L GI II El U tttt 1 - , • NEW PUBLICATioII*- , ,t• TnEEE. &lawns IN EUROPEAN VINE. 1 • EkETOB. Treating of vine -culture; vine ,i disease and'itseure;' wine making and . 1 wines. red and white; wine drinking . iaa effbcting, health and morals. By, 1 E r with in) 6, Flagg. Published'by 1 ' Varper . dc Brothers, New York. ' The rapidly growing interest in Vine ICulture in this country has already as ; . militia grand proportions, Bottbithstand .• ing the lack of proper and ,prittical in • formation on the kind of soils oat pro ductive, and proper temperature in which the grape will thrive the best.. : Most of --- i the ameteur grOWers of the vine have no . 1 practical knowledge of these things, and . ' , 1 it is not surprising that the proiluct of . I the labor is of an inferior kind. and Ire ! quently becomes diseased. It is true our I soil, t temperature and , peculiar climate , I prevent us from producing as good' fruit 1 as in some pOrtioni of .Europe. Much, however; may be overcome by proper in i strwition. This book gives Mr., Flagg's I careful study and observationi in Europe, In adclition to his large and varied ,expe ' f i rience , previously in this country. His 1 observations on vine diseases and its I cure, will be found of great value to the vinegrower. The question °twine mak ' 1 ing is rarely thought of by those en- i gaged in the culture of grapes, and for I. the rascal,- perhaps, that buflittle is used 1 for making wines, and the moral phase ie • [ thus kept out or view. The fruit of the . , . vine is a luxury itaelf,independent of their being used for vicious purposes, and the boor is valuable for, this , fact alone . Throughout the work these is a vein tif delightful gossipy and pictures of men and t things, which hold the attention of the i reader closely. For sale by Miner. i THE NEW WEST, OR CALIFORNIA IN i 1867 Arm 1868. By Charles Loring Brace. Published by G. P. Putnam dt. . Son, New. York. For sale by R. S. Davis 43: Co., 193 Liberty street, Pitts- ,burgh. • ,• 'Frequently works of this diameter are I merely surface, glimpses at society, and :.: :. do not give a faithful portraiture of the i . real facts, But Mr `Brace has already given evidence of his ability on this field of obbervation, as his works •, on "Home Life in . Germany" and Hungary In 1861,', demonstrate. Much has been written about California, but the careful ' poise 1 ' and study requisite has been , wanting. wanting. 1 Questions of great . moment are discussed, the outgrowth of close observation, which '-• await a solutioi in the future. 'Society is, ..1. - a problem on the Pacific coast which time only can determine: The effect of the' , - Chinese element Is yet to be seeii i , suadthe ' . results of the severe discipline they ha•fre passed through will sooner or later appear. • I . The Uzzah-like fears of some, that Chris ' -; tl'aniti will suffer because of their ill I : . t reatmenttue full w y ith in ou te t ny fo o un ven da . t:n. th adaiir Froza . - .... beginning to end there is a charm of sub .. Btantial facts, figures. and acute observe uons. bmuti able sketches and incidents. Just now While the eyes of this country are turned to our rich "New West," and indeed the ' I . ti g rns o this fthe b ci o v o ilized k BIBLE. By Mary Dwinell read tivith zest. • MoLmer's Nvill wo be rldi w s e i l it co tii m a ed t dir an ec a - . ,-.• •Chells, author of , Deacon Sims' - ' Prayers." Published by Henry A. .4:a u sf t g Bost o n.n, Pitt s burgh. sale - - ere is:really some ground for the 1 . I ni , 1 fears of some active Sunday School 1 1 workers, -that Leto many Of the books in * the libraries are unsuitable for young , folks, in not fostering evangelical lien , 'talents. This work, however, much as some may think it is deficient In plot, ' , .possesses a healthy rellOotta..- tone, which makes it a capital book for - the fireside . and Sunday School library. The work I Is Featly gottenalp, and is robed in show y ~biitding. , • j Aummoar. The Life of Audubon, the •'• Naturalist. Edited by his widow, with, an, introduction by General James Grant Wilson. Published by G. P. Putnam de Son, New York. For sale' by R. S. Davili& Co., Pittsburgh. Audubon is one of the few names that 1 will live on and on.' His works amnion 'umental. Well may Christopher North iwrite "that he is the greatest artist in his , Own walk that ever lived.? He was a wonderful character and his career was marked with prodigious results that pos terity. will long- enjoy.. Possessing a threefold character, embodying `tile lore of hunter, scientific knowledge and skill • with pencil and brush. His jourzeyings Van and varied, and rich - experience, are embalmed irr d thls volume. , This '.. work will be prized the more highly be cause his venerable-, widOW, is associated • with its publication. It is almost in the, form ofian autoblograPhy; as, the story of Audubon's life It mainly in' his own - Words;' May we not hope that Mrs. An -4:110am may lammed in securing squished nmittsaiript foi- other works of s' similar character. Pat:tarn has hroight Pat c tin,,,, book in Charming * style and .IVdrihY Lill"! the great - naturalist. The elegaut portrait. orAkudution gives an idea of hisphysical , : . 1 bitaity. 1; 1 •ri, -- ristrr VIM ns WANDiRI/q4313421 CRYIECet; f / I. n Sl.LAarunel Wtßalier, author of --IllornMe and'Hound inCeylon," etc. Published by J. B. Lippincott & klo: Philadelphia. For sale by H. Miner; • Al li ttliburgb." ',: - • ~'• ;. - • The, ritings of this great traveler are read, with Svidity t and Well they may be, Surrther narrate scenes and exploits AxiAndin_kitut the marvellous and alnithit ,lnaprobable t The narration of his wan derings in Ceylon partakes of the excit ;big eirewnstances attending a sojourn in 14 Country se wild and exciting in its very nature. The Careful observation, of Mr. Baker, -on the features of the country; ;. . :~~ ~~~ and pursuits of the inhabitants,are ` iti- : Str atelivestulentertablingwhilaralieving, the racy scenes of the chase. : : Incidents ! 'transpired ii n his adventures:. itt ; that' country that rarely befall the , ordinary , traveler, and are here sketched with: the pen of' a ready writer, and by one peen liarly gifted in describing such thingS. Tour TRY AND WHAT BO DID IN SCIENCE. By Charles Ottley Groom Napier, (othterchiston)...F. G. S. etc. With forty-six illustratiotta. Publiidied by D. Appleton & Co., New York. , For sale by S. A. Clarke & Co., Pittsburgh. The ingenious manner in which value - _ ble scientific knowledge is imparted; and interwoven with Tommy's-personal ex perience, and the result of his reading and intercourse in Society, gives the book a piquancy and flavor that williplease young people, and, indeed, fascinate oldpersona, Bating some "fast notions" of the flirta tion order, these lessons in science are woven in graphic vlords and the book smacks of romance of the most attractive, kind. The illustrations of , plants, shells, insects and animals are very fine, and add , interest to the charm of the book. We venture to predict it will be popularand widely. read. SAINT Louis AND CALVIN. By M.Hui zot, Member of the Institute of Franc& Published by 3. B. Lippincott ' & Co., Philadelphia. For _side by R. S.'Davis A Co., Pittsburgh. Gaizot, though born a Protesta4 and a faithful adherent of the Reformed faith, at the same timehas been taught to revere true and noble - representatives of other bodies. In this volume Gnizot presenti St. Louis, a French Cathelic, as a type of lofty thought and pure morality of his country tuid_generation in the thirteenth century, and among Protestants of the sixteenth century, Calvin, as p r esenting the same characteristics and worthy of equal glory. The author assumes that the wars and dissensions wageit-between Catholfcisza and Protestantistn, the two great branches of the Christian stem, having passed away, -that when Citholi- Clam has conquered, as ix; France, Pro testantism has not perished; when Pro testantism has been the victor, as in Eng land, Catholic:leaf= still survives. These two noted men, Saint Louis and Calvin, the author uses to illustrate the_principle of divinity as being essential to Christian unity. ~This volumeforms one of the ex cellent series of Lippincott's "Sunday Library for Hotisehold reading." We commend this series especially, because it furnishes a class of religious subjects antique, and above the range of works usually found in the family circle and on the shelves of Sunday School libraries. Ermireese, OF LArns Gassir.tit, for Schools. By Albert Harkness, Ph. D., Professor in Brown University. Pub lished by D. Appleton & Co., New .. York. Pot: sale by S. A. Clarke & Co., Pittsburgh. • Ip_was announced at the time the author's Latin Grainmar was published, four years since, that a smaller grammar would appear on precisely the same plan as the large work. This volume fulfils that promise. The main object of this work is to aid those who do not intend to pursues college course of study ; and is an elementary text-book for teachers in the class-room, to be supplemented by a more complete discussion of the subject. The plan of the work is simple, and may be studied with comparative ease in--a short time, 'the student beingintrodocelstep by step in the principles of the language. THE VILLA ON THE RHINE. By Berth old Auerbach. Published by Leypoldt & Holt, New York; For sale by R. S. Davis 'A Co., Pittsburgh. The completion of this work in parts with paper' covers, and in two volumes, is in good time for visitors to the sea Shore, springs and other fashionable places of resort. • The work has produced quite a sensation, and is one of the best German novels. There is a freshness and purity of style, completeness in "descrip tion of characters, as well as naturalness in the plot, that • are noticeable features. The work is handsomely printed, and in styles to suit all the lovers of Auerbach. Tire DANCE OF MODERN SOCIETY. By W. C. Watkinson. Published by Oak- I lay, Mason & Co., New York. This essay, at least the main por 'o• was published in one of oar able ' n terly Reviews some time ago, an pears in this form by special request certainly is worthy of a careful r as the ' question of dancing is 'preite ea f with great logical force. • Dancing, means of recreation, is held to be nto4 ex. quisitely'absurd, but in itself, is perfetly innocent. Bat the question is no of dancing,iri the abstract. It does not x.: t : fit in the abstract. The innocent use of dancing, he thinks, is hedged about With too man restrictions ,to _make it attrac tive. It is in the removal of these verde that the evils, and sin of the ttni - 6 ap pears. ' He argues against the dance as . observed by societyi in its bearing upon health, expenditum the' social nature, the intellect' and newels. Lovers of dancing are invited:to the solution of the' following: 14 .Wliy is it that the dance alone,of :al/ .the favorite diversions of gay society, requires the easoelation of the two• semi in it ?•'! • JotzunAL. We - have bee ,Favored through S. A.. 'Clarke Co., ylth the third ninthly p#rt .of itris ,t l Ang sieeidt t which a ! fair spociment =of - r u this speb- , affair. . . It stands the liter. Arywnellips,• and...embodica ,excellencies • Penulia4t9 Itaalf pacers, on. science and aft, 00-high-toned, • and timely,' its serial articl es, : -.including Htigo's great story,: are ireadable, piquant, and strik ing; its wood-cut-illustrations are capital and of a' superior type, - While• the car-',l engravlngs; abd illustrated 'supple ments, commend the Journal to the favor of all who love the beautiful in art. The high posithin taken by the publishers, and promised to the' patrons of the JOurnA are more than - fulfilled. - Hared/ has an enteriirlze of this kind been so well sustained ae this one has .been since its first publication. EMI • • • - PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : SATURDAY, JUNE 2f, 1869: 43PEcilitt rroTxosta,T gt - scmorashir - . Bnrc. „, hyR. MA MA.Y,M - - P.141.11..:114gre'7944:14ti0rf, Liver Compleinrancl Dyspepsia; If taken aecord ing to directlanch 'l'hey are alt.three:to ,be taken stag sainetime ti They cleanse the stomacb, re- . D thelivor Mad titit.to *fork ttieWthe al/Petite Decent's 'good ,• e Tail' dlgestallniti'makes good bkmdr.tho Talbent 'begins. JO grow. in, genii; the doe:teed ;natter :belie into the lungs, and the patient outgrOws the disease and gets well. This is the onirway to cure coneamprian. , . • To these three medicines', Dr. J. H:11411 nck, of Philadelphia. "owei his unri)Saled euteee in the treattnent of pulmonary Conatrmptlon. e Pol. motile Syrup ripens the. morbid - matter! in the inugs, nature throws it off by au ea , y ex.pectora li tion. for , Wheu the phlegm •or Matter Is ripe a 81413 cough a ill throw it olf, and the patient has rest and the lunge begin to heal. T do, this, tne erawesd ionic- and Mandrake Pills must be srsely used to cleanse the stomach and liver, so that I he. Pulmunlc . Syrup and the loud will•make good blood. . Schenck"s Mandrake Pills act upon the liver, removing all obstrUctlons. relax the tluato of the gall bladder, the bile starts freely. and the liver la soon relieved; the stools will show what the Pills can d 0; nothing has ever been Invented ex cept calomel (a,deadly po'son which is very dan gerous to use emcee with great care,) that will unlock the gall bladder and start the secretions of Liver ver like Schmuck's Mandrake Pills. . • Complaint is one of the most prominent causes of Consumption. Schenck is Seaweed 'fordo la a gentle stimulaut and alterative. and the alkali In the Seaweed, which this preparation is made 01, astrsta the stomach to titrow tint the gaatrlc juice to dissolve the food with the Pulmonic Syrup, audit is made into good b.ood without fermentation or souring in the stomach. ihe.great reason why .physiclaos do not cure Consumption is, they try co u g h, o too stoop chills y give medicine to atop the to atop to stop night sweats, hectic fever, an y so dointj they dsrangethe whole digestive j o t wers. lock- Ing up the secret one, and eventually the patient sinks and dies. Dr;•SChenek,-In his treatment, does not try_ to stop a cOugh, night sweats, chills or fever. Re move the cause, and toey wit/ all stop of their own accord. No one can be cured of Canal:lElp. tion,• Liver -Complaint. Dycpepsia, Catarrh',” Canker, .I.lleerated - Throat, unless the liver and stomach are made healthy. If a person Pas consumption either oue the • nags In some way are diseased, tubercles, abeesses, bronchial Irritation, pleura adhesion,. or the lungs are a mass of Inflammation and fast decaying. - In such cases what must be done? It is not only - the lungs that are wasting, but it is the whole body. The stomkeh and liver have lost their power to make blood out of fo d . Now the 'only chine° is to tale Dr. Schenck's three medi. eines,' which wilt - bring up a tone to the stolnaeh, the patient will begin lo want food, it will digest otally and make good blood; then the patient lee. gins to gain - tulleah. and as soon as the body be gins to .grow. the lunge commence to heal up. and the patient gets di shy and well. This Is tau onlvWay to cure Consumption. When there la no lung disease and only Liver Complaint and DYstepsia, Schenck's! Seaweed Tonle and Idaudrske Take sufficient, without the Puimonic Syrup.the Mandrake Pills freely In a.l billions complaints, as they are per fectly barnilescl, Dr. Schenck - , who has enjoyed uniti tempted health for many years past, and now weighs i 1213 pounds. was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the very last stage of Pulmonary Consumptiou, his physicians having pronounced hia case ho; e less and abandoned h.m to his fate. He was cured by the aforesaid me. ici nes, and since Ida recove ry many thonaands similarly &filleted have used Dr. Schenck's preparation with the same re ma kable success. Full direetione accompary ear . making It not absolutely necessary to per- NOD iv see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish the , lungs examined, and for this _purpose he is pro essios ally at his Principal Vince, Philadel- P ' , every Saturday, where all letters tor advice mu be addressed. He Is also professionally at No. 32 Bond street, New York, every other Tn • day, and at No. 33 Hanover street, Boston, ev - . other Wednesday. lie gives advlee free, but or a thorough examination- with his Necta r= , ter the price 1515. 0...ce hours at each city fro .. 9A. It. to 3 r. w. Pr' e of the Pulmorolc Syrup and Seaweed Ton le en h $1.50 per bottle. sr 117.50 a half dozen. Man rake I'llls 23 cents a box. For sale b y all drug ate. mviliiisl.d7kF gar'DOCTOR iyilirritirt Lug __ TIN UEB TO n um ero us ALL PET9ATE DISEASES. That numerous class of cases resultlug from self - abuse, producing un manliness, nervous • debility , irritability; erup tions.. seminal emissions, and finally IM potenpermanently - cured. Persons -Maki, ed wi ' uelicate, Intricate and long nand; bag co stitutional complaint; are politely I n vited to call , for consultation,- which coats nothing. Egperfenee, the best of-teachers , has enabled T b him to Iperibct remedies at °dee allow/it, safe, permanent, and which In most cases eta be used without hinaraoce to business. Medicates pre, pared in the eatabilidunent, which embraces, of Site, reception and waiting rooms; also. ooarding M ano sleeping apartments for patients Petitlittni OW personal attention, and vapor and chenni; cal bethd!. thus concentrating the famed mineral springs. u No matter who have Dated, state your case. ad what he rays In his pamphlet of lift - rages, ft. t to ant address for two stamps In seal ed cave ope. Thousands of cases treated annn• ally. at owes and all over the country. Conant tattoo tree , personally or by man. Lidice No. 9 W7/le street, (near Court Douse) Pittsburgh, Pa. Roars 9 A. It. to 8 P. M.. Sundays /a w. ' to a P.. 11.. Pamphlet sent to any address for taro stdtays.4o2 4,gbr - tr.,,EcTincrry AS A CURA. 'ft VE. —Dr. A. H. EIi , ENS has been using ll e trinity as a ersotAL Ell Ezatspr In curing chronic s well, al acute conditions 'WITHOUT 3t/tuiClie for more than TUN YKSTIB, with un bounded , neeeta. . A PAgmatitir, it:minding all particulars, with certificates and reliable refer• epees, will be gent to any Inquirer. .A few furnish. d rooms vacant, for boarding( Pa• Heats In the Doctor's famry. If applied for goon. Offlee and residenet, A.OOl ARCH S fIiEET, PHILADELPHIA. - mvl3;liti IarDATCHELOIVB HAIR DYE. This splendid. Hair Dye is the best in the world! the onlyrtrue and perfect Dye; harmless, relia ble. instantaneous; no disappointment; no ri diculous tints... remedies the ill edecta or bad dye Invigorates and leaves the Bair soft and beatt s; litl. Mack or brown. Sold by all Druggists and re:Menem and p:perly applied a:lß2latcmahe lor's Wig . FactOrY. 2.4 , 5, 10 Bond street. New VIM . IarE.PILEIPSYCAN BE CURED —Those having friends *Meted are car neatly solicited to send for a Circular Letter of References and Ttatimonials, which will con vince the most skeptical of the curability ... of_ the disease. Address At. BUREN LOCamoW, M. D., 36 Great Jones street, New York. mh19:03.d&8 .IWTHE MARRIAGE RING.-. Ess Yrs on the EItROBS OF YOUTH, and the FOLLIES OP - AGE, In regard to SOCIAL EVILS, with certain nelp for the errlog and un fortunate. Sept In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, /AYARD ASAOCIATIoN, Box P. Philadelphia, Pa.. m921:J69-d&F PROPOSALSJ OFFIC2O7 CONTnot.T.ER op ALLT.O)II.xy(IO.-, Pa. Pittsburgh , June Big, 1669. OTICE ,TO BAKEIIB.—SeaI. F.D PROPOSALS. addressed priso n, • Board o Inspectors of Allegheny County •• will be received at this office until JULY NM. for fur n lsbing the Counts Prison with bread for six mouth* from July 18Ut. Loayes to weigh one. and a.balf and two ocunds •espectively, and to be or approved quality. Bide to be made at SO much per pound. Bonds for two thousand dol lars will be Itquired for faithful performsnce of contract. The name of the security must scent.' pany the bid. Bill. endorsed tulle Warden and probated at this °Rice will be veld monthly. • HENRY LAMBERT. je2 ' Controller. mg, ted las CITT CONTSOLLZIVEI OPTICX, I Pittsburgh, Pa., June 21, 1509. f NOTICE.- Sealed • :Proposals will , be received at this Mike until TUES. A 20th hitt., for the letting wad , City Welsh Belden, located as follows: let near avenue;4 ward., Water street; Cith waro.tlecond tech ward. Sharpshurg midge; 17th ward; 44th street; 120 ward, 21st street: inst Ward, 'Pranks:own Road,' and ist ward, Llbetty • sireet. near sth avenue. • Bidden will state what per cent. of *he gross receints they will hay to the city for the use of the'licales forthe term or one year, from the let .of Jul next. • . The Faience Cammlttee reserve the right to reject any or all bids. te22 YLOUR: PIARL 111 FAIRY ',FLOUR._ PEARL 11111 1 L•Three 91arEttaea Brands squirter FRENCH , 'FAMILY - FLOUR. T'Ais 'Mous oPt7.pe seat ,ont,irtuso esp. old e, ordertd. PRAMS. Alti S: DL= BRAND, • .... • ,: zonal to beet Bt. Louts. , • PRAnatii:#4..KNO 11111 AND— . to tout Ohio Pion, • WHITS• cpEs IfLeuiLEND CORN MEAL. ' • • 'L &SRO, • Aseppear. Sept. vases. : MILL. is t , IT\ 'aiiiil90 3 __ .1 1 011 N PECK A • ORNAMENTAL • •••BAIR.WOBICEzic AND. PERTIODCK, Third street, near Smithfield, Pittsburgh. AlwuMon hand air33nerealtairartinuelhittlor La. w7 diel Vip S kE, B i N ALPS, GUARD Cb,!.! len ii ill figliatyrrs t 11113 kgod Price. °mai fill be given for RAW HAUL Jig • I I W , Ladles , Sandy Eientleinen is Halt Outtltix din e n the neatest mannar._ , . mh2 . . . liti , 1171/ ,_ LIM E . OO 2 riels 1 •wv Cleveltin.Nytate Lime; FOO bbls Eaitern do., for sale try - - . t " .., Al. B. CARP , . .. - Mil BY A. LEGGATS 2AL"rGIIENy CITY DENOE AT AUCTION. POSITIVE SALE. On MONDAY. JUNE 213:11, at 3 o'oloik, will be sold by auction, 'without reserve , for ecount of whom it may concern that denhamo property on gra n s a m en e, formerly kdov. it as tre pe mont street. situate avenuee east sine qf the avenue. near Western The house is a substan- Outlay built and very conveniently arranged Double Brick of ten room., with finished attics, and cellar fitted' with stationary wan tubs, laun dry, stove. Sc., &e. The lot silty is pleasant, the adjoining residences being good and all the sur roundings agreeable. Immediate possession'. Liberal terms. For key to lespeet. apply to A. LEGGATE. Auctioneer. . 1 e..2.5 • 169 Federal street, Alleg • eny. ASSIGNEE BALE..-50 TONS (loci) Ica. EFIDA.Y MORNING, J'alyt. at 11 o'clock, will be sole on second Door o =nerds! bales Boons. 106 graltneeld street. br order of J O HN If. BAILEY, Aaslgnee,ef HUGH B. MURPHY. a bankrupt, fifty(so)Tuktri GOOD ICE. new In Ice bow* on lot at corner of Market and Bayard streets, In nlxth werd, Allegheny City, (late Manchester:] Jet: . A. McILWAINE. Auctioneer. GLASS. cams, CUTLERY. Call and e:an tae ;,'Zl.rd be mulled. R. E. BREED & CO. pISSOLUTION.—The Co-part- NEEsHIP under the mune of rollatiSTE. LEMAN & RNOOR. Manutheturers Wagonc.. Is this ha vi n g ved by mutual consent. 'WM. IC KOCH sold hi" entire in terest in the busily se. togeth.r with all debtr owed to and by the firm, to 8. FORRESTER and T. F. COLEMAN, by whim the business will be continued at tbe old stand, under the name and style of FORRESTER & COLEMAN. All affairs of the late firm will be eettlen by the new d.ro. at their oft:lce. No. 19 Marion avenue, Allegheny, city. • SAMUEL IN.REESTER . • ' THEO ORE P. COLEMAN, ENOCH. . DUQUESNE " WAGON WORKS. ',POILRESTEIt :Si COLEMAN. A 14 WI yC W I e wfIBF.Ln.BR PLATFORMe oordSPßLNSWarme o rsWll °A dlTto WHELAtRbOfotS &c -chasing e I SeWhere to call and examine our laiTe stock al T, EL TOJTH HORSE HAY EARLS. , B.d • - city CoutroLer.' . - - ICE , ICE! . 10E! .., ; ' :W IC.: g.R.Ens, ... ' ICE D.'..E 'A LE R , .;,' i s No. 55 ' Pi l six4cind .A.p.6* 4 . PITTSBURG/Et, PL . . ,Jui ur. trtaelirydroirTtctipwkr : K t rir l iEs k Ei n th y o . th. , wagons rtinningln Pittsburgh : my15:110 : . • . . VIIIINETVB COOKING EY juk TRACT& . ..• ::The best and pureat: alresh supiilyjnzt re. (mired ' ) Vanilla, Lemon, Boae, Orange, Peacb. Almond, no., in two, flee aad ten ounce, bottlee for !Lovering. Ice Cream Blanc Marie. &0., for side by the dozen or at retail by „ . A. RENSHAW, - jel4 Corner Liberty and Ninth itreets. =BM TEIIIID ARRIVAL OF SITIMR GOODS AT THE Bogs' Clothing Headquarters, NO. 47 'SIXTH STREET le9 GRAY & LOGAN. M'PHERSON & MUHLANNING, No. 10 Sixth (Late St. Clalr) Street. Giuttoottoro to W. IL MoGEE di C 0.,) DRLEIRCEIANT TAILORS, Have just received their carefully selected stock of Spring and Summer Goods, and will be glad to show, or sell Department ld and new customers. The Cutting wilt still be superin tended by .ILar% C. A. .11UHLA.17DRINC. I take pleasure fn recommending the above Arm o the liberal support of the public. mh11:1111 W. H. HeOBE. B TIEIEL, ° (Late Cutter with W. Respenheide.) anancrzt.rcr MAJClaall o NO. 53 Smithileld Street, Pittsburgh. sem:v2t- NEW SPRING GOODS. A opleadld new stock of cz,oras, CANTAMERES, Just received by fly 11111Y&$. rue; Mer . chant Tailor. T 3 Smithfield street. _WINES. LIQUORS, Sze. SCHMIDT' & FRIDAY, fHPORTEES OF WINES; BRANDIES, GIN, te. ; WHOLESALE DEALEHEIE PURE RYE WHISKIES, 409 PENN ST RE Have Iteniovetii to NOS. 884 AND 13136 PENN, • Cor. Eleventh St.. (formerly Canal. JOSEPH S. FINCH & CO., - Nos. 186.' 187 ,189,191, 191, 193 and pas BTR3E3', PITTSBUItea, ItAPtorkOntalos OP Copper Distilled Pure .11ye Alio. dealers in TOR3I9N WWES aad L/. Q 17090. HOP Le. uda.saa AUCTION SALES. BY A. I'ILWAINE. 109 'WOOD STI .i , NEW ' GIOODS. 1 - ' FINE VASES, BeIISHIAN AND CHINA. zi{cm'raTieSaTlirs, B.IIORING BETS, A large stook of SILVER PLATED GOODS of all descriptions. 100 WOOD ISTILESIN DISSOLUTION, ICE. • • .-. `TTIE:_IRON CITY NUITJAL :INSURANCE CO. Of Pennsylvania. Othce, 75 Federal St Allegheny City. - DIRECTORS Hon. JAMES GR.A BAH, Rev. J. B..OLABIL, D. D., . Capt. R. ROBINSON, Rev. Rev. S. B. IvEuBIT, D.D., W. A. ttRED Cashier 'Allegheny Trust CO. ':JACOB BUSH. Real Estate Agent, • SIMON DELI , Mayor or Allegheny, - C.W.IIENNy; Batter, A. 8. BELL. M Attorney.at-Law, D. L. PATTERSON, Lumber erchant, , D. SWOGEB, insuranca Agent. Capt. ROHT. ROertiNori, President: Rev. J. B. CLARK, D. D.,VicePresident, JACOB RUSH, Secretary, C. W. BENNY. Treasurer. M. W. WHITE, MEDICAL . ADVISKR. DANIEL 5W06124 Gen'l Agent. This Sea nome cOmnany.conducted on the mutual principle, each policy holder receiving Policies share of the profits of the Company. will be issued on all the different plans of Life Insurance, and being conducted on an economi cal bacti will afford a sore investment to each policy holder, and thereby retain the money at borne to encourage home industry. nah2B:gBl l • nEN FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY. OF ALLEfilloy, PA. OFFICTI IN FIV E ZECNA R VVINGB BANE B No. 47:* Oblo St., Aneghenl7. ~ A HOKE COMPANY, gumbo! by Directors well k no wn to the community, who trust by fah. Beat to merit a share of your patronage. HUENItY. IRWIEL.... ...............14e.aidest. Oki D. RIDDLE ..........——Seerstary. - DIRECTORS: • - Henzerwin, ID. L. Patterson, Wai l C o oper, i Geo. KlddleriJacob.Franz. ' Gott elb Faits, Shn Drum, .J. B. Smith -. Jacob Rush W. 11 3tewart,I Cb. P. Whiston, Joseph Craig, tn Joe. ue.r, H. J. Zinkann, Jere, Holten. 1 - R. E. ZIERON,_ GENERAL AGENT. apio:oas CASH INSURANCE COMPANY,: • PZIELAN'S BUILDING. • No. 22 Firth Arent.. Second Floor, PITTSBURGH, PA. ' Capital All Paid UP. - _ DIRECTORS. J. Iggley, H. VT:Oliver, Jr, Capt.3l.llal ley, Distil Wallace, ,S. H. Hartman, , A. Chambers, Jake Hi ll . *B. 31 , Citerkan. IJas. 31. Bailey. ThOalas Smith, _,Jno.S. Willock, I • ROBERT H.'HING, President. -.IRO. P. JENNINGS,- Vice President. JUS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary. Capt. R. J. GRACE, Gen.l Agent: Injures on Liberal Terms on all Fire ap' and Marine Risks. • pErilisTursitis, 0 1OURANCE;0111PAPIY OF PinriBURON; OP 00.11 . , OFFICE. 80. 187,SLWOOD STRET, . BABB XERCE This its Rome .Company, and Insures" against loss by size exclusively. • LEONARD WALTER, President.' C. 0. BOYLE, Vice President. ROBART ATRICK, Preaanrer • 111RJH BcBLIIICHY. tiecretAr. DIMICTORS: Leonard Walter, . George Wagon, •C. C. Boyle, • (leo. oans. Robert Patrick, • J. C. Lapps, - Jacob Painter, J. C. Pleiner, Loalab King, . - John Voegtley, • as. H. Hopkins; 'A. Armen. Gray Bpronl, INDEMNITY . • AGAINST - Logs BY FRANKLIN INSURANCE . CO. OF PHILADELPHIA WIPICZ, au a cr: CIIESTNIIT 137cnear OTH • Charles R. Sanchez, Mordecai H. Louis" Tobias Wagner. • David B. Brown, Bamuel Stant, Isaacs Lea. Jacob IL badth, Edward C. Dale, mks W. Richards.— Flu Culaziza G. BANCakit, Seorge President es .. . EDW. C. DALE. Vice President. W. C. 13 TIZELL 1D Beeretamro teak No . rth Wait:cones Third and Wcioltiltreels. Inii2l):wlS • NATIONAL NSUNANCE COMPANY. or. Federal St. .and Diamond, Allegheny; °face, in 114 SECOND _NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. -- . W.W.ItART,IN t President, 'JAMNROWN Ja., Vice President. SE B. STEVENSON, Secretary. DIRECTORS: John A. Myler, 7 3as. Lockhart. 'Joe. Mien, Jaa.L.Graham. 'Robert Lea, C. C. Boyle. Jno.Brown,Jr, 'George Gerat,Jacob Kopp. • 0.11 Illlains!Jno. Thompson IJ. McNaugher c ape liiIfSTERN INSVIECCICE con. .ANY OFF PITTSBURGH LRIANDER NIMT.OR. President. WM. P. HERBERT, Secretary. - CAPT. (mown HEELD, tteneral Agent. Office, 9X Water street, Span: & Co.'s W are. house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will inzure against all kinds of Fire and Ma rine Risks. A home Institution, managed by Di reetm who are well known to the community. and who are determined by promptness and liber ality to maintain the character which they have assumed, as offering the best protection to those who desire to be Insured. GIFT CtrPS, DUINCT01111: Alexander Nimick, Jelin R. McCune, • R. Miller, Jr., Chas. J. Clarke, James McAuley, William B. Evans,. Alexander l3peer, Joeeph Kirkpatrick, Andrew Actlett, Phunp Kepner, Drrid 31. Long, Wax. Morriaon, D. lhumen. : 4- . - not: pERS I FESI INSURANCE CON cz. N. Z. 00ENNE WOOD a 718TH SiE( A H ome Cempengtakingilre and hiss! ne Risks Dia=Guns: 4 " • m.Phillips, Capt. ,khn L. Rhoads Jotut Watt, . •, , , Buena .I'_. tiluiver, John E. Park . h .... • ' ' ' Charles Arbuckle., apt. James sumer, •,- • ' Jared M. Brash, Inn. Van Kirk. . ...,'Wrn P. Lan Jattes D. Verner • • . Bamuel ' kart • Wit. PHILLtPIir - President. . . JOHN „WATT ice President. W. P. GARD.B . Wiecretory. • CAPT. JAS. GO 11, General Agent. • 4v3..L E 4 iaLE Nit giittraericz COMPANY OF PITTSBURGH. LH°. a7FDITHSTRNIET.Beas Biome., • Booms against ail , kinds u 0 and Nadu Undo. JOHN IRWIN. an.. Piesident. • T. J. HOGRINSON, Vice President. 0. G. DONNA _LLt_nearetary. IJAPT. Inf. To/dear. - Eteneral.Agent. ' - .. . . .. • ' .. ROUerents: - &an J r... to L. Pahneetten T. J. Hoe - ' .' H. 9_, 0. littip e7 , i . Robert H. Everson,Devii. Harvey Obilde, . Francis Sellers, - Charles Rave, - -, oant. J., T. Stoekd ale. :OsPp. We.. Dean. ; , T. 14 Nevin. • PIANOS. coma s. .DEFY THE HESI'AIVIDCREAre: ree PIANO AND OXGAX. , i ftehinnaekeeir , d ledal Pisto l ' • AND ESTEY'S.COTTAGE ORGANt: , •,.,,,,,..., - She 110RONA014114: . 1711 M u sombleei, ali. air West valuable i rtr i e w li em,.... o e otn Iri the or stiwetton of a Irsu ',eel ' And bit ways been awarded the I hbebeigt ;mam m a *Z. tablted. its tone ls SUll, sonosousaud Meet-I:LW workinanehlii. rorthirehltUreok_helVitringm all others. Prices :teeth to saw.' kW 1 010aulta4ne üblaint r iA nao .kkob . es , pee than au , other so" , . ZS OirPTAAlli (MOAN stands -t , the : ' Onill' reed instruments.' is ' ,produolAgitie zneurreAA pipe L guallty of tone pf any aimuar AM ant in the Vl:Meg, Mfg.*, tug simple` anti ' lei `in construction. d n et' a b'eo i ,Roiatot ord.r. ,-, ( ~ .. , . , ~, pAirs,,NT " VAX HTIXANA I, i s t a, t o be fOblid in' Udi 01 1ull • oa from giou te duo, All guaranteed for five • BAR% , KIWAHE BIIETTLER, • NioJ,' EIT. CILALR EiTifiraPP. Mirtrideri for indr telalitng "will be Prompt attended !o bT C. P. /asthma. ' ' IarNEW short Season 'oeitanoncing MONDAY EVENING. - June ASO, and continue every even ing during the week. , • Grand Matinee; Saturday Afternoon at soi o'clock. ' Adirilaslonto all parts of the house, RS tents. I , • The great hacsnlDlVable nvpazir, 4:BENI:p Su' lIIINS*RELS The largest company lo the world. 26 per formers. complete In every department. MON DA r, TIIEBDAY • ANL) 'WEDNESDAY Offenbach's Grand opera, . OPERA ROVINE:- • LA BELLE BELLES. On Thursoay, Friday and fistuTday. . %THE GREAT BARBER Etim OVER& With an entire change or programme. Admission—Dress Circle . and` Parquette, 540* cents: Gallery 2iPtents. SeatS secured troth St to 5 each day at the box orrice, without extra. charge. ' I ie24:k94 MASON IC HALL. 8 194171FISTER BI ECHiEB Manager-0 POSITIVELY ONE DAY ONLY The original G en. TON TRIIIILB AND Com. NVT:r AND MAMIE WARREN, . In their fascinating performances, senriurraxsit. Juno 26,. 1869.- 1 2 performances et 3 and BP. 25 cents ; children under 10 years, 15 cents re served seats, 50 cents ; children under 10 yea rs. to reserved seats, 2 15 eents. Liberty Hill, East liberty, FRIDAY...Jane 25, 4369; Je23;kls NED DAVIS. garvITTSBILMGH THEATRE. . . H. W. WILLIAMS. Leone and Eranager. HUDSON MATINEE—THE FRENCH . sPy ON HORSEBACK. At nfiht—Last appearance Of LEO HUDSON: - • Rcokiiood and Mazeppa. Last night of the season. FIFTH AVENVE HALL.- No. 65,1111 avenue, opposite the Opera. Souse, Pittsburgh. Pa. , W. 11. 8718.01:1P ' Dianairet.. This house has one of the finest Billiard Booms Lu the city.. It is eclOedly the coolest and most b in r v cieag lp t a e . m T e e r n ab mpr ' ov re m aedntewa n an do feemrs superior attractions to lovers of the genie., ,- PROFESSIONAL _ _ _ G • w. De CA MP, ATTORNEY ANDI.COUNSELLOR AT LAW °nice, No. 137. FOURTH AVENUE, puts— burgh, (formerly occupied by Hon. Walter H. Lowrie ' ) will practice in the U. S . Circuit and District Courts,' In th State Supreme and all We Courts of Allegheny county, and make collec tions In most °rifle adjseent ounties. .1129:cn3 WRI.,-_-.FaIOPER, 1 1 , , .. ALDERMAN AND E X . OPPICIO,JOBTICIC OP THEI'PEAOE. • OFFICE, 89 .* 7 117711 AVENtr.7C. • •,: • 1 oc ,B 4 e t i tt i nra t e V. 'tut I; ° dA n ortglig i ' eian _e cin ! tra s " w , up. and all legal 0u5..=. 11 arte.oed to promptly suid ccurately. ~ .L. • • - .. . . SAltillElL .211[clIM Ar.4*ilitAzr, , E, • 1 - x-Officio Justice of the Peace and Police Aw -1 trite. Onci?htraftriT ' , ITTII . ET, opposite the Deeds, Amide, ?dort ges, Acknowledgments; Depot/num', and all gal Business executed with promptness and patch. mtas JOHN A. STRAIN, Kar-ornmo sum 4 POLICE MAOISTRAT OP TEE PEACE AND. E. - offiee,llll FIFTH STREET, op p osite the Ca thedral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mort gages, Ackxiowledgtoenta, Depositions and au , Legs Business' executed'with nmainthesp.and dlenztely. ' • • ABILIUON, A. Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE ANA INSU RANCE AGEKI. , • . _ . . CARSON STREET, MAST RUM:INGRAM. • Collection of Rents solicited and p romptly at— t ended to. my3:yso JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORN.*:-AT-LAW. , Office, U. Diamo nd Street, (Opp:ldle the Court House, ) feiS:t44 SBEBTIN CIS AND BATTI , CO,, ANCHOR COTTON MILLS. Miatlact,lizers of HEIVI MEDIUM and/awl-T. ANCHOR AND 11410NOLIA AITY,ICTINGS AND BA711i111:1 AlloEirl'EOTS guut ; lir: AB.CFLIMN.CI7B, • FRUIT ROUSE ILSI3OOIATION' Nos. II and 4 Bt. Clair Street,: Pittalrargh, - Pa.. Special attention groan to the designing andbuilding of COURT HOlBilts and PUltui numnrarsaa p LOAN. SZCZNCOCOCS . , ON. TIRST CLASS MORTGAGE, CITY PROP— ERTY. Apply at MOROAN & Rourrm REAL Ee zA.Tr.'ALGlErfirra te7:kBlll4 .IHHETH ATENVE. ' * rtkimu A.l.Favir.D. daily it BINiAIfIN PHl.P4ifilie :Poßeler lett Stand, , Now; *Di coed. Mai A•ar.,.ke% . - i r ,L , ..r. burial, , aud al the rWI/1 •CligteAll,_ eVale-iaa, corner of 'Ohleo Ate Bedew w. all kinds- of 8....ad..La/ i ata_, Halibut, Shad. Beak, Codtla_,li Haddoa zel. Also, large. Trout, weld/ supplies; Wf.Whlter,ifalim• Ise, Balutuoa, Bass, Btefaeou. amine • at i t . 11 10 111 aA /dam e/ a s 1 0 Be ni,/ . 'Utmost Anarket prices, wholesale- or recall. .•• WO isi_ltle. 11 • 11 1 , 4Vers Or Fresh Bleb to g iv e / ali •eali; mud we wi ll incur 'Until& treat, ...-- ' - • • •i. ' f 'T. , , ~t able NIOF PIigREISIRIEUSE 1:145V.5.1:54`ir leitill ir5t.....16 'gammon, Iv, mingeneturer- of.looo BTGFEG; Arches. Gril ) Fefelenr' itilli htif, ' and 1.11 kinds w Were, ..car , riiel au • 4 Undid , " pa, Y eti W zr a s .. STS..- G . IFA. Antle.Vtrwart I.fit„.. Ezi. , TAL G I Al: ICE. i _ . Clik the w z rhtfr Ntyor, *rid now PIM 'CT ga_zdening p elm woU dpwroped and. 14.* 1141 ' s lrolkk.d 41124,11 Vair 4 11:'. fo i - A r! tsl,ll l 4 Farm , In' good - toestlent. t 1 Woolen' Yoe ry,,twor If situkee. 1 4 1 4FentY, pyres of land•. on t e - Central nautosd. Wes and Vets For • Bale and VO-let In both ok___, ___ti . For fttrther par. Genius Inquire of ~ ~ ~' • :erssiLinhr WARD. " 6 . 4 lag erszt. street. onnoatte Cathedral. The Wilrated ROB& Ls conceded b - F,co. all who have tried it "to be the best and ehespert eau/lathe atty. • Hive it atrial, Elol4:br • By 2E1E04 & HARPER * 'ins.tonevraysosr. ityo 4 , 11 Y :Liberty Pittsburgh, r El rnma:siratia. PA !II