& STEEL WORKS_ DIrqUESNE WO R KS. COLEMAN, lUIEMI & CO., Manufacturers of IRON, NAILS, STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINCS, ; - ri - umw.sniz - , L AND JUNIATA, • • . ,FLAT BAB, BOUND AND SQUARE IRON. BAND. HOOP, SHEET BOILER PL A% AND READS. AND TANS IRON, GUARD IRON, _DEAL. and DROL•PER BARU, ELANGAL UUTTER BARS, CYLINDER My AND FLATyea St L, for Coal Roads. VOW BA lIS,W DOES HARROW TEETH, • ItINGPLUCV,AND CULTIVATOR STEEL, ELWINGS AND 'MOULDS cut to pattern. EL TIaES,I STEEL SHAFTING, A. B. COAC • H. BUGGY and WAGON SPRINGS and OUT OUT NAILS AND SPIRES. VI Goods First Class and Warranted. OFFICES AND woßws. sixteenth Street and Allegheny River, and 77 Water gt ' Pittsburgh. mno S HEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MUCK & CO., PITTSIRKGR. Pd. Manufacturers of uteri , description W— an' AND GERMAN STEEL; giTvw BPAINGS, RLLL.: :C Alia) PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE. Warehouse, SS - Water andloo First Sts. BARR & PAILIKEtif 432.17701,11. ream s& 7213 . Walk - I 'ffiII.TAB M EV E . EIPSCIAL PAIINNEIL-121.1hi. KUM CRESCENT STEEL TILLER, BARR, PARKIN, Office, No. 339:.Liberty St, falk,d4B PITTSBI7ItOH, PA. BLIm DIAMOND • 'STEEL WO WS. PAVE, BRMIEIt,'.& . manuflusturers of sll desarlptb:ms of .40PW.'"VW".„-4. Uee and 'Warehouse, THIRTISTH, THIRTY. !LINT -and .11.11.LitOALk §TEEETIS., P1TT51317.1411111. IRON WORKS. IA& V1ZZ17.31, PrelVt..... W. P. rogris. Dart. IPTFEIBLIIIGH FORGE ' AND IRON .00., KASITTACTURESU3 Bar iron; liallroati Fish Bars and Bolt*: Car Axles Rolled; Sailrossi Car Axles ilaminoren; Lneomdtive Framed"; Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Bodin Yokes, Straps; 3 Piston Heads; liteambeiat Shafts; Steamboat Crank* Plotosi'llods, Wrists; Pitman Jaws, Collars, Ae. Wage, • No. 177 PENN STREET, ITXTBIStrUGH.: PA. ILLERSILIESEN.PROCBSS• The Trustees are now orep_ared to_grant as for the use or the SLLzEisitauszx PRO- M& The seperler quality !inverted to good Iron, • the great Improvement in_inferior iron, and the reduced cost, commend It to eh manufacturers ot Parties wishinir to tiset it can obtain licenses by • JAMES P. SPEER, Attorney for the Trustees. BOOMS ' 1 'and 2, Triglish'S . Building, WIN laalth avenue. Par ties interested ore _ invited to visit the 2E02 NBIRGEK WORKS. where -the • Mess Is =win Faccessrul ration. . . EVERSON, PRESTON & ON: 'Peninivanii,lron Work& • Wanhousey Nos. -ttedlflT FIRST STBZ/Fr. vim Ite llpncruvuez Emme t _ AR24:del - • PITTSBITUGH BRASS FOUNDERS. JOHN*. coon= Wilnilr 311134 JOHN 11. COOPER. & CO., Bell and Brass Founders. BRASS CASTIVIAS MADZ NIONVF , LT-TO Maleable and Grefliefi 1 0 1111 gs, GAS PIPE AND WI3Ii.N.Gs TAROT,TikaitUTTAJULEECii TALUS; , £•GIAME PATTERN. , 1 : 14 L - , COCIIKS, Brasil Work ot-eyery, description fort Steam;Wativand Olt. MANII/ACVIREES OF J. M. COOPER'S BOIRDCORked - fittai Agents for11h; i v , 4 eyfita' Patent OU era, the in the Market. oa r , d ffi irkl , cocep' er g , .4Lieent4l: , zanerik ei AID* P- 0 • KEL, , COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! €:~iGHN STWRTi & ll.y i Having removed their Moe to NO. :567 LIBERTY STREET, (Lately Olty , lPlottr-iftll)esqobrxqtr,owF,•• • a Are aow .Dreoared to tarnish good YOIIGHO - Luxe. .NUT COAL 02,E4LAOH. at lbe lowest (doers& price. them t atlabelz *lee, oroddrested to, MA - Will 116 Itttitided to ii; 1f S[?~Tilii~QQpiq~lp~ T> SWAN= aurazavr=.ll4.l.Uhrliftle.i.;:.r.ibt QINGERLY & CLEIII i Successor, 1 4 ,7 to tiso. T. 13catrcaaux I CO.. • , • rmaiorzesi. wirsous o t t punw • ... .. .. , • . c P l"l"l4lflia.s ra l =" l .P 111.11241L117481 " cud ' s ' Ift° E aw isS a &upoz insi tS4i . A1tai1t,. 4 ,,..itl •.- • , ./.1 1 4 a 'li 4l r .a - 4 4 Li X.l: - . "ZI '1 kla) 1 b.,... A 4 t Scitei# ,, Lss)•.MM4U•di ~. ~ FVFINDEItS, MACHINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT . FOODRY COYPANY• OFFICE AND WORKS, TWELFTH STREET, RITTSEreitGH, PA. t3 - 'Engines, Rolling Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re tOrts, and Castings generally. XITIONAI. FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS. nor Carroll and Smallinantreats, (NINTH WARD.) PrZT€ll3l:7ll43lli, WILLIAM SMITH, 4 1 -4 AST IRON BOWL PIPE Manufacturer of FOE GAB AND WATERWORN& Ng Pipes are all east invariablyin Pits.,in dry sand. and Is feat lengths. Also, full assortment of general Calengli for Gas and Water Work's. I `ould also call the attention of Superintend ants of Bas Works tomy make of RETORTS. VQUESDIE FORGE. IMMB, (Successor to JOS. P. ~HAIWI & Has facilities co-extensiver- with the leading Forges in the East, and Is prepared to promptly and satishictonly fill all orders Tor STEAMBOAT SHAFT*. CRANKS., FiEfUIN BODA, kazfßs. FITMANg LMS, WRISTS RAILED/alit ES, WOOMOTIVIC FRAMES: _to4ether with every description of SHAPE Walia. °Mee and Forge, . Coinerll'Dnquesne Way and First Street. .414:h40 ' - 110PORIDISON, BIE.A & - • Successors to 808 311014 Ntine ' i Aquas . WitiarINGTON WORKS, . FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS / PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En rattesiiiims Engines, Machinery, Rearinc, , Castings °rail descriptions: OLlTunks and 8 Boiler'and Sheet Iron Work. , Once. o. 19, corner First and limithaeld Streets. Agents for GIFFARDIIFA.TENT INJECTOR for meding Boilers. j Jau:na Tuomas cumuli& co., JaiMit Ward Foundry and MultineWqb, • SANDUSKY BT., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA.. Manufacturers of Stearn Enemas. On Presses. Ptult7l„• Shafting, Grist and liar XIII Work. Holttnß Mill and Machine Castings, Bete Bars `Weights, Wagon Boxes, /to. Band to order and have on hand Engines of an sties. sayl4:qs FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS -880 Penn Street. BOLiNAN, 'BOYD & BAGALEL • . • Will atolls, Mill Castings, Roll Lathes, go. OILS. WABJIKG AND KING, Cot=lnn= Xerthatts and Brokers is .Petroleuni and Its Products, DALZELL'B BLOCK, DUQUEBBE WAY, , AI)DRICIdi. t , .NooM`l7, Chamber °, Commereit s : ow Aaa SOUTH BZOQND °mar. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. . HERBERT it C. TWEDDLE, MANUPACTUBEE Or Lubricating & High Test Burning Oils. 3r=l. Railroad Axle 011, without change• reznalas limpid withouteat temperature.. ByeClaloll for tropical cLa v tea or hot weather. , . 440/0612tRitlIFCh, Etaslae, Neehlue Shoji. , dot Screws. ' SAW KM .nd Planing Ball Oils. Adapted for hlghAlpeed. • Spindle., On. "Woolf ifted•Light 011, 011, Tanners' illtelPlitensele, Ing dt WorkAB,MOB:NARNII3II,.to preserve Bright Iron and kfaChines7 Mom Bast. -These prod note: are, manufactured. under Dr. 'Tireodle , s_perept byllupecheated Steam Vac coo. The nbricskt.Mg trill are almost. odorless, peribetly pure, uniform , and mostly light 'col ored. 'Land high temperature ;inch= ed. and rereafkllimpill durtligestreme oold. The Obralle unequalled - , and ire in constant use on many of the principal Railroads. Samples can be examined and - pram; left at 1111 WOOD BTIIJCBT. Works It bliarpsbarg Bridge. TACK BIUMORS, _ . COMMISSION c AND mum= IN Petroleum and its Products, I.Atißee—DAL=Wis BUIELDING corner o dame Way and /twin streets. fradel&t"lce-41WF4LNUT T. TIUMOND OIL WORKS, 7;77 11:1101:LOPIC & do, /Mee, DALZZLL BMLDLNG, Duquesne Way. Pittsbnexh, Ps. blovvatar WORKS. privrpnußGH NOVELTY Founded A. D.. 16311. • hrkr :1 aW'ste; Iii , 11.11'.:111,1:,1:4.1` Al3l auxturLormuuts OT • IRYSTORIE STANDARD A ND MATIMISNR pAT 71,N T) PLATFORM OOU NTRit L ' Paint and Patent Oo Door Loam L4ehas. ffss Mills, A 6 ORANT 94 1 9 1 1 1 9k1pa isih ni &a a , a. 3 161. :0 V. Li L. ' PITTSBUE GE GA ZETTE: MONDAY. TUNE IC, 1809. ENGINES, ;alniaßßi3; HUGH M BOLE & CO, Car. Point Alley and Duquesne Stn cnnAn Tau Penn, - Engine Builders, Foululers and Machinists. Manufacture STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONARY ENGINES of all sizes. AiltpielAd attention invited to our new STATION OIL WELL ENGINE AND PORTABLE BOILER. of 15-boteempower. CASTINGS. of every STREETade to order atour Foundry, on THIRD below Market. RIGS for Oil Wells, SR A.FTLNG. PULLEYS, RAN exists, ROUSE and TOBACCO SCREWS and IRON TOBA CCO PRESSES, on hand and made to order, at the' INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny River, near the POlllis R' All orders promptly filled. Thy u FOST PITT BOILERATEL T WARS. . • CARROLL & SNYDER, TUBULAR, DOUBLE-FLIJED TUBULAR, RIR ERSE-BOX AND CYLINDER BTRAM BOIL . OIL STILLS AND OIL TANK& CIIDANEYFL BREECHING AND ASH PANS, torrruNG PANS. SALT PANE, AND CI.)N- D,ENSERS: STEAM PIPE'S, OASONEETERS AND IRON BRIDEIESt PRISON. DOORS ANDICOAL 13/lIITAS Odle. and Warehouse. corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, sr. Orders sent to the above address will be promptly attended to. mh7:l6lr WAIL BARNHILL Ii CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. AO, MI, 14 AND 16 PBNlfirf. Hating Secured a large yard and furnished It with the most topro - ved machinery, we are pre pared to manufacture every detanotion of BOIL MRS in the best manner, and warranted equal to any made In the country. Chimaera Breeching, lire Beds, Steam Ploel. X.oaomoive, 4:kindensers, gait rang, OIL tills, Agita torsi Settling Pans:Boller Pren. - BridireCiinfoir Pans, and sole manufacturers of Baridtßrs Pat ent Boilers. , 'Baptising done on shOrtest notice; PM= JAMES BIL BITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, rn:xia.Funtimi, KLIWACTI7IIIII OP IRON OIL TANKS, trrFLING PA clowna talus PLFZ. ROLLING MILL =AMA And SHEET moN WORE. For Steamboats. JAUD D. 8ZU511.................1CDDVND D. J3USU JAILED M. BMUS'S & SON, Steam BoDeis, 011 Stills, Tanks. 61 Penn Street, .P4W;tmlih, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &c. THE BEST STOVES. A,. BRADLEY tz CO. Manufacturers of the greatest variety of Cook, Parlor and Heating Stoves, TO BE FOUND LI% THE BTATE. Sole Ivesr the celebrated Bus Burning Oriental Sto and Furnaces for Hard Coal or Coke. Best in the World for Parlor,Oface,Store or Church. Fire needs no rekindling—Du rnaall ter. Do notbry until you see or send Air Circular. No. 30 WOOD STREET. Out ALgents for Orientals—DEMMLEß BROS., ihnithileld St.: GEO. HURLEY, Allegheny City. aßill'F, 11110118 Sc CO,, auxuriarrairsis OP Mimi' VAErZTT B i r i Cri7MEl9 BOSTON COOKING RANGE, fi• IN: Y FURNACE," *.te 1 Bi,??Krot STOVE. tem) PORTABLIE P.ANGR C r ES. WHLLMAWS BK, bzepo ..sryYc • e from =tam! Mut: GRATE PRO • - I 88% se. 206 and 20S Liberty Street, ae2s:yll PITTSBURGH. PA. L'IOOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL 'CAMS ; • FOB = BITUMEN° US COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Bout as : any other Stove In the Union. • - • . NO. • 285 Liberty. Street. Ller oa kand and for sale, PARLOR STOVES, - HEATING Ho• zo .1. . rt , #: Ms, 143:! TO BUILDERS! .60.000 feet 1 inch Clear Plank; A 3.000 feet 1% Snell Common Plank: ii 6, 7) feet 1 and A inch Oak: • 5115, ft . lk, A and a Inch Poplars! 10,0 1/ teat bry Fouler Scantling: 10 feet freilb!' Plne Boards; ! 10 0 feet Hemlock adantlinfr. gp,ip feet No. '1 10 itiqb bainPae•op.e. — ies. 4 pop, II No. 110-Inch Shingles, sawedi Au. *er li ire•N cocil6 rickr" -tuch Inagiees. invedj: $4); i- • 1,000 Fire Tile. ; lOU Toni fftre,Olayv Also; Saw, 11111 Lumber, Locust and, Cedar, Posts, and ,all , articles In Vie line on baud and for. sale by.LALEXANDER PATTICHOONi ••Yards— No. 161 Reb , cca street and corner of Pretile and Junlatp stree sOilmth werd,Allegbry. (nigh et Abbe ester, . • ,la atpe~bor MUG S AND MASI:FREE • ' on) - esAar Wiled, - esi im k ey,, , 11kh '. a 6 ' Libirslllll4l4itirianiii • q • ;• 1111111.1111 r 1 lit /t 'fat r 4 11 r! •ir • 01114,i = fro , c,u , u,t a'xi ail. , tl4ll, ,tt tlys nA' i~taif.ltatt .1. La L ' 4.l,:tatctAit.o A .~S^ r „_~ PITTSBURGH. A. I[I.NtriACTI . 7IIXIIB ot, PITTSBURGH, Pa. WELT IRON WORK. &O. TRIUMPH, LUMBER. MEE FINANCIAL. r FORT PITT BANKING COIPANT. ! No. 169 Wood Street, CAPITAL, : : : : : $20,e00. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. - DEALERS IN I GOVERNMENT I3EOURIpES AND COLD. 1 INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIIII DEtOSITS. Collections made on all accessible prints In the United /Mates and Canada - s. 1 DIBECTOBit • D. Hostetter. Jso, C Sheer Jamea Cordon, I Bobt: H. Magi D: Wallace, Andrew Miller, E. Fawcett, James M. Batley. - • i • ILIIBIIIA,N, Prin. [LINDH. Cashier. ISAWL. Me D. LEVI" g AST , CAUGHEY & Coq' BANKERS AND BROKERS Garner Third and Woad Streets, ierirTsir.tritcni, PA:, (SIICOEBBOItB TO HANNA, HART ,C 0.,) DIALERS IN Exchange, 054, - _ , Cottlions, And particular attention paid to the ph.rchase 7 1 and sale of t COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on London. mn:fisr. N a HOLMES & SONS, '57 Market Street; 1'1=^:r191117110Er. Collections made on all the OrtnelPal Pdints of the United States anti Canadsa. Stochs,Bonds and other SeenOtles wrairTANDBuLD =awl* Parttoulai attention paid to the it:lmbue lad sale of United. States Securities. Jam:si JAY COOKE & "Aa4ati.lTA4tra,, -1 114 SOI7:TH THIRD STII.4T, PHILADELPHA. STOCKS and BONDS of all descrlijAluns bought sad sold Special attention even to the purchase of Government Securitles CITY BANK., 112 Fifth - Street, Pittsbargh t Pa CAPITAL, 8100,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUI LY . LIIBLE. INTEREST PAID ON D °SITS. FOREIGN EXCH.! GE 4 Bonet and sold , and when desired reran d to Europe. Collections made on all the principal points of the United States and Cana. DOMINICK ITIMSEN, President. JAmts mccuns. Vice President. Joan B. tioakturx, Cashier. DIRECTORS. D. Ihmsen. . James MeCall e Thomas Bourke, John Savage, J. Dunievy, Terence Camp 11, • Patrick Kane, James Phelan,' Chas. B. Barr, H•Jl.rreyvogle, -Jno.Jos.liermanu. Thomal Barnes, Hugh Keating lel:ks PEOPLES' SA T ING Of Allegheny. 1 , CORNER FEDERAL AND LACOCK STREETS. CAPITAL $lOO,OOO STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY Bank of Discount and Deposit. • PIISSIDENT-8. H. HARTMAN. • CAsulun—E. P. YOUNG. DU:MOTORS. S. H. Hartman, W. H. Burt, J. P. Henderson, :j. C. Pattel4t4 - . J. Konen, -'H.I .. Bre**, '• Samuel Dyer. 8. B. Aegean, W. G. Gibson. 1nT21;172 FIFTH AVENUE. Box . OF tveti• Prrtsbuiiint Will open for Discount. Deposit and Goineral. Rankjng Businearon J1:110.3d.1059. a1..N0.395 Flllbutirenae. Any snwrectioed 11.0112-0110 4101- I.r upward.. interest at the rate of six pefmer.t. paid on time deposits. 7 - DURECTOES. , • -; ._ . Dithrbiget i • Weyinant .11. Sims, Frank Seibert, W. C. Robertson, Henry Meyer, 1 1 • Dan. Rinser, D. M. Armor, - • wadi POerstel.' ' ED. DlTHRLDGEl , President; — :' je2:dl4 2. E. oCHENCE, Cutler. DoLiAn liAviditis: HAN' mg.., - . . iiro: esi Lou • *** i' iirstitlit.; CHARTERED IN 1885. / - " I ' ' , ' '' ~, 0 ~ .1 i , .. ASSETS „ . ,,...,,, 1151,315,804 01., • • :f. , , •1 , _ i. 4 Zti . _ , Open deny, ` from 0 o' cl oc k { A W., tO• a • o' c lock , ir..—st.,--and- SATURDAY EVEININEId, !from Ilajr._lst to,-November lst,ipleet ito#fo t il t oet, =Via vr0r40 , 01141110 Istle MaYall inran 4relOO.E. °'"°. Deposits received of aII,fI2MS.C4 not less than' ONE, DOLLAltc , atidia'dtvldedd =of-the procts , declared twice a year, in June and DeceMber. , Interest haabeen declared send-a mially,lnitinse; .and lledetriber since the Batik 'organnled - Itt the rate of six per le r t a it. a year. , . , ski if.'tiot • **oat; le aced to the, vn j , egPgit tteneptdd or ar print' , and bears the, same let crest fromPle./St eday _of. Jun and, - Dr - Cernber,_cprapounaing twice year, i) mithout • vtonaink us depositortonall, or venn preterit, n.,3, his Vete boot. iAt this rate mon will doulde In Imes, than twelve years& .P .1 N ~• iif .•;,n if • . 'B u nks containing the Charter, By-Lesels, Bides and Begniations, furnished .gratis, on &Oita. Mos at theninee. if /. ...; ,• . 1 . ; PRESiDENT. 4 arURGE MIBRXE.s, / 4t. rtiMtetiSSltdove: - Jailit`ii,gekoten,• •_,, ..4: X. rO/1043k, M. D., Benj. Y. Pahnestock, Robert Robb,.., .1 James Berdman, John H. Bhuenberger, , inrans 110,4nicY. . James n hldle, - ~. ' sixes B . U. Heeds,' Alexander spear:, Isaac M. Pennock. , . Christian Yeager} .M. . Tntreniski -, WM J. Anderam „, I Hobert C. •Loomii i Calvin Adams. •Hen. Lynch.ri ‘ ,John C. Dlndley, , :I. Peter ...Madeira. • Genre() Black, John arsh all. it tyl .Hilt DnrgJin. '' ', White l'. Marshall, Alonzo A. Carrier, i „John Bpihipraddom„ CharLesA.-Colton: " °flashy P 11111104 ,, John Evans, lier - l IC I A Intr a MYl -`.. -T. Gill, Alexander Tlndles-,- John J. Giliesple, WIW*mL Havan t 1=5!1NF1A,2 1 .efi.:4:4 4 Pl AVfir tti 4,a 2, WWI /A a 4,51u4 boaNlPri bi“ "T7::;:7i°!t:, tililiititgt i tggleit i gSgalM -44WiVeT P"ee. -, N;4:., 7 P ',:U . ‘,-* in4r '' ..-:' ..,7"Nt., i==',.4, q. , , , .. --040 i ,.. 7 4 . • :,. , 4-1-C ‘ 6 ' ' ''' .. 0 , 3_ _..... , p,.•.......Ji .1 ~.. .1-Col-3irZi, - SILVER AND COUPONS Bought at Highest Prices. PH. R. ALERTZ, Banker Con Wood and Fi ft h Streets. aiy6 0 _ • AMES Ts L A DY a Co. , ti (Successors oS. JONES & C 0..) Corner Fourth and Wood Sta., ".\ 33,4 k. INT aar...m ss, • BZY AND SELL ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES,' GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MUST FAVORABLE TERMS. • ice' Interest Allowed on Deposits. lowest market on Government Bonds at ll:Orders •executed for the Purchase and Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. JAMES T. BRADY & CO. GOVERNMENT BONDS! -We win register all -kinds of Government Bondsfree of charger_ This gives the holder ab solute security against theft,loss, or destruction. JAMES T. BRADY & CO:, Dealers in Government Bonds 4 COIL POUR= & WOOD STS. myia:Jzs 11.,10, '6D's Vittskttglj Gaistts. FINANCE AND. TRADE, Orinoz or ,PiTTsortztoa GAzErra, SATURDAY ' , June 12, • 1869; The past week has witnessed the first reaction of the season from ihe inflated prices of all values at the stock ex change. The constant expanding ten- dency of the banks for zthe_Past month found a check in the contraction policy - . policy of the . Treasury department and the locking up o f money by the bear ele ,. . ele ment of Wall street. Those who have carefully watched prices at the stock ex change will be convinced that railroad and other property depending on im provements can certainly not be made to increase in value ,by , a watering piro newt, and the graduil contraction,' of she banks which must inevitably follow soon will carry down prices to a proper basis. Our railroad managers may manufacture capital-stock by issuing new certificates, but the country is not in a condition to pay increased taxes on transiation, made necessary to.pay the same_ divi dends on the doubled capital stock of railroad companies. Cheap freight, like cheap mail facilities, will increase busi ness, but a burdensome tax will dimin ish the same in an inverse ratio. 0" i - Eon IEI The uneasy feeling existing in Europe and the high twice of gold here have checked . speculation in Government bonds' are and abroad, and although priciis - hafe not materially declined, yet lmeculators, as well as Investors, look on them as 'being too high and capital is seeking atioutlet in land improvements. The approdch of the July interest pay ments an d high price of gold may add to a more lively dealing in bonds up to July first ' Quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz: Gold, 139 g; Silver, 131; Eighty one's, 121; Five Twenties, 1862, = O 4; do - ' , 1564; 11 :4" , a0;1865;710%; - clo..1885, Consols, 119 k; do 18e, —; do 1868, —; Ten Forties, 108%; New York Central, 19%;--Erie, Reading, 98; Pittsburgh, Fort' - Wayne - 'd Chicago Railroad - , 57; Ohio & Misissippi, 83%; _Michigan, Southern, 105%; Cleve land & Pitts burgh, 98; Chicago & Rock -- Island, '120; Chicago it Noith Western, 90; Chicago it North Western Prefersed,,lo2; • Adams Express - , Com pany, 59%; Merchants Union Express, 14%; Pacific Mail, 88%; Western Union Telegraph Company, 40% Gregory, —; Quartz Hill. —; Smith it Parmlee,,—; Am. W. Express, 40. Stocks remain dull in the average, ex cept those managed by olives, Moneriii our local market is in sum cleat supply, but banks find employment for•all thedr-fands. lewdness. Mug been very dull 'during, the past week. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh tiazette:-] Money easier during bank hours and, the supply liberal at 7 per cent., but sub segUentlkabitannt offers wer e made at' 6 per cent., and loans were made at that rate. The Bitik .statement shows a . sharp contraction, which undoubtedly added to stringeno3r. of ; the ,week. Thane, $271,983,735; decrease, $8,635,874; specie, $19,053,580, increase, $2,447; oink latitfahlaCKV/904 Incteese, '4161:795; de rpOsiti• $19,888/695; , debrease,-'15;287,167; legal 7 tender, 650,859,248; decrease, 62,- 430,1,1 4 . Gold quiet and steady; opened at 139%, touched 139%, and closed at 1393 i. Car-, :ryingprates , 1-16®3-32 per cent. -. ;Clear-' antes, $72,000,000. Exports for the week, $403,024. Q*vet steadirwith btlbdslt LuotiPonl'br u84 1 121®1211 4 1. - do. ; 62, 122%;122; do. 1 64,117K,®11/; do. 1 65. 1183 i 11§,At i.nelyv,1111310111193i; do, 1 67;11 5 . @)1.19%; do. '68,119)0)119%; 1049 s 1041©108%; Pacifica. 106 01.,107. 14 - Eitaeii betas atroag`A Misscoris , . 92 ;WQ • 92%; old Tennesseet4 l 67®674:' heir C., ,64%@}(141i; new. Aort,h Caro as, ~56.K.® 's7f new Virgil:oas, 61@62. , •• A - 11 . s The stook market was strong until after two dvidelak; *tett there-Am) irdeciline of 3io per cerit.iiiilbe entire list, on ports concerning the bank statement, but stbsequently it premed 'the statement . Was less unfavorable than reported r and the-Market about recovered; - I , TeWnrk CentFal sold' up to 192, Pacific Mall to 1110kijiAorthttesiern; Common top); 9,40 'preitirred. 'MN, ex dividend orb, per cent. With. considerable excitement and ' heavyleillng 'the Market closed aria. BlddidiK pricea • at. rive•Thilty;. .cturk- Akarlati& 5434rWells'Express,S1fitAnItti.. lean, .I_oy,; Adams, bag; United States, `I 137%; Mernhants 1 5 ; @ eicsilver, di; West!! ern me ; : amain, 22; ; Mariposa, 114. 9; preferred, 19%; N. Y. :Ifit;t 4 ,ollf.; rfictlifl/4".N.h.reg.' LI i. 1 NEw YORK, June 12, 1869. p tC*+u. 533,4 t Hudson, 152, 1; ; Harlem,l463iatead ing, 987. f; Terre Haute, 35; do. prefened; .38%; Wabash, 73,; do. preferred;Bl; Paul, 75).‘; do. preferred, 863. i• Ft.Wavne, 157; , Ohio & Mississippi, 331 Mtchigan Cental, 13634; Michigan Southern;lofix; Illinois Central, 144; •Pittsburgh, 98; Rock Island, 120%; Northwestern, 85%; do. preferred, 96%; St. Joseph; 126; Col. C. k I. C., 41. The failure - as small firntis announc ed this afternoon. • Alining shares dull. Copper stocks at. Boston: Copper Falls, S; Franklin, 17; Hecht, 85; Hanmck: 3, Receipts at the Sub-Treasury, ;1,019,- 405; Payments, $392,245; balance, ;82,- 507,817; disbursements of coin interest, .5176,340. ' Imports for the week: dry goods, $1,.. 146,427; general merchandise, $4,479,424. PITTSBURGH MARKETS. OPFICTE OF PITTSBUROII GAZETTE, SATURDAY, June 12, /869. The markets generally have been very dull during the Week which has just closed, and there is no prospect at present of any immediate improvement.- Flour and Grain under the ipfluence of a Ws -Position to realize, are dull and droop ing, and the demand is very light being restricted entirely to supplying the im mediate wats of the local trade. Wheat and Flour are lower now' than fer sev eral years, and the bottom, from present indications, has not yet been touched. Groceries, also very dull though without important change. Provisions steady with a fair jobbing demand, and prices are pretty well sustained. APPLES—Fair to choice, ss@B, APPLE BUTTER-75@,51,00, as to. quality. BUTTER—Prime to choice at 230 . 4 and demand up to the supply. BEANS—DuII at 12@2,50. CARBON OlL—May be quoted at 28®. 29, in a jobbing way, for standard brands. CHEESE—SaIes of Western Reserve, at 17@20; as to quality and Goshen at 21@22. DRIED FRUIT—Is dull and drooplag; Peaches, 13®1* for quarters; and 16@liT for halves. Apples, X 12@14. • EGGS—In better supply and weaker; may be quoted at 20@21. FEATHERS—Firm and in limited supply; we now quote live geese at 85t 90 to the trade, and $l, in a retail way,. • FLOUR—Continues dull aqd ftvelk and holders generally are anxious to realize. One of our most prominent houses advertise{ prime to choice Spring Wheat brands 4..56@6,25, and choice Winter at $7,25. These are the lowest quotation'swe have 1110 a-for, *OOl years, - add it is possible that we may have to make a still further reduction. GRAlN—Wheat has still further de- ; clined. Sales of No. 2 Spring at $l,lO, and No. 1 Winter at $1,20; No. 1 Spring and No.. 1/Winter command about - file same price. Oats dull and we now quote at 65@66 on track and 68@70' in store. Corn very dull; may be quoted nominally at 70©75,-as to •,quality. Rye also is very dull and drooping, and small iota''cannot be quoiad above fLosepo.o. sitittiraiiies of prime Spring 'BarleY $1,65. HAY—Sales from scales at no@2B, as to quality, and dull. HOMINY—DuII; $5@5,25 per bbl. HUSKS—Sates, corn husk.s at N. HEMP-Sales at $2lO. LARD 0111-1-Sales of Extra' No. 1 at $1,50 rind No. 2 at $1,20. LlME—Cleveland Lime is quoted at $2 50, - per bbli]and Common White at $1,75. POTATOES=.SaIes of old crop in store, at 45®50 per bushel, and new crop at s3= @3,50. per barrel. PEANUTS—SmaII sales at 12c.' PROVISIONS—Market firmer and prices.-tending upward. We now quote Shoulders 'at 1.1®14V0 Sides 16%®17 for Ribbed' and 17%@.18 for Clear; Plain g Hams 1735; ' Plain Canvassed 1834; Sugar Cured Canvassed 20@20yj. Breakfast t 1 Bacon 20. SeefTongues, 0,50 per dpzen. Mess Pork, $32. Dried ,13eef, 211 SEEDS Occasional small seles Flaxseed at $2,45®2,50.' No demanil for Clover or Timothy. SALT—Sales of car load lots at tt,ss, @1.85. • TALLOW—Nothing doing in,this art!. cle of inlportapee,rand prides are nomi nal. I. " MARKET, OFFICE OF XTYTEBURGH GAZETTE, SATURDAY, June 12, 1869. • ' RiPHEW POE THE WEEK At no this:U/14year has thr yea& - ne oil mar ketpetin so:ex9itbd and ir regular , as du . - the past week; scarcely a day elapsed without the market 'fluctuating 7 considerably; prices idtincizig 'and de alining, perhaps, half dozen times. At. one time the bulls would have it all their own way, while perhaps, in an hour if- f l terwards, it looked as favorable for , _ , the bears; thus Irbas been all week, and thus it is to be feared it may continue for sometime to come. To-day, there was a stronger', feotlitt manifested, AN ologi.- 4 ppare with ,yesterday, prices are higher; t it is more than likely that on Monday the advancet established to-day will be lost, while on Tuesday it will be recov ered, and, possibly, be pushed still higher. Receipts Crude this week, 88,154; last week, 18,124; from January lat to date,. 05. .515„804,-same time- last ... years .566,901. g r iportisßefided this'-week;- 11042; list week, 10,449; from January hat to date, 0 175,627; same time last year, =4,834. r...; Sales tbitl'sthifkatet9oo. .last week ,.o= 119,000. rt. 4 CRUDE. Not a single sale reported 10-day., though, as already intimated, the mar ket fa stronger, and compared with yes- m ter y ,: _highe= r :; torte, in'lhe absence nf itales, at liyAn)4 for. spot or seller June , against sales yeater- . na LF g at L 1f7411r fa•A anirmy p i p . Also stronger but the sales were very light. Sale - of 500 each July to Decem ber, at Igiil4 l ,, y Zally,t,l*7 lots of 5 00 eat* --•••• • , arl.Vsoo ea& July to September, at 83; and 1,000 spoti'. primelighNstr•awrtp A whlO, at 30., einFle , fibtofedno32 antrauly '8215; ebonite m p-] advance of fully W halt a cent. LRETATIRSOL Eclipse Witddimub - ricaling W oil 40e Eclipse Railroad Axle 35e Eclipse -Machinery 750" Eclipse Spindle 800 OIL SRIPPRD HA 8T BY A. V. B. B. Ziontebeiteez Xohler 540 hbhp mt. t+d Citizens 011 Co. 485 - bble :refined to. Tack .t Bro., Philadelphia. Fawcett, L. dt 8. 1 50 bbis refined to W. P Logan dc Bro., Philadelphia. Total. Refined. .... • RECEIPTS OP CRUDE atm - G. S. Thomas 420 bbls: Fiaber it Bro. .... ..•1040 Lockhart, , 480 '" , Rom 4r, BrO"''' • - 1020 Parker & Thompson MO " IMAN4 6 VI SEU 4 1,080 61 Ibtki 4,00 bbla .21U1013.VA Firara LEM