r • c). % ).; .) 7 • • • A - • - • • t _ - - • L.-. . t , ) 4 r I , 1119 11 %.I.olltikl--;?•"4 Le / /. /ft.>. -- 'Ff • • P-74"4"11111- -;771 I • " • \ . VOLUME LXXXIV e P.IrfSB -Mtn nnn - I -rw - E.x...v-r_. (3 , • 4,6 k, i 1 far Telegraph to the Pitteuurga Guam) WasWorerroxr, June 17, 1869. . I NEW; PROM C08.._ . f Intelligence received hire by the 4 • friends of Cuba repreaent that, the fight ';' at Peurto del Padro was of mole itripor:. . . than 1 , . i tame Mist reported. The effect of ~ the defeat of the Spanish' troops was more c dechtive, almost destroying the effective ( . 1 ness of the Spanish forces in'thaVportion I of the island. 'lt opens np direct com t municationwith the coast and enables the • I forded - 'of ' the Cuban army to pro , -' tide,' the landing of reinforcements . ~: fron-the _United States. Friends. of , • ; Cuban, independence here are very anx -1 ions to bear fro General Jordan's cow m mend. It Is known that for some days he fiact been in , close proximity to a large Spanish force, and a collision was immi ( nen tat any time. General Cespedas and • i Qnesada are reported to be confident i'• they are masters of tbesitnation and that • ; the independence of Cuba is certain. . ; Every expedition which Nis left. the United States, has succestfully landed and joined General Quesada s army, anti now compose a formidable and ef • festive foree and are`a terror to the Gov ,. f mo vi ment ctorious. troops, as in every collision they SWPERVItgon APPOINTED. _ . 0. F. Presbery his been appointed Su ; pervisor of Internal Revenue' for the •,4 District embracing the States of Virginia i and West Virginia, in place of Thomas • ; Alt.-Maird, resigned. ; . The' number of clerkis to be discharged 'c• in the War Department will not exceed . 1 one hundred. il Several prominent friends of the Cu ' „i ban cause, alarmed at the recent arrests j in New York, left Washington to-night. • Internal Revenue receipts 16-day were • • 14 $826,080. ' .•, , ( , • , NATIONAL BANK REPORTS. • j The Comptroller of Currency bas noti • "• • tied the national banks to forward imme diately a report of their condition, as 1 shown by the books at the close of basi ness on the 12th of June. - „i Miss Annie Surratt, sister of the fa -1 mons John Burred. was .married this • '' 1 i morning to Mr. Taney, of the Surgeon • 4 General's office. p i The printers in the Government Office ' I this afternoon adopted a report and rump , 1 ninon declaring Douglas, the colored workman not a rat, be ha ving been de- •' 1 prived of the privilege of members/11P unw arrantedhirejudice as to cokir. and. 7 1 1 denouncing the Naticmal Union for Prej, . ' udicing .the while under considers ,..,l Sian by aß u rchrune Union. The .:.- • - Typographical pion meets • Saturday -.• 1 night to ooradd the Douglas question. iThe President expected Saturday or Mond% • •. Sf6 tit ••• ,• 1 9 14 at the War Depart onlui Applies t na . ;4:Xgrairit',lbr—caamo: . '., bonds in lien, of registered` dues wards : . posit at the Treasury cannot be acootn ; modated 'without special authority froth ~.1 Congress. . , ' ' t• • . - t.. Th e Evangelle.al!Ephicopzu Conference. tits Telegraptr4o tl.leißitt4btrtgli Gaseste..T. -. , : Crticsoo, June' 17.—The Evangel/tail . . 1 'Episcopal Conference met at nine -, t o'clock this morning. Fifty persons . • .` were Half an hour was spent ' in akercises. ; 1 • :4 The subject, of, the revision of, the 'j ;forayer Hoek was again taken up. oo 1 - ' - „1 v Rev. Mr. Cowgill said be had read in .. '1 the papers that this meeting means se / cession from the Church. This he , denied. it meant reform. He be •• i lieved, as a • conscientious Protestant : I • Episcopalian, ' the time had come .when the men who teach ''doctrines subversive of the ptinciples-----a_the Church should be actively opposed— / when the friends of the Church pure and '''• undefiled should. instead of standing on :•I the 'defensive all the time, aseutne the :I offensive and, bring these innovators to ' trial. If the principles avowed in the I. quotations included in the protest were , those of tbe Protestant Episcopal Church, then he was not .a member of that body. .He believed that this reform could be readily effected, and until all measures peacefully in the body of the Church ..bad failed, he was not in favor of seces sion. The alteration of some twenty words in the Prater Book mould, be • believed, satisfy everybody. He wished the words o pri est" and "altar" especially sapun ged. Rev. Mr. Oliver prooeeded to read his letter of reply to the protest, and con . eluded with the following resolutions: Remised, That in all matters of faith, worship; doctrine, long established rites, cerernomes and usNres, we adhere to the decisions of the Protestant Episco_pal Church tn the lJnited-fitates of America. as eaPresslis of the • mind L ot Christ, and by them we the to test all the de partures from the pure faith, doctrine, long established rites, cettetrionies and . usages of In the protest. 2d. That we shall use legal. and (Zee* tutienal Melee In ordet to shring -before the proper tribunal of• our Church all those who depart from our pore aith, 'doctrine, worship, long established /um - ceremoWet anti usages,whether of defect or micas, and that by the grace of God we wills how such ourselves. and that we bereb7pledge Mir Miami' faith to melt k other and to stand, by each other through evil good 'report in ;his our work of faith and labor of love. lid. That while we ex lent • the Illsboria of the Church to use .8.1 nece*sary for bearance, we also promise them our cot. dial support, respect and enoouragement in'the Lord in that! endeavors to pre serve the faith, doctrine, long established rites, cereinonies and usages of the . Church, as delivered untO usind to them, .as our bright and unoomprombiing Pro . testant Apostolic inheritance. The chair decided thelusolutions out of order. Ten minutes hearing was. - refused to Mr. Oliver. . Dr. Andrews entered : upon an elaborate discussion as to what is eon- lielli • science. With respect to the proposed Peas alteraticon in the baptismal servicie,' and Oar the other reforms proposed, he regarded i them, and also the protest, as ill-advised. I Dr. Rouser, of Ohio, thought it as nec. • essaiy to rid the Prayer Book of its dog _ ma of Apostolic Succession as that of _ expunging of twenty , worde,would snit. _ - He was for correcting, the faith, not the words. The prayer which contains this REM; BY UHL*. Spiritual Baptismal Regeneration. No 1 miserable doctrine, ApostoliciSuccession, 1 should be revised entirely. - it gs— ; Rev. Dr. Newton took about the same British pi illamen Proceedin The ; vietv. So did Rev. Mr. Ross, of Ken- Irish Church DisestablishMent—Jonn tucity. IRev. J. Crocker White, of Massac-. I Bright's Letter to the Birmingham u- I Meeting Not Sanctioned by the Mln setteaeld if he could not get liberty in the Offlirch, he would out. • - 1 istry—Debate Resumed in the House . Rev. Mr. Cheney said Bishop Men. .of :Lords. Scene—Republi -1 vaine's letter had but two points. First, cans in Spain Protest Against the the prayer book should not be rev.sed, because it was not by its authoro, the re- Presence 'of Duke Diontpensler—King Amnon: proposed ; to teach: the dectrine vernuam, ,oik' Prusala, at Bremen of spiritual baptismal regeneration in 1 Opening i, Suez Canal--The Trouble the baptismal source. If this was true, , in Parls— ewspaper Editor and In they „mod made ti -moat unfortunate I „ loyes Fined and Imprisoned for In selection of language, for it undoubtedly I ' does teach .that ver y doctrine, an d I ts i citing poutempt Against the Govern use compels the minister to teach an error I ment. r .,„ . ~ . The end . ~ tiweu ue • • awaers. Telegraob to the Pittsburgh Gazette 1 that - We -. have no , right ; th revise -the ' GREAT BRITAIN. . ''' Prayer Book. The reformers, who pre pared that book, thernselvesayowed that LONDON, Jute 17-3 fidnigAg.--In the the time 'svoirld come when" revision House of CoMmons to-night, Mr. Otwav • I would be necessary. This book ~enust Under Foreign Secretary ; in reply to - an be revised so as to be in accordance teaf Mr. Beaumont, said when the with the - Bible. The Bible is - God'suqedry - Republic of Mexico was re --established Book, the Prayer Book is man's work, and is not so , sacred but that it it declined intercourse with the powers may be jtottehed. By and by the which recogoizsd the Empire. The but wi n b e wit h b e in t" werh• British MihiSte ' r . at the City of Mexico They now admit the revision is needed, consequeritly Withdrew. Her Majesty's but claim that this is not the time for it. Even new one is so far on our side that Government had net objection to re-open his letter was suppressed in:tut those pub- relations , but overtures must come from lished in the official Episcopal organ in the Diocese of Ohio. He never dreamed, Mexico' he said, of leaving the Episcopal chur c h. Mr. Gladstone, in reply to a tion He was born in it, it' was h le heritage , from Mr. North, explaiped that Mr. end while he ad vocatedreform. he would Bright wrote his recent letter to the remain an Episcopalian forever, even if Birmingham meeting without consul tin g he stood all alone as the only Episcopa- his colleagues, and on his own responsi- Ilan. ' Unity. The Goverument had no inten tion of threatening the UOUSQ -of Lords. Rev. Mr. Newton offered the following Each estate of the Kingdom WAS entitled resolutions, which were unanimously' adopted: to the fullest freedom of speeon, and he to interfere with it, especially Resolved, As the opinion of this Coe. would regard with zealousy any attempt ference, That a careful revision of the made by re,Minister of the Crown. Hill/- Book of 'Common Prayer is neeiful to the beat Interests of the Protestant - Bois- self and his colleague, Mr. Bright, bete, copal Church.- . • discouraged any popular action tending Resolved, - That all words or phrases to interfere with the independence of the House of Lords. When overt had seeming to teach that the Christian Min istry is a priesthood, or - the Lord's Sap- been made to them t o n at t en d sa es public per a sacrifice. or that regenemtion is in- meeting they had both steadily declined. separable from hap - Nein, should be re. In the. House of Lords there Wall a moved from the Prayer Book , crowded attendance and great interest The Conference then adjourned till half-'prik two o'clock , was manifested. Lord Calms,. amid cheers from the op- When the morning session commenced position; put the question whether Mr. there were not more than fifty present, Bright's letter had been expected by the other members of the Government. and but long before the session was concluded the hall was filled, and the hearty ap. whether_ in the present crisis l over a support and assistance to the Govern plans° which greeted the most earnest advocates of revisionein their warmest went. He said the Government Intuit either endorse .or repudiate the letter. sentences of denunciation of what they deemed errors and evils in the Book of Earl Granville, in reply; admitted the authenticity of the letter and said the Common Prayer, testified the entire sym- Cabinet had declined to disctuts the poli pathy of the audience with the objects of the Conference. • cy to be ptasnied, tithe bill shieuld be re jected. He knew that neither of his col- The Conference reaewnwed at three . o'clock. leagues, except Mr. Bright, had any knowledge of tbe contents of the letter The best method of revising the Prayer He thought Book. was then discussed.. The President lut tit f It - Was the Cabinet Publi shed . o responsi ble . thought the desired changes could be ef fected without any extreme measures.: for the individual Opinions of its mem- The 'Chairman of the Committee on bare,'and for himself regretted Mr. rßesOlutionszeperted the folloWing,whigia, _erthre- iltti llualtet but he" Mut Mr. [-were adopted: . ,•-• .. . . L -. ight's authority for stating that he had iiresolveet, That in the- OPlition.- of this no -Intention-fey expoese . diarespect to Conference, it is the duty of the 'Evan- their /lordships laid ch arlinnyiaalt:4 Dad take caused tcstiteniby hie wordy ins ex gelical men in the-:different diooeses to take measures to intorm the laity of our •PreePed 'Vire ,4bed--zegret• w i s h - I h, by- means - of the . public p reas, •t, Earl. Grannde thenproa to make restekung-t vital questions which now some remarks on the_ irish - Church bill, I agitate the Church. when Earl Derby rose to a point of order. &saved, That it is the opinion of this A gene ral scene f,cdlowed. Lords, liar rowb, and Salisbury also rose. 1 Cotiference - that either the American ,"Mbisionary Society shogld extend - its Amid intense-excitement Earl Gran ['work to foreign fields ' , orFanother aesoci- GovernMent repudiated any intention of effort be formed on the voluntary prinel-' pie to conduct that work.' •• - t menacing_the House of Lards. one:debate •on the - bill was then re ; Resolved, That this Conference re . cont- I mend the- 'evangelical clergy of our mimed* Church to avail the.neelves of all such Earl Deiby'objected to the principle of . means as they may deem best to pro. the measure. It was a grand spoliation mete f ra t ernal and Christian relations and - was Contrary to the act of with 'ministers of other churches, es. union and the Coronation Oath. fie great 'by ; uniting with_ them in such believed: the agitation on the stibject great national institutious as the Arceri- was owing to the action of the ,can Bible Society. . Liberation Society, in combination with other parties„ calculated to sever the Remarks by Rey. Dr. Newton, vol. Aycrigir. Rev. Mr: Clements, Rev. Dr. Church and State, not only in Irelruid but in England. He objected net merely Andrew:4 Rev. Mr. Cherley,and Rev Mr... Galla her upon the subjectanatter of the .to the special details, but' to the entire resol floes. ' principle of the bill. In his s peech on Re . Dr. Cooper offered the following: ttibvteg,tbe .li' lved, That there shall be now ap i second. reading, Lord Graft ' 'ville had only refereed - to the details poin a That of --- clergymen and not to the ; general principle of the and laymen, to be denominated the Standi g Committee of the ClitcagcrCon- I terbury, who supported the reading, ob ferenc , which Committee , shall -. have ' Jested to the details of the hill, in respect bill. Men Hue the Archbishop of Can pewer o sit as often ass = they May deem .to the Maynooth grant. The provi -1 ble of the tall. -. Taking in view the per ee _ along for the capitalization of the yearly expedi nt, and shall bp a body in tufty riar,the promotion of the general grant was inconsistent with the proem objectti contemplated by this Conference. treatment of an amendment on a for . On motion, it was ordered that , the Sec- I retary of the Conference be instructed to men occasion, he distrusted Earl' next Granville's assertion, that , all amend- furnish to the Evangelical meeting fall a cetified copy of the prepeedings. of Meuts would- receive eireful- core, this Co n ference , sideration. The course he (Derdy) had On mdon, the Committee on Resolu. taken was not as the leader of the Con servaciyes, but on hie own ocnivictions lotions was instructed to preppre the do ings of this body , for„. circulation in that the bill was impolitic and immoral pamphlet form, With theprotatt attached. The Convention then adjourned sine die. l . __ r I :s THE CAPITAL Tne usage Land Swindle.. toy Tekriksib to the Pittstittrib Oozette,3 LEAVENWORTH, June 17.—The Times and Conservative publishes a history of . the Osage land swindle. from Which it appears that Secretary RP:owning, Gen. Ewing, hturgis. of Ohiesim.,,,TaYkir. Com missioner of Indian .&=ra, Senat Pomeroy' and 'Representative , Clarke of * Kansas, were interested in it. The statemen says at the last session of Oon gress 'th ' treaty .: was so amended that the Atold n and. Topeka Railroad would hare e million acres of Osage lids. "PoMeroy a brother-in-bsw owning that. was to , 11 the land at an advance of eight colls per 4 04 - netting the sum of mO,OOO, r roman:tole services in ratify ing the treaty. What would have been and what Was desired by the ratification of the treaty was about as follows: 13tur gee Could Mal& two million and a half dollars, Thos. Ewing, Jr.,11250.000, (prob. ably divide with Browning,)Taylor 125,- 000 and Pomerny'a brother•ln•law 1240,- 000. Sidney Clarke wanted at least pp,. • 000 in lands and bonds. • ' - Getty'. rR Alononitlit liedkappa. CB/ Teleges sto the Pittsburgh Oak Ite'l OiITTTS ; vino; Jane lit —The' Board of Managers or the National COMetery. In vite all soldiers who were In the battle of Gettysburg to partfalpate id the ceremo nies of. the dedication of the monument Ist Of. July. Senator Morton ` will 9r the _oration,' • Bayard and Henry: Ward 4Beeatier, on tb P9ow agObD EDITION. voluit"ciA3cir., A. 24x. • PRANCE. " PARIS, June 17.—The City is entirely tranquil, and no fears of further disor der. The manager of Le %tappet, a tewspa per recently started in the mtereet of the Anti-Dynasty Party, has been sentenced to four months imprisonment, for inch mg contempt ofthe government. The editor was sentenced to six maths im prraonment *and fined three thousand 'Vanes, and each printer to one month -,imprisontuent and a fine of one thous. arid francs. - i . * A very, formidable_ col lision occurred yesterday, at St. - Etin between some coal.miners and/4410nel trove, where * several lives *ere lost. The miners wade an attempt to rescue some pris. mere who were Weld - by the military. Firearms were usedron both aides,. but 1 ; ,,the :rioters at , length dispers ed, after sevelf men were killed arid as many in- Jared. Five- of the soldiers are badly i wounded. - - • -- - ,• t SPAIN blinfun, June 17.—Gient public meet. tugs Lave been held by the Republicans lu, VOlOOll4 and Seville to protest against Abe presence In Spain • or the Duke Moat Bier. _ • id the, cones to•dav ueneral Prim Aleclitt that all milltalY - officers who refused.to take the oath to respect and ObeY • tbei new,; Constitution Would • have -thUtak Darnell stricken from the rolls of e army. • • t •. • • r • . Senor &gists, idlniater of tke late stktroteldi'new thatilke• anunlttitlon and Regbnoyhavebeet adopted, tbeeboutrne Cif epublican erten bribe street would URGii, FRI GERIZANY. BREMEN, June 17.—. Ring Williata to day opened the new naval port of Rep pens, at the month of the Ishde river. He made a speech, in which he returned thaSks to the promoters of %the enter prise. lie said although the late King commenced 'this work,- political circum. stances subsequently interfered with the establishment of . a German port here, but prudence had now,permitted him to accomplish what his brother began. He would look with cheerful confidence for the development in future of the young German navy. TURKEY. • * • . Lortuorr;..ltine 17a--A telegram fro r m Constantinople states the Porte protests of g aainst the ` power aRSed by the Pasha Egypt' IMI to !sane Invitatiomi to crowned heads fer the opening of the. Suez Canal. Such invitations : it is maintained, should emanate from the Sultan : as the superior of the Pasha. 5 CTALii. FLOIIENCL June 17.—Parliament was prorogued to-day - by the King. 'FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. -LoNnolq, June 17—Even/ay.—Console for trifiney, 92;;; account, 9'2%. Five. Twenty bonds, Eos6; at!Frankfort, 88 4 ®B6M; Erie, 20; 111in015,1514/. 70f. Pants, Tune 17. —Bonne steady. Renter 26c. LIYEr.rooL, j'nue 15.—Cotton Market ae:Ave; =Addling uplands 11 34®12y. do Orleans at 12y,;(12,; sales of ICO,OOO bales. California white wheat 9s. 7d; red western Se. id. Western Flour 21s. Corn: mired 275. 6d. for new, and 28s. 6d. for old. Oats Ss. 4d. Barley 6is. Mips Lla. Pork 993. Beef 90s. Lard 735. Cheese 79.5. 'Bacon 625. LOICAON, June 1 7.—Tallow 445. Sugar 40s. Calcutta Linseed 608. 6d. Petro 'emit at Antwerp 4630 r. The bullion In the Bank of England has increased 000, and. the , bu:lion In the France has decreased B,7oo.ooofr.Bank of Andtag of Another Filibuster Expedl tiou--1 he Aylward" Becoming DlE couragedA I ccount of lteeent Engage.. menu'. :Br Tmetraph to the Pittsburg:it Cisaette,,t HAVANA, June 16.—An expedition of six hundred Glibilisters from the United States are reported to bare landed re canny at Puerto. They effected a land ing without being molested and Immo. ttlately marched to the interior, where hey have alreadyjoined the forces under, Jordan. The Spaniards are getting l frightened. Arbitrary arrests of ens_ petted parties still continue and eimion- Pr64l4lenit irant in 3/assachilett''. age Is increasing. (By Telekraph the Pittsburgh Gue6te.) • 1 ‘,.,. . HAVANA, Jane 15, via Key West, OM:ESTER, " June 17.—,Pesident 19.--General quesada's report of the Grant arrived at two o'clock this after battle of May - leth has been received., noon from Groton, in - charge of a Com- He states there were two engagements on mittee of the City Councils. :gel was ae. that - day. They , ook Magoon the road be- companied by Seeretery Boutvveil, Gov tweet', Puerto del. Padre and Los Tunas, ernor Cleflln and others , Mayor Blake and resulted in a victory for the patriots. made a brief address Of welcome and the The firpanianfs retreated in-a yaiii, 10S. Preaident svas then conducted frig in"tobtilfights tioti hundred ihnflifty , through the. principal streete in an killed and Wounded.' Vahan- bus Been„ barcitiche, . with .$ the -Highland ty-tive.ls r - - rte a body ghard, titivut ary,• Adv:ces from Neuvitas to the lith Inst. , 0.110, Cf. A. It., and the re state Gen. Norer returned on the flth, pat ment acting as an escort. Si then having assisted In escortlnir a convoy of ro ut cblidren lined the treets eupplies to Los Tunas. A :desperate antioaded the President's carriagewith light occurred at Brinosa. The Spanish flowers. ; A collation was served t the artillery compelled the insurgents to re- ' Bay . Stlite ffonee, and the Pr , ' In took tire, but they fell back In good order .:- " " . 1% order, continued harass the — escort unti an l it reached the vicinity of Los Tunas. Oa their return the Spanish troops were not molested. They - . , arrived at Neavitaa with nine cases or cholera. Seven isol dlers have since died of the disease. A train of care -from. Puerto Principe reached Neuvitai on the 10th. -A hand car in advance of the train was captured by the insurgents. - N A Porn mission f volant i ers w procure to leave euvitas o for Ha ana to the removal of General Letona. The Spanish officers in that quarter are die. satisfied 'by their inglorious work, but continuo to make exaggerated reports of -operations against the insurgents. Letters from Santiago to the Bth inst. report that two expeditions of Hilibusters bad landed, one near Gaantenetno, and the other near Baraco. The, first expedi tion is said to hive been annihilated, ky- Spanish troops, who captured its entire' equipment; but the truth is a small party sent out by the fillibusters to communi cate with the insurgents in the interiCor was, cut off and the rest of the expedition was in a precarious condition, though they had- so far succeeded in escaping capture.' It is rumored the 'Spanish ea. diere have murdered Gen. Buceta. Setuers on Kansas Neutral Lands 115 e. termlne to Stand Stun. •Oly Telegraph to toe Pittsburgh Gazelto.) KANSAS CITY ', June 16.—Tbe Bulletin contains a series of refolittions passed by , the settlers on neutral lands in Crawford county, Kansas, aunduncing their de termination, to stand firm and hold themselves, in readiness to defend their rights ' before the courts whenever they are ' assailed. They. denounce all reports of lawlessness s on the: on neUtral lands as slanders on tbe settlers, , and .assure all concerned that no man has been shot or hung on so count of land diffroultios all honest man are welcomed among them and will be as safe there as any , place ln the United Staters, that , they never. have and, do not now' wage war, upon private individuals; as such, but dd oppose the so called :ay purchase; will resist to the fullest ektent any endeavor of his to build a railroad or to - mush* other act of Ownership on the neutral lands' until the validity -:or invalidity of said par. chase Is fully and completely settled. Suspicious Vessel Departed. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette,3 t1308TON;411118 i7;—The steimer IDol hine, which arrived on Sunday,frOM hiladelphia, Ostensibly with la large cargo of coal, went suddenly to sea last night under suspich:ms circumstances. She cleared at the Odstom 'House for }mote% Jamaica; and according,to her miefifest has a large cargo of provisions: but her supposed destination is Hayti, with war material for the rebels. , - The Hayden Charge d'Affairs was hate Yea. was *entitto o latey and attentikte4 to detain ttati but : • I J, UNE 18. 1869. be considered a legal offeixe and be pro hibited. This declaratidn produced a great sensation in the clamber. Marshal Serratio will take the oath of office as Regent of Spain os Friday. Troubles are appretiohded on the occa sion. • OtTBA. I _ - _ Jury Obtained tt. tile Donaldson Care. Tile McCoale-Allen Prize Fight. (By Tot:eitraph to the Plttsboket Gazette.] • obta t§T. ed Loursaune ury was finalin to d ay inthe tria j l of Capt. Don ly aldson, and the case will .be Opened to morrow for the prosecution by Chas. P. Johns* the Cincinnati attorney. Judge Lockland and Col Slayback are counsel for the defendant. • • Tom Allen says he shall take no notice of near M ScMtpL ole's challenge' to tight again . ,challenge " but will go three hun dred miles east, say - somewhere in Ken tucky, Or, as he would prefer, to Canada, nd mtch him , for live thousand dol lars-:{o'r any ether sum he desires. McCoo, le. is 'said to be willing to . tight ' him • away ' from " St. Louis, or better still. in a room with only a few friends of •each party as witnesses. Mc- Cle still believes that he can whip Al le . MCKinne, the refbree, imbshes ' an then statement; in' which he repeats his decision and says that while coming home en!the boat Sherman° ThurstOti and Billy Carroll,friends ofA Ilan, offered him money tbdeolcifyin Allen's favor.. They stake a:100y has not yet been given up, and' it' is alleged it will not be until mat ters' are arranged to the satisfaction of all parties. GQ,alte a number of outsiders, who e bet on McCoole, decline to receive the, stakes put nip, believing that the referee's decision was unfair. Allen says he will f2ght Gallaher any place a*ay front St. Louis on a wager of $2,500 to • TIIE PEACE. JUBILEE. - i The Coliseum Crammed and the Doors Ciesed—'..4nother Grand IPerformance, Concluding With "Old Hundred,), AcCoinpanied by all the 'lnstrumonts anti Artillery, the Audience Joining lei-Grand Dan Last Night. 4l , • osroN,l June /7.—The Coliseum for - awhour prior to the opening of the con cert to-day was , crammed and the Man agehnent was compelled to close the doors. The progranime comprised many patri otie and popular selections. Parepa Rosa sung thf3 [Ario from Robert, receiv ing an encore. The. Anvil Chorus was glYen, La nd an ori ginal Triumphal Overtilre of American National Airs, in troduclngHall Columbia, wasperformed, the latter 'receiving most enthusiastic plaudits. The Grand Military March, performed lby one thousand instruments, was finely! given. The Star Spangled Banner, sung by Parepa, with fall cho rus, was repealed in response to enthusi astic encores. Mn. Arbuckle's solo on tbe trumpet was applauded, as were other pieces. The peribrinan,ce closed with singing "Old Hundred" by the whole chorus, accompanied by all the in isotirunim4Ts and artillery, the audience The; all to-night wawa successful and brilliant affair. • I ~..,, —le Presiders the train at 4:39 r. ar. for New Fo r . SParworiann, • June • 17.—Pr ide.. Grant, accomoanied by a delegatibn city the city government, arrived in thia city this evening and was receivedl wit' salutes. He was Introduced to the cit garts by Mayor Winchester from ti lialcony- the Massasoit House. E made a bri f address and soon afte le for New Y rk. I .- . NEW YORE, June 17 . — President ,rat arrived to-night and proceeded quietly n the residence of his brother-in.law Mr, Corbin. I- Steitz°. By Teleitraetk titerrAtiburin °Lazne. t HAVANA, Jdne 17.—The steamer France. from Vera h e Cruz, brings dates\ to 1 2th instant 'from the City of Mexico. The citizens of the Unitod States in the Capital gave a dinner on the 6th to Min tater Roascrans. ; A Mexican journal calls Mr. Nelson, the new'American Minister, a ferocious man, sent by President Grant to create trent:lle in the country. The revolution in Ouerettsro is re ported to gain strength. The Govern- Meta had dispatched fifteen hundred troops for the defense of the legally con stituted GovernMent. 'The people and state troops support the late Governor, who was deposed. ! the Gen. Ariange had pronounced against Poto kratiOnal had at San Lute' General Fernandez Ortega, candidate of the party in opposition to Juarez's ad ministratia. N on, was, elected Governor of. Puebl: Negrete was at Tolosa, organizing troops against the (Government.A revolution is of ZaCatecae, reported in the 'State Base. Ballet Brooklyn.' , \ Mr telegrk,h t'o - the Pltuitinrsh Gatette4 New Yong, Stine 17.—The Cincinnati club'met the Bokfords, Ofßrooklyn, this afternoon: The game hutted two 'hours. About six thousand persons were present. 'The Eckfords played' a 'better fielding , pit game than the Atlantic., • but the 'swift ching of Brainard seemed to puzzle them. and they batted „mostly Geld.' The ,playing of the Citicinhati iu ans the was about the same as yerday, pliable several fine'.doublese tphtys. they The 'fblloWing are the taihts: . Cincinnati...o 2 7i 4 0 8 8 0 0-24 Bekfordi -.0 '0- CO 0 2 0 2 0 1-- 5 The Cm . cluniti club will play the Ir- Monett , . vington. at 111111gs:i1 .n, near Newar k, to. , . Chicago [market. • CWP:IAuo f June 17.-At the open board kth(' arternoon therewee a large busi 44ness transacted Int No. 2 wheat at 1/ B @l,lBX seller Month; numerous settlements being made at inside figure& Other-grains quiet and unchanged; ltt the evening , sales wheat were. made at sl,ltf; , grains nothing done in other : or Provisions. < ' - ST, LOUIS —Two hundred and fifty filibusters /eft Philadelphia yesterday in a tug boat jdown the bay to a .steamship, on which; to embark for'Cuba. —Judge Smith has granted a vrtitl'of error and stay of proceedings in the case of Messner, condemned to be hanged at Rochester, N. Y., to-day. —Henry A.Tierce, Minister resident to the Sandwich islands, arrived at Sart Francisco yesterday from the East over land, en route to Honolulu. I —The Ben Franklin Printing Office, at Indianapolis, was destroyed by flre yes t inachinerday morning. Loss on building and ery124,000; insurance /12,500, —Col. Wm. B. Thomas was pled in nomination as an epeelndent Reform Candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, at meeting held in Philadelphia on 'Wednesday evening. —The remains of Junius Brutus Booth have been removed to Green Monet Cemetery, near Baltimore, where those of his, dead children, includbig John Wilkes, ifTe'to 'be reinterrint • -- '‘ .. , L-I'lleury Corital, a Frenchmen, - ar reSted In Ne* York for stealing from his employers, committed suicide at police headquarters by strangling himself iVith a ribbon attached to his, watch.., lick 7Ex-Collector of Revenue, S. M. S lick, of the Third District of Pennsylva nia; has been arrested alleged perjury, and obtaining money f under false p r hen see, arising out -his late office. —A terrific rain storm visited western" North Carolina Sunday night, which caused destructive freshets throughout Iredale and Davy counties. The damage is estimated at $500,000. No lives lost. —The anniversary or , the battle o Banker Hill (yesterday) is a legal holi day in Massachusetts, and was very generally observed. A military display, with civic demonstrations, took place in Charleston. — kbrother of ex-Mayor Gunther, of 2 i New York, Mr. Henry Clark, and a dri ver of a carriage, were seriously injured at Wait Point, yesterday.; by the over turning of the vehicle, the horses having . run away. - —President Grant will retain at Wor-. nester, Mass, to-day, two hours. He will be received by the city government, es corted by the military, and a review of the procession of public school children will take place. . _ —At the annual meeting of the Bun ker Hill MonumentAssociation' Presi dent Grant, Admiral Varragut, General Sherman, Commodo - re Wilson and Gen eral Sheridan were kiianimounly elected honorary members. - . • - -Juo. H. Sims, a notorious character, has been arrested at Syracuse, N. Y., on a charge of sellingfour hundred dollars In counterfeit United States money. A. young man named Wl:within we._arrest , ( Cid as an accomplice. , . • is 1 —ln the suit of A. Bell tt Chesapeake Li. Baltimore Sun, against the h e Bank, of Baltimore, to recover $3,000 in r e gold deposited in 1861, the jury rendered )ft a verdict awarding plaintiffs $3,000 in 1 gold with $005.50 interest, also in gold. at ..The Congress/ . onal Was and Means to Committ4,o--Messrs. Maynard, Brooks, Allison. Kelly, McCarthy, Blair, Hooper, Marshall--and Moorhead--left Omaha yesterday morning, and will reach the Pacific in about ten days, traveling only in 'day time. - . ' —The Western Union Railroad, extend -1 ing trom Racine, on Lake Michigan, to Moline, ill., on the Mississippi river, has i been purchased b er itchell, iof Milwaukee; Presider ofthe MBidwati; kee and St. Paul Railroad, and he, will immediately assume control of it. ''. I —The British bark Mary A. Troop,' Capt. Cain, from Amsterdam for New . s Yo armk,s ' h wp P r e u n n n syolwvann ia dtwos k bnyehd miles east of Sandy Hook, on the- morn ing of the' 15th inst. The captain, mate and three of the crew were saved. The remainder of the crew are' reported lost. . . , —ln the Swedenborgian Convention at ltjew York, yesterday, Jotui y Scam loilitin, of Chicago, presidingi the pro- priety of admittitig the terms aParlah" and "Diocese" into . their . Constitution was discussed. , Several of their most prominent 'members 'spoke at length, with considerable warinth, on this sub fact. • —John 81../.l'Carthy, President o f the Irish. Rep:a:Mean:l Association of Pena_ is has -Issued another addreak le assures the readers the county can not recede from the position taken by Mr. Sumner. The Irish Convention at Chicago will declare in favor of protect tin % o naivereal suffrage and war with Raglan r d. -Three Youths COrdlited in 'the Hout6 of Refuge at Randall leland, New 'York, Win. !Ate hour Wednesday night vomited McCappin, the night-watchman, in pursuance of 'a plan to make their eit cape. The lads attacked him simulta neously, and one of them useta case • knife, ,intlicting dangerinus.' woundi.‘ They were taken in custody by the au thorities: n New :United States . Grand llary New York has found bills of indictmentat against Joae Morales-Learns and Velars. Rawson, Allerra, Fesseni :w e a • a n d I Colonel Ryan, for fitting out military expedition, which left New To k about the first of &ay Ibi Cuba, in II lation of the neutrality laws. Setae of t e parties ' were arrested and others prtmen d them Helves before Judge Blatchford, who held. all fie #5,004 bail each te. answer the in dictment and'in fruocradditional to keep the peace. . - -The i t was given bY Ron. Dwight, Tsiarnaend, ex‘Coagresamenrami the Nnies set arliberty.' • • BRIEF 'IELEGILLIts. —Vice President Colfax is in .New York. —H. Foltner hung himself In the pris on at Fort Wayne, Ind., ytaterday. — Governor Curtin sailed yesterday on the Donan, and not on Wednesday,as ported. —The Press representatives at the Na tional Peace Jubilee at Boston number. over one thousand. . • —Dr. Alden March, an eminent sur georend physician, died at Albany, .I+T.' Y.,•yesterday morning. .. , • —Frank Mueller, tr German laborer; aged seventy-seven years, committed ica lade at Cincinnati yesterday. —The foundation atone of the, monu ment to Union dead was laid on. Cam bridge Commons; Boston, yesterday; • 1 1 --Six companies of troops, recently from California, have been „distributed along the line of the Union Pacific Rail road; ,