The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 21, 1869, Image 2
B ... L• 14s littsinutt Ortapth. . , - • W MAXINE TO` TilEpßEs i s. ~.,..., Delius reialt tain BostotiPeace - 41 - bileiliplgilli l / 2 ' B 4 21 . 19- '.,:' , itl Y Crieita cultriir, %,.g' - '' Editor or thißeston Vontmerws. i/ ifttiljaftt. COrilignorthirid souili; Arita and west Mad meet:With cordial' nig. ~ • - On ft more beneath the sws of peace ' vi rt The nation's heart is bea. ng. . 'No mote noon thel rembling wires The news of war is II• • ha ll' N it ulare-Our=utitittile.._ attre-strawn ittriPtrf and - dying. E T us h b etSt r iM e lallikty Roles ligti* . ... .. .Nhiliojig . t , .., RI s-iongrr -, -7 , , 2101111S4Us are gionriltir• A64 irttriifilifeiAtki eirlalig 4 , ''''' The iron bands thav Pan it . -: • Bring Itialifornia'a greeting to ?few gland's hills of granite. I gl ,,,, aii.e',, _, S ' ~• . forests, Pennsylvania's plains, Ifhe•ilieres the Mies are living, ~. •• : :: The _ere o range garden lands ' Safbenveklex. • _Where groves are, tiring, ..... Break forth in one harmonipns chant, A glorious bosannah I .., .. ... .. - . - Let us have peace and unit - - , , ' : Beneath oar country's b er. . - .. Ye wielders of the mislay ower • Thateways both prince a J peasant, - : _Kay all yourways be these f: peace, , And all y.,ur paths be ple • ant. .. , Pralse,we the pen, that trenchant Wand— Our best, our last endear° , To wield with honor that; the true Arenimedean /ever. And this we pray'', While in nide rhyme Tali welcome warm us spoken— - UNIT= ,IIEARTS IJ xi TAD ST • T HS— e OD ICZkY TIII:ellaKIN UNEROE.IN : EPIIIIKERIS. —Nevi Haven Harbor iS up.. —The dcnible-headed girl is in :Boston. —Boston has a baby show of 300 speei- —Maz,inni is one of Prince Napoleon's creditor& - - . —Lucille Western is travelling in Newt England. —Paper petticosis at sixteen cents each in London. -New York is tobave 43 public drink- Ina fountains. • - -A new tin mine has been found in Banßemardino, Cal. •Q-The Emperor of .Et.ustria . plays -- a very neat game or --Count Shupenhinsky : is - in New York. - He is 'a Russian. —Miss Anna' Dickenson is, going:to lecture in Salt Lake City. —France has appointed a donsta Mexico—the /Int since the fall, Ar.lf Maxi milian. ' ' —French street boys call the Empress, La Rousse, which translated means Bor. - : : • There are one hundred and thirty one thousand acres of coffee planted rin :—The Paris Pap says John C. Brick:. • enridge will yet be_Pzesident of -the URI. , —Tostee ' cleared $7,000 over and above all hex exxtriseN by her second to - this eoruitry. , . - • —Claus Spreckles returns the; largest income in San Francisco,,,and that is only $113,833. • ~. • A --CohOesi New :York, has eighfeel knitting raffia, employing two thousand five hundred hands, • , —General Prim' does not allow the Bnaldsh.efilbers Or eoldiers' In - take pa'rt in or to discuss • :.. —Wilson, the great American ornithol , ogist vrasia'pleot i clunan, Pidtde - yi where s monu ment to his memory bet lug erected, • • • • - —Queen Isabel% talks 9f!aking up her residence in Prague where she could „en --joy the society of the imbecile.-ex• Em —ln a town up in New two men own a fish nursery which' ton. tains 48,000 fish, one halt tretit and ':the other halt:daimon ' ---The grand addition to Fain' nount Park; in Flutadelphia, has ,been gunted. Tc contains a drive five miles long, and nearly straight. Slgii'or Blitz has gone - to EuroPe to visit his • daughter, Mrs. , Vanzant, who, as Mauna lianihil, is now . singing in the Boyal Italian Opera, London. —lt is said that the first crocodile seen in this country was recently. captured in "Florida., : He had Probably just run over froth Africa to visit . his .elatives, the sill gittors. —The brilliant' London Saturday 'Be. wet" needs a few lessens in, geogxaphy. It speaks of the town of St. Lomein nols, when it .= means the metropolis of , Mary Walker is willing to go to Alseita, so That she gets Ity,Puilitmerq; Ci i .*/4 1 '. W. be the Per- , tinacity -with which"; motturcielvill 'seek office after they vote? .' . _1 f•• •_ • dawn unrystal, Xplecopa lian clergyman, of Yorit, !and' a" theological writer of iii4sne,dlatiii*ii, become a Conieit to the Orthodox East ern Church-of Enfield and Oreetie:` Flsble elbfiet - new' t s h magazine.' =that = , announbed' , 'for the= uth: maiti ag4situiabiii;o4l;b6eFillobbery 4 , corruption, sanctionalism, extremesand e .;1Tai,a04 2 .5*! 1(0 •/. ''' lAr l i r k *l4/.4o#* VA4/ 161 ‘ dentowa, N. 110=.1dr.?Williamfi'. throve; formerly/Of ••-thletiVA hidr i ereVeriti; ibr'. # l #i*W *1104: 444 41 . 04 ', P0mP.1244, Ira* animas to carry . out orders retfielvettr= 7 - ta4=Weeterril#Wifilepliuft 'hale thiel • bl*l4l#o4. the '0014,W-31044-lieftiio hestq ! /fYr , thesytuagforsce ACw.olll.eqihqv crush theratn't gettherf siren 30 -im a rcr and theitithirfhalf to rekahllV! WO= i l 4 2o **/**O iil ol l Ptiq# " — A GennartElnigNkrAM S ciet hes t4 6 ,416 1 ./*fil "ir*;::toe*Or mow fir:e!fer (WV:4i azdgriftitaAtilurattetob , piortopsy , for the ki f Oid4ritcrtiel4` too 30i °rat eta, " " ri atT 74 1 0; , English language, are incapable of detect ing swindles. -The Memphis Evening Pea say Alaska is a good market for the surplus butter of Orange county. A native of 'Bitka recently ate ten poundi of butter at , a 'meal, and ihiphedpff with a castor cocktail, and ittasni-, a good ataraingo far tauter eithet.': —North Carolina veloCipellists ha t ve introduced a new Sport on the bicyele. It is called gander-pullingi and consists - attemlitingle piall - off - the - heed of a tough and greased goose, suspended sev erittletnibchitinntitififlif;llo:rldelk while going at full apeedu • —The latest London - sensation is the human'findiag l Of - s oot, eildently hack ed from its limb, done up in a :brown pa per parcel With a note -addressed to - "My dearest Lizzie," asking her it', dispose of It so not to arouse suspicion; and in timating a desire to get rid t of other , "parts:" —The Duke of Baccleugh, one of this i lz, richest noblemen in Oteat Biltid , ', is die gusted because the. underground- ilway is to run beneath theelegineterr o a London house ? and' the -tHitilev the Parliament buildings to ' e rd Mayor's house is' driven nuder Ills=''w - down. ;; ,Be prcipcisei to sell OUL , ~„- —The New York &or giver the i age of some persons Connected with the press, as folloWs: ',As hear as we , cau, get at the ages here add hereabout, they are Iluis: Berd4f.,7Bl;OrYtiii, 7 . 6';Oreeley, 60; RaYmoirl; 48;,- < ,A : , *, ,* Mrs; 'RaiUlf; Of kali .4:tho 'Shepard, 29; .Ei.isan4 Xirk, 29; Jennie June, 29; Miss Dickinson, 29." • "A Darin Gnrcrimaimi ALrvm" is the latest New York Sun sensation, interpre ted in the story of a Mrs. Walters, who buried her husband about a• year ago. Duriogiher widowhood she became • ElC quainted with Mile. Jeannette Villard, blonde with a splendid `physique and commanding figure liking her Bo much that she took her to her home.' The Vil lard soon introduced a Mr. Williston into the family, andlie called occasionally to see, both, the widow and her charming protegee. It was not long before the young man made an impression upon the heart of Mrs. Walters. And it was not much longer before it became eyidentthat two' years could hardly pasa' and leave Mrs. Walters a widow. And strange as it inay seem, Mlle. Villard appeared to loOk favorably upon the - suit of the young soldier. Indeed, she had been instru .mental in forwarding . the courtship, but had 'done so' rather under cover, so - that no complicity would appear between her self and Williston. One day Williston was suddenjy taken ill and .sent for Mrs. Walters. She came, of course, and. he confessed , to her that Jeannette Villard was his wife and that he was soon to die. But before he died he must be forgiven by Mrs. Walters— must have.her swear, upon her beaded knees, t WS wife and child shonld be 'her card=shottld never feel waat—should become-sa her own daughter and child. If she would do thislie would die happy. The oath was taken. and' Williston was supposed to die.- Mrs. Walters at once entered upon the discharge of her sacred trust and presented the Villard with $30,- 000, ' after, which the latter disappeared from New Yerk. The disconsolate widow became half frantic witli'grief and sent i k Torixt of detectives to discoi'er. the body of the Villard, that if might be de. centirinterred:: -Their efforts proved sue. cessfal, The _Valera , was found,, alive and living with Williston in a - western. city.- The widow was naturally utterly astonished; but she refused to institute any proceedings for the recovery of her money, which Williston and his &mom plic.e coolly said had been a vol,untary gift, adding that they intended to stick to it. ON run night of the 2d of June,- 1868, James N. Kennon shot and-killed Beni:v. min F. ,Bipe, 4 landlord of the Washington House,in Cambridge, Gitridiey county, Ohio, Kennon being at the time a boarder in the house.'lie was arrested, Irtdieted, for niurder, and the case was subsequent ly removed to Belmont county_ for trial. The case came up at tbe present term of court at St. Clairaville, .and •the trial began on Tuesday, the: Bth. The- facts appear to be that the then were on good terms, and engaged In pleasadt conversa tion durinithe day ;- that at about mid night Sipe went to Kennon's room, called the accused several times by name, and:finally burst open thei door; .and that on. the 'patent Kennon fired, inflicting a wound that caused Sipe's death, it is supposed that • Kennon • having left - , his light burning when he wentto bed, ipe went to. the room tohave it extinguished, fearing_ his housamight be set on fire, as Ktnneb was dissipated: -'Kennon himself was examined as a witnessand 'said that there had• never been any'difficulty l be t Ween him and "Sipe.' sll`;went ,liis meth about eleven d'cineh, took' a quAn titior hat* cP. 11 2,:f4r: Indian hemp,,: and went to bed. , Auer caking „the on& 40., fell into a stupor; mg+ partially aroused, by someone dooriland- half-uncon. -sciously seized hid gun,' which,' Without recognfzilir the intruder, he Accidentally' discharged jtifit•ast the - Iloor''wei forced open. Kennottlr Cants confidently ex pected an acquittal, - but the 'result has not reached .- • . ' • A PknOtta, catnstropheinis occurred in: Nati York. A heautiftd fitsineelpwith ali the &Mite of maTetilOodi' had' break''hal.r.; ,al Zifitdol Theatre - tatight-her, hrotuk would belnere :attreckfilen.jhe:p tothevaye pot. neintibit WOCAP fort 100,0 half •in abeam.. .-101ter the-turbulent .dark hairNirae , amoothed' into geldentipples; When thehairdressq,c to inerein e his profit, re e:M*4 to drdge The effeci wee dihatthub. l '' Par; pie. and Inreaked, nidiiko; Atinfrn4t: ettA r judeeta l , ,itt er i v: intiorat .. , . harlot' the, .Prof rer. the - Atekint, (.10intrt blonde only the po or„onsciiition awing for 411191 0 01 : - Cr- 0f• tof 1f 7.L lir , 1111-: A 43oitnaseentinnieftn t L o a o . igeg stroplithiliklehobbdy knows IR;;li . o.,took coffee but the natives of Ceylon;ind how an do, if: Yjr. "T4eY Aube the qiUttitit,Y cu e , , , fiErtflbb,4o,criap, hemp in ati, * th e sa4cer, fillapedP(4 - 1.,* f4a /trk, A r Ptsgitaud moilnk., or, ! eilloinkerienfitwo. stones; then passibroughlaalevelsomp o , sad of coarse nnuslin;l - bbillwriffaterfe added, and theciofnuvrinade.fs ‘. , H ) • • •••irl. ihW riptinb ROL I=ILM=I2I PITTSBURGII GAZMEi MONDAY. JUNE 01, 1069: d mss= Y'ni t ab--Burln3 In Lis boy Ilood• A. - WELL-Esown . field oftleer—a kernel of norm Wt ini milkmen dance they should try the can-can. Soma for the 13)amese Twins—We Were anajogether. .atako}3l for ts sovereign—ii"eftson in Judy asks : ittiretender won the Derby on the spur of the moment. - Tzar Tetegram - accuses the New York Sun with cattlhtlap shkies.l - P l Agripilimilich44s4,4_l4osl.4Lis,Xrimer, for - he must have made a beginning., DoreT take'tcio much interest in the of ,fairs of your neighbors; six pe; cent, will WREN an officer hap draw,b his. Pay, may he be looked upbn ap" ,, Eaghiered.— Judy ' • WHEN a man parts with his "stu d," does he give up the "rinr' . as well ? ' , Jacky, ; ; Creix - having:town the wind will reap,t, the whiplwind with the Sichies we hive kient • Tomahawk Suggested that Browning's fhe Ring and the Rook" :would find a !great sale at Epsom. " f/' The without parallel as is drum ,in the colfsinun, ; it has now ,:been fairly beaten two days in succession. • , Elqurn, speaking financrially, sayti It was the last camel's hair tor' litirs. ' which broke his back. --Loiiell'Odurier. - • Wnit can not a,lady. who owns it roan horse possess one of • any other color ? Because It would not her own. 1! all human beings are bid *Worms, as the pious folk tell'us, ti tailor is of course a measuring worm,—.N. Y- Ezpross. • schoolmaster'llow, then, stupid, what's the next word ? What comes after cheese ?" 1 • ' , blotted, sir." W e tret the tliffcrence bet Ween a car riage-wheel and a :carriage-hoise ? One goes better when it is tired,the other don't. • . THE furniture about the 'White House must be greatly fit need - of if the repOrt be true that every official chair has a Dent , • REPOR't says that Gen: Dent is about to retire to s farm in Illinois. til.o there will be one Inside-Dent less to chronicle at the White House. Out Bolt. eittibiis the same attention and devotedness to hls work when playing with an orchestra of la thousand that.• he does,when' executing one of his : own masterly solos. A man of genius is neVer a slouch in his business. ' _ " In an article on Buddhism, in the June number of the Atlantic Monthly, Doctor James Freeman Clarke has some valua ble suggestions on the relations of this system to Christianity, which deserve to be widely read. The system • was a reac tion against . Brain:11111am, as the Refor mation under Luther was a reaction .suainst Ronuuoism., It aimed at practibal results, to give rest to troubled souls, and to cultivate a high order of morality and social virtue. It was eminently humane, abolishing all bloody sacrifices, and int - - posing hospitality to all strangers, and tender 'care for the sick and suffering. The following statement may occasion' surprise to some of our readers: "Buddhism appeals throughout to human reason. Its great means of influence is the .sermon. , The Bud dha ' preached innumerable sermons, hls missionaries went abroad preach-. ing. Buddhism has made gall its conquests honorably, by. a process of ra tional appeal to the human mind. It. was never propagated by force, even when it had. the power of litiperial Ra jahs to support it.'. Bnddhism has net been without its errors and its supersti tions; bittit has not deceived; and it has not persecuted. 'ln this respect It can 13 teach Chrlitians al' satin. Buddhism has . m noprejadicei again t those .who confess another tech. T e Buddhists . have founded no InquialtiOn; they intie c01a... bitted the zeal which,Converted kingdoms with a3oleration almost inexplicable to our tvestern experience. -:,A Siamese told , Crawford that he! believed all the eIN" gions of the world to - :be - branch es of the true religion. 'A' Biddhlst in Ceylon sent his son to'a •Christian .school; and told the astonished missionary, 4,1 real pect Christianity ail much as Buddhirm, for I regard it as a help - to Buddhisiii."' . Washington City-.4'opies. , A number of ' PenntlY/v4nia politicians ,' including several memben of COpgreas," arrived here to "day' in'ttie interest 'cif the Republican i party of the State. They rep resent that there s an pnfortunate and a very .serious diviiion an:tong:the : leaders of the party in-their Rune, with no pros. pect of a union before the, approaching Gubernatorial campaign. , • Ono' 'faction. goes so fermi to threaten to nominateand support a candidate - independent of the regular nomination= of the , party. Some of the mostprominent of:these 9tileorgan. izers," asn they , are -termed; are Federal, office-holders. This is especially the case among the'Government, officials of Phil adelptd‘._ It seems-to :b4, ;p . fight of, the city ' politician& against • those , from. the' country districts - . , Airefort .iit making to bring about several. retnovalsimMik th& Philadelphitt'officlak lor- have( thentlrtop tkeir : listerferenoo 'hi the orOdiiiliOn'of , tat a tkirOthe-biiiiitug'eamlialgn. 'TAO; a astonal •,siestili4atiiifi Voliipiatitb. Nillr lit liOdsiik,:?hilikdOphiirne#,Neek v , ,and-theiiGpSernment oillabirsota e'er.' cise great influence irtheysresedispoeedz, 171 71 4 1 4 thtt,tifinikuikt.l o 9&,* 4'4 :of tiilii ti m:414 .",.. 4 e bt /. 0, 1 4 4,90en. dii ot f t , rent 11,,n v"2 iro -tlsat pf Hot- land* $108. 35; , swbile.cFrarroc, and , . Spain average more than s6obt debt far: each. , hibibimervire y, Indio Indio Interest 44 head tWitfy, lb Ili: eiett"ThritaffiT, 4 4 *l3elryetl3 4 3 ptil t'llitsis f nual expertilitnitY,' lin ' i r , jevift beitniP l . tries of Europe etalirtiVikusely, Hol land, Grest 3 Biltith4 =Madly Denmark, Bavaris;-:Bbilrf ittdc„ll:4llst ' Air ebiten. dittittvierlatk Or , , .hi ' , Nap 4irtifie daist*t'FAAheitr '010 ' 64 OrGietkf ~t , ‘ . ;.,Er it a t tlitt l3i it t li , / 411 1 . 4C A05: *V: : F,MTIMP : Mrti , .__ ,11!;,1 'ot) h: a •1111 , .:[ .ItV., 1111/; A , 3 gd. IV , . 1. . -- '" --- -.....r,u1.1, WOE „ ~,,A J Edhur imtetltesqualfronv with, fool min ..: ehlpmetv hoar theta' thiltatlitatetinNweat A64416.0) 0 1 4041eftitiltil 10) ( ‘ Ihlt ii^ ; k Alitittliefluirkeeee tg'Brttenilo. e : O'c l iteltiikaliA 4 thoo - or. ii...; ig na, ittenee,.., ,„,,,,,,, to Ferrol end-to • -Ude:mi.- -If 'ffiti Amid rowehetildi.ft 1112311tOtiallillt. by, totaling Fetroli , they reilllglee7-IktioetttrvtlmettW oidi m :> 7 . , s .z.,›ltr,vt ni Pltsio- N - .4rf I twin.) I ‘ . .: - ..;,(1 , 1,-.t7t t. li .:E., w0t...541:il ;v: 1 ;"34•,< !cp 1 ill:Y . XV:: i... `a,.irA... -.,,, 7-,,-::',,,4..--Z 7..4,g,.,-.4,Z 1 - 4 , 50. r ..* . .,, , 5, ,.„ ,,.. ,r ~g ;.• f,a_, -L-Z. 741. , i , t , pr „.,, + :-.. ,,, ,-.1,.•.=. , Q,...,i , , ,,, i'. , , 14.,A , F ~, ~---,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • - ~.-., . . ...,=- - i •i . - - tk.,..6 , • ,r.ltti,i , -.--4 , ..< . . •;e4ol...**rin.v ... ~..3,..j..t1.,..,.,,z, ,A ., 5...-?rl;:.''',p ;-,..,". - ..,,,, , ,,,, , , - ;,,..- 9.:! ? ...-,;.} - -•.,.. . . . r sr . . . . - • - . . • qu!ps and. cranks. BizMita= NOTICES. MIT oT Aii.zonany, Tenagnaza , a Orszcit. June 18.1869. a"'NOTICE 'IS HEREBY nivErr to the holders of the'SlX PER CENT. ONDS UP THE CITY 09 ALLXOHENT, PA.. that the Coupons, on said Bonds, coming due July Lt, 1869. will be mid on said day (lies the State tan) et the" Bank or PLttsbargh, ui the cl.trot' Pittsburgh Pa. D. Mier OD, Jeitsltt, z City Treasurer. . . tarW.ABREPt AND' VIEIRANGO - OIL COMPANY.--The , uaraisi, meetlus °inn, stockholders Of the_Wurre6 - UK ArtuaNco oil ne-xupsnr, -tor the- election-of Preddent Di rectors and other officers ,wlll be held at, th e °Mee or j. FEntikrBl)N...B.ttortteY Law. No. Pita stveiuo—r4ttubursh. • Ps.. on MONDAY, 4u i e `61 , 1 0 1111;- '' - O.S '-rikertrst&:Ciirit.' OPTlON"priTtin'it-OONSZTAXVIL'LIia; (o, Pm/wont:sm. - June Bth. 1859. • arlite'rll:7E'; BONDI:101.11J t , ER8.. , , • `..• :‘ • • • coots ii iieketir al*fintl;st CooioeNo.9,Plttei.Z Connelisvine . Railroad .Ciunpany lilor_ttaite 'goads,' will be paid oh and after J ULULT ist-NUXT up.-n presentai.lon- and del ivei yat the AierehauttNatgooal Zunii,of.- Baltimore:- - • - • VON'S' ROAD COMPANY,' TRZABUItZB.I3 DEPARTNENT. • tid • Mar 1889. Itos Tu s rocxllo..pEtr.s,• The Board of Directors have twii dazderlared* a semi.annpal dividend of ZINN YBIt CENT. on the capital stovr of the , Company, eteari. or Na tional and State taxes,, payable in cash on and af ter May 0: •1869: • 1 • '• Blank. Preen', of Mtornev for :collec ting dial-. deride can be had at the office of the 93mpany, No. )138 S. third street.- - • , The vette will be evened at 8 A. M. and closed at 4 , 1 1 :1‘ ftOlte.May 30 to .June 5, for Ithe pay= moat. of dividends, 1 . 414 „utter. that date :froai, 9 „ W,HCL.fai T. VIRTU, Tr4surer,. • Ntrrire . ird attiment on New - Stock of. '1868;111 depilate:l , blebs* before June 15,;• , , myBthis PITTSII UR GU IFT.WAYN'E` • AND CHICAGO RAIL ; WAY CC. UriFICE 01 1 TUE fir.OItZTAR.T. . ITTEUMEGR, Je 5. ISt. liyvirtne of a u thority con erre d reso O luebn of the stock and, bundtolders of the. Plataburgn„ Port Wayne and 'Chicago 'Railway Company, at the usua meetiog held at the office of the Compa ny In thlis city. March 17th , 1).1269, an ad. journed meeting or sed annual meeting will be hetsi at the GenertolpMce ..t the. Camauy. In the' ctly of Pittaburgh, at ICompan y. at'ar: of June 24111:' instant, for the purpose of' 'considering' and acting apt); a lease (Or .a period of nip e:twa•. dred acd nintly,-nine years. of the railway and property of this Company o the Pennsylvania Railroad tomgativ, mind ot upon such- other ,busiaess **may come before said adjouilted meet- The.bO . ks for the tranater of Stock and bondi of Pittsburgh, -Mort Way - re and. Chit ago RailwaYCompanv, will close at 2 r. m.'on,Muot DAY: t W h h l s l o t v h e.. oLa June & tCbe 9 a 7 PYe tai trNeew and tattle Nittabarmh., and will re-op eat on the 25th of June. . . fly order or the Prettleot. • , F.M. HUT° tll NSON, .ecretary. Lar!NOTICE. To the Holders of the First and sec. and Mortgage Bonds of the Pitts burgh.. Fort %Wayne and Chicago Itailway Company. • . - In pursuance' of the authority vested. In the Trustees,under the respective deeds of trust or 'mortgage securing the payment of the First and decond • Mortgage Monde respeetively. of • tbel Pittsburgh. fort Wayne and Chkago , RallwaY Company, and la conformity with the t i iy-law 1p relation to tine meetings of said bon holders,' adopted At/rill. 1864, which provided that In the absence from, the country of ettbeiri nf the Trastees, meetings of the bondholdere may be cal ed by the other Trustee.' the undersigned, 'Trustee under the eau.i deoeS; his sigmetated Trustee now being absent ;hem thessltalOt r y. hereby_eatis met Ung of the holders oM, be Said Tint Mortgage Bonds, arid else meeting of the holders of titt- said &eon 4 Mortgage Bolide, to be held at the Office of the said t ompeny the city of Pltubargh -on tbeTwENTin POURTA PiIAT OF JUNE. MSG% at twelve o'clock. noon of-that day. for the purpose of considering and acting upon any and all alma question' act mar , wise, In rekrence te sbe lease of the - raliwity: o ,; ,, fthe said Company to the- Peensylvtusla:Rall canna of. Orin reference to the coaversiod of the Pres ent stock or the said Company Into a guaranteed stock of a larger sugregate. , upon whch- divi , deeds at the rate of seven cent. per annum, Payable quaiterly oat of the rental res erved In the said•itasesballs t mad; and also for the our raise of considering and acting upon any •and all ocher welters 'glitch may come before the said meetings or either of there. jel6hklo • 13.. J. TILDEN, Trustee: far PENNSYLVANIA atm- TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT, - ruirarna.PMAL. PA., April 111 1 11369. '1 TO THE STOCKHOLDERS OF•THE SYLVANIA RAILROAD 4.IOMPARY. All tatockholeers._as reelatered,on the /Seeks of this Company on the 30th day 1868, will be entitled Us -subscribe ler TH - ENTIC.FIVE PEA CENT. of flu tr respective lnierettn hi New : 81.00, at psroui,follows: First. Fifty per cent. at ;the iliac of &Putty — Jigs. between the 15th day of lZay 1e169,,, and the 30th defor June, 1809, • Seeond, fifty per cent. -Ultwreia the of NovensAr. 1889. and tbel3lst Haulm ber. 18800 r. If Shxdtholdnre abould prefer. the whole mount may be, paid.up airthe ttme of su b ". striation. and each lairtalment so paid api shall be entitled to a , pro rata of the Dividend that, may be declared on tall shires. Third: That, every Stockholder holdims Mess thee four abar-a s shall be entitled to euterrihe for tyse srou'et.and those holdins . more L Ham a. multiple of four shares shill be entitled to sal,. eeribe,for an additional, ;share. Fistufh. All shares npOst whichinatalMenta are yet 1 0 be paid ender Reaolotien of /tiny , /3, be ;entitled to their idlutmeat of the Twenty-filve• per cent, at par, as thou*b they, were-paddle AUL teje:l9B.- -THOMAS T. Triaii. Treasurer. tgrNOTIC't. f r CITY TAXES -1869. 14'itcOoidant*Ipl 6ectfou ith,Patel29i of ettrDligeot, • • .f• • • NOTY DE 18 • =REIDY , ()nit N: ••• CITIZENS OF; ; - PITTSBURGH City. That the lisserrickerms 'itlel9.'Of City. City . Building,. Special," Poor, Busineds. City School and Ward:, School Taxes and, City .Water Bents have been returned to me for collection. I The above taxes are subject to's. DEDUCTION CF FIVE PER 0 RNT OM if:paid on or before the pet D4Y, OF -'AIJOUnT, And TWO YICK C N If sista between the IBS? • DAY - Or A 8T and-the' INFT.F.ENTH -LA Ay; OF tors: TEMBEIL - • o lllarNo deduction ,will be Allowid.cli hoteDmOd between trtember fit teentleand Octobeml SIRPa n ditlon calve pee centam will be made_ taxeaunpald October drst, and in additional. five per bqrturs will be addea to aU taxed re inaintaglitipiod on November trot. • STATE.MERCANTILE LICENSES! - - . ' t Ta St4to 'o Ade_railivitile:Appritser this fituntedAci. r coUe4novi the antrateement. roe liitaitelferoantilb Lieeziires wo r st ! t paid" , i;d:' be": yid :Al - be pliused'in the bands,ot , 41,deruket_i:lbr lecU n. . 0';'" - , •i e , . - IA 4 , COORR&N A i[.• , ° g ir t .1 4 . 3421 : 1',1 414:VX 1 I • • TT, 1111 , Ices'kett`4t l ;;,,„ l : N. , pls o Dl,tiirkor.d‘ Allev; , s- 11 t ) , UOl.ll . 1` 1 PISIP~B 11 /1 1 • 1 . -I -1 1 Ot?. rota ittenuon. tons Ituunlattir etaburett *id- 111k:talky. .047151110 11 00 4 - iii t,:tritici 141 V't - , citlAil-Yf *too % I),LLWayr NAIL t.i.Mdik' NirSivati a 3 BYI NIO THEFIOERWEEM, J , !lrtrilL 40111 It •rAtrArolati* Saiiiidsusr# 14684:414filltPW*,4MahVirRIX•,,,fh ?it** oltl'ir 1a 131246 lAtitileAlitittout Ai i .- Ar,i ::•, , rupnkrof JAncoingliik% 031 A m Orta E. LavSealelltnil l* .= tor zutsbetthal Delia ' 0 W i r st at% .4 ge,' , .be ILO - Oli ' 51 Up i 7alnYS office. 4'J r. CO EiR '• I f: WiErf , '..1 - 4 Klima Our Soopeer.; Jels:k47 efoi)t DRY GOODS. OPEN THIS MORNING! BLACK AND BROWS SILK; SUN UNBRtLIAAS. COTTON SUN UIIBBELLiS, SILK PARASOLS, At Very Low Prices. BUMMER STYLES LADIES' & ILDREN'S HATEi, :BONNETS &' FRAMES. RIBBONS AND FLOWERS. .EXTRA. QID/\l4lT•'3i" Ladies' White Cotton Stockings, AT ISIS CENTS PER PAIR LADIES ' : : K I D; ; ... AT 75 CENTS PER. Pl.ift: vuza., SIZE Ladies' White \ Tacked Muslin Skirts, :AT 'ONE DOLLAR, WILLIAM SEMPLE'S, No. 189 and 182 Federal Street, .ALLZGHEIIi'4': CITY 0 4 . ; jEnil= 0 • liplj • 614 t 4 14' . g MU Ica Pr 4 , 111 Z. a tgiGoi 111 ti t, . 0 4 ta 0- • i ; • 12:1 • ; NEW SPRIG GOODS JUST 01:'ElqED bT THEODORE -.F. PHILLIPS', . • r . • 87 Xarket street. Prints, ilinslins, Dress bends, • MIA ',SHAWLS. PULL 'LINE or SILK SVICQUES, Very' Cheap. STS. BIARILET STREET. ST. s BicOAIIinDLESS &CO., %.-/ —tuts wilson. Carr & Coi,ll ' InitOUNIALLIO DEALERS IN,- Foreign Ind Domestic Dry Goods, 94 WOOD Isoriiiurr. Third door above Dim:load alley, . . . WAILIBL:PAREEts W A ILE 1 1° A I . IE AZlntr WINDOW ,SI;IADXS' 3 New and , Randflon* Designs,. -- • n No..ll„nr.lOrEPTO h•Ti - • .IbY , eke greet ;-, MUD: FIFTHI#V34‘I334) Flakbriatug , iniriaretallf selected'itiiek at thafraiw' gist RD sonar to tali Cirreniareirrtati•imilar thus trade: smirwaith 41 - 3 ivrer prtimil* willpalbatiirit4Yezaisbei '• 14: foliDeln I ~•& 'Baty 473. 1141 .11.1 1 7 , 41, 1 1P4001 1 611:t.,iic: T.!l antleci7cif) ofif PROgifit i ggatVai /Wiltet t. 7111 ';'.• • • ••• Ari,HiCir. irk 4( 4Lido NE W RE, .4; IfL'i ,t fi ( l. ell!.!cri ft) bra: iiwt) eet , „mime Etoops,tiltaiT'liastel i v 4••11/1:0fif u AT 3T3¢ CENT S , ' r AI 201 DRY GOODS. GOOD BARGAINS, 'kr YARD WIDE;FINE ALPACAS, AT SS CBNTti.• YARD WIDE FINE ALPANEI, AT 3tiCEPM3 Jxia, com.o.ney: NEW . A.85 . 0.2.TM.K . NT OF FINE BLACJi .ALPACAS, Black Mohair Lustros, BLACK TAIIIIESE CLOTH. Btaik Mk)/ .1)e/aines, ike., ae. GREY:AND TAN LINENEJ, per Le4lles' Snits. PLAIN AND FIGURED LAWNS, At Very ,Lo* feels. All Departments of the Rouse will be kept swell supplied with New Goods, dai. i y arriving, AT MALIAN SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and, 182 Fedora' Street, ALLEGHENY" CITY GAS rF.I.XTITRES WELIN)NBI, KELLY . ; 3lamufacturen mad Wholearle titmice" la Lamps, lanterns, . Chaideliers, AND - LAMP COODS. Also, °mow Alm itislucemire One, ' ,I3 ENWINM. 4e.i. - N 0.147 Wood -Stieet ee9 al2 ' itetiren fith it4;l,Clid Avenues. FLUTY CAN TOi3S. SELF LABELING FRITIT-C AN TOP. COT.T.INS & ICHT, P (TTSTII7P, GB , ,‘! L ins/ Mit aloft breptesst to:lomilp WAWA& i Potters. 1r is perrect, ettele, Aloft o lti the plain top, having th e n wee im Fruits stamped upon - thil , eover..rwliating from the center endact In3ex-or pointepeampee upon the top of,the, Can.; ..:'...i‘ : c, 21 : nits Clearly, Distinctly and Permanently I • 141.13F.L1E1N by merel placing the name of the fruit the can Contai'n's opposite the pointerantsealing in the customary manner. 2io preserver ottrult or rood' housekeeper'will use any other after once WATER JP*ES, ; OUZIONET TOPS A IslBe assortment, HENRY H:COLLI3O4. $p14:147 51d Avenitemear Smithfield St. GLASS. CHINA. CUTLERY. UM WOOD STREET. d . . , ..,,,NEW GOODS. Q - FINE VASES; c a *Kiwar.fAzi.... £ND ilium. N 'T BT D M IN Z Ait BETE ' '.; ';•,'';''' • Q - -• TEA B ATS, W smosme Brit, . 9/FT ' ---"" A large stock - of gISIITEB PLATED UOODS 1 oiAll:tiosatriPtie ‘ tte. ' n ,t ' *,::..,f .• r.... • , ... ~;.:.• lA4 0 . 41 and exastdue, oar goods, anti we • fee; iatlseed no °awned. eig to.besuited. . ce e i R. - E. - 1 3RXED : • 86 :CO; ii u.A .IDR. W ' '4 i I iki 'AL L i riotriNvol TO,. T,. es. • In salts sa. t 4111kte e M i d tiVei ls ce . Thn n" due an CU Of In are . commetely led: Spermatorristaor nal W b eahasss rt IletboteneTi Vic trim l ier sa .az or et er Canna, au w Drwpoej setae o the'fonoerthge l l ni rects, as blo nen, - -bony I te - MdlltelMl alunpaloo,mvarsion ita; soda wunanllness, dread of Were mats. ; loss emo . Indolence, noournal crolastassr, and Yee tad se*".xtju solo render Aulnlare ***Lorre, . theretpro, imprudent, ski perecaLrenUr c!al plaeritil mese or anyother del,* ' Inellealat• . diti ihnSetufAtateasirilunkinal emu !haul& • , We Oa DOM? & tri&l; .ba . 0).0 1 4, , ty, littare;dareOtaereden WWII:" Wi'' , Lem tes, la II - In mationkes lithe VongAtao : rirgbete or Bar e> , 1:: 1 ed.eittb ituteen: ' , s.: t , i 1111. AU ' - It lakkitin4s* tott A poysiot4:l4japeplifht'ei, *i.'i'AZ itTgaLeAttrialYdVilitga,etV M i ll.thue l l,,neLl no ulrjereater a s kiLths qu i v s p eet w at TlArtlißlN‘pitildgMdi4i,,riLigotui,_ 'ollllo4lt hal eltpositiM'afreslerwa• or' Mutt be h44lk6w,VllW**) or mafi fo r two stamps, in Seliall ell Seery sentence contains Instruction' Meted, and enablte -- • to determine the ire else nature eainplidatsu i.', The eekab men; comprising „ ten ample, et on.'"" rooms Need I' -.Whirkill?itr•ntl4kt Ilik eoti ntl eili mvali. tat to , a,, bat in .4tstra l , fr .„ pr.. ........ ..rafita4rethilineona. ex • Won Is absolutely neeetsurY. 11 .trk Others 0417memnal attention is te L , Vtd i t : muss aw „ ontilou e y noir bitten here an, itjaitriniektrriacenratt. i Mna. akii-lifilsr 4.4 ,,, •UaafreheariptkrAC (lirdParagilin We' Doctor's laboratoryeeudathAtr Mitt i t &lir gabliprettealriratenViirbell Syro , LIZ it iOh Fp, i:V l ttr 74 :s P ...1 .0 ;?7r...-ai."01.3 N.(, 1 . lz _pt.: ti l t :).I:itil t r: 1 ~,11 1 1 t-Ii!1 , !. t,,:- , •