The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 21, 1869, Image 3
IP',E*OO,4/1 MARKET. Conotor. OF Pirrsirtmois GAZETTE, SATURDAY June ,19, 1869.1 s REviEw FOR THE WEE% The fibulia" viers in the ascendancy litilinktbe early part of the ;week.; but -4uTiNks ;ha pasi.two days. there has:iteen oppiderable of a reaction. and. bov i day fire ; 4 bears",claim to have the advantage. Z r he iiiittnie, of business during . the en. Wlek'bias been comparativelyilight, . 4 tiriticli!Was owing to, the fact that the iit'itiket: his beeri so unsettled and -irrtig ular that buyeis'inci have hecin 'uruililti to get toiether..: .The.: eastern markets have been , nisnatudly quiet! all ;.sirt2,4,,;custd it is alleged that New York is decidedly "bearislitti—that the leading operators are doing all in their wer to force prices dawn, and in this t hey have Often aided to some eitent by the decline Europe and the , fhll in gold.. The Crude market, as has : peen the case all siesuton, responds to the downward ten darkly very sluggishly, while, strange 48 it tasty appear, it is generally ahead of Refirsid when the tendency is 'upward. As already intimated, however, it has been !tubed ti yield somewhat during the past two days, and the 'bears" are very sanguine that the bottom has not yet been &owned. • :Receipts Crude this week, 24,734; last weak' 88,154; from January Ist to date, 340.038; same time last year, 593,081. 4ports Refined this week, 12,955; last week, 11,642; from January Ist to date, 1g8,585; same time last year 246,160. 84ea this week, 85,160; last year, 162,006. CRUDE The market was Irery quiet and dull to-day and while the feeling generally is weak and bearish, prices have undergone no quotable change: Spot oil may be quoted nominally at 14)1434. the Inside figuie offered and outside figure asked. Sale of 400 bbls delivered on cars at Ve nango City at 5,50 which is equivalent to 14 cents here: _ ' REFINED Also. (inlet -add .weak and drooping Sale of 000 July at 31%; SOO 'each August,to October at.-83 / ; and the Erie Oliqua,ia , reported as having sold 3,000 June at .30 1 ,4. June and July show a,de -311110 of a qtiarter compared with yester day While the lateCmoriths appear tope ho ding their own.--N 'LLIBRICATINTI OIL& Ecliptle Winter Lubricating oA Eclipse Railriniad Axle Ecliptics Machinery Eclipse Spindle ' asestpre OF moor on- Fisher & Bro ' 720 bbhi. Owateei & Bowers. 960 3. Vandergrlft 1,040 , is Waring, King & 960 " S. Thomas . . 160 " E. H. Long 640 ,ss • Total' ' ' 4.080 b Otr. SHIPPED EA ER BY A. V. H. E. 'Lockhart, Frew dr. Co. 738 bbla refined I to Watrden, Frew & Co. Philadelphia. iv - " - 13=ril l. ' Oil Co 366 bbls relined to & Co., Philadelphia. '_Livingston & Bro., 1500 cases to War den Frew & Co., Philadelphia. Lyons & Bro., 612 bblEi refined to W. P.-Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Liberty Oil Works 445 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Moßelvy & Bro., 527 bbls refined to W. P. Logan & Bro.; Philadelphia. Citizens • Oil Co. 424 bbls refined to Tack 4., Bro., Philadelphia. • vr :Faoett, L. & S. 250 bble refined to W. - Logan & Bro.. Philadelphia. , Itertone ‘ oll Works, 50 bible refined to Warden, 'Frew & Co.,; Philadelphia ' MonteheirrierlCohlei& Ca. 850 bble reL - to•Wiiring King & C 0.., Philadelphia" ' Braun: & Wagner 450 13ble relined to Waringt King& Co., Philadelphia; ": • Zbtal Befined,l.soo Cases-- 4212bb1e. _ ors, esirPED _EAST- PROM DUQUESNE : -;; • DEPOT. Brooke, Ballenthie & Co. 858 bbLs - reL to Warden,. Frew tit Co., Philadelphia. E Colter,.loo bbie z refined to D. L. ffi BeeY, . Total shipments Refined_ 458 OIL ginii , ..V.T.erre,,Pae. WEST PENP(.I. Rahiton & Warhig273 bbls refined to Waring i llit3g Es4 e' 1 3 f diadelole, Total Re firkid. r •• - t 2 A ' 4 273 .t•• - Mark, by Telegrapt. X 8 1 4!. wings... Jun- 19.—Cotton dull , and heavy; sales of 900 bales, at 33340 4 - for -middling tplinnfr. - - l fut rece ipts ' II;151' bbls; s©loc bolter ' for shi p ping gradfriano less act ve, sales 31,700, bab; at $4,00®5;85- for superfine State and.' westeni,',3,lslg)7,oo 10 'extritl344; $3.90: 00* 6 F i t0i : . P . S . ' Alci B ern, 1 6 , for., White wheat extra, $6,15i2N,85 for round how Ohio,. $6.50 ®7,50:f0r extra St. Lords; . and ..sB®ll-.fori good to; choice do.-; tx, - .., ehidad,in. :the sales •were 43,4500 , bbls, at - $6,1000.50 for i extra western and $6 20( a 6,60 for.extra State, for - June and duty , elivery, and part for export. 'Rye Flour quiet at 4.7 0 @ 6 , 25 . • Corn Meal in moder a°request., . Whisky opened firm - and ( i t closed .dull; sales of 250 bbls western at i r 1,0301,04, free. , Wheat; receipts 51,814 blob; market opened• very firm but, , and closed- quiet and , a shade' easier; sales .48,000 bu at $1,45@1,47 for No. ; spring to arrive and--afloat; $1,40 afloat few No. 3 spring; 51,70 Dor. white California. Rye firm and scarce. Barley nominal. ; Corn—receipts 16,541 - bui ir regular; unsettled and closed rather'Mortf steadyrsales-52,000 bu at 60®82c for new mixed western _via canal: 870 'for extra *hot do; 85®87%e for do via railroadf 90tr , r handsome white Westerri, irioltull ing loads western mixed for-cutport' at, 7943• . ;. Cetiv-reoeipts4,42s bn without de." 13 eidet LobangeusaleS 28,000 bu. iti,77Ko 78)4itlar Avestan) afloat: 7 :ll,lW' 'quiet; Coiftiaqtdet add *may.- •Eltigar 7 ,iii mod. I eritte **Venal' , ealer2oo hhde I:ktba at if 1012 ski "MA'AM 4tilet: l llope . qlll6o'Pe4 . triolemm-dullst3, 16-yie for ertidefi'lle fel. . i . i :..Liniteed 7 X611 , - Mill '11t"'' 7 41162 C 1,63. Leather is Arm. COO rit: • • oojailte er f 46kut t rgedi,ealea cof- 1 40,?. 1 ' 1 " II . I - detnettl4, 11 eece, fa x®6so dr - • , sind 40 for ,pulle4 ForfpdUirelfd Ibieit,•Vritiiileiof 900 ibbliOtt - 182,87 cash' MAO for old. do., $24.i. a .. , ~i fpthico2B,2s@2loo foi'prline• Id • 4 .lllikl'2so`tblx new - mist, nnpqr 4 . •.. wolf' pitiVits' terms . n e w.; oteady;. wttkeeieent'Boobbb:' 'Beef liatne quiet, witl2'ittleil rif 7 l2s';bblit - at $20,00@81,50. ctirmistaithinik,',wlth idles of 405 pkge aV , l936Dl4Wfbr shoulders, and . lex@ All&rfetietheiliaiddlet ' firm, : with sales e ' ' bk - b - Ctrifiberliiiid cut Mid Strap. foi ,I•Itt 161017e.' . ' Laid dull' end heat% with . sa les of 425'f01` it isigaiodilay a v f:Pfoi:ileat ato r tt* orStbfienderdd; 'Bather ;fi r fyat or Ohio. Cheese dull at Il@ l g 9 0; titwitil,frg 'Cop `r' r' 'stead,- 'et . 83 f Art dd.l7 - kihd Abelip pg lier2@2*, fqc,g 4 4. ; ang.luids ' : ,64rrtor: ,Il,g , Trop : I n ' . ,c; 14.64. MA, i t: 04, 4 6 4 Li0r, , se9o4, 814 , ~orfltpervam': p 4i .quiet at, I atet o Qi l' - e 12 04 ritigilals ' and Auter- cag a tiedidelLat ,u3i@lN in gold for 1 R ZNlapteady at 13a434 for eat, 6 a s . 'PaPOnfh'iNeakfer horse shoe.: ' • , Liverpoot.Aniet ands draw li til'Ortiapnbtapplii,of‘,titheat4er. • ategamerNAluld'lNlT' birrels of flour • at 2s. ' i Latest—Flour closed a shade firmer for; , _ , ,r 4 • • • a=m; Shipping grades. with fair export, and a modeiate speculative demand. Wheat quiet and slightly in buyers' favor at '11,441,46h for No. 2, and $1,50®1,51 for No. / spring. Rye nominal. - Oats dull at 7734®780 for western afloat. Corn steady; at 130®83c for canal. and 81®87 0 for railroad: Pork dull at 132,87 for mess regular. Beef quiet without any decided change, and cut meats fairly activre and firm. In Bacon there was a pretty* good ' inquiry and unchanged.• Lard heatry at 19 c for good prime steam. Eggs quiet _, ~ • ; '• eiteSaala, liiiiEf 19 :—' Easte r n exchange, g et at 1-10buyingt , Floulin good ship •ng demand and.ll®l4ls/Lhigher on the *eat medium "grades; sales of spring extras at 14,76. I Wheat active ;' No. 1 ad-, eced 30444; Mae% . at $1,22 ® 1,23, and ping o. 2 fi rm and , ?® 234c higher; , sales at' 1,19®1,21q, eicieintr`ersl,2o; tbiblefter ica unsettled and _bombard at 11.19- • .Corn . moderatelr active and 134®13i0 higher- salei.No. 1 it 63%®66e; N 0.2 at 3,;(434 1 /0 rejected at - 57®58c; closing at , 4®644c for N0t, , 1,and.630 for'No. 2; this , fternoon irregelar at 62.Xibid for N 0.2. ' ate moderately active and I®l3o high- , !et; Nol 2at 80®620, °hieing' at 593;(41130c. ' Rye firm- and 34 ®le:.highert.saleallo. 1 at 11®1,02, and No. 2 at.97®99o.„Barley dull and nominal at 11;26 foi•No."2: sana pie lots at 11,20®1,80' on track. ' High wines nominal at 95c for wooden, and 95M ®96e for iron packages. New Or-' leans Molasses 950®11. Sugar .Is,&.i® 14%0 for fair to choice. Provisione firm and quibl:- Mess Pork steady and firm at 133,50. Lard firm at 19!4®19 1 ,4e”. Sweet pickled hams firm at 15%c. Dry salted Shoulders firm at 13e. Receipts for the past twenty-four hours-1,205 bbls flour, 89,554 blush wheat, 71,880 Nish corn, 40,703 bash oats,' 827 bueh rye. Shipments-8,544 bbls flour,. 153,367 bush wheat, 115,914 bush corn. Freights quiet at 7X®Blic for wheat to Buffalo. , Sr. Lou;,s June 19.—Tobacco steady and unchanged. Cotton, none in mar ket. Hemp flat, no demand. Flour dull anti weak'; stiperfine sold at 14,50®5,25; spring extra at 15,00®5;25; double ditra, 55,25®6,50. Wheat firmer ::and.tin changed; Spring in sacks sold at sl,ll® 1,15; prime to choice fall '11,20®1,45; r stilctly choice to fancy*l,so. Corn flrm [ and unchaeged; mixed in bulk sold at 59 ®610; milled', in sacks, 68c; yellow, in :shading fancy, 70®75c; common to fancy white, 77®840.: Oats, firmer at 62®650. Rye, steady and, firm at $l,OO. Whisky higher, sales at 98C. Groceries quiet and unchanged. Provisions stiff anti holders not to sell .at the prices. ;,Pork held at /34, without sales;, a small lot sold at 133,50: dry salt meat held - higher bat nothing" done. • Bacon sold at -1434 e for.shoulders, 18c for clear rib sides, 18Xo for clear aides, locee country shoulders at 18e, clear sides 1734 e. Lard held very firm at 1934 ®2oc for choice kettle. Cat tle quiet and unchanged at 334®7c. Hogs active at 734®90. Receipts: 2,900 bbia flour, 5,000 bush wheat, 3,700 bash corn, 3,700 bush oats, 300 bush rye, 260 hogs. BcrFalo. Tune 19.,—Flour, 'firm and spring nominally 1.21®25c better; western 1 at 15,50; western staring at 16,25®8,50; white western, at 18. Wheat active and higher; sales 'early of 29,000 bus No. 2 Chicago and 14.000 buispring, per sample. at 11,30 to arrive, also a cargo of 7,800 ow No. 2 Milwaukee at 51,7(gt1,20 to arrive; later sales of 18,000 bus No. 2 Milwaukee at 51,31 to arrive; 7,000 bus No. 2 Mil waukee club at 11,30;4; a cargo of 8,000 bus do. at private terms to arrive; 75,000 bus No. 2 Chicago and 15,300 i ons No. 2 Milwaukee at 11,3134 to arrive, and 7,800 • bus No. 2 Chicago at 11,31 on spot, dos- 1 1 ing quiet and weaker. Corn dull and 1 small lots - eel/lug at 66®72.0 as to•quality, 1 andB,4:loo bus of ; Chicago No. :1 at 73.54 c: Oats nominal at 67c, Pork steady at 033 for'' heavy - Irma. Lard steady - at 1930 for " prime. ,In IRO:whims there - ; hunt" inquiry andheld at 97c, but cencessilort has to be made to Enid purchasers Cr..xtranartre, - .Tune 19.--Flour: e made /8,75 for treble extra white: 17,6 . 7,75 for, double:extra amber; /6.75: for. double extra red winter,.., /5,7,5 for,extra red winter, and" 16,25 for donblif'extra spring; :country' ,trade 17,25®8,00' for , double extra white, - ; 16®7 ; for donble,ex-, Ira red arid 'Welber, 16®6,50 for ,double' extra spring. 'Wheat' sales carit'Ne. 1 red winter at, /1.32. _bong No: ; ; 1 mixed, held at_7oc.. 70c..: O a sale ; L ,car at 65c..,, Rye , • heldatftol93eTor tilii,2.,' ,and No.:I do at 11®1.0A. Petrettattii held •atis6,os; there' is nothing doing, for thel:Easterm.bilyarti. areoffering 27c for July and Aug ust,, but; salient holding' 'll:2c highint Veit italee • for. Weeteratriule at1293i®29&;• ': 11 ;'; -•,-; ' Ngw eatisarts,Jund..l9;—Cattownoin - Mal; middlings 31,3‘432e, „with sides or • 90 . balea, tapelike br 37 bales; andexports of, 4,408` , " bales. l :4 3 old 1 138*. -•- Sterling' 149,4®150. New York Sight Exchange. % • PremiPln- gkoitr-.-sesPerfine,,2o® • 6,00, - de•Siblis eXtral6,2s, trablaextfa f6c6o. Clorn,,mlllto4l,oo,eg Oats-7ig/2e. Bran *l,lO. IfitaPNIPP.I 2 O- 1i1i5vg.f*434,75 • ®35,00. baCOll, , quiet; shoelders„,lse, • citilif'llb'eldiiii'litqcina silineekbielgti. - Lard, firs aptierce 20 ®2lc. , an* , keg 2l®, 224-2 - firm; ,prime *oo44o f: s t ud , • ode" Oh '10®11m" Molasses. nominal. Wtitruiy guletf , weittena'lrectifbiir biblite. 95 ®9No,...Agee unetterxed.: , ,,.;:0...7., ; ,I e . Pop, lavirdatA,Jiane, I Slot : Elcrar•flieaslY; 1 superniiill,2•l..lted Wheat 0,15, whits $1,25. tiCornr'shelled:in bulk 656:" . " 'Oats: belle, 70c.. 11 1,26. 'Leaf tetiacco tirmr sales 179.. hhds,' El ranging • from ; /4170® 10,25. 1 n. '°*l6l6ll active with an .upward tandencrij Pittlit • mess 183,50;"tracen' shoulders, 14.,er, elear,sitles; .18,4 e; eregtr - ,. rib, 18/0. rd . 19%d... gimlet oSlagar , rtiFn cured, 19;i:" ithwineis' Aria at' ' Tao.' is Thermometer/8 degfeeifit re9in. if , ' - ,0 ‘;' 40c 350 75c 80c Bliultauxxx,olune 19..;-1 1 1biiii aitivel and. : fir 02; olD_lo9W - , MKNlnsiti , o l lll - JOYstt: 115,344:08. wheat 'unsettled, et $1,21x. for NO; rand .1118 g tit Nd.t. =OAS dim' auclotinclulogelkak 490. for, No .- 2.) IRyal andjaarlay,pominal. „:„Frel : ids 1 1.qaPtlitd untihingede Itsic,elbf. 11 I is" flour; flour; 118,0001. bush wheat, { 8,11) Pl:4th- , NUL 81 P 131 P13199 4 ,M,,bbkilollxiMPOOlaniltkt Whist. . • i /,' ' litilLaill:P.4lA f ; 411 1 4 1 ; Xi g i - ifolir 8 lit; tie ;'• Mote' active , and Iriligliliiii' libethi • western, , extra , family :al 116,60€16•26:: 'Whilal dna; red 41,86q51,60., *ye • armer, at 10,30. - 'Corti 'ln fair - de &end; *esitern .yallowat4l@)4 mitedlB7l4BB.E l Osibi tiliv• Chlingtid-, .r)F. •ProstfOlts: adY4Deizig; t‘steolt lower. - Petroleum uncistmged., r Vithisky held A moy. - , ti it ~. J.. , ~. I , ) ,i , , I.! lit!: II ;1. likiiii i iiitiii JuSie 111.-1 1 1 Our ' actlye a nitvlonikrates. P9WheitrAi.shade , firliter at 'lll9lalytrillifritne,red,•,-,Corn dull and • 'weak for whiteu:suld B POBB I3 . ' f0#V611640. Oita dllratlolo72oftri. light; Ryb dult - at 111,28. , mProvIsions undheng.. , r ed excopt l*lps, garlicit ,.,? A r ldskY la 'firill'and 'scarce at 'O3 ,19 4 1 ~c•, .. ~ . . r kik - 141 ' 8;440 ' ii." '"', lion dtdi "and; - ,noininaliplaUvrbt; deo reduced whew than one thousand bales; receipts, 89;:8lt. . . ry1,•202., FlourdtilLerul, Anchinged. " . eat;'iievillt,B6. ' Cast dim at 92. oats ;dull it 7741 u Hstri" Primo . '" (11212 4P4" ,atiff at $ 3 4, XAt at awe :Ba9P4. c4lrag.. ,anapidera at 14 ~ ` side s mt. -, , - rI,•U t i ' I 'il,,;! 1 . rIETROT, Al4o, AO,T-riour quieltarri uzi,.. changed' 'Wheat' rticelpte 'Moderate' and i the; mar tret2e bigherf for Ar WNW 4in d , fair •Istales,at, $1,68 , for extra; .1,40 -trz ktp' AIN 41,26001,26 iOr No: 2 and 11;81:CPPAPPAi'l 1•Orin Oilts'el - 04095& 9 .. - I t,,t r• ',-) •-:,b 'I OW-Vilis3Ainia iii--datile lilt anti ig :@ 266 : llo4 4 B2 Ktllt"Ptilds,6olifoet biltelicirill stock, and 116,75@7,28 for fair to good steers: Hogs quiet and 18@15o lower, at $8,25@8,40 for oommon, $8,50€48,76 for . . . _ . .1.869; PITT :2-131 , A4 -: ,, _MONIMY,„,: , ,TU NE 'llllr to medium, and 88,85®9.05 for guod to choice; receipts 7,210• head.' OswEno, Jane 19.—Flour _ active and unchanged. Wheat firm but-quiet; No, '1 Milwaukee club 4.1,40. Corn quiet; NYC.. 1 82c. Oats; 73c for Ohio anti 75e for Wisconsin.,. Lake Imports—Gs,3Bo - , lush wheat and 3,400 bush rye., Canal Ex-, ports--21,000 bush wheat. ' • NABRVrLLn, June 19.—Cotion Weaker; low middlings, 30c; good ordinary, 29C.' RIVER NEWS. . , . The river continues to` recede steidil with tuidifeet sit inches in ii3e Chanivit; by the Monortgahchi markii. 'Theivetti ther yeateraaY was ciptiieseiVely hot' and In the afternoon thereAvere several vio• lent thunder storms, - itccolnpanied with' heavy rain: . It is Lpoiudble ;that 'there, may be rain enough to cause but!, it is hardly, p;obabje at ;tbis season of We. year. The Aro from di rgoey -.AL Cincinnati is the only', i o arrival we . Jaime report.. The Waua-1 nita from St. Loui is due to-day,,thoughl it is potssible'that s h e may be.delayed by' low water. = '-• ' \-' "; - ' • ' The Julia from'.:Zanesville is.dne to day and will return as usual to-morrow.i All the beats' hat left on Friday were. getting along finely , When last`heard from. The Messenger and, Maggie Hays ; both sttck Fished, time .4. Glass House. , The: rey Eagle arrived,and departed as usual fo; 'Parkersbing. the had to : take a lighter with her. . , , The Leonidas, New Orleans to Pitts burgh, was at Memphis on Friday. A Fort Benton dispatch tinder date of, June 16, says: The Miner arrived this' morning, making the trip from Sioux City in twenty-seven days. Heavy rains falling since Wednesday: The Glasgow, Pittsbuigh to St. Paul, was at Cairo on. Friday. Capt. W. J. Rusk,' formerly of the Westmoreland, I bought the •W. R.-Ar thur at St. Louis on Thursday, price 840,000: He Will continue her in the St. Louis and Nair Orleans trade. —Captain Getirge Hazlett writes from the,:i.lpper Missouri that the steamer Flint is lightening fully one•;ourtt► fas ter that the rrilda. He wiritsi his brother, Capt. .H. R. Hazlett, to have a boat built for him with the same kind of machinery of the Hartapee patent com bination. —The Pauline Carroll bought at St. Louis on Thursday, by Captain Raab; of Cincinnati. and John W. Carroll. John N. Bolinger and' ohn P. Fitzgerald. of St. Louis. for 835,000. Captain Rushwill command her. - —The Wauardta left Cincinnati on Thursday for Pittsburgh with 350 tons. ?Hobs—San. Rowldfand Toni Javeds. —We clip the fidlowing from the Cin cinnati Gazdle,l of. Friday; The Nash. vile arrived trope point 80 miles up Tennessee river yesterday, with 200 tuns iron ore which She , is dischtirging at Swift'sßolling;Mili, up .I,ll:king. :.Capt. H. G. McComas will atart with her for Pittsburgh to-morroarfiVhere she - itill be dismantled and, her machinery gut in a new Red river boat whichbe is building 4. here, and the hull of which is now COM pleted. . • ; —A.Leaventviarth dispatch'under date of Thursday , 'says: The, steamer Ids Reese, which left here April 16th. ar rived here on her return trip from Fort Benton today. She way the eleventh boat leaving this port this season, and the, first to return, having made the round trip in , sirty days, the best time on record. lier cargos consisting of furs valued at.ever42Po,ooo, belongs ,to E. H. Darfee & Co., of this city, the owners of the beat.:: - time of the'Rebert E. Lee from New Orleans to Cairo,- this trip, was three' days. fifteen hours and thirty. minutes. The tittle , 'the V.elipse'was four hours and thirty minutes less. A. few daps :Silttee: the. towboat .81. Whitmore was sold le a.compauy from .Stillwater, On the Upper Ifississl4l: ,The priest - pald(was 110,000. The lath owners will contract for a new boat._ —The, Nat. ,Williama hasgone to Car, roilton to try to raise the hull of the)). 111:13i3ohler, burnt last-December.' • TheTnitua "No; 31a loading at CinelnL . nati for ; New. •• 3 _i• •! 1 1 / 1 1rd11114 BY ,RAILROAD . ' Pyrrentnnit,': Fowl . ; WArais ,Cat oinfo` Iteiniumn. June 18.-8' cars iron ore, Superior alron 'Co; :I•:ear Gran;? Kell& Riteliort; 300 bids .our, Jss Gag l • diner; 300 de do, owner f 50 tea hates, B. Sellers & Co; 1 car -steno, J L L - Knok; S ilo do, 11,10 Uteri a-bbla -Mex. 13eb.*Eirtt & .11a4lett; 1 ear osts, Allen & Wheelor;lo3, sire' !Arley; Thos t'OBIn141"1' keg biittak., Haworth & Dewliurst4lls: byte Gra4so do dvg d D o, " ; - W O oodw orthA : De misonr, Go do y o,l 'kr* I l pe or;R do elbei m r "& "AffeldEr; 24 has olieettmi . NJl:Brsdenf 1S do do, F, Millhen;L 04 4 oll,J-B ,Lyou.• & Co; 19 alis ragh: Geidtipy & J Clark;, 80 whisks barrels,' J . S Finch &Co 75 •baleii S aarbaugh•&,-40m1.1 car staves4dl P Adams & Bro. •• . • CL.IIVirLAND llftp ,PITTIEWITACCEr, ..41107.r. BOAD. June enrs limnstchie orp; P lit•CM‘ 3:deibbatoplaln ore, Brysx; ikei.l do blooms„,bltiniok fit Cm .1( BCapileidi 1 do,pinatoes, P, Clibbons; Ido itone'Wolfi'l do 'do, L iP L Knox; %if do oats, bbls oil, D Cooir;-200 sks ,pats,..Seott di Glad: 215 do do; Miff &Bon; 5,339' feet lumbei J.Etaldlbger;llsl bra Albeese;•Bingrgeruliii' & -30 go !Jot: Wahl 4 , &Co;110 dodo,: VOI CoL 00 o_ll bbls, nutlet' 47 Whiff 1116;119'1J Robertp; 5 15/0 raft4lALlCullough'iStifei:ll •-• a c-•• • ,-•••) . -A4,l4o4ll4ll%•y*lddiv. xtarwtaskit4 June( 19.-480215,p11, 9wl lo xl- 2 4ti Se 1f. 4 1 11 _,114 0 . do 0;1 liandergrift; - 72 4 / 4 o de, rie er D ro; dtißto, 11.4rnki*, BM '163 ' 41%sQ 21Itiornsitdo . 1 41 11 14, John, oorhisfso4, airdist &, - Son; 2'bti (37, LI - 131auohd !srdt Vcar•barlc,Xt Lisp la Br* , Luarbill , rok# Pccaaairs zallroad Iron., • 1,1)° "19 1-1 49r" ,1 41) 1 4 0 S Mberntit?" lAN'S.' a ALlTilmfas... guild (10. 1300tos sopta,, -„P. 4 llori, 21.1?ble.1sigtsKuoi c IShiPtoti & IV't 33 do eggs, +O7 car empty boxes, B L FalipostoAklB7 shan74l,lBthrtiste, litllonrralLtitle do 530,4b1e do, Gfitowar4l344o d 0.1" Sal 3 Oars wood i JOAKIII9N,rI bbleilqW Efogisttor ' 100 do &our, `Sohottudier & L; ahhde bunny Wilsois -43 Eton:: (;‘,l-:., '; -U r; g I • ', ILEGAI.r: ORO*AO ttlintitliAL ! . 7111i 1 '6 X.l erif 6111fli fig'. eli;iit, iii'diti'iwiki i b'e"di.s tiosed lc oaNi on the iprejtalsesi Cia .7.. r., i 111 3.! . • , . .. . 1 I"‘ " TtriassykrAnnit o;teliSgs,'" 1 '", ' - .l.iiiiig ograiia;t . qii ;tie iiih watt!'a ha All lit .... ,1,.... , 1 3„ ,91ty. (late Manchester ,) at the cornet-of itfiritt' "1 1 14 1 94 tit WO : baTle a i ii ,fronvitatlielit tilt each of ealfl . (ttreeta . , ,and,tr(Rg attplet.rttri nt.h, r 1 ili - RMBLVEl•bsir omit' Ana die piledide In eie , Peak.'inth tattrest.nseiftifeitht bbiitt)iiid itaiit::' , eit4S9oePr/TWB• OOP 10 Mlntiblektl. at 10'. 'Cloak A. N. ' _ _.' ___,,_ ( .E.Tlin'laWfir.(li 1631.97071 LA Wiet,3o2.1 51 . i." 85 . 14 1 1,3.14;L__.......i . __Li WA' DBIOND LARGE , No. Mt . 11 .4 ismiebseld street, Bole ifenufteturer of I 1 terkil wan, fee Cement sad Unveil Boollax. U. ia • Mb= SPECIAL NoTibft.,t. Mr" SCH ENC PUL RION IC bYRIIY, hEAWEED TONIC AND LNANDRANE PILLS will' cure Consumption, L a i t v etro Co i m ptliont a T D y pp al a t , h lf e eMlioe nb aecaokredn at-the sometime. They cleanse the stomach. re fat the livor and put it to work; then the appetite becomes goods the fowl digestaand ?makes good :blood; the patient begins to ' , grow in flesh; the diseased matter ripens , into the tunes, and the patientnutgrowe tee disease and gets welt. Thin to the only way to vireo:mem:option. . To' these three thedicines Dr. J. H. - Schenclr, of PhilAdelphia, owes his unrivaled success in the treatment of pulmonary Csmsuraption. The Put monle hYruP ripens- the morbid matter in the Lungs, nature throws It off by an ea,y expectora tion, for 'whew the phlegm or Matter' ripe a slight Cough AN ill throw It of. and the patient has. lnngsbegtn to heal. - T .do [lda, the seaweed snd 'Mandrake Lillie must he treely need to cleanse the stomach and liver. se that the zulmunte gyrup. aud the food will Make good blood. ' ' " so"enek's Mandrake Pllis.act upon the. liver, removing all obtrtructions. relax the uncle of the .gall bladder, the bile starts . freely. and the liver 'is soon relieved; the stools will show what - the ?undo; , nOthln else everbeendnventud ex- Ceptealomel (It deadly poison wLich le very don :Serous te.nae unless with great care;) that will unlock the gall bladder and start the secretions of thelirer like hchebck's Idandrake 'Pills: Liver Complaint Is one of. the Most prominent 'Causet:of-Consnmptioti. , tiehenca's ?Seaweed Tonic is a gentle stimulant and alterative. and - the alkali. RI the ?Seaweed, which this preparation is, made oh ass - sts the stomach toturow oft the gastric Juice to dissolve the food with the l'ulutonic Its rep, sea It is made two Rood b nod without fermentation or souring In the stomach. Abe great reason why physicians do not cure Consumption is,,they try to do too much; they give•medlclite to stop the cough, to stop chit is, to etop night sweats, hectic fever, and by so doing they derange the whole digestive powers. lock. lug up the secretions, and eventually the patient sinks and dies. • 'Pr. Schenck, in bis.treatment, does not fry to stoP a cough, night sweats, chills or fever. Re• • move the cause, and tees' will all stop of their own accord. 'No one can be cured of Consump tion, Liver •- Complaint., Dycpepsia. Catarrh, Canker, Ulcerated 'throat, unless the liver and stomach are made health,. • If a person Has consumption, of course the rungs in some way are diseased, either Wiwi-elm aboessea, bronchial Irritation. pleura adhesion, or the lungs are a tniss of inflammation and fast• decay fng. in such cases what tusast be dont? It Ist not only the lungs that are wasting, but It is the whole body. The stomach.asd liver.have lost their power to make blood tilt of fo d. Now tne only chance, is to taste. Dr. Schenck's three medi cines, which will bring up a tone 10 the siotnach, the patient will begin to want food, it will digest easily and Make good blood; then the patient "e -gins tegatn in flesh, and as soon as the body be glut! to grow, the lungs con mence to neat up, and the patient gets fsehy and well. This. Setae oni.. way to cure Consumption. When there is no lung disease and only Mier Complaint and Dyspepsia, Scheuck'a Seaweed Porte and Mandrake Pills are iu Mcient, a lihont toe Pula:ionic Syrup. Take the Mandrake Pills freely Mail billions complaints, as- they ate-per fectly harmless. Mr. Schenck. who -has enjoyed 'itnlntemipted health fur msny years past, and now.welgh , _ 225 pounds. was wasted away to a mere skeleton, in the Very last stage or Pulmonary Oonsumptioi, phyt Wens having pronounced his case hope less and abandanedlim to.his fate. He was cured by the aforesaid me , Mines, and since his recove ry many thousands eloaltuly afflicted have used Dr. - Schenck is prepiration the same re markable success. Full directions accompany each; Makin glt not absolutely necessary to per 'Quaint see Dr. Schenck, unless patients wish their hinge examined, and for this _purpose he is Prefelliii9el l ll , at hik Mee: rtilladel pail, evenzliaturday il . where all letters for advice musette dressed. re is also fircifesillsmally. at No. 32 mad street. New York, every. other Tuesday; and at-No. 33 Hanover street, -Boston, every other Wednesday. tie gives advice free, but for a thorough examination with his Respi rbmeter the price 1845. Dace hours at each city froni4A. M. to 3 P. Jlr Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Ton ic each 11.50 per bottle. Sr 44.50 a nail &teen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents a box; For sale by all druggists. myl9:l5l.dAF re -DOCTOR WHlT'rlEli. CON TINUE`3-TV TIMAT ALL PRIVATE DIfiEd.BICd. That numerous class of ewe resulting from self - alone. produeluir un manliness, nervous debltLy, ifrltabillty..eroo thins. seminal - emissions, and finally im potency, permanently. cured, ['croons ed oelicste. intricate and long stand ing constitutional complaints are politely in Piled .to Call rot Consultation, which costs nothing. fixpesience, the best of teachers. has enal•ted him to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe permanent, awl which In most cases csn he use d without binorance to business. 31edimues pre pared intun establishment, which embraces of fice, reception and waiting rooms; also, Doarding anu steeping apartments for patients requiring da•ly personal attention, awl vapor and chemi cal baths. thus concentrating the famed mineral springs. No matter who have failed. state your case. Read aim: be • a's in hie vamplilet of fifty eages, sent to ant address for two stumps in seal ed envo.ope. Thousands of cas e s treated limn; oliticcancl all over the owtotry., Consul.. ration' Irce, personally or by wail: • Office No. 9 Wylie street, bear Court Rouse) Pittsburgh,. Ps, floury 9A.N.t08 P. 8. Bundiye as. to-11 - 2t . .. Paraphlo ecn% to any. adlltruk OP two stamps. - apt WELECTRICITI( AB - 4 CIJRA TIVB —Dr; H.EITEVE3II3.IIas been using , Flectrieltyus a SPECIAL REICIEDIr CUrillfr ejsroAlC7ll3l!Well as .*Cate :COW:MOAB WITHOUT antoictrra for more than Tar: Tarns, with un bounded SUCIAIA. A ' PAlrtilLaTi 1110111 ding tit pattmcuiars withcertifcates and reliable refer• ettees, - will 'basest to any inquirer. , ' A few furnish d rooms vacant. tor boardbuiiia tTeita 1I the 'Ritter's famity: if appliettOursoott. Office and resitiene% ' , ARCH. 1311IEST, PHILADELPHIA. • • ' • trivia= 011 - 111A.TI3RELOWSIIAIR - DYE; This splendid Hair bye Is the Whin the ' , World: ' the.ouly true - and perreet:Dyetilarmlessi. retie.; hie. tzurtantaneons; no disappointment; no ri diculous tinta; remedied the 111, erects .of had: dyer; intigorites and leaies the Raft soft and birautlitil. bidet or brown, Bold by - all Druggists and Peribleers; and properly applied at Batelle larisTrii 'Radon. ,210.16 Bond street: Neve . mtinosto "'EPILEPSY "CAN BE CUBED' tilvidar frileaditardieted ate' el& nestle ,sollelted to seed- for a Circular Letter of vltaferetiete mos t TtatlMont. co ,nce the most stektleal oft ,_ha cuccOtilry_of disediss: -address VAN - Frati.EN' I . O CISZOW.. M. 36 Great Jorte,Sstmt; 'ttible:lrWa&lN - - ' ' • 'BIAIRREAtiiEVTRING. , Zia *a on . tontri And 'the •IPOLLIES "Or A GE, " In Vegeta SOCIAL ;It vU.S...tvlth.eertelo. nelklor Abe err's/ and en.- forate:' Sent lir tgaled letter 'envelopes, rree ot ensue. , Address, ttQW . Attlo . ,AtenotAy-toric BOX P, - Phlladeli3hla,.ra. rata :162.dit F, :-.IRIVER , IPACKETS. • - :RI T T 13 - 11 1 II n G' 'Er ,;4 4 2Z i a c. , VIIRRILING ,- , :AND't MI ••IISBITRO LlNii.LeamA itoriinskav , a What( •11.0a..7n0vr2 V nod Streptidialreit Ifiiclcl,iwED ;klFBDAYS and SATURDAY& pulpit) a AOLIV.I..;.:.VICJ;:- 'li.llitiriiiii, Illitaiiir. Arreigbt will be meiveti ak ill tiedrd by ~ I .i: . •,,, - ~ •... IA.IKEB,OOI,Litch.,-L.,1._ —in ...... F 4 ,41 1 .1.* - rnOcililePPNvagrij . ,fiww4alms.,b,i[i,, A' LIVEROII)Oii' ANDA3I)" QUEEM4TOWN. TRILIibIANIMAIL EPPEADISIEIVPS, 2 .1_•1% umic e lWltten ityateolus yemi . els. amon ut t:K 1 ,, v1 0 AROo IP ANTwzl.4 VIRIVIATIKIII&di p Lo : New sstrmaniZ tiona = vat, ToLnainufge pr Anther, up arm?, c.o .4 • , • 1)/MIRAilLS 44 0` t)TBIE L it:amnia. funding. igivlnstlin cost !MINN Plitatifirek r -.); Ta'f; LI: ' NOURAELCE COMPANY4-_ , :1 rgELfirVi innakiaXai if* z . ! , • 74' , t) CR.1)21:“11,Ali Paid Vv. d It .•it; D AR4 3C R 4 4.4 1 1* . • N. 1". Bt ley. 13.W.Illiferjr, Onpr.H.llititey; Datil Hirttnap 4 Climbers. • JiateTtll'olnrk... Jas Maley Tittliolskiindth Jnir.tilMutoe n t, ,;• ; onE T H KIN % President,. JNO,,,P4AXIININCId4iNiIett Prealdent;: o ' SOS. T. 110tiNtiTON,_derreuuy“ Liberal .L Unix. !au: ail 713fre. , • ,„,„ and NIFIne .#lstui. . - -• -• Otriog 'or (3*er itsiissiiiii'thrn'sraivstrYtitA , • , • .11,,TTEinum.on, FAO, A 8014.: •it 1 2"04 1 1tE.-Tike:Asitiiiiinient to' oti ono inweet i Vrinillt tilaa i n e kii&eeels no.; r 1411 ? mew ate ittillill4ffil &Alit Elt b ad T Ui rettIIAZIOVIZIAIIIV e42XMen94 And:k4; _ f" .- [ Jwicicit At*tviticati. ) .5T,L7 liacrotrys , a, 10 " 10 WRill i at tifilkotilginFli YOB SALE BY DRTIOGISTS de7;blMcwi I -EißoposALs. t: pßOlos4Ls = FOR THE SALE' OF PROPERTY AT. THE T &BARMY -DIPARTMENT. 'Sealed yiopooals will - be received at the Treas ury:. Department, until' THURSDAY, the first day of JUtY, at O'Cif ci M, addressed to the General Superintendent, Treasury Pulldings, for the sale of , the following property: - First clam 'paper machine, bhilt by John L. Seaverns„ ,Worctater. Mass: . • - • if36luch Feardratier machine, screen vat, and alk necesseCry t tires complete. •" 3 patent rsuetlonlotet. First and second press rolismade of brass; six dryers, 3 calendar volls with three (3) winders, with size box attached. eat of slitters and size rolls.! ' ' 1 [atm and all necessary shafting and hangers complete; ,with belting 'and gearing attached to same. 1 paper Calendar: with five 15) rolls. belting, and all necessary fixtures. 21i:eating engines, 42 lath knives, two (2) washers tcl ach, and all necessary shafting and belting complete. - 5 hydraulic presses, for .pressing paper, with pump and pip ng attached. .1 lieW fektsfor - dryers:: 1 tuff chest with pulleys and, shafting complete 2 'arge bleach tubs, and four(4) drainers. 3 rotary pumps. 11 dOuldn acting pumps with 90 feet galvanized pipe. 1 large rotary bleach of Iron. 1 steam engine and boiler, thirty 1 steam engine, and boiler, fifteen power, •• W ondruff at Beach ': Bids will be , made separately for chines, steam engltes with boilers Ule•clt. 4 Bide will be recieved for all or any tke fill wing articles: ' 1 steam engine with portable boiler, (35 horse power,) sal, necessary connections and pipes at tached. 1 steam engine with, boiler, (55 horse power,) connections and pipes attach.d. 16 hydraulic : pumps. frames, connections, sup- DIY boxes., and elites attached'. '4 upright Walking beam engines four (4) by draulic pantos to edch, all necessary . Pipes at Hoy engine and boiler ten (10) horse. , 1 hyds audio ram, valves and connections. 53 hydraulic presses.... 1 holler thirty (30) hose. • - 1 Root engine and boiler (10)borse• 1 steanq englife six (6) horse, and upright • 1. donkey, ptisap "*oodwird.i , 1 steam,engine fifty-live (53j horse, (new,) 71 steam'englnes. each four.(4) horse. 1 cannetUng,macuine. , 1 tnucilagelnachine. • 1 numbe)lng machine. . ; : ; 1 smallgn bandroprless wheel. Lln ' • • "'Litt e le:Giant' , engine and boiler, thirty (30) 2 envelope mtchines and cutter beiouging to paperjrnlll , , complete. 3 litigant 'sinkmills. -' • • • Castaron plates,_ a large quantity. • 6 large Gordon Dresses. , 6 small Gordon presses. • : - 1 esticelling machine. 30 old hydrt static press tops, about 3, 400 pan:DM - each . 100 Pr' fa columns, (wrought iron) 600 pounda each. Vuantity of ' old cast-Iron pipes., • • it an city of strait iron. ()casks r(-ein,, , 19 casks alum. 11 tte• - ct ti and,* barrels glue- ' • i • Quattity of soda 600 poundsrof bronze.. ; ' • • Bids will also beret:dyed 'at the - same time for waste p Ip, r. . belonging to the Trea•nry Depart ment. tor one year from July 1, 1869, together with a quantity on band: • e paper will be. selected. Into two different kinds. white and mixed,' Together with a quanti ty of dried pulp now on hand, for. which bids will be; reeel v. 'd separately, ens Inc contract awarded. to tr.o highest. bidder, taken as a whole- The Department reserves the right to reject all or any portion of th( bids received. - All aribies to be removed tlf.eett (15) days after sale. CEO. C. RICE, OcuerstSuinrlntendeut Treasury Buildings. Jots 16. 16 1 09. • j0i17:15.1 01110 IIIVER IMPuOVEMENT. RIP-RAP DAMS ) AND riiNTER‘.,x/c, AN At I 4D N.: _SEALED PROPOSALS• re - elved at tbs. WS: Engineer`, Office - in Pittsburgh. Pa.; until' G_o•cloceSP. m...0f WEDNEItar. June 1116 e, fdr , quarr Ong and delivering stone on the bapic e -and I o.dlngi, tganFportlngland put-, Ong In o 4anis. Including a sufficient quantity of brash at points Where needed.. Alsoltm river ex?e cavatlon of gravel. Thu stones fir the dame to-be generally fourth eubtele.t, and not less than one cubic, toot ends. - Bids to .be made by the cubic yard. The' work to be commenced Carta% Ith. Ten -per cent.: unapt' thn monthly Mtlmates of Trott done' will: be, reserved as Deem, hy, and bidders must ace comp A apy nis propagate with the • names of two , sureties.. Blank to: rus furnisued on ap pllcettlen !It th i s office, to be Med ittp 'by the bld dem... Thn4lielli is reserved torejeci any ' bids; ir pin'', bit deemed.for,Oto Interest of the (Joy : . ernnieut-to, do so' - -" IDletance.Yards ijabq - Yards of St6oi of River' Plttbb,,g or crone 4:cairition., race , ~ 1. Miles '.Wheeling Isl. 90 Buffington.. .. . 214 'Bandon and in- • levny 0y " ~; 41.5„,/ ,570., Rising 5i169:41 - . - -.' 501' '' 5, '5,090 t: 9oo' . Warstkpx.,_l4 . .. f , , 6214 i - 7.,000 : 2,400,, .. Ity comm4od of Orig. tikoerAt A. A. otlld-_ PHREYS, Chief ot'Euglneero of the *4!.raey or V. S. Clvll Enrrneer. La oh,rge of Ohio 'Eiger: improrriderirr_, I' . : . 'VrffitlVAail,l'A...dmie 15, 1505. .; • • 07 . 1711 t cITY 'lrwritzrzta AN L renvzirom,, t‘' Pittsburgh. June ilk. 1889. fS NtOTICE . TO'. CONTRACTOR& • - ,;!•7 , • sgat.ED, PAMPCII3.4I.B fot,grading, paving bad eurbitie 48th street, from Butler ctrtet , the Allegheny river; Beach &Bel-, irom,Vride to 'Miltenberger Street- Spring,nlier;troraßbtt to Rath street.; Spruce alley trona 214-th to Strith street. tibertietreeti'llratiellaslett street to the Pare aixteen, th { greet; , Alial _Pike street to Bridge. Bt•PatTithd andYirr ß bli Marlon to Miltenberger Liberty street;.2reni'apt to 334 street.. Nun" street. from 3113 te 33d street.. . 7 Also. fbr lying a clay• pipe sewer (11),two feet la dflin ' et`et ; on atenrie; - froth Bmlthilis'ld a treat toi , Cherry. , allee l f will •be recelvtd 'at trite Ciffetintiit-TITESD,LY; JansilAd;ll3B9.' • Simite -far biddind And apectileaticus ant be had at ;fits OinCe. ' Viet dilindttee reaerve the right to reject sky er.alltblik and no • bid .considered k airless =At Out to btattkofroto MIA °See. ' - ''" . . IL J.-1100111Z ' CITY:12411•1111Clen.`: claiV r BE paopos ff-T-I',:lsE44Dxeßopoluts • Will lie retieived by the undersigned until MM. UnaUfneSetti tiny'•Ogitnnes,llBB9.4 Ina asateriaLknd Pavitut Chestnut alley, between lhelksrOtiglEtilAciuti Pittatiargn. Iltddersyrili state priee'neryard for thetlWOMLoornglEtet , .and. utat:trig' gravel and stone used to, tie of the best ler,the work.) fit to d One , tinder tho dirt° Win Of the Beroppkltettopttoradd to be approved by The wOrougit nufliaritieg reserve the light to reject day 'Or all •-• 1 -, == • • . i a rV I R• I° A • •0' LX,illOßßßTki,•Burgeas.: • /569. -• ju . 1,11: iagW . • ct • • 1: KOPOSALS. - . , . • . i.. • e.l li :SEJIAZDJPIaOresALL'' •-• ' -' - Wilt e• Fie'iffiie i ili, u'i6riTened entlilltoN-‘ ftrVet e ittW l4 e4l.l: 4l l l) er r st er ra t t r" au l d hli tile dief ld r o 'i n f regt: i "nettifilOO,lop Metope Atwater" for the Out ft sit streets between manor and Water .1 aTrirlirlOngstietis erlOgg and Klett streek,ln I th b i li ro h erseuth Plttsbeeel.the Olds CO 1117,1 Olne far the XatterlVAlMNilabillkill).+l ),-.1 e rmilh suthorities geserve tee fit i giik t o :, hesli,butB:gqPi - ' e ork to be done nod ,r the direction Pit tile-. g li althaalthiSPUllUW=b4,44>peolft4_ b, onno . r Pullouts: 8 11m tatted on application to " J. H. ROB6ItTI3, , Burgess. Pirresaitaa, Jane IS, 1,11111. 1 SOOT sl' • RAILROADS. r rss UItLEVEII, 808 CLAN anm Mar Dirt, dsrrive at the Union burgh city time, as folio • AMM. ChieT a ll EX..21:08 a mi Erie Ygn E5.7:28 m Cl. & !ghtle:lettint Chicago Mail-eats a m Chicago Ex,. -0:43 a m ! wk. , g Ei2:oBp s:ihiosigoEs:.. - .51143 pm •Wte&E'rieEx4:3B Dm .Departfrosedlierasnlr. Bea? BallaAc. B:SK m Leetsdale" 40;03 a m 11:58 am Bocheatet § Pi L n .3t12.Pul Leetsdale Am: 1k la To m Beal/Yana !* .6:l3P= Leetsdale " Mk4aput Fair Oaks Bun- day Chureh .1:1 4 34 sa , • r 2:93±p. m. ali• 32:03 v. - m.CM. J. M. KIMBALL, • LierVl Ticket Alien mylo , • gue H - A . ll-14 - E • OF aliMpli TIME. GEIEWY VALLEY aaartattn. THE ONLY DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL, REGIONS WITH"UT CHANGE OF CANS. On and after MONDAY. June 14th,lelb9 TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY (except Sunday) will leave Fittelnirgi Depot, corner of Elev enth and Pike. streete,for Franklin, 01101ty,,Buf• filo, and allUoints in 2 e 011 Regions. LEAVE PITTSBITEGEL lAEBIV IN PITTSBURG)" Day Ex 8:00 a m Day Ex 5:15 pla Eight Ex.... 7:30 pm I Night Ex 5;30 ana Brady's B Ac '3.05 p m Bradye 11 Ac 10:15 a m Freeport Ac 9:40 a m letsodaW , lts 7:40 am Uld SodaWiks 8:30 p m Freeport Ac. 6:15 p m let Hulton... 6:45 a m Ist Holton.. 9:50 a m 2d Hu1t0n...12:00 m 2el Halton... 2:00 pna 3d Huiton... 1 e:00 pm 3d Hultort... 1:05 p m Arnold's Ac. 8:0t) p in!Arnold's Ac. 7:40 D m Cburcti train to and from Soda Works leave Plitsblugh a:1:10 P. H. Arrive at Pittsburgh. (Sundays,) at 9 50A. M. fat Express trains stop onlyt 'principal points. Accommodation rains stop at all stations J. J. LAWRENCE, Gen'l tinp:t. THOMASIII, KING, /tun. bup't. ap)o) . (30) horse (lb) horse paper ma ana rotary portion of rENNSITLVA•MUMMI NIA CENTRAL RdIL dD. On and after April 25th, 1869, Trains will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot, corner of Washington and Liberty streets, as follows: • • Artist. L . Depart. Mall Train.... 1:25 am 'Day Express.. 2:15 MO Past Line 1 , 45 am Boutnern Ex.. 4:a 0 am Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 am Wall's. No. 1.. 6:30= BrintonAcc`n. 7:50 am Mail Train 8:15 am Wall's . No. 2.. 8:50 am How , dAs N 0110:210 am Cincinnati Ex .9110 am oCincin'ti Ex 19:30 pm Johnstown d01e:35 am Wall's No. 2_11:51 am How'd AcNol.lllo pm Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm Pittsb'ab Ex. /;30 pm Bradclooks de. 3:40 pm Phila. Expresll:so pr 6 Phila. Express 4:20 pm 1 Wall's No. 3..51:50 pia Wall's . No. 8-4150 pm Braddock Ac.. 5:60 pm Wa ll 's No. 4.. 6:ospat How'd Ac No 2 9:35 pm "'Past Line 7;30 pa Wall's No. 4. 7:90 - pm liovr.ttsc No1.8:20 pm Way Passn'r 10:20 pm W211'614°4. ' .11:00 um ..• "'These trains make close Connections: Harris burg for I3altimore. . , The. March Train " leaVee Walls . Station every .9:05 a. m., reaching Pittsburgh 10:95..1. m:. Re turning; leaves Pittsburgh 12152 p..- m. sad . -arrives at Walla &Eton . Vinclimatiltsprese leaves Clailr. ; 44 Otim ITIOP I: chilly except Sunday. pqrl4l2l4.4lo lrrian t WlTl4 'ARMS. .liteßennsrly4tAbil44ll`.oa4Worarpun willuotat • inane any Malt forßaggage, exce_pt Air 'resift's"; mu9LLitualimit their reeponalblitty am. dre• Milani In - value.4th Raggage.exeeedlng the t =mat- in value ',9lll'be at :beech* ot thee ewnar, unless taken ha special contract. EDWARErft. - WILI .1 A -1111 % SP 2B GetiqrsißulNßrintlaqui, Altoona, Pa. „if I V I V r : F,I E I 4 3 I•IIICYJ.V TE I I N I l ' j ralligiNil 7 1 ROAD.--lin and after April 25th,1809,tha Passenger Traria on' the Western Pennsylvania Rat road will arrive. at,- and depart . from the Federal Street Depot; Allegheny City. as follows: Arrive. i - .Depart. • iliningd'e No 16:40 a m Mall 7:00 a la Freeport No. 18:20 a m Freeport No. 1 9:910i za Express 10:41Ya m Sharpb'g No1,11:20 am Sharptitg No.11:20 p m Express . 2:50 pia Freeport No. 2 400 p m tipringWe No 1330 pm Bail 5:50 p m 1 Freeport N 0.2 s:2opm Springd , e No 2 5:20 r. midDringd , e,No 20:30 PM A.boye trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Train leaves Allegheny Junction every Sunday at 7:40 a. M., reaching Allegheny City. at 9:50 a. m. Returning, leaves Allegheny City at 1:510 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny June.. lima at 3:40 p. to.. . . . . -IDomstirraturn flame—For tale 'ln packages of Twenty, between allegheuT,Cit7, Chestnut street, Herr's, Bennett, rine Creet, Etna and Sharpsburg and good only' on the trains stopping at Stations speci&d on tickets. . . - :The trains leaving Alleglien_y City at Vital a. M. make direct connection at Freeport with Wat. f, kers line of Btagefs for rintler and 11Suroahlttnra; ',, Kag:tickets mai,be purchased at tin Oditsf..• itEit Clair street, near the Sumenslonßridm hit. and at the Depot, -nneglle,Y.! . , ... Tot-farther bfortnation applhti - JAMES LEF F deraiStreet i rpot t % . - ; The Western - Penuilyles:da Railroad will not at same any risk for Baggage. except for weed= • raVoir..A;Pill th r_ e il r ue7 l lll ei ttag "ltT ga io -1)11. - ceeding ; it ID soilint in value wilibe az sna g :Lk - or' the owner, unless taken by special contract. aphir derietel Superintendent. Loons, a. LITTSBURGIEk Mom! °MODENA= • AZOI OMB IMILWAY:' ' PAN; TIANDLE 110 OH ins 17118.6-t sad attar 323EDkE, April set 1868. swan lilklietV,e,swAlk Sac lsepol, so fellows: • - • .Dewrt Malt /i.:' '11:081. tel' &at is. Fast, king ... 21:4/3 a. ap, IF:13 p. Express • ' 2:33 p. m. ' 4:33 a. 36. Xixe4 Acc'n • ' • 5:33 a. m.. 8:68 p. Me/Dettald , s Ace , a,Ne.141:43 a. DI. Bag s. m. BteabeskriUe daeammo4.l3:sB.p.m: *as a.DS -15eDonale , s Area. No, 5112 pp. m. 3 : 18 D. m. buaday,Charelt Train . - :12:58p. m. 9:58 a..m. Cravel. 2,000 4,001 11:33 it. train ' 1A:13 P. M. train will arrive daily. „- • - All other trains will run daily. Zunciale excel*. ed. The 0:43 AeSti. Traitiastaked close eon. neetioiis at Newark fir Zanesville. ~. S. P. SCULL, General Ticket: "W. - 111". OAIID„Buto , t, Steubenville, Ohio. & MIIIICIIIIE ‘301.4 - WELL/IN I L • after'l7'o7 ll i;er' trains wilt arrive at, and , depart front-tho DOlot - corner of Grant and Water Wee" as • . ; 143.11 Wand frown Union De.7,4z,e Arrive*. town 7:00: K. 6:00 r. X. moßeesporrecocandmi .1..1:u0A: U. ; to and from Unt'n. 3:00 R. 1410:10 A. AL Went Newton Accorn , d 4:30 P.-Ari '8:35 A. PG.' 'Braddock's Accomdt'n. 6:15 P.Ani l T:5O P..$ bl Night Ac. tooßlsport.lo:3or.le. 6:45 Aix Bunday Church TraM to . and Rom West Newton 1:00 P. 3f.,10:00 A. PlicgtoAPPlY so, ‘. . E. M. RAlrldOlip, Agent W., B. 15TOUT. Btmernicedadent:' , I= , • • • nogg ITOKilt HILLMMAINIM ROWN7I4. PAC fri l e ' cWA t EEtillteril - Maiden. - • • - .;-.;;; • , .;, • Th'e filiutuatri soup.. Irom the rafa ill ttel potp 3"Y es lejlj"13111. o%*;id . o ,Ifievida• Arizona ---- Washington * , P- • - EMI 1 • New m4A4399 -, .11,)1 , 1 • • Two Trainsosave State Line and Lesvenwt Alt excepterlacia thaltrrival of trans or gala BIM rOafgftoll .16t. Louts, and Haan*. bal stvjoiy - Kailroad-front - Quincy; canna... '" Inv at, Lawrence, Topeka ainego..a= • &Misfit 10r. points' ' sae.' At - end - Of track west of. Ellsworth. with the llx il•paniEff EXPREBB vomeenit .13 : Au. Luiz. tw.u_ysitualtD Aug. 0D COMMES itat - - zdAluzi. Ali; MlSlativAn •the Territories,' imtvrtutiumitmawyma TEr-iiirairwr in= of COACHES for trortjlelgni BenVa Fort, ruN autaucerwe.t Banta Te i she all points in LIU!' tone and New MezioN, • • , a•- - With the Steen • eadttlinnr of and-inreent, and the :_arrsagmento,, , 1 witherpreslble urerland =rnportsuon is - from Its western tspens. ,thls,,regotntswolkenio seetinwte_a, s. An' the ttsafteut, 1 7Tic a ttiribr ae s'aiglenhit a otiga l a IFrAttdlarcieeZt°,44,iii t ia`tkiS irr ."'" la ti orma.vsy rauurmaititwizara ,- El - - IN AYR'S. JASHICSIDO & PITTSBURGH R. R. trains .will leave tro , epot, north aide, Pltte irrfor. Chicago Ex.. 1:50 a m Chicago Ex..111:03 Wheeling Ex 10:48 a m sit. Louis Ex 1:08 o Cht•go Ex&MI4:08 p ra Cleveland Ex 3:53 p Erie St EX' n Ex 5:68p TA Cl. &Wh.g . E=8:5304 arrita is dUegkent. Leetsdale Ac..6:50 axe Bca'r Falls " 8:28 am Ne n w Ctustle "105113 am aon .9:l3am LeetEttiSle lt Bear Falls 9 : 43 pm Leetsdale " 4:33 pm Fatr oa/e Sun- -as day clinrch. 9:58 aft Express leaves daily. Express arrives daily. J. .W.II , OI7LLOUGH, GennSupteal. 3 -IWO r (iambi Bupuintsadea J. X, WZBISTI2II6 "lona ?night and Tfekibt