The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 19, 1869, Image 8

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    , 11
THE GAZETTE is furojithf „I re city
the six days of the week for 1 5 ,per
soSek; by nwat $ 8 Inr annum: 8 mos., $2.
Those, who '..ritend spending any time
sway frroni, home during the summer
months, tan have the 9AZETTE ',nailed
to then: by leaving their address at our
count:mg room. •
were,seven common cases at the
Allegheny look-up yesterday Morning.
The track of the Manchester Passenger
Railway On Western avenue is being•re
The attention of parties wanting a
Country residence is called to an adver
(.' 11in:orient in to-say's paper.
housebreaking. Clarolice Beel was
committed to Jail yesterday by Alder
man Shore, for trial on a elitirge of house
breaking, preferred again t him by Mun
Suites of Rooms are a favorite method
or , hotel life. The AMERICAN. •ROUSE,
Boston, may
a large number of such,
which be secured by poet. or tele
graph, by families traveling.
Allegheny Library.—The annual elee-
tion of officerswill take place in the Li
brary rooms on Monday evening, the 2ls
inlet., at 8 o'clock, when it is expected al
will take a lively interest in the proceed
ings. -
Obituary.—Mr. Albert Roessing, a
prOmment citizen engaged in thii hotel
bnitiness, died last evening. He had
, beenlll for some time past, but there
were none of his friends who thought
death was so near. He deservedly held
the respect of the entire community.
Counterfeits.—We have received from
a correspondent the counterfeit circular
which has already been noted in our
columns. .Whoever is foolish enough to
send money to Gumbridge 4.t, Co., 69 Wall
street, New York, deServes to pay for the
ktiowlFdge he obtains of the wickedness
and deCeit Of the' Weed. • ,
sent tothe Hodse of Refuge..—Henry
stone, a loci about twelve years of
age, was arrested • and brought before
the Mayor yesterday on a charge of in
corrigibility perferred by his mother.
After shearing the Mayor sent hint to
the House of Refuge, to which institu
tion be was conveyedby officer Dressler
las; evening.
The dwelling house on. Stockton ave
nue advertised by Samuel Dyer in "For
Sale" column, is cue of the most eligible
and desirable on The avenue or in the
city, one which the owner sells, only be
cause ha' is about to remove from the
city. Persons desiring an attractive,
commOdlotts and convenient home should
Improve this opportunity.
Presentation.—Colonel Janies Bleak
ley; of Franklin; was made the recipient.
a day or two ago, of a chaste and elegant
cane, as the gift of a few personal friends.
'Major Phipps, of Lawrenceburg, Pa.,
made the presentation speech in a happy
manner. Colonel Bleakley has a host of
friends in this section who will be glad
to biarn of this compliment paid him.
Lay Delegation —The vote on Lay Del
egation was taken In the South Common
_Methodist Episcopal Church, Allegheny,
Thursday evening and resulted in fifty
two votes. being cast, twenty-seven in
favor of and twenty-five against the
measure. There are about one hundred
and twenty-five members in this emigre
gationentilled tb a vote.
Attempted fiulclde.-We Ileard It cur
rently reported last evening, oat were
unable to obtain any reliable informa
tion relative to the affair, that Celia
Burns-. bad taken' a dose of laudanum,
with an intent to “shuffie off this mortal
coil." It was taken, our informant says,
about three o'clock yesterday after
noon, and Celia was still living, with- but
little hopesof recovery, however, at six
o'clock last evening.
Nominated.=Mr. Wm. P. Price has
been nominated by the Republicans of
the Second ward, Allegheny, as a candi
date for election to the Common Coun
cil, to fill thef i linexpired term of Mr.
John Rirpatrick, resigned. Mr. Price is
a young man of ability and enterprise.
and will fill the position with credit to
biz:lB)3lf and acceptability to the citizens
whom he will undoubtedly be called up
on to represent. •
Art Note.--A. full length life sized por
trait in oil, of one of our citizens, from
the correct brush of Mr. Fred.Bassman,
attracts much attention In one of our
Wood street shop windows. Mr. Buss
man is a young artist of very decided
ability, and hisrtraits and sketches
evince a high ord er of talent. His taste
andlndgment in the use and blending
of (Mors are excellently well developed,
while the tone he gives fat& pictures is
very fine and animated.
The Ne* York Bun save of the Dex
ter Washing Machine:. "It is the most
simple, natural, effective and timeiav
ing Machine ever luVebted and offered
to the pubtio. It can' be worked by a
child ten years old: iVerranted to injure
clod:legless than friction , litiy band; it is
capable of doing more work in fifteen
minutes than can be done in an hour by
hand. It has only to be seen to be under
stood and appreciated. An examination
of the nittoPirie is
_urgently invited."
Thomas Merkel; ManufaCturer, Peen
street, opposite Pair Ground.
Last Perferinance of the Champion
Circusln this city.—Jamßobinson's
imperti•Equestrian Troupe with Gardner
de Kenyon's extensive Menageri e , g i ve
their gloat* eitt4irMiuments In Atli).
gheny)his aternq ind.evenin g A s
everybody w ill want lo ?see Robinson
ride Ace, at femit; Ki Vert.: dpubttni
whether the canvas. lamas 'tie, can con.
Lain ell) that . will apply for admission
this evening - .To prevent disappoint
ment, these taking their < families had
better go in i tbe afternoon—the. perform
ance being precisely the same - as in the
evening. The wild beasts in the Me
nagerie are fed at lialf-pastone. A ti.
Robbing a Tin. . •
V ; v i l er, proprietor of tho Bruns
41Ick • SaloOti, mail, information
befOre the Mayor yesterday,_ charging
Isaac illines With`• laruo i-- ny. It is alleged
that' Zones. wee in the billiard room yea.
terday afternoon. and, while the pro
prietor was engaged at the far aide of the
troom from the cash drawer, opened it
and took three dollars in ctirrenly., Be
' was discovered in the' act' br 110ero.
who called the - attention of Mr. Wylie
id him; tvho mused him to ha detained
until an officer arrived and arrested him.
Jones walv.ed a hearing and was corn.
milted to Jail in default of bail for his
appearance at Court.
l I
ll i
TILE 0013111 .
Obitrlet Court—Judge Ktrlpatriet.
FRIDAY, June 18.—The case of Irwin
vs. Blakely, reported yesterday, is still
on trial.
Quarter Seaslona—Judge Sterrett.
FRIDAY, June 18.—The case of the
Commonwealth vs. Amelia Haney, in-.
dieted for adultery,' reported yesterday s
was resumed and concluded. The jury,
after a brief absence, returned q Verdict,
ofguilty. Sentence deferred.
In the case of Theobald Heist, indicted
for fornex et cet,, a noise pros. was en
tered on paymerit of costs by defendant.
Archibald Lawson, indicted for lar
ceny, was brought into Court, plead
guilty, and was remanded for sentence.
The case of Cornelius Haney;
charged with abandonment on oath of
Amelia,Hane , his wife, was called up
5 1
for hearing, nd after a number of
witness were examined, it was held
t i
over fora fur or hearing on Saturday
morning at to o'clock.
The next taken up was the Com
monwealth vs Ellen Malone •and Ciith.;
leen Flahey, i dieted for assault and bat.
tery, • .Ellen I McDonald prcateautrix.
This case was e result of a fight at the
"Point" bet eenl the parties named.
Mrs. Malone plead guilty. By , agree.
meat . of coup el the jury returned a ver
dict of not gui ty as to Mrs. Flahey. ] n
the case of Mr . Malone sentence was de
ferred. I 1 -
Alfred Price,,indicted for breaking into
a dwelling hones with felonious intent,
was next arraigned and plead not guilty.
It was alleged that the accused entered
the house of bell Griffith, the prosecu
tor, with int nt, to commit a felony.
Jury out.,
156. Com. vs ..abobAleaaley.
117. " . Shell.
118. " rth' ur Martin.
7 . " . p. Mathews.
102. " ' ,eter Riley.
167. " dtard Daley.
147. Corn: vs. ;via Thomas.
149., " avid Gilmore and James
" ° A s fo P :l C obbs. osey,
" •I'homas Sheridan and Pat
Foley, 2 cases.
" Thonias Morgan.
Win. +W. Keenan and .1. H.
Clark. ..
" Frank Gent.
" Catharine Stehle.
" Wm.: Milligan and John
162. " Wm. Milligan, et al.
163. " Jabob Fluxman.
L _,
Common Pleas--Judge
Faznar, June 1 18.—The case of Vander;
hoeven and Blakeney vs. the Yellow
creek Iron Company, reported yester
day, occupied the, attention of the Court,
and is stilton tr al. The argnment list
will be taken up Saturday.
More o the Contest.,
In our notice of the musical contest
of Thursday ev fling, at the Female_
College, we fail d M note particularly
several perform aces which ranked
high in the estimation , of the audience.
Whispering :Wino, an inatrumental- per
formance of brilliancy, was rendered
by Miss Lizzie SaWyer. The Concert
Polka, by Misa Atina MeKelvy, was a
rare exhibition of skillful manipulation
of the keys. It, was rendered with
power, ibrce and exquisite nicety, re
flecting the largest measure of praise to
the accomplished performer. La Rose
was another beautifdl performance from
the touch of the talented daughter of
Bishop-Kingsley. I Miss Emma Kim
performance, Variations from Ii
Puritanic, was as flne. an effort as
we have ever heard in the concert
room. This young lady is gifted with
a high order of genius, which develops
itself even as MllO3 in music as in intel
lectual ability as a lwriter. . An instru
mental fantasia from Il Trovatore was
rendered with_delightful effect by Miss
Robinson. who developed' unusual profi
ciency and training. The Water Sprite,
by Miss Fannie Rees, was worthy the
hearty applause it received. It was well
executed and displayed to advantage
the musical cultivation of the young
lady._ The vocalism was all room, ar bly high order for the class there
not being an ordinary voice amengst all
those competing. - The difficult air Child
of the P.egimont was sung in a delicious
manner by - Miss) Jean Wallace, a
young lady
_gifted by nature with a
marvellously sweet ,and powerful voice,
which she has under very good control.
Of the vocal performances of Misses
Mary Bowman, Mary Vanhook, Lizzie
Sawyer and Maggie McMullen we have
already spoken of in terms which only
half conveyed our appreciation of their
efforts. It is a matter of congratulation
to all that there exists in our midst a
place of education so competent to im
part'such thorough knowledge of the fine
arts to its pupils as the Pittsburgh Fe
male College.
Boys and Baths.
Boys will be boys, and consequently
will bathe during the summer months,
if a pond or river be at hand. The
Allegheny river, which in former days
was as delightful a stream for swimmers
as could be desired, has been ruined by
the downward tendency , of petroleum,
the Monongahela river was always too
muddy for that amusement, and so there
is no desirable plebe in or about the
cities for switumlnglbatbs. In Philadel
phia and New York private enterprise
bas provided tinge tanks or natatoriums
in, the heart ofAlie city, where swim
ming can be quitel , pleasantly learned
awl practiced.. Boston and Cincinnati
have baths arranged on their rivers, but
Pittsburgh, the dirtiest of the cities, has
no provision whatever of this nature.
If a proper place were provided for the
boys to swim, and ditit and bathe, we
could find ft in -our hearts to decidedly
object bathe crowds ol youngstera being
allowed to disport In oil-smeared nudity
In the neighborhood of Um-bridges over
the Allegheny. Put if they do,gni go
into the dirty rivers they %Must, ital, on
dry land—and, . , if , we mutt
tween oil and exposure on the one hand,
a nd Ignorance of swimming and absence
of clean liness, perhaps, on the other, we
believe tang, it would be a sin ands shame
to keep•them out of the rivers.
meloyer and Employe.
:George l iousebeck, al journeyman
painter, was in the employ 'of Mr. Emil
Schreiber. fie is not now. He and Mr.
schremer could not agree on certain
points intimetely connected with their
businese, and a separation had to be made.
The manner of this seParation did not at
all suit George, who was exceedingly;;
wroth thereat , insomoth, according To
mr. sehreiberis statement, that he
thitaiened that'gentleman with all man
ner of evil. includieg , the breaking:of hie
cranium. Alderman :Bolster was -made
acquainted with the circumstMioes of the
case, and at Mr. Schreiberfs request M
atted an invitation soliciting George's at
tendance at one of his levees at his earli
est convenience.
"1 ! -
_T !
Further Partieulare
We have received furtk 4or , t ortionimil
in regard to the fire _ A b oilhoon of
_ , sig.
which mention v .
- .as made yOsterday,
:ad a large frame structure.
The building wP
two stones 1. 4g " _ h,
and extending along
the river bank, near the foot of Beaver
ate' sae, about two hundred and fifty
f.det. It was owned by Messrs. McCloy 4S:
Bro., 7ho were engaged int e manufac
ture of , arrels, kegs and dr ed lumber.
The fire broke out in the n per story,
and spread with great rapidit . The ma
chinery, located on the first oor, and a
part of the stock, were saved, through
the superhuman exertions_ 16r the fire
men. The loss of Messrs. MoCloy will
reach about $6,900, upon which, we un
derstand, therells no insurance.
In close proximity to the manufactory
were the dwellings of Mr. John B. Ken
nedy, ,Captain J. T. Simpson. and Mr.
T. H. Neal, which were in great danger.
Mr. Kenn y's house was. considerably
scorched b the heat. The shrubbery
around it v" s also destroyed, entailing
a loss' of bout 6600. The !other two
houses we e both owned by Captain
a e
Simpson; and were consideribly 'dam.
'aged.l The lass on them cannot as yet be
estitnitted. It was exceedingly fortunate
that they escaped totaL destruction, as
the flames communicated to .them sev
eral Ones, but . were promptly extin
guished. .7,' I •
There was no fire in the keg factory .
during Thtrisday, and the proprietors
are at a loss to account for the conflagra
tion. The &when worked with a noble
ness and zeal Worthy of the highest com
mendation. H d it not. been for their"
extraordinary forts the loss would have
been much gre ter.,
Collecting Vehicle License,
Julius Dougherty, who, it appears, was
some time since delegated by Chief of
Police ague to look a ft er persons who
had fa led to take out a vehicle license.
rind were required to-do so, 'was yester- ,
day arrested on a chage of drunkenness,'
and disorderly conduct. It is alleged'
that he stopped James L. Crawford, who
was dtiving a wagon across Sixth street,
on Penn, and informed him that he would
have to go to the Mayor's office. Mr.
Crawftird declined to obey, until he knew
for whit cause he had been arrested;
Dougherty, who, ft is alleged, was drunk,
said that he had n ot taken out a vehicle
license. Mr. C. said he had, and di
rected Dougherty :to the plate which
was on the housing. Dougherty then
said that it should be on the wagon, but
ir Mr. C. - wonlff pay him fifty cents• he
would let 'him I off, otherwise, he would
have to go to offi ce. the Mayor's oe. By this
time a large crowd of persona had as
sembled'around the wagon, completely
blockadingl both Penn and Sixth streets,
and an Older, on ascertaining the cause
of the diffieulty, arrested Dougherty and
took hirrr to the watch house where he
was locked'np. I Subsequently, however,
Chief Hagne became responsible for his
appearance at nine o'clock this morning
for a bea ring , and he was released.
Salts for Europe,
Taday,l at noon, Mr. William Semple;
the' well-known dry goods dealer, will
Hanlonlrd the good steamer Columbia
for Scot land. He is to be accompanied
by Mit estimable wife and family. Dur
ing his absencelMr. Samuel W. Spencer.
the courteous and obliging general super
intendent of the extensive Semple.dry
goods establishment, Nos. - 1180 and 182
Federal street,.*llegbeny, will conduct
,business anit see to it that nothing is
lost to the numerous patrons of the kies
tablishment by he absence of the pains.
taking propri tor. The departments
will be kept lly supplied with new
goods, and grea bargains will be offered
during the ummer months. Mr.
Spencer has ha large experience expe
rience in buyin and - we feel assured that
Mr. Semple made a wise and judicious
choice in leaving him to conduct the
large business transacted - by the house.
Vocal and Instrumental Coicert.
The grand Vont and Instrumental
Conceit at Excelsior Ball. Allegheny,
on Thursday evening, under the direc
tion of Prof. John Manning, was a de
cided success, some of the finest amateurs
of the two cities, both vocal and instru.
mental, participating. The programme
was selected with rare good - taste, and.
embraced a number of solos, duets, trios
and quartettes, all of which were ren
dered in true artistic style. We must
forbear being indlvidious on this occa
sion, as it fa impossible to speak of all,
and to particularize any one performer
would be unjust, as all were really de
serving of nraise.l The proceeds of the
concert were don ted to Rev. Morgan's
new church at M unbeaten We would
be pleased to hair a repetition of tbe
concert before many days.
Mortuary. Report.
Dr. W. Salvely, Physician of the Board
of Health, reports the following inter-
ments in the. city of Pittsburgh from
June 6th; to June 13th, 11309 :
Males BWhite 18 „„, ,„
Fernsles....ll I C010red....: 1 5 **** zu
Of the above there wore: Under I
year, 4; from 1 to 2,3; from 2 to 5,8;
from 5 to 10, 3; from 20 to 30, 1; from 30
to 90, 1; from 40 to 50, 1; - front 50 to 60, /;
from 60 to 70, 2. •
Diseases—Old Age, 1; Drowned, 1; Te.
terms, 1; Delirium Tremens, 1; Hydro.
ceptialus, 1; Aniina Pectorus t , 1; Menin
gitis, 2; - Pneumonia, I; Eclaulpsis, 2;
Maraamua, 1; Cardiac Disease, 1; Peri
tOnitis, 1; Bronchitis, 1; Tuberculoid's, I;
Scarlet Fever, 1; Still Born, 2.
Where Were the Pollee t
Yesterday evening, about o'clOck •
a disgraceful scene occurred on Sixth
street, near Red Icon Hotel, between two
"bruisers," whose names we were un ablee
to learn. , It appears they had been
drinking a considerable quantity ,of
bad whiskey, and *bite in conversation
differed about some trifling matters, mid
finally settled the difference by'a regu
lar 'lima" One of the parties was
knocked down three or four times.''and
in the affray one of them fell against the
doorof a clothing store and broltea large
light of glass. ; Notwithstanding the
fight lasted several minutes, and a large
crowd assembled, there was not a pollee
officer to be seen, and the belligerents,
after the affray had ended,quietly walked
•TherEsperinsental of Reap.
• trs and klowen.
capt. T. P. Walker, the gentlemanly
and efficient Superintendent of the State
ExPerimental'Farm, in Indiana county,
ties' Mid& arrengementa for a trial of
reapers. and mowers, to take piece Wed
needay,July lith, 1869. Manufacturers,
agents and farmers are invited to be pres
ent with their intuthinea ready for trial
At 'nide o'clobk A. IL
• Oapt..Walker, in. addition to Maga
good practical farmer, was a bravelol.
Bier, as ail who know him Will folly tee.
illy, and, kola a. who'd .Souipa,;accani..
pitehed and aooonfmodating gentlethan.
We will insure all who accept the invita
tion that they will be treated with the
=oat generous hospitality at kis hands.
An incident of an unusual char ne n. ,
and which lis somewhat enshri,nded in
mystery, occurred at Jones'
. -- "xerry about
six o'clock last evening. At h a lf pant
five o'clock, a tall slil, l man, apparently
about forty yeard of age, and neatly
dressed in bier:4r clothes, came on board
the ferry boat at the Saw Mill Run
landing, apparently for the purpose of
Ironing to the city. After the boat had
proceeded some distance, the istranger
evinced a peculiarity of manner, which
attracted the attention of the Sngineer
and several of the passengers, which led
to. Inquiry as to who he, was, but
no one on board the boat knew him. As
they neared the landing at the
“Point," the stranger became quite
nervous and excited, and:Was observed
to walk rapidly across the boar of the
boat, from one side to the' otherf several
times, after which he got upon the rail
ing and was standing upon it, holding to
the jackstaff. The pilot seeing adm
there and fearing he might fall, called to
-him, to get down. He obeyed:the call
instantly, but to the surprise of all who
were watching his movements,l instead
of getting down on the inside of the rail
ing, leaped headforetnost into the water
in front of. the boat, which paased over
him. He was probably struck by the
wheel and sunk, as he was not seen after
the fatal leap. Who or Iwhat.ii was,-or
what induced him to commit the rash
act remains a mystery. ! I
Rev. S. Glenn, yielding to the impor
tunities of many friends of education In
this city, has decided to Open a school
for young ladies, the first Wednesday of
September next, in the large and commo
dious edifice recently occupied by Jas. S.
Craft, Es., No. 29 Ninth streSt, (late
Hand,) adjoining St. Andrews Church.
He will be assisted by Miss Anna C.
Woods .and other competent teachers..
No expense or effort will be spared to
render the school pleasant, attractive and
profitable to the pupils.
Circulars giving particulars avid con
taining testimonials of Mr. Glenn's qual
ifications and past success as a teacher,
with the names of well knowngentle
men to whom be Is permitted to refer,
may ballad at the principal book 4 stores,
and at the office of Rev. J. S. Trayslii,
No. 37 Fifth avenue, where Mr: Glenn
may be seen daily.
Persons in want of fine stationery
should go to Jno. W. Pittoclol, opposite
the Postoffice, where they will have an
opportunity to select from the largelst and
most varied assortment of goods in that
line In the city, consisting of initial pa
paper, French paper, fancy patterns anti
quadrille,all sizes; English note and post
ruled and plain square cut note, , Periea
fine English paper, envelopes 'to Match,
wedding paper atutenveloptss, invitation
paper and envelopes, wedding, invitation
and visiting cards.printed orilthogiaphed
to order, mourning paper, envelopes and
cards, violet and black. ..Mks, Arnold's
fluid, ink stands, pen racks, letter, clips,
paper cutters, rules, pens, mucilage, pen
holders, pencils, pencil sharpenerS, bill
hooka and Ake, paper weights, 'pencil
holders, reference files, gum and ;string
tabs, memorandtun, pass and iblank
books of all sizes and grades, dm., &c.
We deaire to call the attention Of our
lady readers to the large and well se
lected stock of trimmings, lime goods.
hosiery . and gloVes at the ladies' empo
rium of W. W. Moorhead, 81 Market
street, tu3d advise them to call and ex.'
amine it, whether they desire - to purchase
or not. It is always . a pleasure to exam
ine tine goods, and the gentle Manly
salesmen at this establishmeat deem it a
pleasure to exhibit goods. The stock
has been selected with great care by
Mr. Moorhead in person, Who purChases
from first hands in the East, and is there
by enabled to sell at prices much below
those who purchase from Jobbers and
brokers and consequently have to pay
more for their goods. The latest styles
all lines of goods may he . 81
Market street as soon as they appOr in
the Eastern market.
Books and Stationery.
The cvaD.known and long established
Book and Stationery Depot of - Col4 - J. D.
Egan, on Sixth avenue, near Smithfield
Street, continues to enjoy that liberal
share of public patronage the Colonel so
justly merits, and which it will ever en
joy so long as it is well conducted.; , ilia
stock of books, both new and second
hand, is one of the largest in the city,
and munprises all the modern works of
popular authors, including the latest ap
proved text books for schools, library
books for Sunday schools, ttc. An end
less variety of stationery of every de-
Scription, including note and letter pa.
per, envelopes, eke., of the latest style, is
Included In the esock. Ali the late pi
italics's and magazines era kept for We.
Death of airs. C. W. Robb. j.
This most estimable lady died, aftera
brief illness, on Thursday night, Ii the
year of her age.
The stricken head of this familY, by
whom she was loved and cherished, the
bereft children, too young tomoOsure
their great loss, an extensive social circle
of which she was an ornament, the.rtd
mirers of her great musical aclompllish.
inputs, and the Church of whic4 aib.ewas
In exemplary, devoted.'add edialistent ,
inember, will lament his su'dden and
filictive visitation of a iso but inintorti-
Xable Providence, by w doh, at midlife,
earthly ties so many, strong,' so en.
deating, are all neve leaving, ;how
hver, that blessed spirit al bond whioh,
unites this life of gloom that heaqesily
la nd more glorious life • •yond the grave..
i First Class Bata
The Continental Di l
which l r.lioltaheimer
beyond, all question th
11'8hr:tient of its ohmic!
During the warm' west .1
Portion of our brurine
side in the country, an.
cape the beat and disco
Lome, take their dinne
ronise this old and we
,tablishrnent, lira, be
Are always clean, cool
and Second, because the I
with every delicacy o
well as the substantial,
*lnner which defy co
• .lealou . '
Two colored women, named respective- .
)3' Mrs. Margaret Gordon and Miss Hlls
abeth Hall, had a personal encounter In
the Allegheny Market House, yesterday.
Mrs. Gordon was the aggressor. Idles
Haft was talking to a companion, when
her enemY came up and strut* her two
or three times collie. head with a stone,
Inflicting several bad gashes from Which
the blood flowed freely. At this juncture
• a policeman happened along and, arteated
JX l thparties. The 4* lrere stated at
the Mayor's office, • when Mrs. ' Gordon
was fined ten dollars and Miss H alf die.
charged. The cause of the row was jos!.
Supposed &dads.
YAiung S4;hool.
Fine Stationery!
SI Market Street.
log •Room, of
leading estab.
er in the ,olty.
l er the large - pre.
men who re
-4n order to es.
1 .. forts of a drive
in town pat.
conducted 60.
Wie Che rooms
nd comfortable.
eau be supplied
the season, as
Prelemd , in 'a .
petition. F,l
19, 188 a
.Cows are very useful animals in theii
way, but sometimes that way leads di=
rectly in the wrong directioniaa was the
case yesterday- with three of the quad!,
rupeds owned by Mrs. Ani,ustusi Rill, of
Mansfield. It seems that Mr. Rill miss.
ed the cows from the stable, and . upon
searching, discovered them la a neigh.;
boring field. the property of Richard Mc- .
Govern. He attempted to takia them
away, wheh, he alleges,:McGoVert ap
peared and demanded five dollsa dam
ages for
altercation ensued, and Mr.
for each. The demand was alined,
ill sud
denly measured his length on the round,
a club in the hands of McGover assist
ing him materially to assume a recum
bent position. Mrs. Rill next a peared
to rescue her husband, when she also,.
according to her statement and assiste
by the same means, followed his exam
'pie three times in rapid sucbession. The
sequel to the affair is to found is the in
formation for aggravated assault and
battery at Alderman MeMaster's office,
in which Mr.;Rill appears as prosecutor
and McGovern as defendant, and which
caused the necessary legal document to
be issued for McGovern's apprehension.
The idea formerly existing that a first
class article of Queensware could not be
manufacturedon this side of the ocean,
has been most completely bxploded, by
S. M. Kier tit Co., proprleton3 of the Key
stone Pottery, No. 363 Liberty stret, by
the production of a ware from their
manufactory In this city, equal, and in
many respects superior, to the best Liv
erpool ware ever Improted. For strength,
'durability and beauty of finish, the
Keystone Pottery ware Is unrivalled.
It is manufactured in all the latest - de
signs and after the latest patterns, and
finished in any manner desired Owing
to the - 2feet that •this ware can be pur
chased from 20 to 25 per cent. cheaper
than the imported ware of the same
quality, it is almost entirely supercedlng
the latter. Ifealers should call and ex
amine it. --'
To The Public
We desire to call the attention of our
numerous readers, and particularly that
portion of them who use or deal in tobac.
co, snuff and cigars, to the large and well
selected stock of these articles at the es
tablishment of Mr. John Megraw, No
-45 Hand street, as they will doubtless
find it a matter of considerable impor
tance to thein to call and examine* it
before making purchases elsewhere.
Mr. Megraw is an experienced tobacco
dealer, and his reputation for honesty
and fair ° dealing is beyond reproach.
Persons itt need of any article generally
kept in a first.olass store, will fipd it at
No. 45 Hand street; where all articles in
that lino of trade can be purchttsed at
prices which defy Competition.
A Well Conducted Molise
One of the largest, best managed, and
best conducted wholesale liquor estab
lishments Of this oityis that of Messrs.
McCullough, Jr., & Co., 245 Liberty
street, of. which our genial friend, Mr.
Hugh Keating, is the general managing
'partner. It transacts an immense yearly
business. and sustains a very high repu
tation everywhere, dealing in nothing
but _the best and purest of wines and
liquors, and offering such inducements
in the way of liberal prices to patrons as
to secure their support and oonfidence.
To those of our readers desiring any
thing in this ii_ne, we recommend
that they visit the house of Messrs. Mc-
Cullough & Co.
The Largest Piano Factory in the
United s.tates.—When completed, (about
July Ist) the factory of Messrs. Wm.
Knabe & Co. will be the largest piano
factory in the United States, and Its
capacity will be instruments
per week. The demand for such in
creased facilities Is a gratifying evidence
of the prosperity of this branch of trade,
and the instruments manufactured by
this firm have gamed a reputation for su
periority which reaches beyond the
limits of the western Continent. There
is now on hand at the factory upward of
one million feet of lumber of the various
kinds used in the manufacture of pianos
ready for use, and nearly as much more
in the process,of seasoning, as - only the
Wait and most perfectly seasoned can be
used. -Charlotte Blume, 43 Fifth avenue,
is the only agent for , these unrivalled in
struments in this city and vicinity, and
has lust received an entire new stock.
The best and. Original Tomo of lron,
Phosphorus and Calimeys, known as
Caswell, Mack & Co's Ferro Phospho
rated Elixir of Calisaya Bark.% The Iron
restores color to the blood, the Phospho
rus renews waste of the nerve tissue, and
the Calisaya gives a natural healthful
tone to the digestive organs, thereby
curing dyspepsia In its various fbrms,
Wakefulness, General Debility and 'De
pression of Spirits. Manufactured only
by Caswell, Hazard ik Co., New York.
Sold by all. druggists. a
Dissolution Notice.—Notice is hereby
given that the partnership heretofore ex
isting between Henry Beggs and Alex
ander McGraw, doing business in the
name of `Beggs & McGraw, was this day
dissolved by mutual consent, Alexander
McGraw withdrawing from the firm,
Henry Beggs is alone authorized to settle
the accounts of the late firm.
Fourth es iJuly.—Onr lady - readers will
and the moat complete stook of French,
Scotch and American Lawns in the city
at J. M. Carr's, 118 Federal street.
'lemmata of dress goods, silks and
poplins and wool goods, cheap at J. N.
' $4 fair Lace Curtalus—ull lace curtains
at reduced prices at Bates & Bell's.
Gents , Llnen Banaiterehlent.— Sixty
dozen Gents Linea Etandkerehlehs at a
great job by the - dozen, at J. M. Carr's,
/18 Federal Street.
- .
Hoop Blurts and I-avels, closing out at
Wary lotif,prioetk• No. 82 St. Clair street.
J. M. Burchfield 41 , Co.
Ba lli tes araa et i
j344 11ea , , a. f0r Atulto and dry' at
Nice Handsome Light prista—Nine
yards for one dollar; at J. M. Carr's, 118
Federal - street.' • '
--Thin This. Goode; from Sic a Bakii it
Paranoia and. Sun Igmbreillik—A. lbll
stook at J. M. Carr% 118 Federal Street.
All 4 , s y
ace Palate, Bacques, Rot
Mild at Bates & unfla aid
pruned P. s►a; Worth one d 0115 4 .43105.
tug fast ay 50 cents. J. M. Mucha°ld
40., No. 69 Sto Oh& street.. -
At litX Ceita.-100 dosen Linen Nap
kins at - J. M. Carr's, 118 Federal street.
I, 'Oar
About Cows.
• No. ao .arrra aTurr. Clete
• oho.) have tun 141 *Vel3 from the Meat the heel
lot of New 6004/4 for Spring gaits tor.erlirorot
ante the market. Tht Ina warrant to elitFalk4 - L'At'
toad make Clothes cheaper slid better than any
fist4l/41kom tat* els,. A tici.aid mm. Vi
did assortment of GENTLEMEN% PII/1211118-
LNG GOODE; are at all times to he found at this
house,. our Number Is. 00 a 1.2111 117112/IT.
Basalt seen are madly, bound, but
our never bind a knaye.
Pisitvorrom Ityrrmiscues Dyepo
Keep no more cats in the house t
will catch mice.,
War makes thieves,. and reace hart
Plaint and Nervous Headache..
Time is a tile that wears anti nudres
tion and Late Hours.
Better have one plow rgohur than t
cradles. I
PLANTATION Brimms are an algid()
Eo Change of Water and Diet.
Fools and obstinate people make law
yers rich.
PLANTATION IturTuns purify, strength
en and invigorate.
A kind wife makes a faithful husband
114.anuonia Vi r amta.--SuPerior to the
best imported German Cologno, and sold
at hall the price. ts.s.r.F.
X. L. ALL.—Geo. W. Huhley, No. 68
Federal street, Allegheny, regrets his
inability to supply the demand, last week,
for the popular X. L. ALL Refrigeratora,
announces the receipt of a further supply
of:the different and most fayOrite patterns
and sizes. Customers are advised to call
at once, as the supply will soon be ex
Shetland Shawls -4n all desir.4tde col
ors, at Bates & Bell's. •
There are a great many preparations
for the hair in market, but we are satis
fied that the Alisma is ahead of them
all, in virtue at least, and if it proves as.
successful as the Constitution Bitters,
Seward iSt Bentley ought to feel grati
Suits of Linen, Hemani, Leno, Mar
sallies and Silk at Bates it Bell's.
The place to get Wmte Lime, Cali
clued Plaster, Hydraulic Cement, is at
backer & Caskey'a. 13 Smithfield street.
Linen Goode, long variety, at Bates &
Constitution Water is
,a certain mire for
Diabetes and all diseases of the Kid
neys. For sale by all Druggists.
Japanese Silks in . great varletyat Bates,
& Bell's.
White Bedouine•at Bates & Bell's.
. -
ROB—On Friday morning, June leta, at 20
minutes before 1 o'clock. Mrs CAROLII47, :s
AMILL lA, beloved wife of Cba. lea W,lloblb, Msq.,
The funeral will take place on sre/NraiithillS;--'
i rpo next, the 21st inst., at 10 o , elock, from the
residence of her husoand, Na, 275 Penn (neer* ,
corner of Ninth, formerly Hand.) street The
friends of the family are rerpeLtfullr Invited to
WILLIAMS.—On Frthav 4P - ening. Juee 15th.
FRANK (I. WILLIAMS, In the 91st- year of his
The funeral will -take place from his late real, -
deuce, No. 150 Lacock street, A legheny City:
TO-MCCILEOW. (Sunday,/ et 2)i o'clock. The
friends of the deceased are respectfelly Invited t
to attend.
GRAHAIf—On Thur•day morning: 17th iaSl..,
Rey. JAMES B. GRAHAM, aged hit years.
Funeral from Third Methodi:t Church, Pens.:- . -
Sylvania Avenue, Pittsburgh, o a 8.1.7171 DAY;
19th inst., at 2 o'clock r. N. The frlends'
of the rem ll 7 are xesPertfellyinvited to attend: - --
ROESSING—On June 18th, 1869. at , o'clock
P. M., ALBERT Rt./El:MIMI, In the 35th year of
his age.
His funeral will take place from hie late real
deuce, No. 62 Fourth avenue, Pittsburgh, at -..
SI o'clock P. x. on SUNDAY, June 510. The
friends of the family are invited to attend.
ttsburi,o, Ea. COFFINS of all kifds,CRAPER,
GLOVES, and e. ery description of Funeral Fur.
fishing Goods funnelled. E.ooms day and
nteht. Hearst+. run Carriages furnished.
Rimatzmes—Rev.llavut Kerr, tev.M,
Jacobus D. D., Thomas Ewing. Esq., Ja-mh
73 - Ego.
AVENIJA Allegheny City, where their COir/fIN
ROOMS a: e constantly supplle.d with real and
battalion Ito ewood. Mahogany and I Walnut -
Collins, at prices r arying from *4 to *lOO. Bo
dies prepared for In.. rment. Hearses and Car
riages furnished: also, .11 Linde of Roaming , Roods. it required.. Oface of en at all hours, day
and Melt.
S 0 A P
Containing 40 per cent. Pure Glycerine.
Such its 131Carb Potassi,Viabl Batt, FAsainge
Balt, Bet:lilts Powder, Citrate Magnesia,: CUM;
Iron and .Qatnine, lodide Potassae, Carbonat •
&e., Also, agent F. A. eargsa Vienna..
Glyetrint Soap, and Bieeknelrs. London, Ski
Corner Fourth Avenue and Smith
field Street,l
Would respectfully inform hle riends mid taili
public generally, that.
Corner of Penn end Sixth Streetsi
pa SALE.
W. G. pinoirsEATzt,
JItWiLIM AXD orticlAß.