, . r- P/E;nWLEVM MAWkill;s, Ii , . 1,.1 OFF/CE Or PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, i A . -SATURSDAY June 26, 1869. The oil market.:'has been considerably igitateg and excited during the past, , treek, tit owing to the fact that it was ;-.) iftietat to get' buyers and sellers tti , t;etheri',,,the vo l u m e of business was coin ,i„ csrativel light. , The general feeling, 1 .owever has been towards increased r f , trmness - and tom red with last week •• ric Y es - . are highs though, as was: the r e lark week, the were frequent dm. • miens; the mar et changing as many two o three times a day. IRetieiPts of Crude this Week, 21,020 i ) D lB : l Ast, week, 24,734; from January Ist dat,;‘ , 381,06a; saute time last year, r r 9lo. ,Exports Refined Ibis week, 18 - ,- , 2; last week, 12,958; from January lat O date, 20 ,b 77; same time last year, l r 61,7.58; sales this week, 40,400; last week 1 6,161:1 „ CRUDE. ' l l'he operations reported to-day were usually large, reaching in the aggre to. 23,000. bats, while prices have un forgone nO quotable change. Bales 'in its of 10,000 seller all year at 14;4,000 at 14; 54000, last evening, at 14; 1,000 lier ;um at. 1434; 2,000 sells* - ;;;-4,Q00 seller 10 days at ' t at.l4)(e • , BEY/NED I But a single sale reported, . 31... July quoted at 32 am December at 333. Col kuraday both June and Ji i cent, while lines for the be quiet and unchanged. i„, LIIBRICATING OILS. oclipse Winter Lubrldating oil 40c clipse Railroad Axle 35c ;clips” littatbinery 75c rli pse, Spindle 80e I . _ . A ILECEIPTS OF CHAIDII OIL. I • Wilson & Co .rber-& Bro .. . ... - Wilkins tool & Bro ' Waring &King. 1. V. - Foreman, 'Total - • 3,063 bbls. 013.'SBIPPBD ST BT A. O. B. B. , Citizens Oil Co. 489 bbla refined to .k do to, Philadelphia. Li. Koehler & Co., 100 lablxi . refined to ari:lF; Kinn . &. Co., Philadelphia. EL - W. C. Tweddle 297 bbla refined to ard n. Frew & Co., Philadelphia. .tal,:aldnmenta ..... 886 .L. SRIPMENTS PER WEST. PENNA. B R. 4 (1. W. floldatdp & Co.. 331 bbla refined cr.Waring, ging &Co., Philadelphia. , - R3laton & Waring, 430 bbla refined to arcing, : King & co., Philadelphia. • • Mentzer, Ranier & Co., 213 bble ref. to V. P, Logan &O 8., Philadelphia. H.Kotohler & Co. , 200 bbla relined to earlng, King it Co:, Philadelphia. 1 •• otal, &Aliments Retined • 1174 'TL SHIPPED EAST PROM DINETESNIS • , DEPOT. _ . Effl M '~ Duncan &Williams, 99 bbla refined to . P.-Logan & Etro., Philadelphut. i t Markets by Telegraph. Ns*, :lrionc., June 28.—Cotton firmer les of 4,800 bales; at 33Ne for middling - . - plsaids. , " Flour; receipts 11,138 bush; arket ' dull and 5© WO lower; salesof 400 bbla,,at $5©5,53 for . superfine State d western, 18,25®8 t 00 for extra State, , 900)6,75f0r extra western, '56,80©7,25 . , . hits wheat extra, $3,35147,00 for R. H. 4., g 6,9007,50 for extra St. Louis, and b©lllb i `goon to choice do. Rye Flour , lirtai at $4,25@6,25. ' Corn Meal quiet. hiskY lower; sales-250 bbls western at c©ll,oo, free,.. the latter an outside, •co. - 'Wheat; receipts 188,659_ bush; hbi, heavy and to lower; sales 88.- , bush, at $1,43;-i®l;46 for No;2 spring, ~51®1,52 for No.. 1. dh., 51,52' for ed Wane $1,7234 for chola° white ontenesee, iad $1, 1 75 - fOr white California. Rye et and firm. Barley nominal. Corn; ceipts 79,614 bush; market-.a ade firmer; .salas of 31,000 ' bush, , 62®8854c for " new mixed,,west -kn via canal , 82®90c '. for. do. ktt e • - a railroadi.9o@ 9l .3 for western yellow, : 03 for old • mixed western . delivered. , ipts oats 41,698; oats active ,and is • er; sales of 18,000, bushels .at '72;4® • . for western in . store; 77@77)4e far do -.• at., Rice. quiet.._ Coffee: in. moderate 3 quest. 'Sugar dull. • Molasses dull. etroletun quiet at 1634 c for crude, 3134 2e for refined:: Hops quiet. Coal. ; - • niet. Leather. Ili' moderate request at • :revious Prides: Wool rather more active , •'r -'z' es of 369,000 pounds at 45@ 4 7c ; for do, nestle 'Swee t 133%@)356 for unwashed, ®57340 for :tubbed and 38®500 for. • led.,..Linseed oil quiet. Turpentine, • Wet . at 42®43c; Sheathing copper steady 33c. Ingot copper somewhat irregular ~... 22c for all kinds. Pig iron quiet and eady at 39®44d for . ,Scotch and 36®37c t :-. r American': Bar quiet . and nix " nged. Sheet dullat 11X®13,ife. (Add r Russia. :Nails dull ar.,_44,ic for cut, 4 c forolbach and 26®300 for horseshoe. • ork dull'and heavy with sales of, 625 bis at $32,31®32,50 for new mess, ;31,87 32 for old do. -- ; $26.2.5®27 for i prime, '--• • 1g8,256329 for prints mess. Beef steady •-. Bite sales ef 150 bbls. Beef Hams quiet. . - ith sales of 80 ; tibia :f at 20®31c... . Cut '`.l' • teats firmer with saleitiof 165 p'kgs,at '',...: %®1414e for shoulders, 17®18340 for ..:, ma. Middles firm with sales .of 4,100 . ices liitig ribbed, long clear Stafford and --.! - ratford at 16 44 @/734c. , Lard quiet and : ... ter with sales of 430 tierces at .17© 1443 for steam, 19X®203 , i0 for kettle . ! idered... Butter steady at 20®83o:for • kilo, &bike dull and heavy at 15(1734c. 1 !•:4 eights to: iverpool firm; shipments of ~i • - - s'soo bus Wheat at 94 toer /steamer. ':',•_l. LatentrFlour dull and 50)10o lower. .:.-. 7 12 eit:Cpliet . at $1,43@1,44 for No. 2, and ..; .1 ,5064,1"f0r: Np. 1.. spring. , - Rye :is. .. !. "arca and Erin at 81.25 for, western. -. : . vats active an firm. at. 774))77340 for ,-: eaten afloat t • pore closed quiet ,at 85a , . . r sound- , cilnal and railroad mixed •;:••, extern, and i1@1;03 ' lot old' mixed . ; esterre In' store' and - afloat. , Pork ii !.:.-.• ry quievat:s32.2s fernew mess. Beef quiet andmnehanfred. ll (hit- meats are • to with a lair • - demand. , Bsoori stead,' 1 o :*;" •,, d infair request. - -Lard-dull at 1.9%111 - x i o forfeit to• prime steam. Egg's. are , .„;,. rxrii4e; Ittne.'26Eisterit Exotiange . , mer attafr 10110 per_ Cent. premium • , .. irepat'',to • 1-10 per. cent, cliticoutit , „ . tree "Wheat Motif quiet it ;546 * for epilog \ •-•- ~.:: . tras: "Wheat; •Nci.'l tit.' fair demand; -• : rtes t 11,230)1,27.• No. 2 firmer and. .... ',, 4 @20 higher; sales at $1,2341,25;;.:c105, g tirtil at 51,24,2)1,23/; thin 7. afternoon : Re at f.;2434@1,25 dash. Corn firmer . * =d moderately active and 1®134 higher; •• • ' les of NO. lat 70@71%, No. 2at .71©72, • •• • -Sectedf - ati`l 3o (o 6l, no grade at ; 's3©sls; ordure' at 711 c for• No. 1, and steady at gg7l34'lbr No. 2; unchanged. this . if . - ... -.moon • bits Anil, firm' and !,(i)No • • gliertisales of l'ib . 2 AC:61E462; c esti* •• . • .. iet atilBl.%®6 l y,. , Hye quiet awl I@lx war; aides at I,oo3(gil.closing 064 • olosi,Aulet • •:. §1,061311;07. Barley - Inactive: and .. - ...minatitt f4;so' for No. 2. in storo.sgigh, • •. es diill - ar,"9•1ii®40 . .. Nair. lirigans olasuniit 05e®11.. 'l3mvir.::lo;@l.4•Xo lot. : it to itiiiiies: ', PrOylatens dull7-,tdoii • , ork viiii`;Atilet at 138,215.:.: Dry Salted . boulders Aitaltny closing at 12340. Lard, • • ctive and nominal at 19yo. Freightii =EI MI 4... , i • :r. ME 8188 t 1 . %.0 . tt, BM Ell • ' quiet and a shade higher at 53.p@c60 for corn, 4c for oats, and 5%c for wheat to Buffalo. Receipts past twenty-foctr hours: 6,935 bbls flour, 103,540 bus wheat,,65,010 -bus corn, 25,543 bus oats, -1,550 bus' rye, 8,113 bogs. i Shipments: 8,926 bbls flour, 78,900 bus Wheat, 58,703 bus corn, 49,390 bus oats, 681 bus rye, 7,629 hogs. Si'. Louis, June 26.—Tobacco steady and unchanged. Cotton is held firmly at 320 for middling. Hemp fiat and but few sales•l undressed sold at si. Flour very he av y anq ' 15@20c lower on the lowest g rades, and 10®15C ,on medium qualities; spring. fell and iiiperfind sold at $4@5,05, spring and fall' extra 06;50© 5,50. double extra $5,20156,00, treble ex tra $6,50@7,50..• Wheat:.: millers out of the market, but some inquiry by outside buyers,' No. 2 spring steady -at fl.lo© . 1,11, No. lat $1,15®1,17, ••strictly prime to choice red - - fail ' sold at $1,2/3©1,40, choice , new red , $1,55 do white $1,75.• Corn; choice white and yellow scarce and • higher and price generally better; choke mixed yellow and yellow sold at 75®77c, , prime to choice white 83@86e, the latter' held higher at the• close. ' Oats advanced to 655670. Rye lower at $l,lO. Whisky dull and lower at 94c. Groceries quiet; good fair to prime Louisiana Sugar Si©' 340...G00d fair to:barely prime Rto coffee 21. 1 /,®24c. Provisions inactive and easier for pork and beecushotilders, Pork sold at $33,25©33,75i !Bacon—shoidders 11y.Col clear rib aides 18e; clear sides 18y‘c. Lard ' dun' and heavy; choice tierce'ln the small way sold at - 19Wc; keg , 21@213c. Re- ' ceipts--flour 1,800 bbls,iwheat 7,600 bu, corn 4,500 bre, oath 3,600 bu, rye 100 bu, hogs 750 head. • NEW ORLEANS, June 26,—Cotton ac- I Live and unchanged at 313.4 c for mid- dlings; sales 1,250, receipts 143, exqorts 986 bales. Gold 137%. Sterling 54‘. N w York sight 1 4 premium. , Flour is fir er at $5,87 for superfine, $6,25 for XX; 66,3734 for XXX. White Corn 95c. Oats 71®720. Bran $1@1,07. Hay firm at $2627. Pork held a 35. Bacon 18 @lBy,c. Lard at 20@21 cfor ticece, and 213,®22a for keg. Sugar at 9% ®10 1 ,40 for common, and 126)14c for prime. No sales of Molasses; fermenting nominal at.66©6lc. Whisky 923,@95c. ~Coffee is dull and unchanged. . BUFFALO, June 23.—Flour dull: sales of city ground spring at $6,50, western -nominally at 53,80. Wheat nominal. Corn firmer - with :sales ~ of 20;000 bus; mostly white,, at 780, 48,000 boa No. 2 mixed at 78c, 40,000 bus do? at 7634 c to arrive,•closint firm. Oats batter; sales of 60,000 ' bus western at 67®87%© ;*: a, closing firm but quiet. Rye • neglecte d and the market nearly bare. Mess Pork steady, at $33433,50 for 'heavy.' Lard steady'at 19%020c. Higliwilnes nominal . at 97®98c Out no,demarids: • . CLENrirnario, June M.—Flour $7.75@8 'for double extra amber; $8,75®7 for double extra red winter; $6 for extra red winter;, 16,50 for double extra spring; country made 57,50@8,25 for double ex tra white:: 56,25(47,25 for double extra red and amber; $6,25@6,75 for donble extra spring. Wheat—sales 1 kar No. 1 red winter at 51.25; 3 cars No do. do. at $1,25. Corn—sales of 1 car No. at 740. Oats held, at 85@66c. Petrol 1. eum —relined held at 29©30c and nothing doing except in a small way; crude_nominal at $6,50. MiLwattuga, Jnne6.—Flour dull and nominal; , choice lowa and Minnesota $5,50@6.00. Wheat dull'at $1,2535 fbr No. 1, $1,23 for No. 2. Oats active and \ firmer at 59 1 ,y0 for. No. 2in store. Corn firmer at 76c for No. 2. lit e entirely nominal. Grain freights nominal at go to Buffalo, and lic to Oswego. Bapeipts: 2,000 bbls flour, 62,000 bush what, 1,000 bush corn. Shipments: 3,000 bbls flour,' 26,000 bush. heat. OSWEGO. June 28.—Flour 250 lower; gales 1.700 • bbla at $7 for No. 1 spring, $7,50 for double 58,25 for white, and 59 for exera. Wheat quiet; No. 1. Milwaukee club $1,45; No. 2do $1,38®1,39; choice white Canada . $1,80: sales 3,000 bush ember Michigan at $1,52. Corn quiet; No. 1 Indiana held at 83u • - Mmerms, June 28.—Cotton - firmer at 32a; reeeipte, 32 bales; exports, 104 bales. Flour dull and unchanged. ' Wheat -new $1.10®1,25..: Corn 92%c - . Oats-dull at 750. • Hay;• choice :525. Bran dull at $2l. Corn Meal 54.00®4.25. • Pork firm at $33.00004,254. , Lard ill ad2c.— BaCon firm; shoulders 15. sides.l9o. ,• CASOAOO. Jane 28.—Oattle dull at s4 (§t 8,12 X, for fair common to good butchers stock. said 16,90€0• 37 34 'for , light to good shipping steers. ilogsopened dull and closed fairly **treat 10€115o lower; sales at $8,40 for etookerc , $8.7508,90 for fair to medium, - and: $909,50 , for good to choice.. - - .. • + ' , *., ' • PICII.ADRLIMIA4 { June 2&—Flour dull at $8,00Q750. - - Wheat ;very; dull. amber $1.5501,60.1 Zorn very dulli high mfr. ed 880900.• Oats steady; western 78077 e. Provisions ,unchanged. ~ Whisky 90e. ,Petroleung reßned 210; crude nominalst 22®2 2 >i0• __•• ''''' . ',;.t±. ;'.- ' Be tango tka, Jane 26. —Flour dull and weak., Wheat; lower' valley 'red $1,700 1,70; new wheat $2, Corn dull; prime white 95@97x ',yellow • 88a..., Oats- dull. Provialonsquletendknohanged. Whisky scarce. held,,at $1,04. ',,, - ,:, ..., • . • DETROIT, Wane 260,-Flour dull. Wheat 3e40 lower4extra white $1,69@1,70; . • No. 1 do. $1,50@1,51, No. 2 do. • 41 1 31. . Oats higher at 68c. ST. Loors,-June , 26.—Cattle • —moderate briefness at s4@7 for fairlo extra. ' 1160, ~ active and firm atftegi ' ' "- • . . 68 bble 1,600 " 323 " 440 " 480 ‘ 4 160 " • Nsw Tons, 3"tine" 26,—Market quiet, and little or no" change 'tonotice io 1410118 Z LOITIS,AEO-lar i a SUN: - DUBUQUZ ateamar ;..,i WAIIANITA Capt. 0. A. Da.avo; Wilt; LPAVO . for Oa above Rona THIS LAY. the Stitt% Inst.. At *o'clock P. x. yor freight or vabsinotry_on bawd or so J lip.n or. . let • V. COLLINeviohOD, A . anti. pi ii , T $ l / 4 tV A tt n el-Us . Av&Elligirille wairat ' - .P -,,,,,, ~,i wharf' KZ,BBBUSG L —Caste on u r ic IrED. Writ.. Mot or Wood Myers daLlys4 .s .., NI23DALIB t riNIMUIWAXI) 4 4 6tA11r Itairtei. C. ;!.. II I "r'idiettAlVlll be . ledelleil liL a all boars by W EIS 1 1X!, ... ri, CRLLINGWOOD , A.gentil. To! plyie=4,rop!.., 4ND o trEEigszo,wlq.- TUN IN AN mem sTneassaniw Numbering sixteen lint-oboe rissehh imozg tn , =the celebrite , d ciTy orrmite., - • ; crriry asiVlnue. CITY OP.SOSTON,•• VITT , OF BALTIMORE; CITY OF LONDOX. 8111 Aft EVIERF .81a/MDAY, trot& Piei 43: Nvnu Elver, Ne*Ant. Tor nimage or farther information sway 11INP1 An*, iarg 10 rtrni froctirifaciiuntai moldy:Lt., - mist 4)lfl'oek. PittemvAr - -„, PITTSBURGH - --43fAlfEl vf - Rt- --MON DA T;-- - -31:314E --2fl Dry CHxds Darket. RlVrat I P*CHEITS. - t vvrzis r .PASKICSIBIIIRSU: •*,* ,• • , UM STEAMS PS -STON& WEST CO psf MacMne Stone Workse Nontaw_est c9rrsoF of Wept Comropm staloglimat, VILIMErit 414. QO, Ham on t4ad and Stol e . 850110•4 rbats , SWlLtderrattsy.Rearet. Nara ~ 'Bead and 'tomb ;stones, Orders promptly ezacuted. Pecos roarcurabla . . , • • . .. . . . . . • 4 •II• " \---,• - • • . ._ •44r:1"Zill. .-• . . '-'o'''''''''Fl-I•"----'••''''ISI--I''''''':11.4'.••'"•••Y''',7"IIVC-'••:';"'-'•-•-•'Z'''''''''i•r4,.'7.•::M`IVIII;MI''',2.0:4I.V.:N•T'S.:•':'•22.,-I-..7-t•;Ar,i,'IZV''IlIS,F-.,*Nr$•,$tsx'''''.-2-ItirW•r•I-P';'•'..;.'4V•I4'.4,••,,J..# - •"' A.4.14:k 'g44 I 'i.11•04.119-. . • • .. ,,, , , 45:• • it,,,,1.1',..41,:,,,5;,-;-P,1,.,?4•51,V.,i,5....•6,9,;,:it•-;;.*,,1,,,,,..,•1,....1.••.•!:•. '`,. _1 , ,, , eiitt_;,...4.--.1i....,..1,, "*-4,,F I QI.-,•',:r.•;_,`5•5,-.;,;,.1,?;-;•,..2.,•,,,,,,,,,,,, - ~4,-,:-..-V-;•14,,,,,11VN:N.,,y.-g"..T.,•,•:1,- '....- - - 41- ' ''''` • ' • ~ ,i-r...4.-,%-4.4ri-.....,..,..,Vike..',1' ''''''--t..ir,?2-..."4.'V••••,,,;'WVI I •q-i:L•444.:1,r-.1":17.• I N.••',:-••46-•-'"4a.'",-,fe.-..1A•-•,..-,AQ.4..",,,`•;•3..,,,,, t+. •,-• , . • . t • 1, • . .. • • • I . , • . • . . . , . .• , , . . RIVER NEWS. t The river was about stationary yester day with scant five feet in the channel. We should not be surprised to see it rise again to.day, as, considerable rain fell on Saturday night. The mercury at SP. 51. was up to 92 in shade.. , The Petrone is the only arrival we have: to report., The Julia No. 2, from ,Zanesvitle is doe this morning._ , The. Kate Putnam departed for Cincin nati and Louisville on Saturday evening with about all the freight she could take on thewater. Pilots--ttlapt: J:Haniilton and J. Henderson; The Wananita, Capt. -O. A. Dravo, is filling up steadily, ler :131,. , L0uis and the Upper Mississippi; and will probably take her departure to-day.:. John Hamill, a welll known steam boat engineer, ¢ a& at his late residence, 'Boyle street, Allogheny, yesterday. He had been ill for isome five or six weeks with,pneumonia.• 1 , • • The towboat Hero /left Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Friday, with a barge con 7 tamping 2,400 oil bble. ..- •The Lorena was to have left St. Louis for Pittsburgh on Saturday. "—A. recent letter to the Keokuk Bulle tin says that the first 'steamer that ever ran up the Des Moines (probably cer tainly above- St. Francisville) was the old Ohio , River boat Science. She ran up as far as Vernon, -and there sunk, about the Ist .of May, .1838. She was afterward raised and made other trips. —The Northern Line Co.' and the Northwestern Union Co., combined, have now 200 barges ready for use and distributed at different pbints along the river, calculating to do an immense bu siness in transporting grain this season. , —The Nashville Union, - of ! Wednesday, says: E. G. Davidson, formerly of . Pa ducah, Ky., an old steamboat clerk, was assassinated in Arkahsas a few days ago. It appears that Mr. Davidson had a per sonal quarrel with a man named Whit. ley, whom he accused of ,having offered insults to his wife hi his absence. Whit ley, fearing revenge, fired eve shots at the unfortunate man, and instantly killed him.: Our river friethls will re member him as bookkeeper for many. years 'for Wm. Sineciley, on the Huntsville, ' Alconla, and the clerk ill.fated Lexington. Poor Peleg I . . —The St. Louis Democrat, says: Mountain boats are coming in daily now. We have had back to this port the Ida Rees, Importer and lige; the Cora, Only 13 days fro - -Bentop, , passe d St. Joseph for St. is, Monday. The Mon POW trade has roved a serious joke to the boats engage in it thissear.. 1 „ —The stookholde of the defunct" St. Louis &Quiney'ra ket Company sold at auction at . St. Lobis on Thtirsday, at Quincy. moo° worth • of stock •in the Northwestern Um n!.Packet Company for an average of Jo ty.eents on the dol lar. Most of it was bought- - by John B. ,1 Henderson, Esq., nited Btates Senator from Missouri, - - =--A. St. Louis telegram,' speaking of the case of Capt. DOnaldson, says, Pub lic sentiment Is soniewhat divided in re gard to the verdiCt of the jury in the Donaldson trial, but probably the larger portion of the pei i ple think it right. However this •ma be, it was next to impossible for the j, ry to convict under the instructions of the Court, they being for murder in the first degree only, and no one, perhaps, thinks even though the Captain shot the boy, that ha killed him premeditatedly and with malice . aforethought., Others, and not a few, care but little about it, as the victim was "only a nigger, anyhow." —From the same source we get the following: Capt. Joe Brown left for New York to.day, to complete arrangements for bringing an ocean propeller here. There is now water enough In the river to Alma any steamer that can come to . New York. and therefore there is no ob stacle in the way of a successful trip. This is a piece of bunoombe, of coarse. but it will deinonstrate the feasibility of navigating the Mississippi with ocean steamers. and may lead to the establish paint of a direct trade 'with Cuba, Mex ico and some of the Atlantic ports. ......re Bellevernon and Argosy were advertised to leave Cincinnati for Pitts burgh on Friday. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD: Pirtanußoa, FORT WATDI a oki3o RAILROAD. June 26 —lO cars metal. lifinialt at, Co; . I do do. Kaltman & do do, Bryan & Canghey; 3do do, Sups riOr Mills ; 6 bbls alcohol, J Adler ft Cm .9 bales broom corn . . Z B Taylor; 300 bbls flour, FL W McClure, 100 do. do, Dan Wallace; 200 'do do owner; 200 ke 60 bbls do, Lindasy, Jr & Co; 1 car scrap steel, Miller, Barr & Co; 3 cars corn, .Dan %Pathan 1 do do, Robb & tierron; 4 bbls bacon,El Rea Jr; 4do do, Day & Go; 16 tea ams, F Sellers & Co: 40 lags feed, fee, B Campbell; 1 car atone, C Miller; 2 bbls cider, 5 do vinegar, la Glerwig & Co, 22 sirs potatoes. 17 bits cheese. Wood worth & Davison; 6 eke rags, Christy & Benbaua; 10 kegii Idad, Sewarta & Has leit; 65 bxs cheese, Volgt; Mahood I Co; 12 bag cheese, W J Davidson; 25 bgs bickwheat, Means ' & Cooper; 23 bin cheese, W Rashige; 40 bales hops, Spen cer & McKay; 132 bxs cheese, N J Bra den. CLETZLAIIM AVM PITTOBIIROIT HATT Roan. June 26.-6 cars blooms, Nlmick & Cm 1 car rye, Culp & Shepard; I do do, Ruthann° Nat Bank; 2 cars champ ore, Sboenberger, Blair it Co; Ido lumber, Hamilton, Algoo & Co; 9-bbls copper. Pitts it Boston If & Co; 0 bbls pain, W R Boggs & Co: 10 cases tobacco, 27 boa obeese, Watt, Lang, Co; b boa tobacco,' 3 Fullerton: 8 bbls oat meal, Strickler 6r, H. 4do do:15 kegs pearl barley, B Hes• aleton; 1 car.stone, P Wolf; 16 bxs cheese, J A Craft 48eks oats, Scott & •Olsal; 70 bbla cement, W • W Wallace. • Avravungua - vA.L.TAT ktAILEmiAD, Juno 20.-60 tblo tar, lld'Kelvy • Bro; 1 oar Metal, 3'A/emboli; 6do railroad iron, J il t Doiringtom, 1 do metal, H Woodsides; 1 do lime. Knew.* 0; 1 do bark, Lappe it be W; 4do weete# ne,., Sh oen reer&• B ;:2 lumber, Armstrong D & Co; 60 bbbu Wilson'a Co; 328, do do, J 4 4 0 . do do, Pool & Bra; 1000 do, do, Fisher it 16940'46, v FOromoo.. . • . ALLECIIINTIIf • STATIOS. - Spie 24:-15 cars bre, Can limeatorte.-Bnperlor' Iron ' -Co: 31 billO'seed.Alto• Stewart; 2 can cooperage, rßalyar4 'do do; Robertson; 1 'do atone; LA LonaC 18. Ike rags, J B Jones; 48 eke oats,- Stone; 2 oars metal, Lindsav & , filoCutcheon; 2 cars stone, Forrester & Megraw; 1 car wheat, W ado- Bee & 4 1 car 000perage, JM • Heinp• hill; 180 , elre.tiorn, Rose it Ewing; 1 car irons, J Shearer: .:; . :: , ROe44:!,T:iE4 BABY EARNEST,E " PATENT CRIB. •• • • '• • • , • Bow 0211.1 WI" - LEMON .B : WEISg- • . • PnutticitiPtpli • inikittgelso, Bea ."4 1 . 11 ** 111 ; r 1P , Where may be ft usortanent o f tor, Cumber eb4.li I Mature. 'MISCELLANEOUS DOLI.,tt R SAVINGS BANK. NO. 65 rounTs STREET. CHARTERED 1N,1955. , . ASSET! 112,903.431 33. Open daily, from 9 o'clock A ar. to 3 o'clock p. at, and SATURDAY EVENINGS, - from May Ist to November lst, from 7 to 9 o'cloci, and from November Ist to May Ist, fronill to IS o'clock. Deposits received of all sums of not lets than ON h. DOLLAR alid a dividend of Decembers" lu declared twice a year, In June and Interest has been declared semi-annually In June and December since the Bank was organized, at the rate of six per cent. a year. Interest, if not drawn oat, le placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same int -crest fromthe Ist days of Jane and December. compounding twice a year. without troubling the depositor to call, or even to present his passbook. At this rate money will double in less than twelve years. , • BookOcOntaining the Matter, By-Laws, Billet., and Regulations, furnished gratis, on applies-, tiOn at tbt office. • I - PasSlDEirr--GEORGR ALBBEE. , • ' ' • VICEPHISIDENTS: ''', John G. Backofen, A M. Politick, M., D.;. • BenJ. F. Fabnestock, Robert Robb. . James Herdman; John H. Shuenbergeri, Jamer k McAuley, James Steidle,' James B.D. !Reeds, Alexander Speer, Isaac M. Pennock, Runz grtia!Y_eager. Wm. IJI. Anderson, Robert U. Loomis; Calvin 'Adams., Henry J. Lynch; • John C. slnaley. . Peter A. Madeira, George Black, - John Marshal, , • Hill gurgwin. Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo .M. Carrier, I John B. McFadden, • CharlesA. Colton, Ormsby Phillips, - John Evans, - '. Henry L.. Ringwalt, John 4..Gillesple, Wm. E. Schmertz, William S. Haven, Alexander Tindle, Peter H. Hunker, William Van Kirlt,• , - Richard Baps' - Isaac Whittier, J smelt • I). Ke lly, Win. P. Weyman; TitEASIIHER—CHA LES A. COLTON. - ligclBrAirr— , l AMES B. D. ME.EDS. , at . BANBURY PLAYED 011 IS CARD o4ities the bearir, on presentation, ~+ to TWO DOLLAR abatement on a cash purchase of $25.00 at the great cheap clothing house of S. C. TRACERMAN, O.IIIUINAL NFISIBER 11 Sixth Street, late St. Clair Nobody beat - by this establishment. trcit fal dealing to ail! Call and be convinced. Al clothing plainly marked by printed carda,at LO WEST CASH PRICES, ,• no _ . Bo that no one may be deceived. Bemem be, the piece, - original big number 11; SIXT: dTBEET, late Bt. Clair. BEWAByC OF COUNTSRFEITS OF TflWI S. 6. TILLIMpIa. de2s 213-13 . . enEguv SEEDER . •, . CHERRY SEEDER. • Ivory family using Cherries, whether for plei, canning or dn ing,should have one of these vale able Mach,. nrs. ' It °acity saves time and labor but will more than pay Or iteef in seeding on bushel of cherries. - • ' The ,6achine is cheap, simple, 'durable an handsome. The hopper is ad) astible, thereb • adapting I t to all sites o fchivies. RETAIL PRICE - • - - 12.0 . . FOR. SALE BY _ JAMES BOWN • • - . No. - 136 WOOD STREE . je I - -TUB • pI--o R - . PS. WOOD . AND IRON WELL AN • . CISTEICIPIMPEL . " We are iow sole *gents for E. P. tinitiVri well known wood pump. 'l be trade will be tupplled by us at factory pri ces lei lop to II ult. - - . z & largo and complete assortment al-a ye on ban'. Families end all ethers in want of a good Ipomp it a very low price, which we warrant. should see this. The best and cheapest pump ig . the teatime. W. W. KNOX., fienerst Wholesale Agent._ • • • ' 137 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. Pli. tnyts4,l2-aw l• , l•-• , • ,: GNAW'S FERRI PRINTING Ile WORKS. 0. E ROB - INSON,, IItASUPALCTVILLII IlleiLantlelort4Priating h Lithographic INES, VARNISSIES, Ake„_ Gray's Ferry Read and IlSd: te16:40 n PHILADELPTILL 11.CPS/!LY.A.IL:IS PIIRLFIES \ \THE BLOOD. VOR SALT. BY: DRUGGISTS EVERIVIIIR... -4eitbioagarr J n. WOUNGRON br. C 0.,. rermy 0 kRIC SAMMY. CONTI:MONA:St ler CBEAM and DUSTING , SALOON. R 3 Smithfield street, comer of Diamond allcY. Pittsburgh.' ' ..••• • ' 11" Parties and - Wallies supp li ed vital Its Cream and Oates an short natty.. • • • • AIIBIIALL I S IILIZIR.• ' suAiwa F.LIIIH WILL Comilis,ADAcag , M neuat.t. , e EL.XIII WILL CtIngDYSPILTSIA. MAnsuALLL`e , ELI= WILL MIS 00811T1- 148138. Price of Marshall's Elizir,-111.00 till per bottle. li Depot, 1301 Market street. M. IiAALL Co , D.ugglsts, Proprietors. _ For sale, wholesale and retail, ol Aotor:4l-, 'KELLY. Pittsburgh. rat 911-Tall 8 Cr°°lll NEWS.' . thli&P BREAD IDBLB TIKEIi • Elnquire'ior wAxtrois isretad, • tte Isinest and beet. the Initial' "U. Vf." on eetee me. , Take 1101101 eler.' . , . Rime, • OIL CLOTHS,' ' ealeS)l OIL oLoTH I , • F OR INDOW SHADES., f I TliA r•PARZNT'I • ' ' '- WI DOW- bit ADES,___ , : ___ • , , - 1 • TABLS AND rptrairrrunat ~ OIL CLOTOS IN AVERT ailawrir.” • . J. & H. PHILLIPS. SO ektid-HS Math, 'Street REVOLVING HOUSE HAW 2, A, larenot per rust :edindlor ule at 10 we =dime price. • W. W. WWI, uoujee•errit . • •,‘ ‘. • , IEECIVAL BECKETT, ,MEN • OHANICAL ENUI NEER aaj,_ Solicitor of rtaurican and iroreign • entente. rio. 79 119- 1 1 / 4 1 , oTitE KT, Allegheny - City. _ µnu en Ile I I ut.teaton. u.O.ape 1, • DMUND LAME, • No. 1241 einJAntleld street, Sole 'Mennen:lnfer 'of amen'. +4a Cement and Gravel Roofing. Ma • te..10 rev . 145:X1 51681.11perty street, Dealers - 1n Mrege N. , •tt.A../ . .i1100t kredifines. ;lag;2p,, _IVIDIELITTLIC , CEIIIIENT.-400 Al .btALLouaville itydranliu anusesseenrwn : r, titLUITE . ILIME:-100 bait -is Ohriel aid While Lime ;'5lOO bbil Este' ar . 41114 , . - B OklginiULS DEABL ABS.-2O sacks or sale , • J. B. OANPULT.L4 EMI - OMMISSION MERCHANTS 01LL1MM11.......`. A. S. 6TSVSNBON. DILLINGER SI STEVENSON, DISTILLERS- AND DEALERS IN 1 - ure Rye Whiskies. IMPORTE6 OF • BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C., No. 87 Second Avenue, PITTSBURGH, PA.. sp2o BTABLI SHED BY A. & 1814 W. hi. 6ORMLY, NtrtpLisaa.r. daccEß No. 271 Liberty Street, (DIPOZCTLY Orr. 1LA0r..3/ HOTEL) • - vrxrairundn. se :718 X. STEHLE. J. A. EITIML/1 M STEEIE & SON,. , • commission..7llfrcheints, AND DEALERS IN FLOUR. GRAIN, FEED, ate. No. 95 OHIO smxica. near East Common, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. W. C. ARMSTRONG, Successor to Fetzer dr, Armstrong, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 25 MARKET STREET. mvls PETER ' SAS. Y. ILICTLATIT & MITCHAM', COMMISSION MERCHANTS,- AND DitALLES IN FLOOR, GRAIN, SEEDY), MILL 'PEED, be., 849' Liberty St., Pittsburgh, m724:b3'. L . J. BLANCH.&RD• Wholesale and Retail Wooers, No. 396 PENN STREET. stddtxP3 Irrnue, ,BAIIID PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Conunission Merchants an Dew.. 1„ Produce', Flout, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lvd Oil, Iron, Nalls,Etlass, Cotton Yarns and alt P'..tsburgh Manunictures generally. U B end ', MOND GTBEICT, Pittsburgh. . J 0111( BlnriON • WALL•CIi. EMPTON WALLACE_, Whole. sAkr,_43 ROCERS AND piton uGE DEA.II.- ige: o SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. JOHX I. ixonsa..Euw. itotrst.,.**. H. soma.' TOM I. ROUSE &BROS., 81110. U castors to JOHN 1. HOUSE & CO. Whole gala Grocers and Commissi Streets ants,Cor ner of SmithSeld and Water Pittsburgh. MISCELL &NEOUS. WILLIAM MILLER Se CO5. Nos. 221 and 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade st low figures, strictly Prime New Crop N ew Orleans Sugar and . las Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Emma. New York. Philadelphia and Baltimore Re lined do. • • Golden Dept,- Laverings,' Broxtits, Stuart's, Adams` and Long Island hyrtipt Porto Ulm); Cabs Ind English Island Molasses. Young FlYlion. .kaPars, liunpoleder and Goteng Tess. - Carolina and Bangoln Rice. , ••, Java. Lagnayra and •lo Co ff ees. Tobacco, eLard 011. Fish. Nails, Glass, Soaps. Optton Yarns, do., constantly on hand. • ALSO. LIOOBTE.IIB OF tire Brandia . s,Wines and Sews. ]Wealth. Moselle: aid Sparkling - Hock Wines of Hinkel & Co .. in bottles. liparklize Moselle, flabarabervand Jobannia burg, Hookleitaer j , Burgundy. ie. •• , Brzodehborgit Ww , Fine Olive 011. do do ts.___lntoorted In bottles. •do — . -do .1 ite Wines, in-bottles. M. Work & Bons'. tisrlding Cataw bac. • toe old Stern , : &dein and "Mt. W Ines. Free old Malmo • els Rye Whiskies. per. . do Very titibe • r Old Scotch do do. oat I Clangon4 Grand Vizi , n ikiler.t• for Tlifroseiti 'and fie Brandies orons o 3 t•da =MMMEI I ACRES or 2010, I ORME BY TBE Union Pacifi e of their road. at $5,00 PER ACRE, OY JIVE TEARS. Gyfng Mon the 10/40,0 Ltd on s GRID calm's, maps, at., siddress Por further part JOHN P. DEVEUEPX. Commiesloner. TOPeka, R 1211,1 Or CILIAS ! /11. Asecoy, C= ilourzu.ll &' wiEpEmIOLD, 2Vii. 100 Third Aveirtie, , . 1101tohterz and Dealers.'" Curtain Goods-, pirert the 'attest/on of their friends sad the ?obit!) tn,their float ass orted stock or • ' Awl ,d burn eartaina. ,Vestlinde Laos,. Delman Meld. Perry's, MeitiCan Moth. 'Wail. /Allies;.GUl Corniced. Gilt eind Walgot . Motilding!. Bering Bea of soperloontake. Hair gistrasses (joire ,white hair.) Pillows. Bolsters, tithing pensiniiii to a' erst•ellis bed . andore s The taiest"Paris alsitHerila detains forDriperlas atthe inspection.er their customers. Pore weir,. 'Masters 13h6ii Ilesitherialways on • ' HOLTZMAN & WIEDERHOLD • • .'N O. 100 THIRD -AVEI4I:I3E. -STATES-HO,TEL MAT CITY , for the season SATURDAY, 1(&y I trst clasp epoolittmests,'Oluil to •ordie d r to fahtlilee all the oomTorte real ant Want eXpECtO to Viet tease[ andwill stop at the Ualted L. HON MILLRR. Proprleto tr miTE cAP . tu. be open !19th. In alb spy and yet. Ai • Wane. Cape Bin thi -tates:".. Ad , ',Bann:DOC' ' MATT '" • '''OcirizirruiLa: Aim " :* ORNAMENTAL- CARVERS 61.8 n ,'ditikt - Mr Allightitit,. - 111. of NEWELVIII and. SALLISTERS constantly on hand. ILIING of ail destriP nr. doxis • 1869• i'iTT*BUcti3l:l„ FORT W ANNE. & .CHICA6II I. W. and CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH-14.1G From May fith, 1869, trains will leave fres and arrive at the Union Depot, north side, Pitta. burgh city time, as follows: .. eats. ..1 Arrive. ' ' Chicago Ex.— 2:08 a m Chicago Lx. —1:59 a m Erie kf_gp Et .7:2S a m (Thies go Ex..19:03 pis Cl. &It li_ gbi`l6:l3 am : Wheeling Ex 10:4 8 atg Chicago Ma11..6:58 am. St. Louis Et 7:OS pni • Chicas Ex„...9:43 a mf Chi'goEx.43ll4:oSp m Cl. iWalcEx,sl:Os p n. ' Cleveland Ex 3:53 pm . Chicago Lx.. 2:23 omiErle & Yg'n Ex 5:58p1e W'e &Erie Ex4:36 pa. C . ArTh'g Ex6:s3pm Depart/roes 4114g/m e, . Arrive t o AI tectivia Bear Fall s Ais• 5:59 a m I..etellate A.c..6:58 am Leetsdale ~10:03 a mil Mair Falls " 9:718 seit .. .. ." 41;58 Jim !View Castle t.10:53 sit Rochester" 1:26 On i Erma ... %him an Enon " .3:sSpm; Leetsdale .. I: 06 pm ' Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 pmißea"r Falls " 11:43 pa Bea'rFalls " .6:l3pm Leetsdale I "Cagyas 1 Leetsdale " 10:43 pm I '. . 7 : 2 3 ms Fair Oaks Sun- ffer Oaks , Sun day Church. I:L7p m day,Chuirelr. 9:58 am Mr — 2:231i. m. cmcago ExPress leaves daily. mar 12 iO3 ti. m.Chicage Express. artiCes daily, J. M. RRdBALL, J.N. - DVCIILLOIGH, Deng Ticket Agent. . . Gen'lSupten'S! ca.H'A N,G E OFailiglEN EGNIENT VALLELIMAILIZOAD, _ THE ONLY DIRECT] ROUTE TO. THE 01L REGIONS WiT.HoU'r CHANtiE.OF /JA RB. On and after MONDAY, June 14th. L 569 TWO THROUGH. TRAINS DAILY (r,xcept Sunday) will leave Pittsburg/ Depot, corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, for Franklin, 011 City,Baf. tido, and all polnts. - in tie 011Boegions. __• LEAVE PITTSBURGH. Away - PITTSBURGH! Day Ex 6:00 a toDay Ex ...... • 5:15 p Night Ex.... 7:30 pmi Night Ex 6;30 aIN Brady's BAc 3.05 p m Bradys R Ac. 10:16 an Freepost Ac 9:40 a m lEtsoilliW , ka 7:40 aIL EioclaW , lcs 6:3U pm Freeport Ac. 6:16 p lit Halton... 6:416 a m let tiultcn.. 9:50 ans 2d Hutt on —12:00 .rn 2d Hultoh... 2:09 p 3d Hutton... 11:00 pm 3d Hutton— 1:04p xa Arnold'a Ac. 5:00 p mi Arnold's Ac. - 7:40 p m Churcn train to and from Soda Works leave Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. K. Arrive ab - Plttsburgit, (Sundays,) at 9.50 A. Express trains stop only . at principal point. Accommodation rains stop at all stations 7 J. J. LAWRENCE, oen.i. Supt. THOMAS M. KING, . =si" . t. tuipt. • EMNSTLVA NIA CENTEALBAIL , All. On and after April 28ty i 1569, Trains will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot, comae* of Washington and Liberty,streets, as follows: Arrive. Mail Train.— 1:25 am Fast Line 1.45 am Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 am BrintonAcen. 7:50 am ' Wa cl'nn- N t o . F7L 5 950 a m Johnstown Ac10:35 am How'd Ac Not 1:10 pm Pittsbvb Ex. 1:30 pm Phila. Expressl:so pni Wall's No. 3...2:50 pm Braddock Ac,:. 5:80 pm How'd Ac Not 9:35 pm Wall's No. 4. 7:20 pm Way Fassn'r 10:20 pm *These trains make do burg for Baltimore. The Church Train leaves Walla Station every Sunday at 9:05 a. m., reaching - Pittsburgh 10:08 a. m. • Be turning, leaves 'Pittsburgh 42:50 p. m. and arrives at Walls Station 2:10 p. m. ' , Cincinnati Express leaves ,dally. All Othit trains daily except gaudily. For ftirther Information apply to Agent. The H. BECKWITH,- Agent. The renusylvardallailroad Company will note sumo any risk forßaggage,-exptf v or I.IIITiIIAII4I re 'e NotNig l i l ltgre. reli t i rkagag t :ill ' cle k = that amount •in value, will be at the risk of ltbe armor. by lest 'taken by 'Pedal' contract. EDWARD H. WILL - lAlgai. apm General Superiptendat, Altoona, Ea. . le 13 T E II.N -1y amiglit@Ml , PENNSYLVANIA- It ROAD. —On and after Aprll 25tb,11130.thar• Passenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania Rai road will: arrive at and depart • from 'Ma • Federsl Street Depot, Allegheny Cap. as follows: Amino. _ ..- _ .Departi _ • Springd'e No16:40 a mMail - 7:00 BM \ Freeport No.18:20 a In Freeport No.l 9:2oani Express 10:40 SAGE Sharpb , g Nol.11:20 as • g Sharpb' No.11:20 ptn Express 2:50 pa Freeport N 0.2 0:00 p in iipringd , e No13:30 pm Mail 5:50 p miFreeport N0.25:20 p*, Sprlngd`e No28:510 p mlSnringrol'e No 2 0:30 pm Aboyc trains run civilly except Sunday. The Church , Train leaves Allegheny Junction every dunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City at 9:50 a. in. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny June ' [lon at 3:40 0. m. COMMUTATION. TICILETB — For axle in o_a•-swe.• of Twenty. between Allegheny City, tibestnnt - street, lierrs - Bennett, - Pine Creek., Etna and Bharpenarg .111 d good'Only s ou tali trains stopping at Station!. specided on tickets. - • _ - • , The trainsleaving Allegneny City at 1:00 a. m. make direct connection at Freeport withWalo kens line of Stages for Butler and HannaliStawa. Through tickets may be •pnrchased at-the ORM" No. ISt. Clair street. near the Suspenalonlirldim pittsbura h. and at the Depot. Allegkeny.r. •- - For. further information apply to , • ,•• . JAMES LEFFERTS,' Ageat, •• • - - Federal Street Depot. The Westetli Pennsylvania, Railroad will net so stone any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap 'And t their -- responalblllty •tO Ona Hundred Dollars In value. All baggage ez. seeding ti, is amount In value wlllbe at the risk et the owner, unless taken tmapecial contract. • - - EDWARD H. WILL ap2l -• Gene* Suoerlatendentv2• l = t hia ••• IIuTSBUROIII,I=IIgIIIO CINCINNATI , AINEI=MG - 111m0c•=...... : . LOUIS RAILWAY. • r - '• 1 •. • -- PAN. HANDLE ROUTE. _,-, , • , CHANGE OF TIIIII.thi and after MuNDAY. April 860_, 1869, trains will leave and arrive IR the Union Cep*, as follows: . . . , 'Depart. .-:. Arrest. . Rail ._,"...••............... , 8:08 iii.. m. 111:Llt 6. nis Fad Line ' ..: ' 9:43 a.m.' 1:13 . p. ea NAlicesa... .. .. .f.,..........' 9:33 p.M., 4:33 o. me Nixed 'Atom - ' -...'. 5:33 a. m. 6:58 p. al. McDonald'. AmM,N0.111:43 a. Ps.' • 8:1511: lair BMubenvilleAccammod. 3:58 p. m. 9:33 a.m. MeDonaliPs Ace nk N0.25:18 p. mr 3:11 O. 111.,' IlundayChritch Traisi.. 18:58 p. in. 9:55 a. la. 1 Sir fi:ii i. 9. train will leave daily. 191:13 P.T. It. tralsisrlll arrive daily. ~ All other irstus will run daily. Sundays except. eiL • The 9:43 a: at. Train makes close con. aecticins at Newark. fix Zonescille,-- - - ' t ___ 8. F. SCULL, General Tichei Arent . . W. Nv . o.lllliG, dupl.., !Muhl's:Mlle. 0h10..,. : r.. appl • SFOR SALL BAtilroad Compfuv; • •DIVISION. St. Leta'. Missouri. RAILROADS. .. Depart. *Day Express.. A:l5 am nontnern Ex.. 4:10 am Wall's No. 1..' 6:30 ana I Mall Train 13:111 am 7 How"dAli No110:20 ass *Cinch:lllE: D1:30 pa Wall , s No. 2..11:41 am Johnstown An. 3:05 pa Braddocks Ac. 3:40 pm Phila. Express 4:210 pm WW ,No. a..4:50 pm. Wall's No. 4.. 6:05 pm 'Fast Line...:.7:30 put How'd 4012.8:210 pm Wall's N 0.5. 11:001n* Ise connection a: Harrill- -ITTE1111111IGH& A A cOITNICLLES VII L E ROAD. - . On and after, TUESDAI N Noyember. nth. 111611. trains Will arrive lit and depart from the Depot oftrner,of Ortud ' and Water streets. as Mows: Depart. Arrest's. Mall to and from Unlon. - town - ^I:00 A. M. 18:00 P. et, McKeesport Accomdt , n. 11:001. K. 9:05P: Y. Westand from Unt.n. 3:00 P. Id. 10:10 A. tA, Newton Accom•d 4:80 P. at 1335".1.nt. Nreoldock's Accomdt'n. 6:15 P. K. 7:501. Night Ae. tobleK , sport.lo:3oP.'N. '6:4sA. ][ Sunday „Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 P. 11;10:001.' For tickets apply Z.:tg • Y. BAYBION1), dgront. W. B. STOII,T, dent. , - Doll S BiLi aREM UNION Fiume, RMAPA'r Eastern • The SHORTEST AN MUST BATALIO , BOUTD nem the Nast he el COlotailo - iresstia 941111ornia rtaht Arizona 'ltaillilloaton, New Mexico, Idaho, • 0 riNgo II • • Two Trains wave. diake Lino 'and idnivedmirtl. idaily, Minn s& v_xoppted,lon th e arrival of trains Of Pacific Radroad ROW lit. Linda. .and'' Rana& bai.and dl. Jai Railroad cram I, alide,..ndanock miorrencia, Tolirlia_ and AVamegli Inas. • or Lot points Ennuis. At W r t we , swOrth *MK the , II i .BTA ES EXPRESS QQM PANS' 11 DAUM LOA olf OVERLAND 11*** • WAD 12Plisin c04.013x.5 Fab • r0g...wV33211,1 &T4T LiATEM, "Points. in the,Terriioriess And with SAFDXIO3O24 %TM-WEEKLY MX. of 00ncBre for Wort 'Union, Bent , ' Yore, Paso. Albuquerque, saute allsOnll -*UM In A» sone - end New Mexico. _ With the 'noon , :eddltlone of 'Ana and • equipment. and the arrangements with responsible Overland Transportation from its western terminus. this road now offs= unequalled' facilities : tar , „the tnassitialS=:= trete= to the pm Qreit. . • Tickets iolN st en the prineltnl Mtge le the United Stites and Caluolas Be sure and tit , er ..tl.-tete TRICE.IIO3IOr - BEM 1111Tijklifallz SAffpra vslOn • • - ' AtANDEBOO# I ! 13et.eral Superintended WrattlESs Seat ral ?might and 'Whet