NEV/ ADVERTISEMENTS Orrica or CITY ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, • J une 13,1869. N°TICE.— Sealed . Proposals ir numbering houses on B u ll e d s t r eet, tront - 334 to 50th ntreet, will be re office until rf4loli trAY. June teAst. 1889. For apeelacation3 and =thou of numbering , call at ibis office jels:k47 10tURNET I'S COOKING EX-. TRACTIa. The best and pur, st; a fresh supply Just re ceived. Vanilla, Lemon, 'Rose, Orange, Peacb, Almond, La.. to tw-', it.e and ten Ounce bottles fur favoring. Ice Cream Jellies, Blanc Mange, dc.. for sale by the duzm or at retail by .150. A. RENSHAW; Corner Liberty and Sinus streets. "HOOOKEN" STATION PROPERTY FOR SALE. This besot' fal iPuatlon cannot he surpissed for private residences in any direction, so e.ose jto both cities, being only eight miles up the Western Fennsylv ante Railroad. Any per, on di hiring In formAtiOn shout this property can obtain 'lt by calling at the office of the IRON.CITY MU TUAL LIFE INSURANCE-•COMPANY, 15 Federal street. Allegheny. Lots from one-half acre to live acres; also, small lo.s to et:Apar ' .chasers.. There is a good loc•.tlon for a ma nufac .iarine establish mu:k c, between the Railroad and Allegheny river. Jels;k46 .. . 1 K win LLAS SEMiNA BY, FOR Mil ell sEXE •.—Thi, institution - lus situated in theUeauttful valley of kilsoacoqull .; • las, In the Midst of Sin intelligent and 11Isoly t moral people, surrounded by mountain chilm, and supplied wltn an abundance of pure water and of toe 1r ~hest mountain , ir, the location is unrivaled for health bi n 1 a for tbe elevating and re- Piling intine.sces 0, natural Steepen. Coos of instructors Ise eery tit Partmelat experienced and .competent. Rev. S. H. MODonald, furmeny itutor in Princeton , cotiege, N. J. of large and 1 - SUCCCB6riII experience LP t,L aching, has charge of ii Ancient Lansilisses snd higher Mathematics. fc --- " - Kiss R. A. Granger, of Massachusetts, educated At Vassar College, N. Y., will teach English Lit erature, Palming. Drawing. French and Ger man. -Prof. J. NI, . Shoemaatr, of rhiladelptils, is engaged to give lessons In Elocution during the rat tarn. Miss E. 11..131gbaul from Wean -4 lugton county. Pa., has charge of Instrumental music. Schola-tic year opens 4th of August. • ExpLuse—Tuld •u and board per year. $200.00. rur catalogue address Al -.11. UN M 0 1 - 1 L r.R.A.M.. Principal, .Klstiocogullas. MIAMI Co., Pa. Re f, ter to Rev. D. V. bleCiean,Lewistowu,Pa., and 1' • . Ron. S. S. Woods, Lewistown, Pa. • 1 jels:k 0-Ter OFFICE CITY YN•IINEER AND SURVEYOR, Plasburp, Juncls, 1869. 5 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. • SEALED PROPOSALS for grading, paving and curbing 48th street, from Butier street to the Allegheny river; Beach alley, from Prid. to Miltenberger street. Spring alley, from 21st to 25th street. Spruce alley. from 24th to 25th street. ' Liberty street, from Hielett street to the Pike. •Blzteenth street, from Plke street to Bridge. St.Patricks. alley.from Marion to Miltenberger• Liberty street, irom 3114. to 33d street. Penn street, from 31st to 33d street. Also, for l•ylng a clay pipe sewer (8) two feet diameter, on Diamond alley, from Smithfield , street to Cherry alley, will be recelvtaat this office until TUESDAY, June 22d, 1.889:" Blanks for bidding and specincatictis can be had at this office. The Committee reserve the right to reject any or all MA, and no bill considered unless made out or, blanks from this office. - EOM R EMOTA L. H. RIGBY & CO. have removed their stock of Chins, Glass and Vueenswsre from No. 22 Wood street to the spacious warehouse. 189 LIBERTY STREET, A few daoraj above SIXTH, (late St. Clair St.,) which has been refitted with all the modern im provements expressly for their buslnees• They are now receiving and opening an extensive ati aortmeat:Of New Good 5 ul their own importation, •embrscing all varieties in their line of trade. lisving a central location. with more commodi ous accommodations an. , increased facilities for doingAusiness. they hope to receive in their new .4nartera a continuance of the - favors of the pub , lic heretofore so ilberst'y bestowed upon them. Prrsesuatli. Jane 14, 1869. • je14136 KIVU ArCLIHOCK k COMPANY .PAVE /CST RECEIVED A FINE SELECTION OF BBIJSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, THREE PLY z*l\T Car Ft AS. I IV 'OO.S..R3PETS. EEO THE LAMB' ASSOBTKENT OF 'WHITE, CHECK & FANCY ,1 . MATTINGS, FOR SUMMER WEAR, iTIDE eran air:. IM STOCK FULL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS milrEß NCLINTOCK 23 FIFTH AVENUE. NEW ADVERTISEMEN NO. 80 FOURTH AVENUE ?ITTSBURGU. H. J. MOORE. City iCugineet CASH CAPITAL - - • - • 8200 Stockholders Individually Liable. BANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT JOHN FLOYD WM. FLOYD.I President. Cashier. 'rhos. M. ?Ivarshall, ; Jorn M. Murtland. Wm. I'. Shannon, ; Archibald WaJaen. James W. Arrott, ' Jas. D. Chas. H. Leech, Wm. Floyd. John Floyd. Thls Isan% Is now fully organized and prepared to do a general nanilug buaness. JelOk.l3 28TH SEMI - ANNUAL DEPORT DOLLAR SAYINGS BANK. LIABILITIES. Amount due Depositors June lat. 1869 $24V2.,778 32 Dividend for the last six months Eentit.gtut Fund AuSETS, Loans on Bond and Mortgage 51,321.17345 Real Estate 25,907 59 Stock In Plttsb•gh B'ks 71.t9401 U.S. 5-20 Bonds 1805 and 1867 400 00003 U.S. 6 per cent. Bonds 18811. 50.01375 Bills Receivable .14,EW 00 Cash on hand ono in Banks 118,86650 311 Total Asse ts. 52,503,451 The undersigned, Auditing C'ommitteel re spectlully report that they have examined tho Treasurer's Report for the last six months, end ing May3l, IB6o,and have examined .he Assets) of the klank.consisting of Beads and Mortgages. Deeds of Real Estate, Certificates of Rank Stocks, Bills Receleatle. U.•lted States 5 20 six pet cent. Bonds, '65 and '67, United otates six per cent. Bonds. 1881. and man Is Bank and an hand, and tied the same to correspond with the above report. WM J. ANDERSON. ) JAME • D. 1( And. Corn. • P. A MATIEIRA. PLITOOOROII, June 9, 1860. * GREAT BARGAINS IN H. J. MOORE, CITY ENGINEER. AND na & COIII'ANTS, AMERICAN BANK. amsxm OF THE J 9. GM 90 191 0 911 Total Llablll•Ies The Trustees have declared a dividend of THREE (3) PER (JEN T set of the profits for the last six mAiths; free of Government Tax, paya ble forthwith. 11 not drawn will bear interest from Lae Ist inst. CAA& A. COLTON, Treasurer. DirrsucruGH, June 12, 1869. je14:1.41-d STANDARD BOOKS Appletons' Cyclopedia. 513 yols.,bound In . full leather. A 'fresh get just received. The regular orice is 88.00 per vol. We offer this copy unusually low Chambers' Edinburg .ncyclopedia. 10 vols. royal Bvo, bound in lull eloth,untal price of which 1545.00 per vol. offered at a large discount Library Kdition of standard Wo. ks. Well adapted for prlzes,ln neon classes and high schools. In large Dewy Svc., with Steel Portraits and- V ignette.handsomely bound In cloth entie, uew style I. The Complete Works of William bhakes. Deere. With a btog.aphical sketch by Mary. rowden Clarke, and a Copious Glossary ' 42,50 11. The Complete Poetical and Prose Works of Robert Burns. With cite and variorum notes 2,50 111. The. Miscellaneous Works of Ghver Goldsmith 2,50 IV. The Poetical Works of Lord Jitylon. Illustrated by eminent artists 2.50 V. Josephus. The whole works of Flavlus Josenbus. the Jewish historian. Trans lated by Whiston .. 2,50 VI. 's he Arabian Nigh tiO Entertatinents. Translated from the Arabic. An enly new edition. Illustrated with upwards of 100 original engravings on wood 2 50 VII. Dean Swift., Works. i.omp7ete 1 vol, . royal Bvo. This is tile !h.q. Chem) Edi tion of the-Leon's Wolks ever published. 2,50 S. A. CLARKE & CO., 119 WOOD STREET. Ad DOOR BELOW FIFTH. =3 REDUCED. A REAM OF NOTE PAPER. FOR $1 INITIAL NOTE PAPER PER BOX, 40e. Ina JOSEPH HORNER'S, Bookseller and Stationer, - 129 Smithfield Street. !arras - WOOD TURNING, SCROLL SAWING, AND MOULDING Done promptly to order at 161 Lacock street, Al. leghedy City, by P, LE:I3ZELTE.R & CO. • The beet attention will be given to all who want anything in our line. We always keep a large lot or turned work, such ea Balusters, Newl Posts, Buhr &c. Also, a good stock of dry Walnut. she rry and other lumber on hand. myll:j7 • P. LILBZICLTER. & CO• STRAW IMALTIS, - ALL THE NEW STYLES. AT THE EI WEST PHIOES, AT McCORD & CO's, 181 WOOD STREET. myls UNITED STATES HOTEL, CAPE MAY CITY, N. J., Will be opened for the lesson SATURDAY, May Slith. In sit nrst class appointments, equal to any and yet anording to families all this comforts of s It me. President Want expects to visit Oape May this season sad will atop at the "I:rafted tales." Adds, Smyti:l94 A res ARON MILLER, Proprietor. CUNARD STEAMERS EXOELL ALL OTEEBS For Speed and Safety. PH. B. HERTZ, Agent. Jett - A II LAGE SUIPRIENT OF GRASS HOOKS Jut received for sale at lowest market price. W. W. KNOX. 131 Liberty street, Pittabarab. Pm. arsl:(74•xws j B. 110yN69ON & CO., rA: 0/411.$ SIAMLRY. CONTZOTIONABT 'or CREAM and DINING SALOON. 93 ifinithneld, greet, corner of Diamond COOP, Pittsburgh. wir Partici and families supplied with Dm Dream and Cakes on short notice. • • /LERCIVAL BECKETT, ME. OHANIOAL ZNGUIZER and dollettor of oa and 'foreign Patents, No. W 9 MD. NEAL WININT. faleilinny CILy. re. B—Brandi ease. IP siddadtan. D. IP • sae .:.. GAZETLE: TUESDAY. NEW LO!EST PRICES ! Ladies' lints Riblbou", Ladles• Steekiugs. MEI g 303 4 Children's Stockings. At bile Dollar, FULL SIZE L ADIES' WRITE TUCKED MUSLIN SKIRTS. STOCK: FULL AND COMPLETE No. 180 and 182 Federal Street, CITY OF ALLEGHENY, / TREASURER'S OFTICII, June 13, 1869. ALLEGHENY TAXES. Notice is hereby given that the Asteasore have now placed In thh Treasurer's office the Dupll Cates of City, Poor. City Business, Sebool,Sehool Building and Public Park Taxes, and of Water Bents for the year 1889, and that said taxes wl now be received In pursuance of the Acts of As sembly of 'lreortary 27th. Isso, and of A pill 14 th, 1863, subject to the following regulations mi..' allowances Fire per cent. If paid on or before the first day of July. Four percent. If paid on or before the first day of Anima.. Two per cent. If uald on or before the Drat day of September. If paid after the first day of he;.tember. and on or before the first day of October, no deduction will be made If paid after the first day of October, and on or before the first day of Nocember, an addition of Ave per cent. shall be added to and payable on the same After the Bret of November warrants will be ssned to enforce tbr, collection of sdl taxes re- malning unpaid. together with the percentage accrued thereon, and the goats j03:1c37 TALGOART • 41; SEMEN, RETAIL BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITERS AC Wholesale Prices. NO. 129 FEDERAL STREET Allegheny City. arid rROCLAMATION.--The quali- FIED voters , of the Second ward, City of legiteny, will meet at the usual time and place of holding elections on .TUESDAY. JUNE %Ad, 1809, to elect one per• on to nerve as a member of 4!ominon Council, to 11l the unexpired term of John Blxkpatrisk, Eng , resigned. SIMON DRUM. Mayor. OciT OP Amaglaxxx, June 11. 1889. jel2dnlnt • 1 4LISTEN TO TOE MOCKING 1-a BlRD."—Just arrived from New Orleans • large lot of old and young MOCKINGBIRDS. very doe singers. Bed Birds and . Nonpareil. Birds, for sale for a few days omy at the Tremont House, Na. IT Diamond. FLOUR. OROICK WINTER WIIRAT IrAYILT, ST, SS CHUN= MINN EBOTA BRANDS, 46,45. CHOICE WISCONSIN BRANDS, 50,115. In lots of Ave barrels or more. • WATT, LAIR CO.. 1111 and 174 Wood street. FLOUR. The celebrated WHITE BOSE is conceded by all who have tried it to be the best and cheapest dour in the city. , dive it a trial. Sold by By NEANOIt & HARPER, AT THE WHITE PEONT, EE9 Liberty street, Pittsburgh. P myl4 FLOWS OIL CLOTHS, '6IIREN OIL OLoTH YOB WINDOW esHADES. TAANISPARENT WINDOW 611ADES, . TABLE. A ND FURNITURE UIL CLOTHS dg VARIETY. • J. &IL PHILLIPS. 96 land 11119 61zth times BANK, AN' _ INSURANCE STOCIIIM - • • • 6,;A:UatiDAY IiVENTNG,Jane I6LD.aL S o'clock, will be sold on second door of uommorcial bales Rooms. 108 dialtollold street. MO sham Manchesa r Kbeings B as k. 40 shares Moaoagahela insaraaos AD shares Wostern joie • A. NaLLIAr=•Aw/iNiar44 ,ADVERTISEMENTS, MB Children's lints, Rundown,,. Parasols. Flowers. Triansnings, Crapes, &e. Lodieer Gloves'. Children's Gloves, &e• Oa WM. SEMPLE'S, ALLEGHENY CITY b. MAC PERSON City Treasurer =:411,W.2,-;Win.:67;47,z-RAIII--,,,:-; ~,1- , 7_, -. 4.- t.....,k..-v•.e ,- -3 - -..T,1 ,-,. .-. I -74-k.,*yrtet . , ~L~~r YE 15, 188 NEW ADVERTISLIMENTS - , PLAIN, BUFF, Pl \ NE AND BLUE PERCALES & LAWNS.I AT FIGURED w IST • STR ED AT 22 CENT PER YARD, WHITE MARSEILLES. New and Desirable SPRING AND SUMMER DRESS GOODS. AT 50 CENTS, All Wool Cassimeres. GOOD QUALITY Many Good Bargains in all Kinds of DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Ina WM. 'SEMPLE'S, No, 180 and 182 Federal Street,, ALLEGHENY CITY UNITED STATES INTERNAL REVENUE., TWENTY-TUIRD DISTnICT. COLLECTOR'S NOTICE• .OFFICE COLLECTOR INTERNAL REVENUE. 23d Collection District of Pennsylvania, N 0.67 Water St., Allegheny City, blaylS, '69. Notice Is hereby given that the annual lists of SPECIAL TAXES, formerly termed LICENSES. and of the taxes on Incomes, Carriages, Watches, Silver Plate Rt., are now in this office, where payment will be received thereon by thfi Collector on and alter tlx Ist LAY OF JUNE., 1889. nese taxes. haring become doe. must be paid before the lath DAY OF drIINE,-1869; wise, additional expenses will bJ Incuired by tee US-payer. • E. BUFFINGTON, Esq.. Deputy Collector of the county of Armstrong, anu EDWIN LYON, Esq., Deputy Collector fur the county of Butter. will be ready to receive, after the Ist:of June, for their respective counties, and will post notices designating the times and places.' when and where they will be prepared to receive the taxes collect able by them. . ' Taxes payable only In greenbacks or national currency. Mice hours from 9 A. IL to 3 r. JOHN M. SULI4VAN, nylBl6l ROCK THE BABY EARNEST'S PATENT CRIB SOLD ONLY NY LEMON & WEISE. Practical Furniture Manufacturers, &r 4 us FOURTH AvE.Drtnr... Where may be found a till assortment of Par lor. Chamber and Kitchen Furniture. t deM IMPORTANT TO MANUFACTURERS AND MERCHANTS. It is a fact that - L. E. SUTTON St CO. , Cut Stencils at 3 Cents per Letter. STEEL STAMPS AT 20 CENTS PER LETTER At the Pittsburgh nenell Works. No. as Mai km street. id ow' t forget the unmber. jeteta4ll $26.000 TO LOAN ON BOND /LAD MORTGAGE.. • Books settled anti accounts promptly collect• ed. Houses and Lots la Pittsburgh and Alleghe ny. Cheap Houses and Lo sln Nast I.oomgal:id B addocks— Lots in Mansfield. >A very desirable farm or 10 acres; splendid young orchard. good house, with store-room attached; spring of never falling - water: near Economy, on the iine of F. It. W. & U. R. W.; for sale very cheap. _ lowa, Missouri a nd Virginia land for sale. .Enquire of THOS. SIMPSON & B. IL HOLLAND • . Brokers and Beal Estate `Agents. I • 89 GRANT STREET talkie back room; EM NOTICE OF LOST CERTIFI— asT IL—Notice is hereby given that cat He cate No. 35. for AO shares stook In the "Mer chants and Manufacturers National Bank." At piftsburgn, in the name of HANNAH THola- BON has been lost or destroyed by fire. anti that application has been made uy the sa , ci Hannah Thomson for new certificate in the place of that los . or destroyed as aforebaid. • June 3. 1889. HANNAH THOILSOIq le3:kl -TEM RERB SHAD RECEIVED F daily at BENJAMIN PULPBESS 'popular lab Stand, No. 45 Diamond Market, Pine bui gh, and at the Twin City, Allegheny 0141 t corner of Ohio and Federai stts. Can be Sh ad all kinds of Sea and Lake Sib, Halibut, Shad, Beak, Codfish. Haddock and Eet. Also, lute supplies of White, Lake Fish, Salmon, Bs fiteraeon. Herring and Macinew Twur, whrit enables us to sell at the lowest market pric s, wholesale or retaiL We invite all lovers of Fresh Fish to give us a call, and we will lame Hum a treat. mh3s KEYSTONE POTTERY. 15. KIER & CO., • Manufacturers o , QUESPiXWAIKE. BI3IBTOL WAGE 481, ontoe and Wszebone. 383 LIBERTY BTE3IT. Mr All orders uromptly attended-to EiroiLviuta • SOREHAI R BANIEB. A logo lot jut roadie/ sad for ails at lows. isarket prloO. Ir. W. KNOX, .1 0 ------- , 1 -- Mr' IFOrICRE.—"To Lao. • •.. F: r 7;,,a,• 'Li, e:. ' , " g1,a,. , . .. F.una, ,, ...zic l arlingo c., not Iml/rating POOR lIIVP6 each tirlit ' trs. ,i ert 64 fn these ,lo him', ones for r W.N2" 7-51r6 0-8171" • each idtittional Hue Fflrc , CF./yr/S. IJLOFT—BEAWPAN.—oIoi ivton- IR DAY AFTERNvoN. an ODD FnLOW rttEael'PlN. coat thing ililr y-elght small tones. itoeral r.!waill will he pals by leaving ,t at the Mayor's oill•ze. or at 61 l'etti street. T rijileCK LOST.—AII ' r persons il,_/, are cautioned against negotiating check drawn by E. P. Young, Cashier on gaV 4!,igs Bank of Alkali nv In favor of C. Coleman r bearer,, sBlti 08, dat- d June 11th, D 69 yment having been stopped. The finder will e rewarded by leaving IL u.L, the Peeples Savings S auk' of Allegheny. juls:J4.l ILOST COW.—Strayed Away on WEDNESDAY. the 9i.,, of June, abut 4 O'clock, a COW. with a light red and white color and a perfectly white face and small tome. In horns; a spriuger near her calving. Any infor mation:; f tier will be gladly received and ,Ineral.. ly r,•wirded ny . OWEN PAYTON, Tel ;k5O. Woods Run. QTRAVED—Gray Mare.—Came ItJ to the premises of the subf criber, In Scott township, a GRAY MARE: about 12 years old. :Notice Is hereby given that if the owner dues not F.ll before the 211th inst. she will be sold accord ing to law. A THOS. ALDERSON, JeII:FAS Scott townst4, Allegheny ca.. Pa. WANTED-HEL ANTED.--A colored waiter. 1 . a permanent One who h s alt tu a a glo n d gp e u a tt i l T, atcan ilrnasr; ',/, atl I g Saloon, corner t.txth avenue and Santa eld street, Alt persons having tickets will please retnr within ten days. NVANTED-HELP.-AT EM. PLOYMENT OFFICE, No. 1 St. Clan Street, BIM , OIRLS and MEN, for dLiterenl lkinds of employment. Persons wanting hell of all kinds can be supplied on short notice. WANTED---AGENTS WANTED.—Agents to take or- D In the city an 4 county tor Doudnao , Patent atone• Lid Holder. County tights for sale. Enquire for J. a. WILoUN, at Morrison & De vor 8.. 15 - Water etreet. Plttaburgn. • rt TEII.A GE 1% TS.--$75 to 200 per month f vErowhere. male and female, to introduce the VEN DINE IMPROVED C"MSION SENSE FAMILY SFWINO MA CHIN Ft. This machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt; cord, bled, braid and embroider, i s &most sup4rior manner. Price only SIR. F,Elys warranted for five years. We will Day 71.000 for any machine that will sew a stronger. more beant.ful, or. more elastic seam than ours.' It -makes the '‘Elastic Lock stitch." Every second stitch can be cut,. and still the cloth can not DE pulled apart without tearing it. We pafagentt from $75 to $2OO month gnd expenses, or a commission from which twice that amount can .be made. Address SECOMB air t 0., Pittsburgh, Pa., St. Louis, Mo., or Boston, Mass. CAUTION-0u not be 'imposed upon by other parties palming off worthless cast iron machines, under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the -only genuine and really practical cheap machine manufactured. WANTED —AGENTS.—To sell the American Knitting Machine. Price $25. The eimpiest. cheapest and best Knlttine Machine ever invented. Will knit 30.000 atitches per minute. Liberal inducements to agents. CV.? rase t A o rd n, E D I Z A . N o At i 71161.1M0.'‘. WANTED. one First Class Mould Makers For a ?Hut Glass House. Addretis, A. NICK. MC FIR.A.N. Treasurer SS. Lawrence Blass Co., 113ntreal. Canada Je11:1•49 WANTED. - BOARDERS. A • gentleman and wife or two single gentle men can be accommodated wile a pleasant far nlthed r om. wilts pond ..,ard, on the line of the Pant nger cars. No. 44 Rebecca street, Alleghe ny City. Reference required. - • WANTED. -• BOARDERS. Pleasant furnished rooms, good board terms reasonable, at 46 Liberty street. WANTED. Bass and 'Alto tinger, to• city church choir. Must he good reader,+. Address M. M. C., Box 1,313, Pittsburgh P. O. WANTED -TO PLASTERERS. —plastering to be done, for whtsh carpen ter work will-be given In return. All to be done In the best manner. Direct 6. W., Box 6, BA ZETTE OFFICE. BOARDING.—Rooms opposite the Park, North Common,. Bath rooms. 1.., and the •cumforts of a home. 181 North avenue. Allegheny. WANTED.—A few respectable Warders at• 18 Ninth street, (tate Hand MITZI WANTED. - BOARDERS.- A few more boarders can find pleasant rooms and good boarding at No. - 16 arm street, AUe• geeny, for $4.50 per week.. COLLECTOR IAFE loan $9OO on bond or mortgage for one or two years dress J. D. P.. care Gazette office. WANTED.—House of 5 or 6 rooms. within the limits of the old wards. dress H. 8., BAZILTTZ OPTICS., stating loca tion s nd terms. MO-LET.—Boom on 3d flow Dispatch Building, Refit very low for bal ance of year. Wis. water and stationary stand. Enquire at rotogranh Oldie/ y.Dispatch Building. TO-LET.—Large Hail in a good location. B. CUTILISEHT & 50NE3,39 Sixth avenue. rro-LET.-A 1100111.—A com „L PORTABLY furnished ROOM for one or more gentlemen. Apply at 2% cr. 33 Ninth, (late liana.) street. - TO , fine, large new More Room. tn'the village of Wilkiniburg, with dwelling, if desired. Rent low. Also. bean tl'ul hrge office. front room,sec and lloor,on fith, formerly : lit. Clair. near the bridge. linonire of JOBS W. BEATTY, Engraver, 93 Market Bt. trio LET.—House on Centre'Avu RNUR.--Gas. Water. &e., very convenient. Out of ealon, Rent tX5,00 per mouth. Call loon at 121 Centre avenue, rittaburgn. 11 0 0 -LET.- Rooms, Two fine Rooms in GAZETTE BUILDING. Apply at ountlag Booms, 84 and 85 Fifth avenue. ENTIRE N J. W. BAR X 59 Nakket and 20 e ILL OP TIM LATEST NOV EVERT DEPARTMENT REPLEN 47' . W: ~': LOST. WANTS. TO LET. D) TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT " MS :A..121. 59 BFarket and 20 111 FOR ' SALE FOR SAt.l7,.—Abitut -110 ;Acres , of land In the hest sltuat'on for eonnt.l7 seat -; Grim 1 from the West Pittsburgh Ver-y Landing. Will be sold altogether or in pieces to suit purchaser.. Inquire of Y. C. Net:ll.EN% °ince at the south eon of the Monon gahela Int 4ge. Jel4 FOR ILE. -cOUNTRY REM DENCE.—A DOUBLE BRUIT{ HOUSE. of seven rooms. with frame addition of two rooms - . Roos spring, &c: about an acre and a half of ground; stt••ated a short drive from Bennett's litatton, • n the W. Penna. R. R. Immediate pos session given. For terms, &c., address or In quire of W3l. A. SHINN, Attorney at Law, cor. Grant and Diamond Bt. FOR SALE.—A New Brick Real- DE NCB, bulls by days work, Living eight rooms, gas, hot and cold water throughout. mar ble mantles and wa4l „wide. a bath room and piazza. Lot 120x140 feet. delighVully iocated in Vie b./anthill •onn of Alliance.; Ohio, having 0,000 inhabitants and 'noted for' its eollegen, rapid growth. enterprise and rrianufactor:es. 94 miles from Pittsburgh and 56 from Cleveland Junction. Pittsburgh, Fri, Wayne and Chicago, and the and Pittsburgh Railways. Ad dress Lock Box 89, Alliance-O. Jel2:k2B FOIL SALE.-DRUG STORE.- One of the best Drug and Prescription Stores In Pittsburgh Is offered for sale at cost If applied ror anon. t*ood ressons for selling. Addr as J. P. PEARSON & CO., 87 Ca ant street, Pitta burgh, Pa. FOR SALE.—The one-half in serest In the Drug Store of BLACKMON a MeGßEtititt, in Bellaire, Ohio. They are doing a thriving business, and the location Is one of the brst in Eastern Jerson for selling, ill health of Manly. Terms reasonable. Apply soon. • - GA FORTAKE NOTICE. —FOR SALE.—The FOURTEEN MILE I AND, on the Allegheny River, and now used for gardening purposes; well Improved and in a high state of cultivation: containing 40 or SO acres. now onered at a bargain. Call soon. A en, other in good locations. Woolen Factory. two Houses, and twenty acres of land on the Central Railroad. Houses and Lots For Sale and To-let In both cities. - Pot further par ticulars Impair. of WILLIAM WARD, fe`Y. 'lin Grant street. onnnsitn Cathedral. FOR SALE. FARE in Sewickly township. &Healy ny coun ty, situate about 3, miles from S wickland 3 mtles from Leetsdx•el.tation, on P..Mt W. , it C. It. IL. consalning 100 ac es, 75 cleared and u'- der good cultivation; balance in timber. On which there Is erected a comfortable Frame House, good Log Barn and all other necessary outbuildings. Large orchard of choice fruit. In good order. Price $llO nor acre. Alba, Ts.N AtiltEe., about; mile from Fleming Station, P. Fr. W. Li. R. R, 7 miles from city -by Beaver ros . South-east exposure; good spring on place also a small stream of water running liroug it; will be so , d In one piece, or In lots to suit pu hasers trice $3,000. Also, ether Ho sea and Lots in good localities. For further pa cutaminquire of • M. Wb ITMORE, Corner Ohio an. Sandusky streets, Allegheny. jrs FOR SAL TYPE.—About 400 pounds MI - lON TYPE. nearly as good as new: Eno care at, THIS OFFICE. F OR SALE., 12 acres of COAL LAND. angles from Teta. perancevllle, on the Little Saw Mill Bun. , • 137 acres near Doulsville,lndiana county,Pa, on Livermore Station, W. P. R. 8., well Un proved and cheap. HOUSE AND LOT i on Market street, Manches ter. HOUSE AND LOT on Liberty street, Pitts burgh. HOUSE AND LOT on Fourth avenue. 4 HOUSES AND LOTS in Elisabethtatin. Choice and cheap ft.rms in Tennessee mid Mis souri: . TUSTIN & KLKE, mra - 87 Grant street. FOR SALE. 1, . Near Osborn Station. on the Pittsburgh Ft. Wayne and Chicago Italtroaa, TWO LOTS, Containing About Two Acres Eacb. EIiQI7I.IIE OE W. MACKEOWN: fs. BRO.. 195 Liberty Street. 1Z1233 VIITL E T . ABL. CITY LOTS FOR Thy undersigned, as trustee is the vartlttoa.: of the reel estate of AGNES KNOX, Deceased, By order of the District Conrtof Mlegheny , coma— ty, will sell at public sale, on the premises, on WEDAESDAT, JUNE SO, 1869, At A o'clock r. N., that very valuable property on Fifth avenue, city of rittsbnrgh, consisting of TWO LOTS. Firet—A lot fronting on ?dir— ket street 30 feet and extending,the same width, alone the south side of Fifth avenue 101 feet to Market alley. Pecond—A lot on the Opposite side of Market alley: fronting On ifth avenue ISO. feet and running back, preserving toe same width, along Market alley 30 feet. On the tl-st mentioned lot are FOUR FRAME TENEM EN and on the other' a THREE BTOR RI BUILDING. These lots are among the most valuirble in the city or Pittsburgh. being on the principal street and In the centre of business. The attention of canitatists is particularly invited to them. as they are desirable chiefly for the value of the lots, the buildings not being of much consequence, and postesalon for building ppaposes can be obtained. on 3 months' notice., The property now rents. for over eight thousand dollars. The purchaser will receive the rents after July Ist. THE TERMS OF /SALE. One-third cash, and the remaining two-third& in two equal annual payments, with semi-annual Interest from day of sale, secured by bond and mortgage on the premises. d. w. F. WilrrZ TBUSTZE. Jnne 5,1869 )e7:10111 TO LOAN. $11:20 CK,C) ON FIRST CLASS MORTGAGE, CITY PROP , ERTY. Apply &t MORGAN k ROBERTS', REAL EsAT A. MINTS. 1111 FMB:TR AVINISZ. 1= EW STOCK arcocor)ei KER & St. Clair Streets. ELTIBS JEST 11110111 D. LESS THAN FORMER PRICES. ISDID WITH NINV COODL mE.mPL eb ao.,* at. Clair Street. HI ISM
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