I" 111 LI NEW 11 AVEMJE HALL i _ - sseo 63 fifth avenne,,opposlte the Opera sEfotlee.Pl: : tsbrtrlth, Via., I. the foo:est and ..most i . d es l ri?le, plaza otresorte. Liquors can be tied , at thin plaee Pure Said Good. TneStaler6 are on the , ground door in the rear. _' j . arNOTICE—The citizen,s of Klerre.th ward are requerted .to jet• read a'breetlne br held In the NALL Or THE . FLEVENTH WARD SCHOOL HOUSE •011 THCB:OrAY EVENINU NEILT(JuIy Asti. vaii9. a t Ix, o.c.ock, when she hew sccoot Mailable rrth be thrown open for their Insriec / • ttoa, snl a retr,rt made by the Directors of tti %et. The Bdard wilt also prevent -the report of :the Bounty Comm t ee at tue tnecttng. BY order of the Board • . •H. P. YOB% Secretary. arllfE inEtmaitts + ll, • - UNION • REPUBLIoAN ' - E : COM M ITTEE 111, i'Allegheny County I . , , tre tt g: i ngr t tgl e l tt i n tl rl s ineetp w o l the,Com 7 DlS'hittoT COURT ROOM, .. AT Trit.C6l7llT HOUSE, , , •Thisrisdity„ Jnly Ist, 1569, 511 0"ef0ck.f...11.A. tyill attendance is r?.quested • W.S. PURVIANCE, Ohainnan. MI L E T T IT tecrtarles. . IC—All persons win ITte dot E th,t I nave establlebed a new rule at my eating .1110011 from this day and hyreaLer. I - ' W. M. -Eitlni k Saloon, , lam our. Sixth avenue and Smtthtleldl&i. vitoor. : 100;000, Pounds of WOOL Wanted, • utzft NOB a MELTE, AT gliE WHITE FRONT' , 329 LibeitT strtet. Pittsburgh, Ps, Initrittft of the appli.- ..o Cl LION of the "Consolidated vntual men ran^e Co any ,, for a Charter of Incorporation. No./.41. t. qr., 1869. WoLleo. to treby abed this the 'ohaolldoted Ylattialtnitrrauee Lompan. Plttaburthr have mlide seppostion to the•Coutt ,of Common PAtio C114.11,U4 01 Hicoßroitai9N, Attethat the ;mane *lll be, granted at the E•xt term or I Wirt unless so.ffithtell reason AboTtld be eboenelo the con •=l7- • ' • • • teak= yr A SMIGN S I LI/ —AT AIM.; TITSSDA:r. duly *etti, will fie sold at Publlellale,' telt entire stock of ironware and tinned ware, fry pans. sauce Pins. ladles. ski mere round and oval drops, wire and wire rods; '4., rite., belongine to the estate of JOHN D. ORAli.f The fable will take place an the Dread*. at 11.1.% o'clo - k A. et., at Frankstown MUM'. Plitiburgh and Connellsville Railroad. Trains depec;corner Ross and •Water streets; at 11 o'clock - A. K. Sale DositlYO. 'At tentive ottinners and wire workers especially requesled to the sale. ----- - . H. B. SMITHSON, - •ie303124 - , Auctioneer. AL BigAJIMEAIEIIr et CO., NO 80 WOOD STREET, .11f4aufactztrers of the greAtei:it varlet, of took, Parlor and Heating Staves, su lsa rovarD. ,In our assortment willbe found all the. LATEST TA.TT.IiaNS AND ItIPROVit eT.I, and the reputatleroof our Stoves Is such that any one hi Want of a Rood article should purchase none but those inanufacturecl by tts. al they. win be found the MOIL duitabie as well as economical. Would call narticuiar attention-to our new VoLOAN. STOVE., for - chantd, halls sari stores. Over 500 sold In three reontal. Intended for with or with out casing.. wLI who have need them pronounce theutaaperlor te any other and far cheaper. Senn for Vatalogne and Price List.' 'ten) , EDVcTION ME ' l ll3 !. • ME 1 11 `i • :1 2 0 1 23LX . • CMOS , r; • • • . it4'Tl*i• - .. & ~. BgLL IS II Mr , the Balance of uitMER GOODS CHEAP .1.7 , 4111 C, El - .1; c4osE . orm p rzr .P11.11111411P . . ' imw music socix, - . THELSTANDAffiI SINTER. Supplied dt Pub. at; 11. .1i"1 ter ItoWi BOON, Dlrosrroßl, Street. 40.sEPH , iiitORNER, ITAILVAIIILE FARM FOR SALE. J , T. -Agitnated It Alleighony- nOwnitdp; W•on• scommukt outoty4: mo•tatr , otos :walk. VOW ME -;==.ll4l.oa,theAllefthep. Valley glal.road. • -na tore, pu or wh naeolesred•lin '-' rdienogg b1111•40.,111iiI) tuanots,uniel imiuttitrttiVirree e.. . WO V.? i t i i t peon giz _ . Ii wall watered and In to good no ghbornood. grtee and terns apply to B. ?golaii.N 4* CO.. No. UPI Iroortb avenue, • .. . • - " ( i- ~ ~~~- :y~a~F'. r 3' ?' _ r i -~~ MEM 'JACOB H. Protbcrao our stock. 011111IVS' COURT SiLE ! By virtue of an A.llu Order or the Or. phase' -Court of Allexheey wont.. made the SICI4 day of June. A.. O. 1889, at No. 1., June Term. 1860, , the understand, administrator ot the estate'of'DAblet. mon• OAN..deeeaard. will expose to Public Bale, on the Premises. . IMM OZ WEDNESILiIr i JULY MI, A. IL 18m, Au that certain niessizstaad tract/ of land situ ated Art lindley town. Ire, in said County, and bounded by lands or Pater and Charles. A. n, Minn Wearer.' the heirs of Jerensish /10111411. deceased, and others, Containing 1188 aerev.and 13 perches, neat nigasure, al apnesis by a plot of survey sled to said number and term ; late the ~Late of said DeldlleL. JIIORIAAN or lisle loon ship, dgc,ased. This is a very dedrable Proper ty. and ail thing: cormidered it I. tiered to pre. sent &rare Opportileity LO ptunhaserli. It ilident. ly rolling, ins% no waste land epou it. The 8011 is good and diVersided, being adapts d to the pro duction of the yaricnia grains; rea.ses and ennui which flonristiAnlois climate. The water is ex cellent, welfdistrlbuted and Abundant, consist ing of numerous' never.rattlug Springs, with be% epaulet rirulets dewing therefrom. About one• half thereof is forest, povered with stately white oak timber, which, for qusntlty and Rood quality, it .is believed, is. not. surpaised 111 he county. There Is sive feet vela of good bltu lupus coat underlying several acres. The Impro ved land Is .la reasonable repair, in a good e e - or coigns,. tin, ancitncludes a valuabielappl orchard. The buildi e not costly, but. convenient., It lies adlointrig the_spirlted village of Lllntan. acid I. -c4nyentent to eharehes, actiool., mills and the various mechanics utelul to lancers. It, la sit. Hated about equidistant from the elttaburgh„ it, Wayne and, tbleago and :hes - Panhandle Ball r mds, but it is now eoPortnt, to even the °stoat observer, that the demands or tUe as. require the coastruction bf another line of railroad, ninth of the eanhandle roau, to.enablethe aumeroua rall• roads, which have now western Umiak tempo rarily at Pitisine rib,' to seCurot heir just lib.re of the =Monte trade and travel lowlife viatica:el from the south and west. the eblistruelluli vt such a rime, ti le believed, Is beta question of time, sea moire made, *sten a few days; in the easusetbhurdet of thalo.togei her alga Many other facts, demonstrate—lt. lathe Uptown of •menl ghat call co:net:notated railroad, when h unt, will be locuited along Met vailt yot the Potato Garden; a Aire= . Whiow goes within a few rods of the !reagent boundary of the premises desorabed. 'To the aericult a dad, the cattle greeter, the wool /roster, Um Meatie the' Fiat and ship. gladder. and:even the bailment/.1110 fruit grower prospectively. here ,l:, an- opportnotty which denumts atten t ion, • TERMS - or SALE ' ' EMI MEI MC s• On "•titirdof the` li rtil • bir a fi• I ale money to 'pal üb. Ire pernentum thereat whetl< the prcrorey is mamma down to .tee bidder, and, the _palatine on the gonannalon of saie; oise.tbirdO , .Ult. PAT. chase Money in be year. and the remidnina one. OM Mawr la two nark - fro= . the day ,of sale. wilt interest, the last two payments. with the threat thereon to be fiecured by bonds and :path Del: FL opieseo ob Vie premlbes & the said Administrator is Ihrther an. td to Atli said real eststotither as, a whole bed entire traet. or Waiter( parcels. purparts or wilidtriMona. as willitibis judgment be most for the benefit and advantage of the said edit& And the Court. near direct that the intro of the widely of Jeremiah Morgan; •decelowD, of the pirthaseyecteny. Valais swagged by ter, shell re. Saida , 12 palisade et She pu Miring her aartiral I fe. end the intermit tHereo f shall De an lila busily and re Marty paid tuber by UM Purchaser; too bows too it int,_holding aim °rennin I. IA ue ropropeo . by 4ess_erwittetWise t u Int* ate reef/re/Atria 1 Mir trommhoweattn; w cb She said vidow stealth* ps im full mitisfaetif. of her doweetai ;t eh i rmlaes; sli at herr, decease ler share of a etas, mott entit bo paid to the Periods I Isittitaeo th to/•• • .• • , -,.._ R;VlONfrilt4 Adigfibltqiihre' ~ , • , . t. _ re/toga,. iiiiii* ' eienty-slx, Beaver coun- Pa. ~. joss sgoisee. , , 2,. •. ~ ,R , . , : pile:l2s-r ,- .. . . - ?..vino 7 err..,4ltanoncE. , . Attaeolppict;l,t June Reel i 18 Oft,:01 oTICS-;-Tlics'Aissiliisinents for .. gra4in j; sod ,olorior 61,-,Clittriettni. 111 e ir and.toiremonf 46104 OLIN sur I s r om il li l tn" nAv an 'Werth Canal arm,. itotlit !mint to iltrenrachiPicknetilltstop t ifor..gra4lnt,onnt.tpTinx lirlug6 street, from W. P. weartmetilt m 2 0c,.. iglu i t ACt - iiV vi rt e ' r olyil i r i g .. 7= Ave?. 1 0. 1 144V'eierfOlt* seen of toe °moo or nantllgnVnecto,o July Ist, 1809, when it lot be placed "M hands or th e C ity Troartutr for Guncotton. ... • cuniuk,s6 LA OM. Will (JILT Was-- \ tneer. . . . ~-;~.- • : I : '. : . . _; ?. 7* . . A ..,.;,k .: -.l : r' ' • k4W ;‘',':)•.- A :; l'-.' : :7, 41 , k‘ SUMMER TRADE! WHITE -GOODS, mumps AND GLOVES, HATS 9 'BONNETS ‘, AND SUITDOWNS. RIBBONS, FLO WERS, INI pAzasans, 1100 P SHIRTS, FANS, ISMIIII HAIR GOODS; PAPER GOODS, LINEN TIHANDKER,CHIEFS, Summ?r . Undergarments, PLAIN, , STAR SHIRTS, Fancy Shirts, NECK TIES, SHIRT FRQNTS, Susp,endeni. • • Buttons. Fr.' inges, Gimps, ; Laces, ZE'HYR SH.4.iIiTLSi And a Fall Line of *0 i t ( 0 iv-ss. ' • OP, Every Description 7 AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL qtoek Always Complete rnd FAIR PRICES. WHOLESALE AGENTS FOR. krjigglltilit - h.*: ; .iilliiirs Superior Make of PA.PR 'cOLLARS Trade Suppgeq at Faeary Pi lees. Merchants can save time and money by "Sorting 117p 71 from JOSEPH- , BORNE - • - • - AND 78.11Amaniffittm Je26-sw. • AT I:CA*l4lO* 111.. KISR PITTSBURGH GATEITE W.EDNESDAIL4ITN,E - 30;f' WILL BB OPENED WIDNES NEW STIMMER , .BtAIITIFUL PL A ID . .. LE 0 DRESS GOODS i . 1J UALriucr f di 1.2 Cts. 1 i , 1 Handsome Stilped. SUMMERtk tar MOH IR _POPLIN !1T 20 AND 25 NTS. A lick Decided Ain.' MI FERN FINE-.GRENT MIXED 7- 7 - SuniJiii. ffehii:'-Poplitti_Lk Bi•ctiffs,, - . AT. ,0 Ctn., VSEALFRICE 50 eta The above and.many,otboy ,desir new, having just been pur idly as possible they OWE 1 - 14. - TAV t f) Nin;CitUVA NOS. 180 AND 1132 ' ALLEdHE SEE BOOKS"OR • .. , . S. A. CLARKE & CO's. NEW BOOK .STORE, • . 119 WOOD STREET. Second door below Fifth street, may be fouud EDITIONS OF STANDARD -BOOKS Well id spied for PRIZES IN it CFAOLF.. Hand some. attractive Books, (an entirely new, stock,) alt illses and prices. tarp ED I,OWTO TEACHERS. IllomlnuUtd Itewavd Cards It ex tenZieyailety.' AS 4 a ir9`.4l).A.lTEA,tilflit,,, nothing can proue more acirptable than s dueli. bound copy 'or WEBSTER'S NEW QUARTO DlCTlOlflift:' IST Or...7IIPPI.KTON'S or CHAMBERS , ENCYCLOPEDIA, A BEAUTI FULIUR.I.E, or anyone of thczyilki DELIGHTFUL- BOOKS To bit found on our shelves. WRITING DESKS. PORT FOLIOS, WINK POCKET ROOKS, GOLD PINS, and other fancy articles. Iv2lffwr SELECT BOARDING 'SCHOOL Milk) - 14. g : SESUSIARY, North rush, Itailr*t. iron toe., ' ftootlitlto= Mtu CARR 8 asveateentii will open SEPTIUMBER 15 /86 1 4 .. At this h.sltAtnl anQ .p4.111111.4A0 eltnatton.. Terme modimiei instractfoietbOtongth.' 'Aped, ter oh.- tiler st Gasetta Countlog it 000131.. or °ales of Jay Cooke .1.k:t0,. Saakers. PhUadelphia, or to the Principal, eboentakertirtria P. o.ibfeelgtne- Ty county', pa. - • Agri THE DISTIII if:COVET OF THE UNITED STATIC'S. 708• THE WEST- N.DISTEICT stlr PENNSYLVANIA. • In the =veer of JOHN A.„EALF.BY and ED - 8,,N &BABY, No. 1,381, in .bankr opus. Tbiats to give notice that ou the libb day of 1869 a A . rum was Is4n un ed &venal the . estate warrant Johnof• A. Emerr my and Edson Emery, of the,eity of Pittsburgh, in the In the county of Allegheny. and State of ?cowl. nubs. vino have been ncaudged bankrupts on their emit peUtioat that the pavuientol. any debt/ and delivery 'Of any:property belongingter inch bankrupts. to theca or for their .use, and the transfer of any property ty them are forbidden by taw: that re. meeting 'Or the creditors of the said bankrupts, to prove their debts and to choose one or mom assignees of their (Atom . t,';' will be held At A court of Bankruptcy , to be holden:at- tbe °zee of: thi. Iteglvierr No. 98 Diamond s ter eton the city of Ply - taborgli, before SAMUEL 11AR ryat,:ge ester, co: CDC 'lAtk day of duly. A. D. 1809, at l 0 o'clock A. at: • Jeri LL. - L U. S. Mare ROCK THE 'BABY gAltligilT'll PATENT oRiPp LEMON ",-; •1 Prattleatrarstture liranaltarers, iko n us SioramPt .6.I;IIUNITE., - Where msy be founds trlll assortmp . et of Pet lar.Oheraoer sad &lichen Irur,prei, , • defy., 11.300110V.4401L.4. • ,R.RZEIBY di CO. .4 4 - Have removed their stock of China, Mesa 'and.Queenswerif lirout-No. iiill-Alfood street to the spacious wirehonie, 1.513 LUiEltily§Tl3,EgT, A thir &at) above SIXTH. (late ht. Clitelit.,) whwe they "W hit .ple , rtorahow theft , old . Mena and the pablie tbo(~ ltagapt stook ofnew' KoOds Pm now opening.'' i4_!goa..,p,-.&_._CQ 'I I IIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIO STCIOIC or 'ST*** -- ATOPItTOr • "t7Obill tql:Clk*" 14 PO sS ..1;`31 Rti:4: 4 2 , 45" A BA; ;V. .1' 41. . . ICE CE3 - ,I<-3'qze4Wl4‘..,, : . LARGE ASSO ABOUT . „.ONE AT 18 3 4 CENTS 808 YOUNG LALDLIS. poiti cm as 111 y MORNING, 26T11 RTMENT OF DRESS GOODS IMP THMIUSITn PRICE. 'AT '25 crrrs, Fine Double Width /110 HAIR ALPACA MAMIE'S, rif ALL COLORti. This Lot far Suiliasseianyliffered this tie, son. HANDSOME MORT PLAID POPLINS 25 AND 30. OENT/L Very Cheap. , Geods Plain lited Dress Goods AT 22 and 25 CENTS, Suitable for. La,41:1ec47: able Dress floods ' are entirely chased. To inefre them as rap= will 'lle` offered at HFT VALAE7-_, SEM:MI . - FEDERAL' STAEET, NY OITY. _.— OFIeICEM,. COUZiTING ROOMS, STORES AND. BANES Fitted up on short notice and in the best manner with CI Jai. 3Ft. 3E:' MktIEC. Cows Kittlnge, of all grades Welt se a so n ed Sheet Clotho'. . .. irench Mini a Ilettli4. Tanned Ratan Ittattle3. - nullr.„Gieen . Blue, Drab.andWhlte .." :. HOLLAND SHADES.' LED OR. px4irs Imenms, Di) -oii.., .i. of . i4r, , iiiiiiC asl , :aiitsi . de r:Pli . ' ites &c . 11[ Filgo i PLO?... , s o . 71 amh. y 3 1111' . I'4 AVLItiPZ. Jen . (Steend Floor). ) GEI4IPB . IF.E4 1111 7. 1 PSINTideINIC IVORIES. " - ' l, l .0. - E. ROBINSO - N, ~-• ~, ' TiAinyiicinnum.o,k:!• - Bliekiiii Colored k Lithographic . . mg*, VARNISHES, &O. ,? fi .-- Bray's Perry Read and lid Street, am _ T ''' -" 14 : 1 -.7" . iiitLADICLPIIIAL . j TO LOAN. 611.4=i,e1COC> ox #IBri , CtASS 1 101liGAVE,47ITY . PHOP, ERTY. APPIT a 4 -• MORUAN 4 110BERTM =MAX, 'AU EN TS teskst r Ala I,VUFFiATANITE. •• • TOCKTON 1 - 10 TEL CAPE 2114 LY N wiu open.on-the3lith.or JUNS. This hotel has been erimtostlL; within the past year, of ample acconimeditton for ieariy one thou. Ind guests and Is turnlabect,equal tag of t4ie k leading hotels in the traltedlitatie ' For terms, • aPlzT6tisfAmbr44B, ribprietor. atieet,PillittOptda. RECEIVED daily otiIioN,IAJIIN PULPRZIin !popular *ig Diamond Kukla" &Ma hwah, and at the Twin City. Allegheny City. earner of Ohisiandlederal streete, tVan'U- hid hinds of boa and- Lake 00, CM Beat Vat, Vanish. Haddon* and ZeL supplies of White, Lake _FUN nalansouc Hass. ilterason. Herrlog an* - /gaelnaw Troia, which elliblet us to Arlie* MI - lositist marlist prates, rholesele or,retell.., We invite aM:lollers of nigh Fish to am luta can, and we inns UlteM-S MAU n. • ' inhga A' ~41‘1117M3 NICELV.v7 NINON HAMS ' for iestirsineatonstte; wants neither sugar °siemens. Plto one posed ease to: jests Mtn, tumblers eases. Joao retched tad ter sale by- • • , JNQ. A. - RENSBAW. -Ads, - , Conter.Ltbert7 bud Math streets. alr EARLE PENN STREET PRQPltitTif FOR 13A.LE.—li large -three BRICK I/WILL/AO' NOME,- In ..ealrable :ton OD NOD street; well arranged and-In order: hall, eleven_ rooms, Sas and water ree bath room, de; a gOofibrick Ada. Lot 20 feet frunt by lit feet deep to An al - For further pima:et Nre sooty to tarrklintatt a ,SONFS, S 38 Hlsth avetv,e V j atorY local! Uwe . ley. _FLOoII OIL CLOTHE, eaTezwrOlL OLOTH -• • • FOLIftINDAWASHAD/12 4 . • ,T HA ANT • • • - N,NDOW astir: AND If U.NN/TIIHE OIL CLOTHS • .• • • 1N HVERY J a nd n. 14 9d Slith Waver. , A . .PLICATION. pAg. I.lqta,or AVM' lied trythe - AelfsaniterSkL•traritvilittaburgik. Tpti_t,leekasa BogpLV, LAIL to Dl kba the Sth divi of June, 1869, at 9 oldlook A. V. . J. 9. DROWN, 0419: 4 /VOTIVE,S- 4 . ire , • " Psef- Bak, " Santa[ •.. de., not &Treating FDOB z z iirss saes tem he in• eesteel in theses's lesmeiB 073 Ct riv.o.s.;rs-lIVI CERTB : each adaturmat useiri - r A °Err s • • • WANTED--41::ElLr _ WANTIED.—A • Machniiet of good address, who underatandis genera, run of uoacLlnlstsl Work and plpc fittlne. Must have good references. Apply lo H. L.BUTLER, corner tlecrond avenue and Marxec street. Pitts • WANTEI.I.---A Seamstress for DreEsmaklng. Apply Immediately, • wittx reference, at No._ CI Stockton aye one, Allegken 7. EM. W FLOYME D NT OFIC E, No.l S. Clai: Street, BOYp HEELS and MEN, for dliterew kinds of employment.. Perms wanting bear of all kinds can be supplied - on short notice. WANTED,: -AGENTS. NV W-- ANTE AGENTS.-At few, good men can And ploymcnt by which they can make from /113 Lola a day, by calling at No. iblitttl street. (late Clair,) up attire, No capital required. A WA NTE D•—• AGE grB.---$75 tO ' female, 2 i oo r opu c mo heNEBOINEIM m ROV ED C°MMON - SENSE• FAMILY brwirk+ MA. CHIME. This machine 'win 'stitch. hem, tell. tuck. quilt, cord, bled, braid and embrolderi a most superior mar. ner. Price only SIN. Folly warranted for liveyears. We will pay 41,000 for anymachlue that will sew a stronger; more. beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the `"Elastic Lock ntltch. , ' - Every second stitch can - be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing It. We pay agents from $75 t 0.5200 per month and expenses _or commissiOn from which twice that .amount-can be made. Address SECOMB & t 0., Pittsburgh, Pa.. St. Louts, Mo., or ,Boston, Mass. CAD 110 b—ito not be imposed upon by other parties paiming off worthies d east Iron machines, , puler the same name or otherwise. • Ours is the' only genuine and really. practical cheep machine, manufactured. ivA NIMIS . -Ata EATI3,—To sell -the American Knitting: Machine. Price Mi. The tisninest. cheapest and best Knitting Machine ever invented. Will knit 20.000 stitches per minute. Liberal Inducements to agents. Address AMERICAN KNITTING glisE Co.. Boston, Mass.. or St. Louis. Mo. WANTS. WANTED.—Situation by -a • YOunn roan as Assistant Rookkeep*r or l.rk. In any profitable business. Can read, wrile and talk Rukilsh and German perfectly. Address ••C. l ' OLZETTB Office.. •: • • le22:1180 • yVANTED-TO LOAN $30; 000 Bondtaui Morttageb, Cu 'sums from 1.10 to *5.000, secured on real .rstate In /Clew gMeny 'county S. CUTHBERT SONS, 39 NlPErallrrigni - .= BOA DE Rfit: -- A .• v • ge imam phd trite, pr two single gentle men-catie accommodated mita s plias:ant- fur rotted om, with good .oard, on the line of the ruseuger car& No. 44 Rebecca. atreetitallegUe ny_Clty. Reference mantled. ••WANTEII;-TO PLASTZBEIIII, • —Plantains to be done., for whietrearpen. ter work will be elven in return. Ali to be 4cnin In the brat manner. Direct S. W.. Box. 5, G zmg Orrics. - VIVA !ITEM AJMER& --- A v v few more Warden{ can tlnd pleasing rooms rend .good boarding ef. Ir4l. 18 ann. area, Alle• weeny. for 64.80 Der week. TO 'LET. A 910. LE'r- 11001111.:-. : full!limbed A Room. first floor s can be obtained ak mod erate terms by calling at 108 Market street; Al trebenv MO-LET.—. 4 Large House of II AL Rooms, on Pirth avcnoe; Buttable for oaaidlag - Douse. Rueter' and 'gas. Inquire of IfOROAti kROBERTe. 114 Fourth avenue. _______ _._ . -LET. —Four . tbmindious T i lid conveniently locatad ItUtilitd.. on Fed eral aireet, Ailviiheny. lust Adjoining ttin toll gate. }tent. $l9 psr month. Apply to JOHN' S. ASHWORTH, on the premlaea. frO.LIET.—Room on ad Hoot. Dispatch Building. Rent very low for bal ance of Tear. Has. water and stationary stsnd. Enquire at Potogranb Gallery.Dlspatch Building. FOR SALE. ' 'Veit SALE—A beafitilati conn- JO try lime, Ited near Perryevltle, eight miles from the city, fronting on the flails Road. The grounds cornet 53 acres In all, Is well - lin. proved, and In ahi . state ofcultlvation. There Is erected ,upon It splendid ' two' s tory - double toi frame mansion of t o rooms, with all necessary kalia, Pantries, and all modern conveniences: also, carriage house, wood and coal abet], a taste fully. arrensed barn, with ample stabling, and all, other ,necessary smaller outbuildings: .Jk which stands onof forerst trees command ing e-hOuse, which stands an eminence. .* de lightfal view of the surretinding country for many miles.— Two large - orchards if tertian, fruit, also all kind of email fruits. abundance of excellent water, and In fatteverything that taste and convenience could suggest to make it pies. , ant and comfortable. It his been used as aistfoi , ; mar home by the owner for the last seven years. on The is also a tenethe house ropetty, now er occupied by a good nt tenant. Any the on p e wish ing to retire - from bustnessWill End this one of the, most desirable properties to be found. Pos session given immediately. or will se; I •the malt buildings with nteen acres,' - to suit'phichasee. Apply to CROFT & PHIE.LiPt3, Real Estate Agents, No. 139 Po firth Avenue. • A le= FOR SALE. is lots on Centre avenne,on line of street can 5 lots on Kirkpatriek street, on line , of attett ears; A lots on Linden street, on line of street cars; 11argo lot fronting on Wylie street* Two 3 storls d brick houses e, rooms each, lot 30 bY 100 feet feet on Felton creek near Centre ave. nue: will sell tad whole for $5,000 cask, or will sell the boasts separate at $31,500 eaddipfratne Donee of 3 rooms on Mahon street. , near the ave. nne: lot Set by 100 feet; only $l,OOO cash. l i e Tw pressed brick front housesovith 6 rroms, well Wished, gas and water throughoutaronting 44 con Wylie street. TDB property will be sold ow and on easy terms. Inquire of M g CLUNC Iv RAINBOW,: . Real Estate and Insurance Agents, Nos. 195. 197 and 109 Centre avenue, Dealers In Alone % Grills. Nay, Mill Peed imd (lemma Produce of all kinds. 3 jemteo FOR SALE. Near Osborn Station, oil the vittsbirigil Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, TWO LOTS Containing About Two Acres Eachl - r ENQUIRE OE . W. MACKEOW N & BRO.: '' • 195 Liberty Street,` F:rtvlit -- 2 =I , x)XWEem -5-..,. ~ ~}-k J. W. BAR 50 TMarket and 20 ILL OF TIM lITESTIOV '-.R~ - 'TWENTY .FIVE PER CERT. ISM jR4T,),:)4 1 4im,T,... 7 ..fi1pi4N 41. • int # . 45 6. a 1-,17T7 .dslneditot • 69 Market and 20 WO6ll STREET PROPERTY On Wettaesday, June 36, at 2 12 -1). TEAT VALUABLE A DESIkiBLEI LOT, With Fear - 6,S‘rict, rareholue, Twee:v.-tont-feet front, more or Le ss, No. 100 WoOd street, now occntned 'Nierard Breeli & Co., Importers and dealers In Clko2l,Blaaa and eartlfirtivare. the prigierti , Of the heirCatirt l l . latii tieorge Breed, deceased. • • j,e.-.6:115 FOR SALE. Property on ermine BM, 7th ward, whicit Gobi mandts a delightful .vieworthe surronndlu =- try far several - Mlles. The wroutid tom Woe. lots 112' feet front by .250 feet deep, on= which there ts aboutlsso grape vines In - good bearing Order, a few choice pear; apple and peach trees also a variety of small fruits good stabler ,- Roo s. . well of water and cirtern, new frame hou:e 'con taining 4 rooms. witlA ! hall, and cellar under - Whole house; evem Mat ltt good order. Also, honee and lot on Ledlie street; house two story frame: contains 5 rooms and hail; lorruns through to Carroll street. • Other houses and lots !In good localities, In quire of M. WhITMORE, Real, Estate. General Brokerage and Insurmwer Agent, corner Ohio and Sandusky streets, Alla.; - Itheny. . • jett . - SUBURBAN LOTS IS 23d VIARD . , AT AUCTION.' FITTY-ONE TAM derirabiy . located at Ma riontwation, on Second avenue, in the Twenty third ward, city of Pittsbargn, fronting on the Pittebtirgh and Connefirvbie Ital,road and tne Monongaliela river, wt.t be sold at Public Sale on SATURDAY, JULY 10th, • `At 2 o'clock P. M. We confidently Invite the purchasers to the anovispropeity4ll examtnntion cannot but convince anv party that the convenience. of the city and the plf asures br the country are hens extraordinarily combined, having amongst otherathe following advantages Fant.ity of access. being situated on the Con nellsvide Railroad andlecond avenue, beau o t t rg scenery, having vita:Wed mleVtit • n the gahelv riser,_ otinveillence to-schoid M a. ohm' er and society, being /11 the immediate neighisur hood of Messrs. Haye s Lalighlina, Scully. Ander son, Oliver and other, Terms of Sale-One thirfreash: balance in one, two and three years, withibterest. ten per cent. traine cash payment In hams. A sp.clai ;tree will leave the Cannellsville Depot at lone o'clock P. bt ion de, of sale. For farther infor mation and plan of lots apply to - - JOHN D. RA LEY & •• No. 1.115 , Fourth avenue. H. B. SMITHSON. Auctioneer. le2Blll FOR SAILE.—A new 7 octave L/11rftrFORTE. pries - 112` ' l274' Addre d. N., T .FL. F°ll. B . ALE. 3 lots In Mansfield,' 60x120 each. 11 ave. of land, grapery, peaches and eaten frrlt, good spring of water, :og hopse, etc; price low, 70 acres, Economy townstelp. Beaver Co; price eTS per acre; :med.-orchard , of 300 bearinw fruit. trees. House of 7 rooms, 1% miles from Econo my station. 1,100 acres,Ginnore Co... l W i f Va.,* good soll, well timbered and watezed: e 141- ' per acre. 205 acres , same county, home and orchard ; price SS . uer. acre. 1.201 pettes, Braxton Co. • e est Vet: rich. soy and. • el; Vas bered: prieet.so per acre. Bonds and °Moises wanted by. : . - :l' THOS. SThIPSON . & R. 7ff. HO .- ' 1 FOR 84 1 E.—A lightand . , St- ABLE busineas. Igo 'opposition.Calratnl required, 411,500. Unit or two men .1n g ; to the bush:Lees eau elearover 11510411/ker peat: 3a• quire of M'CluriA., atnbow, 'Beall root Ate Agents, 195. 197 andl,99 Centre avenue. ~ I FOR tiLE. -COUNTRY RIM. DENO/T.—ADM:MLR BRICK 11011fi2ot seven rooms, with frame addition or two roan% good spring, Au; about an acre and a hair or ground; Bloated's •shart 'drive from-Kennett,e Station, on the W: Penna. B. R. Immegtaterrocte7 sesalatt Org& Nor lier,au . i, ..12g t , ad •Or A& quire or . • •-• r I *rm. Attorney 'at La*, cox: Giant and Diantsa. MIOR New Brick gag- DEBreic. *B co l donya work. having dilltie rooms, gas, hot an d water throughont. war hie matities and troth, oands, bath roots, end phi faus..l Lot 1310x1.0:- feet , boca tse beautilui oirw of AUilance, 0,000 Inhabitants and noted fur its coliesp% rapid growth, nnterprise and m arktirielt.. miles from Pittsburgh and 58 , (r otala4 Junction. Pittsburgh, Pt. Wayne and C . and the Cleviland and Pittaburgh Blißlent dress Lock Box 80, •Alltance.O. : --"P-12:121 FOR • SALE. is acres of 00AL LAND. mina Avis Tail. peranwrilie. on the Little Sam. ' 137 acres near Doidinrtila.lmUnna eichrili s ts4 on Livermore ixellpas proved and cheap. • 4 • HOUSE AND LOT on Market street, Manchdia. ter. • • HOME AND "LOT on Llbetty streeWPltta Minh. • • • • - HOUSE AW LOT on Pometh avenue.. • 4= -7 ' iIi.IIOIISZtrAND LOTS to.Elbabathrosiiti —Choice and Cheap farms in Tennessee and MIS: sour!. : • . , '..rusito luau:, inyz • 67 Grant street.- HOBOKEN" - STATION 'PROPERTY ,170/1 This beautiful slinatton cannot be sareassedt ter Private restlenneelniany direction!, liel'elote to . hoth''clttes, s belfig - OniY eight nttleine . the Western:Pennsylvania Railroad. .Anf person de siring Informational:tont this property can 0414 lt.bytilling at the office of the IRON.CitYlka- TIIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, 75 Federal silteet,.AlleittiettY, Mild& Rom ,one-hs acre to-IWe acres; also, mall lots to salt pur clfirCrls. Therele a tofol kof.atkaificii inintlla g tiring istatilishment, between the Railroad an Allegheny rlvey, 4 : 2 , s ; l a lellt;ltet 11 W -1111001/ ~ - CO 3E I C34:›C:aNEI MO T --' c a a ER '&- .41 1 .1;414 1 .ji . ...'11ge.5t.ve, , -..' I .• ESS THAN FORMER PRICES. ISUD AVIS NEW gns, M== ' - n' ML.MIFt " fit. Clair • .1"3 . .. 03;1 ;42.21211 - Street. • r()R SALE AT AU( ITION. ON "CUE t VALITA 89 GRANT STREET uffice, back , MEM DEI , A INIM ..;!;i CI rte.,. r. El