The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 22, 1869, Image 5
NEW Ar•witirisxmat igrlFAinrt AND. STRA WBEItIRIt FESTIVAL—By the ladies of 'BellEeld4 PreshYterian congregation. on the afternoon and" evening of WEDNESDAY. THUESq.A.Y i tND FRIDAY of Ibis w eek , at the country Res once "f HENRY LLOYD.. Esq., on Penni', van.% avenue. Oakland cm pus the gate. Jai. t wi. H. W. WILLIAMet..--- .. an d . Extra Season-6 nights only of tn.:. -, •.. .- . : 1 equestrienneadissLEOHUoSON,andh , ; 7: steed, BLACK BESS, in Byron's insist 7"' Uon of HAZEPPA. IarFJETH AVENUE UAL - - No. 65 Fifth avenue, opposite the I House, Pbtaburgb, I's. .W. R. IaTIAOIIP 3 N!.. !Lk! This house has one of the finest Billurad.g. . in the city. It!. necidedly the coolest „sad ~ .1 invitins vise°. The tables are Cal pew Ina ,Ilt brace all the modern improvements..and.silt . • superior attractions to lovers of the mile* ,k ItgrTHE SUNDAY SCHOOL: 4 HAI : 4' . 611 ' . it ;M' Allegheny, Will hold a Strawberry Festival in EXCELSIC HALL, corner FtGera and Lscoek streets, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY EVENINU June 22J and Aid. Proceeds to be applied 1 fit of the school. . Rao. Wes Lace. Jantes Theatre ,„,on , . TUES DAYEVENING, be presented for the arm, time la THE POOR GIRL, With Mies Jean Homer In the tole role. To followed by the beautiful and annulus Prote Com-detta of • EVERY DAY OCCURRENCES, In which Mr. Price and Miss Lunette assume.fe dfferentchat octets each. Prmee ad usual. Box office open from 9 A. nnill 15111., and from 9 P. M. until 4p. at: -ENGINEER'S OFFICE, " . 4 PITZSBO'n AND CON YELLS VILLE RAILEAD. PfixenunOtt. June 3, 1869. r4rTLIE GRADUATION, MA SoNSY AND BALLAST, upon the f 154,154 E Sections of the Pl.tsburgh and Connel vllle Railroad base been allotted by the Pre dent and Directors of the Company to the part ottnt.d below in conn&tion with the same. vitt To RALPH JONE S & CO.— Sections 67, 68, 6 711 71. 72. 75.. 93, 94, 95. 98, 97, 98,11 10d, 101, 302. 103, 104, 105. •To JOHN DONA° IL a isauTHEßS—Beetil 107 . 143,144. , To 516 Y ER, B ROA/MEAD & CO.—Seetions 114 120, 121, 199, 123, Lill, 195012 • 1)17. __ To DEwEBS & CLARK-Be , tlons 118, 1115 . To PATRICK KEATlNO—Section 108. To JOHN WI Lll E 54--Beation 109. _ To EDWARD E. aBL.NB & BROTAIKR—Seo'Iq ' 131, 132, 137. To BRACKRN 4 TITZPATRICK--geotlon 13 To B. B. 00PDER—eottons 184. 135. To ALESANDR A B. BUCHANAN —Beal 138. To P.R. HOWLEY—Section 138. GICIIRGE H ARR ISON —B4etl on 139. . To NATHAN t4HlPLEY—Sketlons. 141-1.111. ' To MANFOLL 4 ROSS—Sections 77, 7'5, 79. The remaining 35 bections between nnel TPle *no Cumberland having been contracted : Previously, the whole line of 103 miles betwe ' these points it now under contract to responsil pastes, and there wilt be ample and steady c. ploymtnt ior labor tuereon during this year a toe next. BEND. H. LATROBE, Je.T.:k7.5 Chief Engineer OnrICZ OF CONTROLLER OF ALLIGIIZNT o ^ o., Pa., Pittsburgh, June AB, .NOTICE TO BAKERS.--Sea ED PROPOSALS, addressed to the "Bos or Inspectors of Allegheny Craintv• Prison , • be , Teelved at this rdlice until JULY 7a d. for t s nislaing the Counts Prison with bread for mouths from July 15th. Loaves to weigh or and a-halt and two uctinds mspeettvely, aid of apertrred quality. to be made - at much per pound. Bonds for two thousand d tars will be required tor faithful perform suet • contract. The name of the security must acoo pony the Old. Bill , endorsed by the Warden s. probated at this office will be bald monthly. • HENRY LAMBERT„ je22 Controller hbIICTION SALE OF LOTS ROSINSON TOWNSHIP, ALLEOHEI wry, PA. Wiii be sold at A uctlon on 1 premises, on THUS:MAY; JULY 15, at o'clock r. x., 19 AU ILES OF LAN O,suo-divic into one acre lots, ittn ate on toe Itiltidie'r'n ros dier ant four miler from the Pittsburgh 001 House and three toles from the Allegbrny X: krt House; easy of acsEas by Raw M Perry end Middleton road, by C"!rk's Run a Manchester Steam ferry, by Panhandle Banns tom Nimick's action, and by Ft. Ways Chicago and Cleveland Railroad from Nun. For farther particulars see lithograpti, bawl bills, or enquire of JAMES McI4UNN GUI, Chestier& turnpike, or F. A. DUHRMAN, No. Via First avenue, Pittsburgh. • j0i2:k611.=.28. LlB CITY CONTZOLLSIVII OFFICZ. •. • " Pittsburgh, Pa., Jane Al, .11169. OTICE.- Sealed' Propeaals will be received at this often until TUFA. A sl9th In-V., for the letting of the CPy $ Weig h Scales, located as hollows: lst ward, near Point; Ad ward, Water street; 6:h ward.decond avenue; tech ward. Sharpebarg orldge; 17th ;y ward , 44th street: 15th ward, 511 st street: filat ward, Frankstown Road. and *at ward, Llbetty aireet, near 6th arcane. Bidders will state what per cent. of the - gross receipts they will pay to the city for the use of the :Scales tor the term of one year, from the Ist of July next. The Faience Committee reserve. the right to reject any or all bids. J, McGOWAN, lest City Controlser. WESTERN- DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA, 88: In the Matter of JOHN B. NORRIS, a Bank rupt. Notice Is hereby given that a third gen eral meeting of the Creditors of said Bankrupt be held at No: 116 Federal street, Alia ',betty City, Pennsylvania, In said District, on ;the 6th day of July, A. D. 1869. at '9 o'clock 'A. N., at the ollee of JOHN N. PURVIANCE, Zsq.i one of the Registers of Bankruptcy In said District, for Lae purpose named In the twen ty-seventh section of the Bank•upt Act of March A,1867. • W. A. LEWIS, • J. M. KENNEDY, je12:111: Assignees. VOlt SALE—A beautiful eaten . from ome. located near Perrysville, eight m es the city, fronting on the Pia ik Road. The grounds contain 53 acres In all, is well ina. preyed, and in $ high state orcultivation. There la-sirecseA upon it a splendid two *tory doable frame mansion of ten rooms, with alt necessary halls, pantries, and all modern convenience': 8 / 20, carriage 'louse. wood and coal shed, a taste folly, amassed barn, with ampler stabling, and all ;other necessary mailer outbuildings. A twantlfal grove of forest trees Ninths the Douse, which stands on an eminence. commanding a de llgh:ful. slew of, the surrounding country for mai) , miles. Two large sma l l fruits of del.cions frult,bstio all kind of small fruits. ahaudailes af excellent water, and in Get everything that taste and cenvenienee coald suggest to make it pleas • ant and comfortable. It has been used as a sum mer holm by the owner for toe last 'eves years. There is also a tenement house on the property, 'llolloCCOpied by a ood tweet. any one wisb- Inc to retire Rem business will And Oh one of the Bleat desirable properties to be found. Pos session siren iliimedlateli or will set the main buildings with teen aerie, to suit purchaser. Apply to (MOP r a PHILLies, Real Rotate Agents, No. UP to n th Avenue. Ri te RPHANIP COURT BALE.--ByO. 'Mae of an order of the Orpheus' Courtliof Allegheny county, dated June 19, /889. I will . exposent . pnbilo isle at the Court Reuse Is Pirtaborgh, on VIEDNX,SHAT, JULY 111th, %,11160. at 19 o'clock ad that certain lot or 'pies. of ground situate the First ward of the city of Allegheny. county aforesaid, st.tbe cor ner of Balkan street and Hank lane. contalallf is front MI itaiik lane 16 Loot 8 inches, and in •dettlit along Salta= street 63 feet, more or less, ea which!. erected a two - Hory brick dwelling house. being' ibe - real mate 01'8. Q. Shannon, deceased . . Tame of tale, Cash. Tor further tutor:nation twieulse ef BROWNS LAMBIZ. Attorneys at • Law, No.U4killth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. • JOHN Q. MILLER, ArimlnistCator of • - • Q. EITIANXON. deceased. .112:kW • $lO PER !MONTH for xi Dwelling lieseg of three MOMS and large Inuits at 89 Sixth avenue. M NEW, ADVERTISEMENTS. QTATEMENT OF THE 1. 4 TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK. , \ PITTiBIIRCiIIi. - Jlit the clime of business on Saturday. June 12tb, 1b69. RESOURCES. LOans and Dtsconnts • $ 059.599 53 lil.••• , . Bonds to se , urn els, elation.._ 400,000 00 11. e• Bonds on bend 6,5/50 00 ForntterA and Fixtures " .4,500. 00 .Dae from Banks 104,41111 911 Legal Tender Notes, !Omsk, de - 1111.403 48 Specie 10.310 19 ' Capital stock emulation limed flue Depositors Contingent Fund and Profits Je2l:kB 11, of Pittsburgh, at the close of business on Jane 12,1889. RESOURCES. Limns and (Discounts $ 11916,319 19 U. S. Bonds to secure . Omuta -864 ~,:flondkon hand b O , 500 `foie Bunnj Approved Banks. 454,500 00 In New York 13,61811 Due from other National Banks.., . ...... Due from other, Banks and Bankers 482 111 ---- 019,388 40 Beal Estate • 46,986 07 Purniture ana tlxturee '436380 4E1,353 17 Expenses 1, 047 Taxes ,I 1 000 90 .' ; - Exchanges'to Clearing _ . 81,290 47 Hous ta e • 46,184 08 Remittances, Checks .nd . Revenee Stamps • 22,704 02 National Bank .Notes OM 00 Tractional Currency a Cola 81000 Lees! Tender Notes 06,44000 3 Jeer Cent. uertidcates ..;.100,000 09 ---- 8186, 368 819 SL 087,2111511 77 LIABILITI6B. Capital 5t0tt.....000,000 00 nurplucrund IS WWI IS Profits ' MOW el , -- 109,310 40 4:llxculation„. l . 356460 90 Individual Depobits 610,421 83 Due National Banks 4:.581 int Dee otter Banks 14,12417 . -- 698,397 98 Divldetida unpaid *994 00 Taxes unpaid 1.780 39 1131667,511A6 77 The above Is a tree statement tr the _best of my knowledge and belle. W. Z. SCHMERTZ. Je22:kirl ?resident. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE IRON CITY NATIONAL BANK , .Of Pittsburgh: • , Prtissuatur, June 19, 1889. , Loans and Discounts 6 890.41.5 81 U. &Bowls to Secure Circulat , n., 400,000 00 Other Banat stll,OllU OUI - from Materna g and Be. serve agents. 100 A3l 09 Doe from whet nations' Banks.. ant 441 87 Due from • Banks and Bankers., 8.17 L 10 Banking House and Lot ... ... AO, 000 00' Current lfausenses - 883 06 Cub Mine 831 38 Bschanges for Clearing *owe.— game 90 Bills of other National Banks.— .• 1 , 96 W 00 Fractional Om 13 ens, 4. 90990 00 Coin ,8 83 Legal Tendert and Motet ' 125,483 00 3 per vent. Certificates.... t 78,000 00 Stock urplus fund" .$ 400,000 00 S 00. 00 azebange Aociount 30 5 ,496 se oo InterestAceonnt 13.534 33 rivet and Loci , 18,114 30 Nationai . Bank tirculiiLlon„ oat standing 3311,0213 00 State Bans Circulation outatand- , lug 11,1104 00 Individual Deposits 617,305 NS Dne t, National Bank/ 16,438 63 • • • • si t es, u ot m m s 3 State of Pennsylvania, County or ^ D y. 4 I, JOHN bIaeIOPPIN. Cashiof the Don ulty National B tut of Plstsbnzgh. do solemnly &Nina that the above statement true to the baster tny knowledge and belief. JOHN NAHOPPIN, Cashier. Subscribed and *armed Us before me ibis 19th day of June iiti9. tl. SkilTH, bl. P. J Ali Ati SicAßLEri OHM. A. WOuD, Divetort. D. kIuSTZTTEB. .102.15k11 NO3B SECOND AVENUE 'FOR DW 134 f.r—A desirable three lion' BRICK ELLING 11011dit, situate sear Market street; la good location tor osiers. - Han. elevens rooms. gator. to. WIG beaoid of low forks odd On. easy turas. L CIITRISitT IRMII 89 - , Six* - 41, LIABILITIES. 301,544 41 • 400,000 00 350.000 00 . 505.707 40 45,837 Ot 111.301 514 41 $1 703 . 015 34 LUBILITES3. f`?-~~.0 _~ ME r l v, PMSBU3II G►AZE`PrE TUESDAY. , DONE NEW ALDVERXISEMENTI3. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BINH OF PITTSBURGH. At the clone of business, Jane lA, 1869. RESOURCES. ' Loans and. Discounts $1,285,108 . 03 Utlttgd States Bonds to secure clr atton ' 495.000 00 State Bonds 19,E1 2 50 Due from Redeeming and Re seer,. Agents ' 248,477 90 Due from other Nitrous] Banks. 84.896 56 Due from •. Banks A Bankers 3,389 63 Banking House 37,000 00 Current Sxgenst s 5.869 71 Cash Mts. .. . - _. .. .. .... 5,487 Ms Exchange for Clearing Rouse... , 70,339 00 National Bank Motes9B3 00 Fractional Carrency ' 4.694 9sl Specie -3.608 19 Legal Tender Notes _ 80,000 00 Throe per et tit. bentficates - Li ' 49;321,084 68 . °spite Steck ' $ 800,000 00 Surplus trund 264.683 33 10 631 Ol . 360.1.00 00 1,042,879 18 130,801 Si 6,083 49 Cr) 3etts Hanks Banks and Bankers $11,321.0134 86 insylwania County or Allegheny . ./LLY.Cashler of ttie tint National :navy sear that the • boye state :a the. bst.t or my knowledge and be• - JOHN D. SCULLY, Cashier. iii4tworn . to before me this 19th O. SMITH. Jest: Notu , y NIMICK, I I. KW LNG. Directors. ANEEIt:SPEER, LT OF THE CONDITION HE PVITiBURGH YA.TION AL )31MEECE,at the close of tittetnete, ILF-IiOURCES. , natounts $ ' -6640853 95 ... 0.990 1.10 aoaecnre Circulation 500,000 00 I and tiecuritics on 53,500 00 atoning and Deserve • 93,098 48 ter National Hanks.. '23,535 25 ter Banks I Bankers • 1.870 83 ee - 03,091 55 • tstate 5.1100 00 d Fixtures 9.489 24 elutes 5,618 90 :4;575 00 LU3B 90 :ncluding 0,067.04 tr Clearing Hasse.... 19.397 OD National Banks.... 1,900 00 urrency 59439 -1 11410 00 78,357 00 rEifffn • LIABILITIES. I $1,519,4, 00 951 k paid In I 500.000 00 . I 51.000 00 . . /FS 17,16000 36.78130 Pk Lircuision Out- - • 448,04% 00 'epos s*, 0 901 mall Ranks. 87,37461 • Banks and • 5.7. 5,700 2 of A 19 1 egh 9 env. .L, Cashier of the PI tsburgh Na., of Commerce, do solemnly swear vestat meet Is true to the best of my ad bent f._ JOB. B. HILL. C bl . 85 Pr. , I and•tworn to before mo till : , my t h .1880. ti.S3IIIR, ..tippti Notary Public. LITZ/1.80N.. 1 • .HAVEN, - Directors. . . PALMER. jr?..litS4 TRFUL PLEASURE. .L nay EICGLGE'IN IT. JET ! CROQUET! CROQUET! IGHTFUL OUT-DOOR GAME. y or Suburban Household complete without a Set. :00D SET FOR 85 00 inlebed atd more Durable Sete from ed to any part withoit ehitge.°Ve DA.VIS k CO., 3 Liberty Street, (EAR ST. CLAIR. ,GBENY COUNTY, SS. Mins Court In iAd,for said county :ember Term. 18m. In Partition. Ater of the rartltloa et the Real Es DBERT GLASS, DEVD. to-wit, June. 19th, 1889, the !ague.. :his case is hereby confirmed ann rule en the heirs in appear in f :curt. on SATURDAY: July 17th 1889, at ten o'clock A. x., to accept ur remse sstd Estate at the valuation, with per sonal notice, or by velting left at the vane of theirabode, as to eft orge W. Glass Emily Glass, Eli:101w, William Glais to , himself, and as Guardian ail litem of Hobert Glass. minor, and E'milylum, awl notice to th Pitts b urgh Week given hr advertisement in the .y GAziryr! three insertiuns NY THE COURT. To Nancy Johnston. formerly Nancy Glass. you will pieate take notice • f the above rule and notice. . . JOHN BARTON, Attorney forkewloaer. Jnae 19, 1869. Ju22:lo3B' Pittsburgh Wv E L C WIN E. -FARMERS look tp your' Interest and — buy only the Beltdtsctuarging Ilay and Wain hake "WELCOME.',' It is the but rake made. Can be worked by a boy, seven or eight years old , or by a delicate fe ttle, or an aged and Inertn man, who is bare ly able to sit on auat and drive a horse. It ls to constructed that the horse does all the work It is far in advance of all Other rakes,' and is war. ranted to glee satlsfsctiOtr. The teeth are of the best cut steel. They are sold as' lows as the COM" mon rakes In the market. wt.lch require strong men to workthem. These rakes save the r coat two or three times in a season' in thv gleanings. Farmers have little Idea of the amount of grain left on alleldraked In the old way. Rethember, tne name, and buy none othor than the ••WeaL- Ctllikt , made in Columbiana. U and sold, wbolesale and retell. there or at No. 319 and 3111 Liberty street, Pittsburgh, PS. All coders addressed to me at either place, promptly at tended to. leli3:kad&T FOR SALE. ' Near Osborn Station. on the Pittsburgh It. Wayne and Chicago . Railroad, TWO LOTS, Containing About Two Acres Back • i• • i zerouraa . W. MACKEOWN ,& ORO., 195 Liberty Street. THIRD ARSIVAL Or HMS 000D5 AT TilE Bowe Clothing Headquarters, NO. 47 SIXTH STREET. GRAY & LOGAN. ITALUABLE FARM FOR MALE. v —Situated in Allegheny township, West. nie , eland connty, 10 minutes walk front Mo.. Na s a l k °tithe Allegheny Valley gal road. Contains 104 acres. 00 of wnteh are cleared; all adder fence; balanoe valuable timber; under. layed wi th coal. 4 foot vein - Hawed LO/t House sad Barn; an orchard of 140 trees. grafted: the place is well watered and lies good neighborhood. For price and terms apply to B. /11oLlifil 4 CU.. No. 104 Fourth avenne• FLOUR. CHOU= WINTER WHEAT VANILY, sV,gg CHOION NINNSSOTA BRANDS, 56,R5. CHOICE WISCONSIN pIiAND% la lobo[ Ave bangle or moss. , . • - • .11141114 LANA 'olk 4110.4 naiad life Wood moo. 1,4-7 i, - NEW ADVERTISEMENT REPORT OF THE At the eloat of hotlines's on the lAth day of Jo' 1869. . I , • RESOURCES. Limbs and Diacou h t, s 12.090.990 U.O. Honda tobecur.• circutation 940 009 Line fromApprovedAasociationa In New York • 193:351 Due from other Nat'l Banta.— 94,089 Due from other Banks and Bankers 'Banging House Current Expenses.. ..... et (75 03 Taxes Pahl 11.400 (*— Cash Items Excnange tor Clearing House.. bilis or .N atianal Banks . .. . 'fractional Currency„ including Nickels.) Coln •• Legal Tenser Note■ aliuuu ou 53,519,282 1 , . • LIABILITIES. I 1 Capital Stock - pahlin.. $1,700.000 0 . burplus fund , - 310,000 0; Discount' 58,61717 V xchange . .56 00 -?'' Profit and Loss 43,6405 ;. 53.38- National circulation outstanding 800,000 0 I Ma , e Batiks 29.403 0 Individual deposits • 555,966 8 Due to National Backs 38,969 0 Due to other Banks and Bankers' . 1.596 3 318,794 89 8.43252 19,879 89 28,82407- 904,397 69 OfIL - 103151 W. wi WALLACE. , =I ME ' 7 0 AM, CONDITION OP MN EXCHANGE NATIONAL B Of Pittsburgh, Pa., I, ANDREW LONG, Assistant a s suier o t h e Exchange National Bank of Pittsburgh, Pa., du solemnly swear that,the above statement Is true to the beat of my knowledge and belief. A. LONG. arsistant Cashier. Sworn to and tubscribed before me this 18th day of June, 1809. Wm. to. RuBB, rotary Puudc. Correct.LA st : Jab, B. MIIIMAY, ALEX. YIMWK, 1 Directors. TITOS.J.IfunKINSON, fe2l:k 5 1 VAILIEPORT OF THE CONDITION UE - I HE. ALLEUHENY NATIONAL SK at close of business, Jane 12,'1809: RESULitttThd. Loans and Discounts • $ 790,771 79 1/Ventral s., 3,790 29 United Stifles' Bonds to secure . • N Circulation 500,0d0 00 Other..l6.l.•honds and Mors- gages* • 5550219. , Due ;rum of ter Nat'l Bunks ,j 2,5441 45 Due from Banks aua Bankers..:. 1;741 59 Doe - lrom Redeeming Agency, New York 91, Banking House . las. Other Iteal Estate 3:4, Current .r.Xpenses ' _ 8. Taxes paid I •••• , 10, Exchanges for Ckaring‘House.. . ;BO,' Checks on Banks nut In Clearing Hound....., nu Bills of oth r Na.loi Bank S .... Bills of eta e National Banks.. Fractional. Currency, including Nickels... . . Coin • Leaal Tenser NOUS a Fer Cent. Certillcatus. 487 00 450 00 _44,5b0 00 _130,0110 . 00 $1,'785.514 41 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid an burplus Fund Itzehange Interest National Sauk Clrculatloa yu b - I &Uniting 432,611 00 St etc sank Circulation outetand- 1 . . Ins . 1 11,650 00 Individual Deposits 633,344 17 Du, to N.tional Banks 9.534 63 Due lowlier Bankaand klankerv. 4,982 351 Divide nda Unpaid i 1 , 898 50 • . 11.183,514 44 State of rennayirania, is. County of Allegbe by. I, Assistant Cashier of like A.ilegbny National Bank, do solemn!) , swear that the 'morel/A e• mint II true to the beat at sly knowledge and be lief. - W. aicCAN, Asa'tta liter. Subscribed and sworn lefore me this 19th day of June. 1809. n. sSll rn, Nutrry Public. Correct—A mat; J.- W. COnK. JOHN CALDWELL, Jr , j }Directors. ft. P. sm REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ITIZENS NATIONAL BANK of iPittsburgh At thB6e9. close of business on the 12th day of June. 1 . I Lo:ins and Discounts 51,188,48510 U. o. &Inds to secure otraulat'n 514,000 00 U. -6. Bonds and becurttles on .: .. '3,000 00 Doe n'uli aPPrOVen ASSlXiatien in New Tors ' - 128,328 92 Due from other National Banks. 16,829 ' ; B4 Due from other Banta & Bankers , Last 92 Real Estate '95.35 tola Taxes and Expenses... ........ .... ' 2,103 01 Cash Items. - ',16.-36 05 .Clearing ilouse Exchanges i5U,7 2 31 Bills of oilier National Basks.... , 3.4 , co 00 Fractional Currency - ' 6,6 1 85 Legal Tender Notes 1281, 000 Bond anu Mortgagel,lt 3 33 1 Coln 1 6 7 87 $2,149,362 92 . LIABILITITS: Capital Stock . - 'll -860,060 00 Surplus Fund 133,809 641 Profit. SID. 731112 National Circulation ontatandieg 450,000 00 State Circulation outstanding.— - 13,000 00 individual Deposita 669,202 21 Due National Banks - ' . 39.551 57 Due other Banks and Bankers..:. 22,584 80 Duval(' lityldenda . 7.157 50 $2,149,362 92 I certify that the aboevetatement is correct. jat:k79 J. E. Bits.DY, Jr., Cashier. SELECT 110ARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. EILDON SEMINARY, North Penna. Railroad, seven miles from Phila. delohia. Hiss 0 A.R11 , 13 issenteentn session will open SEPTEMBER 15,1569, At this healthful and beautiful situation. Terms moderate, instruction thorough. Apply for ctr vial, at 'Gazette Counting Rooom, or once of Jay Cooke t Co., Bankers, Philadelphia, or to the Principal, Shoemakertown P. o..hion.gome• ry county, Pa. 1e21:104 SSIERACOQUILLAS SEMINAL. , BY FOUND in SBA..—This Institution: ie manated in the beautiftil valley of iiiehacoqull-' las, In the midst of an Intelligent and highly' moral people. ;surrounded by mountain chains, and supplied with an abundance of pure water. and of tne tr . ..heat mountain P Ir, the .ocation Is unrivaled for health anu for the elevating and re fining Influences of natural scenery. Col pa of instructors la every department experienced and competent. Rev. S. H. McDonald, former,y tutor to Princeton College, N. J. of large and successful experience In teaching, has charge of Ancient Lananaees and higher Mathematics.. A lily from Massachusetts, of superior: qualifications will teach hat glish Litera ture, Palmitin', Drawing, French and Ger man. Prof. J. W. Shoemaaer, of thliadelpnia„ Is engaged to give lessons In Elocution during the Fall term. Miss E. R. Thigh= from Wash- Ingtdn county. Pa., has charge of Instrumental music. Scholastic year Opens 4th of August. Expense—Tultlten.and board _per year. 45100. 00. jr or catalogue address hi AR i IN MOHL zit, A. M., Principal, Kiehocoqulilas. MlMin Co., Pa. Re fer to Rey. 4r. V. McOlean,Lewistown,Pa., and Hon. 13. &Wattle, Lewlatown, Pa. jell1:1V0•111F TO LOAN. • ON 11318 T CLASS MORTGAGE. CITY PROP RAPT. Apply at moues & ROBERTS', mer.s.TE a.cammrrs .114 NVIJETIEI AYNNUIL le:kn GHT & c 9. H slave removed their stook of Chine, Glue and Queensware from NO. AM Wood street to the spacious warehouse. 189 LIBER'XY STREET, A few dosses above SIXTH, (late Et. Clair 8t..) where they will Ns pleased to show their old &kenos and the publics the elegant stock of new seeds Jost now aperitifs. Jett (`UTIZIINB NATIONAL BANK vv ANI) INSURANCE STOOKS. _, UntillAY EVAN INU. Jane ASId. at II Veloek. will be s9ld on secon4 near of Lominer 'Some. 1118 enlitUne+.l street, )8 ensues Mune Rational Hank. \ 4U snares Mosenrahtla Insurance Co, MI shares Western Insurance Co. ekaree Muting, National Bank. 3 - • • qsr, , , r _ . - • EM ...u t ac.. * *Mal l OR 2, ME WANTED- R ANTED. _ A GO O D COOK. 336 Ridge Street, Allegheny. : ` 155 B. BAECY.WELL, Jr. No: Jel6 2,170 58,500 5.475 3.522 8.134 WAN'rED-HELPt-AT EM• vv t PLOYMENT OFFICE, No. 1 St. Clab Street, BOYS OIRLS and MEN, for difterenl kindiS of employment. Persons wanting-hell of all F kinds can be supplied on abort notice. untl 0,903 0 0,000 0 . 168,600 0 WANTED- - .AGENTS WIANTED.—Agents to take or . DEB In the city and county for Dondnas' Patent'utone-Lid Holder. County rights for sale. Enquire for J. tl. VilLtd)N,. at Morrison & De• v 0 1 ,9.175 Water street. Pittsburgh. NAT A NTED.—A GE I% TS.—s7s to v v 89100 per month everywhere, male and female. to introduce the fiENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEWING MA -CHIN F. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, cord, bind, braid and embroider, In &most superior matner. Price only 1118. Fatly warranted for live years. We will pay MOM for any machine that will sew a stronger; more beautiful, or more elastic seam than ours. It makes the ' , Elastic Lock stitch." Every second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth can not be pulled apart without tearing It. We pay agents from $75 to $9OO p".r month and expenses, or s commission from which twice that amount can be made. Address SECOIIII & GO., Pittsburgh, Pa., St. Louts, Mo., or Boston, Mass. CAD A() —Liu not be imposed upon by other parties palming off worthlesS cast iron machines, undet the seine name or otherwise. Ours Is the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. WANTED —AGENTS.—To sell the American Knitting Machine. Price $215.1 The Elmp 1 e at. cheapest and best Knitting Machine ever invented. Will knit 40.000 - stitches perr NG te. Liberal inducements to agents. Aldr itAMERICAN KNITTI MA CHINE ,667 71 ),11a 25 1,713 51 1,543 30 1,295 S(S 249 84 ANTED.—Situation by a vYi Young man as Assistant Fidokkeeper or Ct. rk any.preErable business. Can read, wri e ant tale Engllsti and German perfectly. Address Gazarrg °Mee. 1e=:k80 • ,_ 4 1, ,433 45 3%15 110 1,095 00 WANTED -TO LOAN $30,000 on 'Bonds and Mortgages, in sums from 0500 to $5.000, secu-ed on real estate In Alio. lrbenV county .8. 9IITHBELET & SONB, 39 Sixth avenue. WANTED. BOARDEss, A -- gentleman and wife or two single gentle men ban be accommodated wink a pleasant fur nished room. with good uoard, on tbe line of the Passenger cars. No. 44 Rebecca street, Allegbe• ny City. • Reference required. 151,45500,000 00 0 lb 13,402‘69 31414549 WANTED—TO PLASTERERS. —Plastering to be done. for which earnen ter sroritsvlll be given In return. All to be done In the brit — Manner. Direct B. W., Box B, GA NVANTED.-A few respectable hcarders at I€l . Ninth street, (late Hand street.) WA NTED. BOARDERS. A few more boarders can And pleasant moms and good boarding at No. 18 Ann street, Alle. gee y, tbr $4.50 per week. VETANTIED.--To loan $9OO on vy bond or mortgage for one or two years Addtess J. D. F.. care Gant te office. O-LET.—A Large Howe of 11 (Rooms, on Fourth avrnue.lteble for -Cog house. W.ter and rue. Enquire of & ROBERTS, 114 Fourth avenue. Eil TO -LET: —; Four .conundtous land conveniently located ROOMS. on Fed eral s rest. Allegheny, lost adJolning the toll gate. Rent. en matrn:lth. Apply to JOHN S. ASHWORTH, on the premlses. 1 0-LESHED ROOM. elegant furnished dioolll,sultable f.:r a ar e inan,_.olll be let at a Teri reasonable rent. Pita at. No. 513 leirghtb,(llte Hancock,) Street. El To-LET.—Rooni ) on 3d- floor c i n . . Dispatch Building'. Rent very low for hal loo of year. Gas. water and stationary stand. En treat rotograph Clailexy,Dispatch Building. ,---,,, • X7O. LET.—A fine, large new JiLl Story Room. in the village of Wliklntburg, with dwelling, if desired. Rentlow. Also, beau tiful I, rge office front room,sec md floor, on 6th, formerly St. Cl•tr. near the bridge. Enquire of JOHN W.-BEATTY, Engraver, 93, Market Bt. LET.—House on Centre Av lENII.E.—Gas. Water. &e., very convenient. Ont of season. Rent $5115,00 per month. Call coon at 191 Centre avenue, Plttsbnrga. 110 -LET, ROOMS, Two floe ROOMS In GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply c at owning Rooms, S 4 and Be Fifth avenue. ►; ALCABLE CI I T LOTS FOR BALE. • The nnderefirned, ae trustee in the partition of the real estate of IAGNES KNOX, Deceased, I . By order of the District Courtof Allegheny noun ty, ,"will sell at public sate, on the premises, on ' IVEDIMSDAT, JUNE 80,1868, , At A (O'clock P. x., that spry valuable property on i Fifth avenue, city of ittaburgh, consisting of TWO LOT 4.: First—tele trotting on Mar ket street 30 feet and et ndingl,the game width, along the south aide or ri h &Ventre 101 feet to Market alley. Second —A o f on the opposite side of Market , alley: Dentin •on Fifth avenue 110 feet' and running back preserving tee same width, along !target elle 30 feet. Oa the fist mehtioned lot are FOUR NAME TENEMENTS, and on the other a THREE STOBI BRICE. BUILDING. These lots are among 016 most valuable In - the city of Pittsburgh, beingorr the principal street and In the centre of bust ess. The attention of capitalists Is particularly i nvited to them , as they are desirable chiefly for e value of the lots, the buildings. not being of nch consequence. and poSiesaton for building pnaposes can be obtained on 3 mouths. notice. The property now rents forover eight thousand dollars. The purchaser will receive the rents after July let. • 1 -.THE TEAMS OP SALE Gne-third cash; and the remaining two-thirds In tryo equal annual payments, with semi-annual interest from day of sale; neared by bond and mortgage on *optimises. Jon f, a 11, 1800. J. jgf:k2a ENTI lt ■ W. BAR 59 Market and 20 1 ALL OF THE LATEST NOV Tw E -FivE PER CENT. EVERY DEPAITIENT REPLIN ..;7cr . 31E1 .41. Pt 59 Riarket wad XO • 110110E5— .. r0 * ••F•. Sa u 4 • “Werate.“ "Iband., 1 * " Boarding. , of exesathijr 10 OB LINES each scathe tn. these "ohms. Mee for TWziNTY-FIVA each cutdWOWial Use I . IVA MINTS. HEIL ? APPLY AT WANTS. TO LET. . F. WHITE. TRUST/ E, E 'N 3111:1.3116'Fil FOR SA LE L'OR SALE.—Grocezy Stock, Fixtures and of ot a ret qua GROCE located n one of the best business corners 00 Beaver avenue, Allegheny City, and doing a good cash business: Will be sold cheap. Pro pietor going into another business. Inquire at Hamilton's drug store,corner Beaver avenue and Locust streets. BALE. CIGAR AND TOBACCO STAND. Tali; Is s No. 1 stand, and the reason for selling IS HI health. The lease and fixtures will be sold with the Lease rune 5 years. For further , particulars caliat gjoirrTS OFPICIP. fr.' _ • FOR . SALE. • 3 lots In Mansseld, 607.190 each. 71 acres of land, grapery, peaches and small !Volt, good spring of water, ,og boned, In; price low. 70 acres, Economy township. heaver Co; price 475 per acre; gout °raw! Of 300 bearine fruit trees. House of 7 rooms I) miles Prom Econo my station. 1,100 scres,libmore Co-West Va.: good soil,well timbered and watered: price s 4 per acre. -905 acres, same county. rood home and orchard; price tig err acre. 1.240 acres, Braxton Co. .vest Vat rich' soil and well tim bered;-price i 3.50 'per acre. • Bonds and ortgages wanted by THOS. SIMPSON & B. 11. HOLLAND 89 GRANT STREET. Waco, back room TOR SALE. House and lot on Poole? street, 3d ward: houses and lot In Sth ward• lot on Troy Hill road; house and lot on Nan dosi7 street, 4th ward; house and lot on Boyle street; arm in Ohio. con taining 160 acres; house and lot. 67 Boyle street: house and lot in Bth ward; one-twentie h interest in 75 acres in Win Co., West Va.; 10 acresof ground near Fleming Station, P. Ft. W. & .0. R. R.; (+l'm or 100 acres in Sewickley township; houseand lot at Glendale Station, P. Ft. W. .t C. R. R.; house and on Pine street, Bth ward; 6? acres or in ound at Glendale its.- Con; 2 farms In lowa. 80 acres each; lot on Lo rust street near Manhattan, (Manchester;) farms in Ohio, one 120 acres, other 80 acres. For Lather particulars inquire of M. WHITMORE, Real Estate, General Brokerage and Insurance Agent, corner Ohio. and Sandusky streets, Alle gheny. jel7 VOR SALE.—A very desirable L. residence, lot 30x110 feet, located on Stockton avenue, Allegheny City, a short dis tance from Federal street. First story—hall, par lor, sitting .room. dining room, kitchen and wash house. Second story-5 bed rooms, bath room and water closet, all in medern style. Ex cellent dry cellar under whole house. For fur. ther particulars or terms 'which are' reasonable) 1,, apply to SAMUEL DYER, Lacy& sorest, one door west osFederal etreet,Allegheny. tele FOR SALE: —A light and profit /2 ABLE business. No opposition. 'Capital reqntred, $5,590. Una or two men going Into the business csn clear over $9.000 per year. In quire ,of ist , Clung * Rainbow, - Real Estate Agents, 195. 191 and 199 Centre avenue. FOR SALE.—About 120 acres of land in the best .situaVon. for country seats; only miles from the West Pittsburgh Ferry Landing. Will be sold altogether or in nieces to suit purchasers. Inquire of V. C. NhOLEY, office at the south end of the Monon gahela bridge. jel4.ztir VOR4LE. -COUNTRY RESII.- DENCB.—A DOUBLE BRICK HQUSE. of seven rooms, with frame addition of tw rooms, good spring, dc; about an acre and half of ground; situated a shortdrixe from Bennett's 11 Station, on the W. Penna. ,B. • Immediate pos session given. .For terms, do., addreas or in quire of WM. A. SHINN, Attorney at Law, oor. Grant Lod Dfombod R. FOR SALE.—A New ßrick Resi-. -L . MINOR, built by days work, having eight rooms, gas, hot and cold water throughout. mar ble mantles and wash ,tands. a bath room and piazza. Lot 120x140 feet. deligntfully located in the beauthul toen of Alliance, Ohio, having 6,000 inhabitants and noted for Its colleges, rapid growth, enterprise and manufac 04 miles from Pittsburgh and 06 from' leveland Junction, Pittsburgh, fft. Mayne and Chicago, and the Cleveland and Pittsburgh Fall aye. Ad vi, dress Lock Box 89. Alliance.O. Jel2:k2B_ _OR SALE.—DRUG STORE.— • One of the best Drug and Prescription Stores In Pittsburgh is offered for sale at cost if applied for soon. Good reasons for selling. Addr. is J. P. PEARSON it CO., 87 Grant street, Pitts- burgh, Pa. FOB SALE.—The one-half in terest In the Drug Stine of BLACKIBToN & hicORBOOB., in Bellaire, Ohio. They are doing a thriving business, ,and the location is one of the best In Eastern Ohio. Beason for selling, 111 health of family. Terms reasonable. Apply FOR BALE. . Is acres of COAL LAND. 3 mom Tem. peranceville, on the Littl. Saw Mi ll. 137 acres near Doulsvllle,lndiana nnty, Pa., on Livermore Station, W. P. B. B , well im proved and cheap. HOUSE AND LOT on Market stree Man Che ster. HOUSE AND LOT. on ..lberty s eel, Pitts burgh. HOUSE AND LOT on Fourth aver; • e. 4 HOUSES AND LOTS IS Itlissbet . town Choice and cheap Arms iu Tenness e and Mis souri. TUSTIN ELSE, myH / 57 O t street. "HOBOKEN" STATION P'OPERTY FOR SALE This beantlitd sitnation — cannot • . surpsised for private'residences In any direct on, so close to both cities, being only eight les up the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. . A y pen string information abouttids proper can obtain it by calling at the orrice of the IRO CITY MU TUAL LIFE 'RBI:MANOR CO PANT, 75 Federal street, Allegheny. Lots cm , one-half acre to Ave acres _; also, small lot to snit pur chasers. There is • good location fo a manufac turing establishment, between the Woad and Allegheny river. jels;t4B Fort SALE. TWELVE LOTS ON CENTRE avenue, on of street cars; 5 lots on _Kirkpatriek street, on line of street cars; 2 lots on 'Linden streeU_On Ire of street , cars; I large lot fronting on Wylie s treet' Two 3 storicd brick houses 6 rooms est, , lot 30 by 100 feet feet on Fulton cr. et, near Centre ave nue: will sell tue whole for 0.000 cash, or will sell the houses separate at $3,500 eanti,• frame house of 3 rooms on bishop street, near the ave nue: lot 34 by 100 feet; only $l,OOO rash. Two pressed brick front bouses.with t 3 07115. well finlebe_ ,d gas and water throughout.fronting 44 feet on WyUe street. • This property will be sold low and on easy terms. Inquire of IVA:LUNG & RAINBOW; Heal Estate and Trumrance Agents, - Nos. 195, 1.91 and 19111Centre assume, Dealers In Flour Gnarl. Hay, MU! Feed and General Produce of ail kinds: jeDtkee EW STOCK ai•cicmis K E R & C O'S., Mt,. Chair Streets!, ELTIES JUST. HECEITED. LESS THAN FORM PRICES, ISHED WITH IiEIY goon =" lmmEt csco St. tasix IStreeV El 0