The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 24, 1869, Image 3

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WEDNESE.AY, June 23, 1869.
The following are the daily shipments
of live stock for the week ending Tues
day, June 22d. -
Cattle. Hogs. litteei. Bonet.
Wednesday,.... 484 2,781 6,937 64
Thursday, 893 '1,407 5,494 17
Friday, 1,699 6,684 - 2,513 199
Saturday,..._ 283 5,406 942 51
Monday, 199 7,7 3 6 239 48'
Tuesday, 944 3,124 -2,574' 28
4,482 27,138 18,724 428
, For some weeks past there has boort
difference in prices that it was
almost impossible to tell whether there \
was any change at all. This week, how
ever, there is no difficulty in that re
spect, as prices are fully half a cent
lower and even at this reduction the
market is dull, with a supply considera
bly in excess of the demand., This was
not nnlooked for, however, as it was ex
pected that the arrivals would com
mence to loons up pretty well about the
latter part of this month, and these ex
pectations are being fully nalized. Cat
tie are coming in from all directions, in
-1 eluding Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, lowa,'
Illinois and Missouri, It is true, the
quality, all things considered, is not as
good as it has been, but with an over
- supply of medium and common grades,
prime cattle have declined as well as the
common grades. Nor is it believed that'
the bottom-has been touched. Cattle
are reported abundant throughout the
entire country, and, besides, prices of :
fresh meat, particularly beef, have been ,
relatively higher than anything else,'
and, of coarse, it is not to be expected,
that this can be maintained.
Last week prime fat steers sold at 8, i
with some few at sy„ while this week
the same grades have not commanded
over 7%@7%, and there will be but few
sold over 7%. Medium to good sold atl
THURSDAY. June 17.—Holmes, Lafferty
& Co. for Morris to Huntsberger 77
Weighing 74,575, at 7.
FAIDAY, June 18.—Hedges & Taylor
for Gregg to Miller 15 weighing 17,875;
Holmes, L & Co. for Morris to Krall 19
w ighin 19,350; same for fieffer & Co.
to Keliy . 3o weighing 40,600; same for
A ison & Carey to Voter 26 weighing
30 5 0. at 7; same for Allison & Carey to
V ter 50, at 7; same for same to same 30
w "ghlng 33,250,-at 7; Voter to Beach &
Bray 21 weighing 26,025, at 634; Holmes,
L dr Color Webb to Miller 36 weighing
39,065, at 7,20; seine for Price to Martin
16 weighing 21,870, at 6%; same for Fer
gnson to Martin 18 weighing 20,350, at
61i; same for Morris to Voters 4 weigh
ing 59,700, at 7%; Hedges & Taylor for
' Holden & W to Swigart 17 weighing 20,-
.1 ,
at - 7,40; Hobi '
es L & Co for Morris
to each A Bray 21 (Texans) weighing
55, 00, at 6.
' ATURDAY, June ' 19.—Hedges .& Tay
lo for Johnston to Mos es 85 weighing
42, 00, at 7,35; Holmes, L & Co for Berry
Redden & Co to Gillett & Co 151 weigh.
big 200,300,-at 7,5734.
Mormax, June 21.—Daub to Klemen
39-weighing 37,675, at 6; Holmes, L & Co
"for, Morris to Rambo. 44 weighing 44,100,
-... at 6%; same for Denton to Tont 36 weigh
ing 39,500, at 734. '
TUESDAY, June 22.—Holmes, Lafferty.
& Co. for Morris to Seller 20, weighing
19,605, at 6%; same for Byers to Seitz &
H 25, weighing 26,800, at 6%; Marvin to
Dawson 18, weighing 19,400; Holmes, L
& Co. for French to Smith & Keller 11,
- Weighing,ll,37s, at 6%; same for Cham
bers to same 9, weighing 10,125, at 6%;
same for Thrasher to Saitz &`H 7 cows
and oxen, at 53(®71/0 Woodward tc Kle
men 18, weighing 20,175; Hazlewood &
Ce. for Campbell hi Fritz 16, weighing
22;625, at 7%; Holmes, L &Co. for Young
-to I Moses - 12, weighing 11,250, at 6%;
Brown to Moses 18, weighing 20,325, at
6%. ' :. •
WEDNESDAY. Jane 23.—Hedges& Tay
lorlor Woodward to Klemen 14, weigh
ing 18,760, at 7; Ford to Landizrl9, weigh
ing 19,550, at 7,27 1 ,¢; Brown to Xiamen
' 31, weighing 42,550, at 7,35; same to same
22 weighing 21,800, at 6,40; Hazlewood &
8.-to McGarvey 19, weighing 21,225, at
7,15; Chandler, to Fritz 18, weighing
19,175, at 7,20; same to Klemen & Tram-
man 91, weighing 99,675, at 7,20; Mc-
Auley for Clark to Moses 15, weighing
11,150, at syo Glass to Moses 8, weighing
; 5,575, at 63i; Patridge to McArdle 14, .
weighing 18,400, at 7 1 4; Ford to . Fritz 18,
I weighing 21,800, at 7,70; Zeigler to Lan
j dis 17, weighing 19,075, at 7.
The arrivals of Sheep have been rum.-
_ 'wally larger , ' and with only a moderate
demand, and an over supply, the mar-,
ket has been and, is still exceedingly,
- dull, and Compared with last week,
pricks, are down from 34 to 1 cent per
pound. and to-day, the pens are lull
and. overflowing, and the market was
very doll even at the • decline. The
,very best fat sheep cannot be quoted.
above 434@4% while last week the same
7 grade brought 514@)6,1—with one sale of
• extra at 6g;, scalawags to fair may be
i quoted at 234§334; and good at 4 ots.
Following is a report of the daily: sales
during the week: - .
Wednesday, 6083
• Tharaday,...... 4778
Friday, 1919
• Saturday,
• Monday,
• Tuesday, ....
Total - 15,870
There was an-unusually large supply
-ot Hogs on Saturday and Monday, all
- • the pet* being filled and the market, as
• a • consequence ruled dull, and priceo
lower; yesterday and to-day, however,
- under the influence of a large • failing off
• in the receipts, the market stiffened up
• • and prices advanced about a quarter - of a
cent, and besides Abe demand, 'even at
the—addance;•• was rather • better. We
now quote York Hogs at 8%@9 cts.; and.
• Philadelphia Hogs as 03‘019%. • Follow
-- ing - is *report of the daily sales: •
••; Wednesday, • 646
• 7 Thursday, ... . • '1502
• Friday,' 1285
Saturday,. • • - 1103
Monday, 1640
Tuesday, - -
Markets by Telegraph.
Nzw- Yoni4 June-28.4-Cotton
' heavy - and lower; sales ' of 600' bales, at
taX(iMe for middling uplands. Flour;
recelpta 9,838 bbls; prices .20@80c better
on sbiPplitg grades; sales of 24,000 bbls,
at $5,10©5;60 for superAtie State and
western; $8,5067,00 for extra State, $6,25
@7,00 for extra western, $7,05@7,40 for
' "' 'white Wheat extra,' 16,50@7,10 for R. iL
O. 18,75@7,50 for extra St. Louis, and . sB
@ll for good to choice do.; ncluded in
' the 'Sales were 6,000' buah extra State,
t , and August delivery, at $6.751 6,80.
Rye 'Flour , ateatly at '54,80@6,80. Corn
"Weal in moderate request. Whisky dull
' 'arid heavy; sales of 20 bbls' western at
' `'sf,o2, free. Wheat; receipts 82,850 bush;
market opened `2@3o, better and less aa•
Live, and closed . 'dall, :with the advance
partly' lost consequent upon ' tbe de:
- ;:;e8 Ate: in ;told and the advabeellfrefithte.
• =Wirer , itt . 11,91 f9r No. 8
' l i'mpt,l444 148 ‘05945111
1,61 for No. 1; 11,62.34 for white California;
closing at inside figures. - Rye nominal.
Barley nominal. Corn—receipts, 5,800
bus; opened a shade better and closed
drill with the advance lost; sales of 61,000
bus at 63Q890 for new mixed western
via canal, and 85Q90c via railroad, 92c for
western, and 57c for badly damaged.
Oats—receipts, 5,800 bus; heavy and
lower, sales of 19,000 bus at 7634.6
77c for western afloat Rice dull. Coffee
quiet. i Sugar dull, with sales of 600 hhds
Cuba t 11@12 ,c. Molasses quiet. Lin
seed 11 dull at $1,01Q1,03. Petroleum
stew yat 10Q16 1 ,40 for crude, and 31Q
31% for refined. ' Hops quiet. Leather
quiet. Wool without decided change;
sales of 180,000 lbs at 45Q55c for domestic
fleece. Spirits Turpentine weak at 41Q
42c: Sheathing Copper steady at 330;
Ingot Copper dull at 213,Q22c for Lake.
Pig Iron is scarcely so firm at $39Q44 for
Scotch, and $36Q42 for American; Bar
quiet at 85090 for refined English and
'American. Sheet dull at 11%©13340
gold for Russia. Nails dull at 4%0 flr
cut, 6Xo for clineh, and 26Q30c for horse
shoe. Porkleavy and lower; sales 1,00
bbbi at f32,50Q32,75 for new mess, clos
ing at 132,50 cash, 1i32Q32,25 for old do, ,
f26©26,75 for prime, and f28,25Q28,50
for prime mess. Beef steady. Beef
Hams quiet; sales 120 bbls at $20Q31,50.
Cut Meats firm; sales 275 pkgs at 133..f©
Ql4yo for shoulders, and 1534Q17%0 for
hams. Middles ffrm andquiet; sales 225
boxes long cut hamS Staffordshire at 16%
Ql6%c. Lard dull, heavy and lower;
sales 500 tierces at 17019y t 0 for steam,
and 193( 1 Q20 1 8 c for kettle rendered; also
750 tierces steam seller June and July
and last half of August at19%Q19%c,
Butter steady at 20Q330; for Ohio.
Cheese dull and heavy at 17Q18360.
Freights to Liverpool firmer, with en
gagements 65,000 bush wheat at 7Q734d
per sail, 814 d per steam, now held at 9d,
arid 1,000 bids flour per sail at 2s.
Latest—Flour closed quiet but very
firm for shipping grades, and dull and
heavy for other kinds. Wheat dull and
IQ2c lower; sales of new spring at $1,52
Q 1,53; No. 1 spring at 81,58©159. Rye
nominal. Oats dull and lower at 76Q
7634 c for western afloat. Corn quiet at
81Q88o for good to prime canal, and 83Q
890 for railroad. Pork rather more
steady with sales.' of 250 bbls mess at
$32,75. Beef steady with a fair , demand.
Cut meats'steady with moderate inquiry.
Bacon quiet and steady. Lard dull at
19%0 for prime steam. Eggs dull at
ST. Louts, June 23.—Tobacco steady
and unchanged. Nothing doing in Cot
ton; middling is nominally higher at 33c.
Hemp dull with small sales at $1,35 for
prime undressed, and $2,40 for dressed.
Flour.buoyant and firm for all low grades;
superfine ranges from $4,25®5 for extra;
#4,75®5.50 for double extra; $5,15®6,19
for treble extra;" $6,50@7,50 for choic ;
fancy #8®9,50, and family brands slo@@
10,50. Wheat—millers stood off and yes
terday's prices for spring are not sus
tained; N 0.2 sold at $1,15@1,20 low grace
to choice with 51,15 offered at the close
for best; $1,23 for No. 1, and 51,25 choice
club: strictly prime to choice red fall
sold at $1,25®1,40; fully choice to fancy
at $1,45®1,60. Corn is firm for best
grades, other qualities dull and weak;
mixed in bulk sold at 57%®60c; choice
to fancy white do, 71@75c; mixed in sacks
65@70c; prime to fancy yellow, 72@75c;
prime to fancy white, 80@84c. Oats
-heavy and lower, 62@650 for good to
fancy- Rye higher, at $1,15 for choice.
Whisky dull at 96c. Groceries dull and
unchanged. Rio coffee ranged at 19©28
for roasted to strictly.choice. Louisiana
sugar, 1234 ®l4y,c for fair to choice.
Plantation molasses 65®85c. Provisions
quiet and not much done. Pork sold at
533,50®33,75, the latter for- heavy. Dry
salt meat—small sales of shoulders at
13y,c, packed. Bacon quiet at 1434 c for
shoulders, 18c for clear rib sides, 18140
for clear sides. Lard nominal at 19y,®
19%. for choice, and in a small way at
1934 ®2oc, keg 21e. iteceipts-2,600 bbls
flour, 11,200 bush wheat, 7,300 bush corn,
7,600 bush corn, 256 bush rye.
Cmceao, June 23.—Eastern Exchange
unchanged at par willing. Flour active
and 123;o higher at 55.374@6,25 for
spring extras. Wheat; No. 1 quiet at
11,3134 ©1,32; No. 2 opened moderately
active and firmer, with sales at $1,28®
1,31, gradually • fell back, and closed
weak at 51,27; this afternoon No. 1 was
dull at $1,2634 bid. Corn less' active;
sales No. 1 at 67®69c, No. 2 at 6714®
®6B)4c, rejected at 59@60 c, no grade at
55% ®56;4c; closing tame at 690 for No. 1,
and 67%c for No. 2. Oats active and firm;
sales No. 2 at 62y,®62,0, rejected at
56340, and closing at 62c for No. 2. Rye
firmer and 2@30 higher; sales No. 1 at
$1,06, No. 2at $1,04. closing unehanged.
Barley scarce and nominal at $1,35®1,40
for N 0.2, Highwines steady at 950. New
Orleans molasses 85c®$1,00. Sugar 133 i
®l43ic. Provisions weak; mess pork
sold at $113,50®34,00; closing at $33,50;
sweet pickled hams 1634 c; dry salted
shoulders 1234 c; lard 19y,e. Receipts
during thepast twenty-four hours: 5;169
bbls flour, 78,507 bush wheat,73,621 bush
• corn, 24,235 bush oats, 800 bush rye, 7,818
hogs. ' Shipments: 4,0E8 bbls flour, 6,624
bush wheat, 29,266 bush corn; 6,576 bush
oats. 1,108 bush rye, 4,880 hogs. Freights
more active and 34%10 lower:, 634®6X0
for wheat, 6393 for corn arid 434 c for oats
to Buffalo.
Tomo*, June 23.—Flour a shade better
and firm at $6,50®9 for double extra and
fancy brands. Wheat 4c,.hetter and ac
tive; amber 51,45 orf, spot, $1,46 buyer
June, 11,41 seller July, , No. 2 red $1,34,
other, grades held at 4o advance. Corn
I®2o better; No. 173 c, No. .2 71c, yellow
75c.'. Oats lo better and quiet; Michigan
66c. Eve; small "sales No. 2at $1; No. 1
in salve ,request at: /1,05. 'BarleY un
changed and nominal 111.20@1i30. Re.
caipts: ilonr.2,4oo.bblit, wheat -4,800 bus,
corn 14,000 bus, oats. 4,600 ••butt: Ship
ments: flour 1,100 bbls, wheat 3,100 bus,
. cora /0,700 bas t oats 7,600 bw l / 2 , and rye
Ostvzoo, tine.23 - .-.-Irlour active . and
500 higher on springand medium grades,
and 25ckon doubliveztra; wileit 88,000 bbls:
at FAO for 1 spring, 1475, for am
ber winter, 18,50 for %/ate, and 19,25 fpr
double extra.: n: Wheat < active and 5c
higher; sales 7.600 bus No. li Milwaukee
Club at 11,60, 18,000 do to arrive at 11,48,
6,200 No. 2 do on privatet• terms, 2,000
amber State at ;458, 5,000 prime white
Canada at 11,85,, ‘ and 120 choice do at
11,90. • COrn iirni,kwith a good demand;
• sales 18.000 bus No.l Indiana at 81®82c,
and 16,200 do No 2111incds:at 80C. , ;
OLIM/ILt7iDi JutiOL' 213.L.-FlOur --: city.
made ;8,75 lbr treble Awe white: 67,50®
7,76-for donble" extra! amber; 116,75 for
dmible extra red - Winter:ls,7s for extra
'red winter; 58,25 tied:table Sxtra'spring;
country made, $7,25@)8 for double extra
white: B®7 for double extra red and am
ben g8ig6,60.f0t7 double extra spring.
fWheat---red‘winter 81,43; do 111,415: do,
41,413.1 oOrn 68c. Oats held at 135®860.
Petroleum—relined held at 24143 for stan
dard whits; crude better, and- held at
Ptur.s - unr,pstta;• June .—Flbtir is
more active, with elides'of north Western
extra' family at'15_,81@6,50. ' ',Wheat is .
held firmly, ' and ' Sales ,; were made
of red at • $1,4501,80. - ' 'Cern -r4 in
moderate demand, With 'itales of inbred
at 88@ee0 and high/ do:111'91E0926: Oats
steady, with Sales'western at .t 74557130.
Provisions are , unchanged :' 'Pettiolettm
is quiet, • with bales of crude' at 22e, and
refined , at 80g(i)80 +}je Whisky is held
/111 f, stiady .
ir:W-aV'4''AXVlt'tkc-V6t-g':*aT'itvg I
and prices unchanged. Wheat quiet at
$1,30 for No. 1; and $1,26 for No. 2. Oats
dull but firm at 60c for No. 2: Corn firm
at 67c for No. 2. Rye firm at 51,01 for
No. 1. Barley nominal. Freights weak
and lower at 7c to Buffalo, and 12c to Os
wego. Receipts-2,000 bbls flour, 84,000
bus wheat. Shipments-3,000 bbls flour,
128,000 bus wheat„.
Lotrisvu.LE, June 23.—Flour is firm.
Grain firm—Wheat; red $1,15, and white
81,25; Corn" 68o; Oats 70c; Rye 81,15.
Leaf Tobacco steady, with sales of 308
hhds at 84,60®20,00. Provisions firm.
Mess Pork $33,50.• Bacon—shoulders
1436 c, clear rib 18c, clear sides 18%c;
Sugar Cured Rams 19%c. Lard—tierce
19%c. Highwines weak at 95c.
- lilEmmxis, June 23.—Cotton dull,
nominal at 3t o; receipts '59 exports
Floor flat. Wheat firmer; new 11435®
1,45. Corn Arm at 92@)95a. Oast dull
at 750. Hay dull at 218@25' Bran dull
at $lB. Corn meal,. fresh kiln. dried
$4,25. Perk 4634,75. Lard . 20@)210.
Bacon firui; shoulders 15c; sides 19c.
BALTIMORE, June 23.—Flour active at
full prices. Wheat firm; prime valley
61,65@1,75. Corn dull; prime white
90@91o; yellow=.B3c. Oats dull, 72 for
light. Mess: virit firm at $B4. Bacon
firm; rib sides 18@18ye t c; clear rib 1834®
18y 4 c; shouldlers lEolsy 4 c; -hams 22(
2235. Lard firm at 20©20%. Whisky
firm and iinchanited.
DETII9IT, June 23.—Flour ad danced
25c with stocks greatly reduced; choice
white - $1;50@3,25. Wheat excited and
advanced 4c; extra White $1,75; No. 1 do
$1,60; No. 2 do $1,35; No. 1 amber $1,38.
Oats very firm at 65@66c.
Live Stock Markets.
NEW YORK, June 23.—0n1y 850 cattle
came in yesterday and to-day to join
about 200 held from Monday.. Trade
is slow, but the yards have finally been
emptied, and y i e advance is reported.
The quality of stock is superior, account
ing in part for better prices; most were
sold to retailers or shop butchers. Harp
& Hughes had 64 choice Kentticky grades;
Durhams, 8 cwt., sold at 1534@16e; J.
H. Thompson 45 Ohio steers, strong 834
cwt., at the same prices;. J. Renick 30
mixed Ohio, 734 cwt., at 13©1.6c; G. Mul
hall 70 Missourians, 7 owt., 14@i5e. Sheep.
a little better, but it is only fat lots which
are not plenty; there being an advance
they are quote at 4(416y 4 c. Lambs are
wortii 834®11c; arrivals today 3,000, but
many are held; sales of a lot of 70 lbs
thin State sheep at 4340; a oarof 74 lbs at
4y,,c; a car of 76 lbs Ohio at 534 c, a car of
74 lbs at 6 and a car of extra ' 106 lbs
at 734 c. Lambs-250 State, 63 lbs, 11c;
a lot of 52 lbs at-100; one deck of 44 lbs at
8340. 6734 cars, or 7,200 hogs, arrived to.
day; market steady at 934@934c; 2 oars of
200 lbs selling at 930; dressed 11.3;0.
Cameo°, June 23.—Cattle quiet, wit
sales at 6.4,50@5,8734 for'common to goo'
cows; .16,25@6,75 for fair to medium;
;16,8734@7,40 for good to choice steers.
Hot active and 20 ® 25c higher; sales at
$8,1• 34®8,40 for common; $8,60@8,90 for
fair medium; $9.00@9,25 for good to
cho ce; $9,33@9,45 for fancy.
ST. Louis, June 33.—Cattle in good
supply, and prices easy at 334@7c. Hogs
active and firm at 7®9c.
CiNCINNATI, Jane 23.—Beef cattle
steady at 64,50@7,40, gross. Sheep $2,50
®4,30. Hogs firm at $4,50@9,50, gross.
The river was again rising slowly yes.
terday afternoon with eight feet seven
inches in the channel by the Mononga
helaF arks. Weather cool and pleasant,
mere ry at 4 P. M. 80.
Th New State from Wheeling, Grey
Rae I from Parkersburg and Potions
from Rochester, are the only arrivals,
whit aside from the packets there were
no departures. -
The IL C. Grey, Capt. Isaac Whittaker,
is filling.up steadily for St. Louis and
the Upper Mississippi.
The Kate Putnam, Capt. G. W. Reed,
is announced for Cincinnati and Louis
ville forthwith.
The Wauanita, Capt. C. A. Dravo, is
announced for St. Louis and the
• - •=T- tre - 111 - mutow, Pittsburgh to St. Paul,
left St. Louis on Monday.
—The Great Republic passed Memphis
on Monday. r
—The Glend ale,St. Louis to Pittsburgh,
passed by Cincinnati on Sunday, and the
Messenger. Pittsburgh to Upper ?Meals
elppl, arrived there on Monday night.-
-The Maggie Hays arrived at Cincin
nati on Monday, and after discharging
her cargo, will go on the dock for
\--The G. A. Thompson, sunk and
bUrned in Arkansas River, is a - total loss,
and will be wrecked as soon as the
water falls. She is entirely--filled
with sand.
—The T. D. Hine ie offered for sale at
New Orleans. -
=-The Minnie loads for Fort Sally at
St. Louis.
—The Belle is coming up the Ohio with
No7e's Circus on boara.
—The Pink Varble was sold at auctiot!,
at Nashville, on Saturday, to Captain
Paul, who formerly owned her, for
P9 OOO , °ash. _
—TI 1;
—The owners of the steamboat Stone,
wall have sued the owners of the Kate
Kinney for SWK), which they claim as
dtte fir services rendered jw noir boa
in lighting the Kate . . Kinney when eh
was to peril and distress at flat Island
on the 18th of November, 1863.
—The officers of the Importer repor
that business la exoeedingly doll i.
Montana, and that, operations.: In th:
mines are very ,limited.. • Rundre
were anxious to return to the States, bu
had not sufficint means, • for the'
,passage. The Importer was crowd : ,
with passengers on both decks, and al
the returning boats will secure fall pas
;tenger lists.
• • dispatch to Captain Davo Powell
states that the'Utah and Lacon arrived
at Port Benton on the I6th. All • well ou
board. -The' Utah wilt return to St. Louis,
and the 'tilt' remain'aboVe to
assist any steamers that may " - get Into :
“difficulty"- at Dauphin's 'Rapids. Th
'Utah made tlui In • less lben t- forty
litri:days;•cotinting the time lOist atlBl.
City and Omaha. • •
—A current rumor prevalli, that the,
Barge Co. at Memphis Lim made a corn
promiSe., with ` the Memphie and St:'
Louis Packet Co.. the latter agreel42tcl
transport Memphis freights at the sidle
rates allowed by , :the Memphis and
Charleston Railroad; which is a reduced
figure trona -the t Present, tariff. T . - Should
this be carried out, it bring tq,Mem.
phis a largo amount Arkatuels'Aralie,
which now goes to S. Louis anCotluir,
cities, On amount %%
of the gap rateti'df
freight charged by through line n.;;,
• The celebrated:A/UTE 14:181E Is coniedeil
who NM/stied be th e hut mid &cooed
Sour lathe eh?. QM eti,thl. Both T
Britoolim.o gam,
. ALT 1114 MEWS 7it04,11N.,
- 100,7:0TOS, #1 414 9 1 ' ,, '
• -1-
JP . 1111.111111114Atille40111iisokt ;sr l udo
.t. , 2•4.110.417maa..0'
.1(.11 1.-J„
:sr :1
• ,
',15i5t,*1:444.-WielitWA44-47-''''' • '
THURSDAY. HINE 24; 1869.
CAGO RAILROAD, June 23.-3 cars iron
ore, Shoenberger & Blair; 8 do metal,
Nimick & Co; 7do do, Superior Iron
Mills. Ido do, Bryan & Caughey; Ido
do, L ' oomis & Collard; 2do do Hallman
& Hammett; 1 do do, Zug & Co; Co;r 100 bbls
flour, Culp dr. Shepard; 400 do do, owner;
4 bdls leather, M Delange, 1 bbl alcohol,
McClarren & McKennan; 15 bas crackers,
Kramer & Bohn; 1 keg brandy, John
Roth et SOn; 4 cars corn, Scott & Gisal; 71
bag ceeese G J Braden; 1 icar rye, J B
Canfield; 2:50 bbls refined oil, F A Bates;
10 bas Jars, Wm Little; 43 bdls felloes,
M Mawhinney & Co.
Louis RAILROAD, June 23. —l7 eke
oats, Robb & Et; 9 bbls eigs, 10 do lard
oil, W Grail 25 do Ilojar, & Son;
20 do do; 6 do eggs ; J A Gr if; 25 do fish,
10 -tea lard, =W M Gormley; 4 pkgs to
bacco,•M He.Cl; 2, J Murphy; Ido
do, R& W Jenkinson; 6 Ido do, W& D
Rinehart; 125 tea hams, 20 hf bbls fish,
Dalzell &T; 5 hhds hams, J Lautner; 2
tea do, J Dietch; 15 do do, ci Mitcnell; 10
do lard, Watt, L & 00; 10 kgs lard, J H
Lippinctitt; 15 bbls lard oil, Atwell & Lee
1 tierce sausage, 4 do beef, J H Parker;
100 bbla flour, J Gardner; 100 do do, N
Stevens; 60 do. hip,hwines, Little & M; 1
car staves, M? Adams.
CLEvErwers Aim PIT retromm
ROAD. June 23.-8 oars blooms, Nimick
Je Co; Ido do, Park BrOs; 1 do stone, P
Wmf; 4 do limestoneore, Wltnight, P
Co; 1 do Canada ore, Bradys Bends iron
Co; 1 do lumber, G A Mundorf; 1 do lath
Slack & S; 100 bbls flour, Seghmyer & V;
100 do do, F Schlegal; 2 cars iron ore,
Brown Jr Co; 1 do oats, M'Henry & H; 91
sks ryo, 111: do oats, Duff & Son; 25 sks
outs, J M Montgomery; 17 buckets but
ter, 2 bbls dried apples,9- bgs rags, H
Riddle, 10 bbls cement, J H Lippincott;
1 tierce hams, J Winkle; 13 bgs flaxseed,
J W Thuraby; 2 doz chairs; Fulton &
Hopper; 2 bas cheese Atwell & Lee.
23.-1 car metal, John Moorhead; dodo,
Lyon, Shorb & Co; Ido do, H Wood
sides; 5 pke tallow, John Wilson & Son;
7 bbls buckwheat, Knox tic Orr; 2 cars
lime, D L Reynolds; 14 eke oats, 10 do
corn, Thos Martin; 2 cars stone, Render
\sor & Co; 7 pkgs rags, W H Kirkpatrick
Co; 1 pkg butter, Voigt, Mahood dr, Co;
.no bbls oil, Jas Wilkifts; 412 do do,
Fisher & Bro; 980 do do, Owston do Sow
ers; 415 do do, J J Vandergrift; 326 do
do, P Welsenberger; 83 do do, J Mun
hall; 960 do do, Montzheimer, Koehler
& Co.
bgs flaxseed, Id It Suydam; 4 cars lime
stone, Superior Iron Co; 1 car cooperage,
Ralya & Robertson; 3 bbls eggs, ' Jas
O'Hanlin; 3 do' do, Kaphara.& Co; 10 doz
brooms, J-Koben; 13 hides, Lappe &
Weise; 1 car stone, S A Long; 10 bbls ap
ples, E M Jenkins; 1 bbl dry apples S
Dyer; 100 sks corn, Gass - ; 2 bbls oll;
Mercer & Robinson; 49 bbls rosin, W &
H Walker; 1 car wheat, 'Kennedy & Bro..
"rnellt CINCINNATI and ffri ,s4=r,
— LOUISVILLE.—The Mae pas
sengsr steamer
Will leave as above on FRIDAY, 25th inst..
at 4 o'clock F. 31.
t'orifrelgtit or passage apply on board or to
OR 'ST. LOUIS, KEO-l is tE i t
,12 , ± C DUBUQUE and bT.
PAUL—the steamer • •
W 1111( aye for cho above ports on TYIIB DA k
inst.. -14 o'clock P M.'
Yor frelgnt or t.assage sooty on bowl, or to
jer. or GHRI EST, SWANEY A ClO.,Agents,
FOR ST. m4 ,4= in h
FAUL—The steamer
WAVANITA Capt. C. A. DitAVo,
Will have for the above ports oa F.)III}AY,
the 26th inst., at *o'ciock r. x.
For fr.litlit or tiaissite apply on board or to
.14•11 N irLACk. or
J 1). COLL - INGWOOD, Agents.
T UR GEL , Ad dig i a
ICERSBDILD LlNE.—Geave Ocnnnsuv , s tithsrl
Host, mot. of W non Strpet. daily at 1.13 lf., 'WED
r.A(11.6. V L. lisztrirair. Master.
iteight will be received at all'lours by
arda . *vela&
Numbering pump first-elass . Teasels, among
Balling EVERY SATURDAY, from Pler 45,
ortb River, New York.. 'Tor Tissue or farther
Informmlon Lents; to .
70 FIFTH STRICEI, tOnroatute Minding.
- - NoarloombNitte Post (11111 r.. rittshoret
TA( GART , •
,:Wholesale Pikes.
1;;11 •,
NO. 129-.Pliritii4 STREET
AlleghenV.bitVii r.
'..1. iwixe
'IIIItATT,' . •
&dare afXlinant• ot, AzWEI. pp9TB tad
, ap,l,LwrEnn tonatantlir on hand. TUktl Th 6
01 01 •Tisptia,-,' 04. f10rw,,, ,
.* • • • ni.halit
1314011111. ; s : , • . • '
notot.lnwrint vinrakt , rAnnvi,_47,lls.
~(111L1(03CMIN42:40Ts linkhpa, 66.95, , r;
;oEit,),plE VIiIBOONNN fI i BAND , S, $9,25. . j
Ts loto or'ion) burets' of muret. •
MAW. Laleti a Co..
, y TlLEs_rtt 1144.Wtrod strata. .
TOPAlfi f t9N.,64 ;Ay .
Qrt CARLA/ MallatiVON.Tel; oTtoNA. UT' ;
iO 4, 4RZAJAffi4PiIiXXce itALPONI .i.=
Balthuld, ittest: isonter' Dnataonb
V.1;1,11 ,btitle. it ait
Nos. 221 - an 223 Liberty Street.
Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low
11 res, strictly
Prime New . Cro New Orleans Sugar and
1 lines. - -
Porto Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars.
II ned do.
New York, Phliude'villa and Baltimore Re
Golden Drips, Loveringa, Brunie, Stuart's,
Adams' and Long Island hymns.
Porto Rico, COOS and English Island Molasses.
Young- Hyson, Japan, imperial, Gunpowder
and Oolong Teas.
Carolina and Dangoin Rice. •
Java. Laguayra and lo Coffees. .
Tobacco, Lard Oil. Fish, Nails, Glass, Soaps,
Cotton Yarns, &0., 'constantly on hand.
Fine B.randies,Wines and,Segars.
BPenish, Moselle, and Sparkling Hock Wines
or Finkel tt C 0... In bottles. *.
- Sparkling Moselk, Schonberg and Johann's.
burg, Hockheimer. Burgundy, &e.
Brandenburg St Fteres , , - Fine Olive Oil.
do do Clarets, Imported in bottles.
do do White Wines, in bottles.
H. Work 6; Sons' Sparkling Catawba.
Fine oil Snerry, Madeira and Port 'Wines.
Free Old Alottongauela Rye Whiskies. Pure.'
do Very Superior Old Scotch do do.
• Bole Agents for Abet & Chandon , a Grand Yin
Verzenay and Sell ry Champagne.
Brandies of our o
. seleetion sad warranted
2,000,000 ACRES OF
Union Pacific Railroad Company
. .
Lying along the line of their road, at
$l,OO TO 0,00 PEE ACJIA,
dnd on a CREDIT OF Frirlf. YZABEL
!or farther particulars, maps, ac., address
dity of the Stomach, Lose of Appetite,
Nausea, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and all
diseases aris:pr, from a disordered state
of the Stomacn, Liver or.lntestines.
fi CHENET z Druggists, Buffalo, - N Y. Sold
by all Druggists.
No. 1 0 0 . Third Aienue,
Upholsters and Dealers .in Curtain Goods.
Dire , t tbe a relation of their friends and the
pUblic to their nely assorted stock of
Lace. and Bottingham earthing Vestibule
Laces Damask Beps. Ferry's Mexican cloth;
Satin;Delanes, Gilt Cornices, Gilt and Walnut
Mouldings, Spring Beds of superior Make, Hair
Matraases (pure al bite hair.) Plllows. Bolsters,
and everything pertaining to a first. class bed.
The latest Paris and Berlin . designsfor Draperies.
atthe inspection or their customers. Pure white - '
Basteru Show Feathers always on hand.
my8:191 . . .
. ,
livery family using Cherries, whether for pies,
canning or dry inn, should have one of ihese valu
able machines. It not only saves time and
but will more than pay for itse.l in seeding one
bushel of cherries.
The cheap, ,simple, 'duilible and
handsome. The hopper is adJuOtible, thereby
adoption It to all sizes of cherries.
RETAIL PRICE .; • - - • - 82.00.
• • • • .
Jet Tele
1 •). % 11
Impinter : and rata! dealer in
Orders by mall receive prompt attention. Bend
for for supple a.
1.083 - Chestnut St., Phila.
mvsiinaniat : r
Will be openeiLlor:the aeon fiIo.TURDAY. May
li9ch. In alk.sizet,elmst. apaolnlmentc equal_ to
any and yet anordlon to !inutile' all lb. , comfort's
of a hofat:'Ptvel'dent - l-krant.• 'elpects to visit
Cop:0112y MAI lionat.q"tAnd"United
(Addfolis •
iSmy2l:ll4t • SOON MI rtoprletnr.'
IVrailtAlliti.WEl.:PLl MBA . 1 •
i,BBB&Lt, c4 /I,llrAtl it ftilLte CAM* EILLIMCII/1.
M B iLut Bll ioul.wsrEops: anivi."t11118711" lalenra.
I 2t
Irmo or Ititthal , TalVB4 31.: 0 0 Pgr D 11) ,itizg; ree IC
•. Pottle.
tauo• o •ur lollar Propratord..! M4_ l ll
Partial% wpolestla and pr GEO. X.
'KELLY.-Plnanargli.. ta4:49B•Trrri 8
• .., ,
8011 BALE BY DExteettsTo Evlogra .
- •
- - ;:denblomwr:. t• • •• '• • •
DEAR Tiles r::
Enquire.for 'lW4lE.o3."o lll rend..
, at and beat. ,The init,ias . ” R.N. ,, os
REVOLVOidit, DoitmlC RAY'
slam uallo. ba.o3
MOYtd.,•nd' l , ll ° as kris
.„, w. 700 X;
• ,
Qa Gli, &
From May 9th, 1859,_ trains will leave frost
and arrive at the Munn Depot, north side, littas. - , „,i
l ea
I rl l, time, as follows:
ChicaoEx—.2:oSam!Chicagion AE x
0 1 ::54SS
a u
Erie Ygn o Er.l:2Sam'ChicagoEx..l9:o3Pn C hic & g V Afa1 1 . 1 6:5 39 m:S Lout g Erl7:o B ps .
Chicago Ex....9:43 a miCbi•go Ex&3114:08 p r 0
Cl. & Wli'itEx. 2:08p tr.:Cleveland Ex 3:53 p zri
Chicago Ex., 9:2.3 p mtErie & Yg•nßls:slip an ' •
W•e & Erie Ex4:3S pu.:CL. &Wh'g: Ex 6 : 53 9 31 3 •
De.partfrom Allegheny. ! Arrive in Ailey/Amy .
Bear Falls Ac.13:59 a m:Leetsdale A0..8:58 a=
Leetsdale " 10:03 a m !Bca'r Falls " 11:28 aim -
• •• •• 11:58 a mlliew Castle "10:23 am • t
Roe/luster " 1:28 p m Enon " 9:13 al* •
Enon " . 3 : 5 8 P Mil entadale " 1:08 pat
Leetsdale - Acc.s:l3 pin ; Beek , r Walls " 9:43 pra .
Bes•rFalls " • 6:13 pm:Leetsdale •• 4:33 pm
Leetsdale " 10:43pm i • • " 7:23 tun !
Fair Oaks Sun. !Fair Oaks Bun- _ ,
•16!v Church. 1.:13 pm! Ba 9 tautrch. 9'.88 ,
•• 9023. P. tn. Chicago Express leaves dar a ly.
/EP. 12 !Oat). m.ChiCate Express arrives dally. '
KIMBALL, :- J. IL . 1 11 , CULTAHIGH, -
Gen•l Ticket Agent. Gen'l Supteet.
m7lO- .
EGHEINT VALLEY . 11111L120411:1;
Onind after MONDAY, June 14th;189 9 TWO
will leave Pittsburg) Depot, corner of Elev.
enth and Pike streets, for Franklin, 011City,Buf.
filo, and all mints in ti e 011 Regions.
Day Ex 8:00 ain Day Ex 5:15 pin -
night Ex.... . 7:30 pm I Night Ex 6;30 am
Brady's B Ac 1 3.05 p m Bradys B Ac 10:15 ana
Freeport Ac 9:40 a m Ist sodaW , ks 7:40
2dßodaW Ors 6:30 p m iFree_port Ac. 6:15 p
Ist Holton... 6:45 ani Ist Hutton.. 9:50 a m
Rd Hu1t0n...12:00 Milton— 2:0O p m
3d Halton... 1E:00 p m 1 3d Halton... • 1:05.p m
Arnold's Ac. 5:00 pin I Arnold's Ac. 7:40D m
Churen train to and from Soda Works leave
Ptttsbargh at 1:10 E. M. Arrive at Pittsburgh.
(Sundays, ) at 9 50A. H.
Express trains ston • only atprincipal points.
Accommodation rains stop at all stations
J. J. LAWRENCE, Een'l Sup't.
'THOMAS M. KING, Asst. Sul.% •
D. On and after April 25th. 1869, Trairui
will ' arrive at and depart from the Union Depot,
corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as
Arrive. epart.
Mall Train.... 1:25 am "Day Express.. 2:15 sug
Fast Line..-. 1.45 am Soutnern Ex.. 4:e 0 am
Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 am Wall's No. 1.. 630 am
BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 am Hall Train 8:15 adi
Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am How'dAe No110:20 am
Cincinnati Ex.9:10 am •Clncin'ti Ex DI :30 pm
Johnstown Ac10:35 am Wall's No. 2.. 11:51 am
How'd Ac Nol 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm
Pittsb'ah 'fix. 1:30 pm Braddocks Ac. 3:40 pgs
Phila. Expressl:so pm Phila. Express 4:20 piss
Wall's No. 3...2:50 pm Wall's No. 8.. 4:50 pus
Braddock Ac.. 5:50 pm Wall's No. 4.. 6:ospm
How'd Ac Not 0:35 pm *Fast Line 7:30 pus
Wall's No. 9. 7:20 pm How'd ec No 2.8:20 pas
Way Passn'r 10:20 pm Wall's ho. 5.. 11:00 rna.
'These trains make close connection at Harris*.
burg for Baltimore,. -
The Church Train leaves Walls Station evens
Sunday at 9:05 a. in., reaching Pittsburgh
10:05 a. M. Be turning, leaves Pittsburgh
12:501o. m. and arrives at Walls Station
2:10 p. m.
'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All °QS
trio) s daily except Sunday.
Fcir further information BET pp to
* W. E.CKWITH, Agent.
The Perinsylvania Railroad Company will not a*
same anyrisk forßaggage, except for wearing ag
parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hun
dre. Dollars in value.' All Baggage exceeding
the t amount in value will be at the risk of ilia
owner, tfg leas taken by special contract.
ap2B General Superintenent, Altoona, it.
likEl TERN:amaggim
It OAD.-On and afterAnrll,2l3th,lB69, the
Passenger Trains on the Westett Pennsylvania
Bal , road will arrive , at: and' de-kart - , ..froin , that
Federal Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows:
Arras,. , I • -, '..D2.1X51,0 - - _
t3l'ingtPe No 16:4-0 a mlMail . ' 7:00 a 111
Fr - e - eport No.18:90 a m Freeport No. 19:40ant
Express..,.. 10:40 a ul Sharpb , g No111:20 ant
-Sharptog,No.ll:2o pm Express 2:30 pm
- Freeport N0.24:00 p m Springd 'e No 13:30 pat
Mall..e 5:50p in •eepart bi0.25:20 pna
Springd'e N026:20 o m tinringlDeNo 26:30 pig
Aboye trains run daily except Sunday., - .
The Church Train' leaves Allegheny Junction
even Sunday at 7:40 a. in., reaching Allegheny
City al 0:50 a. in. Returning, leaves Allegheny.
City at 1:20 p. ra. and arrive at Allegheny June.
ILion at 3:40 p. m.
COMM.IITATION Ttcxxxs-For sale in packages
of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestnut
street. Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and
Sbarpsburt and good only on the trains stopping
at Stations spa cited on tickets. -
The trains leaving Allegneny City at 7:00 a.
in. make direct connection at Free_porf withWfds•
kerns line of Stages forßutler and ktannah rt own.
Through tickets may 'be purchased at the °Mac./
N 0.121. Clair sreet,near the Su.vensionßridga•
•Pittsbur.b,.and at the Depot, Allegheny.
For farther intbrmation anolv to
JAMES LtPPzats,-A,ent . . -
Federal Street elntt.
The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will opt
a. some any risk for Baggage, exce s it r foi,wearizyc
Hundred N I A I In t
t litner P c A
i ll bil l / 7 01 eix!
seeding tr is amount in value Willbe at the e g et
. the owner, unless takpn by special contract. :
ap2s -Donets' Superintendent. Altoona. Pa.
PAY immix itOUTE.
(MAMA OF TIME.—On and after MONDAY,.
April 26th, 11389, tralnawlll leave and arrive sia
the onion Lepel, as fellows:
f Depart.:- ate,
Mall 2:05 a. m. 12:23 a. 72:
'Fast Line ' ..9:43 a. m:.-7:13.p. m
Express ...... 2:33 p. m.. 4:33 a. m e i
Mixed Ac&n 6:33a.m.:':6:58p. m.
McDonald's Aos'2, NO./ 8 : 18 s. m.
Steubenville Accommod: p. m. "9:33 sera
MC nnatß+ . s Aorqt. Mo. 211,18 pan: ~ ..2tlst o.
tsmitday Church Train.. 12:58 p. m. 9i55
. .
sir 2:33 P. M. train will leave dalir.
• •
ISFL AL T. 3 N. train win arrive e
• All other trains will run daily. hunuays except , .
ed. The 9:43 a. , M. Train makes close con.
nectin V i t s tra i r astimemiltiet Age e
.CARD Steubenville. Ohio.
On and after Tinceoxx. Tioyember, 17tIrs
W6b. trains will arrive at and depart, from tits
Depot corner of Orant and Water streets, as
Hdtltio andtmn mu m . /,'( 4r.t-
iown ' 7:00 A. Y. 6:00 P.
nEeesport Aceomdtm` 11:00 A. 2:05 Y. x.
to and from Unt , n. 11:00 P. X. 10:110 e. Y.
West Newton Aecom'd 4:30 P.1[.'5:35 1. X•
, Brad4OCIOSACOOI3IO . II. 6:15 P. Ar.,! , 7130
Night An. tollnK , sport.lo:6o
P . M. 6:45 A. X
ihnday Olitireh Train tp * .
and from West Newton 1:00 P. 11.10:00 A.
For tickets apply to
Z. N. anyntoNb, Atm:
Ir. - 11.13117111% Superintendent. n 034
.! b,i4a
8 1 !t..11.1TE t rota Ula tO al poi.“ •
Colorado Nevada.'
' Cayifornin• gush,
Arizona Waehingten,
New mezioo, Idaho;
• Oregon. •
ye Leave s p ate Line anti Leaventrtrtill
•—••• jars eves pted.)on the arrival of trains
mgt. ig, gal oti "iros4 • ( rum pt . and Rum.
of .Pi e Joe Railroad from Quincy, connect. ,
bat an ra• ream..
poinirV i tth in g "z t e rno w l
tiO•• west ot LIU swarth .wittr) Mt UNITED
'ilth' Ole OVERLAND !MAIV &MD j
WA011.103 POB
t. DEN V3q104 $.O
Ail •
Points in • the Tertitoriesi
• •
41uigitiithatiolps TRI-InEir,ny was
oi;(l44.ollßsibri Port Vilknt!Yient4 pgort. Pas'
nquerque,,, Banta Fe; an all points in Ara.
.ROM.And New, Menlo. • - -
With the revert additions of roping attlek
eametfilprninti t't and the arrangements made
with responsibleirveriand Transportation Linea
from Its weaternverminiii, thh. road now often
istriennalied,, 1: fors . itie•tranitalssion et
freight to the Far west. ,
, Tithing tor sale at tall Biel prinoßilll WWI
the united States and Canadss
Be mire and atk or Si. set. twigs Wag oMOKY
t • f.
AI; atiiiplltlioils
. . I .
allLetill *wahines
. . I