The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 30, 1869, Image 3

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, aiTlowite Pirrainnten atizErri, i
t TUESDAY. June 29, 1869.
Since our last weekly report the sales
; of wool have been steatily increasing,
particularly in
-the war* and medium
li wools, and we hear the! in some sections
; thelbulk of these vools are already
~... 1
1 , sold. Wices for the low And medium
i. wool! have advance! somewhat from ,the
4 opening prices, anf may now be quoted
,z .c4
at 4 N, the. 'Ater price for Choice
i tub d , *Labia; fleece. Fine . wools
I still ntinue dal: and hard to sell in the
i eastern markets and we do not hear of
•1 much being soli yet in the fine' wool
drhsticts.: We learn of some buyers
i hattn
44. orders tu to w • pu
n hase roo t
1 Has goodamarkel
improves; wedo not expect to, see any
admice in file wools., _- • .
Market' by Telegraph.
- NEW' 'Vag, June 29.—Cotton lose, se
!, tive and ∈ 1,800 bales middling up
lands at .IXc• Flour heavy and 100 low
! er; recelits 7,289, iittle j i 8,480 bbls at' $4,85
@5,40 fa . superff,ae State and western;
$5,106560 for extra State; $5,85©6,65 for
extra- western; f6,70@70 for white
wheat extra; $6,15(4)7 for Round Hoop
0hio; $6,7147,50 for extra St. Lbuis; gs
®ll,lsfor good to choice do; included in
the siles 'are 3,500 bbls low grades west'
I ern uid State for export. Rye Flour and
t Cora Meal without change. Whisky fs
dull at 98c for western free. Wheat lc
lower; receipts 58,721,- sales 73,000 bush
. g at $1,42©1,43 for No. 2 spritig; $1,47%®
1,48 for N o. No. 1 do; $1,39 inferior No. 2
!do and $ 7,7201,7335 for - white Califor
nil Rye quiet and ffrm.liCorn di:11410
12c iower; receipts 7,500, sales 51,000 bush;
82087 c for new mixed western via Canal,
1840880 for do. via railroad, closing 102 c
off from extreme quotations. Oats heavy
and le• lower: sales of 64,000 buil at 74075 e
ifbr western in store, 76077 c for do, afloat;
receipts, 260 bus. Stook of grain in ware
use: wheat, 475,462 bus, corn, 219,682
bus, Oats, 285,831
bug, ye 62,621 bus,
Barley, 168 bus ; malt
_87,251 bus, peas,
! 35,144 bus. Rice du ll. Coffee in moder
ate request. gager; aales of 550 hhtis
i Cuba at- 11M0120.' Idolams steady;
Demerara at 58060 c. Hops quiet. , -Pe-
troleum firm at-170 for crude, 320 for re.
I fined. • •Linseed Oil quiet.- Pork a shade
}firmer with sales of 700, bbls . at • $32,370 ;
32,50 for new namer.chielly„s32,ll7 claw :
j $82032,60 . for old do., 126021 for, prime,.
11•28,2502Cf0r, prime mess, Beef • un.-
changed:stales - a 149 ' ntda• Beef Hawn
! quiet. Ontmeats quiet; : salea of 170:
!Mins a[ll3llol4iic for shoulders; 16340
j 18Xe for, bania4 Middles quiet ; andfirrm •
, sales-185 b a s : istratfordshire .at :16k1017c.
• Lard quiet and steady; . sales ; 324 tea at.
. 16, 3 / 4 01965nf0r steam; 19,34020K0 for ket.:
tie rendered; also 750 tea steam,. sellers'
for Tune and July, at 193 . 4019340,. ; Butter ,
quiet at '160330f0r Ohio. Cheese', dull
at' 1,5001,70. Freights unchanged.
La/AO—Flour closed dull and 5®®100;
' lower. Wheat dull and la lower; No. 2,
t springll,ool,42; spring $1,4601,47. , Rye -
quiet and firm at 51.25 @ 1,27 . Bats heavy .
at - 4 .740 in store , and 75340760 afloat for
western. Corn dull and heavy at 80085 c
* for good to prime Canada; 8401860 fordo
railroad western mixed. Pork quiet and
I nnehingedi Beef quiet and unchanged.
- I
Cut meatanominal. Bacon steady,with
' a moderate demand. Lard steady; sales
-250 Ma prirne steam, buyers for July, at
19,',1c. - Eggs dull and unchanged:
1 Crtioaoto, June 29.-:-Eastern Exchange
1 firm at 1.10 discount buying to 1-10 pre
-IMium selling. Flour quiet; ' spring ex
; tr a i l at 008,25. Wheat quiet and 203 c
lower; sales. o.IN at-$1,23, and No. 2 at
181,1901,21. filositm at $1,20; this a ft ernoon
1 No. 2 wasidull at 11,19 bld,
,and 51,1934;
i asked, . seller for July. Corn less active,
1 and 2 . x.a3Vilower; , NO. 1 inactive and
nominal iti — akire. Sales at 68340683;6,
seller - for ItilY; No. 2at 63013930 cub,
and 680690 seller for July, closing at 680
cash; rejected nlet at 61063 c; no grade
at 48050 c; this` afternoon ;No. 2 miss dull
lat 6834 c seller forguly. Oats in moder
late request and.3ioXc Weber; sales No.
2 at 63(61c, rejected at 580590, closing at
6334063% for No. 2. Rye dull and - easy;
sales No. 1' at $1,06.. Barley nominal
at ;1,501 for No. 2' In ' ' store.
Highwinel '
- dull and nominal •• at" 940
£14;0i: lTew . -t Orleans ' molasses 950;1.
Sugar 1111/014y.c for fair to choice. - Pro
visions dull. ''bless 1a0r1e113N1234: 'Laid
18340 tor pountry.-`1- salted bellies
• 15Mo; picked. ' Sweet pickled hamtl6o
1634 c. Freights easier and'Oxb lower;
434050 ter 'corn, - 435rf for to Bra.
into.. Receipts for the 'pest - twenty.four
hour, 6,285 bbls flour, 87,067 bas wheat,
26,311 litill'oorn; 10,421 'bus dits,l,lsoo bus
I rye; 1;430 bud hogs: 'Ship:nerd:is,' 10,568
"bbls 1 flour, 41;552 ' bud, 'wheat , - 81,1'48 bus
oorn;'8;568 - buts - oats,' 326 'bum rye;"l;44B
head hogs,
I Sr. Leins,, June,: 29.—Tobacco steady
I and arcing. ~ Cotton nominally higher at
I/33. Hemp dull; sales ,of, undressed as
;1,1501,84. Flour; low_ ualities in de
wand, superfine 8014 at 14,7505, extra
at 1 5 . 25 @ 5 . 50 , dbuble extra et 14. 25 @6,
treble extra at 5707,25, fancy at 909,50.
Wheat dull; but rather strong in come
quence of the bad weather; choice No. 2
spring sold atll,ls.,prime to choice red
fell to ;1,2001,35, fully choice to fancy
j do. 11,4501,60, choice new red at #1,50,
i do. while at 51,65. •Corn; choiCe yellow
l and white ;scarce„active and higher,
mixed in bulk - at, 65, wbite 78083, de
livered 77080, mixed in sacks 81083.
choiceyellow and good to prime white
090, choice 92. Oats higher at
67 for mixed, 038070 for, .white. Rye
dull andilower at $ l. Whiskey steady
land unchanged. at 99. Groceries quiet
and unchanged. • Provisions dull and
_businew 5me11..,; Pork; jobbing sales at
$118,50. - .-Dry,,-Salt: Shoulders, packed,
I 1 3 g..,'Ilaoonf shoulders 1414 clear,sides
1 1 41- 16nd dull and, nothing doing, nom
/1/1111567.111 for round lots., • The receipts
, for •Past. twenty-four hours amounted
,to 2, burets of , flour, 5,900 'bushels of
wheat, 7,800 bushels of corn, 4,000 bush
ela,otuats, 450•h0p, -• ~ •,J •-• .. 1 ! •
CriteterlATL'-4tine 29.-1:Flour dull
gamily 115475@f40. , Wheaf , du $ 1 , 20 119
.112.5.• Coin f unchatiged i ear 66@i68. Oath
in lariebeutply r enVdtill attdpticces loir
er, closing at 65 ,67e, a n d . tendim e l
is ~y~ill dowe t wurdr in "Bzrar autUp s r f t
"Nof 111,05: C o tt aukb.t
in good denial:Al rif tff blade at 15
'O2Ol , 'Whisky 'dolt-Jilt Prcrtriskine
dullopotbitigaiolego Mee§ pork 82 MAO
•,7b. Bulk meats, 12ji@12,0 for sho ok ;
ders,•and-15K6 ibr sides.•; *Bacon: 140 for
tehoulderig. , l7s(43d73 o for blearribi and. ) ,
)180 ibrrelear alder; elear•rib sides sold at ,
Lard l held4aol9;6l, but sale*, '
11;02§1,04: ,, Lard , 01l
11,42@1147; Petrolennai 7 28®29e-lbr
xfined. •.The money Market Wooed at •10®
•12 , per.eenti , •lioldpligtbuying. •
Torxbo.'ilatiOl9. l -Larbini and' it
shade is:4o ; 7, athlete' extra - to '' fancy
!braride' Id e ptikOW''Wheat 8,040 lower;
amber $l, on tee' iliot;;and $1.,37
;ler IcilYNallbOee AIWA' /
.AUchlgan. 1,64 white lto , regular $l,BB,
r '4l'; 1001.$26: N 8 do 0 1 1 3 2.
:Cora 0.16wer;10.1 780, Ne. •2_720.
i yellourn ritleOte. 4l br 4 7 e 6 fkle Onto dOll
,0 1 .1 , 1 4 4eAtittle
4Bye : Bar •
:1 1° - iOrbtroaVl!
t•••••„, , •, - ..6:4•• , 141
• .
Flour 1,500 bbls, wheat 5,800 bus, corn
4;ootkbus, oats 41X1"bninrer• •
CLzvErAwn, June 27.—Flour; city
made ga for double extra white, $7,75®
8,00" for double 'extra amber, $6,75 for
double extra red • winter, and 56,50 for
double extra opting; country made 57,50
®8,20 for double extra 'white, $6,25@6,75
for double extra red and amber, • and
'58,25®6,75 for double. extra spring.
Wheat; No. 1 red winter held at $1,35®
1,36: Corn 74@750; No 2 72@780. Oats
65@660. Pork $33 for No. 1 city packed
mess; No. 2do $32: clear $36. Petroleum
—buyers and selieirs apart and no trans
actions reported; refined 29,5293 o in a
small way.
sllLwaratims, June 29.—Flour dull and
nominally unchanged. Wheat unsettled
at $1,24 for No. 1, and $1,21.% for No. 2.
Oats quiet at 59a for No. 2. Corn un
changed. Rye and Barley • nominal.
Freights quiet and unchanged. Receipts
—l,OOO 'Wale dour, - 82,000 bath I wheat:
Shipments-2,000 bbls 12,500 bush
.81mkrours, June 29.—Cettrin is " ' firmer
at 3235058343; receipts, 98 bales, e4ortS,
15 bales .. Flonr is unchanged.. Wheat,
new, 111,10g1,25.' Corn, 94;312..::0ats
Hay, 112,4®25. Bran, /NI. Odinmeal is
dull at 18,90@4,25. Pork Is lesi`firm at
584,50. Lard 21'®g26.-- Baeon is less ac
tive, with sales of shoulders at - 15ei and
Bidet; at /9c.
Lommr..r.u, Jane 29.—Bagging 220.
Wheat; red, 11,10; 'white,ll,2s. Corn 680.
Oats 700. Eye 11,25. Prlnie stigar 1434 g.
Prime 'molasses 80c. Leif tobacco; sales
of 286 hhds at /8 to 118,75, Mess pork
133,25: Bacon—shoulders 14;4. Clear
ribs 18c. Mear sides 18;40. Hams 19;4.
Lard 19X0. 41ighwInes 930.
BALTIMORE, June 27.—Flour quiet and
steady. Wheat dull: uewovhite. $1,83®
1,85. Corn; prime white 95c. Oitliffirmer
at 70@80c. Rye held'at $1,34 for western.
Mess Pork t 34. Bacon quiet; rib sides
180. Lard dull at 20c. Whisky is very
firm and scarce at 81,00@1,04..
PHILAXIELPITYA, June 29.—New mess
pork 833,50. Rams 18(4)18%c. Lard 20
.„Flour active, spring extra
@7. What heavy, red $1,40®150. Corn
dull, mixed 86®89c. Oats active, west
ern 750P60. Whisky 93@950.
DETROIT, June 22. Flour lower
grades in demand and scaroe;other grades
quiet. Wheat scarce; extra white $1,68;
,1 do. 11,51; No. 2. do 8435. Corn—
none in the market, and. worth 90c. Oats
at 79e Baked. •
Cznetioram, June ,29.6 . —8eef cattle 500
lower, 88,50®7,00. Sheep dull and 500
lower, 12,50®4,50.
Dry Goods Marta-.
, ii .„
NEW Yonz, Jane' 89..-84rket quet
today, and
_jobbers are occupied in tak
itig stlcleh• The;only . eheeft pf imPert
once' is,. in ' domeattaT. : pool Cotton
Th4itdraeorge A. Clarkli glace 3 dbord
now,.lis oat 52lic; %;!ili'illimantia 4,4 c;
• tde eke 45c; omen • At` Daniels 473i0;
Elts rdltros. 4730; :but bOth thelaiter
can ill be obtained' of some - dealea at
456; :Hadley 50c; regalar, and •jotll sr.
4736, and six chord jobs 'at 78c: In Im
ported threads there is no change ex
cept in Cloorge A. Clark's black, which
is, selling at 80c. Far domestic Cotton
very firm. OWing to the high prices of
raw material. In woolens, Chinchellis is
worth 373ie.
Prussia M. FORT wants de CHl
°se° RAILROAD. June 29.-500 pigs lead,
B L Fabtestock & Co; 40 aka' milifeed, 8
B Floyd & Co; 2 cars ;cooperage, M P
Adams & Bro; 2 kegs apple butter, 1 bbl
dry apples, Voigt, Mahood & Co;; ; __39 sks
rags. McElroy k Co; 14..brx, cheese, N J
Braden; 19 doz broottikS Ewart; 55 do
do,Arbuckles & Co; 15 do do, J Wilson
& Co; 10 do do, J J Pettit; 49 bales hops,
Spencer & McKay; 65 doz biooms, W M
(..rmly; 51 bxs jars, W Little, 15 boleti
wool, W Barker, Sr & Co; 5 bas bacon,
WHWiltiop; 8 bgturye,, W J Meek; 100
bbla flour,
Dan Wallace:, /00; do iltt,
owner; 100 do do, R Knox' & Sou; ;1 car
millfead, J - & W Fairloy; 3 'skis Wool,
Harbaugh & CO: 4,oke rags, Smith' Jolm-
MOO & CO; Al roa ms PaPers Gedfre7 &
ALizzonnarr vAturt Rezratoirs. June
29.-403 bbls crudeoll.AT N McCutcheon;
160 do do. James Wilkinc •1284 •dor do,
Fisher: Bro. 660 do do.,J. J Vandealli;
320 do do Owatod 280 , do. do,
Pool Bro; 9 pkgs potatoes, 1 'bbl eggs,:
Blanchard' , 1 ;car: metalf tar Wood
sides; 2do do..Johu Moorhead; .10 Mks
whilkYr'J Adler &Co; 2 rolls., leattusr •
Seibert t Barg;-1 car metal, •JamealMar:.
shall & Co;;/•do do Ries,. Graff,& Dull;
askawopliW-Wiiigan & Co;, 3 do do,
Weish•dt-Go; E.cac grain. Real & Bitch
art;,l ear Jimer D.L Reynolds; laige lot
butter and eggs ) , owners. • • • -
PriTstrintoir Ontotwitain -AWD ST.
Low's Ranstoatr.` , Jundr- 28.=.199 bbls
flour, Jos Gardner; 320 dd do, 44 eke corn
meal;l3aboinakerA 14100 bbls flour,
V Vosking; 10 dollittor, Schmidt &F; 6
do eggii,4 AGraff;ls7 skit oats, F Maids;
14 pkg.s tobacco, W rt'D 'Rinehart; 30 do
do, W 1, Jones; sdo do, R M Allen; ,12
dci , .l Fullerton; 18 do do, J Hays; 12 tea
hams, 10do 11;r41.-' •II Parker; 54 do
baths. 5 do' bee, U Mitchell; 10 do TAM.
10 tram candles, 'Monball tit McGraW; 4
care staves, M P Adams; Ir do do, W
Hastings. • ' "`•
Cyntsuswn AND' plTTsztraou RAIL
ROAD) JUne , gases copper, Pitts
Boston, M .CO; 6 limestone ore, Mc-
Knight,'perter & ,
1' car stone, J L L
Knox: '1 car plpe, H Collins; 50 bbls
oil, J Spear; 6 0 bbla plaster, W W Knox;
b doz ettUrri#, Freeman & Berger; 10 eke.
7 bbls wine.J Dunlap; 5 bbls alder, W
H Garaff;'2obis r leroeliers, W P Hunker
AL STATIOK" June 29. 2
ears t .oie, Bdo Ilmestoite, Superior
Iron CO.. .000perage. RalyeLdr.
ezuten;,l9 do J Di n ,gentphlll; 8 imiddhet
tetbeedo R. W Jenkloson ,
,1 car :wheat
Retinal.' 'Bits; do 'lathier; tran4
2ilwatone Arrester & hteitawe ;
vlLtioit! Otiet
SAL . ' •
t .'t t• 3 , t t•
7218;Ittldessiorme4, air anstse IL the parttuba
iiLtheAgilif 4 1 4149 r . - L.:. • ..
-a- i
AGATEBAIrixt" becectit
ao ordei of tile iniiisci vthirotet tegiiiiio64.
14 - ,. '. win *ea stnublto sace,ron. the vremprmicno:l
- 10 -....eymucemAseie man ourieuro .4. ,
li4eocloit'io 3i.','tiiiit' Yeir‘'silile i biel.o - 4eilif
on Rift • venue, city of rictehnrgh. rotounfoic
or. TWO la,. Ilf thit-r.krloirtronana ion afar
-1 t e g r tlick 7a f fs e l
r i PWWW.I4: That ;01 %
.v,a.,::B74ll46Alarbli r. 4lrOviscAlte4ll:l :
Tritat: luleVi rig`"111111.11rIft 419
e t tbol 0 n if n A g e tii fit § ul i e r lr- liit &It
nintioneO tar o FIRM NA ellariZlflf.Wfa.
4p t ti r r , .. 44ref i.1k , T4444,1 1 AT,W 17 4 , 4 1 0 1 ; 3 *
', '. Vaned lolVerelkindelic the 11011 mild ctile:inc , this
city of PlUeburgle.rAsti ao;therfirlheloti sires
*no In the eettro Of bn nese. Ttur attention,4ol
estates has Is pettleat ?nett to them: es Ufa
a t e
are desirable CMOs lOt e-valueor thinot4the
, sbuilalffl liot:beleig,Zeb
.eoniteloenoy. t and
oarless crn or Willem' %twee/ Am eo9bug_o4,
,on 3 months , t notice. , firoPert7 sow' maw.
Or over eat thoestea 4ollefe. rtibeanicelreler
11111 receive 4e - stuff, e#o,r7lulf.
?MP 211141tiiir iliiiir. l -` , .' \
--• • •.: J" 1 -,1-,,
Thl i 4 btriblaaki ail the . iumsdhlitotwoithirds '
an taro equatitonualminen
ts. wVII4-,,,nrittiti
Interest tom do ug Lao elatif. "r 7
naortgagoonehogre e .c , . ,1. i. 1,1,11.:. : uJ,c., A .
, r - ..• ..,
oi t i 4i ii 4 ;;;',l4 : , ;.;Pir:ln. ,it:lNin‘.
iffhkal awf. , - ', TIIML _ ,
The Aver was again-swelling •last ,eve
ning. with• six feet _six inches in the
chael by the Monongahela—marks.
The Ilse, this time, is mainly in the Alle.
gadfly. Weather cloudy . and - WECII:4
with indications favorable for more rain.
Mercury at 4 P. 3f. 85.
• There has been no arrivals since' the
date of our last report. The Wild Duck
is among the first boats due.
The Julia, for Zanesville, was the Only
departure.r -
The Wannanita. _Capt. C. A. Dravo,
will positively take her departure for St.
Louis to-day, and -passengers ;and ship
pers should bear this in mind.. Boats. In port—Glendge, Belleternon ,
and gainelia—all laid tip,-ht, preietl i .
It is probable that a number ; o ow
boatswill get Out today with' &W.,
—The St. Iraqis Satur
day, says: Sanibel,
,RaV and Lawrence
Glover, the two' 'princiftal, witticisms for
the State in' the late trlalrfof Criptaiti Wil
liam B. Donaldson; were reletuiedffrom
prison, yesterday, and tirade arrange
ments for returning to---their homes—
Ray living iti Cincinnati =IL elOver -
South Carolina. Both these mon had
been indiated for compoutidlng alelony
by - running away before Alie irlarOf Dori
aldson, and-were brought Ws* on kequi-:
sitions the' Governors a . Ohlosuid
South Carolina. Later in the ,'da,Y Ray
and Glover Were in -thii' Clorh's
claiming their '
atteadancii ' as wifneasee.
Ray claimed eighty days arid ,Was al
lowed nine days. Be said he had, 8 Rote
for some 1 , 700 ur $ BOO, brit could - not get
the money on it.
—A paper has been started at St. Louis
nailed the River, Times. It is conducted
by J. H. Carter, a boatman of. 22 years'
-The z progress of the work on the
lower lock of the Des Moines rapids, is
stopped by the high water.. The em=
tiara is overfloweiL • " •
I •L__.
—The following document explains
' itself: The undersigned; Superyising
Steamboat Inspector for the • Seventh
District, certifies that Jacob Reemeline,"
having been by me duly exainined
touching his qualifications as a first pilot
of steamboats on the Ohio, Mississippi,
Cumberland and Tennessee' riveri; 'from
Cineinnatito St. Louis, Nashville; - Mem:
phis and Eastport, I am satisfied:he poet
sasses the requisite 'skill, and ' ie - trust
worthy and -faithful; and do lieeitse hint;
to act as such within this said hodiads liar
one year from this date. • •• .. , • ,i . •• • '
4 0
Given. Under my hand this 26th els of
June 1869.. • joarf:l3- . DArVEN NY% •
Su . Inspector for the Seventkl/1 Ct.
It will - be , remembered , that ~..1 t 3
Reemeline 'was pilot of tbe :Ignited States
at the time'of the ooIlisIOn,:last 'Decent- .
ber, of that ,iteamer and' the • lititerieft.
His license lie' pilot hid beedri3Voked by
the Local Inspectors - after • the; accident.
—Captain Geo. W. Rea's new -steamer,
building bare, will :betalledills3: Jeffer
son. Shewill be oompleted in a month
or so.-,
—Captain R. R. Pegram t one of the
moat noted commanders on this - Missis
sippi, has purchased the Empire Mills,
on Broadway, St. Louis, and will devote
himself exclusively to making the best
brands'Of flour.' • "-
--The frame for the new bull for the
machinery of the Ada Lyon is up, as
Evansville, and the work of planking
will be at once pushed forward.
— . Five hundred Coolies will take pas.
sage on the Thompson Dean at Cairo for
New Orisons, from whence they go
on Louisiana plantations. -
—A down Miter exchange earn Cat.
Sheble has left St,Lonie for Pittabnrg b,
to.contract for the building of a crack
aide,wheel ateamer for the Ht. Louie and
Peoria trade.
—The New Orleans Tunes, of Thurs
day. says:. Quite_ a large towage of coal
arrived here _since Saturday. The tow
boats Stella .and Blinpson , Horaer * . be-
longing to the El= of . Messrs. Hene:,
WOod 00.. of . Pittsburgh, havourived.
bringing with them. 6.324100 bUsheta of
coal. consigned to. W. G. Coyle .it Co.
The above is, the largest consignment of
of coal that-has come under our notice.
for some time past. • ,
' —The'lronsides •arrived at St. Louis
on - Sunday. • ' '
" The St. Louis Deinoerat says: Cap
tains Ben. Dotter; John Dialer and Jr
Gorman of thie city, and Mr. Gordon of
Pittabtirgh, hate formed sit- association
forithe purpose of building ikon wors
at Carondelet. Other - - river men rel
dieting- abouffor the ptirpose of settling
down to work on shote, as nitterhava
aliteaV,done. • T.
. „ .
:-• RIMt PACKElVSa.'''''',
VP ' -
VOR BT. IA)018, •ILEO:iro
ziE. 4l,, i e nzEr r ialop, Apo .
will !nye. for the *bore Aorta THU: ,D4ari
tbg 30th Inst.. at 4 o•giook
For bright or
j parraite Tam hoardor 'to '
le= r J D. COLLINOWOOD. Agents.
11011• T TS BURG 'S ya k al i ge;
Swa t root of af onellTers. daily ilAyl;p4
Iffttcht, Will be reetived at all he
• Flati/E• COULDSGWOOD. ,-•
• .• • .•
TUE nuitarfiriAti:„. Musitfrs,
_.umbhritea ' Tem% woo*
ttomme,! •
()Virirr" V P"
SA9Sit eI t iOPPNIN VI7II _, 14° #_ 14
SVIZir,_SATURDAY4 reogr:Pl et Sa,
A4rt.4 Myer, Arsw t l i cri . g. Vfxr,yls9ssfecs , parolv
Intozzpauoif Rimy, • .
" I " Vint.l9.ll MNOITAX4tiri I
VO .11i 0 AVVorovirr 3 .40iliothile !Mild
wamproptupotte rost
EDI Qom.
;14 `' e ‘ ,l
W °°/) .; 4 10 1:' IRON 7fTW;','.4 l 9)
.We .t : , r de . &gli fOr ,Z. w9r4
. • l e w I g
The trans will no inprilletty neat tatters. prl
pee In to LOA
i rs. ..• ~ 1 • •
A lar o o:Fplete , iusortMent DI ways On
=hand. awn es all trtbtrs cite, kbild
•tEntp at •is very:-..srer Orin, 'saki* , we ,warrsnl.,
4 <nude!, this .
,The beat and chenestinnok
1 Market: •W. W. /iNO ,
. r - '"General Wholesale Anent, 4.
; 437 , 141berti stmt., Pliteberse.Rec
11370in:14W . • ,
l I : „ CAPE MAY .CITY. Neil.* . c ,
lent be opened for enaction BATUMI/01r: Xi
eatith. In All neat elms appointments, equal ,
ttreb r eig. Watt 111111 4 1, 1 4pleUV;1 0
Clit s „7 tbliz e traandelrill atop as the rilni
' r a nk s * 7 . 4*kr id n a4o4 ProPiliTor . :
t".7 X4. 0 440 - 3A.,1j1S 1
r___••••" . •• . • ,
; 141-, E , PUBIRWISREMiooD, , ~ , t
-, •, , t , • - • , • , , P
- 1011 lIALRIT!DMIGOISTS alvirart
,- .: 11 19 7 04 1 1 111 11 1 iPir ; •• , • ' pr!-•
. ,
ifturE s cliticii&ROcy
. '\raimmlas ;
NEW -: .cAnprits
eT'ui.32.e, 1E3E38-
ain g ., ;.7 ., o l e u ll i zir4in assortment unparalleled
• The :Very Newest Designs,
Of our ounere ta
entlimportation and selected:ro .
eastern manul'ic . iurers.
• • , VERY surzsaos.
QtrAtlntA/4060/BORS: ..
Ai 'Extra Quality of Rog _Carpet
•Wa are now aelling many of the above at •
ir..0.171, rEXUE,
- Thdr.e&tiarklisiss.
-- • -
era ITEM.
Earri.dtrwT • - , ,
0:t 1 ;t 0 04 1 # 1) ,.''
f • ' Extract ot.a 10.
prosautieemal m a uusdkal
TO as Tut
iOnlys i ihmt Say
ik , a4brusibl ,
tier '%%mai
•or '
Putfree'ontioard at London:or LljerTgu/. 1 4 In
parcels of twenty cues or more; each elm . two
edam. Was. 'Meet 400111 • adddlc. or , ten dozen
Yartteawho order through us hive the
adisuicageof a supply rrom , our stock Allitit the
"171,0 of direct Orders.
• J111:10141 Settler 4 Bonss'Oelebtateci Mlundeallar•
unlade. Bubert Middleman's celebrated Albert
Biscuit. J. a G. Cox's rrrolle a
Blackell's_goode. j)elangremer's Bacihgut des
Arabes. aulnuelfPg Btout: - Blms and - Allsopros
Ales, W Vomit r's rod/WM
.6 r tie% the
Wines 14 - xvince.. armaniAs n adro
" • 4 " JODD D
Union Square and 40 Beaver ssreetitroar York,
Bole /lents-for 1118,1118. LEA I PE NB'..
~ • :, : i
ii,,,,, , , , i, , ,,_,;,,,;,.., ~./. ;!.! • 1 , ' . ; . 1 A ',al
i',Aaszo„Niovizo l
polioipsoinurso.ortlifs ;111 , 101i4ivitclg Oft , reNalr,
.: . , ;eta ..4;tql; In 1.'..' ~:i no: i:' ,; , :11
i+:;;: LIFI:Pr., T,trklozg,x.xytik AI „cp..., ..,
~ T itUtitilon 3 ol3l'belitea tokawba lisp?.
rti ,
v:t.7 ts . itir 44 I% g". sly?, 271lialX large
. 4:jt lu rly k ili r airt , g ni x ; stool i r .:l7!
..7 *., . - .o . r• LIM • Via&
. - , • _ ----
A1pmf ., R7 , A 11, 14.11.......0Arr , " - 'ritTirks - 0 4 2r` • '
~, 0/4 :,:;W ~ :
t. , ii • .; t , illTi. l ih;"; •
:Pa; at.31(1.'
-r` , PlTTEMpikartillia;
w as : my, eltpr,r, ill 1
C1 , •316- 1 1LIFJECli,
:e):r1.1.1 fiLLAti •
isanefecturers o
Qiniaganis, , siturroL WARN dot;
Wilde add ' hoiree. 363 LIBERTY OTILMIT
or All orders promoitt attended Ao. 4
litronimos , *O,
1.: 1 •i , il • : fr
4 - 3:4 ;
ovroy4 • Afr Ml4l til tr=lo 4 At ,
t V+iF to IN
' ok
AT. , JUNE 30, 1869:
-- ~ _.
INIXi &Mad•
his brothel
i 0 Lea and
11 th eir_ 9- tbat
Is highly es.
al in
, In my opin •
le mot pals!
as well as
sat' whole.
lance that la
a. <}. ~~.._ ~Y
11011,4 : 'jiff( ASIIIMcg. ' CO.
Of Penniylvania.
Office, 75 Federal St., Allegheny city.
Rev. J. B. CLARE. D. D.,
Capt. R. ROBINSON. . -
Rev: A. K. BELLD.D.
Rev. S. H.-14E081. 1 1`, D. 15., •
W. A. BRED. Catliter Allegheny Trost Co..
JACOB BOSH. Real Retate . Atent.
SIMON DAUM. Mayor of AUeaheny.
C. W. BEN NY; Batter. _ 1 •
A. S. BELL ,, Attoveepat-Lat
D. L. PATTER.RIN Lumber anima;
D. WOOER. Insu rance Agent.
Capt. Roar. - litotriniiiim' President.
Rev. J_. B. CLARK, D. 11..1/ ice gr:esident,
JACOBRUSH, Secretary,
Bitisidrk, Treitalwer, .7)
_ .. . • ,
X, W. WHITE, htsracai AVtruits.
. •
SWOBED, Genii Ag ent.
This h *tome company; condutted milli mutual
principle, each policy holder receiving an equal
share of the -profits of the-Company: Policies
will be , iss ued on all the different : plaza of . k.lfa
Insurance, and - being Conducted cin an economi
oalu bash will a - safe investment to each
policy holder.. and thereby retain the
tome See mmuragetome.ladue . • , mb.29:gal-
ALEGmeiy, PA.
onus Fwe D ig ro rVlNGS BANE
No. 41 Crhio r: St., Alleirhexisr.
A ROM , COMPANY, imaged by Directors
wet "known to the communitt, .wlO trust by fair
deallni to merit a; shire of YOurpatronage.
031.0. D. RIDDLE
1 ~ .
Henry Irwin, ! D. L. Patterson,. Win, Cooper,
Geo. R. Riddle, Jacob Frans, , Gottlelb Feu,
Simon Drum, •J. B. Smith, • Jacob Rash,
W. H. Stewart, Ch. P. Whistozi, Joseph Craig ,
Jos: Lantner, r H. J. Zhikanii, - Jere. Written.
No. 22 Fifth Avenui. Second Floor,
Capktal. All 13 `aldtrig.
1 1
N.:J. Bjgley: ", H.W.ollver, Jr; lCapt.N.BalleY.
Drug Wallace, 8. B. Hartman, fA. Chambers,
JateH, . ,8. Watirkan; ,Ja.e.ll. 81.1109.
Thomas endtb Jeo.B. Wlllock, 1
- - ' NOBS l' H. SnifF, President.'L , ' •
JNO. F. jENNINGB. Vice Prencent.
' JOB. 'F.' JOHNSTON, Bderetat7..
Capt. R. J. 65.6,0E,1 den'l Ageat. ,
Ineuree . on Liberal 'Tonne ` on 411 'Fire
and Marine Rifts.
Aktd:gri .. fr, 2. , „ ~. • - ii.:.:o.L. ',... ;:_ .. 2._ ,
. . .
, .
This is s Hume • Company, 'and - inuaret against
logo by Flre,ettelp,stvetr.. ! , • _
B President.
HUGH ließLlKElTYo3deretary.
• D 1 4 1 F4 , 371 4 41 P%
Leonard *Liter, 6eosr e
C. 1 ., .; GOO. w.' EMU,.
Robert Patrick,V. Lapps,
-Jacob Painter s . • Irietner ,
Josiah King, _ , John Voegtlei.
Jas. E. Hopkins. r A. nsrnon. -
Henry Sproul.. • • - .Iy4:
OFFIC E,4740 3 437 CHESTNUT ST., DM' int.
:Charles A. Coacher, - Mordeealli. Louis'
:!Toblas Wagner. J David B. Brown.
Samuel Etrant ai. Isaac - Le)
Jacob E. Edward DIM
Peorge W. B ich Eleorge ales.
CHARLES 49.-apr IPrcsident.
ED W. Vice President.,
W. c.
d. ar.ta.
eAmP...,klaa Ateeretargitrthreet.
Northw est9orner Third anWood Streets.
rith29:wls -
*.; ^, - i a ': , . ' : - •
- derai'it ands W4111'0(11141 "'
Cor. Fe .eny ,
W.: Vir.)MAIL2III , • • President,let E '. • ... . ...
_ j.cajLßßlJ , v i r l iti n: Prestden . t: l ~,,,,
•—"'"--. ''''''
- .., : - . 2 _, ,, •;;T; AuProM lllo . , -.'••
c illie j x.
Jobn A. Kylet, Sas. I..wlstia . rt; foe. M
i vin ia. .
Jais.l...ennAm Robets men, '‘• • p 't , :.
Jno. Broßn,Jr. Geor fienis. - Jaen Ilk Mi me _
MN PIIVIIIIamir Jan: t ,
- ' ''' f L - A - .7 * ' ~
. 1, v
),, , ,
, . ' Or
1 • 1. , itg..
114 8
,1,3 z : 'secretary.
- v_.. • :,-, ,: r NEllll.lmieneralfigeati
Oftloe. US Water street, Opai?ir A 00. s Ware.
boase,mp ~. ~ :., V,tl.• : . r . .
Wlllll., stai tidil lig ua r trida of PDC and Ka
rtimmtaa: &home Milord; weulaelle
reMon who are weU Miown to the eo VI
aIK *lto MI datergnbilid hysswatiiia
anti so =Wahl the character:which. art WO
hummed, air she ben prot.ftim imooe
who OP" Witt ..
AleXantier 3414614: : Joint /4 Ifahoth.
It. Miller. li.. Chu, J. Clarke.
- James f4ofillio7. - '_: ::, ' William w. ETaa4,.. , .
Alexanaargipeet. JcfaiKirkpatruh.
Andrew Aca ,
ier4! - ri
BeYoler, A 1
David M. inmg. Wm. erriisoe.
4 PiFi - ;
037/084 N. le, tlOXiftil WOOD & IVITIS ISTS.
Lams Caorpaytakinglire tuid lirrine Maks
)1;1, ;:s IL
" ve
At 21W atelltr .
w'ilitifts% ••ttia , Y.
o& ; ft I •
A. l c i othltVga r ssj ." i . .: PE
Y clsig " ;llaMlVdT sE M 4 E c agg;
ag o
T. J. HOB SON‘aaneg4f#4,. ,- . •
°Arr. WDEANclicsen4 Agent:-
.'".VAl:Elialmaleanutils, `11...)E.'.1:;11
y i,clMght lx ,. l , , LAe4lO,, 1..
4 fw• •Cv
qe s g r gall e ,7 . iLI Ak=ilitatiro t. .. i :
'3 - a r t k e a . i tU i e lil ,cribilkatf4.StlF,l)
, sPutliosexatGAASAPoihi! ,
• MAIM 431445b44% cOliNfri pi;;
Sehotiikekerlt t gold Medal
f l.
tfallc 00W11Ektf1rffaPrA210.6000kffosfttf,:
I,44A.witua l etmpwag gt e lgthg
, stracalbwor Whit *mac M a W. at a .
i.ranormraniffil.Yuggs.L° l
,warommtu tL or t u h tpau oggff i
Cla style atyi 134 00,sout
1414411ra assigge.
.I,i ”11111714V1S : 0
lltabiLl Whoa btrid - Wke r tl• c.w.'
an 11'7 ' " Zara 1124
1 1 4200Mrakaa 9 944 1 41 , 42 •:
to a • to out of 6 •
• : t : . p,‘, rfl•
: • r•rt. ; r wo•Aimu.sauvrea..
1 ,.• • *ago lawohqs,weemssiosift*.l
' , :v 4,7 :i4t4WINYSIV.I34IIt 4111111.10
v;4r.t:ih.40.1 !_•
tV............ .....611. 1 11PAR
Pt B Ts____,.G.... POBT-W&W kIE.CHICA,..y
From /low Ilth. 1889 .. trains tin leave,peta
and arrive at the 'Union arepca, north aide, rank.
burgh city time, as follows:
baot. I Aeries.
i itx .. .. 2:08 a a:Chicago 'Ex.,.I.:SE a ni
Brie Ygn E r.7:88 Im i Chicago Ex..111:03 p m
Cl. & !g1d 2 16; Li a m Wimidlng Er-10448am
'Chicago 3L51L.6:511 a m Et IL°. ale_ Es mos p xot
Chicago Ex, .' .0:43 a miChi , goEx&Ml4:oB p m
Cl. &WlVatr. A:08 p tx. 'Cleveland Ex alba P mi
Meat° Ex., A :23 p m 'Erie & IVA E2's:llEp m
W'e et. Erie /5 1 . 4 :38pn.,C1. at Wh g ra6:53P in
Depart/ Allegheny. Arrive in Alleghenl.
Bear Falls 50.8:58 • m rLsietsdille &c..6:58 am
Leetsdale " 10:03 a m Bca'r Palls " 8:118 am
" 11:58 a tti New Castle "10:23 am
Bochester " 1: 28 p m Enon .. 9:13 am
Exton : " •3:158 pm, L eetsdate " 1:061 pm
Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 pm ißea'r Pall" ` 8:43 pat
Bea'rFaUs t. -.6:13 pin r Leets&ale " 4:33-0A
Leetsdale. -_". 1 0:431un " " 5:881181
Fair Oaks mit, Fair Oaks Run
s. churet„,:ol... day etmecti. 9:5111 aill
11:518 it. m. Chicago Expreaslimves daily.
'Stag rf: L .M.MblftgeErpcesalatives dell?.
J. M. gim8ALL,,...1...,ri. na,cuttousso,
Genn. Tickit Avant. ,-- tir..WlBupten't.
Mylo . .
A N-Q,l E OF
OnTHROIT sad GH after -MONDTRAM' AYDAI, Jno 14041 rkleibettethui 06R ' da lW n O
wUI. lease 41ttabura--Depot r oocaer
enth and Pike streets, fir Franklin, 011 91t7,!ut.
filo, and alt points ut tie:OUßeOcam: •!- r
LEAVY ARMY , -11 T ritymmseir
Day Ex 8:00 am Day Ex 8:16 p m
Night Ex 7;30 pm Njght 5:30116
Brady's BA° . 3•_os'p Brady& BA° 10:15 a m
Freeport Ac 0:40 a m , letsodeirks 7:40 a m
IldSodaW , ka 6:315 p toAN eeiport Ac. 6:15p m
lstr 51:1 Ha lton... 6:45 a m let Halton .. 4:50 a m
2d n1t0n...1%;00- nrllalton... 6:00 p m
3d ulton... 1t:00 pm 3d Hutton... 1:05 pat
Arnold AC. ,5:1110 - p m Aria:l44lAm 7C4ODm
Charon train .to and -from Soda Warta leave
Ptttsburyh at 1:10 R. X. Arrive at.plttsbargh.
( 7 .,„unda9c,) at - 9 - 50A: If.
AxPress tralos stop only at principal Nita
Accommodation talus stop at all stations
J. J. LAWRENCE, cien , t
THOMAS Assn. bup't.
D. On and afte g pril 25th. 1569 e Trains
will arrive at and de from - the Union Depot,
corner of Washln
. and Liberty streets, as
follows: ;1 ••, - , ,
Mail Train.... 1125 am "Day Express.. 1:15 as
Fast Line..... 1.45 am Boutnern Ex.. 4:a 0 am
Wall's No. 1.. 6 90 am Wall's No„. 1.. 6:3U am
BrintonAcc'n.l:so im Mail Trahl..... 8: lb am
Wall's No. 2.. 8 : 60 am licar'dA4 Nol 10:10 am
Cincinnati Ex.9:.10 am • Cincin'tillx. 11:30 pm
Johnstown Ac10:35 atn No - .• 2.. 11:61 MI
How'd Ac Not 1:10pm JolmirtOws Ac.. 3:05 pm
Pittsbnzh Ex. 1:30 pm BraddocksAc. 3:
Phila. Expressl:sopm Phlla.323rpressit:
Wall's No. 2...51:50 pm Wallin .2 , 7 d, 3.. 4:
Braddock Ac.. 5:50 pm Wall's Na. :4.. 6:0 gm
Holed Ac No 2 9:35 pm *Saat, 7:30 tux
Wall's No. 4. 7:20 pm, Ho*"4 dc No 2.81510 pm
Way Passn"r 10:20 pm I Wad ' s No. b.. 11:00 pm
•These trains maite close gouneyllon at Barrie.
burg for Baltimore: • •
The Church Train leave/. alls Station every
Sunday at 9:08 4: reaching _Pittsburgh
10:05 a.' m. Returning, •leaver , Pittsburgh
L51:50 p. m. and, s.rrlyfe, at ; Wells Station
'Cincinnati Express lestveni daily. All otlta
trafas daily except Sunday... • ..
For further information empty to
• •..BECITH, Agent.
ThePeansywanialtallrostd Cory will not as
same any risk forßagptage4ette for wearing an
psxel,and th eir resopostMb Use Hun.
dre. Dollars in value. e, Al! Baggage exceeding
the t amount in value:le:WU at the risk of the
ownor, ante= taken he
AILDid ApntractlAMS.'
sP26 General Supertatemlentilltinsna, Fa.
E ST E.!li b ppa t i,
BYL ia
OAD.—On and afterAPril Ssth,lso9.the
Passenger Trains on_ the Wesjern . Pennsylvania
lial road will arrive ar and --- deart from ths
iredeplatr rY eetpeput, Allegheny . Idity.lll f ctipinPri:
• •Atelt, Doan:
Mine% lio 14:50 s m Maii..4..,.._u. - 0 1 7400_,A,51
Freeport' No. 18:510 A M Preeport - lio. 9:tatlaw
Expreall. ,i ~ 10340,AM arybig,B9/i14;510A01
Sharpb , g • Fa.ll:l ) o p m re5a.,.... :50 pat
Preeporit No.' yA: opm mid !cilia t B:3optu
Mall 5: 0 reel n c'No..B $:2O pm
SprMgd'n No 25:140.0 m.Se 'e NOZ O :3OlAtil
' Aboye trains ran daily excep Sunday. • ,
• „Vie Churre4:. Train leaverk All an
even Send at 1:40,a. in., reaching Allestielut
City M9:50 A,' - itu. , Beturningadayes•Alleghery
City at,1:20 P. in. and strive at. +!'ilekb.7,4rAcr .
tion at 3:40 is.: tne -• " 0' 3 4 ' ' " • -
00/00TrAT/Oit TlMarre—Fori sale. In
of ' Twenty; between , Aller City in k =
street, Hews.. Bennett, • e Cree4.Etn4.
Sharpaburg mid good Only n the MAint it p.q.
at Stallone matlffettea tickets. ••' 1- , r . •
The trains - Witting Allegneny 'City' ilt 1:00 a.
In. make direct connection at Freeport withWal.
kers line of Stageollbr Butler and Manna)]. town. -
Through tiolants.
nute rebased .tbr Oint . No. Ist. m= Siresne ethe Suspel%onlridge,Pittsburf hi and-ete
Depok,"AneghenYi -
For farther ixdbrtion apply to ,
. a im'A' Ls. — ..rm . ls;ltilit.
Federal Street. I' ooi. •
The Western Pennsyltranla Baliznad will not
ar same any risk for Baggage..exceptforWitring
apparel, and limit their responsibility ,to .9ne`.
Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage. , es*
ceeding tats amount in Yalue.milLbe at the. diked
the owner, 1111leill taltan by spacial contract.
ZAW,I4D 11.• W1,61.1.A1dd, , .[
Melt ' GerHeMl finnetintendent: Altdottit. rt.-
. . . .
; rdiftritOttit;
GRANOL - 031_ amttiter 119N.0.41,
April 36% . tr_a_ips will Iwo and. arrive O t
tha Vahan -anspotesa sagonsir a .12. Pri
r .Deparb
.. 32;13 &Mai
Fast ......... 9;43 a. m. 4:13
!Express 2:3.3 p. m.'• im=srJatl• •
Mixed m. 6:58 pan.
NeDcrnaldts ner, , n, NO.111:43 a.ln. - 8:18 a. m.
fiterannStilleAtirlistatitb •3g:54.p.m.,9:33205•
NettonaldtsACl"ll. No. '31181).
bluntly eliatehtTrattr..
mar lietrirwravtrilii*M lenTO [
191:13 Kr OMR *lap vd y.
All other trainvotti'Man .1111Intsirttifteit
ed. The 9:43 a. m. makea Are eon:
neetions at Newark it r nexv2ll.l4•rt.,t• , ",")
8. F. 5439bL i no ratylain gen_4
W. C. 5.39. sapi.t.: Matthew/111e. Ohio: -
spit , , , : ,• .
-41 ipo n rrgrss mon tairisisir
3 82w3r, k ‘zi
Y - rater
aad after TUBBDA oye , "IMO
arptve at and deparitrodt,ttr,
Depot . corner or Grant 'and Water' rtreetr, -•tv ,
kaki". - • " • Ar9te-1)
Kanto saafromUaton-- • • , , • • •
town• at. is:ooi , :rt.
McKeesport Accomdt'n IEOO A. ht. VAMP,
Ex. to and from Unt , n.3:oo P. M. /a:la:L:14
Wert Newton AtiteliNV.ll6ol% -- ra. 8:35A. 0.
Bdoclr , o-Accomdt , n. ear. P. X.
N4tt Ac. t03104_ , Pp00rt,t10:30 1 7.41: 46:43 A.lll,
Bpadir gotor.talslo t 0 • ,
and 00'm Wert Newton ' 11 , 061 . .4f1-10;0012.•0-
F9r147 2 -1 11. ; RA. VaCiND.-AreiaLu
W. 1 43T013T.Soefarnaseadeat. ..:•
ta/V nir4i .
ttt :tttn r: , 11 - 214ift alit tit
Eastern, Diftiowlio r.
+rite' I smniiiirk 1103 `RJCIAJLIO
litargaireartilt.o4o.4o.4.,PW! P 1 j
. ,
Coliiinda" 'Nim , ' , itnia4 e,,1 - 9 . ye
California 14 •.:
_1V,.1 • . 7
„ -Illib i i . ‘ .
. ' ?..;.• Arizona. . ~ , iirriktolit 11, ,
• ( r ..
ItOiiii keit icifiAffige't : "'-
~:::., •.. -. • ; .: cd .. : , ;; ,. 4 ,,e,.: 1 io.'11: , 1 ,.11,1,1 5Ls i ,
. 1 :,
.., ,
... ,• , AreittP!..l.i :::: .. : , tr.):: t.. Jai:-_, •
rtioitaiis'Arattil""fil"lla ± , ii il liSi n i( tit/
•grialti li ttga i r„„,agi r r e ti a l ti 1i i. ,.. anti n gt
.tral and idt.,-144feitlati•-gil=
itio - st , tit , -
1 141 1A1 11 0 11 . ' , IPM 40_,Virtiffe i t t iftfaitt
rim w imp
AgN r r 4 t'ol o , ll ß _
.. 4 tl . Ate, MA
. joue ,.. a .-tt,farit liii,„a/3 .41.:01. Daze
Ipiiitrevitefir siltrAr ltlaatiar .
4- - o tik' j ae ti -, ; via,
.o._l •, . I din - v M iro
,Aw4wita BAND . , ozrzlinvir. LIMA
or anCßEStorllbrt rs 70.1% , Mk t
1111111 M 4 rizo.o%dfirmilf , Plv ,.
i;iiirftiitt H lA ,l aiialll 4 ==_ , =
wittolo atismrriagisyra, Mu
from Its w mminnt, OW Posalkow"on
4 , 3 e1 : .90; SOAT#WIAt t pS
spol% ty
tretatts to the
:Ttiskettlas Wow. 'itttlWieiwtolpi • folliAtti
ttlis e F,nlted anti nt i mstaft in
Tu . , ig , ,
10,1aLl '4, VSIOIR 4 1 11:1104.1*Srai '
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