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[,HS Totears* to thelltubtr . . - GREAT BRIT liormatr, :Juno 29.—The - Star to-day, commenting. on the repotted depart Fire fro& Nehiqork of Colonel -expo ditiou, bgings tha circumstance to.bear upon' th6` question f the claima,now pending between the `United Statee and Great Britain. Ifkays: , We are inter estedio the contnltkof t e United States ittotatent in thilh. I,* „ Rec. nen-. 41 1h*s ' thorbhghlY and: effectively enforef4, or she will 'lose the- taxa has gained on public opitilotf,- which \ thiourea the fair consideration of - the ,Alabama claims. The Alabama escaped unarmed, with an ordinary merchantman'a.crew on, board adiV-hiO a*.?lutitly herd t bate incurred abiglPdigieti - of respo nsibility 'forth consequences. The departure of a party of eight hundred, men from ..New York harbor, ah far a can he itidged from present accounts of the affair, appears tO IDe, an Anfraction i of.- neutrality : jtitsi` 'T'as 4 &grant as the escape of the Alabama, and - one which could have . peen, much more easily pre. vented." ! • Doismsi, Jane 29.—A meeting was held last night to titge upon the Government the release of the Fenian prisoners. Hear tit& tbuti4od, pebple were pres ent.. Mr. Butt, a prominent lawyer, made a speech., He saidithe motto of all true Irishmen ought , to be "Bide your time; put .Ironttrtikt_in_Gixt- and keep , your. powder dry ." If the British goveriunent persisted in keeping, these Vnen 'lncarcerated, all its profese atoms of conciliation would be useless. Mr. Williams, or Dangaroon, made an impassioned ;spew*, He declared, the Bvman prjson - ers wotild not accept mercy. They demanded justice from the Minis t era. If the , latter refused it, let the blood be upon their own heads. He would not, howeverosavocatea resort to tne for that doctrinewaa:nUw ont of time:--• ACM= ke 4 -^ L&itort, June 29.—wne French mail steam sr, from Rio Janeiro. June Bth, has arlived. A reVOI tion had broken out at filobtsideo, ca by the. Weep. giWtheii—tiotidition s the iluaboerc learabella had raised t e atandard of in surrection in the pro oes. Advices from AsunciOn to the 14th of May state the allied Ihroaa had corn -10 menced 'their march in \ the interior. They captured many ners on the way and tool the town o oiling by sur prise. The Paraguayans had abandoned their position at Pattitth . 44,-- •?. lkiltlNE 311 liris. ' LONDON, Ja,:.,9---,The %mars City of New York., De • mark Mid, hi() have out. _ ar rived ... I inpuirciaak, NU COMMERCIAL. 29.—Evening.—Consote account 83; 1 31 ! , e 6.2a m. bond m. e 2 9= Evening.—Ootton firmer; middling • up ans . 12% sales 12,1100 white wheat 9s. lid.; . Western flour 225. 275. 6d. for new; 29a. 4d. Peas 375. 6d. Lard 725. Obsess Spirits Petroleum 7)6d. ltist. I.Ol'lllOX, Juit4 for money 92%; 80%; do. Frank; note 94M; stockial LtvEaPooL,4l3 market a sbadO lands 12%; Or bales. Catforni red western ea. - ed. Cora —mlx ' for -old. Oats Pork as. Beef 1 70s. Bacon 635. relined ls. 6M i d. LONDON, Jun 445. Linseed of 9d. Calcutta . ' 31 lbs. bs. Sugar 395. seed 61s. Petroleum nes. Cotton. at Havre at Antwerp 49 f 140 on spot. ItB CITY. L = , Al The Ocean Rauh Robbery—The Cuban keillibuster Operations. • Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Ge;ette.l NEW YosE, .Tuzie 29,1869 . . The loss of depositorb by the robbing of the Ocean Bank is believed to exceed half a million dellarie That or the bank is a trifle less than 125,000 In current funds, in addition t0.522,0001n negotiable bonds, upon which the; bank had made loans. A rumor was circulated this afternoon. of thuarreet or Col. RYan, and several other leaders of the Cuban expedition are to bs arrested. Col. Roger A. Pryor will. it is said, be indicted for attempting to violate the neutrality laws.- General Groconria has been held , to bail in,fso,- 000 to answer the charge against him, an 43,000 to keep the Peace. Some say the expedition has actually gone to sea on the Quaker City, while-the ,United States authorities" assert positively'itris, under surveillance within two hundred Mlles 01 New York. . The steamer Guiding Star has arrived frc".93Panbagen , . - Yews from San Doming*. EBY Tglegrabb to the Pittsburgh GsUtte.] San Dom:moo, JllllO 2 1TEIVidELLVANA' June Dominican.. kictiato. ,JAAd declared. General Luperon and crew, of the steamer Wegrafoi pirates. The people of Puerto Pieta- and Sameriare • • fused to receive Luperon, who luutiAstied s proclamation, of rebellion. The vo , minican troops remain faithful to Tree dent Bees. . , • fficially =reports thatthe provinces of Mae, Beytp and Salamis are trariquil. 27re e troo • are needed, hut /ergo numbers of el s are:offerha 1 their services to defe the frontier.. , ErmireSeri -Lea inn r e nieliat::. LB, Telrgrgph to thorn rgh Ourtte,3 j - CINCINNATI, JIIIIO 119.—Thle aft.ernoon, on the Cincinnati and Louticrille'llidi• ". void, the Mayor, Aldermen and Coimeit. men , Of - ToonierlUte arrived betel. :; The u, Mayor of this city and a deputsiiof Omneilmen -received them at gniton give them an iufatrusi dinner ti the Spencer House to morrow. They ti will sit the buburbs add publicinstitutions. , The Amendment In New Hemp. (By Teleirreph to the Pitteberigh, Gazette) '1 • Coricoaii, 312110 29.—The - Fifteenth Cooatitational Amendment hap_peased ; the House and is matte the . order fox; pwrgdayenext tho Satiate. 1, , - ••. • , , :I .* "f J... V-Vik • 'biliat on • ••' • , ' • ••• rSpecial Dispatch to the Pittsburgh Gazette) TIONDSTA, Juno 29, 1869. I ' T A thirty barrel wall of Ixtbricating oil, I worth fourteen dollars per barrel at the well, was struck this morning on the Janalson „farm, abrorit Una mile and a 'half • above Tionesta; at the depth of only two hundred feet. The greatest excitement prevails. Operators are here from all sections, and psoperty has advanced, wonderfully. The strike is one of the most important made since the Sham burg discovery. The Jamison farm is adjoined by that known as the Sowere' tract, now owned by a Pittsburgh Arm, imd which at one tirne prnduced.largely. / JOHN 411ABNEY. C °stem., • IN, maks tkitotAms. a million dollars worth of real _estate was sold at auction in Cincitmati yestOrday.. ;-- i The City Council Of Cincinnati have decided to celebrate Monday next as the Fourth of July. „ --A bombshell exploded, in Wolf's rolling mill, Newport, Ky., on Monday, wounding - tWo men. -—A notorious horse thief was found hung, three miles from Shawnee. Kau saa, on Sunday last. . The rat passenger . train Crossed the, Missouri river on the new bridgeg";= - at Kansas City, on Monday. ' . , J. Sheldon, formerly. of Albany, N. Y., was murdered by Indiana, May 13th, near Prescott, Arizona. .1;:. g —Joe, Wormall. Champion of Engiand g challenges ant Man, in. America gto 12ght lum in-Canada for $OBOOO. —Gen. Cluseret, expelled from France, Was a passenger on the Periere, which arrived at-New York yesterday. —Gooding'sjewelr3r store, in 13oaton, was robbed yesterday of two thousand doilarai worth of 'diamond rings. . - ' —At Toledo, Ohio, Ht. Vote on lay del egation in St. Paula M. E. Church was taken last night,-and resulted yeas 103, nays 79. —The banks, custom house, insurance and _public °Moos in Baum were closed yeaterday, on account of Harvard Com= • mincemeat. , —Work "dies been commenced in con structing' the new telegraph • line from Boston to Duxberry, to connect with the French ' • —Five frame buildings and two brick •stores, including the Bocning 13W/din of fice, in Kansas City, were uestroyed by lire on Monday night. - • - • . • . —The bark Harriet Lieveilly - vias sunk on Monday, in NeW York harbor, by colliding wish the steamer Harmonia, and one of the crew lost. —James Webb, President of the City Council of. Baltimore, is at St. Louis, ex amining the lire department, board of health, system, water works, 4c, --Passengers by' the steamer Silver Bow, *lrina arrived at St. Louts yisster- day, from the upper Missouri: brought ;200,000 it gold dust end bullion.. - —San Princleco merchants are,ormsid ering‘the propriety of organizing-1110as urss for the protectiob of Chinese Immi grants, who are dailyarriving there. -- • Itogeit, the abscondina Postmaster's clerk, who carried 'away wool) in Gov ernment funds froth: the Navy Yard at Brooklyii„ has been - arrested iia Texas. —Coy. Randolph has appointed Robert Gllchurst, ofF4Orsey City, Attorney-Gen eral of NeW.JersOv, vice George M. Rob. eson, Secretary of Lhe Navy. —The tea of two persons drowned by the flood in Kansas floated past Kan sas City last evening, and three were re ported rishedout at the. State line bridge. —The dWelling of John Conklin at Clavercock, N. Y., was_, strusk by light ning on Monday, and his wife and two other persons injured; though not seri -91110.. —An entire car load of calves and sheep was found to be dead from suffocation, occasioned by close packing, on the ;Mor ris and Essex railroad, at Newark, Nev, - Jersey, yesterday. • ' —Discoveries of rich silver ridnes -be tween White Pine and the head of navi gation in Colorado, are announced. The ledge is from three Le thirty feet wide of very rich ore in abundance. —News is received of the explosion of a powder magazine on • Somberoro ' 'at Guano Island, in _the ,West Incites, onthe 31506 f May. Seven Bien were instantly killed and some twenty wounded. —The testimonial to •pilmore at the Boston Coliseum was very sucomefal in the numbers present and the generalex cellence of performances. Gilmore will ' - realise about 825.080 from the - binefit. -L man named Downey, arraig'aed in Newport, Ky., on Monday, was abetdan gerously while in Court, the , ball passing tlbroligh hie neck, by *a brother of a girl on *hem he was charged with cornmit ting a —Tire late Temperance Convention of Maine State nominated N. G. Mitehborn for Governor and appointeddelegates to the National .. Convention at Chicago, (1 August Ist. The prohibit! a resolution of the Republican State Conventian was almost unanimously tabled. 'l —A dispateh to the Nashville Banner.. from Hitritlitilidd. .Tenn.. says S. H. Benton was killed on Tuesday morning • by Captain J. R. Sim n.. Benton -re ceived lice shots. and Vied instantly. kpgapron - gavekhzreit dp and was own. ridbflid to..jairfor tidal :':.. '-,, .. :I. ...L. -••: * I.—Gen. Canby issued an order yester day extending the Virginiastay law to January let, 1870, in all cases where one y'ear's Interest on_ debt is_ paid before Attustkeitti:htilidTheriig extrAtititms to be levied in eases where smelt interest is not,d. ,„, . --; j** c: 1. _ j c ,otitat the steamer , Catharine ;WU enisolikedWO : b e" GowirnintnitLat 11 . New York, was.used ass decoy, and that •4/111* the fonds!. . were watching:-ter iricleXeitte with Several revenue inztters„ - the yealkiageditibri embarked ell'aneß . eir Stedihersad isfeirdeparted. • '. 4:,: r :ag i ag ..eipaillSt plirty Ito* the' Eloliw Female Oollagei-inuisisting of about one hundred i•penieni, , including studed__ _AL' professors;ariiLAWll i g ui l h e 4l4.lll44llP° are visiting. the .cepper regions of Lake Saptitior, have ; artived ' et Marquette, —The., oosivnicespieet _lot - ' , Halyard, Gallego, yesteidoky r ettruted many ;visit ors.- - The =Merit* ' ennobles' 'received close attentkon, and were south. applaud- - ed. i The (twee of Doctorof•Litws -was' ettifeered *Deed John 13.1,44”14 COv• E=MMI IN ~- , , r 1 , , -, 1?,' , -,i_;4('''''•;---: k,, • - :- 1 " ~--,_-,,,-.. , ,-:: - ''.--,', ' ',. ,-, 4...,,_ :(,- , 1- •-: ~!,' - --`: 4.,, ,; ,?,c, -' , r . ..4'5 - ',' ',.-: ,” ; ,', ' ~, .;.- : 7 t,1:444 ' 6-',2"(,f4.'.;..'",fa:7;).10'1' /' ' ;,.;;ii,r 7 " ~ .; 4 , - itZ:•,-:=„2,l: 7 f`. ..: .-.,f:tl: - .' jr:t.;4:-r,;P:-..1",...'-', ; !,'-' ....:;', 4 ::: : ,1 ,;:':/:: • •••::::-,".42;. - :' -,- =',l-4,-;:a'E' -, : - :- - af r itz .-: - . t w' - ."- 1ii... , ' , ::':, . 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