely; 8. V., Loyal C.
arias: 3:., V., David Aiken; Adjutant, -
~.13.utchltusan.t-Sarireon;.. D- W,./3.
Hs bt - OluiprathAW. - 0. -- took*. Q. M.,
91Prife Stedefili'd;lo.Bl: S., °serge, Ru..
firol4;l44g'lo7l4,4?OhPin.', ~ . .7 ~,,
130 riglarY,tii3Oir,Wnd (tight r Tairdi..
Aar tnininili_g,;_the, SOoli d akadzig
stalest 246;1 1 1fthavenue, t , it Ger.
2neit•A, *is b#rk„Urransly,' ntellG: anO,
Okla& to the vidun Of anven, '4109
• 'corned aWar‘l.;l.lJ`O ts t - egrtetea t ii; ,
entrance 0,00 room' • fttfint ...010 . *
.__.. n netWlials - bl4 , s .wWovt. IF,
;:3+e . Irlilit Pt/lA:Vilna Of - gl{l4n. -- Ttito,' 4 :
~- , ( I *. , MU the :Oniones : was peritetz
b boys, 4* , cbelipertbre wow( ' nov Oaf-
A'" !V o l lIIP- ,t 0 whnit lbebbtly 'aff it
*illail iiiii, • i... 4 . .:,' i.., t• ~ •
---.: fl.itiaiiiifg- Of P,lttatittrgh-..l).iij4iin
Nti.;'4s. l3 Onlicrifl'e4 3 oarance;‘:heA fiaat
.oyertiOgii..**7"*:illowiug - 7,4r %; .11ip,
skyld t rd
14;.iwlieu 4~ iYattag quu7-ThornP
V , .
-" •
BlgoLow Ft
• 0.11.,
C 42114 ,„...1"i":461'1i,643,-,at4474z
l'ite Shugart' tddscadtille - itb DaY
of Trial-;46iiiiiodsi": , i , 'Pose, But
. .
- Are • Not Allowed, ~ ross/Maaralne
Annie Shugart, T, own ' witneb37,
:Further Inipo t Testimony, . , _
i 4 . l i . iii c 4 1 1 4 - . ' en_cl:l:46 3 iiiitbviziiie4. •
- sta. : MonisayitJuns.2l3, i1f169.,
The : .., ement in regard to the teed
_ ..,
. ,
Ajor 'of Annie Shugart, and the illness ',
• he prisoner, with a probability ' that I
the exciting4teenes of itattirdayWonld'he;
, ~ .
reenacted, attracted ttiCthe Oottft House'
, , „ „.. _
this morning about as large an - audience
of the the , roeni"Weild
aniffortably hold. ;:Th e prisoner,...,oon
teary to general 1 expectation. nut in
her. Appearance, >at the , opening.' of
the ~ Court, -and _seemed -Much better
. .
during the earlier pert of` ; th e,' session
than she had been fortwoior three pres
Viotti. ones.;" She was evidelftly, not fit to
Abe: presetit,„ but Manifests a strong de
terminationlo have have the trial go on
without interruption, so , long arte'she is
able to bear. up at all., .. i , . , , ,iI '.
When the Court bad - been Opened in ;
the millet Manner Annie Slingart • was
again called upon the stand. , 4 - .. -
Mt. McCancileee 'Stated %hit - ;tit *head',
johrninisiit ot tbe 'Colitt; on Settarclay,lo
had ;Proposed an in qttify to , the witnese
which ;hart been objected to - be - the de:
fense, who demanded. the proposition in
'writing, and in reeponse he had so pre
pared it, Aslolloass: ' ' •
The Commonwealth is now prepared
to prove that the wittimat on the. stand,
Annie Shugart; testified before the Grand
Jury and Coronet's tiinesk - onlotmer
hearings in this -. case, that "I did :IR
hear hisn (deceased) say why
. he did 910 t,
dif 'any
,* more - of the 8940
that tititi,k
'dot :sale Wlien - lleft him,' arid that 4 :rises
in the /d with him about halfan ' hour."
,The 'witness now testifies that - whet she
took the.isolip - to. the field the ',deceased
com Plained of beinP unwell. and said for
, witness to go home, he ; 6 irik not feel well,
and.would soon belunnAt . The Common
wealth: now propcisain-ask the witness'
'if,she did - not testify as stated above, be
;foie the; Coroner',s Inquest and. Grand
:Jdry at - former hearings in this:, ease—
for Ilia purpose of,refreshing her me*,
:ory,:giving her an opportunity , to set the;
matter tight, if she will,-and, testing her
reeollection. , , . , • ; - ,
= Mr. Thompson asked ht 4 this was tor•
be. ptoven, as stated in the' first, part of
Proposition. The defense objected to it,
if it was to be done so as to Al/Teach the
witness. They. had no:objection to the'.
witness being asked questions as to what
she sald,hut did not concede the right of
the Commonwealth to impeach their own
witnesses: -.., - . ~ • .
Mr. MoCandlesS., then ,included in the
propositionthe words, By notes of tes
ti mouy end pther , witnesses."
Mi. Thiniapetat still objected to the
propoeiti on,, and put„ the objection , in ,
writing. in siibstancts as stated. ..
Mr. McCaridleni, ineustaininghis pro
position, said the little girl, but twelve
yeant .of age, with a natural affection for
her mother, had been frequently in con
versation with her, and had also been in
the office of the counsel for the defence,
in relation to tins 0810.-' This was gut,
cent ground for the suspicion that she
had been tntnFared , Wittil whientynitidel•r•
Plain her,:contradiatorYstatemente•made
on Saturday. It`was.butnatural to sup
posettliaginirrounded by ;such influen
ces. itheediould havelestifted so much to„
the of the counstfor the Com
mod ' 44. It benld only be explained
on tha:g' arid that she had been tampered '
withi'which was proven by the evidence
produced: , Vbder such circumstances,
the Commonwealth,. expecting different
testimony, and being surprised, had
, clearly-the. right to:cross-examine the
witness. Had the witness been called
by the defense, the Commonwealth
would have had the right to lift the veil
covering the proceedings of the Coroner's
inquest and Grand Jury, and summon,
from members of those bodies the neces
stiry witnesses._ The O'er was s simply to
elamlbe the witness and : : " ask .bor if s h e
testitiettits stated in the offer. The gen
tledian, in.suppertpf tiiitatgantent, read ,
extracts front Greenleaf , on evidence. to
show Whill he askek was in accordance-
With the ,Igw. '• '-'.• - , . , ' ,
Mr. Thompson followed for ate defense,
and said in referionati,hrthe - cioss-exalnl-,
nation, that, if it was keptwithin pagper i
' bounds it Might •be Ternaps admissible;
butalthongh this infglii be accorded nn_
der eitraordinaryeircumstances hi civil
cases, it could not in crimina. He read,
in support tif ,his argument, front stand
ard authorities, showing that - the Com
raonurealth could not' impeach its ''bwri
witnesses, and timid not have the privi
lege asked in their offer, unless the wit
, ness WWI-dearly proven an unwilling
one, ;which_ lie contended was not the
itielki Au preselq - 9ase, , •
'Mr. Mitchell, for the defenge, follhifed
his colleague in a lengthy argument. He
, claimed the witness was not unwilling.
No evidence showing 'that'sbe bad been
tampered with had been produced, and
I she had testlligdin a frank and, straight
forward mit:fiber throughouti o _ HO admit
ted Irankly that the witnesshad,been in
hia,oilice, and had made her statement
itille presence, of Mr .Matinkin and
others; bat denied that one word had
Wen itiggested to her, or, any , influenoe
hiought to bear up her there, to induce
her to testify falsely, •or,teepr back any
part el the trtiti. He 'also read Iroria a
dumber of legal authorities exranatory
• ,
of thepoint at Altana, al l ' urge that; Un
less there :was , a real ,neceseity,,lna oase
of 'so much Importance no ', tiingenions
device":, - Its ttititaktginited 'should pro:
Mr McCandless closed* the irgnMent
for the' CombilOnvieilth;. reiterating hit
former statements, and onotinastill tor.
thor. from, thelmokS br rt, suppo of his
posttion.„ in reference to the matter icif
- tampering with the ''','Wlfnesti; ' -he Iddd
there;were otheitHPptliens, situate end
relatives—Ointaide the.- - notuniel, - Who
Might bavh„liditienped- the wliliess,
and far Whoni:the counsel could not' an
' swat. ..He contended the facts presented
clearly glowed the child bed been:under
some Infitioned, and,. tho.-CollutiOnwealth
- aectirdinglY had the right to hinsa•extum.
ine, a they were' 4ken Jiy sniprise by
her testimony, hW=.tlaPittiferent.fmn
•what had been asp:setoff( ' •J, -t• -
Mr . Thompson wit#drear his .nal
l ohlkdiOnd.objectedlb tithprq ' Cork!
torttiriOrNixt" "Derendatit's co t
oh: -
„pot to the offer' of the Commonwealth to
4:ll.6o)minirtabir 'awn witonae, Annie
•1 3 hui'lle ut-idlek she testified !Wore
.the rMronejog Inquest and Grand Jolty—
beanie, haying - *worn and examined
JIM witness, 'the. CritUMMWEntlth' 111 - Amit
allowed to loquireysither - in 'Aneferra of
l'Alswetarninatitin "ar'''',.ottietwhis4 WiPit
Idte said or swore oh a fernier, .neeneintto
fot,-.Rty.purpoo Thabitek'espechal,t as
- 44 0 0...,... 134 4 smear itiliCritCititneni 'in
tintitun. ng se has been.bronghtunder the
•ItilliMmelf orthe other 'perty,z lierstate
ineigini;:ibils made , w ould ;it .. best bi
hammy, And n o event . c an
they `be
.peeiyei,ps in.fmleat,testimonY
4a a ua.— -
;;.'.::.....-:,,'- - .:::".:':...-,- .'..• - i . :.' i,!: - ;,':,:;:
_:.: ,• _- - .:...k.i_4.1',*.:72'
111. Tiafit s NI. a
„et,' T
Apo t
e n'
-_, T yVdent, ,
JUdgemossurna isellvered the
0 4 errtNiag the pro' potit,lon.
'br the Wined]: for '-, the: Comoeinwesith.
liteHoten tal43 ho4vxamined ;the '
queekßtel,lietbie t tsed V*. The queettOn
way a , lll9.lloted ene4aticatiV,Von which
e*great u :VlßllP:o °Pm on Be
iv, . was W ..helik l i tm ro°caw*
ievideneeotkdeelga ,
4 4 ' 1M 1 30 . 0'
OF; , ~ 2, 1441`. A. • ,
roiivaiitgo th4C6init% hr d - - '
traiatriau". 6 24—,.
au In Thnutril
oalboase• but 4ad Avoqz thrills , ea in
;New York arid in "Miatatchtthitte OEMs
lead in - all these the = etridencii,litad been
i rules not receivable' His Hector quoted
at length from a number of authorities,'
ad,,mrith Tito,. ,rele :10T tem exceptignk
'. ruling „ - r t i
~ Mr. Biddle presented/ another *ape.
;sitioO, Offering to prove; that the witness
, Itad-P4ated at :foroYai l hearings!, that the
...," ~ -bid' leeo v elmgllCAhe day ,her.. , diediiind stAso that *aka (the prig. ,
: QUO) told, me OilfzesaYifilkuiteT :offered,
'nut any.aittp to felt. hint .t.liad-;eatctiat
home," wbils'.the witness now, testified
that she tat4ght the poison serftfif4s'be;'.
fore„andAlsuinaterially departed from
her former 'evident* in; relation ,to her
conversation with her mother in thejall.
'lhe object of - - this proposition-. was
stated to he tdinilia . to the, forra - tp, one,
anti for about the lame.',reasons. It was:
overruled, 'being °tem:laddered substanti- . _
Ally the same is the farther.; ; i' ;
-Mr. McCandless read another-offer,
stating that the 'chltd (Annie) had. been
;under the influence of:her mother, and
tampered with, and thus had Wien , the
Ccimmehutaith'by StirPriset' they, there
fore, asked le veAO cress-examine.
Judge • BieGullin also; overruled this
proposition, for the repot; that, although
difforen in words, it was. essentially the
,stulie Jiririciple: as 'tips° which had
pretties it,' Risiloner-taid if anything
occur during thaprOgress of the ease,
before t ii Commenwealth'hedclosed, to
change is oplaion,:he . would give.' them
the be fit of it. .., • ‘ 3 -,..4 - -
"The_commonwealth then announced
they e through with the witnesseand
she Jolt the stand.'.. ' - ' a' `-' • -
. ,
Leonard Wise, sworn—AM married to
a.daughter of =Mre. Shugart. , Made the
information upon which my mother-Vlz.;
law was -arrested: v Was present-when
my; . jacob: - Shugart, died:
Flrst saw hiixtabOlit four O'clock on -the
day of his death•*—about a quarter of an
hour Vetere his death. „ Wasin the rocht,
but did not see him from. that time until.
he died: Dwas,ealled in by Jacob 14111 X
and found Shugart', very low. . Jacob
Laux called it - my shop and told me to
come dote, therild inan*aB :very sick.;
that he thought• -- be had "got a dose, one,
way or the other." -
Objected to by' counsel fox defense as
only hearsay. t • A
Commonwealth proposed to prove that
the witness was thus. induced to make
the information. Proposition and objec
tient redueed to writing. Tee Common
wealth claimed it as a , part of the ree
gestoe. 'The Court'decided the objection
might be allowed to stand' until further
testimony was received.
Witness resumed—l went down to the
house hastily; was angry. I found•Shu
gart lying in bed. • Be appeared to: be
suffering a great deal of pain 4, ,Thought
he would diet when saw him.'He was
very reitiess, moved 'about in the > bed.
After I went in, I went rip to his bed d
asked himwhat was the matter. He did
not reply, andl asked, "Where are your
pains?" ,He mid 'in the stomach. I
looked at hint again, atnisaid I thought
_he was , poisoned one way or another.
Mrs. Shugart was standing at the foot of
the bed. When I ,made 'the expression
I:(limited MY conversation to him. :lie
madeltio reply. Then I looked at Mrs.
81tugert,'and said 'she - Would ' get into
trouble. She then came over to me and
said I ought to forgive her. I didn't
knoW at the, time what ahe meant. I had
been • on bad terms with her all summer.
She - then turned to ShugeXt and Said.
"Oh, my God, Jake, they talk as though
I- had poisoned you." She alotitt said,
"My Ged, Jake, - haven't I done every
thing I could for you?!' He made the rer,
ply, "Go away and let me alone." Ithen
told some of the children to go for the
priest, and I would go for the doctor,
that I thought he would die. I then left
and went-to Dreßredin's office; told him
that his services were needed imme
diately. Va. came out Mid went along
1 - with me downto the house. When we
: went in saw that Shugart was Very
low. ,Assisted in rubbing: him, and in a
few minutes he died.': I• 'then went
alongside - of the doctor, by the
*indow ' and.: asked • him- ' what , be'
thoughtof this • death. He told ine%hat
he could'nt,account for the death iripler
anx_consideration. I went over .home
_then. Had Author 'Con,Yersations witn,
the Doetor, in the presence of Mrs. Shu
gart, in reference to the death. - Think it
wasethe next day. It was •in the ,fore
noon. Shugart's son John, Ind
law JacobLaux, and myself, thought we
would go over to the field where he had
been husking. Went over .zand saw he
had been husking. Think he had been
husking the day before. Went .to the
row where'he was husking and found a
sheaf of coin fodder lyingg - alongside
of a shock,, where lie had been
~• .Saw. his corn 'busker stick
ling in I
the. ground alongside the I
shock.- -then saw he had vomited
in' front of where he had been sitting.
I told his son-in-law, Jachb Lana, I•
it bought it very strange about his death.
and I thought it would be a• - good idea to
gather up what he had ' thrown up.
Latta replied; I think, that we had noth •
trig to take it away in. We then went
home. After dinner I went back to the
Cornfield myself; - took a boy along and
also a tin bucketto bring away some of
the vomit; I went over to the shock where
he had vomited; I think it was the next'
one back of *here he had left off 'husk-
I then' gathered =up a to oon.
full or so of what he, had .vo
itedr- found it in the impression
made in the 'ground by a boot heel;
the rest had ail dried in the ground..
I took it to . Dr. Bredin's office. He wee
in, but got itafterwards. It appeared
to , he what was thrown out of his stom
ach: It looked` - whitish and like "cream
&nip." •I• saw , the Doctor,.the , eeoolicl
night after Shugart died, at his ,officen
rstaidnotil he. eatOP which was: at:
late hour. Think Mr. Gabriel Etzel was
withriie: When the Doctor came' in I
gave him the stuff. He said he couldn't
tell from it whether there was anything -
wrong, and we bad better Make, a post
mcnlent. :examination. We then left.
The morning of the day Mr. Shugart was
buried, Dr., , llredin.!,ilaMe, to the hotise
and toldme, to se
~., into - the
room and see if 'Mrs4 2 AShiagert
Froukl.agree,,,to „die . exaritingticur• ; • and I
wentiri iiiid 0110 cl 010: , kw* into the
room; told her the Doctor was not satis
leOrttiC "'Utiliser •of Ile 13Inigart's
destW,anottrottif like 16 nuke a post
ten examination. She asked why.
.be 1 ,414 110 11 1 0 #0 •Igolifts 2 V
"Be - "He waslying
norp . o l dird.7)XliterilliY. And
t, why didn't
he open_ m u then; uwait'' have him
tiPintelt *o)4..ittshOte is 'felt: of people
and it. will make%igreat eicitement." ~ I
*novel Mtd.t.olo thn . Doctor what she
then ihkett we What•he ought
to deiwhettter to - '44tem lbint - Share or at
the grai.e: • ;told Mtn .1 thought it would
be better rtti- Open . him at the
grfair‘ , tteit( would Make *a great
disturbance in the hanso.ltUtheatwent
"over home,-to;get • ready ',for /he
funeridi ititltentlbr Mr. Efzel* and - 651d
Aga to out and tell the ,priest they
1 1 11114844640 M tti_kbody at the grave. I
,:the!reltriftleihe'MUmal; , •
• ; iiri. , •ll . llTrori .. , Fqt.zentririn smarms.
adjontiOttent lir
titted,t the .- - "WltnettiW,Was interrupted
Eby Ottditif-likOltf011t.:. _;petiti0n444114110.4404404 Ale" jurtirhilnek.
inifitrir„thans.begfrielittle ear fir
sand close ti AtVe; 45 13/ ;.• 4l3 t he y!-I lllo*
..I:LL' ~
• .
ithilKabwdrieeeto get*** 6 0 /40 - -4141/1 1 44
?Nib; HI6 - Iffibt lOW *Ten&
necessery to. take care of the health of
the jurors, and Mt - Monett , that upon
:further • reflection they ,would come to
the conclusion• that the sessions ivere
already, sufficiently protracted. The
Court sat about eight hours a day, which
he thought-was as much as could be
;done -victim:ft injurious effects. He
therefore asked the jurors .to be patient , ! ,
with the sessions as they were, as he felt
certain k change would' be.i wearisome
and perhaps in the end , cause the work
already done to be of no avail, by reason
of the sickness of one of their number,
canned by the close confinement.
I = •
. .
Court assembled :a two '
o'clock and
proceeded with the testimony." •
Leonard Wfse'ri examination resume
1 - made the Information in this,ease. I
'went to the funeral. After it - I wen to
Bredin's office and saw him. He ld
.me he had gotithe . contenteof Shugart's
stomach. Hit' told Me - he couldn't tell
fors few, AnyA In.! regard to its . being, a
case, : of ':pnisoning.;J.l.D.F.ibont'• a :*reek,
after the funeral ''Scittire Zeigler and lif.
Bredin came to narsfinp-and told me,to
come along, to James . : Bredin's offipe.
613efpielhitt ~theY - had .I,*(*.i:lti:Mr. •Etzef's . •
store ancfsvanted him to go along. •
•. Q. 'Did - -what you--have related now
, cause you to make the Information. I A.
Isitgseira.thltikttbti 1 then 'waist ;t6' 6 4:Yr.
Bredireanfilbe with' Squire' 'Ziegler and
Dr. Bredin. - The Doctor we he had
found poison in MC:Bliugart's stomach,
thhafprmatisnaltan'\l93tomadp, . I,
r i
told - him 'Fah:list want th Make the ' s.
formation,.l Squire Zeigler:then-Baia, ig
• don't know but what we can compel on 1
to make,the information ." I told hi If
I had _was; a 7 o . l.fferent thing
.. . 1 t en
made Ibe - inforrataloit- - They ' had it
wzilten out I r ad
b ore hey. called me.
it overandrit ' it : ; - 2 .. . . 2 . ..'.
Mr.. McCand stated they wre
throughwitlll, witness tbid :asked Or
'the admisaion of e,evidence objected, to
:in the inOrtffig:: , . - .'.•• ': . - .
The - Court dec i ded that as . the w it ness;
`did not, according to his statement, make
the information - on Latti's , expression,,
..quoted by the 'wit ness,
.it . ,was. not &1...
:dance, and coul d not be received. -
Cross.eXamined-...41; the' timk.-. - ,I w e nt
o Shogart'S honed, ITound him in pain.'
I said to Mrs. Shugart, "You will . stet
into trouble about this." We had not
been: on speakin g terms all summer,
- 'atibuttliree months. - • She didnot tell. Me.
'at that time_what she meant by asking
me to forgive, her. '
,It.'tdas oh mo the n-
Jug of the fuheint that.'Dr. - Bredln • ; i d ;
I had the conversationk There' were, as
I said,:eareat Many people in the `ho,
at the time. ' At the time she camel,: ck
into. the mom - to me-,and the Docto , I
think:she said to theiDootor ' , You ,h: ye
theipower, and can do as you wish."
Retclirectl was in the- room and .. d
nut see.herin while; the body was be ; , g
prepared for burial. : ; • . . _ i - .
jacob Laux, sworn—l live •in But 4.,
in part of the house formerly occup , ed
by Jacob Shugart. On the day of ,is
death I was at home in the morning, at
- noon and a few minutes before his d,: b.
The fired I saw of Mr.•ShOgait on the . ay
of his death was when l - got Leon: d
Wise and we went in together. •He as
lying on tne •• bed on his back,. whe . I
came in first, and he turned his face o
'wards the well. • Be appeared to Buff. a
'great deal of pain -and--was moanin _..1
said nothing to him. I didlit hear • m - 1
say where, he was ailing, .I . think he
lived about •fiftein minutes after I *rent
in. The first time'l saw him I did of ,
think he was dying. I asked for hie on
and some', , of the family -, told.:_ e
he was ;working dow. . at .
o.—•'s. I' said I'd go-- de. en and et
him, but when I : Went to the place he
wasn't there. I returned to the house nd
found the doctor there. Mrs. Shug it
was in the room while Mr 4 Wise an I
were in; she was standing between us, -
about the middle of the bed. • Welted o
conversation until a ft er I came baik fr m
going a ft er -tier win, when told her he
was not there, and she said she di 't
know where he Was then. • She did ot
say anything mme about the can of
her husband 4 sickness. When Wise
and I came in, Wise asked - Mr. Shugart
something: about his-stokneas, but'l did
,not hear any answer; he made sontem
toiler, Atterthat Wise turned,around to
.hfra. -,- - - Shugart and said to her, !`Tott'll
(get into trouble about this," orsome
thing to that teffect. I - don't recollett
what she said to him. I think the Raid,
..My God, Jake. they. talk as !lilted poi
soned you." I didn'thear her make any
answer to, Wise. 1 did not charge her
With anything., leaked lithe doctor and
priest had been there, wheal first got in.
While: I was in there, - She-threw - her
arms around my neck, after Wiae - had
started for the doctor, and -*eked me
forgive • her.' I said _I. had nothing to
forgive. I told'her if she had - anything
"to be forgiven for,that there was her hue- I
band, and to ask%im. - I had not charged
her with poisoning him, or said ehe• was
the cause of his death. She did not say
at that time '
..'Black Martin is the cause
of all that." I did not Hay to Mx. Shu
gart "you're poisoned." Leonard was
gone for the doctor when this- occurred.
I • went out to the held with Leonard
Wise and my brother-1h law to see - what
the old man hidr-been doing. I saw he
had been husking corn, but 'I could not
tell how much he, had done that morn.
ing. I found that deY where the old
man had sat down and vomited.
Cross-examined—When I was in the
house I heard Leonard - Wise say to the
old man- 1 4 believe you are poisoned one
,way or the other." - After that Leonard
made the remark to MM.. Shugart "You
Will get into trouble abblitlhia,'" There
was a general excitement and oopfusion
among the children at the - time. I was
on bad terms, with .Mrs. Shugart' at tha
. time. I had not spoken to her for severs
days, until the day of Mr.,, Shugart's
death, whale - gm , put her arms around
my neck and paid, !'forstive me and be
my friend.' , • • -.. • • • •
lie•direct--Airs. Shugart And. I . had
been on bad terms. The difficulty was
Caused by one of my, children and about
wanting me to leave the houtie. I did
not quarrel , with her on ac3ount .of her
conduct. . . ,_ . •
Dr. Samuel Graharri, recalled—l keep
a reeslit of - the names ` ofTpersons and
datea whiiii I sell polehn tli • then'. , I
have only kept the -=record record since October .
IRO; • Z,ltept my arsenic in a glue jar,
amend; with a Oa" stopper. That is
the,ngnalmay.';l4lOn't'reoolleet of sell:
ing'any toAnnie Shugart: • • • , 01 ~' ~
-ANOTEtIt%/140,;BRSA OF THE kAihtzp . r.
-Amette Angtert, ewbre&'Ain a da t t t id .
ter of, Mm.„§latigart. _ vedi l ln B r
* t
with' fatherluidr , . duals t the 'time f
illthstordeltiVlttrar rtieldritle day
of father's lasrrfidlisrA. when he
was brought bletil*7rwiut seated
*tithe witidOW; next tiiC44 - Aksfaitker
1 *mid in the buggy. ...t._ 'AnOtikei,
' , Mother, for tiod'e sako,=" father's sick,"
andAs 1 said-thstreheveitrilcitheldder:
I still eat alpyinclow._ Mr. liillphend
Mother lie 'WM oat,: of - OM, hAgY
Mother • elped'. '1,..: -him, O.intoin 1,0 the-.
heckle.' , ,• blethersayrt,': throe ,- Om*.
!TO tiorkiiiiiliKi told you not to to ~to
the field; you:**iet abie.t '=He .
Hrkuovryegittitik -rne`epotlkkit; r afiltil
think I'd jeoti.itolmALt _He then; said:
~U ndresa, pate. I; must dia. , 4,„ My, sister,
Mre,:tatit.,WitejilancliMtjiktagf.dctar...nd ,
laid: ‘. -I ;Topteyi ll4dloti. feel as- bW,ltll
moriintursesimitutiowfl , ItirAmeha.“!
felt pilftylfitirttatillifitlif,tdMdei, 10,
~ ~-.---- . -.-- , ,>1.. , ,i. -,:,, :et • - . ' • ' ' ,„ ,_
,•,•: a -- -•• •• • 4. , 4.• - ,,..44.0 - ,:••• i .c . .., .4 ' '," ' .:' •L ' *.".
, t . ; 1 . -, ,__ . • ' ,
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-1rt.••;.a1z..1b,t2*.•4.--.,—..., 411Zik Z4.1.:Z.,?2,1-'- '6,:-"..7....,Z14,*.4.4.-'--,4--,._::: -;,-4.:,;.'::,,•-.:',J.,,-f 4:tir,,•i:: .'i';`,-:`,:.„.;•;•.•;,574*_ -,,,,;--:.:!::,
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": ' ''''•'-re, " ,-- Vr.••'
_ ‘ -
. • -
m e i
saia: i,
, .Isea
sionsi.f Odim't mind how long it ..
alter the soup was sera out that fattier.
&fat liiiiiiit''.(rtliCritr‘'it ,
ivan ' . ; ffront'
half an hour. waked for cream soup
in the :morning, before he -went from
home. When father land he felt worse
'after eating! his dinner, 'mother said
"For. God's sake, Imade it fer yourown
good; perhaps It was too rich for your.
stomich, after von baying such an emp
ty stomach." 'lie said; "I kilbW-it• wad
too rich.fot-my . . :L ,
After hit Laux.,tiad onkel-him about,
-his health, he; said "theffeeliPethe:: soap,
gave me Ty. death!" Thou mother .reit,
iplied, "Oil, niy_ God, I. made It ;for your. ,
own good; perhapei it wise too rich for
boniiidipty stomach; you 'know how
!sick yod were last night." When he got
in the house he appeared' to hose great
pain, add 'Complained of it being in his
stomach'. Immediately after wining
home -he went .down stairs. I don't
know whether he threw up down there.
Mother went with him.„ He then came
up stairisand went to mother's bed room.
When I first saw , tilt), bucket _which the
seam Was sent in, it was emptied. This
might Haste been an hour or more after
father cans home: Mother's tied room
Is do . tha . first ' floor coming frocif the
street. Whercihn . .eame up stairs he
brought the bootjack with him, and sat
on the side of the bed, while taking his
boots Mt.. Nobody but mother was with
him down ,stairs and :he did not stay,
long. Tceitdd'nt say, *lusher 'he .had
time to vomit while hp Waif downthere.
I was sowing that a0 , ..: . : i was with fath
er the most . of tbe time after he laid
down:in bed until- his. death. He 8011
complained of great-pain. He indicated
the pain by the motion of hianands.
He seemed unable to' talk. I . sent
for •• Dr. ' 1 Bredin imaiediately after
father (came., borne. I was alarmed
at; father's appearance. I sent Annie.
Father never, anted a doctor. I never
knew of him doctoring, for several years
before this. I only recollect, of tibia doc
toring when he had a sore hand, Many ,
years ago. , , He often took sick, but• kept
a:kind of tea el:chard ;which he , always
used, iuid Would havano'doctor. I sent
Annie withocit Ida knowledge. 'I was
present when' Dr. Bredineame in. I was
not in.when hitt prescribed for father, but
was , there' wh en• be ~ left. Afterhe had_
i l
gone sfather called' - for.: a glass of
whhskyond the black pepper. Mother,
refused himeeveral times ' and said "the
doctor don' t,a ll ow you to have anything
but a few povifiers." I think Annie was
sent' 'down stairs to 'get it.. I sicis . 'ntit in
the room at• the time ,it was given hini'
and don't know who handed . it.. Mrs
Toms. was there. He goti-worse imme
diately after he had taken it and said, "It
will tear me to pieces." I thought he
was a great 'dee]. worse., Mr. Wise
then' sent for the doctor. The doctor
came about fifteen minutes before father
died. I don't know who went to
get the po'wders ordered by the :.doc-
tor. I didn't see father, get any. of the 1
powders left by .the Doctor the first
time. I don't recollect him givibg any.
medicine the second time. I think he
gave lilm'a drink of whisky and water ,
jest " : . before' he. ,died. I don't know.
of his ' throwing up after he went
to bed. '-The'night before father
told.redith4r she needn't wait for' him to
eat supper, as he could not, tell when he
would get done his work: We had eaten
before he came that evening.: I don't
.lisiow.when he ate hlasupper,.but it miss.
some ttmeofter. I wasn't,in thekitchen
when he ate, and I dont know who pre.
pared supper -for: for him, ,• He came home
about eight , o'clock, and complained o ~
being unwell. He had eaten his complain ed
. ,
and gone down to Uri. Snyder'ek'and
was there he (Maintained of being `sic;;;; '
He thought it was cramp. He- - said ::"..'
had.drank so much water at Mr. D.:,
all'is that day that he, did- not feet,. ~1,..
Re,went up to the bedroom . t n . r
made him some tea. He told her n it to
bother herself. este knew she was tired.
' I don't recollect whether it was before or
after this that father threw up. Soon
after he came home he was sick and
throwing up. He didn't complain of
great pains. He threw up fre ! ,.
quently - that night. I ',slept in 'the
same iroom with father that. night,. I
went up about nine o'clock and don't re
collect of his throwing up afterthat time.
The next moriiing'he said - he had 'been
up several times that night.,l I didn't
notice him up. From the , indicationaln
the room in the morning I think he was
called up during the 'night by purging:
Wiest morning he went to bed after break.:
, I:fast, an hou r or so, and then went to
work. Be' ate isome breakfast withAtag. ,
gie and I. Mother was not Up , yet. He I
went to the butcher's that morning, and
when he came back he brought with him
a live Chicken.. Several of Our chickens
died about the 'time 'of father's deathi:
probably half a dozen of them._
Cross.examined—Mother was in the•
room at the time the buggy drove up. 1,
don't, know who it,waa that stood on the
doorstep. I did,not see ' ths,,soup pre.,
pared, but mother prepared it. I told
her father had requested it. He did not
say whethef It should be sent warm ,or
cold; It is not good when it gets cold;" I
don't knOw of any other time he asked
for, or that'soup was sent oat to him for
dinner. 'Father had been stit.ject to.
cramps for years.' and Abe usual-remedy:
was whiskey, and pepper. . On the day he
whiskey -was , in the room. - Mrs..
Laux was in the room at the time. Annie
brought a cup,. a spoon and the black
pepper from the kitchen below. Father:
had been in ill health six., weeks before;
, his death '
.I' remember 'him to have,
taken a cramp abouta month previous;'-
when 'he had to be waited upon all night.!
Re-direct I' don't ' rememeber ar6 , - ,
time before , this attack of the cramp,•
one.month before his death, that - he *as'
sicia.?,lt mighthave been about a year
and nine months. There are seven. Bit?...
taro and one brother living. John,
my brother w is the oldest: -he will be
twenty;sixneXt August.; The Yearigeat,
Louisa, ' is , about three years 4. age. ..
Elizabethitthe next; she 'is about ten;
next Annie; twelve years of age; next •
Maggici;: fourteen years; I am next; there
were children between me and Maggie;
Mary, a lithe girt' :Ewalthden in 1850. .1'
will be nineteen next September. - . Jacob ,
comes next: be is now dead. Susan and
Caroline, ping now, married, Coolo4,llext,
~.. ", AR - OLD „ACQUAINTANCE. -.., : -.!
• 'Adani' Miller, ' aworn.--[This witness:,
could not speak English, audtheservlceis
of 'Squiraktoeder were secured: as inter- .
preter.] - Live) in- : Butler with .tny sonti
am a butcher; I .saw,Jacob Shugart ou t
the merdeSPthiadtiathi.4o.‘ was WY
shert getting , meat fctehis filthily; be id.
waysgot Meat tram me; he was As healthy
it Omni and eleetnedwellaie has *lrked',
tor, me Ifoi,'telf'ynam, as‘' long sate has
been ireilia-esounty and tnever ins any .
sickness about': him. , He was a strong,
healthy:man. , "'via_ intimately as
quainte&withigm.,- Never knewkimW
a d.a.r.e . vfOrit until be died. I knave
him;uts geOlutb3l- ,we lived ato9t.
three Innecapartt, I came froni)saxa
Weimar. ',Knew, bid :parenta at e .
flintily: - I` believe 'them - were Wee-or - I
feint 'bre - there:- tits Mother .iadolk s t'but ' '
I do not know how long (wetly. • The:
father was upward of ninetyYeara of age
I whew: he died.' The moiher livedirlF•
Sward offifty‘yeara . Neyex beard Of any
' sudden death' in the _family . bat:7lc Ja
ipte,s. When - .,Mr. l'hullart was in MY
shOp,,,' pn .the hie 'death,. he was
Oinking; as usual,' Wes, Conversed to
gether, WO Low n9tilitatof sildtnissilf
miti. ' snotersto notzontin,giitOMokti
when theyari I:M*6110 t• .. 4, ''',` • )`.
-7 13,08 ,4 3 1 tainitifitigart Z *liii iwizy
w. —,, ,, ,,11 oi.,)v- ,: c ' t 7 ctli`-'
:tt:ter: . 31.. - , .' , "1: 0 ~„/, (.1
shop early In the morning. 'lie did not
look eel!. he_l l - fllck th_ night tik; l _
WOriires going 14` '-aViedihtb).
amount which the meat - come to. t
The heur-4.14, Welook-thaiSig *Frivi
ed, the Vote , : adjOnined VAtir 'pest&
.morning at nineo'olock.
It is superior , to allothens in the market.,
Free iron, any, lujurtous etibstance4
,so nlooly'compouittletl 4 thit"ttie 00140n11t..
of each box will • Make-ligkt, sets**
healthy biscuits , rolles - pitetty,"Atc.;WittO
uniform success.. Only,two tessPoonfaht' , .:.
to 'a quart of flour is necessary, whilet
those of ordinary Ananafactiare requim
from one•third to a .balfmare. L_Askt -
your grocer for Dooley's Chemical - restate
Baking Powder, and take no,other. Pyl
it and be convinced. • MVP , I
"Fresh as a Maiden's Blush" •is '4116.
pure peachy Complexion whirl folluift•
the use Hagan's, Magnolia Bairn:: it fir
the ,True Secret c.f l Beauty. Fashionable:
Ladies in Society understand this.
The Magnolia Balmehanges thei rustic,
Country Girl into' a City, Belle more rap
'idly than any other one, thing. = •
Redness, tittilblirll, Van, T1, 0 6 1 *
Blotches and all effects. of the Summed
Sun disappear,' when 'lt is used, arid a.
genial; cultivated, fresh 'expression 'is:
obtained which rivals the Bloom ,ot
Youth. Beauty is possible_ to all whoi
will invest -75 0611p3 at,.oll:r resWt,able ,
store and iiiidst on getti ng the
but Lymi's pitbairon*
dretts the Hair. -• ,
Peace. Jubilee.—Now. that ',the% gresii
peace jubilee, in .singidg, has past am)
gone, will be in the Oath* lint!:
S. S. Marvin,No. 91 Liberty steeet,,is the
leading pptri. haS on hstid" the 1104:
Jubilee Cakes made, ex pressly''' ' the:,
trade.' - ' If you want peace in the' family'
and j übliee lit the table, ask 'gout; glom')
for Marvin's Jubilee Cakes., For Sale bit
all•grocersoind at'9l Liberty street.',- i•
Chapped Bands lice arid au: inugh
new of the skin: certainly:,eured by ;
using the Tuniper Tar Soap; made by
Caswell; Regard it Co., New York ) . It
ern-liaises all - other remodiesaiilt will Tirig
vent-roughness of the skin if naed 'du
ring cold weather. It is easily applied,
'avoiding all •the trouble of the greasy
compounds now in use. It can be wed
by ladies with_ the most tender skid,
without irritation or pain, making if - wit
and clear. Sold -by the druggists genern
Ne. 9I Liberty Street,—:This is th
number Marvin 'a Celebrated - . - Orackso
Bakery-Is located at. Marvin bas on haitti
,he most , 00mplete stock: of Crakem
Cream, Wine, Soda, ; Oyster. Ns,
Butter,. Sugar and fancy, or house
the.elty.. ~Hamember his 14tiaity 4
street., , _ 1
-- Bateads Bell are closing the balance at i
their summer goods cheap. . NO. 21 BIM
avenue. .1
Very . afolce printe 12% cents Bates
Marseilles for 25 t oenta, Bates dr.
The place to"get White lailftei cal 4
caned Plaster, Hydranlio Cement is al
Kclter & Casirers, la Smithfield streel.
'Elli;tiett - A)paiiis for 50 cents', • iiioi•th 82
cents, Bates Qt 13911'5.
Examine our Rinelins, 123 cents; Bates
& Bell's.
ty LEA By—On Monday afternoon,at o'cloch i
WM. I.VLEARY ln hls Ilat year.," • •
Funeral 791 taac place on WanlmsnaT , tfOaxl
ING, at 9 , o'clock flop his late reshlence, 1 1 r0
h:cond avAnne.
„. .
ATTkI iltritT-31oliday morning, Jute 219tXf
at. Hym:kiss, Mass. , H. son of J. B. She!
Eliza B. Atterbury, a l it 4 2.6 years.
Notice of the funeral on the arrivalPl
the body..
WEAL—On Tuesday afteriion, '2l9th - lnst,t;
ILI.IIGA.RetT .11.:, B . Wife of. J.• L. Neal, , ar;
eldtst, daughter of George Black, la the Sadye
of ber'sge.
alletta on 1411389DiT,J,:ily Ist; it a .1104
thef realdenceaof her' narenta, -Western event%
Allegheny Clty, to proceed to the.Allegheary,Ceilla
' VAN DE MARK-41i ois city, on Monday. 4 '
28. 1.8439. at 2.2 M.. CHARLES 'WILLIAM. a
only chid Of Heir. Win. .14. and Co. a 13. Van d
Mark. aged 1 year, 5 months and 20 daps.- /.4!
TberemAal will be taken to Rochister, 24.14
for Interine;ll.• . I . t ' - • /. f-- I i
voia• . --A.l BeaYer Falls. Saturday ' evening;
Jane 28tb, WIN trIELD S. G. FP.' yottngest sal
of John - and Sarah °off. aged 18 yeare, 3 /lll9Eilis
and 10'days. . . • . • • -.' "2?":
ALArieLEX. 'A I EN,__ 11.131DEBA
liurga. COFYINS of all
91;03 anti e - ery description of Funeral Pars
.nishingGoods lernthibed. - Booms optii day arid
Hearm OW Carriages fornisted. _
lirrieiceNcsg—lttr.Daviu Kerr. Init., tiev.r..l
Jacobv. R., Thomas Erring. Zsg., Jaref
riIIIARLES , Is. 'PEEHLES. talc.'
'curve • CsianinCElCY ITNREEIT AIM CHVT:cisi
A.V ii -, Allegheny Oily, where tl*.ir corrmi
ge oiknetantly supplied .wklit real ar.d
linittitton 130 °wood. Mahogany laid —Walnut
Corms, st prises s laying from *Se Wooer; - Bo !
dies, peepers.' for inktenient. Meanses *WV Car+
rlages ' fdrzdehed.: al9o. : 11 dodo of MOurignij
Eloods. - if requlrOLL- COCO Gil en st all hours, Su
and tileht.
IrC0 1 11FIr6I: POPULAR. -
''HEY & pgrirbAiriNterDitrie
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14eih• I T
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, . Tile, in 57, . witch i l iade•-tl;e. imerleau, sad b
far the mqzt egrivealeat:" Call and r.alualne then
—We EateDUZISEAnta,
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