The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 16, 1869, Image 8

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umy. AND slnim4YA.
TEE Gerospris fa furnished in tt,se city
the six days of rho , week for 15 e,e n tape r
week; by mail, e l perannum: 's mos.,
Those who intend spendi . ag any time
away from b ome durin , ,g the summer
months, can l aaye the CZAZE'rrli mailed
to them by heaving the address at our
counting ro,om.
tternif Is caul PAI to the advertisement
on oar fl .th page, giving notice of a meet.
Ing to be held at I)r. J. R. Clark's
Church , Allegheny, on Thursday even
ing nee it.
stern Uuniverslty Atumni.—The
regu lax semi-annual • meeting of the
emu' mni Asisociation of the Western Uni-
van. sity. will be hidd on Tuesday, June
1 2 1 at 734 o'clock, r. is., at the University
E /tiding, Pittsburgh.
The Headquarters of the Republican
"Toon* Executive Committee will be for
'the present, and until further notice, at
the office of Morgan & Roberts, 114 Fourth
avenue, where the Secretary, Col. G. F.
LI Morgan, will be in attendance.
A■ Unranctiliet Threat.—Cliristiana
Meyer states that Nicholas and Catha
rine Baugh called, her very vile names
yesterday, - and threatened to kill her if
she ever attended cnurch hereafter.
Alderman Mullen issued a warrant for
the arrest of the threateners.
Severe Accident.--Satnrday afternodn"
- a son of Henry Rabe, proprietor of a gro
ftry store in East Liberty, had his thigh
broken by the falling of a pile of coffee
bags, along side of which he was stand
ing at the time. His injuries were at-
Sclded by Dr. Perchment.
Spicy.—Louls Redinger was brought
bfore Alderman Taylor yesterday
/Morning, at the instance of Mary Speice,
who charged him with striking her son,
a youth of some fourteen summers. The
parties reside on Penn street, Ninth
ward. The case was settled by a com
promise at the magtstrate's office.
reirtival.—The ladies of the Smithfield
street M. E. Church will give straw
bsrry festival and supper Thursday and
Friday evenings ) , June 17th and 18th, the
p* gn c an d ' w p h p ewr il w l
ilble devoted to tne
be served each
evening from five to ten o'clock for the
small sum ' fifty cents
The tint herseman of the age, James
Robinson,. with his troupe and .Little
Clarence, in combination with Gardner
Az Kenyon's Menagerie, the most perfect
in the country, are to perform to-day in
East Liberty. To-morrow the companies
enter Pittsburgh in grand procession and
proceed to Allegheny, where ,they are to
'perform three days on the Diamond.
I Imnieralon.—Ellen Donavan and An
nie Connor occupy jointly a tenement iti
Aamilton's Court, off Wylie sfreet, above
Washington. Yesterday as Ellen was
ascending "the stairs with a bucket of
water she encountered Annie, who she
alleges pushed hISr back and mused the
bucket of water to be upset,' immersing
bar completely. Alderman Strain issued
a warrant for the arrest of Annie.
Worthy Present*Usu. --- Our colored
.'.citizens Worthy
to *Dr. W. H. :Wil
liams' oongrhgation,JohntliTesley Chapel,
presented their worthy pastor with a
valuable gold watch and a beautiful all
iver-headed rune. The presents were
certainly due to the D. D., as be has la
bored hard for the cause. Being a man
''of wonderful mind, and having a finished
education, we are glad to see- his Sock
appreciate him.
Two Men Cut.—A row occurred,
Monday afternoon, at a picnic held at
Eberhardt's Garden, Troy Hill. , Knives
and clubs were in fall play, and several
parties carried away remembrances of
the harinonloßi occasion, in bruised
headg, and general soreness of\ body.
Two men were but, one of their Mr.
Lieulcir, custodian of the garden. No
warrants have as yet been issued, and
no arrests have been made.
Social Reunion,—The election on the
di lay delegation question, at which Ed.
eazelton, Esq., presided as teller, in
he Liberty dtreet M. E. Church, Rev.
\VI . EL_lncke, last evening was made the
occasion of a very plea Pant social re
union, which was largely attended by
the :members of the congregation. A
MAYO supply of strawberries, ice
- ream, cakes and general confectioneries
ded no little tothe enjoyment of those
present. -
' Two Meetings.—Christian Lud!cker
.and John Neubauer met on Liberty
street, yesterday morning, and had a
little passage at arms. They met again
Att Alderman Taylor's office, where
Christian had lodged an information
.ftainst his opponent for assault and bat
tery, the alleged offence consisting in a
- vicious shove against a brick wall. It
. appeared at the hearing that John was
not the aggressor, and he was according
ly discharged:
Inkaman Treatment.
1 Alderman AlcMasters yesterday issued
a warrant for the arrest of John Jackson.
residing on Water street, .charged with
aluimefully heating hie wife. 'the ac
cused is said to havelknoeked her down,
torn nearly all the. clothing off 'her
Parson: kicked and beat, and axially
thrown her into the street. Her appear
.aneEo at the magistrate's. office. In a
neigh ber's dress, which she was com
pelled to bccioac and exhibiting cuts
and bruises, gave evidence of the treat
ment she had received.
The Latest Retains:
,The voting in the M. E. Church, in
this vicinity, on the question of Lay
Delegation still progresses inietty.
Adaed Whose already reported, we have
.returne from three other churches in
-wljloh the vote was taken last eeening,
Liberty etreet--94 votes out; for Lay
Delegation 80,- against 4; aaglority in
favor W.
Smith'leldstreet-187 east; in,favor 62;
agsineC76;,Miajority against 15. _
Union Church-1.10 cast; in favor 36;
against 74; majority against 38. -1
Was It Larceny
Alexander McMillan, proprietor of a
livery stable on Sixth avenue, made in
formation before Alderman MoMasters
Yesterday against J. D. Berry for lar
soeny. The accused Is charged with
'airing a horm and buggy from McMillan
on Monday evening, which he' was to
paten:kin hall an hour, a promise which
wia'l not kept. It is further alleged that
he • was discovered yesterday morning
near the outskirts of the city, accom
panied by a young lady, and' driving
siongl7l the buggy at a furioniipite. Ho
was arre.ned and gave bail for is bearing
-this morning at ten o'clock. He utterly
disclaims agY intention of stealing the
Rpeelal Meeting—Street Improvemente—
Report of Cttimlttees, ase.
A-spacial meeting of the Select ' , and
Com Mon Councils of this city was held
in the, 'council Chambers, City Building,
yesterday, Tuesday, June 15, 1869. •
Select C uncii.
The meeting was ed to order at two
o'clock by the Clerk, and on motion of
Mr. Holmes, Mr. Bur win was called to
the Chair.
The roll being call 3, and a quorum
not being present, nob iness was trans
acted. _ ,
At a quarter past to o'clock, in ad
cordince with a resolu on, the roll was
again called; and Mr. McAuly, being
present, took the chair.
Members present were: Messrs. Ahl. 1
Ahlhorn, Armstrong, Brown, Brirgwin,
Coffin, Craig, Dickson, Edwards, Galla
her. Gross, Hallman Holmes, Jones,
Kane, Kehew, Kirk, Lit ell, Lloyd, Mar
shall, Morrow,Murray, oClelland, Mc-
Ewen , McMahon, 0 en, IRalferty,,
Schmidt, Scully, Shipto , Torrens, Wain
wight,-S. J;, Watson, ern, and Preal
dent McAuley. - i .
On motion of Mr. 0, the reading
of the minutes of the vious meeting
'was dispensed with. il
The Chairman, Mr. McAuley ,
e Stated
that the meeting had been call e d at the
instance of the Street • Committ .
• On motion of Mr. Burgwin, Ithe rules
were suspended for the purpose of tak
ing up unfinished business. -
Mr. Burtwin theit called 7tip.,„fin
amendment to the riles, which had:been
adopted at , a previous meeting, - KIM&
ing. that every call fbr a special meet.;
ing shall be in writingand signed by the
'Clerk, setting forth the object of the call.
The amendment having been offered in
S. C. by Mr. Bargivinant referred to the
Committee on Rules,d " on' motion of
Mr. Bnrgwin ,, Counc i l rescinded from
former action and cone rred in tlieractiozo
of,C. C.,,,, ~,,,
Mr. McAuley (Mr. 'Litton in the chair)
offered an ordinance providing for the
paving of Fourth avenue, from Market
to Wood street, with Nicolson pavement.
The ordinance was read three times and,
passed hnally. . ''-
• Mr. liolmes.presented a - petition for a
uniforin grade on FOrty-Second street.
Referred to the Street Committee.
Mr. Burgwin, a remonstrance against ,
theh grading and paving of Hazel street,
Sixteenth ward. Referred to the Street;
Committee. \ ~
Mr. McMahon presensted an ordinance
appointing William Stith viewer on th a
opening of Forty- thi n street, vice Mr. ,
McClure ; resigned. litead three times
and passed.
Mr. ilsilmanpresentea a remonstrance
against the repbrt of the ordinance rela
tive to sign and swains posts. Referred
to Street gpinmittee. A\
Mr. Phillips presented the report of the .
Controller. • - 1
The report was accepted and a resolu -
tion authorizing the Controller' to 'sews
his warrant on the Mayor for the pal -
meat of the bills. ... l' - •-•
Mr. Phillips presented si ie.solutio is
authorizing the transfer, of 41,000 fro! li
appropriation No. 13 to No. 14 Adopts, I.
Mr. Ahlborn presented o petition I, ir
a changeepf, grade on 37th istreet. ' lite.
ferred toStreet Ottrifmittee. -
Mr. Zern presented'a petetitiezi re la
live to themes:Lion of awnings. Ref ez
red to Street Committee..
AO cirdinance . .relative to the • mat ;ter
was retkrred to the Ordinance Commit tee,
and the Mayor instructed not to itifi ►rce
the present ordinance until the con, aolls
should take action on the matter. -
Mt. Gross, a' petition asking for the
repeal of an ordinance providing fo .r the
widening of Webster street. Reit erred
to the Street Committee.
Mr. Jones presented an ordinance
providing for the opening of D uncut
street. Read three times and passisi.
Also, a petition from citizens i n the
Thirteenth ward, asking for the r e-loca
tion of Centre avenue between Reed and
Chatincery streets. Referred toth,s Road
Mr. Toriens, a - renaonstrance nigainst
widening Shady lane to sixty fee ti Re.
term* to Survey Committee. •
Mr. Coffin presented the report of the
Water Committee, relative to the I betition
of the Emery Bros., contractors Por fur
nishing coal to the water works; iri which
it appears they lost money. Tho Com
mittee recommend that $l,OOO be refund
ed to them.. The report was accepted.
Accompanying the report was' an ordi
nance authorizing the refundirig of the
money, and the same to he cltsuged to
the contingent fund.
Mr. Armstrong moved to lay the reso
lution on the table. Lost.- -
Mr. Armstrong then• moved to refer
the matter to a select Committee of three.
Lost. .
The question warring on the adop.
tion of the resolution, Mr. Lafferty
moved a suspension of the rules. The
motion was lost and the matter laid over
under the rules.
Mr. Watson presented an ordinance
providing for the erection of an iron-clad
building on Forbes street. Referred to
the Ordinance Committee.
Mr. Morrow presented a remonstrance
against the confirmation of the report of
the viewers for the opening of Locust
street. Referred to Street Committee.
Mr. Murray, from the Committee on
City Property, presspted .the report of
Raid Committee, relative to the purchase
of the Niagara and Neptune steam,fire
engines, the former at $3,150, and the lat
ter at $1.842, the amount of the indebted
ness of each company to the Amoskeag
The report was received.
The Chair read a communication from
the City Treasurer relative to improve
ments at his office, and expenses incur
red thereby, accompanying which were
bills to the amount of $194 53, and a res
olution authorizing the Controller to cer
tify his warrant in favor of the Treasurer
for the amount of the bills.
The communication was read and re
mired and the resolution adopted.
Mr. Bumwin offered the following:
Resole-A That' it be referred Ulnae Or
dinance Committee, in conjunction with
the City Attorney, to report to next
meeting of Councils whether the City has
a right to demand a vehicle license from
those citizens who, in order to come into
the central parts of the city, are com
pelled to pay turnpike tolls, and if it be
foundinlavor of said right then to relvst
an ordinance for. its release. Adopted.
The Chairman read a communication
from J H. Hampton, Esq., Solicitor for
the ,Permaylyania Railroad, relative to
the crossing of the tracks of said railroad
at Ewalt street, in the Sixteenth Ward;
which; it is stated, is in a dangerofts con
(Mien, and the company propcses , 10
make an excavacatlon and construct
stonte,walls, in order to bring the street
and track to the same level, at theirown
cost and expense.
The communication was received'and
referred to the Street Committee.
An ordinance providing for fencing in
iota, passed in O. C. at afortner meeting,
was laid on the table.
An ordinance passed in C.
relative to dogs running at large, *Ws"
laid on the table.
• An nrdligica• creating tbe qtlico qtflultd.,
4. - J=
~ r 'z v. ..f-,~. 's3" ~Y E. ~5 S n . aa, r ,~..~ a~ ,~L=~i,
t fia.o. ...
unGli CAZkiTiii W
thug lapector, pealed Ina 0•1114 NOM.'
ant meeting; ins on moil= pas,tponek
President Tomlinson in the chair.
Members present ' : Messrs. Albeit;
Anderson, Ardary, Barton, Batch:dor,
Bell, Berger, Black, Booth, Case,Crskey,
Daub, Garner, Elildenfenny, Her% R oue .
ton, Hutchison, Jamison, LanAhee, mo.
candless, McCarthy, Meßelvy, Meanor,
Meyer, Moorhead, Milton, Nixon ,
Palmer, Pearsbn, Penny, Re e d, R oo k ,
Rceewell, Selferth. Sims, Scott,,
Weldon, Welsh, Wilson and President
Minutes of last meeting read and ap
The Chairman stated the rn eating had
been called at the instance of the Street
,Mr. Weldon stated the Cr.ommitteelad
a quantitt of business brought before
them which should be e,lsposed of Im
mediately. The gentl.eman presented
the report of the Street Committee as fol
GENTLEMICW : - four Committee on
Eiti t
i e
s would reepectftdly report the fol
low' g ordinances : .
0 ' e for a public sewer on Marion street
fro St. triek's alley to Forbes street.
. 0 iffo gmding, - paving and curbing
Mull r alley, from Twenty-eighth to'
TWentv- tnth stspet.
Onefo 'opening Smallman street, from
Twenty 7 rat to Twenty-third street..
One for opening Denny's alley, from
Tunnel to Chatham street.
One for opening Twentieth street, from'
Penn street to Allegheny river.
One for opening Twenty-first street,
from Penn street to Allegheny river.
One for opening Twenty-seoond street,
from Penn street to Allegheny river.
One for opening Twenty-third street,
from Penn street to Allegheny river.
One for opening Twenty-fourth street,
from Penn street to Allegheny river.
.IPne for opening Twenty-fi ft h street,
Penn street to Allegheny river.
rz for opening Twenty-sixth street,
f enn street to Allegheny river.
One for openingTwenty-seventhetreet.,
from Penn street to Alle gh eny river.
One for opening Tw enty - eighth street,
from Penn street to Alle gheny river.
One for opening Twenty-ninth street,
from Penn street to Allegheny river.
One for opening Thirtieth street, front
Penn street to Allegheny river.
Ono:, for opening . Thirty-first street,
from Patin street t 6 Allegheny river.
Ornifor opening Thirty-second street,
from Penn street to Allegheny river.
One for opening Thirty-third street,
from ,Penn street to Allegheny river.
One (or establishing a grade for'..Dtar
One granting Walter Slocum & 06. t&e
privilege of a handcar track on Second
avenue. i , .
One for the laying of the Nicholson
pavement on Fourth avenue.
The report was read end received.
_ordinance relative to Duncan street
wau read Unite times and passed.
The others were laid
_over under the
Mr. Weldon called up the following nn
finished business from butt' meeting :
An ordinance for the laying of a Niel.
oils= oavernentou Diamond street. Read
three times and passed. 8. C. not:peon
curred and referred to City Solicitor. C.
0, adj2ered, and asked for Committee of
'Also an a - MI/mace for numbering
-houses on Duquesne Way. Read three
times and passed.
An ordinance for grading, paving and
eurblineof Railroad Street. from Twenti
eth to Twenty-third. '-Read three times
and passed.
Ordirtance for grading, paving and
curbing of Fortyeeoond street., froin But
ler street to the Allegheny river. Read
three times and passed.
Ordinance for the construction of pub
liosewer on Eleventh street, from Liberty
street to Allegheny river. Read three
times and passed.
Ordinance for grading and paving of
Spring alley, from Twenty-tirst to Twen
tpfifth streets. Read three times and
passed.: '
Ordinance for grad ir g, paving and curb
ing. Pleasant alley, from Forty-third to
Fprty-fourth streets. Read three times
and passed.
Ordinance for grading, paving and curb
ingot Willow i street, from Fortieth to For
ty-fourth street. Read three times - and
Ordinance for grading, paving and
curbing of Forbes street, from Chestnut
to Magee street. Read three times and
Ordinance. for grading and paving of
Snowden alley, from Spence alley to
Allegheny Valley Railroad. Read three
times and passed. _ -
Ordinance fore opening Clark street,
from Crawford to Miller street. Read
three times and passed.
Ordinance for opening Valley street,.
from Fortieth to Forty-ninth street.
Read three times and passed.
Ordinance' for widening Forty-second
street, from antler street to Oreenaburg
Pike, to a width of forty feet. After a
lengthy discussion the ordinance was
laid on the table.
Mr. Weldon presented the repotor
the viewers on assessment for cost of con
struction of .Rush street seer. Read
and accepted.
Also, he report of viewers on Fourth
avenue sewer, 'from Marken street to
--Wood. Read and accepted.
Also, report of viewers on opening of
, Locust Street.. Referredto the Commit
r ten on Streets.— - - -
Mr. McCandless offered a resolution
authorizing the
_property holders on
Clark alloy to grade said alley , between
Overbill and Roberta streets. Read4hree
mobs and passed.
Triminrick of, 'Fria 7111.11 DEPART/IRWL
Mr. Weldon presented a coMmunica
lion from the Board of Directors of the
Vigilant Fire Company, acoomparied by
tne following resolution passed at the
last regular meeting of the Company:
Resolved, That the Board of , Directors
be instructed to transfer the oWnershiD
of the Company's Engine and #ose Car
riage to the city tor the sum. of ss,ooo,
the amount, of the Indebtedness of the
Compar, and in cluie the city does not
accept this proposltioni, that they be in.
strutted to dispose of them to the i'est
advantage. '-" . , ,
The oommunication further stated that
te debts of the Company .. were pressing.
and intuifbe adjusted soon. The COM
pany therefore (leaked that the city' take
the apparatus' as proposed, otherwise
they.will' have-to make other arrange=
merits to dbpose of the property.
Thenommtriticationfwas road.
hir. Beed movecijo refer the matter to
the Committee:m.l'lre Engines and Hose.
NO I, airsza" ABOUT.
Mr. McCarthy 'moved to amend by giv
ing_the Committee power to act.
RPok t utod,, to amend by:refer,
ring it ._,V:PtIto Vicimmtttee', tin' city -Prop.,
erty.2'll.6 ',was opposed, however,-to al;
lowing pommittearxmer to set in such
sh'lnvortiintmattor. ,
-Mr, atcauthy<, fhookhi; 'the litudneiti
rdititAt Jun lo t t
„ ,
hog be &bated uP iairepldly as Ake.
ethles..,-1( the; matter was, delayed -the
city rabght losi the apptgatra, and the
serween 'of a ,Valuable organization.
Tkere was no "snake” in the matter, as
seemed to_ be imagineA by some mem
bers.,,,The Only tgenalzb" was, in delay. -
Mr; Case called 'for the reading of the
report of the Committee on City Pzeperry.
[The report appears in Select Council
Mr. Hare stated that something must
tie done right away. The Companies
were all troubled by their creditors, and
if the city Mid not pay the' debtsithe _ap
paratus would have to be sold.
Mr. Weldon offered, as a substitute for
the other motions, a resolution authori
zing the Committee on Fire Engines to
purchase the Vigilant engine and hose
carriage at a cost not exceeding 113,000,
provided they are worth tho amount
asked by the Committee.
Mr. Batchelor asked what was pro
posed to be done after this property had
been purchased. .
Mr. Hare stated the organization would
remain as before and be run on the same
plan. The Company only wanted to be
freed from - debt, and. - would manage
affairs as formerly.
Alte; some further discussiOn, the sub
ject was referred to the Committee on
City Property.
Mr. Reed presented a remonstrance
against the opening and grading of De
vllliers etreat. Referred to Comtnittee
on• Street?. _
Mr. Houston, from the Committee on
Markets, \ presented their report as asked
for by Councils. stating the location and
prices of the different sites examined for
the proposed new market holuiCi• build
The report was read and accepted.
The former report of the Committee,
recommending the site on the corner of
Miltenberger< street and Pennsylvania
avenue; was then called up, when Dr.
McCandless moved a postponement of
action. Carried.
Mr. Jahn offered a resolution author
izing the Committee on City Property to
put the engine house on Seventh Avenue
in proper repair at once. Referred to
Committee on City Property.
Mr. McCarthy, a resolution instructing
the Committee on Fire Engines to buy
from R. Lafferty the pose reel and car
riage formerly belonging to the Neptune
Fire Company, by paling therefor the
amount of Ms bill for feed furnished, to
gether with the costs in the case.
'Referred to committee on Eire Engines
and Hose.
Mr. Wilson called up the ordinance
granting permission to "Husaey, Wells &.
Co. the right to erect an iron-clad addi
tion to their works. In S. C.,
May 31st,
laid over. C. C., June lab, this action
was concurred in. •
Mr. 'Albeits presented a petition for
the amendment of the ordinanoe rela
tive to awnings M the city. Referred to
Committee on Ordinances with instruc
tions to prepare an ordinance.
CALLED (11).
?dr. Barton called up the ordinance re.
lating to the issue of $280,000 worth of
bonds for the extension of water pipe
through the new city districts, and
moved a concurrence in the actlott of Se
lect Council, in authorizing the issue.
Mr. McCandless, a petition - from L.
Graham, in reference to datruages,sus
tinned by hint in the opening of Robert
street. • Referred to Street Committee.
Mr. Weldon, a petition for the widen
ing of the sidewalk on Pennsylvania av
enue. Referred to Committee on Streets.
Mr. McCandless, a 'resolution instruct
ing the Street Committee to repair the
Dlnwiddie street sewer. Referred to
Street Committee.
Mr. Weldon, petition for the postpone
ment of the opening of Hazlett street.
Referred to Street Committee. _
The report of the Select Committee on
change of Water Commission Bill, was
brought up, and the action of Select
Council, in accepting and adopting reso
lution non-concurred in.
Mr. McMasters offered a resolution in
structing the C , ommlttee - on Streets to
report to Councils how many men they
have employed on the repairs on Penn.
street, along the line of the Citizens'
Passenger Railway. Lost.
Mr. McKelvy offered a resolution au
thorizing the appointment of a Commit
tee of Five, two from Select and three
from. Common Council, to examine into
and report 'upon the condition of all
streets in the city traversed by passen
ger railways. Carried, and Messrs. Mc-
Kelvy, McCarthy and Sieferth appointed
on behalf of C. C.
Teimperaneemille Connell Meeting
A regular meeting of the Temperance
villa Council was held Monday evening,
Burgess. Ballantine - presiding.
Warrants for the payment of the fol
lowing bills were ordered to be drawn.
Messrs. Anderson & Ekin, for 2,000 as
sessment notices, 19,75. Messrs. A. &J.
McKenna, 90 dry plates, 510,80.. James
Kelly, Justice of the Peace, for swearing
in the borough upeens, 52,00, Charles
Geiger for live days work at 52,00 per
day, 10,00. Charles Geiger, for thirty
pounds of Spike; 51,50. R.. McKlusky
for one and a half days work. at 52.00
per day, 53,00. John Cunningham, for
nine days labor at fa.oo per day, 518,00.
Messrs. Brooks, Ballantine & Co., for
hauling, 51,09. ,
The offer of the Ste ubenville Turnpike
Road Company to sell a portion of the
road was accepted and an ordinance
passed for the grading and paving of it.
It will hereafter be known as Chestnut
Mr. John S. Hollingshead was, author
ized to pnicure a lot upon which a lock
up could be erected:
A tax of fifteen mills was levied for
borough •purpoies. ,
Au /lariat Proilenale.
Last evening, about six o'clock, Mr.
John Deneir, a daring and certainly one
onus most skillful tight rope perfortuers
we have ever seen, treated the citizens of
Allegheny to one of his unique exhibi
tions. A rope bad been securely fasten
ed stretching across Federal street,
about sixty feet froth the ground,
between. Messrs. Stew and Gibbon's
buildings. Upon this he appeared
andivent through his' perlbrutance • lonl
slating of a promenade forward and
backward over the rope, wheeling a
wheelbarrow backward and !email bal
ancing iu all sorbs of postures, and Pin&
Ina up withithrilling exercises oh the
trapeze. ; At She 04101uslon he announced
that he would cross the rope this even
ing blindfolded and enveloped in a sack.
A largearowd gathered in the vicinity
and fully manifested the interest in the
entertainment.. Fraraluentli' among the
spectators, we noticed an unusual sprink
ling of physicians _and sergeant", while
just,previons to the •eommenement of
of the hats; a wagon containing i.mart's
nAlti Wei - driven up 'to a eicnattidltig .
Pinion near by, , two olgonoilit‘sioor
slightly ItlairtiV • COSFeb as opestflom,
SUlrpiiipd-elliadeace Mau Adulated and
A young maul, giving the name of
Chitrles)Pitulson, was arrested at the
Moziongihela House last evening on sus
picion of being a confidence operator.
Soine two weeks since Zachary Whiting,
a young man from the Eastern part of
this Sate, having been in Jefferson'
county, Ohio, was on his way home and
met Mr. Paulson on the train, and trav
eled with him to this city. While tray.
eli i ng together the young men be
caine quite friendly and Mr: Paul
son,repre.benting himself to be connected
with a western I railroad, proposedr-to
Whiting to -get him a situation otr i the
road, which Mr. W. agreed to accept and
gave his friend his address. 'A few day.
since he received a letter from Paulson,
stating that the situation was ready for
him, and requesting Whiting to meet
him at the Monongahela Houseat his
earliest convenience. Mr. W. arrived in
the city yesterday and met his friend
Paulson at the Monongahela House.
When he asked about the situation Paul
son informed him that he would have to
eye him one hundred dollars with Which
to paythe man who now held the position.
Whiting, thinking that there might
be some trick in the affair, dealined to
pay the amount at that time, and went to.
the Mayob'solfice where he made known
the facts as spited. He then returnad,
adcoaipanio by two of the officers 'and
was in their presence demisted by 'Paul
son who again asked him for tkva 1100.
Whiting proposed to give him fiva, which
he accepted, and as soon as he , yeeeived
O l e money the officers arrested him_and
took htn] to the tombs, where he was
. -
lecked hp. On searching Wm passes on
over forty different railroads - were found
in his possession and a number of notes
and checks, but there was nothing that
Would justify the Mayor in holding him
and he was according! discharged.
,The well-known and long' established
'look and Stationery I epot of Col. J. D.
Egan, on Sixth Emeriti , near Smithfield
street, continues to : that liberal
share of public patron ge the Colonel so
justly merits, and whi, h it will ever en
so long as it is well conducted. His
stock of b..ks, both new and • amend
hand, is 1 t o of the argest in the city,
and_ compr:.:: 11 the odern works of
nopnlar-an ors, Mein ng the latest ap
proved text Looks for schools, library
books for Sunday sch 111, dr.c. An end
less variety of station ry of 'every de
scription, including no e and letter pa-
Per, envelopes, Jtc., of t e latest style, Is
included in the-mock. All the late pe
ilodieMs and magasinds re kept for sale.
dl Market
We desire to call the attention of our
lid' , readers to the large and well se
lected stock of trimmings, lace goods,
hosiery and gloves at the ladies' empo
rium of W. W. Moorhead, 81 Market
street, and advise them to call and ex
amine it, whether they desire to purchase
or not. It IS always a pleasure to exam
the tine goods, and the gentlemanly
salesmen at this establishmeat deem it a
Pleasure to exhibitgoods. The stock
has been selected with great care by
Mr. Moorhead in person, who purchases
from first hands in the East, and is there
by enabled to sell at prices much below
those who purchase ;from Jobbers and
brokers and conseqa t ently have to pay
More for their goods., latest styles
in all lines of goods ay be found at 81
Market street as soo as they appear in
the Eastern market.
To The übltc.
1 We desire to call t e attention of our
numerous, readers, an particularly- that
portion of them who se or deal in tobac
co, snuff and cigars, t . the large and well
selected stock of these articles at the es
tablishment of Mr. John Megraw, No.
45 Hand street, as -they will doubtless
find it a matter of. considerable impor
tance to them to call atid exarnire it
before making purchases elsewhere.
Mr. Megraw is an experienced tobacco
dealer, and his reputation for honesty
and fair dealing is beyond reproach.
Persons is need of any article generally
kept in a first-class store, will find it at
No. 45 Hand street, where all articles in
that line of trade- can be purchased at
prices which defy competition. -.
The Keystone PotterY.—Messrs. S. M.
Kier dr Company, proprietoraof the Key: ,
stone Pottery, continue to manufacture
daily that style and quality of Queens-
Ware rend Bristol ware which has caused
the firm to have such a wide-spread pop
';ttlarity. The great reason for the re
markable success of this manufactory
!lies In the quality of the wares produced
and the prices, ,at which they are sold.
New in design, perfect in finish and ele
gant in appearance, they compare with
advantage with any workmanship of the
kind; either of home or imported mann
;facture. The wareroorn, No. 383 Liber
ty street, contains a full selection of the
! wares, which can be examined et any
Great Auction Sale of Carpets.—Thurs
!day, June 17th, at 2% o'cicelr. r M., at
the - Masonic Hall Auction Rooms will be
'sold to the highest bidder about 3 000
yards new Ingrain Carpets in such Tian
titles as to suit purchasers. Sale posi
tive. 'No reserve. H. B. Smithson dr,
Co., Auctioneers, 55 and 57 Fifth avenue.
Exhibition Free; Very Fine Paintings.
'---The very superior collection of Oil
Paintings to be sold tomorrow, on sec
ond door of Aidliwaine% Auction Rooms,
will be open all day and evening for ex
iamtnation. Ladies and gentlemen invited
to call.
Holtsbelmorts Continental Saloon,
;Fifth Avenue, below the Postoffioa, is
Just the place for a humpy epicure to
tenter and refresh himself with. the
;choicest delloacies
_of the season, ; which
;may be done at any hour of the -day or
!Ramillies for Botts and dreams at
Bates& Bell's.
Remnants of dress goods, silks and
poplins and wool goods, cheap at J. M.
Birchfleld dt Co.'s. -
Lace IPelnts, Basques Rebinds and
0/fas oat Bates it Bell's. -
Printed P. Kos, worth one dollar dom
ing out et 50 cents. J. M. Burch'ield
Co., No. 52 St. Clair street. • •
$4 for ,face Cartalus—altlae&eurtaina
at reduced prices at Batea 11,4311'5.
Sults of Linen, Romani.- Leno, Mar
sailies and Silk at BMW! tt
Gloctde, variety, at iiatee r ,dc
Ilan Dress Gods, from 810 at Ilatere k
Beira; _
~ Ja panese 911 ks in great !ha,
. -
,-, • ,
1" -- \
- -
C"1 - "A c iPlArAig- -0 4 5 0 1 ,
,7„ , .
" " 14 14
Books and S
t i,
/ n
Dr 8
)n r
10 6
3 I
3 1
; reef.
Edamteal, Reliable, the Beat.
WO - Meintoootitlr'sßastrlttrPoWszac
It is superior to all others in the market. ,
Free Mtn any injusiOtte substances, Mad
so widely compounded that the motes:lts
of each box will make light. sweet,
healthy „biscuit?, rolls, pastry, dte., with,
uniform sue:awls. Only two teaspoentbla
to a quart of flour is necessary, while,
those of ordinary manufacture • require
from one-third to a half more. Ask
Your grocer for Dooloy's Chemical Yeast
Baking Powder, and take no other. TrIT.
it and be convinced. NWT ,
“Fresh' as a Malden ) s Bi n go. i s th e
pure peacby Complei:jon which follows
the use
Ha gan'El M'agnolia Balm. It is
the True Secret of
,Beauty. Fashionable
Ladies in Society understand this.
The Marenur
---- Balm changes the rustic
Country Girl
idly than any:Anto a City Belle more rap
other one tiring.
Redness .s Sunburn, Tan, Freckles,
Blotches and all effects of the summer
Sun disr.pipear when it is used, and a
genial, cultivated, fresh expression is
obtai7Jed which rivals the Bloom of Beauty _is possible to all who
Will incest 75 cents at any respectable
store and insist on getting the Magnolia
UGH NOTHING but Lyon's Enthairou to
dress the Hair. mwrF.
• Chapped Hands, face and all rough
nest of the skin, certainly cured by
using the Jumper Tar, ,Soap, made by
Caswell, Hazard Co., New York. It
surpasses all other remedies as it will pre
vent roughness of the skin if used du
'ring cold weather. It is easily applied,
avoiding all the trouble of the greasy
compounds now in use. It can be used
by ladies with the most -tender skin,
without irritation or pain, making it soft
and clear. Sold by the druggists gener
City and Suburban Property, Public .
Sales.—The late Orrin Newton's fine prop
erty of four acres, and Mansion of eleven
rooms, at Shady Side, is to be sold on
Thursday, 17th, at SM o'clock. This is
a charming property, with beautifully or
nalnented grounds. On same day at .5
o'clock, the residence of. E. R. Wilson, on
Highland avenue, East Liberty. On
Tuesday next, the property 205 Western
avenue, Allegheny, consisting of a lot 48
by 120 feet and doable dwelling house of
ten rooms. A Leggate, aucticneer.
Perfectly Splenclith—The Wine Crack;
ers, Toast Jumbles and Vanilla Jumbles
sold by Marvin's Bakery, at,No. 91.Ub
erty, are'splendid, fresh and reade.of the
very best material. It is cortainlri treat
to eat them. Go to Marvin's, atthe above
number, for :everything' in l cline, and
our word for it yon will find things as.
they are represented. ' •
The..Coutinental" is conducted on,the
proper basis,—that of generos libera
lit y-z-which is the reason of its greet suc
cess. Almost everything in the way of
edibles in great abundance an variety
is furnished to its Patrons in 'a clews,
neat, andinviting appearance. There .is
no place in the city where the wants of
the inner man may be better supplied
than at this establishment, next door be
low the Postoffice, Fifth avenue.
Shetland shawl s— in all desirable col
ors, at Bates & Bell's.
_ _
The place to get, White .I.4me i OW
dried Plaster, Hydraulic Cement. la at
Ecker & Caakey's. 18 Smithfield street.
Constitutlen Water Is a certain cure for
Diabetes.. and all diseases of the Kid—
neys. For sale by all Druggists.
Hoop Skirts and torseta, closing ont sa
vory low prices: No. 52 St. Clair street.
J. M. Itnrcllfteld dr Co.
White Bedouins at Bates & Bell's.
McGAW—BRA A.NT—At the Festlenee of the
bride's 'pintas, on the evening of June 14th,
1889, by Rev. R. Ilamilton. 31r. HOKILIk L.
McGAW. of Cedar Rapids, lowa, formerly of
this city, and Miss BECBLE J., daUghter of Mr.
John Bryant, Br., of TemPerancevple,,Pa.;
STEWART—At 6 o'clock P. N. on Tgerclay.
June 15th, 1669, JANE STEWART. wife
John rtewart, of hiland avenue, 19th ward.,.
nil Wore on FILIDAT, June 18th. at 51 olelock.
r. K. Carriages will leave from Robt. H. Pat
terson & Co's, Feventh avenue, at 123 noon.
I 1 burgo, Flu COFFINS of all kinds,CRAPES,
GLOVE_. and e , ery descrlpiton of Funeral Fur
nishing Goods furnisbett. Rooms open day-aud
nieht. Flea*BP And Carriages furolLUed.
W. Jacobus. I). D., Tbomau Esq., la
14111er, ESQ. , ,
curve) r dAN DUSKY BTREET-AND einmen .
AVEN'tte Allegheny City. where their COY'FIR
EOOM s• e constantly sunplled with reed and
imitation Mahogany Wilma
coatits, at prices ; ary:ng AT:mit-I to aloo. 80.
dlee prepared for th rment. Her rrea and Casa
Magee funthhedt also. it areas of Mourning
Goode, if rentdred. °Mee el en at allhours; day
and night.
Would respectfully lc fbrm his ?lends and the
Denim generally; that bls . ' 7
Corner of Penn and Sixth Streets, ;
FoR SALL& • • I.
OPERA, .amitzsz
„.; °P11511.41!.
• 1 .
-No. , - 50 13 tTH STREET. -(1146 it.
playa have just, received from tbiaast the beeti
lotof New Goods ftir Awing Suits ever brought
to the inerket. Mei arm ant and At 1
and. mike_ Mottles
.cheaper and bett,tr tl4eh PT
nrito4l44l c ity' A ne t, and sNou",,)
dfdassortment of CllNTLEltiNti.illitle3l3-
ING GOODS are at all times to be foUnd at.
house. Llnr Number is 110.