OE3 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "'THE CITIZENS OF THE Second ward, Allegheny, are requested V) meet a% the SCHOOL HoUSIs, on TUESDAY EVENING, the 17th inst., at TX o'clock, to Lake action on the election far Common Conner „man to lathe nnexntred term of John Hirkpat. rick. Esq., res'gned. Jeicts WA.BII COMMITTEE I"THERE WILL BE A • PUBLIC MEETING in the Lecture Boom of the SECOND 11. P. CHURCH, kilegheni. (Dr. J. B• Clark's') On Thursday Evening, June 17 1 TO consider the propriety "flanking aa effort to prevent the public desecration of the Sabbath. who are opposed to the proposed demonstra tion on the coming Fourth of July are invited to be present. jelMkot art' UIBI rum. there will be an exhibltten a the IiECAFIPSBURd PUBLIC SCHOOLS. tha TGUBSDKE EVENING.. Jane 11th, at 7% .1". M.. In the j METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHUM The Oroceeds are for the benefit of the school. Tickets, 25 cents, to be had at the Dreg Stores skid tivw the scholars. • , jele:lts7 tITRAWBEILBY , FEsTIVAL AND SUPPER, For the betiehi of the ORGAN' FUND, -*Vibe Saalthfield Methodist Rpleaver. Church. 4 -IPII THURSDAY and / RIDAY EVEVINedi: .11Thigl7th and 18th, 1869, Supper served Ooze sto 10 o'clock. *IMP= TICECEVS - - - 50 Cents. 1 jels:kM . rar"PITTS3IIIIGH, PLWAINIE . • AND i lIIDAI3O RAILWAY CO. Cyr WS OF TON giCitsTAET. t MITTS bOßGita June 5, 18b 9. i . - • By eirtne of authority conferred by resolution of tne stock and bondiolders of the Plitsburgti, Tors Wayne and Chicago Railway Company, at • he nem meeting h•ip at the cake of the Comps '. ny in this city. March 11th, A. D. 1889, sin ad ,- lourned 'meeting oi sa'd atonal meeting will be ' 1 ite'd at the General Office ~f the Company. in the i -4c,ty of Pittsburgh, at le O'clock A. 11. of June g Il4ttt, Instant, for the ntirpose of conalderlog ond acting so a lease for a period of nine huh ' • dred aid nthety.nlne years, of the railway and / . rtraollrial of forislas Company t y o t aCt t n e po P n e l l ig rY ort i g business as la ay elms before said adjourned meet lsr. The Dirks for the transfer of stock and bonds of the Pittsourgk, Port Wiwi!. and Chicago Railway Company, will close at S r. St- on ittret a , - DAY, th e 14in of June. at , the agency in , New 1 ork. Wlaildw. Lanier A Co.. 5111 Pine street, it and at the oni,m In Pitsbnrah, and will re-open on tbe Anti of June. ~, . By order of the President. ' • . ~ , hit= P.ll. tiurciliNsori,secretary. NOTICE. ; ,Ts the / fielders of the First wad See- J i g ititraiKehtleinda "if the rig". G AbouswisyCoinpanyY.ne II s • . • e In pursuance of the authority vested in Mie .4 ' Trustees, under the respective deed, of trust or , 12, ' inortgage securing the payment of the First end ..., Second Mortgage Bonds respectively, of the -,' Pittsburgh, Fort. Way , e and chi, ago Railway ,4 Company, mid is conformity with the by-law In .4 relation to • the meetings of said bondholders. adopted' April 7. 1564, which provides that In a, the absence from the country of either of toe ' It. 'Trustees, meetings of the bondholders may be 4 cal ed by the other Trustee, the undersigned. b - Trustee under tne sat i deeds, his aesoMated . sTrustee now-being absent from the coentry, A reby calls • meeting of the holders of the said .4 Pint Mortgage Bonds, and also a meeting of the .1 . telfl e sT Ifs% e s tAtC r s ' aVi d ? (14,ZA B L Innutt:i o ry . of Plttiburgh on the TW ENTY eOuitTei DAY or JUNE. 15119. at twelve o'clock.noon ot that ;• I ~ day. fore the purpose of considering and acting upon f pon any and alt soca questions as may lobe In -reference to the lease of the railways of the said $ 'Comment , to the rennylvania Railroad i.ompa my. or In reference to the conversion of the pres ent stock of the said Company into a guaranteed 1 stock of a larger aggregate, upon which Mei :- - deeds at the rate of seven per cent. per annum. • - wsyable quarterly out of the rental reserved in • the said lease shall he veld, and also for the our . • pose of considering and acting upon any and all other matters which mar come before the said • , u meetings or either of them. • 3 1e16:310 s. J. TILDEN, Trustee. SLIVER M'CLIITOCK COMPAII HAKE JUST RECEIVED A . FINE SELECTION OF BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, THREE • 'PLY AND - x.N . canitLaz* CIALII,XPE7rO4.. TIM UMW ASIONTIMI M=;MECIE & FAN XATrINGS, FOR WEAR, 1/1 Tllll CITY. ERIE ITOCK,Fnu, IN ALL DEPARTMENTS o. ... :..: ..:-..,.:: lrougiflOrt..' , :.!;::: .._.. '• ;,-r 44 cootA#S, .''.. I : FIFTH. :AVENUE. NEW ADVIERTISIMEWITS AMERICAN BANK. NO. WI FOURTH AVENUE? PITTSBURGIIL CASH CAPITAL 0200.00 o" Stockholders Individually Liable. BANE OW niscouicr AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD, i President. • Cashier. John H. Hartland, Archibald Wallace, Jas. D. Kelly, Wm. Floyd. rhos. IL Marshall, Wm. T. Shannon dallies W. A rrott, s Chas. IL Leech, Jotkn Floyd, Thls Baulk is pow tally to dos general hanaLng jelok43 pitOPOSALS SALE OF PROPERTY Sealed propooals will be received at the Treas ury Department. until THURSDAY. the trot day ofJULY, at 111 o'cic ck M, addressed to the General Superintendent, Treasury .Buildlags, for the sale of the following property: First clips paper machine, built by John L. Seaverns. Worc. ruler. Nom 166-inch Foiardhatermsehlue, screen vat, and all necessary fixtures complete. 3 patent suctiontimizes. First and second 'mess rolls made of brais; six (15i dryers. 3 calendar rolls with three (3) winders, with -size box attached. 1 set ef Oilier' and size rolls. 11aboy and all necessary shafting-and hangers complete, with belting and gearing attached to same. 1 paper calendar with Ive 15) rolls, belting, and all necessary fixtores. 2 beating engines. 42 inch knives, two (21 washers to • ach, and all necessary shafting. and belting complete. 5 hydraulic presses for pressing paper. iwith • pump and pin ng attached. 1 new felt for drams. • •'1 tuff chest with pulleys and shafting complete 2 large bleach tubs, and four (4) drainers. .• 3 rotary pasopz. doubt,. acting pumps with 90 feet galvanized pipe. 1 large rotary lilinsch of iron. • 1 siesta engine and boiler, thirty (30) tiorse, power. 1 steam engine and boiler, fifteen (15) horse power, •• Woodruff 4 Beach • • Bids will be made separately_ for paper ma chines, steam engines with boiers ea. rotary hie +ch. • Bids will be recteved for all or any portion of the following articles: • _ 1 steam engine whit portable boiler, (06 horse power.) all aecessary connections and pipes at. inched. , 1 ste a m. engine with boiler. (55 horse power.) connections and pipes attached. 16 hydraulic pumps, frames, coanectioss, sup ply boxes, and pipes attached. * upright walking beam engines four (4) hY draulle pumps to each, all necessary pipes Ist tech. d. Hire engine and boiler ten (10) horse. 1 hydraulic ram, valves and connections. 53 hydraulic presses. 1 boiler thirty (30) hone • 1 Hoot eagles and troller (10)1orse. 1 steam engine six (6) horse, and 'afirlight boiler. 1 donkey pump ••Woodward." 1 steam engine fifry-tve (55) horse, (new.) sUrain engines. each roar i 4) horse. ' 1 cancelling ra.c .01e. 1 mucilage Machine. 1 number tog machine. 1 email band wheel. 1 Danner press - 1 -.Little (plant" engine and boiler. thirty (30) horse. 2 envelope machines and cutter belonging to same. us paper mill , . Complete. 3 Bogard's ink mills. , Cast iron plates, a large quantity. 6 large Gordon presses. 6 small Gordon preives. - 1 cancelling machine. • 36 old hyomatatic press tops, about 3,400 pounds each , 100 xr. as columns, (wrought iron) 600 pounds eac h. eality of old cast - Iron pipes. flintily of scrap iron. 16 casks rvain. 19 casks alum. 11 fie. ces and 4 barrels glue. Quantity of soda ash. 600 pounds of bronze. Bids will also be received at the same tine fbr waste piper, belonging to the Treivrii7 Depart meut. ior tine year From July 1,1669, together with a quantity on hand. The paper will be selected into two different kinds . white and mixed, together with a quanti ty of dried pulp now on baud, for which bids will be recelv , d separately, ace tire contract awarded to tee highest bidet?, taken as a whole. - The Department teserves the tient to reject all Of any portion of the bids received. • Ail articles to be removed tif.reen (15) days after sale. , 'AT DIB2CTOR9 aT i llt s z s e I . fn d prepared FOE THE AT THE TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ORO. C. RICE, General Elaperintimdent Treuary Ilstldisgs. linen 10, 1069. ju17461 BATES & BELL'S SUPERIOR STOCK. OF THIN DRESS stoops, 8I Ks; e 3mstis ueas SUITS, , , S f ir -41 K . ANTLES, AT t P i p.ULAR PRICES,. CUPIAR.I3,STE/iIiERS EXOELL ALL mums For 'Speed and Safety. PH. IL IIERT'Z, Agent. CIVALL BECKETT, - BIN' zioutztu and Solicitor of • tilat_roloo .Yatonts,- NOI °M. I A elite/ (MN ea. et. Immo-tom It: ' ~~' ."".'~' TE LIME.-800 barrels flak Whits Limns for Sala 1 4_ J 111. cAsnaLzo. _ • . _ MEE iftim - gv , rnE‘ wEW.tstfAT:-*N"E'ld: " EM: ADVERTISEIIO7"3. .NEW :4 1 - - - • VERTISILI"N" AT LOWEST PRICES ! Ladies , . Bats Silll . lens, Ladles• Stockings. Children's Stock lugs. FULL SIZE LADIES' WEITETUCILED MUSLIN SKIRTS. STOCK . FULL AND COMPLED No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, OHIO RIVER imraorammarr RIP-RAP DAMS RIVER EXCAVATION 53ALEP rrtorosAL.4!will be reelved at the 4y. 6. 3aßineeeethiles la Pittsburgh. until o'clock r. X. or WLIVNEIDAT, Jdne 30th, 1809, (sir quarrying and delivering Pton e on the rises bank, and tonnes:. transporting and put. Mut la o dams. Including a sW:driest quantity of brush at points where nerdeJ. Also for river ex• carillon of gravel. The stone: for the dams to be generally four to eve cubic ie• t, and not less Shut one cubic f.ot each.- Bids to ..be mane by thr cubic Tani. The workto be commenced torts , . lth. T. n p*r cent am or the monthly estimates of work dm, will be reserved as security. end bidders must Ile, company their proposals with the names of two aureties. Blank toms will be thrnlineri on ap• alLation at this office, to be tilled up by the bid ders. The right is reserved to reject any or all bldg. If It snail be deemed for the Interest of the (low • ernmeut to do so ' • ' e.ble Dlslance Yards below of stone Plttsb • g or Stosel Broth. Wheeling • 1.1 lin ging t on. .... Medea and Bo I tsay 445 LI, Rising eon.— 601 4,5 W gale , War5aw........82414 7.1106 2,400 By cowhand of Brig. General A. A. KUM pffititYth Mei •t itegiceeis of the Ara, of the Vetted Mates. W. IifILNOBROBEBTS, U. S. Civil Engineer. In charge of Ohio River improv. meets. - I.Trvistiaoli. PA., Jane 15, 1869. jelsous 28TH SOH - ANNUAL REPORT DOLLAR SAVINGS Bak. • LIABILITIES. 'Amount doe Deputtore June litt, . 1869 .....:. .. .. ....119,1511,7711 Dlvtdend for the lut sde Months . 69.103 BF 1 Couttl.ge at Fund ' 191 0.9 11 ------- TotalLiabilil les ASSETS. Loans' on Bond and • Mortgage $1,321.17145 Real .state 28,00715 Stock in rlt,tsbigh B' ks DAM 04 U. 5.5.80 Bonds 1605 and 1587 KO 000 00 U.S. per cent. Bonds 1581 6 • 50,04475 DIW Receivable 14,10500 Cask on band and ln Bankil 115,86650 Total Assets 89,503,43133 The undersigned, Auditing Committee. !m -y:trolly report that they have examined the esure_y's ikeloort.l.l the 1411 six 11101111111, end g Mural, 15150,andhave esamined the Assets of tne Ber.llll.con4l B llog of Bonds and kl , vtgeees. Deeds . of. Real Estate,' Certificates of Bank Stocks, Bills Receivable. 1:7 , .1ted States 6.60 six pet cent. Bonds, '65 and '67, United States six per cent. Bonds, 18111, and 4414 la Bank and on hand, and Dad the sante tit correspond with the above report. ' • • - vrm J. ANDERSON. ) JAME 4 D, JIIICLLY. And. Com; P. A MADITRA. 71 ri7Tsßnlnall, June 9, 1869. &The 'Trustees have deelared diatdiall of THREE (3) P9B uxls T out of the prone fUr the .14/1111x monthe,"free of floyernosent Tax paya ble forthwith. If not drawn will bear i nterest front the Ist bast. CAAI3. A. COLTON, Treasurer Prrreinnon, Jane /9, 1889. jel4:k4l-d&T TO LOAN. SHAWLS, WI WET CLAIMS 11WITGA6114.prry pomp. itiritiv MITT. Apply at > i MORGAN k ROBE 1 , • it,E.A.1.4 Epiremia 41.0\iorriSts, LINENS, lelskal VOIR 0111143INNATI andr id lat x LOLTISVILLE.—The steamer MAGGIE BAYS Capt. B. x Awn/. Win leave tor the *bore Ports on WFDNES. DAY. June leg,. at oselook • For &eight or passage apply on board or to, FL MIK & ut,Ltalfti WOOD. &dents. or (IHRIEBT £ SWANEY. Agents. ..... . TOR GALENA, DII-_gag=l, DUQUE, ST.PAIIL AD& MIN- ,o I\l Ar , .t 1, Dl Ch ei stpluncr • • totai segtio Kg test JIBB . Jul. implicit, cl.ck, gni leave an 00741 OW . .sa. t I.6X, Julie ti lli g qu iii, . _ IT oli , im i ara 1.14 ,.. ' j r °r ! re i g eLVlZ 4 At e t, I MM#WW/ 1 L Mi. Jel6 • !or OHNIVIT,STASEY & Clo.. et., 46Lli• •jr ~.._ _ EN TIV'TIOE RIVIII 1 ' - i i ,_ • taDo, , --gatir art - i s :jot of ilk aie44 ilik E ,, , , eery &se singers. Red Birds d Iliaymsin midi. for sale for a few days oniyat tas Tramiel lio l luat 110. AT Dlisoad. Childrea•s Hata, INiandowns, Parasols. Flowers. ,2 Trtiozotiago• Crapes, &e. Ladle. • Glove.. Ctilldreies Gloves. &e• At One Dollar, ina WI. SEMPLE'S, ALLEGHENY CITY AI4D eiCubic Yaws of River Excavation. L 2237 OF THE •0 603 43133 sic),cx,O .116 '114)1711T11 AV2NUE. 4 PLAIIBUFF,PINK AND BLUE PERU LBS It LAWNS. EAT 1116IIKIED LA W ra " . , ,STRIPED I_EavvrLas. AT 12 CENTS PEE TAN)) WHITE MARSEILLES New and Desirable SPRING. AND SUIIIIER DRESS GOODS. AT a• CENTS, All 'Wool Cassimeres. GOOD QUALITY %any Good Bargains in all Kinds of DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,[ WM. SEMPLE'S, No. 180 and 182 Federal Stafiet, ALLEGHINY mirr VinTID STATES 11111130tAL INTNUIIII. • TRIIIITY-Ta4lD Disteder, COLLECTOR'S NOTICE. OPTICZ %ILLICTOIIINTZUNAL ttry - wrus, S3d Co entlen MMUS ot Pennsylvania, l'tin4ll Water Bt..Allegherry City. Itlaylft, •89. Notice is hereby given that the . aanaal lists of SPECIAL TAXES. formerly termed LICENSES, tad of the taxes on lacomef, Cartlagu,Tatches, Illlter Plate Ic.. are now ln oflee, where payment will, be recanted thereon by the ozollectoi on and aneti she fat DAT or JUN These taxes. having become due, mu t be sold , before the %bib DAY tDr le 9: .A.thrl' we, additional elosbities trill be Dieu dbith E. BUFFINGTON, Esq., Deputy C Doctor of the county of Armstrong, aria EDW N LYON Am., Depot, (Ndleetor for the count of Butleri will be ready to receive. after the Ist pf June,for their respecOre ccniaties, and will past noticea dear:sating the times and places. whe%and where they wilt be prepared to receive the taxes oolleetr able by them. • Oh►Tal. 2.000 4.001 Tanen psystote only greenbacks or national currency. Mice hours from g A.ll. I to 3 r. at. JotN SULLIVAN, =1 lIPORTAN't TO. , SAFLCTURERS. AND 1112411 ANTS. it is a feet that E. SUTTON at CO: CatiStenalls at 3 Cents per Letter. STEEL STAMPS AT 20 CENTS PER LETTER. At the Pittsburgh t;tencil Works. No. 58 Mer kat street. Do/Vt target the number. Jontlet 42:25.000 TO LOAN ON BOND tip A.T.D MORTGAGE. --_ Books settled and accounts promptly collect ed: Houses and Lots In HU/burgh and Alleghe ny. Cheap Houses and Loa in test Lleerty and B addocke. Lots in liansfteld. A. very desirable farm of WU serest splendid' young orchard. good house, with store-room &nulled; spring of never failing water: near Sconomy, on the line of; P. afij. R. W.; 101 r sate very cheap bwo, MUM' sad Virginia land for mato. /fallout of TRW. SUIPSON & 11. ffi „ •—• Brokers and Beal Estate • ,; 'A . . 111EIBY U . have' removed their sleek o f Wes. elass and tiasenaware front leo. lAA Moen Weisel* theepaolous warehouse, 189 BERTY STREET, • few.(itioes ehovelllXTll. (late Et. °bar which has been refitted with an the modernjim prevemegoressly for their business. They are War Ville allePtining an extensive as *oilmen o ew eel their own importation, embracing ell varieties in. their line of trade. lisving • central location:With more COMMON - one accommodations sad ilressettdactlitles for doing busineet. they hope name in their new • 1011rieri oentt,upiee of si favo neon e ile heretofore so literatir bestomtit tg. ,t i l L • wittee I '115119: elental • - - WOOD ITMINCk sd 01 HAWING, I AND MOULDING Pep:at Mirgi° order "101 L. " 44 st reet, A f P LESZttiOilt. f/i f CO. • , • Thirteit attention Will be given toYil who went anything In oar line.• We alwayolkeen 1 large lot or turned work, onch u_llatniters; Newl, Poets, 'Nubs, an. , gethl stool' of ,Ary Wainut,t,herry sat! n et' ltunber Nur • ~ . .LliBZELTztt R,CO. ripoNETTPS COOkING X. 7E BACTM The boaSsiod-idnent' lan" supply Jai% n oshed. • VAullby t tegeou , , /gong Wonee Nub,: tee eittde! bottles' ter Itsietleg. Ice dream m aim line. do., for sate by the dozen Or at retakOi •PW. B rai B H4, l' . f. , pie Itorbetilberty IM Theta streets. 11011TIV0410111 i5:113045-; , , idiom cuart, irauslin,`oototatuncix A RI , IQZ CREA&4 6 t4:71,414 0 .1 4440 9 1 is sa l *Matilda porker' OrDlisiesid Pl_tleburgb. imams OnTor l a u gok s o i sla slush sotto l .1411414 Ina LOLLS 08.1 OLLAND !Agents 69 QANT ESTBEET. cdscle !!!E!! 71 i litorldirs—%.re Lao , I“zaa.. , • Ste." "Found, " ..Boardow., Am, not ex fmeelfttp FOUR LIRES each wilt he Ssi Carted in these JO/UMW once tor ICIFINTI • each letatteeseit line Ff VA6 CISNrS LOST. ' t i n ST—lt R EAST PI N.,—On M on- DLY AFTERNOON. an ODD YELLOW Art AbTPIN, float thing thlr.y-eight small 6101efl. A lloeral reward will be pain by leaving It at ite Nal or's office, or at 61 Penn street. ,t ow COW .— Strayed Away on 1 WEDNESDAY, the gm of June, *bunt 4 o clock, a COW. with a light red and white color 'and s perfectly white face and small tome. , in ;herbs; s sprinter near her calving.. Any Infor mation of ner will be gladly received-and liberal w,rded by • OWEN PAYTON, eli:kso Woods Rug. TBAY ED—Gray Ma rev—Caine to the promises - of the subscriber, .in Scott , 'townshin, a GRAY MARX about 151 years old. iNotice Is hereby given that if the owner does not 'alit before the 2.11.11 inst. sbe will be sold accord libig to law. THOS:ALURREON, el I Eeott to wn stdp, Allegheny co., Pa. WANTED---HEL L WANTED. T T A GOOD COOK. APPLY AT No. 336 Ridge Street, Allegheny. 3e16:k56 B. BABEWELL, Jr. IiVANTED.—A colored waiter. One who has good reputation can hear o a permanent situation by callinv at Burns' lating baloon, corner sixth avenue and !Winn field street. All persons having tickets will please return within ten days. IffANTED---HELP,AT EN PLOYMENT-07710E, No. 1 St. ()Lab Street,' BOYD EIIRLS-and MEN, for dittereni Made of employment. Persons wantlnc bear of all kind' can be supplied on short notice. • WANTED--- AGENTS 1. s ANTED.—Agents teitake or - DERi in the city and county for Dondnint , tent otone•Lid Holder. IConntyyzighte for sale. i i I e ti . i o r s p 5 tr a f f;r it. tr w . 1 tor I Ptil.l4,;hnati:Mrrison &De w A N TED.--#ll GENTS.—S7b to 10100 per month everywhere,/ mate and fe ale, to introduce the el EN DINE IMPROVED C"MMON SENSE FAMILY SISWIND MA CHINK. Tide machine will Stitch, hem, fell, tuck,. quilt. cord, bind, braid and embroider. in a moist superior manner. Price only Ole. 11_9 1t5 warranted for five years. We will pa* SI,OM for any machine that will sew a strotrger, more beautiful, or, more elastic Arun , than aura. It mates the ' , Elastic Lock, titch. , Everyoeo3nd stitch can be cot, and still the cloth can, not be pulled apart without tearing it. , We pay scents from Ilno tooloo . , per month and expenso, or a commission from which twice that amomet.can be made. Address SECO MEI-1 v 0.,„ Pittsburgh, Pa.. St. Louts, Mo.. or Boston, Mass. CAUIIO —De nut be imposedupon by other parties palming off worthless cast Iran tasehtnes, under the same name or otherwise. Ours la the only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. W ANTED —AGENTS.—To BEM ,11 b. Ti t t e irip e , ri esr i c= r airbe t srlinflilit ice gains ever invented. Will knit iin..1114 stitches per minute. Liberal inducements to agents. Address AMERICAN ENITTIIit# BL*- CHrNIC 'CO.. Boston, Mass., or M. Loots, Mo. NTED. - BOARDERS. - A gentleman and 'die or two stogie gentle ‘alen can be accommodated mita a .ple a san t .thr alstmeleseettowtSb-gtmel-retafd.; On Übe Roe of the Passenger can. No .44 Rebecca street, Alley:it ny City. Refer( ace reeinlred. ANTED.. - BOARDERS'. ' INeasanS furstsbed rooms. good board terms reasonable. at 46 Liberty street. WAISTED. = Bass • and Alto Firmer, lb , * city ebureb choir. Must he good readers. Addreas M. M. C., Box 1,313, Plitsbe bP. 0. VirANTED-TO PLASTERERS. —Plastering to be done. for which carpen ter work will be given to return.. all to be done in the b.nt manner. Direct b. W., Box 8, GA ZETTE, Or rice. POARDIIIIO.—Rooms opposite the Park, North Common;. Bath rooms, e.. and the comforts of a home. 181 'North avenue, Allegheny. WANTED.—A - tew respectable brarders at 18 Moth street. (late Baud street.) WANTED. -AWARDERS. - A few more boardems emitind pleasant rooms and good boarding at No. 10 Alin street, Alle• Leen'', for $4.00 par Week. WAWFED.—To loan $9OO on bond or mortgage for one or two years A dress J. D. P.. care Gazette °Mee. ^ ANTED.---House of 5 or: 6 rooms within the limits of the old wards. A dress kiA2ITTN lorries, stating loci- Yon and terms. TO LET. MO -LET.-Room on ,3d floor Dispatch Building'. Bent very. low for bal ance of year. ilas. water add statianary stand. %Enquire at Potogranbitely,Dispatch Building. TO -LET.,-Large Hall in a good 'oration. B. CUTHBERT a 80203.39 Sixth avenue. o-LET.-A! 110021.-64 porn- PORTABLYY fernlebed ROOM' to one or more gentlemen. Apply st l l% 3alonth. (tile IWO.) street. t r . LET.—A line, lane ' new tor Room. In the village of Wllkiniburg, w t Ideatred. Rent low. Alan, bean tViiii.rge office. front room, leo Ind floor,on Eigh t formerly Bt. CI Jr, near the bridge. Enquire of JOHN W. BEATXY,..NagraVer, 93 Mattel St, rip° LET.—Hounpi an Centre AY & ENCE.--Gas. W &ter', &a., very aravenlent. Out of at Rent 015,00 per month. 'Ca ll soon at ISt Centre avenue. Plttablirga. rr o EL T ROOMS.— Two One BOONS la GAZETTE BUILDINU. Apply a atlas Room. 114 and 86 Ilfth avenue. ENTIRE aß7s~f3fs J. W. BAR 59 111,irket and 20 ILL - OF 1111,.LATEIT NOV TWE TY4IVE OEN CENT. EVERY DE BOAT BEPLEN ,J - nt 59 MI. k►et and 90 MT ,liFifm , M=2 FOR SALE FOR SALM.—About 120 acres of 10.1 , d in the best iltnatiow for ciuntry seat*: only from the West Pifteburgh Ferry Law:Asti. Will be sold altogether or in pieces to in tt purchaserF. Enquire of r. C. N e GLEE, on ce at the south end of the Monon— gahela brilge. • jel4-T&7 F"511.17.-cOUNTRY . RESIw DENCE.—.A D'OIUBLE BRICK HOUSE. of - seven rooms, wlthlframe addition of two rooms, good spring; fee; about.an sere and a half of ground; sit ated a i'hort drive from }Sennett's }Ration, on the W. Penma. R. It. kernel:date pos- ' session given. }tor terms, he., address or in quire of WR. A. SHINN; Attorney atLaw. cot.. Orant.and Diamond St. FUR BALE.—Al\Tesir Brick Red- DENCE, buil. by days work, heving eight rooms, gas, hot and cold wt ter throughout. mar ble mantles and wash etands. a bath room and piazza. Lot 120x140 feet. delightfully located in tqe beauthul .own of Alh'issee, Ohio, having 8.000 inhabitants and noted for its colleges, rapid growth, enterprise and :o wanfactorles. 94 miles from Pittsburgh and 61.% from Cleveland Junction. Pittsburgh, Ft. Way ive and Memo, and the Cleveland and Pittabnrg.h Railways. Ad dress Lock Box 89, Aillance.o:ientk2s _ VOR SALE.-DRUG STORE.- 11 of the best Drug and Mac riptlon Stores Pittaburgh is offered for sale at c est If applied for 11.1011. Good reasons for selling. Addr-ss J. P. PEARSON & CO., 87 Grant et.!eet, Pitts— hough, Ps. FOR SALE.—The one-riAtit . in• terest In the Drug Store of BLAtiIEISTUN Ac MeGREOOR, In Bellaire, Ohio. . 'They are doing a thrtvlng business, and the lomat dells ono. of the b.st In Eastern Ohio. Reason for selling, 11l health of family. Terms remmumbl e. Apply soon. IciARIPENEKIS TAKE 1101P1'PEE. FOR BALE.-The FORRTERS - MUM AND, on the Allegheny -River, ard • in:m used for gardening purposes; well improved end In a high state of cultivation: containing 41.Thr 50 acres, now offered at a bargain. Call .soor.s. Also, other Farms to good locations. 91'oolsE Factory. two Houses, and twenty acres of I..nd on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots .F.Urr Ssie and To-let in both cities. 'For farther par• ticulan inquire of WILLIAM WAYD, . I'M 110 Grant street. annosise Cathedral. FOR SALE,. , FARM in Sewickly townshlp.A.Degh.ny roan -27, situate about 3).‘ miles from 13, wyekl_v and 3 miles from Leetsdsoe station, on P. Ift• W. L C. B.'S.. ennsalning 100 ac es, '25 cleared and u der good cultivation; balance in timber. On which there Is erected a, comfortable frame House, good Log Barn and all other necessary outbuildings. Large orchard of chaise fruit. Everything In good order. Prlceffllo per acre. Also, T X ACRES, about 5t mile from Fleming Station, P. Ft. W. .t R. It . sidles flan city by Beaver road. Snuth.eaet exposure; good spring on place; also a small stream or water running hrough it; will be Bind in one piece, or In'lots to suit purchasers. Price $3,000. Also, other Houses and Lots in good localities. For farther particulars Inaulre of • ' wtflThfOßlAl y Corner Ohio sad Sandusky streets, Alle je2 FFOBSALE-- , TYPE•-•-AlbOalle 400 pounds MINION TYPE. nearly as good as new. Enquire at THD3 OPTIOE. FIR SALE. its acmes ofteAL LAND. amilestionVilltm. perineeville, on the Little Saw !Mil Stun. :107 acres neir connty,ll%., on Livermore Bpation, W. P. B. well Um proved and cheat'. HOUSE AMD LOT on Market et reei Manche*. HOUSE AND LOT on Liberty street, Play 'burgh. - HOUSE AND LOT en Fonrth avenue. 4 HOUSES AND LOTS In Elizabethtown. , I Choice and cheap I:Fins In Tennessee and- has-- Bond. • TUSTIN & KLEE, mrdk 87 Grans: street:- FOR BALE.' - • Near Osborn Station, on the irittsburgh Ft. Wayne and Chicago italleoad„ TWO LOTS, Containing About 'Two Acres! Each- ENQUIRE OR W. MACKEOWN & 195 Liberty 'Street. alts "HOBOKEN" , STATION PROFERTYI FOR SALE. - This beautiful -sittastion cannot be surpassed for private residences in any direction , . so elose to both cities, being only eight miles up the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. Any person de- siring Intorniation abonithispEoperty can obtain. it by calling at the once of the IRON OITT Mr— ?UAL LIFE INSURANCE COldPAl'fY, 75 Federal street, Allegheny. Lots from one-halt acre to five acres; also, small lots th. snit par-- - chasers. There is a good location for a mannfac— taring,establisbmeot, between the Railroad asui c • . 4 Allegheny rlVer. • jrlS;k4ll VeEI E ABLE CITY LOTS FOR Te undersigned, se trustee 1* the- partittra of the real estate of ' , AGNES SNOB, Dece,aised, By order of the District (Mart of Allegheny , court ty, will cell at public sale, on the premises, on WEDNESDAY JUNE 80, : ALA o'clock P. is.; th at very valuallio property on Fifth avenue, 'City of rittsburgh, -Consisting of TWO LOTS. Flret—A lot fronting on ket street 80 feet and extending,the same width, along the Beath side of Firth avenue ILOG feet.Ao Market alley. !Second—A lot on the opposite side of Market alley !routing on 1. GIN swarm *O - and - running back. preserving tan same width, along Market alley 30 feetl len the 11 , st mentioned lot am FOUR FRAME TE H EMENT S and on the' other a THREE GTOIII BRICK BUILDING. - - • These lots are among the most valuable in the city of Pfttsburgb. being on the principal street and in the centre of business.' The attention og capitalists is particularly invited to them. as they ) are desirable chiefly for the valne,of the lots, they, buildings not being of much consequence, anch povession for building posposes can ba obtained, on 3 months , notice. The property now rents \ for over eight - thousand dollars.. The puicligser will receive the rents after July Ist. 'ME TERMS OF SALE. One-third cub, and the !email:dap two-third& is two equal.sunual paymeata, with semi-annul intereat from day of sale, secured by-toad and mortgage on the premises. J. If r: WHITE, : Jone.ll, M 16% • 1 , TRUISTBS. - je7:ktf la:'W':. - 3T00]3 C:A.o%:>7c: . /0 KER & O'S.; NE Clair Street. EIIfIES JUST lIECPIIII.. LESSIHAN FORMER-PRICES. Mall Iffil NEW 1008, , =2. A :, 4004- St. OMR !Street. mmz:z t 1 Eli t ___-_. i