The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 22, 1869, Image 3

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MONDAY, June 21, 1869.
There was again a full supply of -Cat
tie on sale today, 784 head, and with no
Outside buyers and the demand conned
entirely to supplying the butchers, the
Market was very sluggish, and up to
eleven o'clock there were quite a num
ber unsold, and we suppose that about
six car loads would have to be taken
Over to the Central Yards to find purcha
sers. .Prices, compared with last week,
are down fully a quarter, and for some
grades a half, and it is generally believed
that the bottom has not vet been
touched. The consumption of fresh
meat, as is nearly always the case at this
season of the year. is_ falling off materi
ally, as People, apnerally are baying
more • fruits and - vegetables and less
meat. It is a fact that meat is now the
Most costly item in market, and it must
come down in price; everything - else is
shrinking in value and there is no rea
son why meat should be an exception.
There is no• scarcity df Cattle, and all
the market's will be flooded within the
next thirty days, at least this is the gen
eral expectation.
Of the Cattle on sale to-day, 22 cars
sere from Chicago; 2 from Cincinnati; . 3
from Fort Wayne; 2 from Indianapolis;
5 from Masdeld (Ohio;) 1 from Youngs
- town; 2 from Lima, and one each from
Bellair, Shreve and Canton.
As already intimated, prices are lower
than last week, from a quarter to half a
cent, and we now quote prime to extra
fat smooth steers at 7%®8, with some
few fancy sold at •
L. Rothchilds 18 Chicago steers, at 7;4
®7 5 ,;;14 Butler Co. steers and heifers for
Shettemantle, at 6®7.
Kraus .t 'Haas 48 . head Penna. and
Chicago, at 5%®8,20. -
Keefer & Rottichilds 20 head Chicago
steers, at 647.
P. Hartman 35 Chicago steers, at 711(§8.
M. Verner 34 do steers, at 7V,®By,.
Trautman & Lobman 40 Chicago steers.
at 7®7%;' 20 head • (Ohio) for E. H. Da
vis, at 6®7.
S. Marks & Bro. 64 Chicago steers, at
6 14® 8 V,-
Jacob Needy 51 Ohio steers, at 7®B. •
Lowensteine & Lohman 18 Chicago
steers, at 7. 1 4®81/ ‘ ; 16 head Washington
Co. steers, at 5%47.
Greenwald & Kahn 40 Chicago steers,
at 7y,®B; 19 head Ohio steers, at 6%®7W;
L. • & J. Sheinberg 40 head mixed
stock, at 5(47%.
Carr & McAilester 45 head Ohio cows
and heifers, at 5M ®73-1.
Haziewood & Blackstock 100 head Ohio
and Illinois cattle, at 6®B.
Smith ,k Blue 18 bead Missouri steers,
at an average of 7®734.
Hedgeis & Taylor sold' 45 Kentucky
cattle, at 6%®7%. •
Carr & McAllister :sold 19 head West
ern Reserve cows heifers and steers, for
Thrasher, at 5X,®7%.
W. C. Trasher sold two fresh cows. at
450 per head.
Jas. Hanlin II head Washington Co.
cows and steers, at 5@64.c.
Holmes, Lafferty dc Co. 167 head
mixed Stock, at 5©7%-100 head drove
There was a full supply of Sheep on
sale and the market was unusually dill;
all grades ruled lower, though, as might
be expected, the decline was more
- marked in the common and inferior
kinds. There was considerable in
quiry for good fat lambs and all of this
kind were sold at pretty good prices.
& Bro. sold 21 at 14,50 per head,
and there were other small bunches
sold at from $2,50@3,50 and down to
11,50 per head. Sheep may be quoted at
from 3 to 5 ets per pound, and It takes
,extra to bring over 5 eta.
'John Walters sold GO sheep at 243 X
per head. .
Emeriek it Co. 116 commonish sheep
lit 3U(g)33 :
Adam Eckert 75 at 1,87@3,85; 150—
owned by t3argeant—left over.
Stakely & Bro. 80 sheep Ind Lambe at
M. Flinner 75 Butler -Co: sheep and
lambs, very common. at 1,4@2x.
Shistmantle 120; J. Shaw, 100*W.
Young, 95—up to 10 s.x.'nearly all un-
Johnathan Davis sold 10 lambs at 3X,
.and 150 sheep at slX@3m per head.
J. F. Neely sold 145 common to prime
at 3®l ate- per , -pound.
D o. 135, at_an average of $2,85
- , Twos. • ,
Continue dull but without important
change; may be quoted in a retail way at
934®1034. Holmes, Lafferty & .Co. sold
to Rothobild 32 weighing 5,530, at 834.
• . Wiarkets by Telegraph. •
NEw Yeas, June 21.—Cotton is heavy
and lower; 900 balesat 3345333413. Flour
firmer and in good deniand: receipts 15,-
345, sales 21,500 bbls at 14;9055,40 for
superfine State and westerah #6,1557 for
common to choice extra - State; - WO®
6,65 for do extra western; 46,5057,25 for
to choice white wheat extra; $6.15
(46,85 fol. common to choice Round Hoop
Ohio; 96,5057,50 for common to fair ex
tra St. Louis; 98511 for good to choice
clo,closing firm; included lathe sales were
15,600 bbls for speculation and export,
extra western at 1656,40, and extra State
-550,60(56,t35,June and July - delivery;
-Oregon flour - quiet at 2859,75; Califbrnta
Quiet and steady; 800 bbls at 86,349,00.
Rye flour quiet; 250 bbls at 14X56,25.
Corn Meallo.fair request; Ake obis at 24
for State, and 94,00 for Brandywine.
Whisky dull. at 11,0351,03 3 ] for 'western
free. Wheat more active and a shade
firmer with a brisk export demand; re.
ceipta 173,655; sales 172,000 bus largely to
ar0P 6 G# 1 i 45 491.47. N 0.2 mititior,so@l,s2
for No. 1 do; $1,50 for winter red western;
21,5851,59 for amber Michigan; for
W; l 4-101Stghlaargr, 2170,1brk whitb
mg. -11 :Yegniets. - wiey iiikrbark=
continue dull and nominal. Corn; 881 6 a
of 7 9 , 0 80.bnettat one cent better* closing
dull; aide4df f 47,000 btu* at 61 @870 for
new miXerwestern - iiii canal; 835: o for
de via rail; 85@89c for white western.
reollds 01 4 .214416 bush; au s 6 6 ,14 . as d po i:
of 24400 bush at 763i0t0r Western In 'store;
7734578 c for do afloat. Stock of grain in
warehouse: wheat,- 52038 b ush,
ding 444,000:but& California: Corn, 218,-
651 inish. l Osts. 631,421 bush. Rye, 94.;
477 , 4mah. ;Bailey, 168 bush. Malt, 107,-
876 bush. peas, 85,414 bush. Rice steady;
sales ofloo tierces Carolina at 8;45834 0 .
Coffee piaa4;aales,ef 400 bags ' Aguayo ,
as 170,1834.4g0id. Nagatunchinged., 'mo
lasses dull and nominal. Petroleum
quiet; 1643 for crude, 310 for refined. Hops
quiet at 65140 for' American. Linseed
oil dull at 21,0251,03; - Borkj it t i ge;
and steady; sales of 900 bbls at/32,87 133
for new mess, 232,50 for old - db:: $ ,005
26,75 for prune, and 828,37528,50 tor
prime mesa; also, 750- bble , dew mess,
seller, and,bnyer July, at '238,00533,37.
Beef quiet and steady, with sales of 110
bbls. ierne Beef dull; sales of 50 tcs at
$209525 for prlme7tness, and 126530 for
Bidia Ames, Beef Hams steady, with
ea of 60 bbls at 230,00531,50. Cut
Meats firth; sales of 170 pkgs at 135143(,e
for shoulders, 15y 4 517y,c for hams; m c if
ff - i -firga i • with sales itil'AFO: tiks
Isibtiedititealttatterd - Lird du ;
salea of 350 tea at 18@200 for steam; and
20@20y0 for kettle rendered; sales of
250; tea steam, buyer July. on private
terms. Batter steady at 20@340 for Ohio,
and 30@36c for State. Cheese dull and
heavy at ...11©18 3 / 4 ,0. Turpentine (weak
at 41.34@42c. Freights to Liverpool quiet
and firmer; wheat per gall 6;4(5)6,;d.
Latest—The Flour market closed a
shade firmer for low grades with an
active export demand; sales at $6,10@6,40
for extra western; $6,25@6,50 for extra
State. Wheat firmer and active at $1,40
(41,41 for No. 3; $1,46151,48 for No. 2 and
f1,52@1,53 for No. 1 Spring. Rye quiet
and nominally unchanged. Oats dull at
at 774577;0 for western afloat.,Corn dull
and heavy at 61 ®7oo for unsoud; 75@;88o
for canal; 82@88e for railroad. Pork dull
and heavy at 432,90@133 for mess. Beef
dall and unchanged. Cut meats very
firm with a fair demand. Bacon quiet
and steady. Lard dull at 193;®20e for
fair to prime steam. Eggs quiet and un
CHICAGO, June 21.—Eastern Exchange
1.10 premium selling and 1-10 off buying.
Flour- quiet and firm at E5@6,25 for
spring extras. Wheat firm and active;
sales No. 1 at $1,21@1,23; No. 2 advanced
z@)23 C c ; sales at $1,1934®1,2234, closing at
$1,22y,,@1,2234; this afternoon firm at
$2,14 for No. 2, Corn moderately active
and firm; No. 1 advanced 2@)234c, with
sales at 66©651A,0; No. 2 advanced 3g4
40, with sales at 65)4@6634c; rejected
57®59c; no grade 52@55c. , closing steady
at 66 1 Y.@66340 for No. 2; this afternoon ac
tive at 67c for No. 2. Oats quiet, firm
and 1%®13;0 higher; sales No. 2at 6134
©62,,c, closing at 6134@613;c. Rye firm
and %@lc higher; sales No. 1 at sl®l,ol,
and sample-lots at 99c, closing at $l,Ol.
Barley dull and nominal at 11,20
for No. 2 in store. Highwines quiet
and steady .at 95c. New Orleans
Molasses at 951551. Sugar 13%@143; for
fair to choice. Mess Pork; buyers and
sellers apart in views, $33,50 offered and
$33,75 asked. Lard firm, and quiet -at
19y,, ®I9M: Sweet Pickled Hams firm at
1534 41634. Dry Salted Shoulders firmer
at 12%(913 for loose. The receipts for
the past forty-eight hours were 4,393
barrels of flour, 84,386 bushels of wheat,
143,642 bushels of corn, 31,692 bushels of
oats, 2,752 bushels of rye, 700 bushels of
barley and 3,273 hogs. The - shipments
for the same time were 9,050 barrels of
flour, 45,052 bushels of wheat, 196,403
bushels of corn, 7,6261 bushels of oats,
2,6 645 bushels of rye, 750 bushels of bar
ley, 6,183 hogs. Freights quiet and un
ST. Louis, June 21.—Tobacco in good
demand and unchanged rates. Cotton,
nothing doing. Hemp very dull; sales
of undressed at $1,25®1,40 for prime to
strictly prinie. Flour dull, weak and
15@25c lower on medium and low
grades; sales of spring superfine at $4(4)
4,15, extra $4,65@5,4V, double extra
$5,25®6.03. Wheat dull, unchanged for
fall, and active and higher for spring;
No. 2 spring ;1,12(4)1,1335, choice do $1,15
@1,16, No. 1 $1,17©1,18. Corn firm;
mixed 58@600 ix bulk, 69@700 in sacks,
choice white 80@81c. Oats dull at 62@
64c. Rye in demand and higher at $1,05
(4)1,06. Provisions stiff.! Mess Pork is
held higher; sales at $33,75©34,00. Bacon:
shoulders are held at 1430 packed; clear
rib aides, 18c; clear sides, liNo. Can
vassed sugar cured hams, 21c. Laid
firm at 1934@200 for choice steam.
Whisky firm at 96c. Cattle quiet and
unchanged at 334@7c for common to
choice. Hogs 7@9c. Recelpts-Lflour
1 4,336 bbls,
wheat 19,644 bus, corn 18,462
bus, oats 18,280 bus, rye 1,960 bus.
CINCINNATI, June 21.—Flour steady;
family g. 5 , 50 @..5,75.. Wheat scarce and
higher, closing at $1,25@1,30; the demand
was quite light, but the offerings were
:hardly equal to the demand. Corn un
changed; ear 62(03c; shelled 63©640;
white 65@e60. Rye scarce and advanced
to $1,30. Oats 68@720 and the market
steady. Cotton firm at 320 for middling.
Whisky firm at 96c. Mess pork was of
fered more freely to-day and 11,200 bbls
sold at $33. Bulk meats held at 13@16c
for shoulders and sides loOse;• 50,000 lbs
shoulders sold at 13qo picked. Bacon
firm at 1434, 173;(D18Vi, bid onlysmall
sales. Lard quiet at 19j4c. Butter steady
-at 24@28c for Ohio; Western Reserve 2c
higher. Eggs 15@16c. Groceries un
changed and quiet. Linseed oil dull at
$1,03©1,05. Lard oil $1,42@1,47. Petro
letimilull at 28@29c for refined. Cheese
dull at 14®17c... Gold 137 buying. Ex
change dull at 51(4;1-10 per cent. discount
buying. Money market close.
Ci.gvarda4b,Jnne2l.—Flour; city made
-treble extra white, $8,75; double extra
amber,57,50(47,75; double extra red win
ter, $675; extra red winter, $5,75; double
extra spring, $6,25; common brands
range as follows: double extra white at
$7,25®8; double extra red and amber at
s6@7; double extra spring 'at $6;236,50.
Wheat; market firmer and better; No. 1
led is held at 51,31®1,35,.._and No. 2 do.
at $1,24@1,25. Corn steady and quiet,
but closes firmer, at 1 70®71e for No. 1
mixed, and 68c for .N 0.2 do. Oats steady
and moderately firm at 65c for No. 1
State.- Rye is quiet and nominal. -Bar
ley is dull and nominal. Petroleum;
market unsettled, nominal and un
changed for refined; and standard white
. is lield-at 280 for July and August; crude
is dull and lower, and held at $6.
MILWAUKEE, June 21.—Flour quiet,
firm and unchanged. Wheat firm at
$1,25 for No.' 1, and F1,213] for No. 2.
Oats steady at 59c for No. 2. Corn nom
inal. - Rye nominally Unchanged; Bar
ley quiet and steady at $1,15 for good in
bags. Grain freights lower; wheat to
Buffalo B%c, and tb Oswego 13%c. Re
ceipts-2,000 bbls flour, 111,000 . bus
. wheat, 3,010 bus oats. Shipments--7,000
bbls flour, 102,000 bits wheat, 1,000 bus
oats:., June 21.—Flour quiet and
firm. Wheat steady, and moderatelyac
tive; amber 91,343©1,81U;*f0r No, 1 white
141,56; for No. 2 amber $1,22; for No. 2Ved
11,25. Corn—No. 1 advanced 134 c; Bahia
at 6930; No.
_2660;. yellow 71c. rejected
58c. ; Oats unchanged and m'oderately .-
active at 64c. Rye:, BR, demand
. at R.!
Barley' nominal . 'B,7o9
Ibbia, whept 11,900 tity'airnl6,7llo km ' oats
2,200 bu. Shipments=flOur 2,000 13b16,
. wheat 6,700 bn, corn 20,000 NI, o ats
. 7,008
bu; rye 400 ba. • •
BALTIMOBS, JUDO 21.4'iour , favors
buyers; western IWO; extra 0,75®7,00.
family $7,50@8,25. Wheat dull and un
changed. • Corn dull and lower; whlte
88 yellow 84@81c, Oats unchang
ed. i Mess Pork firm at 114. ' Bacon firm;
rib sides 18®18 0; clear rib 1 83i(#18No:
shoulders lfiy,c; hams 21®22c. Lard
.firm at 2002020yiet. Whisky firm and
scarce , at 1403®1,04. - , ,• ' ,
• Lotrisvir,Ln, June 21.—Flour unfelt , and
firmer; Hales of superfine at $4,25. Grain
steady, red wheat 'l,BO, white 51,35.
- Corn 70c. Oats 700. Itye $1,20. Leaf
tobacco quiet; sales of 130 Ithds at $5,50
Q)12,75. Provisions held higher; mess
pork $33,60; baoon shoulders 14Xc,'elear
rib 181/0, clear sides 18,lio, ingar cured
hams 1910. Lard 19 3 / 4 o for dense. High_
pines steady at 960.
M EMPHIS, June 21.—Cotton quiet, firm
and unchanged; receipts, 200; • exports,
950 bales, giour dull and unchanged.
_Wheat; No. lat 51,35. Corn at 92, Oats
dal' at 76. Hay dull at 26. Bran dull'
at 518. Cornmeal; fine at 54,25. Pork at
$34. Lard firm at 20®2134. Bacon Arm:
shoulders, 15; aides,, 17.
PIXILADIMPHIA, JlllllO 21.4--Flour.dull.
holders .pressing on • market; North
western extra family $5,75®6,25.',-Wheat
unchanged. Corn less active, high mix.
PITT8B1:11:611. GitteriE : IVES . '
At ,TIME 22 1869:
ed. 90c, mixed western 86®1386, Oats
steady. Petroleum dull, crude in bulk
16c, refined 30;4c.
DETROIT, June 21.—Wheat, receipts
light and market 2@3 better for N 0.2
white, fair sales extra 41,87; No. 1 1,48@
1,50; No. 2 1,27@1,29; . N0. 1 Amber '1,31.
Corn inactive. • Oats firm at 65@66c.
Live Stuck Markets. '
."- - NSW YORK, June 21.—Live stock
heavy. The supply of cattle for the last
week, with hot weather now, and the
perfectly glutted sheop market, added to
the fact that peotile begin to leave the
city for the country, Combine to depress.
The receipts were 6,190 for the week, but
685 from previous week are not included
in the above, also on sale. The supply
of today is 2,980, of which nearly five
hundred -remain Unsold.. to-night. The
trade was very slow and prices a quarter
to a half lower for good fat steers, selling
at 15, and L fair— cattle at •
but none- are really quotably aboye
1530, and from that down to 12c, aver
aging' 1430. 'A •drove of 100 Illintile
steers, 676 cwt., brought 14%®15c. One
car of- 750 cwt. averaged.sll6. per head.
200otit of 520 of J. T. Alexandnes cattle,
700 cwt., brought 1434®1534c. 65 little
Texans, 475 cwt., sold at, l*ic, while 65
good 700 cwt. Illinois cattle brought 6106
each. Illinois gives 5,100 cattle, Texas
400, Kentucky 800. -Sheep are extremely
depressed, with-large receipts, 29,300 for
the week, with fresh arrivals to-day of
4,500, but there are large numbers
that have been holding for several days;
about 6,000 are not in pens to-night,
butchers not buying at any price, are
full and are offering mutton at 50C(p41
'per carcass; the weather is stormy .and
unfavorable. Sheep are quotable at 4@
634 c; very extra 7c; with • lambs 8©11c;
'sales 1 oar Pennsylvania Lambs, 54 lbs,
834 c; 75 Kentucky 63 pounds, lie; twenty
picked Indiana Sheep, 96 pounds, 7c:
1 car fat Ohio, 90 pounds, 6y,c; 1 car 80
pounds, 5%,: 1 oar 75 pounds, 4%. Hogs
number 20,960 for the week, and 12,885,
orl2o cars to-day; weakeri:: , price and
selling mostly dressed - at 113.1(41144, live
934@9%. Three cars of Illinois, from 205
to 214 pounds at 9%; one car Ohio, 200
pounds, same price. . •
ALBANY, June 21. —With increased
receipts of beeves and a much • inferior
average quality, there was a decline of
g@Ne, live weight, compared with the
prices of "lest' week; the highest price
received waa,93(o, live weight, for beeves;
sales of 10 fine Illinois, averaging 1,435
pounds, good butchering cattle at 8@
B}4c, and fancy' to good 7%@80, with
sales of abiiut 2,500 head.- Sheep are in
large supply and , there is a falling off in
the demand, with the market lame and
fully 4@)34c lower.: Hop in fair demand
and prices higher.
PHILADILPHIA, June 21 —Beef Cattle
dull, and declined X©M per pound;
sales of 1,540 head at 94935 for extra
Pennsylvania and. western steers, 7@8 . 1 / ,‘
for Mir to good do:, 5(D634 gross for com
mon. Sheep lower: sales 12,000 head at
434@63i per pound. Hogs in fair demand
and at an advance; sales of 3,400 head at
13@13,50 for slop, 14 pet ewt.'nett, for
corn fed.
CHICAGO, June 21..:—Cattle dull and 10
@l5 lower at • 5,5005,8734.f0r good cows
and Texas steers, 6,35@7,15 for fair to
choice shipping beeves. Hogs dulliand
10415 lower at 8,10@8,25 for common.
Dry Goods Market.
NEW J nne 21.—The weather has
been quite stormy and changeable. Busi
ness in this department of trade has been
very quiet all day, still the market is
buoyant for plain' otton goods, especial
ly heavy brown shootings, which are now
quoted at 17c for Indian Head 44; 16M
for Wachusette,' Atlantic, Amoskeag A
and Clarks; 15 for Cabot A., Augusta
and Roxbury A.! Bleached muslina held
firm. Prints inactive, and an effcirt will
be made to advance - dlrk work to 13M.
The river is rising again under the in
fluence of the recent rains, and last
evening the 'Monongahela marks indi
cated five feet and the Allegheny marks
showed six and a ball. Considerable
rain fell again yesterday and there may
be water enough in a day or two to let
oat a portion of the coal fleet.
The Julia from Zanesville and New
State from Wheeling• are the only Arri..
vale. The former departed as usual arid
the latter wiltio,day.
The. Wananita, from St. Louis, is dne
and will probably be found in port this
Capt. Whittaker announces the R •C.
Gray for St. Louis and St. Paul: She
has recently been _ thoroughly over
hauled and repaired, an/ is in first rate
condition for business.
The Ida Rees c from Fort Benton, was
expected to reach St. Louis yesterday.
—The St. Louis Democrat of Saturday
says, that the armadillo and Bellevarnon
had deferred their departure.
—Major 'Adams, of :_the Arkansas
Packet line, has contracted with Capt,
Sam. Hambieton for three river boats for
the White and Arkansas river, to be
built in Cincinnati.
—Davidson's new hulls from Paducah,
have arrived , all right at Lacrosse.
Work on them is being pushed. The
Lacrosie Democrat says: "Captain Da
vidson informis us It is the intention of
the company to make these boats more
than equal-to any on the river, and they
certainly should, be, .for they have got
splendid foundations on which to erect
graceful and elegant superstructures. .
—The Cincinnati Gazette, says: ,Vague
reports having been in Circulation that
Col. Roberta, to improve the navigation
of the Ohib, intended to build a dam
serves the (Manuel on the . Ohio aide at
the head Of the island at Marietta ' , and
thus throw the entire volume of water at
a los stage of the river over to the - Vir
ginia channel, the City' COunoll of Mari
etta have taken action opposed to the
d: CSI
oAoo RAILROAD.' June 21.:- 7 -1.1. oars, pig
iron, Nimick & Co; do do! • Bryan &
•DangheY; - Dilworth &.Co; 2do
do, Graff, Byers &CO; 1 do`do''Loamiiii dr,
Vollaraf 2 . d0 1 d0 Superior *lron , 98
his cheese, W Btaden; 'l2 40
.Eivart - tit Co; .1 oar lumber,' 1) •Hershnan,
& Co; 19 green hide*. G .N Boffstott; BO
doz rakes, 18 biz cheese, J Dilworth
.15 his cheese', E ,Hazieton; ,10 do do, , H
'Boblion 10 do do, J Blanchard; 20 do
do, J B Canfield; 16 do"do;:W Riddle; "87; •do do,' Woodworth & Davison; 12 do do,
W H Davison 2 cases mdse, J Cochran '&
Co; 100 doz bdls, Klein, L & Co; 1 car
staves, M P Adams & Bro; 48 tea hams,'
F Sellers & Cc; .2 oars ;ear corn. D Wal
lace; 100 bbis dour, SchOmaker L; 80
:bdls apokes, Thos Hare & Bro; 4 bhls
eggs, I kgs apple butter, Voigt, Mahood
& Co; labbis flour, T C Jenklns; 45 eke
wool, S Thirbaugh & Co; 4 bbla eggs, Lit
tle & Baird; 11 toga barley,. Moilletu7.'&
Hood; 99 aka oats,, J Glenn; 26 do do, H
Schnelbach; ' 2 stone, , S Long; 22
bdis hides, Jae Denniaon; 6 dos riddles,
J woodwgii, A Co; 250 pigs lead, Excel
sior, F 4 Co; 78 bdls hides, 0 iloptott;22;
bbllviloni, Walk-Lair& Co. )1
Piirnratitair dnciv yr Itirri
Loins RAILROAD ' June 21. 1 car
staves/. Kober; & bales °atom, Eagle Cot.
ton Works; 7 tea hams, J H Parker; 200
bdls fellows, Forrester, C & 'Kr 50 bdls
brooms, H McElroy; 1 cm oats,Russell
& Bro; 10 bbls whisky, W H Bnnett to
Co; 2 tea beef, 1 do bacon, Mills & Sou; 2
do do, Porterfield dr Co; 20 bbls Hour,
McHenry &H; 15 [ibis eggs, P G Craig
head; 2 hhds shoulders,Geo Mitchell; 10
Cages, 10 tcs lard, W B Hays & Son; 10
do do, E Heazleton; 28 do do, W L
Jones; 100 bbis flour, Schomaker & ;
4 cars staves, M P Adams & Bro; 1 do d.,
C Albert; 2 do do, - NV Hastings.
21.-2 cars pig iron, Brown dr, CO; do s o
Marshall & Co; 1 do do, H Woodside: 1
do bark, Loppe & Son: 2do stone, -
rick &G; 2 do lime, D L Reynolds; 3 s o
grain, Martin B dr, Co; 84 g c hides 2
bdls dry do, 5 bbls tallow, 1 do appl e ,.
Munhall & M; 1 car skims Harrison & Co
Ido do, Henderson & Bro; 3 do railroad
iron, P q dr, St LRR; 4 do limestone,
Sheenberger dc B; 16 eke corn, Keil st
Ritchart; 20 bbls eggs, consignees. • I
CLEVELAND AND Pirrsiingeir Ka
ROAD. June 21.11 oars blooms, Nimick
& ,Co; 698 cakes copper, 9 masses do,
Hassey et Co; 1 car lumber, 0 A Ma -
dorff; 250 aka barley,'Pler D &Co; 1 car
stone, Graff dc K; Ido do. P Wolf; 1 d
oits, Kell & R; 25 bxs cheese, Graff & Co;
20 do do,,Woodworth & Di 32 aka oat
Head &M; 42 bales cotton, Childs & C
173 pea pipe, Wood & Co; 303 sks oats, jf
dZ W Fairley; 19 bbls hams, R D Clark.
care cooperage, Ralva & R; 1 do do, C
Pemberton; 1 do do, .T M Hemphill; 1 do
lime, J Abdell: 1 do metal, Lindsay & M
21 rolls leather, J Canary; 1 car metal,
Spang, C & Co; 6 bbls varnish, A A
Brockett; 10 4s hams, R & A Carson; 2
do do, G F Comley; 1 car wheat Kennedy
& Bro.
FOR ST. LOUIE p REO- zi ago
UL—The steamer
Will le ave for the above torts on Pi r EDNEBDA Y
23d lest., et 4 o'clock P. )1:. •
For /relit= or tassage apply on board, or to
JeM - or WIRIEST. SWANEY - A Co.. Agents
FOR ST. LOUIS, iiEO-aggE i t
PAUL—The steamer
Will leave for the above portsi n THEMSDAr
the 25th lust., at 4 o'ciock r. st. .
For, freight or passage apply on board or to
.1 , 41 N PLA.Cri or
1e22 J D. INLLINGWOOD, Agents
p" T T Eit 8 ITIt G
KEBSBUDO LINE.-Leavy Cumnanv , a Wharf
Boat, root of nod Street. dilly at 12H., WED
/freight will be received at ail boom by
apl3 Arcata.
Numbering elite u Ll:at-class renal; among
CI. mthe eelebrat 1
E3alling EVERY ATURDAY, from Plor 45,
.N...rth River, Nc York. For oassage or further
inform a.ion anoirto
70 FIFTH bTREE.I, (Clirt•ri_ie liuthtlitg. ,
Vonylv nrin lb. Poet f, Mr,. Pittphnreth,
V) 'no - T HIS CARD
41•1•`Lf •
entitles the bearer, on presentation,
to TWO DOLLAO.S abatement on a
cash purchase of 98.00 at the great
cheap clothing house of
Nobody beat by this eetabllebment, but fair
dealing .to all! Call lad be Convinced. All
detain plainly marked by printed cards, at
Bo the C.- no one mg be deceived. Itexeembe
l l T l Bl l irlsie ri gek l .: l lel b eY cumber 11, 131XTE:
.8QR5,.:,:.',M)E5 . ......00 .. : .- - .OAITEOS
N0:.128 pgpEAAL STREET,
. I
.Dig ' AlleghenV City.
For. Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Aci
dity of, the Stomach, Loss of Appetite,
N am es, Heart-burn, jaundice, arid' all
diseases arising from,. a disordered' state
of the Stomach, Liver:or Intestines.
• p~ed REW ARD, BENT'Lrf
&ca g 1" ; 11 , u117110, N Bob ,
by all Ikra „- , - •
PEEL ass.-29 sacks or sabi
J. B. OANniew.
~.,'~~_ -,. _ter°:. ~ .
11111 P CY ?LIVED OU
Stieet, late St. Clair
1 • •
Viliolesal Price&
a s
1 1
Sealt d priipoosis will be received at the Treas
ury DepartMent, until ' TEIIIIISDAY, the first
day of JULI, et 12 o'clich M, addressed to the
General bnp rintendent, Treasnry Enildings, for
the sale of the following property:
First cla4 paper machine, built by John L.
Seaverns, ,orce Bier. Mass. \
166-Inch ronrdri o'er machine, screen vat, and
all necessary fixtures complete.
3 patent Mahn boxes.
Firth and mind press rolls made of brass; six
(Ai dryers. \, I
3 calendar; , lis with three (3) winders, with
l c,
size box at cbed. •
1 set of slit ?sand size rolls.
1 !ahoy and alfnecessary shafting and hangers
complete, with belting and gearing attached to
same. • 1
• 1 paper calendar with five 46) rolls, belting,
and all necessary fixtures.
2 beating 6,ngines. 42 inch hnives, two (21
washers to • &chi, and all necessary shafting and
belting complete.
5 hydraulic presses for pressing paper, with
pump and pin ng attached.
1 new felt for dryers. . . .
1 tuff chest w Ith pulleysnnd shafting complete
2 'large blench tubs, and four (4) drainers.
3 rotary poinps.
A double acting pumps with 00. feet galvanized
(1)41 1 e•
x large rotary bleach of :ron.
1 steam engine and boiler, thirty (30) horse
power " I
1 steam engine and boiler, fifteen (15) horse
power, •• Pt obdrutr a Beach ''
Bids will lie made separately for paper,ma
crones, steam engines with boilers' anti rotary
hie .ch. I .
Bids will bd received for all or any Donlon of
the following articles:
. 1 steam engine with portable boiler, (35 horse
power,) alllcessary connections and pipes at
tached. , --,,
1 steam eng , iie with boiler,(ss horse power.)
connections and pipes attach ed.
16 hydraullieepumps, frames, connections, sup
ply boxes. an t pipes attached.
4 upright alking beam engines four (4) hy
draulic pump to each, all necessary pipes at
tach. d. I. . •
Hoe engine 'and boiler ten (10) horse.
1 !wax auliciram, valves. and connections.
53 hydraulib.presses.
1 boiler thirif"(3o) horse:
.1 Root engine and boiler (10) Corse. •
1- steam engine six (6) horse, and upright
boiler. 1
1 donkey pump "Woodward.••
1 steam engine fifty-five 155) horse, (new.) ,
:a steam engines, each four (4) horse.
1 cancel Ling macnine. .
• 1 mucilageachine. : -
1 numbelin machine.
1 small bau (wheel.
1 Definer pas?
1 “Little G a nt: " engine and boiler, thirty (30)
horse. k.,...."
2 envelope achines and cutter belonging to
same. .
m paper mIIP. complete.
3 Bogard's Ink mills. •
Cast Iron plates, a large quantity.
6 large Gordon presses. •
6 small Gordon presses.
1 canceillugimachlne. - .
36 old hydristatlc press tops, about 3,400
pounds each 1 •
190 Fr. SS columns, (wrought iron) 600 pounds
each. I .
uantity of cdd casi—fron pipes. .
dantity of 6rap it n.
3 casks r. - sin.
19 casks slutn.
• ... , . .
11 tie •cesaCd4 ba r rrels glue.
Quantity of 'soda ash.
600 poundsOf brukke.
Bids will also be received at the same time for
waste piper, belonging tote Treivory Depart
ment. ,or one year from July 1, 1869, together
with a quantity on hand.
'lie paper will be selected into two different
kinds. white and mixed, together with a quanti.
tv of dried pulp now on hand, for which bids will
be recelv• d separately, nue tue contract awarded
to toe highest bidder, taken as a whale.
The Depariment reserves the right to reject all
or any, portiortot the bids received.
Ail articles t be ronoved iif.een (15) davgafter
rintendent .Tressury Buildings.
69. juiT:js3
General Sup.
I CNN. 10
Ritteburgu, June 18, 1869.
SEALED PROPOSALS for grading, paving
and curbinglSth street, from Butler street to
the Allegheny r iver;
Beach alley, from Pride to Miltenberger street,
'Spring alley, from 21st to 25th street..
' Spruce alley., from 214th to 25th street.
Liberty street, from Hastett street to the Pike.
Sixteenth street, from Pike street to Bridge.
St.Patricks alley, from Marion to Miltenberger.
Liberty streit, from 31st to 33d street.
Penn street, Vont 3 31st to 33d street.
Also; fort - ying a clay pipe sewer (RI two fiet
ddiameter, on Fourth avenue, from Smithfield
. L
streer to Cherry alley, will be received at this
Ellice until TURSDAY, 'June 22d, 1859.
' Blanks for tildding and specifications can be
bad at Ibis oftth.
The Commitiee reserve the right to reject any
or all blds, a nd no bill considered unless made
eut on blanks from this °Moe. •
' ! 1 . '•H. J. MOORE.
)el6:k4t. ' i CITY . ENGINEER.
Will be receivedisy the undersigned - until MON
DAY. the 28th day ofJune, 1889, for furnish
ing Material and Paving Chestnut alley, between
Folathand Stith streets.iin the Borough of South
Pittsburgh. Bidders will state price per yard for
the work complete;: the kind and quantity of
gravel and stone used to be of the best for the
work. the Work thvbe done under the direction
of the Borougregulator and to be approved by
Council. _ • •-c-,
The sorough authorities reserve the right to
reject any or all bfda.
Malodors furnithed on application to. J. W.
PATTERSON,' Regulator, or -
I J 11.• ROBERTS, Burgess.
South Plat burgh; June 18, 1869.
Will be received by the undersigned until MOW-
D AY, June 28, 1889, for Street Markers for all
!streets betweon Planer street and the Mononga
hela river: alb* for Metalio Numbers for the
houses on all streets between Minor and Water
and the Mottilbgahela bridge and !Sixth etreei,in
the borough of epoch Pittsburgh, the bids to in
elude putting the Markers and Numtwra up.
Ishe uortughliuthorities' reserve the right to
reject any or a I bids. . • - .
The work to be done and r the direction of the
borough authorities. and to be approved by
Partienlas s fttruished on application to
• t J. H. ROBERTS,
Przren699B,..rnae 384_1689.8 urgess.
je S:rutW ' f.
s Romi,,, SAWING,
-. AND :
Do e prompt] , to orderat 10/ Lacock street, 0/ 6
le eay aty, -,, ' • -
. . .
P. L BZICI,...TER: 4*. CO.
T e best attentlortwlll be given to all who want
an hlng In oar line. We always keep a Dogs
Jot ot , turned ;work, such as Balusters, tlesd
Po , 'Hubrf,' ac. -Ala°, a goou 'stook of , dry
tW nukChere and other lumber on band: ,
, .
: 1
la% /SALM A.Pi
P15.FT 4 4/StrliGll, .P4L
- • ,
*Ube opened lee c r assssn SATURDAY, Mai
SOM. In sit nest splisintinents, inlaid to
lI4T and yet affording kl fainilles all the Comfort'
or -tr me. President - Ursa, expeeteto visit
cape May this #6,4ollaad will sten at the •: U lied
tates. ,, Address, I
8my21.01 'AARON RILLZR, rroprleter„
~ie,_•' 7 "ri~.^~.:ay yy.`fß"RJ ^ 'P+- ,L1~y."I'~„
From May 9th, 1889, trains will leave that
and arrive at the Union Depot, northaide, PILL.
burgh city time, as follows:
' Leave. AT
Chicy Ex. . 2:08 a miChlcago Ex -1:513 a m
Erie , Vgn 3 - i - .7 : 5ts a To !Chicago Ex.. 2:03 p a
Cl. & k`g..1f,18:13-e. m'Wheeling E 10:46a as
Chicago Naft..B:sB a m I St. Louis E 7:09 pm
Cbica:Ed Ex
_.,• .9:43 a m'Chrgo Ex &MI 4:08 m
Cl. & Wh`g Ex 20P miCleveland Ex 3:53 m,
Chicago Ex.. 2:23 pn: 'Erie & Yg'n Exs:sB na
W'e & Erie Ex 4:38 DmICI. & Wh'g Exo:s3 Da
Depfirtfrom Atte:Menu. Arrive fivAttieptsen
Bear Falls A0.13:58 a m' Leetsdale Ac '6:58 am
Leetsdale "110:03 a m I Bea'r Falls ' . 1 15:28 Oa
" 1 / 3 53 ain ew- 'N Castle ' 0:23 am'
Rochester " 1:29 Pall Enon ' 913 ass
Enon " :3:58 p m Leetsdree " 1:08 me
Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 pmtßea'r Falls " 2443 pm
Bea'rFalls " .6:13 pm Leetsdale - " 4:33 pm
Leetsdale " 10:43 pm- " " 7:23 Dit
Fair Oaks Sun. - Fair Oaks Sun- ;
day Church. 1:13 pm ' day 'Aunts. \ 9:58 am
h 2:23]). m. Chicago Express 3.- lea
dam .
. 12:03D. m.Chicago Express arriVe natty.
Gen'l Ticket Agent. Gen t ," *Meet.
mylo - ,
caI m IANGE 9rairip m
On and after MONDAY, June 14th,1889 TWO
will leave Pittsburgi Depot, corner of Elev
enth and Pike streets, fcr Franklin, Oil Olty,Bot
filo. and all noints to t) e Oil;Regions.
LEAVE prrrearmon. lARRIV tzt Frrhinustalt
Day Ex 9:00 a m (Day Ex 5:15 pat
Night Ex .... 7:30 pm Night Ex,.. . 6;30 a
Brady'a BAc 3.05 pm, Bradys B ' m
10:15 a m
Freeport Ac 9:40 a m 11 stsodaW'ks 7:40 a m
sld SodaW'ks 6:311p m 1 F. ee_port Ae. 6:15 p 12,
/Et Milton— 6:45 a m let Hulton.l. 9:50 a m
Sid Hu1t0n...12:00 m 21d Holtou.l. 2:00 p m
3d Hunan... 1 s:00 pm 3d Milton.). 1:05 p.m
Arnold's Ac. .5:00 - p m I Arnold's Ad. 7:40 D m
Churclo train to and from Soda;F'orkii leave
Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. M. Arrive a, Pllmburgh.
(Sundays,) at 9 50A. N.
Express trains stop only at prlural poluM '
Accommodation .rains stop at all sta ions
J. J. LAWRENCE, Den' S upt.
- THOMAS M. KING, Ass It. imp% '
spa) I i
ENN SYLVA- .. r, -- --- .
NIA CENTRAL RAIL • -'w • -••••••-• ;
D. On and after April 25th, 1869, Tr i a. x lina
will arrive at and depart from the Union De 3,
corner of Washington and Liberty streets,
Arnim. Depart. r i
man Train.... 1:25 am •DayExpress..ll:ls
Fast Line 1.45 am Boutnern Ex.. 4: a ow.
Wall's No. Wall's N l l 6:30 mn
BrintonAcc'n. 7:50 am Mall Trai n. .. .. _ 8:18 , a14
Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 am How'dAc Nol/0:20 am
Cincinnati Ex.9:10-am • Clncin'ti Ex /2:10 pin
Johnstown Ac10:35 am Wall's No. .. 11:51 aa
How'd Ac Nol 1:10 pm Johnstown Ac. 3:05 p
f i.
Pittsb's% Ex. - 1:30 pm Braddocks 0. 3:40 In}.
Phila..Expressl:so pm Phila. Exp ens 4-:20 pm
Wall's No. 3...2:50 pm Wall's No. 3.:4 50pra
Braddock Ac.. 5:50 pm Wall's No, 4..6 05 pm
How'd Ac Not 9:35 pm •Fast Line:.
. . . 7 3Opta
Wall's No. 1. 7:20 pm Hanoi] ea N o 2.8 20 put
Way Passn'r 10:20 pm Wall's N 0.5.. 11 00 pa
"These trains make close connection at Harris.
burg for Baltimore. 1
The Church Train leaves Walls Stations,
Sunday at 9:05 a. in., reaching Pittsburgh
10:05 a. at. Re turning, leaves pittsburgit
12:50 p. to, and arrives at Walls Station
81:10 p. m.
!Cincinnati Express' leaves daily. _ All otha
train a daily except Sunday,
For further information apply to - r
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not at
sums anyrialt forßaggage, except for we:win/41P
panel, and limit their reaponsibility to One Jinn-.
dre, Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding
that amount in value will be at the risk of tha
owner. utlesa taken by special - contract.
ap2B General Superintendent, AItoMITIK,
ROAD.--On and after April 25th, /8139,th*
Passenger Trains on the Western Pennsylvaniaßat road will arrive at and depart' . from the
Federal Street Depot, Allegheny City, as follows:
.1 .Depart . ,
Springd'e No 15:40 a m I Mail 1:0 a it
Freeport No.18:20 a m I Freeport No. I 9 :2oana.
Express 10:40 a ml , Sharpb'g Not 41:20 as
Sharpb`g No.11:20 p m Express . 2:50 pnt
Freeport No. 2 4:00 p mr pringd'e No 1330 pm
Malt - 5:50 p m Freeport No:2 5:20 pna
Springtha No 26:20 it na t3pringel'e NT3 - 20:30 pa
Aboye trains run daily except Sunday.
The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction
evert Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny
City. at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny .
City at 1:20 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny June
tion at 3:40 p. In.
Cowan:rms.:lon TICHICTS—For sale in packagts
of Twenty,• between Allegheny City, Chestnut
street. Herr's, Bennett - l'lne Creek Etna and
Sharpsburs and good oa t ,' on the trains stopping
at Stations speci fi ed on t ckets.
The trains leaving Allegnen_y City a with la.
nt. make direct connection at Free,porl Wal.
ker's line of Stages for Butter and Hannahatown.
Through tickets may be purchased at the Mat.
No; , lAt Clair street, near the Suspensionßridgs.
Pittsbnr.h, and at the Depot, Allegheny,
For thrther information apply to
• Federal Street Depot.
The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will ntre
at sums any risk for Baggage except forwearing
apparel, and limit their - responsibility to Oaa
Hundred Dollars in value. A.ll baggage ex-
Ceeding trill amount in value wilibe at the risk ef
the, owner, unless taken by specialcontraot.
app ElezleTal.gurerintendent. Altoona. Pat
• - ,
. LOMB RAILWAY. - - " •
• CHANGE OF TIME.—On and after 51MONDAY,
April 13th, 1869 , trains will leave and arrive at,
the, Union Depot, as tbllows: •
Depart. Anil,
.Mail 9:08 - a.' na. 111:13
Taal Line 9:43 a. n 2. 7:13 R. M
Express 9:33 p. m. 4:33 a. se
Mixed Awn 5:33 a. m. 658 p. sa:
McDonald , s Aeo`n, No.111:43 a: ni. • 8:18 a. m om .
Steubenville Accommod. 3:58 p. al. 9:33 aon
MoDonald.s Ace'n. No. 2 RlB D. .11:1118 D. a.
Sunday Church Train.. 151:58 p. m. :9:sB_a. la.
4119. A :33 P. M. tram will leave daily.
19:13 P. N. train will arrive daily.
All other trains will run daily, Sundays except.
ed. The 9:43 a.m. Train makes . close con
nections at Newark to Zanesville.'
S. F. 801:11,1, General Ticke Oh i ognt.
W.-W. CARD; Bunn., Steubenville,
aP2S .
OAD. • - •
l On and after TUESDAY, Eroyember, rrui.
traina will arrive at and depart from the
Depot corner of Grant and Water streets, as
follows: .
Haat') and from Union-
- - •
Mira ' 7:00 A. Y. 6:00 r.
hinKeesportAcco 11:00A., 3:05 P. at.
Ex. to and from Unt'n . 3:00 g . 10:10 A. nt.
West Newton Accom , d 4:30 p. 835 A. x.
Braddock's Accomdt , n. ' 6:15 P. m. 7:50 P. X
Night Ac. toldelf. , sport.lo:3o P. at. 6:45 A. at
Sunday Church New t on
and nom West 1:00 P. Y. 1 0i00.6..
For tickets apply to
E. X. amnion), Agent
W. B. STOUT. Superintendent. tall
smoky HlLLasimr
'Eastern Division.
fLOUTZ nom the Lotto al polite sik
Colorado Nevada,
California Utah ,
Arizona , Washington;
New Mastro, Idaho,
TI Traidaysns mare Stateptedjon Line and Leawom t isc ra ta
ilina thearriral at
°t ruffle Railroad non Et. Loins, and Nara& •
Dal aad St. .10e 11141 road from Quincy, eocuses‘.
at Lawrence: Topeka and Navajo witk
litkcl, sot all points la Kansas. At,:end '
t re a west ol Ellsworth with the II 4 .
DEN VI I SA.Mir - rogi
AA Polhill; in the Tetrito •
of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Port, P
Albuquerque, Banta te, and all points
sons and New Neale°.
• woh the Zettell 'additions of n 4114 nook
aad equapatent, and the arrangements aids
with responsible Overland Transportation Lints
from its western terminus, this road now orient
=equalled wilitips for the .tratu Of
freight to the Par West. mgoloa
TiAkets for sate as all the prinatide ameadiba
the United States and oariadits • -
Be into and ask or tiokets vla TB SVo
A. ANDEssoir s •
EteuTO, eaperinteadiarl
Vases' ?rapt sod TorkAt