STEEL WORKS. DIIQI4SNE WORKS. COLEMAN, RAHM & Manurscturers of IRCoNi-, NAILS, .STEEL, • ~..AXILESI AND: SPITINCS, • 1104,17V181A40 a earD ~1111WLITA• -MAT H OOPB AND 567 &RE IRON. N_AND, _SELEET AND WANR - IITONt • • soILBR PL 4.T.NS AND HEADS, .___- GUARD IRO DRAki and DROPPER B ASE, 0 BLARGAT; BABA, OxLINDICR • '&01:G *LAT NAIL, for boat Roads. BANS,WEDGES & HARROW TEETH. - • • i '-- . -..11 11, _PLow /LIM CULTIVATOR' STEEL, EL TIRES, AND MOULDS cut to pattern. •.. EL MRS, sTAEL SHAFTING, A. B. 2 c . •-• Atil. BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and . 'OUT AILS AND SPIRES. i 4 All Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND 4-oititB: Mixt&lizath Street and , Allegbertyalver, mid 11-Water Street, Pittsburgh.. - iehe , SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NIMICK & aa PITTSBIIIIOII. Pa.. Mannfactiirere of every deeerfotlon of CAST . AND , GEADIAN STKEL, RATLW BPAINGS, ELLL. aIC AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, IC., ad Warehouse, 83 Water and 100 First Ste. =ER, BAR & PARKIN 612C111M.L,' PABTIMEI WM. iffETcAs.r,.REUBEN MILER, I exo. W. BARR. CHAS. PARKIN. BEILCIAL .111. EIKE. CRESCENT ,srazz. WORM% KELLER, BARB & PARKIN, • °Mae, No: MO =terry St, itttda PA.: lALACIL DIAMOND - • STEEL WoittS. PARR BROTHER & CO., Nitandlieturers of all,desariptions of IST3DI COMIce and Warelionse, TRERTIWTH, THIRTY YOST sad RAILROAD =RESITS, IRON' WORKS. Jul. Viuuniat, Presn..... W. P. PORTIB. Milt% pITTSBITUGH FORGE AND itssurAcrunssii ay Raw iron; ltallroad Flab Rats sad •Bolts; Railroad Car Axles . Rolled; Ridlitiad Car Axles Hamoseradt -Lltisomotive Fralltell; LomMotive Prime Shapes; • Side Rods; Yokes, Straps; - Piston Heads; Steamboat JERI:SW Steamboat Crams, Piston Rods, Wrists; Pittman Jaws, Cidlars, tee. Office, No: 177 PENN STREETS Prrrastamii PA. MRSIRESEN PROCESS. The Trturtees US now brepered toirrsat Mew. en tor Limner! of the 3.I,LERSELAIIBISN no superior quality. itOp .alleg to Road lbOrutiargroyemant ! inferior lowa, malls rirou.od cod coat, coma:mud It to all manufacturen of Parties wiiLtni toitie it can obtain licenses by applying to JADIES:P: -- SPEEIt. u• :.tidorztei for.the l'susteesq 1360113 :1-and 51. .Suglishos Stabling, - 96)/ 'Vas t* "Guile. "1 vi "A . te'yiat the, Parties intetested, te 5110LESISEHLS WUB.KII. Where? the ' roeetsis new in. uneeessint • • - EVERSON 'SaRESTON it CO . -Works. , Warehouse. Nos. lea - andle7 11711.8 T gposyotonjuitcliftallat main* PITTEIBUtion '';.'.i . .ilii46',.'ilji*lbtit• :5.'....!'..' 3COM X. coorza...; "- • JOHN hi.,OPEE ,& CO., Bell 011:11rassFamidm CMITINGS MADE' 2.IIO3EPTSY O,IIDIM. maleaterneorly i4‘Tilllg§, Gas 'AND Tlliipl9, • 711TIAN, ALL i.krTzuziir.) 1:1L - tON CCOCID* L Brass Work of every description fqr Steam. Water and OIL 11111137ACTIIR#4A 14:104. Improved Balance:Wheal Item Pulp. Agent* for Dreyfus.' Patent oult - eri, the ?met in the Market. mos mid aforrierrTi Sali Ptka - Mk, COAL AND COKE. 00111.1,110Alitt idOALitt DICKSON, STKWART & CO., - (Lately City noes biIUISZOOND ZL0011: r E e R I IST roma wan rarGez lowest aor t price. AU orden left at their aloe, or addressed to than through the Mans will be attended to proseptar, SW`Arft:IITV‘73: XinflAticur cime,- 121INGERLIt &CLEIB_ 2 _IM, osl is ream Lithorrapkto xatabils e bnient et_aof nutting. Boatmen *yetioz Son euk Mad= lt. • Nos. sad TO P/Sta • FOUNDERS, MAOHIMEITS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY OO!P A NY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, ! Englnet, Bolling MR Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Be torts, and Castings.generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY Corner Carroll and Smalllinanlitreeti, WILLIAM SMITH, CAST IRON BOWL PIPE My Pines are all east Invariablyln Pits, In dry sand. and 151 feet lengths. Also, full assortment of general Casthqrs for Gas and Water Works. • , , I would also eall the attention oiLlimvintend ents of eaa Works to my make of m.wroßTl3. DUQUESNE , FORGE.. WILLLIKIIILLER, (Successor to JOS. P. HA1011 . 4 00.,) Has' ihdlities eo•extenslye with the leading Forges in the East, and isprepared to promptly and satisfactorily MI all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS, CRANES, PISTON ROD 4 ._ir.virms, PITMAN . JAMS, WRISTS, RAILRO AD AXLES. LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, _t4mether with every description of SHAPE WORE. Office and Forge, Corner of Dagneine Way and First Street. aPlOh4O • PPTrsnUBoB. ROBINSON, REA: & CO., ancestors to solsronsoN, Mum s Itln+sts, WASHINGTON -WORKS, • FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Eanullitarers of Bost snd Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, MU Machinery, Gearing, Slitting, Castings of all descriptions: Oil Tanks and Stills , _Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. St reets. Mice, No. 1.11, corker, Pint and Smithfield • , Agents for GLTPARD'S PATENT LNJZOTCOR fbr feeding Boilers. , • AG:IW rraomas & co., Fouith Ward Foundry and lacitine Works, SANDUSKY IiTL ALLESENNYCITY. /Pua l n l ithi C kSnnhn'n O g f Steam U d M W a , Olt Wenrnnk, Rollng , Mill a me nd Machine Cstingw U W B o, Weights, Wagon Boxes, Le. Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. - • mvit:qs FOUNDRY !OLL WORKS BEMP Penn Street. . BOLPUN,"itk r ip & Bann'. lEolls, Ball chistlairs, - 801 l Lathes. La. WARING Commission ezelutz4s anC Broirers la Petroleum and Hita Products, DWELL'S MOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, mir.irmLnu&Anwilma, Boom 17, 4rinaper of Coiimunves, Pt!OAT I II BZOOND ECLIPSE PErfIOLEUM ,REFINERY, •-. 11E1113 1 ifice. MEDDLE, •'. ).. hiAMDP#CTErftRit OP • '• • Lubricating & High Test Burning,Oils. Eclipse Railroad Azle OIL ' - Rands teat Mitt _without chan g e; remains limpid a trirest _temperatures. lipcchtl Ull for tropical hetateirorhOt weather. Locomotive, Engine, Machine Shop, ,WilleatAttreee. : - -... .:. ,r. ~ • saw . A`ol and Phoning MLR Olia, lAd forhigh_speed. Oil, O 6'011; - Wol MiadALight o, 01 Tas R mers , Segt IBehsale, - gi !g& Wit Ishingoll, iluao , i sm arlielis 9111, !.. . . , Payrolls's,— .. ARROEVABNMIIc to preserve Bright hos {porkfid Machinery Drotoilust. •,, , The productS are inattenietareiLithier . Dr. igred c'..._Pittent..by_Bnperheated Stem in Pio ).-- The Luorputing Mei are almost'oriorlese, perfeCtly pure, _uniforms. and: most ihrat ool &red.:stand s Mithdeasperatire itanipett. ant main limpid during extreme cold. The Railroad Ohs are lanetitudied, and are In constant umi on Many of the principal Railroads. Samples can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD BTBEZT, Works at itharpsburg Bridge. TACK 1010THRIM ..mxturr amia vomMfd AND DIALZWI IX Petrbleam and its Products, I Lifff; eoraortlll4 sul a irga ra amts. n dyLis 011oe—LIST WALNUT IT. • inno • DIAMOND otiCWORBA. ; H. M. LONG & CO., joik*PALlagiLituiroitio.; fen Duquesne Way. Plttaburida. Pa. -r PVAVNY I . woßgs turzoksuusis „ NOVELIT, Y*, WORI[B.- • l'ouutteil,ll.lll/ &DAMS. MILEE ar, isreroisaTAtimutro mileak pay_ -TANTRATVORICAND TXR • SCALES.' r rrM a latriaiggalta L, 00311331 OP PIUT AVENUE 6 GMT 8T& AND PIPE WORKS. ( MW/ WARD.) prx-reuvrtoza, .10 IManufeseturer of FOR GAB ...tarp *ATER WORKS AND R OILS. KIR Gy KAII7/WITVEXIIB OW ritildbanra, Pena% PrltSßUldit-. 2 44.44.1 . MONDAY,- -4f369: ENGINES, 1301LETU3, &e. ar..0111.4 :: Boi,; : & CO., Can Point Alley and Dwane/Ai (isAB Tim !opt%) liniiinr Builders ' , Founders laid Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES, of all slam Arattention inv ited ' to Our ninSTATION EItLL 6GLIZ AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 14-horsenpower. OASTINGf every kind, made to order atour Foundry( on THIRD STRE ,ET below Market. ' BIOS •for- 011-Wells, SHAFTING pHLLKYS, HANEIE HOUSE and TOBAOGOSOREWf3 and RO,TOB FARSHEs, outland and ntada Ordercadthe - INDUSTRIAL WORKS. , Fronting on the Ailegbeny River, near the Point, pITTE,S.I933:IBH. PAL Sr/P All orders promptly lllled, TEY US. FORT BOW STILL AND T WattlES. CARROI+ : & . ,BNTDER,I 141runoTinuess _ . TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLUED TIMM FIRR-NOX. 4ND ' CYLINDER STEAM BOIL OI. STILLS AND OIL TANK& CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS, SETTLINGRS,. PANS, SALT PANS AND ECON STEAM PIPEE, 6AF3OMETEBS AND LEON BRIDGES maw DOORS AND COAL swims _ • OSlee and Waielionse. earner See° , g 1 Third. Short and Liberty Streets PITtSBURGH, Pa , . . Si" Orders Sent' to the above address will be promptly attended to: mh7:1860 1917 M. HAIINHILL & CO" w . , B OILER ,MAICERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, • . • . NOS. 80, 22, 114 AND IS PENN ST. • Having secured a large yard and furnished. It With the moat approved machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL WAS In the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimneys, Breeching. Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans, Boiler Iron,_Brldges. Sugar Pans, and sole mannZacturen ot Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shortest notice. lathda JAMES M. BITER, Noe. 55 and 56 Water Street, PITTSBURGH, PA., inAstrrAmlniss OP IRON OIL TANKS, sarrumf ram, corrza trrmuK PIPE. BOLLIIF9 MILL BTACILB,' And SEA= IRON WORK, • For Stedunbown. J411.11D Y. BRUSH.« ' D. =DWI JARED M. ''' ''' SON, ILLITI77ACTiIIIIII or Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. =MIT IRON lATOBIC. &CI 61 Pen, Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &. THE BEST. STOVES. A. BRADLEY ar. CO. /Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating. Staves, = TO at FOUND nit 2111/ STATE. gale W.nts for the celebrated Base Bening Oriental - Moves ant/Arun/ices for Hard Coal or Coke.alesi in the World for Parlor,Ofice, Store or Church. lire needs no rekindling—burns all win. tes. Donotb ay anti/ you see or : send for. Circular. • No. 30 WOOD BTREILT. Our Agents for Orientals—DM/DMZ/1 BROIL, 'Smithfield St.; OW. nutiLsr4 Allegheny City. GRAFF lIIIGUS 8c CO itLNII/LOTIIIIIVI or %vary vAinerr OP BOSTON COOKING BANGS!, `THE FIERY FURNACE," ./foo 'WAloorro ButworreL . . THE NEW ANTI-WM COOKING STOW,. •i6@ULATOB.+t COLVIIBLo. coati STOOK_ RANGE__ O t .giVin Pai n* VE RTAI "kI ra.lEoTalkelllTZS,lre rt from and flut e/IX/IC PIiMANTS, MINDLIDS. io.r 206 and 208 Liberty itreet, 4:y17 PITTBBUHOH. PA. COOK STOVES., CET THE.BEST. BISSELL * CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOR BIT117117.:NO CIS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Beast as oW araay ether likrye In the Video. BDRIELL & 00 , 935 Liberty ‘' Street. • • . Ar on be a d mad tor sale. - . • e ,t • GOOSING 011,8, MC. ~,,.,,,,, L ur0ip5LR:, . , . .......-,, . TP:RFPC D ,ERS_ 5 . - • ,• 1 • .. , . ~ . ilito oe • i t•p rii p ti r. rista,li t ._ , ... ,‘: • • WV 1 &NOV t o In ; , • • AO, 4 eit ,It 0 44,0a15t, •• , ,1 .111, Ana U,nts ropier* ~.1 . ,.., lit t ry SLar amt nit; , if OW,POss,Noarns; • c 1 SOO t• 01100 It:14011C _ 000.00,0, 0.,1 mom klaglnao Main , • 4006 ~ .„, • ,„, 000,000 o,,•1 10-Inoh Masa. sawed; .icE No. 1-10 ,, Inch as, slusafal '4 , fire arlok; .- Me Tile. JOU _Tpos fire Clayt. • - Also; Oay.. mu* -Limber; • actin ai d: C e dar roots, &Di all articles In the tine on bead andfor sidolLAlo,l4Wigr n PATTEUnON. , Yards o. 16 7 • •=soos. s t am/tomer or Prone aid Jallota 0 tee lIIZ warit4AUsgbaly, late bor (Mal at atsuanostor. ~ z• • - •• ,• :, avll WEIGHTS AM) ISEIASUREIB. por' B. LYON; cr • 'eater-et-Weights and Meagartit _ elletweerk3iiliertria4 Per* 4114111k*• *Mars promptly atiaided tq split • AMERICAN BANK. NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. _ CABS cAPITAL . • • • 1i)200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. ' 1 BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT.: . JOHN FLOYD . WM. FLOYD, l President. Cashier. ° ' , DIEZOTOBS,, ~' • , ) $, Thos. M. Marshall, . John H. Hartland, 4 -1 Hartland,., 'I% Shannon, ' Archibald Wallace, 1 .71 James W. Arndt, Jas. D. Kelly, l. Chas. B. Leech, Wm. Floyd. . . 1 . - John Flo, let . .' ' . .f • ! ' • . This Bank* aog (uUy organized hid:preps.* to do a general Banking buaness. .. jelok43 ~.., , , ~ FORT PITT BAN ah G COMPANY; ' No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL; :: : noo,ooo. lITOCKNOI:DERB INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES AND .COLD. • INTEREST ALLOWED ON WREN DEPOSITS. -C !, HOHeetlona nude on all unearth's point. In the Bolted illates and Canadea. 5 Drazerorts: D. Hostetter, Jno. C Blain% James Gordon, Bobt. H. Haw. D. Walluce, Andrew Bailer, B. Fawcett., James M. Halley. ISAWL. Me 1179A.441 iimq,.c4csanot & co., . BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood prrurosistrnorr, 1.4.. 1311001088018 TO HANNA, HARTS 00.0 mamma Ow Exchange, Coin, Coupons; Lad pp 0 4 .4 A:l2 to the purclaat e COVERNMENT BONDS. alight Drafts on London. faylkatlS . NHOILBIEB * SONS, • 57 Market Street, 1 2 1"1"T'r€113113iFiCilE1, P. Collections made on all the principal points of the United Slates and Canadas. . • Stochs,Bonds and other Seenritieti Bovetim L D BOLD ON coloasszoN. Partici:der attention paid to the purchase esti ' sale of United States Securities, 'mow JAY COOKE & CO. 313EtrOmera 114 SOUTH I'ILIRD STREETi PHILADELPHIA. STOCKS and BONDS of all descriptions. bought and sold: SPerdillittentionigiven to theinirchsie and tale of blorerninent Securities. - MUD 1, CITY BINS. • ' 11 z Fifth Street, rittsbiugh • •- L I CAPITA, 11100.009. STOEIIififiDERS 'INDIVIDUALLY • .• 1 WIEST PAID iiNiiEPOSMTH • • • FOREIGN . itYCHANGE 1 ix - o*g and sold, and when desired remitted toj Earn. Collections made ' all the principal? points of the United Elates and Canada. l os Lion inuSsor President. i. •-• :Meta SlOCann. Vice President. Joule B. 1108 X ST. Castaer. • • ... DlRS,c2Ofiti. • t D. Ibmeen. • dames VicCabe. I "Themes iloorke, • -' John Savage. 4 J. ilinnlevy; Jr., ' Terence Camphell, ban. B. ' Thome., Barnes, Hunts Keating- : Jel;ks PEOPLES'. SAVINGS:WI Of Allegheny. CORNER FEDERAL AND LACOCKSTREETS: CAPITAL • - • • • • • $100;000 StOCIEHOLDEIti"I24DIVIDDALLY LIABLE . Bank of Discount and Deposit. P513.114P1?-43. fi, g4RTtimi. - • butgrtnts. • • 5. H. Hartman, W. H. Burt, Henderson, tC. Pattarstm, • B&m el Dyet. B. B. W. Q. Gibson. ,(; ' my 21471 DOLLAR, SAVINGS BANK. 1 NO. , all . POOH' ii: li/2film . ~.. AIiC I P4 11 448.- 3 ._ re iN.IIH4O: -. .. , ..': ,, t, ASSETS , ~...119,315.9941 CIL Open daily,. Hinir 9 d'iliork A. W. in' 3 'o'clock/ f_. Y. and BATH/MAY _lll/H2t,ilitlB,.. froml may Ist so November lit. , from I to 9 bb 'b loc k:. PAZ /E . IN PTe E /P.f r ht Fplifirla.i. from 6. Co "I neonate ;received °tail gums or mot, less Mid!' I (INK DOLLAR and a dividend of the..pronts 1 11 adeludd twice year, a yr, in June and. December. Interest has been deelared semt-annualiriu June andaltoember since the Bank wits brganuled,' at ; thr late of six per cent,* Year? - • •, ' • Interest, -it not , drawa out, Is ` pl aced' to the e@; Creditor the depositor as principal, and beam Mir settle itt - drest fromthe Ist days ot June and '. Dectillber. compounding lark* ,a year, 'Without , troubling the depositor to cal), or event° present kis Pas sbo ok: • At this rata gamey will doubld in ' lessshan twelve years. theL . ' h'. ROOks•eontaining Charter,' By- aws, Males• and Regulations, furnished gratis, on applies tioa st the °Mee. I l'ir.iiirdibrr-intOROVALTIP.Hir..2 . .. • - - - - Wlearnsitionrres: ' John G. Backothn, „, - A. M. Pollock, M. D.. enj. F. Falmustook, ,Rober_,t Robb, -• ', ,'• James Hardman, "John - 18 - . Shoehberger, ' James McAuley, Jame , Shinto. . - ' Junes B.'D. 'Maeda,' 'Alexander Speer, /sun kr.,Fannoek.„, t.: Christian Yeager. ... 1 • TILITEITXIIB2A. , , .. , y R:, ,- Wm. J. Anderson, . . Robert C. Loomisl . Calvin 4ris. ~. .. Hem J. Lynch, ', , ' Jokike, iddigy„,' ", petal A. Madeira, • George Black John Marshall, Hill: tidrgerin. •11,• , .'? .' . TrE P 4 llarslual. ,-• , Th.. Alonfo li t Carrier.? . , . o ti .9. Iltairadden‘ • . 4 0 - , 0 twounsku A., , 17Q, a,ns, - - `- , pnisettf t .ilinigaralt.. ; , Jebn4. , 4llllespld,_ -.',.„, ' irt u l i t i utilrtit: ~,,__, ftriPlut 1.: 1 1 ,RaM, 44 ,, k , , a . k ., 1 J . Kw% Win. P. n riman. 111.11A801122.-CH LLB A. ...,41.12r. illigairailg-a) B. D. Wall. x +r~l'i`.S~avxa~l,M..''`'. ,y t~'.~7,0~ J`t4~ $ ~ ~:-hix^ ~t~?X~ai~ ~'% ~+K K k~' \ '. ~. . FINANCIAL. Prejs't. ON. Cashier. I E 3 aocomaa, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. • - Pll. 11. MEERTZ, Banker Con WOOll and Fifth Streets. Lip T. BRuyr aft fauccessprs' 4:93. SONIIB do C 0..) Corner-I, l `ourth and Wood Sta., A.iv - im.m BUY AND BEL.. ALL KINDS OF 4310MMffM SECUItrAiES, 610Lp t SILTER . AND' COUPONS ON MUST PAVQBABLIE TERMS. Wir Intereet Allowed on Deposits. mar Money loaned on fkrsernment BSPIlds It lowest market rates. ' • Orderi executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. iAbiES V. BRADT & CO. GOVERNMENT "BONDS ! We will register eli kinds of Government Bonds free of olirge, This gives the holder ab solute security against theft,loss, or destruction. 'JAMES T. BRADY & Dealers in Government Bonds, ;.: COIL FOIMTSE & WOOD . STS. myiso2s' •, • ' littsinatg Gay*. FINANCE AND TRADE, Oman or PrmanTnon lammoTi7,l : SATuP.DAr, June 19, 1889. The - past week experienced a further decline in all values at the stock ex change. The heavy contraction of our"- rency by the Government, jointly with the locking up proceSsi of funds, bas made money ao scarce that 'even one= quarter per cent per day has been paid fbr•tire use of irover:night, thus depres sing:the market value of everything dealt in on Wall street. The large sales of gold took money ont'of the banks, whilst little came backfor bond purchases, and the United Statee intone tax withdrew an .edditional amount from (Aron- Wien. The natural course of the gold- market during the two - weeks just pain, would have been In anti-. alpation of large shipments in July to pay for Interest dudf.Europe, or high prices of bonds, which, foreigners were compelled to pay for our securities. Large amounts of coupons held by foreign holders have already been drawn and sold on the eve of the money crisis, which may be reinvested in bonds at low: rate. , A.s: matters now appear gold.may decline farther during the next two weeks, bet the very first week of July . will . force a reaction, and August willitOe.. higher. rates for gold 'then we hive seen this year. In this -our best financiers' . . As for Gnvernment bonds, if no higher quotations are made than the pres ent ones before July next, many holders will be Induced or compelled to sell out to realize profit, and seek other first class So long as money was plenty and the.price of bonds steadilysd yenned, people preferred to pledge their bonds and borrowed money on them, and ;the banks willingly took them as collaterals; but when the .banks charged; from 'l2 to 18 per cent on loans, they don't care , for Advancing at &per cent, and thug ,moreit bonds will come into market,. .... ,A.a.for-the: of „ ridliteid-lind':ofbet improvement shares, the heavy decline of the past week' was lOng anticipated, although not, before July,lt 41 well for the general beainese of the country that values at the stock exchange experi-_ enced a-heavyabvinkage; it'will set - free a larg.43:.amount of.nioney and. turn it over.ibithe general mercantile and In, dustrial enterprises 'and stimulate 'the' manufacturing interests. It may give up' oheept,r , rates of, freight and An early, - market for our western- priadiice and asaist.izi the gradual downward courseof vabieS. of every 'kind, laber metalled- ' The present 'decline. in stocks is not likely stopped,. but will be followed nn with ,•alternate•quic advances, With. a gradual` letting down.. ,- ; . At.present our local money marketla ;Yet easy, but for July first a tight mar , iket for money marbeaooked for. Quotations 'is . received Ph: P. htertst TOW, MP& Silveri J2B; Eighty, otici'sg;`- . 120X Five 3B Twentiett,•l32, -121 3 4; db , a 864 .. 11 6%;:ao-1866,.118 . g; do 1865, coiisotr '.li9; eio -Off,- --.'; de', ~1868,', ittry,;:.,ftu FOrtleii, - .107X; New ti. York Centrai r , .ji;; Erie, —; Reading, 96%; rifle_ tiotgb. N' 'len,. WeAle.: dtr.. , Vttioago ItailrW,‘ , 152%; - ;:Ohlo Is Misigaippli 82; Michigan . Bouthern.,... 1 02%;ctet- leddi•j& I , ltiiiriinrgli, lost , Onl " •-.- Rock Island, 15%; ro chicago .t worth Western, TM Chicago a North Western Preferred, a_slo.; . tkdiktaa 7E4004 Com pany, 69; Merchants Union Express, 144., Pacific. Mail,B7% ' . Western Union: Telegraph CoMpanyi 29N; ''Ain: W. Ek. - tar Telegraph to the Pitteburaa uazette.l, .4): NEW Yom(, June /9 1869. -.... MoneY etiltigent at 7per cent. until the the oloseC , of ;bitaring tinily-. common 1 1-62 rate fell. to legal rate... Bank state ment: loans 5 2 66,841,996, decitose,llB,B4le ,828 t e1i5010,,ii9.045;44.4, , decrease. $26,136;. .4 3 0 1, t,edP . r 9 .# 4 99i449N, i dearease_ll,T, 240,770. deposal 11188 244 110, decrease RI -042,710; circulation 534,199,92 9 4 increase PUP. elerliOg firm, at 9 33@9K::.111, coati • 2-0 61d ,, 10wer;.: 'opened at,",'lsu, touched 138@ 13534, . and, closed , itto 136%. - , Carrying iatemere ideo,2:, • ptr:daq;, Exports of week . 102,102, 1 ,' • ., ,-.. .., ftt Governments': dull .but Renter at , "r ose. thee Coupons 'B4 - 0 0/ 41:4121: dO: '' 6a; 446121y,;`d0. 'O4, 116X@11630 do. 15.- 118@l118X; do. new, 11901L19Wdd,;Nyri. `119€0119X; do. 'P I 119@.11r 40,4091 1073. 4 1 @1e1i.' Teat/cat 1996100 ,; •" ' '• .' ' ;Statelitfideve4C2l4o,3oo - -Kii ,iiie veil,' eseeeig4st , lie 613; ' if.:,104'.' NOrtlt3 'Oarolltiita t Xi; 7q/r a tt i ii "- ' '' I itilloarmamiti t' a , and has iditolittsdittatiti . rTnitikt . er the batik 4 statement was ma e known there was a firmer feeling and a tractional recovery 1 ~~'~,^'`= c'ic.~~l r ' r, ,,~ry ~ ly,, ~sr r ~ r,.;. r,'~~,w' ~r~ ~ -i; 131 , , from the , lowest point; market .clohed, lilt - .- settled. ' - _., :;." Bidding prices at 5 . ;30 : Cumberland, - 3234; Wells, 30%; American, 90; Adains, 59; 'United States, :693; Merchants z Union, 15; Q uicksilver , k 14%; Cam , 61%; Pacific Mail, 87%; Weste u-: Union Telegra p h , 89%; Mari - i '6; do. preferred; 16%; New York Centre 185%; Erie, 29%; Hudson, 155; Harlem 144; do. preferred, 142; Reeding, 96%; W abash, 6731,; preferred, 80; St. Paul, 70%; do. preferred, 81%; Fort. Wayne, 1152%; Ohio and Mississippi; 32; , Michigan .' Central. 130%; Michigan Southern, 103; , Illinois Central,' 141;Pittsburghi l 92%; Rook Island, 115%; North - wester 77%; do. preferred, 92%. . 1 Copper stocks at Begone `Qu i nt Minnesota, 1%; 'Hancock,! 3; Hee/ Franklin,l6; Copper Falle;B3" r e Snb-Treasury balance, 1189,476,809 ports for the week of drygooasi 4 8 1 general merchandise; #4,499,43(4 '7l .PITTOBVRGH . DIARK,ETSI OFTICE of Pirrsuunum GAZItTTE, 1 SATURDAY, :Juno 19, 1869. I The markets have been very dull du- , . ring the past week, and it is not Yiroba r ble that there will be any impro linieeni for the next two months. • f act The that Wheat has advanced considerably in . Chicago within the past da y , or two is at tracting some attention, but it is not likely to amount to anything. it, is at -._. tribtited by some to an increased export demand, but it is most likely that -It has been brought about by speculators, who are holding large stocks, and want to get unloaded as easily, and as quickly as possible. There Is certainly no real or substantial cause why. either Flour or Wheat should advance at present, as there is plenty ofcld•crsin in the - coun try, and the indications flir the new crop could not be better, and what is , true of this cbuntry is equally true of Europe. APPLE BUTTER—SaIesr at 50®51,00, per gallon as to quality. I BUTTER—Is rather dull, in [conse quence of the extremely hot weather, and prime to choice Roll cannot be quoted above 23®25. -;" • „ BEANS—DuII at $2®2,25: , • CHEESE—Is in Rood Supply ut tin' changed;.we continue to quote common_ Ohio at 17©18;Factory,•'19029- and '. Goshen, at 21. ' ' ' ' - - CARBON' OlL—Small Sales iistand- cti ard brands, 'at 28©30.-market du 1. DRIED FRUIT—Very dUllen prices are nominal; and holders' very a xious 1 to realize, „ . - '; l', 1 "EGCS—Dull'hut unchanged; 18(§19. FRlTlT—Priies, 13; Currants," 12%; i per Valenbox.cia Raisins, 14; Layer Raisins 0,70 : • • • ' ''.l i __FISEL—Ito. 3' larg t e Mackerel ( new) $6.76 pe r half bbl; No. 2 do , •$ lO, No. 1 113,50; Baltimore Herring, $8,50 r ,bbl —fall weight, V); Baltimore .S 48,50. ' 7 Lake Herring, $3,75 per half b111; 1 and ; ha j e White Fish, 0,75. I 7, PEATH.ERS -.- Supply -in hands 'of commission men almost exhausted. Live geese may be :quoted 'at - 85®90, 1 t0 the : k trade, and $1 ilia retail *ay. 1 , I - FLOUR—Is held a little firmer, but 'there is no improvement in the demand; and prices are unchanged. We continue US !knobs : Western Flours. at 156,®6 1 2.5 for i Elpruag and .16,75©7 - . for Winter/ Rye Flour ,60@6,76. Mill "priced . un- changed. 43tRAI Wheat is . not offering-so fres ly,, but t, e mills are pretty well sup- ,i plied'and we continue to quote Winter . -, at 51,25. Oats 64@68' on track an :63® 1 ~ 70 in Stor . Sale of 1 car id , the ire el - at i 64, Rye is in better .demand and we can report • sales at $1,10®1,15. Prime Yellow Corn rn is scarce and would doubt- ', l , less command 80: mixed and white is quoted at 7012)76. 'No Barley in market. i ELAY . dull ibut unchanged;-baled q is still- oted onwharf to quality. ERIS les at 3 eta per pound. . • HEMP les at $21().• LIME-evelsind - Lime is quoted at' 1 $2,50,, per bbl, - and Common_ Will e - at sl7s. LARD OIL—Is firmnill I 'sYtki lid' 4 . with the advance in Pardabn,t,*a_litti, I unchanged; 11,20 for Nci; 2 .. spitlbso,l4it i No. I—city brands. '" "'"' ' 4 ' PEANUTS—SmaII sales at 120. i POTA ES Dull but unchanged; i sales of o - at 41ini 'per buiplisha new , ars4@s i bbli; e , P F. ii _Ol ' 4 if,_.o" .'i• PROP 101%-4tdicott litlftr With a 5 'i;3o continue DitedemaraLL f‘ti6 l -now `quote ,i Shoulder ,at 14%©14X; Ribbed Sides, ; 17%; Cle Sides, 1834; Breakfast . Bacon, 2035; Plat Hams 18; Sugar Cured do, 205041ii.* DileVßeef, ''', 21. Lard, 20 In i 341 ; i Pork 3 4 ! I:l,p,:iiiic 21' in kegs. Mess , $ :50.'i.' P J i SE ' Thedeniatiet for Clover and i Timothy Seeds seems to have almost en- tirely subsided. Flaxseed would sell 1 but, there Is tiallVA.cadii,tWot:i 11i! SA.LT:=Is dull and drooping; may be quoted at 11;70 by the car load. -.- - ''''' .2 "'Llel. I)ry Goode I►Yarket: NEW Yons, June 19.-The,market for dry goodel6 iesfi itsTiti; buttlekektfieless more buoyant for certain goods. At lantic andiPequot A heavy brown Sheet ings 170, and , apparently • - Searoalwerr i at. the:adVaU94 ApPlaton:LA.llo.l63ie droscoggin bleached Sheetings \haye ad vanced to 47%, 483((/)55c for 94, and Pemberton -- - - /ickitX tO , VW' Fancy Prints are gimerally 'Maid ^ inindvance• of 140 on fresh styles, while poor 'styles of Delaines are tendi ng ; wn at 15(4115340 for Sprague's. - Ql.lllmitrixri r ,wi t - • z chiithged.alacLqidet;-sales Wally at 0,5g ®5,75. Wheat dull and without change; sales of No. 2 at $l,lB, and No. 1 at_51,25. Corn dtl,ll:llkt,"bilisSafidlidr elk IMO for yellow brthifect, ithirelles6B - trarWhite. Rye scarce and sold at $1,2.5. Cotton un ehanged; Mo. Whisky quiet at 96c. Provisions quiet but firm. Mess pork is held at f33,25®33,50. Bulk meats 130 and 36010 r a5h0r,1,109.:1 I MM eon 14)02717,°. Su gar offitharns 20@21c. Lard 1930. T ere was noth C . - upoiramenolv a l cu t ur s pir tr glertro` though purchases could not have been made below these rates. flu gar dull and and unsettleiplurl y iinchanwid;.iiSbileb ed. The Government having found that the quantity.oLsmr, iptCoofteeTtPuitig J 12161116 , utkitryt4 bati-bbeli-iottth lar ger; than had been supposed, and that both articles have betutsent,to,the.ilaterior all Over the countiyi , •4teselsnevofficers are now here looking after the goods,- and it is rumored that !mistime are being made and that holders will-be compelled to .prove that the revenue has been paid in order to retain the goods. Linseed oil do n§ i gr l itir #.4 1. 44414 13 'l5 • oriey ' mar e close. Eke ange dull at mgl 1-10 per bent. dis .count buying. 'z : TOLEDO, June 19.—Flour ft ha rx nominally unchanged. Wh ' better and active; amber, 81,87 on spot, and 81,88 buyer for the .month; white Michigan; regal , t ; . IlMo. 2 red at $1,26, otos' ' Wady and unchanged; No. :1 68e, and No, 2 6634 e. Oats dull and unchan : ed. No. 164 c, and N0.1169611T 3v:, 0 . „,,,,,, flittetter,. No. 1 at St.t.%4BlirVey. 'T.!, i:7l'. `"Receipts-2,900 'NO, : LI i bus/Mx4et...2B9ftek b iiii 11. . 3,iw% itpuitriL.A. . lith pinen 1i ., ,11l .* rale flour, 8,800 bushels wheat, 19,200 bushels corn, and 6,800 bushels oats. ' . qt.:-b-Fe.*4o !I;IMIZEM3 lIIM I 23; 35; Im- ' ;.1,495;