The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 19, 1869, Image 3

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t: FRIDAY, 4une 18, 1869. I
As might be expeleted, there is tuts. ,
l little doing in either crude or marlafac
' tured irons, the demand for both. being
-light and confined mainly to anpplying
f immediate wonts. Metal, although the
I i supply is by no means large, is dull
! nevertheless, and prices are scarcely
sustained: the tendency being down
ward. lt is thought by some that there
I will be an improvement in July, but of
1 this there is -no certainty, as It in not
probable, from present indications, ; that
many of the mills will rts.ume opera
tiogs so early, as they are not likely to
be crowded with business, and besides
it is desirable to make repairs.
50 " No. 2 Foundry.. ..... .
20 " No./ ;_ 6 * . .. ......
30 " No. 1 . " ......
20 66 No. 1 " ..
40 " Red Short C Grey...
10 "
" No. 2 Foundry.. .....
10. No. 2 " ........
10 ~ No. 2 1 6
10 " No. 2 " .... .....
100. " No. 3 Neutral Forge
86 " Mottled ... . ..... . .......
10 " T B No. 1 Foundry
• on cars at furnace
I 10 is T A No. 1 Foundry
i at furnace:. ...... ...
1 10 " TII No. 1 Foundry
at furnace........... . ......... 36.25 cash
1 2k " No. 1 F0undry:........ 43.50 5 mos
! 2 Foundry 38.50 4 mos
) 80 " C Forge from yard 36.00 6 mos
92 's Med Grey F0rge...... 37.00 4 mos
120 "
Medium Grey 35.751 mos
137 6 6 M C Grey Forge 34.50 3 mos
60 " Medium Grey Forge
.120 " Open Grey Forge at
furnace ... . .................... 36.95 4 mos
100 " Open Grey Forge at •
furnace ............ . ........... 37.00 5 mos
i 30
" Close No. 2 Foundry 43.00 4 mos
; 100 " Mixed N Forge . : .... 42.00 4 mos
200 " "
" " " " " ...... 42.004 mos
1 1 10 " Maranice (Missouri 41.50 -cash
cold blast) ...... 53.00 4 mos
F}3f 10 /00 " I Juniata No. 1..... .. ... . 95.00 5 mos
" r Attaraniee 100.00 4 mos
!' . 100 " Allegheny Coke 38.00 8 mos
•• • i inarkets by Telegraph.
i ,NEw YoAx, June 18.--Cotton less ac
. ~ . .. i
1 Live and unchanged; sales 18,000 bales at
. .. t . 3354 c for middling •uplands, Flour: re
. j ceipts 14,358 bbis; 10c better for shipping
, • j grades, and an active demand for export
, .• ‘• 4 and speculation; sales 31,600 obis at 11,80
. ~.... • t ./ 05,25 for suPerfino State and western,
. • • • .1, 1)06,60 for extra State, 15,7006,50 for ex
. i tra western, $6;5507,25 for, white wheat
••• 't extra, 16Q6,75 for round hoop Ohio, $6,50
' 4 -
07,50 for extra St. Louis, arid 8C L 6.411 for
. 1• ..,.,, i good . choice do; closing firm with no
selleri of shipping grades at inside quota
. ' :- tions; included the sales wore 24,50 u bbls
y,.,„„iq extra at $5,90@6,40 for western,
•', '• • and g6®6,60, for State, Part Sr o
•.• ' : June and July delivery. Rve Flour
quiet at f - 1,2506,25. Corn Meal dull.
•:..... -!,-i. Whisky , quiet, At $.l. for western and
- ' $1,03 for free. * Wheat; receipts 82,366
tk. . . bush; • prices 2@)3c better, closing less
, .1 .'g active; sales or 122,000 bush, at $1,44;4@'
. - i 1,473 for No. 2 spring afloat and to ar
rive; $1,52 for No. 1 do.; 11,18 for amber
..,'„ State;. 11,5901,60 for amber Michigan;
, • 1 1 1 ,6701,034 far . white . Michigan; $1,65
. • 7 •1 for white California. Rye quiet; Corn;
, '- '''' receipts 42,596, bush; market dull and
• .• :.$ heavy; sales of 43,000 bush, at 61®8343 for
• .• i new mixed western Ida canal and 84®
• • .., i 890 for do. via ;railroad. Oats; -receipts
•' ; 1! 4,705 bush; market firmer; sales of 47,000
•.. .; i bush, at 77c for western In store and 77®
.. . •*; ,/ 78340 for do. afloat. Rice dull; Carolina
0 809 c. Coffee quiet. Sugar firm; sales
' ‘• ; of 1,000 hhds Cuba at 1 03‘012e. Moles
","' • sea quiet and firm. Hops dull. Petro
leans dull, at 1(1w416;40 for crude and
31c for refined. Linseed 011 dull at $l,Ol
•• - 1
(41,03. Tarpentine heavy at 42(043c.
Pork heavy; new Mesa, /32.75; old do,
•' A 1260 . 26,50 for prime; $ 28 ,25®28,50 for
.. I prime mess; - also' 500 lib's new mess,
-. •
~ ; buyer for June, at 138. - Beef is `steady;
* . ! I sales 190 bbia.. iteef hams quiet; .sales
.225 blahs at 1• 30 ®3 1 ,60... Cut meats firm;
'1 sales 236 packages, at 13 ® 13%f0r
shoulders, .16;i©17y0 for hams; middles
. f firm; sales 400 boxes Staffordshire and
*,• -1 Stratford at 175 'Lord - dull; sales 380
tierces at 18(420o for steam, and 2 0®20y(e
• fin • kettle. rendered; -also, 750"tierces
.*. • steam,'' buyer and seller • for July and
•. , August, al,o2(Xlc. Battens a shade
' - better, at Ibr Ohio. Cheese is In
-..., Air request at 11919 c, Freights to
. Liv
erpool are firmer,* with engagements of
:! .. 90 ,0001inshelo wheat at' 6@634d ' per sail;
J . and 7d. per Steam, and 1,000 barrels flour
.....* per steam t. 2 s.
- . latest .— Flour closed 50 better' with
' brisk exports and speculative demand
..•' for extra.western at 15,90(46,40, and al®
. 6,60 for extra State on spot to arrive June
' and July. Wheat quiet and steady at
-'• $1,46®1,47 for No. 2, and $454®1,52 for
• '.INo. 1 spring. • Rye nominal. Oats steady
at 78c for western afloat. Corn dull and
heavy at 60(472c for unsound; 73@82c
~.. - for canal, and 83@88c for railroad. Pork
quiet at fss for meas. Beef quiet and un
- • changed. Cut Mesta firm and. active.
-' Bacon Arm with moderate Inquiry. Lard
dull at 193..;®19M0 for fair to prime
~. steam. Eggs a rm at.24c. , *
=• •I Ontoe.oo, Jl3llO 18 .—Eastern-exchange
• -]Weak at par selling. and 1-10 per cent.
discount- buying. Flouf . firmer; sales
.... of spring extratCat $4,5006,25. ' Wheat
... active and "'unsettled ; sales !of-No. lat
add No. 2. at $1,163(®1;18,
closing at 0 1 .1734; 'this afternoon No. 2
was dull at $417y,(41,
17U. 'Corti' fairly
acilve;.No. 1 quiet and 2 ®2Nci lower;
l • . salesat
6214 @q 4 c1Caiih,;65;•io oseller,4aly,
;and 02144-4eller qoilkelp4 9g at 62c baSh;
1 No. 2 °waded ° lager, ' but subsequently
advanced !to '62:1,,146230; rejelitedlqulet
• I and X(4Ke lower; Pales at 56(457M0; this
efterneeniNo. 1 walk 'Am at 65ge' seller
; 4 - nly, and .No. -2 "at , 63c:- °ate is
-; 'a 'shade - more -*Ratite; •• sales !at -
' IMMO% 'closing ' steady.' Rye!. quiet', g
' ; 'firmer, and • ligilMir 'higher,' at OSUMI
.t 'for NO: °l,- chilling's t 99m Wit. Barley
dull at $1,15r41,20 for No. 2. HlM:mines
'ntinthislat9743. Molastes: Now'Orlealisr`
,95011."' Shelf,' 18,4'014Xci for fair. to , I
'choice 'g Mess Pork quiet-said firmer 'ilt 1
• 183,50;- Prithe mesa, 128: Lard,'l9V4
19is. -`• ;bough shecidere ' are held at
,abort rib middies; . 1713.' The re- ,
tel,pts for the past twenty-four honks
amounted ' to 9 , o 9Thariels Sour,' 98,924
' ittaihille Wheat, ' 109,870 bushels 'corn i
510,007 bushelifolits,' 875 bushels rye, 206
' birhiy,and 10,956 head of hogs.
Elhipmenta:-.8,602' barrels - flour, 49,020
bnahotni' wilt*, .105,015' bushels ;"corn,
9,7B fibiiiihelsoats, 1,091 bushels rye, and
;__,..9iglri.iiltlV.'?sL .V. A - ; , g t • ei tibti 3 •are_aliPt
imain-w-uy. a*.tie 'on.loons,seitl, w to
i p• ~,,t fktiiii:AB l 4.
_' 1,441- wheat t o° 81 !1W, !
• r. eCna it ridsteady
and in fair demand; family at 15,50®5.75
Wheat ;inched and the demand light
No. 2at 1/ / 20 , No. lat $1,25. C6rn
diall. ear at for yellow and mixed.
OW !tor white. Oats steady at 11114)7IL
to' I
eta:tton scarce and higher, middlings al
3 :4 stock light and not much in market.
Tobacco firm and in good demand; sales
of 199 hhds. at ;5,85019,75. Whiskey
sold at 96, in active demand. Mess
Pork; about 2,000 barrels sold at $33,
mostly taken by a dealer from St. Louis.
,Bulk Meats ffrm bat quiet at 13@16.
Bacon firm at 14j4®173, @lBy for shoul
ders, clear rib and clear sides. Sugar
Cured Hams at 20®21. Lard in fair de
mand at 19,1,1. Butter firm and in demand
at 24@28 for fresh. Eggs firmer at 15®16.
Linseed Oil in demand; sales of 200 bar.
refs at $1,02®1,02R ©1,03; this is 'oil
which had been held by speculator's for
nearly a year, and 'they are now selling
out; the regular cruehersare asking 51;04
®,05, and guarranteed leas one pound
pe barrel. Lard 011 firm at $1,42®1,47.
Gcaries unchanged. Gold at 13tH;,
b ing. Money market . tight. Exchange
d 1 and not essentiall unchanged,
Louis, June 18 .—Tobacco in good
d ' 'a,ud and firm at unchanged prices.
In;hemp there isnot/ill:kg doing. Cotton;
none here. Flour inactive and un
superfine sold at 14,25®5; spring
at 115,12®5,1734; double extra at
8 5 . 3 7®6,50; double extra at 56,76@7,75.
Wheat inactive and unchanged; sales of
No. 2 spring at $ 1 ,07®1,09; No. 1 at 81,12
@1,14; prime to choice fall at 51,20;
strictly choice to fancy at $1,423a®1,50.
Corn heavy, and in favor of buyers;
safes of mixed in bulk at 60®62c;
fancy white mixed in sacks at 68@69c;
prime to fancy yellow at 70®74;4c; choice
to fancy white at 80@82c. Oats dull and
buyers demanding concessions; sales of
mixed or white at 64®67c and fancy at
66c. Rye inactive and higher at ;1,00.
Whisky steady at 95c. Groceries quiet
and unchanged. Rio Coffee ranges at 19
®26c. sugar at . aa@lsc.
Plantation molasses Louisiana
at 65®85e.1 2
Pro Vi
sions very strong but not quotably higher.
Pork sold at 18 1 ,1,; clear rib at 18c; clear
sides at 18 1 „1c. Lard firm but quiet and
nominally at 19y, ®l9aao for choice kettle.
Cattle are in good request for the better
grades, and prices range at 3%®7. Hogs
inactive and bouyaut at 7;449. Receipts
—F10ur,3,200 bbls,Wheat, 13,000 bus,
Corn,ll,ooo bus, ats , 9,800 busa Rye,
4;000 bus, Hogs, 200. •
Ciativnaaarn June 18.—Flour is un
changed but firmer. Wheat firmer; No.
1 red - better, held at the closest #1,30;
No. 2 $1.20®1,21. Corn unchanged, but PITTEIBURCH, FORT
firm at 70c for No. 1 mixed, and 650 for OAOO RA.ILROAD. Jun 4 18.-8 cars iron
No. 2 do. Oats—demand light and mar. ore, Superior Iron Cu; 10 do metal,
ket quiet at 65 0 for No. 1 State. Rye Nitnick at Co; 2do do. Hallman & Ham ,
dull and in light inquiry; held at 90® matt; 1 dodo , Union Mills ; 200 bb! flour,
95c for No. 2, and $1,00®1,05 for No. 1. Shomaker dr. Langenhek
do, 100 do A
Bouc do, h-
& C
Barley dull and nominal. Petroleum; Lindsay Jr Co Co;; 400 s
crude lower and held at $6,25; refined er; 1 car bran, Sli Floyd i & Co; 24 bbla
dull and unsettled and nominally 27® bulk hams, F Sellers at. Co; 8 bales broom
271 ac for July and August. corn, Z Et Taylor; 5 tibia alcohol, 1 do
Is tints, B I, Fahnestock 41t Co; 5 do Mao-
TOLEDO, June 18.—Flour dull and un
hol. Schwartz dt Hazlett; 3 do de, Harris
changed. Wheat laa,®2c better and ac. _
& Ewing; 4 bids e_ s, 4 pka butter W
Live; amber sl,33ag on spot :and seller
June, No. 1 red $1,28, No. 2 red $E,a2, 11 Graff & 37 bbls flour, Culp at Shep
ard; 7 pkgs Co: 'butter, 1,410 lard, 10 bbls
N. 2 amber al,lB. Corn steaidy; No. 1
ergs, 70 bxa cheese, Voiigt, Alabood & Co;
68 ®63 1 ,.fc on spot, 68c buyer Jul y; 70c
3 bbls eggs,D'av & Saul 2 kali but
seller last half of July; No. 2 6634 c, and ter, 30 - . 1 a !apple .
ter, 30 bgs oats, la oodworth & Davison; 2
rejected 58c. Oats dull, w,th no sale:.
bbla eggs, J A. G'aiff; 2i bas C 114 . -1 1 ,1, P 11
. quiet; No, 1 95c, No. 2 900. Bart y
McKenna; 20 hxs °bees., W Cooper &
1301111112.1. Receipts-4,100 bbls flour. 7,0(,0
Co; 21 do do, N.l Braden: - 20 do do , II
bus wheat, 32,,900 tills ccirn, 2.300 as
Riddla_; 18 obis as, El Rea Jr; 3 b
oats. Shipments-700 bbls flour, 6,100 bus
gas, Morrisf.m , VDevol; 25 bra cheese, J
wheat, 2,500 bus corn, 1,900 bus oats, 300
11 Lippincott; .5 do do, W II Kirkpat
bus rye..
1 rick at C Co; 40 do do, T Jenkins; hu tiO
MILWAUKEE, AID e 18.—Flour in fair A rbuc•klas & Co; I car 'hay, Bricker
demand; city don ble 6@ do extra a 5,76.25. Lo ;1 do eon', Robb & Herron.
IVheat firm at $1,21 for No. 1, and t/,/7 1 i 1 A
Ir 2: LLFA4R ENY V ait,Lev H.A.II,ROA D. June
for No. 2. Oats steady at 59e for No.
Corn irregular at 60c for Na 2. Ryo t .S.--. 1 ear metal ; IT Woodsides; 2 do ,
une ilenderson et Co; 1 do metal,
nominally highor at $ .;l for No. 1. Bar-
i Brown ‘ l / 4 . Co; 215 hush potatoeq, 1 car
ley nominal at 90c(ra1,25 for fair to prime.
Bingham ,t Laing• 19 bk; oats, D
Grain Freights firm at 9c to Buffalo and grain,
t 3 ears railroad' Iron. J 13 Dor
14c to Oswego. Receipts -3 000 . bbis i 'l!°Math,...
' ' i ringtozi: ,3 sks oats, Soatt & Gisal; 1 car
flour, 115,000 Nosh wheat, 1 , 000 bush
oats. Shipmputs-2,000 bbls flour, 119,000 grain. Martin Brickell & Co; 1 car lime,
D L Reynolds; 1040 bbis - oil, Owston &
bash wheat.
Solvers; 729 do do Fishar & Bro; 409 do
LOUISVILLE, June 18.—Flour Quiet but do, Citizens Oil aVorksf r fall do do. Lock
firm, with sales of superfine at 14,25- hart, Frew it Co; 938 do do, L Roam dr
Grain quiet. Wheat; red ;lad, and, Bro; 120 dodo, Waring, King & Co.
white ;1,20. Corn, 65e.. bats, 700.. Rye,
$ 1 ,25. Leaf tobaccols active, with sales
care limestone, Superior Co; 3do do, G
Pork, 833,50. Bacon; shoulders, 143;0:of 224 hhds ranging from 1 5 ,50@40 50-
dc S afoul; 100 bbls flour, G Stewart; 172
Provisions firmer and advanced; Mess
aka oats , S C M'Masters; 3 cars cooper
, Ralya & 11: 2 do stone, Forrester &
clear rib sides, 181/0; clear sides, 18,0;
a gesugar cured hams, 19a4c. Lard, tierce, al ._
; 1 do do, Huckeneteine 6r. Co; 212 .
lige oats, 1 car mill feed, Knox & Son; 3
19a4c. Highwines firm at 96c. Ther
mometer, 85. do metal, Lindsay dr.
iron' ore ,
bbls ap
, pies, Owens &K; 2 cars iron ore, Rogers
BALTIMORE, JUDO 18.—Flour inactive
and favors buyers. Wheat dull with .& B. 2do lumber, J Gregg; 1 do corn, hf
, a Steel & Son; 1 do wheat, Kennedy &
sales of .prime to choice red at $1,601.w Bro; 10 bbls apples, E,l[ Jehkins; 17 bge
1,75. Corn lower with sales of prime l oats, Rose
( t•E ming.
white at 96@98a Oats; 72c for light. and ,
ateur Rait
.7sc for heavy. Mess Pork firm at 833,50 \
Ciatvamalso awn Pr
risstr limestone ore,
@34. Bacon firm; rib sides at 18®18aac; ROAD. June 18. 5' cars
M'Knight, P' & Co; 8 dodo, Reese,G &
clear' aides at 1830®18aa,c; shoulders at
1; 2do champlain ore, Bryan a o;1, do
1c; hams at 21.®22c. Lard firm at
lumber, Clarke & Co; /do oats, Graham
202034 c. . - Whiaky firm and scarce at ..
a kt; 1 do
_potatoes, Bruggeman & O'B;
1 4 021 5403- ' . . ' * lido stone. J L I,Knox; 46 bble lime, Eil
MERP I IIB, June M— Cotton 'quiet and Davidson; .67 aka oath, J & W Fairley;
firm, low middlings at 813i®32; receipts, ,••
zia do bones, Hoeveler, K dr. Co. 96 bble
60; experts, 160; week's receipts, 678; ex- rbain, Wilson 4: co; 55 do do, Wilson &
ports, .4904; stock, 2,093 bales. Pork is Glorman; 5000 f !anther, J.Daidinger; 100
po rt s, 1; 904;
5 3 3.80®84. Bulk Meats firm; 01l bble, OA. Wornwastie.
shoulders at 14,4(015, sides' By e Bacon
firm and unchanged. Lard at 20W421.
Corn firm at 9 9 X(490. Oats at 78®76 for
prime. Hay 1®27. Bran dull at 18®
/9, Flour weak at 11,7897.
$40.00 cash
42.00 4 rum
44.00 4 mos
42.00 5 mos
36.50 6 mos
42.50 cash
43.50 4 mos
41.50 4 mos
40.00 cash
38.00 8 mos
26.00 5 mos
36.25 cash
38.25 cash
Dry Goods Market.
NEW Yonk, Jube 18—The market for
cotton goode.was" 'rampant and buoyant
under the advafice in the prlces , of raw
material, but the demand is confined
Principally to orders for unbroken pack
ages to distant trade. The following are
among the principal changes to-days
Broadway : Brown, Shootings are Up,to
14c; Indian Orchard T 40c; Brown 163'ic;
do. do. X X 18c; do. D 14c; do. D 13c;
do. do. W 18c; "I ,4 6caaset Canone; . 40 inch,
18)0; Granite B,'N do., 11c; Dwight, 86
inch, 14c; Newburyport. Se ince' muslin,
154 o; Massonville d0..194; Lonesdale do.
19c; Fruit of the Loom 19c; Blackstone A
1530: Chapman X 13mc; Stratrord
Xyard 180.
, —......_._
The river continues to recede steadily
with aqui, four and a half feet in the
channel./ 1: evening. „ Yesterda
one oft
ottest - the-the se . y`w
asen, the
mercury at 4 P. zt, being up to 87 in the
shade. • I ~ ..
7 • No arrivals, to report excepting the reg.
nlakaiii,i l P , '
The Grei - EigiO, 'Capt. C. L. Brenn,M, '
Is the regular packet for ,Parkershurg
today, leaving at boon'. , . • „
ThereiverO fotir-deParturtis: Benton
ft,i Portsmouth; Maggie Hays for arida.:
nati Sri'" Louisville; Messenger; for fit,
l ied, ktridwail 'Davage -for -St. - Louts.
The A Messenger . and Hays each had a,
: - .ThenArmatilllo• was tb have • left: St.
leplalor.,lttsbnrgh ,on Thursday, and
the Bellevernon way , advertised to fol
low on Friday. ~,
Tho. Rover. wee at Cairo on Wednesday
'en route for' littsburgli.
• , A: dispateh from Loulsville,% says that,
the steamer Belle Lee has been; sold for,
01000, to Messrs. Sinnott and-Adams
and. Capt. John Schuioker, cf .New Or-,
leans., Her original cost, we believe,
, woe, somewhere in
.the, neighborhooltof
;0(408. ena.the-lAce rot • 7 t,ME/ 1 1,00
t 3.40 YMI / S :eFi A lll *AFki e ti' ' '
4_1.--te AsYlei 404 4 0 1 . 1
4 4 1
einit ' on - .htert; ity Wi a ( rAg iT;
trip. Leo adman and her bald
Bonnie are aboard; en route kw
Baltimore. Pilots—Millar and Cable.
_lbw is isunired_ln the dd
lowing unataaul oaken anigerpfleep
11.5. 1 in
1 . Magnolia, 14,000; Eureka. ;3,500;
Cnati, $3,000; Crescent, e 2,500. •
A Louisville special to the Cincin
flat °mime) cial. says: The Wauanita
and Nashville palmed up. The Lorena
and Glasgow passed down. The Waua
nita was heavily laden, and refused a
large lot of cement, but took a small
lot of other freight. ;The Nashville bad
200 tuns of Iron for Newport, Ky. She
is on her way to Pittsburgh, where she
will be ;dismantled; and her machinery
placed in a new boat. The Lorena was
heavily ;laden, arid had a barge in tow.'
She I added 270 pieces bagging, 100 bditt
paper, 20 bble whisky, , lo tuns iron pipe
anti 15 passengers.
The Wanantta was to ha4e left Cin
cinnati Air Pittsburgh ,on. Thursday,
--:Frank Dazier left Eft. Louis for Pitts
burgh on I Thursday, to contract for a
nett/ hull for the machinery of the Rob
tonJiecently sank in the Upper lidis
sourl this boat to be Icompleted for fall
business.. The boat Ne i ll be for Durfee tic I
Peck, of Leavenworlh ~who do a large '
business with then pper country, and la
to be 180 feet long, 35 feet beam, with 10
water-tiglt compartnsents in the hold.
The mac hinery is In good condition. 16
Inch oylindera and 5 feet stroke. The
boat is to draw about 16 inches. . 1
i ,
—There are no less Alan eight differ
ent pa ift! at St. Louis to purchase the
Paulin Carroll and Lady Qay.
A aft was 1 ,
ce l r e ce ntly . towed from
Reed's nding to Dubuque, 265 miles,,
in four days. It contained 1,835,080 feet'
of lumbtr c; in 224 cribs,) 16 feet wide and
32 long, arranged that the whole was
545 feet long and 224 feet wide. On the
raft was 610,000 lath, 76,000 shingles, and
tugs phasacbecome qnitekets. The towabus ing
iness of ra o fts
then b
Upper Mississippi. i
—A St. Louis dispatch says: Three
venires of, thirty-six men each have
been exhausted in the attempt to obtain
a jury in the case of Captain Donaldson,
and only twenty persons found qualified
to serve as jurors. Of these, three have
been excuaed,by the State and seven by
the defense. Another venire will be
called to-morrow. and it is thought testi- I
mony will be taken on Friday.
b° AP4 / 1, In— I be Owner
HESStlctialt "Capt Juan AZAR.
ilia. Russell. cl«rk, lOW have a. above 2%41
DAY, June 18th.
For 'relent orffiataue apply on board or to
FLAeK & roLLlNowtAio. Agents.
Ala orpßille ST,SIVANZY & oPo.oagenta•
: LOILTIRVILLE..-4Theateittfrr
AtitVE 1-IA.IB rapt. B. p . MARTINI_
14 / 1 11 leave for the above ports Tills BArt
June BM,. at 5 o'clock P 111. • ,
For frelrht orzok,l4l - ally apply on board or to
FLAt7 4 c NoW O OI/. Agents.; .
' ' or WI iILaT a SWA.NBY, Agents: • •
rITTs a trazi-Ifigiggrie
SI49BURti 4 3011unano , a Vi hart
Host. foot of wev..r StIPPt. 44117 at 1,18 Y., WED.
tilus ZAtILE.. . . ... . unszorue, Ifuter.
preight win be received it ulg hours by
I. , :t , ••
, . : • ;
Tap! vititcattlyso; sy#Arkilinpiv
N atieteett • Atrett.elset ;' vessels, among
tiMCVAStwir' trivt ophiarroneie.t;
CITY OP BOISTOAO.I kOtStAtlealaiiiiolol,:
Whig 7Entr.4l. iltritlale,Tftcrint Pier4s,l
cargt !Tar. Vaork. For insarageeor Ozroter
;Vial J
-TO FIPTH t tolitoklietti tint Id f
••• ; I+ 7 .Parlir cinnoll tr. Phitt dAlen.lPlttAhur,
Pnglui*,W....WPA lEgr
.. e in 4 best. The finials 1 91: Wil;
sway loaf. Takm nano P 111". ." MIOPA
Lo„„..q. or prior EXCHNSIIR .41TD Fivinntrosit
, Prrn ;unto u, Am, IQ. 1669 9 •
OT/CE;-=The 'A istausithill,tei
N;;lthifp. „,,, dwiiniciitkalieslreet.likotoi ‘llath '
.inizneVrikil Z. .11rMntr
n qui 0 IiZIL 000 0 il 1
MR It 40.414101/041MVIViliiif**1 3;
, 9 .
: Olt" Jillibeef.
dadtkiad 1,24
la i t; , ; , tiU s ;n ,, ' ,. : 4-. K . : ,- z ,,,, &: . 4kii:i: , ::;. , tki.:. , .. , 'g , Y),- : 1i., %
~JUNE Iy , 181691
Eiril PULnoNiC
MANDRAKE PILLS wit! cure Consumptiou,
Liver Complaint and Dyspepsia, If taken aceo"d
lug to directions. They are ali three to be taken
at the same time. They cleanse the stomacb, re
lax th,'llvor audpu to work- the i the appetite
becomes godd: the feud digests end makes good
blood; the patient begins to grow In flesh; the
diseased matter ripens into the lungs, and the
patient oh tgrows the disease and gets well. This
is the only way to cure consumption. •
To tilt se three medicines Dr. J H. Sahenek, of
Phil .delphla. owes his unrivaled success In the
treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Psi
nionic Syrup ripens the morbio twitter in the
iuttga,tbat uretlarewe it off by nu ea: y' expectora
tion, for wheu the pbleam or neater Is ripe a
mile ht rough will throat/I bd. and the patient has
rest and the lungs begin to heal.
' T• do this, the teitweid 'tonic and Mandrake
Pills must he tr. ely u• e,l to cleanse the stomach
e that the Pulmbnlc Syrup and the
will m
' good blood. '
Schenck's Mandrake Phis set upon the liver,
removing all obetructiona, relax the .211015 of the
gall bladder, the' bile starts ready , and the liver
Is soon reved; the stools will show what the
pipe can do; nothing has ever been Invented ex
.cept calomel (a deadly po'son wt ich is very dun
'genius "to use uses, with great care,) that will
uzilock the gall bladder and start the secretions
of the liver like Schenck's Mandrake Mo.
Liver Complaint Is one of tee most prominent•
Causes of Consumption.
lichened: et teaweed Tonic Is a gentle stimulant
and alterative. ,and the' alkali in the Seaweed,
which this preparation is made of, ass'sts the
stomach to turow out the gastric Juice to oissolve
the food with the Pulmonle Syrup, aim it is made
Into good b ooci without fermentation or souring
In the atoMilett.
:Col he ffeeel. reason why phyl i chiea do not cure
ruitimption is, they try to d tto much: they
give tritlitt4lle to stop the coug sandtop chills, to
stop night sweats, hectic fever, by so doing
they i i range the whole digestive powers, lock
ing up the secret ons, and eventually the patient
sinks and dies. ..
Dr. Sehenck, in hltitreatment, does not try to
stop acough, night , sweats, chills or fever.
m Re.
stove the Citlin., tuey a ndill all stop of their
own accord. • No one can be cured of Consume
lion, Liver Coinplatra, Dytpepsia, Catarrh,
Clinker, UlCerated Throat, unless tee 'liver and
st.enacit are made healthy.
If a person ..has Consumption, 'of course the
ungs in some way are diseased, either tuberclea,
abccssea, bronchial It Otation, pleura. adhesion,
or the lungs l ate a mass of I nflammation and (as'
decaying. In such cases what must be &toe? It
is nut only the thugs teat are wasting, but It la
the whole
toybod. 'I be stomach and liver have lost
their power make blued ..ut Of fo d. Nw tile
only Chance' is to rage jr. Schenck's three o medl,
eines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach,
the path will begin to want food, it will digest
easily nod make good blood; then the patient ne
glus to gain in flesh, and as soon us the body be
gins to grow, beteng coinneuce to neat up,
and the patient dishy and well. 'lbis is tae
on le way to cure Consumption.
When there is no lung disease and only Liver
Complaint and Dyspepsia, echenck's Seaweed
Tonic and Mandr. , lte Pills are tutacient, elihout
the Pulmonle elyrup.- Take the Manorake Pies
freely In al tdillous complaints, as they are per
fectly harmless.
Dr. Schenck, who has enjoyed uninterrupted
health for many yeses past, and now weighs 2355
pounds. was wa,ted away to a mere skeleton. In
the very last stage oi Pulmonary Consumptioo,
hi phytictans having pronounced Lis case hope
lase and abandoned h.m to his late. He was cured
by the aforesaid me. fettles, and since his recove
ry many thousands similarly :Meted have used
Dr. schenek's preparatbn we h the same re-
Markable oneness'. Full directions. accompany
,each, making , It not absolutely necessary to ',er
ten/Ike see Dr. Sonenek,.''unlesit patients wish
their lungs examined, and tor Oak ourimee be is
prefessio, ally at his Principal omee, philadel.
phla, every Saturday. where all letters for advice
must be athlreeted. lie Is also pmfeealonady at
No. 34 Lund street. New York, every other
Tuesday, anti at NO. 35 lianover street, Roston,
every other Wednesday. tie gives ad‘lce tree,
but tor tethOrough eranilnatloi, with Me ReBl4-
roMet.'l . l.'mt price 1,55. U.Lce hours at each city
Cr , in 9 A. Si. to 3 P. M.
pce of the Pelmonle Syrup and Seaweed Ton.
le e n ach e 1.50 err bottle, ~r *7.59 a bah d , zen.
ilma,lrake Pills MS cents a'box. For • 11/.! by ai
DLSEASII,::.3. That numerous class of eilS,,,:i
relmltillg from self • abus,,, producing un
utaulines, nervous debt:iv, Irritability. ems
lions. seminal emissions. and finally- lin
pote,cy, permanently curcd. Persons Willet
t:El wi h celleste. intric te and lona ...tam'.
lag constitutional complaint s are IP.lltelylurlted
to call for consultation, which costs o:hing.
T..xot . r:tnee, the beat of teachers. hasp enalded
Min to perfect remeillt s at once cillcigmt, sate.
Permanent, ILIA Willeil in . most cases ell" be used
p vi llhuut him. ranee to business. 31. die nes pre.
si - ea In tr.e estoitiiklintent, which embraces of
t, reception and waiting rooms: ahoy .oard!PC
E, ble4-plng apartments for patle.nt. requiring
(i't ly liersii.tal at [catkin, itd raper- and ehelni.
cal bath,, thus concentrating the famed mineral
springs. No matter who have faile.l, state yuur
case. Read what he , ay, In hit pamphlet of dity
hues, sent to sup; address tor two ',tamp : in seal
ed cure OM% Thomands of CAM a treat d *rum.
ally. at °Mee and sll o•ier the country. Ctattoo tree. personally or by mall, 0 s hare
Wylie street, (near Court.HousS &
Pa.' Hours 9A. st. to II ) P.M. Sundays hie m.
to to P. aa. Pamphlet sent toan
Y address for 11 00
etautymt. i
gr " ELECTItoun A. ap2
TIVE —Dr. A. H. SIEVES'S has been
nelag Plectriclty as a Srsztat Ram any la eating
:chronic as .wel l as , acute conel.lons WirTllOl7T
atnotettet for more than TEN YEAR& with Un
bounded snores', A PAMPIILXT, larlinilnie ali
part velars, wl•li tertldcates and reliable reter
eines, will be sent teem, inquirer. . .
A few Itentab d moms vacant. for boarding pa-
Denis to the Doctors hanky. It applied tor soon.
Mace and residence, 9.UU/ ARCH SrAtICKT,
Thlitplehdld Harr Die la the Deaths the world:
the only ;rue *l4 perftt 120; harmless, relik
ble, hastantaneons; do dlea polutment; no rt.
Muslims - tints; remedies a 111 effects of bad
dyes; Meliorates and' lekves tke 'Hair of and
beantlfal. Noce °reel:non. do t& bi all AroSarns
and Perflun_erN and properly applied at Bette
lents WU .raetory. No.' 116 'Bend. street.' ear
E1El) 1 L El Ftgi auge c
EU I 1 1I 1
• 1 --T6 o I a . ItavLnirttriends atlteted ft est
neatly sofletted to send •for &Circular Letter of
Referent/et and Testlmoslat I. ' 'which will. con
vince the, moat elkepjleal of the 9eraottlfirMtAs
duraseir.. , A dare's VAN ' BUREN LOOnzuW.
1 . D.. 36 Great &that; /11Art. New Yont.
. mbo:slA•ddiP '
the PiallatitirVolicit,qtting V 6171!
vi 1.8., sellkeertalti Water the erriog nod un
ite tutiate. 'ne,t In sealed letter envelopes, free
or chug!. Address, BONAllik 4iti!ltto/ 4.17uN,
Box P. Philadelphia, ea. my2I:Xl• di?
10vrt)xxisszoe ixtAiicits th
ttfilFe 11 0 1 / 0' d to
vsf iik i tiffkt AND ASS PENN,
tit ))IL‘
CoroElavaath St.ilicormarly Canal.)
lOirraillrit. PINCH re. CO;,,
Is 7. 149, in, 193 d
kasto Winiciet E i riveStatea. 1
ithicincroutptrune or'
Zoner. /*Med Tura Rip Whiskey.
'll/i .
.illtAttientil tor *boatman SATURDAY. May
Metn. 'nrst'elkss to Ointalents. equal to
suyiqd,yetitdottlitt to , famidcs all tha comforts
of L it me: Prtsident' want expect[ to visit
Oafiniref anti w.llstop at the ••;faltett
tat; it." 41 areas. ' '
8tcu21:164 AAARON MILLER. Proprietor.
- •
-.The relebfitisd WHITS RAISE L itoneedetby
all wbo have tried It to be the bent and cheapest
lour In the aIW, , ‘llve It es tril:, Stid'bY •
a7x99.1010 i
7 stieet, P ittablnh, P
l'- titat anti p(pot 0 nipli. itipily ',Wilt ye. •
lved: artaillts, Lemon: Itaso...ol4lse Teseb. '
Mimosa, Ad.. la two. 11, 4 sod tow ouzo; bottles
lorlav•rlng. leo Cream JOIN, Blau; *age.
Oa, tor way the doses or at retail by
Owaiir LITWW I 4 II IWI /Mk AMU.
r y -
:01iPicithlt0ifY ENGlititriti•AND' Fpaviireos. i
Pittsburgh June ill .1.6 8.. f
'.4-iiiiiiirce:-., tileateik , ''Piop eerie
1 Iv. numbering WI-their-op Metter street.
rote 33d tetiOth street. Will be received vit. tete
*Mee mall .1 1 (0X1.t.t34. Jane- Vest., MIGPer
tugaletterutaed reethou ?reeste , erleig !cell st
. . B. J. 310012.
jeteikCi :' . ' ,' . , - (My ienetneee.
________, j ...._ ... ...
• CIAMIR. ,-, ,: -,., ~ ). \ . - -
. rti!X4l , loo itrott,,parg.
Aro. 411ipliik i ''t . t '- .
t , ......,,,..,1rriz.„ ,se cß u.d Floor,
. ~ ,
Ail , ' 1 4:61.;.
Ft4*itiii Air 1.'01:4:61.; - .
-- ,Dtanb*tis. -
s.`il , ,r, ..„, , 4, ~ • .i„ , . .
ra;l"' 7.4, ff liv,•fi'lgAf:lr°o l l.l l
k is
Jake n Ff: aralurk4a. Jas.' mretalley.
. 11101 . 1"; thun p i es i wujocr, ~,,,,, ~. - : : .
Ifl '' : ti g liSi i irs. ifirN m itl daY 7 11 'I l i; % E . Ideal.
JOB. T . j ilgiii r c i t gm ' I" ' 7 . L. ,
, . ;
Isueares , iiii •Lablidal ~T eratig, cosi At -.Fire:
and Monne Mika.
~ ~
• -
100 Mei 1601mrilie
ie ll eM ff reataiame stip
IT* "W./"D
"'=w` y a`='...w:~»ii-:it~as:~;cs~eu:.,:aawv*^:,~.a:vc~~
... ~;a;~,;~..
~,,,,,,,,, ~
: .
Bested proji'poals will be received at the Treas
ury Departaienti until THURSDAY, the first
day ofjc LlG:Lulls o'cl , ck M, addressed to the
(general Superintendent, Treasury buildings, for
_the sale of the following property:
First class_, paper machine, built by John L.
Seaverns. Wore. ster Mass.
166 -inch Fourdr.nier machine, screen vat, and
all necessary tixtures complete.
3 parent auction loxes.
FlrstAtud second press rolls made of brass; 'six
(6b dryers. i
3 calendar rolls with three (3) winders, with
size box attached.
1 s. t of slitters and size rolls.
I. laboy andel/ necessary shafting and hangers
complete, with belting and gearing attached to
1 paper calendar with flye 45) rolls, belting,
and all necessary fixteres.
2 beating enginee r ., 62 loch knives, two (2)
washers to • eel), ankall necessary shafting and
belting complete. \ i
5 hydraulic prates ibr-,Pressing paper, with
. pump and pip eg,ettached. ,
1 new felt eat with
1 tuff cheat with pulleys and shafting complete
el large bleacktubs, and four (4) drainers.
3 rotary pumps.
)1 doubt, acting pumps with 90 feet galvanized i
1 large rotary of ;ion.
1 s er team ermine and boiler, thirty (30) horse
1 steam engine and boiler, fifteen (15) horse
power, •• Y. oodruff Y Beach ' .
Bids will be Made separately for paper ma
c ch. hies, steam engines with boilers and rotary
Bide will be reeleved for all or any million of
tae eillciving articles: ..w.., .
1 steam engine whit portable boiler, (55 horse
power.) all necessary connections and pipes at
tached. ' i
1 steam engine with holler, (55 horse power.
connections and!pipes attach. d.
10 hydraulic pumps, frames, connections, Sup.
ply boxes, and pipes attached.
4 upright walking beam engines fonr (4) by.
draulle pumps to each, all necessary 1./Pell at
tach. d. • j
Ups engine and boiler ten (10) horse:
1 itydiani'c ram, valves and connections.
53 hydfinlic
1 boiler thirty (30) horse.
1 Boot engine.and boiler (10) borne.
er steam engine six l (6) how, and upright
1 donkey pump , `Woodward. ,
1 steam engine .fifty-five (55) horse, (new.)
2 steam engines. each four (4) horse.
1 eairceiling miici.ine.
1 numbering'acne.
1 machine.
• 1
1 Danner small bandre whss eel.
I ,
1 "Little Giant, engine and boiler, tbirly(3o)
horse. i ..
2 envelope machines and cutter belonging to
same. ,
IS paper Mill,. cOmplete.
3 Bogard•s ink mills.
Cast iron elute, a large quatitity.
6 large Gordon uVesses.
6 email Gordon presses.
1 eineelling tuactildel
poun ds old
tack hydri, static press tops, about 3,400
litill ir ss column?, (wrought iron) 600 pounds
U liantlty of old cast-troa pipes.
.: entity of seratten.
5 eaSke r sin,
19 casks alum. b ' i , .
17 co res aud 4 llairels glue.
Qiiai tit,' ter soda a.
600 rolinds of bal ms; ' . •
Bet, will also be rdtelved at the same time for
waste p .pt r, belongllig to the Tree my Depart-,
rne•.t. or one year trout July 1, 1869, tagethee
with a euartity on hand.
1 i e paper will be selected ! into two different'
kind,. white and mixed, tozether with a quanti
ty ef dried pulp now.on band, for which bids will
he reeeiv d separately, an, the contract awarded
to t. a tiff/he t t td.u.ert takeu as a whole.
'the Depar. teen t riisery es the right to reject all '
Or.nuy portion Of Owl lit.'s reeelVetl.
All articles to b.: r..moved tif.cen (15) days after
sale. 4
. 1 GEo. C. RICE,
Genera/ Sonerlnterliient Treasury Buildings.
.rra'n 10, 1569. • jc07:131
• • :
SEALED PEOPOSALS will be re'elvsd at the
D. 8. Engineer's Office In Pittaborgh. Pa.. until
0 o'clOet P. Y. of VirEDN.II,4I/Alr, June.
.1.1369, for quarrying aid delivering stone he
rir bank. and loAing. trantporting and plat
ting in o dams. i t a suMelent quY of
brush at points where needed. Also for river en.
envenom of gravel.
The stOned for the dams to be generally four to
!re cable fect, and not. less than one table foot
each. ilida to be made, by the cubic , yard. The
work to be commenced fnittiwith. Tc.nper Catt
ail' of the -Monthly estlinates of work done will
be reserved as security, and bidders must ac-
Company their proposals with the names of two
aurettea. Blank. folms, will be fttrnisned on sp
.l,lkation at this o ff ice, to be tiled up by the bid
. .
The richt is reserved to reject any or all bide.
if it snail be deemed for the interest of the Gov
ernment to do so.
' ' Cible
• Distance Yards Cubic' Yards
Place below /of Stone of River.
MO , g or atone Excavation,
' B a n
~ .------ - - k n 1 e i .., ",
I ..-
- - - - E -3; I :I •
Wheeling Isl. (7171'; . , 7,1110
BuMngton.... .. 4.14 4,040
Redo° and BO- • i •
lers 8ay.... iRi 1 8,6°0
Rising Fun • 601 ' MOO
War5aw........ 6243‘ 7.=
Sy command
the United Ma
of Brig
at of Eu
Genecal A
theta% Of ti
!charge of Ohlo RI
1/ 6 ,/809. I
ffS7 I
8. Civil En
, .Pirrantritail
Pe., Jun
PittsOnrgb, Jane 118. 4889. f
SEA.LED PBOPOBALB for grad' g, paring
and curbing' liflth ' street, from Untie street to
the .AlleghenY river; . ,
_i 1, •.. '
Beach alley, from pride.ttoliflitenber r street.
Spring alley, front Allst to 28th . tree . 1
' llPnio• eller/ fr om 24th'4to 28th sire t.
i t,
Liberty street, from Hallett street to e Pike.
Sixteenth Street, from Pike street to ridge. .
St.Patrlclts alley.from kfirion to Miltenberger.
Liberty itreet, from 3lesito 38d street.
~ , Penn sicee,t, from 31st to .33d street.
ALSO, for I. Ying a clay pipe. sewer (9)'two feet
- In dianieter, on Fourth avenue, from Smithfield
street tn. iThen7 alley,' , oll be .receirtd at this
°Moe until rUE d DAY, June 22d, 1889.
Blanks forbidding and Sperbicaticns can be
had At this• Mot.• , .
. The Committee reserve the rr,Jeet any
or all b'ds, and no bill cotfeldered unless made
'Oot On b/1172k6 boil this omce .': . ' - ',. • 1
r ~, T': 'r q ) f I::ii • . 7.4 61;0011Ei,-
jeIIS:MV . 4 , " ' i cITY Z.Nolirzip,
0 IEI Alfr GE Oramwei
On and after MONDAY, June .14th180 9 TWO
THROUGH TRAINS DAILY ( exc ept Sunday)
will leave Pittsburg) Depot; corner of Elev
enth and Pike streets, for Franklin, Oil City,Buf.
!MN and aH points in ti e Oil Regions.
tatswit PITTSBURGH. &NEM IN mrsenrtnOlit
Day Ex: .... 8:00 a m Day Ex ...... 5:15 pm
Night Ex 7...• 7:30 pm NightEx . . . 6;311a aa
Brady's B Ac. 3:0 8 p m Bradys B . A . .c I 0 :15 ain
Freeport Ac 9:40 a m IstsodaWqrs 7:40 m
Sid SodaW'ks 6:30 pnt F, ee i lort Ac. 6:15 pte
Ist Holton .., 6:45 a m Ist ulton.. 6 :50 a m
2cl H01t0n...12:00 Et 2u Halton... 2:02 p m
3d Hutton... 1t:00 p m 3(11301ton I:05 p m
'Arnold's Ac..5:01) p.m, Arnold's Ac. 4 40 D NI
' Church train P. and from Soda Worts leave
Pttisiwlrgh at 1: 10 P. 11 . Arrive at Pittsburgh,
(Sundays, Sat 9 50A. 6. . . .
Express trains stop only at principal points .
Accommodation rains stop at all stations
J. J. Le.w.RENoz. Gen'i Sup%
THOM.AS 11. ICING, Ani't. bap%
pE NIA N ------ ' --- --7-------- e N EN S TR Y
AL L IV RA A n7 "..:.
„pi: l., 7 1 .. :
ROAD.. On and after Aprll 25:5, 1569, TraLn/
will arrive at and depart from the Union Depot.
corner of Washington and Liberty Mr ts, al
follows: . .
Arrive. Depart.
Mall Train.... 1:25 am *Day Express.. 2: 5 Mg
Fast Line...., 1.40 am Soutnern Ex.. Ca 0 inn
Wall's No. 1.. 6 20 am WalPs No. 1.. 6: oam
BrintonAccM. 7:50 am Mall Train .... Be am
Wall's No. 2.: 8:50 am How'slAs Nof 1:2 am
1 ell
Cincinnati Ex.9:10 am o Cincin'ti Ex 13:2 pm
Johnstown Ac10:30 am Wall's NO. 2'. 11:5 mg
How'd Ac , Nol 1:10 pm Johnstown ic. 3:05 pna
Flttsb'eh Ex. 1:30 pm Braddocks . 310 piet
Phila. Expressl:so pm Phila. Express 4:20 rut
Wail's No. 3...2150 pm Wall's No. Br. 4 5pm
Braddock Ac:. 5:50 pm Wallis Na, 41: 6:OSPM
How'd Ac Not . 9:35pm •Past Line..... 7:30
Wall's No. 4. 7:90 pm How ' d de No 2 . 8:24 p m
Way Passn'r 10:20 pm Wall's No. b. 11:00 um . 'These trains make close connectio n Banda
-burg for Baltimore.
The ;Church Train leaves Walla Station every
Sunday at 9:05 a. m., • reaching Flttsbur h
10:05 a. in. Re turning; leaves Pittsburg
2:10 p. ix.
p. is . and arrives at Walla Statio '-
.Cinclnnati Expss leaves ' daily. All of
trait, s daily exceptre Sunday. '
For further information apply t 6
• _W. H. BECRWLTH. Aien 1 $
The Pennsylvanlaßallroad Companrwill
sume any risk forßaggage, extepLibr verarina P ,
parel,_and limit_ their responsibility to one G ..
Are' Dollars in 'value. All '7Saggage exceed ng
that amount in value will bo at the:rick of.
eivnar. urlers taken by special contract.
ap.% General Superintendent, Altoona, Fs.
IVV ES TEIIN:agra 2 g x
R -LFIOAD.—On and afierApril 2511,1069.1bn
Passenger Trains on the-Wentern Pennsylvania
Rat -road will arrive at and depart from -the
Peden! Street Depot, Allegheny City. as folloWsi
Arrive. 1 , • Depart.'
Springd`e No 16:40 a m Mail, e. ~ .... 7:00 ant
Freeport No. 18:20 a In Freeport No. I 0:201
Express . , . 10:40 a in Sharph'g Ned /.1:20 a
harplyogNo. 11:20 j m Exprens .. —.. 2:50 p
Freepnrt No. 2 4-:00 pm- Sprlngd'eNo I 3:30 int
Mall ... ... . .. 5:50 p Freeport N0.25:0 phi
Spring.d'e No 26:20 13 In Snrlugd'e No 26.30 p at
Aboye trains run dally except Sunday. ,
• The Church Train leaven Allegheny Junction
every Sunday at 7:40 urn., reaching Allegheny
City at 0:50 . a. In. Reing, leaven Allegheny
City at 1:20 p. in. and arrive at Allegheny q!nte. i
tlon at 3:40 p. m. - _ .
COssatemarnpr TICEBTS—Tfor sale in pacitagg
of Twenty, between Allegheny City, Chestn
street, Herr'sa Bennett, pine Creek, Etna and
Sharpsbure and
at Stations s goo
ed d only on the trains stopping
pead ontickets.
The trains leaving. Allegheny City st 7:00 a.
sn. make direct connection at Freeport withWal.
kers line.or stages for Butler and Hannah/tonna
Through tickets be purobseed at nit Once
No. ISt Clair sir es near the Bainensionßri
pittsbur.,h, and at DepoW.amegbenrs (181
For Anther Inforreation i sly to
Federal Street epOts
The Western Penneylvanisr Railroad will nog
Lindat stone any risk tbr Baggage, except for wearing
_ pparel, and Limit- thelr. reivonsibillty to One
ed Do ll ars in - value: .A/I baggage ex.
.aeeding tills amount in value willbeat the risk er
the owner, unless 'Alen by speclal contract.
• • ' EDWAS.D H. •WILL
We General iSnoerinteudent,' Altool L a lWl P. a.
MANGE` cor .--On and atter /30,..A.Y.
.419;11 Sletb„ /81119, trains will leave and arriVe. at
Vat IhtfOn Depol, as tolloW: '• - -
~ - • • , - . , Await -• /refer.'
Mail.,:. ............... 9:03
• Fast .i.hie...,..: . .. 4. . -.-. 9:441al m.' 1113 p.ixt
• -Expreu ......... .-.. 3131". la. 4:33 a. at.
Mixed Ab0'it.=.... , 3:0 Lin; • 6:64p. la.
Malronald*s cii*n.No. 11:4 a. M. 9 :13 a. ale
Steubenville od; 41*e 9:al.!' 9:33 i
cDonald's Ace'n. N 0.2142.1119. 3 114 o• me
hunday Chart% Train - L11194 P. m. 4 :43 a. EU
8,11-11:33 I'.it:'testa 491 liniee'hilli. - '
• 19:11.3 P. lg. grata Il lrelve:dallyc. : ~.•
• All other wi ll tralni ruri,..._dalty.'llunalys exeel4.
ed.- , Tits 9:43 .10
tt CI ' /ON
nections at Newark A. tra7er. aleck ell
_i_, • 11.3LSOLILL:fienerallleke1 .aaelll.
IV. W. CAMP. I 3 1 19'1.. Bleu mills. Ohio.
i *
A. bum.
e Army of
LLB VI L L • , - ,
On and alter 'MIDWAY, *Nolemties. nth.
ism, trains will arrive at and departfron t tba
Depot corner of Grant 1144 Water streets; asi
• est
itauto'sadtiom trnfoi;
.., 94°1 6
• I f i atiWltr3 . c.Ttiat;iir 11 :ig A. t
Er.;to and froni•Unthi. 3:00 P . 10:10 A.. 24.
Weft Newton Aor-onvd 4:30 P. it. P:3B A. it.
Braddock,s Seco:shim. 0:15P. is. IMO s.
Night Ao. tellialpoort.lo:3o P. el:lks A. le
Benda church wsun to
Pasfront West Newton bee ib; is. X0:04 . A. •
Pat tleketa apply to
Z. Af. RAYMOND, Agent.
STOlTZ, Btrpanntentient.. - uo*
Eastern Division.
ROUTS mote, Lte Hill to at Dal"
Coloira .
. . .
California Wish, '
~ Ari zona ..
.. Washington,. • -
. .. Newsrifexiep. Idabp
. :: ~ , : ~} vregon.x -: ;12 rr •,,; , ;
.1: . :, ,‘, : .' ',' ', • • 'O , '.
iwolriibi. /nava lititteLtiii aim Lelioenw, - r ik
'dull frin i f il ir eXtle i traligv Ins ',Alm altrafta
of I A. a raid aI. Loals; and,Banni.
ba, a nd Sta'JOs . .KAJltnat how Quincy, nonnatb.
' n o at Lawfanse. ,Toffelta
.. and Wamogo 1
, i r '
.. If
t.l, c a for. OP pOlnu, in . 'Kansas. -'At • end .0
twin wags of Ella nut)" - with %be :Ulf
miletrrArKS'-'illXPßnans ' 'COM PAK Vf3
~......._,-, D y
• , • i:,• *).
I ;174141Z41"1.19PR"Pattr'rS4
AU Pointriin fhe T e rrit o, lll4
forteitaisma TRI-WIDDELY LIMN
ot MACHUFort Union. ATVs. „Tort. Pm&
eltuttwerive.' =,• i ztt. entr hit Veltite• Ars;
awe mid ew.
With the meek el t l °ail of tolling ItOeit
Itithequlpmeet; :eed: ir aegeteents
tarponalbler4r4Tasportata on unequalled taelllalea,4oe••the
itethat to the Irar • t
tbneettserEltaltra attlitlearatT l P• ct P a : "ace ' tit
HiLllse kik 11 Met
_elf, Via
yiLlaprgiidnity"kAZlPKl melLwAlre•
k. 4.11811011101
Glum Dismsetateadth
s. NW T'
• 411110.4 NINON NW 'Dept •
I - -
'St./4. ...... ..... . .. .....
I. W. and C LEVELAND & PITTA ' .
Prom Iday Oth, 1869 t -Binital E. E.
rains will leave rn rri
and arrive at the Uni bepot, north aide, Pitts.
burgh city time as fo?lnows:
Leans. '
Chicago Er.... 6:6,g a D A,
Erie kygn P.v.7,28 a ti ,
01. & 6-2g.ii,16:13 am
Chicago 5ia11..6:66 s m a i
Chicago in Ex....9:43 a
CL & Wk'gEx 2:08p 0,,
Chicago Ex, 2:23 pm 1
W'e LErleEs*:3B prc,l
Bpartfrom Allegheny.)
a'r Palls Ac. 8:58 a Sal
Leetsdale " 10:03 a m
• fr. . " :68 a m
Rocheste 11
r " 1 1
2R to
Enon "..3:58 pin
Leetsdale Acc.s:l3 pm
Bea riralls
"'` • 6:l3pm
Pair Oaks Sun-
day Church. 1:13 p m
~u. - - 2 :23_p. m. Claes'
J.M.air IEUMBA L 6'O3 n. mL.Chicai
A, '
Oen'l Ticket Agent
itlYlo- -
iChicago Ex.. 1:58
ch icagoEt..lie:o3 p m
Wheeling Ex 1U:48 a In
t. Louis Ex 7:08 pin
ChPiro Ex &K14:08 p at
iCleveland Ex 3:53 p ria
Erie & Ywn Exs:sBpna ,
Ci. 5 W/Pir ExB:s3pru:
Arri in Alltighenb.
Leetsdale 11 e..0:513 a=
Bea'r Falls " 828
NenCastle "10:23 aim
Enon .` 9:13 axt
Leetsdale '' 108 rm
Bear Palls '. 2:43
Letniale '' 4:3 prat
a Del
Pair Oaks thin 7 :23 ttla
day church. 9:58 at 2
go Express leaves dant.
ge Express arrive/idea,.
6 ,• eell:l4npieilli