12 ' F • ...RkTßOLEttibi MARKET. I t(r , Ornoz or Plrriattrituir G rrs, •ku FRIDAY. June 25 . , 1;69. 14 . The oil market was again considerably tl) . ;e set Lel today, and while the sales of Te;Crude were larger than usual, there was t -Tittle done i ftefined. .Compared with prices are lower, and tat the lose it looked as though the bears were i nn the ascendancy, though as the 'saving rts,v it was "nip and tuck," the forces be -Ilt,lng pretty evenly divided, and it is difti 7,cult at, times to tell which has the advan- V;aite. • For several days past, however,' ithe market has been decidedly. "bul. ' as both crude and refined have ad -I.4sztoed materially since the early part of trtad. twe k "b e b a u r t s " od o v e a n s t raalrtddtyenirmfae,ind forced the "bulls" temporarily, it nay be, beat a retreat. • CRUDE. t The bi gest thing we have to report Index thi heading was the offering to puy 10, bbl ;sellers option all the . GGear, at 14. The offer, we unnerstandi from parties in Oil City; and• no h`sooner was it made than it was accepted, ome three sr four persons clubbing to tether to make up the complement. The lielleris, however, offered to put up a iatirgin of a doller the bbl and demanded the same thing ar o p fbuyers ad this ihey declined, and the sale theref or e fell through. Subsequently, howev, the t iame parties bought 3,500 bbls without a • Anargln on either side. We can also ro ,)° rt 1,500 bbls each July, August and seftember, at fa, on cars at Vebango city; and 3,000 sellers option lastlthree • months, - at 144. Spot or ' June seller maybe quoted at 14X©14%, the inside ;,figure offered and the outside figure itaked. II $ I REFINED } The inarket was quiet - and dull and lomred with esterday, p are fower.pa Sale of 500 y bbls June atrice 13 1 and 1 .,000 do. at 31—this delivery sold y l ter. Clay at, 31. July was quoted at 31 @)32, a igainst sales yesterday at 32g. T late months are nominally unchanged. I LUBRICATING OILS. 1 p.chpse Winter Lubrloating oil , 40C Eclipse Railroad Axle ' -35 c Eclipse Machinery . '.. . ..-..-.. .„. 75c itleltpee Spindle 80c ? RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL. F. Wilson, dr, Co ' . ?tidier 4, Bro E.' . S., Thomas & Waring Pookhart, Kingw Fre & : Co. i Total 970 bbls. • k } OIL' SHIPPED EA ST BY A. V. P. B. • 2 Citizens. Oil Co. 646 bbls refined to • ' Tack & Bro., Philadelphia. iLockhart, Frew dr, Co: 413 bbls refined o Warden, Frew & Co. Philadelphia. I Fawcett, L. & S. 195 bbls refined to W. Logan de Bro.. Philadelphia. i McKelvy & Bro., 100 bbls refined to W. P. Logan It Bro., Philadelphia. H. W. C. Twedd e 10 bbls lubricating t o Et s o W. B. George, Philadelphia. ' H. W. C. Twaddle, 20 bbls lubricating Penna.,Rß. Co. • to shipments Refined 1253 otal Lubricating 30 IL SHIPPED EAST PBOE DITcrOESNE • 'DEPOT. J. H. Speer & Co. 92 bbls refined to twick & Telford, New York. tal shipments Refined 92 . Markets by Telegraph. NEw YOBS, June 25.—(Notton very firm [ 1 ith a fair business doing; - sales of 2,500 7 es at 33c for middling uplands. Flour ? receipts, of 11,653 bbla, null and 10® , Lowell sales 7,300 bbls at $5®5,60 for uperfine . State western; 16,-65®6,85 for xtra StatP: $ 6®6,80 for extra western: ..: ,85.®7,25- for white wheat extra; 76,40® . , for It. H. O.; 76,75®7,50 for extra St. nis; sB@tl for* good choice do. Rye ', our • dull. Whisky heavy; western $I ,j, or free. Wheat—receipts 96.010, heavy . • d 2®30 lower; the decline is about 100 , - um the highest point; sales 124,000 bu , ~ t11,45®1,47 for No. 2 spring; 81,60@)1163 . . r No. [ do; 111,60®1,61 for amber Mich , :;. . ; -r ecei pt s r common white western. '• no 37,257 bu, a shade fi rmer 1... .d in good speculative Inquiry; sales f 98,000 bu at 61®870 for new . mixed astern via Canal, and 82®87%c via I ailroad; 68®9243 for high mixed and yet. . w western. Oats—receipts of 24,588 ...' , tiah—lower, closing more steady; sales 1 ,. f 52,000 hush; 75@760 for westernalloat, : losing at 760. .Rioe quiet. Coffee in &Neat- Sugar steady; sales of 500 •'-: . . . and 200 boxes at 11®12c. Molasses .: I .' nil Hops quiet. Petroleum firm; 16X ‘. .1 17 • for crude, and 32c for 'refined., Lin . ~. oil quiet. Pork heavy and lotren • .= of 1,250 bbls; 132,37®33,62 for new 4,.. closing at 1132,37 cash; $32,12 for old ,- o; 25®26,75 for prime; $28,50®22,00 or prime mess. Beef steady: beef hams '.. nig find o 20 tr p er ga nged. 4 Cut at 1 ®l4Xtf ea or ta shoull ere, and 1654®18/c for hams; middles . niet and firm; sales of 75 boxes long tear at 16Xc. Lard steady and quiet; •,- " es of 450 tierces: 1.7@19340 for steam, • nd for kettle rendered. Butter toad , 20(485 for Ohio. Cheese heavy, I®l Freights to Liverpool less au -1.4., ve; shipments of 25,000 bush wheat per : teenier at 91934 d, Latest—Flour closed dull and s®loc wer pn medium and common grades. - . heat lower and dull at 11,43®1,45 for o. 2, and 11,49®1,50 for No. 1 spring. ye nominal at $1,20 for western. Oats y at 7534(4)76 for western afloat. rn active and firm at 87®89 for good to ... nine canal and railroad. Pork quiet at 82,87 for new mess. Beef quiet and tin .. hanged. Cat Meats steady with moder fi ite demand. Bacon nominally unchang .A: Lard dull at 19 3 / 4 ®19% for good to crime steam. Eggs dull and unchanged. . 12, I N Ciuoinp, June 25.—Eastern Exchange • rm at par to-1.10 per cent. premium ~., lan&„ and 1-10 per cent, discount buy '',- Ft• ' Flo ras. is _quiet at : 15.25®6.25 for :'. n ext Wheat # quiet, easier and 1 4/ . ,@u lower, with sales of No. lat $1,25 ; 3 ' 1,27, No. 2 at # 1 ,23®1,25, closing firm at .1- , 1,2%; this afternoon No. 2 is inactive tnd unsettled at 11,23, :seller for June. . Dorn is: quiet and firmer, with sales of :-' N 0,21 et 76®7034c,.N0. 2 at a 9 )‘®7.113, re ' iected at, 60®610, and no grade at 55@57c, .-- doe Market closing at 70j, il for fresh re ., mints of N0.,1,,and 69 3‘®7043 for No. 2; loarkettinchanired thik afternoon. Oats lull, weaker and X®lii lower, with saleo it - 6 / 1 3 6 1316 ( Web, and 60 140)81.0, seller for :die , month, closing with seller at 610 I Mllll. , , Bye -is quiet and less firm, with ! . lia/es of No. 1 at - 111,070408, and No. 2at i 11,0()1,06, closing at $1,0734 for No. 1. Barley is dull at $1,45®1,50 in store. 'ffighwines are quiet and Me lower, wit h tales at 9 4X®950, closing with sellers at )4Xc. Iffolamea is held at 95c®$1 for New Orleans. Sugar Is held at 13X® ,11Xio for fair to choice. Provisions are . Still, • Mess Pork closed weak at $33,25. Gard is nominal at 144 c. Shoulders are held at 12X13.. The receipts for, the past twenty-four hours amounted. to: 8,775' barrels flour, 10,695 bushels wheat, 70,- 784 , . btishels corn, 26,500 bushels oats, i,701 bushels rye, 650 bushels, barley, nd 8,716 head of hogs. Shipments were 600. 'barrels flour, 115,046 bushels wheat, 137,03 bushels corn, 7,999 bushels Data, 8,425 bushels rye, 250 bushels ber et; and 7,504 head of hogs. Freights are lull at Sc on corn and wheat to Buffalo. 1E! etsairman, June 25 .—Flour steady: ea of family at V 5 , 75 @8,00. Wheat scarce and but little offered, market firm; sales No. 1 at 81,30, and No. 2 at 81.25. Corn steady; sales of ear at 66@ 6 4 c, and 68@70c for shelled, the latter rate for white. Rye dull, the - supply bet ter, and prices lower; sales of No. 1 at 11.15. Oats steady at 68@72c. Cotton dull and Mc lower; middling 3134 c, and low middlings 30Mc. Tobacco firm and in good demand; sales 243 hhas $5,65 017,75: Whisky dull and unsettled, closing with no buyers at 93c. Provis it:Os dull and no demand, holders more posed to sell and willing - to make con. Cessions; mess pork 132,75@)33,00; bulk Meats 12.3f,@157; bacon 14 ©1734@i8c nominal, 1.10 sales. Lard nominally un changed, held at' 19)0. Butter firm at 25@30c. Eggs 17c. Sugar firm and in fair demand, especially for - refined. Coffee quiet and - Unchanged.. Linseed Oil dull at $1.03@1,04. Lard, oil 11,42@ 1,47. Petroleum 28@29c for refined. Gold s 137 buying, and 137% selling. Mono , market close at 10®12 per cent. STw Louis, June 25.—Tobacco steady end !unchanged. Cotton nominal and none offering. Hemp dull; undressed $1©1,40; common to choice dressed 12,25. Flour dull and buyers standing off; super $4,50@5,26; extra $5®5,50; double extra. $5,50@6,50; treble extra • 16,75©7,25. Wheat dull and irregular; No. 2 spring sold at 11,12X©1,13; • No, 1 $1,14@1,15; prime to choice fall 11;20©1,40. Corn firmer and unchanged rates; mixed in bulk 60©62c; prime to choice white in sacks 80®85o. Oats held firm; free in elevator 58c; common to choice in sacks . 61®64c. Rye dull and lower; small sales at - 11,10. Provisions In light demand. Mess pork 133©34. Bacon—shoulders 14W; clear rib sides 1830; loose country shoulders 13e; country clear sides; loose, 1734 c. ~ L ard—nothing doing and jobbing orders filled at 19%e for choice tierce; 20' @2le for keg. Whisky slow at 96c. Re ceipts—flour 2,269 bbls; wheat 8,218 WI; corn 13,387 bu; oats 9,870 bu; rye 324 bu. CLEVELMkTA, June 25.—Flour firm and steady; city made: treble extra white 88,00, dotible extra amber 17,75(§8,00, doable extra red winter /6,75©7,00, extra red winter 16, double extra "spring 86,50; country brands range as follows: double extra white 17,50@6,25, double extra red and 'amber 16,25@7,25, double extra 5pring16,25@6,75. Wheat dull and lower, with small sales of No. 1 red at 11,44; No. 2red offered at 11,30 without buyers; the market closed heavy. Corn quiet and dull; held at 72@73c for No. 1 mixed, and 69c for No. 2 do. Oats dull but bet ter; No. 1 State held at 66e by car lots. Rye quiet and nominal. Barley dull and nominal. Pork; mess firm and un changed; clear 500 natter and held at 133 for No. 1, and 132 for No. 2. Petro lewd market still unsettled and buyers and sellers apart; no roliable figures can be given on crude or refined. • ' 40 bbls 160 '‘ 50 u 480 '• 240 " • a . Toimuo, June 25.—Plour Inactive and 011. Wheat Sc lower for all except No. 1 white amber at $1,38 spot, $1,37, seller nnei, $1,3834 buyer June; white Mich', n regular offered at $1,40; No. 1 white ichigan in demand at $1,62. Corn X@ c better, closing quiet; No. 1 at 73®74, 0:,2 at 71®7135, closing at inside; Mich , gan at 71, yellow at 75. Oats held at 65, Oith 64 bid. Rye in request and none ffering. Barley dull and nominal. The receipts for the pas t twenty-four hours / mounted to 3,100 barrels of flour, 8,500 ushels of wheat, 18,200 bushels of corn, 5 800 bushels of oats. The shipments for t e same time were 500 barrels of flour, 2,600 bushels of wheat, 1.200 bushels of rn, 6,300 bushels of oats, 400 bushels of rye. , MILWAUKEE, June 25.—Flour dull and nominally W,c lower. Wheat unsettled at $12.5 for. No. 1, and sl,= for No. 2. Oats more active at 59c for No. 2. Corn and Rye nominal. Grain freights dull at 6,17,c to ; Buffalo and 11350 to Oswego. Re ceipts: 2,000 bbls flour, 72,000 bus wheat, 2,000 bus oats. Shipments: 3,000 bb' s flour, 140,000 bus wheat, 14,000 bus rye.l LovisvlLLE, June 25.--Flonr; super fitiefizm atis4,2s. Wheat; sales of red at $l2:. white at $1,25. Corn at 66c. Oats at Oc. • Rye at $1,25. Sales of 226 hhde to moat $5,90(§6,95: the market steady'. Provisions quiet.; Mesa Pork at $33,50. Bacon Shoulders at 1435 c; clear rib at 18c; clear sides at 18%c; . hams at 1930. Highwinaa at 940.. Lard at 1934 c. T'HILADELPHIA, June 25. Flour steady. Wheat unchanged. IRye steady. Corn in fair - demand; mixed western at 90(02e. Oats steady at 72@76c. Pro visions unchanged. Petroleum steady; refined at 3134@32c. Whisky selling at ! .950111;05. .13a.r...imfonif, Jane 25.—Flour dull and firm. Wheat dull. Corn weak. white 95@97c. Oats firm. Provision quiet. Whisky fiat tit ;1.03®1;04. IMPORTS BY LROAD. iI to TTSBORGH, FORT WATNR °m os RertatoAD, June 25.--10 bbla s ppppir -5 do gin, 8 H Watson dr Co; 100 hi Hays et Stewart; 10 bga seed, Knox; 24 tildes, G H Anderson; 4181 Elks flour, Watt, Lang dt Co; 2 cars schp Iron, J M Dermott; 600 bbls flour, owner; 100 do do, Dan Wallace; 25 tca lard, J H Parker; 250 pigs lead, Dithridge A Son; .1 bbl dry apples, J 8 Dilworth dr Co; 5$ bxs jars, W Little; 15 bbla flour, L J Blanchard; 5 bbls eggs, Woodworth dr Davison; 2 kgs liquor, J Adler; 3 bbls eggs, Day it. Co; 2 pkgs, Little de Baird; 55 bxs cheese), J Braden; 45 do do, 1 A cit J Kerr; 66 bales wool, J Harbangh de Co; 150 doz handles, Klein, Logan dr Co; 2 cars stone, J L L Knox; 1 car oats, 3' W Fairley; 28 pkgs sundries, C Obertrlea. . fULRVELANG AND ,:YIDIRRDEGH Rem- ROAD. June 25.11 care blooms, Nimick & Co; 1 do pipe, H H Collins; 1 do rye, Exchange National Bank; 7do limestone ore, M.'Knight, P dc Co; 40 car wheels, E W Ravmonchr 14 bbls copper. P & B Alin ing Co; 25 tuts starch, Atwell at Lee; 35 do do. Cooper dr Co; 25 do do, Dilworth dr, Co; 15 do do, Haworth & D; 50 do do, E Barslton; 20 do do, Henderson dc Bro; 50 do do, Little & Baird; 25 •do do; FI Riddle; 15 do do, Ranking & liro; (Maks oats, Floyd & Co; 100 oil; bbls, C A Worm castle; 50 bbls oil, Bly & Co. • • A.LLEGHPANY VALLAY Itiorratoan. June 25.-40 bbls oil, W Wilson dr, Co; 160 ;do do, E H Long & Oo; 50 do do, G Thomas; 480 do do, Lockhart, Frew dr Co; 240 do doe .Waring,& Cot= 1 ear metal, H Woodsides; 22 zikge potatoes, , Jas Donnelly; 89 aks oats , Adams & Aus ' tin; 6 bales wool, W Barker; 2 cars stone. Henderson Co; 4 cars railroad iron, J •B Dorrington; 4 do do, A V R ROO; 1 car lime,. D L Reynolds; 10 pails butter, Bruggerman. O'Brien; 1 dodo. Voigt, Mahood & Co; 2 bbls btiokwheat,•ll.nox At On; 10 bgs do, 4 eke wool, W Welsh & Co; 8 mks rags. McCullough, Smith dr, CO. ALLEGHENY STATios: June 25.-1 car wheat, W McKee & Co; .1 ear coop erage, 3-M Hemphill; 2do do, Ralya it Robertson; 1 oar shingles, McCurdy do McGinnis; 8 cars limestone, 12 do iron ore, Superior Iron Co; 4 bbls eggs, J Dundinger; 8 do do, Morrison & 10 bbill apples, E M Jenkins; 80 eke flax seed M B Suydam; 30 eke corn. Votightly dt:Kopp; 5 kegs white lead, McCowan & Snyder. • PITTBRIMGEU CINCINNVIR AND HT. Louis RAILROAD. June 25.-100 bbls flour, Sohomaker & Co; 26 tee hams, J P Hanna; 10 do do. J H Parker; 10 do do, W H Holmes; 50 ban candle's, Arbnekles & Co; 40 pkge tdbaceo, J W Taylor;'4 do do, R & W Jenkinson; 1 do do, A Schaub 8 dodo, Means 10 bdis felloes;-J Hardman; Scars staves, W , Hastings; 2 do do, M P Adams; 1 do do, 0 Street; 85 eke rye, 1 ear do, W J Meek; 1 spring wagon, S 0 Wilson. t J 4 PITTSBURGH, GAZETTE.- SATURDAY; JUNE 26, 1669: . ~ • RIVER' NEWS The river continues to recede steadily at !lug point with scant six feet in the channel by the Monongahela marks. Weather clear and warm—mercury at 4 P. M. 8.5. The Glendale from St. Louis, is the only transient arrival we have to report. She is one of the best boats in the trade. and makes her trips with great regu larity. Theß. C. Grey departed for - St. Louis, with a fair trip and engagements below. The "Kenton departed for Portsmouth, and the New State for Wheeling. • . The TOM Farrow did not get off until early:yesterday. morning. The Hawk eye departed yesterday afternoon. Capt. Clark Vanhook, of •the Great Re pu bac,. iivas in the city yesterday. James Shouse and Crate Reno, were the pilots on the. R. O. Grey. The Kate Putnam, Capt, G. W. Reed, will positively depart for Cincinnati and Louisville to-day, and passengers and shippers'should bear this in mind. The Wananita, Capt. C. A. Dravo, will be first boat out for St. Louis and the Upper Mississippi. —The Armadillowleft St. Louis for Pittsburgh on Wednesday. • —The Maggie Hays went on the Ma rine Railway at Cincinnati on Wednes day. —The MesSenger left Cincinnati - for the Upper Mississippi on Wednesday, and on her return will lie up at that place for repairs. —The Nashville Union and American says that ' , Emma Floyd was the maiden name of the wife of Captain W: B. Don aldson, Master , of the Great Republic, now being tried at St. Louis for the mur der of a aegro." Emma Floyd was the maiden name of the wife of Captain Sam Barr, formerly chief clerk of the Great Republic.—Oin. Gazette. —We'clip the following from the pin cinnati Commercial: Capt. John Wood burn has closed contracts with C. T. Du mont. for the building of two pair of en gines, for boats to be used'in the Arkan sas and White River trades, one pair for a side-wheel steamer, (the hall of which will be 200 feet long, 33 feet beam,) 18 inches in diameter, with 7 feet stroke, and 4 38-inch boilers, 20 feet long, 4 fides in each boiler, shaft to work 10-feet buckets. One pair for a stern-wheel steamer, 11-inch cylinders, 4 feet stroke, 2 38-inch boilers, 4 flues in each, the shaft to work a 19-feet bucket. Also, one boat for the Leal Leotl's engtries, with new 3 38-inch boilers, - twenty feet long. Capt. Sam. T. HambletOn builds the hull and" cabin. The boats will be built under the superintendence of Capt. Jno. Woodburn. —We find the following paragrAph In the St. Louis Dispatch: Ceorge Fahne stock and daughter, of Philadelphia, perished on the Ohio river, in the steam er ;United States, In December. A pm senger residing in Cincinnati has re ceived a letter inquiring the time of their. death, in order to determine a legal queitt: tion es to the distribution of their estates, whose solution depends on whether the father or the daughter died first. This will be difficult to ascertain. —The rates of freight to Arkansas river were advanced twenty-five per cent at St. Louis, Tuesday. —The Mississippi Valley, Navigation Company have again got a boat contract ed for to be built on the DeHaven plan, The circumstances of making the con tract, place, time, etc., are not given, to be sure, but then the Memphis papers contain a full description of the proposed steambr. —The Belle .Altou narrowly escaped destruction last Sunday while laying at Alton. Mr. John. Ballet, Clerk, per ceived smoke issuing from the rear of the cabin, and upon investigating - the origin, discovered that the chamber maid's room was on tire, he rang the alarm, and with the assistance of some gentlemen who happened to be on shore succeeded in extinguishing the fire be fore material damage was done. —Captain Cade has sold the R. P. Con verse to Captain. Boswortn, of Jackson port, for 1/4,000, and she now plies be tween Drivel's Bluff and Jacksonoort, on White river. Capt. Cade is anxious to purchase another stern-wheel steamer, but wants one a trifle larger than his last possession. —The Mary Davage, Pittsburgh to St. Louis, passed by Cincinnati on Monday night. —The Ironsides, en route to St. 1.01111, was at Caimon Wednesday. —The Lednidas and Bellevernon were at Louisville on Wednesday. —The Argosy was to have left ClO cinnati for Pittsburgh yesterday. / —The Great Republic, had .an excur sion of over two.hundred ladles ( ) for Carrollton Gardens when she left 'New Orleans, and has, 2,200 barsjot railroad —An Evansville paper says: M. A. Parrish. of Nashville, was a passenger l3y the Brandies. This gentleman was never beyond the limits of his native Waite of Tennessee ' nor Made a trip on a steamboat before. He was the principal owner of the Eclipse, Princess and Al bertine, and has been connected with the Cumberland river steamboat inter ests for thirty years. —A Nashville boatman has bad his life Insured for 11450,000. RI VER.- PACKETS. No , iOt ISVILiE• I . VOII CINCINNATI and LOUItIVILLE.—The line pas senor steamer , /IATZ PUTNAM ' Capt. G. W. BRIM Wilt leave as above Tali DAY, the 116th inst. at 4 o'clock r. For (retain oraaaage a_ipply on board or tO je23 FLACK 1 OOLLI.NOWUOU. Agents. UPPER 'XHISISAVIPPL . _ OR ST. LOUIS, KEO. DitDUQI . 3X and ST. MTL--The steamer • MAITANITA Capt. O. A. DEAVO._ Will leave . for •the above porta oa MONDAY. the 79th Lulu, at. CPCIOCk Ifor &tight orpaasage apply on board or to .Rnilf FLACK or 1e23 J D. COLLINOWOOD, Agents. PARItBMMILIB6I • DPI T 1117 11 131 II 4 Igr/Ib WHEELING AND PAR KERSBURG LlNE.—Leue. Uonfn'nv + s Wharf hoot, toot or wood Street. daily at 1 WED NESDAYS and SA.TIIIIDAYS A • EAGLE U. L. BitiuritArr, Muter. lereight will De received et all sours iv ° JAMES COLLINS. /MAGIC & ouLLINGwooD, • Agents. CEM STRAVISHIPs, *LIVERPOOL ANDank QUEENSTOWN. *ll/3 INMAN MAIL S • ° . Nurabertng• elzteen arst-clas veinels, among T,, , . tralle celebrated CITY OF PAttles; CITY srANTIV:Itte, CITY OF HOSTQN, • CITY 4P RALTLI4O.II2, Batlln , CITY OF LO ON. NVIgItY BATI7RDA • • from Vler 115 s4urt4 Riven New York.-.lot' uageor n rlpe . Informailon amity to WILLIAI BIN Jr. TO rum enutel. ‘ (Ctiro tole Hutlang. Nearly opposite Post O oe. Pittsburgh VALUABLE CITYITLOTSFOR Ths undersigned, as trustee la the nartltton -of the tell eanstu or . • Ey order of the District Connor iiilegbenyc,onn ty, will sell at public sale, on the premises, on IVEDIiEBDAY, JUNE 80, 1869, At 2 o'clock P. hi., that very valuable property on Fifth avenue, city of rittshurgh, Consisting of TW - 0 LOT 4. First—A lot' fronting on Mar ket Street 30. feet and extending, the same wiatb. along the south side of Fifth afenne 101 feet. to Market alley. ' b'eciand7.A lot on the opporAte side of Market alley:. fronting on PMb avenue 110 -feet and running back, prCserving toe same width, along Market alley 30 feet. um the timt mentioned lot are FU U FRAME 'PE tIEMENTS, and on the other a THREE STUB BRICK BUILDING-. These lute are among the moat valuable in the city of Pittsburgh, being on theprinc'pal street and in the centre of business. The attention of capita iiste le particularly Invited to them, as they are desirable chiefly for the value of the lots, the buildings not being of much eonsequence,•and possession forbuilding rimposes can be obtained on 3 months' notice. Thr property now rents for over eight thousand dollars. The purchases will receive the rents after July Ist. • One-third cash, and the. ematntritr two-thirds in two equal annual payments, with semi-annual interest from day otranle, Secured by bond ano mortgage on the premises. /NW; Je7:k2g • sEED B. CHERRY S EDER. . Beery family using Cherries, whether for pies, eanning'or drying,thould have one of these valu able machines. It not only saves time and labor, but Will *lore than pay 4r itselin seeding one bushel o t !, cherries. The 1,. achine is cheap, simple, durable and •handeonte. The hopper is adjustable, thereby adaptlaselt to all sizes of cherries. ' . BEWAIL PRICE • - • - • • $2.00. FOR SALE BY - JAMES BO WN, N 0.136 WOOD STREET. Jet ...rub HEALTHFUL PLEASURE. ALL MAY INGAGE IN IT. CROQUET I ; CROQUET! : _ CROQUET ! A DELIGHTFULOUT-boon GAME. No Conitry or * Suburban Household complete without a net. A GOOD SET - FOR 15 00. - Elegantly tlnlit)ied and more Durable Seta from - Vt - r.„ - 50 TO . *lB 00. sirSblived to any part withonit charge.lElß R. S. DAVIS & C . , 193 Liberty Street. NEAR ST. CLAIR. veil-TTIIS GRAYS FERRY PRINT DO DiK WORKS. C. E. ROBINSON, MANGFACTUIIr..II Or Black and Colored Printing 4, Lithographic INES, VELIMISIIES, 40. Ornrs Ferry Rend and 88d Street, felB:e6o PHILADELPHIA. g 74..11 JOHN LIVERY, €1.4.z..p.. AND COMMISSION STABLES COL SEYEATII AVENUE . & LIBERTY ST., Przmanum, rut. sitoX:ht snasw ALL THE NEW STYLES. AT THE LOWEST PRICES, AT ReCORD & CO's, myt3 , 131 WO.OD MEET. P.I7IIIPS I WOOD AND IRON WELL AND CISTERN.PIIMPS . We are now sole agents for E. P. amltli , s well known wood/pump. The trade will be supplied by yat factory pri ces In lets tosult, larg_o and cplete assortment always on bang. Families an d all others In want of a good pump at a.very low price, wbloir we warrant, should nee this. The beat and cheapest _pump In the market. . W. W. IaNOX, aenerat Wholesale Agent, itlylskl32.e 1.37 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. tt, DRE linporter and retail dealer 1n PINE STATIONERY, WEDDING, VISITING. PARTY AND BUSINESS OA*O EZIGRAVIIII6I, MONOGRAM," ABMS, ILLUMINATING.' Itie, Orders by,reall teneive prompt attention. Bend tortsail:dee. 4.033. Cheißtnut BC, Phila, IIIV8:177.17111aT' 'IttRSHAWS ELIXIR. . -- 141,W8 NU= WILL Orrni FIIADA.cB7I. IfaastreLLos ELIXIA W_lL,r. CUES DYBPISIviA. MAhaHALL'IVELmiII. 'wiz!. OVaill COST/Vs. Witla. • • • price of Maniballts BlLalr. .1.00 erbottle. Depot, 1301 Market stree tM. & wskliam, & Co., Druaglsts, 'Proprletorl.• For sale., wholesale and retall, by . GZO. A. sr guy. .pitteburgh. ' • fe4:d9ll.wrrn a noiSt..4UI:)A.IL A IS PVRIFIES THE BLOOD. Ih3B MLR. BY DRITOOISTEI EVEBYWIZER.. denbleftWF (4.ODD NEWS. 04FLP BBEADI2I DiAB i nkrEa Enquire for yrA1t.1396 Bread, Tie largest and befit. The 4altials "R. W." on °Tay 10af. • Tate none 'else. anCTTP 1F0111111440N &, CO. rAloy CAKE RA,R,E,Ry, coNFEaTiolvAir tar Clll43l — attd DINING EIALOON,' tia'soltligeld street, corner , of Diattiond ` al l ey Pittsburgh- . r Parties - mid families soupliedl With'tr., Cream and Cakes no short notice. „_, = —.-- REVOLITge 411 1 440 . 1 . 4, UAW A large lot Pet reoel ed and for sale at Lowe ' market price. W. W. ENO2. NA72YI/1/I•WITU • ..w-chradela-._ • AGNES KNOX, Deceased, TUE TEEMS of SALE F. WHITE; TROBTIZE ril COMMISSION MERCHANTS J. L. ormalloss.... A. E. swelrarsoN DILLINGER & STEVENSON, DISTILLERS AND DEALERS IN - Pure Rye Whiskies. IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, &C,,, No. 87 Second Avenue, ap2o PITTSBURGH, PA. ESTABLISHED BY A. & Tti W. M. GORKLY, WHOLESALE GROCER, No: 271 Liberty Street, WIBUTLY OPP. EAGLE HOTELO prx-rssuman. Be :318 M. STILLS J. A. STILLS M & SON, o Commisoion Merchants, AND DIGAM3IIB IN Ea...01:T11. GRAM, FEED. ace. No. 96 OHIO STEER% near Emit Common, ALLEGHENY CITY. PA. W. C. ARMSTRONG, • Successor to Fetzer & Artnst:ong, RODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, No., 23 MARKET STREET mvIB • PETRA *MIL %JAB. 7. =CHUM KEEL & RITCHAIIT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, = IN - • FLOUR, GRAIANN, D SEEDS,'ALYE A MILL FEED, .te., 349 Liberty' Mt., Pittsburgh; say24:bB7 ' - - L. J. BLANCHARD. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, ao18.;x88 No. 396 PENN STREET. 1 ITTLE, LUND fr. PATTON, Wholesale Grocers; Ceramistlcm Merchants an Dealers In Produce, glom, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nails Glass, Cotton Yarns and all P•ltsbnrigh Banat:torts generally, 119 and 114 eSCOND ST BT, Pittsburgh. JONN SHIPTON • WALL•CIe. aIIIPTON & WALLACE_, sALE O ROCERS AND PROD ME DEAL . No. A SIXTH STREET. Pim elmrsch. 1*12:r5,9 - JOHN rfouras..zow. sousz._...wm. H. souss. JOHN I. HOUSE - &1111.0S., Sue.. s andHN I. HOUSE & CO., Whole sala Grocers Commission Merchants, Coy. ner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh. MISCELLANEOUS. --- WILLIAM MILLER 8 CO,. Nos. 221 arid 223 Liberty Street. Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low tigurea, strictly Prime New Crop New Orleans Sugar and Molasses. Porto Rico, Philadelphia glish Island Sugars. New York, and Baltimore Re lined do. Golden Drips, Lovering'', Brunfls, Stuart's, Adams' and Long Island Syrup". corto Rico, Cuba and English Island Molasses. oung Hyson, Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder airOolong Teas. Carolina and Bangohi Coff ee s. Ilya, Lagnayra and ' l Tobacco, 'Lard Oil. Flab, Nails, Glass, - Soapti, Cotton Yarns, de, constantly on hand. IMPORTERS OP rne Brandies,Wines and Began. OBlienlsh, Moselle, and Sparkling Hock. Wines f Bullet &__ .Co. betties. 'Sparkling Moselle; Sakarsberg and 4obannli burg, Hocklielmer, Burgundy, &e. Brandenburg & Freres , line 011 re 011. - . dq do Clarets,. imported In bottles. do • Po. White :Wines, In bottles. M. Wort & Sons' Sparkling Catawba. pre,: old Skerl7, Madeira aid Port Wines. Old Monouganela Bye Whiskies. pure. do Very Superior Old beach do do: 010 Agents ftfr Moat & Chandon's Grand Via. Versenay and gallery Champagne; Brandies of our wen selection and warrsated, 2.443 2,000,000 ACRES OF CHOICE LANDS FOR SALE, BY Tail Union Pacific Railroad Company, sAiSTREN Lying along the line of their road, at • $l,OO TO $5,00 MB ACRE, And on a CREDIT Olr Print YBA.RB, Pin farther particulars, maps, ite., address JOHN P. DEvraziux, Land ConnaLssioner, Topeka, Hams; Or CHAN. B. LAMBORN. B er'7. Bt. Louis. hUssourL I= HOLTZMAN & WIE.DEHHOLD • • No, 200 Third Avenue, '. lipholatortand Dealer" In Curtain Goode, Direct the attention of their friends and the public to their dimly snorted stock of Lai* and Nottingham camellia Vestibule Lams, Damask. Rem terry's Mexican cloth, Satin, Delanes, Gilt Cornices, Gilt and Walnut Mouldings, Bering Beds of superior make, Bair Mamma (pure, white hair.) Pillows. 'Willer and eyerythlig 'pens Mini to a Brit elets ,bed. . The latest Perla and Berlin deafens, for Draperfes attlie inineetide df their dustomers. Pure tett to Blum= illiow Panthers always on hand... HOLTZIM & WD I DERHOLD. • . NO. 100 .THIND, AVENUE, mtedig • • *- • • • UNITED ST An-- 'KITED STATES 'HOTEL, ; CAPE MAY CITY , N. J.; Win be opened !or the season SATURDAY. Nay Ruth. •In all first elms apqointments, equal to any.and yet &Hording tp fault: lex all the, CoClitoris of a k.me. • President tiromt expects to flail Cape ibis season and w.llstop oath& ”United, tares. ^ Address; - • Snarl:NC ..-A ARON MlLLEBt=Proprietor.. err. .14.; n!Lari Ebk BRATIN ARogiTzartr,FAL NAMENTA4CARVER4I,.. AO; 61Sandidkilit.• Pa. Imre assortment ot NZWIL POSTS and 'BALt.svars oonstanuy on hand. TIMING of ail &Atria a; done wed% ' ' ' ai.so. ALSO, RAILROADS - - 1§69 ....- i - -. • TTUBUR . OR... FORT WA NE dr, OHICAUO F. W. and CLEVELAND & PITTSBDROII R. R. From Map 9th, 1869, train: will leave fre is and arrive at the Union Depot, north aide, Pitta. burgh city time. as follows: Chic 4.3430 e. . .Airtee. -- ago Ex .... 21:08 am I ChiCa o Ex.. 1:58 a m Erie & In E r.7:28 a m Chicago Ex-116:03 p a Cl. &Wh2gllP:s:l3 am: Wheelie Ex 10:48 aur chicago Mat1.6:58 a mSt.. Ltiuis Ex 7:08 pm Chica,go_Ex....9:43 a ni,Chrgo Ex<il4:oBp Cl. & 9wg Ex 51:08 p m Cleveland Ex' 3:53 p m Chicago Ex.. 3:33 p m Erie & Yg , n Exs:sBpm 1 .7" e &Erie Ex4:3B pn..Cl. & Wh'g Exo:s3pm Depalfrom AUspheny. I Arrive os Ak g u m , Bea 'r ails Ac.8:58 a m Loetsdale Ac..6:58 am Leepidabi " /0:03 a m .Bms'r Tails '' 8 :3 1 8ato _ . • •, 11:58 a m New Castle "10:513 am Rochester "., .A::3s:pppzninifilißeenicstiei. .::' 519::4:011ppaninza Egon Leetsdale Acc•s: 13 Bea'rhills " • 5:13 pm,Leetsdale .. 41,33 • Leetsdale 4. 10 :43Pm: " " 7 :33 t pis al Fair Oaks Sun- !Fair Oaks 'Sun day Church. 1:13 p m day t•hurch. 0:58 am 3:33 g. m. Chicago Express leaves daily. frir 13'03 D. m•ChicaBc E7Prees arrives daily. J. M. RIMBALL, J. N. M'CLIDLOUOR • (Fenn Ticket Agent. ffen'lllnyeen.t. TIME. THE GBE N'DYVLEYI iUTREOOA REGIONS Y 7IOU? CHANGE )FOAKS. On and after MONDAY, Junel4thlBE 9 TWO' THROUGH TRAIN& DAILY. ( exc ept Sunday) will leave Pittsburgt Depot, corner of Elev enth and Pike streets, for Franklin, OH Cit 7,1311& filo, and all :points in 9 e Oil Regions. - LEAvs PITTSBURGH. ieltRIV LH .PITTSBURGE 1 Day Ex 8:00 a minor Ex 515 pm 'Eight Ex.— 7:30 pm, Night Ex 5;30 ant Brady's B Ac 3:05 p m,Bradys B Ac 10:15 am Freeport Ac 9:40 am I let4OdaW'ks 7:40 am Eld SodaW'ks 6:3t) p m,Free_port Ac. 6:15 pm - st Hulton... 6:45 am; Ist Halton.. 9:50 a m AS Hu1t0n...12).00 m 9a Halton... ' 2:00 pm 3d Hutton... 1 t:00 p m 3d. Hunan... 1:05 p m Arnold's Ac, 5:00 pm; Arnold's Ac. 7:40p m Church train to and from Soda Works -leave Ptttsbargli at 1:10 P. If. Arrive at Pittsburgh. (Sundays,) at 9.50 A. H. E.xpress trains MD only at principal' points. Accommodation- rains stop at all stations J. J.' LAWRENCE, Gen'i Sup't. ap3o THOMAS It.. KING, Assn. buy% ENNSTLV-A-aimigi t NIA CENTRAL RAIL AD. On and after A:zit 25th, 1869, Trains will arrive at and depart from the - Union Depot, corns- of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: Arrive. .Depart. Mall Train.... 1:25 am • Day Express.. A:l5 anr Fast Line 1.45 am Soutnern Ex.. 4:eo ant Wall's No. 1.. 620 am Wall's No. 1.-6:3oam BrintonAcen. 7:50 am Mail Train . -., 8:15 ant Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am How`dAs Nol itn2o am 1 Cincinnati Ex.9:10 am Fincln'ti Ex /2:30 pm - Johnstown Ac10:35 am all's No. 2.. 11:4/ ant Herod Ac No11:10 pin ohnstown Au. 3:05 pm Pater' , sh Ex. 1:30 pm Braddocks Ac. - 3:40 pm Phila. Expressl:so pm Phila. Express 4:2opm 1 Wall's No. 8...2:80 pit Wall's No. 2. , ..44:50pin _Braddock Ac.. s:sopm Wall's No. ' 4... 6:ospm How'd Ac No 2 9:35 pm *Fast Line . ..• . 7:3opm Wall's No. 4. 7:20 pm llow , d Ac No pm Way Passn'r.lo:2ll pm Wall'sb, 0.5.. -11:00 pm. 'These trains make close connection a. Harris burg for Baltimore. The Church Train leaves Walls Station ever" Sunday at 9:05 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh 10:05 a. in. Re turning, leaves Pittsburgh 12:50 p. as. and . arrives at Walls Station 2:10 p. in. *Cincinnati .Express leaves daily. All °the tiaras daily except Sunday. • For further information apply to W. H. BECKWITH, Ag The Pennsylvaniallailivad Company will r otas Rime any risk forßaggage, except for wearin_gag pare) and limit their responsibility to One DollarsHun dre.. in value. Ali Baggage exceeding tart amount in value will be :it the risk of Ilea owner, atiess taken bv.epecial contract.., - • . EDWARD G. WILL ap33, - General Superintendent, Altoo ... t, . VANIA . ROAD.-0n and after April 250:4/815 , thee Fes-get:ger Trains on the Weaturil PennsYlvsnla Rat road will arrive at and. depart from tt2 Federal Street Depot, A ll egheny City, as follows: Arrive. Depart. t3_pringd.e No 15:40 a m Mail 7:00 4.91 - Freeport No. I8:90 a m Freeport N0..1 9:llosin Express 10:40 m Sharpbtg No11.1:20 US • 511arpb'g No.11:20 p m Express . 2:50 pia Freeport .I,To. 2 4:00 p m Springd , e No 1 3:30 pm Mall 5:50 p Freeport N0.25:20 pnt Springd'e No 25:20 m Soring,Ve No 28:39 pia Aboye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Jiinctiou ever) dandily at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City al 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:20 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny June. Lion at 3:40 p. m. Coalswiemorr TwasTs—For sale In packages of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut street.- Herr's, Bennett, Fine Creek,Etna and Sbarpsburs and good only _Oa the trai ns stopping at Stations 'Deemed on tickets. . The trains leaving A.llegneey City at 7:00 a, 'n. make direct connection at Freeport with Wa lkers line of Stages forli °tier and Hannahttawn. Through tickets map be_ purchased at the No. ISt Clair street, near the fluspensionßridgs, Fittsburk 11, and at the Depot , ..allegheny. • For flirther information apply to JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent . . . Federal Street Depots The Western Pennsylvania • Railroad will. nth a, sumo say risk for Baggage, eXcept for earinF,.. apparel, and limit their responsibility o Osa Hundred Dollars in value. . All . baggage _ ex. ceeding this amount in value willbe at the Hilk Of the owner, unless taken twig:ix:lel oontm i , EDWARD H. WILL apH General Sunerintendent. Altooria. . . _ ITTSBIIRG E 1 rioNfrit, T 4 AY. , , , • ___ _ PAN HANDLE'BOUNZa ..;_: :' , . uttANGIt OP 212i11.—0n and after hii;k2lDA.T., April 11221 b 0169, trains will leave and arrive et thi r l4lO / 11 .Pplint. Is fbllows:, , . .. , , • Dftetrt 'Arrfur. NW, ~..................... 2:011 a. m. 4.5:13 a. a. • Fast Line ... . . .......- 943 a. m. 713 p. im• Itiginviss..... • .... 2:33 th. m. 4:33 a.m. Jinxed Acen 5:33 a. ra. '55314 m. lieDonalPs Aer5,n,N0.11.1.:434,1m, 8:111a:lne Steubenville Aorommod. 3:581p. in. 9:33 a.rit MeDonald , s AOl4l. No. 2 Clan. in. , 3:12n. m Sunday March Train..-12;68 , p. ni , 9:54 a. 21: lb. 11:33 P. K. train Will leaie daily. 12:13 P. 18. train will arrive dally. Ail other trains will,min daily . /Sundays exeePh ed. The 9:13 a. L. Traln_makes close con neetfons at Newark fir Zanesville. _ ,_ 8. F. SCULL. General Ticket 41/liellis W. W.GARD, Snot, Steubenville. Ohio. arl22 .. : • . , , LO TT ITTS at BVingn & CoNNELLE VILLE • Oh and 'after TITESDAY, Yorember, 17th, 'ball. trains will arrive as and depart tram the Depot' corner of Grant and Water streets, as follows; - . port. Mail to and from Union- De town. 7:00 A. u. 6:00 I.l[. MoßecapbrtAccomdt , n 11:00 A. at. 2:05 Ex. CO and from Unt , n. 3:00 r. at. 10:10 West Newton Accom , d 4:30 at. 8:35 A. it. Braddocrs Accomdt , n. 6:15 P. M. 7:50 P. Night Ac. , sport.lo:3o P. M. 6:45 A. in Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton 1:00 i..11.31.0;00.i. Jar tickets apply to E. 2d. RAYMOND, Agent W. B; STOUT. Botlerintendent. no2D DIOR lt HILL Rouyn. UNION PACIFIC ILUIWA r Ealitern Tile SHORTEST AND ' 11013 T RzLLAIII Autauctromuta auttott points a Colorado Nevada, California Viola, Arizona Washington, New memico, Oregon. Tiro Trains leave dtate Liza and Leavenwe ran 41lly. (Sundays exeepted,lon the arrival of traits of...Paelloßadmd Dmoi Pt. Louie. and Remit , bat and st. Joe Railroad MUM (piney, conatea in.: ap Lawrence. Topeka, and Wamego with tor all points In Rause. At end at t rac k west :at Ellsworth with' the MUTED STNis Alzz EXPREf3B CON PAN 'a: '8 DAILY comltiza Po LL Oir OVERLAND NAIL AND /Exempla ioNtIVVJENto SALT . ZAAILlith , D AU Pehitt ' in. AN the Teivitopteh 'And With iintrDßligin,pB TIU-WWICKLY mix '-' ~. of 00AoH.M1 tor Port Union Beata Port; 6 Jobequerue, Banta Pe, and ail points in Ai Plllll l. sena and New =mica,- - - - • , With the resen additions o f rolling 'sto ok and 'equipment. • and the Transportation ,made `... • with responsible Overland Transportation Mims from its western terminus, 4his road now ode= .. unequalled facilities Cox the tranam4sion id ~ fraiche to th e Par Wort. • - _,, • ,' 'Plekets for sale at alt the ppal, codices the , united States and Canada. ,- - • . -, la , R Be sere and ask or tli nets eta THE' SlCOlit: ILL BOUTkI. SION PASOI7IO RAILWAY. ILABT/LBH .91miu . . N. - - A. eisnittsoar, titmeral hupertiteidea X, WEBSTEU, saint height sad %VIM A M P' Arrive/.