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L ., ._. ... - - i , . 1 .. i f e I . • - t 1 1 • • FIRST EDITION. TWELVE O • CLOCK, M BUTLER, PA. Argument In the Hockenberry Ilbmiclde / I Case on Motion for. a New Trial—Tim Trial of Mrs. Shugart fer. Killing Her Husband with Polson—lmportant . , Cases. t[Speatal Dispatch to the PlttaDurgh Gazette.) 1. BUTLISit, PA., June 21, 1869. ? , 1 laiTived here to find the town consid erablYazaltesiever the pending motion tfor a new trial in behalf of the convicted • ,inurderer, Zachary Taylor Hockenberry, who, it; will be remembered, was tried land found guilty of murder in the first !degree, on the charge of slaying his !cousin, Miss McCandless, who refused to !return the love be directed to -1 • !Wards her as a - sutler tor her - hand. So far as I can judge from limited opportunities afforded, r Ifqr judgment since my arrival, the peo iple appear to have little sympathy with ,'. fthe prisoner, and to • partake largely in ( the belief that he is guilty and richly Itlierits the extreme penalty of the law. I- ilitotne think he was a mono-maniac in ids love forth, victim of the fatal bullet, " t . nd attempt to . excuse him on that L *round. ' The murder was so •skil -Ifully planned, so cleverly executed, oand the evidence so darkened after per .lpetratiait that this view has ltitie weight :tin the estimation of the community, for iLf the prisoner is guilty-his crime can have no appallation on the ground-of any species of insanity. - I cannot judge . !:vhether or not a new trial will be grant ed. The points of the arisument are all :I %rep taken, but eminent legal gentlemen I 1 1 ,nrq engaged on both sides,' and the Court Is seldom known to err in important 1 . ::', I legal matters. , . ~i Thetrial of 'Hrs.-Shugart for the mur , der, by poison, of her husband, will '• tcommence here to-morrow, provided the iHockenberryargument is disposed of by lithat time. It will be remembered that . A I the. female prisoner in this case is a comely looking young German woman, who was united some years ago to a hus . band much older than herself. To a; appearances the union was not particu f, IY unhappy, Shugart, while work ing in a field kilt 'Pailt.ww•auddear taken ill, after partaking of some soup prepared and sent him by his Wife. He died with all the symptoms of arse nical poison, and in great agnoy. Arse nic was found by chemical analysis in his stomach atter death. What the evidence is against the woman I have not- yet learned, Pint will write by an early mail. A man named Miller, said to have been her paramour and an accessory to the murder, is likewise. under ar rest awaiting trial. They • will be tried separately. The case of Mrs. Shugart will come up In the Court of Oyer and Terminer to-morrow before Judges Lawrence McGurbn, Jos. Cummins and Thomas W. Garvey. For the Commonwealth Messrs. Jno. M. Greer, W. H. H. Riddle and Charles McCandless will appear; for the defense Messrs. E. McJunklu, John M. Thomp i son and Lewis Z. Mitchell. The trial promises to prove one of the most inter esting ever held in these parts and great puhlic interest is manifested in the case. W. 11. H. }. MEXICO. Arrival of IU. S. Mlnister Reif tyi— Tile Troubles In Queretaro—Revolu tion. Risewhere=Anticlpatea War of Races. - CITY OF MExico, June 14, via HAVANA, une'2l.—Mr. Nelson, new Minister of the United States, arrived on the 12th. The authorities at Acapulco hskl some difficulty with the United States steamer Pensacola, and an order was served upon her commander that she must not leave the harbor. Without paying any atten tion to the order the Pensacola sailed the next day. The troubles in Queretaro are increas. An. The Federal forces in Michoacan and Guanajuato have been ordered to re . inforoe the troops in the State of .Quere taro.. There la much excitement over the elections. The Two Bepublice newspaper predicts that the government will surely carry the day. Tennanda allows the church many privileges and will gain its ald elections. A . :evolution is on foot In Guadalajara: General placid° Vega has arrived at - • -,General Lozada has issued an order Sol' the division of lands and haciendas among the Indians. This Lalooked upon ,gBthe.beginnlng of a war of races. Owitig to the vigorous measures of the .Goveraionent kidnapping is on the de m:mein all parts of the country. ' .The latest news from Queretaro is that 'the 'Federal .party"-have displaced the ;State °Moorland are executing prisoners ,for troilism . , ITenrieslee Pelitks—NeW Stokes Organ. Mg Telegraph tope Pittsburgh chisette.3 NestiviLLA, June 21.-4 he Mate Jour mai, Stokes' organ, made its appearance 'aids ewming.. - itia edited by GdetlaM.dt Bovell, late editors of the.. Press and "ivies. It contains a dispatch from H. A. Hamilton, of Memphis, stating that a I Democratio Register for •Shelby county :has been appointed by Gov. venter. A dispatch to the Press and Times, 'from Bast Tennessee states that Stokes, •in his speeches on Friday and Saturday, ,was severe In his denunciations of Sen ator Brownlow, and declared that Grant was on his side, that he was expecting dispatch from him to that effect. Seater sdberea to his first position on the suf ' frogs question, whilst Stokes is betooni log more stringent. % , iNr .. "-n ,... 5: , -.- 1 . 7. , , , ,, `,. .. -- ~,, ... .•.- - I . L.)''4*.. ' 4 1: :4 44: ^ ".1 i'47'' •t'''."C42:A'''el:i.e4ki''','-'4.::0? ;. Wi4: :".' '' ',! {P . :P: .: 4 '; '' '' ::, : r: -'l " rZ 4 . h . ' -' [ .. .. 2 4 5 '1 ; 3.., tcr4eSifel . '‘,-,Arerf.-3;3:iN :2,-. -4• ''n fa ' - ,, , ,- W2,414 , ' i i,•S. 1. 4 1 ',., ., , '.t .,,, ,. ,;,,, .... ' ,. .4A , ~ , ,,,,,,, , ',..,,,,,, . ., , ,,k4.,,.', -c ^,,e ~..r,,, ~--g4 -.. .. a .:, ,-- A , ~-14- ' :' , 7 4 „F1 L Z ,,, , ,,,, 4 .. 4' X , , ' tg..› - se - 41. ,,,,, ,v,r, r - 7 1.14~,,; - , v..r„ r . ,-. ..,.., - ,-, 11. ~ J.....,, , ,A fili..o2"` - . w.,_„,.. , , q - ' " '1.,..,,,..t, • •••+I• + 4 '44, • VI, ....g; v.. f10 v ,,,k, -.-y r--- ~ • ..?" ,?, ' — 'lT4l , ' • Mii: ' 2 4 :1141 • Ag.„ --' . ,4•44- BRAZIL. The Correspondence Which, Led Gen. Webb, U. rS, Minister ; to Demand His Passports. `, • • CRY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l NEW YORK, Tune 21.—The following is a condensed account of Minister Webb's correspondence with the - 13razilian Gov ernment: In Octob-r, 1856, the Ameri can whale ship Canada got ashore on the Garris reefs, near the mouth of- the Rio Grande del Norte. Brazilian soldiers, in spite of , the re monstrances of captain and crew, seized the vessel and - selling her cargo deposited the proceeds in the Brazilian Treasury. Reclamation was made by onr Government. The ownere , renewed their claims in 1864, through Minister Webb, for damages and Interest to the amount of tlOO.OOO. Finally Minister Webb was authorized tn‘compromise on - the payment of 170,006, or one-fifth the original amount. In April, the late Baron de Calegipe, on behalf of the Bra zilian Government, reiected thlioffer, on the ground that the Brazilian Minister at Washington had not advised his Government, that he had been informed by Mr. Seward of his having issued renewed instructions to the Minister in Brazil, and would wait until officially In formed of the -fact through their own Minister. General Webb wrote to the Baron, protesting against his taking Buell abaurd ground, and declaring that if it Was; maintained he should ask for his passports. On the first of May Minister Webb received a note from the Brazilian Foreign Office, stating no - disrespect was intended toward him, but that the American Government not hav ing announced to • the Brazilian Min-: later at Washington the result of the reconsideration, nor of the issue of re newed and modified instructions to Gen. Webb, keeping his Gevernment in the same state of uncertainty that it was in before, and from which it cannot depart except in such manner as shall have full consideration for the respect due to its Minister and from one Government to the other. On receiving this note, Gen. Webb re plied in severe language, demanded his passports and obtained them. As he was preng to leave for home he Brazilian authorities, aftft - ewell epistle at the Brazilian authorities, of width the following is a sample sentence: gilt' in disregarding my rights and grossly insulting my gov ernment, the present reactionary and proslavery government of Brasil has also violated the rights which by eatixtesy be= long to my oolleagnes, they will doubtlees .00llectively or each for himself do asl have ,done, do what is necessary in, the premises. Brazil hsui been admitted, Into the family of civilized nations, and being within the •pale ale must be re• quired to discharge the duties she hp voluntarily assumed, and be taught to prac a tice the international amenities of the g" This e. note appeared to have tiroughtt he Brazilians tti r- lheirketinseez-_The, °ovum-, ment at once yielded all that tieri:Welffi demanded and diplomatic relation, ware forthwith restored. HENRY RAYI4ONrI; Funeral Serviees at New York Fester= day—General Demonstration of Re 'meet. (Ba Tezearapi. to be Pittsbarzh Gazette.) NEW YORK, June 21.—The funeral ser vices of the late Henry J. Raymond took place - this afternoon in the Presbyterian Church, corner of Tenth street and Uni versity Place.l The entire edifice, ex cepting the portion reserved for the fam ily and intimate friends of the deceased, was crowded sully two hours before the impressive bin sad services com menced. The' rain, whidh fell at in tervals in torrents during the afternoon, did not prevent a larmatsieniblage of India's. At about half past five o'clock, after prayer at the house, No. 12 West Ninth street,' for the family, by Rev. Professor Shedd, the remains were re moved to the' Church, the pall-bearers being Mayor Hail, Admiral Farragut, - General Dix. General McDowelr, i Thur. low Weed, Judge Daly, Ex• Senator Mor gan, Wm. C. Bryant, Horace Greeley, B. F. Tracy, A. T. Stewart, M. H. Grinnell, George Win. - Curtis and C. C. Norvell. The chief mourners were• Mr. Raymond's son, his two 'broth era and brother-in.law. Mr. Geo. Jones, and others, the members of the Asso ciated Press, and nearly -all the promi nent journalists of this city. and quite a number from,pther parts of the country, were present, while the Times office was represented by nearly all the attaches of the establishment. The ceremonies at • the .church opened with I vol untary on the organ. Rev Dr. Stephen H. Tyng read the Ep acopal 3 ! service for4he dead. Rev. Henr Ward. Beecher delivered a touching eu logy of Mr. Raymond. Rev. Mr. Kellogg, pastor of thel church where the servicee were held, followed . with prayer, and Rev. Prof. Shedd pronotuicild the benediction. The coffitt was a very handsomrilise wood casket, silver mounted, a d was 1 inscribed simply • with the name .: and age' of deceased, and Yered with several beautiful wrest a ( of immortelles.. After the servic ,The lid was opened and ' the wole au d ience; passed in procession arou d the ' coffin each member taking a las look upon the remains of one of New ork's most respected and deeply loved, sons. The lid was again closed and the.co gre- ' gallon slowly dispersed. • The re sins, it is understood-- were le ft in the church during - ' to-nittht and isri I be privately interred to.morrow_at G een wood by the family. Mrs. Hay and 1 and daughters were present i the church during the ceremonies. Gov. Hoffman, though desirous of atten ing, was unavoidably detained at Al h tny. From the City Hall; other public ld. legs, hotels and the newspaper offices, Sage were displayed at half mast during the afternoon. The Bciard of Aldermen to-day adopted resolutions in honor to the memory of Mr. Raymond. CUBA": Review of Troopi—The Captured Steamer taken,. (By Telepseh to the Plttebuteh Gesette.) HAVANA June Acting Captain General, reviewed the volun teers op Saturday. ' The Spanish steamer Fernando Catoli ico sailed to-day with the : eaPtilred steamer Lahave tow for Kingicton, for the purpose of bringing the case before, the English Court there, for carrying articles contraband of war. The Spanish authorities refused to take action, as the Lahave was captured on the high seas. SECOND DITIOL FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. NEWS BY CAB CSy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 0 ette. I GREAT BRITAIN. LONDON, June 21,—The anno • ncement of the sudden death of Hery J. Ray. mood create a deep feeling of .orrow. The Pall Mall Gasette , eulaglzqii Mr. i . Raymond as a publicist and _jcurnalist, and says his death creates a_ gap which cannot be filled. - ~ Theßaily Telegraph, in asi ilar arti cle,r3R sap' in private life Mr ,Raymond was amiable, courteous, loyal and hoe. pitable, and he was beloved by all, even when opposed to Many In polit es. In the House of Commons thi evening, Sir John Gray, member tor ilkenny, asked- the government if there was - any reason to apprehend further troubles In Ireland and if thelmilita force in that' country was to be etre gthened. Mr. Fortesque, Chief Secretary for Ire land, stated the Government was in formed Mr. Johnson, a prominent - Orange leader in Ireland, had called a meeting to celebrate the anniversary of the 12th of July. This was not an act of hostility to the Government,) but the practice of increasing the military foreo in Ireland about the time of This anni versary was never more neces ary than in the prevent year. In the House of Lords to-n ght Earl Gray gave notice that he should move to omit in the Irish Church bill th t portion of the preamble which provides that the property or proceeds of said ChUrch shall not be held orapplied for the maintain ance of any church or clergy ,or other ministry, or for the teaching of religion. It is reported the Cambridge 'boatmen will withdraw-from the match with the Harvard Club.' - FRANCE. Pairs, June 2L—M. Schneider has . been reappointed' President of the Corps legislatif, and Alfred Leronk, Baren Jerome, David and Durnral, nee Presi .deuts. BREST, June 21.—The Great Eastern. has arrived and the splice td the shore end of the cable will soon be :ade and the new cable under way. • PARIS, June 21.—Ismael Pas a, Vice roy of Egypt, leaves for London to mor row. BREST, June 21.—A banquet w given on board the 'steamship Great Eastern last night. Toasts were drank honor of Emperor Napoleon, Qdeen Victoria, and President Grant, and to the \ union of Francs, England and America. At an'earl3r hour this morning the shore 11n8 and sea .Atable were spliced,- and at -4 0-44...UWAyieidonput,tg, au, the Great Eastern p yThrtipt-the:oabt•with: ease and - rapidity. Dispatches received from on board the steamer show the' work bigoing on without interrup ion. GEgINANY. BERLIN, June. 21.—The Zollyerei . Par liainent having rejected the priposed duty on petroleum, Count Bismar ck de clared that the .Prealdenoy of the ri Zoll- yerein would not consent to any re sicn of the actual duty unless the Chamber reconsiders its action. The duty on su gar has passed. The session will close to-morrow. SPAIN. Idir.,As, June 21.—Slight tumults °o ccurred here yesterday. The military was called out, but met no resistance. All is quiet now. Count Torre, Prefect of the. Province, has issued a proclann tion threatening to lake severe measures. to suppress outbreaks, •if they are re newed. MARINE NEWS. LIVERPOOL. June 21.—Theceteamships Manhattan, Tarifa, Dacian, Wiper and Virginia have arrived from Newlin*. BRtIIIY, JUDO 21.—The titearnabili' Villa de Parte, from New York, arrived to-day. LONDONDERRY,. June 21.—The steam ship Peruvian, from Quebec, has arrived. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. LONDON, June 21.-Consols for money at 92%, for account 92%. •Five-Twenty Bonds 80%, do. Frankfort 86%@86%. Eries 20, Illinois 9434. PARIS, June 21.-Bourse dull. litanies 70f. 17c. LIVERPOOL, June 21.-Cotton active; uplands at 12%@12%; Orleans at UN@ 1234; sales of 18,000 bales. California white wheat 9s. 9d., rod western Bs. 10d. Flour 235. Corn; No; 2- mixed at 275. 6d. for new, 288. 6d. for - --t r old. Oats 3s. 4d. Barley Bs. Peas 375. 6d. • Pork 995. Beef 90s. - Lard 725. Cheese 78a. Bacon 625. 6d. Common Rosin 511., fine 16s. I Spirits Petroleum Bd., refined Is. 7d. Tallow 445. 6d. Turpentine 27e. 6d. Linseed Oil 82s. LONDON. June 21.---Linseed Cakes 9s. 18d. Linseed Oil dull. Tallow 445. 3d. Sperm 011 .955. Sugar 395. NI. Jinn, spot easier afloat. Whale 011 4s. 10d. Cal .outta Linseed 60$. 3d. , ANTWERP, Julie 21: 7 -Petroleum firm at 47% francs. I I HAVRE, June 21.--Cotton at 145 franca, OD spot. CINOINN ATI. The Assault Upon a Revehtte Officer— Died While Bathing—launigrams. (By Telegraph to she Pfttsbargh G l aciate.] CINCINNATI.. June 21.—George and William Setter, tobacco manufacturers, for the assault made on Revenue Agent Hoagland, were today lined - in the Po lice Court and held In one thousand dol lars each ta keep the ;peace for one year. -Frank-- H. - Thompson 4611: dead this morning from epilepsy, while bathing. Fifty-eight, German ; emigrants fron2 Bremen by way of Baltimore, arrived here to-night .by the Marietta Railway. The non-resfilent tax-pavers met to day and passed resolutions favoring a Vote for the Southern Railroad on Satur day. . • . . • , Cuban Junta In Custody. CBg.Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW Yorts, June Alfero, Colonel W. A.' Ryan, Captain J a m es yeters and Messrs. Ackerman and Sire. derfor, Members of the OubinVJunts. were arreeted this evening and lodged in the - Ludlowletreet jail on an Information lodged against them by the Spanish Minister that they intended to Violate the neutrality law. • 1 -THE CAPITAL. (By telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) • WASHINGTON, June 21, 1869. GOLD SALES AND. BOND PURCHASES. After the close of the present &cal year, June 80th, and until,, further instead' - of weekly purchtiSes of lxinds and sales of gold, the Secretary of the Treasury will purchase one million dial lers in bands on alternate weeks, com mencing Thursday, July let, and will sell one million dollars of gold alternate weeks, comniencing Thursday, Juli , Bth. The Assistant Toasurer at New York tars been instructed accordingly. TRADE RELATIONS WITH SHE canAtitAsh. On the 12th 'net:: Secretary Fish ad dressed an official Dater to the British Minister, informing him of the action of the House of Representatives at the last session, recommending the renewal of negotiations for the arrangement of trade with Canada, and inviting Mr. Thorn ton's co-operation withra view to the ne gotiation of,a Convention covering the , interchange of products r five naTigatios. of the St. Lawrence, freedom of the Gulf and in shore fisheries, and such other matters as may be embraced iri the general subject of trade rela tions between the United States and Canada. The British Gr..vernmerit has given the Canadian authorities the prac tical control of these sutiects, so far as they are concerned, and TA is expected that Canadian Commissioners will arrive here immediately •to confer with the Assistant British Minister In the consid eration Of the proposed Convention. RETURN or THE PRESIDENT. President Grant and family returned. to Washington this evening. COLORED TUMORS ORDERXD.- To-clay Judge Fisher,presiding In the Criminal Cann, ordere the Marshal , to summon o_l:lumber of colored citizens to till "vacanales in the Grand and Petit Ju ries. Before the close of the week.the now element will be presented among the white jurors. THE PRINTERS' TROUBLE. rc is generally admitted that Douglass, the colored comparator, will be continued at the government . printing office, ir respective of any society action. To-day three compositors resigned. One of them, a cripple, declared he would not work with a negro. Another court:Oates was discharged: E!I - REVESIIE RECEII7S. The recelpta from Internal Revenue to day were one million and thirty-two thousand dollars. PACIFIC Arrival of Senator W ade and Others at *au Frantisco--Gold Hunters for Alasta—Revolution to Tahatt Island. {Br,Tv.tursoll to the rittabsrits Eissette.l Sena;n; Wade, Senator Roscoe v cOnklirgs and party have arrived, from the east. The Pulman F!alace car party left Sacramento for New York. June 19th, accompanied by Governor Blaisdell, of Nevada, and other prominent Nevadlans and Califor nians. A. schooner sailed hence last week car rying,a party of prospectors for the gold fields of Alaska. A. small boat of the United States steamer Mohican was sunk by the Oak land ferry boat June 18th, resulting in the drowning of midshipman William A. Lout, of Augusta, Maine. A large quantity of yplum received by the steamer. Great Republic, has been seized by the Revenue authorities for violation of the Customs laws. Tahiti advices to May llth, announce another revolution in that island. The Governor of Tahiti. Count de Ronclere, proclaimed his intention of establishing a new form of internal government and proceeded to arrest M. kloyer,the Ondon atteur. and M. Wallazer, recently arrived from France as Procurer Imperial, Chef ti? Justice Judiciaire, by appointment of the Emperor, who disapproved any change in the recognized Government, accusing them of conspiracy against his person. No communication is permit ted; even writing materials are forbid. den them. Orders were immediately issued to prepare the French transport. Chevort for sea, with the object of remov ing M. Boyer from the Island before the arrival of Governor Ronclere's suc cessor. There — is great indignation and excitement among the people of Tahati, anti the arrival of the Governor's LAlC cossor is anxiously anticipated. .M.EBIPHIS Railroad Employe Murdered—A Muni cipal Brawl—July . Interest on City Bonds—Mlurdered by Indians. Rumen's, June 21.—Wm. Winters, an employe on the Memphis and Louis ville Railroad, was shot and afterwards beaten to death withihe.butt of a pistol by an Irishman named Milden, at Ma son's depot. hillden escaped. Robert Ti. Smith, formerly sheriff of this county, dropped dead in Fropt Row this afternoon while in a fit. At a special meeting of the Board of Aldermen this afternoan, Mayor Left wich asked for leave of absence, and appointed Alderman Black Mayor pro tem. The Board refused to confirm the appointment and eletted Alderman Mar shall, whereat the Mayor became • ex cited, denounced the Board, with few exceptions, as a set of thieves and rob. berg, and withdrew his application' for leave. The'noeting adjourned in great disorder. It is almost certain that ,a special tax will be levied to meet the July interest on city bonds. The Fort Smith Herald of the 12th, re. ports the killing of a girl named 'Mar gust, aged 17, residing near the State line, by five Choctaw Indians, who es caped to their nation. The girl bad in terfered to save her mother, whow Indi ans were threatening to kill, when they shot her through the head. A man named Cooper was shot and killed in Maray county last week, while trying to kill a constable who was at tempting to arrest him. —lt is ',understodd that the Chicago Elevator men are not dieposed to comply with the wishes of the Board of Trade, as indicated by the resolutlone passed on Saturday, at least not for the pristent. It is said that they will hold off Until the bulk of the grain now in the coun try shall have Watt sent to market. i ll riot of Capt. Donaldson at St. Louis. [By Tolegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) I ST. Louis, June 2l.—The interest in the`Donaldson trial is ' increasing since the defenas opened. The court room to ddy was densely crowded. The first witness for the defense was Mrs. Eliza Ryan, washer and ironer 'on the Great Republic. Oh the way up, when the boat was beloir Cairo, Anderson came to the ironing -room toget some clean shirts for the Captain. She took the Shirts and laid them on his left aim; just then the .negro boy Glover came in and going over to Anderson put hits hand on the bundle, crumpling one of the shirts. Anderson told him they were the Captain's shirts- and he bad better. lege them alone, using the words " um you, those ere the ientakle shirts." Glover cursed nine tu re-. turn, whereupon Anderson polled out seine money . from his pocket and said he did not care; that when he got to Catth he had means to pay his board. GiOver drew forth a pistol from hiti bosom and partly levelled it at alb:Wor sen, saying "you• will net want any m' ey when .you get there." Mrs. Ry n then laid her hard on one of . them and told them to be inlet anct go about their business. About three-quarters of an hour after this the T i steward (MeA.nally) came into the lion ingroorn and arrested 'Mover, putting a pair of handende upon him, ha offering no Irealstance. She did not hear of the death of Anderson until aftershe left the. boat ; beard. of the arrest of Danaldsem but said nothing about the above oc carrence until about tizee weeks ago; thinks it was during the present _ month, but coo neither remember tho date, hour, or day of thcrweek,. except, that was not Sunday. She saw Mc- Anally, the stewart, in the back-yard of herihouse, and they entered into a con- verisation; during that interview she told- Mid the above story; he appeared to• be waiting. to see her, and when eh/ came out he asked her what she knew about this case, and she then related about the quarrel and! the drawing of the pistol.. Upon. cross•examinatiou she sate sue was a Catholic, but had not gone to confession for,aome years, and of late went very. rarely to church on Sunday. Didn't know Glover and Anderson had ever had anydiffieulty before. The pistol Glover drew_was similar to the one in Court, but belted it partially covered with his hand. JOhn - MeAnallg t the Istewarci of the Great Republic, was next called. He stated that. he had been employed on boardthe boat on 'and off since its third trip.{ After the shooting 'he was not armed. As steward he had charge of the [cabin hands. After . . Glover re fused to do , the work be set him at at; he put another in his place; some of the men came to him and told him there wee a flaseparnong the hands; he went up and [at the pantry saw a crowd; saw Anderson in the Etat of going awajr.;.bade them all go to work or he would put the at in lonia 11XItt they - 'did ge to work; he ld Snot "litritrt Amterabit ar thi ng; ,hands "prescan - - sud some of them appeared stubborn, but he ha* am- fuss with them. He said that if Glover • bad told him he was. sick he wbuld not have ordered him to go to work; when he did tell him to comb, he said he would not. He stated In refer ence to the character of Capt. Donaldson that he was kutfiet, peaceable man, in fact too much so; he never knew him to carry either a knife or a pistol, or any other[ weapon; never saw tbe—Cientain drunk. He beard that Anderson never , spoke to him, an he was "not present when Anderson was handcuffed; hasaw him handcuffed after he was dead. When he put Glover in the baggage-rooin he took. no postol from him. In cross examination it ap ,peara that McAnally had takrza, a great, deal of interest in the case &milted been. very active in securing the attendance of Mrs-Ryan. He bad tried to obtain board for her. and seemed very desirous of se curing her atitandance. The general outline of the defense would appear to show that upon the ne gro Glover will 'an attempt be made to throw the guilt of the affair and prole that hi) and not Capt. Donaldson killed Ante sou. Base Ball at Philadelphia. CBT Te egraph to the Eltpiborith Gazette.] Pn LADELPHIA, June 21. About twent thousand persons witnessed the game of base ball between the Red Stock nes and Athletics of this city. The Athie les were short in their pitcher and their play was not up to the usual stand. 'ard, prhile the Red Stockings played well, inaking but few misplays. The game esulted In favor of the Cincinnatis by a score of 2? to 18, as follows: Cincinatis...2 5 0 1 0 9 5 0 5.L.27 Athle ic5......0 1 11 1 1 6 1 7 1-18 i —A a special meeting of the Board of trade . f St. Louis, last night. a report was r Lad from a Committee, appointdd for that purpose, in regard to the bridge now being built to cross the Mississippi river id Keokuk, lowa. The report shows seyersil violations of the law governing the cOnstrution of bridges across the Mississippi and pronounces this bridge a den 4erous obstruction to the navigation of theiriver. The report is quite scien tific add points out the precise manner in which; this bridge will obstruct naviga- tion and endanger property. President Shryobk avowed that the parties build ing bridges acros 'the Mississippi river did so with the deliberate desigri,of obstructing navigation by damlrie the river as much as possible, and make the people of the northwest unwilling victim' of railroads. He had heard such statements openly made. He advised the entering of a formal protest *mann the building of the Keokuk bridge on the present plan; 1 and if the -law, was not strictly complied with to serve out an injunction and stop work.. He also said that the - receipts of grain at St. Louis had quadrupled since the efforts made to cheapen transportation onthe products of the northwest and the Organization of the Grain Assoi3lation. —The supplementary concert of the Peace . Festival took place in the Coil " Boston, Sunday night. before an audience of fifteen thousand, and proved a great stiocese. Five thousand choris ters, with Madame Parepa Rosa, Adelalde Phillips and Ole Bull, Participated. The concert was conducted by :Messrs. Gil more, 7,eitrahan and Eichberg. In most of the tharchecon Sunday. allusion RIM made by the'pastors to the great moral accomplishments and effecta of the Peace Festival. The commendation wan unanimous. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —President Grant and family left New York for Washington yesterday morning. —The stake money in the lirleCoole- Allen prize tight has been given to Mc- Coole. —vernor Clailin, of Ma chusetts , has tio signed the Prohibitory L iq uor Law, to go into effect July first. —The frigates Savannah 'and Macedo nian, of the Practice Sq adron, left Fort. ress Monroe on Monday on their annual cruise. —Daniel Scott, a wel known auction. eer of Chicago, has a nded, leavitg deficiencies tothe e tof ten totwenty thousand dollars. —John Kinney, of Newark, New Jersey, on Sunday quarreled with his • wife, and seizing an ax inflicted -.a'fatal wound upon her head. —Charles H. McDonald, aged sixteen years ;employed In the Republican office, at Frederick, Md., committed suicide.on Monday morning by taking laudanum. , —Vice President Colfax spent Monday at Springfield, Mash. as. the guest of Samuel Bowles, and leaves to-day to visit Senator Morrill. at Stratford; Ver mont. —The towoat Bengal Tier Is en route to St. Louis b from Dubuqu g e with 1,000 tons of ice, 32,000 bwaliels of wheat, and 13,000 bushels of oats, adding 17,000 bush eh of corn at Keokuk. —At Buffalo, Sunday night, Thomas Myers, released from the' Auburn State- Prison in March last, stabbed Michael Cochran in three places, inflicting fatal Wounds.. Myers is in Rel.. . --Fifty prdminent St- Louis firms have guaranteed the Merchants Exchange, or Grain Association, against loss in the ex periment of bringing an ocean steamer from New 'York and loading her for that , port. —The continued wet weather is be coming a serious cause of alarm to - Ill inois farmers. IThiess there is a change soon the corn crop, in 3toithern and middle Illinois. wilf come• near proving a , failure. ' —The boiler of a locomotive on the. Reading Rallroaclvexploded at Mahoning - Plane, Schuylkill county, Sunday even lag,l9th. George Wilson, the engineer, was instantly killed r and the .fireman beAllY injured. - John F. Cheek,. Clerk of Dear born county, Indiana, died yesterday afternoon.;, He held many offices of honor • and - profit, was a gallant and meritorious of in the late war, and was univer sally respected amsegst a wide circle of friends. . , • —Monday morning a-special tzain from - Sacrarnitnto s California, reached Chicago, „ bringing the wife of'Gen. Stanfbrd,.Pres (dent of the Central Pacific Railroad, her children, servants and friends. The train consists of two elegant ears which were , built at Sacramento. —The firstexecution in South Carolina; under the reconstruction otthe State got 'ernments_ took. plat*. at Arlington Cenrt Amalie ou Friday of last week. Cyriis Cox,' a negro,: was heuited for - the murder of a white man in January last, confess ing his guilt on the Scaffold. The execu tion passed off quietly. The Sheriff and ministers as well asinost of the specta tors lbeing negroes. —Between seventy and eighty thou sand dollars is the total value of the an. gar, coffee, pepper and cigars seized at St. Louis last month by the Surveyor of the Port, for alleged fraudulent with drawal front the Custom House at Ntsv,, Orleans. - The property has been tritinii. s. &fi '/ Jarred to bonded warehouses forty merchants have beeu innocently involved in the transaction. —Judge Joseph R Allyn, of Hartford, Connecticut, formerly one of the United States Judges of Arizona Territory who died recently at Paris, left by will 5,000 each tolite Orphans' Alylum, Ha ford Hospital, Hartford Charitable jay and Young • Men's Institute ; /55, iii for the erection of a piece ,of statuary i the Park; 62,500 to Gideon Wells and Wil lien Faxon, late of the Navy Depart •• ent, who were warn personal frien. :, and the remainder of his estate to relati • es. —The Supreme Court of Illinol. has just rendered a decision approvin the validity of, the provision of the c , arter of Chicago, requiring fereign ins. mice company agencies in.that' city . pay two dollars on every undred do an of premium received. The case was hat of Arthur C. Ducat vs. the Cityof C cago, in which 'he claims from the city $3,756.39, the amount-of tax whi hhe had paid to the city as agent for :veral New York insurance companies, it being claimed that the law had no right o dis criminate between home and f.reign companies in this respect. The • : was decided for defendant by the S :rior Court of Chicago, and that has no been' aftirnied'on appeal. In consequ :rice of this decision the city has coat enced suit against twenty-five agents, t. com-- I pel them to pay back the tax, • hich they have heretofore neglected to do. Auother 4atelde, The body of Nelson Henry, la., mail agent on the West Penn's. Railro ,;was found in a grove near Apollo, Arm trong county, Sunday, under oircumstan- , s in- dicating that he had committed s ' , aide. lie had been drinking liquor for ome weeks past and was Miming nn •er a temporary - aberration of the mind and had threatened to destroy himself. He w a s s een i n A po llo Friday, at hich time he was laboring under great m , ntal excitement. It im probable that he shot himself, as there was a bhilet hole through his body, passing throng a .o heart, and an empty pistol was f. d near the body when dimmers& The deceased was a steady you ng man, nna of respectable Parents, who reside is Kittanning, Armstrong county. He was about twenty-eight years of age. An inquest was held on the body, when the Jury returned a verdict to the effect that he came Roble death by a shpt from wgun held in his own band. The body was removed to-the residence of his pa. rents. Additional Markets by Telegraph. Ostioaao, June 21.—At the Opm Board a fairly active demand existed for No.-2 spring wheat, the market closing at i 4 24 seller for the month. Considerable was doing in No, 2 Corn. sales beidg made at the close at 67.ti0 seller ally, and 70c. buyer July. In the evening there was v little ery doing. No. 2 spring wheat closing at 11,25 seller the month. No. ,2 corn sold to a moderate extent at 88 . a seller July. Oats were unmentioned„ 'Provisions lifeless. • - 'll 4,, El H