The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 17, 1869, Image 7

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Superior—its kritare Trospects.
It is instructive int 'well as intensely ex.
citing, says the Philadelphia Press, to
watch ; the magic, •
like developments of our
country, and the strange revolutions pro.
dutedlY the growth of its industrial and
commercial interests.
Chicago, California, the oil country of
Pennsylvania; the route of the Union Pa
cific Railioad v to go no further back, have
all been the central points of excitement,
i that, however fierce and unhealthy for a
I time, hall 3 in the end proved beneficial
and conducive to the permanent strength
, 1 ening and building of the country.
The history Of the past enables us now
to'forecast a little our probable future,
and to determine ahead the prosPective
' channels of enterprise and development.
Just now the next grand movement would
seem to be impending from the North.
That - great inland sea, called Lake Su
perior, reaehei itsindex finger westward,
I within a few trifles of. the head of nevi
; gation on the Mlisissippl river. At the
I extreme western efid it receives the water
of the St. ;lonia'river , :which near its
mouth wlderia liato.-the picturesque and
commodious .haitor • of Superior, the
largest and, 'safest on all ,the six lakes,
washing the boundaries of the two pow
erful States of, Wisconsin anctliiinneso
i ta. few mi.errup the river, at Fondu=,. lac, •lea eplelidid water power which will
. • L..
orke day pe mi, employed in turning the
• witeels of , huge factories. Stretching far
to the west and northwest, embracing the
whaleStrite of Minnesota and the maui fi •
cent valley of the Red-River - of the North,
t Lake Winnipeg ' ' and the Saskatchewan
I rive. r,, there is a country large enough to
make three Empires es large as Great
Britain, France and Afistria—,-and rich in
timber, minerals and agricultural re
sources. With a climate unsurpassed for
healthfulness, and temperature, and now
open to settlement, it will, for centuries to
come,-pour its treasures into the lap of
Stiperior. This child of promise isinow
t just beginning. to germinate and cluster
around the month of the St. Louis river.
Within one year the first railroad will be
Bnished,by the aid of Pennsylvania cap.
ital, connecting this young city with the
railwaY systein of the Northwest at St.
e i Paul, and-extending thence to Omaha,
F; and by the Pacific Railroad to Ban Fran
• cisco, giving Superior City, it is claimed,
more thau three hundred miles advantage
!: weer Chicago, and water communication
.tothe Atlantic seaboard.
Next spring the first link of the North
- ern Pacific Railroad from Superior to His
; siesiPpi will bebuilt. ' Within two years
the road will be extended to the Red
River of the North, only 185' milts from
Superior, there tapping over 2,000 miles of
good.' steamboat. : navigation running
through a valley as large and well watered
as that of Ohio, and within four years., in
all likelihood this rillroad will be ex.
tended across , the, continent to Puget's
g Sound, thus - making Sdperior the eastern,
terminus of both these great_ continental
I lines of railway. Before the road is fin
ished to, Pnget's.Sound, an eastern line
from. Superior via the,Sault St. Marie, and
, Montreal, to Portland and . Halifax, will
be built. Another railroad, from Supe
rior• to a point on the St. Croix river, con
necting with roads leading to Chicago and
- 1 4/wsuage, is pros Many lines of
, steaniers•will be established between Sn
perior and Eastern Ports.' Three en
: terprlses,'and numerous, others of equal
• magnitude and significance, will be pinned
ainng by.the aceumulated power of this
great nation, arid; by theinevitable law
of,,,eunseand effect; cannot fail to plant a
city at Superior which May Yet make the
name singularly appropriate. While
many cities not yet dreamed of will
spring up, and those now in existence
will expand vastly beyend their present
limits, Superior may outstrip '
them all
when British North America becomes
part of our Territory. So „sanguine are
the friends of this infant emporium of its
great future, that they already talk of it
in coming days as the site of the new
capitol of the great Republic, pitting It
pluckily against George Francis Train's
Columbus—that geometrical point in Ne
braska which is declared the physical
pivot of the continent ;
That this cowing cit.! , is destined to
conspicuous prominenqe, even under
other relations in our commercial and
financial system, is foreshadowed in our
New Haven:dispatch of this morning, in
which Gen. B. S. Roberts is said to have
brought before the Connecticut Scientific
Academy a plan of al proposed great
national undertaking about to be intro
duced to public notice by the Chicago
Board of Trade, This; is nothing less
than a plan to connect the head waters of
the Upper Mississippi, Illioois and Ohio
rivers, with the waters of Lake Superior,
Lake Michigan and Lake Erie, and levee
ing the Mississippi from Cairo to its
•S •
__ great have been the achievements
of modern enterprise that we need be as
tonished at no proposal,, and may reason
ably expect success to attend any under
taking, pushed by American merchants.
Should this plan, or something like it.
reach a flgccessful consummation, it will
be but a fresh evidence .of; how inseper
ably'are intertwined all the great interests
and - sections of our common country.
National patriotism sind sound statesman.
ship rejoice in the prosperity of all. The
common weal is the development of every
portion of our imperial land. •
Ofjonos Enwraps, in conversation in
New York, the other day, concerning the
Sumner ultimatum in the Alltblitna
busineas, said: "Every man in England
would have been willing, to resent, to the
extremity of war,the deuisid watch Stim
nes sought to. get...the Administration • to
enforce. Mr. Bright, who , . Wu, this! laid
man I saw in London before I left, (he
lunched with ma at two o'clock,andklett
at Ave,) confirmed me in this imprestion.
And there Is no " one who has a more
earnestifffeethm,f or this country than has
Mr. Bright' - Neither he nor any Eng
. 13 6414 accept Ike t preposttrolui
theory of Sumner.'
Nth LT 'lslip( the lima beans sown
annually.perish by being sown from two
to three weeks:too early, by- the imps
tienceclr our embryo, horticulturaliste.
On the • other hand, the colder-blooded
carrot or turnip seedell but refuse to ger-
Bilotti° in the sultry days of July. Seeds
of calceolarlas, cinerarias, Chinese
roses and pansies will germinate more
freely and make better puts, by delay
ing the sowing until the middle of Sep
tember than if sown earlier., Many
failures are attributable to want dikknowl
edge of this fact, , and without question,
.to the charge of -the seedaman,—
Renders/In. - • •
Scene In 4 lextodelptuaThentre.
A scene of - cottaiderable excitintent oc
curred at the. American Thetttre, on Wal
nut: lama. above Eighth, ,en SattlidaY
•evenirtg, during the flying trapeze 'per
formanms of two artistes'announced on'
the bills as Ulla and Zoe.', One of their
feats consists in Lila, a fulbgrown young
woman, swinging herself by means of
two ropes suspended from the ceiling, from
a platform erected in front of the gallery,
entirely across the auditorium, until , she
touches with her' feet a trapeze that hangs
at considerable altittute over the orches
tra.; Securing herself on this trapeze with
her feet, her body swings downwards,
and she remains in that position while
Zoe, a child of eleven years of age,
mounts the platform in the gallery, and
seizing the iron rings attached to the
ropes, mentioned, throws herself off, and
darts toward Dila, and when nearing her
the child throws a somersault in mid-air,
and her only chance from being crushed
to deathby falling from the dizzy height
among the audience in the parquette, is
being caught by Lila, who hangs with
her head downward 'from the trapeze.
Certain death would be the result of the
slightest mistake made by either of the
performeri. On Saturday evening the
feat was ' successfully performed, It is
true, but tills barely caught the child as
she revolved in the air. As the latter
was descending, however, to the stage,
the man whose duty it was to catch her
from the hands of Ulla, failed to do sci,
and the poor child fell to the platform
placed over the orchestra; a distance
of several feet, and struck her head and
otherwise injured herself. The -child was
picked up, when she iminedately. placed
her hands to her, head, and it' was appa
rent that she was seriously hurt. Not
withstanding this, she wag most inhu
manly ordered to remount the platform
in the gallery and repeat the feat. The
child obeyed, but such conduct on the
part of those having charge of the exhibi
tion was too much for the audience to
stand, and there was ' a unanimous cry of
"No, no!" "Shame, shame!" -we—
her back, take her back," &c. In the
meantime the child mounted the platform
and then stood ready to repeat the_ feat,
but the audience rose en mane, to their
great credit, and prevented the ropes front
being handed to her. Unable to combat
such a display of public indignation and
disapproval, the child was ordered tore
tire, which she did amidst the mist tu
multuous applause. Now, whether she
could have performed the feat again in
her then condition, will be seen front the
following: '
"After she had retired, the stage mana
ger advanced and stated that she desired
to perform another feat, and that she was
not injured, and the consent of the audi
ence was asked. There was a general
cry of 'No, no,' and considerable hissing;
but, taking advantage of a few cries of
`po on,' from the boys in the gallery, the
child again appeared, and mounting the
platformf took hold - of the rings and
swung herselfoff for the purpose or catch
ing the hanging trapeze with her feet and
then making a sommersaultwhile descend
ing 'Moan outstretched net. As the au
dience felt would be the case, the • child
essayed the feat, but . failed to catch
the trapeze, owing to her nervous
state which was natural under the cir
cxtm.tinces, but she was saved from in
jury by her commendable presence of mind
in not letting go of the ropes. The con
sbquence was. that she swung backwards
and fiiiiiarda amid a scene of much ex
citement, and was relieved from her peril
ous position by the audience, who caught
her and carried her to the stage. The
entire acene was a disgraceful one, and
was nothing but a wanton sporting with
human life, and had it not been for the
conduct o f audience the child would
probably have been killed in attempting
to repeat the first act."—Philadelphia En
Running a Muck in Indiana.
On Sunday; the 12th, at Covington,
Troy county; Indiana, Fred. Resister, an
auctioneer, committed a series of ter rible
tragedies. His first victim was an aged
widow.lady named Jones, seventy•five
years od, and with whom he boarded.
Remster shot her with a six shooter, the
ball entering the neck near the ear. She
expired in a few minutes.
His next victim was a daughter of Mr.
Breckeling, a highly esteemed young
lady, seventeen years of age. Miss 8.,
hearing the discharge of firearms from
the opposite side of the street, went to her
father's door, when she was immediately
fired upon by Remoter, the ball hitting
her above the ear. The wound is con
sidered 'fatal, and 'she can live but a few ,
hours, her brains coming out at the hole.
After shooting Miss 8., the murderer
rushed down through the street and past
the excited people, frantically calling for
John Dodd. He fired at a man near Jae.
McMahon's residence, but the cap only
snapping, no harm was done. He con
tinued on his course, and meeting John
Franster, ran up to him and sticking the
pistol in Franster's. mouth, pulled the
trigger, the cap again snapping and sav
ing the life of his intended fourth victim.
Franster grappled with the murderer and
succeeded in disarming him and holding.
him until the excited people could render
assistance, when he was conveyed to jail
under a strong guard, who kept at bay
the furious mob which had by this time
gathered. It is known that Remster had
been drinking very hard, and gambling
desperately, and pecuniary losses may
have driven him to the commission of the
deed. '-He has been married but e few
weeks. •
CORRESPONDENTA of a Chicago •pa
rwlt: .trit3locgrtoioucwler2cow4;lt4dwn
the odium Incurred by the first Bull Ran
defeat and appears to have mantainect a
growing' pophlarity in the army . and
among the powers that bet Those who
knew him intimately assure me that he
is a model of a soldior, unselfish and
brave,, of tbe tritest friends.
Ithi perhaps owing to these virtues thathis
star, like those of other Generals who
were tmf9dciti!ge. at. ;the co tolneinement
Orate war, has never set. , He neither ,
drinks. smokes, nor indulges in apts.
ituorialiqtrors, which env be said of only
a very few otherinditayj men."
Tae excavations at. Herculaneum, un
dertaken by means of- the 80,000 Frances
granted by King Victor Emanuel, have
led to the disco Very orirlarge - roonr,which
must have served for a kitchen. In it
was a wooden clothestiress, entirely
carbonized; ,also, fourteen, vartea;• can
delabrum and a.lamp, all in bronze; sev
eral vessels in glass and terra, cotta, a
small•marble statue of a faun .and • two
broken tables, one •in , marb:e& anCtbe ,
other in slate. Visitors have been , V a tnunerovt Of' late to' ''examine it‘ ,
Ipr- 41,
' • t-441.,
CEI ICES. 10EI • •
EttElag o
No. 'ss Diairond Alley
Mar Oidtkrs Vidiefted CO Nr. iinzati; mon
ward. Allegheny. will receive Prompt
wagons rantog 4n. Pittbbufgh Ana Allegueny.
ict.FoRSALE •
At NO. 64 Sandusky Street"
YITTSBURGII,'AItIe 10, 1800. r
yoTICEr—The Atseisisuient, tor
': th e gourd with on Cedar : street, from-Math
.taurelstreet.l2 - now,:eadv for cumin
and 0 1 beis.l lo ; 10 140 Odice;nutil, "fox Ay:
Jute, iiit,-w en li., It be returned to 0 'city
TthirgiumWs 020 thr-eolleetlon. . -
DCO r, ~,,
11. ( 41 '-
' ' ' - - ' ih . s t a
11 0:k -• ~ ,J,.. . l i , , l7, or, ~
R:, . _,_, :.. , .
• • -
• ' temp" TON AND .
fidANDHAXIII42.I.S oven! cure Consantedletz4
Llyer Complaint sag Dyspepsia, takepiaCeordt
In g_to dfreetiO4., They isre all thre stool t he tikee
aktne lame tilde. •T r l:l•eleanstit he eat,' et:-
textile Ureic and pet o work; then the appetite
beeelMes good; ,the direst' and Makes geed
blood; the patient begins to grow In flesh; the
diseased Matter Awls Into: the tunes, and • the
Patient on tgrowa tog dblease and:gets well. This
is the only, way to cure consumption. - •
To these three atedicinee'llor. J. H. S,:betick, of
Phlistlelplita‘oostres his Unrivaled success in the
treatment of pulmonary Consumption. The Pal
motile Syrup ripens - the morbid matter In the
mugs; haute thttnes It off by au ea expt more
tine,. for when the. phlegm or matter :13,ripe a
alight cough w throw It offi and the patient has
rest and the lungs begin to heal. ,
T •do thls, the tseawet d end Mandrake
Pills must Le freely: u red to cleanse the, stomaula
and liver, - so that the rulmonle Syrup and the
food will make good blood.
Schenckos Mandrake Pills act upon the liver,
removing all obstructions, relax the emote of the
gall bladder, the bile starts - freely. and the liver
Is soon relieved; -- t.he stools will show what the
Pills:can do norther has ever been Invented ex
cept calome l (a deadly po'son wnich le very dan
gerous to nee en•ess with great care;) that will
unlock the gall bladder and start tile secretions
of the liver like Schenck's Mandrake Pills.
Liver Complaint is one of tee most prominent
causes of Consumption.
Schenck's Seaweed Tonic is a gentle silreulant,
and alterative, and the alkali In the Seaweed,
which this preparation le made of, assists the
stomach to tnrow ont gastric Juice to dissolve
the food with the Pelmonto !Syrup, and ills muse
into good hood without fermentation or souring
In thestordach.: • •
The greet-reason why ,phydelyes do not care
Consumption is, they try to do tits much; they
give medicine to stop the cough , to stop chills, to
ioPollight sweats, hectic fever and by so doing
they date the whole digestive powera. lock
innks gup t ecreons, and eventually the patient
si lee. t: '
• - . •
Dr..Schenek,-in hla treatment, does not try to
atop a cough, night 'tweets, chills or fever. Re
mote the eause_, and they will all step of their
ow acoord,:- .N 0 one- can be cured: of Consump
tionn ,
laver, Complaint. DYetoePsta. Catarrh,
Canker,' Ulcerated Throat, unless livtr , and
stomata are made healthy. •
If a.. Iperaon .has ;consumption , •of course the
lungsin some way arollseased, either tubercles,
abcesses, bronchial- irritate:on, pleura adhesion,
or the lung are' it mass of inflammation and lest
deem i
ing.: n such cases what must be dense? It
is not only the luege rnat are wasting, but it is
the whole body. 'inc etotutch sod
toldr have lost
their power to make blood out of Now the
only chance le to take lir. Schenek's three medi
cines, which will bring up a tone to the stomach,
the pattent will•begia toowant food. 'ft will digest
easily and make good blood; then the. patient ne
gins to gain In Posh: and as soon as the body be
gins to , grow, :the lunge commence to heal up,
and the patientlets fleshy and well. This Is tee
only way cure Consumption. .-
Wheu there Is eoiting disease and only ,Liver
Complaint and , illynpeptle,. echenek et seaweed
Tonle and Mandedke Pllls are sufficient, without
-the Pulmonic Syrup.: Take the Mandrake Pitts
freely in a:I billtdesicomplalnts, as they are per
Dr. Schenck, Who has enicryed uninterrupted
hetilth fur many years past, and now weighs SISS
pounds. was wasted away to a mere skeleton. In
lethe very last Stage of Pulmonary Coesumptlon,
sshy.lcians having protmenced his casebope
and abandoned Mut to his late. He was cured
by the aforeelid mer Manes, and since his recove
grm. reletNictl: gira l a h"e
markable succeds. lull directions accompany
eacb, matln It not absolutely necessary to per
sonally see .Dr.. Schenck, unless patients wish
their lungs examined, and for this ',expose he. Is
profess!. ally atl Ids Principal Office. Philadel.
phia, every eaturday. where all letters for advice
must be addressed. He la also profess'onatly at
No. 3il Bond street. New York, every other
Tuesday, and at No: 35 Hanover street, Beaton,
every other Wednelutliy. • He gives ads iCe tree,
but for a thorough exaeoln Avon with-Me Befell
rometer the price_tis B. t.i.nee hours at each city
from 9 a
It. to r.
Price of, the Pulmonle Syrup and Seaweed Ton
le each *1.30 peitbottle , er lit'l.3o a half dnen.
Mandrake Pllls 713 cents a box. For sale by all
. -.I . .• •‘, & r
Il i
raßm PAES.. t• . numerous • Wass or,' cases
resulting. frog self - abuse,. Prodlifbir ne
manlinese, ne rvo us debi li ty; !Mishit ty, ann..
non& .. seminal . emissions, , and finally im=
PoteneY. - perammento,.oured. Vermont afflict
ed wi.h. calcite .i n tricate and Zona stand
ing eonatitutionareoniplaints are polltelYin 'rated
to calt.for'. consultation, which costa nothing.:
Experience, the best of teachers. has enaPied
him to perfect remedies at once efficient, safe,
permanent, and which in most cases c in be used
paredwithout Macrame to. bushiest. Medic.nes pre.
la the establishllient, which embraces .01-
lice, reception and Wafting rooms: also, tioardini
anu sleeping apartments for patients remitting
diPly personal attention. and vapor and chemi
cal Oaths. thus concentrating the famed mineral
spring". No matter who have failed. state your
case. Read what he rays in hlt,pamphlet of lift)
cages, sent to any address for tiro stamps in seal
ed enve.ope. Thomands of eases treated Anna.
ally. at Mee and all'orer the country. Consul
tation. low patella/1y or by • mall. - office lio. 9
Wylie streeb (near Court House) Pittsburgh,
Pa. Hears 9 A. Si.. toe P. Si. Sundays lii w.
to it P. re . Pamphlet sentto any address for two
etenapt. .
TIVE H. 81 EVENS has been
using Electricity tea Sescist, Ras !MY in curing
chronfe as well as acute, conditions witticrirt
more than PIM YEARS. with tin
bounded success.. A .PAMP/ILST, laclutting all
part , culars, Willi certificates and reliable refer.
ences, will be sent to any inquirer.
• A few furnisb..l rooms vacant. for boarditur pa
tients In the Doctors rail y. if applied for soon.
once - and resldenee, $l,OOl ARCH SVREHt
.Fburth. All shares upon which Instalments are
yet. i c.; be paid under . Resolution of May 13,
11338; will be entitled to their allotment of the
Twenty-dive per cent. at par, as though they .
it: were paid In full,
RAVICH.EILOWRiiaiIi tit Ai 2E inyfidiS3 • THOMAS T. FIRTH. Treasurer.
This splendid Hair Bye is the bestir the world;
the Only time and perfect. Dye; harmless, relia
ble, lustantsuseons: no disappotment: no ,r 1•
diculons tints; remedies the 1 1l effects of bad
dyes; invigorates and :leaves the Hair soft: and
beautiful. black or brows. Sold by all Druggists
and Perfaniersi and proi Bonerly applied Sit Batche
lor,' Wig , Factory. No 18 Bond street. No w
York. ... milli
—Those having friends afflicted are ear
nestly solicited to lend for a Circular Letter of
References and Testimonials, which will con=
"ince the- most skepticalof the curability 411 the
disease. Address VA.r. UREN LOOKROW
M. D., 38 Great Jones et t, New York.
mhl9:k2S-d&P • • -
Ese‘ys the ER ORS - OF YOUTH, and
the POLLICS OP AGE, n regard to SOCIAL
EVILS, with certain help r the errlog and un
fortunate. Sect In sealed letrer, envelope& free
of charge. - Address. HO CD AS 4 0CI
Box P. Philadelphia, re. H m721;163-dif
EM - 2
CONRAD C. SMITH. a Bankrunt. under
the act of Congress of March2d, 1867, having
applied for discharge trm all Actebts, and
other claims provable under said by order.
of the Court notice is hereby given to all cred
lions who have proved . their debts.• and other
persons interested, to. appear on the day.of
JULY. 1869. at 10 o'crk A. befbre
JOHN N. PURVIANCE_,. Esq, Register. in
Bankruptcy, at his oMce, No, 110 . Federai street;
Allegheny city. Pa., to show cane.
be they
have, why a discharge should totbe granted to
the said bankrupt.
jelticts•rit S. C. 31cCANDLE88, Clerk.
THE UNITED STATES, for the Western Dis
et of Pennsylvania.
AUTRUstEttErI BC UGH, aßankrupt under the
Act of Congress of March %I t, MOT, having ap.
plied for a dlactiarge . from all his debts. and
other claims provable under said Act, by order, of
the Court, notice Is hereby given to allcreditors
who have proved their debts. and other persons
interested. to appear on the oth day of JUNE,
1569, at 10 o'clock A. M... before tIAIIUEL HA R •
PER, Eats., Register In Bankruptcy at his
°tape, 93. Diamond' street. Plasbursh,
Pa., to show cause.. If any they have, why a dis
charge should not be granted tothe said Bank
rupt. And further notice Is hereby- 'twee. that
the deeond and Third meetings of Creditbrs df
the:add Bankrupt lequfred bg the Salta - and
AOth nentha 04idd Aet, will be held before the
said Regis te r, a tthe almatitaianii'lane'
• ' b. C . et' DLESB.'
_jelOtkas-Tu ; ; ' • Clerk. •
AIT PM •Tv 4K; 11.71 ' 1; 1 r"-)
Ormuz PIT% AMOaria.A.SVlAtair It Cr
BBB. t ..) •
Notion le hereliyelsren that &upon"ltta.
Dumb .B.,Oettnellayslle 'Railroad Compeny rlrat
Ist Mork/agellonda. will be paid on and After ZULY
I.It.XT ep, presentation an mt neltret yat the-
MerelumUliatklnal Bank of Baltimore. .
JOBS H.PAGE, dr., Treasurer.
804. D COMPANY. tl
• ' PIIILADELPIirA. May Bd, 1.1809.
The Board of Directors bare this day ' declared
a semi.annual diyltteridof
CompanyEß, CSNT. on
the capital stoma 'of khe clear of Na.
Donal sod State taxeo, payable Weimar on Laid o f May: 0. 1889.
Blank. powers .of attorney for collecting divi
dends can be bad. at the office of the Company,
No. 238 8. Third. street.
The ocire will be ouened at S A. M. and closed
at 4P. 2. from May 30 after ne 5, for the pay
ment of
.41videnda, and that date from 9
A. N. to F.M.
NOTE.-The R t T o H nNw a Socko
1868 Is due and payable on or before June 18.
PITTSsunGh, Jane 5, 12t9. .41
By virtue of autitority conferred .by resolu ton
of the etock 4nd bondholders of the Pittsburgh',
Fort Wayne and 'Chicago Railway Company, at
the tutus, meeting held at the once of the comps.
ny In this city, March 12th, A. D. 1859, an ad.
_Maimed meeting of 'it'd annual meeting Will be
held at the GeneratOillce f the Compahly. in the
c,ty.of. Pittsburgh, at .10 o'clotk A. W. of June
At-tb, instant, for the purpose of considering
and acting ttpo . ft lease for a period of nine bin •
dred and ninety.nine -years, of the railway and
proppeerty of thin
allroa Company. the Y:lg:t: n t t upon
business as may come before said adJounietilneet.
T the ks tor the transfer of.stockland bonds .
of Pittsburgh, Fort Ware Cbitago
Railway Company,
will clOis at A P, A. on MON
DAY, the 14th ofJ nue. at the arency. in New
ork Wlnsluvr. Lanier & Co 27 will street.,
and at the °filet in PlttsburghAnd re-open
on the Atith of June. •
By order of the President.
Jelibksi ' F. IC - HIT fCHlNSON,46cretary.
To the holders of the First and Plee
ond Mortgage Bonds of the Pitts.
burgh. Fort Bayne and Chicago
Beltway Company.
TrulP pursuance of the authority vested
stees . under the respective deeds of or
mortgage securing the payment of the Past and
Second Mortgage Bonds respectively, of the
Pittsburgh, Fort Way. e and Chkago Railway
CompaitY, and ia conformity with the by-law - In
relation to the meetings of said boudnolders.
, adopted April 7, n 6 t, which provides that In
I the. absence front the country of either of the
Trustees, meetings of tne bondholders may be
Jeri ed by the othcr Trustee, the undersigned.
Trustee under the sate deeds, his associated
Trustee now being absent from the country,
calls a of holders of the said
Ylrst Mortgage Bonds, and also &meeting of tlitr
holders of tii•• said Secoat Mortgage BOttas. IJA`
held at theofilee . cf the said omp_any in the city
of Plosburgla on theTWEN TY FOURTki.DAY
OF AMP, 1869, at twelve o'clock.noon of that
day, for the purpose of considering and acting
upon any and all sucii questions as May nape 4a
reference to the lease et the railways of the sem
Company to the Pennsylvania Railroad t ompa-
DP, on in reference to the conversion of the pres
ent stock at the said Company Into aguaranteed
stock of 'a larger'aggregitte, upon which
dends at the rate of seven per cent. per annum,
Dallied. quarterly out of the rental reserved in
the said iease shall Le mild, rod also for the pus.
pose of considering, and acting upon sny and all
other mcttera which may come before the said
meeting, or either of them.
JelS:k6o e . ,r. TILDEN, Trnirtee.
Jump co.
. PITILADILPTItA. PA., 'Aptil X, 1869.
All Stockholders. as rellstered on the Books of
this Company on the 3 0th day of OW; 3869,
will be entitled to subscribe for TWENTY-PIPE
PER CENT. of their respective interests in New par. as follows:.
First. Fifty per cent. at the time of subscrip
tion,. between the 15th day of May, 1869, and
the 30th day or June, 1869.
Second. /fifty per cent. between the 16th day
of November, 1889, and the 31st day of Decem
ber. 1869; or. if Stockholders should prefer. the
whole amount may be paid up at the time of sub-.
terlotton. and each instalment so paid ap shalt be
entitle& to 11, pro rata of the Dividend that may
be declared on Inn shares,
T►fsct ' , That every !Stockholder holding less
than four ;bares, shall be entitled to subscribe
ibr one share; and thole holdins more than a
111 411141111 of tour shares shall be entitled to sub.
scribe lbe oia additional share.
In accordance with Section 6tb, Page 298 of
City Digest,
Building assessments for 111109 of City. City
Special, Poor, Business. City School
and Ward School Taxes and City Water Bentd
gave been returned to me for collection.
The above taxes are subject to a DEDUCTION
ells FIVE PER OKNTriat If paid on or before the'
'CENT Int if paid between the DAYOp
fliirNo deduction will be allowed on taxes paid
between September fifteenth and October first.
411- 4n addition of five pes centum will be made
to all taxes unpaid October lirst,and an additional
five per venom will be Addeo to all taxes re
maining unpaid on November first.
TOe 4tate Mercantile Appraiser has returned to
me for collection the appratsement for .18139.
State Mercantile Licenses must be paid on or be
lore July Ist, IEIO9.
All Llcesses remaining unpaid at that dive
will be placed in the hands of Aldermen for col
Pirustruau, Jyne.l, /86£0. Je5:l66
tamosizas OP
NOS!' 384 AND. 886 PEA,
Cor. Eleventh St., (formerly Canal.)
N05:155, late 1119.1191. and 1954
13210 , 8TIONT4TITTEIBM1811. -
* • milmilimniimer - •
00. 'Milled : I !t'Sle' Whig . trh
desiere In irOlUnett WINKS and
QUOR& HOPE. stn. • •
v 0,n ,' # 4 =1] , , , „ir 15 7 4 ,4 4 -
21 / 1 1 3 31 111 **Bd WU:The hattl4 k!..8.4,4's
41 T 4 174 19 WITIAINBAPINtrn: oe? •
i x`±~.,'~~ ~~~;r~r`aw~Yac~~i~.t~=+c~-'~¢~.;;~a=r"•~Cz=i,.~~~~~; ~~
yiIISELMVS Etnift. •
AsstrALLte Iturrit war, ctrai HiADACE.
BrallianaLL'a tuxla • war, • GUILE' CoartirS•
NIBS. 11:,
Dice OK_
_ 3 tarshallis Elixir:4l. o o per. 1;ottlo. -
etLi3ol Market street. 3r.
. I `Coiri PAW;tate.' Proprietors." ` ' - •
gal e wholesale and ratan,- brr ozo. A.
I:4l.liripo jowl rece
The Champion Eider,
Thursday Friday - and 'Saturday,
JUNE i7ViaSth and loth,
JAM E 9 nonmovs
The Large_ ,Ft Beet and most Instructive Exhibi
tion in theWor4. '
d. Full and 1 Complehengive Numeric,
Under' one iiiimmoth 'Pavillon, for One Price
.cf Admbnilon.
Is fun and complete,embracing RABE BEASTS
and BIRDS from al l of the world.
of Animals:
African Elephant, Sable Annie, Noyal Bergs!
Tiger. Double Eitimprd Dacktrlan Camel, Afri
can Lions, Asiatid Lioness.Prazlllan Tigers, Pair
of African Leopards. Wild 2,e , ra from Tanary,
Hyena.,,er Panther. Spot ed Etriped
Large White Polar it •ar. African Nhiel
G'A ou, Peruvian Lama, boat • American, Ibex,
White Wolf, Pair of Spotted A. Is Deer from the
banks of the riverGanges.Bla.k Bear.emnamon
Bear, Australian Kangaroo A • lean Porcupine,
Inohneumon, African Ostrich standing nearly
five Pelicans . Gold and Sliver Pheasants, Afri
can White Crested Cockatoos, Red
Crestei Coctatooa. Muro l B, El ceaws and a host
of minor animals too numerous • mention.
Under the Immediate al:lnertia
FresteSt taIeAMES
amply mall:nab:at of the
Foremost an ong, the large I
gl s wr ia t,beeompany r is the on
ry Educated HorselhiGGMA.M..
Which will take place on THU
at 10 A. It. be a Featu o
Amusement, by the 13
Chariot, drawn by a Hue of ban so
ored Horses, followed by the I
phaut. Camel. Ca decorated lia
t' red Cages. gally for
Panorama_ of nea•ly a mile In iehg
Tao Ehibitions Each Day,
Evening. Doors oven at 1 o'clt c
noon; Circus Performance to re
In the evening, door& open at 5 '
mence at 7;y giving all those wh
the Menagerie sun not the Circ s
do so and retire bat Ore the Ci cr
commences. .Gentienianly Uah rs
tendanee and seats fur all.
Admission, 50 cents; Madre hinder 10 Ab
cents. The Diamond Studged amnion. Belt.
Golden Medal.. and Trophies, can e seen on the
days of exhibition at Plttock's Ne vs Depot.
je 7:kW. .
For . Dysieo.sia, ',Fiver and 'Ague, Aci
dity of the Sfornach; Loss o Appetite,
Nausea, Hea.-r-hurn,. Jaundic ~ and all
diseases :Irish::: from a 4isor ered state
of the Stonaac.n, Liver or - Intestines. .
i .
at C P IIE pu NeEctY bDy
bID gissßuralo,.i Y &W
, yMtns.
i , 1
. • Importer old retail dealer!n
cAcu , Ell9Auritints,
mon:mums,- ae.
°Men by men rendre prompt aiierition. send
far sanndie. . .
)1.033 . Chestnnt St, Phila.
mte:f77ornbiT s •
nottsk — n.ur
"d and itvi, sae it IRIro ,
• - „
• <
1 I
At the Stalytifteld Methodist Zpiseopal Chor , eh,
on THIIIIBDAY and r RIDAY EVEvnitie.
SUPPER TICKETS • • • 50 Cents.
There will be an exhibition c t the
On Ta URSDAYIWICNING, June 17th, at 7fi
P. If., in the • .
_ The broceeds are for the benefit of the aebool.
Tickets, 25 cents, to be had at the Dreg Stores
and from the scholars. • jel6:lsf
The anOnal isle of Fancy Articles and Re
freshments of this charitable Institution, will
take place In the court yaids and gardens of the
"Cpurch Home," in Lawrenceville, opposite the
Arsenal Park, on -
Thursday Afternoon and Erenlog.
Admission and supper tickets can be obtained
at the entrance gate
- -
• —The ladies of Plymouth Church will
hold a btrawberry Festival in EXCELSIOR
HALL, corner Federal and Lacock streets, Alle
EVENINGS', 15th and 16th inst. The member , .
and Mends of the church are respectfully invAed •
to be present. jel2:k3l
H. W. WILLIAM. Lessee and Manager.
Extra nights for the compllmentaty benefit of
A new drama and a superb 0110.
Fr dal—Benefit of JENNIE FOSTER
No. 05 Fifth avenue, opposite the Opera
House, Pittsburgh. Pa.
W. H. STROUP-- ..... . Manager.
This house has one of the finest Billiard Rooms
in the city. It LI cecleedly the coolest andmost
inviting pe. The tables are ad new and em.brace all the modern improvements. and offers
superlor attractions to lovers of the game.
n of the world's
bawl:don Circus.
t of Artists that
7 Great Elder 1
On TIIIIRSDAY. JUNE I 17th, at 33i o'clock„,
will be sold by atietioh on the prendses,lhe very'
beautiful reads ace of-4ls late Orrin Newton,
Req., at Shadyside Station, on .the line of the
Pennrylvania Railroad, thre ground s bait miles
from the Linton Oepot. The consist of
tour acres well improved and highlyoniameated
with fruit; shade and forest trees, shrubbery andi
small fruits. -That portion in front of the house
is a beautiful level lawn of nearly and hundred
yards square, fronting ,en Center avenue, while
that in the rear has a handsome gentle slope,
fronting on the raUivay. The , house is a two
ory couble frame, containing parlor. sitting
and dining rooms, with bolding doors,. nee bed
POOnke:kitebenorash•house. pantries. closets and
other conveniences.. 9 here are marble mantles,
Boston range, bake-oven, boiler, pumps. wring
- handsomeule and carriage house. 3 obse r ves
ront and aide peseta sand an tory from which exceedingly flue views of the
surrounding country is obtainable. Abundance
of good soft water on the Premises;
The house is very substantial structure. has
a very pleasing appearance, and la alLogeitier a
first class residence. It adjoins the residence of
Dr. Hussey, and is encircled byih se of Meagre.
Howard, rillChcock, Renshaw. Pitcairn, I ewls
and Graham. It is near to church and school,
and but a few yards Vein Shadyside et.tion.
Thereare mi nu te s 's daily to tins from the city—
eighteen side. In view of the spacious
and comfortable dwelling. the eligible and
agreeable situation, the-easy travel, the good
neighborhood, saad all the Pleasant surroun thugs.
slits property should eintinlatid th- especial a . -
t-ntion of business men desiring to procure a
beautdol suburban home. Ili desired by intend
ing purchasers ',resent at the see, the property
will be utte r ed sections /Theit. It wilil.however,
be arm entsre. premises -are unoc
cupied.. Immediate possession given. Bays to
insect can bell ad at tlB Wood street.
Terms—One-third cash; balance in one and two
years. Train for sale /eaves Union Depot at 3
o'clock, city time.
LEGG Auctioneer.
jell 130 Pederal - street; Allegheny.
G i%1:18D AIifEILICAN AND glittoPEAN R
TISTS.—Tho R MAY AND HOD 4y,.T.nel7th
eachBo, at 10 o'k A. 31. and floorck r w..
day. will be solo on seeondof Com
mercial Sales Ronme. 106 Smithfield street, (side
en trauee also on Filth avenue, 'boy. Smitiield.)
a large collection of high class Modern paintings,
by distinguished American and' European •Ir.;
mats. Also several original pictures by the late .
Pittsburgh artist, Blytne. The sale comprises a
yeyy ch dce Oaten , of UR Paintings. s•lect?d,
with great ease and d'scrimination from It En -
Landscapes, eminent and foreign art•stso,mbraning
Brute Pieces. Marine Views, Still
Life, &c.. the whole constituting a collection .of
tenremarkable beauty and value. to which the att ,
don of connoissenthand lovers of art is conf4i
dently certain to bear the closet arem •
tiny, and most critical judgment. They all
mounted ns in elegant gilt frames, of the intent pat
te• and best workmanship, warranted gilt with
pure goldiear. The paintings are now arranged
on free exhibition, day and evening, units lime
of Welt. Descr.ptive catalogues ready for die.
trip Mon. Ladies and gentlemen specially in..
"filed to examine the collection, as this ease is
particnialy desert ing their attention.
leaf A. incILWaINR, Auctioneer.
I AY,therlth,
of Il!C Day's
auttful Swan
lue Cream Col
g Horses, Etc..;
I. dsomelr
ling a goving,
fternoon and
3.14,the after
c. at SIIX.
r cock' to etini•
to witness
rl,._ple time . to
• Performance
Will be - 4a at-
w Er , TS TE OF THE FA.LLs_Toikr;
June 'lBth; at 10 o'clock.' by order or W. A .
Lewis,Esq., Assignee of Bailey & Itceandlets.-
bankrupts, will be sold at Commercial Rooms,
108 Snaliblield. street, the? entire large real e.-
ate, situate in Feist - on borough, Feaver county.
Wor a s n . d I nkcnlo u wn g a s
t t h h e e -
g:Faunon Wod or Ware Chine,y, &c., necessary 'or manufacturing wood-
en were. together with 26 sharos of power 01 tie
Pallaton Water Company. The machlnerr Is of
the latest improvement.-For orher particulars,
inquire 01 . W. 4. Lewis, Esq. c 93 Diamond $l.
'LEGS! !
Tfic,. 'Aittfidal Limb Manufacturing CO.;
AU Shareholders are M tn Wearing/ ewe
Limbs.fuse by the Company, '
To those requiring a limb we would say that
o ur own . eaperience has induced as to establish
facto ,'
here - that would make *comfortable and;
durable;limb fora rratossoete:prim Aft. r try..
mg a number of Bolin socket and padded socket
legs. we have each found mdr,e comfort and use
:lining In this • “ADdiJii PABLE LACKING
bOC4ET ,, pan in any oth?r minion the coun
try: :tine or our number; a wined mechanic, has
charge *f the shop...-We havisbenght the right to
userwo of the best 'patents, and by our expert- ,
lowe hope to Implore inovery way stain h
add to the comfort,_derabflityorppearanof
limbs make. We have put s me price of our
new ligs at 4180. Persons from' a distance are
only detained in the city while the measure and a
cast of the injured limb taken.,
Ihe saving to purchaaers, as compared With
Eastern prices, 1p 'from SSW to 888 Inlee price
of biter .1.• least 880 railroad , fare, hotel bills
and other traveling ex pease" - and then we are
satisfied that Our limb taillgtee bftter eau tt r„ eso ,
thent'any oneget marts ta Nato Pork or Philoartphte.
It we can orders,we can maintain our factory
'at the above price. and we therefore ask an ea,
&initiation before going elsewhere.
We make' to order and keep on hand a sem i
ofof ateckiti4e. bratet. and appliances tor injured
deform ilnabs,,ablo. crutches, trusses, shout
der braces', he: par further , nformation r eir
eulareeoutalnlag many test:monist letters front.
thomWhe have worn our,artificial ue. address
anTrylClAlLLlktlit IfAIeIIisiLOTURING
rz.NN 81REET.,between, Thirteenth
and POurtetinh. , Plttabnritil• Pas , bpi Ib33ETAT
For the beneht of the
RINE lith and 18th, 1869,
Sapper served from 5 to 10 o'clock