The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 16, 1869, Image 4

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Rittsint4 Gaittk
PENNIMAN, REED & CO., Proprietors,
' Editors and Proprietors. •
Of Plttsbiargh, Ails 'Many 'awl Alle.
gheny County.
Tarim—Dot/0. i Beast- Weekly. I Wail",
One year —.158.,00 , One year.o2.solBlngle copy-01.50
Clans)) 75 als. m05..1.501M11
the week 15, Three me 75 10 '"` 1.15
°ardor.) i and one to Asent.
EDNIEtiDAY . JUNE -16, 1860-
W 3 lanurr •on the inside pages of
this morning's Gazzrrz—Bertmd page :•
A very spicy and entertaining letter from
.Surope.from "Francisca," Miscellaneous.
Third and Sixth pages: Commercial, Fs
nancial, Mercantile and River Nines,
Markets, Imports. Seventh page: Poetry
and Ephemeris. •
,E 3., BONDS at Frankfort, 86-I€lB6i.
GOLD closed in New York yesterday
at 1371.
Iffssmnat McMinon has not yet been
officially head from.
STRAGGLING bands of Indians are again
committing depredations in the West.
The good Quaker guns have not yet been
fairly placed In position. •
WE publish an account of a brutal
exhibition in the "manly" art of self de
fense which took piaci, at St. Louis yes
terday. A. national law is wanted to put
an end, to such disgraceful proceedings.
Tx& assault of the Commercial on the
Admlnistration in its labored war article
yesterday was inexcusable, unless, in
deed, it was blind'to the proper deduc
tions to be derived from the sanguinary
WE CONGRATULATE our Mends on the
, fact that the war fever has passed its
height, and may now be regarded as sub
stantially over. When the Commercial
champions war with England it Is hardly
necessary to pray for peace—that finishes
the talk forever.
Ts, Democratic papers in New Eng
land have quotations proving success for
_the Democratic party ,in their next Penn
sylvania campaign, and horrible things
done by the Republicans, these they
credit to what they call a Radical paper,
;.the Slate Guard, which has furnished
them with plenty of capital.
.• TWENTY•FOUR States, including Indi
:jana, have ratified the XVtIL A.l3(ndment.
- Vermont Will, beyond all 114, follow
the good example. Minim pi, Texas
and Virginia will be admitted into the
Union on its adoption, and.thee the
full three-fourths of States requisite to
finally adopt the amendment are obtained.
Tun 00mnsereia2, with its usual perspi
cacity, yesterday published no less than
three columns of an editorial breathing
the spirit of war on the Alabama claims.
In view of late out-givings the lead e r
does not read so well as it alight under
other. circumstances. Such tqaddfi ng
war nonsense is in strange contrast with
the calm and pacific, . but resolute elti.
tnde taken by the Administration on th e
Alabama question..
IT is announced that the 'contract for
the construction of the Buffalo and
Washington Railroad has been let, and
that work will soon commence. The
route strikes the New York and Erie at
Olean, and from thence, - eastwardl7,
makes connection with the Buffalo,
Bradford and. Pittsburgh road, which
taps the 'McKean county bituminous
coal regions, having Its terminus at La
fayette. The latter road is leased to the
'Erie Railway Company, of New York,
and is operated as a branch of that road.
T=z,Commissioner of Internal Reve
nue has fumed a circular decilarincthat
property seized by any Internal Revenue
officer will not be released until the officer
nuditarthe 11 44 11 4 )pd also the Assessor
and C . i ilien; 4 4 - .20 4 - 1 0 1 #02. 1 4 , have report.
ed the facts in the case, with their own
T i wal=s*Nao;l44o4k4o
n .ividuar recommendations. This is
a wise' prepaution; and will ma.
te9ially strengthen the hands of those
charged with turning up rogues. We
hate heard of cases where releases have
i n asked at Washington even before
the Revenue officers here thoroughly un
derstood them.
Ox THE 18th of May the annual gen
eral meeting of the teachers of Germany
tocik place in. Berlin, and four thousand
were in attendance. Papers were
read urging that knowledge and, in
struction should be free, and on other
subjects, but the most ~significant' of all
was a discourse on laboi, and capital, in
which it was maintained that po4tical
and social economy should form a por
tion of all primary instruction, and that
it is necessary in our times to give, child
ren some motions regarding the' State
These views were adopted by the Assem
bly. In America, where the children, are
to take so much park in, * the future gov
ernment of the country, it would n be
thought that these l sciences are or more
importance than in monarchical Ger
many, and yet in hnw few of our primary
schools axe they taught at all I
THE position of the Catholic thurck. is
viewed with anxiety now by many o the
moat learned and must members of
that communion In Germany. The See
of Rome has chosen a moment when it Is
surrounded by difficulties, to urge ex
treme measures against some of its most
powerful defenders and adherents in
Germany, and naturally: much' dissatis-
faction is felt there on this account. This
alone would be of interest even /at .
distance, but what is of infinitely more
significance, is the fact that the German
Catholics are beginning seriously to
consider whether they cannot break off
all connection with Rome and still re
main Catholics, by organizing them
selves into an independent National
Church. In Stuttgardt meetings to ad
vance this object have alreedy been hold,
and the whole movement In Wurtemburg
is led by quiet, intelligent men, who are
capable of pressing it to a successful
termination. In Bavaria the same revo
lution is La progress, as indeed it all
over Catholic Germany, and walook for
further developments with gre4 interest
Ws do not assert that the United
States Government needs • more pesters
and folders, but we do believe that they
ought to have better ones, and especially
in the Postoffice Department. The new
postage stamps are much handsomer than
the old ones, and are really neat in design
and execution, but all this Is thrown
away on the folders and the men who
put the rows of little holes In 'them:
Theoretically these dividing lines occupy
the blank spaces between the stamps,
practically it seems they cut off the cow
catcher of a locomotive or the tail of a
pony with utter recklessness; Then the
pesters arc theereticilly supposed to make
the stamps adhesive, practically they put
a thin wash with a sweetish taste over
the baCks of the stumps which all comes
off when wet, and the letter, on which
some ignoramus has credulously placed a
stamp without having added some paste,
is detained for postage. If this pasting
and folding can be better done why is it
not? If the dividing lines mist go
through the engravings, why have any
engravings at all? If the stamps tan not
be made adhesive, why have any stamps
at all?
MART persons dealing with the Ala.
bama question appear to entirely lose
sight of the fact that England eventually
acknowledged her error and the justice
of the claim for damages made on her
by our Government. She entered into
a solemn treaty which provided for the
appointment of a Commission to fairly
and honestly ascertain the actual damages
sustained from the depredations of the
Alabama and other Confederate cruisers,
whose award, had the treaty been ratified,
she would have accepted as final, and
promptly discharged the obligation.
Standing-ready to pay the swat d, ack no wl
edging Its correctness, and to make all
needful apology and concession, Mr.
BIIIINIER'S speech found her.' His demands
that the offending nation should not only
setttle the account of actual material
losses sustained, but likewise of a whole
train of damages, resulting from a pro
traction of the rebellion,"l swelling the
amount to two thousand million dollars,
was regarded. by Englalid, and very
properly, too, as an outrageo& propos!.
tion derogatory alike to her National
Honor and Intelligence. Before this
enormous claim would be recognized or
paid there must be war with that Gov
ernment; but if the bill covered only the
actual losses to our commerce from the
operations of the privateers, if is reas
onable and business-like, it will be
promptly met and paid. What more
should we ask?
A man's workshop burns down'and in
consequence thereof, having no place, his
trade leaves him and he loses, perhaps, an
_hundred thousand dollars, which he might
have made had his business been permit- .
ted to go on uninterrupted. Ile had an
insurance policy on the building protect
ing him against loss arising fr om fi re .
What ride citequity would .sanction his
recovery from the company , on his policy
any more damages thin thcite truly n o .
Mined ins the lielirnolioP.- oritoroperty?
Would any sane , buidriess - zum think of
punks" bra eirdalmilmemplarithtikittir
ortiPatiP/tralif*Polleit : lttlie
Tailed there could be no way of dlacovei•
. ••
: ''e r4 :X'. lW" g- ; t
ing where the train of :damming elfech
following a fire nded.
This is precisel the view which should
be taken of the A abama question. Eng
land i willing to pay the material dama
ges, b t will not r cognize the consequen
tial da ages—what we lost, but not all
we may sup 1 se w have lost and continue
owe may
lose by th prol ngation of the recent
war, which, Itho t British support, Mr.
Summit thinks • 1 tad have been much
earlier ended.
In Great B r i tain !e number of women
exceeds the n um ber of men in a propor
tion which gr ows larger every year. In
England and Wales there are almost three
millions of women between twenty and
forty years of age, and of these 1,248,000
are unmarried. Why they are thus does
not ent r bite Oa question; for whatever
the re n, the Appalling fact remains that
that m ay there now are, and that the
numbers steadily increasing . That the
extravagance of t, e age prevents many
men fro marrying is undoubtedly tru ,
but if all he men were married, a not i -
signilica army of spinsters would sr I
remain, s that it is no wonder that the
woman's labor question is becoming
serious. sitis in Great Britian, so is it
in those f the. United States which
have been settled for the longest time.
In Massac usetts for instance, where the
population is but twelve hundred the -I
sand, there were, at the taking of the la 1
census, fOrty thousand more women tha
men. As we are not yet ready to adopt
the simple Chinese system of drowning all
superfluous female infants, we must take
it for granted that these women must live,
and in some way solve the question of
hew they are to do it. Time honored
custom and multitudinous precedent or
dain that the strongei sex must find the
means of subsistence for the weaker, but
no provision has been made by monogam
ous peoples for the time when the weaker
sex beclmes numerically the stronger. In
England, where the labor market is over
stocked, i t is by no means easy to provide
for this emergency, but in America, all
that is necessary is—not to concede suf
frage to women, as some seem to think—
merely to overcome a deep rooted
prejudice, which exists against a
woman working -at and receiv
ing wages for any labor for which
she is fit or may be fitted. There is
enough in this "country for every one to
do, and as soon as this prejudice is de
molished the question will be solved for
many years to come.
We take the following very important
Washington special from Monday's New
York Timm:
Since the discussion- of the Alaband
question, both at home, and abroad, has
taken such a wide seope, and since there
has-been such a decided reaction from
the positions of Mr. Sumner's speech,
and since the proposition to make the
question a party issue meets with
serious countenance, it becomes more
than usually interesting to know pre
cisely where the Administration stands
at present. The Gladstone Ministry will,
In a few days, officially understand our
position, and there can,. therefore, be, no
impropriety In stating the facts as they
So much has been said from this point
on this subject...and such vague and con
tradictory accounts have been given of
Mr. Motley's instructions. that the pub
lic mind must be much confused* re
specting the precise attitude of our Gov
ernment. Mr. Sumner, while never as
serting in positive terms that those in:.
atm:al - one were based on his apeeoh, has,
nevertheless, sought to convey in his
conversations the impression that he had
been substantially indorsed, and he has
repeatedly stated that Mr. Motley and
himself were in perfect accord upon the
. subject. This latter assertion is very, possi
bly true. But Mr. Sumner knows, what-
Mr. MotleY's instructions are as thor.
oughly as does the man who wrote them,
and his pride probably prevents him from
- making a frank admission of the com
pleteness of his defeat. No matter what
impressions he may convey in discussing
the subject, it is nevertheless known here
that he is much displeased with the in
structions, and that they are - almost
entirely at variance with his views, for
the following reasons:
First—Mr. Sumner wanted Mr. Motley
instructed to propose a reopening of the
negotiations at ence on the basis of his
speech. Mr. Motley's instructions were
precisely the rev s-ie
4 1 of this, to•wit—to
makeno overtur for the reopening of ne
gotiations at present, but await the action
of the French Government and the de
velopment of events,
Second-=Mr. Sumner wanted the in
structions to cover the question of belli
gerency, which, he insists in his speech,
gives this Government 'a claim against
the British Government for damages or
reparation. On the oontrary, Mr. Mot.
ley was instructed to inform the British
Government at a le proper time that ,the
United States, a Government, has no
claim against Greta Britain for damages
because of her recognition of Me' belliger
ency of the rebels.
This whole matter was maturely con
sidered by the President, both in- Cabi
net and out of Cabinet, and in the light
not only of our relations to Great Britain,
but our relations to France,_Spain and
other nations which rec ognised the
booth in these discussions. The only man
who stood by Mr. Sumner'sposition was
Secretary Boutwell. Every other mem
ber of the pabinet, as well as the Presi
dent, disapproved very decidedly qf the
policy enunciated :in Mr. Sumner's
speech, and the result of their delibera
tions was, as has been repeatedly stated
in your telegraphic dispatches,. that the
Administration on this question resolved
upon the policy of non-action.'
These I know to be the facts in the
case, and they define substantially the
present attitude of the Administration.
I may add one Word respecting the
Cuban question. The President, the Sec
retary of War, and possibly one or two
other members of the Cabinet,• were
strongly desirous of taking early steps
toward the recognition of the insurgents.
But after a careful review of the whole
situation, it was formally .decided that
the aspect of anhirs didhot *arrant as by the Goyenunent. This was prior
to the meat 'revoltitionary events on , the
island, fwbiehg there has been no'
reconsideration of Abe nub' act. •
• a Mill- observed - obeirvet that the ;abode
closely accords with the cable telegram
published yesterday, and is nit at vari
es with the Associated Press dispatch
lsewhere published this morning, . and
: . safely be regarded as a I true azd
fatihful exposition 'of the policy of the
Administration and the nature . 1 1 of the in
structions imparted to Mr. Marimv pre
vious to his departure for England. These
. evelopments completely stnitain the
views we ' have all along held,
nd l show how correctly we
•. fe interpreted all the; - current
revelations of international dipldmacy and
e Governmental policy It shows clearly
•at the Administration entertains no
idea of making a deman4for indirect or
.nsequential damages resulting from
• e preying on our commerce by the
Confederate cruisers, which twe have
: •nifoigily Tepuilatqd p vaggtsimanlike
• Pally And Ittnlf ifiBTISIN of an
orcement. Now that thel attitude
• f the Government has " beon re-
Baled, we presume the fdrced agi
tion of the question will 'be discarded
by those who seek to make capial'out of
it to subserve partisan in rests .1 The agi
e -
tion of the question is oat mbarass
ng to President GRANT, who hint shaped
•Is own course in a true and 4atesman
ke manner, and any prastntra brought to
• ear upon him in oppo s ite dir ection in
the war cry of politicians, is practically
demanding- that he abandon the wise
• • sition assumed. The people Kaye
never had just occasion to doubt the pat
riotism and integrity of thd President, and
hey should award him prt)per support in
• s efforts to disentangle the Alabama
question and arrive at its settlement in, a
manner satisfactory to all right-minded
citizena. There is no far the( the Nit
tonal Honor will suffer in his kCeping or
•at in the solution o i the diplomatid
•roblem the so long tm• isturbed peace
• - tween England and • • own country
will be shaken and our • • untry: plunged
nto the miseries of a fore gn war.
The policy of masterly' • tiyity which
the Administration has • opted, asserts
eyerything and sacrifices nothing essen
tial,—andl devolves upon aglan l d all the
• gh public responsibility nvolved in an
early and pacific adjustme • t of thit claims.
When that Government refuses to ac
• owledge our just clai •• , or inanifesta
undue regard for the hono of our nation,
t will be ime enough to •ry out ;for war,
•ut until then let the •• • ple continue
• eir confidence In the s tesmanship of
• e Execu ive and lend • Ira hearty co.
i peration. , i I
, •
—The General Convention o the Swe-
denborgian Church will be held in New
York to-day.
--General Dix was a passenger on the .
Cimbria, which arrived at New York.
Monday night. I
—The wheat harvest has commenced
in Southern Illinois.
~The grainlis good
and the yield large.
:—The merchants of Colima, ii Lower
California. print on their bill heads ""pay
able in gold or silver coin." I
—Report says another Cuban axpedi
tion, numbering two hun. red men, will
leave New York within for y-eight hours.
—The New York City Com o n Conn
ell has appropriated thirty 1 thous
dbliars for celebrating the roarth 'of
July. i
—Mrs. James, of Walnut Hills, near
Citicinnatl, lies at the point of death from
the effects of having a corn extractedi by
a quack corn doctor. I
—Thos. Murphy, third mate of the ship
James Foster; .has been' convietecq at
New York, of beating one of the ew
who subsequently died.i
) I
—The . New Hampshire Legislat ve
Conimittee has invited 'General Grant to
visit Concord. The Legislature has vot 4
to attend theßoaton Jubilee, in a body.
—The proprietors of Mozart Hall, Ci -
cinaati, have commenced .a suitlin t e
Superior Court there against Max Ma
retzek, to recover rent during the opera
season in November last. 1
—At a meeting to.dat of the Toronto
(Canada) Corn Emhange Association, a
petition was adopted to Parliament ad
vising the imposition ofduties on lAmer
lean breadstuffs and provisions. 1 - •
—I t is announced from. General Sheri
dan's headquartera that Gen. Rani Sax..
ton, quartermaster in the United i States
Army, has been appointed Chief Quarter
master, of the. Department of ColUmbia.
—At the monthly meeting, of the AS
sociation for Advancement of Solance, at
New York, on Monday evening; a new
bathometer, with which, it is claimed,
accruate, soundings in 'any depth of
the ocean may be taken, was exhibited
and explained.
—GovernOr Seymour, of Brltlith Co
lumbia, died on the 10th of June, on board
the gunboat Sparrow Hawk, while on a
tour of inspection of the northern boast
of British Volumbia. The cause e his
death was weakness and exhaustion -from
diarrhcea. General Harken, seniormem
ber of the Council, assumed control of the
Government, pending instructions from
England. , \
—The Chicago and Northweitern Rail
' road and the Chicago and Rook Island
Railway have commenced the sale of
through -tickets from Chicago to Sacra
mento and San Francisco for 115&35 cur
rency, an amicable arrangement of the
difficulties and misunderstandings be
tween the Union Pacific and the Central
Pacific roads having been made byWhich
they will hereafter co-operate hMo
niously. 1
—General Thomas has ordered a mili
tary exploration of southeastern Nevada.
with a view to ascertaining the character
and resources of the country before es-,
tablishing military Poste there. Mining
exploration in that district is limited be.
cause of the dread of Indians, and the
great distance of the base of supplies.
Bo far as. penetrated, the mines I have
iproved rich in mineral deposits, and
less lacking in arable lands, timber and
water, than supposed.
—George and William Gleitarl and
Henry Burlew tobacco merchants of .
Cincinnati, matte ,an assault yesterday
on Col. A. Hoag and, speola c lit i mt pf the
Revenue Department.. II pd , was ,
not armed and he "Maths h assailants
were, so -he escaped, taking, refuge I in
store,. One of the r parties he nye !amok
him, !Temayou,- ki.ti:youv
yonsoiseci,migkequfastory."- Upon
forreatien front 0101. Hoagland the tobtooo
factorise of; all ,three anillants:,*oB
Seized'several menthe ago ottA charge 'of'
violating the revenue law.
. .
~- . 7.v:kze
~__ .
'E 16, 1869.
quarter Sesslons—Judge Sterrett,
TUESDAY, June 15.—1 n :le case of the
Commonwealth vs. Thomas Smith, in
dicted for barratry, reported yeetefday,
the District Attorney entered a wile
pros. on payment of costs by prosectitor.
The first case tiken up vesteilday
was the Commonwealth vs. Chas. Wer.d,
indicted for aggravated assault and bat
tory, and Commonwealth vs. John
Sweeney, indicted for assault and bat
tery. These cases originated out of a
fight between Sweeney and Ward. Ver
dicts, guilty in both - cases. Ward was
sentenced to pay a fine of 150, costs of
prosecution, and undergo an imprison
ment of thirty days in the county jail,
and Sweeney was sentenced to pay a fine
of $3O and costs of prosecution.
Hugh 'McClain, against whom there
were two indictments for assault and bat
tery, was placed on trial, and verdicts of
guilty rendered in both oases.
The sentence of the Court was that
the defendant, in the first case, pay the
costs of prosecution, a fine of $ 3 O, and in
the second case, a fine of $3O, cost of
prosecution and imprisonment in the
county jail for the term of one month.
Stewart Sampson, indicted for aggra
vated assault and battery, James Hay
maker prosecutor, was placed on trial
and the jury returned a verdict of guilty.
The prisoner was remanded to jail,
there being several other charges against
William Johnson, a boy about sixteen
Years of age, was arraigned on a charge
of larceny offlo, Mrs. Catharine Greeny,
proseoutrix. It was alleged that on the
7th Inst. defendant entered the house of
.prosecutrix, at East Liberty; during her
absence, and asked a little girl for bread.
She gave him the bread when he went
out and the door was locked.. Shortly
afterward she saw him running out of
house, and when Mrs. G. returned she
hissed ten dollars from a drawer. The
°ate was submitted • without argument.
Jury out.
114. Conn. vs. Michael McDermott.
115. " Theobald Haler.
117. " Arthur Martin.
I' H. C. Matthews,
John lichweany.
Ellen Malone and E. Fa
121. James O'Hara..
122.. Mary blacker.
128. s' Kinney Goff.
129. Com. vs. John Murdock.
130. 4, Stewart Saaspeon.
13L 4, Ja& Hays and Thos. Smith
182. " David Campbell.
133. Ellen Reiley.
134. 41 John Lutterile and Chris
tian Lntterlie.
139. " Andrew Barker
-140. " Archibald Lawson.
142. " John S. Johns.
Common Pleas—Judge Mellon.
TUESDAY, June 15.—1 n the case of Al
bert G. Mason's adm'ra vs. .1. Snowden
& Son, reported yesterday, the jury -ren
dered a verdict in favor of the plaintiffs
for the sum of 134,325.00.
The next case taken up was that, of
Joseph S. Kirk vs. J. Snowden & .Son.
Action to recover the sum of 112,438.93
for services rendered for superintending
She construction of the iron clad gun
boiatN built in this , city, for the 'United
States Navy Department, commencing
in October, 1882. On triaL
92. Helsel vs. Mitchell.
93. Mellon `Rms. vs. Moundfield.
94. liershauser vs. Mansinger.
96. Anderson vs. Alpert, Hill At Co.
97. Hartman & Lare vs. Finch.
98. Noll vs. Waldschmidt.
103. Ferguson vs. MeNish et al.
104. Rohe vs. Rothschild.
105. Owens vs. Robb & Herron.
1. Roberts vs. McGraw & Son.
17. McClinton vs. P., Ft. W. &C. R. W
24. Stowe va. Kramer. •
The Weather.
The following were the published in.
dications of the last month: "From May
11th, to June 9th, shows a dark, wet
month; twenty-one ciciudy and 'variable,
seventeen rain, and eight clear sunshine
days; probably two to three frosts; that
depends upon the continuance of long
northeast or east wind - storms. It is
most likely we shall have an-abundance
of thunder storms between now and
From the 11th of May to June 9th:
Twenty cloudy and variable, fourteen of
rain, nine of sunshine days; three days
treat; six thunder showers. Average
daily thermometer, 81. Average height
of the diver five and one-half feet. A
remarkably fine month for health and
agricultural growth.
As the time of frosts has past, we will
give a hint, which may be a benefit to an
observing agriculturalist. From Nevem
beilto June, especially March, April and
Mai, when there is mingling of the win
ter and summer atmosphere, and plants
or early productions require protection
from frost,-you may observe your ther
mometer the night-previous, between
eight, to eleven o'clock P. it. If in the
'city at 50, you may expect a very slight
frost.\ The same in the country at 45, a
heavy frost. There is a difference be
tween' the city and country atmosphere
of flveto eight degrees, according to la
cation.' If at ten o'clock P. K., the range
is froin thirty-eight to forty-five, on a .
clear night, prepare for a frost; in the city
on a clear night, at forty-five to fifty, you
may know there will be frost in the
country. When it is cloudy all night at
thosel ranges, there is no danger. In
September and October, there is not the
same 'danger, at those ranges, owing to
'the dryness of ifie season, and, the inhe
' rent warmth of the earth. In the spring
it As the summer 'struggling to get out
from the bonds of winter atmosphere.
Indications from June 9 to July 9th:
A dark cloudy month; twenty cloudy
and variable, fourteen rain, nine clear,
sunshine, with several thunder storms,
and no fears of a drought. It is pre
sumed the summer' will be healthy, and
most abundant in production of any
slaw 1855-'57. G. A.
Pirrenunog, June 15th, 1889.
Frederick Sommers, having 4 few days
'since purchased a keg of lager, which
he stowed, away in his cellar, yesterday
invited a couple of friends, Michael Pugh
and Patrick Murphy, to ,share his hospi
tality. The friends readily accepted.the in
vitation. The trio spent some time pleas
antly together, when unfortunately some
trouble occurred in relation to the quart
titY of beverage disposed of by. each.
The two guests became excited on the
übject arid manifested the exuberance
'of, their a feelings .by gloomily thrashing
-their host.' They look, their departure'
Ahen.i , Frederick, indignant atlheir base
ingratitude, lodged an information-to
/ore Alderman Mullen against , them.. for
&mann and battery. Warrants were ti
nned. The parties all reside in the Third
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OPERA Housz.—The entertainment at
the Opera House this evening, the
occasion of the complimentary tendered
to Mr. Frank Conklin, the gentlemanly
treasurer at that establishment during
the past season, by his many friends,
promises to be one worthy of the occa
sion. It will be of a versatile character,
including club swinging and other exer
cises by Hamill, Coulter and Dierat on
the trapeze, and numerous other novel
ties.- The houtie should be filled from
pit to dome, as 'Frank is a deserving fel
the "Old Drury," which has been a bril
liant one in its way, and we believe pro&
table to the manager, closes to-night, on
which occasion an interesting entertain
rgent will be given.
'Box Cinaus—The Circus will ,be in
town to-day. •At ten o'clock the grand
procession will take place. There will
'be two performances, That of the after
noon will commence at 234 o'clock, the
doors being thrown open at one. In
the evening the doors will be opened at
half-past five, and the performadce will
commence at half-past seven. Those
therefore desiring to see the Menagerie at
one, can do so, and retire before the
commencement of the circus perform
ance. The exhibition throughout will
speak for itself.
I.TarE STRANGER"—Mies Jean Hoemer,
appears again at the Academy of Music
to-night. The play of the Stranger will
be presented, in which she will take the
part of "Mrs.'Haller.h Miss Catharine
Lemcette And Mr. Morton Price, two
'well known stars. will make their first
appearance in Pittsburgh on this as
caSion, in the musical comedietta, en
titled •Perfection."
Binsteal Contest at the elttsburgh Fe— ;
• wale College, 1
The musical contests of the Pittsburgh
Female College have always been largely
attended, and afforded the most decided
satisfaction to those present. Music co
cupiea a high place in this institution,
and the greatest proficiency is attained
by the pupils. The contests are annually
held for the McKee prizes, a beautiful
and costly gold medal , and a handsome
silver medal, which by special endow
ment, are awarded to the mostbrilliant
instrumental performers. The Mel
lor prize, a splendid volime of vocal
gems, is also competed fbr and awarded
the best cultured vocalist. To-morrow •
night the contest will take place in the
Chapel of the College, and as the young
ladies competing from a class conspicu
ous for their musical talents over any
that has ever preceded them, we antici
pate a very enjoyable entertainment.
The Judges have been wisely and care
fully selected, as the following names
will attest: Messrs. Chas, C. Mellor,
Carl Grebe, V. De Ham and C. Tete
deoux. The public generally and the
friends of the College particularly,'
are invited to attend. The cards of ad
mission may be obtained at the book and
music stores, and at the door to-morrow
evening. We can promise a rare treat
to all who attend, and those who are
capable of passing judgment on fine
music will have fall range for criticism,
as no ordinary performances are prom.
Tour of Inopection.
The Commi:tee of ladies appointed at •
tie last meeting of the Monumental i
Association, to visit the sites offered for
the location of the Monument, assem
bled, according to appointment, yeater
day morning, and made the tour of in- i
apection. They first visited the Alle
Park, and from thence the Second
Avenue Park, Pittsburgh. They ex- ?
pressed no opinion in regard to either
place. Their report will be presented at
a meetinapf the Association, to be held 1
on Saturday afternoon next, when the
question of location will, it is expected, I
be finally decided.
To give a timely warning to those who are suf
fering from any of those protrusioni denomi
nated hernia or rupture; should be regarded as
an act, not only of kindness, but even of duty.
Especially is this the. cue when so of nu
fellow-citizens are suffering fiom an ailment so
little toderstood. and to often fatal to hums
life. .fie do not know of a more serious condi
tion than that which is denominated rupture, no
matter in what:vpart of the body it exhibits
Rupturels a lesion of almost always $ se-
clone character. an¢ whether in men, women or
children, tan be' securely retained to its proper
place by the adinitment' of a properly fitted ,
always in store every variety and form of the hest
trusses and appliances for the retention, allevia
tion and cure of this now common ailment. What
man or woman will linger tbliough life, with the
dangeg constantly staring them In the. fatteand
the leak of strangulated and Incarcerated hernia,
when the means of relief are so easily accessible
and the prospect of relief .o certain and Infalli
ble? The - prospects of a cure in most eases of
rupture are much more certain than formerly.
and the appliances for that'purpoie of a much
anterior kin% than those formerly used. In the
rupt ire of children, nearly evert case Is sure to
'get well, and when they fell to do so it is because
of ill-fitted or inadequate trusses. It beho:.ves
every one, therefore, who has any ailment of
this kind to seek the best means afforded and
thus Retire Immunity from so formidable
' For sale all kinds of mechanical &enhances for
broker, veins, prolapsus uteri and
shies. Also, shoulder braces, urinal syringes,
bed bans and all kinds of the best medicines in,
use; at Dr. - KRYeltlill GREAT MEDICINE
tors consulting rooms, No. 100 Penn street.
'from 10 A. Y. nntll4 P. air: Dr. Keyser will be
at his Liberty street Otto' Ibe free consultation
every Monday, :Wednesday ied Saturday, from
le ft worth while to endure penal torture after
every meal.when indigestion can be immediately
relieved and perinattesaly cured by SO agreeable
Doer ft pay to be compelled by debility and lan
ituor to abandon acUve badness, when brain.
nerve and m u can be braced up s and the whole
system restored to a healthycondition by a coarse
Why aPProaeh the dlnyier table daily with a
posinve disgust for all that is savory and deli
! cAins,. when a vi4orous- appttite for even tke
piainett fare is erea.ed . the use of BOWEL"-
k 1 4 ,13 BITT t •
Is it wise to live in this al if it were
a dungeon, gloomy, discontented and miserable,
when the worst case qt hypochondria can be cured
• in a week by_such aoleo...ant and wholreome ex
hilarant am HOSTETTHRIS 'WITTE/Use
Oa% it be possitre that any person, of -bilious
habit will run the risk of reasittent fever or bil
ious Obeli°, when he
_can tune and regulate tke
great secretive organ with HUSTETTItit'S BIT
Is 4t not ,a species of moral insanity' for any
-Imointiant, fanner, • mechanic or trave'er to be
itithout rue beet known antidote to the. effects of
soloed alr end
• imptire water. IitiSTBTTICB`Ie
MUMS! ,: • , 1:
Colbluerine the bamminyt and .:depreatiLrig , ie
L wOmah is use of the Junctional , derangements to ~,Ih
subJecti Iv it notistotilyking that an y
layaU4 Pt. the. feebler* should. bealtate tO leek
the 41l re e4Aff I Web eallt&ri s tlie
• lett sti r a ta M'S Dia
~ = These ere ties 4 littetele thanntry
onbe political doemailof the day,and those whom
they concern are invited togive them, piontetking
more than a pasting thought. -
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