The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 23, 1869, Image 1

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Republican State Convention—Gather
ing of the Delegates.
ISPecial Dispatch tb the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
PHILADELPHIA, June 22, 1869.
As things now look, it is impossible to
judge how the slate stands. The Geaxy
element, is veryrutitbytiastio and are
playing the brag game, really counting
on more strength than he can possaibly
develop. ;The- first ballot will,
,in alk
probability, decide whether Geary is to
be the, next Governor or not. General
Harry. White Is not sanguine of success
unleds 'the raiikt; of' Geary pie broken
and a general scramble made. In
that event Ketchum's friends claim
that he will go through. There is a prob.
ability that a new man will be sprung
in the Convention, but this hint, myste
riouNly. giver!, Ily r , the. wire-pullers, is
thought to beaieeler or ruse-to diecoret
how close the delegates instructed mean
to stick to their men.
A caucus held at j the Girat 1188 tiia o
night was largely attended, and meas
ures were talked over. The effort to in
troduce the war plank in the platform
does not meet with much favor, but has
a good many warm adiedates.
The caucus held at the Continental, in
-the interest of Geary, was well attended,
and if slipresentlwere allyl4l- iriendsi
an I no spies iD the camp, the renomina
tion of the Governor can be depended
upon. The hoteli 'Eire Z.-
well tilled.
Hartranft and Porter have not much
strength, and are held as compro
mise candidates:ill:ppm t tallies-mews
seated for putting-them forward 4
EBY Telogllll4l to U1(4'11.40=411 Siozette.;..,
PIZILADELPitr4; .Tune.
Gubem torial Convention will assemble
In this city to-morrow.morning,in ,Con
cert, Hall, Chestnut street. large
number of delegates have arrived, in.
chiding- those of Allegheny and other
western counties. The indications are
that Geary .. tvill-be nominated tm the first.
ballot, althottg h • tilde is considerable
~-cpposition to him manifested. An ef.
fed Is making by the opposition to. con
centrate, but it Is not probable that a
anion can be effected.
11:,n. Simon Cameron Where, but is r&
ticent as to the course he will pursue.
Ifeis be opposed to - Geas . 7, 7,
but seems to be ?timid to go with the op
position for fear they •will be defeated.
Hon. Thos. A.. Soott is Geary's tower of
strength, and the indications are that
he will triumph: • -
Among those prominently named in
opposition to Geary are: Horace Porter t
of Harrisburg, now on Gen. Grant's staff;
Gen. Hartranit, Hon. W. W. Ketchum
and Gen. Harry. White. Mr. Ketchum in
probably the strongest, bat if a concen
tration isedfected, is will be on Porter or
ki a rtranft.
The Geary men will hold a caucus at
the Continental this evening , and an op
position caucus Will be held at the Girard \
• Thhere seems to bo , opposition
worthy cif notice to the nomination of
Hon. H. W. Williams for Supreme Judge,
. and it is likely he will go through on the
first ballot. •
The Convention -toonorrow be
called to order by Hon G. A. Grow.
Among-those prominently 'named for
permanent chairmsn in Hon. James L.
Graham, and it is likely Ise will lie selec
LATER—A canons held this evening
itillilat439 that Gov. Geary will receive
n'netv•three out Of one hundred and
thirty votes on first ballot. • •
Fourth of July Celebration—Railroad
from a Wound. •
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaz,-tte.)
CINCIPTATI, Jane .22.—The City Coun
cil Committee on the .Celebration of the
Fourth of July this morning invited the,
polleemen, military companies, allelvie
orgailliations, United States; State, coun
ty fuld State officials to Join In the pro
cession and•ordered :that three hundred
guns be fired. -
In the second week of June the Ma
rietta Railway earned twenty-eight thou-
rand dollars.' .
Thei Cincinnati New School, Presbytery
last night passed resolutions endorsing
the re-union. . •
Col. J. F. Cheek died yesterday at
Lawretioebnrg, from the effect of a shot
received in an encounter a short time ago
with Simmons.
The Allen.WCocile Dlitieuley.
111 Telegrapti to We Pittsburgh Oqeetto.]
-82... Louis, June 22.—Tom Allen, the
Plattlist, will publish a communication
id-morrow morning, in which he em
lphatically denies that the - snoney staked
Inn the late fight has"
' heen given to' Me-
Cools. As th e stake holder is not in the
city at present, theuthfalneas of this
statement carmot b definitely ascer
tained- Allen also as a that he has until
recently considered and treated ltleCoole
as -- -a --loonitleauth. - bat.-....when
be 141110 1 / 1 1G39, or allows his friends
to announce,.that the stakes have been
paid :ever to:him, on - the prftenan Pr
Rouging, he Mast retold him anythirig
but a fair Axiiiibststut-- Notwithstanding
this opinion Of McCoble, hilliefurther
says bemoans business and embodies the
- follovfingin'ttieeddifritiniCatiOn: "t.rwill
fight bin), at soy length of ,tinr he IpPY
wish, for from oniff dollar 'to five thou
sand a side, the tighttelakeplace within
three hundred miles of • St. Louis,
the whiner tti take the excursion money,
nit, as in our last-,agreement, or . I will
tight him at such a point with ten men
in r yie coMpany, and no other witnesses,
fd thy onfotoitt lit 'may' name, and. if
knives, pistols or weapons _of any kind
aka exhibited by the frierids of either of
rpl, let the money be lost by the principal
whose friends do thus offend. All I . want
a Nit play." - '"- '
. • - CAO.A.GO4 r ?, ~
• ~ '...1.—.....g......,
Preparations fOr the Trial Rev. C. E.
,Cheney, of th al 'i Episcopal Church, for
Violation ef tim li
e ules- , Compfte..
pletlou of - In ant and"Cratil Rapids
Rallroad—Pire—Excursion 'Party for
the Pacific. -• ,' , . .
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garatte.;
Ostioacio, June 22.—A few days since
Bishop Whitehouse . appointed Rev. Geo.
F. Cushlan, of Princeton, Rev. Richard
F. Sweet, of the Church oflEpiphany, of
Chicago, and Judge L. B.Otis, layman, of
this city, to exiimiiie -the <elite of Rot , :
Charles E. Cheney. That. Committee
performed thetintfassigried andiester
day made a presentment, which was
served on Mr. Cheney the same day. He
,1s citeclfor trial On 125.621*W/4r outa Cy, iti
the Bishop's Cathedral Church. The trial
will be public in' Its eharacte?. - Bishop
Whitehouse has furnished the following
tit of eight clergymen- fromhich Mr.
Cheney can select three or ve, as he
Prefers, to act as assessors or judges in
, I
the trial:lßev. Dr. pierce, of pringdeld,
Rev. Sidney Corbett, of Quincy, Rev.
Bohn Benson, of Peoria, Rev; br. Chase,
of • Jubilee College,• Rev. Di, Boyd, of
Galesburg, Rev, T. N. Benedillt i , of Peoria
countyßev. W. - Sdyder, of C leago,litid
Rev. Cornelius Abbott, of Alton. : Three
of the leading Rectors in ilia city, Rev.
Dr. Rylance, Rev. Dr. Carye li i. and Rev.
Dr. Locke are on the Standi g' Commit
tee of the Diocese, and are thereby exclud
ed from being :assessors, as they will be
called upon,ll3lr. Cheney is foinnti guilty,
to fix his punishment. The position
of one of the ass.Essorswas_offered to Mr.
Sullivan. of Trinity, but froin the fact
that he had just obtained a canonical
residence, he felt, it his anti, to, decline'
the place. Melville W. Fuller has been
retatned by-Mr. Cheney as , his counsel
in the case.
The charges Against Mr. Tbheney are
three in number: First, Violaticin of ar
ticle seventh of the ConstituCion of the
Church, which requires every minister
to sign a written pledne to conform to the
mode of worship as , set forth in the
PraYor, itaisk . ,Se cond.:Viol atlot:Lorprti.•
clef eighth of the Constitution of - the
Church, which reqUires aviary:. minis
ter to administer the sacraments
according to • the ofilce •or form:: set
forth in the Prayer Boek--; Third,
Violation of his ordination -vows to
administer the doctrines and sacraments
as they are set forth and recorded bylhe
Prcitestant Episcopal Church. The speci
fications are, that he omits the words
'' , regenerate" and ' , regeneration" In the
baptismal service, and makes other vari
ations from the Baxik of COmmon Frac
' tiee.
The last rail of the twenty miles; of the
Grand Rapids end Indiana Railroad, on
the completion of Which by the first of
July valuable land grants . depended nn•
der the Michigan laws, *IA laid last
The block No: 18 Lake street, owned
by E.' H. 'Haddock, and 'occupied •by
Greensfelder &. Rosenthal 'and Webster
tit Gage, took fire about eight o'clockthia
Morning, and the owners and occepants
suffered a loss of about 7¢20,000, Greens
folder t Rosenthal about 7 1,000,' and
Webster & Gage about $B,OOO. The vic
tims were insured 3n the Cdritlnental,
Manhattan, Lorillard, Home Exchanze.
,of New York, Pha•nix, of Brooklyn, I'm
'perial, of London, and North American,
of Philadelphia.
An excursion party left this city this
morning' for California over the Pacific
Railroad, consisting of William B.
Ogden, Senator Howe and wife, of '77trls
consin, Oaks Ames, Horace White, edi
tor of the Chidago Tribune:: and wife,
Writ Dexter and wife, Hon. John D.
Caton, -Perry . H. Smith and wife, and
otiaers, in all .about twent3r-five. They
will be absent one month.
The Marriage Relation in Georgia as
Respects Whites and Blacks.
[By Telegraph to the T'lttabargh fia;ecte.3
ATLANTA.. Jung 251.-; The Supreme
Court of Georgia to-day decided that the
Code of ,- Georgia; adopted by the new
Constitution, foreior', pr vents :the mar
riage relation between white persons and
parsons of African stesceht,'aud declares
such marriages null and void._This sec
tion of the code is not repeale, nor is it
inconsistent with that part Of the Con.'
stitution which declares the social status
of the citizen shall never - be the
subject of legislation. That clause of
Constitution absolutely . denies to the
Legislaturethe power. to pass laws in
the future regulating the. sociai.stafus,
or compelling the two races to unite in
social intercourse, as the laws then in
existence allowed churches, far instance,
to determine for themselves who should
occupy their setts and where they ehould
sit, and permitted railroad and steam
boat companies and hotel keepers to
classify and assign places to those
using their accommodations •accord
ing to their social • -status 'and
grade, as they. ,might think ' proper.
The onstitution puts it beyond the
power of the Legislature ever to enact
auy law compelling them to make differ-:
ent classiticatimui, or to group together
in social Intercourse these 'who' do not
reoognlza each other as social equals. . As
the social• relations of citizens _are• not
subjects of ;legislation
the ma, the
Con p s er titutiorrhie wisely,:put tter at
rest by denying to the Legislature the
power to repeal or enact, laws on that
Railroad Company pet Con.
BY Teleittsoh to the Pitteborie element.]
BUFFALO, Juno '22:—The ' following fe
the result of , the elsetibn for pfliciers. of
the Buffalo and Erie Railway held here; Directors—Willi
Buffalo, N. Y.; A. RO .1• n, Ham*
Fiellifrk andrAtiguattra Sepal, zit', R. Y.;
Charles H. Lee. of Silver Creek; Gibson
T.' 'dilates, of Bap :William L.
Scott, Milton ,COartri Charles M.
Raid, et Erie: H. L. 'nein& John M.
lintobiton,: , Jetties C. Harrison, 'George
Chaia• of Etiffalo; rinkident,E
Miami; 'Vide .President, Cisarles ~ H.,
Lee; fiklerreintrfand TiettsturilGexur
Chase. • : 0.1
nue•Bad Pjalpkileipbla.
LB'? Telegrabli to-tbe Pittsburgh queue.]
PutLiinrxsPina, June, 32,—A large
number of people witnessed the_ game of
liege - 13411' bWwee trt he - Red StoOktitSs. - of
Cincinnati, and Keystones. The play of
the Red Stockings was not, _es good us
yesterday, and the batting:Of:the Key
stones ver,y, heavy: Seven innings were
played ; • ,
Cineinnatis .t.. 10 5 b 2 .A B 9--45
Keystones....".:... 3 3 Oval. 4'..4=30
, y 1
:etsrMti: f ~ ~4,., ...(, r .i
•I'otJit o9ci.oc"K., "f;
:By Telegraph to the liptsoaron Guerte.)
LONDON, June . 2L±-Theißoyal Thames
Yacht Club regatta eameoff to-day., The
course was from the Nore to Dover.
Waive yachts sailed, starting at &85 Al
at. By time and allowance the Julia
•on the first prise, 1100, and the Egira
the seciond-prize. 450. : •
LONDON, June 221.—Ishmael . Nam,
Viceroy of. EitYPt, arrived in London Co
at. He is the, eriestof the queen at
Buckftightthi Palace, which . has Peen
fitted no for his residence: A series . • of •
brilliant fetes have been arranged Julia
honor. The Viceroy was met at the'rail:
way station by the Prince of Wales and
other.", and escorted by+ a large milltitr.y
procesaion to. Buckingham Palace. •An
immense crowd of peOple lined the Wtt,y
and repeatedly cheered.
The eon of the late Xing Theodorus of
Aby-sinia, now at school here, will ' be
sent to India, as the,climate of England
proves unfavorabid to his health.i .
The S'tor, to-day; praises the-United
States'Governmentl for its consistency in
taking measures to prevent thO depar
ture :of filibustering: parties to's Cuba.
It says the sanction by the •At
tornev General. 'of the arrest .• of
the Cuban insurgent Junta in New
York is satisfactory. The more
`orously the neutrality laws' are en=
forced at the 'outset . , the more ea'ily
the public Mind be led in the right
direction. Sympathy for a nation strug
gling for freedom is rritural to Ameri
cans well as Englishmen, but the
sooner the:., people are reminded
that a neutral country has duties,
incemparible pith the sending out
of privateers. and ~war-like ex
peditions;. 'the better. NentralitY is
not likely to'exist Unless thelaws as.they
DOW stand are enfbrced, and when' the
laws are insufficient they ought . to be
amended. English.lawyers and states.
men may, to their own advantage and
instruction, watch the result of the pro-.
ceedings instituted in the. United States,,,
fbr the American ,statute'dealing with the"
subject is almost identical with the-Eng
lish law. The case Will forma precedent
of policy worthy of '; consideration and
LONDON, June , 22.—1 n the Howie of
Loins this evening the Earl of Shafts.
bury gave notice of an amendment to
the bill fur the. disestabllshineut of the ,
Irish :Chu.roh, to the following
That the surplus church property shall
be a fuud ;from which: to'grant loan to
the Irish peasantry.
Loiktpos, June thousand'
emigrants left Vrerpool 'for the 'week
ending - Saturday fof . Xliffereht]pgular
.i n t er i es . ,
Charles Napier Stuart, ineixtbariat Par•
lianttent for Rochester, died last.aveniug.
• BEIILIN, June 22.—The . sessiona Of the"
Zollierein, Parliament and ' Refehsta_g
terminated The Mettiberii-dis•
sembled at the Royal Castle: to receiVe
the closing speech of the King. Kr:
croft, American /finister, was theiutly
me tin ber of the Diplomatic Corps present.
King Wlllliim, edd reeiing the Zollvertin.'
acknowledged, the zeal 01 the members.
After reviewing the work of the session,
he expressed regret that the debates on
tariffreform had failed to produce a defi
nite result, but he hoped for the ultimate
agreement of glaring opinions. "The
King made no(political allusions, 4sure...
cept one in" favor of German unity.
the conclusion of Of apeech,'he expres."
Bed his confidence that this sesalon would
tend t 6 fortify the ltd of common
tutiotas between the;9erman States.
When the' .King had - concluded; Count
illsmarek,44B Federal Clhancellor, 4 111 ,
yenned anddeclared the. session orthe'
Z3liverein ' , Parliament cloaca. Thar?
upon the DePutlekof the -South German
Sates withdrew, ' a the R &
ing then tide
livered his elosintelpeecli to, the niena
hers of Reichstag. He complimepted
thorn on their zeatand activity, but're;
gretted their failure to complete the
financial arrangements to meet the defi
ciences of the Budget. He refer
red to :the new naval ' port - of
Heppens as a monument for -.En
rope, showing'. the energy and intelli
gence with which for thirteen yeartithe
German people had struggled against
disorder to perform&great national task.
The lively interest taken by the popula.
tion on the seaboard in the maritimede.
velopmenrbf the Confederation was relit
suring. The expressioa of the senti
ment of the nation with increasing
power was penetrating all parts of the
Fatherland, and this, in connection with
the agreement and activity of the Federal
Government and theliational representa
tives for the welfare of the country" ter
titled the amildenee of .Germany in the
maintenance of internal and external
Both speeches were received' with en
thusiastic cheers by the deputies.
MADRID, Juns 21.—The 'Official Media&
of the'iw Conetitution in. Many -plariew,
in the country was answered with Repub
lican cries. . , _
Slight diatiiibincea hate* (313L:urred at I . , 12. 'irdfliiAn a / a n ML4 Bl 9nail couYer•
Ferrol, Leon, and Pontevedra, but they By Tea SluPti fc , , we P ll4Olll O (issenfid ,
were, promptly suppressed... - ' .N.lo. l Voltri. June 22.—The following
A grand Republican deniobstratkozi will dispatch; froin Mr. Collyer has been 'ro
be made here tomorrow in honor of the colved,by,the Eietititive' Committee of •
victims-of the revolution of 4860. The tba 'United States Ipdlin,Pommiminn in
National PantheoaVill fillildsugurated. tills nity:' ' ' ' ' • •
and the remains of illustrious Spaniards • ytei ,fk/fanee,' June 4:--.We leave•
will be conducted latir, s procession this morning ad-Arlzona to visit the Pu.
through the streets and deposited in the ebis Indians, of Whom very, little Is.
edifice *Rh 'appropriate crempnes.- known. (. They *naiad to occupy live or.
Disturb niece ' are apprehen d ed , wh ichh' six villages in the mountains and mina-,
the Government /staking-precautions to her about seven thousand penis. They.
prevent. . 'ars 'peaceable and induatrlotis, raising
Gamin li e . rikaj, balk been , taken to co : dpiti and baling flobke of goats - and sheep.
dis, where lie will be' trait(' by court [l6/ifiTitltnerkif theSinithsonlan Institute,
martial. 'ow au • escort ' of four rsoldiers of
Nlanzurn /tine .. 27,0 The ,;Repttblicam. the Ntoispe . Indiana accompany us, all.
' members of the Cortes are abets to issuer' aim:toted on , mnles, and ilationa for
a manifeato, , advising sit their OPPPortOrs tsfants , ;:days; i , The Navajo6BfLafe.doing :
to swear allegiance to the Constitution if •a 4 well as can be. expected' after ,their.
cetilitiriarre t 4 aired SQ so)lo•;t,Theqlefigg Cruel ant stupid removal to A tha Borgne
consider it their policy to reject the oath' Bodoriii?.. , General f3herniafa, ' deserves
ago body. -•", . • ' ' -''''' greot,pfal, SO:ibr restoring theni to their
The Republican demonstration .to-iiay aid, helMO,' • Herd . thby have abiut 'two'
Was - quite large and passed off quietly, tsmuntriffsiotiis'plitited withitheat, born,
. . . , bobs, aci.,lind have man y' Sheep And are
~... rr t 7 4 ' APP., T,, 11 . ,t N,, j iqC,,,.4,5“ : .., '_
1 fiat recovering from' 113eir povertytt still
• : KAAiii,. *tine-. zz-- fIVICSe Train they „need 'help.; Rev..J..4l.l.liolnirts has
Janeiro tagthe .23(i of ay luiVii` been . ., oonidianced *school and : church, among &lived . . The' rftf,,tiewit: from Malignity is therd &CUM. • raseef .xtecier . the Preshytet
meagre.... Mie , Einperer Of Brdzil titiened . 1 xisti Ma,srill which. promises welk b 0 ,ho
the , sessions of t the . -Chamber. w 1,91 a con--: cat44 l . 4 0 /0 , 0 1 tP• •, 1 - . ' '
- Ir. + 113 r r ~.,1... , 1.0 :, ...., 0 - . ' , -4 / I....i.riti 4. :••••. -- 11( , ;..1 . 'Jilotli '.. i. •
:'.: e l,
. ~.. ' ' .11 . 1,.''crt `f.....11:t,'5: 9 r.ri •.:.: ~ -• '
4 y, , , ..,
M 1 . .,;411 n5Cd . g-i. tr•a: ...'141.1 Ut.Y
V . !
~- ... _ -
~* , .tii~r. , Cw.tL» ,+~ s ;vy,:t~. ~e,.a~4 ~.~..,3~,y~ Ali.
H, WAp.N-S'gp.q.;•4tE-::,*;.;iBiA;r:'
bnnyilitchinted the
allied azin*ffii successes over tee -
Paraginivatio, calltd the attention Of
of the deputles to the,necessity for a loin
in order hi earWotit the akiitem 'c)f'
nal . roihrtnii,-*l"iibli lie announced in
tail. Ad vise 'silent In , respect to the
slavery question. • ,
Ft f oritram, June 22.--The official news
paperisays: Dignile's financial aOheine
has not been abandoned as reported, but
will be modified and again presented to
lhd eflaMber._ The *wen:moot is de
torinbied,to tibolish'fdrad currency. ,
• Pvgattoirru, Juue 22.—The steamship
- Baxonia, kora New York. arrived t0.c1a3,.
Alovitax. June .22.—The etgamehip .
Iowa; fro /40.w,,Yorik
today.°' • • -• I
• LONDON', Jand`22.-Evening.—Consols
for triOney, 929‘: dormant, 94g. Five
'Twenty- tends. 809.1.; at Frankfort, fib; @
..Bries, 1,19%; -Blt t nois, 94}. Stocks
LvidarooL,„ Julie i2.-:•Cotton market
firm; middling uplinds • 7.5.1i.;f; Orleans
12;;; f;falesls;ooobaleS. California 'white
wheat 10s. Gd; red western 95.,19d. West
erh Flour 23.4. Corn 27s for mixed, and
295. Td. for old; 28s. Sd. for , new. Oats
Ss. 4d. • Earley td. Pork 995. :Beef GOa.
Lartrils. 2Cheese 785.. Bacon 82.9.8 d. Spir
itsPetroleuna 7%d; retitled 19. - 71. Tallow
445. Gcl:-Turpentine. 208. 7d. Linseed
oil firmer at 4:81 79, Linseed cakes 4.e.S
183. Sperin oil. Sugar 7d. on
the snot; firmer afloat at 18s. Sit Whale
oil e:10 10s. - Calcutta Linseed 909. Bd. ,
Petroleurn at 4ntwerp 47 . 3 if. • Cotton at
trarre 14!5f. • .
HAVItt, ;.itinel2.--Cotton dosed at .14.tfl
for low middlings to arzi re.
LL:y 7 e:iegr4E, to ttie rittsbirgb alitte'..:
,Nzw Yonz, .41ne1:4,1969.
Tne meratieo of the Cuban' ar
rested yesterday, were to•d ay
to ; bail, except 'Ryan, who: remains in
jail until the examination to-mOrrow. '
It 'is understood that Seeretar7 Bout•
well will to-marrow appoint a 011C63g9OrY
to Assistant Tigitsurer Van Djoke, ' Who
tendered his resignation 'some time ago.
. .
An order was entered in the Superior
Court directing the Trust Company to
pay alimony- to Mrs. Forest send-anon-4
ally hereafter, which: obviates thelums
sity of *pedal semi-annual orders.
-itilarge number of lottery and,.policy
,dealsrahave been arrested and heir: for
atomaination, charged, With doing busi
[less witheut , paying a special tax • 1
Several more yellow fever patients
from the Saratoga were admitted to the
'bosPitak...and one additional death 00 .,i,
htirrlid.'t ' --' •: r• ''.. - I . '.
' . ,' ti ;tz
Thing 0t BO iltatagadi ih6 khan 'of
dlichutzenfest to-day, but the Ire oor ,
sports,were thoroughly . enjoyed., -- i
• Toe question of the right of stock'
brokers to. sell customers' stock when
margins are *exhausted, involviiig trill- ;
1 Mina o r:dollars, is on argument beforel
'tiie - Court Of Api:virile at Albany. - I
- The 41iicitenceofSint.'sattett, who was,
to be eirecatedi , Friday at Hackensack, I
N. J., has been commuted to imprison- I
wont for life.. ; ~ - . - , I
Brevet Major General Alex. S. Webb;
United States army, has been invited to
assume the. Presidency of Columbia Col- I
lege. _ ' ' I
Rev. Dr. Greenlesf, rector 'Of the I
Church of Emannel, Brooklyn, Medal:id- I
dealY in his chair in the vestry room I
last • night. -, HA teas the son of thellate '
Judge Oreenleaf, of Harvard College.
Dr. E. W. _Debovrse, Dr. Frederick. J.
111cNo.lty, Captain F. W. Conant and Dr.
John. H. Norris, charged with holding
officers' commissions in a regitnent'be
, ingjalsed fur service in Cuba, wore ar
rested et a lain hour, to-night by Milted
States Deputy •Marstiale and lodged in=
Ludlow streer•jalli i • - ',,,
Telerrshili to the Pittsburgh t*ax.r.v.e.:,
..The White House was lively today
with callers. t During the morning, Sen
ate]. Penton, UQII. John A. Binginini,
Secretary Rawlins, Hon. J. A. Hulbut,
United States Minister to Colombia, Hon.
A.- P. Hovey, Minister •to Peru„ and
others saw the President. Genera/, J.
Watson Webb has arTived in this city.
This fhorningi in the Criminal Court,
five colored men were sworn to Grand
Jtirors. rAmong the petit jurors sum
moned for . to-morrow are nine colored
inen. "Of the three bailiffs appointed by
the Court. one is a colored man.
At the Cabinet meeting today all the
Cabinet officers were present excepting
hiessrsi Cox and Boutwed, who were
represented by their am Wants. •
The i aaehel Revenue receipts to-day
were nearly $BOO,OOO- • •
WASHINGTON, June 11.; -1869
i ST: LOUIS. 2 -
Trial I'
pt. W. B. Dohaidsou, for ?dui
, der-:-Te Oniony for the Defense.
LET Teletzta b to the Pittsbergh Gazette.l
ST. Lou s, June .12. 'captain Barr, first
clerk o ft e steamer Great Republic, tes
tified, in e Donaldson i trild, yesterday,
that he ws not presenthen Aruierson
. was shot; as asleep inhis room; was In
the ba room, however . with Don
aldson iveen tWelvis and . half-past
twelve :o l ook; , thought Anderson and
4 .
Glover re sitting Or .lying on' the
trunks; did not hear any conversation
between them and Donaldsom, bad been
talking with Donaldson about business; -
•Donaldson was goingnp Graven' knew'
nothing about a 8500 note . of his ' fathei.=.
in-law and Donaldson' tellity for running
•PIX Rai and Gitriery ZlOntildson never
'told Me" how much lt cost hi ni Co get . Ray'
and Mayer ut of the way. ' , I ' • ' • '• '
Dr. McKi ey testified that while he
was in charg of the.rfispensarytat Dr.
Pope's Collett , Glover applied fux meri i ! .
cal treatment and in the ccuivereattion,
told him, Mc inley, that Do„mt}deop did. ]
not do the tali ting on Ilia Great•Repub - -.1
ilc, but was absent during th'e'rties: next
saw Glover on the fifth
,tpf laid 'month in
jail and lie turned as Me - as' a - corpse
when be saw me. , i - ‘ - .
Wm. Livingston, nzineer,, of the
steamer,• testified that. he waa t at work
from twelve to four o'Clbck; he:and Jack
son, ,the watchroan, we re sitting on the
steps when a pistol wa 'fired;- had been
there about an hone before the shot was
heard; could see the baggage room ;
nobody came out of the baggage room:
no one could go into the rood& , without
bur seeing them; after hearing the pistol
• aqund looked_ Amt and: Jackson asked
lifm what wakthe matter? Hp stud "oh,
nothing," ,and ebut the' dogr...,,George
Williams coda not haVe :been: there; I,
did not tee hint at all that illgtikhei was
not standing at the; 'steps faille' tithe the
report - "nut heard; the witolniiina- and
myself iitrere/tlia only *none :Wake on ,
the bea!tvßayidld no; go Out butopenett
the door and shut it aglitn; there was no..
other noise about the , boat'. while- / was
tcwake;il did ,not see Dar i -nor DonaldsOn;
NM' nobody, coma; out of : the baggage.
'W.illiam Thompson,.cabin watchman;
swore that be wag on', dutY all` night; ,
,heard them running , for somebody on
thelevee, don't know *hetet' Capt. Deitt.L.
aldson left long neforeythat; Shea tire?
.hours; heard no platolithog did nntiknotir
the man was killed until the, wataktuan
came on board; did not, like; GeorsrtNit-
Hams told me whoa he iirrent off 411 4'
to sec Cam Ray; he would be back about
four o'clock next dot Williams ,
te mid
me, "I am Verygb:di was not lie l'
would have berth in that troubles I iaever
told,Willituna that I followed Ditinaldson:
to,the baggage recut about, .two 'o'clock;
it was after ',l.r went bed that I heard
the pistol slim; diet not - tell anybody that
the*negroes ware raking h-1;• do not re
colteet, telling any :one ; that Donaldson,
,weeln the bfgheffe 1.0 q 1 4 X0 11 0 1 44 41 / - 4;
'did,ig4kkubtmuttktllol4l46, •
till the peticOffiltit cans, on;
not see Barr after he went ti bed; •aherif
one o'clock I hilt Sartmel Bay down 'in
theca:nee in thecabin. - ', - • -
Alfred B.lDavett, second clerk of the
boat, testified that be: heard George. Wit
hams, the second 1 10 .siert•seY he was Wed
he was not on the,bt, i l l ashe might have
been Mixed up ht,the f ssi, •
The .Criminal court, Vas again 'con
vened to-day to witness' the progress of
the trial of egoism Dortaldsow Quite a
number of witnesses, including, steam
boatmen and several ;well known citi
zens of St. Llula, testified to Donaldson's
amiability of, disposition and , general
good character. He never allowed an
officer to strike a suberdinate. - •••
Geo. N. Floyd , the Offptain's brother
ln-law, 'testified. that his conduct' and
.bearing' toward his crew was always
:kind and gentle; he was on the boat dtir-
Ana' the trip on which the killing took
place; they had a largo cargo of cattle on
board; no man standing where the cattle
'were could ewe the baggage room, which
west about 'eighty feet ',diettint.; He
had a conieritatlon i with •Williams
about this matter; in New Orleans last
January, and Williams' , told him that
Robinson anti the other degrees bad
made him - go before,the grand jury;
asked him what he know about the kill
ing, and, he, said nothing, es ho was not
on the boat. • The Captain had - never car
ried a,pistol, and would
,not allow any of
the officers of the boat to strike any of
the men; he had never ' seen Captain I
Donaldson drunk. i • •• I
'I. W. Kennon, of Stt Louis, testified
he went aboard the beet the moment she
landed; saw the Capta leave the boat a
quarter past...l2 in , company with Col.
Moore. Kennon-remainect,aboard chat.
tang with Mrs. - Donaldson" Mad Mrs. Barr
until a little after one 'r r;:c v:, and was
sure the Capt. did not return to the
boat before he left. ITenzion bad been
sitting on the beat 1 about fif
teen minutes when be saw the
Captain go ashore. , Saw Captain
Barr and• Cant. Donaldson go down the
,reps toward the baggage'2442m, and ten.
Minutes afterwards °beery Capt. Don-,
aldson going:ashore. When
.Kennon left
the boat he went up to the St. Louis bil
liard ball and staid a few minutes, leav
ing that phice at half past one or quarter
to two o'clock.l 3 _. -
Mr. Dunham said bar was bar-keeper
in the saloon which le attached to the St.
I dais. billiard ball. Ca'the night of the
killing Capt. Donaldson,swith Col. Moors,
came, into the saloon; it was then half
past one; by is positive about the hour,
Capt. Donaldson and CoL Moore remained
about five Minutes, not more than,
ten, and then went out.: , .t - • ';-
E.. O. Holland, assistant. bar-keeper in
the above saloon, testified be- saw 001.1
Moore enct:Cept. Donaldson oon2e in at 1
balf-paat eneand :remain about fly:0 or
teu minutes. • ,• " ic',..i
A. B. Da'aitt; recitlitid by gketensa--Aut;
ante the Captain went ashore about fifteen
minutes after twelve' of cloak.- TheCaP
tain did not return to the boat: tip to. the
time I left. Somewhatl, after one
when_ theboat hlndedAenminnteabefore
twelve o'clool4. the Oalitata, was on the
hurricane deok:amperintending her bind
ing. 44 tter the, boat liiticled I sat Cu the
t a
uards until : of r .oeq . o'clock. Mrs.
Donaldson, ?} !Ks„ tr,, and I think Mrs.'
MoAnalley, Were uhiafe. This' was on
on the front:,killirtl.` opposite the office,
on the Miiiiourf MO; was sitting on.the,
gliard fifteeMor terentyi minutes, when I.
saw Captain Do on shore.' Saw,:CalaK
tniti: , Diatid, Barr go out of the. office,
;down the:atepa, towards . the ••baggage
ton" while I was on ,hlliardi ; he .went
aehoge', snout twenty. minutes ;after,.
s7*s at , the 'billiard salcion SOMA two
i wow: 'heard' that he had'beud - there.
WO. McFarland—l am engineer on the
lA. - '-.',: 'I- ) “ , , •
\ . . •'' r ~ w -'•-- -1. , , -
Thisnaption Dean. I knew a colored man
natned,Samuel Ray; met him on board
the RObCit'Burris about two'years Ind a
half agtr; the , general character of Ray
about. truth!and,veracity ; ,was bad on
board the boat; he would not be believed
by any one unless substantiated by ex
traneous tisthhotiy;"
' Here the counsel for prisoner demand
ed that the indictment agallistltay and
Glever berProduced: Alter reeding the
indictment to the jury, the counsel an
nounced that they had concluded their
George Moore was called by the prose
cution, and he testified he was on the
boat at the time -Anderson was killed;
know Thompson; got up the night of the
murder between two and three o'clock;
Thompsorkeameyp stairs, called =And'
said the was raWinr - a fues down
stairs with the boys. 'lle awakened me
and my' partner. I came doWn stairs.
Ware we came down stairs became uP
again and told us Anderson was' killed.
1 , Gus. Collins recalled—,Thompson,
, awoke.the ;whole crew; said to,no one in
.but to. the Wholo crew. that
the Captainilmd killed - Akideron. ' -
The te s timony was c6ribliided this 'ixf
ferriooxi. 'Nothing of special inipbrtitime .%
Wks bibught 'forward ' In-Wm-tat on
tither side.- eel: -Slaybacki•ibr the de-
fense, spoke 'several - hours! this evening,
reviewing , the. testimony i and ,making
a tolerably gOcl argument fox_ the pris
oner. Judge Dor:hien will follow in the
Morning, and:Charle.s P. Johnson, for the
*weal:Won, will close. ' . r •
An Attempt to Shoot an . Editor.
• ,
CET Telegraph to the l'lttsburgh tiazette.3
NASHVILLE. June 22.—Attorney Gen
eral Tuthell called, at the 'office of Mr.
Grisham, editor of he new Stokes organ,
this morning, and askedhim whether he
*as responsible for an article which .'ap
pared in yesterday's paper, speaking of
him in Opprobrious terms. ,Grisham re
plied that he was. Tuthell then drew a
pistol and fired. Grisha.m thereupon
atritok down the pistol, grappled Tuthell
and Pea; him severely. In his paper this
everii i niehe charges Tuthell with an at
teMp to assassinate him. Tulhell is a
citizen of Northern birth, ands supportet"
of ;Senter. 1+:..;; •
Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
U111:10 22—A.• tnan named
2dth'''Bowerr has been arrestedand lodged
injalLat.'Aillthyd r .Rike :county, Pa l :, as
Vie party- who placed ohstructions upon
the pack of the Erie Rallrosa, which
Oahaed the terrible ,dlsastar ,at Carr's
is 'lime, 1866. $e confesses his
, . ,
RepOlielia Zonvention..
Sy Veligraoh to the folttotizigh Gooetto:
OOLulistrs;'o4 June 22.-LA large crowd
of delegates to - the State "Republican Con
slialen, which aneete to-inorrsw, has
already: arrived. • and ,been husy
ca,nowung this idternos4 .and ; evening.
Gov. tfAty# and Lieut. Gov.,LeeWillprbb
Shly 'he renominated'. ;
. . .
Rich'ard Fletcher died in Bos
ton, on Monday, aged efghtY-one.
--J. Mason Campbell, one of the most
distir,t,guished lawyers In Baltimore died
on Monday.
—D_ .
r, Josiah Atkinson, a,well known
Physician Of Newburvpoft , y Mass., suici
ded onMonday.
—The Dominion Parliament was pro
rogued at Ottawa yesterday, with the
customary ceremonies. ` i•
—lsaac Briggs, an extensive-rnanufac- .
turer of carriage .springs at Gananoque,
Canada. has absconded with liabilities at
$490,000. ' •
—Rev. J. McClellan Holmes of 'Hud
son, New York. has been elected.: pastor
of the Second Reformed Presbyterian
Church of Philadelphia. • . -
—At Adrian, Michigan, yesterday,
Men Stanley, a domestic in the employ
of U.A. Angell; was badly- burned by
the explosion of a can of kerosene.
—The H'onse Committee on Ways and
Means spent: last Sunday at Salt Lake
City, and reached Promontory Point on
Monday, on their way to San Francisco.
ht the cases ,of several persons in
dicted for acting as insurance agents wit b
out having State license, Judge Gilmore,
at Baltimore, decided a license was re
quired and . persons liable to a penalty of
—The Grand Jury of Herkimer coun
ty, N. Y., has indicted Mrs. Nancy Ly
man Or 'the murder of her husband,
Ephraim Gardiner, in March last, Prof.
Porter, of Albany, haiitig discovered ar
senic in the remaina of the deceased,
—A dispatch from St. Paul, Minnesota,
stye four hundred Red river carts have
crosied the bridge at St. Cloud this week.
They will soon put in their 'appearance
at St. EttiL It is estimated . that more •
than one -thousand teams, mostly.:oa
teams, are the tranipartation
and general freighting business from St.
Cloud and the moults*" and forts north ,
add northwest:
The Iron MountainVidlroad has been '
openede to Fredeiicktolani, one hundred
and five miles front St. Louis. This
leaves only a gap of twenty-five miles to
be ironed betgfeen St. Louis and Bel
mont, • which -will be finished in a few
ditys. Mr. Allen, the- President of the
road, will start for New York in a few
daYs, On business in connection with the
construction of a road from Morley, Mo.,
along the western bank of the Mississippi
river, to a point opposite Memphis.
Wu. SuuLna, sexton at the Montgom.:
ery Cemetery. died last week from the
e4cts, It le alleged, of receiving into a'
cut on hie band virus fkonyttie body of a'
child Which had been dead for a length of
time and whlch'be wasve.interrLtig. Mr
S. dtedin more, than' a week after
the!nceurrence,-- .Non•istaioti'Mvs
Additional Markets by Telegraph.
Catosoo, Jane . 22.—At. open board is
the atternOgi there walla Moderate Mcrae
:Dent in the grain met 'and the prices
are quite tirmi , without decided change.;
N6:2 spring wheat sold *Pa range of .426 .
@1,283i; sellers for the: month and cash,
olosingst the inside ti,gure for N0..2.
Oorn sold:at 65%©673y0, sellerafOr Jane.;
Provisions an dialte freightsl active In
the evening No. 3 Wheat . closed , quiet at
f 1 ;111. • • ".
;OA.atnetimp, Jima 24.--t10; receipts
133 head; demand batter; w An ad vane°
Of go' extra2 l2,7s ol3;:oglitir qualities
i11g1360,, 'Sheep and 'lain* receipts
1560 head: 100 d. lots li dernsnd; inferior
tiegleoted; , sales at 4(39340.
,t • •
~r "„. nr~Xr ~ ~"^_~ ' - - YK?'AfsR.~ _~.—~.ncas.,-~ .z_'- rr
NUMBER .141,
The 'lfikierea Ilt A Ire lAEA.
n t.l;9'