tt STEEL W DUQUESNE YORKS COLEMAN, MBE & • IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS , Ducarzetsm. L X AND JIINIATA, rr..A.T BAB, ROUND AND SQUARE IRON. BOILEAND,R PL HOOP, W SH 4 EET AND TANK IRON. B 4.T. AND HEADS, .SUAILD IRON, _DRAti and DRO2PER SARA AN YLGEE ()UTTER BARS, C I,INLER T AND, PLAT RAIL, for Coal Roads. OROWBARS,W EDGES (c H ARIL , W TEETH, SPRING_,PLOW AND CULTIVATOR ST ICEL, , !SURE WLNGS AND MOULDS cut to pattern. [ STEEL TInES, STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. STEEL. [ COACH, BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and [ OUT NAILS AND SPIKES! 6ods First Class aid Warrants& OFFICICS AND {FORKS. - Sixteenth Street-and Allegheny River, and 77 Water StreetiPittebeirgh. SHEFFIELD STFIEL WORKS. SINGER, lUOK & GO., PITTSBURGU. PA.. Manufacturers of every description of I I CAST \ AND GERILIN STEEL, ILA ILW SP2INGS, BLLLL .TC. AND PLATFORM SPRYNES,, STEEL TIRE, /cc., /to se, 88 Water and 100 First Ste. Wareho XPLIEER' BAR . R & PARKIN. iII ow/sex. PARTIMRS: WM. METCALIr, REUBEN MLLES, SRO. W: BARR, I CHAS. PARKIN. BPILCIAL PARTNER-S. fit. RUM ORICSCENT STEEL WORKS, KILLER, BARR & PARKIN, 1 .021.ce, No. 339 Lierty St, \ PITTSBURGH, A. Siß:d4S BLACK. DIAMOND STEEL - WOl4 irst . it PARK, BROTHE _& CO., ,Itannfootnrers of all desorption, of EirrlP:rwirr Moe and Wm*Howe. TRIRTIIrTFI, TAIRTY FIRST md RAILtiOAu bTREETS, IRON WORKS. Jae. ViaNE's, Preet W. P. Por.nta. Met. pr,T7sn,uiaGn FORGE -IND IRON CO., 11.A.7113TACTIMIELIS 07 Bar Iron; Ilheitroad Fish Bars and Bolts; 'road Car Axles Rolled; thillroad Car Axles Hammered; Locomotive Frames; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Rodin Yokes, Straps; Piston Heads; Steamboat Shafts; Steamboat Craning -Platen Rods, Wrists; "Pitman Jaws, Collars, Re, Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, ITITSBUBOH. PA. \ ILLERSILIISEN PROCESS - The Trustee_s are now -nrepared to grant licen sed for these of the BLLEltdii&lidlill PRO- The superior quality imparted to good Iron, the great improvement in Werior Iron. and the reduced cost, commend it to ali manufacturers of artles wishing 4o use it can obtain licenses by APPg iu g to JAMS- P.. SPEER Attorney for the Trustee*, BOOM 1 and SI, English's Building, 9411 ii &smith 'Ronne. Parties Interested are Invited in Visit the SIBOBBBEEGEH, WORKS. where the rocas. is ;newts ineeessftd operation. tets:dt? N IrERSON, PRESTON & CO., I:;',Pennovlvaina Iron Viimks . Waiehinue, ' Nog. 1645 attOl6l SLUT SWUM was lie Motrongioel a sinnge. stracils • :- PITTSBURGH r BRASS FOUNDERS. JOHN Y. coorai JOHN M. COOPER & CO., Bell and Brass Foundem BRASS CASTINGS icum. rEOMPT,LY T 42! MO!. lialedle and dity Iro Fittings, GAS PIPE AND T i BING, 111110TTLE,LIFETT AND CH :CIE VALVES, _,. ALL GLOBE PAT .ERN. . MOW. Co S 9 Brass Work of every description for ; Stem, Water and-till. - • KAN EFACTIIRERS OF J. IL COOPER'S Improved Balance-Wheel Steam Pump. Agents for Dreyfus' Patent Ott ers, the best in the Market. e , Plt Office . sad Wor—lrs-, corner- l ititrttettia , tad aim Streets .M.'r' . " . '03'71711 COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! - aggrr BrEWAII3 k Hanna removed their Office to NO. '5671 :MUM! .!STREET, (Lately City hour Mill) BZCOND ZLOOK. gra sow d to fttnitshnood youomo it=ir uitsianji. u WI ro7at tbram oft* viaddrerned promptly. the mail. will be attended to LI 001ULPHIBRI3 JIMEIGIAYIN =MILL • •ZEUZIP 4,AWILISt 1112INGIERLY Bs, CLEF!" Successors 17 to GBOO F. ecuponer.AA vg.. e 7110 44 4,1 61111191110111 0 Wr• 4 ! 11 . ye_ Eltaa Lith a istebifitueeek . eet awe Menteins. adages Outs. Letter . Bonds. Labels Oireulars,_lshow • . ustiL - Portrelts A views, (Jammu. De • DI vine. Se.. Nos. WO sad WO • 4,-; 4 , V : • =I POUNDERS, MACHINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY COMPANY. OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. IN - Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re. torts, and Castings generally. 3 NATIONAL FOUNDRY Corner Cain°ll and limnMunn •t WILLIAM SMIT OAST IRON BOWL ( PIPE FOR GAB AND WATER woms. dry sand, Pines are all cut invariablyin Pits. ,In sand, and Di feet lengths. Also, fall assortment of general Castings ter Gas and Water Works. I Would also call the attention of Superin :.. d• ants of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS. DUQUESNE FORGE. MILLIS (Successor to 308. P. HAMM & CO") Has facilities co.extensive with the leading Forges in the East, and hi prepared to promptly and satisfactorily fill all orders for STEAMBOAT SHAFTS. CRANKS, PISTON ROD , , LAVERS, PITMAN JAMS WRISTS, RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVA FRAMES, _together with every description of SHAPE WORK. Office and Forge, Loner of Duquesne 'Way and First Street. splAih4o PITTNIORBIla&l. ROBINSON, REA & rs CO.( Successors to ItcoußSOn t MIM it MS ILLIMS, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND NACHINISTS,PIIISURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Statlonari Stearn Ent Vnßifngin' HBl m—hinepve• ri a t fi i ir g t tta ana smveandheeiigri. Mee. I to. la, corner tint anti detlthileld Streets. for r Age e n ding ts for GITTPARD'S PATENT LNJECTOR e Boiler& - jailatt THOMAS CAMEO - & CO., fourth Ward Foandry and Machina Work', BLEDIMICT BT., ALLEGHENY CITY, litanufaotnrers of Stearn Engines, On Presses, Pulleys, Shafting. Grist and Saw Mill Work, Bolling Mill and - Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, ite. Band to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. ntyl4:qs CENTRAL FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street. BOLLMAN, BOYD & BAGALEY. qhu Molls, Castiaga. 801 l Lathes. de. WAIUNG AND KING, Commission Merchants and Broken in Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY, PHTLAID&LPHLk ADDBZBB, Boom 17, Chamber of Osmgnerce, 133 SOUTH SECOND STREET. 410 ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TVITDDLF, c_ MANUFACTURER. OF - Lubricating & High Test Burning Hs. UM= Eclipse Railroad AzIS OH. • Stands great heat without change; remains limpid at lowest temperatures. Spe cial 011 for tropical climates or hot weather. I . o,eomotlye, Sassine, 11110111110 Shop, Will oat Screws. Raw Mill end Plaiting Mill OH., Adapted for high_ sp.nd. ilpladle OM, WOolllead-Urht Off, Oil. Tanners' Staffs 1101113010. fnt.FlnbhingOll, Vase/Ines Harness 011. . ,Paersatilnes • 'ARMOR yAntcran t to preserve Bright Iron Work and Machluery Rom Rust. These products are mantihtmored under Dr. Tereddle , s Indent b,r Superheated steam In Vac ctio. The Lubricating OUI are almost odorless, perfectly pure, uniform, and mostly light col ored, stand a high temperature unchanted. and remain limpid during extreme cold. The Railroad Ohs are 'unequalled; and are In constant use on many of the principal Railroad. Samples can be examined and orders left at 174 WOOD STREET, Works at Sharpsburg Bridge. TACK BROTIIEIIB, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALZBA IN Petroleum and its Products, _ Corner of Philadelphia Ofdee-11{T WALNUT ST. apl:w2o DIAMOND OIL . WORKS, • - H. M. LONG & CO., °Zee. DALZELL BUILDING, EUTTSIBURGII NOYELTY WORKS. Founded A. D. 181 L ADAMS. /MCKEE, & CO: lIANIIPACTITAI3II or . F.ZYNTONE BTANDAJW,MADIBOT, 5 PAT , Xirly PLATFORM 4.11 D OM RUA . • ' " SO-AtElgi /11611 i Naomi Paint, Door Looks awl Laighaa, ?slat aa4 Clefts AU* ike. Or MST Mink MIT OIL • *lllThlillurs% i -. :..b;z4 - .., , . NUMB r• AND PIPE WORKS. (NINTH WARD,) prr-rsiruxuan., P - I DfanufaotAlx.3r of OILS. Duquesne Way, Pittsburg% Pa. NOVELTY WORKS !I'l_l 7 . P PITTSBUI GE GAZETTE: MONDAY. JTjNE ; 1 1869. ENGINES, BOILERS,. &O. HUGH N. BOLE iht CO., Cor. Point Alley and Duquesne St., (Nworaz Ponrr,) Engine Builders, Founders and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY lr NEMNES, of all alzea. Special attention invited to our new STATION ARY OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER, of 15-horsempower. CASTINGS, of every kind, made toorder &tour Foundry, on THIRD STREET. below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SHAFTING, PULLEYS. HANGERS, HOUSE and TOBAC G 0 SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, et the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Elver, near the Paint, PITTSBURGH, PA. Nir All orders promptly tilled. Tim 178 FORT PITT BOILER, STILL AND TANK WORKS. DARROW& SNYDER, DEAtrrecirtiwas OP TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLIIED TUBULAR, IPIRS-BOX AND CYLINDER STEAM BOLL ERS.• 1- OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS. CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH rem, SETTLING PANS, SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS• STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND IKON BRIDGES PRISON DOORS AND COAL narrza Office •nd Warehouse. corner Second, Third. Short and Liberty Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa. We a ere sent to the above address will be promo ly attended to. mb7:189 . BARNHILL & CO., : OILER MAKERS AND I , SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. MO, AS, 114 AND Mel PENN ST. Having secured a large yard and furnished it Mtn the meet approved machinery we are pre pared to manufacture every description of BOIL ERS lulthe best manner, and. warranted equal to any made in the country . Chimneys Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers, Salt Pans. Tanks, OR Stills, Agita tors, Settling Pans. Boiler Iron, Bridges, Sugar Pans, and - sole manufacturers of Barnhill's Pat ent Boilers. Repairing done on shorten notice. lake= JAMES M. EWER, ilos. 55 and 66 Water Street, _ - prrrammizen, PA.. 3LCIII7ACTITILIIR 07 1 IRON OIL i 'TANKS, EILTTLING PAM, COPP= STEAM P 175. 1G HILL BTALCES. L 114:4:5 4. JARID D 2 .17611.................11D1LUND D. BRAM JAR DM. BRUSH & SON, • MicurrAcroraxas or Steam. Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SIX ET IKON WoOlI. &O. 61 P Street, Pittiburgh, Pa. And BERET IRON WORK, r.r Steamboats STO ES, CASTINGS, &o. THE EST STOVES. A. BRADLEY', Co. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stavet, TO BE YOURD IN THE STATE Bole Au nts for the celebrated Base Burnlna Oriental Stoves and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Bert In the World for Parlor,Office, Store or Church. Pre needs no rekindlint—barns all win ter. Do notb ty noW you see or send for Circular. • No. 30 WOOD STREET. Or Arcata for Orlentals—nzitmLza BROS., smlthlteld St.; GEO. HURLEY, Allegheny Clt3t. GRAFF, IpTGUS & CO., metorAcrunzne or svult Yaluirry or 53 1 7 11 CONTMEi v BOSTON COOKING RANGE , "THE FIERY FITRNACE," , lros WARMING Einz.zymes. ___- THE NRW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. ••RECIULATOR." COLUMBIA COOK STOVE, VAN'S t Cincinnati Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE C /IST IRON MANTLES. WELLM.AN , B REFLECTOR, ORATES free trom dirt and din; ourra TKUSTI3, sx.Nbxas, ao. and 208 Liberty Street,l 7 PITTSB" 11:11V OUs 00AZ. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Boast as call as anj other Store In the Union. BESELL & 00., No. 285 Liberty Street. /Igo on kind and for sale. PARLOR !STOVES, }MATING N'O ORATE PI VI ATI ANTRN /60. lO.PRA COORINO 0 £O. LUMBER. TO BUILDERS I 000.000 feel Dry Pine Boards. • • 18%300 feet 15s Inch Clear Plank; 516,1.100 feet 1) Inch Common Plank: • 33,000 feet Dry 1 and andch Oak: , • • 35,000 ft. lk, 3 Inch Poplars i• 10.030 feet_bry Pettier Scantling: 10, WO feet Dry Yellow Pine Boards; 100.000 feet Hemlock ' ' 808. 000 feet No. 1 18 incliqinglnarl Man ales. '• 300,000 No. 116-Inch Shingles, sawed: 60.000 No. 1 le-Inch Shingles, sawed% 00,000 Fire Brick; —.. I . 1,000 Fire Tile. LOU Tons Fire Clan_ Also, Saw 11th Lumber, Locust and Cedar Fats. and all articles In the line on hand and fbr sale by ALEXANDER PATTERoON. Yards— No. IST Rebecca street and corner,of Feeble and Juniata streets, Mill ward,Allegheny, bite bor ough of Manchester, opal IVA'S a) 0) - 4 b: • 116 • aET:1 1 01 141 El IL LYON, Beater of Weight" asil Mum% *O. /MIRTH 111/111.11. tattima Misty sad ma am* oubleo mow sossoom so t 'pass ME STOCKS and BON bought and solid. I -.Special attention rye liL4t4rll CITY 112 Fifth Sine' STOCKHOLDERS IN FOREIGN XCHANGE Rouet and sold. and when desired remitted to Europe. Collections made on stir ihe principal points of the 'united states and Capaua. DOMINICK ILIMSEIY, President: JAIIKs MCCABE, Vice Preildent. JOUR 13. GORIILI/T,, Digit -r. EC • D. Ihmeen, DIR T S. James McCabe. Thomas Rourke,, Johh ' avage, ' J. Dunlevy , Jr., Teren .e Campbell, Patrick Kane,e.,lamtayhelau, cbas. B. Barr, B.A.Freyvugie. Juo.Joa. Hermann. ' Thoma 4 Barnes. Hugh Keating ' lel:ks PEOPLES' SIVINGS BEK Of Allegheny .1 CORNER FEDERAL AND LACOC .STREETS. CAPITAL ! I $lOO,OOO STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY' LIABLE. Bank of Discount and Deposit. PILLSIDLAT—S. H. HARTMAN. CASIMIR—E. P. YOUNG DIRECTORS. tV7. H. Burt. J. Patter...on, 18. F. Brown, • H. B. Megraw. I • wiT2l WThillikin STILLER 5. H. Hartman. • J. P. Henderson, J. Nohen, Samuel Dyer, W. (3. (Jlton. BEST. t CO.S MPH, Nos. 221 arid 223 Libor Corner of Irwin, now offer to the trade at low figures, strictly Prime New Crok_Ne=eane ( Sugar and ARO • _ Porto 'Rico, Cuba and English Island Sugars. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. Re fined do. • Golden Dri_ps, LoTerings, Btnartis, Adams , and Long Island byrupa.. ' Porto Rico, Cuba and English Isla - id Nolassea. Young - .Hyson, - Japan, Imperial, Gunpowder and Oolong Teas.: f' . Carolina and BangoinNlce. Java, Laguayra and lo Coffees. Tobacco. ,Lard 011. Ptah. Nails, Glass. Bolting CottOn'Yartis, Ac., constantly on hand. Fine Brandies,ines_an Rhenish, Moselle, and Sparkling I Hoe , • tWines Hinsel & Co.. In bottles. .Sparklint Moselle, Seharsberg and Johasods. erg, Hoekheitner; Burgundy, Am, Brandenburg & Yrtres* Tine Olive Oil. do .do Claret., _ Imported in bottles. do do widte Wines. in bottles. M. Wort it Sons' Sparkiitur Catawba. Fine old Sherry, Madedra and PortlV Ines. free Old Monongauell Rye Whiskies. pure. • do Very SUperlor Old WA.% do MN Sole Arent. fOrldoet d Chandon's Grand- vin. Yerzenay and dellery Ch pagne. Braadlas of our own eel etton and warranted. , , importer &Ad rim m*rorn ETA ' WEDDINGS VISITING,. PA CAB u, ENO ItoNoearms. Ow. Orders by man ready exit for samples., LOSS alkootini - ovIlialdszol?; f ME VI 01= FINANCIAL. FORT PITT BANEING COMPANY, No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : : 1 1 $200 1 000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE, DEALERS 1N GOVERNMENT SEOURITI ES AND COLD. INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS, I• Collections made on all accessible points in the United States and Canadas. D. Hostetter, DIRECTORS: J no. C Risher, i James Gordon, MAL H. King; D. Wallace, Andrew Miller; E. Fawcett, James H. Batley. ICURHAN, - Pres , i. I U.BOll. ;Cashier. BAWL. Mc D. LEFT W ELUIT' AC trallElE BANKERS AND BR Corner Third and Wood Streets, px^r•rsituniarij IBUCCESISOHA TO HANNA, H T C 0..) MILLERS IN I Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchase • and sale of I • COYERNIVIENT 6,ONDS. Slant Drafts 021 London. rwima N. LIOLDIES & SONS, MILALTICELMIRLES, 57 Market Street, . prza-Ramarxt4in, pas.. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Canadas. Ij SUwks,Bonds and other i 3 ecnrities' BOUGHT AND BOLD ON COll[lBBlON. , Particular attention paid to thti purchase and sale of s Securities 'United Sta /9•80:11 JAY COO E-& CO.; 3B4st. 114 BOUTH T! IRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. $ uf to the pa ;-AL Pittsburgh, Pa 3100,00. VIDUILLY LIABLE. ON DtPOSITS. MEREST ELI A- 1 4 1 0, nirozrz.ns or ALSO 11 Weedlike. ors NEM p TY AND BUSINESS • AMINO, MININITING to, napt,i4teittion. Said MEI / LS I ;I c., t+ , nl: y': ENE EE2 j rn y: '. SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest ,Priccs. PII. R. HERTZ, Banker Cor. Wood and Fifth Streets. Thy 6 JAALESBRADY • T • (Successors 08. JONES & CO.i) • Corner Fourth and Wood Sts.; 321 .A. INT I Fl FL es, BUY AND BELL ALL RINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. For Interest Allowed on Deposit?. aa- Money loaned on Goverrune I t Bonds at lowest market rates. Orders executed for the rebels's and Bale of STOOKS, BO DS and HOLD. JAMBS T. BRADY & CO CO., OKERS, GOVERNMENT R We will register all kinds of Government Bonds free of charge. This gives the holder ab solute security against theft,loss. or d4ztruction. JAMES T. BRADY & CO., Dealers in Government Bonds, !Ts. COIL FOl7 . RTH & WOOD mviajzs Dittstittglj Gairtts. FINANCE AND TRADE, Ornoz or Pirrsinutort GsziTTE, MONDAY, June 14, 1869. Gold opened very strong at 130%, fluc tuated during the day between 139 k and 1393 and closed in consequence of a tight money market at 1373, with a strong feeling. There is a strong party now working the market up, if possible, higher than it was two weeks ago. These parties .are representatives of foreign banking houses, among them one Lon don G• erman firm. ®l's, The decline in Government bonds during the latter part of the past week has attracted strong purchases, in con sequence of which the market reacted to-day and closed strong with an ad- Vance of one-quarter per cent. I Stocks are dull and lower under the pressure for money. Quotations as received by Ph. R Mertz; Gold, 138%; Silver, 131; Eighty one's, 121%; Five Twenties, 1862, 122%; do 1864, 117%; do 1865, 119; do 1865, Consols, 1t3,1; do 1867, do 1868, 119%; Ten- Forties, 108 %; —; New YOrk Central, 90g- ' Erie, —; Reading, 97%; Pittsburgh,l Fort Wayne & Chicago Railroad,k 56g; Ohio & Misissippi, 33g; Michigan Southern, 103%; Cleve land & Pittsburgh, 9634; Chicago & Rock Island, 18%; Chicago & North Western, 83%; Chicago t North Western Preferred, 04%; Adams Express Corn panv, 593 i; ilUerchants Union Express, 15; Pacific Mail, 93; Western Union Telegraph Company, 40% ; Am. W. Ex press, 40. —Closing Co mpany, received by James T. Brady & Co. Gold, 139%; United States Sixes, 1881, 121%; Five-Twenties, 1862, 122%; do. 1864,117%; do. 1865, 119; Ten-Forties, 108;4; Five-Twenties, Janu ary and July, 1865,119%; , do. do. 1867, do. do, 1868, 119%; Seven-Thirties, Ppar less, %; Due Ccimponnds, 119; Union acific_ Railroad, 94; Central do. do., par; Cy. Pacifica, 107; Superior 96. el" Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiazette.] NEW YORE, June 14, 1869. base an ) l eale mh3o Money market somewhat unsettled during the day, being alternately ac tive and easy. There is, however, an in creasing disposition among bank officials to contract and prepare for a call from the Comptroller of the Currency, which may come at, any moment. Business on call ranged from 7 currency to gold in terest up to three o'clock. After that money was leaned at gold interest, but with exceptional transactions at I T l6@y, per cent. The currency is still going West to move the wool clip, and the heavy receipts of grain at the lake ports may stimulate this movement. Sterling firm at 9%@9%. Gold weak and free sales by. German bankers; opened at 139%, and closed at 138%. Car rying rates 7@B per cent., and 1-32 per cent. per day. Clearances $54,000,000. Governments closed steady at a fractioti under the highest-rates of the day. Coupons of 'Bl, 12l3;(6122; do. '62, 122% . ®122%; do. '64, 11734@117%; do. '65. 119 1g1193,; do. new, 119%®120; do, '67, 119% @119%; do. '68,119%@119%; 10-40 s, 108 M @108%; Pacifica, 106%@107. State bonds dull. • Missouria, 92; old Tenumsees; 65%@66; new do. 63%; new North Carolinas, 55%@553.4; !Virgin . XBo'/..' & GO,. y Street. Stocks upsettled, but 2©4 per cant. lower, the marked features being Peale Mail, New York Central, Michigan South ern and • North Western. - The-market closes feverish and still: unsettled. • Bidding prices' it 5;30: Cumberland Cold, 33; Walls ElPress, 31; , A0181'10412 40; Adams. 5934; United States, 0734;' Merchants,Union, , ls; Quicksilver, 16%; Canton ' 64; Padific Mail, 89X; Western Union, Telegraph, 40%; Marlposati 9 ;i; do. preferred, 18; New York Central, 188%; Erie, 29%; de.l preferred, - 55; Hud son, 1573 f; Hariem, 1463§; Reading. 97,.f; Alton and Terre Haute, 34; do. preferred, 573,x; Webs:eh:72%; do. prefeired, 80; St. Paul, 74; do. , preferred, 843;• Fort Wayne. 106 V Ohio and Miseissippi, 32M; Mioni gan Ventral; 136; Michigan Southern, 103344 Illinois Central, 143; - • Pittsburgh ' , 95 %; Rock* Island, 118%; Northwestern 83%; Ido. preferred, 93X. Mining Shares dull. Coppers at, Boston ,4 Copper Falls, 8 Franklin, 17 , Heals, 67; Minnesota, 1%; qubacy, 24. DDTROIT, June 1 4 .— Fl ou r-'flat and nothing doing. Wheat; extra white sold at 51,84; No. 151,89'bid, and 51,40 asked; No. 1 amber i 9ffered .at f i e& Corn at 65038 e and the market d . Oate; No. 1 offered state.' Peed , bran held at 1150 181 /So. .. Mans ralddlisaga qulst ' at 17 18cs: J T -r 1 :1 ,- .:,iVrEITI .1:1'4 , ..,, - ~,. ti ,.. ~ ...,t, ~. . 1 , _ El El DS ! Lockhart, Frew & Co. Waring t Ring R. T. Leech Fisher dt Bro Litingston & Bro. Ralston & Waring OIL SHIPPED EAST PEWS DUQUEB . DEPOT. Brooklis Ballentine Co.' 60 bbls ref.. to Warden;PrOte et Co., Philadelphia. Hutchison Oil tft Rekting Co., 206 bbls , to Warden, Frew & Co, Philadelphia., Total "ShiPmeniii Refined 26G Dry , Goods Market. I - NEW YORK, June 14.—The market was. quiet toward the close but opened fairly this afternoon , at full prices for cotton goods. The Appleton A heavy brown sheetings advanced chis,mprning tb7l6q, - are, down again thlti aftatliotip. to 1534 e. Blackstone AA 44 bleached are selling at 150. In other 'goods there is no important alteration. Poor delaines have been selling as low es 15c, but all goods bring 20. , hituPins, June 14.—Cotton 'firm and soiree; low middlings at 80(i)30%o; good ordinary 29e i regeipts 129, exports 256 bales. Poik4lsl 0/uOdzi ,:very . firm; shoulders _1 Mc; ai des /90. Lard dull at 2030. Corn 85§8730. 110 doll; prime sau t = mtriNfsr apoked at M 1 PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OFFICE OF PITYBIIIIRDE 41:1AARTTE, MONDAY, June 14, 1869. Business Opens pretty much as it, closed last week, dull and neglected with but little prospect of any immedi ate improvement. The stagnation is not. any one branch of business, but prevades all branches of trade, and it is probable that dullness will rule su preme during the next two or three. modths. This is usually the case every summer, and there is no reason why this one should be an exception. With every prospect of splendid crops, however, , there is no reason for complaint, and. besides, there is every , indication that there will be a good fall trade. APPLE BUTTER—SaIts at. 50(gl,00, per gallon as to quality. APPLE.S—None in 'market—season may be regarded over. BUTTER—Prime to choice Roll is scarce and in demand, with sales at BEANS—DriII at V®2,50.. CARBON OlL—May be quoted at 28® 29, in a jobbing way, !or standard brands. CHEESE—SaIes of Weitern Reserve, at 16@17; Factory, 18©19; and Goshen, 21®22. DRIED FRUIT—DuII; Peaches, 13 for quarters; 14@)15 for mixed and 17@18 for halves. Apples, 12@t334. EGGS—In better supply and lowtir; sales at'l9®2o. FRUlT—Prunes, 13; Currants, 1234; Valencia Raisins, .14; Layer Raisins $3,7.5 per box. FISH—No. 3 large Mackerel (new) 16,75 per half bbl;No. 2 do, $10,50; No. 1 $13,50; Baltimore Herring, $3,50 per bbl —full weight, $9; Baltimore Shad, 158,50. Lake Herring, $3,75 per half bbl; and White Fish, $8,75. FEATHERS—Firm and in limited supply; we now quote live geese at 85® 90 to the trade, and $l, in a retail way. FLOUR—DuII but unchanged. Fol lowing are the store • prices; Winter Wheat $6,75@7 in bbls, and $6,50@7 in sacks; good Spring Wneat 16,00@6,50 in. bbls, and $6,25 in sacks; fancy Springs, $6,75@7 in bbis; and $6,50@6,75 in sacks. Rye - Flour $6,50@6,75. Mill idraces un changed. GRAIN Wheat is dull and un changed. Sales of No. 2 Spring at $l,lO. and No. 1 Spring and Winter as $1,20.. Eve is dull with small sales at $1.051g) 1,10. Oats dull and unchanged; car load lots 65@66, and small lots in store at OS@ 70. Corn dull and nominal. Small sales. of prime Spring Barley at 11,65. HAY—Dull and unchanged. - HUSKS—SaIes coru HEMP—Sales at s2lohus k s at 3)i. LARD OlL—Sales of Extra No. fat $1,50 and No. $1,20. LlMECleveland Lime is quoted at 52.50, per bbl, and Common White at $1,75. POTATOES—SaIes of old crop in store, at 45©50 per bushel, and new crop at t.T. @3,50 per barrel. PEANUTS—SmaII sales at 12c. PMVISIONS—Market firmer and prlces'advancing. We now quote Shoul ders at 14;4@193i; Sides 17y,,©173 for Ribbed and 18y@1834 for Clear; Plain. Hams 11 - 3.4; Plain Canvassed 00; Sugar Cured Canvassed 20;‘@2034. Dried Beef. 21. Mess Pork, 1132,70@33. •Lard, 203 r in bbls; 19 in tierces,ar 21. In pails and kegs. • SEEDS Occasional all sales of Flaxseed at F,2,45@2,50. N demand for Clover or Timothy. , SALT—Sales of car loa lots at $1,93 @1.85. TALLOW—Ndthing doing In this arti cle of Importance, and prices are nomi nal. PETROLEUM MARKET, OFFICE OF PITTSBURGH g . A.iETTR, MONDAY, June , 1869. The oil market was agarscoinparo . tively quiet te-day the volume af busi ness being light, though prices, as a gen -1 eral thing, are fully sustained. It is a noticeable fact that that while the mar ket in this country is firm and lerding upward, the European markets do not seem to rcspond. Antwerp—is , reported to-day as being down to 46X francs, -which is about equal to 28 cents in Pitts burgh, while the price of spot Refined to-day is 8134. It is said, in Eurplanadon of this, that Antwerp is disposed to be bearish; that the time has arrived W.lBll these people want to buy, and that they are doing all they can to force down gl ees. Be this as it may, it does not lcok well to see the market in this shape, and it would certainly look better to have a margin in our favor, instead of me against us. It Is plain • enough from the above fignres that there is no chance to make shipments at present prices, hit on the contrary,"a loss would certainty result therefrom. It is argued, however, that Antwerp, as an oil market, is not is prominent as it wawa few years slim, and that It has not the influence on tie markets here that It had then. There n one . thing - certain, however, the cahtt telegrams from that point are still sought after with considerable interest mums. • Is steady but quiet and unchanged Bale of two lots of 1,000 each for June. seller's option, at.l4/; and MOO bbla; salter July, at $5,75 at. Venitngol)lty— considered equivalent to 1431. REFINED Sales in lots of 2,000 bbla each July to December at • 33. June quoted at 3134; June and July together at 32 and Jaly, alone at 3234. Market steady, and, aswill be seen, prices fully sustained. LUBRIOAXINGI - EislipsnWiriter'Ltibricating 0i1...... 400 Eclipse Railroad Axle 350 Eclipse Machinery 750 Eclipse Spindle 800 RECEIPTS OF CRUDE OIL. , U .. 2,040 bbla.. 320 " go •6 4 ‘ 470 '•• .. 430 •'
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